nustar, fair & the uk community dl, october,2006

NuSTAR, FAIR NuSTAR, FAIR & the UK Community & the UK Community DL, October,2006

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Page 1: NuSTAR, FAIR & the UK Community DL, October,2006

NuSTAR, FAIRNuSTAR, FAIR& the UK Community& the UK Community

DL, October,2006

Page 2: NuSTAR, FAIR & the UK Community DL, October,2006

“Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR)” :

SIS 100/300

100 m







Rare Isotope

Page 3: NuSTAR, FAIR & the UK Community DL, October,2006

The Present Rare Isotope Facility at GSI







3 FRS Branches

Low primary beam intensity (e.g. 108 238U /s) Low transmission for projectile fission fragments (4-10% at the FRS) Low transmission for fragments into the storage ring and to the

experimental areas Limited maximum magnetic rigidity (@ FRS: for U-like fragments, @ ESR:cooler performance and magnets, @ALADIN, to deflect

break-up fragments) Limited space in front of the production target Limited space at the experimental area 1 Limited space at the ESR injection area 2 Beam-line magnets, area 3, are not designed for fragment beams


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Page 5: NuSTAR, FAIR & the UK Community DL, October,2006

The Super-FRS and its Branches

NuSTAR- [Nuclear Structure Astrophysics and Reactions] Collaboration




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UK Community and NuSTAR

Groups at Paisley, Glasgow, Edinburgh, York, Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Surrey, Brighton and Daresbury. - theorists at Manchester(4) and Surrey(5) - groups at Strathclyde, Belfast and Cardiff interested in other aspects of FAIR

In total about 75 academics of whom 9 are theorists, 8 or 9 are in other fields and about 45 have their principal interests in FAIR.

Strongly engaged in NuSTAR:- -Chairman of NuSTAR Board—Gelletly (Surrey) -Spokesperson HISPEC----------Podolyak (surrey) -Deputy Spokesperson DESPEC-Woods (Edinburgh) -Spokesperson LASPEC-Campbell (Manchester) -Spokesperson EXL-------Chartier (Liverpool) -Spokesperson ILIMA-----Walker (Surrey)

Grant awarded to build active stopper for DESPEC-Edinburgh/Liverpool/Rutherford.

Strong involvement in RISING, EXL tests, ILIMA tests etc.

Daresbury and Rutherford personnel engaged in electronics and data acquisition.

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Contributions - experimentDESPEC Gamma ray array

DESPEC Active stopper

Electronics and data acquisition for NuSTAR and sub-projects

Mechanical arrangements for HISPEC/DESPEC and elsewhere.

Tracking detectors for NuSTAR-for example Diamond detectors (Surrey and Rutherford)

Beamlines – all aspects from design to assembly and test.

Heavy ion spectrometer for R3B – design to assembly and test.


Detector development generally-Si, CdZnTe, Diamond etc.


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The high-energy branch of the Super-FRS:

A universal setup for kinematical complete measurements of

Reactions with Relativistic Radioactive Beams

The R3B experiment:

• identification and beam "cooling" (tracking and momentum measurement, p/p ~10-4)

• exclusive measurement of the final state:

- identification and momentum analysis of fragments

(large acceptance mode: p/p~10-3, high-resolution mode: p/p~10-4)

- coincident measurement of neutrons, protons, gamma-rays, light recoil particles

• applicable to a wide class of reactions

The setup

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Decay spectroscopy


In-flight spectroscopy

(3 – 100 MeV/u) (HISPEC)

Laser spectroscopy (LASPEC)

Ion traps (MATS)

Neutron capture (NCAP)

Antiprotonic nuclei (Exo+pbar)

Experiments at the low-energy branch


slowed-down and

stopped beams

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Page 11: NuSTAR, FAIR & the UK Community DL, October,2006

in-beam -ray spectroscopy

-decay spectroscopy

LASER spectroscopy

in-trap ex- periments

Unique feature: RIBs and pbar at (almost) the same place


Slow beams(100...3 MeV/u)

Stopped beams ( ~ 25meV)

ISOL-type beams (~10...100 keV)

Highly-charged ions

Monoenergetic degrader

Monoenergetic + variable degrader

He-filled ion catcher

EBIS + analyzer

Experiments at the low-energy branch

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FAIR-the Complex of Storage Rings

A unique combination where one can apply all the lessons from the SIS-FRS-ESRcomplex and build on it.

CR:-Efficient collection and stochastic pre-cooling to p/p ~ 10-4 in fraction of s

[at 740 MeV/u]

RESR:-beam can be decelerated to 100MeV/u in 1 s

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EXL – Exotic Nuclei studied in light-ion induced reactions at the NESR

Schematic view of a cross-section of the EXL detector system, with the details shown on the right.

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Setup for EXL test experiment at ESR.

Experimental Storage Ring

Circulating Beam

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O.Kiselev et al.

Test of EXL Idea using the ESR - 2006

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O.Kiselev et al.

Test of EXL Idea using the ESR - 2006

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RISING = Rare ISotope INvestigations at GSI

2 major ‘campaigns’ so far1) Fast (in-beam) Campaign

2) Stopped (isomer/-decay) Campaign

We are in the middle of the isomer part of this campaign. Next year we will be looking at beta decays-in principle the method will be very similar to the experiments to be described in the lectures by Paul Mantica.All the results I will show are preliminary and not fully analysed.

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EXL- What information can we expect?

Elastic scattering -nuclear matter radii/distributions -haloes,skins,central densitiesInelastic scattering -surface collective states/electric giant resonances/analysing powers -bulk asymmetric matter/compressibilty/soft modesCharge exchange -GT/spin-dipole resonances/spin-isospin excns. -neutron skin/spin excns./stellar weak interaction ratesTransfer reactions -spectroscopic factors/s.p. particle and hole states/pair transfer -s.p.structure/spin-orbit interaction/pairing interactionQuasi-free scattering -s.p.spectral function/cluster knockout -s.p.structure/nucleon-nucleon correlations/in-medium interactions

●First real programme of reaction studies with exotic nuclei in a ring.●Detector system will handle a wide range of different types of reaction.●Exclusive measurements-hence of interest with stable beams too.

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ELISe – Electron-Ion scattering in a Storage Ring

Aims:-a)Charge distributions from (e,e) scattering.

b)Selective excitation of low-lying collective states,giant resonances and new soft modes using (e,e/).

c)Electrofission studies.

d)Studies of (e,e/N) and cluster knockout.

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Experimental Setup

15 Euroball Clusterdetectors

Unmodified figures courtesy of GSI

Fragment Recoil Separator (FRS) + g detector array + CAlorimeter TElescope (CATE)

FRS optimised for required primary fragment

TOF between S1 & S2 (~30m), hence

MW’s (x,y) positions also used for tracking