nursing aspects-of-ecp

The Royal Marsden 1 Nursing and Service Aspects of Extracorporeal Photopheresis ( ECP) Janet Baker (Sister-Haem-Onc Daycare/Outpts/Apheresis) Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust EBMT NAP UK 5/10/2012

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The Royal Marsden


Nursing and Service Aspects of Extracorporeal Photopheresis ( ECP)

Janet Baker (Sister-Haem-Onc Daycare/Outpts/Apheresis)Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust

EBMT NAP UK 5/10/2012

The Royal Marsden2

Background Opportunity to deliver ECP at RMH

Commercially sponsored clinical trial: ECP for 1st line Chronic GvHD

Provision of CellEx™ Photopheresis system

Charity funded programme for Acute GvHD

Development of an ECP service

The Royal Marsden3

Discussion Points Clinical Governance Issues

Management, Organisation, and Personnel

Training and Supervision


Key Documentation

Quality Assurance/ Standards

Patient Management

The Royal Marsden4

Clinical Governance Issues Service Objectives / Outcome Service Agreements/ Maintenance

New Equipment User Group Drug and Therapeutics Committee-Approval

for 8-Methoxypsoralen (Uvadex™)

Risk Assessment Incident Reporting System

Procurement Finance Reporting- updates to Charity Fund

The Royal Marsden5

Management, Organisation, and Personnel ? Extension / Integration of Apheresis service

Inpatient / outpatient service

Designated leads/ Keyworkers: Nursing and Medical

Accountability / Responsibility

Skill mix / Experience: Apheresis + Transplant

Resources: Nursing Staff and Time

Institutional / Department support

The Royal Marsden6

Training Requirements Technical Competency Certificate from Company

Trainer – ‘water treatment’ and patient treatments

Theoretical component- workbook

Arranged observational visit to Nottingham -ECP

Strasbourg- Company HQ, and clinical observational visit

On- the – job training / learning….ongoing

Instruction Manual

The Royal Marsden7

Premises – Space - Storage


Location of procedure – Inpt/ Outpt/ Apheresis

Therapeutic environment

Service is portable

Storage of kits

The Royal Marsden8

Key Documentation Standard Operating Procedure ( SOP) for ECP

Patient Consent Form Patient Information Leaflet

Photopheresis Procedure record Prescription/ Proforma -Uvadex™ / Heparin GvHD monitoring/ assessment form FACT-BMT Quality of Life questionnaire

Reporting forms for System failures/Incidents Maintenance and Cleaning records

The Royal Marsden9

Quality Assurance / Standards

SOP policy for ECP and associated policies JACIE accredited centre

JACIE 5th edn standards B7.2 acknowledge: - “Inspectors are encountering ECP processes during inspection-if part of therapy for GvHD- must comply with JACIE standards-performed according to policies for safe administration of ECP”

UK Photopheresis Society (UKPS) advocates ECP accreditation in UK / Europe by external assessment

The Royal Marsden10

Patient Management Patient selection / Eligibility for treatment – SOP ‘ to ECP or not to ECP?’

Further consensus guidelines for acute GvHD needed

Scheduling –treatment efficacy -Acute –twice weekly-8 wks

- Chronic- per trial / 2x week every 2 weeks

- logistics and practicalities

Clinical pre-assessment criteria-blood values (Fbc, Coag, U&es, Lfts, lipids) / Weight

Baseline GvHD assessment and I/S medication review

The Royal Marsden11

Patient Consent / Information Commitment / Compliance Repeat hospital visits Inpt/ Outpt Realistic aims and timeframes- not ‘quick fix’ Support / Reassurance Low fat diet- ( lipids) UVA protection skin / eyes - dark glasses Contraception – (Uvadex ™) Good oral hydration Acute/ Chronic GvHD pts… different needs

The Royal Marsden12

Side –effect profile

Fatigue Hypotension / dizziness/ syncope - ECV Increased sensitivity to sunlight- skin / eyes Pain, anxiety, bruising – peripheral

cannulation Infection- central access lines Bleeding/ bruising – anticoagulation

Metallic taste in mouth , ‘sparkly’ sensation in eyes during re-infusion

The Royal Marsden13

Venous access - vein assessment Peripheral Access– Kimal needle size 16/17 - 17/18 g cannula Return - 18/ 20 g cannula

Central Line –Double lumen - LTS line(long term

silicone,tunnelled) - 12 French ( 5.5 mm per lumen) - > 3 French per lumen - provide flow rates > 15 ml/ min

CellEx™ - Single or Double lumen procedure

The Royal Marsden14

Transfusion Requirements pre ECP

Institutional Parameters

Hct > 27 %

Platelets > 25,ooo

Blood results < 48 hours pre procedure

The Royal Marsden15

Anticoagualtion System licensed for Heparin not Citrate

? Anticoagulant not anti-platelet clumping activity

10,ooo units Heparin in 500 mls / AC ratio 10:1 Adjust for high/ low platelet counts

Watch for Platelet Clumping Assess for bleeding, bruising - haematuria Patient anti-coag history- INR

The Royal Marsden16

Technical problems CellEx™ Alarms

Problem solving

Technical support - Hotline / UK trainer

Kits - Reimbursement if problems

Smart Cards- send for analysis

Reporting / Documenting System and kit problems

The Royal Marsden17

Assessment, Monitoring, Evaluation Efficacy v toxicity of treatment - ECP good

safety profile

GvHD assessments - who should complete these?

Record Clinical Outcomes - ? National ECP database

Quality of Life information

Financial Outcomes - Commissioners / Reimbursement and future funding

Evidence -based and cost- effective service

The Royal Marsden18

Our experience so far……. 3 AGvHD patients treated- 1 in treatment

CGvHD Trial - 1 pt enrolled- not randomised to ECP

? Future after funding/ trial complete

Challenging / time-consuming

Great opportunity for us and our patients

Collaboration and networking with other ECP centres

The Royal Marsden19

Acknowledgement / Thanks

Regina De Jesus - Joint ECP Key- worker - Sister, Transplant Unit,


Nurses on Bud Flanagan Ambulatory Care ( BFAC)

ECP experts, esp - Emma Luke at Nottingham - Tracy Maher and Maggie

Foster at Rotherham

The Royal Marsden20

Thank You for listening.

– Questions?

The Royal Marsden21


FACT-JACIE International Standards for Cellular Therapy Product Collection, Processing, and Administration. 5th edition. JACIE