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Number Theory Algorithms and Cryptography Algorithms Prepared by John Reif, Ph.D. Analysis of Algorithms

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Number Theory Algorithms and Cryptography Algorithms

Prepared by

John Reif, Ph.D.

Analysis of Algorithms

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Number Theory Algorithms

a)  GCD b)  Multiplicative Inverse c)  Fermat & Euler’s Theorems d)  Public Key Cryptographic Systems e)  Primality Testing

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Number Theory Algorithms (cont’d)

•  Main Reading Selections:

•  CLR, Chapter 33

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Euclid’s Algorithm •  Greatest Common Divisor

•  Euclid’s Algorithm

( , ) largest a s.t. a is a divisor of both u,vGCD u v =

GCD(u,v) 0 then return(u)

(GCD(v,u mod v))

procedurebeginif v

else return=

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Euclid’s Algorithm (cont’d)

•  Inductive proof of correctness:

if a is a divisor of u,v

a is a divisor of u - ( u/v ) v = u mod v

⎣ ⎦⇔

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Euclid’s Algorithm (cont’d)

•  Time Analysis of Euclid’s Algorithm for n bit numbers u,v


T(n) T(n-1) + M (n) = O(n M(n)) = O(n log n log log n)(where M(n) = time to mult two n bit integers)

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Euclid’s Algorithm (cont’d)

•  Fibonacci worst case:




0 1 k+2 k+1 k


u = F , v = F where F = 0, F = 1, F = F + F , k 0

1F = , = (1 5)25

Euclid's Algorithm takes log ( 5 N) = O(n) stages when N = max(u,v).

Here n = number of bits of


ΦΦ +


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Euclid’s Algorithm (cont’d)

•  Improved Algorithm

2nT(n) T + O(M(n))

= O(M(n) log n)

( )≤

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Extended GCD Algorithm

procedure ExGCD(u, v)

where u

= (u1, u2, u3) , v

= (v1, v2, v3)begin

if v3 = 0 then return(u)

else return ExGCD(v, u

- (v

! u 3 / v3"))

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Extended GCD Algorithm (cont’d)

•  Theorem

•  Proof

GCD((1,0,x),(0,1,y)) = (x', y', GCD(x,y))where x x' + y y' = GCD(x,y)


1 2 3

1 2 3

inductively can verify on each callxu + yu = u

xv + yv = v⎛⎜⎝

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Extended GCD Algorithm (cont’d)

•  Corollary

If gcd(x,y) = 1 then x' is the modular inverse of x modulo y

•  Proof

we must show x x' = 1 mod ybut by previous Theorem,1 = x x' + y y' = x x' mod yso 1 = x x' mod y

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Modular Laws

•  Gives Algorithm for

•  Modular Laws

!Modular Inverse

for n 1 if x y mod nlet x y

≡ =

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Modular Laws (cont’d)

if a b and x y then ax by if a b and ax by and

gcd(a, n) 1 then x y

Law ALaw B

≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡

= ≡

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Modular Laws (cont’d)


1 k 1 k

i j

1 k

let {a ,..., a } {b ,..., b } if a b for i 1,..., k and

{j ,..., j } {1,..., k}

≡ =


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Fermat’s Little Theorem

•  If n prime then an = a mod n •  Proof by Euler



if a 0 then a 0 aelse suppose gcd(a,n) 1Then x ay for y a x and any xso {a,2a,..., (n-1)a} {1,2,..., n-1}

≡ ≡ ≡


≡ ≡

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Fermat’s Little Theorem (cont’d)



So by Law A, (a) (2a) (n-1)a 1 2 (n-1) So a (n-1)! (n-1)!So by Law B a 1 mod n

⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ≡ ⋅ ⋅⋅⋅

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Euler’s Theorem

•  Φ(n) = number of integers in {1,…, n-1} relatively prime to n

•  Euler’s Theorem

•  Proof

( )

If gcd(a,n) 1then = 1 mod na nϕ


1 (n)let b ,...,b be the integers n

relatively prime to nϕ <

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Euler’s Theorem (cont’d)

•  Lemma

•  Proof

1 (n) 1 2 (n){b ,...,b } {ab , ab ,..., ab }ϕ ϕ≡


i j i j


i i j

1 (n)

If ab ab then by Law B, b b

Since 1 gcd(b ,n) gcd(a,n)then gcd(ab ,n) 1 so ab b

for {j ,...,j } {1,..., (n)}ϕ

≡ ≡

= =

= =

≡ ϕ

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Euler’s Theorem (cont’d)

•  By Law A and Lemma

•  By Law B

1 2 (n) 1 2 (n)

(n)1 (n) 1 (n)

(ab )(ab ) (ab ) b b b

so a b b b bϕ ϕ

ϕϕ ϕ

⋅⋅⋅ ≡ ⋅⋅⋅

⋅⋅⋅ ≡ ⋅⋅⋅

(n)a 1 mod nϕ ≡

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Taking Powers mod n by “Repeated Squaring”

•  Problem: Compute ae mod b

k k-1 1 0



e e e e e binary representation [1] X 1 [2] i k, k-1,..., 0 X X mod b e 1 then X Xa mod b

for dobegin



= ⋅ ⋅ ⋅


= ←

i ii i

ke 2 e 2 e


a =a =a mod but ∑∏

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Taking Powers mod n by “Repeated Squaring” (cont’d)

•  Time Cost

O(k) mults and additions mod bk = # bits of e

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Rivest, Sharmir, Adelman (RSA) Encryption Algorithm

•  M = integer message e = “encryption integer” for user A

•  Cryptogram

eC E(M) M mod n= =

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Rivest, Sharmir, Adelman (RSA) Encryption Algorithm (cont’d)

•  Method

(1) Choose large random primes p,q let n p q(2) Choose large random integer d relatively prime to (n) (p) (q) (p-1) (q-1)(3) Let e be

= ⋅

ϕ = ϕ ⋅ϕ

= ⋅

the multiplicative inverse of d modulo (n) e d 1 mod (n) (require e log n, else try another d)


⋅ ≡ ϕ


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Rivest, Sharmir, Adelman (RSA) Encryption Algorithm (cont’d)

•  Theorem


If M is relatively prime to n, and D(x) = x (mod n) thenD(E(M)) E(D(M)) M≡ ≡

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Rivest, Sharmir, Adelman (RSA) Encryption Algorithm (cont’d)

•  Proof

e d

e d k (n) 1

D(E(M)) E(D(M)) M mod n There must k 0 s.t. 1 gcd(d, (n)) -k (n) de So, M M mod n Since (p-1) divides (n)

⋅ ϕ +

∃ >

= ϕ = ϕ +

ϕk (n) 1 M M mod p ϕ + ≡

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Rivest, Sharmir, Adelman (RSA) Encryption Algorithm (cont’d)

•  By Euler’s Theorem

k (n)+1

ed k (n)+1


By Symmetry, M M (mod q) Hence M M M mod n So M M mod n



= =


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Security of RSA Cryptosystem

•  Theorem If can compute d in polynomial time, then can factor n in polynomial time

•  Proof

e· d-1 is a multiple of φ(n) But Miller has shown can factor n from any multiple of φ(n)

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Security of RSA Cryptosystem (cont’d)

'd d

If can find d' s.t.

M =M mod n d' differs from d by lcm(p-1, q-1) so can factor n.

(lcm is the "least common multiple)

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Rabin’s Public Key Crypto System

•  Use private large primes p, q public key n=q p message M

cryptogram M2 mod n •  Theorem

If cryptosystem can be broken, then can factor key n

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Rabin’s Public Key Crypto System (cont’d)

•  Proof

•  In either case, two independent solutions for M give factorization of n, i.e., a factor of n is gcd (n, γ -β).


2 2

M mod n has solutions M , , n- , n- where { , n- }But then - ( - )( ) 0 mod nSo either (1) p | ( - ) and q | ( )or either (2) q | ( - ) and p | ( )


γ β γ β

β γ γ

γ β γ β γ β

γ β γ β

γ β γ β



= + =



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Rabin’s Public Key Crypto System (cont’d)

•  Rabin’s Algorithm for factoring n, given a way to break his cryptosystem.




Choose random , 1 n s.t. gcd( , n)=1 let mod n find M s.t. M = mod nby assumed way to break cryptosystem with probability , M { ,

β β β

α β



< <


≠ n- } so factors of n are found else repeat with another

Note: Expected number of rounds is 2



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Quadratic Residues



a is quadratic residue of n if x a mod n has solution

: If n is odd, prime and gcd(a,n)=1, then a is quadratic residue of n iff a 1 mod n


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Jacobi Function

1 if gcd(a,n) 1 and a is quadratic residue of n

J(a,n) -1 if gcd(a,n) 1 and a is not quadratic residue of n

0 if gcd(a,n) 1


= =⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜ ≠⎝

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Jacobi Function (cont’d)

•  Gauss’s Quadratic Reciprocity Law

•  Rivest Algorithm

(p-1) (q-1)/4

if p,q are odd primes,J(p,q) J(q,p) (-1)⋅ =


(a-1) (n-1)2 2

(n -1)/8

1 if a=1

J(a,n) J(a/2, n) (-1) if a even

J(n mod a, a) (-1) else


= ⋅⎜⎜⎜ ⋅⎝

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Jacobi Function (cont’d)

•  Theorem (Fermat) n-1



n 2 is prime iff , 1 x n

(1) x 1 mod n (2) x 1 mod n for all i {1, 2,..., n-2}


∃ < <

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Theorem: Primes are in NP

•  Proof


n n 2 output "prime" n 1 or (n even and n 2) output "composite"

guess x to verify Fermat's Theorem Check (1) x 1 mod n To verify (2) guess prime fac



= ⇒

= > ⇒



1 2 k


torization of n-1=n n n (a) recursively verify each n prime

(b) verify x 1 mod n

⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅

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Theorem & Primes NP (cont’d)

•  Note






(n-1) (n-1)/nyayn

if x =1 mod n the least y s.t. x =1 mod n must divide n-1. So x =1 mod n

let a= so 1 x =x mod n≡

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Primality Testing

•  Testing •  Goal of Randomized Primality Testing




wish to test if n is primetechnique W (a) "a witness that n is composite"W (a) true n compositeW (a) false don't know


= ⇒

= ⇒

1n 2


for random a {1,..., n-1} n composite Prob (W (a) true) >So of all {1,..., n-1}are "witness to compositeness of n"



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Primality Testing (cont’d)

•  Solovey & Strassen Primality Test quadratic reciprocal law


W (a) (gcd(a,n) 1)

or J(a, n) a mod n

test if Gauss's Quadratic Reciprocal Law is vi

= ≠


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Z set of all nonnegative numbers n which are relatively prime to n.

generator g of Z

such that for all x Z

there is i such that g x mod n

= <


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Theorem of Solovey & Strassen

•  Theorem

•  Proof



If , | |where G = {a | W (a mod n) false}

nn is composite then G ≤

* *n n


Case G Z G is subgroup of Z

|Z | n-1 |G| 2 2

≠ ⇒

⇒ ≤ ≤

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Theorem of Solovey & Strassen (cont’d)

31 2


1 2 3 1 2 k

Case G Z Use Proof by Contradiction

so a =J(a,n) mod n for all a relatively prime to nLet n have prime factorization n=P P P , ...

Let g be a gener

αα α α α α


⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ≥ ≥ ≥1


*m 1ator of Z where m =Pα

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Theorem of Solovey & Strassen (cont’d)

•  Then by Chinese Remainder Theorem,

•  Since a is relatively prime to n,




unique a s.t. a g mod m

a 1 mod ( )∃ =



n-1 n-1

a Z so

a 1 mod n and g =1 mod n


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Theorem of Solovey & Strassen (cont’d)



-11 1


Then order of g in Z

is p (p -1) by known formula,a contradiction since the order divides n-1.



α ≥

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Theorem of Solovey & Strassen (cont’d)

1 2 k

1 kk

ii 1


1 ii 2



... 1 Since n p p

J(a,n) J(a,p )

J(g,p ) J(a, p )

g mod p i 1 Since a

1 mod p i 1

Case α α α



= = = =

= ⋅ ⋅ ⋅


= ⋅

=⎧= ⎨




So J(a,n) -1 mod n since J(1,p ) 1 and J(g,p ) -1




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Theorem of Solovey & Strassen (cont’d)







(n-1)/2 nm

(n-1)/2 nm

We have shown J(a,n) -1 mod n -1 mod n

But by assumption a 1 mod

so a =1 mod

Hence a J(a,n) mod


( )( )

( )( )

contradiction with Ga




' !uss s Law

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•  Miller’s Primality Test





W (a) (gcd(a,n) 1)

or (a 1 mod n)

or gcd (a mod n-1, n) 1 for i {1,..., }where k max {i| 2 divides n-1}


= ≠


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•  Theorem (Miller)

Assuming the extended RH, if n is composite, then Wn(a) holds for some a ∈ {1,2,…, c log 2 n}

•  Miller’s Test assumes extended RH (not proved)

Miller (cont’d)

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Miller – Rabin Randomized Primality Test

•  Theorem


choose a random a {1,..., n-1} test W (a)

1n 2

if n is composite then Prob (W (a) holds)

gives another randomized, polytime algorithm for primality!


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Number Theory Algorithms and Cryptography Algorithms

Prepared by

John Reif, Ph.D.

Analysis of Algorithms