nymphetamine mondlicht


Post on 18-Oct-2014



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Nymphetamine Mondlicht, the Gothic

Girl with a strange behaviour.

by Daragott

Nymphetamine Mondlicht is a 22 years old Alternative Model and

Photographer from Germany. She is always looking for new

models – whether female or male who want to have some great

pictures. You can contact her anytime.

Hello Nymphetamine Mondlicht, first, thank you for this great

pleasure you give me to accept this interview for X-centric

Magazine; to start this interview off, please tell me, how would

you describe yourself?

Nymphetamine- Hi X-centic, first thank you for inviting me to

this interview. I feel very honored and I liked to take time to

answer these questions. To my person: "Nymphetamine

Mondlicht" is my artist name. The name "Nymphetamine" comes

from the song of Cradle of Filth.

I love this song. The "Mondlicht" stands for my love to the night.

Especially nights when the moon is shining clearly. I´m an 22

years old girl. In the moment, I live with my boyfriend in Berlin,

Germany. There, I'm a trainee. Personally, I would describe myself as a nice, open-minded, sometimes

complicated, but always good-humored girl. But like everyone I´m not perfect and I have sometimes a

little strange behaviour.

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X-centic- Where did you grow up and what kind of kid were you?

Nymphetamine- I grew up in a little village. Until I was 19 years old, I lived with my parents. After

that I started my education in the great city of Berlin. As a child I was totally different from today. I

would say, as a child I was not really self-confident and did not have my own opinions. Today, it is in

a totally other way: I represent my point, go with self-confidence through my life and make my way.

X-centic- Tell me about your family.

Nymphetamine- I love my family!!! I would do anything for

them, because I know, that they would do the same for me.

My parents are my most beloved and the most important

people in my life. My family – especially my parents – is

supporting me in every situation. Mostly here, in Berlin, it is

really great to know, that there is somebody who loves you

and is proud about you.

X-centic- Who in your family are you closest to and why?

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Nymphetamine- Definitly my mum. She isn´t only my mum, she is also my best friend. I can talk to

her about everything. She always tells me her opinion and stands by my side, doesn´t matter in which

situation. I just love her. After that, there is my daddy. In his eyes, I´m his little princess. But I don´t

feel close to my parents, I also feel close to my lovely boyfriend. I met him on the WGT 2010 in

Leipzig. He is my big love and he stands to me.

He always builds me up when I´m down.

X-centic- You are an Alternative, Gothic and Cyber Model/Photographer. Let’s s talk first about

modeling. How old were you when you start to do modeling?

Nymphetamine-I´ve started my hobby late. It was in March, 2011 – I´ve been 20 years old.

X-centic- How was the reaction of your parents and friends when you decided to do modeling?

Nymphetamine- My parents are always excited when they see pictures of her daughter.

Many of my friends like my style, too. Some of them also think, that it is brave that I do modeling.

X-centic- Was modeling something you always wanted to do, or did it just kinda happen?

Nymphetamine- Which girl doesn´t dream of beautiful and sexy pictures of itself? My boyfriend is an

amateur photograph for years. He is the reason why I started modeling. To say the truth, he needed a

“victim” for some of his ideas.

X-centic- Do you want to do a career into modeling?

Nymphetamine-To be honest, no!!! I love my job more than anything else. Modeling is just a hobby,

a little satisfaction of me. I really like, to realize ideas and to improve creativity.

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X-centic- What is your modeling background?

Nymphetamine- The most important thing for me is to have fun.

Meeting nice people to create projects together. Most importantly

creating great and beautiful pictures.

X-centic- What attracts you in the modeling industry?

Nymphetamine- Actually, I don´t work in the modeling industry,

because I don´t take money for my shootings. I do just work TFP

(Time For Pictures).

X-centic- What motivates you to do your best on a photo shooting?

Nymphetamine- Definitly, my urge for perfectionism, that the work becomes a good picture, which

both, model and photograph, can live with.

X-centic- What kind of campaigns would really you like to do?

Nymphetamine- There are many campaigns, which I would like to do. Pictures on cemeteries, old

ruins and lost places. I love these hard opposites. For example, a lost place, but a nice dress. The

difference between old, rotten and beautiful, young, really attracts.

X-centic- What has been your favorite modeling experience so far?


Until now, all my shootings and photographs were great. Just everyone – photograph or model – has

done an amazing work. The atmosphere fited.

X-centic- You're a photographer too, tell me how did you start doing photography?

Nymphetamine- My second passion, I also owe my boyfriend.

I got a camera to Christmas from him.First, I just shot items. But this became boring very soon. Then,

I started to look for models under my friends, who had the interest to work together with me. This was

in March, 2012. In November 2012, I started with concert-photography.

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X-centic- Was it an idea of yours or did anyone suggest it?

Nymphetamine- As I said, my boyfriend was responsible.

X-centic- What got you interested in it?

Nymphetamine- In the photography I´m most interested in working together with great people, who

also enjoy the hobby. Who are also satisfied in being creative and realizing ideas.

X-centic- What are the common elements of

your photography style? How would you

describe your shooting style as photographer?

Nymphetamine- I photograph persons, who are

also alternative as me, figurently, Gothic, Cyber

or Lolita. But also things like cosplay or fantasy

or horror…

X-centic- Who do you consider to be an

influence on your work as a photographer?

Nymphetamine- Oh, really good question.

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First, I would name my boyfriend, because he has been my mentor until now.

Otherwise, I really like the work of Martin Black or Heilemania.

They just know how to set the models in the right light.

X-centic- What are the most important things you have learnt from your work experience as model?

Nymphetamine- Definitely the charme and the different posings.

X-centic- And for the last question, why not something funny: What's the worst pick up line you've

heard from a guy?

Nymphetamine- Haha… I really do have something in my mind. A guy asked me on the street

whether I would like to earn some cash for pictures, because he thought I´m erotic. In this moment I

was speechless.

Nymphetamine- At the end…I would like to use this moment for thank all. I would like to thank for

the great support of my hobby.

Especially I would like to thank the photographers and the models, I already worked with. It was a

great honor to me. I also would like to thank my “fans” for liking what I do and who I am. You are

just awesome!

Thank you for answering my questions, it was a great to me and to all my readers to know you more!

Nymphetamine Mondlicht wants to thank all the photographers for the work:

de Rais Fotografie (https://www.facebook.com/de.rais.fotografie)

Vanessa Vogl (https://www.facebook.com/vanessasfotography?fref=ts)

Flämingspaziergang (Model Kartei)

Grüne_Fee (Model Kartei)

Photo Illusion (Model Kartei)

Bloody Art (Model Kartei)

Berlin Tribut HN (Model Kartei)

VKuki (Fotocommunity)

You can meet and contact Nymphetamine Mondlicht on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nymphemondlicht

Her slideshow


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