obama documents for kevin powell 1-20-12

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  • 8/3/2019 Obama Documents for Kevin Powell 1-20-12



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  • 8/3/2019 Obama Documents for Kevin Powell 1-20-12



    Kenneth Allen10055 E Gray Hawk DrTucson Arizona 85730520-514-9704FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PRIVACY ACT 5 USC 552 & 552(a)United States Constitution Article I section IIU.S. Citizenship and Immigration ServicesNational Records Center, FOIAIPA OfficeP. O. Box 648010Lee's Summit, MO 64064-8010(816) 350-5570Fax (816) [email protected] of Information programs and ServicesUS Department of State, SA-2Washington, DC 20522-8100RE: Freedom of Information Act Request at 5 USC 552 and the Privacy

    Act at 5 USC 552(a)

    This request is being made to secure documents relating to and Barack H Obama Sr; akaet al. Pursuant to Title 5 USC section 552 & 552(a) to or for the verification of requesteddocuments that do or do not exist; These documents win be used as evidence to secureadministrative or judicial due process.Regarding: Alien File/Central Index System (A-file/CIS - DHS/CIS 001)." See 72 Fed.Reg. 1755 (Tuesday January 16, 2007). This system of records contains informationregarding aliens who have sought benefits under the immigration and nationality laws ofthis country; these records are collectively referred to as alien registration files or "A-The alien files are in conflict with; 552(11)The Privacy Act only protects U.S. citizens andpermanent resident aliens and does not apply to foreigners, unions, collective associationsor corporations - 552a. Records maintained on individuals (a)(2) the term "individual"means a citizen of the United States or an alien lawfully admitted for permanentresidence, I noticed that this reg. took affect in 2007 and should never be in conflict with5S2(a), in fact Barry Soetoro was never proven to be a legal alien and doing business orgoing to school in the US doesn't even make him a legal resident. I would also like toremind this agency that the privacy act does not protect persons deceased.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    I have some further requests for documents that the agency is in control of: This requestis being made under the Freedom of Information Act at 5 USC 552 and the Privacy Actat 552(a), the 14thAmendment, documents requested herein are for personal and or publicuse, therefore I hereby request the following:

    1. Request for verification that Mr. or Mrs. W.L. Mix were real employee's workingfor immigration, either the State Department or "any" immigration agency, betweenthe years 1959 and 1990 in the State of Hawaii.2. 1-130 Alien Relative Petition filed by Ann Dunham on behalf of Lolo Soetoro.3. 1-134 Affidavit of Support in connection with the 1-130 with regards to LoloSoetoro and Stanley Ann Dunhan-Soetoro.4. G-325A for both Soetoro and Dunham. These are Biographical Information formsthat should be maintained by the Alien File/Central Index System (A-file/CIS -DHS/CIS 001).".5. The actual Immigrant Visa Application filed by Soetoro at the AmericanConsulate in Djakarta, which resulted in his IR-l Immigrant Visa being issued.6. The 1973 IRS tax return mentioned in the A File regarding the issue of LoloSoetoro's reentry permit.7. With regards to the above mentioned FOIA response I would like an un-redactedcopy of pages 13,48,53,69, 76, 78,84,85 and page 90.8. All documents, medical records, school records, passport records, marriage licenseand work records for Barack H Obama Sf.9. Marriage license filed with the department of State for Barack H. Obama Sr. andStanley Ann Dunham, or any form such as 1-130, I-134 and G-325 to include taxform from the IRS.10. Legal judgments / court transcripts / traffic tickets / municipal records WiretapsDental records (if considered separate from medical) Autopsies Insurance plans / Will& Testaments / Defaults Published works Letters, notes, and other messages writtenOrganization affiliations Professional accreditations Memoranda, directives, andreports written by the person, usually in a professional or occupational capacityDiaries, journals, memoirs, commonplace books, and other autobiographical materialswritten by the person Photographs or moving pictures taken of the person during hisor her lifetime Creative works written, composed, or performed by the person duringhis or her lifetime . .Interviews and oral histories recorded during the person's lifetimeInscriptions, notes, and marginalia written in books and on other documentsNewspaper reports of events that occurred in the person's life and during the time inwhich he or she lived Diaries and memoirs written by those who knew the personObituaries written and published at the time of death Essays published in biographicaland general reference works Articles about the person's life published in periodicals


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    (newspapers, magazines, andjoumals) Documentary films and video recordingsabout the person's life Book-length biographies and histories Reviews and criticism ofthe person's creative works Bibliographies of sources about the person's life andworks regarding Barack H Obama Sf.

    Iwould like to remind the agency that Stanley AnnDunham aka Soetoro and LoloSoetoro are both deceased and do not enjoy protection under 552 or 552(a), nor dotheir 1973 Federal Tax forms. Barack H. Obama Sf. is also deceased.Iwould also like to remind you that if you refuse to release these documents Iwillseek a mandamus in the US District Court for the District of Arizona under the equalaccess to Justice Act [EAJA].

    Im entitled to verified copies of all requested documents herein contained understatutory authority.Requestor hereby requests a waiver of fees, for any reason the agency feels it cannotwaive the fees; the requestor will pay only reasonable fees not more than $40.00.

    IK & n t 1 # + h L . A II~attest under the penalty of perjury, and under the laws ofthese united states of America, that Im Citizen of the United States requestor forthe foregoing documents under the United States Constitution Iave the right torequest the foregoing requested documents for the years 1961 through 2009 years.Respect ly submitted on the /1 T A day of Kb ,20. (r I__~~~=- ~nameSTATEOFSTATEq .'COUNTY OF COUNTY 1 & - 1 / 7 C . .On Fe:: b 1(0 ,2011 date of statement before me { i f m c ; . 4 ;(L'n'0f- anotary public appeared 0fllu-/-A L f}-! Icf\ ,personally known to me (mproven thereto) on the basis of evidence to be the person whose name is subscribedtherein the above Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act, and that by suchsignature on the said instrument has in fact executed the above mentioned document .

    Notary public . . RequestorSEAL


  • 8/3/2019 Obama Documents for Kevin Powell 1-20-12


    postmarkHerelCl ReturnReceipt Fee

    Cl (EndoTSementequired) L--------jCl Restricted DelWeryFee(EndorsementReqUired) L_-------j

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    SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION Complete items 1, 2. and 3. Also completeitem 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. Print your name and address on the reverseso that we can return the card to you. Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece,or on the front if space permits,1, A rticl e Addressed to:

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    PS Form 3811. February 2004 Domestic Retum Rece ip t

    I fYES. en ter de live ry address below:

    3. Service TypeOCCertified Mail- - 0 . "Registeredo Insured Mail

    o Express Mailo Return Receipt for Merchandiseo C.OD.4 . Restr ic ted Del ivery? (Extra Fee) DYes

    2. Art ic le Number(Transfer from service label) 7010 1870 DODO 4972 6262


  • 8/3/2019 Obama Documents for Kevin Powell 1-20-12


    United States Department ofStateWashington, D.C . 20520

    M A R 2 2 2 01 1

    Dear Requester,

    This is in response to your request dated b : ; t . - J / - , ? - O I( . We have assigned CaseControl Number F :2 .0 H 0 i l f Y . 2 and will begin the processing of your requestbased upon the information provided in your communication.The cut-off date is the date the search is initiated unless you have provided aspecific timeframe.Unusual circumstances (including the number and location of Departmentcomponents involved in responding to your request, the volume of requestedrecords, etc.) may arise that would require additional time to process your request.We will notify you as soon as responsive material has been retrieved and reviewed.Should you want to contact us, you may call our FOIA Service Center at(202) 261-8484 or send an email to [email protected]. Please refer to theCase Control Number in any communication.Sincerely,Karen G. Brothers~~QRequester Liaison Division


    Office a/Information Programs and ServicesUs. Department of State, SA-2Washington, DC 20522-8100

    Website: W}vw.f()ia.state.gov

    inquiries:Phone.' 1-202-261-8484FAX 1-202-261-8579

    E-mail: [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected].
  • 8/3/2019 Obama Documents for Kevin Powell 1-20-12


    __eesThe Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requires agencies to assess fees to recover the directcosts of processing requests, unless a fee warver has been granted. .


    AcCording to our regulations, by making a FOIA request, y o u have agreed to p a y all applicablefees up to $25 1 1 1 1 1 e s sa fee waiver has been .granted. You m a y specify a willingness to pay agreater amount. If the estimated fees exceed this limit, you will be notified.

    -0;- -- -

    1..ou have stated your willingness to pay the fees incurred in the processing of thisrequest up to $ L jDPlease let us know if you are willingto pay the fees that w i l l be incurred in theprocessing of your request. You mayset a limit of the maximum amount that youwish to p ay . Please be advised that, without an agreement to pay fees, yourrequest will be processed without cost up to the required first 2 hours of searchtime (for all other requester category only) and duplication of the first 100 pages.

    Based upon the inf6;mation that you have provided, we have placed y o u inthe requestercategory checked below. This request will be processed in accordance with the fee scheduledesignated for that category.

    Commercial Use Requesters - Requires us to assess charges that recover the fulldirect costs of searching for, reviewing for release, and duplicating the recordts)sought.Educational Institution Requesters - Requires us to assess charges that recover thecost of duplicating the record(s) sought only, after the first 100 pages ofdupl icat ion;N6n~c~~~r2ialScientific Institution Requesters -: Requires us to assess chargesthat recover the cost of duplicating the record(s) sought only, after the first 100pages of duplication.Representatives of the News Media - Requires us to assess charges that recoverthe cost of duplicating the recordts) sought only, after the first 100 pages ofduplication. .All Other Requesters - Requires us to assess charges 'that recover the full .reasonable direct cost of searching for and duplicating the record(s) sought, afterthe first 100 pages of duplication, and the.first two hours of search time. .. ,

    - \i

    You have indicated your inclusion in a category different than the oneindicated above. Please forward the information requested on the enclosedsheet titled "Requester Categories" to substantiate your inclusion in aparticularcategory of requester.

    liVewill notify you of the costs incurred in processing your request as soon as the search for, andreview of, any responsive documents have been completed.

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    Some or all of the records you seek may no longer be in the possession of the StateDepartment. The majority of Department of State records (excluding passport andvisa records) that are 25 years or olderandconsidered to be 'pennanenLaretransferred to the Nat iona l Archives and Records Administration (NARA)inaccordance with Title 22, Code ofFederal Regulations, Pari 171.6. Accordingly,requests for-such records should be addressed to:FOIA OfficerNational Archives a nd Records Administration&601Adelphi Road, Room 3110Coll~ge Park, MD 20740Telephone: (301) 837~FOIA (3642)FAX: (301) 837-0293 . .E-mail : foia@nara:govhttp://www.archives ..gov/foia/index.html

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    Some or all of the records you seek appear to have been originated by anotheragency. If you wish to contact the Freedom of Information Act/Privacy Act Officeof that agency, the address and contact information follows:

    Internal Revenue ServiceGary T. PrutsmanChief, DisclosureOffice of Disclosure1111 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Room 2012Washington, D.C. 20224telephone number: (202) 622-5606http://www.irs.ustreas.gov/foia/index.html

    . . .
