nur assalam - · the students become more active in ... 6. all of the...

IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ VO CABULARY MASTERY TH RO UG H S O NGS (A Classroom Action Research in the Fifth G rade Students of SD Nege ri Pajang I Surakarta in the Academ ic Year 0f 2008/2009) Arranged by: Nur Assalam K 2204040 THESIS Submitted to Fulfill One of the Requirem ents for Achieving the Undergraduate Degree of English Education ENGLISH DEPARTMENT TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATIO N FACULTY SEBELAS MARET UNIVERSITY SURAKARTA 2009

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(A Classroom Action Research in the Fifth G rade Students of

SD Negeri Pajang I Surakarta

in the Academ ic Year 0f 2008/2009)

Arranged by:

Nur A ssalam

K 2204040


Submitted to Fulfi ll One of the Requirem ents for Achieving the

Undergraduate Degree of English Education








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This thesis is examined by the Board of the Examiners of Teacher

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Nur Assalam. K2204040: Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery through Songs (A Classroom Action Research in the Fifth Grade Students of SD Negeri Pajang I Surakarta in the Academic Year of 2008/2009). Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Sebelas Maret Surakarta. 2009. This study is based on the problems of the low vocabulary mastery of elementary school students. It is aimed at knowing whether songs can improve the students’ vocabulary mastery or not. It also identifies the phenomenon happening when the teacher conducts vocabulary teaching using songs in the class. Moreover, this study has purposes to find out the strengths and the weaknesses of using songs in teaching English vocabulary

Related to the study, the writer conducts an action research. The technique employed in this research is songs. The procedure of the research consists of ident ifying the problems, planning the act ion, implement ing the act ion, observing the action, reflecting the result of the observat ion, and revising the plan. The research is conducted in two cycles. The first cycle consists of three meetings and the second cycle consists of two meetings. In collecting the data, the writer uses qualitative and quantitative technique. The qualitative data come from observat ion, field notes, photographs, interview, and video recording. The result of qualitative data is analyzed by using Constant Comparative Method (CCM). In quantitative method, the writer used tests. The test consists of pre-test and post-test. The technique to analyze the tests result is by using t-test. In this action research, the writer is as the teacher in teaching and learning process. Meanwhile, the English teacher is as the observer/collaborator. The results of this research show that songs can improve students’ vocabulary mastery. The improvement can be seen in the form of students’ behaviour in the class and students’ score. The students become more active in teaching and learning process. They could easily remember the vocabularies presented in the class by using songs. The improvement of students’ score can be seen from the differences between pre-test and post-test. The mean of the pretest score is 40.72 and it improves to 52.55 in the first post-test. Based on the analysis

of t-test, is 8.61. At the level of significance α= 0.05, (8.61) > t table =

(2.02), the improvement of the students’ vocabulary mastery is significant . Moreover, the mean of the first post-test score improves to 67.45 in the final post-

test. Based on the analysis of t-test, is 12.12. At the level of significance α=

0.05, (12.12) > t table = (2.02), the improvement of the students’ vocabulary

mastery is significant too. From the test result, it shows that there is a significant improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery after the writer conducts the research. It proves that teaching vocabulary through songs can improve students’ vocabulary mastery. The result of the research implies that the use of songs in teaching English in Elementary School is necessary to be applied.



Sometimes accident is not an accident at all

The worth of wise word comes from ou r inner world

Everyone inspires others, then be a good inspiration



With a deep love, this research is dedicated to:

Her beloved father and mother

Her Schools: TK Aisyiah Baron, SD N Begalon II, SMP N 9, and SMA N 4

in Surakarta

Her almamater UNS

Herself and the brighter future



Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin. All praise and thanks are only for Allah

SWT, The Almighty God that gives His blessing and His help so the writer can

finish her thesis.

In the process of her study, she received support , contribution, and

assistance from many people. Thus, there are honorable people that are im portant

to the writer. She can only express her gratitude to:

1. The Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty for approving this


2. The Head of the Art and Language Education Departm ent who has given his

permission to write his thesis.

3. The Head of English Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

for giving the writer permission to write this thesis.

4. Dr. Ngadiso, M.Pd., the first consultant for his patience, guidance, and


5. Drs. M. Asrori, M.Pd., the second consultant for his patience, guidance, and


6. All of the lecturers in English Education Program.

7. Drs. Agus Widayatno as the Headmaster of SD Negeri Pajang 1 Surakarta for

facilitating the writer in collecting the data.

8. Riyadi Agus, S.Pd as the English teacher of SD Negeri Pajang 1 Surakarta

who has helped the writer in doing the research.


9. The fifth grade students of SD Negeri Pajang 1 Surakarta who have

part icipated well in the research.

10. Her beloved father and mother for their prayers, cares, and love.

11. Hafidz and Nia “CENOL”, thanks for being her nice brother and sister.

12. Her special friend, Arief, thanks for his supports, cares, and patience.

13. Her beloved friends: Tari, Fajariyah, Susita, Eka, Debay, Ema, Via, Nida,

Hanix, Yanti, Dilly, Harumi, etc. Thanks for the togetherness, supports, and

everything we have done together. For Dwiewien, thanks for the helps and the

inspiration, I love you all……

14. Special thanks to Mas Bro, for the suggestions, inspiration, and help.

15. Her friends in class 2004 for the friendship and togetherness.

16. Her family, friends, and those who are impossibly all ment ioned. Thanks for

coloring her life.

Nothing is perfect except Allah S.W.T, and neither is this thesis. The

researcher gratefully accepts every comment and suggestion. However, she hopes

that this thesis will be useful for the improvement of the English teaching and


Surakarta, Oktober 2009




PAGE OF TITLE …………………………………………………………………..…....

APPROVAL PAGE ……………………………………………………………….….....

LEGITIMATION PAGE …………………………………………………………….….

ABSTRACT ……………………………………………….…………………………....

MOTTO …………………………………………………………………………….……

DEDICATION ………………………………………………………………………….

ACKNOLEDGEMENT …………………………………………………………………

TABLE OF CONTENT …………………………………………………..……………....

LIST OF APPENDICES ………………………………………………………………...














A. Background of the Study ………………………...............………

B. Problem Statements …………………..………….….…...……......

C. Aims of the Study …………………..………………..…...….……

D. Benefits of the Study ………………..…………….………....……


A. Foreign Language Learning ………………………………………

1.Teaching English in Primary School …..………………….….....

2.The Characteristics of Young Learner …………………….…..

B. Vocabulary Learning ……………………………………………

1.The Role of Vocabulary in Language Skills ……………... …….

2.Teaching Vocabulary to Children …………………..…….…….

C. Teaching Vocabulary through Songs …………….……….…... ….

1.The Meaning of Songs ………………………………………......

2.The Benefits of Using Songs in Teaching English to Children.....

3.Songs in T eaching Vocabulary ……………………………….....

D. Rationale ………...……………………... …………………..……..

E. Action Hypothesis …………………………………………..…….


A. Research Setting …………………………………………………..

1.The Place of the research ……………………………………......






















2.The Time of the Research …………………………………….....

B. Subject of the Study …………………………………………….....

C. Method of the Study ……………………………………………....

D. Procedures of Action Research …………………….……………

E. Technique of Collecting Data …………………….………….……

F. Technique of Analyzing the Data …………………………..……..


A. Introduction ………………………………………………………

B. Research Implementation …………………………………………

1. Cycle 1…………………………………………………………...

2. Cycle 2 …………………………………………………………..

C. Discussion …………………………………………………………


A. Conclusion ………………………………………………………

B. Implication ………………………………………………………

C. Suggestion ………………………………………………………















BIBLIOGRAP HY ………………………………………………………………………..

APPENDICES …………………………………………………………………………….





Appendix 1. Field notes in pre research …………………………………

Appendix 2. Interviews in pre research …………………………………

Appendix 3. Interviews after the research ………………………………

Appendix 4. Specification of the pre-test ……………………………….

Appendix 5. The pre-test score ………………………………………….

Appendix 6. The first post-test score ……………………………………

Appendix 7. The final post-test score …..……………………………….

Appendix 8. The comparison of the pre-test and post-test 1 scores ……..

Appendix 9. The comparison of the post-test 1 and post-test 2 scores ….

Appendix 10. The t-test result …………………………………………….

Appendix 11. Statistical table …………………………………………….

Appendix 12. Lesson plan ………………………………………………..

Appendix 13. Pre-test and post-test items ………………………………..

Appendix 13. Fieldnotes …………………………………………………..

Appendix 14. The observat ion data coding ……………………………….

Appendix 15. Photographs ……………………………………….………

Appendix 16. Sample of students’ work …………………………………

Appendix 17. Letter of permission ……………………………………….

Appendix 18. KTSP Curriculum of SD …………………………………..























A. Background of the Study

People around the world speak English. They use English as the first,

second or foreign language. Huebener (1965: 2) states that English is an

internat ional language. As an internat ional language, it plays a very important role

in every aspect of human life, such as communication, economics, education,

science, and technology. We can find it in most places in the world, such as in

hotels, in restaurants, in airports, on the electrical goods, on the package of food

and drink of all sorts, in the magazines, in the textbooks, etc.

We know that it is also needed in scient ific fields as a means of expanding

science and technology. In the field of education, English is potentially required.

It is reasonable enough to learn it since English plays an important role. Most of

textbooks available in the higher learning institution are still written in English.

Accordingly, the success of the students is part ly determined by the proficiency in

mastering it.

English is the first foreign language in Indonesia. It is taught as a subject

matter of education. Recently, in our country, English is not only taught in High

School. A number of primary schools begin to introduce English into their

curriculum. They realize that it is better to teach English earlier because students,

which are children, have span of t ime to learn it longer.


Suyanto (2005: 6) says that young learners are children in the age of 6 to

13 years old. It is important to know about the psychological aspects of the

children before conducting a certain teaching process to them. She states “Pada

hakekatnya m enurut Curtain dan Pesola (1994) anak-anak akan belajar bahasa

asing dengan baik apabila proses belajar terjadi dalam konteks yang kom unikatif

dan bermakna bagi mereka. Untuk anak-anak, konteks ini m eliputi situasi sosial,

kultural, perm ainan, nyanyian, dongeng, dan pengalaman-pengalaman kesenian,

kerajinan, dan olahraga”.

The first element that must be learned in learning a foreign language,

including English, is vocabulary. The mastering of vocabulary is the important

part in communication. Hardjono defines “Dari semua aspek dasar bahasa asing

yang harus dikuasai siswa dalam proses belajar, aspek kosakata yang paling

penting. Tanpa penguasaannya tidak mungkin orang lain bisa m enggunakan

bahasa asing “(1998: 71). It is extremely impossible to us to speak English if we

have never learnt the vocabulary. It must be the first material taught in teaching

English in Primary School. But, concerning with the school learning, vocabulary

is considered as a difficult subject for some students. They often get difficulties in

learning and remembering new words, even they get difficulties to pronounce


Based on the pre-research which was conducted by the researcher in the

fifth grade students of SD Negeri Pajang I Surakarta, the students get many

problems in learning vocabulary. They often get difficulty in pronouncing new

words, spelling, even understanding the meaning. They can’t accept the new


words presented by the teacher well. They can not remember them for a long time,

moreover in calling and using them in a sentence. It can be seen from the result of

their pre-test score. The mean of the score is only 40.72 which indicate that their

vocabulary mastery is still low. Their answer shows that the students can’t

remember the vocabularies for a long time, whereas those vocabularies have been

taught by their teacher before. The condition of the students’ vocabulary mastery

is supported by the teacher’s statement, he says “Di kelas V ini, mem ang

penguasaan vocabulary para siswa masih rendah. Mulai dari cara m em baca

kosakata yang benar sam pai kemampuan menghafal. Dari 48 siswa yang ada

hanya 5-10 anak yang nilai vocabulary-nya sudah bagus.”

There are some factors causing this condition, such as the teacher,

student’s interest, technique of teaching learning, et cetera. A student said in an

interview with the researcher, she says “Saya sering lupa dengan kata-kata

bahasa Inggris yang diajarkan di sekolah. Ngucapinnya juga sulit. apalagi

tulisannya. Saya jadi males.” The other student says ”Pak guru cum a nerangin

sebentar jadi saya nggak hafal. Paling-paling disuruh m encatat terus langsung

dikasih soal.” According to the interview with the teacher, the teacher seldom

teaches vocabulary. He only teaches the grammar. According to him grammar

mastery is very important, because his students’ grammar mastery is low. It is

stated by the teacher below:

“…untuk vocabulary, saya jarang m engajarkan kosakata secara langsung. Saya biasakan mereka membuka kam us. Saya langsung ajarkan tenses dengan contoh-contoh kalimat. Lalu jika ada kosakata yang mereka tidak paham mereka bisa m encarinya sendiri di kam us. Menurut saya, mereka harus menguasai tenses dari sekarang, apalagi nilai-nilai mereka mengenai gramm ar m asih sangat rendah.”


To make the students interested in lesson the teacher should use an

interesting way in teaching. He can use some appropriate methods and techniques

to create the students’ motivat ion. Nababan-Subyakto says “Guru yang baik

um um nya selalu berusaha m enggunakan m etode pengajaran yang paling efektif

dan m em akai alat atau m edia terbaik” (1993: 5). Since the teacher teaches

children, the teaching technique used should be fun and enjoyable for them. It is

very important because children need to learn without anxiety.

One of the techniques which can be used to teach children is teaching

vocabulary through songs. Song is a good instrument to teach children. Most of

children like to sing a song. It is an enjoyable and effective activity to be done

since the teacher use the good and appropriate songs. Through songs, children will

get easier in catching new vocabularies. Besides knowing the meaning of words,

they also get easier in pronouncing them well by imitating to the songs they listen.

Dakin (1985: 5) says “songs give new dimension for drilling and they

make drilling more natural and meaningful”. Songs provide activities, such as

drilling that make students learn vocabulary unconsciously and happily. The

students are involved directly in the singing activity, so they will be more

motivated to learn English, especially vocabulary. Songs also help to make the

words memorable from their repet ition.

Based on the description above, the writer is interested in carrying out a

classroom action research to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery through

songs in the fifth grade students of SD Negeri Pajang I Surakarta,


B. Problem Statements

Based on background of the study, so many problems may arise. The

writer tries to formulate the problems into the following questions:

1. Can the use of songs improve students’ vocabulary mastery?

2. What will happen if the teacher conducts vocabulary teaching using songs

in the class?

3. What are the strengths and weaknesses of using songs in teaching English


C. Aim s of the Study

Generally, the aim of this study is to improve students’ vocabulary

mastery of the fifth grade students of SD Negeri Pajang I Surakarta 2008/2009.

While specifically, by this study, the writer wants to get som e information:

1. Whether the use of songs can improve students’ vocabulary mastery.

2. The phenomenon happening in the class when the teacher conducts

vocabulary teaching using songs.

3. The strengths and weaknesses of using songs in teaching English


D. Benefits of the Study

By this study, we can get some benefits as follows:

1. The result of this study can be the teacher’s alternative way to solve the

problems arising in teaching and learning process. It will be one


consideration in choosing the appropriate songs to the elementary school


2. For the students, the implementation of songs in learning vocabulary can

be the new technique which is either effective or fun. Songs can be one of

reference to be played when the students need a pleasure in studying.

3. The result of this study will be one of techniques in teaching vocabulary at

SD Negeri Pajang 1 Surakarta.

4. The result of this study can be used by other researchers as a practical

contribution for their study. It can provide data taken from the class which

can be the comparison with another class.




A. Foreign Language Learning

There is a big question, “Why do we learn a foreign language?” Lado

(1965: 2) states, “Foreign language is learnt primarily to contact outside one’s

own comm unity”. We know that, no nation can isolate itself from world trades

and politics. Some of citizens must master at least one of the major languages if

that country is going to be an active member of the international comm unity.

Language as a means of comm unications has an important role in the

development of student’s intellectual, social, and emot ional. Language also has a

role as the key of success in learning all subject matter. As everybody knows that

each nation has its own language, such Indonesian has Bahasa Indonesia, British

posses English. Although they have had their own language, many of them also

learn other languages. Not only adult and teenager, but also children try to learn

other languages. Lado adds that there are so many interesting facets in a foreign

language. It is best medium for int roducing the children to the civilization and

cultural achievements of the foreign people.

Foreign language learning has an essent ial role in preparing children to

face the world that has been changed with new perspectives brought about by a

rapidly changing society, including within their own community. It can help them

overcome their insecurity from bad influences caused by globalization era. It can

also develop their confidence as they face up the demands of social and personal



relationship that are not usually encountered in a mother-tongue context. The

study of foreign language then becomes a course in civilization and humanities.

In education, the aim of foreign language learning and teaching is the

teacher equips his students with knowledge and skills so that they can speak

fluently, of course with their immediate understanding, when they are doing a

conversation with foreign people speaking their native language. It is stated by

Lado (1965: 2) “Learning a foreign language is a means of acquiring another set

part of speech habits, we learn through the observance of rules; the language we

have been mastered to become spontaneous”.

Without any doubt, English is the most important language in the world,

and it is no hard to find impressive statistics to prove it. It is an international

language used by many people around the world. Bryson (1990: 176) says, “Two

thirds of all scient ific papers are published in English, nearly half of all business

dealt in Europe are conducted in English, more than seventy per cent of the

world’s mail is written and addressed in English”. These situations make it

important and necessary for us to learn English. Therefore, foreign language

learning discussed here is learning English as a foreign language.

1. Teaching English in Primary School

Since English becomes the most important language used in many aspects

of social life around the world, it is not excessive for people in this country to

learn English. Indonesian people need to be able to speak English fluently to face

globalization era. Ashworth (1985: 26) states, “English is termed as a foreign


language in these countries where the language spoken outside the classroom is

not English”. It means that in most non-English speaking countries, English is the

first choice in learning a foreign language. In Indonesia, English is termed as the

first foreign language as stated in the 1994 curriculum,”Bahasa Inggris adalah

bahasa asing yang dianggap penting diajarkan untuk tujuan penyerapan dan

pengem bangan ilm u pengetahuan, teknologi, dan seni budaya, serta

pengem bangan hubungan antar bangsa” (Depdikbud, 1994: 69).

English has been taught from primary school and continued through

college and university. The funct ion of English in primary school is to expand

science, technology, and culture, as stated in GBPP 1994, “Mata pelajaran

bahasa Inggis berfungsi sebagai wahana pengembangan diri siswa dalam bidang

ilm u pengetahuan teknologi dan seni budaya, sehingga pertum buhan mereka

tetap kepribadian Indonesia” (1).

English is taught in primary school to give the students a basic knowledge

of spoken English, some simple reading and listening, and writing skills as stated

in curriculum: “Muatan lokal bahasa Inggris bertujuan agar siswa mem iliki

ketram pilan menyim ak, berbicara, membaca dan menulis sederhana dalam

bahasa Inggris…” (1994: 2).

English is different from Bahasa Indonesia that has been acquired as

students’ mother tongue. It means that they learn something new. It is not easy

for them because English is not used in their daily activity. The qualified

education is influenced by the student’s motivat ion and the teacher’s role in the

class. The environment surrounding including the facilities and teaching aids that


the teacher uses also support it. Kimble and Garmez in Brown (1987: 6) say that

teaching means showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving

instruction, guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge, causing

to know or understand.

Teacher has an important role in teaching-learning situation. According to

Apper (1968: 6), a good teaching is to teach his students to communicate

successfully with native speaker of the language being taught . Language is

regarded as general means of communication. Thus, the success of teaching-

learning process is determined by the student’s capability in speaking a foreign

language fluent ly and understand it immediately.

Actually, there are four aspects in language: listening, reading, speaking,

and writing. Listening and reading are recept ive activity, while the last two,

speaking and writing are productive activity. Lado (1965: 4) states that general

aim of foreign language teaching is to equip the student with the knowledge and

skill required for effective comm unication in the language. It is clear that the aim

of foreign language teaching is to equip the students with knowledge and skill

required for effective and successful communication with native speaker in that

language. According to Ashworth (1985: 36), the objectives of foreign language

teaching is to give the students either speaking, reading or writing knowledge of

English, as well as an introduction to a new culture.


2. The Characteristics of Young Learner

As everybody knows, children are unique. Actually, children are not a

small version of an adult. They live in the “play world”, grow, like to imitate, and

creative. They have their own world that has to be seen from “children’s point of

view”. The children in fun atmosphere can do everything.

According to Philips (1996: 6) children, through a series of stages,

progressively acquire skills that are thought necessary by the society they live in.

It is also increasingly recognized that children need to ‘learn how to learn’.

Different students learn in different ways. Moreover, som e methods are

found more appealing and effective than others. Som e students profit more from a

visual; others from verbal; and still others from physical activities and the

manipulation of objects. Many students benefit from combinat ions of these three

approaches. Also, the time required for accomplishing a given task varies from

individual to individual. Even for the same person, it also varies in engaging in

different related tasks. Therefore, it is understandable why a variety of methods,

resources, and paths should be provided for different students to achieve a

part icular goal.

There are many traits that different iate learners and those different

characteristics such as capabilities, needs, and interests should affect the emphasis

of instructional planning, for example, the choice of sequencing of objectives, the

depth of treatment, and the variety of learning activities. Therefore, when

designing an instructional plan, the important task for the designer is to identify

those most critical to the attainment of the instructional objectives.


According to Philips (1995) in Suyanto (2005: 6), young learners respond

the language depending on what they can do by the language. Further, it is stated

that there are characteristics of young learners: (1) they like learning by playing;

(2) they can tell what they have done and listened; (3) they can debate about

som ething; (4) they are faster in comprehending the situation around them; (5)

they have attention and concentration only in a view moment; (6) they always feel

happy in playing and working by themselves but there must be other people

around them; (7) they learn English by listening, repeating and spelling; (8) they

know the rules which must be obeyed, and make them feel happy and

enthusiastic; and (9) children will learn better when they are given the motivation

to get involved directly in the activity (Pahin and Power 1990: 8).

From the characteristics above, teachers should have the appropriate

approach and technique in teaching young learners. Besides that, in language

teaching, English teacher has to concern more on student’s characteristics in

finding out a good technique in teaching.

B. Vocabulary Learning

Vocabulary is a total number of words used in com munication. Burns

(1975: 295) defines vocabulary as the stock of words used by a person, class, or

profession. While Ur (1995: 60) says that vocabulary is defined roughly as the

words we teach in the foreign language. It is clear to say that vocabulary is a stock

of words used by people in the foreign language learning. Hornby (1995: 1331)

states that the total number of words in a language and vocabulary is a list of

words with their meanings.


Here, Nation (1990: 5) divides two kinds of vocabulary learning, namely

receptive learning and productive learning. Receptive learning is ability to

recognize a word and recall its meaning when it is met. It includes two skills,

reading and listening. Both skills are called as receptive activity because the

activity done is receiving information from others. By reading we receive

information in written forms, i.e. books, magazines, newspapers, email, posters,

letter etc. While in listening, we receive voices, sounds, or spoken informat ion.

Payne and Brown (1994) quoted by Hatch and Brown (1995:373) give

strategies in vocabulary learning as five essent ial steps: (1) Having sources for

encountering new words; (2) getting clear image, either visual or auditory or both

the forms of the new words; (3) learning the meaning of the words; (4) making a

strong memory connection between the forms and meaning of the words; and (5)

using words in sentences.

Krakowian (1982: 26) states the most pressing concern for the learner is

the need to master an adequate foreign language vocabulary and the learning of

syntax and pronunciation is less important in developing the ability to

successfully interact in the target language. It means that vocabulary is the first

thing which should be learnt by the foreign language students before they learn

gramm ar or pronunciation. Dealing with four skills: speaking, listening, reading,

and writing, vocabulary mastery is the requirement in foreign language learning.

A person's vocabulary is the set of words they are familiar with in a

language. While in, vocabulary is defined

as "all the words known and used by a particular person". However, the words


known and used by a part icular person do not constitute all the words a person is

exposed to. By definition, a vocabulary includes the last two categories of this list:

1. Never encounter the word.

2. Hear the word, but cannot define it.

3. Recognize the word due to context or tone of voice.

4. Able to use the word but cannot clearly explain it.

5. Fluent with the word – its use and definition.

According to, the types of

vocabulary are as the following:

1. Reading Vocabulary

A person’s reading vocabulary is all the words he or she can recognize

when reading. This is the largest type of vocabulary simply because it includes the

other three.

2. Listening Vocabulary

A person's listening vocabulary is all the words he or she can recognize

when listening to speech. This vocabulary is aided in size by context and tone of


3. Writing Vocabulary

A person's writing vocabulary is all the words he or she can employ in

writing. Contrary to the previous two vocabulary types, the writing vocabulary is

stimulated by its user.


4. Speaking Vocabulary

A person’s speaking vocabulary is all the words he or she can use in

speech. Due to the spontaneous nature of the speaking vocabulary, words are

often misused. This misuse – though slight and unintentional – may be

com pensated by facial expressions, tone of voice, or hand gestures.

1. The Role of Vocabulary in Language Skills

Vocabulary has an important role in language skills, i.e. listening, reading,

speaking, and writing as stated by Nation quoted by Schmit and McCarthy (1997:

6) as follows, “Vocabulary knowledge is only one component of language skill

such as reading and speaking”.

In reading ability, vocabulary gives easiness in comprehending the text as

stated by Richards and Long (1987: 312), “Skills in reading fall generally into

four categories: mechanics, syntax, vocabulary, and comprehension”. In writing

ability, vocabulary gives easiness for the learners to expand their ideas based on

the topic sentence that they want as stated by Cross (1991: 14-15), “…paragraph

begins with “topic sentence” which is then expanded, the use of certain words and

phrases related to the certain types of students level”. In speaking ability,

vocabulary gives easiness for the learners to explain their idea. The learner who

has more vocabulary can speak more fluent ly and more easily. In listening ability,

vocabulary gives easiness for the learners to comprehend what other persons

speak. They can find the topic of speaking from other persons easily.


Actually, the importance of vocabulary as stated in is as the following:

1. An extensive vocabulary aids expressions and communication.

2. Vocabulary size has been directly linked to reading comprehension.

3. Linguistic vocabulary is synonymous with thinking vocabulary.

4. A person may be judged by others based on their vocabulary.

According to the theories above, vocabulary is the essent ial part of

language skill. It is the most important part which should be learned by the

students. It is the first element that must be learned in learning English. So, the

mastering of vocabulary is a must as stated by Hardjono (1998: 71) “Dari semua

aspek dasar bahasa asing yang harus dikuasai siswa dalam proses belajar, aspek

kosakata yang paling penting. Tanpa penguasaannya tidak m ungkin orang lain

bisa m enggunakan bahasa asing “

2. Teaching Vocabulary to Children

Cross (1992: 5) states that the major aim of most teaching program is to

help the students to gain large vocabulary of useful words. Allen and Vallette

(1997: 149) add vocabulary is an important factor in all language teaching. When

we are talking about vocabulary taught to children, it means that we are talking

about “here and now” theory. It means that children just talk about things

surroundings him/her that are visible and just now, not past or future. Or, we also

know about “here and there” theory, that when we teach children vocabulary we


teach them from the concrete things which appear in his/her surroundings to the

abstract one. In further explanations Allen (1983: 7-8) explains:

In books that are intended for the first stage of English, the vocabulary lessons usually contain words for persons and things in the classroom. One reason is that the meanings can easily be made clear. Windows, door, blackboard, flower, book, etc. are things that the students can see while they are hearing the foreign names for them. Furthermore, things in the classroom can also be touched. This is important, because success in learning process. When students can touch something, in addition to hearing and seeing the word that names it, there is a stronger chance that the word will be learned. At least those two senses, sight and hearing are working together to focus the learner’s attention.

From the students’ point of view, vocabulary mastery contains the

following items:

1. Meaning

The first thing to realize about vocabulary items is that they frequent ly have

more than one meaning. When we come across a word, then, and try to

decipher its meaning we will have to look at the context in which it is used.

The students, thus, need to understand the importance of meaning in context .

Besides, they also need to know about sense relation, since sometimes words

have meanings in relation to the other words.

2. Word Use

What a word means can be changed, stretched or limited by how it is used and

it is something students need to know about. Word meaning is frequently

stretched through the use of metaphor and idiom.

3. Word Formation

Words can change their shape and their gramm atical value, too. Students need

to know facts about word formation and how to twist words to fit different

gramm atical context. Students need to know suffixes and prefixes words.

Students also need to know how words are spell and how they sound. Word

formation, then, means knowing how words are written and spoken and

knowing how they can change their form .


4. Word Grammar

The use of certain words can trigger the use of certain grammatical patterns

for example a distinction between countable and uncountable nouns, phrasal

verbs, verb complementat ion, the position of adjective and adverbs. (Harmer,

1991: 156-158)

According to the explanation above, vocabulary mastery can be simply

understood as follows:

1. Pronouncing

The students have to be able to pronounce the words correctly. They have to

know how to speak and read them well. It is very important because the

mistakes in pronouncing a word can make its meaning different .

2. Spelling

The students have to be able to spell each letter of a word both in written and

spoken way. They have to be able to spell a word so that they can catch the

meaning of that word.

3. Understanding the meaning

Beside knowing the pronunciation and the spelling, the students also have to

be able to understand the meaning of a word. The meaning of a word can be

more than one according to the context.

4. Using words in a sentence

After knowing how to pronounce, to spell, and to understand the meaning of a

word, the students have to be able to use it in a sentence. They have to be able

to remember a word then using it in a sentence correctly.

C. Teaching Vocabulary through Songs

Teacher needs essential tool to do their best work. The tool here is audio-

visual aids which support the teaching and learning process. Preston (1958: 313)

says that audio-visual aids are learning tools, other than reading materials, which

make demands upon the learner’s ear or eye, or both. They may provide an


auditory experience in the form of a recording, a visual experience in the form of

a sound-motion-picture film. The purpose is to provide vivid concrete experiences

for the learner.

However, there are a lot of teaching aids which can be used, such as

pictures, games, tape recording, film, etc. In this study, the writer proposes songs

to teach vocabulary, so that the students’ vocabulary mastery will improve.

1. The Meaning of Songs

Machlis (1955: 3) in his book “The Enjoyment of Music, an Introduction

to Perspective Listening” states that song is the most natural form of music.

Issuing form within the body, it is projected by means of the most personal of all

instruments, the human voice.

From time immemorial, singing has been the most widespread and

spontaneous way of making music. In any case, song permeates all music,

whether vocal or instrumental. The New Grolier W ebster International Dictionary

defines songs as the act of art of singing, vocal music which is sung. Griffe

(1992:3) notes that the word songs refer to the pieces of music that have words,

especially popular songs such as those one hears on the radio.

2. The Benefits of Using Songs in Teaching English to Children

It is important to use the suitable and effective technique in teaching

English to children. In this thesis, the writer proposes songs as a teaching

technique that will facilitate students in getting a better mastery on vocabulary.

Ward (1985: 189) ment ions the benefits of using songs in teaching English to

children as follows:


a. Song can motivate and stimulate the student’s interest. It can bring much

joy to them.

b. In a song we can repeat the same structure over and over again happily, so

our students will not be bored.

c. With a song, we can help our students to use the correct rhythm and stress

by reciting and singing songs.

d. Songs contribute the growth of meaning, so enrich and increase students’

vocabulary, and give opportunities to remember easily.

e. The students have chance to sing when they sing a song in-group, they will

sing without thinking of their error, and this my increase their self-


f. Our students can sing a song when they are alone. Song is a means of oral

reinforcement outside of the class.

Songs, according to Hancock (1998: 6) can give at least two benefits in

language teaching and learning. The first is that music motivates the students to

learn. Mostly people listen to music and songs for pleasure. The teacher can use

songs to motivate the students and provide variety in a lesson. Variety is very

important, especially for young learners since they often have very little internal

motivat ion for entering a language classroom. The second benefit is that the

teacher can use songs to focus on form of the language elements, such as

gramm ar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.


Songs can be an effective way of teaching children and can encourage

them to become actively involved in their learning. According to /section.asp?docid=153715 the reasons of

choosing songs in teaching vocabulary to children are:

1. Children like songs.

2. Songs can be integrated into language learning - listening, singing and

doing activities around the songs.

3. In many cultures songs are used to int roduce or practice mother tongue

with young children, so this is a medium that children are very

com fortable with.

4. Songs are memorable.

5. Songs often include a lot of repet ition that helps to make language


6. Songs contain chunks of language that children can remember and use.

7. Because songs must be sung at a reasonably fast speed they encourage

natural phonological features like linking and weak forms.

8. Children will be actively involved in their learning, even at a very young

age, rather than passive.

9. Children have energy and want to make noise. Songs will channel these

natural inclinations positively.

10. Parents will enjoy hearing their children singing in English.

11. Singing is a happy and stress-free activity that will add to a positive

classroom learning environment.


3. Songs in Teaching Vocabulary

The teacher should be aware of the aims in choosing a song. Ward (1985:

190) states a list of possible aims or how to choose and use the songs:

a. Structural Consolidation

It is better to choose a song containing plenty of examples of the target

structure and focusing mainly on gramm atical point .

For example: This is a flower; this is a desk; this is a ruler; etc.

b. Learning New Vocabulary

Teacher should decide which vocabulary will be taught and then choose the

suitable song.

c. Listening Comprehension

Almost every song can be used for listening comprehension.

d. Reading Comprehension

The teacher may use the lyrics of a song to practice the students’ reading

com prehension before they learn to sing it.

e. Phonology

There are two important things which should be concerned when using a song

in teaching vocabulary, they are: (1) pronunciation. Teacher must analyze

which sound is difficult to the students, and then he m ust find out the suitable

ones that contain examples of those sounds. Choose the easy one, do not

choose too complex; (2) stress and rhythm, For elementary level, it is

important to choose a song in which the accented beasts of the music fall on

words which normally carry strong stress, so that the students will learn to


associate the content words with strong stress and grammatical words with

weak stress.

f. Discussion Work

The discussion could take place after exploitation of the song. The teacher can

lead into the theme by asking the students some questions.

g. Cultural Background

The teacher should introduce the song to the students to help them understand

the culture of the people whose language they are learning and, consequently,

to understand the language itself better.

h. Singing for Enjoyment

Using a song in teaching English will create a fun atmosphere in the class. It

makes the teaching-learning process run well.

However, not all songs can be used to teach English vocabulary to the

children. Teachers have to choose appropriate songs that are simple, easily

understood, related to a topic or vocabulary that is learned, and repetitive. In

addition, it is suggested to choose songs which children can easily sing that will

help students emphasize meaning. There are some considerations presented by

Dakin (1985: 60) in selecting of the song to teach English:

1. students proficiency in English

2. age and sex of the learner

3. language of the song

4. beats and rhythm of the song

5. clear and relevant content of song


6. length of song

According to /section.asp?docid=153715

we also should choose songs which are:

1. contain simple, easily understood lyrics

2. link with a topic or vocabulary that you are studying in class

3. are repetitive

4. children can easily do actions to (to help emphasize meaning)

Therefore, using songs can be a good alternat ive in teaching to young

learner. Teacher can use it to improve the student’s vocabulary mastery.

D. Rationale

Vocabulary is the first element that must be learned in learning a foreign

language because verbal communication needs words to express meanings. No

matter how well the student learns gramm ar because without words to express a

wide range of meanings, communication in L2 just cannot happen in any

meaningful way. Without having proportional vocabulary, students will get

difficulties in using English. Logically, it is impossible to speak fluently if the

students are low in vocabulary mastery. Because vocabulary is the bases of a

language, the mastering of vocabulary is very important. In condition, after

graduating from elementary level, many students are still lack of vocabulary

mastery. Actually, vocabulary should be mastered before they accept the other

materials such as grammar and also pronunciation when they cont inue their study

in high school level. In fact, the students often get difficulties in understanding

and remembering new words, even they get difficulties in pronouncing them.


There are som e factors causing this condition, such as the teacher, the student’s

interest, the teaching atmosphere etc.

From the interview with the teacher, the writer knows that the students

often get difficulties in catching new words. Sometimes it’s hard for them to

pronounce a word. Most of them even get difficulties in remembering the words,

as stated by the teacher below:

“…anak-anak sering kesulitan saat ada kosakata baru. Biasanya mereka kesulitan dalam memahami art i dan mengucapkannya. Bahkan kebanyakan sering lupa dengan kosakata yang pernah diajarkan di kelas.”

There should be a way to solve those problems that must be appropriate to

young learners’ characteristics. Actually there are some characteristics of young

learners: (1) they like learning by playing; (2) they can tell what they have done

and listened; (3) they can debate about something; (4) they are faster in

com prehending the situation around them; (5) they have attent ion and

concentration only in a few moment; (6) they always feel happy in playing and

working by themselves but there must be other people around them; (7) they learn

English by listening, repeating and spelling; (8) they know the rules must be

obeyed, and make them feel happy and enthusiastic; and (9) children will learn

better when they are given the motivation to get involved directly in the activity

(Pahin and Power 1990: 8).

From the characteristics of young learners above, song is one of the best

techniques to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery. Song is a fun teaching

instrument which can make the students feel happy and enthusiastic in learning

vocabulary. The students will also get easier in learning vocabulary because they


are not threatened. Besides that, by using songs the teacher will get easier in

delivering new words because the students can practice listening and repeating

easily. Therefore, the writer proposes songs as the best instrument to solve the

problems arising in teaching and learning of vocabulary. Songs can meet the great

demand of learning of vocabulary which not only help the students in

understanding, pronouncing, and spelling the vocabulary items but also create

fresh atmosphere that will increase the students’ motivation in learning English.

Then, it can be accepted that songs can improve the students’ vocabulary mastery.

E. Action Hypothesis

Songs can improve the vocabulary mastery of the fifth grade students of

SD Negeri Pajang I Surakarta in academic year 2008/2009.




A. Research Setting

1.The Place of the Research

This research wass carried out in SD Negeri Pajang 1 Surakarta, one of the

state Elementary Schools in Surakarta, Central Java. It is located on Jl. Transito

No.18, Laweyan, Surakarta.. Physically, SD Negeri Pajang 1 Surakarta has six

grades, from the first to the sixth grade. Each grade consists of one class, and

here, the writer conducted the research in the fifth grade.

2.The Time of the Research

This research was conducted for 12 months from July 2008 to June 2009.

It includes the pre-research, action, and activities after the action. It can be

arranged as follows:

No. Activity Time of research







Pre-research (interview and observe

English teaching)



First post-test

Final post-test

Analyzing the result

July 2008

March 25, 2009

March to April 2009

April 24, 2009

April 30, 2009

April to June 2009



B. Subject of the Study

The subject of this research is the fifth grade students of SD Negeri Pajang

1 Surakarta in academic year 2008/2009. From the result of the interview with the

teacher, it is noticed that the students in this class were often get difficulties in

memorizing new vocabularies, pronouncing, and spelling them well.

C . Method of the Study

The method of the research is the common strategy which is used in

collecting and analyzing the data needed to overcome problems appearing. This is

the solving plan for the problem being studied (Ary in Furchan, 1982: 50). Other

definition of the method of the research is given by Kartono (1990: 20) who states

that method of the research is the ways of thinking that have been well prepared to

conduct research and to get the research aim. Based on the statement, the method

of the research can be used to investigate the research object in order to get

accurate data, so that the purpose of the research can be achieved.

According to the theories above, the writer, in this study uses Action

Research as the method of the research. Actually, the concept of Action Research

is captured in the following statement :

The linking of the terms ‘action’ and ‘research’ highlights the essential feature of the method: trying out ideas in practice as a means of improvement and as a means of increasing knowledge about the curriculum, teaching and learning. The result is improvement in what happens in the classroom and school, and better articulation and justification of the educational rat ionale of what goes on. Action Research provides a way of working which links theory and practice into one whole: ideas-in-action. (Kemmis and McTaggart , 1982: 5)


According to Elliot, Action Research might be defined as the study of a

social situation with a view of improving the quality of action within it. It aims to

feed practical judgment in concrete situations, and the validity of the “theories” or

hypotheses it generates depends not so much on “scientific” test of truth, as on

their usefulness in helping people to act more intelligent ly and skillfully (1991: 6).

Meanwhile, Rapoport in Rudduck and Hopkins (1989: 58) states that Action

Research is a type of applied social research which is different from other

varieties in the immediacy of the researcher’s involvement in the action process.

Mills also gives a definition of Action Research by saying:

Action Research is any systematic inquiry conducted by teacher researchers, principals, school counselors, or other stakeholders in the teaching/learning environment, to gather information about the ways that their part icular schools operate, how they teaching and how well their students learn (2000: 6).

From the definitions above, it can be summarized that Action Research is

the systematic study to overcome education problems or to change things related

to educational problem for improvement. It is conducted by practitioners or

teachers, or in collaboration of teachers and researchers by means of their own

practical actions and by means of their own reflection upon the effect of the


In this study, the classroom Action Research is conducted as an attempt to

improve the students’ vocabulary mastery. This research is carried out by the

collaboration of the writer and the teacher. The practical action is the

implementation of using English songs in teaching vocabulary. The reflection

upon the efforts of the actions can be known while the technique is presented.


This reflection shows whether using songs can improve students’ vocabulary


D. Procedures of Action Research

The model of Action Research is a set of principles, frameworks in

undertaking a classroom action research. According to Lewin in Penelitian

Tindakan Kelas written by Kasihani Kasbolah E. S. (2001: 10), the procedures of

implement ing Action Research can be illustrated as follows:

The cycles of Action Research

The picture above shows that there are four steps in implementing an

Action Research. It can be expanded to six steps as follows:

1. Identifying the problems

The writer as the researcher in this research ident ifies the problem first

before planning the actions. The problem refers to the students’ low

mastery of vocabulary. It was noticed from the interview with the teacher

and the identification of the students’ scores.


2. Planning the action

The researcher prepares anything related to the actions that will be

implemented. She makes the lesson plan before she teaches the students.

The researcher takes the vocabulary material that is suited with the

syllabus of the school.

3. Implement ing the action

The researcher implements the teaching learning of vocabulary by using

songs. She implements vocabulary teaching by using English songs to help

the students understand the material. In every action the researcher

arranges general plan as follows:

1) Giving speech as the int roduction of the lesson

2) Present ing the songs which have been prepared and analyzing

the meaning of each word together with the students

3) Asking the students to sing the song

4) Giving tasks dealing with the material

In the beginning of the actions, the researcher conducts a pre-test to know

the students’ ability in vocabulary mastery before the actions are

implemented. She also conducts post-tests at the end of the actions to

measure the students’ improvement after they are taught by using songs.

4. Observing or m onitoring the action

The writer and the teacher observe all activities in the teaching learning

process while the technique of teaching vocabulary using songs is carried

out. Each result of the observations during the actions implemented in the


classroom serves as fieldnotes. It becom es basic consideration to conduct

the next action.

5. Reflecting and evaluating the result of the observation

The writer makes fieldnotes about the condition of the class during the

actions then ident ifies them. She analyzes the result of the observation to

find the weaknesses of the teaching and learning process. The weaknesses

can be seen from whether the students are active or passive during the

teaching learning process. In conducting the evaluation, the writer as

teacher also gives pre-test before she starts to teach using songs in

beginning of cycle I. The post-test is given at the end of the act ion of each

cycle. Based on the data evaluation, the writer can make a self-reflection

in doing the action. The data from the test showed whether the students’

vocabulary mastery can be improved or not.

6. Revising the plan

Based on the weaknesses found in the previous activities, the researcher

revises the plan for the next cycle.

Those steps have to be done by the teacher effectively. If those six steps

from one cycle have not been effective yet, the teacher can conduct the next cycle

and so forth.

E. Technique of C ollecting the Data

In this classroom action research, the writer used observat ion, fieldnotes,

interview, audio and visual recording, photograph, and tests to collect the data.

The observer did the observat ion by making fieldnotes. While doing the


observat ional technique, she added the document by some photograph and audio

and video recording. She also conducted an interview with the English teacher

and some students of the class where the researcher did the research. The test was

given before and after the action was conducted and at the end of each teaching

process. The researcher tests the students by written and oral test consisting of

pre-test and post-test. The researcher takes some information from the field notes.

Then, the researcher scores the test to look for the mean score. After the data are

taken from the fieldnotes and supported by the mean score that is found from the

tests, the researcher can find the improvement of the students’ vocabulary


F. Technique of Analyzing the Data

There are two kinds of data that the researcher takes: qualitative and

quantitative data. The qualitative ones were analyzed using Constant Comparative

Method. Constant Comparative Method is a method for analyzing data in order to

develop a Grounded Theory. Grounded Theory is an approach to generate

theories that explain how some aspects of the social world work. The goal is to

develop a theory that emerges from and is therefore connected to the reality the

theory is developed to explain. The method is suggested by Strauss and Glasser in

Moleong (2004: 288-289). They state that in general, the data analysis process

includes data reduction, data classification, data synthesis, and ended by action

hypothesis. They are as follows:


1. Data Reduction

a) Unit identification. First, the smallest unit that is found in the data is

ident ified. It must have close relationship with the research problems.

b) Having got the unit , the next step is making codification. It means that we

have to code every unit in order to know where the data come from.

2. Categorization

a) Categorization arrangement . It is aimed at choosing every unit that has the

same characteristics.

b) Every category must be labeled.

3. Synthesis

a) Synthesis means looking for the relationship between one category to the


b) Relate category to the others which must be given a label again.

4. Stating “Action Hypothesis”

It is done by formulating proportional statements that come from the data. It

should also answer the researcher’s questions.

Strauss and Corbin (1990) add that after collecting the data, the

researchers do analyzing and coding the data. This process continues unt il a

strong theoretical understanding of an event , object, setting or phenomenon has

emerged. During the analysis process, data coding will guide subsequent

theoretical sampling decisions (


The researcher analyzes the quantitative data by giving some tests to

measure the students’ vocabulary mastery. In this case the researcher gives pre-

test and post-test. Then, the researcher analyzes the result of the tests to know

whether there is an improvement of the students’ vocabulary mastery or not by

com paring the average score of pre-test and post-test. Then, the hypothesis of this

research is tested by using non independent t-test.

In computing the score of the students’ achievement, the researcher uses

the com putation as follows:

S = 0

In which:

S = the student’s score

R = the sum of the correct answer

N = the sum of the test items

According to Furchan (2004:158), the mean of the pre-test and post-test

can be calculated with the formula as follows:

In which:

= Means of pre-test scores

= Means of post-test scores

N = Number of sample


The t-test can be calculated with the following formula:

t = the t-value for non-independent (correlated) means

D = the differences between the paired scores

= the mean of the differences

∑ D2 = the sum of the squared difference score

N = the number of pairs

Finally, by analyzing the observation result and test result, the researcher

can make a conclusion whether using songs can improve the students’ vocabulary

mastery or not.




This chapter presents the result of the action research conducted in the

fifth grade students of SD Negeri Pajang 1 Surakarta. In this action research, the

researcher worked collaboratively with the English teacher because it was very

important to share information about her study with him. The researcher was the

practitioner who implemented the action, while the English teacher was the

collaborator. As a collaborator, the English teacher was not only as the observer

but he also as a colleague for the researcher that helps her in designing, planning

the action, revising the plan, and discussing the result of the study. The action

research was conducted in two steps, pre-research and research implementation.

A. Introduction

Teaching English in primary school is not simple. The teacher should

know the characteristics of his students which are young learners. There are some

characteristics of young learners: (1) they like learning by playing; (2) they can

tell what they have done and listened; (3) they can debate about something; (4)

they are faster in comprehending the situation around them; (5) they have

attention and concentration only in a view moment ; (6) they always feel happy in

playing and working by themselves but there must be other people around them;

(7) they learn English by listening, repeating, and spelling; (8) they know the rules

which must be obeyed; and (9) they will learn better when they are given the

motivat ion to get involved directly in the activity (Pahin and Power 1990: 8).



According to those characteristics, the teaching and learning English process

should be conducted in enjoyable and effective way. A teaching and learning

process which is fun, creative, and motivating.

Before the researcher implemented the action research, she gave a pre-test

to support the data. It was conducted on W ednesday, March 25, 2009. The mean

of the pre-test score was 40.72. The result of the pre-test indicates that the

students’ vocabulary mastery is low. Based on the interview with the English

teacher and the observation toward the teaching and learning process led by the

English teacher in July 2008, the researcher ident ified that the way the teacher

taught his students was less creative. The teacher just presented new vocabularies

on the blackboard, and then he asked his students to write them on their book. He

asked his students to find the meaning of those words by themselves with the help

of dictionary. Even the teacher rarely pronounced new vocabularies he t aught . He

never taught English by using different techniques like using songs in her

instructional process. From the students themselves, they felt bored and confused

when they did the assignment. They usually opened a dictionary in teaching and

learning process, and it made them too dependent upon their dictionary. It makes

them often make a lot of mistakes when they are doing an examinat ion without

their dictionary.

The researcher can make some conclusions according to the interview,

observat ion and pre-test, as the following: (1) Students couldn’t enjoy the

teaching and learning process; (2) Students got difficulties in grasping and

remembering English vocabulary; and (3) Students’ vocabulary mastery was low.


She also ident ified the reasons of those problems as follows: (1) the

teacher’s teaching technique was less creative. The technique of using dictionary

was not helping; (2) the teaching and learning atmosphere was not enjoyable; and

(3) students had less interest in learning English. Based on the situation above, the

researcher identified that the students’ vocabulary mastery should be improved.

There should be a new technique to solve the problems.

The researcher as the teacher used songs as a technique which was

delivered in classroom action research. The technique was applied in instructional

process. She believes that songs motivate the students in learning English. Songs

not only help the students in memorizing, pronouncing, and spelling the

vocabulary items but also create fresh atmosphere that will increase the students’

motivat ion in learning English. As the result, the students’ score would be

improved after teaching and learning process using songs. The mean score target

is 60.00 as the English teacher said in interview before conducting the action


B. Research Implem entation

The implementation of teaching using songs was conducted by the

researcher as the teacher in two cycles. Each cycle includes several meetings. The

researcher divided the first cycle into three meetings. It was conducted in 8th April

2009, 15th

April 2009, and 23rd

April 2009. Meanwhile, the second cycle includes

two meetings. This cycle was conducted in 25th April 2009 and 29th April 2009.

She used “Parts of the Body” as the topic. The topic was used in each meeting

with different materials. Each cycle consists of four steps, they are: (1) identifying


the problem; (2) planning the action; (3) implementing the action; (4) observing

the action; and (5) reflecting the observat ion result. Each of steps can be explained

as follows:

1. C ycle 1

a. Identifying the Problem

As stated previously, the students’ vocabulary mastery was low. Based on

the interview and the researcher’s pre-observat ion, there are several problems.

The students were difficult to grasp and remember new vocabularies presented by

the teacher. They got difficulties in spelling and pronouncing new words,

remembering their meaning, and using them in a sentence. Besides, the technique

of the teacher in teaching was less creative so that the students got bored and

passive. The use of dictionary in every vocabulary lesson caused the students to

be too dependent upon the dictionary. As the result, they couldn’t enjoy and pay

attention fully to the teaching and learning process. Further, they got low score in

vocabulary mastery.

b. Planning the Action

After finding the problems faced by the students, the researcher planned

and chose a technique which is considered appropriate to solve the problems. She

chose songs as the technique. She believed that teaching vocabulary through

songs will improve the students’ vocabulary mastery. She also believed that songs

can change the students’ interest in learning English vocabulary.

The researcher and the collaborator then collaboratively planned the

teaching and learning process to be conducted. Under the collaborator’s


agreement she chose the topic, and then designed the lesson plan, students’

worksheet, and suitable songs to be presented. They also prepared the materials to

support the action like VCD, VCD player, and camera. The researcher was the

practitioner who implemented the action, while the English teacher was the


c. Implem enting the Action

1) The First Meeting (11.00 am – 12.20 pm)

The first meeting was conducted on Wednesday, 8th April 2009. The topic

was Parts of the Body. Before conducting the activity, the teacher distributed the

worksheet and told the students the topic they were going to learn. After

mentioning the topic, she asked the students the meaning of parts of the body, but

none of the students answered the question correctly. Therefore, she explained the

meaning of parts of the body. Then, she pointed some students to mention parts of

the body by touching their body they were mentioning. Most of them couldn’t

mention them well. Some of them made mistakes in pronouncing, while others

didn’t know the name of parts of the body in English.

The teacher then played a song. The title was “Head, Shoulders, Knees,

and Toes”. The song was in English and told about parts of human body. The

teacher asked the students to watch the video and listen to the song carefully.

When they heard the song for the first time, some students laughed. Many

of them smiled with the childish song. Most of them enjoyed the instructional

process. It was shown when they listened to the song they tried to sing the song

and followed the movement shown in the video. It seemed that they like the song.


After listening to the song, the teacher asked the students to stand up. The teacher

taught them the song and touched each part of the body as it was ment ioned in the

song, and got the students to do the same. It was done twice to make sure that the

students knew the vocabularies very well.

After singing the song, the t eacher asked her students to see the worksheet.

The teacher gave an assignment to the students to check their understanding about

the material they learned. They had to match the picture and the vocabularies with

a line. Most vocabularies had been ment ioned in the song but the rests were not ,

so they had to discuss them in pair.

Then, the teacher discussed the students’ answer. She checked the

students’ answers by asking some of the students to come forward and write the

answer. She also drilled the students’ pronunciation and wrote down the

vocabularies on the blackboard to enhance their spelling.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher reviewed the lesson by giving some

questions to the students like what topic that they learned on that day, the

vocabularies, and their feeling. She also gave the students homework.

2) The Second Meeting (11.00 am – 12.20 pm )

The second meeting of the first cycle was conducted on Wednesday, 15th

April 2009 with the topic, Parts of the Body and their Functions. Before playing

the song, the teacher reviewed the previous lesson by asking several vocabularies

about parts of the body. She also checked the students’ homework. Most of the

students did the homework perfectly. After ment ioning the topic, the teacher

distributed the song sheet. There are several missing words in the song sheet that


the students had to find by listening to the song that would be played. After that,

she played a song ent itled “Two Little Eyes”. The song was about parts of the

body and their functions. The teacher led the students to pay attent ion to the video

and listen to the vocabularies ment ioned in the song. First time they heard the

song, all of the students laugh. They were surprised with the art ist of the video

and the childish song, but they tried to catch every word that was ment ioned. The

students seemed very happy with the song.

After watching the video, the teacher asked the students about the

vocabularies that they had listened. Some students answered the questions

imperfectly, and then the teacher explained them further. Next , the t eacher played

the song again, in the same time the students were asked to complete the missing

lyrics of the song sheet distributed before. They did the assignment in pairs.

The teacher then evaluated the students’ answers by asking some students

to come forward and sing the complete song. The teacher then explained more

about the funct ions of parts of the body. She also delivered simple dialogues and

asked her students to complete the missing words. After that, she discussed the

answer with her students. She asked som e students to come forward and practice

the dialogue. In the last part , the teacher gave homework to the students. The

homework was used to preview the next topic.

3) The Third Meeting (11.00 am – 12.20 pm)

The third meeting was conducted on Thursday, 23rd April 2009 with the

same topic. Before continuing the lesson, the teacher reviewed the previous lesson

and checked the students’ homework. Most of the students did the homework


incorrectly. She, then, distributed the song sheet, and then told the title of the

song, “If You’re Happy”. The song was about kinds of body movement. After

that, the teacher asked the students to see the song sheet. On the song sheet, there

were some missing lyrics that the students had to find in the song that would be

played. She guided the class to pay attention to the video and listen to the song


First time they watched the video, the students laugh. They were surprised

with the funny song. Based on the m ovements presented in the video, they tried to

find the meaning of the song. After playing the video, the teacher asked the

students to see the song sheet and complete the missing lyrics of the song. The

answers were available in a box randomly and the students had to arrange them to

make the lyrics to be meaningful. The teacher gave a chance to answer the

question voluntarily. Several students answered the questions voluntarily and then

write down the answers on the blackboard. Then, the teacher played the song

again to check the students’ answer. Some students answered the questions

correctly but most of them did not. Therefore, she discussed the vocabularies

mentioned in the song with her students. She also drilled the students’

pronunciation and wrote down the spelling of the words.

Next, the teacher explained about other kinds of body movement, like

crawl, hands up, wink, et cetera. Then, to check their understanding, the teacher

gave an assignment to them. She asked them to match the kinds of body

movements and their Indonesian meaning. Actually, some movements were


mentioned in the song but the rests were not. The students had to work in pairs

and discussed the assignment with their pair.

Then, the teacher discussed the students’ answers. She asked the students

to answer the questions orally. She asked the students to pronounce the answer in

chorus. She, then, drilled the students’ pronunciation since most of them

pronounce them incorrectly.

Before closing the lesson, the teacher reviewed the lesson by giving some

questions to the students like what topic that they learned on that day, the

vocabularies, and their feeling. After finishing the third meeting, the teacher asked

the students to do the first post-test.

d. O bserving the Action

After implement ing the action, the researcher and the collaborator

analyzed the teaching and learning process conducted on the first cycle. The result

of the first cycle can be explained as follows:

1) The First Meeting

In the first meeting, the students were very enthusiastic when the teacher

told them that they were going to learn English by singing a song. The teacher

used song with the title “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes”. They laughed when

they heard the song. The video was childish and the tone was similar to an

Indonesian song that they often heard.

They enjoyed the song, but the class was too big that not all of the students

were involved in the teaching and learning process. Based on the collaborator’s

observat ion during the teaching and learning process, there were several students,


especially the boys in the back rows who did not pay attention to the song. They

chat ted with their friends. As a result, the teacher had to warn them.

They focused only on song of the video, not on the vocabularies presented.

When the teacher asked the students to stand up and sing the song, only few

students could sing and followed the movement shown on the video correctly. As

the result, the teacher had to play the song twice to make sure that the students

knew the vocabularies well. When the teacher reviewed the vocabulary presented

on the song, only few students were able to answer the questions correctly.

Meanwhile, when the teacher and the students discussed the assignment, the

students answered the questions incorrectly. Even, there were many students’

mispronunciations. Several students pronounced /het/, /soldə(r)s/, /kni:s/, /tu:s/,

instead of /hed/, /δәuldə(r)s/, /ni:s/, /təus/. Generally, the first meeting was not

conducted well, because there were many students who were not active to follow

and do the instructions presented on the video. They also didn’t do the assignment


2) The Second Meeting

Before conducting the action of watching song video, the teacher firstly

reviewed the previous lesson. She asked some students to mention parts of their

body. It was done to check whether or not they still remembered the vocabularies.

Most of them still remembered the name of parts of their body asked by the

teacher, although there was students’ mispronunciation.

In this second meeting, the teacher used Parts of the Body and their

Functions as the topic. The teacher extended the vocabularies with verbs dealing


with the functions of parts of the body. The teacher presented a song ent itled

“Two Little Eyes”. The song told about the function of parts of the body. First

time they heard the song, all of the students laughed. They were surprised with the

art ist of the video and the childish song, but they tried to catch every word that

was mentioned. The teacher needed to play the song twice to help the students do

the assignm ent . The song was weird to them but the students seemed very happy

with it. The students also seemed enthusiastic in doing the assignment but they

were still ashamed to answer the question voluntarily. Then, the t eacher told them

that it was usual for someone doing some mistakes when he learned something, so

he or she didn’t need to be ashamed or afraid to make mistakes.

Basically, the second meeting was better than the previous one. Most

students actively responded the instructions. They followed the teaching and

learning process well, but there were many mistakes in doing the assignment .

They also did not voluntarily answer the question, so the teacher had to appoint

them to answer it .

3) The Third Meeting

In the third meeting, the teacher continued the previous lesson, that was

about body movement. The teacher chose “If You’re Happy” as the song. The

song contains vocabularies dealing with kinds of body movement. The video

showed the movements as ment ioned in the song that made the students not get

difficulties in guessing the meaning of the song. They seemed to be interested in

the song. The students actively responded and tried to imitate the movements by

themselves. But the song seemed to be too fast for them that they got difficulty in


catching the words and singing it. Even though the class was noisy, basically, the

third meeting was much better than the previous meetings because the students

were more active. They followed the instruction and did the assignment well.

Several students tried to answer the questions voluntarily although there were

several mistakes and mispronunciation.

e. Reflecting the Observation Result

After analyzing the observation result in the first cycle, the researcher

found several strengths and weaknesses as follows:

Cycle 1

The strengths The weaknesses

1. The repetition of the song made

the students could imitate and

pronounce the words they heard.

2. The students became fun, active,

and confident.

3. The students became motivated

and interested in learning


1. The pronunciation of the native singer

made the students couldn’t grasp the

words without the teacher’s help.

2. The students couldn’t remember the

meaning of the vocabularies.

3. The students only enjoyed the video,

not the vocabulary of the song.

4. The students tended to be noisy while

the song was played.

5. The students’ mean score was only


Table 1. The strengths and weaknesses of cycle 1


The table above shows that the use of songs in improving the students’

vocabulary mastery in the first cycle was unsatisfying. Actually, the repetition of

the song could make the words become memorable. The students also could

pronounce the new words by imitating the songs which were played, but they

couldn’t grasp the words by themselves. They needed the teacher’s help. It was

caused by the native sound of the singer that made the students confused. The

attractive songs created a good atmosphere which made the students becom e more

fun, active and confident. In spite of this, some students tend to be noisy while the

songs were played. They couldn’t grasp the words that the singer sang; therefore

they only enjoy the video. They couldn’t remember the vocabulary and its

meaning. As the result, their score was low, 52.55 only.

Based on the reflection of the observation result, it can be concluded that

the implementation of teaching English using songs was able to improve the

students’ vocabulary mastery, but there are still several problems. Therefore, it

was necessary to conduct the second cycle.

2. C ycle 2

a. Identifying the Problem

Based on the observation of the first cycle, there were still many problems

arising in the teaching and learning process through songs as follows:

1. The pronunciation of the native singer in the video made the students

couldn’t grasp the words without the teacher’s help.

2. The students couldn’t remember the meaning of the vocabularies.

3. The students only enjoyed the video, not the vocabulary of the song.


4. The students tended to be noisy while the song was played.

5. The students’ mean score was only 52.55.

The nat ive singer of the video m ade the students enable to catch the words

of the song. The teacher then helped them grasp the words. The students were also

not actively involved in the teaching and learning process. Besides that, the

students only enjoyed the video. They did not focus on the vocabularies which

were ment ioned in the song. Instead of this, some of them tended to be noisy.

This condition made them enable to remember vocabularies well. As the result,

their score was low. It was indicated from their low score gained from the first

post-test which only 52.55

b. Planning the Action

From the result of the observation of the first cycle, the researcher and the

English teacher wanted to solve the problems as shown in the following table:

Problems Solutions

1. The pronunciation of the native

singer made the students couldn’t

grasp the words without the

teacher’s help.

1. The researcher, as the teacher,

presented the songs by singing the

songs by herself. She sang the

songs as clearly as possible.

2. The students couldn’t remember the


2. The researcher, together with the

students repeated singing the songs

twice or more.

3. The students only enjoy the video,

not the vocabulary of the song.

3. The researcher distributed the

lyrics of the song to the students.


4. The students tended to be noisy

while the song was played.

4. The researcher led the students to

sing the songs together.

5. The students’ mean score was only


5. The researcher and the students did

the solutions opt imally to improve

the students’ score.

Table 2. The problem s and solutions conducted in cycle 2

In cycle 2, the t eacher and the researcher planned two meetings. The topic

was still parts of the body, but in this cycle the researcher created her own songs.

She arranged the songs using the rhythm of popular songs. She used the rhythm

and changed the lyrics with vocabularies related to the topic. Here, she did not use

any VCD player any more because she tended to present the songs by herself.

Besides that, she also distributed the lyrics of the songs to her students. She led

the students to sing the songs twice or more to make the songs memorable. As the

previous cycle, the researcher was the practitioner and the English teacher was the


c. Implem enting the Action

1) The First Meeting (10.00 am – 11.20 am)

The first meeting of the second cycle was conducted on 25th

April 2009.

The topic was the same, Parts of the Body. Here, the teacher extended the

vocabularies dealing with Body and Feeling. Before cont inuing the lesson, the

teacher asked her students about the vocabularies taught in the first cycle. She

gave some questions and the students had to answer orally. When the teacher

asked some words to her students, most of them could not answer correctly. They


still remembered some vocabularies taught in the first cycle, but they did

mispronunciations and misspellings. Therefore, the teacher had to remind them

the correct ones.

Next, the teacher continued the lesson. She distributed the worksheet.

There were the lyrics of the song entitled “Are You Sleepy”. The lyrics of the

song were arranged by the teacher by using the tone and the rhythm of the popular

song entitled “Are You Sleeping”. The song contained some words dealing with

“body and feeling”. The teacher asked the students to sing the song together. By

reading the lyrics, they tried to sing the song correctly. They did not get any

difficulty in singing the song because they had been familiar with the tone and the

rhythm of the song, but there were some students’ mispronunciations. Therefore,

the teacher made the correction of them. The students looked happy with the song.

When the teacher asked them with questions like;”Bagaimana dengan lagunya?

Kalian suka?” most of them answered “Ya Bu, lagunya enak”. The teacher then

discussed the song with the students. She checked the students understanding

about the song by asking the meaning of som e words mentioned in the song. Most

of them tried to answer the questions voluntarily, but there were several students

in the back rows who did not follow the discussion. They were chatting with their

table-mate. The teacher then warned them and asked them to follow the


After that, the teacher asked the students to do the task. The students had

to match two boxes. The first box contains adjective words dealing with what

body could feel such as happy, sleepy, hungry, et cetera. The second box contains


the name of parts of the body. The students had to match the boxes according to

the suitable parts of the body and what they could feel. They discussed the t ask in


After finishing the task, the students were asked to come forward and

wrote the answer on the blackboard. They raised their hands and came forward

voluntarily. The teacher had to choose one who answered the question because

almost all of the students raised their hands. Most of the students’ answers were

correct. Then, the teacher pronounced those words and the students repeated them.

There was still any mispronunciation. Therefore, the teacher taught the students

the correct ones.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher reviewed several vocabularies

discussed that day. She gave questions to the students orally. Before closing the

lesson, the teacher asked the students to practice singing the song at home.

2) The Second Meeting (11.00 am – 12.20 pm )

The second meeting of the second cycle was conducted on 29th

April 2009.

On this meeting, the teacher taught about kinds of activity that could be done by

human body. Before start ing the lesson, the teacher reviewed the previous lesson.

She asked several vocabularies to the students. She also asked some students to

sing the song which was taught in the previous meeting. Most of them answered

the questions and sang the song perfectly.

The teacher then started the lesson by distributing the worksheet. There

was a new song entitled “Climbing”. The tone and the rhythm of the song was the

same as “Naik-Naik ke Puncak Gunung”. First, the teacher sang the song. All of


the students paid attention and looked at the lyrics of the song. They were asked

to see each word on the lyrics and followed singing by their heart . After that, the

teacher asked them to sing the song in chorus. They did not get any difficulty in

singing the song because they had been familiar with the tone and the rhythm of

the song.

After singing the song, the teacher discussed the song with her students.

She explained several vocabularies written on the song sheet. All of the students

paid attent ion and followed the discussion actively. Then, they were asked to do

the task in pairs. They were asked to list some words. The words are verbs dealing

with activit ies which could be done by parts of the body.

After finishing the task, the teacher asked the students to come forward

and write the answer on the blackboard voluntarily. Most of them did the task


After implementing the action of the second cycle, the students were given

the second post-test.

d. O bserving the Action

1) The First Meeting

The first meeting of the second cycle ran well. When the teacher reviewed

the lesson in the first cycle by asking several vocabularies, most of them could

answer them correctly. They still remembered the vocabularies.

Actually there were som e differences between the first cycle and the

second cycle. The teacher presented a new song which was arranged by herself.

The rhythm and the tone of the song were familiar to the students. It made the


students sing easily, moreover they could see the lyrics. When the teacher asked

them to sing the song together, they did it well. But there were some students who

pronounced the words of the song incorrectly, such as: /sæd/, /taIə(r)d/, /Λs/, et


When the teacher discussed the song with the students, most of the

students followed the discussion, except some students in the back rows.

Therefore, the teacher had to warn them. They also did the assignment well. They

worked in pairs and did a discussion with their tablemates. They were actively

involved in the discussion. They were also enthusiastic when the teacher asked

them to write down the answers on the blackboard.

2) The Second Meeting

Before conducting the action, the teacher reviewed the lesson of the

previous meeting. She checked the students’ memory by asking several

vocabularies. She also asked the students to sing the song taught in the previous

meeting in chorus. The teacher continued the lesson in the last meeting with a new

song. The title was “Climbing”. It was arranged by using the rhythm and the tone

of a popular Indonesian song ent itled “Naik-Naik ke Puncak Gunung”. When the

teacher presented the song by singing it herself, the students paid attention and

looked at the lyrics of the song. Therefore, they could sing the song perfectly.

They were also actively involved in the discussion. When the teacher asked them

to do the task in pairs, they did it well. They competed to answer the task and

wrote down the answers on the blackboard.


e. Reflecting the Observation Result

A great improvement could be seen in the second cycle. By analyzing the

observat ion results, it can be concluded that teaching English through songs is

effective. The results of the second cycle were as follows:

1. The students could easily grasp and remember the vocabularies. When they

were asked several vocabularies taught in the previous meeting, they could

answer them correctly. Using lyrics also helped them in grasping the new

words. Through songs, the words became memorable.

2. The students could pronounce the vocabularies correctly. There was a

repetition in songs that made the practice of pronunciation more fun and

effective. They were practicing pronunciation when they were singing.

3. The students became more active during the instructional processes. The

better part icipation from the students would automatically enhance their


4. The students became more interested in learning English. The enjoyable songs

made the students interested in English.

5. The students could catch the words and sing the song perfectly. Presenting the

song by the teacher herself made the song seem to be clearer for the students.

6. Arranging the song by the teacher herself motivated her to be more act ive and

creative and it gave good impact to the students.

7. There were some noisy students but the number of them was less than those in

the first cycle and the teacher could manage them.


8. There was an improvement of the students score. The mean of the pre-test

score is 40.72 and it improves to 52.55 in the first post-test, and then it

increases up to 67.45 in the final post-test.

Based on the result above, the teacher and the researcher concluded that

teaching English through songs attracted the students to be active in the teaching

and learning process. It also could improve the students’ vocabulary mastery.

Finally, the teacher and the researcher decided to stop the cycle.

C. Discussion

Teaching English has been started from elementary school. The objectives

according to KTSP curriculum are: (1) learners should be conscious with the

importance of English in order to improve their competence in competitive era;

and (2) the competence that has to be developed is limited to a language

accompanying action in school context.

In fact, the instructional process which is held in elementary school can

not fulfill the objectives in KTSP curriculum yet. The problems are caused by

som e reasons. One of the reasons is the technique that is used by the teacher. The

technique which is chosen by the teacher cannot create interesting circumstances

in the classroom. The way he teaches his students is monotonous. It means that he

teaches the same ways of delivering materials everyday. It is not effective for the

students. Consequently, the students will not be able to catch the lesson easily

because they loss of interest and part icipation. In teaching and learning

vocabulary, the students have to listen to the teacher’s explanation, take a note,

and do the assignment . They are also dependent on their dictionary because of the


habit in using the dictionary. It makes the teaching and learning English not

enjoyable. It makes the students easily feel bored and difficult to concentrate.

Their low concentration makes them lose their attention. Even, they cannot

remember the lesson for a long time.

Based on the reasons above, the teacher should give any variations in

teaching English to elementary school. The teacher needs an interesting technique

to improve her students’ vocabulary mastery. By creating an interesting technique,

the students will be interested in learning English. It automatically makes the

students more easily comprehend vocabulary.

Introducing new vocabularies to young learners can be done in many

ways. One of them is by using songs. Song is one of good techniques in teaching

and learning. Griffee (1995: 5) states that songs can be used in teaching

conversation, vocabulary, gramm atical structures, and pronunciation. In teaching

vocabulary, songs are especially good at introducing vocabulary because songs

provide a meaningful context for the vocabulary. Cross (1991: 164) says, “Once

the song or rhyme has been learned, it is in their minds for the rest of their lives,

with all the rhythm s, grammatical niceties and vocabulary”.

According to the theories above, using songs in teaching vocabulary to

children has many contributions. The observational result which is supported by

the photograph and the interview with some students shows the increasing of the

students’ interest before and after implementing the action. The improvement of

the students’ score makes it obvious that teaching Vocabulary through songs is





A. Conclusion

There are three questions in the research questions, they are: (1) can songs

improve the students’ vocabulary mastery; (2) what will happen in the class if the

teacher conducts teaching vocabulary through songs; and (3) the strengths and

weaknesses of conducting teaching vocabulary through songs. Therefore, after

employing the research of teaching vocabulary through songs in Elementary

School, it can be seen that songs can be used to improve Elementary School

students’ vocabulary mastery. The result of using songs in the teaching

vocabulary process can be used to answer the research questions above.

The first question is whether songs can improve the students’ vocabulary

mastery. After conducting the teaching vocabulary through songs in Elementary

School, it can be seen that the students’ vocabulary mastery improved. The

improvement of the students’ vocabulary mastery is supported by the result of the

test score. Before the researcher implemented the action research, she gave a pre-

test. The mean of the pre-test score is 40.72 and it improves to 52.55 in the first

post-test. The mean of the first post-test is 52.55 and it increases up to 67.45 in the

final post-test. From the test result, it can be seen, that there is an improvement of

students’ vocabulary mastery after the researcher conducts the research. It proves

that teaching vocabulary through songs can improve students’ vocabulary




The second question is about what will happen in the class if the teacher

conducts teaching vocabulary through songs. It can be seen in the involvement of

certain activities. The students can easily grasp and remember the vocabularies.

They can answer several vocabularies taught in the previous meeting. Besides

that, through songs, words become memorable. Singing the songs many times

makes the students to be accustomed to the pronunciation of the vocabularies.

Based on the observation result, the students also become more active during the

instructional processes. The students are paying attent ion to the teacher’s

explanation, discussing the task with their tablemates, making a competition with

other pairs, asking about the songs, and answering the teacher’s questions

enthusiastically. It shows that the students became more interested in learning

English. Moreover, songs can create an interesting atmosphere in the classroom.

From the teacher’ point of view, arranging and present ing the song by the teacher

herself motivates her to be more active and creative and give good impact to the

students. However, the main role of the teacher as facilitator is effectively done.

The third question is about the strengths and weaknesses of conducting

teaching vocabulary through songs. Songs can be an effective technique to teach

vocabulary to students. For the students, songs are helping. The repetition of

singing the songs makes the students to be accustomed to the vocabularies.

Therefore, it becomes easy for the students to pronounce the vocabulary. It also

helps them remem ber the spelling and the meaning because songs focus students’

attention on specific vocabulary items. It creates interesting atmosphere and

students’ motivation. Therefore, the students can enjoy the instructional process.


For the teacher, songs can help her in present ing new vocabularies in fun way.

Songs can also be used in any language teaching situation. Even though there are

so many strengths in the implementation of teaching vocabulary through songs,

there is a problem arising. The students tend to make noise while the songs are

presented, and it disturbs the instructional process. Therefore, the teacher should

handle the class well.

B. Implication

According to the research result, supported by all of the data, the use of

songs in teaching vocabulary in Elementary School is effective. Songs create the

students’ motivation in learning English. They become more active and interested

in the teaching and learning process. The situation of the class also becomes more

alive because the enjoyable learning process makes the students enthusiastic to

learn English. Besides that, songs help the students memorising new vocabularies.

They can sing every where and every time.

Besides that, songs help the teacher provide an enjoyable teaching

technique. Therefore, the teacher can get easier in present ing the material. Songs

also motivate her to be more creative in delivering material. However, the main

role of the teacher as facilitator is effectively done Therefore, the researcher

implies that the use of songs is necessary to be applied in teaching English in

Elementary School.


C . Suggestion

In the conclusion, the researcher states some evidences that songs can be

an effective technique to teach vocabulary in Elementary School. The researcher

hopes that this study is beneficial for the betterment of English teaching and

learning. Dealing with the study that has been conducted by using songs in

teaching vocabulary, the researcher would like to propose some suggestions.

Hopefully, the suggestions will be useful for teachers, students, other researchers,

and educational institutions.

1. Teachers

To be an English teacher is not easy. It is important for teachers to

understand the appropriate technique to teach their students. Choosing songs

as the teaching technique can create the students’ motivat ion; therefore, the

teaching and learning process can be successful. And for this success, the

researcher gives some suggestions. The first suggestion is that teachers should

prepare the materials which can be taught using songs. After that, they can

choose the appropriate songs. The teacher can use songs which are available

in cassettes, VCD, books, and other sources. They can also arrange songs by

themselves. It has a benefit; the teacher will not get difficulty in getting the

appropriate songs because they can create any song they want to support the

material. The next suggestion is that teachers should practice the songs before

conducting teaching English through songs, in order to know whether the

songs support the materials or not. It is not a problem but a challenge.


2. Students

The key of success in teaching learning process is the students’

part icipation. The researcher suggests that students have to be active. They

should apply English in their daily life. They should also practice every

English song at home to make their pronunciation better. Besides that, to make

every vocabulary materials to be memorable, they can arrange them to be a

song by themselves. They can use any song’s rhythm that they like. Therefore,

they will not depend on their teacher.

3. Other researchers

The researcher aware that this study is not perfect. Therefore, she

suggests other researchers make another research on similar problems to

develop this study. The finding of this study can be used as a start ing point of

the future research.

4. Educational institutions

Considering the success of applying the technique, the school or

institution should com plete the facilities. The available facilities will support

the process of delivering English material through songs. The teacher will also

get easier in delivering the materials. The school or institution should also

improve the teachers’ quality by providing teacher training and studying

which concern with applying children songs in teaching English to young




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