obama' report card: f for failures

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  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES



  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES



  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    January 20, 2011

    Report Card on Obama'sFirst Two Years

    By K.E. Campbell

    Two years ago today, Barack Obama was inaugurated as

    president of the United States. Are you better off today

    than you were two years ago?

    Numbers don't lie, and here are the data on the impact

    he has had on the lives of Americans:


    2009 Current % chg



    Avg. retail price/gallon gas in

    U.S. (regular conventional) $1.83 $3.104 69.6% 1

    Selected commodities:

    Crude oil, European Brent

    (barrel) $43.48 $99.02 127.7% 2

    Crude oil, West TX Inter.

    (barrel) $38.74 $91.38 135.9% 2

  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    Natural gas, Henry Hub, $

    per MMbtu $4.85 $4.48 -7.6% 2

    Gold: London (per troy oz.) $853.25 $1,369.50 60.5% 2

    Corn, No.2 yellow, Central

    IL $3.56 $6.33 78.1% 2

    Soybeans, No. 1 yellow, IL $9.66 $13.75 42.3% 2

    Sugar, cane, raw, world, lb.

    fob $13.37 $35.39 164.7% 2

    Consumer Price Index (for all

    urban consumers) 211.1 219.2 3.8% 3

    Producer Price Index:finished goods 170.3 183.0 7.5% 3

    Producer Price Index: all

    commodities 171.0 189.9 11.1% 3

    Unemployment rate, non-farm, overall 7.6% 9.4% 23.7% 3

    Unemployment rate, blacks 12.6% 15.8% 25.4% 3

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    Number of unemployed 11,616,000 14,485,000 24.7% 3

    Number of fed. employees, ex.

    uniformed military (curr =12/10 prelim) 2,779,000 2,840,000 2.2% 3

    Real median household income

    (2008 vs 2009) $50,112 $49,777 -0.7% 4

    Number of food stamprecipients (curr = 10/10) 31,983,716 43,200,878 35.1% 5

    Number of unemployment

    benefit recipients (curr =

    12/10) 7,526,598 9,193,838 22.2% 6

    Number of long-termunemployed, in millions 2.6 6.4 146.2% 3

    Poverty rate, individuals (2008

    vs 2009) 13.2% 14.3% 8.3% 4

    People in poverty in U.S., inmillions (2008 vs 2009) 39.8 43.6 9.5% 4

    House price index (current =

    Q3 2010)

    198.7 192.7 -3.0% 7

  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price

    Index: 20 city composite (curr

    = 10/10) 146.4 145.3 -0.8% 8

    Number of properties subject

    of foreclosure filings, in

    millions 2.82 2.87 1.7% 9

    DJIA (12,403 on 6/3/08, dateBHO clinched Dem.

    nomination) 7,949 11,825 48.8% 2

    NASDAQ (2,480 on 6/3/08) 1,441 2,725 89.1% 2

    S&P 500 (1,378 on 6/3/08) 805 1,282 59.2% 2

    Global Dow 1,356 2,153 58.8% 2

    U.S. rank in Economic

    Freedom World Rankings 5 9 n/a 10

    Consumer Confidence Index(curr = 12/10) 37.7 52.5 39.3% 1

    Present Situation Index (curr

    = 12/10)

    29.9 23.5 -21.4% 1

  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    Failed banks (curr = 2010 +

    2011 to date) 140 164 17.1% 12

    U.S. dollar versus Japanese

    yen exchange rate 89.76 82.03 -8.6% 2

    U.S. money supply, M1, inbillions (curr = 12/10

    preliminary) 1,575.1 1,865.7 18.4% 13

    U.S. money supply, M2, inbillions (curr = 12/10preliminary) 8,310.9 8,852.3 6.5% 13

    National debt, in trillions $10.627 $14.052 32.2% 14


    1 - U.S. Energy Information


    2 - Wall Street Journal

    3 - Bureau of Labor Statistics

    4 - Census Bureau

  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    5 - USDA

    6 - U.S. Dept. of Labor

    7 - FHFA

    8 - Standard & Poor's/Case-


    9 - RealtyTrac

    10 - Heritage Foundation and


    11 - The Conference Board

    12 - FDIC

    13 - Federal Reserve

    14 - U.S. Treasury

  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    at January 23, 2011 - 10:24:54 AM CST



  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    Results as of 9 am, July 4, 2010

    Economy- 67.60% gave him an FForeign Policy- 59.68% gave him anF

    Healthcare- 78.67% gave him anF

    Afghanistan- 31.93% gave him an F; 22.84%

    gave him a D

    Iraq- 35.96% gave him an F; 23.77% gave him a


    Threat of Terrorism- 57.52% gave him anF

    Energy and the Environment- 55.04%

    gave him anF

    Social Issues- 58.84% gave him anF

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    Bipartisanship- 78.20% gave him an F

    Obama's Overall Job as President-

    63.76% gave him anF.

    Posted by Susan Duclos at 10:25 AM





  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES



  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    The Big Question: Howwould you grade Obama's

    presidency?By Sydelle Moore - 12/14/09 12:43 PM ET

    Some of the nation's top political commentators,

    legislators and intellectuals offer some insight into the

    biggest question burning up the blogosphere today.

    Today's question:

    In an interview that aired Sunday night, President

    Barack Obama graded his presidency so far as a "good,

    solid B-plus."

    How would you grade the first 11 months

    of Barack Obama's presidency?

  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    Cheri Jacobus, Pundits blog contributor, said:

    With poll after poll indicating Obama's standing with the

    American public is lower in his first year than any

    president since they started this type of polling, it really

    doesn't matter what grade any pundits, the media, or

    inside-the-beltway types give Obama. It doesn't matter

    what grade Obama gives Obama. The American

    people are who count, and they are not

    rating President Barack Obama even

    close to the self-congratulatory and

    self-delusional B-plus he has given


    Even more interesting are polls indicating that the much-

    maligned former President George W. Bush is now, in

    hindsight, far more appreciated than in the final days of

    his presidency. Since Bush hasn't done anything in a

    year, the only explanation for his surge in the polls is

    how Obama has stood up by comparison and apparently

    it's not all that well.

    After staking his entire presidential campaign and at

    least his first 9 months of his presidency on a"blame Bush" strategy, and seeing it fail, it's nowonder Obama is trying to sound more like Bush and

    Vice President Cheney these days on foreign policy ...

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    Bernie Quigley, Pundits blog contributor, said:

    I have a lot of complaints about Obama as a policymaker but as an individual I would give him an A. Not

    because of the bailouts; F on the bailouts. Notbecause of the war in Afghanistan; C on Afghanistan.

    Not because ofthe health care issues he has

    thrown in the hands of Congressional

    party hacks; F on that.But because he was throwninto the Presidency as an emergency measure to save the

    Democratic Party from complete self destruction when it

    could not relieve itself from Clinton dominance. This was

    his only requirement. And for this heroic singularity he

    deserves an A. He was about as qualified to be

    President as my brother Daryl and much less

    qualified than Mike, the guy who fixes my truck.That is not a criticism of him. It is an objective reading of

    his resume. Under these circumstances he made a

    remarkable adjustment. But next year we will expect



    Brent White, professor of Law at the University of

    Arizona, said:

    The President was handed two wars and an economy

    headed toward depression by the Bush administration.

  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    He deserves a great deal of credit for the admirable job

    he has done handling these crises, all the while dealing

    with endless obstructionism from the Right. B+


    John F. McManus, president of The John Birch

    Society, said:

    President Obama deserves high marks only for his

    efforts to steer the United States into the New World

    Order. Under his leadership, our nation hasbecome moredeeply mired in socialism,vastly more heavily indebted, increasinglyentangled in more initiatives leading to world

    government, and saddled with an

    administration full of political and

    moral revolutionaries who are actively

    working to undo the American dream.His swearing an oath to abide by the Constitution

    (and its many limitations on government power) is

    a classic example of a sick joke. Our nation needsand deserves much, much better. Let us hope, work and

    pray for a great awakening of the American people sothat the situation described above can be reversed and

    some of the harm already visited upon us can be undone.

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    Craig Newmark, founder of Craigslist.org, said:

    The Administration has made enormous but quietprogress reforming Federal government, which will have

    a big impact over decades. Also, Obama has restored

    honor to the Oval Office.

    I'd suggest A-, better perhaps depending on health care

    reform's success.


    John Feehery, Pundits blog contributor, said:

    His poll ratings have fallen from the mid-sixties to the

    mid-forties. His accomplishments, which are slender,

    were pretty much pre-cooked from the last Congress.

    His major decision, to increase troops to Afghanistan,

    has alienated his base and took far too long to make. He

    has left most of the major legislative decisions in the

    hands of a liberal and unpopular Democratic

    Congressional leadership. It is hard to imagine

    how I can give him a passing gradefor thatperformance.


    Justin Raimondo, editorial director of


  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    I give President Obama an F-minus.

    The F is for his continuation and extension of the

    Bush foreign policy of global intervention, especially hisunconscionable escalation of the

    Afghan/Pakistan war. We are told thatAfghanistan is a threat to the continental US because al-

    Qaeda is using it as a base to plot attacks on the US,

    when anyone can see that the actual planning and

    execution of the 9/11 attacks took place on American and

    German soil (Mohammed Atta and his confreres lived inHamburg, Germany, before they came to the US legally).

    We are in for a decade-long involvement in that part of

    the world, regardless of what Obama says about

    starting to withdraw in 2011 at a cost of

    trillions of taxpayer dollars, and many

    thousands of lives. To say nothing ofthe costs in blowback.

    Rather than making us safer, the Presidents foreign

    policy is endangering us, destabilizing

    the entire region, and allowing us to get

    drawn into yet another quagmire.

    The F is also for his economic policies, which are

    destroying the dollar, impoverishing

  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    average Americans, and enriching his

    banker friends and supporters. See MattTaibbis latest in Rolling Stone for the real story on how

    the President is *selling out the country forthe benefit of his cronies at Goldman

    Sachs and CitiGroup.

    *A MUST READ BY Matt Taibbi:http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/the-


    As for the minus thats for having the absolute gallto rate himself a good solid B-plus! What



    William Redpath, chairman of the Libertarian

    National Committee, said:

    I think President Obama is a bit biased, but then so am

    I. I dont see how anyone who thinks we

    should have limited government,

  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    particularly at the federal level, and

    who thinks the Constitution should be

    respected, could give his presidencyanything other than an F so far.


    Hal Lewis, professor at UC Santa Barbara, said:

    All grades depend on the objective. If Obama's

    objective is to give the accumulated national treasure tothe folks who will reelect him, he gets an A+ from me. If

    it is to load our children with an insupportable burden,

    that of paying off the debts he is incurring with gay

    abandon, another A+. If it is to protect the

    country from its sworn enemies he gets

    an F, and if it's to protect the productivitythat has given us the best living

    standards in the world, another F.Nothing in between, you will note.





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    Comments (71

    PAGE |1|2| ... |4|5|>

    He gets the lowest possible mark from me for daring to

    use Marxists and self-proclaimed

    Communists in our White House. I can'tput my finger on one thing he has personally

    accomplished. He is not a strong leader, but onlypretends to be. Why are people not looking the situation

    squarely in the eye and telling it like it is. BY doreme on12/14/2009 at 14:07

    I'm just a regular Joe and I give him F-! He should bein the corner with a dunce cap. BY janicegammill on 12/14/2009at 14:08

    CT Constitutional Threat (That's below an

    F by the way) BY Andrew J. Manuse on 12/14/2009 at 14:26

    F- He is going after a Soviet Union State and the[***] with every body else. He wants the dollar to

    devalue to a penny that is how he will pay the debt

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    off but everything we own will be worth that penny! BYWilliam on 12/14/2009 at 16:08

    F Has any of the Senators read the Health Reform Bill?

    Page after page indicates we are in for

    rationing and our health care being left

    to insurers if we are elderly.A Dr. Frasierwent ov er the bill page by page and it is frightening. BY

    Reed Taylor on 12/14/2009 at 16:10

    I am with the President! He kept us from another depression, which hadstarted long before the finish of the presidential campaign, took on twounpopular wars, has had zero Republican assistance, their plan was to say noen masse, if you remember the tv interview, prior to their first meeting,BEFORE any issues had even been been raised! There has been a negativeRepublican based media blitz on every single issue. Bush had his eyes closedto the whole debacle from the get-go, McCain said the economy wasn't hisstrong suit, and now some are crying for those "good ole'" daze. Welcome toshort attention span theatre! Good Grief! If that is what you long for, then youhave learned absolutely nothing about how incompetence got us to the 2009financial disaster Welcome Wagon for the new tenants of 1600 PennsylvaniaAvenue. The gift that keeps on giving. B ! BY c yngve on 12/14/2009 at16:49

    He talks a lot. He's well versed in his talking. He does agood job talking. Okay, that's about it! I haven't

    seen anything actually accomplished.

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    But, he does talk a good story. BY Debi on12/14/2009 at 17:25

    I would give him a C. He is overextended and

    unfocused,and his priority should be on jobs. He waselected in the midst of a recession, and unemployment

    continues to climb. He is spending trillions on

    bailouts, but if he had focused on providing incentives

    for hiring (as he promised in his campaign), he mighthave been able to employ the private sector's help in a

    turnaround. If unemployment continues to climb, he will

    be a lame duck President in a hurry. BY RBINTN on12/14/2009 at 17:32

    F on his management. F on hisunderstanding and adherence to the U.S.Constitution. F for his Apology Tour.FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF






    Yeah, an F. BY clayusmcret on 12/14/2009 at 21:28

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    F is too high. He gets a Z for implementing UN

    Agenda 21 so we can be his slaves. He isMuslim and he hate the country. Everyonewho hasn't been brainwashed at prep school knows as

    much. BY Lisa Cardiff on 12/14/2009 at 21:29

    Hmm how do I grade Obama. Here's my report card:

    Economy F National Defense D HealthCare F Abiding by constitutional duties F

    Paying back unions A Taking care of

    Chicago friends AAppointments F Yeah he

    is a pretty damn bad President, so far. Andshows little indication that he is willing to take up his

    constitutional duties. BY Lyndsey on 12/14/2009 at 21:39

    An F. I think the only thing that would make me givehim a B is if he left office. BY jjs on 12/14/2009 at 21:50

    F and another F for good measure on how hewill bring this country down in another

    month! Don't apologize for this American,

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    u r NOT my president!BY thiacyn on 12/14/2009 at22:11

    F-. He hasmastered the art of double speak.If he wants to be President of the World,

    he should resign and go work for the UN

    so he can be with his fellow Marxist

    buddies, but his agenda is NOT what

    American citizens want.We are not interested ina One world/New World Odor. And we are extremely

    tired of his constant bashing of the citizens of our

    country and our country as a whole. BY Rene on 12/14/2009at 22:40

    F on his policies.Biggest F on hisapology world tour. D plus based on his

    weak resume. A if he resigns tomorrow. BY TomB on12/14/2009 at 22:42

    For Oprah to ask the president to grade himself after

    eleven months was a ridiculous question which presented

    only false choices ( A through F). Obama is always

    talking about false choices, but he didn't recognize this

    setup. The only grade he really deserves so far is an

    Incomplete. BY bailey on 12/14/2009 at 23:00

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    I grade it an FU. BY Jamal on 12/14/2009 at 23:36

    0bama only gets a B if it is an affirmative action grade,

    that would equate to a D- for anyone else. BYSkepticalOne on 12/14/2009 at 23:42

    Bush had essentially put the tourniquet on the economy

    and the market by the end of his term. Obama

    terrorized business and the economyfrom his inauguration until March 9-10 when Kent

    Conrad (D, Senate Budget Com Chair) said they were

    not necessarily on board with all of Obama's agenda. I

    cannot remember the specific issue but I definitely

    remember the market turning up from then on. Hisstimulus was an abject failureaccording toabout 30 CEO's of multinational companies that I follow.

    They report the stimulus was mostly invisible with a

    couple seeing minor positives and one seeing actual

    negative results due to business hesitation on spending

    until the stimulus was fleshed out. Local governments felt

    some benefit according to governors but I think everyoneone would agree his stimulus was not the most

    efficient use of our debt. Obviously his

    deficit spending is obscene. Wasting time

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    and energy on health care , cap and trade(global warming) and Gitmo was dumb , something

    neither Bush nor Palin would have done. BY Ron on

    12/15/2009 at 00:10

    How could there be any doubtand F-and Mr.Criagslist..restoring honor to the Oval Officeit is to

    laughBY Xango on 12/15/2009 at 00:12

    Call the grade an F, not only because that's the lowestpossible but because this weasel now stands revealed

    as an illegal alien, not even a U.S. Citizen, on-

    record as an Indonesian national for purposes

    of foreign-student aid.Soetoro's DNC

    eligibility certification letter merely names himas a candidate, omitting legally imperative

    attestation of his Constitutional qualifications.

    His purported Draft Registration Form,

    purportedly filed at age eighteen in 1979, is an

    egregious fraud worthy of Dan Rather's crapulent

    sidekick, Mary Mapes. As for independently verifiablebirth records, they remain closely-held state secrets in

    Mombasa hospital archives. Grade" BHO?

    "Sentencing" would be a better exercise. BY John Blake on12/15/2009 at 00:19

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    Obama gets an "I". Because he is not the

    president. he never showed the public hiscertified birth certificate nor answered under

    oath in hearing about his adoption in another

    country and his citizenship in Kenya. So, withoutthat as it was called into question, obama has not meet

    the criteria under the constitution to be the President

    and that is why he is working so hard todestroy the Constitution which protects us.

    Then he can to whatever he wants to and

    with each of the citizens;that includes YOU! BYJoe on 12/15/2009 at 00:21

    Impeach Obama for not prooving his citizenshipperiod ;and not prooving his "natural born" status

    which the Constitution guarantees to us. Impeach him

    for his treason by promoting a BILL that is

    2,000 pages long, no one voting on it has read,

    and which is Treason against our country!!!!BY Joe on 12/15/2009 at 00:26

    He gets an F. This president has done

    everything in his power to enrich his

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    friends at the expense of the nation. Hehas not been transparent. He has not been ethical. He is

    not respected by the military. He has been

    caught in video and audio in repeated lies. Nowthere is a demand that he be subpoenaed by the

    Blagojavich lawyers in a corruption trial. If it wasn't for

    a super majority in the house and senate he and his staff

    would be under investigation and facing ethics hearings.BY Nachum on 12/15/2009 at 00:38

    F-What a delusional, self-aggrandizing,

    narcisisstic, faux-intellectual,

    leadership-less, out-of-his-league"Commander in Chief" we have. He is a lightweight and

    a fraud.As they say in Texas: "all hat and no cattle".We get what we deserve, unfortunately. BY Tooler D on12/15/2009 at 00:43

    What if he called a meeting and nobody came? This

    almost happened today. Soon, he'll have to chase people

    down to make a shakedown. The big meeting tomorrow;

    I hope nobody shows up again because of a climate

    change. The grade is zero.. BY Bill on 12/15/2009 at 00:59

    I wish there were more letters in the alphabet but a Z

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    will have to do. Obama and most of

    congress are trampling the

    Constitution like it has never been abused before!BY Bob McDougal on 12/15/2009 at 01:00

    He could have accomplished the same impact with stimulus bill by trimmingabout $200BHe STILL can't veto a budget fillled with porkBUTHe'selevated the US standing in the worldHe's made progress in buildingcoalitions (see Iran rebuke)He resisted those genius wanna-be "conservativeeconomists" (Greenspan, Peter Moreci, Noriel Rubini) who wanted Obama to

    buy up the banks - which would have cost us another $ tril!He's faced aGOP headwind which doesn't even concede that he's the legitimate President!Finally, there's Oslo. The speech he gave - to the audience he gave it to -was exceptional. In fact, it defined American Exceptionalism better than anyneocon, cowboy diplomat, ever did. The Norwegians tried to set the Presidentup. He saw through it. He countered it and he slammed them with a speechthat they would have NEVER stood to hear from Bush. A thoughful(Afghanistan) plan, a tireless effort and a pragmatic approach, gets thePOTUS a B-. BY JayC on 12/15/2009 at 02:20

    He deserves an A for simply being able to function in the hate-filled rabidright atmosphere that we are living in. It was a first year filled with crisis aftercrisis and a very full agendaopinion polls be damned. Next year it may be

    just the opposite in the polls. (We don't need no stinking polls.)BY GilWilson on 12/15/2009 at 06:39

    He gets an F from me. He is a fool.. He doesn'trespect the Constitution, he is a

    partisan, throught and through, he thumbs his

    nose at legislative checks and balances,

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    such as appointing 41 czars many whose backgrounds

    are Marxist. (That's their own words, not mine). He

    won't listen to his generals, he bows to other leaders, he

    apologizes for the country again andagain and again.Look at who he surrounds

    himself withradicals who want to

    "fundamentally transform this

    country". His own words.He is a nightmare.

    He is saddling my children withunsustainable debt to China. What othergrade other than an F is appropriate for this self-

    absorbed individual?Oh, I knowIT'S ALL BOOOSH'S

    FAULT. The left's mantra. When you are president you

    lead, you don't accuse. Tired of his excuses. BY Gretchen on12/15/2009 at 06:55

    Overall from the viewpoint of a Liberal Progressive, I have been sorelydisappointed by the job President Obama has done so farhe has kept thestatus quo from the Bush Years regards the War in Afghanistan, indeed,expanded the War. His inability to fight his own Party to get the HealthCareBill passed with a strong Public Option. He has not opened up his governmentto be more transparent as he promised and did not go after members of theBush Administration for Crimes which were committed during GW's watch.

    My grade for Obama? A very strong D-! BY tommytoons on 12/15/2009 at07:57

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    He gets an "A" for arrogance and an "F"

    for everything else. BY Glennis on 12/15/2009 at 08:44

    I wonder what the collective IQ is of most of the anti-Obama deranged posterson here? 25? That's probably too generous. BY Todd on 12/15/2009 at 09:23

    F - Foreign AffairsF- Domestic F

    - His CabinetF-Using PrompterF-EgoF-EconomyF-Gifts he gave

    to foreign leaders.F-InterviewsF-

    Apology TourF-Non disclosure of his

    records, birth, college. BY Navy on 12/15/2009 at09:26


    CHANGE?"BY Ernie Kent on 12/15/2009 at 09:28

    I just want to know the grading curve? BY Chris Sells on

    12/15/2009 at 09:29

    Gosh, Todd. Recognizing incompetence, inexperience

    and self congratulation in this president makes one a

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    moron? My personal feeling is that he was

    elected by the unusually high

    preponderance of dim bulbs who turned outspecifically to vote for him ( and who will most likelynever bother to participate again in the process). BYGlennis on 12/15/2009 at 09:58

    He gets an A in destroying our financial

    future via huge deficits (it's really hard to blowa trillion dollars in your first month on the job), a B in

    grovelling to dictators, a C in standing with leftist special

    interests, a D in economic management and having the

    worst jobs record in a generation, and an F in

    adherence to laws and Constitution and

    American liberty.Overall grade - F. BYPatrick on 12/15/2009 at 10:16

    "He kept us from another depression"Are you a moron?

    We lost 5 million jobs in one year since he

    was elected. The economy and the jobs

    vaporized on HIS watch, even though he likesto blame the guy before, he voted for

    EVERYTHING that was done in 2008.This is the

    worst jobs record since Herbert Hoover! Obama

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    didnt keep us from anything but a better economic

    recovery. Everything he proposes will kill

    jobs. Go figure! F on Jobs andEconomy! BY Patrick on 12/15/2009 at 10:19




    Typical American people, including myself. Quick to judge and unrealistic. Iwant it now (the operative word being I or me, me, me). Y'all are in somefantasyland if you expected Obama to fix everything and make it better by

    year one of his Presidency. Who's the idiot dunce who is delusional now? Irate him a "B". BY Frank on 12/15/2009 at 10:24

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    he gets a big fat F-BY TC Patriot on 12/15/2009 at10:32

    All Hail Obama!All Hail the State!Am I doing it right, CYNGVE? BYJamesJ on 12/15/2009 at 10:34

    Correction on the misspelling of 'too' by the way. As for 'Patrick'yes theeconomy has lost jobs since he took office. However, if you knew much abouteconomics you would understand that unemployment is a lagging indicator.Unfortunately, despite their loathsome nature, banks and other financialsegments of the economy must first be stabilizedas per 'trickle down'economics. Oh waitI thought all of you Repubs liked Reagannow you aretrouncing the very economic policies he called his own!? What is wrong withyou hypocrites? You will see that monthly job loss has been steadily decliningsince Jan and will, by my prediction, be in the positive territory by the timethe report is released in late Dec. Our economy is a huge ship and takes greattime and resources to correct course. Just consider the obvious before youwrite another slanderous, mindless comment, people. BY GHamlyn on12/15/2009 at 10:34

    He gets a C- because he has surrounded himself

    with a bunch of self-congratulating, pansy

    ass, numb nuts in the White Housefirethat Robert Gibbs for heaven's sake!!!!!!BYGHamlyn on 12/15/2009 at 10:37

    Overall a D which means needs improvementsignific

    ant improvement. Occasionally he shows some signs of

    intelligent life and being in touch with reality. Parts of

  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    his Oslo speech were positively Reagan-esque. Evil exists

    Mr Prezwelcome to the real world. It is a transition

    from ivory towers. However his judgement is pathetic.

    He has handed over responsibility for crucial legislationto the Nightmare team of Pelosi and Reid. He

    surrounds himself with radicals, leftists

    and elements of the fever swamp that Iwouldnt want heading a local school board

    much less the United States. He is WEAK,

    afraid of criticism, without an originalthought and he's beholden to many special

    interest groups. How did ya'll VOTE for this stuffedshirt? I still can't believe it. He TOLD you what he would

    dotransform America. Let's hope he can be stopped BYLisa on 12/15/2009 at 10:42

    Todd- how intellictually snobbish of you. One of the

    reasons many people really dislike liberals is that

    liberals resort to insults such as yours when

    you have no other argument. And of course anyopinion that differs from yours must be wrong. The

    leaders of your party have exactly the same tone. And

    those leaders, many of them under ethics investigation,

    show that they think they are entitled to flaunt the law.

    I'm mean Rangel, Murtha, Waters etc. Obama sold

    himself as a moderate and did the bait and switch ending

  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    up as the most liberal and the most

    unqualified of Presidents. The country doesn'ttake to the full left leaning liberal policies. Most are more

    moderate. And that's is why Obama and the Dems poll

    numbers have plummeted. BY jschmidt on 12/15/2009 at 10:53

    He gets an F. He lies. He dislikes America.Ialso agree with John Feebury. (hope I spelled his name

    right). BY liz on 12/15/2009 at 11:30

    turning around a horrific economy, drawing down troops in Iraq, the bill thatequalizes womens pay, hmmm, shall I go on, the work done for the disabledchildren, adding health coverage for kids, restoring our WORLD IMAGE andUNDERSTANDING WHAT DIPLOMACY MEANS, but not backing downwhen diplomacy won't work, his tireless efforts to work with memembers onthe othe side of the isle and placing qualified people in his cabinet (or

    nominating them) regardless of political party, the stimulusshall I go on?Oh, may run out the the character limit to list all he and congress has done inLESS THAN a years time. He cut himself short. Definitely an A ! BY c on12/15/2009 at 11:30

    He has done nothing except "negativity"

    towards our country and its people. he

    deserves an "F" for the year with no chance for arepeat year of the same. BY Anon on 12/15/2009 at 11:33

    I feel that Berni Quigley. Read his blog. He's right on! BYliz on 12/15/2009 at 11:36

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    I give the President an F. He is the worstPresident in my generation. He

    willfully disregards the will of the

    American people, and worse he believes we are

  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    Muslin in the Oval Office Destruction

    on of Checks and Balances guaranteed

    by the Constitution and Bill of RightsObama should be impeached for High

    Treason Both Republican and DemocraticPresidencies before have been on the same track since

    Nixon. Obama is merely solidifying the Imperial

    Presidencythe biggest fear of the Founding Father! BYJames Goldberg on 12/15/2009 at 13:51

    Personally, I think Mr. Obama is GODs man to bring

    this Country to its knees due to its corruption. I expect he

    will be forced to hand the Country over to a head cleric

    after the Church is gone to enforce the One World

    Government where no one can buy or sell without having

    the mark on his head or wrist. Probably this once greatUS of A will be a second rate Country if not a 3rd rate if

    it exists at all a year past the removal of the body of

    Christ. The first 4 chapters of Revelation speak of

    supernatural events that destroy a good share of

    mankind and the land. Where is this to take place? It is

    not stated, but the middle east keeps going. What is left?

    Well, take a look at a world map and see. BY ED on12/15/2009 at 17:05



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    )))BY F. MICHAEL RUSSO JR. on 12/15/2009 at 17:35

    F, and no exclamations are needed for the why, as wewill be living the reasons why for a very long time. BYdonnal on 12/15/2009 at 21:12

    I believe this POTUS to be an B as well. For, if you were

    trying to control the means of production, prosperity,

    and property. Root out all means of self preservation, selfreliance, rule of law, and self governance, Borrow and

    spend the most amount of OPM's money in the shortest

    amount of time in US history. And Blame every

    administration but yours for your own

    short comings, and get away with it. And

    let's not forget, who is it that is also themost traveled POTUS in US history, The

    first POTUS in US history to bow before

    kings before him and proclaim America is

  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    arrogant, I apologize. Then, yes, there is still 3 yearsof improvement left for the A . And if you disagree with

    that, it's Bush's fault. BY AMERICAN CITIZEN on 12/16/2009 at


    I give this guy a resounding A , absolutely and withno doubt. He gets that grade for his complete consistency

    with every president at least since Kennedy:

    egocentric, lying, power hungry, devoid

    of principle and greedily extending his

    grip on power since (at very least) his

    inauguration. Careless of the

    constitution, and viewing the rule of

    law as a hindrance to his plans. This is theonly type of person who will ever even be close to aposition to be president. Our oft trumpeted electoral

    system makes sure that every other contender is

    eliminated waaaay down there in the lower level

    elections. Way, way down there in the first, most critical

    vote that most of us never see: the checkbook election.

    The one where the corporate sponsors give out nice fat

    campaign checks to those who appear the best able togrease the regulatory skids for them. Absolutely A . Any

    other measure is perhaps interesting but irrelevant, as it

    has nothing to do with how our actual government

    functions. BY marko on 12/18/2009 at 12:50

  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    F- in a home-schooled environment but an A in anygovernment school. While I still submit the differencebetween Messrs Bush and Obama is skin color, at least

    the Obamao is sincere in his collectivist sentiment with

    the condition he and his cronies are in the nomenclature

    are more equal than others. Yet another testament to

    why the Presidency should be vacant for four years so

    Americans can see what a clear and present

    danger it is to their liberties andfreedoms. Secession now! BY LysanderSpooner on 12/18/2009 at 16:33

    A for tone, Ffor expanding the wars and the

    scope of government, F for the bailouts, Ffor the "stimulus" farce, F for doing

    nothing about illegal immigration, F for

    thinking and policymaking at the same

    level of incompetence, ignorance and

    stupidity as the Clinton and G W Bush years. Overallgrade: F. The Republicans and Democrats are virtually

    indistinguishable le. We need new politicians and

    political parties. BY SocRat on 12/18/2009 at 18:06

  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    OK, I'll try again since my first comment must have been

    seen as unfit for eyes to see or minds to comprehend. I

    give Obamao an E as in embarrassing. You myfellow Americans may fill in the blanks. BY Srbastian on12/18/2009 at 20:17

    Craig Newmark lives in Bizarro World. That's where

    everything is the exact opposite of what it is here. BYLester Hunt on 12/21/2009 at 00:05

    Ffor f___ing scariest President I've everseen, and I lived through Nixon, Carter and both Bushes.BY Janet Holmes on 12/21/2009 at 07:05

    @ Doreme I highly doubt if you and I were standing face

    to face you could define either Marxism or Communism,I'm surprised that you could even spell either one. Could

    you please tell me who in the White House is

    a "self proclaimed Communist?" BYFreekfreely on 12/21/2009 at 14:48

    he should be a D . he's done nothing to help

    this economy. just passing health care

    makes it worse and sends us into a

  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    bankrupt recession. people are

    becoming homelessup in Colorado quickly. ithurts to see all this happening. i wasn't raised in a time

    when this nation was like this, but its a shame that

    America is turning to soviet union.people telling poor people to shoplift if they can't

    afford things. thats what happened in Russia.

    People stole from others and killed each other for

    material. he likes to see this happen. he claims he

    has better helath care himself. what does that mean inyour own words or a two word phrase. tell America

    the truth about your birth country and who u

    are. he says he's got the #1 health care BY anonymous on12/22/2009 at 13:28


    administration/72083-the-big-question-how-would-you-grade-obamas-presidencyBottom of Form


  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    Economists Give Obama Grade

    Rating ofF An Ugly Ending

    By Bill Zielinski on March 12th, 2009

    The First Test Results Are In

    Obama, Geithner Get Low Grades From Economists

    U.S. President Barack Obama and Treasury Secretary

    Timothy Geithner received failing grades for their efforts

    to revive the economy from participants in the latest

    Wall Street Journal forecasting survey.

    The economists assessment stands in stark contrast with

    Mr. Obamas popularity with the public, with a recent

    Wall Street Journal/NBC poll giving him a 60%

    approval rating. A majority of the 49 economists polled

  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    said they were dissatisfied with the administrations

    economic policies.

    However, economists main criticism of the Obama team

    centered on delays in enacting key parts of plans to

    rescue banks. They overpromised and underdelivered,

    said Stephen Stanley of RBS Greenwich Capital.

    Secretary Geithner scheduled a big speech and came

    out with just a vague blueprint. The uncertainty is

    hanging over everyones head.

    Mr. Geithner unveiled the Obama administrations plansFeb. 10, but he offered few details, and stocks sank on

    the news. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is down

    almost 20% since the announcement, as multiple issues

    have weighed on investors confidence.

    Despite spending and borrowing trillions of taxpayer

    dollars in the past two months, Mr Obama has failed to

    inspire confidence in the business community. Investorshave expressed a resounding vote of no confidence as

    seen by the ugly 20% slide in stock prices since the new

    administration took over. At the current pace of events,

    the country will be insolvent and the Dow at 800 by year

    end 2009.

    Investment Adviser In Chief Fuels Despair

    The Obama Administration finally seems to have noticed

    that all of their policy announcements so far have only

    fueled economic despair, not alleviated it. So President

    Barack Obama took the rare opportunity yesterday of

  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    offering some investment advice to the American people:

    What youre now seeing is profit and earning ratios are

    starting to get to the point where buying stocks is a

    potentially good deal, if youve got a long-termperspective on it. In other words, Obama wants

    Americans to Buy! Buy! Buy!

    But before you rush out and follow President Obamas

    investment advice, consider this: last week Obamas

    Treasury Department announced that the government

    would take a 36% stake in Citigroup by converting $25

    billion of its preferred shares into common stock. TheTreasury paid $3.25 a share for the stock last week,

    which after a weekends worth of government

    nationalization rumors fell to $1.20 by Monday. So to

    recap, President Obama managed to lose billions of

    taxpayer invested dollars in just a few days. But thats

    not even the worst part. So far the government has

    poured $50 billion into Citigroup. Meanwhile, Citismarket capitalization is only $6.54 billion. In other

    words, taxpayers could have bought Citi eight times over

    already for all the money they have thrown at it already.

    What the Citi story does highlight though, are the perils

    and conflicts that make massive and intrusive

    government intervention in the economy a disaster for all

    involved. Congress has no idea how to run a bank, andthat is why all the political posturing in the House and

    Senate is completely undermining the stabilization of the

    banking sector. Meanwhile, the private sector has no

    incentive to create jobs since they are facing a $1.3

  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    trillion tax hike in the coming decade. Then there is the

    $646 billion tax hike every American will see in their

    energy bills from President Obamas promised carbon

    capping plans. It is no wonder that nobody is takingObamas investment advice.

    The only sector of the economy that is sure to grow

    under Obama is the public sector. Our own Center for

    Data Analysis estimates that President Obamas budget

    will require over 250,000 new government employees.

    Other expert estimates put the number at 100,000.

    Another big winner under Obamas big government:lobbyists. Democratic staffers are now commanding

    $350,000 to $450,000 salaries at prestigious K Street

    lobbying firms. At least somebody is benefiting from this

    Obama economy.

    Investors dont invest precious cash on hope they invest

    money based on viable plans that will lead to future

    economic growth and prosperity. So far, all thatinvestors have seen are plans for massive spending

    related to tax rebates and increased social spending.

    Logical minds have questioned why so much of the

    stimulus plan spending would be directed to social

    spending and wealth transfer expenditures, when critical

    sectors of the American economy (banking, insurance,

    manufacturing, etc.) are effectively insolvent and on the

    edge of collapse. An interesting theory that makes sense

    comes from Michael Boskin, economic professor at

    Stanford University. (Courtesy offinancialsense.com)

  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    New and expanded refundable tax credits would raise

    the fraction of taxpayers paying no income taxes to

    almost 50% from 38%. This is potentially the most

    pernicious feature of the presidents budget, because itwould cement a permanent voting majority with no stake

    in controlling the cost of general government.

    Have Nots The New Majority - courtesy


    First off, lets start with comments on the new Barack

    Pinocchio Ob@ma Administration and the publicservants inside the beltway of WASHINGTON DC. Severalwords and comments come to mind: Morally and fiscallybankrupt and absolutely corrupt. Their betrayal of doingwhat is good for their constituents/country and creatingthe conditions for economic growth versus doing what isgood for their political ambitions and power over theeconomy is on PLAIN display in their activities and


    Contrary to their words, their actions can only lead to oneconclusion: They are PURPOSELY driving the economyoff a cliff to gather power in the UNFOLDING crisis bydestroying every corner of what is still working at thepublics expense and MISERY. Please notice how theyIMMEDIATELY jump on any public figure who murmursanything contrary to the headline illusions.

    The only reason they are reducing the deduction forcharity for those earning over $250,000 dollars, at a timewhen we need charity more than in the last 70 years, is so

  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    the people relying on charity will have to rely ongovernment.

    As I mentioned in previous newsletters, the stage is set

    for the emergence of a new dictator, and my bet is that

    we shall see Ob@ma and the gang of 535 morph into it

    over the next two years. Two recent articles have caught

    my eye, both are about Narcissism; one is by Dr.Ali Sina

    entitled Understanding Ob@ma: The Making of a

    Fuehrer at http://www.faithfreedom.org/obama.html

    Is it possible that the economic well being of the countryis being sabotaged so that the ruling elite in Washington

    can maintain their seats of power? When the have

    nots outnumber those able to sustain them, massive

    social upheaval will follow. Americas failed experiment

    to create wealth through debt may be laying the

    groundwork for a future that few of us dare to


    Categories: Corruption,Economy,Government spending,Have Nots,Stimulus Plan




  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    Fighting Liberal Lies!

    Obama's grade F+,

    Democrats F.By Jim HayettJan. 1, 2011

    Not much debate that 2010 will be a year to remember

    and one that will make the annals of history. Last week

    Harry Reid published his 111th Congress

    Accomplishments. Unfortunately, thats not what thehistory books will print. Unless they so happen to be

    written by the left. What should be printed boldly in

    those history books is 2010 was the year the democrats

    tried so feverishly to bankrupt America. This is one of

    http://www.livinglakecountry.com/blogs/communityblogs/fighting_liberal_lies.htmlhttp://www.livinglakecountry.com/blogs/communityblogs/112746624.htmlhttp://www.livinglakecountry.com/blogs/communityblogs/112746624.htmlmailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.livinglakecountry.com/blogs/communityblogs/fighting_liberal_lies.htmlhttp://www.livinglakecountry.com/blogs/communityblogs/112746624.htmlhttp://www.livinglakecountry.com/blogs/communityblogs/112746624.htmlmailto:[email protected]
  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    the main reasons Obama gets an F+ while the democrats

    get an F. FYI: Had Obama not listened to the

    Republicans (perhaps he had too after the November

    wake-up call?), Obama would have received an F-.

    Here's a recap of why I gave the democrats an F, Obama

    an F+, and why Pelosi's liberal controlled house show

    only one out of ten Americans approving the so-called

    Reid "Accomplishments." Their 13% approval is the

    lowest rating ever!

    I cant imagine for one second what the next two yearswould be like had Obama and his minions actually raised

    taxes not just on those making under $200,000 (or is it

    now $250,000? That number changed how many times?),

    but the nonworking class that make over $200,000. I'm

    sure most recall the many times Obama, Biden, Reid

    and Pelosi told us that taxes will not be raised on the

    working class which they keep saying is $200,000 and

    under. Are these liberal democrats such idiots to believe,and try to convince us taxpayers, that those who have

    found success by earning over $200,000 or $250,000 are

    not in the working class? If my small firm, which

    happens to be a sole proprietor, has revenues over

    $250,000 or I get to keep over $200,000, am I not the

    working class? How more insulting can Obama and

    these democrats be?

    When the democrats took over in January, 2007 I knew

    America was in for some real big time trouble. Power is

    corruption and that has been proven over the past few

    years by all those democrats in trouble from campaign

  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    fraud, money fraud, tax evasion, etc. Too bad it took

    many liberals and independents two years to realize this.

    But they did and the ship might just be back on course.

    2010 will be known as the year in which the voters

    wittnessed the real agenda of Obama and the left and

    then removed those same idiots from Washington for

    believing America will snuggle up to their elitist ideology

    to change America to a cradle to grave welfare state.

    They convinced many of the politically, semi-educated to

    vote for them by offering so-called free healthcare

    while promising to spend trillions, not billions, onstimulus to grow the economy. We all know what that

    dead horse bought us.

    Also note we witnessed a promise that if Obama could

    spend nearly $1 trillion on stimulus, the economy

    would not see unemployment above 8%. Unemployment

    is more than 20% higher than the 8% promise and

    nearly 30% higher when the actual comment was made.Now we the tax payers are out nearly $1 trillion just

    from one failed promise from those democrats.

    Then theres Obamacare. In an article in the St

    Petersburg Times, the liberal newspaper said the biggest

    lie of the year was A government takeover of health

    care. What stands out the most about Obamacare, and

    those that still have no idea what socialism is or what

    socialized healthcare is all about, comes from the facts

    and not opinions. Facts like any one reading this blog

    could go to jail if they dont buy Obamacare is all one

    needs to realize Obama and company are socializing our

  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    healthcare system. Also note the recent rise again with

    the death panels. They are the political elite who will

    decide what type care is right for our elderly. Yet some

    still think this is not "A goverment takeover ofhealthcare." All I can is is, WOW! Since when did our

    Constitution, or any government official, have the right

    to tell me that I must buy healthcare? If thats not a

    government takeover of healthcare, can someone show

    me why not or what is?

    However, the number one reason why the Obama

    democrats get an F, were removed from power, and willfade into oblivion is simple: they refused to listen to We

    the People. And if the Republicans dont listen either

    and then have poor or no good reasons to go against

    public opinion, they too will get an F.



  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


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    PAGE: 1Rep. Gary L. Ackerman (D) New York, 5th


    Rep. Robert B. Aderholt (R) Alabama, 4th


    Rep. W. Todd Akin (R) Missouri, 2nd

    DistrictRep. Rodney Alexander (R) Louisiana, 5th


    Rep. Jason Altmire (D) Pennsylvania, 4th


    Rep. Robert E. Andrews (D) New Jersey,

    1st DistrictRep. Steve Austria (R) Ohio, 7th District

    Sen. Daniel K. Akaka (D) Hawaii

    Sen. Lamar Alexander (R) Tennessee

    Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R) New Hampshire

    Rep. Sandy Adams (R) Florida, 24th

    DistrictRep. Justin Amash (R) Michigan, 3rd


  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES





  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    Obama and US Treasury Department

    Earn a F on Report Card forModifications for American Taxpayers

    Let's Compare Notes on What US Treasury and Obama PromisedHAMP Would Do and What it Actually Did

    Mrs. Mon E. Penny,Yahoo! Contributor NetworkDec 16, 2009 "Contribute content like this. Start Here."

    Let's play the game of That Was Then and This Is

  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    Now with the Obama HAMP or Home Affordable

    Modification Program. This program was to be the

    save all for millions of homeowners facing

    foreclosure in 2009. Based on

    fantasy verses reality, we can give President

    Obama, his administration and the US Treasury

    Department a failing grade. Based on this year's

    promise after promise and no accomplishment,

    they should be expelled for lack of performance.

    Let's see how they did.

    Then: January 2009, Larry Summers, Obama's top

    economic advisor stated, "Barack Obama will use

    the remaining $350 billion in funds for the

    Troubled Asset Relief Program to soften theforeclosure crisis and ease credit markets for

    businesses and families and to help reduce

    mortgage loan payments for people facing

    foreclosure, loan plans remain a focal point for

    mortgage relief and Obama continues to persuade

    lenders to provide negotiated loan modifications

    that provide payment relief."

    Now: According to Realtytrac there are currently 2

    million foreclosures available and more on the way.

    The $350 billion left in TARP never reached the

  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    housing market to soften foreclosures. Credit still

    remains very tight, and payments have yet to be

    reduced for people facing foreclosure. Only $75

    billion of the $350 supposedly made it to the HAMPprogram.

    Grade: F

    Then: Articles and blogs written by Zillow and

    mainstream media, back in March 2009, repeatedwhat Obama had promised that 3 to 4 millionborrowers would be helped by HAMP.

    Now: According to a report just released by the US

    Treasury Department, (no child likes to admit

    failure), the amount is fewer than 5% of those

    eligible borrowers have received permanentmodifications. Fewer than 5%, try 1600! I didn't

    get a A in math, but that is far less than 3 or even 4

    million homeowners facing foreclosure.

    Grade: F

    Then: How simple it would be to modify a loan,

    according to Obama' s HAMP program. All you

    had to do was meet these requirements: have

  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    originated your loan before Jan 1, 2009, be owner

    occupant, have a unpaid

    balance that is less than $729,750, have trouble

    paying your mortgage due to financial hardship, and

    your monthly mortgage payment is more than 31%

    of your gross monthly income. I love this quote

    from Zillow, "To seal the deal you must successfully

    complete a three month trial at the modificationrate." If you make your payments on time , you getyour modification! That really sounds good.

    Now: Blogs are filled with homeowners who meet

    these requirements, have completed the three

    months trial period to only be denied in the end for

    a modification or even worse, submittingpaperwork over and over again. The problem is

    that the lenders attorneys have figured out that

    they can collect the HAMP money promised by

    Obama by just doing a trial modification. Give an

    attorney a loophole they will run with it. IndyMac

    Bank, now OneWest Bank, is notorious for this.

    Which is why they have one of the worst ratings forloan modifications. Why go in and steal the bank

    with a gun and chance going to jail, when you can

    simply walk in and take what you want legally?

    Obama's Home Affordable Modification Program,

  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    or HAMP, is giving lenders money(probably the

    $350 billion less the so called $75 billion), for cash

    for keys and short sales. So who is watching the

    bank? Not Obama or the US Treasury Departmentor anyone in his administration. As of yet, no one

    has released how much money has been paid to the

    lenders for cash for keys or short sales.

    Grade: F

    Result: Failed for the year.

    Comments: The reality is that if I earned 3 F's on

    my report card, and brought that home to my

    parents, I probably wouldn't see daylight for

    weeks. The sad reality, is that this administration

    has failed in every way. Let's not even get startedon the job creation program. I have yet to see a

    man in a business suit digging a ditch for his

    family. If I had a choice I would have the President

    and his whole class repeat the grade. But since that

    option is not available, look in your community at

    all the foreclosures available, think of the families

    that struggled to keep them, all the Americans

    facing unemployment, all the lack of fulfilled

    promises and vote for change when the time comes,

    real change!

  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES





    Obama, Geithner Get Low Grades

    From Economists

  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES



    U.S. President Barack Obama and Treasury

    Secretary Timothy Geithner received failing grades

    for their efforts to revive the economy from

    participants in the latest Wall Street Journal

    forecasting survey.

    Economists Give Obama an "F"


    In striking contrast to President Obama's popularity with the public, a newWall Street Journal survey of economists gives the president and his treasurysecretary failing grades. WSJ's Phil Izzo and Kelly Evans discuss.

    The economists' assessment stands in stark

    contrast with Mr. Obama's popularity with thepublic, with a recent Wall Street Journal/NBC poll

    giving him a 60% approval rating. A majority of

    the 49 economists polled said they were dissatisfied

    with the administration's economic policies.

  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    On average, they gave the president a grade of 59

    out of 100, and although there was a broad range of

    marks, 42% of respondents rated Mr. Obama

    below 60. Mr. Geithner received an average gradeof 51. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke

    scored better, with an average 71.

    The economists, many of whom have been

    continually surprised by the depth of the

  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    downturn, also pushed back yet again their

    forecasts for when a recovery would begin. On

    average, they expect the downturn to end in

    October. Last month, they said the bottom wouldarrive in August. They estimate that U.S. gross

    domestic product will continue to contract in the

    first half of this year, with slow growth returning in

    the third quarter.

    Economists were divided over whether the $787

    billion economic-stimulus package passed lastmonth is enough. Some 43% said the U.S. will need

    another stimulus package on the order of nearly

    $500 billion. Others were skeptical of the need for

    stimulus at all.

    However, economists' main criticism of the Obama

    team centered on delays in enacting key parts ofplans to rescue banks. "They overpromised and

    underdelivered," said Stephen Stanley of RBS

    Greenwich Capital. "Secretary Geithner scheduled

    a big speech and came out with just a vague

    blueprint. The uncertainty is hanging over

    everyone's head."

    Mr. Geithner unveiled the Obama administration's

    plans Feb. 10, but he offered few details, and stocks

    sank on the news. The Dow Jones Industrial

    Average is down almost 20% since the

  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    announcement, as multiple issues have weighed on

    investors' confidence. The Treasury secretary has

    since appeared before Congress and offered more

    specifics but has said action on key parts of theplan still is weeks away.

    About the Survey

    The Wall Street Journal surveys a group of 54

    economists throughout the year. Broad surveys on

    more than 10 major economic indicators areconducted every month. Once a year, economists

    are ranked on how well their forecasts have fared.

    For prior installments of the surveys, see:


    "We have taken an unprecedented level of action

    toward economic recovery, accomplishing in weekswhat took other countries years to do," Treasury

    spokesman Isaac Baker said. "While Wall Street

    and investors were disappointed when they didn't

    get a sweeping bank bailout, we've laid out a plan

    to stabilize the financial system while protecting the

    taxpayer and ensuring government funds are spent

    wisely. This crisis was years in the making, and itwill take time to solve."

    Treasury has started implementing a housing-

    recovery plan, moved forward on a joint program

  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    with the Fed to boost consumer lending, and has

    begun stress-testing banks in an effort to determine

    which institutions will need additional capital from

    the government. The results of the stress tests won'tbe known for a few weeks. Meanwhile, a key part

    of the plan -- a public-private partnership to take

    toxic assets off bank balance sheets -- remains in

    the planning stages.

    The economists' negative ratings mark a

    turnaround in opinion. In December, before Mr.Obama took office, three-quarters of respondents

    said the incoming administration's economic team

    was better than the departing Bush team. However,

    Mr. Geithner's latest marks are lower than the

    average grade of 57 that former Treasury

    Secretary Henry Paulson received in January.

  • 8/7/2019 Obama' Report Card: F for FAILURES


    How's Geithner Doing?

    How would you rate Timothy Geithner's job performance asTreasury secretary?

    Vote: A | B | C | D | F Join the discussion.

    Mr. Geithner, who is relying on a skeleton crew ofadvisers in the Treasury Department as the

    administration struggles to make key appointments

    to his staff, is encountering the same problems as

    his predecessor in dealing with the complexities of

    a bailout plan. Richard DeKaser of Woodley Park

    Research, who gave high marks to Messrs. Obama

    and Geithner, admitted disappointment in thedelay in action but said he appreciated the

    magnitude of the task. "I don't know what's

    holding it up," he said. "But I'm assuming it's not

    just because they're hitting the golf course."
