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R. Duvigneau - Numerical Optimization: Basic Concepts and Algorithms 1 May 27th 2015 Numerical Optimization: Basic Concepts and Algorithms R. Duvigneau

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R. Duvigneau - Numerical Optimization: Basic Concepts and Algorithms 1

May 27th 2015

Numerical Optimization:Basic Concepts and AlgorithmsR. Duvigneau


I Some basic concepts in optimizationI Some classical descent algorithmsI Some (less classical) semi-deterministic approachesI Illustrations on various analytical problemsI Constrained optimalityI Some algorithm to account for constraints

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Some basic concepts

Problem description

Definition of a single-criterion parametric problem with real unknown

Minimize f (x) x ∈ Rn cost fonctionSubmitted to gi (x) = 0 i = 1, · · · , l equality constraints

hj (x) > 0 j = 1, · · · ,m inequality constraints

What does your cost function look like ?

Convex problem Multi-modal problem Noisy problem

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Some commonly used algorithms

I Descent methods : adapted to convex cost functionssteepest descent, conjugate gradient, quasi-Newton, Newton, etc.

I Evolutionary methods : adapted to multi-modal cost functionsgenetic algorithms, evolution strategies, particle swarm, ant colony, simulatedannealing, etc.

I Pattern search methods : adapted to noisy cost functionsNelder-Mead simplex, Torczon’s multidirectional search, etc.

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Optimality conditions

Definition of a minimum

x? is a minimum of f : Rn 7→ R if and only if there exists ρ > 0 such as:I f defined on B(x?, ρ)

I f (x?) < f (y) ∀y ∈ B(x?, ρ) y 6= x?

→ not very useful to build algorithms ...


A sufficient condition for x? to be a minimum is (if f twice differentiable):I ∇f (x?) = 0 (stationarity of gradient vector)I ∇2f (x?) > 0 (Hessian matrix positive definite)

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Some classical descent algorithms

Descent methods

Model algorithm

For each iteration k (starting from xk):

I Evaluate gradient ∇f (xk )

I Define a search direction dk (∇f (xk ))

I Line search : choice of step length ρk

I Update: xk+1 = xk + ρkdk

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Choice of the search direction

Steepest-descent method:

I dk = −∇f (xk )

I Descent condition ensured :∇f (xk ) · dk = −∇f (xk ) · ∇f (xk ) < 0

I But this yields an oscillatory path:dk+1 · dk = (−∇f (xk+1)) · dk = 0 (ifexact line search)

I Linear convergence rate:limk→∞

‖xk+1−x?‖‖xk−x?‖ = a > 0 Illustration of steepest-descent path

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Choice of the search direction

quasi-Newton method

I dk = −H−1k · ∇f (xk ) où Hkapproximate of the Hessian matrix∇2f (xk )

I H should fulfill the followingconditions:

I SymmetryI Positive definite: ∇f (xk ) · dk =

−∇f (xk ) · H−1 · ∇f (xk ) < 0I 1D approximation of the curvature:

Hk+1(xk+1−xk ) = ∇f (xk+1)−∇f (xk )

I Ex : BFGS method Hk+1 =Hk − 1

sTk Hk sk

HksksTk HT

k + 1yT

k skykyT


où sk = xk+1 − xk etyk = ∇f (xk+1)−∇f (xk )

I Super-linear convergence rate :limk→∞

‖xk+1−x?‖‖xk−x?‖ = 0

Illustration of quasi-Newton method

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Choice of the step lengthA classical criterion to ensure convergence : Armijo-Goldstein

I f (xk + ρkdk ) < f (xk ) + α∇f (xk ) · ρkdk (Armijo)I f (xk + ρkdk ) > f (xk ) + β∇f (xk ) · ρkdk (Goldstein)

Illustration of Armijo-Goldstein criterion

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Choice of the step lengthAn other criterion to ensure convergence (gradient required) : Armijo-Wolfe

I f (xk + ρkdk ) < f (xk ) + α∇f (xk ) · ρkdk (Armijo)I ∇f (xk + ρkdk ) · dk > β∇f (xk ) · dk (Wolfe)

Illustration of Armijo-Wolfe criterion

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Choice of the step length

The step length is determined using an iterative 1D search:

I Start from an initial guess ρ(p)k (p = 0)

I Update to ρ(p+1)k :

I Bisection methodI Polynomial interpolationI ...

I until stopping criteria are fulfilled

A balance is necessary between the computational cost and the accuracy

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Some (less classical) semi-deterministic approaches

Evolutionary algorithms


Inspired by Darwinian theory of evolution :

I A population is composed of individuals who have different characteristics

I Most fitted individuals can survive and reproduce

I An offspring population is generated from survivors

→ Mechanisms to improve progressively the population performance !

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Evolution strategies

Model algorithm (λ, µ)-ESAt each iteration k, a population is characterized by its mean x̄k and its variance σ̄2k .

Generation of population k + 1 :

I Generation of λ perturbation amplitudes σi = σ̄keτ N(0,1)

I Generation of λ new individuals xi = x̄k + σi N(0, Id) (mutation)with N(0, Id) multi-variate normal distribution

I Evaluation of the fitness of the λ individualsI Choice of µ survivors among the λ new individuals (selection)I Update of the population characteristics (crossover et self-adaptation) :

x̄k+1 =1µ


xi σ̄k+1 =1µ



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Evolution strategy

Some results

I Proof of convergence towards the globaloptimum in a statistical sense :∀ε > 0 limk→∞ P(|f (x̄k )− f (x?)| 6 ε) = 1

I Linear convergence rate

I Capability to avoid local optima

I Limited to a rather small number ofparameters (O(10)) Illustration of evolution strategy step

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Evolution strategiesMethod CMA-ES (Covariance Matrix Adaption)

Imprvement of ES algorithm by using an anisotropic distribution

I offspring population is generated using a covariance matrix Ck :

xi = x̄k + σ̄k N(0,Ck ) = x̄k + σ̄k BkDkN(0, Id)

avec Bk matrix of eigenvectors of C1/2k et Dk eigenvalues matrix

I Iterative construction of the covariance matrix:

C0 = Id Ck+1 = (1− c)Ck︸ ︷︷ ︸previous estimation


pkpTk︸ ︷︷ ︸

1D update

+ c(1−1m



ωi (yi )(yi )T

︸ ︷︷ ︸covariance of parents

with :

pk evolution path (last moves) et yi = (xi − x̄k )/σk

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Some illustrations using analytical functions

Rosenbrock function

I Non-convex unimodal function "Banana valley"I Dimension n = 16

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Rosenbrock function

Steepest descent Quasi-Newton

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Rosenbrock function


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Camelback function

I Dimension n = 2I Six local minimaI Two global minima

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Camelback function

Quasi-Newton Optimization path

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Camelback function

ES Optimization path

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Constrained optimality


Necessity of constraintsI Often required to define a well-posed problem from mathematical point of view

(existence, unicity)

I Often required to define a problem that make sense from industrial point ofview (manufacturing)

Different types of constraintsI Equality / inequality constraints

I Linear / non-linear constraints

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Linear contraints

Optimality conditions

A sufficient condition for x? to be a minimum of f subject to A · x = b :I A · x? = b (admissibility)I ∇f (x?) = λ? · A with λ? Lagrange multipliers (stationnarity)I A · ∇2f (x?) · A > 0 (projected Hessian positive definite)

Illustration of optimality conditions for linear constraints

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Linear constraints

Projection algorithm for descent methods

At each iteration k, from an admissible point xk :

I Evaluation of gradient ∇f (xk )

I Choice of an admissible search direction Z · dk with Z a projection matrix (in theadmissible space: A · Z = 0)

I Line search: choice of step length ρk

I Update : xk+1 = xk + ρk Z · dk

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Non-linear constraints

Optimality conditions

A sufficient condition for x? to be a minimum of f subject to c(x) = 0 :I c(x?) = 0 (admissibility)I ∇f (x?) = λ? · A(x?) with A(x) = ∇c(x) (stationnarity)I A(x?) · ∇2L(x?, λ?) · A(x?) > 0 with L(x , λ) = f (x)− λ · c(x) (projected

Lagrangian positive definite)

Illustration of optimality conditions for non-linear constraints

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Non-linear constraints

Quadratic penalization algorithm

Cost function with penalization: fq(x , κ) = f (x) + κ2 c(x) · c(x)

It can be shown that: limκ→∞x?(κ) = x?

Algorithm with quadratic penalization:

I Initialisation of κ

I Minimisation of fq(x , κ)

I Increase κ to reduce constraintviolation

Illustration of quadratic penalization

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Non-linear constraints

Absolute penalization algorithm

Cost function with penalization: fa(x , κ) = f (x) + κ ‖c(x)‖

It can be shown that: ∃κ? such that x?(κ) = x? ∀κ > κ?

Algorithm with absolute penalization :

I Initialisation of κ

I Minimisation of fa(x , κ)

I Increase κ until constraint satisfied

Illustration of absolute penalization

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Non linear constraints

Optimality condition in terms of Lagrangian L(x , λ) = f (x)− λ · c(x)

I ∇λL(x?, λ?) = 0 (admissibility)I ∇xL(x?, λ?) = 0 (stationnarity)I A(x) · ∇2L(x?, λ?) · A(x) > 0 (positive-definite)

SQP algorithm (Sequential Quadratic Programing)

At each iteration k, Newton method applied to (x , λ):

(∇2f (xk )− λk · ∇2c(xk ) −A(xk )

−A(xk ) 0



(−∇f (xk ) + λk · A(xk )

c(xk )


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Some references

Classical methods

I G. N. Venderplaats. Numerical optimization techniques for engineering design.McGraw-Hill, 1984.

I R. Fletcher. Practical Methods of Optimization. John Wiley & Sons, 1987.I P. E. Gill, W. Murray, and M. H. Wright. Practical Optimization. Academic

Press, 1981.

Evolutionary methodsI Z. Michalewics. Genetic algorithms + data structures = evolutionary programs.

AI series. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1992.I D. Goldberg. Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization and Machine Learning.

Addison Wesley Company Inc., 1989.

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