nw 05-15-2013 1

T HE N ORTHWEST C URRENT Wednesday, May 15, 2013 Serving Communities in Northwest Washington Since 1967 Vol. XLVI, No. 20 INDEX Calendar/20 Classifieds/29 District Digest/4 Exhibits/23 In Your Neighborhood/18 Opinion/8 Police Report/6 Real Estate/15 School Dispatches/13 Service Directory/26 Sports/11 Week Ahead/5 Tips? Contact us at [email protected] By BRADY HOLT Current Staff Writer Foxhall’s Town Square Market has lost its permission to sell alcohol after the D.C. Alcoholic Beverage Control Board ruled that the store’s owner is unfit to hold a liquor license. Last Wednesday’s order denying the market’s renew- al application reverses the board’s November decision on Town Square. In 2011, the store was identified by Montgomery County Police as an alleged hot spot for teenagers across the region to buy alcohol because of lax ID procedures, and owner Richard Kim was convicted last May of one count of personally selling to a 17-year-old. The alcohol board’s previous decision concluded that Kim had shored up his procedures following the viola- tion, and that Town Square, located at 4418 MacArthur Blvd., was not harming the community. But the Palisades/ Foxhall advisory neighborhood commission filed a motion for reconsideration, arguing that the board hadn’t appropriately weighed the applicant’s “character.” In its May 8 reversal, the alcohol board accepted the neighbor- See License/Page 2 ABC Board rescinds Town Square license Bill Petros/Current File Photo The store at 4418 MacArthur Blvd. was described as a hot spot for underage alcohol buyers. By ELIZABETH WIENER Current Staff Writer A still-unsettled dispute about taxing the income from out-of-state municipal bonds is heating up again, this time with proponents arguing that some of the District’s wealthiest residents reap the biggest benefit from untaxed bond income. Out-of-state bonds are “DC’s Millionaire Tax Shelter,” according to a new report from the DC Fiscal Policy Institute, a think tank that advocates for programs and tax pol- icies benefiting the poor. Director Ed Lazere, who is lobbying the D.C. Council to reopen the debate, said his figures show that 81 wealthy households earned the lion’s share of the tax-exempt bond income — an average of $2 million each in 2010. But oppo- nents, who have successfully fought off implementation of the tax for two years now, say those figures are skewed. While a few families get outsize benefits, they say, the vast majority of beneficiaries are less See Bonds/Page 30 Gray plan to repeal bond tax reignites past budget battles By ALIX PIANIN Current Staff Writer Swimmers at Wilson Aquatic Center will once again be able to bring water bottles onto the pool deck, after some confusion follow- ing a D.C. Department of Health inspection this month. Swimmers had been told that they couldn’t bring bags or water bottles with them in the pool deck area. But a Health Department rep- resentative said this week that the agency would permit the use of water bottles in that area and is reviewing several other regulations it enforces. The Health Department’s response came after complaints from frequent users of the Tenleytown aquatic center, who said that as athletic swimmers they expect to keep their own water bot- tles nearby — and don’t want to leave their personal effects in the pool’s locker room due to security concerns. District health laws say that all swimming pool areas must legibly post a sign that says “no food, drink, glass or animals in the pool area” are allowed. Health Department spokes- person Najma Roberts wrote in an See Wilson/Page 2 Pool rule on water bottles reversed Bill Petros/The Current Deal Middle School’s drama department presented three performances last week of the musical “Honk! Jr.,” a story based on Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Ugly Duckling.” DEAL DRAMA By BRADY HOLT Current Staff Writer Pepco is searching for an alternative location for its Friendship Heights substation, responding to commu- nity pressure to free up its prime real estate in the 5200 block of Wisconsin Avenue, according to company officials. The substation has been at 5210 Wisconsin since the 1930s, converting electricity from high-voltage trans- mission lines into smaller “feeders” that run along neighborhood streets. Some residents were already unhappy about the low- scale industrial use at the site, and became more upset when Pepco bought an adjacent parcel — the Classic Motors dealership — next door in 2011, with plans to expand the substation onto that property. These resi- dents said they would favor vibrant mixed-use develop- ment that would improve the block’s appearance and See Pepco/Page 30 Pepco may move Friendship substation Wilson: Swimmers rallied against ‘ridiculous’ city policy Bill Petros/The Current Neighbors say an industrial substation is a poor use of prime Wisconsin Avenue space. Pepco purchased the adjacent parcel in 2011 for expansion. Gonzaga wins fourth-straight WCAC lax crown — Page 11 Berkshire residents fight plans to close convenience store — Page 3 NEWS SPORTS Evans bill would authorize tax relief for Blues Alley — Page 5 NEWS SCHOOLS: Council panel recommends budget changes. Page 3

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Page 1: NW 05-15-2013 1

The NorThwesT CurreNTWednesday, May 15, 2013 Serving Communities in Northwest Washington Since 1967 Vol. XLVI, No. 20

INDEXCalendar/20Classifieds/29 District Digest/4Exhibits/23In Your Neighborhood/18Opinion/8

Police Report/6Real Estate/15School Dispatches/13Service Directory/26Sports/11Week Ahead/5

Tips? Contact us at [email protected]

By BRADY HOLTCurrent Staff Writer

Foxhall’s Town Square Market has lost its permission to sell alcohol after the D.C. Alcoholic Beverage Control Board ruled that the store’s owner is unfit to hold a liquor license. Last Wednesday’s order denying the market’s renew-al application reverses the board’s November decision on Town Square. In 2011, the store was identified by Montgomery County Police as an alleged hot spot for teenagers across the region to buy alcohol because of lax ID procedures, and owner Richard Kim was convicted last May of one count of personally selling to a 17-year-old. The alcohol board’s previous decision concluded that Kim had shored up his procedures following the viola-

tion, and that Town Square, located at 4418 MacArthur Blvd., was not harming the community. But the Palisades/Foxhall advisory neighborhood commission filed a motion for reconsideration, arguing that the board hadn’t appropriately weighed the applicant’s “character.” In its May 8 reversal, the alcohol board accepted the neighbor-

See License/Page 2

ABC Board rescinds Town Square license

Bill Petros/Current File PhotoThe store at 4418 MacArthur Blvd. was described as a hot spot for underage alcohol buyers.

By ELIZABETH WIENERCurrent Staff Writer

A still-unsettled dispute about taxing the income from out-of-state municipal bonds is heating up again, this time with proponents arguing that some of the District’s wealthiest residents reap the biggest benefit from untaxed bond income. Out-of-state bonds are “DC’s Millionaire Tax Shelter,” according to a new report from the DC Fiscal Policy Institute, a think tank that advocates for programs and tax pol-icies benefiting the poor. Director Ed Lazere, who is lobbying the D.C.

Council to reopen the debate, said his figures show that 81 wealthy households earned the lion’s share of the tax-exempt bond income — an average of $2 million each in 2010. But oppo-nents, who have s u c c e s s f u l l y fought off implementation of the tax for two years now, say those figures are skewed. While a few families get outsize benefits, they say, the vast majority of beneficiaries are less

See Bonds/Page 30

Gray plan to repeal bond tax reignites past budget battles

By ALIX PIANINCurrent Staff Writer

Swimmers at Wilson Aquatic Center will once again be able to bring water bottles onto the pool deck, after some confusion follow-ing a D.C. Department of Health inspection this month.

Swimmers had been told that they couldn’t bring bags or water bottles with them in the pool deck area. But a Health Department rep-resentative said this week that the agency would permit the use of water bottles in that area and is reviewing several other regulations it enforces.

The Health Department’s response came after complaints from frequent users of the Tenleytown aquatic center, who said

that as athletic swimmers they expect to keep their own water bot-tles nearby — and don’t want to leave their personal effects in the pool’s locker room due to security concerns.

District health laws say that all swimming pool areas must legibly post a sign that says “no food, drink, glass or animals in the pool area” are allowed. Health Department spokes-person Najma Roberts wrote in an

See Wilson/Page 2

Pool rule on water bottles reversed

Bill Petros/The CurrentDeal Middle School’s drama department presented three performances last week of the musical “Honk! Jr.,” a story based on Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Ugly Duckling.”


By BRADY HOLTCurrent Staff Writer

Pepco is searching for an alternative location for its Friendship Heights substation, responding to commu-nity pressure to free up its prime real estate in the 5200 block of Wisconsin Avenue, according to company officials. The substation has been at 5210 Wisconsin since the 1930s, converting electricity from high-voltage trans-mission lines into smaller “feeders” that run along neighborhood streets. Some residents were already unhappy about the low-scale industrial use at the site, and became more upset when Pepco bought an adjacent parcel — the Classic Motors dealership — next door in 2011, with plans to expand the substation onto that property. These resi-dents said they would favor vibrant mixed-use develop-ment that would improve the block’s appearance and

See Pepco/Page 30

Pepco may move Friendship substation

■ Wilson: Swimmers rallied against ‘ridiculous’ city policy

Bill Petros/The CurrentNeighbors say an industrial substation is a poor use of prime Wisconsin Avenue space. Pepco purchased the adjacent parcel in 2011 for expansion.

Gonzaga wins fourth-straight WCAC lax crown

— Page 11

Berkshire residents fight plans to close convenience store

— Page 3


Evans bill would authorize tax relief for Blues Alley

— Page 5


■ SCHOOLS: Council panel recommends budget changes. Page 3

Page 2: NW 05-15-2013 1

2 wedNesday, May 15, 2013 The CurreNT

hood commission’s argument. “Because Applicant was convict-ed of a misdemeanor, directly relat-ed to the sale of alcohol, i.e., sale of alcohol to a minor, that conviction has direct bearing on Applicant’s fit-ness for licensure to sell alcohol,” the board order reads. The decision was split 3-2; board members Nick Alberti and Herman Jones supported renewing Town Square’s license. Alberti wrote that it was “per-plexing” that his colleagues diverted from normal practice in Town Square’s case. Establishments found selling to underage customers have “routinely” had their licenses renewed, Alberti wrote. The only difference with Town Square was that police officers, rather than alco-hol inspectors, witnessed the viola-tions — subjecting Kim to criminal rather than administrative penalties. “Based on these past decisions, it’s clear that the majority of the Board does not view an administra-tive sale to minor violation as indica-tive of a lack of good moral charac-ter and fitness for licensure,” he wrote. Jones did not elaborate on his position. The alcohol board’s order focus-es entirely on Kim’s single convic-tion, and does not mention the testi-mony of Montgomery County Police at last year’s hearing — when officers referred to Town Square as attracting a “feeding frenzy” of underage drinkers. Town Square was required to stop selling alcohol immediately upon the issuance of the order, according to Bill Hager, spokesper-son for the Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration. The establishment has 10 days to request reconsideration but hadn’t done so as of yesterday evening, Hager said. Stu Ross, the Palisades neighbor-hood commissioner who led the fight against the renewal, said it wasn’t his commission’s goal to end alcohol sales at 4418 MacArthur. “I hope for people who want to go down and buy some beer and some wine it’s not necessarily closed, if new management comes in and cleans up its practices,” Ross said. “We’re not against having a store there — we just want to be sure it complies with the law.”

LICENSEFrom Page 1

email to The Current, though, that she believes the Wilson management may have misunder-stood the regulations.

The regulations simply decreed that swim-mers not bring water bottles on the deck right near the pool, Roberts said — but there was no broader prohibition for the whole pool area.

Before the clarification, swimmers found their routines thrown off by strict enforcement.

Lisa Berger, an athletic swimmer who lives within three blocks of the Wilson Aquatic

Center and works out in the pool at least three or four times a week, said she was surprised last month when a lifeguard told her that she wouldn’t be allowed to bring her water bottle or pool bag with her on the deck.

Berger said she has swum in pools all over the world — and in 25 years of travel, has never heard of a policy forbidding swimmers from bringing water bottles with them on their workouts.

After that, Berger said, signs were put up around the pool detailing the water bottle and gym bag policies, and lifeguards had been

vigorously enforcing the regulation in the past few weeks. As of Tuesday night, a change.org petition to reverse the ban on water botttles at city pools had drawn 301 supporters.

“This is a ridiculous policy. They’re going to feel very foolish in two months’ time when they reverse themselves on that,” Berger said.

But the reversals didn’t take even that long. Representatives from both the Health Department and the Parks and Recreation Department told The Current this week that they would be undoing the ban on water bot-tles at District pools and aquatic centers, and

would be reviewing other policies — such as the issue of bags — in the near future.

The Health Department’s Roberts said her agency’s inspector had found water bottles right alongside the pool — which will continue to be against regulations. But swimmers are permitted to have bottles by the lounge areas.

“We certainly understand the importance of swimmers and pool loungers staying hydrated throughout the day and encourage patrons to do so,” Roberts wrote in an email. “Our ulti-mate goal is the health and safety of all District residents.”

WILSON: District backs off newly enforced strict water bottle policy at aquatic centerFrom Page 1

n g d f

Page 3: NW 05-15-2013 1

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The CurrenT Wednesday, May 15, 2013 3

By DEIRDRE BANNONCurrent Staff Writer

Proposed revisions to the D.C. Public Schools budget and other education spending would soften funding cuts to particular schools with sharp enrollment declines, accelerate some school moderniza-tions, increase spending on school libraries and summer school, and re-establish an ombudsman’s office.

The D.C. Council’s Education Committee voted unanimously last week to support the school system’s $819 million budget for fiscal year 2014, incorporating those amend-ments.

To fund the committee’s various initiatives, members identified $4.5 million in savings in non-instruc-tional spending related to school consolidations and lower enroll-ment projections, as well as $357,704 in savings from the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education.

The committee’s 93-page report on its recommendations for the fis-cal year 2014 education budget states that the savings come from such items as contractual services, reduced energy and building rental costs.

One of the main goals in amend-ing the budget was to institute a 5 percent cap on budget cuts at partic-ular D.C. Public Schools campuses that were facing more severe losses. Based purely on per-pupil funding, seven schools had been slated to abruptly lose large chunks of their annual budgets due to estimated enrollment declines.

A $2.3 million “stabilization fund” is necessary to stave off “dras-tic budget cuts” at these schools, said at-large Council member David Catania, the committee’s chair.

In Northwest, the school that will benefit from that fund is Georgetown’s Hardy Middle, which was slated to see a 12.5 percent bud-get cut. The stabilization fund will

restore $307,000 to Hardy. Three additional middle schools and three high schools in the city will also receive this funding.

As another measure, libraries at small schools (newly defined as those with fewer than 400 students) that lost their full-time librarians will get a boost of $1.2 million in total funding to restore those positions. Northwest schools gaining back a librarian are Cleveland, Hyde-Addison, Key, Marie Reed, Stoddert, Takoma and Whittier elementary schools.

“The committee believes that full-time librarians are essential to educational opportunities for young people and believe it to be a priority shared by all members of the com-mittee,” Catania said at a May 9 markup session on the budget.

Committee members at the meet-ing praised Catania and his staff for helping to make the school system’s budget more transparent.

“Traditionally the DCPS budget has been opaque, not reliable, and it’s been very, very difficult … to fully unpack, pull it apart and say this is what you get, and this is what it costs,” said Ward 6 Council mem-ber Tommy Wells, who sits on the committee. He called this budget a “huge first step in giving us a base-line on a more transparent budget,” which he said would be helpful when challenging Mayor Vincent Gray and D.C. Public Schools Chancellor Kaya Henderson on “what buys what and why we pay different amounts” on budget line items.

The revised budget will also add $1 million to the $2.5 million origi-nally allocated for summer school programs. D.C. Public Schools pre-viously planned to restrict summer school to an invitation-only 2,700 students rather than opening it up to the approximately 10,000 students eligible to attend.

By BRADY HOLTCurrent Staff Writer

Residents at The Berkshire apartments at 4201 Massachusetts Ave. are up in arms about plans to evict a convenience store from their building to make room for a study lounge, with hundreds sign-ing a petition for the store to stay put. The large store — officially named “Berkshire Food & Drug” — has been in the building for 27 years. Some residents say it’s a lifeline for the some-what isolated stretch of Massachusetts just south of Ward Circle near American University.Atlanta-based Gables Residential said this spring it would terminate the store’s lease effective June 1. The Berkshire mostly houses university students, and much of it is under a master lease with the school. But the building is also home to several hun-dred non-students, including numerous senior citi-zens, according to advisory neighborhood commis-sioner Joe Wisniewski, a student at American who lives in The Berkshire. “For many older residents, they said straight up, ‘I’m going to have to move out without the conve-nience store supplying me food seven days a week,’” he said. But students also favor keeping the store over adding study space, Wisniewski added. “Students move off campus because they don’t want to live in a dorm anymore, and The Berkshire is trying to relabel itself as a dorm-like facility,” he said. Gables officials didn’t return messages. The store

has retained attorney Paul Strauss, who also didn’t return messages; workers at the store referred ques-tions to Strauss, who served as the area’s neighbor-hood commissioner for many years. Wisniewski said he’s been in touch with Gables regional management but that he can’t tell what they might decide. According to a newsletter sent to resi-dents, the company still intends to have a store in the building. Residents familiar with the plans said the replacement store would be smaller and leased to someone new. “He’s been here at the store for years,” resident Melissa Haendler said of the store’s current owner. “I just think it’s heinous.” Wisniewski said Gables had surveyed residents about amenities they’d like to see in the building, with an expanded fitness center topping the list. That change is planned, along with the study room. “But we had no idea that the result of this survey was to kick out an owner who’d been down there for 27 years,” he said. The petition in favor of keeping the store, posted on change.org, had 422 signatures as of The Current’s deadline last night. Wisniewski speculated that Gables is seeking to make its building more appealing to students to com-pete with planned new American University dorms, but that the efforts are misguided. “I can walk five minutes to the library and study there,” he said. “They told us it’s exciting and it’s such a new change for The Berkshire — and nobody wants it,” said Haendler.

Berkshire residents battle to keep favorite store

See Schools/Page 16

ch n

Council panel’s budget eases funding cuts to some schools

Page 4: NW 05-15-2013 1

4 Wednesday, May 15, 2013 The CurrenT

Wells set to kick off his mayoral campaign Ward 6 D.C. Council member Tommy Wells plans to formally kick off his mayoral campaign this weekend. On Saturday at noon, Wells will meet up with “family, friends and supporters from across the city” at Starburst Plaza at the crossroads of H Street, Benning Road and Maryland Avenue NE, according to

a release from the council member. “I’ve spent three months meet-ing with residents in every Ward of the city, and I hear the same mes-sage over and over,” Wells says in his release. “D.C. residents want an honest, ethical government that can help build neighborhoods. We are doing it in Ward 6 and I know that together, we can create livable, walkable communities all across D.C.” Wells is the second official can-

didate for the mayor’s seat. In the spring 2014 Democratic primary, he will face Muriel Bowser, his col-league from Ward 4. Though no one else has announced an intention to run, incumbent Mayor Vincent Gray and Ward 2 Council member Jack Evans are expected to seek the Democratic nomination; at-large member David Catania, an indepen-dent, is a rumored potential in the November general election. Wells, 56, won his Ward 6 seat

in 2006 after serving as an advisory neighborhood commissioner and school board member.

Bike to Work Day coming this Friday This Friday is “Bike to Work Day,” an annual event that encour-ages commuters to cycle to their jobs instead of driving. Seventy pit stops will be set up around the D.C. area that morning to give out food, drinks and other freebies to partici-pants, according to organizers. A national event, “Bike to Work Day” started in 1956 as part of the League of American Bicyclists’ cel-ebration of “Bike Month” each May. The D.C. event — sponsored by Commuter Connections and the Washington Area Bicyclist Association, among many others — last year drew 12,000 cycling com-muters, according to the site. More information can be found at biketoworkmetrodc.org.

Cathedral wins funds to fix nave vaulting Washington National Cathedral took the popular vote this week in the Partners in Preservation contest, winning $100,000 to repair nave vaulting that was damaged in the 2011 earthquake. The Cathedral gathered roughly 1.39 million points through the social-media-oriented contest, through which 24 local historic sites competed for a slice of $1 million for shovel-ready projects. But beyond the popular winner, the contest — run by American Express Co. and the National Trust for Historic Preservation — will split the remaining funds among several other sites. The awards include $90,000 to the Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church at Scott Circle to restore

stained-glass windows, and $75,000 to the Sixth & I Historic Synagogue near Mount Vernon Square for the same purpose; and $75,000 for the Carter G. Woodson Home in Shaw to rebuild the front and rear facade. The other funding winners in Northwest D.C. are the All Souls Church Unitarian, $50,000; Dumbarton Oaks Park, $50,000; GALA Hispanic Theatre, $35,000; the Latin American Montessori Bilingual Public Charter School, $50,000; and Meridian Hill Park, $50,000. In addition, all 24 partici-pating sites in the region receive a base prize of $5,000.

Avalon makes switch to digital projection The Avalon Theatre has success-fully raised enough funds to switch to digital projection, according to a news release from the nonprofit film center in Chevy Chase. The digital transition is neces-sary because within the next year all major movie studios will stop mak-ing and distributing movies printed on the old format, 35-millimeter film. Both individual donations and a “Double Anniversary” gala in April — celebrating the Avalon’s 90 years as a theater and 10 as a non-profit — brought in the money for new equipment. In a previous interview, the the-ater’s executive director estimated the cost of the new projectors at between $60,000 and $70,000 for each of the Avalon’s two screens. The Avalon has stayed dark dur-ing installation of the equipment, which began Monday and will end tomorrow with the conversion of the upstairs theater, according to the release. The first film presented in digital format will be “Star Trek: Into Darkness,” opening at the Avalon Thursday.

May 23 ceremony will dedicate Percy Plaza A dedication ceremony for the new “Senator Charles H. Percy Plaza” will take place at the gate-way to the Georgetown Waterfront Park on May 23 at 4 p.m., accord-ing to a release from the friends group that watches over the park. The late Sen. Charles Percy, R-Ill., was an advocate for and donor to the cause of building a park on the banks of the Potomac River in Georgetown. The plaza named in Percy’s honor is located at the intersection of Wisconsin Avenue and K Street at the entrance to the waterfront park, which was completed in September 2011. Attendees of the May 23 cere-mony will include Mayor Vincent Gray, Ward 2 D.C. Council member Jack Evans, and the senator’s daughter, Sharon Percy Rockefeller.

Corrections As a matter of policy, The Current corrects all errors of sub-stance. To report an error, call the managing editor at 202-567-2011.

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Page 5: NW 05-15-2013 1

The CurreNT wedNesday, May 15, 2013 5

Wednesday, May 15 The D.C. Department of Transportation will hold a public meeting on plans for a protected bike lane on M Street between 14th and 28th streets NW. The meet-ing will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the West End Library, 1101 24th St. NW.

Thursday, May 16 The District of Columbia Bar will host “Meet the Press 2013,” a discussion with local journalists on what’s hot in D.C. politics, government and business and predictions for the upcoming year. The event will be held from noon to 1:30 p.m. at Arent Fox, 1717 K St. NW. Registration costs $15 to $25; call 202-626-3463.■ The Cleveland Park Citizens Association will hold a forum on “Solid Waste Solutions: From Incineration to Zero Waste” at the Cleveland Park Library, 3310 Connecticut Ave. NW. The association’s monthly business meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m., with the program scheduled to follow from 7 to 8:30.

Friday, May 17 The D.C. Council Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety will hold a pub-lic roundtable on the mayor’s plan for the D.C. Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department to redeploy ambulances to maximize availability during peak hours of service. The meeting will begin at 11:30 a.m. in Room 412, John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Ave. NW.

Saturday, May 18 Connect.DC and the D.C. Office of the Chief Technology Officer will host the Spring 2013 Community Broadband Summit, featuring workshops for small busi-nesses, residents and nonprofits. The event will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Turkey Thicket Recreation Center, 1100 Michigan Ave. NE. Admission is free; reservations are requested at 202-266-6328 or connect.dc.gov.■ The National Capital Planning Commission and the D.C. Office of Planning will host a public meeting on the master plan to study height restrictions in D.C. The meeting will be held from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. For details, visit ncpc.gov/heightstudy or call 202-482-7200.

Tuesday, May 21 The National Park Service will hold a community meeting on “DC Neighborhoods and Your Local National Parks.” Rock Creek Park superintendent Tara Morrison and C&O Canal National Historical Park superintendent Kevin Brandt will be on hand, along with officials from four other parks. The meeting will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Columbia Heights Education Campus, 16th and Irving streets NW.■ Ward 3 Vision, a smart growth advocacy group, will host a meet-and-greet with at-large D.C. Council member David Grosso and Ward 3 Council member Mary Cheh. The event will begin at 6:30 p.m. at Guapo’s, 4515 Wisconsin Ave. NW. Admission is free; RSVP at bit.ly/w3vmeetgreet or 202-675-0016, ext. 123.■ The Crestwood Citizens Association will hold its annual election meeting and discuss building its neighbor network at 7 p.m. at the Grace Lutheran Church, 4300 16th St. NW.

Wednesday, May 22 The National Park Service will hold a public information meeting to present the findings from the feasibility study on a “nonmotorized boathouse zone” along the Georgetown waterfront. The meeting will consist of an open house with a short presentation; staff members will be on hand to answer questions. The meeting will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. at the West End Library, 1101 24th St. NW.

Thursday, May 23 The D.C. Department of Transportation and the Federal Transit Administration will host a public meeting to discuss the Union Station to Georgetown Premium Transit Service Alternatives Analysis Study. The meeting will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Carnegie Library, 801 K St. NW.■ The Ward 3 Democratic Committee will hold its monthly meeting, which will fea-ture a talk by Ward 2 D.C. Council member Jack Evans on the budget and other topics. The meeting will begin at 7:15 p.m. at the Methodist Home of D.C., 4901 Connecticut Ave. NW.

The week ahead

By ELIZABETH WIENERCurrent Staff Writer

Helping “historic music cultural institu-tions” survive, by offering public funds or a tax break? D.C. has done so with the Lincoln Theatre and the Howard. And now a bill intro-duced by Ward 2 D.C. Council member Jack Evans is aimed at easing the money woes of Blues Alley.

The bill was “provided” by Blues Alley, the owner of the venerable Georgetown jazz club said at a hearing last week, but takes a “broad-brush approach.” Owner Harry Schnipper was

one of two witnesses to testify on the measure, which received a fairly neutral review from an aide to Chief Financial Officer Natwar Gandhi, the city’s budget watchdog.

The bill would, in essence, exempt “historic music cultural institutions” from real property taxes for 10 years, and from any transfer or deed recordation taxes, if they purchase or lease space with the “goal of expanding public live music and cultural entertainment and employment opportunities” in the District.

There are many caveats. To be eligible, for example, the beneficiary would have had to operate for at least 45 years here, hosting a

minimum of 100 live performances a year. And the expansion must occur within a year before or within five years after the bill takes effect. At least 50 percent of the venue’s new hires must be District residents. And the total tax abatement — for all who qualify — would be no more than $2 million.

Schnipper of Blues Alley offered a compel-ling case for tax relief.

“America’s oldest continuing jazz supper club” opened in 1965 in a former horse barn off Wisconsin Avenue and prospered in its early years, he said. Then in the 1970s, with the rise of nonprofit competition — the

Smithsonian, the Kennedy Center and the Washington Performing Arts Society, all pre-senting jazz among other offerings — “sud-denly we became an anomaly.”

Now, he said, most of his competitors get “preferential tax rates.” And with the rising cost of rent and property taxes in Georgetown, the survival of Blues Alley is under threat. “Does Blues Alley have the ability to com-pete? I don’t know,” Schnipper told Evans’ Committee on Finance and Revenue. He cited the closings of Childe Harold, the Cellar Door, the Bayou and other commercial music venues

Council’s ‘historic music’ bill would help financial issues for Blues Alley

See Blues Alley/Page 7

ch n

“One Of � e Largest Carwashes in America”“One Of � e Largest

Carwashes in America”

Page 6: NW 05-15-2013 1

Police Report

6 Wednesday, May 15, 2013 The CurrenTn g

This is a listing of reports taken from May 6 through 12 in local police service areas.

PSA 101

Robbery■ 900-999 block, G St.; 8:26 p.m. May 10.

Assault with a dangerous weapon■ 1300-1399 block, K St.; 3:15 a.m. May 6 (with knife).

Burglary■ 1100-1199 block, G St.; noon May 11.

Theft from auto■ 900-999 block, 14th St.; 3:02 a.m. May 10.

Theft■ 1200-1299 block, G St.; 2:38 p.m. May 8.■ 500-599 block, 11th St.; 8:32 p.m. May 8.■ 1100-1199 block, New York Ave.; 5:45 p.m. May 9.■ 500-599 block, 11th St.; 7:01 p.m. May 9.■ 500-599 block, 14th St.; 9:11 p.m. May 9.■ 12th and G streets; 10 a.m. May 10.■ 11th and F streets; 10 a.m. May 10.■ 11th and G streets; 10 a.m. May 10.■ 704-799 block, 9th St.; 1:16 p.m. May 10.■ 1300-1399 block, K St.; 2 p.m. May 10.■ 1200-1299 block, G St.; 6:30 p.m. May 11.■ 1300-1399 block, New York Ave.; 5:23 a.m. May 12.

PSA 102

Robbery■ 300-399 block, 7th St.; 6:30 p.m. May 8.

Theft from auto■ 7th and K streets; 12:49 a.m. May 12.

Theft■ 400-499 block, 7th St.; 8:12 p.m. May 7.■ 700-799 block, 7th St.; 9:29 p.m. May 8.■ 700-799 block, 7th St.; 11:45 p.m. May 8.■ 7th and I streets; 8:30 a.m. May 10.■ 600-699 block, H St.; 10:43 p.m. May 11.■ 800-899 block, 7th St.; 3:48 p.m. May 12.

PSA 201

Burglary■ 2900-2999 block, Military Road; 7:41 p.m. May 10.

Theft from auto■ 5500-5599 block, 30th St.; 9:25 a.m. May 6.■ 5600-5699 block, 32nd St.;

10:23 a.m. May 6.■ 5451-5499 block, 31st St.; 7:47 p.m. May 6.■ 5500-5599 block, Chevy Chase Parkway; 6:38 p.m. May 8.■ 5450-5483 block, 30th St.; 3:26 p.m. May 9.■ 3200-3221 block, Morrison St.; 10:22 a.m. May 11.

Theft■ 3000-3199 block, Rittenhouse St.; 4:02 p.m. May 7.■ 3900-3998 block, Military Road; 11:18 p.m. May 8.

PSA 202

Theft from auto■ 4500-4559 block, 42nd St.; 8:21 p.m. May 7.■ 4700-4799 block, Belt Road; 9:23 p.m. May 7.■ 4000-4099 block, Chesapeake St.; 10:26 p.m. May 7.■ 4300-4309 block, 45th St.; 9:19 a.m. May 8.■ 4803-4831 block, 47th St.; 10:13 a.m. May 9.■ 4300-4309 block, 45th St.; 7:23 p.m. May 9.■ 4100-4199 block, Albemarle St.; 9:28 p.m. May 10.■ 3724-3799 block, Fessenden St.; 7:30 p.m. May 12.■ Wisconsin Avenue and 41st Street; 7:52 p.m. May 12.■ 44th and Jenifer streets; 8:18 p.m. May 12.

Theft■ 5300-5399 block, Wisconsin Ave.; 7:24 p.m. May 6.■ 39th Street and Nebraska Avenue; 12:50 p.m. May 8.■ 5100-5199 block, Wisconsin Ave.; 4:54 p.m. May 12.

PSA 203

Theft■ 4200-4225 block, Connecticut Ave.; 8:44 a.m. May 10.■ 3701-3751 block, Upton St.; 5:35 p.m. May 10.

PSA 204

Motor vehicle theft■ 2400-2499 block, 39th Place; 10:51 p.m. May 6.

Theft from auto■ 4400-4499 block, Massachusetts Ave.; 12:21 p.m. May 8.■ 2901-2923 block, 34th St.; 10:55 a.m. May 12.

Theft■ 2309-2481 block, Wisconsin Ave.; 12:22 p.m. May 6.■ 2600-2699 block, Woodley Road; 5:23 p.m. May 11.

PSA 205

Theft from auto■ 4900-4999 block, Quebec St.; 7:57 a.m. May 6.■ 5000-5099 block, Sedgwick St.; 8:27 a.m. May 6.■ 4830-4961 block, Rockwood Parkway; 7 p.m. May 6.■ 4400-4499 block, Massachusetts Ave.; 3:55 p.m. May 8.■ 4832-4875 block, MacArthur Blvd.; 2:50 p.m. May 9.■ 4400-4499 block, Massachusetts Ave.; 9:02 p.m. May 9.

Theft■ 5800-5899 block, Sherier Place; 7:16 p.m. May 10.

PSA 206

Robbery■ 3100-3199 block, M St.; 5:24 p.m. May 12.

Theft from auto■ 1500-1599 block, 28th St.; 2 p.m. May 9.■ 3500-3599 block, S St.; 10:20 a.m. May 11.

Theft■ 1234-1299 block, Wisconsin Ave.; 2:02 p.m. May 6.■ 1234-1299 block, Wisconsin Ave.; 6 p.m. May 6.■ 3512-3699 block, Whitehaven Parkway; 4 p.m. May 7.■ Wisconsin Avenue and Dumbarton Street; 5:40 p.m. May 7.■ 1664-1699 block, 35th St.; 10:17 a.m. May 8.■ 3808-3899 block, Reservoir Road; 2:24 p.m. May 8.■ 3200-3299 block, R St.; 8:58 a.m. May 9.■ 3100-3199 block, M St.; 2:31 p.m. May 9.■ 37th and O streets; 8:04 p.m. May 9.■ 3808-3899 block, Reservoir Road; 2:58 p.m. May 10.■ 3100-3199 block, M St.; 5:50 p.m. May 10.■ 1234-1299 block, Wisconsin Ave.; 6:19 p.m. May 10.■ 1200-1229 block, Wisconsin Ave.; 9:20 p.m. May 10.■ 3278-3299 block, M St.; 3:29 p.m. May 11.■ 1402-1442 block, Wisconsin Ave.; 6:14 p.m. May 11.■ 2800-2899 block, Pennsylvania Ave.; 11:02 a.m. May 12.■ 3200-3277 block, M St.; noon May 12.■ 3100-3199 block, K St.; 12:23 p.m. May 12.■ 37th and O streets; 12:54 p.m. May 12.■ 1100-1199 block, 34th St.; 2:54 p.m. May 12.

PSA 207

Robbery■ 1000-1099 block, 16th St.;

2:17 p.m. May 6.■ 2300-2399 block, G St.; 3:05 p.m. May 6.

Assault with a dangerous weapon■ 1400-1433 block, K St.; 8 p.m. May 6 (with knife).

Theft■ 1100-1129 block, 17th St.; 12:14 a.m. May 6.■ 2100-2499 block, K St.; 1:09 p.m. May 6.■ 700-723 block, 14th St.; 7:48 p.m. May 7.■ 2040-2043 block, I St.; 2 a.m. May 8.■ 1100-1199 block, Vermont Ave.; 12:52 p.m. May 8.■ 1610-1699 block, Pennsylvania Ave.; 3:11 p.m. May 8.■ 1000-1099 block, Vermont Ave.; 2:41 a.m. May 9.■ 1800-1899 block, M St.; 11:24 a.m. May 9.■ 2400-2403 block, Virginia Ave.; 12:55 p.m. May 9.■ 1100-1130 block, Connecticut Ave.; 2:32 p.m. May 9.■ 600-699 block, 14th St.; 4 p.m. May 9.■ 1000-1099 block, 16th St.; 8 p.m. May 9.■ 1100-1130 block, Connecticut Ave.; 2:18 p.m. May 10.■ 2200-2299 block, I St.; 5:28 p.m. May 10.■ 1400-1433 block, K St.; 3:54 a.m. May 11.

PSA 208

Robbery■ 1800-1899 block, T St.; 8:55 p.m. May 7.■ 1500-1520 block, 14th St.; 11:59 p.m. May 11.■ 1406-1427 block, Hopkins St.; 2:19 a.m. May 12.

Theft■ 1500-1599 block, P St.; 9:27 a.m. May 6.■ 1300-1319 block, 19th St.; 9:38 a.m. May 6.■ 1200-1249 block, 22nd St.; 11:45 a.m. May 6.■ 2100-2199 block, California St.; 12:51 a.m. May 7.■ 1900-1999 block, S St.; 7:04 p.m. May 7.■ 1300-1324 block, New Hampshire Ave.; 9:01 a.m. May 9.■ 1400-1499 block, P St.; 9:03 a.m. May 9.■ 1200-1215 block, Connecticut Ave.; 10:17 a.m. May 9.■ 1400-1499 block, P St.; 3:25 p.m. May 9.■ 1300-1699 block, Connecticut Ave.; 4:13 p.m. May 10.■ 1212-1299 block, Connecticut Ave.; 4:32 p.m. May 10.■ 1200-1217 block, 18th St.; 5 p.m. May 10.■ 1200-1217 block, 18th St.; 11:45 a.m. May 12.

psa 201■ CHEvy CHASE

psa 202■ FrIEnDSHIP HEIgHTS TEnlEyTown / AU PArk

psa 204■ MASSACHUSETTS AvEnUE HEIgHTS / ClEvElAnD PArkwooDlEy PArk / glovEr PArk / CATHEDrAl HEIgHTS

psa 205■ PAlISADES / SPrIng vAllEywESlEy HEIgHTS / FoxHAll

psa 206■ gEorgETown / bUrlEITH

psa 207■ Foggy boTToM / wEST EnD

psa 208■ SHErIDAn-kAlorAMADUPonT CIrClE

psa 203■ ForEST HIllS / vAn nESSClEvElAnD PArk

psa 101■ DownTown

psa 102■ gAllEry PlACEPEnn QUArTEr

Page 7: NW 05-15-2013 1

The CurreNT wedNesday, May 15, 2013 7

in D.C. “Once a jazz club goes away, it never comes back.”

Beyond its contributions to Georgetown’s economy and to local hotels where visiting artists stay, Schnipper said his firm also has a nonprofit arm, offering a summer camp, a year-round youth orchestra,

and programs in public schools.Schnipper did not immediately

respond to a request for comment on his future plans. But according to the Washington Business Journal, he’s been offered a chance to buy the Blues Alley building, which sits in an alley of the same name off Wisconsin Avenue.

He has said he would like to

remain in Georgetown. Schnipper testified that when he approached his council member for help, “Evans said, ‘I can’t help you with the lease, but can help with taxes.’”

Evans spoke only briefly at last week’s hearing, saying he would move the bill at the next council ses-sion. “It’s not specifically written for Blues Alley, but could be helpful to

keep Blues Alley in Georgetown. Blues Alley is known worldwide,” he said. “Because [the area] is becoming so prosperous, let’s not drive out what makes us who we are.”

Betsy Keeler, the chief financial officer’s deputy director for eco-nomic development financing, said that “because no historic music insti-

tution is specifically identified in the bill, the CFO can’t determine” if tax relief is needed.

The office also hasn’t completed its fiscal impact statement, which would say how much the bill would cost the city. “But,” Keeler said, “because the legislation caps it at $2 million, that would be the maximum fiscal impact.”

BLUES ALLEY: Evans says bill could help keep famed music spot in Georgetown From Page 5

ch n

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Page 8: NW 05-15-2013 1

Davis Kennedy/Publisher & EditorChris Kain/Managing Editor

More time at school In recent remarks to the Ward 4 Democrats group, Mayor Vincent Gray brought up an education reform that he has raised at times in the past: the benefits of a longer school day and a shorter summer vacation. “Why,” he asked, “do kids get out of school at 3 or 3:15? ... They should take after us” and be in school from 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. As to the length of the school year, Mayor Gray noted that the need for a long summer vaca-tion grew out of an agrarian economy — hardly relevant in urban D.C. The notion that the District’s children could learn more if they spent more time in school is not new, but it merits serious attention. Many of the District’s most successful charter schools have extended school days, Saturday offerings and shorter vacations; some even operate on a year-round schedule, with shorter breaks spread throughout the calendar. A number of D.C. public schools have long had successful, parent-funded programs after school, and sports, arts and other extracurricular activities keep many high school students on campus long after the last bell rings. We agree with Mayor Gray that broader initiatives would pay dividends. Unfortunately, the budget does not envision widespread increases to the D.C. Public Schools calendar in line with his strong comments — in fact, this year’s summer school offerings will be more limited than in some past years. There are, however, some positive steps. Last year’s “Proving What’s Possible” grants to 59 schools funded a variety of initiatives, many of which included extended-day services and Saturday enrichment sessions. A serious analysis of the effectiveness of such programs should clarify whether the District should incorporate similar offerings elsewhere. We think the best solution might be providing options within the D.C. Public Schools. There are reasons that families might prefer the current cal-endar; for those who can afford extended vacations domestically and interna-tionally, the trips themselves can be invaluable experiences. And an extended school day might stymie enrichment activities offered outside the school. But there are many situations where children would be better off at school. Extra time in school in the early years might reduce the need for special education services later on, and cut down on misbehavior, in and out of the classroom, from older children who have fallen behind. We’re glad to hear Mayor Gray bring up the subject. But we’d like to see city officials push the issue past talking points and a few pilot grants. Then the city should survey parents throughout the District on their views. The city should also ensure that teacher contracts provide maximum flexibility.

Honoring history Generally it’s the preservation controversies that get the most public attention, such as landmark applications of debatable merit or last-ditch attempts to block demolition. But the District’s historic preservation efforts over several decades have achieved remarkable results in protecting the streetscape in many areas of the city. The worthiness of a particular building may engender debate, but few would look at the streets of Georgetown, Dupont Circle and Cleveland Park and regret that they retain so much histor-ic and architectural integrity. For the past 10 years, city officials and preservationists have handed out awards for excellence in historic preservation. This year’s selections includ-ed many stellar honorees in Northwest. The May 6 awards ceremony, presented in partnership with the D.C. Preservation League, took place at the beautifully renovated National Academy of Sciences building on Constitution Avenue — a project that won the State Historic Preservation Officer Award. Other honorees included the O and P Streets Rehabilitation Project — selected as an “exemplary restoration of a long-neglected cobblestone street containing the single remaining example of streetcar ‘conduit track system’ in the United States.” This project drew its share of controversy — we our-selves doubted the value of delaying the reconstruction to preserve some of the tracks. But it’s hard to argue with the results, and the streets are at long last an asset rather than a detriment to the quality of life in Georgetown. We were particularly glad to see recognition of the restoration of the circa-1820 Peirce Mill — and specifically what the city described as “coor-dinated teamwork between the nonprofit Friends of Peirce Mill and the National Service” that after years of hard work returned “the only remaining historic Rock Creek grist mill to production.” As Office of Planning director Harriet Tregoning noted, the honorees show the many contributions of preservation in protecting — and enhancing — Washington’s unique character. The endeavors are worthy, and so is the recognition.

Currentthe northwest

ch n8 Wednesday, May 15, 2013 The CurrenT

You’ll see them in evening and morning rush-hour lanes, in the bus stops, in the cross-walks, on the sidewalks, in “no parking”

zones and in commercial loading zones. In short, you see them parked everywhere. We’re talking about an embarrassing side of what normally is a heartfelt week in which police officers come from around the nation for “Police Week” in the nation’s capital. It continues through Friday. There are solemn cer-emonies honoring slain officers. There are other ceremonies that mark the good work that police officers do every day. And the officers who come to Washington bring the prestige and honor of the departments for which they work. Which is why it’s particularly embarrassing when the many police vehicles lawlessly park essentially anywhere they damn please. NBC4’s cameras captured the scene on Monday. Especially near Thomas Circle, there were dozens of illegally parked police vehicles. The Newark, N.J., contingent went a step further. The officers brought along their own hometown orange cones and put them in the street to mark their territory. The Newark orange cones blocked a busy bus stop, forcing riders into the street as they got on and off the buses. Your Notebook asked D.C. officials about the rampant illegal parking. “They are expected to follow the laws just like anyone else,” was the reply from Police Chief Cathy Lanier’s office. A spokesperson for the Department of Public Works, which assigns parking ticket writ-ers, said there was no instruction against ticketing the police. And Mayor Vincent Gray’s office said “no pass” was given for the out-of-towners. But over several hours on Monday, NBC4 did not see even one ticket on any police vehicle. We did get grumbling about the vehicles from passersby. We did get emails and tweets pointing out other locations and more violations. (And yes, we got a few tweets criticizing us for focusing on the issue.) Your Notebook is not sure why the city doesn’t block off parking spaces on non-rush hour streets and reserve them for the officers. Maybe the officers could bring their trailers into town, off load their cycles and other gear, then drive the trailers to a less busy part of town. In fact, there are many more vehicles parked ille-gally in a sparse area of Southwest near the baseball stadium. A huge lot is fenced off for outdoor eating,

vendors selling police memorabilia and general socializing. But the illegally parked cars there cause no trouble for anyone. There is even a steady stream of shuttle vans to take officers and their families to and from other parts of town. Before next year’s Police Week, maybe some bet-ter planning could be done. Police officers are an important part of the fabric of our free society. They shouldn’t be seen as Wild West cowboys riding in for

a rules-be-damned Saturday night. Let’s find decent parking for all their gear, and then we can salute them rath-er than have people grinding their teeth over

blatant disrespect for our city laws. ■ Better than before. Several D.C. police officers pointed out — and we agreed — that it’s a lot better than before. Years ago the public drunkenness was as bad as the illegal parking and the racing through the streets, blocking intersections at will. Chief Lanier has taken to sending a letter to other departments urging officers to respect their badge when they come to town. It has helped a lot.■ It’s getting crowded here. Mayor Gray told the Notebook last week that the city’s economic boom time is continuing. He said planners now expect 250,000 more citizens to live in the District within the next 20 to 25 years. That would take our popula-tion to about 880,000 people. That’s why you’re seeing public meetings begin this week on whether and how to raise the city’s height limit to accommodate some of those folks. It’s why you see city planners thinking up ways to mini-mize single-occupancy automobile traffic in favor of mass transit and better density for housing.■ Tourism is booming, too. The marketing group Destination DC last week reported that the city set a new record for visitors to the city. It was only a slight 3 percent increase over the year before, but the nation’s capital continues to be a popular destination. The city says tourism supports some 75,000 jobs and creates more than $6 billion in annual spending here.■ A correction. In our posting last week on the city controversy over food trucks, your Notebook mistak-enly wrote that “Andrew Klein” was representing the restaurant association. As we have known for way too many years, his name is “Kline.” As his email to us read so succinctly, “Dude, I’m still Kline!” Our apologies. Tom Sherwood, a Southwest resident, is a politi-cal reporter for News 4.

Parking tickets for out-of-town police … ?


City isn’t taking best approach on traffic The Current’s May 8 article on the Glover Park streetscape high-lighted two problems. First, it should be of no conse-quence whatsoever that any indi-vidual is impacted negatively by changes that are designed to improve conditions for all. Jack Evans’ commuting woes should never be the basis for D.C. Department of Transportation decision-making. I take no plea-sure in beating up on the Ward 2 D.C. Council member, but he made it about himself. The good news is that if the Transportation Department determines there is a need for a traffic light, the funding has already been secured! Sad to say that Evans demeans

his office by moaning about his own travails — better he show up with evidence of complaints from a couple hundred of his constitu-ents and leave his personal experi-ence with traffic out of the con-versation. Unfortunately we as a people tend to attach extra signifi-cance to “VIP anecdotes,” but this is unwarranted. The reason that countries like France run more smoothly than ours is that profes-sionals are heeded ahead of politi-cians! This is hardly to suggest that Jack Evans has no expertise, but I think his forte is finance, not traffic management. A bigger problem is the role of double-yellow lines in our traffic movement and control system. Double-yellow lines have indicat-ed “do not cross” since lines were painted on asphalt. There is zero enforcement of this rule in D.C., and in fact I have spoken over the years with several police officers who have

informed me that no such rule exists. I’ve tried to explain the logic of the double yellow lines based on the fact that they are not continuous — where they break, the city has determined that turns across oncoming traffic are feasi-ble, and where they do not break such turning is prohibited. Pretty simple. I have even called the Transportation Department office tasked with street signage and line painting and could not even make myself understood on the question of “What purpose do double yel-low lines serve?” I doubt that “thou shalt not cross a double-yel-low line” even appears in the D.C. Driver’s Manual. If there is a desire to maintain better traffic flow, particularly on main avenues like Wisconsin and Connecticut, then enforcement of the double-yellow line prohibition would go a long way.

David M. CarrThe Palisades

Letters tothe eDitor

Page 9: NW 05-15-2013 1

The CurrenT Wednesday, May 15, 2013 9

connecticut avenue signal too confusing As a pedestrian, I welcome the new traffic signal at Connecticut Avenue and Northampton Street. But as a driver, I am confused. Your May 1 article states that a completely dark display is a signal to proceed. But a dark display often indicates that a traffic signal is out of order, and at least some drivers respond with appropriate caution. Is it wise to introduce signals in which a dark display means keep going? What would be wrong with green?

Anthony PartridgeChevy Chase

dcPs shouldn’t cut from arts instruction When it comes to the D.C. Public Schools decision to slash funding for arts and music instruc-tion at our elementary schools, Chancellor Kaya Henderson’s staff seems intent on changing the sub-ject, twisting the facts, or doing whatever else they can to avoid the basic question: why? The latest dodge was seen last week in an article in The Current about the school system rebuffing pleas from five Northwest PTA presidents and more than 1,000 petition signers to reverse budget cuts at the Fillmore Arts Center. The center provides arts and music instruction for about 3,000 elemen-tary school students, including those at five area elementary schools (Key, Hyde-Addison, Stoddert, Ross and Marie Reed). Each of those schools has had its staffing allotment for arts and music cut by the equivalent of half a posi-tion, which results in a funding decrease of about $50,000 per school. And because those schools turn over their arts and music allot-ments to Fillmore as payment for participating in the program, that means Fillmore will lose $50,000 for each school that it serves — up to $250,000 in lost revenue from these five Northwest schools. School principals are advised that the money cut from their arts and music budget should be used to fund a new requirement that they offer introductory language instruc-tion. But as principals have noted publicly, that funding will not sup-port a viable language program. It simply weakens arts and music instruction. D.C. Public Schools officials will say anything to avoid confront-ing the impact of the unfunded mandate for language instruction. They’ll talk about the number of schools Fillmore serves, the number of students, whatever. Those num-

bers ebb and flow from year to year, so they’re a convenient way to muddy the issue. But officials can’t escape the facts: Next year, Fillmore will serve about the same number of students it served in 2011-2012, but its budget will be $300,000 smaller, or nearly 25 per-cent less. And over the past four years, Fillmore’s per-pupil funding, a constant measure that doesn’t vary with the number of schools or children served, is down 40 percent. Chancellor Henderson, please stop raiding our schools’ budgets for arts and music funding to pay for other programs. You’ve spoken often about the importance of arts education; now it’s time to back up that talk.

Sunny KaplanPresident, Key Elementary PTA

Caitlin OppenheimerPresident, Stoddert Elementary PTA

George SimpsonPresident,

Hyde-Addison Elementary PTAJennifer Touchette

President, Ross Elementary PTASusan Kolodziejczyk

President, Marie Reed Elementary PTA

Kelly RichmondPresident, Friends of Fillmore

agency ignoring input on new traffic signals New traffic signals have been installed at the intersections of W Street and Foxhall Road and at Dalecarlia Parkway and Loughboro Road. Significant history, dating back more than a dozen years, focused on the light at W Street and Foxhall Road. Both the Palisades Citizens Association and Advisory Neighborhood Commission 3D voted against its installation, and the Field School backed this posi-tion. The commission noted as part of the Board of Zoning Adjustment’s proceedings on the Field School that “we do not want this residential street to become an alternate commuter route.” The W Street light was also con-sidered during review of the Phillips Park zoning application. The D.C. Department of Transportation agreed with the Metropolitan Police Department that the line of sight for drivers traveling south on Foxhall was insufficient to make installation of a traffic light at W Street safe. As a result the traffic light and entrance to Phillips Park were moved farther south, and residents of Foxboro Place and the eastern section of W Street were encouraged to use that point of access to Foxhall Road. In spite of this long history of community involvement, the Transportation Department has placed a sixth traffic light between Reservoir Road and the Field

School — and did so without notice to the immediate W Street neighbor, who awoke one morning to find a traffic control box being placed next to his front walk. The light at Dalecarlia and Loughboro was not a consideration in the 2002 Palisades Traffic Impact Study, and later studies found it unwarranted. However, the studies did recommend improvements at the intersection of Loughboro and MacArthur because turning patterns from Loughboro onto MacArthur created a dangerous conflict with Norton Street. The Transportation Department failed to implement the traffic study suggestion. A long-standing Transportation Department agreement to fully sig-nalize the intersection of Reservoir and Canal roads remains unful-filled. The Palisades Traffic Study lists this as the first item on its short-term implementation list, but the agency has diverted federal funds elsewhere. Perhaps the Transportation Department has lost its copy of the Palisades Traffic Impact Study along with its institutional memory. It seems this agency thinks it knows what’s best for the community in spite of long-standing community priorities and its unkept promises.

Alma GatesThe Palisades

Park service method of killing deer is cruel I agree completely with the two recent letters in The Current about the deer in Rock Creek Park. As Ms. Jennie Malloy of Chevy Chase and Ms. Anne Barton of Chevy Chase have written, killing the mother deer when they have given birth to a baby does leave them without their mothers. How awful and cruel to do such a barbar-ic thing to an animal! There are other ways to help with the problem of too many deer in the park. We need to do some-thing about it to stop this cruel way of killing deer.

Susana Harrington LevyForest Hills

district needs limits on noisy leaf blowers The letter in The Current’s May 1 issue about the many negatives of leaf blowers states the issue well. They are grim devices adversely affecting many, including the employees who use them. They may suffer most of all. I would like very much to see local papers and television stations discuss leaf blowers in editorials and environmental news. Sensible restrictions on the use of these nui-sance machines are long overdue.

R.J. JonesGlover Park

letters tothe editor

letters to the editorThe Current publishes letters and Viewpoint submissions representing various points of view. Because of space limitations, letters should be no more than 400 words and are subject to editing. Letters and Viewpoint submissions intended for publication should be addressed to Letters to the Editor, The Current, Post Office Box 40400, Washington, D.C. 20016-0400. You may send email to [email protected].

Page 10: NW 05-15-2013 1

10 Wednesday, May 15, 2013 The CurrenT

Mayor Vincent Gray, aggressively seeking the support of the District’s burgeoning public charter school movement, repeatedly pledged

during his 2010 mayoral campaign to break with his predecessors’ discriminatory practice of underfunding D.C.’s public charter school students compared to their school system counterparts. But three years of contin-ued underfunding shows that his promises were just a campaign ploy. Gray’s proposed fiscal year 2014 budget provides the public charter schools, which will educate 45 per-cent of District students enrolled in public schools next year, with nearly $1,600 less per student for operating expenses than D.C. Public Schools receives. Additionally, proposed D.C. Public Schools facilities funding is $9,693 per student, compared to only $3,000 in facilities funding for each charter school student. Between 2008 and 2013, the gap in operating fund-ing alone totaled $260 million — an average of $4.5 million for each charter school in operation during those years. Friendship Public Charter School, D.C.’s largest, lost $36 million during this period. And KIPP Public Charter School, which perennially ranks as one of the District’s best public schools, lost $16.2 million. The mayor, like his predecessors, employs a variety of techniques to favor the school system over the char-ter schools. Charters are funded only for the students they actually enroll, while D.C. Public Schools gets paid for its always-inflated estimated enrollment. The government also routinely provides supplemen-tal budget funds to the school system when it over-spends its budget, while requiring charters to live within their means. If D.C. Public Schools were required to live within its means, as D.C. charters must, city fund-ing would be more accountable, as well as more fair. This egregious underfunding has serious conse-quences. Charters can’t pay their teachers as much as the school system does, though many work extended school days and years. And many charter school stu-dents are crammed into inadequate commercial build-ings lacking sufficient classroom space, playing fields, playgrounds, libraries and gymnasiums. None of the city’s unfairness is justified by the job

D.C.’s charters are doing for District children. Tuition-free and open to all District-resident stu-dents, D.C. charter schools have an on-time high school graduation rate 21 percentage points higher than the school system’s regular high schools, ensuring that a higher share of charter students are accepted to college. The city’s discrimination against public charter school students not only penalizes charters’ more disad-vantaged and more academically successful students — it also is against D.C. law. This stipulates that D.C. Public Schools and D.C. charter students who are at the same grade level, or have similar special education needs, should be funded equally. This administration, like previous administrations, ignores this law, and the mayor’s budget simply entrenches existing inequality in city funding because millions are made available for the school system, but not public charter schools, outside of the Uniform Per Student Funding Formula. The city also discriminates against public charter school students in other ways. For years, the city has allowed school buildings no longer required by the school system to rot or be sold to private developers — despite a law requiring charters to be offered surplus D.C. Public Schools buildings to buy or lease ahead of developers. As a result of this practice and city underfunding for facilities, many charters are forced to rent and renovate high-priced space in former warehouse, office or retail buildings, acquiring costly commercial loans to do so. Here again, the mayor is following the footsteps of his predecessors: Of the 15 schools recently marked for closure by the chancellor, none are scheduled to be leased to public charter schools. Other inequities unfairly place charter school stu-dents in harm’s way, such as the distribution of school nurses and crossing guards, which the city routinely provides at D.C. Public Schools campuses, but rarely makes available at equally deserving charter campuses. D.C. Council members have heard about how the District’s unfair funding adversely impacts the city’s public school students — especially those in the most vulnerable communities. Now it falls to them to amend the mayor’s budget plans in the interest of fairness for all District students. Robert Cane is executive director of Friends of Choice in Urban Schools.

Public charter schools need funding equityviewPointROBERT CANE

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Page 11: NW 05-15-2013 1

By BRIAN KAPURCurrent Staff Writer

After losing last year’s D.C. Interscholastic Athletic Association softball championship to School Without Walls under controversial cir-cumstances, Wilson came into this season look-ing to avenge that loss and win the crown that eluded them. On Monday evening, the Tigers completed that journey by topping Walls 9-7 at Deal Middle School. “Winning this title in my first year was sur-real,” Wilson first-year coach Karina Bond wrote in an email. “This is a moment I will never forget. ... This moment is what we worked for all season.” In last year’s title game Wilson fell behind Walls 8-0 in a torrential downpour. The game was suspended at the top of the first inning and resumed the next day. Wilson petitioned to restart the game from scratch, but instead was forced to pick up where it left off — and couldn’t make it past their deficit. “I told them this was a new year, a new sea-son, a new team and that it was their turn to be champions,” wrote Bond. “Yes of course there was that feeling of redemption for many, but the girls focused on what needed to be done this

year and not worry about what happened last year.” In Monday’s game, Wilson sophomore Nina Wiramidjaja hit a home run to put Wilson on the board, but Walls was able to take a 2-1 lead in the second inning. The Penguins kept the pres-sure on, building a 7-5 lead. That prompted Bond and the other Tigers coaches to shuffle the defensive lineup by moving Wiramidjaja from third to first base, sophomore Emma Keyes from second to third, and inserting sophomore Ella Hanson into the lineup at second. Those adjustments, along with strong pitching from

sophomore Sophia Cordes, held Walls scoreless for the remainder of the game. “Sophia Cordes was able to battle at the pitchers plate where with most pitchers you probably would have seen them crumble, but Sophia kept her composure and pitched a great game,” Bond wrote. Wilson’s season continues this week as the Tigers participate in their first-ever softball state championship tournament. They opened the tournament yesterday against Georgetown Day School. Results of that game weren’t available before The Current’s deadline.

Athletics in northwest wAshington May 15, 2013 ■ Page 11

By BRIAN KAPURCurrent Staff Writer

Clinging to a one-goal lead with less than five minutes to play in the Washington Catholic Athletic Conference lacrosse championship game Monday night, the Eagles needed an insurance goal. Enter senior attacker Alex Corboy. Senior Patrick Myers had the ball and drew Paul VI defenders away from Corboy by faking an attack on goal. Next he dished the ball to Corboy, who ripped the shot into the goal — then threw his entire body into a euphoric fist pump that turned into a full jump. “I thought about it before the game,” said Corboy. “I just needed to do something with a lot of emotion to fire the team up. I thought the fist pump with a little extra was the way to go.” Corboy and the Eagles had rea-son to celebrate as they went on to win their fourth-straight WCAC championship, edging Paul VI 13-11 at Ludwig Field on the campus of

the University of Maryland at College Park. “The coaches, the captains, the seniors and the preparation — I’m just so proud of these guys,” said Eagles coach Casey O’Neill. “It’s a really special group.” “It means everything,” senior Jack Slater added. “It was the fun-nest four years of my life. Gonzaga was the best time ever. It was just great.” Gonzaga was led by four goals

from Corboy; senior Joe Fitzpatrick and senior Jimmy Kuzman each had two goals as well. Senior Max Planning had two assists and one

goal. Paul VI scored the first goal of the game, but that was the only time the Panthers held the lead. The

Eagles answered with a flurry of offensive firepower within a two-minute span. Fitzpatrick scored just

Gonzaga lacrosse captures fourth-consecutive crown

Brian Kapur/The CurrentGonzaga survived a furious second half rally by Paul VI to win 13-11 in College Park. The Eagles have now won four-straight WCAC championships. Senior Alex Corboy, far left, scored four goals in the win.

Wilson softball topples Walls to win the DCIAA

n ch g

Current file photoWilson was able to avenge last year’s title game loss to School Without Walls by topping the Penguins 9-7 Monday evening.

See Gonzaga/Page 12

By BRIAN KAPURCurrent Staff Writer

National Cathedral’s softball team walked in undefeated at Sunday’s Independent School League championship game at Flint Hill, with a chance to win an unshared conference title. But those hopes were dashed when sev-eral uncharacteristic self-inflicted errors and a red-hot Potomac School team stunned the Eagles 6-4. “The wheels fell off, to be truthful,” said Eagles coach Dave Langley. “We just didn’t play like we played the rest of the year. We didn’t play smart, threw the ball around, and made errors.” But the Eagles still have a share of the league championship after winning the school’s first banner since 1995. The team started Sunday’s game well and held a 2-1 lead early in the contest, but Potomac rallied to build a 6-3 margin going into the final inning. The Eagles made a valiant effort to come back, cutting the Panthers’ lead to two runs thanks to a triple from junior Sarah Ing and a sacrifice fly-ball from senior Kinza Baad. “Maybe we were just due,” said Langley. “We showed up and just didn’t play. You have those days, I guess. It’s too bad it had to come today.”

Cathedral falls in ISL title game

Page 12: NW 05-15-2013 1

12 Wednesday, May 15, 2013 The CurrenT

Northwest Sports n ch g

one minute after the Paul VI goal, and then junior attacker Mark Anstead scored a few seconds later before senior attacker Daniel O’Berry piled in another. The Eagles used the momentum to build a commanding 9-4 lead early in the third quarter. But Paul VI refused to be just part of the Eagles’ coronation; the team gave Gonzaga a scare by putting together a 6-1 scoring run to knot the game at 10. The Eagles made some defensive adjustments by switching to a zone defense. “It’s a good team that wanted the game, too,” O’Neill said of the Panthers. “It’s a game of runs, but we answered back. Timmy Farrell made some unbelievable saves.” The tie lasted for a mere 12 sec-onds before Kuzman scored a quick goal. The teams traded goals once again, and the Eagles found them-selves clinging to a one-goal lead with less than five minutes to play. With the game on the line, the Eagles made sure Corboy had the

ball: Myers dished it over to him, and he scored the insurance goal. Moments later the final horn sounded and the Eagles celebrated a fourth-straight WCAC title.

“They gave us a really good game, and we were a little worried there,” said Corboy. “But our defense stepped it up big time in the fourth quarter, and we were able to finish.”

GONZAGA: Eagles win fourth-straight WCAC titleFrom Page 11

Field boys and girls sweep PVAC track and field championships Field School dominated the Potomac Valley Athletic Conference track and field championships Saturday, as the Falcons’ boys and girls teams both won first place overall. The Edmund Burke girls squad was able to take third place. On the boys side, Field had a slew of excellent performances that contributed to the championship victory. Junior Marcus Robinson took first place in the 100-meter, 200-meter and 400-meter dashes; senior Jeh Johnson took silver in the 100-meter, 200-meter and 400-meters; and senior Alex Ponvert took third in the 400-meter. Junior Adam Augustsson won the 1,600-meter and grueling 3,200-meter runs, while senior Roy Seitz-McLeese took second in same races. Senior Donnie Shaw took gold in both the 300-meter hurdles and triple jump and also earned second in the long jump; senior Jake Catt took silver in the triple jump; senior Keith Honig won the shotput and took second in the discus throw; and senior Sam Cooper took bronze in the discus throw. Burke’s second-place finish also came thanks to several solid performances. Senior Philip Sandstrom won the 800-meter and took third in the 300-meter hurdles; senior Jacob Wellner took third in the 800-meter and 3,200-meter races; sophomore Daniel Hunt took second in the 110-meter hurdles; and senior Corey Hughes took third in the long jump. Meanwhile, on the girls side, Field had several strong finishes. Junior Chloe Lassman won the 100-meter and 200-meter dashes, the long jump and the triple jump; and junior Naomi Franck won the 100-meter hurdles and took silver in the 100-meter and 200-meter dashes. Junior Natalie Johnson earned second in the 400-meter dash and 800-meter run; junior Murjoni Merriweather took silver in the 300-meter hurdles; junior Alissa Williams finished second in the triple jump; and senior Tembe Denton-Hurst took silver in the shotput and third in the discus throw. Other locals who medaled were Washington

International junior Charlotte Leape, who won the 1,600-meter run; Burke senior Mackenzie Sumner, who took bronze in the 100-meter dash; and Burke junior Mylz Taylor, who took bronze in the triple jump.

Burke softball closes in on PVAC title The Bengals softball team built a 38-21 lead over Washington International at the end of the fourth inning of the Potomac Valley Athletic Conference championship game. The teams were unable to com-plete a fifth inning because they reached the time limit on their permit for Cabin John Field. The championship game will resume Thursday at 3:30 p.m. at Forest Hills.

St. Albans baseball drops series to Prep The St. Albans baseball team knows Georgetown Prep is its biggest hurdle to an Interstate Athletic Conference championship. After losing last year’s league title to the Little Hoyas, the Bulldogs had two chances at revenge — but ultimately fell to Prep 4-2 in Bethesda on April 23, then dropped then dropped a 4-0 decision at home two days later. “Scoring two runs in two games isn’t going to get it done,” St. Albans coach Jason Larocque said after the April 25 loss. “We’re going to keep battling. It’s all about finding solutions and taking it one game at a time.” St. Albans could see Georgetown Prep again in the IAC playoffs. The Bulldogs beat St. Stephen’s & St. Agnes in the first round of the playoffs. The tourna-ment continues this week.

St. Albans tennis wins the IAC St. Albans won its third-straight Interstate Athletic Conference championship Monday. The Bulldogs won the overall team award over Episcopal, 31-29, thanks to several strong perfor-mances. Sophomore Jack Lindsey won the No. 4 sin-gles, senior Ashoka Rao and freshman Blake Bath won the No. 3 doubles. “We had to fight for every point,” St. Albans coach Karim Nadji said in a release. “The team believed they could win it, they worked hard for it.”

Sports Desk

Brian Kapur/The CurrentDespite the chilly spring evening, Gonzaga still dumped a bucket of ice water on coach Casey O’Neill as part of the celebration.

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Page 13: NW 05-15-2013 1

The CurrenT Wednesday, May 15, 2013 13

Spotlight on SchoolsBritish School of Washington As part of the International Primary Curriculum topic “All Dressed Up,” the children in Year 1 investigated clothes worn for spe-cial occasions. We had to wear orange T-shirts for a sponsored walk raising money for bladder cancer research. It was a very long way but I did it. We had to walk all around the Tidal Basin by the water with the cherry blos-soms. I walked with my mummy, my brother and my grandma. My feet felt very tired at the end!

— Elizabeth Bainbridge, Year 1 Glasgow (kindergartner)

Edmund Burke School Edmund Burke School does a middle school play each winter, in which the students from sixth, sev-enth and eighth grades take part in a play selected by the teachers. The students also paint the set, sell snacks, prepare props and more. This year, I was part of the tech crew of “Arabian Nights,” the play the students were doing in January. I really enjoyed my time as part of the crew because as an art lover, I felt I learned a lot about different techniques of theater art. I made lantern jars dyed differ-ent colors with Middle Eastern pat-terns out of Mod Podge mixed with food coloring, we stenciled leaves and flowers on the stairways, we painted the theater floor, and we

made a magnificent archway. Although it was tough to do tech crew, finish my homework and get permanent paint stains on my clothes, I didn’t mind all of that. Working for the productions of “Arabian Nights” gave me the chance to work with people from both middle school and high school who I might not have met other-wise. In the end, the tech crew may not be the ones who stood on the stage, we may not be the stars, the applause may not be for us, but we worked and we helped make this play happen.

— Helen Yao, seventh-grader

Georgetown Day School Advanced Placement exams have been the cause of most stu-dents’ stress during the past week. Ranging from two to four hours, these exams cover topics from physics to Spanish. After an exam is completed, its respective course is also complete and students taking the class will receive a free period for the rest of the year. But students will also soon be preparing for final exams taking place in late May. Other events indicating the near-ing of summer vacation are the ath-letic championship meets, matches and games! Varsity sports teams competed in Mid-Atlantic Athletic Conference and Independent School

League championships and tourna-ments last week. Last Friday, the boys and girls track and field teams traveled to Holton-Arms to vie for another MAC championship banner, and improve on last year’s placement in the ISL. The boys and girls track and field teams have had a very successful season, after finishing second and sixth, respectively, at the recent Draper Invitational. At Draper, senior Nomi Miller set a new school record in the 1,600-meter run, finishing with a time of 5:15.16. Additionally, the boys 4x800, 4x400 and 4x200 relay teams finished in the top three in the finals. The boys 4x200 relay team also set a new school record with a time of 1:32.74!— Carlton Marshall II, 11th-grader

Murch Elementary Murch had its annual talent show May 3 for pre-K through fifth grades. There were some truly amazing acts. Some people sang and some played instruments like piano and violin. There was even a group of students playing “Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor. One girl sang “Part of Your World” from “The Little Mermaid.” A group of second-graders did an amazing act with gymnastics, hula-hooping, ribbon waving, and singing with “Popcorn” by Barenaked Ladies. For the grand finale, the Murch Guitar Club

accompanied our music teacher, Ms. Catherine Pruett, in a sing-along to “Blowing in the Wind” by Bob Dylan. What made the talent show the best is that everyone in it did the best they could, and it really showed through. People were very creative about what they did in their acts.

— Meredith Simon, third-grader

Powell Elementary Powell will begin its Phase One modernization as soon as the 2012-2013 school year concludes. However, even though the work has been funded, it will only improve one wing of the school. I think this is sad because our entire school is in dire need of improvement. Powell is a great and remarkable school. In fact, the enrollment has skyrocketed since 2009, from 211 to a projected 430 students next year. This is why we need addition-al classrooms immediately. We have an average daily attendance of 98 percent, with 0 percent truancy. Student test scores improve exponentially, and some students are scoring in the advanced catego-ry on the DC-CAS. This is why Powell is classified as a Rising School under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, and was a recipient of the Fight for Children Rising Star Award last year. I just hope the D.C. Council Education Committee will see how

important it is for my school to get full funding for modernization. We work really hard to achieve success academically and personally. It would be nice to have a good facili-ty with attractive and welcoming spaces to accommodate us.

— Jeff Williams, fifth-grader

St. Albans School It was a rainy Monday morning as we all filed into the buses that would take us to our Form II camp-ing trip (also known as “Woodlands”). Although we were all looking forward to the trip, some of us were anxious because it would be our first camping experience, some of us were concerned about tent-mates and activities, and some of us feared for our food. All of the tension and anxiety disappeared, however, as we started hiking toward, and then reached, Annapolis Rocks. The rain had become a drizzle, and Annapolis Rocks was a very awesome and beautiful place. After we set our tents up, we practiced rappelling down the rocks, and we went climbing before hiking away the next morning. Our next stop in Woodlands was Adventure Island. The canoe trip to the island proved long and tough, yet enjoyable. In the morning we swam the freezing rapids, and not many campers praised this activity. After the canoe ride back from


See Dispatches/Page 19









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Page 14: NW 05-15-2013 1

14 Wednesday, May 15, 2013 The CurrenT

ARLINGTON $542,000JUST ACROSS the River and the bestvalue on the market. Ultra-modern renovof 1500+ SF 1BR condo. Chef’s KIT w/high-end ss applcs: SubZero, Dacor,Asko. MBA w/ huge sep shower and soak-ing tub. Recessed lights, SunShadeblinds. Balcony w/views of DC skyline,Wshgton Monument, Capitol & more!!!Simone SeidmanFoxhall Office 202-363-1800

BETHESDA $1,595,000FABULOUS NEW 4200 SF home on pro-fessionally landscaped double lot. 5BR,5BA, FR, LR, fin bsmnt, 2-car gar. Highend finishes. GRAND 2-story entry foyer,sunny rooms with walls of windows. Twobalconies, + deck and terrace. – just out-side the Beltway, EZ commute to dtownDC, Dulles and National Airport & BWI.Ingrid Suisman / Tatjana BajramiFoxhall Office 202-363-1800

BETHESDA $650,000SOUGHT-OUT 2BR, 2BA, 1,703sf & dencorner unit set among the trees. Beautifulnew Chef’s kit, formal dining, LR & FPand wall of glass that leads to the privatebalcony. A must see!Connie Parker 202-302-3900Friendship Heights 202-364-5200

CAPITOL HILL $829,000SPACIOUS, updated bayfront 3BR, 2.5BATownhouse with legal 1BR rental incomeunit! Open living space, warm HWFs,grand Mste, charming patio, & a quickstroll to H St corridor, Eastern market, &METRO! www.RobyThompson.com.Roby Thompson 202-255-2986Woodley Park Office 202-483-6300

CATHEDRAL HEIGHTS $540,000THE WESTCHESTER! Large, lovely,sun-filled; gorgeous treetop views from11 windows! Move-in ready, 1400 SF,2BR, 2BA. Renov gran KIT, xtra-largeDR, high ceilgs, crown molding, parquetflrs. A special home in a building knownfor elegance and wonderful amenities.Co-op fee INCLUDES UTILS/TAXES!Stanley Watters 202-674-4081Chevy Chase Office 202-363-9700

COLUMBIA HEIGHTS $699,000CONTEMPORARY 3BR, 3BA condo ren-ovated with 2 smartly-designed levels.Spacious LR w/high ceiling and wall ofwindows. Gran/ss KIT w/brkfst bar which

opens to sep DR. Main level BR, hugeMBR and MBA with double vanity onupper level. 2-car priv PKG, rear deck,front patio. Four blocks to Metro.Linda LowFoxhall Office 202-363-1800

DUPONT / LOGAN $387,000COOL CONDO - Perfect Location.Nicely-updtd 1BR, 1BA, steps to WholeFoods, Vida Gym, and P St fun. Brightsouthern exposure overlooking invitingcourtyard, + spacious LR and DR w/ new,gleaming HWFs, updtd KIT, new BA,CAC and W/D. Really low $271 fee andpet-friendly policy.Elaine Conroy 202-744-6291Woodley Park Office 202-483-6300

FOXHALL VILLAGE $879,000GRACIOUS, sunny, 4BR, 2.5BA, semi-detTudor on 4 lvls. LR with Fpl and built inbookshelves. Refin HWFs. New KIT withSS applcs & gran counters. Sunroom/denoverlooks backyard. Mste on 3rd flr hassitting room w/kitchenette. Private deck

off MBR. CAC. Garage. 1514 44th St NW.Scott Polk 202-256-5460Georgetown Office 202-944-8400

GEORGETOWN $2,250,000DASHING COLONIAL on R St inGtown's East Village. Beautifully decorat-ed with gracious flow. Crown moldings,millwork and wooden flrs. 3BR, 3.5BA.Elegant LL w/FR, guest room w/BA, laun-dry & entry from garage. 2810 R St NW.Margaret Heimbold 202-812-2750Georgetown Office 202-944-8400

LEDROIT PARK $850,000MONUMENT VIEWS! Huge 3 storyVictorian with English basement. Readyfor your renovation or condo conver-sion. Convenient to U Street & Metro.www.DCMDHomeFinder.com.Walt Johnson 240-351-4663Chevy Chase Office 202-363-9700

LEDROIT PARK $384,500WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY in LeDroitPark! Convenient to downtown! 3BR, 1.5BA

home with off street parking, partially fin-ished attic & garage. Call for more details.Norris Dodson 202-486-7800Friendship Hgts Ofcc 202-364-5200

LOGAN CIRCLE $529,900THE RADIUS - Corner 2BR, 2BA w/ garPKG, 3rd-flr, loft-style unit, over 1,000SF of space. Huge windows, SS/gran KIT,CAC, hrdwd, W/D. Pet-OK, FHAapproved. Bldg has front desk, gym, partyroom, patio, & close to dwntwn/METRO.Gary Kraft 202-487-3716Woodley Park Office 202-483-6300

NORTHPOTOMAC, MD UPPER $400,000sJUST LISTED! Entertain in style in thisairy elegant brick 3BR, 3.5BA town-home. Meticulous care has been given tothis stunning home w/ unique architec-tural accents & thoughtful upgrades allin mint condition. Chef’s KIT, luxuriousMBA, rosewood floors and deck.Tricia Murphy 202-445-4664Chevy Chase Office 202-363-9700

OBSERVATORY CIRCLE $314,500THE COLONNADE - Light, brightCondo w/ gorgeous views. THE BESTVALUE in the bldg. Condo fee incl allutils, HBO & Showtime! PLUS, Olympicsize Heated Pool, Gym, Hair Salon, DryCleaner, Valet PKG, + more. Seller isoffering $5000 credit.Bridgit Fitzgerald 202-812-8281Chevy Chase Office 202-363-9700

SILVER SPRING, MD $449,900ROOM TO BREATHE! Lovely, spacious3BR, 2.5BA home sits on a rolling 3/4acre lot. Move-in ready w/ gorgeousHWs thru-out main lvl. Updtd KIT w/breakfast area. Relax in LL rec area w/exposed wood beams & wood-burningFP. 1-car Garage. Nice and quiet neigh-borhood.David Branch 202-575-5020Woodley Park Office 202-483-6300

TAKOMA, DC $250,000ESTATE SALE! 2BR end unit located ona quiet end of North Capitol in thesought after neighborhood of Takoma.Perfect for investor; now tenant occu-pied, can be positive cash flow or couldmake a great starter home. Nice sizedyard with PKG! Walk to Takoma Metro.www.TheChampionCollection.com.Denise Champion 202-215-9242Chevy Chase Office 202-363-9700

WESLEY HEIGHTS $200,000TOP FLOOR studio/Jr 1BR at theTowers. Amazing views of the NationalCathedral spires and courtyard fromhigh above the trees. 24-hr doorman, fit-ness ctr, outdoor pool, conveniencestore, hair salon, and more. Just up thestreet from restaurants, Starbucks, theshops at 3101 New Mexico & the soonto open Wagshals Market. Gar PKG availfor addl $40,000.Kent MadsenFoxhall Office 202-363-1800

WASHINGTON GROVE $410,000CLASSIC GROVE COTTAGE (1891)with FR and Sun Rm giving extra space.3BR, beamed ceilings, siding to parklandcome to be charmed! 100+acres ofparks, forests, & swimming lake. This isan Oasis!!!Susan Van Nostrand 301-529-1385Friendship Heights 301-652-2777

GEORGETOWN1680 Wisconsin Ave. NW


FOXHALL3201 New Mexico Ave. NW




CHEVY CHASE20 Chevy Chase Circle NW


WOODLEY PARK2300 Calvert St.202.483.6300

AU PARKCOMING SOON! Unique home on wide, quietstreet close to amenities: 2 Metro stops, restau-rants, parks! Pristine, renovated with custom fin-ishes throughout; spectacular lrg KIT w/ built-inoffice & casual dining area viewing extraordinarybackyard! 4-5 BR, 2-3.5 BA on 4 fin’d lvls.Anneliese Wilkerson 202-895-7340Chevy Chase Office 202-363-9700

KENT $1,539,000SUNNY, classic Colonialon one of the prettieststreets in Kent. Lovelyresidence offers a beauti-fully renovated cook’sKIT with breakfast roomand outdoor entertainingdeck, spacious formal LRand DR, custom picture-frame moulding thruout.This charming home hashardwood floors onmain & upper levels,

along with a total of 5BR, 4.5BA.

Nancy Itteilag 202-905-7762Foxhall Office 202-363-1800

SPRING VALLEY, DC $1,395,000CHARMING English country style on quietdead-end street in Spring Valley. Lovely layout,4BR, 4.5BA, big screened porch and sunny lot.Great bones. Same family fifty years.Opportunity on prestigious block. 4733Woodway Lane.Lisa Takesuye 202-360-7050Georgetown Office 202-944-8400

PETWORTH, DC $424,000ELEGANT row home. HWFs, high ceilgs, updtdKIT w/gran counters. Blocks from Rock CreekPk, EZ access to Dtown, WDC, Chevy Chase,Bethesda, Silver Spring, Takoma Pk & Ft TottenMETROs & bus routes. 3BR, 1BA, 1 Powder Rm,1-car gar & 1-car driveway. 5706 8th St NW.Leon Williams 202-437-6828Georgetown Office 202-944-8400

U ST CORRIDOR$839,900GREAT LOCATION!Stunning, contemporaryPH unit at the awardwinning Visio. 2BR, 2BAon 2 lvls featuring 20’ceiling; expansive win-dows; maple flrs; MBRloft with private terrace.Euro-style KIT withgranite counters & SSappliances. Coveredparking & Metro.

John Plank 703-528-5646Woodley Park Office 202-483-6300

LOGAN CIRCLE$449,900WON’T LAST! Bright,open, modern 1 bed-room, 2 baths condo insmall boutique buildingin Logan area. High-endgourmet KIT includesThermador oven, Sub-zero refrigerator. Naturalstone bathrooms, fire-place, roof deck. Low feeand pets allowed.

Mary Zitello 202-549-7515Chevy Chase Office 202-363-9700

POTOMAC $1,350,000GORGEOUS 6BRs, 4.5BA contemporary private-ly nestled on 2.5 acres of secluded woodland.This home features vaulted ceilings thru-out,gracious entertainment space, swimming pool, &tennis court.Bill Fitzgerald 202-213-3489Friendship Heights 301-652-2777

TERRELL PLACE/PENN QUARTER $518,000THIS 1BR CONDO is appox 900sf of livingspace. 15’ ceilings compliments this corner unitwith large windows offering abundant of lighting& volume, kit feat granite counters, glass mosaic& SS appl.Call for further details.Daryl Laster/Lance Horsley 202-294-9055Friendship Heights 202-364-5200

Page 15: NW 05-15-2013 1

On leafy Sherier Place in the Palisades, a unique Craftsman-style home with

Victorian elements is on the market

for just over $2 million. The five-bedroom property built in 1923 fea-tures fine craftsmanship, light-filled rooms and a spacious landscaped yard. On the far side of this corner lot at 5332 Sherier Place, there’s even a one-bedroom caretaker’s cottage, built a few years later, which mirrors the main house’s exterior design and hip roof.

Set back from the street, the property’s curb appeal is the first sign that the home offers something special. Borrowing from the Victorian aesthetic, the three-story exterior incorporates four different colors — off-white for the siding with sage green, muted brick and robin’s egg blue as accent colors.

A grand wraparound porch pro-vides the perfect spot to either chase the sun or enjoy the shade. Regardless of where you sit, there’s a view of the flowering lilac and rose bushes and cherry, magnolia and mulberry trees.

The home’s main entrance opens to a comfortable living room with a

brick fireplace flanked by windows and built-in bookcases. A set of French doors lead to a formal din-ing room, which has a built-in hutch and exterior French doors to the porch.

The home’s central hallway fea-tures Tiffany-style sconces and leads to the kitchen, which is part of a recent two-story addition at the rear of the property. Its expansive windows along the south-facing wall stream in lots of natural light.

Custom cabinets with glass doors were stained in a soft muted blue. A large center island features a butcher-block countertop with a floating cabinet above. Home chefs will appreciate the top-of-the-line appliances, including a Thermador five-burner gas cooktop, a Bosch oven and dishwasher, and General Electric stainless steel refrigerator, microwave and warming drawer.

The food prep area opens to a large dining space, surrounded by windows and an exterior door to the porch, where current owners have a long farmer’s table. At the opposite end of the kitchen is an office nook with a built-in desk and bookcase.

Off the central hallway are a large coat closet and a powder room. Best of all is a dumbwaiter located close to the kitchen that spans the home’s four levels.

In addition to the main staircase,

there’s a sec-ond one in the kitchen that leads to the family room above. Also part of the addition, the room has win-dows on three walls, a long south-facing window bench with cedar storage underneath and two cedar closets.

There are also three bedrooms on this level with built-in bookcases and window benches, as well as a full bath that features a vintage por-celain sink, clawfoot tub and bead-board paneling on the walls.

The renovated third level serves as a spacious master suite. Taking center stage are the rich brown beams with beadboard detail on the ceiling, which follow the home’s hip roofline. There are four closets, three window benches and two built-in bureaus and shelves. The en suite master bath features a soaking tub and shower with a frameless glass door, subway tile in a sea glass green-blue, and two vanities.

The home’s lower level provides an abundance of storage and living space. One room currently outfitted as a home gym has an en suite full bath with a soaking tub. There’s a

central room, also used as an exer-cise space; a separate laundry room with a large sink; and a wine cellar with a tall double-door wine refrig-erator. At the rear is a spacious and bright home office with floor-to-ceiling windows and exterior French doors that lead to a patio.

The property has two additional structures: a storage shed that mim-ics the main house’s exterior, and the two-level caretaker’s cottage. This bonus house is at the far end of the yard, which means there’s a spacious buffer between it and the main living quarters.

At the main entrance of the cot-tage is a covered porch with a built-in bench on one side. The first level features an open-concept living,

dining and kitchen area with hard-wood floors, built-in bookcases, and a window bench with storage underneath. The kitchen features custom cabinets with granite coun-tertops. The powder room has a stackable washer and dryer tucked behind a shutter-style door.

A spiral staircase leads to the second level’s spacious bedroom suite, which features windows on three walls, built-in bookshelves and an en suite bath.

This five-bedroom, three-and-a-half-bath house at 5332 Sherier Place is offered for $2,095,000. For more information contact Theresa Burt of TTR Sotheby’s International Realty at [email protected] or 202-258-2600.

A Look at the Market in Northwest Washington May 15, 2013 ■ Page 15

Myriad Arts and Crafts details define Sherier Place home

Photos by Sean ShannahanThis five-bedroom Craftsman home in the Palisades is listed for $2,095,000.


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16 wedNesday, May 15, 2013 The CurreNT

Real Estate

The committee also called for speeding up the modernization for Garrison Elementary School in Logan Circle from 2015 to 2014 — a change that had the school’s very active community members singing the committee’s praises on social media last week. School Within School at Logan Annex in Northeast also had its modernization bumped up from 2016 to 2015.

Because the city will reach its debt limit in three years, school modernization projects slated for 2017, 2018 and 2019 are “highly dubious at this point,” Catania said at a May 2 budget hearing. Modernization projects scheduled before then should target schools that expect to see increased enroll-ment and demand, he said.

Increasing public engagement at D.C. Public Schools, particularly between the school system and par-

ents, is a priority for the committee. To this end, members identified more than $279,000 in internal sav-ings from the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education and the Non-Public Tuition Program to re-estab-lish an ombudsman’s office. The State Board of Education would be charged with getting it up and run-ning by January 2014.

Other programs to receive real-located funding include $135,000 to implement the long-awaited science, technology, engineering and math program at H.D. Woodson High School in Northeast.

The committee also recommend-ed restructuring the school system’s truancy program to better report results, and increasing access to intramural and interscholastic ath-letic programs.

The full council began budget discussions this week during admin-istrative meetings. The council is set to vote on the budget May 22.

SCHOOLS: Panel shifts fundingFrom Page 3

Each Of�ce Is Independently Owned And Operated. Equal housing opportunity. Price and availability subject to change.

Page 17: NW 05-15-2013 1

The CurrenT Wednesday, May 15, 2013 17



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Bethesda 301.718.0010 Capitol Hill 202.547.3525 Chevy Chase 202.362.5800Dupont 202.387.6180 Georgetown 202.333.6100 CBMove.com

Kent – 5017 Klingle Street NW. Chryssa WolfeArts & Crafts masterpiece. Classic architecturewith 21st C lifestyle requirements. Light, spa-cious rooms, high ceilings, high-end kitchen andwoodwork details, great family living/entertain-ment space. Private lot, house sited high for pri-vacy/light. K/bkfst solarium/family room, LR, DR,library/study+ office nook on main. 5 BR’s on2nd. Dble garage, fully finished LL. $2,500,000.

Sylvia Bergstrom 202.367.3730Marin Hagen 202.257.2339


Georgetown – 3410 N Street NW. NEW LISTING w/2 CAR GARAGE. Semi-detachedstreams light from large windows. Wonderfulhigh-ceiling LR w/French windows. Chef's sizekitchen w/Viking stove opens to solarium/familyroom, opening into exquisite, landscaped garden.2nd level has 3BR, 2BA (4th BR now a mastercloset/dressing room). Lower level featuresBR/FBA, plus storage & wine cellar. $2,500,000.

Sylvia Bergstrom 202.367.3730Marin Hagen 202.257.2339


Georgetown – 1065 Thomas Jefferson StreetNW. Location, location, location! Wonderfulhome on terrific street in the heart of George-town. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths on 2 levels with alarge unfinished basement. Currently looselyconfigured as a three-unit but perfect to convertto a single family & rental unit or 1 terrific home!Amazing rear yard accessible through a side en-trance gate. Bring imagination and realize agreat house. A must see. $1,250,000.

John Edelmann 202.423.6900CBMove.com/DC8067003

Palisades – 5314 MacArthur Boulevard NW.Magnificent residence quality throughout - solidcherry kitchen cabinets w/leaded glass doors, SSappliances & induction electric range. SpaciousLR & DR perfect for entertaining. Beautiful plastermolding throughout and heated BR floors. Lowerlevel en suite plus inviting open family room withfireplace & large terrace patio. 2 car parking. Verylittle exterior maintenance. $1,099,000.

Edward Poutier 202.421.8650Stewart Coleman 202.841.2936


Logan – 1439 S Street NW #2. Incrediblybright & contemporary! Approx 1,820 SF 2-level condo with rear walls of French Doorsoverlooking 2 private decks. Sunken livingroom w/fireplace, dining area & cook’s kitchen.Hardwood floors & skylight. Master bedroomsuite w/fireplace, 2nd bedroom and library (or3rd bedroom), 2 baths & garage parking. Walk to 14th Street nightlife, 2 Metros, etc.$939,000.

Willie Parker 202.316.1236CBMove.com

American University Park – 4101 AlbemarleStreet NW #635. Penthouse 2BR/2BA apt w/ 10-ft ceilings, spectacular view of the city from balcony.Chef's kitchen w/ stainless steel appliances, gran-ite countertops. Washer & dryer. Garage park-ing. Building has 24-hr desk, fully equippedgym. Convenient location, Metro at the building,plus library, shops and restaurants. $719,000.

Gregory Ennis 202.276.1778CBMove.com/DC8075195

Logan – 1741 Johnson Avenue NW #205.Rare opportunity to own a chic 2BR, 2BA unit inDupont Lofts with garage parking. 11 ft + ceil-ings, Saturnia stone floors, designer kitchen, gasfireplace and rooftop terrace. $699,000.

Alexander Esfahani 202.701.6200Gil Stockton 703.969.5089CBMove.com/DC8070744

Brightwood – 608 Rittenhouse Street NW.2010 renovation. Kitchen with Scavolini cabi-nets, SS appliances, Zodiak and CaesarStonecounters. 3 zone heat with Runtal wall radiators.Custom milled maple flrs. Gas frplc. Alfa closets.Bosch W/D. Security system. Garage. Deck.Landscaping. Takoma Metro & bus. $625,000.

Edward Poutier 202.421.8650Stewart Coleman 202.841.2936


Wesley Heights – 3255 C Sutton Place NW.Beautiful townhome condo! 2 level, 2 BR, 2.5BA, hardwood floors throughout, renovatedtable space kitchen, fireplace, built-ins & privatewalled terrace! 2-car unassigned parking, swim-ming pool, tennis courts. Unbeatable loca-tion.....! Pet friendly community! $625,000.

John B. Lumsden 202.288.3185CBMove.com/DC8045649

Forest Hills – 2329 Porter Street NW. Artsand Crafts Gearing Bungalow stone home inhistoric enclave listed under Estate & CountryHouses. Over 1/2 acre of landscaped ground,mature trees, pergola w/wisteria vines. Remod-eled KIT. Oak floors, bluestone frplc, originalcoffered ceiling in LR. Oak paneling in sep DR.Country setting minutes to Metro & dtown DC.$1,750,000.

Camille Gemayel 202.210.2314CBMove.com/DC8077706

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Page 18: NW 05-15-2013 1

ANC 2DSheridan-Kalorama

The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Monday, May 20, at Our Lady Queen of the Americas Church, California Street and Phelps Place NW. Agenda items include:■ police report.■ update on the residential building under construction for the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China.■ discussion of the 2225 California St. project.■ discussion of a D.C. Department of Transportation traffic study for Connecticut Avenue from Calvert Street to Wyoming Avenue.■ announcements. For details, visit anc2d.org or contact [email protected].

ANC 3BGlover Park

The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, June 13, at Stod-dert Elementary School and Rec-reation Center, 4001 Calvert St. NW. For details, call 202-338-2969, email [email protected] or visit anc3b.org.

ANC 3CCleveland ParkWoodley ParkMassachusetts Avenue Heights

The commission will meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday, May 20, at the 2nd District Police Headquarters, 3320 Idaho Ave. NW. Agenda items include:■ community forum.■ presentation by the D.C. Depart-ment of Health regarding rabies con-cerns in the area.■ consideration of a D.C. Historic Preservation Review Board applica-tion for a rear addition and some front facade alterations at 3520 30th St. For details, visit anc3c.org.

ANC 3DSpring ValleyWesley Heights

At the commission’s May 1 meeting:■ Michael Putzel discussed his neighborhood’s ongoing efforts to preserve and restore Spring Valley Park, a narrow strip that parallels Quebec Street between Fordham Road and 49th Street. Putzel said his Friends of Spring Valley Park is working with city agencies to con-trol erosion and tree loss, while organizing residents to do smaller-scale cleanup and maintenance. Later in the meeting, commis-sioners voted 8-0, with Michael Gold and Tom Smith absent, to rec-ognize the friends group as the park’s official partner, which will grant it more influence with the city.■ commissioners voted 9-0, with Tom Smith absent, to support a pub-lic space application for an expanded driveway at the fire station at 4811

MacArthur Blvd. The driveway will serve a new ambulance bay that’s being added to the facility, and work on the driveway will likely begin in late July.■ James Cheeks of the D.C. Depart-ment of Transportation discussed plans for traffic signals at Foxhall Road and W Street and at Lough-boro Road and Dalecarlia Parkway. Though some residents opposed the signals, Cheeks said he had no dis-cretion on lights that were deter-mined to meet federal criteria. Later in the meeting, a resolution to oppose the signal at Foxhall and W failed 3-5; commissioners instead voted 8-1, with Gayle Trotter opposed and Tom Smith absent, to ask that the Transportation Depart-ment grant more weight generally to the commission’s decisions.■ commissioners voted 6-2 to oppose a Board of Zoning Adjust-ment application to remove a single-family home at MacArthur Boule-vard and Q Street and replace it with a four-unit apartment building. Rory Slatko and Joe Wisniewski opposed the resolution, Michael Gold abstained, and Tom Smith was absent. The developer, who would live in one of the units, said he’d already offered concessions to the commu-nity, including the design and place-ment of his proposed building. The site is near several larger buildings and the proposed building meets applicable zoning rules, but the proj-ect needs a variance to change uses to an apartment building. Neighbors argued that the project would start a “domino effect” in which a row of single-family homes would be torn down and replaced, and worried about increased traffic in the alley accessing the site. A peti-tion drive in the community had collected 57 signatures from oppo-nents of the apartment plan, neigh-bors said.■ commissioners discussed a D.C. Department of Transportation pro-posal to install a bicycle lane on northbound New Mexico Avenue. A number of cyclists attended the meeting to say the lane would be a valuable safety amenity, but nearby residents argued that the road is too narrow. The commission will con-sider the issue further at a future meeting.■ commissioners voted 7-2, with Penny Pagano and Gayle Trotter opposed and Tom Smith absent, to support the liquor license renewal application from Chef Geoff’s, 3201 New Mexico Ave. Pagano had sought to make the approval contin-gent upon Chef Geoff’s signing a settlement agreement with the com-mission that would formalize terms of operations, but most commission-ers said the establishment had dem-onstrated itself to be responsible.■ commissioners voted 6-0 to sup-port the National Park Service’s low-density scenario for a Potomac River boathouse zone. Michael Gold and Tom Smith were absent; Gayle Trot-ter and Joe Wisniewski abstained.■ commissioners voted 8-0, with

Michael Gold and Tom Smith absent, to support the annual Best Buddies noncompetitive bike ride, which will close Canal Road and the Clara Barton Parkway until 9:30 a.m. Oct. 19.■ Kent Slowinski asked the commis-sion to request extended no-parking hours at the DC Design House, 2507 Foxhall Road, to cover the period in which event organizers are trucking away items from the house. No other commissioner seconded his motion, so it did not move forward.■ commissioner Nan Wells reported that neighbors of 5063 Overlook Road had negotiated a covenant with the homeowner in which he agreed not to further develop his property. The commission will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 5, in the Community Center at Mann Ele-mentary School, 4430 Newark St. NW. For details, call 202-363-4130 or visit anc3d.org.

ANC 3ETenleytownAmerican University Park

The commission will meet at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, June 13, in the library at Janney Elementary School, 4130 Albemarle St. NW. For details, visit anc3e.org.

ANC 3FForest Hills

The commission will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 21, at the Methodist Home of D.C., 4901 Connecticut Ave. NW. Agenda items include:■ consideration of a letter of no objection to alcoholic beverage con-trol license renewal applications for Sushi Para and Terasol Gallery & Cafe.■ police report.■ announcements/open forum.■ presentation by Lee Goldstein about the Sustainable DC plan.■ discussion with the D.C. Urban Forestry Administration regarding various tree issues, including a pre-sentation by Anthony Jones about tree plantings and a report from Joey Perez on the tree canopy in the area and the city’s efforts to remove and replace dead trees.■ presentation by the D.C. Depart-ment of the Environment regarding the rehabilitation of Broad Branch Stream.■ discussion and possible consider-ation of a resolution regarding the rebuilding of Broad Branch Road.■ report from Marlene Berlin on the sidewalk gap study presented to the D.C. Department of Transportation.■ discussion of the filing of a formal complaint against the University of the District of Columbia with the Zoning Commission regarding com-plaints about noncompliance with the campus plan order.■ consideration of a resolution in support of a separated cycle track on Connecticut Avenue. For details, call 202-670-7262 or visit anc3f.us.

18 Wednesday, May 15, 2013 The CurrenT

Northwest Real Estate


ANC 2D■ sheridan-kalorama

ANC 3B■ Glover Park / cathedral heiGhts

ANC 3D■ sPrinG valley / wesley heiGhtsPalisades / kent / foxhall

ANC 3C■ cleveland Park / woodley Parkmassachusetts avenue heiGhtscathedral heiGhts

ANC 3E■ american university ParkfriendshiP heiGhts / tenleytown

ANC 3F■ forest hills / north cleveland Park

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Page 19: NW 05-15-2013 1

The CurrenT Wednesday, May 15, 2013 19

Adventure Island, we headed to the Calleva Farm, where we played games in the fields and in the barn. On our final morning we went whitewater rafting, which proved my personal trip highlight.

— Jack Lipson, Form II (eighth-grader)

St. Ann’s Academy The sixth-graders are hard at work as the school year comes to a close. We are studying math con-cepts in geometry, such as measure-ments and calculating area and vol-ume. In social studies we are exploring the continent of Asia, cur-rently focusing on China in particu-lar. We are learning about our solar system and other astronomical con-cepts in science class. We are currently reading “The Giver” by Lois Lowry and are hav-ing interesting discussions about the story. In religion, we are learning about the kings and prophets who preceded Jesus. Later this month, our class will be taking a field trip to the National Museum of Natural History, as well as the National Air and Space Museum. The year has gone by very fast,

but we’ve learned a lot and enjoyed our time in sixth grade. Although it was a good year, we are all excited to be in seventh grade next year.

— Sixth-grade class

School Without Walls High School International Day is a seasoned tradition in our school. Our annual festivities are broken up into two different celebrations: an assembly and a potluck dinner. Last week, we held our assem-bly in George Washington University’s Lisner Auditorium, where all of our assemblies occur. We had special performances from most of the trips abroad, as well as a student favorite featuring a special Vietnamese instrument. Twenty vol-unteers were each given one instru-ment, each corresponding to a sin-gular note. By the end of the 20-minute presentation, the student volunteers were playing “Lean on Me” and the audience was eagerly singing along. The potluck is scheduled for May 16 this year. Students, faculty members and parents show off their culinary skills and heritage by bringing in a dish to feed about 10 people. Some even choose to dress up in international garb! The dinner is an opportunity for everyone to

show off their culture, and generally to enjoy each other’s company.

— Eleonore Edgell, 11th-grader

Washington Latin Public Charter School At the end of March, I embarked on a 10-day adventure to China with seven classmates and three teachers from Washington Latin. We’d all been studying Chinese for at least two years and had been looking forward to experiencing what we’d been studying in the classroom for so long. First we took a quick visit to Beijing, where we got to live in a traditional Hutong neighborhood and see sites like the Great Wall and the Summer Palace. Our 15-hour train ride from Beijing to Changsha, during which we attracted a lot of attention from the rest of the pas-sengers, marked the transition from a sightseeing tour to a more interac-tive experience. We got to visit our pen pals’ school and give them a lesson in D.C. slang, and we bond-ed with students in a karate club after joining them in a practice ses-sion. We were also served a home-cooked meal one evening and took a Hunan cooking lesson the next. When we signed onto the trip, we never imagined that we would get to have a fire cupping massage,

spend a night belting out songs at karaoke, or take a picture with a cardboard cutout of Chairman Mao at a temple on our hike. We all learned not only a lot more about the Chinese language and culture, but also about ourselves.

— Amal Riley, 11th-grader

Wilson High School Wilson students are preparing for Advanced Placement exams, which are taking place this month. Wilson offers 21 AP courses, in which hundreds of students are enrolled and are required to take the test. Though the testing week is hard

for everyone, it seems that younger students are generally more nervous than seniors. Tenth-grader Anna Viemose said she was “very ner-vous” for her first-ever AP test: World History. Though she loves the subject, and has been studying hard, she said it’s still “a lot to memorize.” Senior Derrick Foret remembers the feeling. He has taken six AP tests in his high school career, and is preparing to take a whopping six more. And yet he said his stress has “gone down a lot” since his first exam — from “10th grade, a lot; 11th, some; 12th, not at all.”

— Christina Harn, 12th-grader


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Page 20: NW 05-15-2013 1

Wednesday, May 15

Benefit■ The District of Columbia Arts

Center’s “Harlem Shake It Happy Hour” will have attendees take part in the popular Internet meme by gyrating in front of a live video camera. Proceeds from the event will benefit the Adams Morgan-based arts group. 6 to 8 p.m. $15. Bedrock Billiards, 1841 Columbia Road NW. 202-462-7833.

Concerts■ The Washington National Opera will

present highlights from its 2013-14 sea-son, featuring main stage artists, members of the Domingo-Cafritz Young Artist Program and the Washington National Opera Orchestra. 6 p.m. Free. Opera House, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600.

■ In preparation for a multi-city concert tour of Russia, the American University Chamber Singers will present “The Art of Tradition: Choral Music of Russia and the United States.” 6:30 to 8 p.m. $7 to $20. Hillwood Estate, Museum and Gardens, 4155 Linnean Ave. NW. 202-686-5807.

■ Flutist Eugenia Zukerman (shown) and keyboardist Anthony Newman will perform a chamber music recital. 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Free; reser-vations required. Performance Hall, National Museum of Women in the Arts, 1250 New York Ave. NW. 202-783-7370.

Discussions and lectures■ The Arts Club of Washington will host

a panel discussion featuring artists Dana Ellyn, Oenone Hammersley, Juan E. Hernandez Gonzalez and Paul Reuther. 5:30 p.m. Free. Arts Club of Washington, 2017 I St. NW. artsclubofwashington.org.

■ Smithsonian folklorist and curator Olivia Cadaval will talk about the history of Adams Morgan, with a focus on the emer-gence and the development of the Latino

community. 6:30 p.m. Free. Mount Pleasant Library, 3160 16th St. NW. 202-671-3121.

■ Susan Elia MacNael will discuss her book “His Majesty’s Hope.” 7 p.m. Free. Tenley-Friendship Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202-727-1488.

Reading■ “Trialogue: Passions,” a cross-cultur-

al collaboration, will feature local poets Sarah Browning, Reginald Harris and Joseph Ross, as well as readings of Chinese and German poems. 6:30 p.m. Free. Watha T. Daniel-Shaw Library, 1630 7th St. NW. 202-727-1288.

Thursday, May 16

Benefit■ Project Create will host its fifth annu-

al Art Auction and Benefit to raise funds for arts education for children and families experiencing homelessness and poverty in D.C. 6 to 9 p.m. $20 to $100. Paul Hastings LLP, 875 15th St. NW. projectcreatedc.brownpapertickets.com.

Children’s program■ The Palisades Library will celebrate

National Children’s Book Week with stories and crafts. 4 p.m. Free. Palisades Library, 4901 V St. NW. 202-282-3139.

Classes and seminars■ Housing Counseling Services, a local

nonprofit, will present an orientation ses-sion for first-time homebuyers. 11 a.m. Free. Suite 100, 2410 17th St. NW. 202-667-7006.

■ A seminar will focus on how to start a business in the District. 1 p.m. Free. Takoma Park Library, 416 Cedar St. NW. 202-576-7252.

■ David Newcomb, an author and long-time practitioner of meditation, will lead a workshop on “Deeper Into Meditation.” 7 p.m. Free. Palisades Library, 4901 V St. NW. 202-282-3139. The workshop series will continue May 23.

Concerts■ National Symphony Orchestra’s

Youth Fellows will perform chamber music by Saint-Saëns, Schuman, Prokofiev and Beethoven. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600.

■ Children’s musician John Henry will perform a weekly concert. 6 to 7 p.m. Free. Broad Branch Market, 5608 Broad Branch Road NW. 202-249-8551.

■ The 18th annual Mary Lou Williams Women in Jazz Festival will feature leading jazz artists over three nights, starting with the Tineke Postma Quartet, the Amina Claudine Myers Trio, and Sheila Jordan and Jay Clayton. 7 p.m. $38. Terrace Theater, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. The performance series will continue Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m.

■ NSO Pops will pay tribute to the 10th anniversary of the musical “Wicked” and the 65th birthday of composer Stephen Schwartz with a concert performance of songs from the Broadway hit, conducted by Steven Reineke. 7 p.m. $20 to $85. Concert Hall, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. The concert will repeat Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m.

■ The David Mayfield Parade will per-form with local singer/songwriter Justin Trawick. 8 p.m. $10 to $12. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. 800-745-3000.

■ Jazz musician Arturo Sandoval will perform. 8 and 10 p.m. $43. Blues Alley, 1073 Wisconsin Ave. NW. bluesalley.com.

Discussions and lectures■ The Chevy Chase and Georgetown

chapters of National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association will hear members Marla Leftwich and John Wheeler discuss various gardening topics, including the threat posed by invasive English ivy. Noon. Free. Tenley-Friendship Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202-387-7936.

■ Freelance writer and communica-tions consultant Pam Bailey will discuss liv-ing and working in Egypt and the Gaza

Strip. Luncheon at 12:15 p.m.; program at 1 p.m. $10 to $30. Woman’s National Democratic Club, 1526 New Hampshire Ave. NW. 202-232-7363.

■ Dan Walsh, founder of the Palestine Poster Project Archives, will discuss the emerging genre of Palestinian poster art. 12:30 to 2 p.m. Free. The Jerusalem Fund, 2425 Virginia Ave. NW. 202-338-1958.

■ A gallery talk will focus on the use of bold brushwork and spirited colors by expressionist artists such as Oskar Kokoschka and Vincent van Gogh to trans-late their intensely personal experiences. 6 and 7 p.m. By donation. Phillips Collection, 1600 21st St. NW. 202-387-2151.

■ Science writer Jessica Wapner will discuss her book “The Philadelphia Chromosome: A Mutant Gene and the Quest to Cure Cancer at the Genetic Level.” 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919.

■ “On the Record: The Backstory From D.C. Journalists” will feature moderator Stephen Hess (shown), senior fellow emeri-tus at the Brookings Institution and former research professor in media studies at George Washington University, and panel-ists Nina Totenberg, legal affairs correspon-dent for NPR; Karen Tumulty, Washington Post political correspondent; David Leonhardt, Washington bureau chief of The New York Times; Clarence Page, col-umnist and senior member of the editorial board of The Chicago Tribune; and Chris Wallace, journalist, television anchor and

host of “Fox News Sunday.” 7 to 9 p.m. $30 to $42. Baird Auditorium, National Museum of Natural History, 10th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-633-3030.

■ American University’s “Books That Shaped America” series will feature history professor Pamela Nadell leading an infor-mal discussion of “How the Other Half Lives” by Jacob Riis. 7:30 to 9 p.m. Free. Mud Box, Bender Library, American University, Nebraska and New Mexico ave-nues NW. 202-885-3847.

Films■ The West End Film Club will present

George Roy Hill’s 1972 film “Slaughterhouse-Five,” based on the novel of the same name by Kurt Vonnegut. 1:30 p.m. Free. West End Library, 1101 24th St. NW. 202-724-8707.

■ The monthly Senior Cinema Thursdays series will feature Roberta Grossman’s 2012 film “Hava Nagila (The Movie),” about the infectious party song. 10:30 a.m. Free for AARP members with reservations through the organization; $5 for others. Avalon Theatre, 5612 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-966-6000.

■ The School of International Service’s new film series, “3rd Thursdays,” will fea-ture the film “David Wants to Fly,” about a young German filmmaker who decides to try transcendental meditation at the behest of his idol, David Lynch. 6 p.m. Free; reservations requested. Wechsler Theater, Mary Graydon Center, American University, 4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW. davidwantstofly.eventbrite.com.

■ American University film school stu-dents will present five shorts — “A to Z” by Jeremy Rush, “Never Dream” by Carl Rudolph, “Under the Bourbon Moon” by Harold Jackson III, “Surviving Death: A Paranormal Debate” by BJ Barretta” and “Saving Mr. Yamamoto” by Mike Hardy. 7:30 p.m. $7.52 to $10.34. West End Cinema, 23rd Street between M and N streets NW. 202-419-3456.

Meetings■ The Providence Primary Stroke

Center will host a support group session for stroke survivors and caregivers. 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Free; reservations requested. Senior Connections Meeting Room, Providence Hospital, 1150 Varnum St. NE. 202-448-4048.

■ The Classics Book Group will discuss “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” by Victor Hugo. 7 p.m. Free. Barnes & Noble, 555 12th St. NW. 202-347-0176.

■ The Georgetown Book Club will dis-cuss Michael Chabon’s novel “The Yiddish Policemen’s Union.” 7:30 p.m. Free. Georgetown Library, 3260 R St. NW. 202-727-0232.

Special events■ An International Art & Language

Soiree will feature a tour of European paintings on display at the Phillips Collection, followed by French, German, Spanish and Russian language meetups. 6 to 8 p.m. $12 to $15; reservations required. Phillips Collection, 1600 21st St. NW. phillipscollection.org/events.

■ The ZooFari 2013 fundraiser will feature food from 100 area restaurants, wine, entertainment, animal demonstra-tions and a silent auction. 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. $150 to $200. National Zoo, 3001

Events&Entertainment20 Wednesday, May 15, 2013 The CurrenT

Thursday May 16

Wednesday May 15

Wednesday, May 15■ Discussion: Historian

Nathaniel Philbrick will discuss his book “Bunker Hill: A City, a Siege, a Revolution.” 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919.

See Events/Page 21

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Connecticut Ave. NW. nationalzoo.si.edu.

Tour■ Biochemist Beth Burrous will lead a

tour highlighting culinary and medicinal African plants. Noon to 1 p.m. Free. Conservatory Garden Court, U.S. Botanic Garden, 100 Maryland Ave. SW. 202-225-8333.

Friday, May 17

art event■ Fillmore West Arts Center will host its

eighth annual art show, featuring work by students at Hyde-Addison, Key, Marie Reed, Ross and Stoddert elementary schools. 5 to 7:30 p.m. Fillmore West Arts Center, 1819 35th St. NW. 202-729-3794.

Book signing■ Lisa Kurtz will sign copies of her

book “Heaven Sphere.” 5:30 p.m. Free. Flying Fish Coffee and Tea, 3064 Mount Pleasant St. NW. 202-299-0141.

Concerts■ The Maryland Opera Studio will per-

form songs from “La bohème,” “Così fan tutte,” “Pagliacci” and “Gianni Schicchi.” Noon. Free. Arts Club of Washington, 2017 I St. NW. artsclubofwashington.org.

■ The Friday Morning Music Club will present a concert of works by Kabalevsky, Goodman and Arensky. Noon. Free. Calvary Baptist Church, 755 8th St. NW. 202-333-2075.

■ Organist Rich Spotts of Doylestown, Pa., will present “The Easter Organ Works of Charles Tournemire.” 12:15 p.m. Free. National City Christian Church, 5 Thomas Circle NW. 202-797-0103.

■ New Music at the Atlas will feature the Great Noise Ensemble. 8 p.m. $15 to $25. Atlas Performing Arts Center, 1333 H St. NE. 202-399-7993.

Discussions and lectures■ Jim Downs, assistant professor at

Connecticut College, will discuss his book “Sick From Freedom: African-American Illness and Suffering During the Civil War and Reconstruction.” Noon. Free. McGowan Theater, National Archives Building, Constitution Avenue between 7th and 9th streets NW. 202-357-5000.

■ Michael Jones, associate director of the American Research Center in Egypt, will discuss “Everything Is Forever Until It Is No More.” 6 p.m. Free; reservations required. Rome Building Auditorium, Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, 1619 Massachusetts Ave. NW. [email protected].

■ Pulitzer-winning photojournalist Lucian Perkins and punk musician Alec MacKaye will discuss their book “Hard Art, DC 1979.” 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919.

Films■ “DC Shorts Laughs” will feature a

collection of eclectic, comedic films from past DC Shorts Film Festivals. 7 and 9:30 p.m. $15 to $25. Burke Theater, U.S. Navy Memorial, 701 Pennsylvania Ave. NW. dcshorts.com. The films will be shown again Saturday at 7 and 9:30 p.m.

Meeting■ A weekly bridge group will meet to

play duplicate bridge. 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. $6. Chevy Chase Community Center, 5601 Connecticut Ave. NW. 301-654-1865.

Performances■ “The Intergalactic Nemesis: A Live-

Action Graphic Novel” will combine classic radio drama with comic art (for ages 8 and older). 7 p.m. $18. Family Theater, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. The per-formance will repeat Saturday and Sunday at 1:30 and 5 p.m.

■ French dancer Brahim Bouchelaghem will perform “What Did You Say?” a rhythmic piece inspired by American choreographer and poet Carolyn Carlson. 7 p.m. $20. Elstad Auditorium, Gallaudet University, 800 Florida Ave. NE. francedc.org.

■ The U.S. Marine Corps will host a weekly Friday Evening Parade with music and precision marching. 8:45 to 10 p.m. Free; reservations required. Marine Barracks, 8th and I streets SE. 202-433-6060.

■ The Charlie Visconage Show feature Bjorn Munson, director, writer and produc-er of the fantasy Web series “The Broken Continent”; B. Stanley, executive director of the District of Columbia Arts Center; and musical guest Ms. Fridich. 9:30 p.m. $15. Fort Fringe — The Shop, 607 New York Ave. NW. capitalfringe.org/fort-fringe.

Readings■ A reading to celebrate Children’s

Book Week and kick off the D.C. Public Library’s summer programs will feature Fred Bowen, the author of various books on sports for young people and a colum-nist for The Washington Post’s KidsPost. 11 a.m. Free. Madison Building, Library of Congress, 101 Independence Ave. SE. 202-707-5221.

■ Poet Richard Blanco, whose poem was featured during President Barack Obama’s 2012 inauguration, will read from his work. 2 p.m. Free. Pickford Theater, Madison Building, Library of Congress, 101 Independence Ave. SE. 202-707-4604.

■ The OB Hardison Poetry series will present a night of prose and poetry with a graffiti theme, featur-ing best-selling author Adam Mansbach (shown) and poets Joseph Ross and Clint Smith. 6 p.m. Free; res-ervations required. Folger Shakespeare Library, 201 East Capitol St. SE. 202-544-7077.

Special events■ The U.S. Botanic Garden will cele-

brate Endangered Species Day with infor-mational booths, tours and children’s activ-ities on endangered plants and pollinators. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Free. Conservatory, U.S. Botanic Garden, 100 Maryland Ave. SW.

202-225-8333.■ The Dupont Circle Village’s “Celeb

Salon” speaker series will feature an inti-mate conversation with Bradley Graham and Lissa Muscatine, co-owners of Politics and Prose. 7:30 p.m. $75; reservations required. Location provided upon registra-tion. dupontcirclevillage.org.

Saturday, May 18

auditions■ The Cathedral Choral Society will

hold auditions by appointment. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Free; reservations required. Washington National Cathedral, Massachusetts and Wisconsin avenues NW. 202-537-5527.

Benefit■ The D.C. chapter of the American

Research Center will host an Egyptian-themed social extravaganza, fundraiser and party, with prizes for the best Egyptian attire. 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. $25 to $30. 1255 25th St. NW. arcedc.org.

Book signing■ Author and illustrator Patricia

Polacco will sign copies of her books. 11 a.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919.

Children’s programs■ A storytime will feature the children’s

series “Barbapapa,” by Annette Tison and Talus Taylor. An arts and crafts session will follow. 10:30 a.m. to noon. $5 to $10. Alliance Française de Washington, 2142 Wyoming Ave. NW. francedc.org.

■ The Friends of the Tenth Street

Community Park will host an interactive “Mad Science” event featuring experi-ments and explosions. 11:30 a.m. Free. 10th Street between L and M streets NW. 10thstreetparkfriends.org.

■ Park rangers will introduce kids to the world of honeybees at the Nature Center’s live hive. 2 to 2:30 p.m. Free. Rock Creek Park Nature Center and Planetarium, 5200 Glover Road NW. 202-895-6070.

Classes and workshops■ Jason Gedeik, head of greenhouse

and design operations at Hillwood, will lead a floral design workshop. 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m. $35 to $45. Hillwood Estate, Museum and Gardens, 4155 Linnean Ave. NW. 202-686-5807.

■ Genealogy expert John Colletta will lead a seminar on “Your Keys to Genealogy Research: How to Use Libraries, Archives, and Public Records.” 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. $90 to $130. S. Dillon Ripley Center, 1100 Jefferson Drive SW. 202-633-3030.

■ Londoner Lorella Brocklesby will lead a seminar on “The Neighborhoods and Villages of London.” 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. $90 to $130. S. Dillon Ripley Center, 1100 Jefferson Drive SW. 202-633-3030.

■ The Sackler Gallery will present a workshop on how to make a “pouch-book,” a common format used for novels, romanc-es and humorous works during Japan’s Edo era. 1 p.m. $15. Sackler Gallery, 1050 Independence Ave. SW. 202-633-1000. The workshop will repeat Sunday at 1 p.m.

■ Instructor Jackie Mikolaski will lead a beading workshop on how to make ear-rings and bracelets. 2 to 4 p.m. Free; res-ervations required. Georgetown Library, 3260 R St. NW. 202-727-0232.

Concerts■ The Smithsonian Jazz Masterworks

Quintet will perform as part of the Kennedy Center’s annual Mary Lou Williams Jazz Festival. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600.

■ Soloists Lena Seikaly and baritone George Singleton will join the Westmoreland Festival Chorus and Orchestra to perform works by Bach and Duruflé. A reception and art show will fol-low. 7 p.m. Free. Westmorleland Congregational United Church of Christ, 1 Westmoreland Circle. 301-229-7766.

■ The Washington Performing Arts Society will present jazz singer Ute Lemper in “Last Tango in Berlin,” featuring cabaret songs by Kurt Weill, Astor Piazzolla, Edith Piaf, Jacques Brel and oth-ers. 8 p.m. $40. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. 800-745-3000.

■ Grammy-nominated jazz musician Darcy James Argue will perform with his 18-piece big band, Secret Society. 8 p.m. $15 to $30. Atlas Performing Arts Center, 1333 H St. NE. 202-399-7993.

Discussions and lectures■ Preservation expert Julia Brennan

will describe the highlights and challenges of the multi-year effort to open the Queen Sirikit Museum of Textiles Conservation Center in Thailand. 10:30 a.m. Free. Textile Museum, 2320 S St. NW. 202-667-0441, ext. 64.

■ Jack Staub will discuss his book “Private Edens: Beautiful Country Gardens” and share gardening tips. 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Free; registration required. Conservatory Classroom, U.S. Botanic Garden, 100 Maryland Ave. SW. 202-225-8333.

Events&Entertainment The CurrenT Wednesday, May 15, 2013 21

Friday, May 17■ Concert: Pianist Silvan

Negrutiu will play classical works. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600.

See Events/Page 22

Continued From Page 20

Friday May 17

Saturday May 18

Saturday, May 18, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.3000 Cathedral Avenue NW, Washington DC

Flea Market/Household Goods, Books & CDs

Carnival Games & In�atables

Page 22: NW 05-15-2013 1

■ Alexander Wohl will discuss his book “Father, Son, and Constitution: How Justice Tom Clark and Attorney General Ramsey Clark Shaped American Democracy,” at 1 p.m.; Marcia Coyle (shown) will discuss her book “The Roberts Court: The Struggle for the Constitution,” at 3:30 p.m.; and Gail Godwin will discuss her book “Flora,” at 6 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919.

■ Composer and lyricist Stephen Schwartz will reflect on his career in a con-versation with Michael Kerker, director of musical theater at the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers. 5 p.m. $15. Terrace Gallery, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600.

Conference■ The Party for Socialism and

Liberation will host its spring D.C. confer-ence on socialism. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. $10 to $20 donation suggested. The Festival Center, 1640 Columbia Road NW. 202-234-2828.

Festival■ The Fiesta Asia Street Fair will fea-

ture food, demonstrations, musical and dance performances, craft activities and a

live talent search for ages 5 through 17. 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Free admission. Pennsylvania Avenue between 3rd and 6th streets NW. asiaheritagefoundation.org.

Films■ The National Gallery of Art will pres-

ent the Washington premiere of the digital restoration of Roman Polanski’s 1979 film “Tess,” an adaptation of Thomas Hardy’s “Tess of the d’Urbervilles.” 2 p.m. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215.

■ The House of Sweden will host a live high-definition broadcast of the 2013 Eurovision Song Contest in Malmö. 2 to 7 p.m. $5 to $15. House of Sweden, 2900 K St. NW. eurovisions.eventbrite.com.

■ The West End Cinema will present the Royal Opera House’s production of “Nabucco,” starring Placido Domingo. 7 p.m. $18.80. West End Cinema, 23rd Street between M and N streets NW. 202-419-3456.

■ The Fridge and DC Zinefest will pres-ent local director Amy Oden’s documentary “From the Back of the Room,” about wom-en’s involvement in punk from 1981 to today. 8 p.m. $5 to $10. The Fridge DC, 516 1/2 8th St. SE. thefridgedc.com.

Performances■ The Washington Ballet will present

“Peter and the Wolf,” set to Sergei Prokofiev’s score and featuring the chore-

ography of Septime Webre. 1 and 5:30 p.m. $15 to $50. Theater, Town Hall Education Arts Recreation Campus (THEARC), 1901 Mississippi Ave. SE. 202-889-5901. The performance will repeat Sunday at 1 and 5:30 p.m.

■ The Alliance Française’s Urban Corps festival will wrap up with a hip-hop dance show featuring Cie De Fakto, Cie Zahrbat and Urban Artistry crews. 2 p.m. Free. Kalorama Park, 1875 Columbia Road NW. francedc.org.

■ The Duke Ellington School of the Arts will present a spring dance concert. 7:30 p.m. $25; reservations required. Ellington Theatre, Duke Ellington School of the Arts, 3500 R St. NW. ellingtonschool.org. The performance will repeat Sunday at 4 p.m.

■ Joy of Motion Dance Center will pres-ent jazz, hip-hop and tap dance perfor-mances by youth companies Groove Elements, DanceFusion Jazz Project and Soles of Steel. 8 p.m. $15 to $25. Atlas Performing Arts Center, 1333 H St. NE. 202-399-7993. The performance will repeat Sunday at 4 p.m.

■ Crash of Rhinos, a new theater com-pany, will present a sketch comedy revue, “Crash!” Proceeds will help fund the group’s startup costs. 8 p.m. $10; reserva-tions requested. National Conservatory of

Dramatic Arts, 1556 Wisconsin Ave. NW. [email protected].

Reading■ Local poet Felecia Karen Scott will

read from and discuss her book “The LP Collection: Lessons and Praise.” 2 p.m. Free. Room 209, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-727-0321.

Special events■ The National Museum of Women in

the Arts will offer free admission in honor of Art Museum Day. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Free. National Museum of Women in the Arts, 1250 New York Ave. NW. 202-783-7370.

■ A special event will celebrate the work of the late Mark Mack and the Howard University Archaeology Team in documenting the historic African-American and Quaker cemeteries at Walter Pierce Park. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Free. Walter Pierce Park, Calvert Street and Adams Mill Road NW. [email protected].

■ Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage and Operation Paws for Homes will host a Pet Adoption Day. Noon to 3 p.m. Free. Suite 101, Washington Harbour, 3000 K St. NW. 202-333-6100.

■ The Washington National Opera will present “Opera in the Outfield,” a live high-definition simulcast of the American classic “Show Boat.” Gates open at 5 p.m.; screening at 7 p.m. Free; reservations encouraged. Nationals Park, 1500 South Capitol St. SE. operaintheoutfield.org.

Sporting event■ DC Rollergirls teams Majority Whips,

DC DemonCats, Cherry Blossom Bombshells and Scare Force One will square off in championship bouts. 4 and 5:45 p.m. $16.85. D.C. Armory, 2001 East Capitol St. SE. 800-745-3000.

Sunday, May 19

Benefit■ Split This Rock, a D.C.-based national

organization that integrates poetry into movements for social change, will cele-brate its fifth anniversary with a mimosa

brunch featuring Richard Blanco, whose poem was featured during President Barack Obama’s 2012 inauguration. Noon to 2 p.m. $100; reservations required. McLean Gardens Ballroom, 3811 Porter St. NW. splitthisrock.org.

Children’s program■ A park ranger will lead a series of

games and activities typical of the 1770s. 3 p.m. Free. Old Stone House, 3051 M St. NW. 202-895-6070.

Concerts■ “Music on the Lawn” will feature

musicians Herman Burney and Marshall Keys performing jazz selections. Noon to 1 p.m. Free. Grace Episcopal Church, 1041 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202-333-7100.

■ “The Cricket in Times Square,” a National Symphony Orchestra family con-cert, will feature music inspired by George Selden’s children’s book about a country cricket that travels to New York City. 1 and 3 p.m. $15 to $18. Concert Hall, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600.

■ Pianist Ina Mirtcheva and flutist Jana Hristova will perform works by Prokofiev, Massenet, Taktakishvili and others. 3:30 p.m. $10 donation suggested. Church of the Holy City, 1611 16th St. NW. 202-462-6734.

■ The Chevy Chase Chancel Choir and Orchestra will perform Bach’s “Magnificat.” 4 p.m. Free. Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church, 1 Chevy Chase Circle NW. 202-363-2202.

■ Cellist Zuill Bailey will perform works by Bach, Francoeur, Boccherini and Eccles. 4 p.m. $20; reservations suggest-ed. Phillips Collection, 1600 21st St. NW. phillipscollection.org/music.

■ The Urban Philharmonic Society will host the final round of its annual Paul Robeson Vocal Competition, now in its 23rd year. 4 p.m. Free. St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 1514 15th St. NW. urbanphilharmonic.org.

■ The Citizens Association of Georgetown’s 11th annual Concerts in the Parks series will feature local singer/song-writer Rebecca McCabe. 5 to 6:30 p.m. Free. Volta Park, 34th and Q streets NW. 202-337-7313.

■ The professional Choir of Christ Church will perform the music of William Smith, Charles Villiers Stanford and Arthur Baynon. 5 p.m. Free. Christ Church,

Events&Entertainment22 Wednesday, May 15, 2013 The CurrenT

Continued From Page 21

See Events/Page 24

Sunday May 19

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Page 23: NW 05-15-2013 1

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Events Line UpThursdayArt Soiree

Events&Entertainment The CurrenT Wednesday, May 15, 2013 23

“Edvard Munch: A 150th Anniversary Tribute,” celebrating the 150th anniversary of the birth

of Norway’s most famous painter and print-maker with more than 20 works on paper, will open Sunday in the West Building of the

National Gallery of Art and continue through July 28. Located at 6th Street and Constitution Avenue NW, the museum is open Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. 202-737-4215.■ “Littoral: John Hubbard in Context,” featur-ing paintings and drawings by John Hubbard inspired by the south of England, will open today with a reception from 5 to 7 p.m. at George Washington University’s Luther W. Brady Art Gallery. The exhibit will continue through June 28. Located at 805 21st St. NW on the second floor, the gallery is open Tuesday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 202-994-1525.

■ “Directions: Jennie C. Jones: Higher Resonance,” highlighting the Brooklyn art-ist’s exploration of connections between abstract visual art and African-American avant-garde music, will open tomorrow at the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden and continue through Oct. 27. The Hirshhorn also recently opened “Over, Under, Next: Experiments in Mixed Media, 1913 to the Present,” highlighting the use of fragments and detritus in collages and assem-blages. It will continue through Sept. 8. Located at Independence Avenue and 7th Street SW, the museum is open daily from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 202-633-1000.■ “Libro Della Notte — Book of the Night,” a 215-foot-long artists’ book made by 110 international artists with a connection to Venice’s Atelier Aperto, will be on display from Friday through Monday between 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. at the Katzen Arts Center Rotunda. A reception will be held Friday at 6 p.m. The Katzen Arts Center at American University is located at 4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW. 202-375-9288.

■ “Loose Canon,” featuring ink works on paper created last year by Ethan Rochmis, will open Saturday at Watergate Gallery and continue through June 15. An opening reception will take place Saturday from 6 to 8 p.m., and the artist will give a talk June 5 at 6:30 p.m. Located at 2552 Virginia Ave. NW, the gallery is open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday from noon to 5 p.m. 202-338-4488.■ The Mid City Artists Open Studios, a bian-nual event now in its 10th year, will take place Saturday and Sunday from noon to 5 p.m. For more information, including studio locations, visit midcityartists.com.■ The semiannual 52 O Street Open Studios will take place Saturday and Sunday from noon to 5 p.m. at 52 O St. NW. 52ostreet.blogspot.com.■ “Yours, Mine and Ours: Girardini: Retrospective,” featuring sculpture, painting, photography and furniture by Julie and Ken Girardini, will open Tuesday at the Eleven Eleven Sculpture Space and continue through Aug. 31.

An artists’ reception will take place Tuesday from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Located at 1111 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, the space is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. 202-783-2963.■ Jane Haslem Gallery recently opened an exhibit of drawings by 16 American artists and will continue it through July. A reception will take place Saturday from 5 to 8 p.m. Located at 2025 Hillyer Place NW, the gallery is open Wednesday through Saturday from noon to 5 p.m. 202-232-4644.

Exhibit to celebrate 150th birthday of Norway’s Munch

On exhibitedvard Munch’s “two Women on the Shore,” a 1898 woodcut with watercolor, is part of the National Gallery of Art exhibit.

The Kennedy Center will present a new production of Ferenc Molnár’s classic play

“The Guardsman” May 25 through June 23 in the Eisenhower Theater.

Less than six months into a new marriage, an actor suspects his new wife — Budapest’s most beautiful and beloved young actress — is getting restless. So he decides to disguise himself as a dashing court-ier to the emperor to test her fidelity and win her love. But the more he woos his wife as this guardsman, the more insanely jealous he gets of the character he feels compelled to play. This new translation by Richard Nelson veers from the 1920s adap-tation — which was tailored to the light comedy skills of husband-and-wife acting legends Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontaine — and restores Molnár’s more passionate original. Performance times are generally 7:30 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday and 1:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Tickets cost $54 to $95. 202-467-4600; kennedy-center.org.■ The St. Mark’s Players will present the Tony Award-winning musical “Cabaret” through May 19 at St. Mark’s Parish. Based on Christopher Isherwood’s “Berlin Stories,” this classic musical by John Kander and Fred Ebb is set on the eve of Hitler’s rise to power in Weimar Germany. It depicts the interlocking stories of a cabaret singer, a writer from America and the denizens of Berlin, all caught up in the swirling maelstrom of a changing society. Performance times are 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 2 p.m.

Saturday and 4 p.m. Sunday. Tickets cost $15 to $20. St. Mark’s Parish is located at 301 A St. SE. 202-546-9670; stmarksplayers.org.■ Arena Stage will host the Voices of Now Festival, featuring original works by 13 youth ensembles, May 15 through 19 in the Kogod Cradle. The festival will bring together more than 175 young artists who have been working with Arena Stage professionals for the past year to devise original one-act plays. Participating groups include D.C.’s Wendt Center for Loss and Healing, Jefferson Middle School and KIPP DC Public Charter School. Performance times are 7:30 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday. Tickets are free, but reservations are required. Arena Stage is located at 1101 6th St. SW. 202-488-3300; arenastage.org.■ Ford’s Theatre Society and Signature Theatre will close “Hello, Dolly!” May 18 at Ford’s Theatre. Performance times are generally 7:30 p.m. Monday through

Saturday and 2 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Tickets start at $18. The theater is located at 511 10th St. NW. 800-982-2787; fords.org.■ The Studio Theatre will close Amy Herzog’s “4000 Miles” through May 19. Performance times are 8 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday and 7 p.m. Sunday. Tickets cost $39 to $82. The Studio Theatre is located at 1501 14th St. NW. 202-332-3300; studiotheatre.org.■ The Washington Stage Guild will present T.S. Eliot’s final play, “The Elder Statesman,” through May 19 in the Undercroft Theatre at Mount Vernon Place United Methodist Church. Performance times are 7:30 p.m. Thursday, 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday and 2:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Tickets cost $40 to $50, with discounts for seniors and students. The Mount Vernon Place United Methodist Church is located at 900 Massachusetts Ave. NW. 240-582-0050; stageguild.org.

Kennedy Center to stage passionate ‘Guardsman’

On StAGe

Sarah Wayne Callies and Finn Wittrock star in the Kennedy Center’s production of “the Guardsman,” opening May 25.

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Georgetown, 31st and O streets NW. 202-333-6677.

■ The Washington Chorus and singer-songwriter Melanie DeMore will perform old and new arrangements of spirituals in “Comin’ Up Shoutin’.” 5 p.m. $15 to $65. National Presbyterian Church, 4101 Nebraska Ave. NW. 202-342-6221.

■ Organist Richard Spotts of Doylestown, Pa., will perform. 5:15 p.m. $10 donation suggested. Washington National Cathedral, 3101 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202-537-2228.

■ The Capital City Symphony and cellist Brannon Cho will perform works by Dvorák, Tchaikovsky and Stravinsky. 5 p.m. $16 to $20. Atlas Performing Arts Center, 1333 H St. NE. 202-399-7993.

■ The D.C.-based experimental rock band Drop Electric will perform. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600.

■ Dahlak Restaurant will present its weekly “DC Jazz Jam” session. 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Free. 1771 U St. NW. 202-527-9522.

Discussions and lectures■ Rabbi Harold White, who teaches

theology at Georgetown University, will dis-cuss his experiences as a U.S. Navy chap-lain and as the first rabbi to be appointed to a full-time campus ministry position at a Catholic university. 10 a.m. Free. St. John’s

Episcopal Church, Lafayette Square, 16th and H streets NW. 202-347-8766.

■ Phyllis Theroux will discuss her book “The Good Bishop: The Life of Walter F. Sullivan.” 1 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919.

■ Robert Edsell of the Monuments Men Foundation for the Preservation of Art will discuss his book “Saving Italy: The Race to Rescue a Nation’s Treasures From the Nazis.” 2 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215.

■ Textile collector Yolanda Alcorta will present a timeline of Mayan weaving tradi-tions, demonstrate their techniques and discuss ways in which weaving styles have endured and evolved over time. 2 p.m. Free. Textile Museum, 2320 S St. NW. 202-667-0441, ext. 64.

Films■ The Freer Gallery will screen the

1973 film “A River Called Titas” as part of its series on the cinema of Indian filmmak-er Ritwik Ghatak. 2 p.m. Free. Meyer Auditorium, Freer Gallery of Art, 12th Street and Jefferson Drive SW. 202-633-1000.

■ Composer and pianist Andrew E. Simpson will perform his original score

during a screening of the 1928 silent film “The Wind,” starring Lillian Gish. 3 p.m. Free; tickets will be distributed 30 minutes before the start of the program. National Portrait Gallery, 8th and F streets NW. 202-633-1000.

■ The National Gallery of Art will show Alf Sjöberg’s 1951 film adaptation of

August Strindberg’s “Miss Julie,” followed by a discussion with Lo Dagerman, the daughter of the film’s star Anita Björk Dagerman. 4:30 p.m. Free. East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215.

Performances■ “Sunday Kind of

Love” will feature a reading by poet Richard Blanco, fol-lowed by an open mic poetry event. 5 to 7 p.m. $5. Langston Room, Busboys and Poets, 2021 14th St. NW. 202-387-7638.

■ Bowen McCauley Dance will join Alexandria Symphony Orchestra to perform works by Rimsky-Korsakov and Stravinsky. 6:30 p.m. Free. East Building Mezzanine, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-842-6941.

■ The collective LYGO D.C. will present a stand-up comedy show featuring Dana Bell, Adam Friedland, Drey Dailey and Reggie Melbrough. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. $10. Desperados, 1342 U St. NW. lygodc.com.

Sale■ The Palisades Georgetown Lions

Club will hold its annual community flea market. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Free admission. Parking lot, Wells Fargo Bank, MacArthur Boulevard and Arizona Avenue NW.

Sporting event■ D.C. United will play against Sporting

Kansas City. 5 p.m. $26 to $55. RFK Stadium, 2400 East Capitol St. SE. 800-745-3000.

Walks and tours■ Dumbarton House will offer a walk-

ing tour of historic Georgetown, with cup-cakes for participants. 10 a.m. to noon. $20; reservations required by May 16. Meet at 27th and Q streets NW. maycupcaketour.eventbrite.com.

■ Tudor Place and Dumbarton Oaks will present tours of their estates’ gardens and landscapes. 11:30 a.m. $10 to $15. Tudor Place Historic House and Garden, 1644 31st St. NW, and Dumbarton Oaks, 1703 32nd St. NW. georgetowngardentour.eventbrite.com.

■ The Shepherd Park Citizens Association will host its ninth annual gar-den tour, a self-guided visit to homes in Shepherd Park, Colonial Village and North Portal Estates. 2 to 5 p.m. $7 to $15. Shepherd Elementary School, 7800 14th St. NW. shepherdpark.org.

■ A park ranger will lead a two-mile his-tory hike to a Civil War fortress, a poet’s cabin and a historic creek ford. 3 p.m. Free. Rock Creek Park Nature Center and Planetarium, 5200 Glover Road NW. 202-895-6070.

Monday, May 20

Concert■ The Upper Anacostia-Lower Gold

Coast Symphonic will present “Drums Along the Potomac — A Global Go-Go Fantasia,” a collaborative concert featuring New York-based experimental jazz group Burnt Sugar the Arkestra Chamber and local go-go musicians Donnell Floyd, Go-Go Mickey and Kenny “Kwick” Gross. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600.

Discussions and lectures■ Jennifer Armstrong will discuss her

book “Mary and Lou and Rhoda and Ted,” about the making of “The Mary Tyler Moore Show.” Noon. Free. McGowan Theater, National Archives Building, Constitution Avenue between 7th and 9th streets NW. 202-357-5000.

■ National Gallery of Art research assistant Fulvia Zaninelli will discuss “The Kress Traveling Exhibition: 1932-1935.” 12:10 and 1:10 p.m. Free. East Building Small Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215.

■ The Ward Circle Chapter of AARP will host a talk by Paul K. Williams, president of the Association for the Preservation of Historic Congressional Cemetery, on the Capitol Hill landmark’s fascinating history. 12:30 p.m. Free. Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Church, 3401 Nebraska Ave. NW. 202-363-4900.

■ The Dupont Circle Village will present a talk by ophthalmologist Rajiv Luthra on ways to accommodate low vision in daily activities. 3:30 to 5 p.m. Free for Dupont Circle Village members; $10 for others. Reservations required. Studio Theatre, 1501 14th St. NW. 202-234-2567.

■ Former Sen. Olympia Snowe, R-Maine, will discuss her book “Fighting for Common Ground: How We Can Fix the Stalemate in Congress.” 4 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919.

■ “Why All the Kvetching About Female Clergy?” — a discussion about the barriers to achieving gender equality in religious leadership — will feature Washington Post assistant editor Lisa Bonos, Atlantic senior editor Jennie Rothenberg Gritz, the Rev. Amy Butler of Calvary Baptist Church and Rabbi Susan Shankman of Washington Hebrew Congregation. 7 p.m. $10. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. 877-987-6487.

■ Ru Freeman will discuss her novel “On Sal Mal Lane,” about a Sri Lankan neighborhood in the 1980s. 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919.

Films■ The Marvelous Movie Mondays

series will feature Guillermo del Toro’s 2006 film “Pan’s Labyrinth.” 2 and 6:30 p.m. Free. Chevy Chase Library, 5625 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-282-0021.

■ Sola Nua’s “Irish Popcorn!” series will feature Frank Berry’s 2011 documen-tary “Ballymun Lullaby,” about a music teacher who brings the young residents of a Dublin housing project together to sing their story. 7 p.m. Free. Lobby, Renaissance Washington, DC Dupont Circle Hotel, 1143 New Hampshire Ave. NW. solasnua.org.

■ The Washington Psychotronic Film Society will present Jimmy T. Murakami’s 1980 movie “Battle Beyond the Stars.” 8 p.m. Donation suggested. McFadden’s Restaurant and Saloon, 2401 Pennsylvania Ave. NW. 202-462-3356.

Performance■ Busboys and Poets and the

Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela will celebrate Afro-Venezuelan culture through an interactive presenta-tion, including an Afro-Venezuelan dance workshop and a discussion with scholar and dancer Mesi Walton. 7 to 9 p.m. Free. Langston Room, Busboys and Poets,

Events&Entertainment24 Wednesday, May 15, 2013 The CurrenT

Continued From Page 22

Monday, May 20■ Discussion: “Classic

Conversations” will feature Tony Award-winning actress Audra McDonald (shown) and Shakespeare Theatre Company artistic director Michael Kahn. 7:30 p.m. $20 to $35. Sidney Harman Hall, 610 F St. NW. 202-547-1122.

See Events/Page 25

Monday May 20

Page 25: NW 05-15-2013 1

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Readings■ Poet Jean Nordhaus, author of

“Innocence” and “The Porcelain Apes of Moses Mendelssohn,” will read from her work. 6:30 p.m. Free. Room 209, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-727-0321.

■ The “Locally Grown” art festival will feature a reading of Randy Baker’s “The Monastery.” 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. $10. Washington DC Jewish Community Center, 1529 16th St. NW. washingtondcjcc.org.

■ The Theater Alliance of Washington DC’s “Hothouse on the Hill” series will feature a reading of “Love Person” by Aditi Brennan Kapil. 7:30 p.m. Free. The Fridge DC, 516 1/2 8th St. SE. theateralliance.com.

Tuesday, May 21

Classes and workshops■ Glover Park Village and Healthy

Living Inc. will present a “Healthy Cooking for Aging Well” workshop led by chef Juliette Tahar and nutrition counselor Martha Rebour. 3 to 5 p.m. Free; reserva-tions requested. Guy Mason Recreation Center, 3600 Calvert St. NW. [email protected].

■ The Golden Triangle Business Improvement District will present an Pilates class led by a certified instructor from Yoga District. 5:30 p.m. Free. Farragut Square Park, Connecticut Avenue and K Street NW. goldentriangledc.com. The class will repeat weekly through June 25.

Concert■ Organist Richard Spotts will play

music from Charles Tournemire’s “L’Orgue Mystique.” 12:10 p.m. Free. Church of the Epiphany, 1317 G St. NW. 202-347-2635.

Discussions and lectures■ Josh Stebbins, managing attorney of

the Sierra Club’s Environmental Law Program, will lead a panel discussion on strategies to address climate change and reduce the public health and environmen-tal impacts of energy use. Luncheon at 12:15 p.m.; program at 1 p.m. $10 to $30. Woman’s National Democratic Club, 1526 New Hampshire Ave. NW. 202-232-7363.

■ Charles Moore will discuss his book “Margaret Thatcher: From Grantham to the Falklands,” the initial volume of the first authorized biography of the late British prime minister, at 4 p.m.; and Paul Theroux will discuss his book “The Last Train to Zona Verde: My Ultimate African Safari,” at 7 p.m. Free Free. Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919.

■ Neuroscientist Robert Provine will dis-cuss his book “Curious Behavior! Yawning, Laughing, Hiccupping and Beyond.” 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Free. Cullen Room, Busboys and Poets, 1025 5th St. NW. 202-789-2227.

■ Political economist and historian Gar Alperovitz will discuss his book “What Then Must We Do? Straight Talk About the Next American Revolution.” 6:30 to 8 p.m. Free. Langston Room, Busboys and Poets, 2021 14th St. NW. 202-387-7638.

■ Local financial expert Tope Ganiyah Fajingbesi will discuss her book “What Color Is Your Money? Your Personalized Roadmap to Business Success.” The event will include an interactive financial semi-

nar, networking opportunities and a book signing. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Free. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-727-0321.

Films■ The Popular Film Series will screen

Tom Tykwer’s 2012 movie “Cloud Atlas,” starring Tom Hanks and Halle Berry. 6 p.m. Free. Room A-5, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. 202-727-0321.

■ The “Our Furry Friends” film series will screen Gary Ross’ 2003 movie “Seabiscuit,” starring Tobey Maguire and Jeff Bridges. 6 p.m. Free. Georgetown Library, 3260 R St. NW. 202-727-0232.

■ The West End Cinema will screen the movies “Pronti a tutto (Workers)” and “Il Richiamo (The Call)” as part of the 2013 “Sudestival in DC” Italian film festival. 7 and 9 p.m. $10.34 per screening. West End Cinema, 2301 M St. NW. 202-419-3456.

■ The Washington Jewish Film Festival will screen Edgar G. Ulmer and Jacob Ben-Ami’s 1937 movie “Green Fields.” 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. $12.50. Washington DC Jewish Community Center, 1529 16th St. NW. washingtondcjcc.org.

Performances■ Juilliard students Austin Goodwin,

Robbie Moore and Ida Saki — 2010 YoungArts alumni — will present an original dance performance. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600.

■ The Ford’s Theatre Society will pres-ent an evening of original speeches by local students. 7 p.m. Free; tickets avail-able at the box office on the evening of the performance. Ford’s Theatre, 511 10th St. NW. 202-434-9537.

Reading■ The First Draft reading series will fea-

ture “The Sooner Child” by D.C. playwright Allyson Currin. 7:30 p.m. Free. Arts Club of Washington, 2017 I St. NW. firstdraft.org.

Wednesday, May 22

art show■ The Edmund Burke School will pres-

ent “Altered Egos,” its annual student art show featuring work by sixth- through 12th-graders. 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. Free. Edmund Burke School, 4101 Connecticut Ave. NW. burkeschool.org.

Concerts■ The Congressional Chorus will per-

form. Noon. Free. Sidney Harman Hall, 610 F St. NW. 202-547-1122.

■ Soprano Meri Siirala and pianist Marja Kaisla will perform music by Finnish composers. 12:10 p.m. Free. West Garden Court, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-842-6941.

■ “Evenings With Extraordinary Artists” will feature the Beau Soir Ensemble. 5:30 p.m. $20. Arts Club of Washington, 2017 I St. NW. 202-331-7282, ext. 3.

■ Composer, guitarist and pianist Tim Callobre will perform works by Albeniz, Piazzolla, Tarrega and others. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600.

■ The Attacca Quartet will perform a world premiere by Timothy Andres, as well as works by Janácek, Beethoven and Adams. 8 p.m. Free; tickets required. Coolidge Auditorium, Jefferson Building, Library of Congress, 10

1st St. SE. 202-707-5502.■ Guitarist and singer Trey Anastasio,

best known for his work in the rock band Phish, will perform with the NSO Pops and conductor Steven Reineke. 8 p.m. $36 to $85. Concert Hall, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600.

Discussions and lectures■ Rick Atkinson will discuss his book

“The Guns at Last Light: The War in Western Europe, 1944-1945,” the final volume in his World War II trilogy. Noon. Free. McGowan Theater, National Archives Building, Constitution Avenue between 7th and 9th streets NW. 202-357-5000.

■ Carolyn Morrow Long, a specialist in New Orleans history, will discuss her book “Madame Lalaurie, Mistress of the Haunted House.” 2 p.m. Free. Tenley-Friendship Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202-727-1488.

■ David Olin and Tamara Luzeckyj of Olin Conservation will discuss the challeng-es they faced in the recently completed conservation of the Key Room wall murals, painted by H. Siddons Mowbray in 1909. 6:30 p.m. Free. Anderson House, 2118 Massachusetts Ave. NW. 202-785-2040.

■ Jean-Benoit Nadeau and Julie Barlow will discuss “The Story of Spanish.” in con-versation with Félix Sánchez, chair and co-founder of the National Hispanic Foundation for the Arts. 6:30 to 8 p.m. Free; reservations required by May 20.

Cullen Room, Busboys and Poets, 1025 5th St. NW. [email protected].

■ Daniel Kahneman will discuss his book “Thinking, Fast and Slow.” 7 p.m. $12. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. sixthandi.org.

■ The Dupont Circle Village’s “Celeb Salon” speaker series will feature an inti-mate conversation with Andrea Powell, co-founder and executive director of FAIR Girls, about the group’s efforts to prevent exploitation worldwide through empower-ment and education. 7 p.m. $75; reserva-tions required. Location provided upon reg-istration. dupontcirclevillage.org.

Reading■ Anne-Marie O’Connor, recipient of

the Marfield Prize, will present a reading from her book “The Lady in Gold: The Extraordinary Tale of Gustav Klimt’s Masterpiece, ‘Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer.’” 7:30 p.m. Free. Arts Club of Washington, 2017 I St. NW. 202-331-7282, ext. 3.

Special event■ Alex Trebek will host the 25th annual

National Geographic Bee. 9:30 a.m. $10. National Theatre, 1321 Pennsylvania Ave. NW. nationalgeographic.com.

Events&Entertainment The CurrenT Wednesday, May 15, 2013 25

Continued From Page 24

Wednesday May 22

Tuesday May 21

Page 26: NW 05-15-2013 1

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Page 30: NW 05-15-2013 1

30 wedNesday, May 15, 2013 The CurreNT

take advantage of the site’s convenience to Metro. At last Thursday’s meeting of the Tenleytown/Friendship Heights advisory neighborhood commis-sion, Pepco officials mentioned that ongoing power line work in the community would let the company shift demand to other substations. “We’re decreasing the capacity on that substation, and we’re planning to replace it … at some other space,” the company’s Chris Taylor said at the meeting. In an email to The Current, Pepco spokesperson Courtney Nogas wrote that she couldn’t say what sites were under consideration. Although the company is open to moving to nearby locations, Nogas emphasized that the car dealer site — which Pepco spent $14.8 million to purchase — is still the ideal spot. Not only is it located where Pepco fore-sees increased demand for electricity, she wrote, but moving equipment elsewhere could also present logisti-cal difficulties. “While Pepco believes that the Wisconsin Ave. par-cel is an ideal location for the new substation, we are sensitive to the fact that there is a desire in the commu-nity to have new retail development along Wisconsin Ave.,” wrote Nogas. “We continue to explore the feasi-bility of siting the substation in alternate locations within the Friendship Heights community.” However, Nogas added that relocation is not a done deal: “If an alternative location is not identified in the coming weeks, Pepco will need to move forward with construction planning at the originally purchased site to ensure that electric service to residents is not compro-mised.”

Neighborhood commissioner Jonathan Bender, whose single-member district includes the site, wrote in an email that he has had talks with Pepco and Ward 3 D.C. Council member Mary Cheh about ways to mini-mize the utility’s impact on Wisconsin Avenue. In those meetings, he wrote, Pepco said it could try to locate the substation on the rear of its property, behind low-rise retail. “I and others said that this would certainly be an improvement over a substation at streetfront, but urged PEPCO to see whether they could find another site entirely,” Bender wrote. “So I was greatly encouraged to hear that PEPCO has moved from ‘looking for another site is a possibility, but unlikely’ to ‘we are look-ing for another site.’” According to Nogas, Pepco hopes to have its new substation in place — either built at the current Wisconsin Avenue site or elsewhere — by the end of 2016. Current Pepco work in the Friendship Heights and Chevy Chase area — with higher-capacity power lines being installed on new, taller poles — began in April and will wrap up early next year, company officials said at the neighborhood commission meeting. This power line project could require dozens of trees to be “impacted,” some of which would likely be removed, the officials said. The company is working with the District’s Urban Forestry Administration to coordinate which trees can be trimmed or cut down, and how Pepco would need to replace them. Pepco bought the car dealership site at 5220 Wisconsin Ave. from developer Akridge, which had won D.C. approval for a high-rise residential project but was not able to bring the project to fruition.

PEPCO: Utility company seeks to relocate substationFrom Page 1

wealthy or on fixed income. And they argue, as they have all along, that the tax would hit hardest on retirees who have carefully planned their investments based on tax-free status. Beth Marcus, a retiree who has led the charge against the tax, says 18,048 District households reported some municipal bond income in 2010. Even if you accept Lazere’s figures, she said, the high rollers with big bond income make up only 0.4 percent of those who hold tax-exempt municipal bonds. The bonds are issued by state and local government entities nationwide to finance public proj-ects, and residents of each state that issues them are generally allowed to keep the interest income tax-free. Until now the District has left municipal bond income from any jurisdiction untaxed, in part because the city issues so few bonds on its own. D.C. officials first enacted the bond tax in a last-minute budget deal in 2011, as an alternative to raising general tax rates for the wealthy and also to encourage District residents to choose bonds issued here. But the decision met with such a storm of protest that the D.C. Council twice delayed imple-mentation, then “grandfathered” previously purchased bonds so they will always remain tax-free. This year, for the first time, the tax on new bond purchases is set to take effect. Bond holders who file estimated quarterly payments are

supposed to include revenue from municipal bonds in their 2013 pay-ments, although many bond holders — and even their accountants — are apparently unaware of the change. But also this year, Mayor Vincent Gray is hoping to end the contro-versy once and for all by proposing, in his 2014 budget, a total repeal. His aides argue that the tax falls too

hard on seniors, and is simply too confusing to administer. Many investors hold municipal bond funds, which continually trade in and out of individual bonds, making it almost impossible to determine which are grandfathered and which are subject to tax. Lazere is gearing up to fight the repeal, with new figures compiled from Internal Revenue Service data and the D.C. Office of Tax and Revenue. They show, he said, that “over three-fourths of tax-exempt interest income [in the District] goes to households who have income of $200,000 or more.” “I think the data’s pretty compel-ling,” Lazere said in an interview. The beneficiaries fall into two groups — the very wealthy, who use the bonds as a tax shelter; and a small number of residents who have built their retirement portfolios around the bonds. “There’s clearly

no reason,” he said, to continue giv-ing the first group a tax break, as well as an incentive to invest in non-District bonds. Lazere is also suggesting a com-promise, proposing a cutoff point so that those earning less than $75,000 or $100,000 a year could retain the tax-exempt status on their bonds. He would also have the council clarify that bond funds purchased prior to this year remain tax-exempt, no matter what future trades the fund makes. Marcus is also back in the fray, as the council gears up to debate next year’s budget. “The bond tax will not raise the revenue Mr. Lazere suggests,” she said in a statement. “What it will do is hurt a lot of people who have worked and lived in Washington for all or much of their lives … who just hope they can stay without being singled out with a tax that disproportionately hurts seniors.” The estimated take from the municipal bond tax is modest — $1.7 million in 2014, probably more in future years. But opponents con-tend that it’s hard to determine, since the tax, if imposed, could discour-age District residents from purchas-ing out-of-state bonds, or even encourage them to move out of the District to states with more bond issues and less onerous taxation. It’s not clear what the council will do when it considers both rev-enue and spending measures start-ing May 22. The D.C. Council Committee on Finance and Revenue, headed by Ward 2’s Jack Evans, last week backed the mayor’s proposal.

BONDS: Group urging D.C. Council not to repeal taxFrom Page 1

❝The bond tax will not raise the revenue Mr. Lazere suggests.❞

— Beth Marcus

ch n

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Say You Saw it in


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The CurrenT Wednesday, May 15, 2013 31


WASHINGTON, DC 202.944.5000GEORGETOWN/DUPONT/LOGAN 202.333.3320 BETHESDA/CHEVY CHASE 301.222.0050POTOMAC 301.983.6400NORTHERN VIRGINIA 703.317.7000MIDDLEBURG, VA 540.687.6395WASHINGTON, VA 540.675.1488


BRINGING YOU THE FINESTagents • properties • service

GEORGETOWN, WASHINGTON, DCc1815 residence with magnificent 1/3 acre grounds meticulously renovated and features guest house, heated pool, multiple car parking, 7 fireplaces and gourmet kitchen. $8,995,000Eileen McGrath 202-253-2226Jamie Peva 202-258-5050

KALORAMA, WASHINGTON, DCStunning 4-level end-unit townhouse. Gourmet kitchen, expansive family room, dining room with 3-story atrium, private patio, elevator and 4-car parking. 5BR, 5.5BA. $2,999,000Patrick Chauvin 202-256-9595Cecelia Leake 202-256-7804

COLONIAL VILLAGE , WASHINGTON , DC6,000 SF of executive living in the most traditional enclave adjacent to Rock Creek Park. 7BR, 5.5BA, oak floors, gourmet island kitchen, family room with fireplace, owner’s suite, level rear garden and 2 car garage. $1,475,000Marilyn Charity 202-427-7553

GEORGETOWN, WASHINGTON, DCSemi-detached townhome with 2 bedrooms and 3 baths. Open floor plan with eat-in kitchen. Lower level family room overlooking terrace. Elevator and garage. $1,149,000Ellen MorrellMatthew McCormick 202-728-9500

WESLEY HEIGHTS, WASHINGTON, DC9,700 square foot English Country home on 1.4 private acres. Terrace has distant views of Virginia and spectacular sunsets. Pool and four car garage. $8,895,000William F. X. MoodyRobert Hryniewicki 202-243-1620

BETHESDA, MARYLAND2-acre setting on quiet, private street. High ceil-ings, sweeping staircase, marble foyer, conser-vatory overlooking pool and flagstone terrace, au pair suite, wine cellar and exercise room. Quick and easy access to Beltway. $2,625,000Anne Killeen 301-706-0067

POTOMAC, MARYLANDRiver Falls – One of only two spectacular, highly desirable Gosnell townhomes of this size and stature. 5,000+ sqare feet on 3 levels backing to parkland. 9’ ceilings, screen porch, entertaining patio. $1,399,000Anne Killeen 301-706-0067

GEORGETOWN, WASHINGTON, DCCharming Federal showcases a parking garage, private rear patio & garden. This home features hardwoods, recessed lighting & modern ame-nities throughout, spacious closets & kitchen with top-of-the-line SS appliances. $995,000Nancy Taylor Bubes 202-256-2164

MASS AVE HEIGHTS, WASHINGTON, DCKennedy Center architect Edward Durrell Stone’s homage to art deco design. Sun-splashed one level living in a gated enclave. 5BR/6BA, 2 fireplaces, master suite with his/hers baths, pool, cabana & 2-car garage. $5,195,000Marilyn Charity 202-427-7553

WEST END, WASHINGTON, DCStunning 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath apartment featuring nearly 2,500 square feet at the Ritz with exceptional custom woodworking throughout. 2-car parking and 24-hour front desk concierge. $1,750,000Patrick Chauvin 202-256-9595

GEORGETOWN, WASHINGTON, DCHistoric Georgetown Federal is ideally located just walking distance from M Street. 3 bed-rooms, 2.5 baths, with hardwoods, high ceil-ings throughout, spacious master suite, private rear patio and garden. $1,395,000Nancy Taylor Bubes 202-256-2164

WESLEY HEIGHTS, WASHINGTON, DCLovely mews townhouse with elevator. Three bedrooms, four full baths and one half bath, perfect oak floors, sunken living room with fireplace, kitchen with bay, top floor master suite and private garden. $875,000Marilyn Charity 202-427-7553

SPRING VALLEY, WASHINGTON, DCMagnificent Tudor home features hardwood floors, crown molding and recessed lighting throughout; perfect for entertaining. Open gourmet eat-in kitchen, beautiful master suite, flagstone patio and luxury pool. $3,495,000Nancy Taylor Bubes 202-256-2164

HILLANDALE, WASHINGTON, DCBeautifully renovated 5BR, 4.5BA townhouse with garage, driveway and garden. Features hardwoods and large kitchen. Amenities include pool, tennis courts and 24hr security. $1,525,000Nancy Taylor Bubes 202-256-2164Cynthia Howar 202-297-6000

ARLINGTON, VIRGINIASpacious 1 bedroom + den, 2 baths upper-level apartment at Turnberry Tower with many custom upgrades, private elevator, stunning views of Georgetown and the Potomac River, 24-hour concierge, and parking. $1,244,000Patrick Chauvin 202-256-9595

CHEVY CHASE, MARYLANDLovely 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath Colonial in Martin Additions. Family room/kitchen with subzero, paneled den, recreation room, au pair space. Pretty garden with gazebo. Walk to B-ville shops. $849,000Boucie Addson 301-509-8827




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32 Wednesday, May 15, 2013 The CurrenT

CHEVY CHASE4400 Jenifer Street, NWWashington, DC 20015202-364-1700


DUPONT1509 22nd Street, NW

Washington, DC 20037202-464-8400


CHARM & CHEERBethesda, MD. Wyngate Beautiful

expanded Colonial w/5 BRs, 3.5 BAs. Huge MBR suite w/walk-in closet. Open kitchen w/granite

counters. Hardwood fl rs. $875,000Catherine Arnaud-Charbonneau


ENCHANTINGBradley Hills. Snappy white brk home w/4 BRs, 3.5 BAs. Eat-in kitchen w/adj family rm. 1st fl r study. Built-ins, French drs. Fin. LL den/offi ce w. full ba. Stone

patio. $989,000Pat Lore 301-908-1242

Ted Beverley 301-728-4338

FABULOUS FINDFoxhall Village. Rarely found end unit

townhouse. 4 BR, 3.5 Ba Tudor w/4 fi nished levels. Renovated kitchen & baths. LL in-law suite/legal rental

unit w/sep entrance. Pkg pad. $995,000Jenny Chung 301-651-8536

CHEVY CHASE4400 Jenifer Street, NWWashington, DC 20015202-364-1700


DUPONT1509 22nd Street, NW

Washington, DC 20037202-464-8400


CHEVY CHASE4400 Jenifer Street, NWWashington, DC 20015202-364-1700


DUPONT1509 22nd Street, NW

Washington, DC 20037202-464-8400


STATELY ELEGANCEBrinklow, MD. Stone country

Colonial blt in 2005 by Mitchell & Best on 2 acres. 7 BRs, 5 BAs include

MBR on 1st fl r. 2 story family rm, chef’s kit, library. Walk out LL.

Minutes to ICC & DC. $1,295,000Delia McCormick- 301-977-7273

WOODLAND WONDERBethesda. 3 level contemporary gem fl ooded with light backs to parkland. Open fl r plan. 6 BRs, 3.5 BAs. Super kitchen, family rm w/stone frpl. Den,

LL rec rm. 4 decks. $1,178,000Trish McKenna 301-367-3973


Bethesda, MD. Westwood Mews.

Great views of Little Falls Pk & Capitol Crescent

Trail from the deck of this lovely

4BR, 3.5 BA townhouse. Lge TS kitchen. Fin.

LL w/family rm, frpl, wet bar, bedrm, ba & drs to private patio. $769,000

STORYBOOK CHARM16th St. Heights. Beautifully updated

1921 Dutch Colonial w/3-4 BRs, 2.5 BAs. Kitchen w/SS appliances & brkfst area. Original trim, front porch, deck & garden. Finished 3rd fl r. Off-

street pkg for 2 cars. $749,850Philippa Jackson 301-332-3331

ELEGANCE DEFINED Kenwood. Magnifi cent colonial on

2/3 acre grounds has 8 Brs, 6.5 Bas, great entertaining spaces, paneled

library, front and back stairs; beautiful street. $2,795,000

Ted Beverley 301-728-4338Pat Lore 301-908-1242

ONE OF A KINDAmerican University Park. Exquisite & impeccably

expanded Colonial on 1/3 acre. 5,300sf interior includes 6 BRs, 3 BAs, 2 HBAs. brkfst rm, family

rm. Patio & outdoor fountains. A work of art throughout.. $2,275,000

Anne-Marie Finnell 202-329-7117Ellen Abrams 202-255-8219

TIMELESS STYLETown of Chevy Chase. Sunny & sophisticated. Thoughtfully expanded &: renovated Colonial w/6 BRs, 3 BAs, 2 HBAs. Kitchen opening to

family rm. Deck, patio, screened porch. Large lot. $1,829,000

Marcie Sandalow 301-758-4894Catarina Bannier 202-487-7177

OLD WORLD CHARMCleveland Park. Gracious light fi lled 1912

updated Stucco w/6 BRs, 3.5 BAs. Lge kitchen & adj. breakfast rm open to deck. Period details. Huge 3rd fl r. Walk out LL

w/au pair suite. $1,337,500Tamar Laksy 202-362-4225

A CLASS BY ITSELFColonial Village. Grand renovated French

Tudor overlooking Rock Creek Pk. Stunning garden w/stonework, terrace & pool.

5-6 BRs, 4.5 BAs. Designer kit w/beamed ceiling, Library. $1,500,000

Delia McCormick 301-977-7273


Transformed 3 BR, 3.5 BA home

w/elevator. Gourmet eat-in kitchen, LR

w/granite frpl, family rm. Master BR w/adj offi ce & dressing rm. Stone terraced patio.

Gated community w/pool, tennis & 24 hour security.


IDYLLIC CLASSICChevy Chase, MD. Rolling Wood. Custom Tudor

done to the “nine’s”. Light fi lled, gourmet kit opens to family rm. 4 BRs, 4.5 BAs includes

MBR suite. Offi ce w/sep entrance, 2nd family rm. Patio, attached garage. $1,289,000

Delia McCormick 301-977-7273Laura McCaffrey 301-641-4456

CLASSIC DESIGNSpring Valley. Light fi lled updated Colonial

w/5 BRs, 4.5 BA on 4 fi nished levels. Gourmet kit w/island opens to breakfast rm. Lge family rm w/cathedral ceiling.

Patio, attached garage. $1,695,000Laura McCaffrey 202-641-4456

Lynn Bulmer 202-257-2410


Chevy Chase, MD The Hamlet

Lovely coop townhouse in great location.

4 BRs, 3.5 BAs. Spacious rooms,

kit w/granite counters.

Walk-out LL w/fl exible suite. Flagstone patio

w/park view. $650,000Delia McCormick 301-977-7273

CITY SPIRITKent/Palisades. Walk to schools

& Starbucks! Delightful 3 bedroom, 3 bath split-level with lovely garden

& natural light. Finished walk-out LL w/ rec rm. 5031 Eskridge Terrace $840,000Nancy Hammond 202-262-5374

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OPPORTUNITY KNOCKSCh Chs, DC. 1916 Foursquare on 6,000 SF lot. Renov opportunities. Incl 4/6 BRs & 3 FBAs. Quiet street 1/2 mile to red line Metro, shops of Friendship Hghts. Welcoming front porch,

rear deck, lg yard, pkng. $995,000Courtney Abrams 202-253-0109

Ted Beverley 301-728-4338Pat Lore 301-908-1242

Open House

Sunday 5/19 1-4