o good things- i i rspecialiodaysijuufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/uf/00/07/59/08/03207/00140.pdf ·...

ar a f u Ib Ji 7 j i s R- t 4- lj V- j5s4Jt14lII4Ll < r > SIt1LR < < p < It 9 1oY JV < I Volume 15 No 28 OCALA FLORIDA THURSDAY JULY 1 19t9 Cents i j FIlly a Moatb Year n- i3a v y t Good Things- To v Eat t PARMESAN GRATED CHEESE ROYAL LUNCHEON CHEESE CAMEMBERT CHEESE 1 IMPORTED SWISS CHEESE r ROQUEFORT CHEESE t SAGO ° CHEESE- C ° E B PICKLED WALNUTS JUNKET TABLETS a SPANISH RED PEPPERS 10 and 20 Cent Tins- RASPBERRY r SYRUP The Summer Drink- KALAMAZOO CELERY 25c a Tin QK GROCERY THE QUALITY STORE r i 4 j 1ARVEY CLARK Proprietor < Twt Phaies 174 R D FULLER f DENTAL SURGEON Office Over Munroc 8 Clt ni bliss R Bank t OCALA > FLORIDA r Z TERMS CASH L R BLALOCK i I > Dental Surgeon fllee Over Comerdlllluk Phone 211 Office hours Sl to 12 a IP 1 to 6 tJ m I TERMS CASH J E CHACE i DENTA SURGEON tPomii 9 10 and 11 Second Flour Holder Block FLORIDA r TIlM CASIJ- OGALA b1 fry r I I rv 1- y i- w v ytt Oq R6NT- z J CUPIDS INVITATIONS- fpr weddings receptions dinners gpd fill s clay functions pjjquld B- Upglutely cpnfqrm to Mq deraapds of etiquette in style of paper and ea waving By leaving your orders with us these and all other Impor- t o n t dptajls wl pp faithfully tt > < d- FNrceetly carried out We do the feestwork at very low prices pCM4A NEWS COMPANY u rr MonteznmaBarbershop In Connection With the Hotel Office Skilled workmen nnd courteous at- tention ¬ to nil Special attention to children q CTnC MASSAGE HOT AND COLD WATER B 1 A f PETTIRICH Pmpril- torPHILLIPS Q s Ji Contractor ilu d Builder Plans and Specifications Furnished Upon P quest f 12U South Third S- trhgpi o OCALA FLA r S THE COMMERCIAL 1 BARBERSHOP Opeias Into the Lobby of the Ocala lJopsF Otters tho very best service of njdlled workmen with modern ap pllaacBs Strictly sanitary Electric fans electric massages Hot Running Water nt All Times VINCENT C DKTTEKiCH Manager GEORGE FIX PRACTICAL mien MASON 1 Bed and Firo Brick eeIal attention to repairing fur nacesvbpller setting and Dutch brick kilns and bakers ovens If your holler doesnt steam should send for me I am the doctor I ill Work Guaranteed Np distance too late ana no hour too late to respond At the Carlton House OCALA FLO- RIDAfiYCDR > X If 1 aak l fisaf tttttd mw- i M1 r 1 r- y r rye THIRSTY DMSIN TENNESSEE r Saloons Had to Close at Midnight Last Night and Brewer and Distil- leries ¬ > Must Follow Suit in Six Months Nashville July IThe people of Tennessee awake this morning to find themselves riding on the water wagon The statewide prohibition law passed- by the legislature last winter over the veto of Governor Patterson became operative at midnight last night The law forbids the sale of alcoholic drink within four miles of a school house and had the effect of closing the doors of virtually every saloon In the state All the cities have become dry among them Memphis which will at- tain ¬ the distinction thereby of being the largest city IE the world where the sale of intoxicants Is prohibited by law Memphis now has 300 saloons Other large cities which will be affected are Nashville with 131 saloons and Chat- tanooga ¬ which has 63 drink empori- ums ¬ On January 1 next six months after the retailers received their knockout blow the brewers distillers and others engaged in the manufacture of Intoxi- cants ¬ will be put out of business On that date the state law forbidding the manufacture of intoxicants will come Into force The six months probation- was given the brewers and distillers to enable them to dispose of their prop- erty ¬ It is estimated that the prohibition- laws will cause a falling oft of more than a million dollars in the revenues- of Tennessee Investments exceeding 10000000 in distilleries Breweries I reptlfyln gestflbllshrnents and whole- sale = and retail liquor stores will be ¬ come idle Indefinitely and much of It will be lost because no indemnity is provided for It also Is calculated that 12000 persons will be thrown out of employment- A HORRIBLE HOLDUP I About ten years ago my brother was heldup in his work health anti happiness by what was believe to Up hopeless consumption writes W R Liscpmb of Washington N C He took all kinds of remedies and treat- ment ¬ from several doctors but found- no I help till he used Dr Kings New Discovery and was wholly cured by six bottles Ife 1 a well man today U quick to relieve and the surest cure for weak or sore lungs hemorr hag s coughs and colds bronchitis la grippe asthma and all bron hl i11 nfr- fections fjOp flnfl it 4Hal bottle froo guaranteed by all druggists UNION VETERANS SUICIDE I Crippled by an Afcjdtnt and Feared- H Would Lose His Position Washington July 1 Everett T Otchpll a clerk In the pension offlce who hail linen R colonel In a Kentucky Union regiment In tho civil war com- mitted ¬ suicide yesterday by tying a heavy stone to his neck and jumping Into shallow water In the bottom of an abandoned bathing crib In the Po ¬ tomac river near the old onjf llejdgq I la va touud today Uofoitol Uetchell had his right arm broken several months ago and feared that he would be dismissed from the government service on ha disability cnpaert lyti Uu injury t was bpi n id fine and had bert tt I pension office clerk for twentynine- years He was seventyfive years old Pension office officials said he wflg ill no danger of being dl nilased A CONTENTED WOMAN I is always found in the same house with Ballards Snow Liniment It keeps every member of the family fta from aches and pains it heals cuts VUVNS nnd scalds and cures rheuma- tism ¬ neuralgia lumbago and all muss oular soreness and stiffness 25o 50o and Jl a bottle At all druggists A JUVENILE AUTOIST President Tafta ElevenYearOld Son Runs His Mothers Car Washington July lChar1i Taft the yearold son or the president- Is probably one of the youngest driv- ers ¬ of an auto In the country The lad appropriated his mothets electric runabout Mrs Taft being unable to run It on account of her illness he may be seen any day driving the ear skillfully about the city Many people with chronic throat and lung trouble have found comfort and relief In Foleys Honey and Tar as It cures stubbon coughs aftai other treatment has failed L M Ruggles tteuanor Iowa writes The doctors said I had consumption and 1 got no better until I took Foleys Honey and Tar It stopped the hemorrhages and pain in my lungs and they are now as round as a bullet Sold by nil drug- gists ¬ CALVARY Mrs J W Morrison was a visitor to Ocala last Tuesday and spent the day with Mrs M E Wallace- Mr J W Morrison and son Merrltt spent Thursday at York Rock Springs Iud IJeldtville returnjng home Friday I Ocala Mr J Saturday- Mr W Morrison and son went to J L Miller the great cattleman- of Martel was a visitor here Thurs- day ¬ the guest of his daughter Mrs A S J Wallace Little Annie Morrison is suffering from another rising- Mr A S J Wallace made a bush tress trip to Ocala Saturday e > Jr nil Mta A S J Wallace spent Sunday afternoon with Mr and Mrs G T and W W Leak Mrs Arthur Galipeau of Martel was a caller on friends here Monday- Mr Arthur Galipeau made a busi- ness ¬ trip to Ocala Tuesday- We are sorry to learn that Mrs W W Upk js dtlll sick s Mr J H Roller of the Bradley Pond section made a business trip to Cal- vary ¬ Monday acompanled by his lit- tle son and daughter The best pills made are DeWitts Little Early Risers the famous little liver pills They are small gentle pleasant easy to take and act prompt- ly ¬ They aTc sold b y all druggists i AA L A- P r X X rT o- rf ORE AT- SAMPLE I- f r SALE < I WE HAVE JUST BOUGHT a large line of f samples in the below mentioned goods J- f We bought these samples at a reduction on the usual wholesale price and in accord I E with our policy of underselling all compe lion we have placed these goods on our f < f counters marked in large plain figures r Just like the house marked them for their X j salesmen to sell them to the merchants J I So you get the actual wholesale i r h price on each article I I i Hie goods are all new stylish and the very I best material youll ever get for the money 1 i FOR LADIES WE HAVE S irtWaistsMuslinUnderskirts- I Hosiery Kimonas Undervests t Collars Belts Handkerchiefs + t Etc Etc 1 i f FOR MEN WE HAVE J- I Dress Shirts Working Shirts J t Overalls Undershirts Drawers I- i Suspenders Handkerchiefs and i Good Sox t l 1 fit I I Also Boys Pants Summer Lap Or Robes Etc i I t f This is an opportunity we have secured for you and 4 p we know you will appreciate it and avail yourself of- t X this chance to save money 5- J We are always on the lookout for good things for our j customers and assure you at ajl times that If its a good thing we have it I THE GLOBE I The Underselling Store J f f AGENTS FOR THE McCALL PATTERNS i OCALA FLORIDA j Xt A H K AAA- VV y oo YY r- i f c I Bflfffll OF LAKE ERIE Gigantic Engineering Work to be Per ¬ formed by the United States and Canada Buffalo July 1The next big en- gineering ¬ project on the Great Lakes will be the damming of the Niagara river opposite Buffalo for the purpose- of raising the level ot Lake Erie The international waterways commission which has been working on the prob ¬ lem for several years has about com ¬ pleted Its report and It is said will place the result of Its Investigations- with a recommendation that the dam be built by the Canadian and the United States governments HERE IS RELIEF FOR WOMEN If you have pains In the back uri ¬ nary bladder or kidney trouble and want a certain pleasant herb relief for womens Ills try Mother Grays AUSTRALIAN LEAF It Is a safe I reliable regulator and relieves all fe ¬ male weaknesses Including inflam ¬ mation and ulcerations Mother Grays Australian Leaf is sold by druggists- or sent by mall for 50 cents Sample- sent free Address the Mother Gray- Co Leroy N Y 5 CITRA- Mr c C W White is here for awhile Conductor Rays family formerly of Palatka are now pleasantly located In the C R Carter residence on Main street Mss Apple Redditt and Miss Dollle Rowdll left Wednesday Gainesville to attend the normal Miss Florence Cork Joined them at Orange Lake Mrs R G BIakp is back from Ocala Marshal Whitley wont down to Ocala Tuesut- Miss Zelma Cason of Island r4v was in town Sunday I Lightning was flcrc t Saturday in xn around CIr nth fliselnbot 1m lost- u tW toPm atruck by it Dr Conner went up to Jacksonville Sunday- Mr JW Melton returned from Jacksonville Monday We u ne stond that Mr Carl Wish art la now bookkeeping for the Melton Lumber Co in Mr George Townseds place The A C L train crew went out Sunday afternoon to Wilcox where they made their first new trip Monday arriving here at 1125 a m leaving at 3 p m and arriving at Wilcox at 820- P m Mrs M J Shorouae has returned home from Inverness where she has been spending a while with her nieces Misses Belle aryl Lallle Gillis and also was present at the wedding of Mr Homer Potter to her niece Miss Belle Miss Lallie Gillis returned to York with her where they spent a few days PRESIDENT HELPS ORPHANS Hundreds of orphans have been r helped by the president of the Indus- trial ¬ and Orphans Home at Macon Ga who writes We have used Electric Bitters In this institution for I nine years It has proved a most ex- cellent ¬ medicine for stomach liver and J kidney troubles We regard it as one of tho best family medicines on earth It Invigorates the vital or ¬ gans purifies the blood aids diges- tion ¬ creates appetite To strengthen and build up thin pie weak children lor rundown people it has no equal Best for female complaints Only 50c I at all druggists 1 SOUTH LAKE WEIR Mr Ozro Kelsey of Riverside Calif visited his parents at Stanton last I week Mr Kelsey was reared here but sjnce leaving home has spent some- time In Cuba before going to Califor ¬ I I niaMr John Turney of Little Rock a1 I former resident for many years here I is visiting his daughter Mrs A M Reed Nearly every one In town attended the exercises at the Welrsdale church I on the anniversary of the organization- of the Lake Weir W C T U on last Thursday and enjoyed the picnic sup ¬ per In the park and all were much pleased with both supper and enter- tainment ¬ A more glorious day and night could not have been desired clear skies a fresh breeze and comfor- table ¬ temperature conduced to make p the affair a grand success t Master Bernard Blair of Martin Is visiting his aunt Mrs A M Reed t Mr Frank Adams who has been In Georgia several weeks is once more at t home Mr C E Brown station agent at Welrsdale has been transferred tem- porarily ¬ to Webster an appointment- which may become permanent Mrs Brown will remain here for the pres- ent ¬ with her parents Mr and Mrs C S Gates until It Is decided whether the appointment Is to be permanent or not Lumber has been received at Weirs dale for an addition to the beautiful home of Mr W H Bickley Mrs C S Gates and Mrs FE Peck ham visited Ocala on Saturday and it were the guests of Mr and Mrs A G II Gates over Sunday returning on Mon- day ¬ While there they were the recip- ients ¬ of many kindly attentions among It which were automobile rides to Silver Springs and other points of Interest- Mr C S Gates president of the For ¬ est Hills Cemetery Association has had the grounds put In fine shape If the Individual lot owners would pay more attention to keeping the lots in order it would add much to the ap pearance of the place and not let strangers suppose that our dead were I out of sight our of mind Mrs A M Reed received a crate of fine pineapples from friends on the east coast this week Your correspon- dent ¬ t can testify to their excellence as C he and his family were recipients of one of the finest I The water in Lake Weir and the other lakes and ponds in this section Is lower than It has been before for many years and a good opportunity Is I given to deepen wells Mr P M Ole son Is Improving It by having his well at Greenfields Farm deepened- The heavy black smoke which was visible to the east of us several days last week was caused by fires on the prairies along the Oklawaha I f ° r o r f- rSPECIALiODAYSIjU r OF EYEL1Efl yM- swT ii a j V- u R- X 1 F t p AN- DHARVARD 1- EAIIUS wT 1I I Yt- ii l f- j r t I a s rJrs a d i- ti y NOW CUII N C lt N tour store No 7 N Magnolia St AT GREATLY REDUCED BlBES i Get Your Pianos During This Sale And J1 YOULL SAVE FROM 50 TO 100 MLUtt I f a t i t 1 1 THE A R t S PIANO CO 1FANY y J 1 r f rrt J FORT 6flM- AlE h- i1qt t IN 1913 Bottled In Bond f v One QuartS11- 0FourQuartsJ8 f 5 00TTLEDIN eOND f Delivered t375 3 This is a choice High Grade Private Stock lye ffUskey v- L and we FtBjr GuiMIU it to r sT w > i of- W1MICttAt be as 89OOM any bottled in 8 bond whiskey on the mark 3 O c 71LA that IB sold for 150 a quart 4tf- T 1- f TIE iARMICllAELiOIijPIO- CALA trr FLORIDA I kr II 4T- p L p + Yr J ti

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91oY JV



Volume 15 No 28 OCALA FLORIDA THURSDAY JULY 1 19t9 Centsi jFIlly a Moatb Year n-i3a

v y


Good Things-Tov Eat





a SPANISH RED PEPPERS 10 and 20Cent Tins-


SYRUP The SummerDrink-



4 j 1ARVEY CLARK Proprietor<

Twt Phaies 174


Office Over Munroc 8 Clt ni blissR Bankt OCALA > FLORIDAr Z TERMS CASH


I> Dental Surgeon

fllee Over ComerdllllukPhone 211

Office hours Sl to 12 a IP 1 to6 tJ m



DENTA SURGEONtPomii 9 10 and 11

Second Flour Holder BlockFLORIDA







I I rv 1-y i-



Oq R6NT-z



fpr weddings receptions dinnersgpd fill s clay functions pjjquld B-Upglutely cpnfqrm to Mq deraapds ofetiquette in style of paper and eawaving By leaving your orderswith us these and all other Impor-


n t dptajls wl pp faithfully tt >< d-

FNrceetly carried out We do thefeestwork at very low prices



In Connection With the Hotel Office

Skilled workmen nnd courteous at-


to nil Special attention tochildren







Contractor ilu d Builder

Plans and Specifications FurnishedUpon P quest f

12U South Third S-trhgpi o OCALA FLAr



BARBERSHOPOpeias Into the Lobby of the Ocala

lJopsFOtters tho very best service of

njdlled workmen with modern appllaacBs Strictly sanitary Electricfans electric massages

Hot Running Water nt All Times



1 Bed and Firo BrickeeIal attention to repairing fur

nacesvbpller setting and Dutchbrick kilns and bakers

ovens If your holler doesnt steamshould send for me I am the

doctor Iill Work Guaranteed

Np distance too late ana no hourtoo late to respond At the CarltonHouse



If 1 aak l fisaf tttttd mw-i




yr rye


Saloons Had to Close at Midnight LastNight and Brewer and Distil-




Must Follow Suit in

Six Months

Nashville July IThe people ofTennessee awake this morning to findthemselves riding on the water wagonThe statewide prohibition law passed-by the legislature last winter over theveto of Governor Patterson becameoperative at midnight last night Thelaw forbids the sale of alcoholic drinkwithin four miles of a school houseand had the effect of closing the doorsof virtually every saloon In the stateAll the cities have become dryamong them Memphis which will at-tain


the distinction thereby of beingthe largest city IE the world where thesale of intoxicants Is prohibited by lawMemphis now has 300 saloons Otherlarge cities which will be affected areNashville with 131 saloons and Chat-tanooga


which has 63 drink empori-ums


On January 1 next six months afterthe retailers received their knockoutblow the brewers distillers and othersengaged in the manufacture of Intoxi-cants


will be put out of business Onthat date the state law forbidding themanufacture of intoxicants will comeInto force The six months probation-was given the brewers and distillers toenable them to dispose of their prop-erty


It is estimated that the prohibition-laws will cause a falling oft of morethan a million dollars in the revenues-of Tennessee Investments exceeding

10000000 in distilleries Breweries I

reptlfyln gestflbllshrnents and whole-sale


and retail liquor stores will be¬

come idle Indefinitely and much ofIt will be lost because no indemnity isprovided for It also Is calculatedthat 12000 persons will be thrown outof employment-


About ten years ago my brotherwas heldup in his work health antihappiness by what was believe to Uphopeless consumption writes W RLiscpmb of Washington N C Hetook all kinds of remedies and treat-ment


from several doctors but found-no


help till he used Dr Kings NewDiscovery and was wholly cured bysix bottles Ife 1 a well man todayU quick to relieve and the surestcure for weak or sore lungs hemorrhag s coughs and colds bronchitis lagrippe asthma and all bron hl i11 nfr-fections fjOp flnfl it 4Hal bottle frooguaranteed by all druggists


Crippled by an Afcjdtnt and Feared-H Would Lose His Position

Washington July 1 Everett TOtchpll a clerk In the pension offlcewho hail linen R colonel In a KentuckyUnion regiment In tho civil war com-mitted


suicide yesterday by tying aheavy stone to his neck and jumpingInto shallow water In the bottom ofan abandoned bathing crib In the Po ¬

tomac river near the old onjf llejdgqI la va touud today

Uofoitol Uetchell had his right armbroken several months ago and fearedthat he would be dismissed from thegovernment service on hadisability cnpaert lyti Uu injury twas bpi n id fine and had bert tt I

pension office clerk for twentynine-years He was seventyfive years oldPension office officials said he wflg illno danger of being dl nilased


is always found in the same housewith Ballards Snow Liniment Itkeeps every member of the family ftafrom aches and pains it heals cutsVUVNS nnd scalds and cures rheuma-tism


neuralgia lumbago and all muss

oular soreness and stiffness 25o 50oand Jl a bottle At all druggists


President Tafta ElevenYearOld SonRuns His Mothers Car

Washington July lChar1i Taftthe yearold son or the president-Is probably one of the youngest driv-ers


of an auto In the country Thelad appropriated his mothets electricrunabout Mrs Taft being unable torun It on account of her illness hemay be seen any day driving the earskillfully about the city

Many people with chronic throatand lung trouble have found comfortand relief In Foleys Honey and Taras It cures stubbon coughs aftai othertreatment has failed L M Rugglestteuanor Iowa writes The doctorssaid I had consumption and 1 got nobetter until I took Foleys Honey andTar It stopped the hemorrhages andpain in my lungs and they are now asround as a bullet Sold by nil drug-gists



Mrs J W Morrison was a visitor toOcala last Tuesday and spent the daywith Mrs M E Wallace-

Mr J W Morrison and son Merrlttspent Thursday at York Rock SpringsIud IJeldtville returnjng home Friday


OcalaMr J


W Morrison and son went to

J L Miller the great cattleman-of Martel was a visitor here Thurs-day


the guest of his daughter Mrs A

S J WallaceLittle Annie Morrison is suffering

from another rising-Mr A S J Wallace made a bush

tress trip to Ocala Saturday e

>Jr nil Mta A S J Wallace spentSunday afternoon with Mr and MrsG T and W W Leak

Mrs Arthur Galipeau of Martel wasa caller on friends here Monday-

Mr Arthur Galipeau made a busi-ness


trip to Ocala Tuesday-We are sorry to learn that Mrs W

W Upk js dtlll sicks

Mr J H Roller of the Bradley Pondsection made a business trip to Cal-vary


Monday acompanled by his lit-tle son and daughter

The best pills made are DeWittsLittle Early Risers the famous littleliver pills They are small gentlepleasant easy to take and act prompt-ly


They aTc sold by all druggists

i AA L A-P r X X rT o-

rf ORE AT-





IWE HAVE JUST BOUGHT a large line of

f samples in the below mentioned goods J-

f We bought these samples at a reduction on

the usual wholesale price and in accord IE with our policy of underselling all compe

lion we have placed these goods on ourf <

f counters marked in large plain figuresr

Just like the house marked them for their X

j salesmen to sell them to the merchants


I So you get the actual wholesale ir h

price on each article I


Hie goods are all new stylish and the veryI best material youll ever get for the money 1


S irtWaistsMuslinUnderskirts-

IHosiery Kimonas Undervests

tCollars Belts Handkerchiefs +

tEtc Etc



I Dress Shirts Working Shirts J

t Overalls Undershirts Drawers I-

i Suspenders Handkerchiefs and i

Good Soxtl




I Also Boys Pants Summer LapOr Robes EtciIt

f This is an opportunity we have secured for you and 4

pwe know you will appreciate it and avail yourself of-


this chance to save money 5-

J We are always on the lookout for good things for our j

customers and assure you at ajl times that If its a

good thing we have it



I The Underselling StoreJ



VV y oo YY r-






Gigantic Engineering Work to be Per ¬

formed by the United Statesand Canada

Buffalo July 1The next big en-gineering


project on the Great Lakeswill be the damming of the Niagarariver opposite Buffalo for the purpose-of raising the level ot Lake Erie Theinternational waterways commissionwhich has been working on the prob ¬

lem for several years has about com¬

pleted Its report and It is said willplace the result of Its Investigations-with a recommendation that the dambe built by the Canadian and theUnited States governments


If you have pains In the back uri ¬

nary bladder or kidney trouble andwant a certain pleasant herb relieffor womens Ills try Mother GraysAUSTRALIAN LEAF It Is a safe

I reliable regulator and relieves all fe ¬

male weaknesses Including inflam ¬

mation and ulcerations Mother GraysAustralian Leaf is sold by druggists-or sent by mall for 50 cents Sample-sent free Address the Mother Gray-Co Leroy N Y 5



C W White is here for awhileConductor Rays family formerly of

Palatka are now pleasantly located Inthe C R Carter residence on Mainstreet

Mss Apple Redditt and Miss DollleRowdll left Wednesday Gainesvilleto attend the normal Miss FlorenceCork Joined them at Orange Lake

Mrs R G BIakp is back from OcalaMarshal Whitley wont down to Ocala

Tuesut-Miss Zelma Cason of Island r4v

was in town SundayI Lightning was flcrc t Saturday in xnaround CIr nth fliselnbot 1m lost-u tW toPm atruck by it

Dr Conner went up to JacksonvilleSunday-

Mr JW Melton returned fromJacksonville Monday

We u ne stond that Mr Carl Wishart la now bookkeeping for the MeltonLumber Co in Mr George Townsedsplace

The A C L train crew went outSunday afternoon to Wilcox wherethey made their first new trip Mondayarriving here at 1125 a m leaving at3 p m and arriving at Wilcox at 820-P m

Mrs M J Shorouae has returnedhome from Inverness where she hasbeen spending a while with her niecesMisses Belle aryl Lallle Gillis andalso was present at the wedding ofMr Homer Potter to her niece MissBelle Miss Lallie Gillis returned toYork with her where they spent a fewdays


Hundreds of orphans have beenr helped by the president of the Indus-


and Orphans Home at MaconGa who writes We have usedElectric Bitters In this institution for I

nine years It has proved a most ex-


medicine for stomach liver and J

kidney troubles We regard it as oneof tho best family medicines onearth It Invigorates the vital or¬

gans purifies the blood aids diges-tion


creates appetite To strengthenand build up thin pie weak children

lor rundown people it has no equalBest for female complaints Only 50c

I at all druggists 1


Mr Ozro Kelsey of Riverside Califvisited his parents at Stanton last

I week Mr Kelsey was reared here butsjnce leaving home has spent some-time In Cuba before going to Califor¬



niaMr John Turney of Little Rock a1

I former resident for many years hereI is visiting his daughter Mrs A M

ReedNearly every one In town attended

the exercises at the Welrsdale churchI on the anniversary of the organization-

of the Lake Weir W C T U on lastThursday and enjoyed the picnic sup ¬

per In the park and all were muchpleased with both supper and enter-tainment


A more glorious day andnight could not have been desiredclear skies a fresh breeze and comfor-table


temperature conduced to makep

the affair a grand successt Master Bernard Blair of Martin Is

visiting his aunt Mrs A M Reedt Mr Frank Adams who has been In

Georgia several weeks is once more att

homeMr C E Brown station agent at

Welrsdale has been transferred tem-


to Webster an appointment-which may become permanent MrsBrown will remain here for the pres-ent


with her parents Mr and Mrs CS Gates until It Is decided whether theappointment Is to be permanent or not

Lumber has been received at Weirsdale for an addition to the beautifulhome of Mr W H Bickley

Mrs C S Gates and Mrs F E Peckham visited Ocala on Saturday and

it were the guests of Mr and Mrs A GII Gates over Sunday returning on Mon-


While there they were the recip-


of many kindly attentions amongIt which were automobile rides to Silver

Springs and other points of Interest-Mr C S Gates president of the For ¬

est Hills Cemetery Association hashad the grounds put In fine shape Ifthe Individual lot owners would paymore attention to keeping the lots inorder it would add much to the appearance of the place and not letstrangers suppose that our dead were

I out of sight our of mindMrs A M Reed received a crate of

fine pineapples from friends on theeast coast this week Your correspon-dent


t can testify to their excellence asC he and his family were recipients of

one of the finest I

The water in Lake Weir and theother lakes and ponds in this sectionIs lower than It has been before formany years and a good opportunity Is

I given to deepen wells Mr P M Oleson Is Improving It by having his wellat Greenfields Farm deepened-

The heavy black smoke which wasvisible to the east of us several dayslast week was caused by fires on theprairies along the Oklawaha


f ° ro r




swT ii a

j V-



















rJrs a di-



Ntour store No 7 N Magnolia St



Get Your Pianos During This Sale And J1


fa t

i t 1 1THE A R t S



r f rrt






IN 1913

Bottled In Bond f v

One QuartS11-




Delivered t3753

This is a choice High Grade

Private Stock lye ffUskeyv-

Land we FtBjr GuiMIU it to r

sT w > i of-


be as 89OOM any bottled in8 bond whiskey on the mark 3

O c71LA

that IB sold for 150 a quart4tf-

T 1-










J ti