nx cmm inspection teamcenter integration-configuration guide v4.1

NX CMM / Teamcenter Integration Configuration Guide Version 4.1 24 August 2012

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Page 1: NX CMM Inspection Teamcenter Integration-Configuration Guide v4.1

NX CMM / Teamcenter Integration

Configuration Guide

Version 4.1 24 August 2012

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NX CMM Teamcenter Integration Configuration Guide

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TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Proprietary Rights Notice .................................................................................................................................................................. 3

2. Revision History................................................................................................................................................................................ 4

3. Document Purpose ............................................................................................................................................................................ 5

4. Configuration Steps ........................................................................................................................................................................... 6

5. Support Information (GTAC) .......................................................................................................................................................... 18

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NX CMM Teamcenter Integration Configuration Guide

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1. Proprietary Rights Notice

Siemens and the Siemens logo are registered trademarks of Siemens AG.

Teamcenter is a registered trademark of Siemens Product Lifecycle

Management Software Inc.

This software and related documentation are proprietary to Siemens

Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. Copyright 2011 Siemens

Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc.

All Rights Reserved.

All trademarks belong to their respective holders.

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NX CMM Teamcenter Integration Configuration Guide

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2. Revision History

Rev Author Date Comment

1.0 Thomas Gigear 09-Apr-2010 Initial version

2.0 Thomas Gigear 19-Jul-2011 Changes based on feedback and testing

2.1 Mattioda/Gigear 20-Jul-2011 Corrections based on QA Testing of NX CMM 7.5.4 and

Teamcenter 8.3.1 configuration

2.2 Mike Mattioda 29-Jul-2011 Added NX CMM 8.0 and Teamcenter 8.3.1 as tested


3.0 Mike Mattioda 02-Dec-2011 Updated to reflect changes made in NX 7.5.5

3.1 Mike Mattioda 08-May-2012 Updated to reflect changes needed for Teamcenter 9.1. Added

NX CMM 8.0.2 and Teamcenter 9.1 as tested configurations.

4.0 Thomas Gigear 23-Aug-2012 Updated with changes needed for Teamcenter 10.0 and NX8.5

4.1 Thomas Gigear 24-Aug-2012 Updated with additional changes needed for certain NX and

Teamcenter version combinations.

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NX CMM Teamcenter Integration Configuration Guide

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3. Document Purpose The purpose of this document is to outline the steps necessary to setup an existing Teamcenter installation for

use with the NX CMM Inspection application. It is expected that the user have a basic knowledge of

Teamcenter Application Administration, and that the procedures will be performed with administrator or DBA

permissions for Teamcenter and the host operating system.

The steps outlined in this document have been tested to work with the NX CMM and Teamcenter versions listed

in table 3.1.

Table 3.1 Compatibility Matrix:

NX Version Teamcenter Version

7.5.5 8.3.1 & 9.1

8.0.1 8.3.1 & 9.1

8.0.2 8.3.1 & 9.1

8.5 8.3.1, 9.1, & 10.0

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NX CMM Teamcenter Integration Configuration Guide

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4. Configuration Steps The configuration steps vary depending on the versions of Teamcenter and NX being integrated. There are

components and objects that have been added to newer versions of Teamcenter and NX that require less manual

configuration than previous versions. Please note which steps must be performed or skipped for the versions of

Teamcenter and NX that you are integrating.

Step Action Result

1 If integrating with Teamcenter 10.0 or later, skip this

step and go to step 2:

If integrating with a Teamcenter version prior to version

10.0 Install CMM Inspection BMIDE package version 3

in TC server.

A. Unzip “CMM Inspection TC extension

installation_v3.zip” file in a location where the

TC server can see it.

B. Follow the directions in

“Install_custom_template_package.pdf” to install

the package using the TEM.

Teamcenter 10.0 and later already contain

the type Mfg0CMMInspect and the dataset


For Teamcenter versions prior to TC10.0 this


Creates the “Mfg2CMMInspection”

part type with

Mg2CMMInspectionMaster and


Adds reference and actions for DMIS

(*.dmi) files.


2 If the classification tree has not already been populated

with the sample data that includes the structure

Classification Root -> Resource Management ->

Machines and Devices -> Machine Tools, Populate

Resource Manager with library data from TC


A. Find the Teamcenter installation data.

B. cd to the advanced_installations directory

C. Unzip the advanced_installations.zip file

D. cd to



E. Click on setup.exe

F. Select Next.

G. When asked to select the type of installation you

want, choose „Manufacturing Resources –

Database Population‟ and select Next.

H. Use the default directory for tcRoot and select


I. Browse to the tcData directory and select Next.

Creates classification tree and

populates with sample data

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J. Use the default user, password, and group

(infodba, infodba, dba) and select Next.

K. In the Content Selection page use the default (all

items selected), and select Next.

L. In the Class Hierarchy page use the default (all

items selected), and select Next.

M. In the Sample Data page use the default (all

items selected), and select Next.

N. In the Graphics Builder page use the default (all

items selected), and select Next.

O. In the Set Item Type page use the default (all

items selected), and select Next.

P. In the second Set Item Type page use the default

(all items selected), and select Next

Q. Select a language and select Next.

R. Leave „Overwrite Existing Data‟ unchecked and

select Next.

S. Confirm: Select Next.

T. When done you will be asked if you would like

to return to the main menu to select another setup

type. Click No.

U. Click Finish


Create CMM Machine classification in TC server.

A. Start Teamcenter

B. Start Classification Admin App

C. RMB on Classification Root -> Resource

Management -> Machines and Devices ->

Machine Tools and select Add Class to create the

CMM Machines class

D. Enter the Class ID as MDM0501

E. Set name to CMM Machines

F. Uncheck “Abstract Class” option {listed as

Abstract under the Class Options on TC 9.1}

G. Save the new CMM Machines class

H. RMB on the CMM Machines class, and select

Add View to add a default view for this class,

and enter the name as Default View

I. Save the Default View

J. Edit the Default View for CMM Machines

K. Select each of the 5 default attributes to include

in the default view

L. Save the Default View

Creates classification that will be

used for CMM Machines.

4 If necessary modify the perl script to import templates

from NX8.5 to a Teamcenter version prior to TC10.0.

Make sure import works correctly

when using a newer NX version witb

an older Teamcenter version.

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If you are integrating NX8.5 or newer with Teamcenter

10.0 or newer skip this step and go to step 5.

If you are integrating a version of NX prior to NX8.5

with a Teamcenter version prior to Teamcenter 10.0 skip

this step and go to step 5.

If you are integrating NX8.5 or newer with a version of

Teamcenter prior to Teamcenter 10.0 then modify the

import perl script as follows:

A. Go to UGII_BASE_DIR\ugii\templates\sample

B. Copy the „spinoff_inspection_clone_wnt.pl‟ file

and rename the copy to indicate that this is the

original file so that you can revert back to it if


C. RMB on the „spinoff_inspection_clone_wnt.pl‟

file and select properties. Unselect the „Read

Only‟ property.

D. Open the „spinoff_inspection_clone_wnt.pl‟ file

for editing using notepad or a similar program.

E. Replace four instances of „Mfg0CMMInspect‟

with „Mfg2CMMInspect‟ (There are four real

instances and one history line that doesn‟t need

to be modified.)

F. Save the modified file and restore the „Read

Only‟ setting.

5 Import CMM Inspection Templates

A. Open a Teamcenter DOS Prompt

B. Set UGII_TMP_DIR to a temporary directory.

C. If the path of the UGII_BASE_DIR does not

contain any spaces, set UGII_CMM_DIR to be

the same as “UGII_BASE_DIR” and go To Step

J – otherwise continue with Step D.

D. Set UGII_CMM_DIR to a temporary directory

that has no spaces in the path.

E. In that temporary directory, create a folder


F. Inside cmm_inspection create a folder „resource‟

G. Go to


H. Copy the folder template_part and all of its

contents to


I. Copy the folder library and all of its contents to


J. In the Teamcenter DOS prompt from Step A, go

to „UGII_BASE_DIR\ugii\templates\sample‟

Used to create CMM Inspection setup

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K. Run tcin_inspection_template_setup –

u=infodba –p=infodba L. Keep the Teamcenter DOS prompt open, and

continue to Step 6

If you want to add template files to Tc later using the

same scripts again, you can control whether the existing

items should:

- Get a new item revision for existing items (add

the parameter “-a=new_revision” to the

command line)

- Override existing items add the parameter “-

a=overwrite” to the command line)

- Do not touch existing items add the parameter “-

a= use_existing” to the command line)

The default action for the template import scripts is


6 Import CMM Machines, Devices, & Tools

A. In the Teamcenter DOS prompt from Step 5 run

inspection_cmm_import_setup –u=infodba –

p=infodba B. Run inspection_device_import_setup –

u=infodba –p=infodba C. Run inspection_probe_import_setup –

u=infodba –p=infodba

If you want to add Machine, Device, or Probe files to Tc

later using the same scripts again, you can control

whether the existing items should:

- Get a new item revision for existing items (add

the parameter “-a=new_revision” to the

command line)

- Override existing items add the parameter “-

a=overwrite” to the command line)

- Do not touch existing items add the parameter “-

a= use_existing” to the command line)

The default action for the CMM, Device, and Probe

import scripts is “use_existing”.

Make Machines, Devices, & Tools

accessible from Teamcenter

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7 Classify CMM Machines

A. Start Teamcenter

B. Start „My Teamcenter‟

C. Select „Home‟

D. Expand the „CMM Inspection Machines‟ folder

E. Select the top level item of the first CMM

Machine „Zeiss_Prismo‟

F. RMB -> Send to -> Classification

G. Select the Classification Root -> Resource

Management -> Machines and Devices ->

Machine Tools -> CMM Machine classification

(a /View /Refresh may be required to see this


H. Set the „PP config filename‟ attribute to

<machine_name>.dat (for example for the

„Zeiss_Prismo‟ machine set PP config filename

to „Zeiss_Prismo.dat‟)

I. Save the machine classification.

J. Repeat steps E through I for the top level item of

the other CMM Machines listed in the „CMM

Inspection Machine‟s folder

a. Zeiss_DuraMax

b. Zeiss_Contura

c. sheffield_rl_50

d. mitutoyo_fn905

e. hermle_dual_rotary

f. dea_swift

g. brown_sharpe_rotary

h. brown_sharpe

Set the classification of the imported

CMM Machine top level files to

„CMM Machines‟. This will allow

them to be found using the

classification search function in

Teamcenter or the Machine Library

Class Selection dialog in NX

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8 Classify Devices

A. Start Teamcenter

B. Start My Teamcenter

C. Select Home

D. Expand the „CMM Inspection Devices‟ folder

E. Select the top level file of the first device


F. RMB -> Send To -> Classification

G. Select the Classification Root -> Resource

Management -> Machines and Devices ->

Devices -> Head classification

H. Set the Holder attribute to „HEAD‟

I. Save the Device classification

J. Repeat steps E through I for the top level item of

each of the other Devices in the „CMM

Inspection Device‟ folder.

a. Renishaw_REVO

b. Renishaw_PH10M

Set the classification of the imported

Devices top level files to „Head‟.

This will allow them to be found

using the classification search

function in Teamcenter or the Device

Library Class Selection dialog in NX

9 Classify Probes

A. Start Teamcenter

B. Start My Teamcenter

C. Select Home

D. Expand the „CMM Inspection Tools‟ folder

E. Select the top level file of the first probe tool


F. RMB -> Send To -> Classification

G. Select the Classification Root -> Resource

Management -> Tools -> Assemblies -> Probing

-> Probe classification

H. Save the Tool classification

I. Repeat steps E through H for the top level item

of each of the other Probe Tools in the „CMM

Inspection Tool‟ folder.

a. TP20_STD_A-5003-0040-01-A

b. TP200_SF_M-5000-3647-01-H

c. TP200_SF_20X_A-5003-0034-01-A

d. sp600m

e. SP25_STAR_5_TIP

f. SP25_SH2_A-5003-0063-01-A

g. SP25_SH1_A-5000-3554-01-G

h. SP25_100x_2mm

i. RSH250_A-5000-3604-01-H_3MM

Set the classification of the imported

probe tool top level files to „Probe‟.

This will allow them to be found

using the classification search

function in Teamcenter or the Tool

Library Class Selection dialog in NX

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10 Set the UGII_INSPECTION_CONFIG environment


A. Open the batch file, that will be run when

starting NX in managed mode, for editing.

a. If starting from the rich client open



b. In some cases this will be found in



c. If a batch file is run to start NX in

managed mode, then open that batch file

for editing

B. Add the line „set




Set up NX to use the


file while running in managed mode.

11 Set the


DE environment variable if necessary.

If NX8.5 or newer is being integrated with Teamcenter

10.0 or newer, skip this step and go to step 12.

If an NX version prior to NX8.5 is being integrated with

a Teamcenter version prior to Teamcenter 10.0, skip this

step and go to step 12.

If NX8.5 or newer is being integrated with a Teamcenter

version prior to 10.0 then perform the following steps to

override the setup type name:

A. Open the batch file, that will be run when

starting NX in managed mode, for editing.

B. Add the line „set



Make sure that NX and Teamcenter

are using the same type for the NX

CMM Inspection Setup objects.

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12 Set the


VERRIDE if necessary.

This override is only possible in NX8.5 or newer.

If the standard classification structure was setup using

step 2 of this guide then skip this step and go to step 13.

If a non-standard classification structure, other than the

one populated by step 2, is used, then override the probe

class structure as follows:

A. Open the batch file, that will be run when

starting NX in managed mode, for editing.

B. Add the line „set


ASS_OVERRIDE=‟<The custom probe


a. The custom probe structure string is

created from the storage classes of the

structure elements separated by „;‟ The

default probe structure string is



If it is desired that the tool class selection dialog is

displayed so that any tool type can be selected from the

structure then the environment variable should be set as


A. Open the batch file, that will be run when

starting NX in managed mode, for editing.

B. Add the line „set




Allow probe tools to be found using

the Teamcenter classification search

function or the NX Tool Library

Class Selection dialog.

If desired allow the Tool Library

Class Selection dialog to show the

entire tool class structure.

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13 Modify the templates pax file if there is a CMM

Inspection setup type mismatch.

If NX8.5 or newer is being integrated with Teamcenter

10.0 or newer, skip this step and go to step 14.

If an NX version prior to NX8.5 is being integrated with

a Teamcenter version prior to Teamcenter 10.0, skip this

step and go to step 14.

If NX8.5 or newer is being integrated with a Teamcenter

version prior to Teamcenter 10.0 then modify the

templates pax file as follows:

A. Go to the %UGII_BASE_DIR%\ugii\templates


B. Copy the „nxdm_ugs_inspection_templates.pax‟

file and rename the copy to indicate that this is

the original file so that you can revert back to it

if desired.

C. RMB on the

„nxdm_ugs_inspection_templates.pax‟ file and

select properties. Unselect the „Read Only‟


D. Open the „nxdm_ugs_inspection_templates.pax‟

file for editing using notepad or a similar


E. Replace four instances of „Mfg0CMMInspect‟

with „Mfg2CMMInspect‟

F. Save the modified file and restore the „Read

Only‟ setting.

Eliminate any mismatch between the

setup type name in Teamcenter and


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14 Set the


environment variable if necessary.

If NX8.5 or newer is being integrated with Teamcenter

10.0 or later, skip this step. The configuration is


If an NX version prior to NX8.5 is being integrated with

a Teamcenter version prior to 10.0 then skip this step.

The configuration is complete.

If NX8.5 or newer is being integrated with a Teamcenter

version prior to 10.0 then set the environment variable

as follows:

A. Open the batch file, that will be run when

starting NX in managed mode, for editing.

B. Add the line „set



Make sure that the correct method of

storing the DMIS file in Teamcenter

is used.

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5. Support Information (GTAC)

Global Technical Access Center (GTAC)

To report any serious problems please contact the Global Technical Access Center:




United States and Canada: 800-955-0000 or 714-952-5444

Outside the United States and Canada: Contact your local support office