nutritional food

Hygienic and Nutritional Food

Upload: divyanshi17

Post on 16-Jul-2015




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Hygienic and Nutritional Food

A healthy diet is one that helps maintain or improve

general health. A healthy diet provides the body with

essential nutrition: essential fatty acids, vitamins,

minerals, and calories. Where lack of calories is not an

issue, a properly balanced diet (in addition to exercise)

is also thought to be important for lowering health

risks, such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes,

hypertension and cancer.

What is a healthy balanced diet?

When it comes to healthy

eating the most important

thing to remember is that

there are no such things as

‘good’ and ‘bad’ foods. The

occasional biscuit or packet of

crisps isn’t going to do any

harm as long as the rest of

your diet is a healthy balance.

The secret to a healthy diet is


Why is a balanced diet important?A balanced diet is one that provides the body with all the

essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals required to maintain

cells, tissues and organs as well as to function correctly. A diet

that is lacking in nutrients can lead to many different health

problems ranging from tiredness and lack of energy to serious

problems with the function of vital organs and lack of growth and



Vitamins are chemicals needed by the body to

maintain good health. Each vitamin does a different

job in the body and so a lack of any one vitamin

can seriously affect our health. Vitamins are

required by the body only in tiny amounts.

Mineral salts

The body needs mineral salts only in tiny

amounts. Different mineral salts are needed

for different purpose. Liver, kidney, red

meats, egg yolk, and dark green leafy

vegetable contain a lot of iron is needed to

make red blood cells carry oxygen to all our



It is one of the main nutrient in

balanced diet which has to be

consumed apparently

everyday.Starch and sugar are

two types of carbohydrate. It is a

main source of energy for

activities and life processes. It gives us about 17kJ/gram OF


Proteins supply the body with some

energy. But the more important role

of proteins is to help our body grow.

They are used to make new cells and

to repair damaged ones. What

happens when we don't get enough proteins in our diet?

We will not grow properly and our

muscles will become weak.


Fats can be used by the body to

produce energy in addition fats can be stored in the body for a

long time. Some of this body fat

helps to keep us warm. Some of it

is used by the body to release

energy whenever we don't eat

enough food. It can lead to heart




Water makes up seventy

percent of our body weight.

Every time we sweat, urinate or

breathe, we lose a lot of water.

We should drink six to eight

glasses of fluid each day to

make sure we're getting enough

water for our body.


In Last,

Balance of good health:

All foods can be part of a healthy diet –

it’s important for health to achieve the

right balance and include a variety of

foods. Eating a healthy, balanced diet

and staying active are two of the most

important factors to help live a long and

healthy life.