nutrition ii


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Page 1: Nutrition ii


Page 2: Nutrition ii


1. Respiration and excretion

2. The circulatory system

3. Blood circulation

Page 3: Nutrition ii

1.1 What is respiration?

O It is a process. We do it automatically.

O We obtain oxygen and expel carbon


O Oxygen + nutrients= energy



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1.2 The respiratory system

O Consists of the air passageways and the


O The air passageways: Are the tubes

which air goes in and out of our bodies.

O The lungs: Are the two spongy organs

where the gas exchange takes place.

They are in the thoracic cavity (sternum,

the ribs and the spinal column)

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1.3 Respiration

O Two breathing movements

O During inhalation: the lungs and the

thoracic cavity expand. Air enters through

the air passageways and ends at the


O During exhalation: the lungs and the

thoracic cavity contracts. This pushes the

air that contain CO2 out of the body.

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1.4 Excretion

O Is the elimination of waste substances

from the blood

O This process is carried out by the

excretory system.



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1.5 The excretory system

O Is made up of:

O The kidneys: they filter the blood and retain waste substances which make up urine

O The ureters: they carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder

O The bladder: this stores the urine until is expelled from the body

O The urethra: urine is expelled through this tube.

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1.6 Sweat and sweat glands

O It is a liquid that our body secretes

O It is formed in the sweat glands in the


O It is made up of a ball-shaped coil and a

tiny tube that connects with a pore.

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2.1 Blood

O This liquid reaches all the cells in our body

O Transports nutrients, oxygen, CO2 and


O Is made up of: plasma and blood cells

O Red blood cells: they distribute oxygen

and make blood red

O White blood cells: protect the body from


O Platelets: they attached to the vessels


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2.2 Blood vessels

O They are hollow tubes all over our body

O They circulate blood. There are 3 types:

O Arteries: carry blood from the heart to

other organs.

O Veins: carry blood to the heart

O Capillaries: connect arteries to veins and

circulate blood inside the organs


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2.3 The heart

O It is made up of muscles. That work all the

time to pump blood around the body.

O It is divided into 2 halves. Each half it is made

up of 2 parts:

O Atria: these are the 2 upper parts. Blood from

the veins enters here.

O Ventricles: these are the 2 lower parts. Blood

leaves from here and travels through arteries.

O A valve connects each atrium to the ventricle

on the same side. Control direction of the

blood circulation.

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3.1 What is blood circulation?

O Is the constant move of blood.

O Distributes nutrients, liberate oxygen and picks up waste substances.

O Every beat pumps blood to every cell. Two stages:

O Systole: contraction that makes blood flow to the arteries

O Diastole: relaxation that makes blood enter through the veins to the heart

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3.2 Pulmonary circulation

O Is the movement of

blood between the

heart and the lungs

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3.3 Systemic circulation

O Is the movement of

blood between the

heart and the rest

of the body

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O You have to do a work about the 2nd and

3rd points.

O You can do whatever you want ( video, art

work, poster,…) but related with the topic.

O Deadline: 11th of January. If you have any

doubt ask me via email.

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