nss 6th parrot count report 2016 6th parrot... · 2016. 5. 9. · nss 6th parrot count 2016 report...

1 NSS 6 th Parrot Count 2016 Report Authors: Albert Low and Alan OwYong Introduction The World Parrot Count was initiated six years ago by Michael Braun and Roelant Jonker from the parrot researchers’ group of the International Ornithological Union (IOU). A key objective of the study was to document the status and abundance of feral and non-native parrots in urban environments globally where populations are established. Being part of this study provides an excellent opportunity for us to also monitor native parrot abundance and diversity in Singapore beyond our nature reserves. Given that some species such as the non-native Red-breasted Parakeet (Psittacula alexandri) have increased in abundance across Singapore, it is also timely to identify areas where these species are concentrated and their roost sites. Yellow-crested Cockatoo at one-north park.

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Page 1: NSS 6th Parrot Count Report 2016 6th Parrot... · 2016. 5. 9. · NSS 6th Parrot Count 2016 Report Authors: Albert Low and Alan OwYong ... counters at many sites managing to observe


NSS 6th Parrot Count 2016 Report Authors:AlbertLowandAlanOwYongIntroductionTheWorldParrotCountwasinitiatedsixyearsagobyMichaelBraunand Roelant Jonker from the parrot researchers’ group of theInternationalOrnithologicalUnion(IOU).Akeyobjectiveofthestudywas to document the status and abundance of feral andnon-nativeparrots in urban environments globally where populations areestablished. Being part of this study provides an excellentopportunity for us to also monitor native parrot abundance anddiversity inSingaporebeyondournaturereserves.Giventhatsomespecies such as the non-native Red-breasted Parakeet (Psittaculaalexandri) have increased in abundance across Singapore, it is alsotimely to identify areas where these species are concentrated andtheirroostsites.


Page 2: NSS 6th Parrot Count Report 2016 6th Parrot... · 2016. 5. 9. · NSS 6th Parrot Count 2016 Report Authors: Albert Low and Alan OwYong ... counters at many sites managing to observe


ResultsandConclusionsCoordinated annually by the Bird Group since 2011, this year’sParrot Count took place on 27 February 2016. 16 sites acrossmainlandSingaporewerecoveredby33surveyors.Thisyear’stotalof 2,483 parrots of 8 identifiable species is slightly lower than the2,725parrotsof7speciesrecordedlastyear.Aswasthecaseoverthepast2years,thewell-woodedMountRosiewasthemostspecies-richsite,withsevenspeciesofparrotrecorded.BottleTreePark,asitefirstsurveyedin2015,wasonceagainthetopsite in terms of total abundance, with 892 individuals from twoparrot species recorded. The Long-tailed Parakeet (Psittaculalongicauda) was the most numerous parrot recorded during thecount, with a total of 1,837 individuals seen, a decrease from the2,059 individuals observed last year. This constituted 73.6% of allparrotsrecordedduringthecount.526Red-breastedParakeetswerealsorecorded,makingupthebulk(21.1%)oftheremainingparrotsrecorded.OtherspeciesrecordedincludesmallnumbersofTanimbarCorellas, (Cacatua goffini), Coconut Lorikeets (Trichoglossushaematodus), Rose-ringed Parakeets (Psittacula krameri), Blue-crownedHangingParrots (Loriculusgalgulus) and4Yellow-crestedCockatoo(Cacatuasulphurea).During the census, parrotnumberspeakedbetween7pmand7.30pmwhere1,683parrotswere counted.As shown in recent counts,the largest parakeet flocksweremainly observed at last light,withcounters atmany sitesmanaging to observe the noisy spectacle offlocks of parakeets returning to their roosting trees just beforecompletedarkness.With a second year of data collected from pre-roost staging areasthroughoutcentralandnorthernSingapore,theannualparrotcountis nowproving to be useful inmonitoring the large flocks of Long-tailed Parakeets which travel along the eastern boundary of theCentral Nature Reserve to roost sites in the vicinity of Yishun viastaging sites in Springleaf. While numbers are slightly down from2015,thecontinuedpresenceoftheselargeflocksforasecondyearsuggests thatSingapore’sonlynativeparakeetspecies isable toco-existwith the introducedRed-breastedParakeet.While the latter iswidespread throughout Singapore, it is noteworthy that they areconspicuously absent at staging sites used by the Long-tailedParakeet. These findings have important conservation implicationsfor the globally near-threatened Long-tailed Parakeet, and go someway towards alleviating fears that the recent expansion of the

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introduced Red-breasted Parakeet in Singapore would lead to thepotentialextirpationofthenativeLong-tailedParakeet.


NewsitesincentralSingaporeatBishanParkandBukitBrownwerecounted this year andhavebeen revealed as roosting areas for theintroduced Coconut (formerly Rainbow) Lorikeet, a species that isslowly expanding across Singapore. It is hoped that annual surveyslike the Parrot Count will also provide a platform for monitoringtrendsrelating toother introducedparrots like these inaddition tothemorenumerousparakeets.Last but not least, the organisers would also like to reach out tovolunteerswho are aware of Red-breasted Parakeet roosts in theirneighbourhood and are willing to survey them. Anecdotalobservations show that while Red-breasted Parakeets arewidespread and common in urban Singapore, many of their roostsiteshaveeithernotbeen locatedasyetorareotherwisenotbeingcounted. It is hoped that with an increased pool of surveyorscountingatmoreroostsitesthroughoutSingapore,amorecompletepicture of the local Red-breasted Parakeet population can beobtained.

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AcknowledgementsOnbehalfoftheBirdGroup,wewouldliketothankthefollowingfortheir willingness to carry out parrot monitoring on a weekendevening–SiteLeaders:AlbertLow,LimKimChuah,DoreenAng,AlanOwyong,LimKimKeang,CherylLao,DebraYeo,LeeEeLing,NessieKhoo,Marcel Finlay, ShirleyNg,Wing Chong,NgBee Choo,MortenStrange,AngusLamont.AssistingCounters:PengAhHuay,JervisGoh,MartinBarry,WooLaiChoo,SeeSweeLeng,JitendraPutcha,PranabDas, Mac Ng, Lee Phua, Jeyabalaji, Akanksha Bhagat, Yong Jun Zer,Cheong Shu Min, Lee Wen Qi, Shanmugam Kumaraguru, FlorenceIpert, Elliot Ong and MingWei. Finally we also thank Roelant andMichaelforinvitingustobepartofthisstudy.