nstemi clinical scenarios

Clinical Scenarios PPCI and Direct Admission of High Risk NSTE-ACS Beardmore Hotel 17 th February 2016

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Clinical Scenarios

PPCI and Direct Admission of High Risk NSTE-ACSBeardmore Hotel

17th February 2016

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Scenario 1

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• SAS call to office on Sauchiehall Street• 50 year old male

o Chest tightness for 30 minso “It must be the fry-up”o Associated sweating and nauseao Recent history of increasing exertional chest

discomfort• Hypertension, smoker• “On tablets for blood pressure”

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A Talking in full sentencesB RR 18, Sp02 96% OA, chest clearC HR 85, BP 175/95, clammyD AVPUE T 36.5, BM 7.9, nil else

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What would you do next?

1. Call GJNH2. Take to local A+E3. Initiate medical therapy4. Reassure and leave

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What would you do next?

1. Call GJNH2. Take to local A+E3. Initiate medical therapy4. Reassure and leave

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2 2 1 1 ?6High risk NSTEMI

✔ ✔ ✔✔


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Scenario 2

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• SAS call to Christmas party in Merchant’s City• 40 year old male

o Chest tightness and palpitations for the past 1 hour

o “I love a free bar pal”• Admits to frequent episodes of palpitations

recently – has been seen in clinic• On simvastatin

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A Talking in full sentencesB RR 18, Sats 98% OA, chest clearC HR 160, BP 120/75, well-perfusedD AVPUE T 37.2, BM 4.2, nil else

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What does this ECG show?

1. Narrow complex tachycardia2. Atrial fibrillation3. Rate-related ischaemia4. All of the above

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What does this ECG show?

1. Narrow complex tachycardia2. Atrial fibrillation3. Rate-related ischaemia4. All of the above

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What further information would be useful?

1. HEART Score2. More detailed social history3. Clinic letters4. All of the above

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What further information would be useful?

1. HEART Score2. More detailed social history3. Clinic letters4. All of the above

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Cardiology clinic 01/12/15:

“I saw this man in clinic today. He has a 6-month history of intermittent palpitations. These are associated with excessive alcohol intake. I have organised a 24 hour ECG recording and will see him back with the results in 3 months.”

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0 2 0 1

PAF with rate-related ischaemia

Local A&E

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Scenario 3

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• SAS call to nursing home in Partick• 89 year old female

o Gradual increase in SOB over past 2 weekso “I can hardly sleep”o No chest pain

• “She’s had a heart attack before and has a weak heart”

• On aspirin, ramipril, bisoprolol, simvastatin

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A Broken sentencesB RR 28, Sats 85% OA, crackles bilaterally, C HR 96, BP 110/90, cool peripherallyD AVPUE T35.9, BM 5.5, peripheral oedema

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What does this ECG show?


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What does this ECG show?


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What further information would be most useful?

1. Lactate2. Detailed family history3. Medication doses4. Old ECGs

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What further information would be most useful?

1. Lactate2. Detailed family history3. Medication doses4. Old ECGs

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What is the most likely diagnosis?

• NSTEMI• Decompensated heart failure• Pulmonary embolism• Respiratory tract infection

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What is the most likely diagnosis?

• NSTEMI• Decompensated heart failure• Pulmonary embolism• Respiratory tract infection

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DNACPR in place since July 2015. Patient and family do not wish any further invasive investigations.

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• Rapid identification of high-risk NSTEMI• Early discussion with GJNH• Recognition of type 2 myocardial infarctions• Thorough information-gathering• Better outcomes for patients

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