oauth , openid, saml making sense of the alphabet soup for cloud identities

1 Presented by: OAuth, OpenID, SAML Making Sense of the Alphabet Soup for Cloud Identities Vikas Jain, Director, Product Management Application Security and Identity Products Intel Corporation Twitter: @VikasJainTweet Blog: blogs.intel.com/cloud-access-security

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Vikas Jain, Director, Product Management Application Security and Identity Products Intel Corporation Twitter: @ VikasJainTweet Blog: blogs.intel.com/cloud-access-security. OAuth , OpenID, SAML Making Sense of the Alphabet Soup for Cloud Identities. Topic Agenda. Cloud Identities. SAML - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Presented by:

OAuth, OpenID, SAMLMaking Sense of the Alphabet Soup for Cloud Identities

Vikas Jain, Director, Product ManagementApplication Security and Identity ProductsIntel CorporationTwitter: @VikasJainTweetBlog: blogs.intel.com/cloud-access-security

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Topic Agenda

• SAML • OAUTH• OpenID• Key Takeaways• Intel/McAfee Products

Cloud Identities

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Cloud Identity Alphabet Soup




JWTPortable Contacts

Kelly Anderson
Kelly - if there's a better eye candy representation for this to indicate "alphabet soup", then pls use that.This talk will cover SAML, OAUTH, and OpenID, hence highlighted.
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Why were these Standards created?

•Enterprise User FederationSAML•API Authorization•Allow sharing of user data

with user’s consentOAUTH

•Consumer AuthenticationOpenID

Widely adopted in Enterprises, weak adoption in consumers


Started for consumer use cases (Twitter, Facebook, etc.), moving into the Enterprise

Started for consumer use cases (Google, Yahoo, etc.), moving into the Enterprise

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SAML - Security Assertion Markup Language

OASIS TC formed2001 V1.02002 V1.12003 V2.02005

Mature standard … but carries the legacy of XML

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SAML Assertion

SAML Assertion (Portable Identity Container)


Attribute Stmts

User Identifier

User Attributes

Authentication Stmt Info about authentication context


Describes user identity in XML format for exchange across domain boundaries

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SAML Assertion Example<ns2:Assertion ID=“RbefeiCOM4ztlN2RHr9unkpQ” IssueInstant="2010-10-21T13:59:07.953-04:00" Version="2.0”

xmlns:ns2="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion”> <ns2:Issuer Format=“urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid format:entity”>ServerXYZ</ns2:Issuer> <ns2:Subject> <ns2:NameID Format=”- - -”>NameIdStatic</ns2:NameID> <ns2:SubjectConfirmation OptionalInformationHere> <ns2:SubjectConfirmationData OptionalInformationHere/> </ns2:SubjectConfirmation> </ns2:Subject> <ns2:Conditions NotBefore="2010-10-21T13:58:57.953-04:00” NotOnOrAfter="2010-10-21T14:01:01.265-04:00"> <ns2:AudienceRestriction>OptionalInformationHere</ns2:AudienceRestriction> </ns2:Conditions> <ns2:AuthnStatement AuthnInstant="2010-10-21T13:59:07.953-04:00" SessionIndex="c+dWjVJ24DMVNNo1U/cr+hgfywg=PWUYaQ==" SessionNotOnOrAfter="2010-10-21T14:01:01.328-04:00"> <ns2:AuthnContext> - - - </ns2:AuthnContext> </ns2:AuthnStatement> <ns2:AttributeStatement> <ns2:Attribute Name=“Attr1” NameFormat=“urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML2.0:profiles:attributes:basic”> <ns2:AttributeValue>Attr1value</ns2:AttributeValue> </ns2:Attribute> </ns2:AttributeStatement></ns2:Assertion>

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SAML Protocols, Bindings, and Profiles



Single Logout



BindingsHTTP Post

HTTP Redirect

Artifact, etc.


requestSingle Logout

Assertion query, etc.

Use case flows (combination of assertion, protocol, binding)

Maps Protocols to std messaging (combines Assertion, protocol, binding )

Get Assertions (request/response)

Defines how SAML Assertions are used

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SAML Use Case #1: Web Federated SSO For Cloud and Partner Apps

BrowserSAML Server

Identity Provider (IdP) Service Provider (SP)

SAML Server

User Store User Store

Authenticate Verify IdentitySAML

•Users redirected to IdP for authentication•Use Web Browser SSO SAML Profile


•Logout from both IdP or SP sessions•Use Single Logout SAML Profile



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SAML Use Case #2: Web Service Access Control

XML Gateway

Web Service Consumer

Web Service Provider

Web Service

XML Gateway

User Store User Store

Insert SAML Token Verify SAML TokenSAML (in WS-Security


•Client app adds user info as SAML token in the message

•Use WS-Security SAML profile


•Achieve fine grained authorization at web service by requesting clients to send add’l attributes in the SAML token


Client App

SOAP Message

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SAML Use Case #3: API Access Control

XML Gateway

API Consumer API Provider

APIXML Gateway

User Store User Store

Insert SAML Token Verify SAML TokenSAML (in HTTP header)

•Client app adds user info as SAML token in the HTTP Authorization header

•No standard profile exist


•Achieve fine grained authorization at API by requesting clients to send add’l attributes in the SAML token


Client App

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1.02007 1.0a2009 2.02012(draft 26)

Provides API Authorization

Before OAUTH, HTTP Basic was primarily used by API providers to authenticate clients using username/password. Scoped access wasn’t possible.

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OAUTH 2 Protocol Flow (Abstract version)


User / Resource


Authorization Server

Resource Server

1. Authorization Request

2. Authorization Grant

3. Authorization Grantand Client Credentials

4. Access Token

5. Access Token

6. Resource

Access Token allows the client to access resource on behalf of the user

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What’s new in OAUTH 2?

•Signature made optional, SSL made mandatory•No need for special parsing, encoding, and sorting of

parametersSimplified Signatures

•User-Agent Flow, Web Server Flow, Device Flow, Username and Password Flow, Client Credentials Flow, Assertion FlowMore Flows

•Authorization Server – user authorization and issue access token

•Resource Server – handles API callsSeparation of Roles

•Short-lived Access tokens and Refresh tokens•Bearer TokensToken


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OAUTH 2 Flows

User-Agent Flow• For clients running inside a user-agent that can’t maintain state over time• e.g. JavaScript based client apps

Server-Side Flow• For clients that are part of a server-side web application• e.g. Java/PHP client app

Native App Flow (not part of spec, but vendors implementing it)• For mobile and desktop apps. Same as server-side flow with one exception: a special redirect_uri (=oob)• e.g. Native mobile client app

Client Credentials Flow• For clients using application identity instead of end user identity to authenticate with authorization server• e.g. App to App connectivity

Assertion Flow• Client presents assertion (such as SAML) to authenticate with authorization server• e.g. Mobile app of SaaS app authenticating user with Enterprise credentials over SAML

Device Flow• For clients running on limited devices• e.g. TV and other SFF clients

Username and Password Flow• Client sends user’s username/password to authenticate with the authorization server. User trusts the client to maintain

security of it’s password• e.g. clients leveraging password managers

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OAUTH Consumer Use Cases

• With user’s consent, grant my app to access user’s FB/Twitter account

• Access granted for limited scope (posting status updates)

Post to FB/Twitter from my App

• Login to my app using FB login• Achieved implicitly by user authenticating to FB to request

access token

Social Login

• Mobile Native apps retrieve/post data over APIs• APIs are protected using OAUTH

Mobile Apps

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OAUTH Enterprise Use Case #1:Mobile App for Enterprise Apps

Mobile App accesses Enterprise App using OAUTH authenticating the user (with OAUTH AS) using Enterprise credentials


• Enable Mobile access for Employees

• Authenticated by the Enterprise

• Enterprise user passwords not stored in Mobile

Source: Sep 29, 2011, “Enterprise Use Cases for Open Identity: OpenID and OAuth” Gartner report by Bob Blakley

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OAUTH Enterprise Use Case #2:Mobile App for SaaS Apps

Mobile App accesses SaaS App using OAUTH authenticating the user (with OAUTH AS) using SAML assertion from the Enterprise


• Enable Employee access to SaaS app via Mobile

• Authenticated by the Enterprise

• Enterprise user passwords not stored in mobile or SaaS App

Source: Sep 29, 2011, “Enterprise Use Cases for Open Identity: OpenID and OAuth” Gartner report by Bob Blakley

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OAUTH Enterprise Use Case #3:Enterprise User accesses Partner REST app

Enterprise App accesses Partner REST App over OAUTH authenticating the user (with Partner OAUTH AS) using SAML assertion from the Enterprise


• Access data in partner app under user’s identity

• Allows Enterprise App to make API calls on user’s behalf

• Enterprise user passwords not shared with Partner

Source: Sep 29, 2011, “Enterprise Use Cases for Open Identity: OpenID and OAuth” Gartner report by Bob Blakley

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OAUTH Enterprise Use Case #4:Partner App accesses Enterprise REST app

Partner App accesses Enterprise REST App over OAUTH authenticating itself (with Partner OAUTH AS) using Application password


• Enterprise exposes REST interface to partner

• Quick adoption: Partner doesn’t need to implement SAML server

• Partner app authentication secrets not exposed

Source: Sep 29, 2011, “Enterprise Use Cases for Open Identity: OpenID and OAuth” Gartner report by Bob Blakley

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OAUTH Enterprise Use Case #5:Temp Workers access Enterprise App using FB Login

Contract workers/Affiliates accesses Enterprise App authenticating themselves using Facebook login (with Facebook OAUTH AS) and Enterprise OTP


• Enterprise doesn’t have to manage temp identities

• OTP provides additional security

• Temp workers don’t have to remember another password

Temp Worker


ApplicationEnteprise AS & OTP

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1.12006 2.02007 Connect 1.02012(draft 10)

Provides Federated Login

User Identifier used is a URI that’s unique across all users. Based on key-value pairs. Carry some similarities with SAML.

Originally developed to prevent anonymous users from posting spam to blog comment fields …

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OpenID Connect Protocol Suite

Combines OAUTH 2 and OpenID 2 to make OpenID API friendly

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OpenID Consumer Use Cases

•Login to my app using Google login

Social Login

•Pull user attributes from OpenID provider during registration process

User Registration

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OpenID Enterprise Use Cases

•Bring Your Own Identity – Employee bring their own OpenID to access Enterprise Apps

•One password to unlock Enterprise and Personal Apps


•Partner orgs don’t need to stand up SAML IdP•Enterprise don’t have to manage external identitiesEnterprise app access to partners &


•Enterprises can add an extra layer of OTP for enhanced securityAdd multi-factor

authN to OpenID

OpenID has the potential to accelerate the BYOI (Bring Your Own Identity) movement into the Enterprise

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Key Takeaways

SAML Enterprise Authentication

Sharing app with partners

OAUTH REST API Authorization

Building or consuming

mobile / REST app

OpenID AuthenticationSocial login

for consumer websites

Protocol Built for Use Cases

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McAfee Cloud Security Platform

Web Authentication Email




Private CloudApplications

Cloud Security Platform

Global Threat Intelligence


or Appliance

Services Gateway Identity Manager

Web SecurityData LossPreventionEmail Security



Unified Management, Policy and Reporting, ePO Integration


Vendors Applications Customers

Cloud Ecosystem


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Intel Expressway Service Gateway – for REST APIs


Protocol Agnostic

• 2x hard appliances • Tie-in to chip roadmap• Efficient XML

parsing at machine level


• Simple visualenvironment

No Programming


• Routing • Transform• Validation• Service Call-outs• Firewall rules


• FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Crypto• Common Criteria EAL4+ • DoD STIG Ready & PKI Certified• HSM PKI key storage• Cavium crypto acceleration• Form factors: software, virtual, and tamper


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Provision Access Secure SSO Regulatory Compliance

• Provision/de-provision user accounts

• AD integration• Sync Id Profiles

• Rich audit trail of user login showing AuthN level

• De-provision & orphan account reports

• Federate windows/AD log in

• To popular SaaS like Salesforce & Google Apps

Adaptive Strong Auth• Selectively apply 2nd

factor OTP AuthN • Variety of software AuthN

methods & devices- mobile devices, SMS, email

Enterprise to Cloud SSO Securing Custom or SaaS Apps


Combining Enterprise Class Strong Auth with SSO

Intel Expressway Cloud Access 360 – for Cloud SSO

In the CloudTo the Cloud



Available as McAfee Identity Manager

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Intel Cloud SSO - IAM-as-a-service


SSO PortalAccount






My Apps

One Time Password

• Delivers same level of control as on-prem IAM

• Leverage Salesforce or enterprise accounts for SSO

• Trigger mobile & hardware assisted authentication


Access 100s of External SaaS Apps

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Growing Influence on Identity Community

Visit: www.intel.com/go/identity



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