nwd sandbag pamphlet

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  • 7/27/2019 NWD Sandbag Pamphlet


    Portland DistrictP.O. Box 2946Portland, OR 97208-2946(503) 808-4400

    Seattle DistrictP.O. Box 3755Seat tle, WA 98 124-3755(206) 764-3406

    Kansas City District700 Federal Building, 601 East 12th StreetKansas City, MO 64 106-2896(816) 389-3282

    Omaha District2 15 North 17th StreetOmaha, NE 68102-49978(402) 221-4259

    Walla Walla District201 North 3rd Street

    Walla Walla, WA 99362-1876(509) 527-7144

    U S Army Corpsof Engineers

    Northwestern Division


    Printed on recycled paper 2 004 .

    The use of sandbags is a centuries old, triedand true method for flood fighting.

    See procedures and safety tips inside onefficient bagging operations.

  • 7/27/2019 NWD Sandbag Pamphlet



    a steadfast tool for flood fightingandbagging is one of th e most versatile

    of flood fighting tools and is a simple,effective way to prevent or reduce flood

    water damage.Although sandbags do no t guarantee a

    watertight seal, they are a proven deterrent tocostly water damage.

    Sandbags have been used to:

    prevent overtopping of levees.direct a river's current flow to specific areas.construct ring dikes around boils on leveeback slopes, levee toes or behind levees.use as weight on back slopes of saturatedlevees.weigh down visquine and straw bales.build buttresses on back slopes and the toes

    of saturated levees.reduce seepage a t closure structures.

    Read this brochure to learn proper filling andplacement methods aimed a t increasingproductivity of sandbagging operations. Includedare hints, safety tips an d correct procedureswhich will minimize work-related injuries an dstrain and will maximize essential time.


    Sandbag construction is a centuries oldtechnique that has changed little. Bags are madefrom different materials including treated burlapand plastic. They measure approximately 14inches wide and 2 4 inches long.

    Sandbags filled one-half to two-thirds fullshould generally be left untied. Tied bags, filledslightly fuller, have specific purposes: filling holes,holding visquine or straw bales in place, orforming barriers backed by supportive planks oraluminum sheet piles.

    If access to th e flood site is limited to boat,tractor or helicopter, then pallets and forklifts

    may be needed to load an d off-load sandbags.

    Unused empty bags can be stockpiled for emer-gency and will be serviceable for years if keptdry and properly stored.


    Sand is by far the easiest material for fillingand shaping sandbags and becomes heavierwhen saturated from rain or moisture.

    In emergencies, other materials such as silt,clay, gravel or a mixture of these may be used,but none work as well as sand.

    When vehicle access is cut off to the flood site,and you have no other choice, use the back sideof the levee or an adjacent field to find whatevermaterial is available to fill sandbags.

    Here are pros and cons on use of o thermaterials:

    Silty soils ge t soft when wet and are moredifficult to shape, and finer particles leakthrough the weave in the material.

    Clay materials are difficult to shape and tobag.Coarse-grained gravels ar e pervious andare also difficult to shape but can be usedfor redirecting the main stream flow whileallowing seepage through bags.


    Other methods and remedies for flood fightingare as follows:

    Readily available, straw bales are a neconomical alternative. They range in sizefrom 18 inches high by 30 inches long to 4by 4 by 8 foot long blocks. Secure the balesby driving 4 to 10 foot stakes (or rebar)

    through th e straw into the levee top, andweight down with filled sandbags. Waterswells the st raw, making the bales heavierand w atertight.Concrete Jersey Barriers or Ecology Blockscan be used to divert water and can be costeffective solutions.Plastic sheeting can be used effectively byplacing sand along a fold.

  • 7/27/2019 NWD Sandbag Pamphlet



    Downed trees onlevee slope

    1. Gopher holesSeepage throughpervious levee material

    Saturated leveeembankments

    Seepage followingtree root paths

    Flood Level Downed treeI " epage - pner n


    Filling sandbags is normally aperson operation. One memberwhile crouching with feet apartand arms extended, should placethe bottom of the empty bag onth e ground.

    The opening of th e bag isfolded outward about 1- 112inches to form a collar and heldopen to allow the second teammember to empty a fullyrounded No. 2 shovel of materialinto th e open end of the bag.

    Don't hurry. Haste can resultin undue spillage and addedwork. The third team memberstockpiles or stacks th e opensacks. The three team members

    EDURES should rotate duties often to reduce job-specific

    two or threeof the team,

    muscle fatigue

    Untied bags should be filled approximatelyone-half to two-thirds full. Tiedbags can be filled slightly more,bu t with enough room left a tth e top to tie th e bag offproperly.

    Always use gloves to protectyour hands during th e filling

    operation. After handlingtreated bags, avoid contact withyour eyes and mouth.

    Dress appropriately and layerclothing. Safety goggles shouldbe used on dry and windy days.Sandbag filling operations aredone either near the actual

    This two-member team uses correct placement site or a t centrallypositions for sandbag filling. located filling sites such as fire

  • 7/27/2019 NWD Sandbag Pamphlet


    stations, diking districts or sand pits.If the bags are filled at a distant location,

    vehicle transportation and access to the floodsite are primary planning considerations.

    For large scale operations, a variety ofspecialized filling equipment - such as funnels onthe back of dump trucks - is commercially available.

    Such equipment is not always available duringan emergency and may be best suited for astaging area where bags can be filled and thendelivered to the site.


    Remove any debris from the areas where bagsare to be placed. Place the bags lengthwise andparallel to the direction of flow. Fill the lowspots first before placing bags the full lengthof the area to be raised.

    Start a t approximately 1 foot landward fromthe river or levee's edge. Fold the open end ofthe bag under the filled portion. Folded end ofbag should face upstream. Place succeeding

    Veteran flood engineer Ernie Sabo demonstrates thatthe sandbag should be two-thirds full, folded at the top.

    bags with thebottom of thebag tightly andpartiallyoverlapping theprevious bag.

    Offset adjacentrows or layers byone-half baglength to avoidcontinuousjoints.

    To eliminate

    voids and form atight seal,c o m~ a c t nd

    1 1 a t . c c a u l ~ U L L C C U I ~ I ~ as L I ~ I ~ L I Yeach bag against and parially overlapping the

    walking on it and previous one. Compact and shape eachcontinue the bag by walking on it.process as each layer is placed.

    This flattens the top of the bag and prevents

    slippage between succeeding layers.


    Sandbagsstacked in a single

    row work well inflood areas wherethere is nostreamflowvelocity or dangerfrom floatingdebris, such aslogs and tree

    stumDs, or fromawave action which Single stack placement

    could topple the bags.Although generally not recommended to be above

    three courses or layers in height (approximately 1foot), higher single stack placement can be effectivelyused as a barricade to protect structures fromimpending water damage as shown in the photo.

  • 7/27/2019 NWD Sandbag Pamphlet


    PYRAMID PLACEMENT METHODUse pyramid placement to increase the height of

    sandbag protection; however, use caution whenrasing the levee height. Determine the height ofthe sandbag raise by using the best available

    forecasts of flood conditions.An example: When the water level is currently 1

    foot below the top of the levee and is predicted torise 3 more f ee t, construct a 2-112 foot sandbagoperation which includes one-half foot of height

    as a safety factor.It's important to compact each bag in place by

    walking on it, butting the ends of the sacks toether,maintaining a staggered joint placement and

    folding under all loose ends.Watch for flooding elsewhere, and watch for

    boils on the landward side of the levee due to theincreased water elevation.

    Bags Required Per 100Linear Feet of Levee

    Height of

    1 foot 600"

    2 feet 2100

    3 feet 45004 feet 7800


    Single width course1 foot highrequires 300 bags per100 linear feet.

    II Oft1 ft

    MinimumWidth of Sandbag Pyramid Base

    l n e pyramid placement method issued to increase Place the sandbags by laying an equal numberthe height of sandbag protection. of horizontal rows on the bottom as there ar e

    Use this rule of thumb in determining dimensions vertical layers.of the pyramid: It's important t o compact each ba g in place by

    1 bag in length equals about 1 foot walking on it, butting th e ends of th e sacks together,3 bags in width equals about 2-112 feet. maintaining a staggered joint placement an d3 bags in height equals about 1 foot. folding under loose ends.

  • 7/27/2019 NWD Sandbag Pamphlet


    Minimum 2 ft. radius fromcenter of boil to ed ge ofring dike.

    Tie in to levee if boil is nearto e of levee

    Build half-moon shaped ringdike if boil is on levee slope.


    A sand boil is created by water seepagethrough th e levee foundation or embankment.When that seepage transports dirty water, thelevee's integrity is threatened.

    It's generally not necessary to build a ring dikearound a boil that is not transporting soils but

    monitor the boil for any change in condition.Don't at tem pt to place sandbags directly onth e boil. Pressure applied to plug t he boil willcause water seeping through the levee to seekother avenues to follow and could cause leveefailure.

    As a minimum, there should be a 2 to 3 footradius from the center of t he boil to t he inside

    edge of th e ring dike. Take care to contain theentire a rea experiencing boils within the ringdike.

    Build a spillway section in th e dike so waterruns out in a controlled manner. This diverts th eoverflow water away from the dike and reduceserosion on the levee slope. Once the spillwaywater runs clear, and is not transporting soils,then t he ring dike is completed.

    Corps employees demonstrate building a ring dike.


  • 7/27/2019 NWD Sandbag Pamphlet


    U .S . A R M Y C O R P S O F E NG I N EE R S

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is the nation's improving river navigation. In the following decadeoldest engineering organization and on e of its th e involvement in civil works mushroomed,oldest military branches. It dates back to th e including new roads, railroads and bridges, andRevolutionary War when, in 1775, George assistance to local communities during floodWashington appointed Col. Richard Gridley as Chief disasters.Engineer of th e Continental Army. Annually Congress sets aside funds for disastei

    The Corps' water resource program began in response flood work. This gives the Corps the abiliq1824 when Congress appropriated money for

    Tip#l: Use proper lifting techniques to avoidinjury and fa tigue. Lift with your legs andbend a t the knees to save your back.

    Tip #2: Sandbags are trea ted to preventdeterioration when stored. Use work glovesand avoid contact with your eyes and mouth.

    Tip #3 : Stay in eye contact with heavy equipment

    operators and keep alert for truck backupalarms.

    Tip#4: Flood waters can be polluted. Use rubbergloves and appropriate clothing if contact withwater is unavoidable.

    Tip#5: Wear adequate clothing in layers and

    watertight boots. Reflective material on outerclothing is essential for night work.

    Tip#6: Rotate team members frequently toavoid fatigue.

    Starting at the top , going clockwise:Watch for trucks and other heavy equipment

    frequently at flood sites; boots , clothing and otheritems are necessary for flood fighting; and heavy

    gloves are protection from treated burlap bags.

  • 7/27/2019 NWD Sandbag Pamphlet


    This classic shot shows conditions frequently are not even close to perfect. In th e early '50s, flood fighters moved fast andfurious to contain the swollen Snohomish River a t Ebey island - a major flood event.

    THE CORPS (continued from page 7)to provide preparation, response and recoverymeasures concerned with flood fighting.

    Public Law 84-99 today authorizes th e Corpsto engage in flood fighting and rescue operationsif th e emergency is beyond local and statecapabilities. The Corps is there to perform a basic

    mandate as set down by the Corps' forefathers.During a flood the corps has the authority to:

    inspect and, if necessary, strengthen floodcontrol structures,make temporary levee raises,provide supplies and 24-hour technical assis-tance, andassist in the evacuation of people andlivestock.

    The Army Corps of Engineers conducts floodfight training every year which includessandbagging techniques. The Corps' districtsmaintain a limited supply of sandbags and otherflood fighting materials intended to augmentthe stocks of state and local jurisdictions during

    actual flood emergency situations.Local jurisdictions should first use their supplies

    and then request additional sandbags from thestate.

    If the s tate supplies become depleted, thenthe Corps supplies are available for use whenrequested by state or local officials.