obesense - nano-tera 2016

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  • 8/17/2019 ObeSense - Nano-Tera 2016


    ObeSenseMonitoring the Consequences of Obesity

  • 8/17/2019 ObeSense - Nano-Tera 2016



    • Obesity is associated with multiple health problems

     – Cardiovascular diseases

     –  Atrial fibrillation

     – Hypertension

     – Obstructive sleep apnea

     – Diabetes

     – Certain types of cancer 

    • Has been proven to reduce life epectancy !

     – "#$ of premature adult deaths

    • %s reaching epidemic proportions

     – & ! Swit'erland ! ()*+$ overweight, )*-$ obese

     – +*-$ of the total healthcare epenses

    • .uidelines about identification, evaluation and treatment eist

     – /hose guidelines require long0term monitoring

     – Such monitoring systems do not eist


  • 8/17/2019 ObeSense - Nano-Tera 2016



    •  Answer a clear medical need by 2oining research in

    physiological mar3ers sensors with clinical end0users – Develop innovative and non0invasive sensors

     – %ntegrate them into single long0term monitoring systems adapted

    to obese patients4 Multi-parametric, low-power, allergy-free, comfortable, with on-line feedback.

     – %nnovations in4 Sensors (including robustness & cost)

    4  Algorithms (in real-life conditions)

    4 ltra-low power !" & S" design

    4 #ntegration into smart te$tiles

    4 %linical practice – Central involvement of end0users

    4 hrough ' clinical scenarios


  • 8/17/2019 ObeSense - Nano-Tera 2016


    Clinical scenarios

    • Scenario "! physical activity 5 lifestyle

    interventions – Supervised by Dr O* D6ria' 7%889 and Dr :* M;der  7S

  • 8/17/2019 ObeSense - Nano-Tera 2016


    /echnical developments 5 validations

    • Sensors, systems and algorithms – 8espiratory rate and volume

    4 ew optical fiber belt system (M*A)

     – ?ater vapor permeable

     –  Ad2ustable in si'e

     – is protected from eternal light

     – @ have been delivered for validation

    4 +edicated e$ploratory platform (%SM) – @ measurement channels

     – %solated DCDC converter, certified for medical application 7%&C


     – :SB battery recharger 

     –  Approved by Swissmedic


  • 8/17/2019 ObeSense - Nano-Tera 2016


    /echnical developments 5 validations

    • Sensors, systems and algorithms

     – 8espiratory rate and volume4 ew optical fiber belt system (M*A)

     – ?ater vapor permeable

     –  Ad2ustable in si'e

     – is protected from eternal light

     – @ have been delivered for validation

    4 +edicated e$ploratory platform (%SM)

     – @ measurement channels

     – %solated DCDC converter, certified for medical application 7%&C @#@#"0"9

     – :SB battery recharger 

     –  Approved by Swissmedic

    4 alidation



  • 8/17/2019 ObeSense - Nano-Tera 2016


    /echnical developments 5 validations

    • Sensors, systems and algorithms – 8espiratory rate and volume

     – Cardiac Output

    4 # (*-S/ & %SM) 0 – Better understanding of the origin of the &%/ signal

     – -D dynamic bio0impedance model from M8 data

     – Confirmation of the feasibility of estimating stro3e volume 7S>9 by &%/ – &vidence of the sensitivity to electrode displacement

     – Optimi'ation of the &%/ measurement setup

     – Clinical validation in preparation

    4 7Swissethics %D! 1#"0##1#-9

    4 Systolic olume 1alance (*-!%) –

    Cardiac output estimation by processing of pressurewaveforms

     – Comparison with commercial systems 7efin9



  • 8/17/2019 ObeSense - Nano-Tera 2016


    /echnical developments 5 validations

    • Sensors, systems and algorithms

     – 8espiratory rate and volume – Cardiac Output

     – &nergy ependiture 7CS&M, :SE, %88, &=

  • 8/17/2019 ObeSense - Nano-Tera 2016


    /echnical developments 5 validations

    • Sensors, systems and algorithms

     – 8espiratory rate and volume – Cardiac Output

     – &nergy ependiture 7CS&M, :SE, %88, &=

  • 8/17/2019 ObeSense - Nano-Tera 2016


    /echnical developments 5 validations

    • Sensors, systems and algorithms

     – 8espiratory rate and volume – Cardiac Output

     – &nergy ependiture 7CS&M, :SE, %88, &=

  • 8/17/2019 ObeSense - Nano-Tera 2016


    /echnical developments 5 validations

    • Sensors, systems and algorithms

     – 8espiratory rate and volume – Cardiac Output

     – &nergy ependiture 7CS&M, :SE, %88, &=

  • 8/17/2019 ObeSense - Nano-Tera 2016


    /echnical developments 5 validations

    • Sensors, systems and algorithms

     – 8espiratory rate and volume – Cardiac Output

     – &nergy ependiture 7CS&M, :SE, %88, &=erified on healthy volunteers

     – >alidation protocol with the CH:>

     – Safety and conformity test passed

     – Swissmedic approval for a clinical study obtained in Oct 1#"

     – &thical Committee approval in December 1#"

     – On0going clinical trial 7CH:> 5 %nselspital9



  • 8/17/2019 ObeSense - Nano-Tera 2016


  • 8/17/2019 ObeSense - Nano-Tera 2016


    /echnical developments 5 validations

    • Sensors, systems and algorithms – 8espiratory rate and volume

     – Cardiac Output

     – &nergy ependiture 7CS&M, :SE, %88, &=

  • 8/17/2019 ObeSense - Nano-Tera 2016


    /echnical developments 5 validations

    • Sensors, systems and algorithms – 8espiratory rate and volume

     – Cardiac Output

     – &nergy ependiture 7CS&M, :SE, %88, &=

  • 8/17/2019 ObeSense - Nano-Tera 2016


    /echnical developments 5 validations

    • Sensors, systems and algorithms – 8espiratory rate and volume

     – Cardiac Output

     – &nergy ependiture 7CS&M, :SE, %88, &=

  • 8/17/2019 ObeSense - Nano-Tera 2016


    Clinical scenarios

    • Scenario "! physical activity 5 lifestyle


     – Supervised by Dr O* D6ria' 7%889 and Dr :* M;der  


  • 8/17/2019 ObeSense - Nano-Tera 2016


    =latform development versus clinical scenarios ")

  • 8/17/2019 ObeSense - Nano-Tera 2016


    Scenario % ! =hysical activity monitoring "G

    • =latform ?&S 7activity trac3er9 – >alidation of physiological parameters with

    scientific publications 7M&/ model, wal3ing

    and running speed and distance9

     – >alidation of &C. quality sufficient for

    diagnosis 7on going 0 to be published9

     – C& mar3ing with medical safety standards

     – Compatible with off0the0shelf smart tetiles

    7=olar, Addidas, >ictoriaKs secret, etc*9

     – 8eady for industrial transfer 

  • 8/17/2019 ObeSense - Nano-Tera 2016


    Scenario %% ! Blood pressure monitoring 1#

    • =latform B= 7dedicated multi0

    sensors9 – /arget medical C& mar3ing

     –  Approved Swissmedic 5 &thics committee

     – >alidation of estimated central blood pressure

    against catheter measurements 7on0goingclinical trials at the CH:> and at the


     – 7Almost09ready for industrial transfer 

  • 8/17/2019 ObeSense - Nano-Tera 2016



    • ObeSense contributed

     – A series of methods and devices4 eading edge scientific research

    4 *rototype integration

    4 ocus on the 2alidation

    4 Se2eral fully integrated, 2alidated and


     – Several on0going clinical validation

    studies4 thical committee appro2ed 

    4 7n-going data collection and analysis
