nutzung des copernicus ems zur erfassung von … · 2018-12-05 · 2015 pfra hazard+ risk maps...

Nutzung des Copernicus EMS zur Erfassung von Hochwasserrisiken im Drin-Einzugsgebiet Gerrit Bodenbender, Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Dr.-Ing. Peter Heiland, INFRASTRUKTUR & UMWELT Professor Böhm und Partner, Darmstadt / Potsdam / Tirana Copernicus Forum, Berlin, 28. November 2018 1 Worldwide partner for consulting, development and project management

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Nutzung des Copernicus EMS zur Erfassung von

Hochwasserrisiken im Drin-Einzugsgebiet

Gerrit Bodenbender, Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Dr.-Ing. Peter Heiland, INFRASTRUKTUR & UMWELT Professor Böhm und Partner, Darmstadt / Potsdam / Tirana

Copernicus Forum, Berlin, 28. November 2018


Worldwide partner for consulting, development and project management

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Our working fields


(Inter)national projects – in different fields

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Beitrag zum Workshop

1. “Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment” (PFRA)für das Drin River Basin

2. EMS-Aktivierung: Was haben wir von der EMS-Aktivierung erwartet?

3. Bedenken lokaler Partner

4. Erfahrungen, Lessons learnt

Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment

for the Drin/Drim-Buna/Bojana River Basin

- Scope, workflow, results -

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FRM-cylce / EU-directive






Hazard + RiskMaps

Flood RiskManagement Plans





Review andupdate PFRA

Review and update Hazard + Risk Maps

Review / update FloodRisk Management Plans





Review aupdate P

Review andHazard + Ris

Review / updaRisk Managem


Products of the 3 phases in the FRM-cylce / EU-directive

Flood Hazard & Risk maps

FHRM(for identified risk areas)

Preliminary FloodRisk Assessment


APSFR =Areas of potentiallysignificant flood risk

Flood RiskManagement Plan

FRMP(for identified risk areas)


Risk reductionmeasures



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Criteria / methodology (example)- Catchment > 50 km² / > 20 km²- Stream length above > 10 km / > 5 km- Values at risk per community >0,5 Mio.€- Special assets at risk: industry, infrastructure etc.


PFRA steps – determination of significance

Step 1: Basic River Network 

Processing River Network data(starting point for the risk


Step 2: cut off all not relevant 

sections of the river network(small catchments, low run‐off 


Step 3: Determination of sections

with potential significant riskAccording signifcance criteria

Existing, validated data ofthe river network

Filter criteria(negativ/positiv criteria: catchment size, land use)

Significance criteria, significant tresholds



R & UMWELT 2016

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Risk receptors and risk indicators


Planned DRIN PFRA project work flow

Risk assessment („bottom‐up“)

• Assessment of past events

• Assessment of known risk areas, objectsand infrastructure at risk

• Working maps and working documents

• Technical working groupVerification of results

• Review & clarify results

• Validation Workshop (extended techn. WG)

• Adjustment of maps andassessment

PFRA report and map

• Draft PFRA report

• Adjustment with partners

• Finalisaion, presentation

• Data transfer to partners


RISK information


EMS – Copernicus Risk Map

• Risk + Beam Map processingby the Copernicus programme

Preparation & data collection

• Assess relevant existing data / sources

• Assess relevant flood events, riskassessment activities

• Fact‐finding missions Jan/Feb 18

EMS – Copernicus Risk MapActivation

Jan - Sep 18

Jan – Apr 18 May - Jul 18

Aug/Sep 18

Nov 18

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Actual DRIN PFRA project work flow

Risk assessment („bottom‐up“)

• Assessment of past events

• Assessment of known risk areas, objectsand infrastructure at risk

• Working maps and working documents

• Technical working groupVerification of results

• Review & clarify results

• Validation Workshop (2nd meeting of techn. WG)

• Adjustment of maps andassessment

PFRA report and map

• Draft PFRA report

• Adjustment with partners

• Finalisaion, presentation

• Data transfer to partners


RISK information


Preparation & data collection

• Assess relevant existing data / sources

• Assess relevant flood events, riskassessment activities

• Fact‐finding missions Jan/Feb 18

EMS – Copernicus Risk MapActivation

??? EMS – Service work ongoing

Jan - Sep 18

Jan – May 18 Aug - ?? 18

Sep / Oct 18

Nov 18


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EMS – activation Drin River Basin

• Activation preparation Jan - June 2018 (completed 1. Aug. 2018)

• Service provider contracted: 1 Aug 2018 (by European Joint Research Center)

• Schedule: 40 days …

• Input-data from countries:- DEM- „further hydrological data“ – not specified yet- status in ME?

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EMS activation products

Product 1: Flood hazard map for the Drin river basin (the AOI)

Product 2:An economic assets map covering the AOI displaying monetary values per area unit (€/m²), derived from national and European socio-economic statistics for different land use types (CLC 2012 and Urban Atlas 2012)

Product 3: Economic risk assessment within the maximum expected flood extension area - as defined by the flood hazard map (Product 1), based on the assets assessment (Product 2).

Product 4: Analysis of historical flood events (based on archived satellite image data and a list of documented flood events)


Plan B: 2-way-evaluation of PFRA: 43 APSFR

A. Existing knowledge:• Past Events• Flood documentations• Expert knowledge• Local knowledge

B. GIS-based analyses:• available DEMs + World DEM• Max. flood level estimation• Max flood area outline• Critical land use at risk

Risk area fact sheetsRisk area maps

(potential flood risk areas)

Areas of potential significantflood risk (APSFR)

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World DEM light

• Based on TanDEM X data

• Edited by Airbus (removal of voids, buildings, vegetation)

• Water: water level as during scan

• Further corrections by geomer, using OSM river network


Scenario 2

Scenario 1

Potentially flooded area

• Difference between the two extents points to different hydraulic behavior

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Szenario 1


Szenario 2

20 0.8 1.0

50 1.4 1.8

100 1.9 2.4

200 2.4 3.0

500 3.0 3.8

1000 3.5 4.4

2000 4.0 5.0

5000 4.6 5.8

10000 5.1 6.4

20000 5.6 7.0

50000 6.2 7.8

100000 6.7 8.4

Flood depth regionalisation

• Derived from sample points by statistical correlation

• Does not consider form of river cross section

• Lakes and reservoirs not included in regionalization as here the water level is defined by water management measures


Map Production without EMS

• With potentially flooded areas

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List of APSFR

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Statistic analyses: land use in the potential risk areas

Nur Flächengrößen; keine ökonomischen Analysen (kein BEAM)


Benefit of EMS results if NOT in time for the PFRA?

• Validation of results in a later stage

• National data set for economic values for land use classes:

for all kind of risk assessments

for evaluation of cost-benefit relations for flood risk managementmeasures (in FRM-plans)

prioritisaton of measures (in FRM-plans)

• Flood hazard shape to validate FHRM in later stages.

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3. Bedenken lokaler Partner

• Wir haben viele Kartenprojekte … wie bringen wir die zusammen?

welchen Mehrwert bringen „Karten aus dem Weltall“?

wie verlässlich sind diese Ergebnisse?(Fazit: „Ablehnung“, „… lass man machen, dann schaun mer mal …“)

Welche DATEN bekommen wir zur Weiternutzung? (shapes, DEM, BEAM)?

• Wie sollen wir diese Karten verwenden? Klarheit bei Möglichkeiten UND vor allem Grenzen

Unterstützung bei der Kommunikation und weiteren Nutzung?

• Umgang mit Unterschieden zwischen verschiedenen Produkten? Umgang mit Unsicherheiten (Transparenz)

„naja, das passt halt nie ganz zusammen …“ – das gibt es vor Ort eben nicht!


4. Erfahrungen, lessons learnt (subjektiv, in diesem Fall …)

• Nur wording (?): „Zielgruppen“ oder „Anspruchsgruppen“?

• Kommunikation im Vorfeld: Definitionsprozess … braucht bereits Experten/-

innen (Sprache / Verständnis)

Spezifikation: direkte Kommunikation fehlte hier zwischen JRC + SP + Endnutzer

• Kommunikation während der Aktivierung / Bearbeitung Kann es sein, dass der User/Partner die technische

Spezifizierung nicht erhält?

Bearbeiter / Service Provider können nicht eine

• Genauigkeit Einsatzbereiche Kommunikation über Genauigkeiten …

Gegenseitiges Verständnis erhöhen: Was brauchen wir/die? Was können wir/die?

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INFRASTRUKTUR & UMWELTProfessor Böhm und Partner

HauptsitzJulius-Reiber-Straße 17D-64293 DarmstadtPhone +49 (0) 61 51/81 30-0Fax +49 (0) 61 51/81 30-20

Niederlassung PotsdamGregor-Mendel-Straße 9D-14469 PotsdamPhone +49 (0) 3 31/5 05 81-0Fax +49 (0) 3 31/5 05 81-20