nserc postgraduate scholarships and postdoctoral...

NSERC Postgraduate Scholarships and Postdoctoral Fellowships - 2009 Competition Results Bourses d'études supérieures et bourses postdoctorales - Résultats du concours de 2009 Total Awards / Nombres de bourses: PGSM / ES M = 102 Postgraduate Scholarship - Master's / Études supérieures - Maîtrise PGSD2 / ES D2 = 266 Postgraduate Scholarship - Doctoral (2 years) / Études supérieures - Doctorat (2 ans) PGSD3 / ES D3 = 354 Postgraduate Scholarship - Doctoral (3 years) / Études supérieures - Doctorat (3 ans) CGSM / BESC M = 1196 Canada Graduate Scholarship - Master's / Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada- Maîtrise CGSD2 / BESC D2 = 228 Canada Graduate Scholarship - Doctoral (2 years) / Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada - Doctorat (2 ans) CGSD3 / BESC D3 = 256 Canada Graduate Scholarship - Doctoral (3 years) / Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada - Doctorat (3 ans) PDF / BP = 254 Postdoctoral Fellowship / Bourse Postdoctorale Program / Programme Name / Nom Current University / Université actuelle Department / Département of Tenure/ Lieu de validité proposé Discipline/ Domaine CGSM Coulter, Claire CK Acadia Biology Acadia GENETICS Can CGSM Dohoo, Carolyn CH Acadia Biology Acadia MICROBIOLOGY Can CGSM Franey, Mark MP Acadia Mathematics and Statistics Acadia STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY Can CGSM Granville, Dal DA Acadia Physics ? PHYSICS Can CGSM Hally, Katy KAD Acadia Physics ? Particle physics Can CGSM Jarrett, Blair BL Acadia Biology ? Kinesiology Can CGSM Lickley, Megan MJ Acadia Mathematics and Statistics ? INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Can CGSM McNeil, Georgia GV Acadia Biology Acadia EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGY Can CGSM Raffel, Krista KA Acadia Physics Dalhousie BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Can

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Page 1: NSERC Postgraduate Scholarships and Postdoctoral ...nserc-crsng.gc.ca/NSERC-CRSNG/FundingDecisions... · NSERC Postgraduate Scholarships and Postdoctoral Fellowships - 2009 Competition

NSERC Postgraduate Scholarships and Postdoctoral Fellowships - 2009 Competition ResultsBourses d'études supérieures et bourses postdoctorales - Résultats du concours de 2009

Total Awards / Nombres de bourses: PGSM / ES M = 102 Postgraduate Scholarship - Master's / Études supérieures - Maîtrise

PGSD2 / ES D2 = 266 Postgraduate Scholarship - Doctoral (2 years) / Études supérieures - Doctorat (2 ans)

PGSD3 / ES D3 = 354 Postgraduate Scholarship - Doctoral (3 years) / Études supérieures - Doctorat (3 ans)

CGSM / BESC M = 1196 Canada Graduate Scholarship - Master's / Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada- Maîtrise

CGSD2 / BESC D2 = 228 Canada Graduate Scholarship - Doctoral (2 years) / Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada - Doctorat (2 ans)

CGSD3 / BESC D3 = 256 Canada Graduate Scholarship - Doctoral (3 years) / Bourse d'études supérieures du Canada - Doctorat (3 ans)

PDF / BP = 254 Postdoctoral Fellowship / Bourse Postdoctorale

Program /Programme Name / Nom

Current University / Université actuelle

Department /Département

of Tenure/Lieu de validité proposé


CGSM Coulter, Claire CK Acadia Biology Acadia GENETICSCan

CGSM Dohoo, Carolyn CH Acadia Biology Acadia MICROBIOLOGYCan

CGSM Franey, Mark MP Acadia Mathematics and Statistics Acadia STATISTICS AND PROBABILITYCan

CGSM Granville, Dal DA Acadia Physics ? PHYSICSCan

CGSM Hally, Katy KAD Acadia Physics ? Particle physicsCan

CGSM Jarrett, Blair BL Acadia Biology ? KinesiologyCan

CGSM Lickley, Megan MJ Acadia Mathematics and Statistics ? INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM McNeil, Georgia GV Acadia Biology Acadia EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Raffel, Krista KA Acadia Physics Dalhousie BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGCan

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CGSM Rideout, Matt ME Acadia Mathematics and Statistics ? APPLIED MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Saunders, John JE Acadia Chemistry ? ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCECan

CGSM Sheehan, Katelyn KM Acadia Chemistry ? BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Vost, Emma E Acadia Earth and Environmental Science Acadia Aquatic ecology and limnology


CGSM Ward, Sarah SMK Acadia Chemistry ? ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

PGSD3 Tingley, Reid KJ Acadia Biology University of Sydney EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSD2 Behnam Dehkordi, Mohammad MB Alberta Electrical and Computer


CGSD2 Brennan, Lesley LJ Alberta Biological Sciences Alberta ANIMAL BIOLOGYCan

CGSD2 Clark, Heather HAE Alberta Physics ? PHYSICSCan

CGSD2 Davis, Elisabeth EMM Alberta Medical Microbiology and Immunology Alberta MICROBIOLOGY


CGSD2 Donner, Tyler TJ Alberta Biological Sciences Alberta PLANT AND TREE BIOLOGYCan

CGSD2 Graves, Daniel DM Alberta Electrical and Computer Engineering Alberta ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer

Vision, use Can

CGSD2 Huynh, Hang HD Alberta Psychology Alberta NeurophysiologyCan

CGSD2 Junaid, Abu ASM Alberta Chemical and Materials Engineering Alberta CHEMICAL ENGINEERING


CGSD2 Kaviani, Saeed S Alberta Electrical and Computer Engineering Alberta Communications systems


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CGSD2 Kelly, Joel JA Alberta Chemistry Alberta INORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSD2 Lang, John JC Alberta Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Alberta APPLIED MATHEMATICS


CGSD2 McGrath, Paul PL Alberta Physics ? Particle physicsCan

CGSD2 Moscicki, Michele MK Alberta Psychology ? PSYCHOLOGYCan

CGSD2 Murphy, Kyle KR Alberta Physics Alberta SPACE SCIENCECan

CGSD2 Richardson, Evan ES Alberta Biological Sciences Alberta EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSD2 St. Aubin, Joel J Alberta Physics Alberta PHYSICSCan

CGSD2 Street, Christianne CG Alberta Civil and Environmental Engineering Alberta ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING


CGSD2 VanDijken, Jaron JG Alberta Electrical and Computer Engineering Alberta MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY


CGSD2 Whitten, Tara TA Alberta Neurology, Division of Alberta NeurophysiologyCan

CGSD2 Wong, Stephanie SYY Alberta Chemistry ? PHYSICAL CHEMISTRYCan

CGSD3 Cheng Baron, June J Alberta Biomedical Engineering Alberta BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSD3 Hitchen, Steven SJ Alberta Biological Sciences Alberta ImmunologyCan

CGSD3 Hsu, Charlie CYM Alberta Biomedical Engineering Alberta BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSD3 Jacobson, Jared JM Alberta Chemistry Alberta ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

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CGSD3 Jiang, Bei B Alberta Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Alberta STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY


CGSD3 Mazowita, Matthew M Alberta Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Alberta PURE MATHEMATICS


CGSD3 Montgomery, Benjamin BCS Alberta Biological Sciences Alberta Immunology


CGSD3 Nolan, Lucy LM Alberta Chemical and Materials Engineering Alberta MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY


CGSD3 Ofuonye, Ejike E Alberta Electrical and Computer Engineering Alberta Software and development


CGSD3 Phillips, Vanessa VJA Alberta Biological Sciences ? Aquatic ecology and limnologyCan

CGSD3 Reddon, Adam A Alberta Psychology ? ANIMAL BIOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Sawchuk, Megan MG Alberta Biological Sciences Alberta PLANT AND TREE BIOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Van Buuren, Nicholas NJ Alberta Medical Microbiology and Immunology Alberta MICROBIOLOGY


CGSM Anderson-Reid, Jamie JM Alberta Physical Education and Recreation, Faculty of Alberta Neurophysiology


CGSM Bai, Helin Daniel HB Alberta Medicine Alberta BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Biliske, Jennifer Ja Alberta Biological Sciences Alberta CELL BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Bisson, Teresa TM Alberta Chemical and Materials Engineering Alberta CHEMICAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Bolstad, Jeremiah JP Alberta Biological Sciences Alberta EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Bomhof, Marc MR Alberta Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science Alberta MOLECULAR BIOLOGY


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CGSM Bonar, Christopher CD Alberta Geophysical Research, Institute for ? GEOPHYSICS


CGSM Booy, Daniel DE Alberta Mechanical Engineering Alberta MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Clements, Charles CM Alberta Physics Alberta PHYSICSCan

CGSM Colgan, Lindsay LJ Alberta Renewable Resources Alberta PLANT AND TREE BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Collier, Sarah SE Alberta Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Alberta ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCECan

CGSM Corkum, Elizabeth Gail EG Alberta Chemistry Alberta INORGANIC CHEMISTRY


CGSM Cunningham, Marcus MEM Alberta Biological Sciences Alberta Neurophysiology


CGSM Dublanko, Curtis CM Alberta Engineering, Faculty of Alberta INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCan

CGSM Dul, Erin EL Alberta Biochemistry Alberta AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Ede, James JDP Alberta Biological Sciences Alberta CELL BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Esch, Evan ED Alberta Renewable Resources Alberta Terrestrial ecologyCan

CGSM Found, Rob RB Alberta Biological Sciences ? Terrestrial ecologyCan

CGSM Gallant, Joey JG Alberta Electrical and Computer Engineering Alberta Power systems


CGSM Ghai, Ria R Alberta Biological Sciences ? ANIMAL BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Glines, Lindsay LM Alberta Biological Sciences Alberta Terrestrial ecologyCan

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CGSM Harrison, Tyler TJ Alberta Electrical and Computer Engineering Alberta Computer hardware


CGSM Hemsley, Tyrel TL Alberta Renewable Resources Alberta SOIL SCIENCECan

CGSM Hirani, Noren N Alberta Chemistry Alberta ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Holland, Kyle KD Alberta Electrical and Computer Engineering Alberta PHYSICS


CGSM Khosravi Fard, Iman I Alberta Mechanical Engineering Alberta MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Kovachis, Nadia NM Alberta Civil and Environmental Engineering Alberta CIVIL ENGINEERING


CGSM Lankau, Hedwig HEG Alberta Biological Sciences Alberta EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Lavoie, Shawn SR Alberta Mechanical Engineering Alberta MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Leduc, Renee RYM Alberta Biological Sciences Alberta GENETICSCan

CGSM Lockwood, Ross RA Alberta Physics Alberta PHYSICSCan

CGSM Lofstrand, Verner VA Alberta Chemistry ? INORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Mang, Cameron CS Alberta Physical Education and Recreation, Faculty of Alberta Neurophysiology


CGSM Martell, Kevin K Alberta Science, Faculty of Alberta Particle physicsCan

CGSM Martinez, Roberto RC Alberta Mechanical Engineering Alberta MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Mashkournia, Masoud M Alberta Mechanical Engineering Alberta MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGCan

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CGSM McAllister, Chandra CH Alberta Biological Sciences Alberta PLANT AND TREE BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Meyer-Scott, Evan E Alberta Electrical and Computer Engineering Waterloo PHYSICS


CGSM Monds, Joshua JR Alberta Mechanical Engineering Alberta MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Nemirsky, Candace CL Alberta Renewable Resources Alberta Terrestrial ecologyCan

CGSM Northrup, Victoria VA Alberta Medical Genetics Alberta GENETICSCan

CGSM Odenbach, Jeffrey JN Alberta Biochemistry Alberta BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Rajani, Vishaal V Alberta Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Alberta APPLIED MATHEMATICS


CGSM Robertson, Catherine CB Alberta Civil and Environmental Engineering Alberta CIVIL ENGINEERING


CGSM Scott, Janet JL Alberta Renewable Resources Alberta HYDROLOGYCan

CGSM Sederberg, Shawn MSB Alberta Electrical and Computer Engineering Alberta Optics (see also photon devices, 2505)


CGSM Shahrabadi, Parisa P Alberta Biological Sciences Alberta MICROBIOLOGYCan

CGSM Smetaniuk, Daniel DP Alberta Electrical and Computer Engineering Alberta Electronic circuits and devices


CGSM Sorenson, Preston PT Alberta Renewable Resources Alberta SOIL SCIENCECan

CGSM Starchuk, Nathan NL Alberta Engineering, Faculty of Alberta MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYCan

CGSM Stieglitz, Lauren LA Alberta Physics ? PHYSICSCan

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CGSM Sun, Kuei K Alberta Electrical and Computer Engineering ? Software and development


CGSM Tucker, Ryan RT Alberta Engineering, Faculty of Alberta MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYCan

CGSM Vanderven, Hillary HA Alberta Biological Sciences Alberta ImmunologyCan

CGSM Varnhagen, Scott SJ Alberta Mechanical Engineering Alberta MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Williams, Christina C Alberta Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science Alberta PLANT AND TREE BIOLOGY


CGSM Willows, Steven SD Alberta Science, Faculty of Alberta CELL BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Wilson, Lindsey LR Alberta Biological Sciences Alberta Aquatic ecology and limnologyCan

CGSM Yam, Helen HY Alberta Physics Alberta GEOPHYSICSCan

CGSM Yu, Xiaoli X Alberta Mathematical and Statistical Sciences ? STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY


CGSM Yue, Howard HK Alberta Mechanical Engineering Alberta MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Yuen, Stacey S Alberta Mechanical Engineering ? MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Zorzetti, Brianne BM Alberta Chemistry Alberta ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRYCan

PDF Chalifoux, Wesley WA Alberta Chemistry ? ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

PDF Egilmez, Mehmet M Alberta Physics ? CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICSCan

PDF Farhadi, Golnaz G Alberta Electrical and Computer Engineering British Columbia Communications systems


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PDF Gammon, Donald DB Alberta Medical Microbiology and Immunology

U of Massachusetts Medical School MOLECULAR BIOLOGY


PDF Ghaderipoor, Alireza A Alberta Electrical and Computer Engineering

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Communications systemsCan

PDF Mahmud, Md Abdullah MA Alberta Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science, Faculty of

University of Pennsylvania CHEMICAL ENGINEERING


PDF Pakan, Janelle JM Alberta Psychology Queen's NeurophysiologyCan

PDF Parks, Scott SK Alberta Physiology Université de Nice CELL BIOLOGYCan

PDF Penner, Gregory Brent GB Alberta Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science

University of Kentucky Animal physiology and metabolism


PDF Pilarski, Patrick PM Alberta Electrical and Computer Engineering ? ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer

Vision, use Can

PDF Rauniyar, Vivek V Alberta Chemistry University of California - Berkeley ORGANIC CHEMISTRY


PGSD2 Blanchard, Peter PER Alberta Chemistry Alberta INORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

PGSD2 Campbell, Chantel CD Alberta Chemistry Alberta BIOCHEMISTRYCan

PGSD2 Craddock, Travis TJA Alberta Physics Alberta BiophysicsCan

PGSD2 Golshahi, Laleh L Alberta Mechanical Engineering Alberta MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGCan

PGSD2 Han, Xue X Alberta Biological Sciences Alberta CELL BIOLOGYCan

PGSD2 Kwan, Jonathan JK Alberta Electrical and Computer Engineering Alberta MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY


PGSD2 Levesque, Crystal CL Alberta Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science Alberta Animal physiology and metabolism


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PGSD2 Marleau, Justin JN Alberta Biological Sciences ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

PGSD2 Minard, Laura LV Alberta Biochemistry Alberta BIOCHEMISTRYCan

PGSD2 Murray, Adrian AH Alberta Chemistry Alberta ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

PGSD2 Nelson, Michael MD Alberta Physical Education and Recreation, Faculty of Alberta Kinesiology


PGSD2 Reja, Md. Mahbub MM Alberta Electrical and Computer Engineering Alberta Integrated circuits


PGSD2 Schwarzfeld, Marla MD Alberta Biological Sciences Alberta EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

PGSD2 Tadic, Tony T Alberta Physics Alberta BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGCan

PGSD2 Valenzano, Richard RA Alberta Computing Science ? ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer Vision, use Can

PGSD2 Waugh, Kevin Gordon KGA Alberta Computing Science ? ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer

Vision, use Can

PGSD3 Chow, Kelvin K Alberta Biomedical Engineering Alberta BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGCan

PGSD3 Gombos, Randi RB Alberta Obstetrics and Gynecology Alberta Animal physiology and metabolismCan

PGSD3 Grey, Caleb CL Alberta Biological Sciences Alberta Animal physiology and metabolismCan

PGSD3 Harrison, Adam AP Alberta Electrical and Computer Engineering Alberta Integrated circuits


PGSD3 Lau, Agnes AW Alberta Medicine Alberta BIOCHEMISTRYCan

PGSD3 Mullaly, Allison A Alberta Psychology Alberta PSYCHOLOGYCan

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PGSD3 Rahbari, Mandana M Alberta Electrical and Computer Engineering Alberta BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING


PGSD3 Schijns, Heather HME Alberta Physics Alberta GEOPHYSICSCan

PGSD3 Shardt, Yuri YAW Alberta Chemical and Materials Engineering Alberta CHEMICAL ENGINEERING


PGSD3 Thomson, Euan ELS Alberta Biological Sciences Alberta MICROBIOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Yang, Xing-Dong XD Alberta Computing Science Alberta INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCan

PGSM Archibald, Catherine CJ Alberta Biological Sciences Alberta GENETICSCan

PGSM D'Amico, Jessica JM Alberta Biomedical Engineering Alberta BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGCan

PGSM Entem, Alicia AR Alberta Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science Alberta Terrestrial ecology


PGSM Feehan, Colette CJ Alberta Biological Sciences ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

PGSM Jayathilake, Nisansala NL Alberta Engineering, Faculty of ? ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSD2 Dostie, Starr SE Bishop's Chemistry ? ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Pelchat, Emilie E Bishop's Physics ? PHYSICSCan

CGSM Ratcliffe, James JW Bishop's Mathematics Sherbrooke PURE MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Stretch, Vanessa VE Bishop's Environmental Studies and Geography ? Terrestrial ecology


CGSD2 Ahmadian, Zahra ZA British Columbia Electrical and Computer Engineering British Columbia Communications systems


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CGSD2 Amin-Shahidi, Darya D British Columbia Mechanical Engineering ? DESIGN AND MANUFACTURINGCan

CGSD2 Capyk, Jenna JK British Columbia Biochemistry and Molecular Biology British Columbia BIOCHEMISTRY


CGSD2 Chamberlain, Brent BC British Columbia Forest Resources Management British Columbia FOREST ENGINEERINGCan

CGSD2 Chin, Erika EMY British Columbia Physics and Astronomy British Columbia PHYSICSCan

CGSD2 Drummond, Emily E British Columbia Zoology ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSD2 Emami Forooshani, Arghavan AE British Columbia Electrical and Computer

Engineering British Columbia Communications systemsCan

CGSD2 Gregr, Edward EJ British Columbia Resources, Environment and Sustainability, Institute for British Columbia EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGY


CGSD2 Kannangara, Timal TS British Columbia Psychology British Columbia NeurophysiologyCan

CGSD2 Ku, Mark MJH British Columbia Physics and Astronomy ? CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICSCan

CGSD2 Lai, Benjamin BC British Columbia Graduate Studies, Faculty of British Columbia MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

CGSD2 L'Espérance, Bruno B British Columbia Mathematics British Columbia APPLIED MATHEMATICSCan

CGSD2 Ly, Philip PT British Columbia Psychiatry British Columbia MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

CGSD2 Preston, Thomas TC British Columbia Chemistry British Columbia PHYSICAL CHEMISTRYCan

CGSD2Puwakkatiya Kankanamge, Eranda Harinath EH

British Columbia Electrical and Computer Engineering British Columbia Control systems


CGSD2 Rashid, Layali LR British Columbia Electrical and Computer Engineering British Columbia Control systems


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CGSD2 Robert, Geneviève G British Columbia Earth and Ocean Sciences ? EARTH SCIENCE (see also Marine geology, 4604) Can

CGSD2 Schmidt, Kimberly KL British Columbia Psychology ? ANIMAL BIOLOGYCan

CGSD2 Seo, Jun-Bae JB British Columbia Electrical and Computer Engineering British Columbia Communications networks


CGSD2 Wiebe, Nicholas NJP British Columbia Bioinformatics Centre ? MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

CGSD2 Zhdanovich, Sergey SI British Columbia Physics and Astronomy British Columbia PHYSICSCan

CGSD3 Aliabadi, Amir Abbas AA British Columbia Mechanical Engineering British Columbia MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSD3 Bansal, Guarav GB British Columbia Electrical and Computer Engineering British Columbia Communications systems


CGSD3 Berndt, Anthony AJE British Columbia Zoology British Columbia CELL BIOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Chen, Baozhang BZ British Columbia Forest Resources Management British Columbia Remote sensingCan

CGSD3 Chernoff, Donna D British Columbia Chemistry British Columbia ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCECan

CGSD3 Choi, Jennifer JK British Columbia Biochemistry and Molecular Biology British Columbia BIOCHEMISTRY


CGSD3 Crane, Angela AK British Columbia Chemistry British Columbia INORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSD3 Denison, Stephanie SM British Columbia Psychology British Columbia PSYCHOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Gill, Ramandeep R British Columbia Physics and Astronomy British Columbia ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICSCan

CGSD3 Haghighat Kashani, Ali A British Columbia Electrical and Computer Engineering British Columbia ROBOTICS


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CGSD3 Hua, Lei L British Columbia Statistics British Columbia STATISTICS AND PROBABILITYCan

CGSD3 McShane, Christie CL British Columbia Cellular and Physiological Sciences British Columbia Neurophysiology


CGSD3 Murnaghan, Chantelle Dawn CD British Columbia Human Kinetics, School of British Columbia Kinesiology


CGSD3 Nowak, Julia JN British Columbia Botany British Columbia PLANT AND TREE BIOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Payne, Philippa PR British Columbia Chemistry British Columbia INORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSD3 Quazi, Faraz FI British Columbia Biochemistry and Molecular Biology British Columbia BIOCHEMISTRY


CGSD3 Semeniuk, David DM British Columbia Earth and Ocean Sciences British Columbia OCEANOGRAPHYCan

CGSD3 Shin, John J British Columbia Cellular and Physiological Sciences British Columbia CELL BIOLOGY


CGSD3 Smithyman, Brendan BR British Columbia Earth and Ocean Sciences British Columbia GEOPHYSICSCan

CGSD3 Van Vorst, Daryl D British Columbia Electrical and Computer Engineering British Columbia ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC


CGSD3 Warner, Stephanie SMB British Columbia Medicine, Faculty of British Columbia CELL BIOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Williams, Leslie LK British Columbia Biochemistry and Molecular Biology British Columbia BIOCHEMISTRY


CGSD3 Wright, James JR British Columbia Computer Science British Columbia ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer Vision, use Can

CGSD3 Yaghoobi, Parham P British Columbia Electrical and Computer Engineering British Columbia PHYSICS


CGSM Adebar, Troy TK British Columbia Mechanical Engineering British Columbia BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGCan

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CGSM Bandy, Laura LE British Columbia Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Not Indicated ORGANIC CHEMISTRY


CGSM Boeck, Robert RK British Columbia Electrical and Computer Engineering British Columbia Optics (see also photon devices, 2505)


CGSM Boyd, Landon LWL British Columbia Computer Science British Columbia INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCan

CGSM Buckner (Carnegie), Michelle MMC British Columbia Microbiology and Immunology British Columbia MICROBIOLOGY


CGSM Burt, Jennifer JM British Columbia Forest Sciences Centre British Columbia Aquatic ecology and limnologyCan

CGSM Cai, Song S British Columbia Statistics British Columbia STATISTICS AND PROBABILITYCan

CGSM Cantor, Anna A British Columbia Psychology British Columbia PSYCHOLOGYCan

CGSM Chan, Yujia Alina YA British Columbia Biochemistry and Molecular Biology British Columbia BIOCHEMISTRY


CGSM Chang, Chi-Fan C-F British Columbia Biochemistry and Molecular Biology British Columbia MOLECULAR BIOLOGY


CGSM Chang, I-Chu I-CJ British Columbia Psychology ? PSYCHOLOGYCan

CGSM Chang, Stanley SYH British Columbia Chemistry ? ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Chen, Szu-Shen (Jack) S-S British Columbia Mechanical Engineering British Columbia MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Cheung, Tsz Ying (Sylvia) TY British Columbia Biochemistry and Molecular

Biology British Columbia BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Chung, George GCH British Columbia Medical Genetics British Columbia MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Churchland, Carolyn CT British Columbia Forestry, Faculty of British Columbia SOIL SCIENCECan

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CGSM Collins, Tristan T British Columbia Mathematics ? PURE MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Cuthbert, Brielle Paige BP British Columbia Audiology and Speech Sciences, School of British Columbia Sensory systems and perception


CGSM Donker, Scott SA British Columbia Zoology British Columbia Terrestrial ecologyCan

CGSM Ellamil, Melissa MM British Columbia Psychology British Columbia PSYCHOLOGYCan

CGSM Erven, Lisa LN British Columbia Earth and Ocean Sciences British Columbia ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCECan

CGSM Falk, Letitia LE British Columbia Zoology British Columbia ImmunologyCan

CGSM Gamroth, Catherine C British Columbia Computer Science British Columbia ROBOTICSCan

CGSM Graetz, Richard RJ British Columbia Mechanical Engineering British Columbia MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Greenspoon, Philip PB British Columbia Zoology ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Haines, Sheena SA British Columbia Okanagan - Applied Science, Faculty of ? APPLIED MATHEMATICS


CGSM Harrison, Thomas TC British Columbia Psychiatry British Columbia NeurophysiologyCan

CGSM Hausch, Stephen SJ British Columbia Zoology Calgary EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Head, Christopher CCD British Columbia Computer Science British Columbia Software and developmentCan

CGSM Henderson, Michael MW British Columbia Head Office British Columbia INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCan

CGSM Hirsche, Trevor Porter DTP British Columbia Earth and Ocean Sciences British Columbia HYDROLOGY


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CGSM Hirukawa, Alison AM British Columbia Medical Genetics British Columbia ImmunologyCan

CGSM Hocking, Laird Robert LR British Columbia Science, Faculty of British Columbia APPLIED MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Huryn, Thomas TP British Columbia Mechanical Engineering British Columbia ROBOTICSCan

CGSM Jamalian, Arash A British Columbia Mechanical Engineering British Columbia MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Kreitzman, Maayan MEA British Columbia Botany ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Law, Tammy TC British Columbia Human Kinetics, School of British Columbia NeurophysiologyCan

CGSM Leathem, Jamie JA British Columbia Psychology ? Terrestrial ecologyCan

CGSM Lee, Stella SYJ British Columbia Zoology British Columbia Animal physiology and metabolismCan

CGSM Leitch, Adrian AS British Columbia Earth and Ocean Sciences British Columbia ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCECan

CGSM Leung, Grace GPY British Columbia Microbiology and Immunology British Columbia MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Leung, Jennifer JP British Columbia Chemistry British Columbia PHYSICAL CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Leung, Samantha SYY British Columbia Computer Science ? ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer Vision, use Can

CGSM Leung, Victor Ka Lun VKL British Columbia Applied Science, Faculty of British Columbia MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYCan

CGSM Lui, Edward EWD British Columbia Computer Science ? INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCan

CGSM MacLennan, Matthew MS British Columbia Chemistry British Columbia INORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

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CGSM Marchant, David DWF British Columbia Earth and Ocean Sciences British Columbia GEOPHYSICSCan

CGSM Martin, Amanda AE British Columbia Forestry, Faculty of ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Martin, Michaela M British Columbia Forestry, Faculty of British Columbia EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Mohammadi, Milad M British Columbia Electrical and Computer Engineering ? Integrated circuits


CGSM Morrison, Jennifer JS British Columbia Applied Mathematics, Institute of British Columbia APPLIED MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Muir, Jennifer JL British Columbia Head Office Calgary EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Ngai, Ying Fai (Tiffany) YF British Columbia Medical Genetics British Columbia Animal physiology and metabolismCan

CGSM Ngan, Wai-Hin (Wayne) WH British Columbia Physics and Astronomy ? ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS


CGSM Novotny, Chad CJ British Columbia Civil Engineering British Columbia ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Pareja, Daniel DAS British Columbia Mathematics British Columbia PURE MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Riebe, Caitlin CJN British Columbia Psychology Toronto Cognitive science -- fundamentalCan

CGSM Robinson, Alan AE British Columbia Physics and Astronomy ? Particle physicsCan

CGSM Ruzzini, Antonio AC British Columbia Biochemistry and Molecular Biology British Columbia BIOCHEMISTRY


CGSM Samuk, Kieran KM British Columbia Zoology British Columbia EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Scott, Nadia NA British Columbia Psychology British Columbia MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

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CGSM Sewell, Jason JB British Columbia Okanagan - Applied Science, Faculty of ? PURE MATHEMATICS


CGSM Shambayati, Shabnam S British Columbia Electrical and Computer Engineering British Columbia Power systems


CGSM Sheldon, Kim KA British Columbia Forest Sciences Centre British Columbia Aquatic ecology and limnologyCan

CGSM Smeds, Kris K British Columbia Mechanical Engineering British Columbia Control systemsCan

CGSM Spring, Daniel DW British Columbia Civil Engineering ? STRUCTURAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Stefanowickz, Dorota DS British Columbia Medicine, Faculty of British Columbia CELL BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Sun, HaoSheng HS British Columbia Pharmacology and Therapeutics ? Behavioural neuroscienceCan

CGSM Super, Laura LE British Columbia Okanagan - Dean of Graduate Studies, Office of the British Columbia PLANT AND TREE BIOLOGY


CGSM Tay, Wendy WW British Columbia Biochemistry and Molecular Biology ? BIOCHEMISTRY


CGSM Tseng, Kuan-Chieh (Robert) K-C British Columbia Computer Science ? INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY


CGSM Wilson, Andrew AG British Columbia Physics and Astronomy ? ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer Vision, use Can

CGSM Wilson, Julie JE British Columbia Graduate Studies, Faculty of British Columbia HYDROLOGYCan

CGSM Wooton, Claire CE British Columbia Geography British Columbia GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATIONCan

CGSM Yang, Yu Hsuan (Carol) YH British Columbia Biochemistry and Molecular

Biology British Columbia CELL BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Yathon, Jeff JS British Columbia Civil Engineering British Columbia STRUCTURAL ENGINEERINGCan

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CGSM Yeung, Tsz Yan (Amy) TY British Columbia Microbiology and Immunology British Columbia MICROBIOLOGYCan

PDF Findlater, Leah LK British Columbia Computer Science Toronto INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCan

PDF Gile, Gillian GH British Columbia Botany Oregon State University MOLECULAR BIOLOGY


PDF Grey, Melissa M British Columbia Earth and Ocean Sciences Cornell University EARTH SCIENCE (see also Marine geology, 4604) Can

PDF Jefferies, Lisa LN British Columbia Psychology ? Cognitive science -- fundamentalCan

PDF Jilkine, Alexandra A British Columbia Mathematics University of Texas at Dallas APPLIED MATHEMATICS


PDF Liang, Huan H British Columbia Chemistry ? ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

PDF Marchinko, Kerry KB British Columbia Zoology ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

PDF McKim, Sarah S British Columbia Botany University of Oxford PLANT AND TREE BIOLOGYCan

PDF Mirfakhrai, Tissaphern T British Columbia Electrical and Computer Engineering ? MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY


PDF Popa, Tiberiu TS British Columbia Science, Faculty of ? Software and developmentCan

PDF Rahaman, Md. Saifur MS British Columbia Civil Engineering ? ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERINGCan

PDF Scott, Graham GR British Columbia Zoology ? Animal physiology and metabolismCan

PDF Scott, Jessica JM British Columbia Human Kinetics, School of ? KinesiologyCan

PDF Tang, Anthony AH British Columbia Electrical and Computer Engineering Saskatchewan INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY


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PDF Warren, Mya MR British Columbia Physics and Astronomy ? BiophysicsCan

PDF Wilson, Siobhan SA British Columbia Earth and Ocean Sciences Indiana University EARTH SCIENCE (see also Marine geology, 4604) Can

PGSD2 Bowles, Ella E British Columbia Zoology ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

PGSD2 Campbell, Adam DA British Columbia Human Kinetics, School of British Columbia NeurophysiologyCan

PGSD2 Catton, Haley HA British Columbia Okanagan - Biology & Physical Geography British Columbia EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGY


PGSD2 Chisholm, Joseph JD British Columbia Psychology British Columbia PSYCHOLOGYCan

PGSD2 Conboy, Steven SL British Columbia Physics and Astronomy British Columbia PHYSICSCan

PGSD2 Gustavsen, Julia J British Columbia Earth and Ocean Sciences British Columbia MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

PGSD2 Huynh, Khan (Frank) K British Columbia Cellular and Physiological Sciences British Columbia Animal physiology and metabolism


PGSD2 Lu, Wei-Lwun WL British Columbia Computer Science British Columbia ROBOTICSCan

PGSD2 McCulloch, Ross RD British Columbia Chemistry British Columbia ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRYCan

PGSD2 Morriss-Andrews, Alexander HA British Columbia Physics and Astronomy ? Biophysics


PGSD2 Obradovich, Shannon SG British Columbia Zoology British Columbia EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

PGSD2 Parker, Kyle KDJ British Columbia Chemistry British Columbia INORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

PGSD2 Zhang, Xuekui XZ British Columbia Statistics British Columbia STATISTICS AND PROBABILITYCan

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PGSD3 Blinch, Jarrod JPG British Columbia Human Kinetics, School of British Columbia KinesiologyCan

PGSD3 Brown, Kristina KA British Columbia Earth and Ocean Sciences British Columbia OCEANOGRAPHYCan

PGSD3 Cheng, Yu-Ti Y-T British Columbia Biochemistry and Molecular Biology British Columbia PLANT AND TREE BIOLOGY


PGSD3 Griffiths, Jonathan JS British Columbia Botany British Columbia PLANT AND TREE BIOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Hand, Susan SJ British Columbia Psychiatry British Columbia MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Imanian, Behzad B British Columbia Botany British Columbia GENETICSCan

PGSD3 Jetha, Nahid N British Columbia Physics and Astronomy British Columbia BiophysicsCan

PGSD3 Jones, Andrew AMP British Columbia Okanagan - Chemistry & Earth and Environmental Science British Columbia PLANT AND TREE BIOLOGY


PGSD3 Kazemzadeh-Narbat, Mehdi M British Columbia Materials Engineering British Columbia MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY


PGSD3 Lam, Patricia P British Columbia Botany British Columbia PLANT AND TREE BIOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Leung, Joe Cho Tak JCT British Columbia Chemistry British Columbia ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

PGSD3 Levi, Jasna J British Columbia Cellular and Physiological Sciences British Columbia BIOCHEMISTRY


PGSD3 Man, Gabriel G British Columbia Electrical and Computer Engineering British Columbia Electronic circuits and devices


PGSD3 Mills, Eric EA British Columbia Physics and Astronomy British Columbia CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICSCan

PGSD3 Paudel, Shyam SK British Columbia Forest Resources Management British Columbia Terrestrial ecologyCan

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PGSD3 Tabet, Aline AT British Columbia Statistics British Columbia STATISTICS AND PROBABILITYCan

PGSD3 Tommasi, Désirée DAG British Columbia Earth and Ocean Sciences British Columbia OCEANOGRAPHYCan

PGSD3 Tooke, Thoreau Rory TRB British Columbia Forest Resources Management British Columbia Remote sensingCan

PGSD3 Xing, Li L British Columbia Statistics British Columbia STATISTICS AND PROBABILITYCan

PGSD3 Yip, Raymond RHL British Columbia Cellular and Physiological Sciences British Columbia Neurophysiology


PGSM Au-Yeung, Tsz Ting (Tomothy) TT British Columbia Biochemistry and Molecular


PGSM Bibby, Chris CJD British Columbia Mechanical Engineering British Columbia MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGCan

PGSM Chai, Barry BW British Columbia Physics and Astronomy ? ROBOTICSCan

PGSM Cosman, Jacob JN British Columbia Physics and Astronomy ? PHYSICSCan

PGSM Houldin, Adina AJ British Columbia Human Kinetics, School of British Columbia KinesiologyCan

PGSM McKenzie, Ryan RD British Columbia Physics and Astronomy British Columbia CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICSCan

PGSM Rungta, Ravi R British Columbia Head Office British Columbia NeurophysiologyCan

PGSM Semproni, Scott SP British Columbia Chemistry ? INORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

PGSM Ung, Warren WL British Columbia Applied Science, Faculty of ? BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSD2 Cadena, Viviana V Brock Biological Sciences Brock Animal physiology and metabolismCan

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CGSD3 Farrar, Nathan NR Brock Biological Sciences Brock CELL BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Eliasz, Kinga KL Brock Applied Health Sciences, Faculty of Brock Kinesiology


CGSM Fajardo, Val Andrei VAM Brock Mathematics Brock STATISTICS AND PROBABILITYCan

CGSM Ramunno, Daniel DG Brock Mathematics and Sciences, Faculty of ? STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY


CGSM Rothwell, Cailin CM Brock Biological Sciences Brock NeurophysiologyCan

CGSM Stokes, Kirk KA Brock Psychology Brock Cognitive science -- fundamentalCan

PGSD3 Huffman, Jennifer JL Brock Physical Education & Kinesiology ? ANIMAL BIOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Maclean, Mary MH Brock Psychology Brock PSYCHOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Sanli, Elizabeth EA Brock Physical Education & Kinesiology McMaster ANIMAL BIOLOGYCan

PGSD3 VanSchouwen, Bryan BMB Brock Chemistry Toronto PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY


PGSD2 Marcus, Steffen S Brown University Mathematics Brown University PURE MATHEMATICSForeign

CGSD2 Adnan, Muhaimenul M Calgary Computer Science Calgary INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCan

CGSD2 Baerwald, Erin EF Calgary Biological Sciences Calgary Terrestrial ecologyCan

CGSD2 Coza, Aurel A Calgary Kinesiology, Faculty of Calgary KinesiologyCan

CGSD2 Ghosh, Jyoti JP Calgary Engineering, Faculty of Not Indicated ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERINGCan

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CGSD2 Hydomako, Richard RA Calgary Physics and Astronomy Calgary PHYSICSCan

CGSD2 Leitao, Erin EM Calgary Chemistry Calgary INORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSD2 Liao, Chiu-Hsiang C-H Calgary Pharmacology and Therapeutics Calgary CELL BIOLOGYCan

CGSD2 Mahanti, Aniket A Calgary Computer Science Calgary INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCan

CGSD2 Rasheed, Faraz F Calgary Computer Science Calgary INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCan

CGSD2 Smith, Victoria VM Calgary Psychology Calgary PSYCHOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Berdahl, Andrew AM Calgary Physics and Astronomy Calgary PHYSICSCan

CGSD3 Bourgeois, Jason JA Calgary Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Calgary FLUID MECHANICS


CGSD3 Brown, Caleb CM Calgary Biological Sciences ? EARTH SCIENCE (see also Marine geology, 4604) Can

CGSD3 Dawson, Karl KW Calgary Chemistry Calgary INORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSD3 Delmore, Kira KE Calgary Anthropology Calgary EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Etminan, Seyed Reza SR Calgary Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Calgary CHEMICAL ENGINEERING


CGSD3 Hisey, Brandon BM Calgary Kinesiology, Faculty of Calgary KinesiologyCan

CGSD3 Kupchak, Connor CM Calgary Physics and Astronomy Calgary Optics (see also photon devices, 2505)Can

CGSD3 MacCormack, John JR Calgary Electrical and Computer Engineering Calgary Power systems


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CGSD3 Silver, Dylan DM Calgary Biological Sciences Calgary BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSD3 Uhrig, Glen GR Calgary Biological Sciences Calgary BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Austin, Neal NP Calgary Kinesiology, Faculty of Calgary KinesiologyCan

CGSM Bau, Jason JT Calgary Medicine, Faculty of Calgary BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Chaiyakul, Mark M Calgary Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Calgary MICROBIOLOGY


CGSM Chow, Jacky Chun Kit JCK Calgary Geomatics Engineering Calgary CIVIL ENGINEERING


CGSM Cotton, James JA Calgary Biological Sciences Calgary ImmunologyCan

CGSM Crowley, Shauna SM Calgary Microbiology and Infectious Diseases ? MICROBIOLOGY


CGSM Curtis, Charlotte CF Calgary Electrical and Computer Engineering Calgary BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Dunbar, Mary MJ Calgary Medicine, Faculty of Calgary NeurophysiologyCan

CGSM Furgeson, Amanda A Calgary Chemistry Calgary ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Ikeda, Dianne DM Calgary Kinesiology, Faculty of ? KinesiologyCan

CGSM Kiemele, Erica ER Calgary Chemistry ? ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Kiryanova, Veronika V Calgary Psychology Lethbridge Behavioural neuroscienceCan

CGSM Klug, Brandon BJ Calgary Biological Sciences Calgary ANIMAL BIOLOGYCan

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CGSM Lee, Kogan KK Calgary Schulich School of Engineering Calgary BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Li, Patrick PL Calgary Electrical and Computer Engineering ? Software and development


CGSM Lohr, Tracy Lynn TL Calgary Chemistry Calgary INORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM MacDonald, Matthew ME Calgary Electrical and Computer Engineering Calgary BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Mackenzie, Nicholas NA Calgary Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Calgary MICROBIOLOGY


CGSM Meldrum, Gennifer GE Calgary Biological Sciences ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Min, David DK Calgary Biological Sciences Calgary Animal physiology and metabolismCan

CGSM Raines, Keegan MK Calgary Geoscience Calgary EARTH SCIENCE (see also Marine geology, 4604) Can

CGSM Sarro, Shannon SM Calgary Biological Sciences ? BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Schleppe, Michael MNS Calgary Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering ? MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Shabash, Boris B Calgary Computer Science Simon Fraser ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer Vision, use Can

CGSM Smilovic, Mikhail MM Calgary Mathematics and Statistics ? PURE MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Stan, Michelle MA Calgary Biological Sciences Calgary MICROBIOLOGYCan

CGSM Sutherland, Catherine CO Calgary Biological Sciences ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Watts, Alexander AG Calgary Geography Calgary GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATIONCan

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PDF Chan, Catherine CS Calgary Biological Sciences British Columbia BIOCHEMISTRYCan

PDF Foster, Glen GE Calgary Physiology and Biophysics British Columbia Animal physiology and metabolismCan

PDF Galic, Michael MA Calgary Head Office Calgary Behavioural neuroscienceCan

PDF Leung, Teresa TYW Calgary Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

University of Cambridge MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


PDF Spanswick, Emma EL Calgary Physics and Astronomy Los Alamos National Laboratory SPACE SCIENCE


PDF Sutinjo, Adrian Teguh AT Calgary Electrical and Computer Engineering ? Electromagnetics, compatibility and interfere


PDF Watson, Erica Danielle ED Calgary Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

University of Cambridge MOLECULAR BIOLOGY


PGSD2 Askari, Mina M Calgary Computer Science Calgary INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCan

PGSD2 Bergmann, Karel KP Calgary Computer Science Calgary ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer Vision, use Can

PGSD2 Chan, Philip P Calgary Electrical and Computer Engineering Calgary Communications networks


PGSD2 Detchev, Ivan ID Calgary Engineering, Faculty of Calgary GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATIONCan

PGSD2 Fogwill, Michael MO Calgary Chemistry Calgary ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRYCan

PGSD2 Hunt, Megan MM Calgary Biomedical Engineering Calgary BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGCan

PGSD2 Nargis, Isheeta I Calgary Computer Science Calgary INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCan

PGSD2 Park, Shelly S Calgary Computer Science Calgary Software and developmentCan

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PGSD2 Pusch, Richard RA Calgary Computer Science Calgary Software and developmentCan

PGSD2 Tousignant, Cody CA Calgary Psychology Calgary PSYCHOLOGYCan

PGSD2 Tuhin, Mohammed Ashraful Alam MAA Calgary Computer Science Calgary INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY


PGSD2 Viegas, Kayla KD Calgary Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering ? BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING


PGSD2 Wei, Qiao Q Calgary Electrical and Computer Engineering Calgary BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING


PGSD2 Zibran, Minhaz Fahim MF Calgary Computer Science Calgary Software and developmentCan

PGSD3 Brown, Andrew ARR Calgary Neuroscience ? Behavioural neuroscienceCan

PGSD3 Davies, Sarah SW Calgary Biological Sciences Calgary EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Fischer, Carrie CD Calgary Biological Sciences Calgary CELL BIOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Fuller, Mark MCB Calgary Geography Calgary Remote sensingCan

PGSD3 Macpherson, Andrew AR Calgary Computer Science Calgary Integrated circuitsCan

PGSD3 MacRae, Andrew AJ Calgary Physics and Astronomy Calgary PHYSICSCan

PGSD3 McCann, Shawn SJ Calgary Mathematics and Statistics Calgary PURE MATHEMATICSCan

PGSD3 Press, David DJ Calgary Chemistry Calgary ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

PGSD3 Ragab, Nora NA Calgary Engineering, Faculty of Calgary CIVIL ENGINEERINGCan

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PGSD3 Weir, Colin CJ Calgary Mathematics and Statistics Calgary PURE MATHEMATICSCan

PGSD3 Yamakawa, Glenn GRS Calgary Psychology Calgary Behavioural neuroscienceCan

PGSM Anderson, Kaylee KD Calgary Geoscience ? EARTH SCIENCE (see also Marine geology, 4604) Can

PGSM Bracey, Nathan NA Calgary Medicine, Faculty of Calgary CELL BIOLOGYCan

PGSM Peters, Melissa MM Calgary Geography Calgary PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHYCan

PGSM Sayles, Maxwell MT Calgary Computer Science Calgary Software and developmentCan

CGSD3 Hebert, Paul PDA California Institute of Technology Mechanical Engineering California Institute of

Technology ROBOTICSForeign

PGSD2 Kennedy, Andrew AB California Institute of Technology Biology, Division of Stanford University BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING


PGSD2 Mahdavi, Alborz A California Institute of Technology Biology, Division of California Institute of


PGSD3 Chan, Jasper J California Institute of Technology Physics California Institute of

Technology PHYSICSForeign

PGSD3 O'Connor, Evan EP California Institute of Technology

Div of Physics, Math & Astronomy

California Institute of Technology ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS


PGSD3 Sojoudi, Somayeh S California Institute of Technology Control and Dynamical Systems California Institute of

Technology Control systemsForeign

PGSD3 Teeple, Brett BJ California Institute of Technology

Div of Physics, Math & Astronomy

California Institute of Technology PHYSICS


CGSM MacInnis, Martin MJ Cape Breton Science and Technology, School of ? GENETICS


CGSM Pickup, Janet JE Cape Breton Chemistry ? INORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

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CGSD2 Dunmola, Adedeji AS Carleton Civil and Environmental Engineering Carleton ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING


CGSD2 Rhinelander, Jason JP Carleton Systems and Computer Engineering Carleton ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer

Vision, use Can

CGSD2 Robert, Nicole ND Carleton Psychology Carleton Cognitive science -- fundamentalCan

CGSD2 Robinson, Stacey SA Carleton Biology Carleton EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSD2 Soleimani, Sahar S Carleton Civil and Environmental Engineering Carleton ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING


CGSD2 Tremblay, Amy AE Carleton Chemistry Carleton ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSD3 Amini, Saber S Carleton Electronics ? Electronic circuits and devicesCan

CGSD3 Howat, John JA Carleton Computer Science, School of Carleton INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Quesnelle, Pauline PE Carleton Biology Carleton EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Thomson, David DG Carleton Mathematics and Statistics, School of Carleton PURE MATHEMATICS


CGSM AbouZeid, Ossama OSA Carleton Physics ? PHYSICSCan

CGSM Ahmed-Muhsin, Noor NM Carleton Biochemistry, Institute of Carleton BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Auguste, Bourne BL Carleton Biology Carleton NeurophysiologyCan

CGSM Beking, Michael MA Carleton Chemistry Carleton INORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Biggar, Kyle KK Carleton Biology Carleton MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

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CGSM Bura, Veronica V Carleton Biology Carleton ANIMAL BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Chisholm, Kyle KJ Carleton Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Carleton BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Clarke, Melanie MJ Carleton Psychology Carleton Behavioural neuroscienceCan

CGSM Deren, Barbara BA Carleton Psychology Carleton Sensory systems and perceptionCan

CGSM Deschamps, Benjamin B Carleton Geography and Environmental Studies Carleton PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY


CGSM DiLabio, Julia JAM Carleton Biochemistry, Institute of Carleton BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Elgin, Tim TD Carleton Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Carleton BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Fox, Kaitlyn KRE Carleton Engineering and Design, Faculty of Carleton Sensory systems and perception


CGSM Hearson, Kathryn KA Carleton Civil and Environmental Engineering Carleton ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Holden, Helen HA Carleton Biology Carleton ANIMAL BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Jansens, Dana DK Carleton Computer Science, School of Carleton Software and developmentCan

CGSM Keating, Sean SC Carleton Civil and Environmental Engineering Carleton STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Kidisyuk, Kiril K Carleton Electronics ? Integrated circuitsCan

CGSM Kirkham, Christina CL Carleton Biochemistry, Institute of ? MICROBIOLOGYCan

CGSM Kochermin, Artur AV Carleton Electronics Carleton Photonic devices and networksCan

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CGSM Monkman, Helen H Carleton Psychology Carleton PSYCHOLOGYCan

CGSM Nguyen, Vivian VM Carleton Biology Carleton ANIMAL BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Pallister, Peter PJ Carleton Chemistry Carleton PHYSICAL CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Patulea, Catalin C Carleton Engineering and Design, Faculty of Carleton Software and development


CGSM Pereira, Clifton CP Carleton Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Carleton MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Roberge, Michelle MD Carleton Civil and Environmental Engineering Carleton ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Shives, Michael MR Carleton Engineering and Design, Faculty of ? MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Tessier, Shannon SN Carleton Biology Carleton GENETICSCan

CGSM Vujicic, Miro M Carleton Physics ? PHYSICSCan

CGSM Wellman, Martin MK Carleton Psychology ? NeurophysiologyCan

PDF Shamim, Atif A Carleton Electronics Royal Military College of Canada Integrated circuits


PDF Wuhrer, Stefanie S Carleton Computer Science, School of Ottawa INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCan

PGSD2 Ahmed-Muhsin, Eman E Carleton Biology Carleton BIOCHEMISTRYCan

PGSD2 Banaszkiewicz, Gail GE Carleton Computer Science, School of ? ROBOTICSCan

PGSD2 Burke, Daniel DR Carleton Electronics Carleton Electromagnetics, compatibility and interfereCan

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PGSD2 Moats, Kenneth KP Carleton Physics Carleton PHYSICSCan

PGSD2 Murray, Audrey AT Carleton Civil and Environmental Engineering Carleton CIVIL ENGINEERING


PGSD3 Bowen, Jaclyn JL Carleton Biology Carleton Terrestrial ecologyCan

PGSD3 Chamberland, Marc M Carleton Physics Carleton PHYSICSCan

PGSD3 Coderre, Adam AR Carleton Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering ? MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


PGSD3 Fanaswala, Mustafa MH Carleton Systems and Computer Engineering ? ROBOTICS


PGSD3 Lam, Jerry JYT Carleton Electronics Carleton Electronic circuits and devicesCan

PGSD3 Morbi, Aliasgar A Carleton Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Carleton ROBOTICS


PGSD3 Pearce, Jennifer JE Carleton Biology Carleton MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Ting, Janice JJ Carleton Biology ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

PGSM Davidson, Shainen SM Carleton Physics Carleton Particle physicsCan

PGSD3 Moreland, Scott SJ Carnegie Mellon University (US) Mechanical Engineering Carnegie Mellon

University (US) ROBOTICSForeign

PGSD3 Jones, Darryl DB Clemson University Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences ? ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING


PGSD2 Calarco, Joseph JP Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Head Office Cold Spring Harbor

Laboratory BIOCHEMISTRYForeign

PGSD3 Pautler, Michael MR Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Watson School of Biological Sciences

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory PLANT AND TREE BIOLOGY


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PGSD2 Provost, Jean J Columbia University Biomedical Engineering Columbia University GÉNIE BIOMÉDICALForeign

PGSD3 Bertin-Mahieux, Thierry T Columbia University Computer Science ? INTELLIGENCE ARTIFICIELLE (Vision artificiell Foreign

PGSD3 Flexman, Molly M Columbia University Biomedical Engineering Columbia University BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGForeign

CGSD2 McClure, Melanie M Concordia Biology Concordia ÉVOLUTION ET ÉCOLOGIECan

CGSD3 Henault-Ethier, Louise L Concordia Biology Concordia SCIENCES DE LA TERRE (voir aussi Géologie Mar Can

CGSD3 Islam, Md Mezbahul MM Concordia Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Concordia MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY


CGSD3 Mohammed, Noman N Concordia Computer Science and Software Engineering Concordia INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY


CGSD3 Nofar, Mohammadreza MM Concordia Mechanical and Industrial


CGSD3 Ramezanifard, Mohammadreza M Concordia Mechanical and Industrial


CGSM Cai, Xiao X Concordia Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Concordia MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY


CGSM Cossette, Marie-Pierre M-P Concordia Psychology Concordia Cognitive science -- fundamental


CGSM Gualtieri, Lisa LC Concordia Geography, Planning and Environment ? PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY


CGSM Maric, Tia T Concordia Psychology Concordia Behavioural neuroscienceCan

CGSM Sharif Askari, Mohammad M Concordia Chemistry and Biochemistry ? INORGANIC CHEMISTRY


CGSM Sheikh, Naveed NA Concordia Psychology ? PSYCHOLOGYCan

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CGSM Tennenhouse, Erica EM Concordia Biology Concordia EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

PDF Cree, Duncan DE Concordia Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Queen's CIVIL ENGINEERING


PDF Rahman, Mahbubur SM Concordia Electrical and Computer Engineering ? INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY


PDF Sinnig, Daniel D Concordia Computer Science and Software Engineering Universitat Rostock Software and development


PDF Wan, Feng F Concordia Electrical and Computer Engineering ? Communications systems


PGSD2 Lalonde, Karine KMJ Concordia Chemistry and Biochemistry Concordia GEOCHEMISTRY AND GEOCHRONOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Almey, Anne AEK Concordia Psychology Concordia PSYCHOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Bailey, Jennifer JA Concordia Psychology Concordia Cognitive science -- developmentCan

PGSD3 Mak, Chun Chi CC Concordia Chemistry and Biochemistry Concordia PHYSICAL CHEMISTRYCan

PGSM Carver, Robert RB Concordia Geography, Planning and Environment British Columbia EARTH SCIENCE (see also Marine geology,

4604) Can

PGSM Murphy, Sebastian SP Concordia Chemistry and Biochemistry The Johns Hopkins University BIOCHEMISTRY


CGSD3 Farrar, Matthew MJ Cornell University Physics Cornell University BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGForeign

CGSD3 Monkman, Eric EJ Cornell University Physics Cornell University CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICSForeign

PDF Roch, Alexandre AF Cornell University Mathematics Montréal APPLIED MATHEMATICSForeign

PDF Tsang, David DC Cornell University Physics Toronto ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICSForeign

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PGSD2 Emberson, Lauren L Cornell University Psychology ? PSYCHOLOGYForeign

PGSD2 English, Philina PA Cornell University Ecology and Evolutionary Biology ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYForeign

PGSD2 Guo, Yunke Y Cornell University Head Office Cornell University BIOCHEMISTRYForeign

PGSD3 Chadwick, Jeffrey JN Cornell University Computer Science Cornell University INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYForeign

PGSD3 Cheung, Yuk Leung (Maurice) YL Cornell University Operations Research and

Industrial Engineering Cornell University APPLIED MATHEMATICSForeign

PGSD3 Teo, Wee Don WD Cornell University Physics Cornell University Particle physicsForeign

CGSD2 Butler, Jared JP Dalhousie Earth Sciences Dalhousie EARTH SCIENCE (see also Marine geology, 4604) Can

CGSD2 Frail-Gauthier, Jennifer JL Dalhousie Biology McMaster EARTH SCIENCE (see also Marine geology, 4604) Can

CGSD2 Goreham, Vincent VCC Dalhousie Civil and Resource Engineering Dalhousie Geotechnical engineering (including engineeriCan

CGSD2 Green, Amanda AD Dalhousie Psychology Dalhousie Behavioural neuroscienceCan

CGSD2 Hatfield, Gillian GL Dalhousie Physiotherapy, School of Dalhousie BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSD2 Yorke, Alana AF Dalhousie Biology Dalhousie EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Boates, Brian BJ Dalhousie Physics and Atmospheric Science Dalhousie PHYSICS


CGSD3 Connon, Emma EL Dalhousie Mathematics and Statistics Dalhousie PURE MATHEMATICSCan

CGSD3 Langelan, David DN Dalhousie Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Dalhousie BIOCHEMISTRY


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CGSD3 Levy, Christopher CD Dalhousie Mathematics and Statistics Dalhousie APPLIED MATHEMATICSCan

CGSD3 McDowell, Matthew MG Dalhousie Physics and Atmospheric Science Dalhousie MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY


CGSD3 Moulins, Jonathan JR Dalhousie Chemistry Dalhousie ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSD3 Piorkowski, Gregory GS Dalhousie Process Engineering and Applied Science Dalhousie ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING


CGSD3 Tardiff, Bennett BJ Dalhousie Chemistry Dalhousie INORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Amiel, Joshua J Dalhousie Biology ? ANIMAL BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Arbour, Jessica JH Dalhousie Biology ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Baker, Jessica JN Dalhousie Psychology ? Sensory systems and perceptionCan

CGSM Briand, Julie JL Dalhousie Civil and Resource Engineering Dalhousie STRUCTURAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Chavy-Macdonald, Marc-Andre MA Dalhousie Physics and Atmospheric


CGSM Conrad, Janet JR Dalhousie Mechanical Engineering Dalhousie BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Crooks, Peter PD Dalhousie Mathematics and Statistics ? PURE MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Foster, Stephen S Dalhousie Science, Faculty of Dalhousie PHYSICSCan

CGSM Gilbert, Chad CS Dalhousie Electrical & Computer Engineering Dalhousie APPLIED MATHEMATICS


CGSM Goertzen, Sarah SL Dalhousie Chemistry Dalhousie PHYSICAL CHEMISTRYCan

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CGSM Hilchie, Luke LJ Dalhousie Earth Sciences Dalhousie EARTH SCIENCE (see also Marine geology, 4604) Can

CGSM Kennedy, Barry BE Dalhousie Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Dalhousie BIOCHEMISTRY


CGSM Lele, Meenal Anand MA Dalhousie Electrical & Computer Engineering Dalhousie ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC


CGSM Loranger, Matthew MW Dalhousie Chemistry Dalhousie ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM MacDonald, Norman NJ Dalhousie Computer Science, Faculty of Dalhousie Software and developmentCan

CGSM Markabi, Mazen M Dalhousie Civil and Resource Engineering Dalhousie ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM McArthur, Mark MA Dalhousie Physics and Atmospheric Science Dalhousie MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY


CGSM Mercer, Stephen SS Dalhousie Engineering, Faculty of ? CIVIL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Mingrone, Joseph JR Dalhousie Biology ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Morash, Alexander AT Dalhousie Electrical & Computer Engineering Dalhousie Communications systems


CGSM Morgan, Erin EH Dalhousie Chemistry Dalhousie INORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Morris, Matthew MJR Dalhousie Biology ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Murphy, Patrick PB Dalhousie Chemistry Dalhousie ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Murray, Maureen MH Dalhousie Biology ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Newton, Cecilia CM Dalhousie Anatomy and Neurobiology Dalhousie ANIMAL BIOLOGYCan

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CGSM Parker, Robert RWR Dalhousie Resource and Environmental Studies, School of Dalhousie FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY


CGSM Pavlovski, Mark M Dalhousie Mathematics and Statistics Dalhousie PURE MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Rajendram, Nicholas NS Dalhousie Computer Science, Faculty of Dalhousie Software and developmentCan

CGSM Robertson, Andrew AW Dalhousie Chemistry Dalhousie BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Shouldice, Andrew AJD Dalhousie Computer Science, Faculty of ? Software and developmentCan

CGSM Singer, Nathan NC Dalhousie Mathematics and Statistics ? APPLIED MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Stairs, Courtney CAW Dalhousie Science, Faculty of Dalhousie MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Sutton, Kimberly KM Dalhousie Pathology Dalhousie CELL BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Walker, David DC Dalhousie Engineering, Faculty of Dalhousie MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYCan

PDF Diochon, Amanda AC Dalhousie Earth Sciences Rothamsted Research PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY


PDF Dukewich, Kristie KR Dalhousie Psychology ? Cognitive science -- fundamentalCan

PDF Gibbons, Meaghan MK Dalhousie Civil and Resource Engineering Carleton CIVIL ENGINEERINGCan

PDF Kelly, Noreen NE Dalhousie Oceanography York EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

PDF Leigh, Jessica JW Dalhousie Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

University of Auckland MOLECULAR BIOLOGY


PDF Tamblyn, Isaac MTI Dalhousie Physics and Atmospheric Science

University of Cambridge CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS


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PDF VanderZaag, Andrew AC Dalhousie Process Engineering and Applied Science ? ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING


PGSD2 Bennett, Sarah May SM Dalhousie Chemistry Dalhousie ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

PGSD2 Bonnick, Patrick PJ Dalhousie Physics and Atmospheric Science Dalhousie PHYSICS


PGSD2 Fraser, Leanne LM Dalhousie Psychology Dalhousie Behavioural neuroscienceCan

PGSD2 Hoefel, Andrew A Dalhousie Mathematics and Statistics Dalhousie PURE MATHEMATICSCan

PGSD2 Sinclair, Andrew AC Dalhousie Process Engineering and Applied Science Dalhousie ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING


PGSD2 Whidden, Christopher CJ Dalhousie Computer Science, Faculty of Dalhousie INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Arabi, Alya A Dalhousie Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Dalhousie PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY


PGSD3 Chipman, Peter PH Dalhousie Anatomy and Neurobiology Dalhousie ANIMAL BIOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Collins, Stephanie SJ Dalhousie Psychology Dalhousie PSYCHOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Davies, Kimberley KTA Dalhousie Oceanography Dalhousie OCEANOGRAPHYCan

PGSD3 Dingle, Rachel RN Dalhousie Psychology Dalhousie PSYCHOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Gagnon, Jeffrey JD Dalhousie Physiology and Biophysics Dalhousie GENETICSCan

PGSD3 Goodman, Laura LR Dalhousie Psychology Dalhousie PSYCHOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Heard, David DW Dalhousie Process Engineering and Applied Science ? MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY


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PGSD3 Heaslip, Susan SG Dalhousie Biology Dalhousie EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Pearce, Beth BM Dalhousie Chemistry ? INORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

PGSD3 Pierlot, Caitlin HCM Dalhousie Biomedical Engineering, School of Dalhousie BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING


PGSD3 Scantlebury, Jordan JP Dalhousie Psychology Dalhousie Behavioural neuroscienceCan

PGSD3 Smith, Jock JWH Dalhousie Physics and Atmospheric Science Dalhousie MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY


PGSD3 Tunis, Matthew MC Dalhousie Microbiology and Immunology Dalhousie ImmunologyCan

PGSM Green, Christopher CJ Dalhousie Science, Faculty of ? ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

PGSM MacDowell, Matthew M Dalhousie Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Dalhousie MOLECULAR BIOLOGY


PGSM O'Neill, Catherine CJ Dalhousie Chemistry ? MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYCan

PGSM Quinlan, Chelsea CK Dalhousie Psychology ? PSYCHOLOGYCan

PDF Farouk, Tanvir Iqbal TI Drexel University Mech. Eng. & Mechanics ? CHEMICAL ENGINEERINGForeign

CGSD3 Brière-Côté, Antoine A École de technologie supérieure

Génie de la production automatisée

École de technologie supérieure TECHNOLOGIE DE L'INFORMATION


CGSM Bourbonnais, Francis F École de technologie supérieure

Génie de la production automatisée

École de technologie supérieure ROBOTIQUE


CGSM Gagnon, Tommy T École de technologie supérieure Génie mécanique École de technologie


CGSM Lavoie, Philippe P École de technologie supérieure

Génie de la production automatisée

École de technologie supérieure Génie aérospatial, aéronautique et automobile


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CGSM Pollender-Moreau, Olivier O

École de technologie supérieure

Génie de la production automatisée

École de technologie supérieure Génie aérospatial, aéronautique et automobile


CGSM Roberge, Jean-Philippe JP

École de technologie supérieure

Génie de la production automatisée École Polytechnique GÉNIE ÉLECTRIQUE ET ÉLECTRONIQUE


PGSD2 Vellasques, Eduardo E École de technologie supérieure

Génie de la production automatisée

École de technologie supérieure INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY


PGSD3 Chikh, Ali A École de technologie supérieure Génie électrique École de technologie


PGSD3 Cormier, Laurent L École de technologie supérieure Génie mécanique École de technologie


PGSD3 Mofidi, Amir A École de technologie supérieure Génie de la construction École de technologie


PGSM Chantrel, Steeve S École de technologie supérieure Génie logiciel et des TI École de technologie

supérieure Logiciels et développementCan

CGSD3 Goldman, Dorian DA École Normale Supérieure de Lyon Head Office École Normale

Supérieure de Lyon APPLIED MATHEMATICSForeign

CGSD2 Desharnais, Marie-Christine M-C École Polytechnique Génies Civil, géologique et des

mines École Polytechnique GÉNIE CIVILCan

CGSD3 St-Gelais, Raphaël R École Polytechnique Génie physique École Polytechnique BiophysiqueCan

CGSM Aubert, Alexandre AA École Polytechnique Génie électrique École Polytechnique ROBOTIQUECan

CGSM Baïlon-Poujol, Ian IJA École Polytechnique Génies Civil, géologique et des mines École Polytechnique SCIENCE ET TECHNOLOGIE DES


CGSM Baraghis, Edward E École Polytechnique Génie physique École Polytechnique GÉNIE BIOMÉDICALCan

CGSM Bascopé, Dennis DF École Polytechnique Génies Civil, géologique et des mines École Polytechnique GÉNIE CIVIL


CGSM Couture, Simon S École Polytechnique Génie électrique École Polytechnique Dispositifs et réseaux photoniquesCan

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CGSM Daher, Ali ADA École Polytechnique Génie électrique École Polytechnique Systèmes de télécommunicationsCan

CGSM Dallaire-Demers, Pierre-Luc P-L École Polytechnique Génie physique Waterloo PHYSICS


CGSM Desrochers, Philip P École Polytechnique Génie mécanique École Polytechnique GÉNIE MÉCANIQUECan

CGSM Drolet, Jonathan JJ École Polytechnique Génie électrique École Polytechnique Circuits et dispositifs électroniquesCan

CGSM Éthier-Majcher, Gabriel G École Polytechnique Génie physique École Polytechnique PHYSIQUE DE LA MATIÈRE CONDENSÉECan

CGSM Fontaine, André A École Polytechnique Génie chimique École Polytechnique GÉNIE CHIMIQUECan

CGSM Lavoie, Thierry TM École Polytechnique Génie informatique École Polytechnique Logiciels et développementCan

CGSM Le Bras, Ronan RR École Polytechnique Génie informatique École Polytechnique TECHNOLOGIE DE L'INFORMATIONCan

CGSM Parent, Gabriel G École Polytechnique Génie informatique ? INTELLIGENCE ARTIFICIELLE (Vision artificiell Can

CGSM Proulx Brisson, Valérie V École Polytechnique Génies Civil, géologique et des mines École Polytechnique GÉNIE DES STRUCTURES


CGSM Renaud, Elizabeth E École Polytechnique Génies Civil, géologique et des mines École Polytechnique SCIENCE ET TECHNOLOGIE DES


CGSM Voizard, Nicolas N École Polytechnique Génie mécanique École Polytechnique GÉNIE MÉCANIQUECan

PDF Barrière, Paul-André P-A École Polytechnique Génie électrique Universita Degli Studi di Trento GÉNIE ÉLECTRIQUE ET ÉLECTRONIQUE


PDF Hassani, Alireza A École Polytechnique Génie physique ? Photonic devices and networksCan

PGSD2 Duhaime, François F École Polytechnique Génies Civil, géologique et des mines École Polytechnique Géotechnique (y compris génie géologique)


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PGSD2 Rivest, Martine M École Polytechnique Génies Civil, géologique et des mines École Polytechnique GÉNIE DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT


PGSD2 Taheri, Mehrdad M École Polytechnique Génie mécanique École Polytechnique MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGCan

PGSD3 Gagné, Mathieu M École Polytechnique Génie physique École Polytechnique PHYSIQUECan

PGSD3 Mansour-Geoffrion, Majdala M École Polytechnique Génies Civil, géologique et des

mines École Polytechnique GÉNIE DE L'ENVIRONNEMENTCan

PGSD3 Miled, Mohamed Amine MA École Polytechnique Génie électrique École Polytechnique BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING


PGSM St-Jean, Philippe P École Polytechnique Génie physique École Polytechnique PHYSIQUE DE LA MATIÈRE CONDENSÉECan

PGSD2 Tsoi, Shufen S Eindhoven University of Technology

Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

Eindhoven University of Technology

FUEL AND ENERGY TECHNOLOGY (Economic Geology, Foreign

CGSM Karayazi, Odul O Foreign Organization Head Office Calgary CELL BIOLOGYForeign

PGSD3 Pradhan, Devaleena DS Georgia State University Biology Georgia State University Behavioural neuroscience


CGSD2 Demand, Gregory GA Guelph Physics Guelph PHYSICSCan

CGSD2 Fobel, Christian CA Guelph Computing and Information Science Guelph INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY


CGSD2 Hook, Sarah S Guelph Animal and Poultry Science Guelph ANIMAL BIOLOGYCan

CGSD2 Maleky, Fatemeh F Guelph Food Science Guelph FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYCan

CGSD2 Phan, Anna A Guelph Biomedical Sciences ? Behavioural neuroscienceCan

CGSD2 Ryan, Geraldine GD Guelph Environmental Biology Guelph EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

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CGSD2 Savich, Antony SW Guelph Engineering, School of Guelph Computer hardwareCan

CGSD2 Wong, James JC Guelph Physics Guelph PHYSICSCan

CGSD3 Bell, Wayne FW Guelph Environmental Biology Guelph Terrestrial ecologyCan

CGSD3 Brown, Shannon SE Guelph Land Resource Science Guelph ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCECan

CGSD3 Gopalapillai, Yamini Y Guelph Land Resource Science Guelph Aquatic ecology and limnologyCan

CGSD3 Meagher, Rebecca RK Guelph Animal and Poultry Science Guelph ANIMAL BIOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Muto, Elisa EAJ Guelph Environmental Biology Laurentian Aquatic ecology and limnologyCan

CGSD3 New, Laura L Guelph Molecular and Cellular Biology Guelph CELL BIOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Schneider, Kimberley KD Guelph Land Resource Science Guelph SOIL SCIENCECan

CGSD3 Visschedyk, Danielle DD Guelph Molecular and Cellular Biology Guelph BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Anderson, Julie JC Guelph Environmental Biology ? PLANT AND TREE BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Brown-Bury, William WM Guelph Physics Guelph PHYSICSCan

CGSM Buddo, Kathryn KH Guelph Human Health and Nutritional Sciences Guelph Kinesiology


CGSM Caldwell, Shane SJ Guelph Molecular and Cellular Biology Guelph BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Castel, Stephane SE Guelph Molecular and Cellular Biology ? GENETICSCan

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CGSM Crann, Jason JA Guelph Mathematics and Statistics Ottawa APPLIED MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Des Marteaux, Lauren LE Guelph Environmental Biology Guelph Terrestrial ecologyCan

CGSM Frederick, Mallory MR Guelph Mathematics and Statistics Guelph APPLIED MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Holmes, Natasha NG Guelph Physical and Engineering Science, College of Guelph PHYSICS


CGSM Irwin, Jennifer JD Guelph Engineering, School of ? BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Jamieson-Hanes, Julia JH Guelph Land Resource Science ? SOIL SCIENCECan

CGSM Klinghoffer, Ilana IB Guelph Geography British Columbia EARTH SCIENCE (see also Marine geology, 4604) Can

CGSM Lao, Franchelle FY Guelph Human Health and Nutritional Sciences Guelph Animal physiology and metabolism


CGSM Larocque, Sarah SM Guelph Integrative Biology ? Aquatic ecology and limnologyCan

CGSM Lee, Colin CR Guelph Mathematics and Statistics Guelph PURE MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Levy, Anne Marie AM Guelph Psychology Guelph Behavioural neuroscienceCan

CGSM Manchee, Kyle KCP Guelph Physics ? PHYSICSCan

CGSM Mather, Vesta V Guelph Geography Guelph PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHYCan

CGSM McLean, Katherine KE Guelph Biomedical Sciences Guelph ANIMAL BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Ng, Melody MB Guelph Human Health and Nutritional Sciences Guelph Animal physiology and metabolism


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CGSM Nowell, Victoria VJ Guelph Food Science ? FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYCan

CGSM Robinson, Emily EA Guelph Environmental Biology ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Schmidt, Miranda ML Guelph Physics Guelph BiophysicsCan

CGSM Slater, Graham GA Guelph Environmental Design and Rural Development, School of Guelph PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY


CGSM Szusz, Emily EK Guelph Mathematics and Statistics Guelph APPLIED MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Vasiliadis, Stephanie SM Guelph Mathematics and Statistics Guelph APPLIED MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Ward, Meaghan ME Guelph Molecular and Cellular Biology Guelph BiophysicsCan

CGSM Wills, Melanie MKB Guelph Molecular and Cellular Biology Guelph CELL BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Ziter, Brett BG Guelph Engineering, School of Guelph ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERINGCan

PDF Bi, Ke K Guelph Integrative Biology University of Cambridge EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGY


PGSD2 Bainard, Jillian JD Guelph Integrative Biology Guelph EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

PGSD2 Fan, Ying Y Guelph Physics Guelph BiophysicsCan

PGSD2 Fieldhouse, Robert RJ Guelph Molecular and Cellular Biology Guelph BiophysicsCan

PGSD2 Keerati-u-rai, Maneephan M Guelph Food Science Guelph FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY


PGSD2 Kits, Joel JH Guelph Environmental Biology Guelph EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

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PGSD3 Baker, Perrin PA Guelph Molecular and Cellular Biology Guelph BIOCHEMISTRYCan

PGSD3 Cordick, Alana AJ Guelph Computing and Information Science Saskatchewan ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer

Vision, use Can

PGSD3 Hamilton, Christine CK Guelph Biomedical Sciences Guelph MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Noble, Daniel D Guelph Integrative Biology ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Schlitt, Katherine Mary KM Guelph Chemistry Guelph ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

PGSD3 Tuerke, Katharine KJ Guelph Psychology Guelph Behavioural neuroscienceCan

PGSM Ammersbach, Melanie MAG Guelph Pathobiology Guelph ANIMAL BIOLOGY


CGSD3 Soh, Timothy T Harvard University Medical Sciences Harvard University MOLECULAR BIOLOGYForeign

PDF Standen, Emily EM Harvard University Organismic & Evolutionary Biology ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGY


PGSD2 Hill, Alison AL Harvard University Head Office Harvard University BiophysicsForeign

PGSD2 Norman, Thomas TM Harvard University Head Office Harvard University MOLECULAR BIOLOGYForeign

PGSD2 Wang, Xiaoheng XC Harvard University Mathematics Harvard University PURE MATHEMATICSForeign

PGSD3 Burgess, Ian IB Harvard University Engineering and Applied Sciences Harvard University PHYSICS


PGSD3 Khan, Manizeh M Harvard University Psychology Harvard University PSYCHOLOGYForeign

PGSD3 Yang, Nan N Harvard University Physics Harvard University BiophysicsForeign

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PGSD3 Ye, George Jincheng GJ Harvard University Engineering and Applied Sciences Harvard University BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING


CGSD3 Bélanger, Valérie V HEC MontréalMéthodes quantitatives de gestion, Service de l'enseignement des


PGSD2 Okou, Cédric CIF HEC Montréal Finance, Service de l'enseignement de la HEC Montréal STATISTIQUE ET PROBABILITÉ


CGSM Laldin, Omar OAR Helsinki University of Technology Head Office ? Power systems


PGSD3 Johns, Brendan B Indiana State University Head Office Indiana University Cognitive science -- languageForeign

CGSM Higgins, Helene H INRS Centre Eau, Terre et Environnement (ETE) INRS HYDROLOGY


PGSD3 Bélanger, Benoît B INRS INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier INRS ImmunologyCan


CGSD2 Wiebe, Scott SA Lakehead Forestry and the Forest Environment, Faculty of Lakehead Terrestrial ecology


CGSD3 Mitsopoulos, Panagiotis P Lakehead Biology Lakehead MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Andreychuk, Nicholas NR Lakehead Chemistry McMaster INORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Holm, Andrew AM Lakehead Mathematical Science ? APPLIED MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Mahler, Dylan DH Lakehead Physics ? PHYSICSCan

CGSM Skaf, Joseph JRG Lakehead Biology ? MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

PGSD3 LeCraw, Robin RM Lakehead Biology ? Terrestrial ecologyCan

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PGSM Tassone, Marlena M Lakehead Biology Lakehead MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

CGSD2 Lemire, Joseph JA Laurentian Chemistry and Biochemistry Laurentian BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSD3 Edwards, Darryl DB Laurentian Biology Laurentian EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM McTiernan, Christopher CD Laurentian Chemistry and Biochemistry Laurentian ORGANIC CHEMISTRY


CGSM Popp (Hubley), Jesse JN Laurentian Biology Laurentian Terrestrial ecologyCan

CGSM Presenza-Pitman, Gabriello GV Laurentian Physics ? PHYSICS


CGSM Turcotte, Adam AN Laurentian Mathematics and Computer Science ? Software and development


CGSM Ward, Kara-Anne KAA Laurentian Biology ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Ahmed, Marya M Laurentian Biology ? BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGCan

PGSD3 Ansell, Dominique D Laurentian Biology Laurentian GÉNÉTIQUECan

PGSD3 Robinson, Lisa LMK Laurentian Biology ? Terrestrial ecologyCan

CGSD2 Ayotte, Guylaine G Laval Physique, génie physique et optique Laval GÉNIE BIOMÉDICAL


CGSD2 Brûlé Bareil, Paul P Laval Physique, génie physique et optique Laval PHYSIQUE


CGSD2 Garon, Christian CN Laval Chimie Laval CHIMIE INORGANIQUECan

CGSD2 Mathieu-Potvin, François F Laval Génie mécanique Laval GÉNIE MÉCANIQUE


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CGSD2 Proulx, Maryse M Laval Biochimie et Microbiologie (Fac. sc. et génie) Laval Immunologie


CGSD3 Boulet-Audet, Maxime M Laval Chimie Laval BiophysiqueCan

CGSD3 Métivier, Vincent V Laval Génie mécanique Laval MÉCANIQUE DES FLUIDESCan

CGSD3 Pigeon, Karine KE Laval Biologie Laval EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Tobin, Simon S Laval Psychologie, École de Laval PSYCHOLOGIECan

CGSM Arsenault-Labrecque, Geneviève G Laval Science de l'agriculture et de


CGSM Beaudet, Jacques Etienne JE Laval Génie mécanique École Polytechnique ROBOTIQUE


CGSM Bédard, Mikael M Laval Biochimie et Microbiologie (Fac. sc. et génie) Laval BIOLOGIE MOLÉCULAIRE


CGSM Bélanger, Simon S Laval Physique, génie physique et optique Laval GÉNIE MÉCANIQUE


CGSM Bélanger-Vincent, Philippe P Laval Génie mécanique Laval MÉCANIQUE DES FLUIDES


CGSM Berger-Pelletier, Hugues H Laval Génie mécanique Laval GÉNIE MÉCANIQUE


CGSM Boudreau, Sylvain S Laval Génie électrique et génie informatique ? Dispositifs et réseaux photoniques


CGSM Bourget, Stéphanie S Laval Science de l'agriculture et de l'alimentation Laval SCIENCE ET TECHNOLOGIE DE


CGSM Cardinal, Sébastien S Laval Chimie Laval CHIMIE ORGANIQUECan

CGSM Champagne, Émilie É Laval Biologie Laval Écologie terrestreCan

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CGSM Couët, Alexandre A Laval Mathématiques et statistique Laval MATHÉMATIQUES APPLIQUÉESCan

CGSM Deschênes, Jean-Daniel J-D Laval Génie électrique et génie

informatique Laval Dispositifs et réseaux photoniquesCan

CGSM Drapeau, Karine K Laval Biologie Laval BIOLOGIE CELLULAIRECan

CGSM Duclos, Vanessa V Laval Biologie Laval Écologie terrestreCan

CGSM Dufour Tremblay, Geneviève G Laval Biologie Laval ÉVOLUTION ET ÉCOLOGIE


CGSM Dupuis, Marie-Ève M-E Laval Biochimie et Microbiologie (Fac. sc. et génie) Laval MICROBIOLOGIE


CGSM Ellefsen-Gauthier, Paule P Laval Psychologie, École de Laval PSYCHOLOGIECan

CGSM Fortier Bourque, Maxime M Laval Mathématiques et statistique ? MATHÉMATIQUES PURES


CGSM Gagnon, Denis D Laval Physique, génie physique et optique Laval PHYSIQUE


CGSM Garcia Cournoyer, Paméla P Laval Foresterie et géomatique,

Faculté de Laval Terrestrial ecologyCan

CGSM Gingras, Janick J Laval Biologie Laval Écologie terrestreCan

CGSM Goulet, Mathieu M Laval Physique, génie physique et optique Laval GÉNIE BIOMÉDICAL


CGSM Grenier, Martin M Laval Génie mécanique Laval GÉNIE MÉCANIQUECan

CGSM Labrie-Dion, Etienne E Laval Biologie Laval NeurophysiologieCan

CGSM Lamontagne, Éric E Laval Informatique et de génie logiciel Laval Logiciels et développementCan

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CGSM Ledoux, Grégoire G Laval Géographie Laval GÉOGRAPHIE PHYSIQUECan

CGSM Lemay, Francis F Laval Psychologie, École de ? PSYCHOLOGIECan

CGSM Lemieux-Mellouki, Philippe P Laval Mathématiques et statistique Laval MATHÉMATIQUES PURES


CGSM Lévesque, Jean-Sébastien JS Laval Mathématiques et statistique Laval MATHÉMATIQUES APPLIQUÉES


CGSM Marceau, Vincent V Laval Physique, génie physique et optique Laval PHYSIQUE


CGSM Marchand, Amélie A Laval Psychologie, École de Laval PSYCHOLOGIECan

CGSM Mercier Rémillard, Audrey A Laval Géographie Québec à Rimouski GÉOGRAPHIE PHYSIQUE


CGSM Munger, Hélène H Laval Science de l'agriculture et de l'alimentation Laval BIOLOGIE VÉGÉTALE ET DES ARBRES


CGSM Nadeau, Francoise F Laval Sciences des aliments et de nutrition Laval SCIENCE ET TECHNOLOGIE DE


CGSM Ouellet-Cauchon, Geneviève G Laval Biologie Laval Écologie aquatique et limnologie


CGSM Paradis, Christine C Laval Mathématiques et statistique Laval MATHÉMATIQUES PURESCan

CGSM Pelchat, Simon S Laval Mathématiques et statistique ? MATHÉMATIQUES APPLIQUÉESCan

CGSM Poulin, Sonia S Laval Génie civil Laval GÉNIE DE L'ENVIRONNEMENTCan

CGSM Rochette, Félix F Laval Génie électrique et génie informatique Laval ROBOTIQUE


CGSM Scantland-Marchand, Sara-Myriam SM Laval Sciences animales Laval BIOLOGIE MOLÉCULAIRE


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CGSM Tremblay-Gendron, Solène S Laval Biologie Québec à Rimouski Écologie terrestre


CGSM Tye Gingras, Maxime M Laval Génie mécanique Laval GÉNIE MÉCANIQUECan

CGSM Veillette, Alexandre A Laval Biologie Laval Écologie terrestreCan

CGSM Walsh, Sébastien S Laval Psychologie, École de Laval PSYCHOLOGIECan

CGSM Zoso, Nathaniel N Laval Génie électrique et génie informatique ? ROBOTIQUE


PDF Chehri, Abdellah A Laval Sciences et génie, faculté des Guelph Réseaux de télécommunicationsCan

PDF Forest, Alexandre A Laval BiologieInst National de Recherche et Sécurité


PDF Guérard, Katherine K Laval Sciences sociales, Faculté des Moncton PSYCHOLOGIECan

PDF Houmani, Hanane HH Laval Informatique et de génie logiciel Québec en Outaouais TECHNOLOGIE DE L'INFORMATION


PGSD2 Bertrand, Mathieu MJ Laval Sciences géomatiques Laval TECHNOLOGIE DE L'INFORMATIONCan

PGSD2 Germain, Pascal P Laval Informatique et de génie logiciel Laval INTELLIGENCE ARTIFICIELLE (Vision artificiell Can

PGSD2 Guillot, Mathieu M Laval Physique, génie physique et optique Laval PHYSICS


PGSD2 Montreuil, Jean-François J-F Laval Géologie et génie géologique INRS SCIENCES DE LA TERRE (voir aussi

Géologie Mar Can

PGSD2 Rivard, Patrice P Laval Mathématiques et statistique Laval MATHÉMATIQUES PURESCan

PGSD3 Arseneault, Mathieu M Laval Chimie Laval CHIMIE ORGANIQUECan

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PGSD3 Beguin, Julien J Laval Foresterie et géomatique, Faculté de Laval GÉNIE FORESTIER


PGSD3 Bélanger, Étienne EB Laval Chimie Laval CHIMIE ORGANIQUECan

PGSD3 Bougie, Francis F Laval Génie chimique Laval GÉNIE CHIMIQUECan

PGSD3 Charlebois, Maxime M Laval Physique, génie physique et optique Laval PHYSIQUE DE LA MATIÈRE CONDENSÉE


PGSD3 Demers-Carpentier, Vincent V Laval Chimie Laval CHIMIE PHYSIQUE


PGSD3 Loach, Richard RP Laval Chimie Laval ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

PGSD3 Magnan, Gabriel G Laval Géographie ? GÉOGRAPHIE PHYSIQUECan

PGSD3 Marceau, Claude CV Laval Physique, génie physique et optique Laval Optique (voir aussi dispositifs photoniques,


PGSD3 Olivier, Mathieu MJPL Laval Génie mécanique Laval Génie aérospatial, aéronautique et automobileCan

PGSD3 Yossa Nouaga, Rodrigue R Laval Sciences animales Laval BIOLOGIE ANIMALE


PGSM Stephani, Eva EA Laval Géologie et génie géologique University of Alaska Fairbanks Géotechnique (y compris génie géologique)


CGSD3 Ehresman, Crystal CA Lethbridge Psychology and Neuroscience Lethbridge PSYCHOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Sacrey, Lori-Ann L-AR Lethbridge Psychology and Neuroscience Lethbridge Behavioural neuroscienceCan

CGSM Hambrook, Kyle David KD Lethbridge Mathematics and Computer Science ? PURE MATHEMATICS


CGSM Lait, Linda LA Lethbridge Chemistry and Biochemistry Lethbridge GENETICSCan

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CGSM Lim, Diana DH Lethbridge Psychology and Neuroscience ? Behavioural neuroscienceCan

CGSM Puhl, Nathan NJ Lethbridge Chemistry and Biochemistry Lethbridge MICROBIOLOGYCan

CGSM Sawatsky, Jerrah JC Lethbridge Chemistry and Biochemistry Lethbridge INORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Schmieder, Anthony AJ Lethbridge Mathematics and Computer Science Lethbridge INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY


CGSM Schmold, Nichole NM Lethbridge Psychology and Neuroscience Lethbridge Behavioural neuroscienceCan

PGSM Dobing, Selina SR Lethbridge Chemistry and Biochemistry ? BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSD2 Messing, Paul PG Manitoba Soil Science Manitoba SOIL SCIENCECan

CGSD2 Perera, Kankanige KND Manitoba Electrical and Computer Engineering Manitoba Power systems


CGSD2 Peters, Lisa LE Manitoba Environment and Geography Manitoba Aquatic ecology and limnologyCan

CGSD2 Thiessen, Jonathan JD Manitoba Physics and Astronomy Manitoba BiophysicsCan

CGSD2 Wang, Wenbo W Manitoba Biosystems Engineering Manitoba AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSD2 Woyengo, Tofuko TA Manitoba Animal Science Manitoba ANIMAL BIOLOGYCan

CGSD2 Ziprick, Jonathan JD Manitoba Physics and Astronomy ? PHYSICSCan

CGSD3 Baudry, Patricia PJ Manitoba Medical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases Manitoba MICROBIOLOGY


CGSD3 Othman, Rgia RA Manitoba Human Nutritional Sciences Manitoba FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYCan

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CGSD3 Rempel, Garreth GT Manitoba Civil Engineering Manitoba CIVIL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Bekolay, Trevor TW Manitoba Computer Science ? ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer Vision, use Can

CGSM Bernier, Jennilee JN Manitoba Animal Science Manitoba Animal physiology and metabolismCan

CGSM Bijeljanin, Milan M Manitoba Civil Engineering Manitoba CIVIL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Bookatz, Adam AD Manitoba Physics and Astronomy University of Rochester CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS


CGSM Boyer, Marc MG Manitoba Computer Science Manitoba Software and developmentCan

CGSM Cabel, Tim TI Manitoba Electrical and Computer Engineering Manitoba Electromagnetics, compatibility and interfere


CGSM Collins, Heather HL Manitoba Biological Sciences ? MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Craig, Morgan ML Manitoba Mathematics ? APPLIED MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Geddes, Barney BA Manitoba Microbiology Manitoba MICROBIOLOGYCan

CGSM Haque, MD Mahbubul MM Manitoba Computer Science Manitoba Communications networksCan

CGSM Hrenchuk, Lee LE Manitoba Biological Sciences Manitoba ANIMAL BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Jeffers, Matthew MS Manitoba Psychology Manitoba PSYCHOLOGYCan

CGSM Jordaan, Elsie EM Manitoba Biosystems Engineering Manitoba ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Joyce, Gavin GDA Manitoba Engineering, Faculty of Manitoba FLUID MECHANICSCan

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CGSM Kinkead, Brandy BM Manitoba Engineering, Faculty of ? ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Klus, Garett GKI Manitoba Mathematics ? PURE MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Kurz, David DR Manitoba Civil Engineering Manitoba CIVIL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Lu, Dennis DW Manitoba Electrical and Computer Engineering ? Power systems


CGSM Mukanik, Blair BA Manitoba Electrical and Computer Engineering Manitoba Electromagnetics, compatibility and interfere


CGSM Pitura, Karen KM Manitoba Food Science Manitoba FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYCan

CGSM Thompson, Amy AB Manitoba Zoology ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Veilleux, Jonathan JAN Manitoba Entomology Manitoba Terrestrial ecologyCan

PDF Duan, Xili X Manitoba Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering ? MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


PDF Kuzyk, Zou-Zou ZZA ManitobaEnvironment, Earth, & Resources, Clayton Riddell Faculty of


PDF Najafi, Farshid F Manitoba Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering ? ROBOTICS


PGSD2 Hurtado-Parrado, Hernan Camilo HC Manitoba Psychology Manitoba PSYCHOLOGY


PGSD2 Islam, Rumana R Manitoba Engineering, Faculty of Manitoba ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERINGCan

PGSD2 Klassen, Cheryl CN Manitoba Biological Sciences Manitoba EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

PGSD2 Kraj, Andrea A Manitoba Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Manitoba MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


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PGSD2 Matheson, Heather HC Manitoba Physics and Astronomy Manitoba ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICSCan

PGSD2 Moore, Neil NE Manitoba Physics and Astronomy Manitoba CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICSCan

PGSD2 Yuan, Qiuyan Q Manitoba Civil Engineering Manitoba ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERINGCan

PGSD3 Majer, Anna A Manitoba Medical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases Manitoba MICROBIOLOGY


PGSD3 Sandhu, Sumit S Manitoba Biochemistry and Medical Genetics Manitoba CELL BIOLOGY


PGSM Dunthorne, Karin KL Manitoba Human Nutritional Sciences Manitoba Animal physiology and metabolismCan

CGSD3 Tweddle, Brent BE Massachusetts Institute of Technology Aeronautics and Astronautics

Massachusetts Institute of Technology


PGSD2 Farrahi, Shirin S Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Massachusetts Institute of Technology


PGSD2 Gosset, David DN Massachusetts Institute of Technology Physics

Massachusetts Institute of Technology


PGSD2 Hwang, Jae-Won (George) JW

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Electromagnetics, compatibility and interfereForeign

PGSD2 Jones, Evan E Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Software and developmentForeign

PGSD2 Mercier, Patrick PP Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Electronic circuits and devicesForeign

PGSD2 Solomon, Kevin KV Massachusetts Institute of Technology Chemical Engineering

Massachusetts Institute of Technology


PGSD2 Szajnfarber, Zoe Z Massachusetts Institute of Technology Head Office

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Aerospace, aeronautical and automotive engine Foreign

PGSD2 Yip, Marcus MCW Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Electronic circuits and devicesForeign

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PGSD3 Georgas, Michael MS Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Integrated circuitsForeign

PGSD3 Geramifard, Alborz AG Massachusetts Institute of Technology Aeronautics and Astronautics

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer Vision, use Foreign

PGSD3 Leon, Christopher CC Massachusetts Institute of Technology Chemistry

Massachusetts Institute of Technology


PGSD3 Shi, Xiaomeng (Shirley) XMS

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Massachusetts Institute of Technology


PGSD3 Wahab, Adam AJE Massachusetts Institute of Technology Mechanical Engineering

Massachusetts Institute of Technology


PGSM Hsieh, Vivian V Massachusetts Institute of Technology Chemical Engineering

Massachusetts Institute of Technology


PGSM Wang, Da DW Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Communications systemsForeign

CGSD2 Ben-Ezra, Elad EE McGill Natural Resource Sciences McGill EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSD2 Chaput, Philippe P McGill Mathematics and Statistics ? APPLIED MATHEMATICSCan

CGSD2 Cohalan, Claire CM McGill Medical Physics Unit ? PHYSICSCan

CGSD2 Deme, Justin J McGill Microbiology and Immunology McGill MICROBIOLOGYCan

CGSD2 Gauthier-Shalom, Gabriel GE McGill Mathematics and Statistics ? PURE MATHEMATICS


CGSD2 Grant, Alanna AD McGill Neurology and Neurosurgery McGill Behavioural neuroscienceCan

CGSD2 Jacob, Aerin AL McGill Biology McGill Terrestrial ecologyCan

CGSD2 Leduc, Mathieu M McGill Chemical Engineering McGill GÉNIE CHIMIQUECan

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CGSD2 Sharpe, Diana DMT McGill Biology McGill EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSD2 Smeu, Manuel M McGill Physics McGill CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICSCan

CGSD2 Sosale, Guruprasad G McGill Mechanical Engineering McGill Power systemsCan

CGSD3 Barnett, Eric EWT McGill Mechanical Engineering McGill MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSD3 Cagnone, Jean-Sébastien JS McGill Mechanical Engineering McGill Génie aérospatial, aéronautique et automobile


CGSD3 ElShafie, Dahlia DR McGill Electrical and Computer Engineering McGill Communications systems


CGSD3 Eydelnant, Irwin Adam IA McGill Chemical Engineering McGill CHEMICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSD3 Frank, Jordan JW McGill Computer Science, School of McGill ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer Vision, use Can

CGSD3 Godin, Richard Jr R McGill Kinesiology and Physical Education McGill Kinésiologie


CGSD3 Lessard, Benoit BH McGill Chemical Engineering McGill CHEMICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSD3 Mehri Dehnavi, Maryam M McGill Electrical and Computer Engineering McGill Computer hardware


CGSD3 Messier, Julie J McGill Biology ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Picard, Martin M McGill Kinesiology and Physical Education McGill MOLECULAR BIOLOGY


CGSD3 Qasaimeh, Mohammad Ameen MA McGill Biomedical Engineering McGill BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING


CGSD3 Schnitzer, Mireille ME McGill Mathematics and Statistics ? STATISTICS AND PROBABILITYCan

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CGSD3 Smith, Benjamin BH McGill Mathematics and Statistics ? PURE MATHEMATICSCan

CGSD3 Stacey, Richard Gregory RGH McGill Physiology McGill Neurophysiology


CGSD3 Zastepa, Evelyn EJ McGill Neurology and Neurosurgery McGill ImmunologyCan

CGSM Andric, Nikola N McGill Mathematics and Statistics ? STATISTICS AND PROBABILITYCan

CGSM Arsenault, Eric ED McGill Chemical Engineering ? CHEMICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Atoyan, Tigran T McGill Mathematics and Statistics McGill STATISTICS AND PROBABILITYCan

CGSM Bélanger-Rioux, Rosalie R McGill Mathematics and Statistics ? APPLIED MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Ben-Shach, Gilad G McGill Physics ? PHYSICSCan

CGSM Blais, Mary-Jane MJ McGill Communication Sciences and Disorders, School of ? Cognitive science -- language


CGSM Blaser, Mark MC McGill Chemical Engineering McGill BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Bohdal, Thomas T McGill Mining Engineering McGill MINING AND MINERAL PROCESSINGCan

CGSM Bridgeman, Leila LJ McGill Mathematics and Statistics McGill APPLIED MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Brochu, Kristen KK McGill Natural Resource Sciences Toronto EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Campbell, Philip PD McGill Chemistry ? ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Ceja Gomez, Frida F McGill Electrical and Computer Engineering McGill Communications systems


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CGSM Chuai, Kun K McGill Electrical and Computer Engineering McGill Electronic circuits and devices


CGSM Collicutt, Mike MA McGill Electrical and Computer Engineering McGill INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY


CGSM Dallaire, Geneviève G McGill Natural Resource Sciences McGill ImmunologyCan


CGSM Dinculescu, Monica MA McGill Electrical and Computer Engineering McGill ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer

Vision, use Can

CGSM Douglas, Jessica J McGill Chemistry ? ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Evans, Julia JA McGill Mathematics and Statistics ? PURE MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Franquet, John-Edward J-EC McGill Civil Engineering and Applied


CGSM Frydrychowicz, Maja MZ McGill Electrical and Computer Engineering McGill INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY


CGSM Gotanda, Kiyoko KM McGill Biology McGill EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Grondin, Francois F McGill Electrical and Computer Engineering ? ROBOTIQUE



CGSM Hamblin, Graham GD McGill Chemistry McGill ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Hamilton, Brian BP McGill Electrical and Computer Engineering ? INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY


CGSM Hervieux, Meggy M McGill Natural Resource Sciences McGill EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

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CGSM Hryciw, Lisa LM McGill Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences McGill ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE


CGSM Hudon, Emilie E McGill Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics McGill STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Johnstone, Timothy TC McGill Chemistry ? ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Kapchinsky, Sophia S McGill Kinesiology and Physical Education McGill Kinesiology


CGSM Khatamian, Yasha YB McGill Biomedical Engineering McGill BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM King, Samuel SBW McGill Physics ? PHYSICSCan

CGSM Knox, Sara SH McGill Science, Faculty of ? HYDROLOGYCan

CGSM Kovach, Tony TJ McGill Environment, McGill School of ? Terrestrial ecologyCan

CGSM Kramer, Eric ED McGill Physics ? PHYSICSCan

CGSM Lanktree, Michael M McGill Mechanical Engineering ? MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Larochelle, Vincent V McGill Mathematics and Statistics ? MATHÉMATIQUES PURESCan

CGSM Lavallee-Adam, Mathieu M McGill Electrical and Computer


CGSM Lebel, Sarah S McGill Bioresource Engineering McGill PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHYCan

CGSM Lepage-Jutier, Arnaud ATF McGill Physics McGill PHYSIQUE


CGSM Leung, Christopher C McGill Electrical and Computer Engineering McGill Communications systems


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CGSM Li, Yang Y McGill Electrical and Computer Engineering McGill INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY


CGSM Lim, Laurie L McGill Chemistry McGill ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Marchand, Richard RA McGill Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics McGill CIVIL ENGINEERING


CGSM Martineau, Patrick P McGill Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences McGill ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE


CGSM Massarelli, Robert R McGill Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics McGill STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING


CGSM McNicol, James JD McGill Biomedical Engineering McGill BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Mee, Michael MT McGill Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of ? CHEMICAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Mimee, Andrea AV McGill Neurology and Neurosurgery McGill Behavioural neuroscienceCan

CGSM Mudur, Ritvik RS McGill Computer Science, School of ? Software and developmentCan

CGSM Naqib, Faisal F McGill Physiology McGill NeurophysiologyCan

CGSM Perreault Levasseur, Laurence L McGill Physics McGill PHYSIQUE


CGSM Porter, Emily Elizabeth EE McGill Electrical and Computer Engineering McGill Electromagnetics, compatibility and interfere


CGSM Pun, Clara C McGill Kinesiology and Physical Education McGill Kinesiology


CGSM Radovski, Monica M McGill Biology McGill PLANT AND TREE BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Radziwill, Maksym M McGill Mathematics and Statistics ? MATHÉMATIQUES PURESCan

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CGSM Raiss, Hamad H McGill Biology McGill MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Rousseau, Mathieu M McGill Computer Science, School of McGill INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCan

CGSM Sheard, Emma ER McGill Earth and Planetary Sciences McGill EARTH SCIENCE (see also Marine geology, 4604) Can

CGSM Sosoe, Philippe PG McGill Mathematics and Statistics ? PURE MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Tremblay-Darveau, Charles C McGill Physics McGill PHYSICS


CGSM Wang, Tao T McGill Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics McGill CIVIL ENGINEERING


CGSM Wang, Yu Y McGill Mathematics and Statistics McGill PURE MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Wendland, Emily EC McGill Biology McGill GENETICSCan

CGSM Williams, Drew DJ McGill Biology McGill CELL BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Zhang, Kaiwen K McGill Electrical and Computer Engineering McGill Software and development


PDF Dean, Cory Raymond CR McGill Mathematics and Statistics Columbia University PHYSICSCan

PDF DiBattista, Joseph JD McGill Biology University of Hawaii at Manoa EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGY


PDF Gwyn, Rhiannon R McGill Physics ? Particle physicsCan

PDF Kazachkov, Ilya IV McGill Mathematics and Statistics Rutgers University PURE MATHEMATICSCan

PDF King, Andrew AD McGill Computer Science, School of Columbia University PURE MATHEMATICSCan

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PDF Levesque, Vincent V McGill Electrical and Computer Engineering British Columbia INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY


PDF Livingstone, Margaret MA McGill Physics ? ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICSCan

PDF Marinakis, Dimitris DP McGill Computer Science, School of Victoria ROBOTICSCan

PDF Ménard, Michaël M McGill Electrical and Computer Engineering Cornell University Photonic devices and networks


PDF Narbonne, Patrick PJC McGill Biology ? BIOLOGIE MOLÉCULAIRECan

PDF O'Neil, Jonathan JE McGill Earth and Planetary Sciences Carnegie Institution of Washington

SCIENCES DE LA TERRE (voir aussi Géologie Mar Can

PDF Touikan, Nicholas NWM McGill Mathematics and Statistics ? PURE MATHEMATICSCan

PDF Urbanska, Aleksandra Malgorzata AM McGill Biomedical Engineering Toronto BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING


PDF Yoo, Woo-Jin W-J McGill Chemistry ? ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

PGSD2 Aikens, Kathleen KR McGill Natural Resource Sciences ? Terrestrial ecologyCan

PGSD2 Baurhoo, Bushansingh BB McGill Animal Science McGill Animal physiology and metabolismCan

PGSD2 Dang, Hoang Kien HK McGill Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics McGill Geotechnical engineering (including engineeri


PGSD2 Frei, Barbara B McGill Natural Resource Sciences Trent Terrestrial ecologyCan

PGSD2 Intrevado, Paul PE McGill Management, Desautels Faculty of McGill INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING


PGSD2 Landry, Guillaume G McGill Medical Physics Unit ? PHYSIQUECan

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PGSD2 Pinel, Julien J McGill Physics McGill ÉTUDE DE L'ATMOSPHÈRECan

PGSD2 Poirier, Vincent V McGill Natural Resource Sciences McGill SCIENCE DU SOLCan

PGSD2 Samadi, Payman P McGill Electrical and Computer Engineering McGill Photonic devices and networks


PGSD3 Bak, Beata BK McGill Pharmacology and Therapeutics McGill MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Chapleau, Bertrand B McGill Physics McGill Physique des particulesCan

PGSD3 Chevalier-Boisvert, Maxime MPA McGill Computer Science, School of ? ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer

Vision, use Can

PGSD3 Dragert, Christopher CWA McGill Computer Science, School of McGill Software and developmentCan

PGSD3 El-Shimy, Dalia DE McGill Electrical and Computer Engineering McGill ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer

Vision, use Can

PGSD3 Imam, Shahriar Al SA McGill Electrical and Computer Engineering McGill Optics (see also photon devices, 2505)


PGSD3 Meadley, Stacey SL McGill Chemical Engineering McGill CHEMICAL ENGINEERINGCan

PGSD3 Mehdi, Bano BB McGill Geography McGill EARTH SCIENCE (see also Marine geology, 4604) Can

PGSD3 Mihajlovic, Bojan B McGill Electrical and Computer Engineering McGill Electronic circuits and devices


PGSD3 Petosa, Adamo AR McGill Chemical Engineering McGill CHEMICAL ENGINEERINGCan

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PGSD3 Samuel, Simcha S McGill Psychology McGill PSYCHOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Sarkis, Gabi G McGill Electrical and Computer Engineering McGill Communications systems


PGSD3 Vassileva, Svetla S McGill Mathematics and Statistics ? PURE MATHEMATICSCan

PGSM Filip, Ioan I McGill Mathematics and Statistics ? PURE MATHEMATICSCan

PGSM Teo, Stephanie SM McGill Chemistry ? PHYSICAL CHEMISTRYCan

PGSM Velghe, Katherine K McGill Biology ? Aquatic ecology and limnologyCan

CGSD2 Aubie, Brandon BN McMaster Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour McMaster Neurophysiology


CGSD2 Campbell, Clinton CJV McMaster Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences McMaster CELL BIOLOGY


CGSD2 Kirsh, David DR McMaster Physics and Astronomy McMaster ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICSCan

CGSD2 Lebert, Julie JM McMaster Chemistry ? ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRYCan

CGSD2 Logan, Dylan DF McMaster Engineering Physics McMaster Photonic devices and networksCan

CGSD2 Milojevic, Julijana J McMaster Chemistry McMaster PHYSICAL CHEMISTRYCan

CGSD2 Mu, Jianwei J McMaster Electrical and Computer Engineering McMaster Photonic devices and networks


CGSD2 Ross, Kathryn K McMaster Physics and Astronomy McMaster CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICSCan

CGSD2 Roudaia, Eugenie E McMaster Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour McMaster PSYCHOLOGY


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CGSD3 Hua, William W McMaster Computing and Software McMaster INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Kociolek, Aaron AM McMaster Kinesiology McMaster KinesiologyCan

CGSD3 Lam, Chak Fung (Jeffrey) CF McMaster Biochemistry and Biomedical

Sciences McMaster BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSD3 McLeod, Heather HC McMaster Geography and Earth Sciences, School of McMaster ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING


CGSD3 Plach, Janina JM McMaster Geography and Earth Sciences, School of McMaster GEOCHEMISTRY AND GEOCHRONOLOGY


CGSD3 Pottruff, Molly M McMaster Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour McMaster PSYCHOLOGY


CGSM Alast, Bahar BA McMaster Mathematics and Statistics ? STATISTICS AND PROBABILITYCan

CGSM Baynton, Scott SDS McMaster Health Sciences, Faculty of McMaster PSYCHOLOGYCan

CGSM Bridgewater, Courtney CJH McMaster Health Sciences, Faculty of McMaster Kinesiology


CGSM DiBattista, Alicia AN McMaster Health Sciences, Faculty of McMaster PLANT AND TREE BIOLOGYCan

CGSM D'Souza, Nolan N McMaster Biology ? MICROBIOLOGYCan

CGSM Durbin, Deborah DJ McMaster Chemistry Toronto SOIL SCIENCECan

CGSM Elliott, Amy AVC McMaster Geography and Earth Sciences, School of McMaster GEOCHEMISTRY AND GEOCHRONOLOGY


CGSM Fanson, Richard RT McMaster Electrical and Computer Engineering McMaster ROBOTICS


CGSM Fawcett, Amanda AS McMaster Chemistry McMaster POLYMER CHEMISTRYCan

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CGSM Forsberg, Erica EM McMaster Chemistry McMaster ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Giesler, Amanda Laurie Anne ALA McMaster Health Sciences, Faculty of McMaster CELL BIOLOGY


CGSM Grandfield, Kathryn KB McMaster Materials Science and Engineering McMaster MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY


CGSM Hackett, Aaron AJ McMaster Health Sciences, Faculty of ? NeurophysiologyCan

CGSM Hanu, Andrei AR McMaster Physics and Astronomy McMaster PHYSICSCan

CGSM Henderson, Robert RDE McMaster Physics and Astronomy McMaster ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICSCan

CGSM Hodjat-Shamami, Mojtaba M McMaster Electrical and Computer

Engineering McMaster Integrated circuitsCan

CGSM Hurley, Timothy TJ McMaster Biology Victoria Aquatic ecology and limnologyCan

CGSM Ivanova, Maria MI McMaster Chemistry McMaster INORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Jaskolka, Jason JA McMaster Computing and Software ? Software and developmentCan

CGSM Junkins, Caroline Ann CA McMaster Mathematics and Statistics McMaster PURE MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM King, Christine CE McMaster Biology McMaster EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Lambert, Andrew AJ McMaster Mechanical Engineering ? ROBOTICSCan

CGSM Lasowski, Frances FJR McMaster Chemical Engineering ? CHEMICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Leoni, Lisa LM McMaster Geography and Earth Sciences, School of McMaster GEOCHEMISTRY AND GEOCHRONOLOGY


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CGSM Leung, Vincent VHY McMaster Chemical Engineering McMaster CHEMICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Mahmood, Maaz M McMaster Chemical Engineering ? CHEMICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Malta, Mikaela NM McMaster Chemical Engineering McMaster CHEMICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Nguyen, Thanh HTD McMaster Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour McMaster Kinesiology


CGSM Nica, Andra AI McMaster Biology McMaster MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Pillon, Monica MC McMaster Molecular Biology/Biotech, Inst for McMaster BIOCHEMISTRY


CGSM Pomeroy, Michael MD McMaster Materials Science and Engineering McMaster MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY


CGSM Rabi, Sandra S McMaster Chemistry ? PHYSICAL CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Roumeliotis, Grayson GA McMaster Health Sciences, Faculty of McMaster NeurophysiologyCan

CGSM Rzeczkowska, Paulina PA McMaster Science, Faculty of McMaster MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Sabljic, Thomas TF McMaster Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences McMaster ANIMAL BIOLOGY


CGSM Shiplo, Brandon BR McMaster Chemical Engineering ? CHEMICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Siu, Eric ES McMaster Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour McMaster PSYCHOLOGY


CGSM Sopinka, Natalie NM McMaster Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGY


CGSM Spicer, William WJ McMaster Geography and Earth Sciences, School of McMaster GEOPHYSICS


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CGSM Thind, Kundan KS McMaster Biomedical Engineering, School of McMaster BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Treen, Corey CJ McMaster Geography and Earth Sciences, School of ? GEOPHYSICS


CGSM Trischler, Adam AP McMaster Engineering, Faculty of ? ROBOTICSCan

CGSM Tschirhart, Victoria VL McMaster Geography and Earth Sciences, School of McMaster EARTH SCIENCE (see also Marine geology,

4604) Can

CGSM Wade, Mark MA McMaster Health Sciences, Faculty of McMaster Cognitive science -- developmentCan

CGSM Wake, Preston PD McMaster Mathematics and Statistics ? PURE MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Wilhelm, Lana LP McMaster Geography and Earth Sciences, School of McMaster EARTH SCIENCE (see also Marine geology,

4604) Can

CGSM Ye, Chang C McMaster Science, Faculty of McMaster STATISTICS AND PROBABILITYCan

PDF Cozzolino, Anthony AF McMaster ChemistryMassachusetts Institute of Technology


PDF Das, Rahul R McMaster Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences

University of California - Berkeley Biophysics


PDF Schlosser, Kenny K McMaster Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences Ottawa CELL BIOLOGY


PDF Swillam, Mohamed MS McMaster Electrical and Computer Engineering ? Electromagnetics, compatibility and interfere


PGSD2 Cooper, Colin CA McMaster Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences McMaster MICROBIOLOGY


PGSD2 Gadsden, Stephen Andrew SA McMaster Mechanical Engineering McMaster MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


PGSD2 Konar, Yaroslav Y McMaster Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour McMaster Behavioural neuroscience


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PGSD2 Mackenzie, Ian IE McMaster Mechanical Engineering McMaster INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCan

PGSD2 Mailman, Nicholas NA McMaster Physics and Astronomy McMaster PHYSICSCan

PGSD2 Sugiman-Marangos, Seiji SN McMaster Biochemistry and Biomedical

Sciences McMaster BIOCHEMISTRYCan

PGSD2 Taylor, Kathryne Elizabeth KE McMaster Biochemistry and Biomedical

Sciences McMaster BIOCHEMISTRYCan

PGSD2 Teeter, Christopher CJ McMaster Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour McMaster PSYCHOLOGY


PGSD3 Bayntun, Allan AI McMaster Physics and Astronomy McMaster PHYSICSCan

PGSD3 Cochran, Andrew AJR McMaster Kinesiology McMaster KinesiologyCan

PGSD3 Devenyi, Gabriel GA McMaster Engineering Physics McMaster MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Han, Xue X McMaster Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour McMaster PSYCHOLOGY


PGSD3 Iftikar, Fathima F McMaster Biology University of Plymouth ANIMAL BIOLOGY


PGSD3 Ogborn, Daniel DI McMaster Health Sciences, Faculty of McMaster KinesiologyCan

PGSD3 Roberts, Jillian JC McMaster Health Sciences, Faculty of ? MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Sask, Kyla KN McMaster Biomedical Engineering, School of McMaster BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING


PGSD3 Thomson, Sandra SJ McMaster Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour McMaster PSYCHOLOGY


PGSD3 Vingilis-Jaremko, Larissa L McMaster Psychology, Neuroscience &

Behaviour McMaster PSYCHOLOGYCan

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PGSD3 Wilson, Patrick PRJ McMaster Engineering Physics McMaster CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICSCan

PGSM D'Angelo, Maria MC McMaster Health Sciences, Faculty of McMaster PSYCHOLOGYCan

PGSM Mazurek, Emma E McMaster Physics and Astronomy ? CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICSCan

CGSD3 Kouwenberg, Amy-Lee A-L Memorial Univ. of Nfld Biology Memorial Univ. of


CGSD3 Smith, Rodney RDL Memorial Univ. of Nfld Chemistry Memorial Univ. of Nfld PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY


CGSM Adams, John JT Memorial Univ. of Nfld Psychology (Corner Brook) ? CELL BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Baker, Holly HR Memorial Univ. of Nfld Physics and Physical Oceanography

Memorial Univ. of Nfld Biophysics


CGSM Caravan, Holly HE Memorial Univ. of Nfld Biology Memorial Univ. of Nfld EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGY


CGSM Claus, Brian B Memorial Univ. of Nfld Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of

Memorial Univ. of Nfld ROBOTICS


CGSM Fowler, Candace CI Memorial Univ. of Nfld Chemistry ? INORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Gorner, Joshua JM Memorial Univ. of Nfld Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of ? ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer

Vision, use Can

CGSM Granville, Stephanie SL Memorial Univ. of Nfld Chemistry ? ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Hoskins, Leah LJ Memorial Univ. of Nfld Biology Memorial Univ. of Nfld Endocrinology


CGSM Kelly, Corey CJ Memorial Univ. of Nfld Science, Faculty of ? PHYSICSCan

CGSM Kennedy, Christopher CJ Memorial Univ. of Nfld Geography Memorial Univ. of Nfld PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY


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CGSM Marsh, Sarah SA Memorial Univ. of Nfld Biochemistry Memorial Univ. of Nfld GENETICS


CGSM Myrden, Andrew AJB Memorial Univ. of Nfld Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of ? Electromagnetics, compatibility and interfere


CGSM Noel, Adam AJG Memorial Univ. of Nfld Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of ? Communications systems


CGSM Peach, Mandy ME Memorial Univ. of Nfld Medicine, Faculty of Memorial Univ. of Nfld ANIMAL BIOLOGY


CGSM Russell-Schulz, Bretta BA Memorial Univ. of Nfld Science, Faculty of ? BiophysicsCan

CGSM Skinner, Justin JH Memorial Univ. of Nfld Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of ? FLUID MECHANICS


CGSM Skipton, Diane DR Memorial Univ. of Nfld Earth Sciences Memorial Univ. of Nfld

EARTH SCIENCE (see also Marine geology, 4604) Can

CGSM Stewart, Andrew AG Memorial Univ. of Nfld Mathematics and Statistics ? PURE MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Wadden, Katie KP Memorial Univ. of Nfld Human Kinetics and Recreation, School of ? Kinesiology


CGSM Watton, David D Memorial Univ. of Nfld Biology British Columbia MICROBIOLOGYCan

PDF Hollett, Joshua JW Memorial Univ. of Nfld Chemistry ? PHYSICAL CHEMISTRYCan

PGSD2 Keeping, Rebecca RG Memorial Univ. of Nfld Mathematics and Statistics ? PURE MATHEMATICSCan

PGSD2 Lillis, Ashlee AS Memorial Univ. of Nfld Biology ? OCEANOGRAPHYCan

PGSD3 Butt, Samantha SM Memorial Univ. of Nfld Chemistry Memorial Univ. of Nfld ORGANIC CHEMISTRY


PGSD3 Churchill, David DG Memorial Univ. of Nfld Computer Science ? ROBOTICSCan

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PGSD3 Dean, Rebecca RK Memorial Univ. of Nfld Chemistry Memorial Univ. of Nfld INORGANIC CHEMISTRY


PGSD3 Dillon, Jeremy JA Memorial Univ. of Nfld Physics and Physical Oceanography

Memorial Univ. of Nfld PHYSICS


PGSD3 Regular, Paul PM Memorial Univ. of Nfld Psychology (St. John's) Memorial Univ. of Nfld EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGY


PGSD3 Roberts, Jonas JPM Memorial Univ. of Nfld Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of

Memorial Univ. of Nfld ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE


PGSD3 Strong, Grant Eric GE Memorial Univ. of Nfld Computer Science Memorial Univ. of Nfld


PGSM Kelly, Meighan MHM Memorial Univ. of Nfld Medicine, Faculty of Memorial Univ. of Nfld Behavioural neuroscience


PGSM Lake, Gordon GD Memorial Univ. of Nfld Biology Memorial Univ. of Nfld CELL BIOLOGY


CGSM Arseneault, Tanya T Moncton Biologie ? MICROBIOLOGIECan

CGSM Landry, Benoit B Moncton Ingénierie, Faculté d' Moncton GÉNIE MÉCANIQUECan

CGSD2 Bertrand-Rivest, Jessica J Montréal Psychologie Montréal PSYCHOLOGIECan

CGSD2 Hlavacek-Larrondo, Julie JE Montréal Physique ? ASTRONOMIE ET ASTROPHYSIQUE


CGSD2 Maltais-Landry, Gabriel G Montréal Sciences biologiques ? ÉVOLUTION ET ÉCOLOGIECan

CGSD2 Mathieu, Mélissa M Montréal Microbiologie et immunologie Montréal ImmunologieCan

CGSD3 Blackburn, Simon S Montréal Physique Montréal PHYSIQUE DE LA MATIÈRE CONDENSÉECan

CGSD3 Côté, Jean-Philippe JP Montréal Médecine vétérinaire, faculté de Montréal MICROBIOLOGIECan

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CGSD3 Huang, Hua H Montréal Médecine Montréal ANIMAL BIOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Pelletier, Guillaume G Montréal Chimie Montréal CHIMIE ORGANIQUECan

CGSD3 Provencher, Françoise F Montréal Physique Montréal PHYSIQUE DE LA MATIÈRE CONDENSÉECan

CGSM Auslender, Evgenia EA Montréal Sciences biologiques Montréal BIOLOGIE VÉGÉTALE ET DES ARBRESCan

CGSM Beaudin, Jason JB Montréal Physique Montréal PHYSIQUE DE LA MATIÈRE CONDENSÉECan

CGSM Benoit, Sophie S Montréal Psychologie Montréal PSYCHOLOGIECan

CGSM Bérubé, Nicolas N Montréal Physique Montréal PHYSIQUE DE LA MATIÈRE CONDENSÉECan

CGSM Boulanger-Lapointe, Noémie N Montréal Sciences biologiques Québec à Trois-

Rivières Écologie terrestreCan

CGSM Brunet, Julie J Montréal Psychologie Montréal PSYCHOLOGIECan

CGSM Cloutier, Sophie S Montréal Sciences biologiques Montréal ÉVOLUTION ET ÉCOLOGIECan

CGSM Dagenais-Bellefeuille, Steve S Montréal Sciences biologiques Montréal BIOLOGIE MOLÉCULAIRE


CGSM Daigle, Caroline MC Montréal Sciences biologiques Montréal BIOLOGIE VÉGÉTALE ET DES ARBRESCan

CGSM Flamand, Mathieu M Montréal Biochimie ? BIOCHIMIECan

CGSM Godin, Etienne EHS Montréal Géographie Montréal GÉOGRAPHIE PHYSIQUECan

CGSM Goyer, Katerine K Montréal Sciences biologiques Montréal Écologie aquatique et limnologieCan

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CGSM Guertin-Pasquier, Alexandre A Montréal Géographie Montréal GÉNIE DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT


CGSM Guimond, Synthia S Montréal Psychologie ? PSYCHOLOGIECan

CGSM Haché, Sophie S Montréal Sciences biologiques Montréal Physiologie et métabolisme des animauxCan

CGSM Jean, Mélanie M Montréal Sciences biologiques ? BIOLOGIE VÉGÉTALE ET DES ARBRESCan

CGSM Khuong, Paul-Virak P-V Montréal Informatique et recherche opérationnelle Montréal GÉNIE INDUSTRIEL


CGSM Larouche, Michelle M Montréal Mathématiques et de statistique Montréal MATHÉMATIQUES APPLIQUÉESCan

CGSM Lecours, Marie-Pier M-P Montréal Médecine vétérinaire, faculté de Montréal MICROBIOLOGIECan

CGSM Lefebvre, Laura L Montréal Arts et des sciences, faculté des Montréal PSYCHOLOGIECan

CGSM McNally-Gagnon, Andréane A Montréal Psychologie Montréal PSYCHOLOGIE


CGSM Patenaude, Valérie VJS Montréal Mathématiques et de statistique Montréal STATISTIQUE ET PROBABILITÉCan

CGSM Plante, Geneviève G Montréal Biochimie Montréal BIOLOGIE MOLÉCULAIRECan

CGSM Rey-Le Lorier, Nicolas NA Montréal Physique ? Physique des particulesCan

CGSM Rondeau, Isabelle I Montréal Médecine Montréal BIOLOGIE ANIMALECan

CGSM Séguin, Caroline C Montréal Mathématiques et de statistique Montréal MATHÉMATIQUES APPLIQUÉESCan

CGSM St-Amour, Vincent V Montréal Informatique et recherche opérationnelle ? TECHNOLOGIE DE L'INFORMATION


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CGSM Thériault, Rachel RC Montréal Géographie Montréal GÉOGRAPHIE PHYSIQUECan

CGSM Tremblay, Michèle M Montréal Géographie Montréal HYDROLOGIECan

PDF Brisson, Benoit B Montréal Psychologie Simon Fraser Science cognitive -- principes fondamentauxCan

PDF Dupuis, Frédéric FS Montréal Informatique et recherche opérationnelle ? Systèmes de télécommunications


PDF Fittipaldi, Nahuel NV Montréal Médecine vétérinaire, faculté de University of Chicago MICROBIOLOGYCan

PDF Lamzouri, Youness Y Montréal Mathématiques et de statistique ? PURE MATHEMATICSCan

PDF Larochelle, Hugo H Montréal Head Office Toronto ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer Vision, use Can

PDF Marcoux, David D Montréal Chimie Harvard University CHIMIE ORGANIQUECan

PDF Parisien, Marc M Montréal Informatique et recherche opérationnelle University of Chicago MOLECULAR BIOLOGY


PGSD2 Hébert, Mathieu M Montréal Chimie Montréal CHIMIE PHYSIQUECan

PGSD2 L'Archeveque Gaudet, Adam A Montréal Informatique et recherche

opérationnelle Montréal TECHNOLOGIE DE L'INFORMATIONCan

PGSD2 Lebrun, Marie-Andrée M-A Montréal Psychologie Montréal PSYCHOLOGIE


PGSD2 Vaucher, Stéphane S Montréal Informatique et recherche opérationnelle Montréal TECHNOLOGIE DE L'INFORMATION


PGSD3 Béland, Laurent Karim LK Montréal Physique Montréal PHYSIQUE DE LA MATIÈRE CONDENSÉECan

PGSD3 Bourque, Alex AN Montréal Chimie Montréal POLYMER CHEMISTRYCan

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PGSD3 Courtemanche, François F Montréal Informatique et recherche

opérationnelle Montréal Logiciels et développementCan

PGSD3 Cyr, Frederic F Montréal Sciences biologiques Montréal ÉVOLUTION ET ÉCOLOGIECan

PGSD3 Desjardins, Guillaume G Montréal Informatique et recherche opérationnelle ? INTELLIGENCE ARTIFICIELLE (Vision

artificiell Can

PGSD3 Henault Brunet, Vincent V Montréal Physique Queen's University of Belfast ASTRONOMIE ET ASTROPHYSIQUE


PGSD3 Hussin, Julie JVVC Montréal Biochimie Montréal GENETICSCan

PGSD3 Lalonde, Marie-Eve M-E Montréal Biochimie Laval BIOLOGIE MOLÉCULAIRECan

PGSD3 Laporte, Martin M Montréal Sciences biologiques ? ÉVOLUTION ET ÉCOLOGIECan

PGSD3 Zimmerman, Erin EL Montréal Sciences biologiques Montréal EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

PGSM Giguêre, Jérôme-Melville J-M Montréal Mathématiques et de statistique Montréal MATHÉMATIQUES PURES


CGSM DeNiverville, Patrick PG Mount Allison Physics Victoria Particle physicsCan

CGSM Geier, Michael MJ Mount Allison Chemistry ? INORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM MacDonald, Elizabeth EC Mount Allison Biology Mount Allison EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM McQuaid, Mary ME Mount Allison Biology Dalhousie BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Nguyen, Tania T Mount Allison Biology ? BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Pickard, Felicia FD Mount Allison Biology Memorial Univ. of Nfld GEOCHEMISTRY AND GEOCHRONOLOGY


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CGSM Schurman, Jonathan JS Mount Allison Sciences, Faculty of Toronto Terrestrial ecologyCan

PGSM Crouse, Brian BC Mount Allison Physics Memorial Univ. of Nfld

EARTH SCIENCE (see also Marine geology, 4604) Can

CGSM Brookshaw, Marcus MMJ New Brunswick Mechanical Engineering New Brunswick BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Bruce, Meghann MR New Brunswick Biology (Fredericton) New Brunswick EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Culligan, Scott SD New Brunswick Science, Faculty of (Fredericton) ? INORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Fiset, Matthew MHJ New Brunswick Mathematical Sciences ? PURE MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Frenette, Aaron AP New Brunswick Biology (Fredericton) New Brunswick MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Gaudet, William WJP New Brunswick Electrical and Computer Engineering New Brunswick Software and development


CGSM Hache, Charles CA New Brunswick Biology (Fredericton) New Brunswick MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Hampton, Robin R New Brunswick Civil Engineering New Brunswick KinesiologyCan

CGSM Hay, Daniel James DJ New Brunswick Mathematics and Statistics - Fredericton ? PURE MATHEMATICS


CGSM Hogan, James JD New Brunswick Mechanical Engineering New Brunswick FLUID MECHANICSCan

CGSM Kadhim, Yasir YG New Brunswick Civil Engineering New Brunswick CIVIL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Keow, Jonathan JY New Brunswick Biology (Fredericton) New Brunswick BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Landry, Michael MD New Brunswick Mechanical Engineering New Brunswick MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGCan

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CGSM Langille, Adrienne AM New Brunswick Science, Faculty of (Fredericton) ? ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Lord, Mark MJ New Brunswick Computer Science, Faculty of New Brunswick INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCan

CGSM MacLean, Gillian GE New Brunswick Civil Engineering ? ANIMAL BIOLOGYCan

CGSM McDonald, Allison AM New Brunswick Science, Faculty of (Fredericton) British Columbia ImmunologyCan

CGSM Mills, Heidi HJE New Brunswick Chemistry New Brunswick ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Mosher, Mark MN New Brunswick Mechanical Engineering ? Control systemsCan

CGSM Perley, Danielle DS New Brunswick Biology (Fredericton) New Brunswick EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Randall, Mark MT New Brunswick Engineering, Faculty of ? HYDROLOGYCan

CGSM Rouse, Christopher CD New Brunswick Electrical and Computer Engineering New Brunswick Electromagnetics, compatibility and interfere


CGSM Ryan, Sydney SD New Brunswick Mechanical Engineering New Brunswick FLUID MECHANICSCan

CGSM Scammell, Lauren LM New Brunswick Civil Engineering ? CIVIL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Thomson, Andrew AR New Brunswick Kinesiology, Faculty of New Brunswick BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Turner, Kathryn KA New Brunswick Geology New Brunswick GEOCHEMISTRY AND GEOCHRONOLOGYCan

PGSD2 McKinnon, Emily Anne EA New Brunswick Forestry and Environmental Management, Faculty of York EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGY


PGSD2 Ross, William WA New Brunswick Computer Science, Faculty of New Brunswick ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer Vision, use Can

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PGSD3 Amolins, Krista KM New Brunswick Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering New Brunswick CIVIL ENGINEERING


PGSD3 Muir, Colleen CE New Brunswick Chemistry New Brunswick PHYSICAL CHEMISTRYCan

PGSD3 Zhao, Zhengyong ZY New Brunswick Forestry and Environmental Management, Faculty of New Brunswick FOREST ENGINEERING


PGSM Kurylyk, Barret BL New Brunswick Civil Engineering ? HYDROLOGYCan

PGSD2 Gladish, Carl CV New York University Courant Inst. of Mathematical Sci. New York University APPLIED MATHEMATICS


CGSM Alkins, Robert RJ Nipissing Mathematics ? Software and developmentCan

CGSM Begy, Courtney CL Nipissing Biology ? PLANT AND TREE BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Damude, Kirstin KE Nipissing Geography ? Terrestrial ecologyCan

CGSM Drouin, Jennifer JNM Nipissing Biology ? PLANT AND TREE BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Zamojski, Stephanie SA Nipissing Biology ? Aquatic ecology and limnologyCan

CGSM Noel, Martin MB North Carolina State University

Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering

North Carolina State University STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Burkinshaw, Brianne BJ Northern British Columbia Chemistry ? BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Cadsand, Rebecca RA Northern British Columbia Natural Resources and Environmtal Studies, Fac. of

Northern British Columbia Terrestrial ecology


CGSM Li, Belinda B Northern British Columbia Environmental Engineering British Columbia ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Wellsby, Michele MB Northern British Columbia Psychology Northern British Columbia PSYCHOLOGY


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PGSD2 Ostertag, Sonja SK Northern British Columbia Natural Resources and Environmtal Studies, Fac. of

Northern British Columbia BIOCHEMISTRY


PGSD2 Ackerman, Christine CM Northwestern University Endocrinology, Division of Northwestern University GENETICS


PGSD2 Tzou, Justin JC Northwestern University Engineering Science and Applied Math

Northwestern University APPLIED MATHEMATICS


PGSD3 Cembrowski, Mark MS Northwestern University Engineering Science and Applied Math

Northwestern University APPLIED MATHEMATICS


CGSD2 Christie, Katie KS Not Indicated Head Office ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYDirect

CGSD2 Ford, Adam AT Not Indicated Head Office ? Terrestrial ecologyDirect

CGSD2 Goryniuk, Michelle MC Not Indicated Head Office Victoria EARTH SCIENCE (see also Marine geology, 4604) Direct

CGSD2 Grant, Shannan SM Not Indicated Head Office Toronto FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYDirect

CGSD2 Hamilton, Andrew AK Not Indicated Head Office ? OCEANOGRAPHYDirect

CGSD2 Hargreaves, Anna AL Not Indicated Head Office ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYDirect

CGSD2 Langlois, Sébastien S Not Indicated Head Office Sherbrooke GÉNIE DES STRUCTURESDirect

CGSD2 Toews, David DP Not Indicated Head Office ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYDirect

CGSD2 Wilson, Sarah SJ Not Indicated Head Office McGill EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYDirect

CGSD2 Wood, Sylvia SLR Not Indicated Head Office ? Terrestrial ecologyDirect

CGSD2 Ying, Annie ATT Not Indicated Head Office ? Software and developmentDirect

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CGSD3 Andrews, Sheldon SP Not Indicated Head Office ? ROBOTICSDirect

CGSD3 Dyck, Markus MG Not Indicated Head Office Queen's EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYDirect

CGSD3 Freeman, Cecille CD Not Indicated Head Office ? BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGDirect

CGSD3 Ghali, Bassma B Not Indicated Head Office McMaster ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING Direct

CGSD3 Jeanniard du Dot, Tiphaine T Not Indicated Head Office British Columbia EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGY


CGSD3 Karimi Esfahani, Mohammad M Not Indicated Head Office ? MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


CGSD3 Mahdavidoost, Hajar H Not Indicated Head Office ? Communications systemsDirect

CGSD3 Pinel, Patrice P Not Indicated Head Office Carleton MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGDirect

CGSD3 Reeves, Ian IR Not Indicated Head Office ? PLANT AND TREE BIOLOGYDirect

CGSD3 Sadr, Sanam S Not Indicated Head Office McGill ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING Direct

CGSD3 Schallenberg, Christina C Not Indicated Head Office ? OCEANOGRAPHYDirect

CGSD3 Thiagarajan, Arumugam A Not Indicated Head Office ? PLANT AND TREE BIOLOGYDirect

CGSD3 Ulrich, Steve S Not Indicated Head Office Carleton Control systemsDirect

CGSD3 Valenta, Kim KL Not Indicated Head Office Toronto EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYDirect

CGSM Anderson, Morgan ML Not Indicated Head Office Guelph EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYDirect

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CGSM Barnum, Geoffrey GWF Not Indicated Head Office Carleton PSYCHOLOGYDirect

CGSM Bates, Robyn RE Not Indicated Head Office ? STATISTICS AND PROBABILITYDirect

CGSM Baxter, Jillian JE Not Indicated Head Office Victoria PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHYDirect

CGSM Baxter, Leilan LR Not Indicated Head Office Guelph Aquatic ecology and limnologyDirect

CGSM Bouffard, Patrick PM Not Indicated Head Office ? ROBOTICSDirect

CGSM Brennan, Allison A Not Indicated Head Office ? PSYCHOLOGYDirect

CGSM Carrier, Matthew ML Not Indicated Head Office ? APPLIED MATHEMATICSDirect

CGSM Cassidy, Brendan BA Not Indicated Head Office ? INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYDirect

CGSM Cuggia, Adeline AF Not Indicated Head Office Sherbrooke MOLECULAR BIOLOGYDirect

CGSM Demko, Alana A Not Indicated Head Office ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYDirect

CGSM DesRoches, Simone SG Not Indicated Head Office University of Idaho EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYDirect

CGSM Dick, Kevin KJ Not Indicated Head Office Manitoba MICROBIOLOGYDirect

CGSM Dixon, Matt ML Not Indicated Head Office ? PSYCHOLOGYDirect

CGSM Doré, Elizabeth E Not Indicated Head Office Montréal BIOLOGIE ANIMALEDirect

CGSM Dorn, Shannon SE Not Indicated Head Office ? Animal physiology and metabolismDirect

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CGSM Elliott, Christopher CG Not Indicated Head Office Western Ontario CELL BIOLOGYDirect

CGSM Elliott, Lloyd LT Not Indicated Head Office Technische Universitat Berlin Cognitive science -- fundamental


CGSM Elwell, Sherri SL Not Indicated Head Office ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYDirect

CGSM Epp, Josephine J Not Indicated Head Office ? Terrestrial ecologyDirect

CGSM Friesen, Caitlin CN Not Indicated Head Office McGill ANIMAL BIOLOGYDirect

CGSM Fryer, Daniel DR Not Indicated Head Office Victoria INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYDirect

CGSM Gan, Stacy SK Not Indicated Head Office Trent Terrestrial ecologyDirect

CGSM Green, Brenda BJ Not Indicated Head Office ? CHEMICAL ENGINEERINGDirect

CGSM Green, Nathan NR Not Indicated Head Office ? HYDROLOGYDirect

CGSM Gue, Anita AE Not Indicated Head Office Calgary EARTH SCIENCE (see also Marine geology, 4604) Direct

CGSM Hanif, Asad A Not Indicated Head Office ? CELL BIOLOGYDirect

CGSM Harris, William WJ Not Indicated Head Office Western Ontario Software and developmentDirect

CGSM Hastings, Margaret M Not Indicated Head Office ? PSYCHOLOGYDirect

CGSM Hawkins, Kara-Lynn Marie K-LM Not Indicated Head Office York Neurophysiology


CGSM Hentze, Nathan NT Not Indicated Head Office ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYDirect

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CGSM Holmes, Sheila SM Not Indicated Head Office Calgary EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYDirect

CGSM Horn, Heidi HL Not Indicated Head Office ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYDirect

CGSM Houghton, Adrian AY Not Indicated Head Office ? INORGANIC CHEMISTRYDirect

CGSM Hui, Joyce J Not Indicated Head Office Toronto ANIMAL BIOLOGYDirect

CGSM Irwin, Julie JKM Not Indicated Head Office ? PSYCHOLOGYDirect

CGSM Kalahani-Bargis, Mary-Christina Martina M-CM Not Indicated Head Office ? PSYCHOLOGY


CGSM Kille, David DR Not Indicated Head Office ? Cognitive science -- fundamentalDirect

CGSM Koke, Sydney SJ Not Indicated Head Office ? PSYCHOLOGYDirect

CGSM Laing, Chad CR Not Indicated Head Office Lethbridge MOLECULAR BIOLOGYDirect

CGSM Lang, Joshua JL Not Indicated Head Office Toronto Computer hardwareDirect

CGSM Lawrence, Derek DJ Not Indicated Head Office Lakehead Terrestrial ecologyDirect

CGSM Leadbetter, Jeff JR Not Indicated Head Office ? FLUID MECHANICSDirect

CGSM Lenkic, Peter PJ Not Indicated Head Office ? PSYCHOLOGYDirect

CGSM Long, Matthew MR Not Indicated Head Office ? ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERINGDirect

CGSM Machial, Laura LA Not Indicated Head Office British Columbia Terrestrial ecologyDirect

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CGSM Mackay, Anne A Not Indicated Head Office Concordia MATHÉMATIQUES APPLIQUÉESDirect

CGSM Mackenzie, Russell RW Not Indicated Head Office ? Software and developmentDirect

CGSM Mader, Laura LB Not Indicated Head Office Waterloo NeurophysiologyDirect

CGSM Melanson, Joel JG Not Indicated Head Office Waterloo PHYSIQUEDirect

CGSM Navarro Burgos, Jose Benjamin JB Not Indicated Head Office Western Ontario Immunology


CGSM Nimmo, Jeffrey JS Not Indicated Head Office Nova Scotia Agricultural College SOIL SCIENCE


CGSM Odic, Darko D Not Indicated Head Office ? Cognitive science -- developmentDirect

CGSM Pachai, Matthew MV Not Indicated Head Office McMaster Sensory systems and perceptionDirect

CGSM Penner, Osmar O Not Indicated Head Office British Columbia CIVIL ENGINEERINGDirect

CGSM Podgorski, Kaspar KJ Not Indicated Head Office ? NeurophysiologyDirect

CGSM Pollet, Ingrid I Not Indicated Head Office ? ANIMAL BIOLOGYDirect

CGSM Poon, David D Not Indicated Head Office ? SOIL SCIENCEDirect

CGSM Quaale, Ashton AB Not Indicated Head Office ? MOLECULAR BIOLOGYDirect

CGSM Reyher, Kristen KK Not Indicated Head Office Prince Edward Island ANIMAL BIOLOGYDirect

CGSM Roddy, Gabrielle GE Not Indicated Head Office ? Sensory systems and perceptionDirect

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CGSM Rogers, Stephanie S Not Indicated Head Office Acadia GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATIONDirect

CGSM Rumak, Samuel SP Not Indicated Head Office ? PSYCHOLOGYDirect

CGSM Salkeld, Robin MR Not Indicated Head Office ? Software and developmentDirect

CGSM Shehzad, Zarrar ZS Not Indicated Head Office ? PSYCHOLOGYDirect

CGSM Skillman, Jane JE Not Indicated Head Office ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYDirect

CGSM Starmans, Christina CJ Not Indicated Head Office ? PSYCHOLOGYDirect

CGSM Taylor, Veronique VA Not Indicated Head Office ? Behavioural neuroscienceDirect

CGSM Turnbull, Brian BR Not Indicated Head Office Carleton MOLECULAR BIOLOGYDirect

CGSM Van Wychen, Wesley WD Not Indicated Head Office Ottawa EARTH SCIENCE (see also Marine geology, 4604) Direct

CGSM Vida, Mark MD Not Indicated Head Office ? PSYCHOLOGYDirect

CGSM Vitale, Katherine KR Not Indicated Head Office British Columbia Behavioural neuroscienceDirect

CGSM Wilson, Jessica JM Not Indicated Head OfficeWashington University in St. Louis


CGSM Yeh, Shu-Chi SC Not Indicated Head Office McMaster BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGDirect

CGSM Zavitz, William WR Not Indicated Head Office ? ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERINGDirect

CGSM Ziola, Ryder RBJ Not Indicated Head Office ? Software and developmentDirect

Page 93: NSERC Postgraduate Scholarships and Postdoctoral ...nserc-crsng.gc.ca/NSERC-CRSNG/FundingDecisions... · NSERC Postgraduate Scholarships and Postdoctoral Fellowships - 2009 Competition

PDF Abdrabou, Atef AML Not Indicated Head Office ? Communications networksDirect

PDF Adamson, Robert RB Not Indicated Head Office Dalhousie BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGDirect

PDF Ait Abderrahmane, Hamid AH Not Indicated Head Office McGill MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


PDF Alam, Mehboob MA Not Indicated Head Office ? Integrated circuitsDirect

PDF Amaral Campos Gil Mohapel, Joana Maria JM Not Indicated Head Office Victoria CELL BIOLOGY


PDF Belmabkhout, Youssef Y Not Indicated Head Office Ottawa MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYDirect

PDF Ben Ayed, Ismail I Not Indicated Head Office Western Ontario ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer Vision, use Direct

PDF Birmingham, Elina E Not Indicated Head Office California Institute of Technology PSYCHOLOGY


PDF Boyle, Alice AW Not Indicated Head Office ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYDirect

PDF Cademartiri, Ludovico L Not Indicated Head Office Harvard University MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYDirect

PDF Cao, Dongpu D Not Indicated Head Office Waterloo Aerospace, aeronautical and automotive engine Direct

PDF Coleman, Heather HD Not Indicated Head OfficeQueensland University of Technology


PDF Conidis, Chris C Not Indicated Head Office ? PURE MATHEMATICSDirect

PDF Dion, Carolyne C Not Indicated Head Office INRS GÉNIE BIOMÉDICALDirect

PDF Eaton, Shane SM Not Indicated Head Office Politecnico di Milano PHYSICSDirect

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PDF Ebhardt, Holger HA Not Indicated Head Office Alberta BIOCHEMISTRYDirect

PDF Ebrahimi Kahrizsangi, Mehran M Not Indicated Head Office Sunnybrook Health


PDF Edwards, Wayne WN Not Indicated Head Office ? GEOPHYSICSDirect

PDF Fauteux, Christian C Not Indicated Head Office Univ Degli Studi di Roma 'Tor Vergata' MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY


PDF Fernandes, Andrew AD Not Indicated Head Office ? MOLECULAR BIOLOGYDirect

PDF Frenette Charron, Jean-Benoit J-B Not Indicated Head Office Yale University BIOLOGIE MOLÉCULAIRE


PDF Fu, Yu Y Not Indicated Head Office Harvard Medical School BIOCHEMISTRY


PDF Ghafar-Zadeh, Ebrahim E Not Indicated Head Office ? CHEMICAL ENGINEERINGDirect

PDF Gharghi, Majid MG Not Indicated Head Office ? Electronic circuits and devicesDirect

PDF Ghassemi, Abolfazl A Not Indicated Head Office ? Communications systemsDirect

PDF Guillemette, Benoît B Not Indicated Head Office Montréal BIOLOGIE MOLÉCULAIREDirect

PDF Hao, Weilong W Not Indicated Head Office ? GENETICSDirect

PDF Hessel, Colin CM Not Indicated Head Office University of Texas at Austin MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY


PDF Horwood, Joshua JT Not Indicated Head Office Waterloo APPLIED MATHEMATICSDirect

PDF Hossain, Mohammed Enamul ME Not Indicated Head Office ? CIVIL ENGINEERING


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PDF Ima, Chukwunonyerem Samuel CS Not Indicated Head Office McGill AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING


PDF Jantzie, Lauren L Not Indicated Head Office Harvard Medical School CELL BIOLOGY


PDF Jiang, Qimi Q Not Indicated Head Office ? BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGDirect

PDF Jiang, Yuanqing Y Not Indicated Head Office University of California - Berkeley PLANT AND TREE BIOLOGY


PDF Karpowicz, Phillip PA Not Indicated Head Office Harvard Medical School GENETICS


PDF Kurek, Joshua J Not Indicated Head Office ? Aquatic ecology and limnologyDirect

PDF Kus, Julianne JV Not Indicated Head Office Ryerson MICROBIOLOGYDirect

PDF Lavigueur, Christine C Not Indicated Head Office Radboud University Nijmegen CHIMIE ORGANIQUE


PDF Lavoie Plourde, Isabelle I Not Indicated Head Office INRS Aquatic ecology and limnologyDirect

PDF Lecomte, Nicolas N Not Indicated Head Office ? Écologie terrestreDirect

PDF Lee, Kwan Hon (Patrick) KH Not Indicated Head Office ? ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING


PDF Li, Xiujun XJ Not Indicated Head Office ? ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRYDirect

PDF Lindo, Zoe Z Not Indicated Head Office McGill EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYDirect

PDF Lingwood, Daniel DK Not Indicated Head Office Toronto CELL BIOLOGYDirect

PDF Lyons, Devin DA Not Indicated Head Office University of Georgia EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYDirect

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PDF Ma, Jiazhi J Not Indicated Head Office Toronto BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGDirect

PDF Maalekian, Mehran M Not Indicated Head Office British Columbia MetallurgyDirect

PDF MacDonald, Mark ML Not Indicated Head Office British Columbia PURE MATHEMATICSDirect

PDF Madanayake, Arjuna HLPA Not Indicated Head Office ? Circuit theory


PDF Mohamed, Yasser YAI Not Indicated Head Office Toronto ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING Direct

PDF Mohsenian Rad, Amir Hamed AH Not Indicated Head Office ? Communications networks


PDF Moradi, Mehdi M Not Indicated Head Office British Columbia BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGDirect

PDF Morand-Ferron, Julie J Not Indicated Head Office University of Oxford ÉVOLUTION ET ÉCOLOGIEDirect

PDF Nagel, Laura LM Not Indicated Head Office Carleton EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYDirect

PDF Nain, Sukhbir SN Not Indicated Head Office Saskatchewan ANIMAL BIOLOGYDirect

PDF Nasri Nasrabadi, Amir Masoud AM Not Indicated Head Office ? Communications systems


PDF Nguyen, Phuong TP Not Indicated Head Office McGill INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYDirect

PDF Nie, Zhihong Z Not Indicated Head Office Harvard University ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRYDirect

PDF Noonan, Kevin KJT Not Indicated Head Office Cornell University INORGANIC CHEMISTRYDirect

PDF Oikonomopoulou, Katerina (Aikaterini) KA Not Indicated Head Office Calgary BIOCHEMISTRY


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PDF Pamenter, Matthew EM Not Indicated Head OfficeUniversity of California - San Diego


PDF Rider, David DA Not Indicated Head Office ? MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYDirect

PDF Roufegarinejad, Ali A Not Indicated Head Office École Polytechnique STRUCTURAL ENGINEERINGDirect

PDF Shanian, Ali A Not Indicated Head Office ? MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYDirect

PDF Sharma, Sapna S Not Indicated Head Office University of Wisconsin - Madison Aquatic ecology and limnology


PDF Shavezipur, Mohammad M Not Indicated Head Office Simon Fraser MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


PDF Spratt, Donald DE Not Indicated Head Office Western Ontario BIOCHEMISTRYDirect

PDF Stange, Katherine KE Not Indicated Head Office Simon Fraser PURE MATHEMATICSDirect

PDF Taghibakhsh, Farhad F Not Indicated Head Office ? BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGDirect

PDF Tsang, Herbert HHP Not Indicated Head Office ? INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYDirect

PDF VanderSteen, Jonathan DJ Not Indicated Head Office ? DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING


PDF Wang, Feng F Not Indicated Head Office ? MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYDirect

PDF Wang, Kai K Not Indicated Head OfficeThunder Bay Regional Health Sci. Ctr


PDF Wang, Mingfeng M Not Indicated Head Office ? POLYMER CHEMISTRYDirect

PDF Way, Danielle DA Not Indicated Head Office Duke University PLANT AND TREE BIOLOGYDirect

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PDF Weadge, Joel JT Not Indicated Head Office Toronto BIOCHEMISTRYDirect

PDF Wexler Sal-Man, Neta N Not Indicated Head Office British Columbia MICROBIOLOGYDirect

PDF Wilson, Scott SD Not Indicated Head Office Smithsonian Institute EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYDirect

PDF Wu, Bin B Not Indicated Head Office Ottawa Communications networksDirect

PDF Zarrine-Afsar, Arash A Not Indicated Head Office Toronto BIOCHEMISTRYDirect

PDF Zhao, Shu-Bin S-B Not Indicated Head Office U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill INORGANIC CHEMISTRY


PDF Zhao, Weian W Not Indicated Head Office Harvard University BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGDirect

PDF Zhou, Chunfeng C Not Indicated Head Office University of Minnesota CHEMICAL ENGINEERING


PGSD2 Beaulieu, Mélanie M Not Indicated Head Office ? KinesiologyDirect

PGSD2 Campagnaro, Paul PA Not Indicated Head Office British Columbia PSYCHOLOGYDirect

PGSD2 Coffey, Brian BE Not Indicated Head Office University of California - Berkeley MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


PGSD2 Crewe, Tara TL Not Indicated Head Office ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYDirect

PGSD2 Léger, Sophie SL Not Indicated Head Office ? MATHÉMATIQUES APPLIQUÉESDirect

PGSD2 Marshall, James TJ Not Indicated Head Office Western Ontario PHYSICSDirect

PGSD2 Mitchell, Matthew MGE Not Indicated Head Office McGill Terrestrial ecologyDirect

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PGSD2 Oaten, Dustin DK Not Indicated Head Office ? Terrestrial ecologyDirect

PGSD2 Theroux Rancourt, Guillaume G Not Indicated Head Office Laval SCIENCE DU SOL


PGSD3 Alshaer, Hisham H Not Indicated Head Office Toronto BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGDirect

PGSD3 Baril, Jacinthe J Not Indicated Head Office McGill KinesiologyDirect

PGSD3 Coulombe-Huntington, Jasmin JG Not Indicated Head Office ? GENETICS


PGSD3 Cuerden, Meaghan MS Not Indicated Head Office Western Ontario STATISTICS AND PROBABILITYDirect

PGSD3 Dressler, Daniel DM Not Indicated Head Office British Columbia MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGDirect

PGSD3 Flockhart, Tyler DT Not Indicated Head Office Simon Fraser EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYDirect

PGSD3 Gilchrist, Philippe PT Not Indicated Head Office McGill Cognitive science -- fundamentalDirect

PGSD3 Griffin, Ryan RH Not Indicated Head Office Carleton Electronic circuits and devicesDirect

PGSD3 Hatton, Ian IA Not Indicated Head Office McGill EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYDirect

PGSD3 Haynes, Trevor TB Not Indicated Head Office University of Alaska Fairbanks EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGY


PGSD3 King, Wendy WJ Not Indicated Head Office University of Melbourne EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGY


PGSD3 Kirnbauer, Margaret MC Not Indicated Head Office McMaster CIVIL ENGINEERINGDirect

PGSD3 Peiman, Kathryn KS Not Indicated Head Office ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYDirect

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PGSD3 Rosa, Bruce BA Not Indicated Head Office Lakehead GENETICSDirect

PGSD3 Sampson, Laura L Not Indicated Head Office Dalhousie EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYDirect

PGSD3 Shin, Haksik HS Not Indicated Head Office ? MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGDirect

PGSD3 Sobey, Jennifer JL Not Indicated Head Office Carleton INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYDirect

PGSM Archibald, Devan DW Not Indicated Head Office McGill EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYDirect

PGSM Briere, Jennifer JL Not Indicated Head Office ? PSYCHOLOGYDirect

PGSM Brilot, Axel AF Not Indicated Head Office Brandeis University BiophysicsDirect

PGSM Brumme, Chanson CJ Not Indicated Head Office British Columbia ImmunologyDirect

PGSM Liston, Robert RJM Not Indicated Head Office Calgary BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGDirect

PGSM Mo, Jeffrey JD Not Indicated Head OfficeMassachusetts Institute of Technology


PGSM Patterson, Kyla KJC Not Indicated Head Office Victoria Remote sensingDirect

PGSM Sloan, Tristan TA Not Indicated Head Office Chalmers University of Technology MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


PGSM Spevack, Rachel RLA Not Indicated Head Office ? Behavioural neuroscienceDirect

PGSM Xing, Yao (Shirley) Y Not Indicated Head Office Calgary INORGANIC CHEMISTRYDirect

CGSM Kryzskaya, Darya (Dasha) D

Nova Scotia Agricultural College Plant and Animal Sciences ? GENETICS


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CGSM Walsh, Alison AJ Nova Scotia Agricultural College Environmental Sciences Dalhousie Terrestrial ecology


PGSD2 Halde, Caroline C Nova Scotia Agricultural College Plant and Animal Sciences ? BIOLOGIE VÉGÉTALE ET DES ARBRES


PGSD2 Bernard, Andrea AM Nova Southeastern University Oceanographic Center Nova Southeastern


PDF Johnson, Darren DW Oregon State University Zoology ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYForeign

PGSD2 Iles, Alison AC Oregon State University Zoology Oregon State University EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGY


PGSM Crowhurst, Rachel RS Oregon State University Fisheries & Wildlife Oregon State University EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGY


CGSD2 Chapman, Rebecca RP Ottawa Chemistry Ottawa PHYSICAL CHEMISTRYCan

CGSD2 Ghanavati, Sepideh S Ottawa Information Technology and Engineering, School of Ottawa INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY


CGSD2 Golin, Sarah SM Ottawa Physics Ottawa PHYSICSCan

CGSD2 Goubko, Catherine CA Ottawa Chemical and Biological Engineering Ottawa CHEMICAL ENGINEERING


CGSD2 Robert, Isabelle MI Ottawa Cellular and Molecular Medicine Ottawa CELL BIOLOGYCan

CGSD2 Ta, Chieu Anh CA Ottawa Biology Ottawa PLANT AND TREE BIOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Bourdon, Julie JA Ottawa Biology Ottawa MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Crawford, Sean SA Ottawa Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology Ottawa BIOCHEMISTRY


CGSD3 Gagnon, Daniel DJK Ottawa Human Kinetics, School of Ottawa KinesiologyCan

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CGSD3 Gibbs, Mary Katherine MKE Ottawa Biology Ottawa EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGY


CGSD3 Hou, Weimin W Ottawa Chemistry Ottawa ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRYCan

CGSD3 Kwan, Lucia LOM Ottawa Biology ? MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Miah, Md. Suruz MS Ottawa Engineering, Faculty of Ottawa ROBOTICSCan

CGSD3 Pellerin, André A Ottawa Earth Sciences McGill EARTH SCIENCE (see also Marine geology, 4604) Can

CGSD3 Shendruk, Tyler TN Ottawa Physics Ottawa PHYSICSCan

CGSD3 Vanderwel, Christina CM Ottawa Engineering, Faculty of Ottawa FLUID MECHANICSCan

CGSD3 Vinten, Phillip PA Ottawa Physics Ottawa MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYCan

CGSM Abdennur, Nezar N Ottawa Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology Ottawa MOLECULAR BIOLOGY


CGSM Al-Baldawi, Ali A Ottawa Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology Ottawa BIOCHEMISTRY


CGSM Aldous, Catherine CD Ottawa Physics Ottawa CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICSCan

CGSM Antoun, Ghadi G Ottawa Science, Faculty of Ottawa MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Binder, Konrad KFY Ottawa Psychology, School of Ottawa KinesiologyCan

CGSM Boulanger, Jenna JJ Ottawa Psychology, School of Ottawa PSYCHOLOGIECan

CGSM Boyd, Peter PG Ottawa Chemistry ? INORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

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CGSM Brammer, Jeremy JR Ottawa Biology Ottawa Aquatic ecology and limnologyCan

CGSM Brillant, Mélanie M Ottawa Mechanical Engineering McGill MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYCan

CGSM Cameron, Elliot ET Ottawa Chemical and Biological Engineering ? CHEMICAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Chapleau, Mélanie M Ottawa Biology Ottawa PLANT AND TREE BIOLOGYCan

CGSM De Jong, Alexia ACM Ottawa Science, Faculty of Ottawa ImmunologieCan

CGSM Deria, Mariam M Ottawa Medicine, Faculty of Ottawa MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Dey, Cody CJ Ottawa Psychology, School of Carleton ANIMAL BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Diener, Ross RH Ottawa Physics ? Particle physicsCan

CGSM Gifford, Danna DR Ottawa Biology Ottawa EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Godin, Robert RP Ottawa Chemistry ? CHIMIE INORGANIQUECan

CGSM Guolla, Louise LE Ottawa Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology ? BIOCHEMISTRY


CGSM Hudon, Tamara TM Ottawa Psychology, School of Ottawa PSYCHOLOGYCan

CGSM Huynh, Melissa MJ Ottawa Science, Faculty of Ottawa CELL BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Ide, Jennifer JC Ottawa Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology Ottawa BIOCHEMISTRY


CGSM Ismail, Arif A Ottawa Chemistry ? BiophysicsCan

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CGSM Jiang, Jojo JL Ottawa Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology Ottawa ORGANIC CHEMISTRY


CGSM Jurca, Titel J Ottawa Chemistry Ottawa INORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Khan, Sara S Ottawa Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology Ottawa BIOCHEMISTRY


CGSM Kwok, Vivian V Ottawa Psychology, School of Ottawa NeurophysiologyCan

CGSM Labonté, Laura LE Ottawa Psychology, School of Ottawa Physiologie et métabolisme des animauxCan

CGSM Legault, Marc MCB Ottawa Chemistry Ottawa ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Lemaire-Beaucage, Jonathan J Ottawa Mathematics and Statistics Ottawa MATHÉMATIQUES PURES


CGSM Lesage-Pelletier, Cindy C Ottawa Science, Faculty of Ottawa BIOLOGIE MOLÉCULAIRECan

CGSM Lynn, Aaron AGH Ottawa Psychology, School of Ottawa KinesiologyCan

CGSM Maltez, Nancy NT Ottawa Science, Faculty of Ottawa MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

CGSM McDonald, Sarah SM Ottawa Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology Ottawa BIOCHEMISTRY


CGSM McIntyre, Kristina KL Ottawa Psychology, School of Ottawa PLANT AND TREE BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Melnyk, Anita AH Ottawa Biology Ottawa EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Petrov, Ivan I Ottawa Chemistry Ottawa ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Picard, Gabriel GG Ottawa Psychology, School of Ottawa PLANT AND TREE BIOLOGYCan

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CGSM Potvin, Gabriel G Ottawa Science, Faculty of Ottawa MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Ried, Jennifer JM Ottawa Chemical and Biological Engineering ? CHEMICAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Ritz, Caitlin CE Ottawa Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology ? MOLECULAR BIOLOGY


CGSM Roodman, Victoria VB Ottawa Cellular and Molecular Medicine Ottawa CELL BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Rossi, Marisa MB Ottawa Science, Faculty of Ottawa BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Schwartz-Narbonne, Rachel RE Ottawa Chemistry ? PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY


CGSM Singaravelu, Ragunath R Ottawa Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology Ottawa BIOCHEMISTRY


CGSM Sirjoosingh, Andrew AR Ottawa Chemistry ? PHYSICAL CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Smith, Benjamin Douglas BD Ottawa Chemical and Biological


CGSM Stewart, Andrew AD Ottawa Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology Ottawa MICROBIOLOGY


CGSM Sun, Cathy CJ Ottawa Psychology, School of Ottawa PLANT AND TREE BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Swinton, Erika EM Ottawa Psychology, School of ? NeurophysiologyCan

CGSM Tan, Elvin EYZ Ottawa Psychology, School of ? ANIMAL BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Telles O'Neil, Gabriel GP Ottawa Engineering, Faculty of Ottawa INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCan

CGSM Trahan, Nicolas N Ottawa Science, Faculty of ? ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer Vision, use Can

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CGSM Valsamis, Bridget B Ottawa Psychology, School of ? Behavioural neuroscienceCan

CGSM Van Zandvoort, Alisha AM Ottawa Biology St. Francis Xavier EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Wadhwani, Aman AMR Ottawa Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology Ottawa BIOCHEMISTRY


CGSM Wallis, Nancy NJ Ottawa Psychology, School of Ottawa Behavioural neuroscienceCan

CGSM Yale, Alexandre A Ottawa Physics ? PHYSICSCan

CGSM Yi, Jiangfan (James) J Ottawa Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology Ottawa MICROBIOLOGY


CGSM Zhu, Qian Q Ottawa Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology ? GENETICS


PDF Algar, Adam AC Ottawa Biology ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

PDF Alizadeh, Rouhollad R Ottawa Civil Engineering ? CIVIL ENGINEERINGCan

PDF Burgess, Andrea AC Ottawa Mathematics and Statistics ? PURE MATHEMATICSCan

PDF Gosselin, Shonda SM Ottawa Mathematics and Statistics ? PURE MATHEMATICSCan

PDF Kinnard, Christophe C Ottawa Geography Centro de Estudios Cientificos GÉOGRAPHIE PHYSIQUE


PDF McLaughlin, Christopher CR Ottawa Cellular and Molecular Medicine Harvard Medical

School NeurophysiologyCan

PDF Rowley, Christopher CNM Ottawa Chemistry ? PHYSICAL CHEMISTRYCan

PDF Sagan, Selena SM Ottawa Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology ? MICROBIOLOGY


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PDF Stuart, David Ross DR Ottawa Chemistry Harvard University ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

PDF Zheng, Chunfang C Ottawa Biology Montréal GENETICSCan

PGSD2 Balamohan, Balasingham B Ottawa Mathematics and Statistics Ottawa APPLIED MATHEMATICS


PGSD2 Belanger, Michele MJ Ottawa Psychology, School of Ottawa Science cognitive -- développementCan

PGSD2 Biard, Kathleen KDR Ottawa Psychology, School of Ottawa NeurophysiologyCan

PGSD2 Dalton, Rebecca RL Ottawa Biology Ottawa Aquatic ecology and limnologyCan

PGSD2 Kashyap, Shalini SK Ottawa Civil Engineering ? CIVIL ENGINEERINGCan

PGSD2 Ravindra, Rebecca RA Ottawa Geography Dalhousie OCEANOGRAPHYCan

PGSD2 Trefiak, Nicholas NR Ottawa Chemistry Ottawa PHYSICAL CHEMISTRYCan

PGSD3 Buckley, Robin RA Ottawa Engineering, Faculty of Ottawa Optics (see also photon devices, 2505)Can

PGSD3 Carswell, Casey CL Ottawa Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology Ottawa BIOCHEMISTRY


PGSD3 Chakroun, Imane IC Ottawa Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology Ottawa BIOCHEMISTRY


PGSD3 Jun, Jaeyoon (James) J Ottawa Physics Ottawa NeurophysiologyCan

PGSD3 Lapointe, David D Ottawa Chemistry Ottawa CHIMIE ORGANIQUECan

PGSD3 Ma, Loretta LTK Ottawa Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology Ottawa BIOCHEMISTRY


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PGSD3 Mileva, Gerri GR Ottawa Biology Ottawa NeurophysiologyCan

PGSD3 Pourshahid, Alireza A Ottawa Information Technology and Engineering, School of Ottawa Software and development


PGSD3 Siyanov, Violetta V Ottawa Cellular and Molecular Medicine Ottawa Animal physiology and metabolismCan

PGSD3 Waye, Andrew AS Ottawa Biology Ottawa Animal physiology and metabolismCan

PGSD3 Zhao, Linlu L Ottawa Epidemiology and Community Medicine Ottawa MOLECULAR BIOLOGY


PGSM Brown, Laura LK Ottawa Mechanical Engineering Ottawa MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGCan

PGSM Paszkowski, Dawn DE Ottawa Science, Faculty of ? EARTH SCIENCE (see also Marine geology, 4604) Can

PGSM Sparling, Jessica JE Ottawa Psychology, School of Ottawa Behavioural neuroscienceCan

PGSM Zhang, Lei L Ottawa Science, Faculty of Ottawa ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

PGSD2 Kajenthira, Kobika Arani KA Oxford Brookes University Head Office Oxford Brookes

UniversityEARTH SCIENCE (see also Marine geology, 4604) Foreign

PGSD2 Hill, Kyle KA Oxford University Press Head Office Oxford University Press PHYSICS


CGSD2 Finley, Megan MA Prince Edward Island Biomedical Sciences Prince Edward Island ImmunologyCan

CGSD3 Adams, Amber AL Prince Edward Island Psychology Prince Edward Island Behavioural neuroscienceCan

CGSM Campbell, Alexander KA Prince Edward Island Biology Prince Edward Island Aquatic ecology and limnologyCan

CGSM Fatehi Hassanabad, Ali A Prince Edward Island Mathematics & Statistics ? APPLIED MATHEMATICSCan

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CGSM Fatehi Hassanabad, Mostafa M Prince Edward Island Physics ? Particle physics


CGSM Mackenzie, Todd TP Prince Edward Island Physics ? PHYSICSCan

CGSM McQuaid, Robyn RJ Prince Edward Island Psychology ? Behavioural neuroscienceCan

CGSM Proud, Adam AJ Prince Edward Island Chemistry ? INORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

PGSD3 Lutz-Collins, Vanessa VD Prince Edward Island Biology Prince Edward Island EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

PGSM Pater, Christina CC Prince Edward Island Biology Prince Edward Island Aquatic ecology and limnologyCan

CGSD2 Lambert, Guillaume G Princeton University Physics Princeton University BiophysicsForeign

PGSD2 Allen, Anna AE Princeton University Chemistry Princeton University ORGANIC CHEMISTRYForeign

PGSD3 Kostina, Viktoria V Princeton University Electrical Engineering Princeton University Communications systemsForeign

PGSD2 Orr, Mary-Jane M-J Purdue University Agronomy Purdue University MICROBIOLOGYForeign

PGSD3 Lamont, Warren WG Purdue University Aeronautics/Astronautics, School of Purdue University Aerospace, aeronautical and automotive

engine Foreign

CGSM Hachey, Marie-Hélène MH Québec à Chicoutimi Sciences fondamentales Québec à Chicoutimi ÉVOLUTION ET ÉCOLOGIECan

CGSM Lemay, Audrey A Québec à Chicoutimi Sciences de l'éducation et de psychologie Québec à Chicoutimi BIOLOGIE VÉGÉTALE ET DES ARBRES


CGSM Plourde, Jérôme J Québec à Chicoutimi Sciences fondamentales Québec à Chicoutimi Écologie aquatique et limnologieCan

CGSM Thibeault, Frederic F Québec à Chicoutimi Sciences appliquées Québec à Chicoutimi GÉNIE MÉCANIQUECan

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PGSM Dufour, Anne-Marie AM Québec à Chicoutimi Sciences appliquées Québec à Chicoutimi GÉNIE MÉCANIQUECan

CGSD2 Lortie Forgues, Hugues H Québec à Montréal Psychologie Québec à Montréal PSYCHOLOGIECan

CGSD3 Badescu, Dunarel D Québec à Montréal Informatique Québec à Montréal TECHNOLOGIE DE L'INFORMATIONCan

CGSD3 Chalifour, Annie A Québec à Montréal Sciences biologiques Québec à Montréal BIOLOGIE VÉGÉTALE ET DES ARBRESCan

CGSD3 Martineau, Corine C Québec à Montréal Sciences biologiques Québec à Montréal BIOLOGIE CELLULAIRECan

CGSD3 Paquin Ricard, Danahé D Québec à Montréal Sciences de la terre et de l'atmosphère Québec à Montréal ÉTUDE DE L'ATMOSPHÈRE


CGSM Baptiste, Nadége NGR Québec à Montréal Sciences de la terre et de l'atmosphère ? HYDROLOGY


CGSM Bélisle, Annie Claude AC Québec à Montréal Sciences biologiques Québec à Montréal Écologie terrestreCan

CGSM Bellemare, Marie-Christine M-C Québec à Montréal Sciences biologiques Québec à Montréal Écologie aquatique et limnologie


CGSM Bérard, Didier D Québec à Montréal Chimie Québec à Montréal CHIMIE ORGANIQUECan

CGSM Boivin, Maxime M Québec à Montréal Géographie Québec à Rimouski GÉOGRAPHIE PHYSIQUECan

CGSM Cliche Trudeau, Noemie N Québec à Montréal Géographie Québec à Montréal Écologie terrestreCan

CGSM Dubuc-Messier, Gabrielle G Québec à Montréal Sciences biologiques ? ÉVOLUTION ET ÉCOLOGIE


CGSM Dumont, François F Québec à Montréal Sciences biologiques Québec à Montréal ÉVOLUTION ET ÉCOLOGIECan

CGSM Fontaine, Nicolas NJLR Québec à Montréal Chimie Québec à Montréal BIOLOGIE MOLÉCULAIRECan

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CGSM Garon, Ariane A Québec à Montréal Mathématiques Québec à Montréal MATHÉMATIQUES PURESCan

CGSM Hrivnakova, Zuzana Z Québec à Montréal Sciences biologiques Québec à Montréal Écologie aquatique et limnologieCan

CGSM Le Pioufle, Audrey A Québec à MontréalGEOTOP-UQAM-McGILL (Centre recherche géochimie et géodynamique)


CGSM Léger-Bélanger, Marie-Pier M-P Québec à Montréal Psychologie Québec à Montréal Neurologie du comportement


CGSM Lemire, Mirianne MG Québec à Montréal Sciences biologiques Québec à Montréal Physiologie et métabolisme des animauxCan

CGSM Lortie, Jonathan JM Québec à Montréal Mathématiques Québec à Montréal MATHÉMATIQUES PURESCan

CGSM Melançon, Andréane A Québec à Montréal Psychologie Québec à Montréal PSYCHOLOGIECan

CGSM Muttalib, Shahin S Québec à Montréal Chimie Québec à Montréal PLANT AND TREE BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Perron, Marie-Claude M-C Québec à Montréal Sciences biologiques Québec à Montréal Écologie aquatique et limnologieCan

CGSM Robillard, Marie-Ève M-E Québec à Montréal Kinanthropologie Québec à Montréal KinésiologieCan

CGSM Scott, Alexandre A Québec à Montréal Mathématiques Québec à Montréal STATISTIQUE ET PROBABILITÉCan

CGSM Tahanian, Elizabeth E Québec à Montréal Chimie Québec à Montréal BIOLOGIE CELLULAIRECan

PDF Hartmann, Henrik H Québec à Montréal Sciences biologiques MPI for Biogeochemistry ÉVOLUTION ET ÉCOLOGIE


PDF Watson, Liam LT Québec à Montréal Mathématiques ? PURE MATHEMATICSCan

PGSD2 Hamblin, Steven SR Québec à Montréal Sciences biologiques Québec à Montréal EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

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PGSD2 Nouaouria, Nabila N Québec à Montréal Informatique Québec à Montréal INTELLIGENCE ARTIFICIELLE (Vision artificiell Can

PGSD3 Béliveau, Annie A Québec à Montréal Sciences de l'environnement, Institut des Québec à Montréal SCIENCE DU SOL


PGSD3 Deshaies-Jacques, Martin M Québec à Montréal Sciences de la terre et de

l'atmosphère Québec à Montréal PHYSIQUECan

PGSD3 Sioui, Louiselle L Québec à Montréal Sciences de l'environnement, Institut des École Polytechnique GÉNIE CIVIL


PGSM Pilotte, Catherine C Québec à Montréal Sciences biologiques Québec à Montréal Écologie terrestreCan

CGSD2 Fischer-Rousseau, Laurence LE Québec à Rimouski Biologie, Chimie et Géographie Québec à Rimouski BIOLOGIE ANIMALE


CGSM L'Hérault, Pierre-Yves P-Y Québec à Rimouski Biologie, Chimie et Géographie Québec à Rimouski Écologie terrestreCan

PGSD3 Dionne, Kaven K Québec à Rimouski Biologie, Chimie et Géographie Québec à Rimouski Écologie aquatique et limnologieCan

PGSD3 Tremblay, Pascale P Québec à Rimouski Biologie, Chimie et Géographie Université de Paris VI (P & M Curie) Écologie aquatique et limnologie


CGSD3 Laramée, Marie-Eve M-E Québec à Trois-Rivières Chimie-biologie Québec à Trois-Rivières Systèmes sensoriels et perception


CGSM Bélanger, Simon S Québec à Trois-Rivières Chimie-biologie ? GÉNIE BIOMÉDICALCan

CGSM Charbonneau, David D Québec à Trois-Rivières Chimie-biologie Québec à Trois-Rivières Biophysique


CGSM D'Amours, Guylaine G Québec à Trois-Rivières Chimie-biologie Québec à Trois-Rivières BIOLOGIE ANIMALE


CGSM Larose, Annie A Québec à Trois-Rivières Chimie-biologie Québec à Trois-Rivières Écologie aquatique et limnologie


CGSM Moreau, Stéphanie S Québec à Trois-Rivières Chimie-biologie Québec à Trois-Rivières BIOLOGIE ANIMALE


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CGSM Simard, Anne-Marie A-M Québec à Trois-Rivières Chimie-biologie Montréal GÉNÉTIQUECan

CGSM Thibodeau, Roxanne R Québec à Trois-Rivières Chimie-biologie Québec à Trois-Rivières Immunologie


PDF Joly, David D Québec à Trois-Rivières Head Office Okayama University BIOCHIMIECan

PGSD2 Henriques Accioly, Andre Gustavo AG Québec à Trois-Rivières Électrique et génie informatique,

Dépt. de génieQuébec à Trois-Rivières GÉNIE ÉLECTRIQUE ET ÉLECTRONIQUE


PGSD3 Cardenas, Alben A Québec à Trois-Rivières Électrique et génie informatique, Dépt. de génie



CGSM Baus, Oliver O Québec en Outaouais Psychoéducation et de psychologie ? PSYCHOLOGIE


CGSD2 Benson, Jeannette JE Queen's Psychology Queen's PSYCHOLOGYCan

CGSD2 Dean, Darrell DC Queen's Chemistry Queen's ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSD2 Grant, Ryan RE Queen's Electrical and Computer Engineering Queen's INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY


CGSD2 Hefny, Mohamed M Queen's Computing, School of Queen's BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSD2 Jokela, Anneli AM Queen's Biology Queen's Aquatic ecology and limnologyCan

CGSD2 Rideout, Joshua JL Queen's Physics ? CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICSCan

CGSD2 Roy-Poirier, Audrey AJD Queen's Civil Engineering ? GÉNIE CIVILCan

CGSD2 Seniuk, Andrew AG Queen's Computing, School of ? INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Barua, Mrinmoy MB Queen's Electrical and Computer Engineering Queen's Communications systems


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CGSD3 Chan, Cheuk Fung (Nicky) CF Queen's Chemical Engineering Queen's CHEMICAL ENGINEERING


CGSD3 Chang, Dorita DHF Queen's Centre for Neuroscience Studies Queen's Behavioural neuroscienceCan

CGSD3 Hansen, Scott SK Queen's Civil Engineering Queen's HYDROLOGYCan

CGSD3 Hudson, Zachary ZM Queen's Chemistry Queen's INORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSD3 Hurley, Brenden B Queen's Biology Queen's BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSD3 Illes, Emilia E Queen's Physics Queen's CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICSCan

CGSD3 Lackner, Christine CL Queen's Psychology ? PSYCHOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Lato, Matt MJ Queen's Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering Queen's Geotechnical engineering (including engineeri


CGSD3 Morris-Pocock, Jamie JA Queen's Biology Queen's EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Petrus, Joseph JA Queen's Physics Queen's CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICSCan

CGSM Abram, Paul PK Queen's Biology Carleton Terrestrial ecologyCan

CGSM Allen, Gregory GB Queen's Mechanical and Materials Engineering Queen's MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Andrews, Rob RW Queen's Mechanical and Materials Engineering Queen's MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Armstrong, Craig CK Queen's Mathematics and Statistics ? STATISTICS AND PROBABILITYCan

CGSM Banger, Nicola NA Queen's Biology ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

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CGSM Bingham-Koslowski, Nikole NE Queen's Geological Sciences and

Geological Engineering Queen's EARTH SCIENCE (see also Marine geology, 4604) Can

CGSM Bodley, Thomas TF Queen's Applied Science, Faculty of ? MINING AND MINERAL PROCESSINGCan

CGSM Campigotto, Adam AJ Queen's Electrical and Computer Engineering ? INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY


CGSM Chou, Jordan JS Queen's Biochemistry Queen's BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Clouthier, Allison AL Queen's Applied Science, Faculty of ? BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Cornacchione, Laura LA Queen's Chemical Engineering Queen's BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Deane, Petra PE Queen's Biology Queen's EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Devries, Maaike MM Queen's Life Sciences Program Queen's CELL BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Diemert, Sabrina SA Queen's Chemical Engineering ? ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Elliott Donaghue, Irja IEK Queen's Applied Science, Faculty of British Columbia INORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Fekete, Stephanie SH Queen's Applied Science, Faculty of Queen's Geotechnical engineering (including engineeriCan

CGSM FitzPatrick, Michael MA Queen's Chemical Engineering Queen's CHEMICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Gillis, James JE Queen's Chemical Engineering Queen's CHEMICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Harris, Christopher C Queen's Mining Engineering Queen's MINING AND MINERAL PROCESSINGCan

CGSM Her, Sohyoung S Queen's Chemistry Toronto ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

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CGSM Hickey, Andrea A Queen's Life Sciences Program Queen's Behavioural neuroscienceCan

CGSM Hrynyk, Michael Thomas MT Queen's Chemical Engineering Queen's BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Jablonski, Bryce BVJ Queen's Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering Queen's EARTH SCIENCE (see also Marine geology,

4604) Can

CGSM Jazuli, Farah FJ Queen's Kinesiology & Health Studies, School of Queen's Kinesiology


CGSM Kemp, Kyle KW Queen's Applied Science, Faculty of ? CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICSCan

CGSM King, Laura LK Queen's Biology Queen's EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Kuipers, Meredith MJ Queen's Life Sciences Program Queen's Behavioural neuroscienceCan

CGSM Leung, Ben BY Queen's Physics Queen's PHYSICSCan

CGSM Lukewich, Mark MK Queen's Life Sciences Program Queen's NeurophysiologyCan

CGSM Mackey, Gillian GC Queen's Chemistry Queen's ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Mash, Jonathan JS Queen's Electrical and Computer Engineering ? Power systems


CGSM McKelvey, Jonathan Patrick JP Queen's Physics Dalhousie Biophysics


CGSM Natarajan, Aditya A Queen's Biochemistry ? BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Ollek, Sita S Queen's Biology ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Philbrook, Michael MJ Queen's Life Sciences Program Queen's NeurophysiologyCan

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CGSM Philpott, Tim TJ Queen's Geography ? SOIL SCIENCECan

CGSM Poljsak, Alexander ASR Queen's Mechanical and Materials Engineering Queen's BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Posen, Sam SE Queen's Applied Science, Faculty of ? PHYSICSCan

CGSM Robinson, Shona SJ Queen's Chemistry ? PHYSICAL CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Schelew, Ellen EN Queen's Electrical and Computer Engineering ? Photonic devices and networks


CGSM Sharma, Robyn R Queen's Life Sciences Program ? NeurophysiologyCan

CGSM Sick, Jonathan JN Queen's Physics Queen's ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICSCan

CGSM Southee, Florence FMK Queen's Geography Queen's Remote sensingCan

CGSM Starr, Lisa LM Queen's Microbiology and Immunology Queen's MICROBIOLOGYCan

CGSM Steele, Joe JAM Queen's Chemical Engineering ? BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Swift, Brenna BE Queen's Chemical Engineering ? BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Tamasauskas, Justin JA Queen's Mechanical and Materials Engineering ? MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Walden, Zoey Z Queen's Environmental Studies, School of Queen's GEOCHEMISTRY AND GEOCHRONOLOGYCan

CGSM Wilkin, Meaghan M Queen's Life Sciences Program Queen's PSYCHOLOGYCan

CGSM Wilson, Jennifer Catherine Hinton JCH Queen's Mathematics and Statistics ? PURE MATHEMATICS


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PDF Falk, Tiago TH Queen's Electrical and Computer Engineering Toronto BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING


PDF Fogel, Stuart SM Queen's Centre for Neuroscience Studies ? PSYCHOLOGYCan

PDF Gleeson, Tom TP Queen's Civil Engineering British Columbia HYDROLOGYCan

PDF Roy, Chanchal Kumar CK Queen's Computing, School of ? Software and developmentCan

PGSD2 Davies, Rhiannon R Queen's Biology Queen's Animal physiology and metabolismCan

PGSD2 El-Gabaly, Ahmed AM Queen's Electrical and Computer Engineering Queen's Integrated circuits


PGSD2 Habib, Diala D Queen's Centre for Neuroscience Studies Queen's Behavioural neuroscienceCan

PGSD2 Holland, Giles GHJ Queen's Psychology Queen's Cognitive science -- fundamentalCan

PGSD2 Kimber, Christopher CM Queen's Biology Queen's GENETICSCan

PGSD2 Lata, Christopher CJ Queen's Chemistry Queen's ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

PGSD2 Novak, Alison AC Queen's Rehabilitation Therapy, School of Queen's KinesiologyCan

PGSD2 Ong, Edmund EW Queen's Pharmacology and Toxicology Queen's MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

PGSD2 Serbanescu, Irina I Queen's Medicine Harvard University MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Abou Saleh, Hassan H Queen's Electrical and Computer Engineering Queen's Communications systems


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PGSD3 Duncan, Jody JRL Queen's Psychology Queen's Cognitive science -- fundamentalCan

PGSD3 Herstein, Lesley LM Queen's Civil Engineering ? CIVIL ENGINEERINGCan

PGSD3 Jones, Simon SA Queen's Mechanical and Materials Engineering ? MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


PGSD3 Korosi, Jennifer JB Queen's Biology Queen's Aquatic ecology and limnologyCan

PGSD3 Maclean, Heather HC Queen's Chemical EngineeringUniversité Catholique de Louvain


PGSD3 Nahanni, Celina CC Queen's Health Sciences, Faculty of Queen's BiophysicsCan

PGSD3 Poitras, Veronica VJ Queen's Kinesiology & Health Studies, School of Queen's Animal physiology and metabolism


PGSD3 Purssell, Andrew AC Queen's Microbiology and Immunology Queen's MICROBIOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Shihab, Emad ES Queen's Electrical and Computer Engineering Queen's Communications systems


PGSD3 Stewart, Kathryn KA Queen's Biology Queen's EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Tharmarajah, Grace GT Queen's Biology Queen's MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Wild, Conor CJ Queen's Centre for Neuroscience Studies Queen's Sensory systems and perceptionCan

PGSM Barbour, Liliane LJ Queen's Electrical and Computer Engineering ? Software and development


PGSM Campbell, Benjamin BD Queen's Mathematics and Statistics ? APPLIED MATHEMATICSCan

PGSM Conway, Neil NRG Queen's Computing, School of University of California - Berkeley Software and development


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CGSM Marchuk, Ashley AN Red Deer College Science Lethbridge GENETICSForeign

CGSM Harskamp, James JG Redeemer University College Biology ? ANIMAL BIOLOGY


CGSD3 Vanderlinde, Elizabeth EM Regina Biology Regina MICROBIOLOGYCan

CGSM Barks, Patrick PMG Regina Biology ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Chen, Yumin YM Regina Engineering, Faculty of Regina ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Laprairie, Mark MJW Regina Computer Science ? ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer Vision, use Can

CGSM Plosker, Sarah SJ Regina Mathematics and Statistics Regina PURE MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Ratanasawanya, Chayatat C Regina Engineering, Faculty of Regina ROBOTICS


PDF He, Li L Regina Engineering, Faculty of ? ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERINGCan

PGSD2 Dohms, Kimberly KM Regina Biology Lethbridge EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Colpitts, Che CC Regina Chemistry and Biochemistry ? BIOCHEMISTRYCan

PGSD2 Letts, James JA Rockefeller University Molecular & Cellular Neuroscience

Rockefeller University BIOCHEMISTRY


CGSD3 Groves, Michael MN Royal Military College of Canada

Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Royal Military College of Canada CHEMICAL ENGINEERING


CGSD3 Karamat, Tashfeen T Royal Military College of Canada

Electrical and Computer Engineering Queen's ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC


CGSD3 Ryan, Colan CGM Royal Military College of Canada

Electrical and Computer Engineering Toronto Electromagnetics, compatibility and interfere


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CGSM Chen, Sidian SS Royal Military College of Canada Mechanical Engineering Royal Military


CGSM Lebel, Luke LS Royal Military College of Canada

Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Royal Military College of Canada CHEMICAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Murdoch, Terra TL Royal Roads Environment and Sustainability, School of ? ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Taylor, Marlo ML Royal Roads Environment and Sustainability, School of ? ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING


CGSD3 Da Silva, Eric E Ryerson Chemistry and Biology ? ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRYCan

CGSD3 Montesano, Giovanni G Ryerson Aerospace Engineering Ryerson Aerospace, aeronautical and automotive engine Can

CGSM Barry, Oumar OR Ryerson Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Ryerson MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Lombardi, Anthony AM Ryerson Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Ryerson MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY


CGSM Posatskiy, Alex AO Ryerson Mechanical and Industrial Engineering ? MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Sousa, Andrew AJ Ryerson Chemistry and Biology Ryerson Aquatic ecology and limnologyCan

PGSD2 Zyarishalmani, Armin A Ryerson Civil Engineering Ryerson STRUCTURAL ENGINEERINGCan

PGSD3 Ibrahim, Hassan HE Ryerson Civil Engineering Ryerson CIVIL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSD3 King, Stanley DS Saint Mary's Biology New Brunswick EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Dong, Alex AX Saint Mary's Biology Saint Mary's GENETICSCan

CGSM Farrell, Jeff JM Saint Mary's Chemistry ? ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

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CGSM Nizio, Katie KD Saint Mary's Chemistry Saint Mary's ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Reeve, Catherine CS Saint Mary's Psychology York PSYCHOLOGYCan

CGSM Richardson, Mark ML Saint Mary's Astronomy and Physics ? ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICSCan

PGSD2 Wurster, James JH Saint Mary's Astronomy and Physics Saint Mary's ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICSCan

CGSD2 Dworaczek, Hanna HD Saskatchewan Microbiology and Immunology Saskatchewan MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

CGSD2 Konkin, David DJ Saskatchewan Biology Saskatchewan PLANT AND TREE BIOLOGYCan

CGSD2 Magnus, Charlene CRA Saskatchewan Kinesiology, College of ? KinesiologyCan

CGSD3 Adolphe, Jennifer JL Saskatchewan Pharmacy and Nutrition, College of Saskatchewan Animal physiology and metabolism


CGSD3 Beyer, Kristopher KB Saskatchewan Kinesiology, College of British Columbia KinesiologyCan

CGSD3 Hubbard, Michelle MA Saskatchewan Agriculture and Bioresources, College of Saskatchewan MICROBIOLOGY


CGSD3 Trépanier, Mariane M Saskatchewan Chemical Engineering Saskatchewan GÉNIE CHIMIQUECan

CGSM Anderson, Alexandra AM Saskatchewan Chemistry Saskatchewan ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Boyko, Teak TD Saskatchewan Physics and Engineering Physics Saskatchewan PHYSICSCan

CGSM Brunet, Nathalie NN Saskatchewan Geography & Planning Saskatchewan PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHYCan

CGSM Cazakoff, Brittany BN Saskatchewan Psychology Saskatchewan Behavioural neuroscienceCan

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CGSM Graff, Lyndon LJ Saskatchewan Agricultural and Bioresource Engineering Saskatchewan AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Green, Robert RJ Saskatchewan Physics and Engineering Physics Saskatchewan MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYCan

CGSM Holmes, Janice JM Saskatchewan Chemistry Saskatchewan ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM McGee, Patricia PA Saskatchewan Microbiology and Immunology Saskatchewan MICROBIOLOGYCan

CGSM Munson, Matthew MJ Saskatchewan Biology Saskatchewan MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

CGSM O'Brien, Jaclyn JA Saskatchewan Chemistry Saskatchewan PHYSICAL CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Ottenbreit, Kelci KL Saskatchewan Food and Bioproduct Sciences Saskatchewan FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYCan

CGSM Pedersen, Eric EJ Saskatchewan Biology ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Phillips, Ross RW Saskatchewan Geography & Planning Saskatchewan HYDROLOGYCan

CGSM Smith, Mike MJ Saskatchewan Kinesiology, College of Saskatchewan KinesiologyCan

PDF Ferrari, Maud MCO Saskatchewan Biology ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

PDF Fournier, Neil NM Saskatchewan PsychologyUniversity of Alabama at Birmingham

Behavioural neuroscienceCan

PDF Yang, Songlan SL Saskatchewan Mechanical Engineering Western Ontario MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYCan

PDF Zhang, Limei LM Saskatchewan BiochemistryUniversity of Massachusetts - Amherst


PGSD2 Frey, Joel JB Saskatchewan Engineering, College of Saskatchewan MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYCan

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PGSD2 Marks, Wendie WN Saskatchewan Psychology Saskatchewan PSYCHOLOGYCan

PGSD2 Stewart, Chad CD Saskatchewan Biology Saskatchewan MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Beatty, Erin EL Saskatchewan Psychology ? Cognitive science -- fundamentalCan

PGSD3 Ens, Joel JA Saskatchewan Soil Science Saskatchewan SOIL SCIENCECan

PGSD3 Postnikoff, Spike SDL Saskatchewan Anatomy and Cell Biology Saskatchewan GENETICSCan

PGSD3 Rosendahl, Scott SM Saskatchewan Chemistry Saskatchewan PHYSICAL CHEMISTRYCan

PGSM Vandergucht, David DM Saskatchewan Biology Saskatchewan Aquatic ecology and limnologyCan

PGSD2 Ishihara, Yoshihiro Y Scripps Research Institute Chemistry Scripps Research Institute ORGANIC CHEMISTRY


CGSD3 Grbic, Djordje D Sherbrooke Biologie Sherbrooke BIOLOGIE CELLULAIRECan

CGSD3 Lavoie, Mathieu M Sherbrooke Microbiologie infectiologie Sherbrooke BIOLOGIE MOLÉCULAIRECan

CGSM Bordeleau, Eric E Sherbrooke Biologie Sherbrooke MICROBIOLOGIECan

CGSM Boudreault, Jonathan J Sherbrooke Chimie Sherbrooke CHIMIE ORGANIQUECan

CGSM Boulanger, Benoit B Sherbrooke Génie, Faculté de Sherbrooke GÉNIE DES STRUCTURESCan

CGSM Bousquet, Vincent VMG Sherbrooke Génie électrique et génie informatique Sherbrooke Systèmes de télécommunications


CGSM Caron, Louis-Charles LC Sherbrooke Génie électrique et génie informatique Sherbrooke Circuits et dispositifs électroniques


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CGSM Chabot-Leclerc, Alexandre A Sherbrooke Génie électrique et génie


CGSM Chouinard, Patrick P Sherbrooke Génie mécanique Sherbrooke GÉNIE ÉLECTRIQUE ET ÉLECTRONIQUECan

CGSM Constantin, Gabriel G Sherbrooke Géomatique appliquée Sherbrooke TélédétectionCan

CGSM Coulombe, Geneviève G Sherbrooke Anatomie et biologie cellulaire Sherbrooke BIOLOGIE CELLULAIRECan

CGSM D. Lefebvre, Louis-Philippe L-P Sherbrooke Chimie Sherbrooke CHIMIE ORGANIQUE


CGSM De Ladurantaye, Vincent V Sherbrooke Génie électrique et génie

informatique Sherbrooke TECHNOLOGIE DE L'INFORMATIONCan

CGSM Duguay, Yannick Y Sherbrooke Géomatique appliquée INRS TélédétectionCan

CGSM Girard Baril, Frédérique F Sherbrooke Génie électrique et génie informatique Sherbrooke Circuits et dispositifs électroniques


CGSM Grondin, Jean-Sébastien JS Sherbrooke Génie mécanique McGill FLUID MECHANICS


CGSM Guilmain, Marc M Sherbrooke Génie électrique et génie informatique Sherbrooke Circuits et dispositifs électroniques


CGSM Labbé, Mathieu M Sherbrooke Génie électrique et génie informatique Sherbrooke ROBOTIQUE


CGSM Laliberté, Francis F Sherbrooke Physique Sherbrooke PHYSIQUE DE LA MATIÈRE CONDENSÉECan

CGSM Legault, Julien J Sherbrooke Génie mécanique Sherbrooke GÉNIE MÉCANIQUECan

CGSM Lemay, Jean-François J-F Sherbrooke Biologie Sherbrooke BIOLOGIE MOLÉCULAIRECan

CGSM Lemieux, François F Sherbrooke Génie électrique et génie informatique Sherbrooke Circuits et dispositifs électroniques


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CGSM Mercier, Charles C Sherbrooke Génie électrique et génie informatique Sherbrooke TECHNOLOGIE DE L'INFORMATION


CGSM Paquette, Luc L Sherbrooke Informatique Sherbrooke INTELLIGENCE ARTIFICIELLE (Vision artificiell Can

CGSM Patenaude-Monette, Martin M Sherbrooke Biologie Québec à Montréal Écologie terrestre


CGSM Picher-Martel, Gilles-Philippe GP Sherbrooke Génie mécanique Sherbrooke MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Rancourt, David DJG Sherbrooke Génie mécanique Sherbrooke Génie aérospatial, aéronautique et automobileCan

CGSM Thériault, Olivier O Sherbrooke Sciences, Faculté des Ottawa PHYSIQUE DE LA MATIÈRE CONDENSÉECan

CGSM Veilleux, Daniel D Sherbrooke Physique Sherbrooke PHYSIQUECan

CGSM Wilson, William W Sherbrooke Génie civil Sherbrooke CIVIL ENGINEERINGCan

PDF Robert, Mathieu M Sherbrooke Génie civil Queen's GÉNIE CIVILCan

PDF Semmaoui, Hicham H Sherbrooke Génie électrique et génie informatique École Polytechnique GÉNIE ÉLECTRIQUE ET ÉLECTRONIQUE


PGSD2 Girard, Olivier O Sherbrooke Génie civil Sherbrooke GÉNIE CIVILCan

PGSD2 Lemieux, Étienne E Sherbrooke Anatomie et biologie cellulaire Sherbrooke BIOLOGIE CELLULAIRECan

PGSD2 Prud'homme, Simon S Sherbrooke Génie civil Sherbrooke GÉNIE DES STRUCTURESCan

PGSD2 Turcotte, Marie-Christine M-C Sherbrooke Génie mécanique ? GÉNIE MÉCANIQUE


PGSD3 Baibakov, Konstantin KN Sherbrooke Géomatique appliquée Sherbrooke ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCECan

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PGSD3 Chabot, Vincent V Sherbrooke Génie électrique et génie informatique Sherbrooke GÉNIE BIOMÉDICAL


PGSD3 Gagnon, Bruno B Sherbrooke Génie électrique et génie informatique Sherbrooke TECHNOLOGIE DE L'INFORMATION


PGSD3 Lalonde, Sébastien S Sherbrooke Génie civil Sherbrooke GÉNIE MÉCANIQUECan

PGSD3 Paquin, Marie-Christine M-C Sherbrooke Anatomie et biologie cellulaire Sherbrooke BIOLOGIE CELLULAIRE


PGSD3 Porlier, Melody M Sherbrooke Sciences, Faculté des Sherbrooke ÉVOLUTION ET ÉCOLOGIECan

PGSD3 Tétreault, Pascal P Sherbrooke Physiologie et biophysique Sherbrooke BIOLOGIE MOLÉCULAIRECan

PGSM Borduas, Nadine N Sherbrooke Chimie University of Cambridge CHIMIE ORGANIQUE


PGSM Chagnon, Pierre-Luc P-L Sherbrooke Biologie Sherbrooke SCIENCE DU SOLCan

PGSM Giguère, Eric EM Sherbrooke Physique Hokkaido University PHYSIQUE DE LA MATIÈRE CONDENSÉECan

PGSM Lavoie, Erick E Sherbrooke Génie électrique et génie informatique ? Logiciels et développement


CGSD2 Banani, Seyed Alieza SA Simon Fraser Engineering Science, School of Simon Fraser Communications systemsCan

CGSD2 Braid, Lorena LR Simon Fraser Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Simon Fraser GENETICS


CGSD2 Cheng, Leslie K Simon Fraser Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Simon Fraser BIOCHEMISTRY


CGSD2 Franks, Samantha S Simon Fraser Biological Sciences Simon Fraser EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSD2 Green, Stephanie SJL Simon Fraser Biological Sciences Simon Fraser EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

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CGSD2 Hormozdiari, Fereydoun FH Simon Fraser Computing Science Simon Fraser GENETICS


CGSD2 Naeem, Muhammad MN Simon Fraser Engineering Science, School of Simon Fraser Communications systemsCan

CGSD3 Chuo, Yindar YD Simon Fraser Engineering Science, School of Simon Fraser BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSD3 Leung, See Wai (Sherry) SW Simon Fraser Physics Simon Fraser CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS


CGSD3 Sunday, Jennifer JM Simon Fraser Biological Sciences Simon Fraser EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Bahari, Jamal J Simon Fraser Engineering Science, School of ? Electronic circuits and devicesCan

CGSM Bannerman, Jordan JA Simon Fraser Biological Sciences Simon Fraser EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Caron, Chantelle CR Simon Fraser Resource and Environmental Management, School of Simon Fraser Aquatic ecology and limnology


CGSM Dickson, Rian RD Simon Fraser Biological Sciences Simon Fraser EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Eby, Chelsea CDL Simon Fraser Biological Sciences Simon Fraser EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Favaro, Brett BJ Simon Fraser Biological Sciences ? Aquatic ecology and limnologyCan

CGSM Galley, Shawna SL Simon Fraser Psychology ? PSYCHOLOGYCan

CGSM Kent, Brianne BAL Simon Fraser Psychology ? Behavioural neuroscienceCan

CGSM Lagroix, Hayley HEP Simon Fraser Psychology ? PSYCHOLOGYCan

CGSM Loosley, Alex AJ Simon Fraser Physics ? PHYSICSCan

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CGSM Minor, Johannes JA Simon Fraser Engineering Science, School of Simon Fraser ROBOTICSCan

CGSM Shahriari, Bobak B Simon Fraser Mathematics Simon Fraser APPLIED MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Truncik, Colin CJS Simon Fraser Physics Simon Fraser CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICSCan

CGSM Von der Porten, Mary MW Simon Fraser Resource and Environmental Management, School of Simon Fraser EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGY


CGSM Westell, Jamie JA Simon Fraser Engineering Science, School of Simon Fraser ROBOTICSCan

PDF Bavarian, Sara S Simon Fraser Engineering Science, School of British Columbia Communications systemsCan

PDF Katz, Michael MJ Simon Fraser Chemistry ? INORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

PDF Khatirinejad Fard, Mahdad M Simon Fraser Mathematics Waterloo PURE MATHEMATICS


PDF Tank, Suzanne SE Simon Fraser Biological SciencesWoods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Aquatic ecology and limnologyCan

PGSD2 Arbuthnott, Devin DW Simon Fraser Biological Sciences ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

PGSD2 Connors, Brendan BM Simon Fraser Biological Sciences Simon Fraser EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

PGSD2 Foster, Adam AJ Simon Fraser Biological Sciences Simon Fraser PLANT AND TREE BIOLOGYCan

PGSD2 Gibson, Eli ED Simon Fraser Engineering Science, School of ? BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGCan

PGSD2 Khan, Ali AR Simon Fraser Engineering Science, School of Simon Fraser BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGCan

PGSD2 Khosraviani, Kourosh KK Simon Fraser Engineering Science, School of Simon Fraser Integrated circuitsCan

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PGSD3 Hajirasouliha, Iman IH Simon Fraser Computing Science Simon Fraser GENETICSCan

PGSD3 Shelley, Lesley LK Simon Fraser Biological Sciences Simon Fraser ImmunologyCan

PGSD3 Smith, Benjamin BR Simon Fraser Computing Science ? ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer Vision, use Can

PGSD3 Yang, Cheng-Hsin (Scott) CH Simon Fraser Physics Simon Fraser PHYSICS


PGSM Chan, Tara TY Simon Fraser Kinesiology, School of Simon Fraser KinesiologyCan

PGSM Nyboer, Elizabeth EA Simon Fraser Biological Sciences ? Aquatic ecology and limnologyCan

PGSM Pang, Ching Yin (Derek) CY Simon Fraser Engineering Science, School of ? Communications systems


CGSM Douglas, Colin CD St. Francis Xavier Chemistry Alberta ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Everist, Michelle MA St. Francis Xavier Chemistry St. Francis Xavier PHYSICAL CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Harasym, Anne AC St. Francis Xavier Human Nutrition ? Animal physiology and metabolismCan

CGSM Hilchey, Matthew David MD St. Francis Xavier Psychology ? PSYCHOLOGY


CGSM Lim, Andrew AS St. Francis Xavier Physics Regina Particle physicsCan

PGSD2 Gabriel, Carrie-Ellen C-EC St. Francis Xavier Earth Sciences ? EARTH SCIENCE (see also Marine geology, 4604) Can

PGSD3 Nickerson, Nicholas NR St. Francis Xavier Earth Sciences ? SOIL SCIENCECan

PGSD3 Watt, Cortney CA St. Francis Xavier Biology ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

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PGSM Gillies, Kelsie Evelyn AnneKEA St. Francis Xavier Biology ? CELL BIOLOGY


CGSD2 Strand, Christopher CL Stanford University Mechanical Engineering Stanford University FLUID MECHANICSForeign

CGSD3 Lipnowski, Michael MA Stanford University Mathematics Stanford University PURE MATHEMATICSForeign

PGSD2 Chan, Sonny S Stanford University Computer Science Stanford University INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYForeign

PGSD2 Ismail, Ahmed A Stanford University Physics ? Particle physicsForeign

PGSD3 Suss, Matthew M Stanford University Mechanical Engineering ? MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGForeign

PGSD3 Tausz, Andrew AP Stanford University Computational Learning Laboratory Stanford University APPLIED MATHEMATICS


CGSD3 Young, Matthew MB SUNY - Stony Brook Mathematics SUNY - Stony Brook PURE MATHEMATICSForeign

PGSD3 Yao, Angela A Swiss Federal Inst of Technology Zurich Electrical Engineering Swiss Federal Inst of

Technology ZurichARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer Vision, use Foreign

PGSD2 Fischer, Lee LM Technical University of Denmark Head Office Technical University

of Denmark Electronic circuits and devicesForeign

CGSM Hansen, Sandra SC Thompson Rivers Biological Sciences Thompson Rivers EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Lloyd, Samantha SA Thompson Rivers Physics and Astronomy ? PHYSICSCan

CGSD2 Aasaraai, Kaveh K Toronto Electrical and Computer Engineering Toronto Computer hardware


CGSD2 Ahmed, Syed Mukhtar SM Toronto Pharmaceutical Sciences Toronto MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

CGSD2 Anzures, Gizelle GA Toronto Human Development and Applied Psychology Toronto Sensory systems and perception


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CGSD2 Araujo, Michelle MMF Toronto Forestry, Faculty of Toronto FOREST ENGINEERINGCan

CGSD2 Bailey, Colleen CEM Toronto Medical Biophysics Toronto BiophysicsCan

CGSD2 Balena, Trevor TM Toronto Cell and Systems Biology Toronto NeurophysiologyCan

CGSD2 Burgess, Sarah SIH Toronto Physics Toronto PHYSICSCan

CGSD2 Charlin, Laurent L Toronto Computer Science Toronto ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer Vision, use Can

CGSD2 Chen, Jan-Hung J-H Toronto Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Toronto BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING


CGSD2 Chiu, Loraine LLY Toronto Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry Toronto CHEMICAL ENGINEERING


CGSD2 Choi, Benjamin BY Toronto Mechanical and Industrial Engineering ? MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


CGSD2 Chu, Henry HKH Toronto Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Toronto MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


CGSD2 Colalillo, Michael MA Toronto Civil Engineering Toronto STRUCTURAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSD2 Csaszar, Elizabeth E Toronto Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry Toronto BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING


CGSD2 Doan, Davis D Toronto Civil Engineering Toronto CIVIL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSD2 Dou, James J Toronto Electrical and Computer Engineering Toronto Photonic devices and networks


CGSD2 Eissa, Azza A Toronto Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology Toronto BIOCHEMISTRY


CGSD2 Furgale, Paul PT Toronto Aerospace Studies, Institute for Toronto ROBOTICSCan

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CGSD2 Ghobadi, Monia M Toronto Computer Science Toronto Communications networksCan

CGSD2 Hsieh, Ming-Yi M-Y Toronto Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry Toronto BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING


CGSD2 Hum, Kathryn KM Toronto Human Development and Applied Psychology Toronto PSYCHOLOGY


CGSD2 Kalogerakis, Evangelos E Toronto Computer Science Toronto INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCan

CGSD2 Kenway, Gaetan GKW Toronto Aerospace Studies, Institute for Toronto Aerospace, aeronautical and automotive engine Can

CGSD2 Kupferschmidt, David Adam DA Toronto Psychology (Toronto) Toronto PSYCHOLOGY


CGSD2 Kwan, Charles C Toronto Materials Science and Engineering Toronto MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY


CGSD2 MacDonald, Andrew AA Toronto Ecology and Evolutionary Biology ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSD2 Mackay, Matthew M Toronto Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Toronto ROBOTICS


CGSD2 Martens, James JG Toronto Computer Science Toronto STATISTICS AND PROBABILITYCan

CGSD2 Mattocks, Michael MRL Toronto Cell and Systems Biology Toronto GENETICSCan

CGSD2 McWhinney, Robert R Toronto Chemistry Toronto ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRYCan

CGSD2 Morgan, Stephen SLE Toronto Mathematics Toronto PURE MATHEMATICSCan

CGSD2 Muise, Christian James CJ Toronto Computer Science Toronto ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer

Vision, use Can

CGSD2 Neyedli, Heather HF Toronto Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Toronto INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING


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CGSD2 Ranger, Mathieu ML Toronto Molecular Genetics Toronto MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

CGSD2 Rank, Jean Pierre JP Toronto Chemistry Toronto CHIMIE PHYSIQUECan

CGSD2 Samavi, Mohammad Reza MR Toronto Mechanical and Industrial


CGSD2 Sankaran, Siddarth S Toronto Mathematics Toronto PURE MATHEMATICSCan

CGSD2 Sheridan, Heather HR Toronto Psychology, UTM Toronto PSYCHOLOGYCan

CGSD2 Tran, Angela A Toronto Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry Toronto INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING


CGSD2 Vahlis, Evgene E Toronto Computer Science Toronto APPLIED MATHEMATICSCan

CGSD2 VandenBoer, Trevor TC Toronto Chemistry Toronto ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCECan

CGSD2 Vuvan, Dominique DT Toronto Psychology (Toronto) Toronto Cognitive science -- fundamentalCan

CGSD2 Witczak-Krempa, William W Toronto Physics Toronto PHYSICS


CGSD3 Blakely, Kim KM Toronto Molecular Genetics Toronto GENETICSCan

CGSD3 Chan, Christine C Toronto Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Toronto MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


CGSD3 Cheng, Darian DT Toronto Arts and Science, Faculty of ? KinesiologyCan

CGSD3 Chien, Wei-Yin W-Y Toronto Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, Inst. of (IBBME) Toronto MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


CGSD3 Dimitrijevic, Elena E Toronto Chemistry Toronto ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

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CGSD3 Geddes, Jeffrey JA Toronto Chemistry Toronto ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCECan

CGSD3 Keng, Brian BJ Toronto Electrical and Computer Engineering Toronto Computer hardware


CGSD3 Kim, Alice AS Toronto Psychology (Toronto) Toronto PSYCHOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Kisiel, Marta M Toronto Cell and Systems Biology Toronto NeurophysiologyCan

CGSD3 Lapierre, Jennifer JL Toronto Cell and Systems Biology Toronto NeurophysiologyCan

CGSD3 Larsen, Andrew AC Toronto Biochemistry Toronto BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSD3 Lowdon, Steve SC Toronto Mathematics ? PURE MATHEMATICSCan

CGSD3 MacLeod, Emily EC Toronto Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Toronto EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Mak, Anthony AB Toronto Molecular Genetics Toronto MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Morse, Graham GE Toronto Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry Toronto CHEMICAL ENGINEERING


CGSD3 Nabavi, Noushin N Toronto Cell and Systems Biology Toronto CELL BIOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Nejatbakhsh, Nasrin N Toronto Physiology Toronto CELL BIOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Panteleev, Jane J Toronto Chemistry Toronto ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSD3 Parreno, Justin J Toronto Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology Toronto CELL BIOLOGY


CGSD3 Reznik, Nikita N Toronto Medical Biophysics Toronto BiophysicsCan

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CGSD3 Schwarz, Peter PB Toronto Cell and Systems Biology Toronto NeurophysiologyCan

CGSD3 Simonsen, Anna AK Toronto Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Toronto EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Tsui, Chit CGC Toronto Chemistry Toronto ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSD3 Tucker, Caroline CM Toronto Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Toronto EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Whitney, John JCC Toronto Biochemistry Toronto BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSD3 Wong, Alex AMH Toronto Electrical and Computer Engineering Toronto Electromagnetics, compatibility and interfere


CGSD3 Zimmerman, Nicole NM Toronto Molecular Genetics Toronto GENETICSCan

CGSM Acton, Brooke B Toronto Cell and Systems Biology Toronto CELL BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Ahsanuzzaman, Sheikh Mohammad SM Toronto Electrical and Computer

Engineering ? Power systemsCan

CGSM Annibale, Vincent VT Toronto Chemistry Toronto INORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Balan, Marko M Toronto Physical Education and Health, Fac. of ? Animal physiology and metabolism


CGSM Bartoszko, Justyna J Toronto Pharmacology and Toxicology Toronto MICROBIOLOGYCan

CGSM Berndl, Elizabeth ESL Toronto Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, Inst. of (IBBME) Toronto MOLECULAR BIOLOGY


CGSM Blake, Chris C Toronto Electrical and Computer Engineering ? Communications systems


CGSM Bylinskii, Alexei AI Toronto Engineering Science, Division of ? CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICSCan

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CGSM Chambers, Gregory GR Toronto Mathematical and Computational Sciences (Mississauga) ? PURE MATHEMATICS


CGSM Chapman, Laura LA Toronto Cell and Systems Biology Toronto CELL BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Cheng, Olivia OYY Toronto Surgery ? BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Cheung, Gordon GHW Toronto Engineering Science, Division of ? Aerospace, aeronautical and automotive engine Can

CGSM Chudzinski, Michael MG Toronto Chemistry Toronto INORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Conflitti, Ida IM Toronto Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Toronto EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM De Araujo, Charlotte C Toronto Molecular Genetics Toronto MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

CGSM De Perio, Patrick P Toronto Physics Toronto Particle physicsCan

CGSM DeBond, Adrienne Nicole ANA Toronto Geology ? EARTH SCIENCE (see also Marine geology,

4604) Can

CGSM DiNardo, Paul PC Toronto Ecology and Evolutionary Biology ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Elbert, Adrienne A Toronto Medical Science, Institute of Toronto GENETICSCan

CGSM Fan, Sheung-Chi (Eric) S-C Toronto Mechanical and Industrial

Engineering Toronto FLUID MECHANICSCan

CGSM Farra, Nicolas N Toronto Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Toronto MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Founk, Karen K Toronto Molecular Genetics Toronto GENETICSCan

CGSM Francis, James JM Toronto Civil Engineering ? CIVIL ENGINEERINGCan

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CGSM Gamel, Omar OE Toronto Physics Toronto PHYSICSCan

CGSM Garofalo, Francesca F Toronto Nutritional Sciences Toronto GENETICSCan

CGSM Ge, Jing J Toronto Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, Inst. of (IBBME) ? BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Golas, Ewa EI Toronto Chemistry Toronto ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Gomez, Natalya NA Toronto Physics Toronto GEOPHYSICSCan

CGSM Goy, HuiWen HW Toronto Psychology (Toronto) Toronto Sensory systems and perceptionCan

CGSM Gudim, Mikhail M Toronto Mathematics Toronto PURE MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Hannigan-Daley, Bradley BC Toronto Mathematics ? PURE MATHEMATICS


CGSM Haque, Tarana TO Toronto Civil Engineering Toronto STRUCTURAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Harris, Isaac Spencer IS Toronto Medical Biophysics Toronto CELL BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Harsant, Jeffrey JCW Toronto Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Toronto PLANT AND TREE BIOLOGYCan

CGSM He, Shan S Toronto Electrical and Computer Engineering Toronto Integrated circuits


CGSM Heir, Pardeep PS Toronto Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology Toronto MOLECULAR BIOLOGY


CGSM Helfield, Brandon B Toronto Medical Biophysics Toronto BiophysicsCan

CGSM Hu, Yaqi Y Toronto Biochemistry Toronto BIOCHEMISTRYCan

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CGSM Huang, Wayne Wenyin WW Toronto Physiology Toronto Neurophysiology


CGSM Huber, Daniel DA Toronto Mathematical and Computational Sciences (Mississauga) Toronto PURE MATHEMATICS


CGSM Iamonaco, John-Paul JP Toronto Geography Toronto PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHYCan

CGSM Joushaghani, Arash A Toronto Electrical and Computer Engineering Toronto Photonic devices and networks


CGSM Karamanov, Nikola NT Toronto Statistics Toronto ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer Vision, use Can

CGSM Kaznady, Max M Toronto Statistics ? STATISTICS AND PROBABILITYCan

CGSM Kostelecki, Wojciech WA Toronto Medical Science, Institute of Toronto NeurophysiologyCan

CGSM Kucukelbir, Alp A Toronto Applied Sc./Engineering, Faculty of ? BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Kulkarni, Vainatey VA Toronto Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Toronto Aerospace, aeronautical and automotive

engine Can

CGSM Laidlow, Allison A Toronto Geology Toronto ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Lambe, Andrew AB Toronto Aerospace Studies, Institute for Toronto Aerospace, aeronautical and automotive engine Can

CGSM Le, Ada A Toronto Psychology (Toronto) ? PSYCHOLOGYCan

CGSM Lee, Daniel DH Toronto Psychology (Toronto) Toronto PSYCHOLOGYCan

CGSM Lee, Doris D Toronto Chemistry Toronto ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Liokumovich, Yevgeniy YO Toronto Mathematics ? APPLIED MATHEMATICS


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CGSM Lu, Tom T Toronto Physiology Toronto CELL BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Lustig, Lindsay LC Toronto Cell and Systems Biology ? CELL BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Ly, Daniel D Toronto Electrical and Computer Engineering ? Computer hardware


CGSM MacDonald, Ilana IR Toronto Astronomy and Astrophysics Toronto ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICSCan

CGSM Mak, Siu Wai (Jacky) SW Toronto Electrical and Computer Engineering ? Photonic devices and networks


CGSM McManus, Colin CM Toronto Engineering Science, Division of ? ROBOTICSCan

CGSM McVeigh, Patrick Zachary PZ Toronto Medicine, Faculty of ? PHYSICS


CGSM Memme, Silvio SM Toronto Applied Sc./Engineering, Faculty of ? Aerospace, aeronautical and automotive

engine Can

CGSM Mordatch, Igor I Toronto Computer Science Toronto INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCan

CGSM Ng, Tiffany TSJ Toronto Cell and Systems Biology Toronto NeurophysiologyCan

CGSM Oliveri, Stefanie SG Toronto Medical Biophysics Toronto MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Ostevik, Katherine KL Toronto Ecology and Evolutionary Biology ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Pankratov, Denis D Toronto Computer and Mathematical Sciences ? INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY


CGSM Patel, Ritesh R Toronto Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, Inst. of (IBBME) Toronto BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING



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CGSM Quan, Bryan BD Toronto Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, Inst. of (IBBME) Toronto BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Raveendran, Gayathtri G Toronto Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology Toronto CELL BIOLOGY


CGSM Rittenhouse, Neil NA Toronto Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, Inst. of (IBBME) Toronto BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Rodionov, Alex A Toronto Electrical and Computer Engineering Toronto Computer hardware


CGSM Rodriguez, Eva Patricia EP Toronto Laboratory Medicine and

Pathobiology Toronto MICROBIOLOGYCan

CGSM Rowe, Daniel DR Toronto Mathematics Toronto PURE MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Runnalls, Brett BAM Toronto Engineering Science, Division of Toronto Aerospace, aeronautical and automotive engine Can

CGSM Sacco, Raffaele R Toronto Pharmacology and Toxicology Toronto MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Saneinejad, Sheyda S Toronto Civil Engineering Toronto CIVIL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Saverino, Cristina C Toronto Psychology (Toronto) Toronto PSYCHOLOGYCan

CGSM Schmidt, Benjamin BA Toronto Engineering Science, Division of Toronto PHYSICAL CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Schott, Ryan RK Toronto Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Toronto EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Shah, Anu A Toronto Pharmaceutical Sciences Toronto CELL BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Shum, Warren W Toronto Electrical and Computer Engineering McGill INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY


CGSM Smith, Kyla KM Toronto Civil Engineering Toronto CIVIL ENGINEERINGCan

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CGSM Sorbara, Matthew M Toronto Molecular Genetics Toronto MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Southcott, Laura L Toronto Arts and Science, Faculty of ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Stanciu, Monica M Toronto Pharmacology and Toxicology ? CELL BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Stang, Jared JB Toronto Mathematics ? PHYSICSCan

CGSM Sun, Xing X Toronto Medical Science, Institute of Toronto NeurophysiologyCan

CGSM Touchie, Marianne MF Toronto Civil Engineering Toronto CIVIL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Tse, Leonard LWH Toronto Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, Inst. of (IBBME) Toronto BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Wee, Wallace W Toronto Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, Inst. of (IBBME) Toronto BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Winsborough, Carolyn CL Toronto Geography, UTM Toronto PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHYCan

CGSM Wren, Sumi SN Toronto Chemistry Toronto PHYSICAL CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Yasotharan, Hemesh HK Toronto Electrical and Computer Engineering Toronto Integrated circuits


CGSM Yee, Michael MM Toronto Applied Sc./Engineering, Faculty of ? PHYSICS


CGSM Zeiler, Matthew MD Toronto Engineering Science, Division of ? ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer Vision, use Can

PDF Barbulovic-Nad, Irena I Toronto Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, Inst. of (IBBME) ? BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING


PDF Brydges, Ryan RN Toronto Medical Science, Institute of ? KinesiologyCan

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PDF Butt, Craig CM Toronto Chemistry ? Animal physiology and metabolismCan

PDF Chen, I-Ling (Jennifer) I-L Toronto Chemistry ? MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYCan

PDF Chiu Forrest, Ivey IK Toronto Mechanical and Industrial Engineering University of Sydney DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING


PDF Colautti, Robert RI Toronto Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Duke University EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

PDF Collins, Christopher CM Toronto Computer Science ? INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCan

PDF Friedman, Jannice J Toronto Ecology and Evolutionary Biology ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

PDF Glazebrook, Cheryl CM Toronto Physical Therapy ? KinesiologyCan

PDF Harb, Maher MA Toronto Physics Lund University PHYSICSCan

PDF Hatami, Hamed H Toronto Computer Science ? PURE MATHEMATICSCan

PDF Hili, Ryan RM Toronto Chemistry Scripps Research Institute ORGANIC CHEMISTRY


PDF Huxter, Vanessa VM Toronto Chemistry University of California - Berkeley PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY


PDF Kahan, Tara TF Toronto Chemistry ? PHYSICAL CHEMISTRYCan

PDF Kent, Clément CF Toronto Ecology and Evolutionary Biology York ANIMAL BIOLOGYCan

PDF Krepski, Derek DA Toronto Mathematics ? PURE MATHEMATICSCan

PDF Lee, Woon Yin (Paul) WY Toronto Mathematics University of California - Berkeley PURE MATHEMATICS


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PDF Liu, Xinyu XY Toronto Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

University of Texas at Austin MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


PDF Martin, Loren LJ Toronto Medical Science, Institute of Boston University NeurophysiologyCan

PDF Martins, Andrew A Toronto Chemistry Scripps Research Institute ORGANIC CHEMISTRY


PDF Rayfield, Bronwyn B Toronto Ecology and Evolutionary Biology McGill EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

PDF Salakhutdinov, Ruslan R Toronto Computer Science ? ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer Vision, use Can

PDF Shaw, Tiffany TA Toronto Physics New York University SPACE SCIENCECan

PDF Thorpe, Hilary HC Toronto Ecology and Evolutionary Biology British Columbia Terrestrial ecologyCan

PDF Vanderwel, Mark MC Toronto Forestry, Faculty of ? EARTH SCIENCE (see also Marine geology, 4604) Can

PDF Yiannacouras, Peter P Toronto Electrical and Computer Engineering ? Computer hardware


PDF Young, Cora CJL Toronto Chemistry National Oceanic & Atmospheric Admin ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY


PDF Zhang, Fuzhong F Toronto Chemistry ? ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

PDF Zhao, Yi Y Toronto Physics Library ? Optics (see also photon devices, 2505)Can

PGSD2 Al-Qasimi, Asma A Toronto Physics Toronto PHYSICSCan

PGSD2 Antflick, Jordan JE Toronto Pharmaceutical Sciences Toronto MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

PGSD2 Chan, Ngai Yin (Gary) NY Toronto Pharmaceutical Sciences Toronto CELL BIOLOGYCan

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PGSD2 Chan, Wing Yiu WY Toronto Biochemistry Toronto BIOCHEMISTRYCan

PGSD2 Cheung, Aaron AYL Toronto Molecular Genetics Toronto CELL BIOLOGYCan

PGSD2 Dang, Duy Minh DM Toronto Computer Science Toronto APPLIED MATHEMATICSCan

PGSD2 Dodds, Tyler TOL Toronto Physics Toronto CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICSCan

PGSD2 Fazel-Zarandi, Maryam M Toronto Computer Science Toronto ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer Vision, use Can

PGSD2 Givoni, Inmar Ella IE Toronto Computer Science Toronto ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer Vision, use Can

PGSD2 Gonsalves, Sarah SE Toronto Cell and Systems Biology Toronto MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

PGSD2 Han, Tian Yi (David) TY Toronto Electrical and Computer Engineering Toronto Software and development


PGSD2 Kim, Michael MJ Toronto Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Toronto Applied probability


PGSD2 Lau, Angus Zoen AZ Toronto Medical Biophysics Toronto BiophysicsCan

PGSD2 LeBel, Stefan S Toronto Aerospace Studies, Institute for Toronto Control systemsCan

PGSD2 Li, Ye Y Toronto Public Health Sciences Toronto STATISTICS AND PROBABILITYCan

PGSD2 McDowell, Jeffrey JJ Toronto Chemistry Toronto MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYCan

PGSD2 Melymuk, Lisa LE Toronto Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry Toronto ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING


PGSD2 Mohammadzade, Narges NH Toronto Electrical and Computer

Engineering Toronto ROBOTICSCan

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PGSD2 Romero, Kristoffer K Toronto Psychology (Toronto) Toronto Behavioural neuroscience -- learningCan

PGSD2 Shih, Chao Chung (Steve) CC Toronto Engineering Science, Division of Toronto BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING


PGSD2 Tardif, Dominique D Toronto Physics Toronto Particle physicsCan

PGSD2 Tatone, Bryan BSA Toronto Civil Engineering ? Geotechnical engineering (including engineeriCan

PGSD2 Tomkins, Alexander AWD Toronto Electrical and Computer Engineering Toronto Electronic circuits and devices


PGSD2 Walls, Patrick PJ Toronto Mathematics Toronto PURE MATHEMATICSCan

PGSD2 Wong, Loksum L Toronto Cell and Systems Biology Toronto MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

PGSD2 Yanovsky, Vladimir V Toronto Computer Science Toronto INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCan

PGSD2 Zhang, Hong H Toronto Civil Engineering Toronto CIVIL ENGINEERINGCan

PGSD3 Assem, Naila NM Toronto Chemistry Toronto ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

PGSD3 Benton, Steve S Toronto Physics Toronto ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICSCan

PGSD3 Bikow, Jennifer JM Toronto Medical Science, Institute of Toronto CELL BIOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Chisholm, Amanda AE Toronto Rehabilitation Science (Graduate) Toronto Kinesiology


PGSD3 Curak, Jasna J Toronto Molecular Genetics Toronto GENETICSCan

PGSD3 De Kerckhove, Derrick D Toronto Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Toronto EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

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PGSD3 Denbeigh, Janet JM Toronto Medical Biophysics Toronto BiophysicsCan

PGSD3 Drake, Andrew AR Toronto Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Toronto EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

PGSD3 D'Souza, Serena Ann SA Toronto Molecular Genetics Toronto GENETICSCan

PGSD3 Edwards, Brie BA Toronto Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Toronto EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Gibson, Rosemary RA Toronto Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Toronto EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Griffiths, Kelly KA Toronto Civil Engineering Toronto CIVIL ENGINEERINGCan

PGSD3 Guild, Emma EB Toronto Psychology (Toronto) Toronto PSYCHOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Janzen, Ryan RE Toronto Electrical and Computer Engineering Toronto FLUID MECHANICS


PGSD3 Jardine, Katherine K Toronto Chemistry Toronto ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

PGSD3 Joag, Vineet V Toronto Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology Toronto MICROBIOLOGY


PGSD3 Khan, Hasan HA Toronto Chemistry Toronto ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

PGSD3 Lee, En-Shiun (Annie) E-S Toronto Public Health Sciences ? STATISTICS AND PROBABILITYCan

PGSD3 Liu, ZhongXu ZX Toronto Human Development and Applied Psychology Toronto Neurophysiology


PGSD3 Loach, Deborah DS Toronto Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Toronto INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING


PGSD3 Luu, Jason J Toronto Electrical and Computer Engineering ? Electronic circuits and devices


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PGSD3 Mashayekhi, Alireza A Toronto Physics Toronto SPACE SCIENCECan

PGSD3 Mazhab Jafari, Mohammad Taghi MT Toronto Biochemistry Toronto BIOCHEMISTRY


PGSD3 McGoey, Brechann BV Toronto Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Toronto EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Newman, Stephen SG Toronto Chemistry Toronto ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

PGSD3 Orr, Sarah SK Toronto Nutritional Sciences Toronto NeurophysiologyCan

PGSD3 O'Toole, Matthew MP Toronto Computer Science Toronto Software and developmentCan

PGSD3 Panahi, Shirin S Toronto Nutritional Sciences Toronto FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Parashar, Avinash AP Toronto Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Toronto MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


PGSD3 Peek, James JW Toronto Cell and Systems Biology Toronto MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Perhar, Gurbir G Toronto Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Toronto EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Pervaiz, Muhammad M Toronto Forestry, Faculty of Toronto FOREST ENGINEERINGCan

PGSD3 Ralevic, Peter P Toronto Forestry, Faculty of Toronto FOREST ENGINEERINGCan

PGSD3 Ramin, Maryam M Toronto Geography Toronto Aquatic ecology and limnologyCan

PGSD3 Ricker (Reid), Nicole ND Toronto Physical & Environmental Sciences (Scarborough College) Toronto EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGY


PGSD3 Ruppert, Jonathan JLW Toronto Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Toronto EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

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PGSD3 Scannell, Adin AM Toronto Computer Science Toronto Communications networksCan

PGSD3 Shapiro, Rebecca RSM Toronto Molecular Genetics Toronto GENETICSCan

PGSD3 Silver, Kristen KE Toronto Cell and Systems Biology Toronto CELL BIOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Skinner, Brian BPM Toronto Mathematics ? PURE MATHEMATICSCan

PGSD3 Sohrabi Araghi, Shirin S Toronto Computer Science Toronto ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer Vision, use Can

PGSD3 Styler, Sarah SA Toronto Chemistry ? ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRYCan

PGSD3 Vaisica, Jessica JA Toronto Biochemistry Toronto BIOCHEMISTRYCan

PGSD3 Volkovs, Maksims MN Toronto Computer Science Toronto ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer Vision, use Can

PGSD3 Vujanovic, Gojko G Toronto Astronomy and Astrophysics Toronto ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICSCan

PGSM Chouldechova, Olexandra O Toronto Statistics ? STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY


PGSM Edwards, Melissa MK Toronto Anthropology (Mississauga) Toronto MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

PGSM Ivrii, Oleg O Toronto Mathematical and Computational Sciences (Mississauga) ? PURE MATHEMATICS


PGSM Kim, Ginah GL Toronto Medicine, Faculty of Toronto NeurophysiologyCan

PGSM O'Donovan, Peter PE Toronto Computer Science Toronto ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer Vision, use Can

PGSM So, Kelvin K Toronto Engineering Science, Division of ? BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGCan

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PGSM Tsai, Yi-Lin YL Toronto Cell and Systems Biology Toronto MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

PGSM Wan, Chun Kit (Leo) CK Toronto Biochemistry ? BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSD3 Boyd, Allison AL Trent Biology McMaster CELL BIOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Koen, Erin EL Trent Watershed Ecosystems Graduate Program Trent EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGY


CGSD3 Wheeldon, Tyler TJ Trent Biology ? Terrestrial ecologyCan

CGSM Brown, Eric EG Trent Physics and Astronomy ? ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICSCan

CGSM Cheung, Kitty HYK Trent DNA and Forensic Science Research Centre ? MOLECULAR BIOLOGY


CGSM Doyle, Colleen CE Trent Biology Trent MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Hogan, Danica DE Trent Biology British Columbia EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM McCarthy, Stephen SD Trent Chemistry ? ImmunologyCan

CGSM Powell, Adrian AF Trent Psychology Trent PLANT AND TREE BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Prest, Laura L Trent Chemistry ? ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Zbieranowski, Antoni AL Trent Environmental and Resource Studies Trent EARTH SCIENCE (see also Marine geology,

4604) Can

CGSM Edworthy, Amanda AB Trinity Western Head Office British Columbia EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Vanderploeg, Jessica JL Trinity Western Biology British Columbia GENETICSCan

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PGSD2 Ahmadi, Hossein H U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Computer Science U of Illinois at

Urbana-Champaign Communications networksForeign

PGSD2 Mathewson, Kyle KE U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Psychology U of Illinois at

Urbana-Champaign Cognitive science -- fundamentalForeign

PGSM Moslemi Naeini, Maryam M

U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Head Office U of Illinois at

Urbana-ChampaignARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer Vision, use Foreign

PGSM Tritt, Shona Melissa SM University College London Cognitive Neuroscience,Institute of Yale University PSYCHOLOGY


CGSM Deglint, Elna ED University College of the Fraser Valley Chemistry ? PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY


PGSM Stock, Eric ED University of Abertay Dundee Head Office University of Abertay

DundeeARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer Vision, use Foreign

CGSM Dix-Cooper, Linda LC University of California - Berkeley

Environmental Sc., Policy and Mgt British Columbia PSYCHOLOGY


PGSD2 Hassanzadeh, Pedram P University of California - Berkeley Mechanical Engineering University of

California - Berkeley ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICSForeign

PGSD2 Saxena, Samveg S University of California - Berkeley Mechanical Engineering University of

California - Berkeley MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGForeign

PGSD2 Twumasi-Boateng, Kwame K

University of California - Berkeley Plant and Microbial Biology University of

California - Berkeley GENETICSForeign

PGSD2 Zaharia, Matei MA University of California - Berkeley Computer Science Division University of

California - Berkeley INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYForeign

PGSD3 Cook, James JA University of California - Berkeley

Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences

University of California - Berkeley INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY


PGSD3 Tinka, Andrew AB University of California - Berkeley

Civil and Environmental Engineering, Dept. of

University of California - Berkeley Control systems


PGSD3 Williams, Joseph Jay JJ University of California - Berkeley Psychology University of

California - Berkeley Cognitive science -- fundamentalForeign

PGSD3 Yacovitch, Tara T University of California - Berkeley Chemistry University of

California - Berkeley PHYSICAL CHEMISTRYForeign

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PGSM Ruggiero, David DMV University of California - Berkeley

Civil and Environmental Engineering, Dept. of ? STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING


PGSD2 Best, Rebecca RJ University of California - Davis Evolution and Ecology University of

California - Davis EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYForeign

PGSD3 Aly, Mariam MS University of California - Davis Psychology University of

California - Davis PSYCHOLOGYForeign

PGSD2 Martin, David DBC University of California - Irvine Chemistry University of

California - Irvine ORGANIC CHEMISTRYForeign

PGSD2 McKenzie, Heather HL University of California - Riverside

Chemical and Environmental Engineering

University of California - Riverside CHEMICAL ENGINEERING


PGSD3 Elfring, Gwynn GJ University of California - San Diego

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

University of California - San Diego


PGSD2 Xue, Xiao Yan XY University of Cambridge Physiology University of Cambridge MOLECULAR BIOLOGY


PGSD3 Mar, Jonathan JD University of Cambridge Physics University of Cambridge CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS


PGSD3 Pahara, Justin JG University of Cambridge Chemical Engineering University of Cambridge Animal reproduction


PGSD3 Wang, Dennis DYQ University of CambridgePure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics( DPMMS)



CGSD3 Wright, Alex AM University of Chicago Mathematics ? PURE MATHEMATICSForeign

PGSD2 Chung, Francis FV University of Chicago Mathematics University of Chicago PURE MATHEMATICSForeign

PGSD3 Lee, Gabriel G University of Chicago Physics University of Chicago PHYSICSForeign

CGSD3 Annett, Amber AL University of Edinburgh Grant Institute of Geology University of Edinburgh OCEANOGRAPHY


PDF Buehler, Deborah DM University of Groningen Head Office Toronto EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYForeign

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PGSD3 Merrett, Dawn DL University of Melbourne Head Office University of Melbourne Cognitive science -- language


PGSD3 Harford, William WJ University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science (RSMS) University of Miami Aquatic ecology and limnology


PGSD2 Sloboda, Andrew AR University of Michigan Mechanical Engineering University of Michigan MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


CGSD3 Quenneville-Bélair, Vincent V University of Minnesota Mathematics, School of University of


CGSM Storey, Douglas DW University of Minnesota Aerospace Engineering & Mechanics ? PHYSICS


PDF Valiquette, Francis F University of Minnesota Mathematics, School of McGill PURE MATHEMATICSForeign

PGSD3 Markle, Tricia TM University of Minnesota Fisheries, Wildlife & Conservation Biology

University of Minnesota EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGY


PGSD3 Anderson, David DW University of Oregon Biology University of Oregon MOLECULAR BIOLOGYForeign

PGSD2 Nandlall, Sacha Dave S University of Oxford Engineering Science University of Oxford BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGForeign

PGSD2 Rayan, Steven SS University of Oxford Mathematical Institute University of Oxford PURE MATHEMATICSForeign

PGSD3 Krohn, Jonathan JJP University of Oxford Experimental Psychology University of Oxford Behavioural neuroscienceForeign

PGSD3 Zaid, Irwin IM University of Oxford Physics University of Oxford BiophysicsForeign

PGSM Song-Zhao, George G University of Oxford Pathology, Sir William Dunn School of University of Oxford Immunology


CGSM Mason, Sara SJ University of South Alabama Head Office Queen's EARTH SCIENCE (see also Marine geology,

4604) Foreign

PGSD3 Conder, Julie JA University of South Carolina Psychology University of South

Carolina PSYCHOLOGYForeign

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PDF Ting, Su Yin (Jo-Anne) SY University of Southern California Computer Science Alberta ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer

Vision, use Foreign

PGSD3 Simaika, John JPHE University of Stellenbosch Head Office University of Stellenbosch Aquatic ecology and limnology


PGSD2 Kim, Chang Hwan Peter CHP

University of Texas at Austin Computer Science University of Texas

at Austin Software and developmentForeign

CGSD3 Chiew, Kimberly K University of Washington Psychology University of Washington PSYCHOLOGY


PGSD2 Lajoie, Guillaume G University of Washington Mathematics University of Washington MATHÉMATIQUES APPLIQUÉES


PGSD3 Khramov, Alexander A University of Washington Physics University of Washington PHYSICS


PGSM Tien, Jerry JFY University of Washington Biochemistry University of Washington Neurophysiology


PGSD3 Debowski, Aleksandra AW

University of Western Australia Head Office University of

Western Australia MICROBIOLOGYForeign

PGSD3 Paz-Soldan, Carlos CA University of Wisconsin - Madison Physics University of

Wisconsin - Madison PHYSICSForeign

CGSM Andrusiak, Kerry KL UOIT Science, Faculty of ? MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Eastcott, Jennie JI UOIT Science, Faculty of UOIT PHYSICAL CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Hennessy, Matthew MG UOIT Science, Faculty of ? APPLIED MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Mior, Michael MJ UOIT Science, Faculty of ? Software and developmentCan

CGSM Moyles, Iain IR UOIT Science, Faculty of ? APPLIED MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Lamarche, Michelle MC Vancouver Island University Biology ? CELL BIOLOGY


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CGSM Rechsteiner, Erin EU Vancouver Island University Biology ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGY


CGSD2 Herke, Sarada SRA Victoria Mathematics and Statistics Victoria PURE MATHEMATICSCan

CGSD3 Brasseur, Crystal CM Victoria Physics and Astronomy ? ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICSCan

CGSD3 Gregg, Katie KJ Victoria Biochemistry and Microbiology Victoria BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSD3 Miller, Scott SA Victoria Electrical and Computer Engineering Victoria Integrated circuits


CGSD3 Suchy, Karyn KD Victoria Biology Victoria OCEANOGRAPHYCan

CGSM Bein, Magnus MA Victoria Biology ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Brogan, Alistair AAH Victoria Mathematics and Statistics Victoria PURE MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Carruthers, Sarah SE Victoria Electrical and Computer Engineering Victoria INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY


CGSM Chu, Jenny J Victoria Biology Western Ontario CELL BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Chung, Jessica J Victoria Mechanical Engineering Victoria BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Cormier, Eric EJ Victoria Mathematics and Statistics ? STATISTICS AND PROBABILITYCan

CGSM Duncan, Sara SJ Victoria Science, Faculty of Victoria Terrestrial ecologyCan

CGSM Eckstrand, Hailey HD Victoria Social Sciences, Faculty of Victoria Remote sensingCan

CGSM Evans, Teresa TL Victoria Geography Victoria Remote sensingCan

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CGSM Gabriel, Denise DN Victoria Biology Victoria EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Jantzen, Roni Rebecca RR Victoria Biology Victoria GENETICS


CGSM Jenson, Chris CA Victoria Geography Victoria HYDROLOGYCan

CGSM Krepakevich, Alanna AJ Victoria Earth and Ocean Sciences, School of ? OCEANOGRAPHY


CGSM Kroeker, Anthony AS Victoria Electrical and Computer Engineering Victoria ROBOTICS


CGSM Law, Adrienne AM Victoria Biology Victoria BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSM O'Rourke, Natasha NF Victoria Chemistry Victoria BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Park, Ashley AE Victoria Environmental Studies, School of Victoria EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Ramage, Simon SD Victoria Electrical and Computer Engineering Victoria Computer hardware


CGSM Schneider, Gordon GA Victoria Computer Science Victoria INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCan

CGSM Simpson, Jessica JM Victoria Biology Victoria Behavioural neuroscienceCan

CGSM Tate, Kyle KB Victoria Physics and Astronomy ? PHYSICSCan

CGSM Thomas, Christina CJ Victoria Biology ? ImmunologyCan

CGSM Vogt, Bonnie BM Victoria Science, Faculty of British Columbia EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Volkers, Logan LT Victoria Electrical and Computer Engineering ? Electromagnetics, compatibility and interfere


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CGSM Wodlinger, Jane JL Victoria Mathematics and Statistics ? PURE MATHEMATICSCan

PDF Kirk, Helen HM Victoria Physics and Astronomy ? ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICSCan

PDF Kratina, Pavel P Victoria Biology ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

PGSD2 Blackmore, Sharon SR Victoria Earth and Ocean Sciences, School of British Columbia EARTH SCIENCE (see also Marine geology,

4604) Can

PGSD2 Escobedo, Carlos Roberto CR Victoria Mechanical Engineering Victoria MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


PGSD2 Glass, Lisa LA Victoria Physics and Astronomy Victoria ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICSCan

PGSD2 Lafleur, Marni M Victoria Biology University of Colorado at Boulder EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGY


PGSD2 Liu, Chih-Kao (Ted) CK Victoria Electrical and Computer Engineering ? Communications systems


PGSD2 Pearson, Joel JD Victoria Biology Alberta CELL BIOLOGYCan

PGSD2 Whiting, Amanda AL Victoria Chemistry Victoria ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

PGSD3 Cockburn, Jeffrey JAP Victoria Psychology ? PSYCHOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Eyford, Brett Alexander BA Victoria Biochemistry and Microbiology Victoria BIOCHEMISTRY


PGSD3 Maher, Stacey SK Victoria Biochemistry and Microbiology Victoria BIOCHEMISTRYCan

PGSD3 Sadavoy, Sarah SI Victoria Physics and Astronomy Victoria ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICSCan

PGSM Owens, Gregory GL Victoria Biology Victoria MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

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CGSD2 Abediseid, Walid W Waterloo Electrical & Computer Engineering Waterloo Communications systems


CGSD2 Banihashemi Jahromi, Avid AV Waterloo Civil & Environmental


CGSD2 Esfandiarpour, Behzad B Waterloo Electrical & Computer Engineering Waterloo Electronic circuits and devices


CGSD2 Fawcett, Joanna JB Waterloo Pure Mathematics ? PURE MATHEMATICSCan

CGSD2 Ghaddar, Bissan B Waterloo Management Sciences Waterloo INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSD2 Jafari, Mousa M Waterloo Chemical Engineering Waterloo BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSD2 Lu, Tian (Tyler) T Waterloo Computer Science, School of ? ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer Vision, use Can

CGSD2 Meschino, Lisa LM Waterloo Head Office Waterloo PSYCHOLOGYCan

CGSD2 Nojoumian, Mehrdad MN Waterloo Computer Science, School of Waterloo INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCan

CGSD2 Oliver, Earl EA Waterloo Computer Science, School of Waterloo Communications networksCan

CGSD2 Pinheiro, Marcel MDO Waterloo Biology Waterloo Aquatic ecology and limnologyCan

CGSD2 Ramsey, Chris CI Waterloo Pure Mathematics Waterloo PURE MATHEMATICSCan

CGSD2 Rooney, Brendan BT Waterloo Combinatorics and Optimization Waterloo PURE MATHEMATICSCan

CGSD2 Rosamond, Madeline MS Waterloo Earth Sciences Waterloo GEOCHEMISTRY AND GEOCHRONOLOGYCan

CGSD2 Senatore, Adriano A Waterloo Biology Waterloo NeurophysiologyCan

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CGSD2 Stotyn, Sean SMA Waterloo Physics and Astronomy Waterloo PHYSICSCan

CGSD2 Taebi Harandi, Sareh S Waterloo Electrical & Computer Engineering Waterloo Photonic devices and networks


CGSD2 Wiebe, Richard R Waterloo Engineering, Faculty of ? STRUCTURAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSD2 Woody, Owen OZ Waterloo Biology Waterloo GENETICSCan

CGSD3 Brown, Andrew AAH Waterloo Combinatorics and Optimization ? PURE MATHEMATICSCan

CGSD3 Brown, Laura LC Waterloo Geography Waterloo PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHYCan

CGSD3 Chang, Pei-Chun PC Waterloo Biology Waterloo PLANT AND TREE BIOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Galvis, Elmer E Waterloo Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics Waterloo MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


CGSD3 Jabbarzadeh Gangeh, Mehrdad M Waterloo Electrical & Computer

Engineering Waterloo ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer Vision, use Can

CGSD3 Kamali, Shahin S Waterloo Computer Science, School of Waterloo Communications networksCan

CGSD3 Kimmel, Bradley BW Waterloo Computer Science, School of Waterloo INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Lavoie, Jonathan J Waterloo Physics and Astronomy Waterloo Optique (voir aussi dispositifs photoniques,Can

CGSD3 Lee, Bertina B Waterloo Systems Design Engineering Waterloo INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSD3 Miller, Killian KL Waterloo Mathematics, Faculty of Waterloo APPLIED MATHEMATICSCan

CGSD3 Solman, Grayden GJF Waterloo Psychology Waterloo PSYCHOLOGYCan

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CGSD3 Taiakina, Valentina V Waterloo Chemistry Waterloo BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSD3 Wallace, James JR Waterloo Systems Design Engineering Waterloo Software and developmentCan

CGSM Bale, Adam AE Waterloo Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics Waterloo FLUID MECHANICS


CGSM Boutilier, Michael MSH Waterloo Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics Waterloo FLUID MECHANICS


CGSM Chan, Chun Shing (Aaron) CS Waterloo Combinatorics and Optimization Waterloo APPLIED MATHEMATICS


CGSM Chan, Vincent VM Waterloo Pure Mathematics ? PURE MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Chopp, Jaclyn JN Waterloo Kinesiology Waterloo KinesiologyCan

CGSM Cook, Kathleen KB Waterloo Science, Faculty of ? MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Coughlin, Reid RW Waterloo Civil & Environmental Engineering Waterloo CIVIL ENGINEERING


CGSM Criger, Benjamin DB Waterloo Physics and Astronomy Waterloo PHYSICSCan

CGSM Dixon, Kael KN Waterloo Pure Mathematics British Columbia PURE MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Emaminejad, Sam S Waterloo Electrical & Computer Engineering ? Integrated circuits


CGSM Feiner, Peter PS Waterloo Electrical & Computer Engineering ? Software and development


CGSM Gale, Tyler TJ Waterloo Civil & Environmental Engineering ? ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Gallagher, Kaitlin KM Waterloo Applied Health Sciences, Faculty of Waterloo Kinesiology


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CGSM Gerakopulos, Ryan RJ Waterloo Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics Waterloo FLUID MECHANICS


CGSM Gertz, Drew DP Waterloo Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics Waterloo FLUID MECHANICS


CGSM Grainger, Morgan MJ Waterloo Electrical & Computer Engineering ? Software and development


CGSM Greene, Eugene ED Waterloo Computer Science, School of Waterloo ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer Vision, use Can

CGSM Hirjee, Hussein HA Waterloo Electrical & Computer Engineering Waterloo INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY


CGSM Huneault, Robert RN Waterloo Electrical & Computer Engineering Waterloo Control systems


CGSM Huntington, Lee Michael LMJ Waterloo Chemistry ? PHYSICS


CGSM Keung, Phillip PHC Waterloo Statistics and Actuarial Science ? STATISTICS AND PROBABILITYCan

CGSM Kim, Wooheon Thomas WT Waterloo Biology ? Animal physiology and metabolism


CGSM Kitson, Alex AP Waterloo Kinesiology Waterloo BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Kothari, Robin Ashok RA Waterloo Electrical & Computer Engineering Waterloo INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY


CGSM Langohr, Daniel GDG Waterloo Engineering, Faculty of Waterloo MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Lanthier, Sophie SN Waterloo Psychology ? PSYCHOLOGYCan

CGSM Lee, Tom TSH Waterloo Electrical & Computer Engineering ? INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY


CGSM Li, Alan ASX Waterloo Engineering, Faculty of ? Aerospace, aeronautical and automotive engine Can

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CGSM Little, Kathleen KE Waterloo Planning, School of Waterloo PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHYCan

CGSM MacLean, Kathleen KFE Waterloo Kinesiology Waterloo KinesiologyCan

CGSM Merrifield, Colleen CLA Waterloo Psychology Waterloo Behavioural neuroscienceCan

CGSM Miljkovic, Nenad N Waterloo Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics ? MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Moffatt, Scott STJ Waterloo Environment and Resource Studies Sherbrooke EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGY


CGSM Moreland, Robert RK Waterloo Biology Waterloo CELL BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Nadeau, Phillip PM Waterloo Electrical & Computer Engineering ? Electronic circuits and devices


CGSM Nash, Danielle DA Waterloo Science, Faculty of ? NeurophysiologyCan

CGSM Neale, Adam AJ Waterloo Electrical & Computer Engineering Waterloo Integrated circuits


CGSM Panjwani, Naim N Waterloo Biology ? BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Park, Jennifer JMY Waterloo Pure Mathematics ? PURE MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Peng, Yang Y Waterloo Electrical & Computer Engineering ? INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY


CGSM Pervaiz, Nabeel N Waterloo Health Studies and Gerontology Waterloo ImmunologyCan

CGSM Rowe, Kristopher KL Waterloo Mathematics, Faculty of Waterloo APPLIED MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Seleim, Abdulrahman AS Waterloo Systems Design Engineering Waterloo MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGCan

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CGSM Shepherd, Alyssa AK Waterloo Biology Waterloo BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Shirtliff, Jason JN Waterloo Electrical & Computer Engineering Waterloo Computer hardware


CGSM Shouman, Mohammed M Waterloo Management Sciences Waterloo INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Skoufranis, Paul PD Waterloo Mathematics, Faculty of ? PURE MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Spanjers, Mark Gerard MG Waterloo Civil & Environmental


CGSM Spring, Alexander AN Waterloo Systems Design Engineering Waterloo MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Srikantha, Pirathayini P Waterloo Electrical & Computer Engineering Waterloo INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY


CGSM Toupin, Justin David JD Waterloo Science, Faculty of Toronto INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Tulloch, Brandon BB Waterloo Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics ? MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Van Ooteghem, Kevin Jerome KJ Waterloo Civil & Environmental


CGSM Vincer, Elizabeth EA Waterloo Environment and Resource Studies ? Terrestrial ecology


CGSM Vlasea, Mihaela ML Waterloo Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics Waterloo BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING


CGSM White, Jerry JE Waterloo Science, Faculty of Waterloo Aquatic ecology and limnologyCan

CGSM Winter, Stephen SM Waterloo Chemistry Waterloo INORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Wisebourt, Shaul S Waterloo Mathematics, Faculty of Waterloo STATISTICS AND PROBABILITYCan

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CGSM Woodford, Curtis C Waterloo Chemical Engineering Waterloo CHEMICAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSM Woroshow, Eric E Waterloo Electrical & Computer Engineering ? Software and development


CGSM Wray, Nicholas NB Waterloo Electrical & Computer Engineering ? ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer

Vision, use Can

CGSM Yu, Bo Yang BY Waterloo Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics Waterloo MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Zhang, Guang Zhao (Andy) GZ Waterloo Electrical & Computer

Engineering ? Electronic circuits and devicesCan

CGSM Zhang, Lei LZ Waterloo Electrical & Computer Engineering ? Communications systems


CGSM Zhao, Yunzhu (Claire) Y Waterloo Systems Design Engineering ? BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGCan

PDF Al-Kwifi, Osama O Waterloo Management Sciences ? INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERINGCan

PDF Cai, Lin LX Waterloo Electrical & Computer Engineering ? Communications networks


PDF Gregory, Diane DE Waterloo Kinesiology ? KinesiologyCan

PDF Keats, William Andrew WA Waterloo Engineering, Faculty of ? FLUID MECHANICS


PDF Kotey, Nathan NA Waterloo Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics ? MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


PDF Leitch, Alicea AA Waterloo Chemistry University of Durham INORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

PDF Li, Shuaicheng SC Waterloo Computer Science, School of University of California - Berkeley INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY


PDF Pritchard, David DAG Waterloo Combinatorics and Optimization ? APPLIED MATHEMATICSCan

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PDF She, James JPM Waterloo Electrical & Computer Engineering ? Communications networks


PDF Teichroeb, Jonathan JH Waterloo Physics and Astronomy Toronto MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

PGSD2 Ames, Brendan BPW Waterloo Combinatorics and Optimization Waterloo APPLIED MATHEMATICSCan

PGSD2 Bespalko, Dylan DT Waterloo Electrical & Computer Engineering Waterloo Communications systems


PGSD2 Gaudreau, Kyrke K Waterloo Environment and Resource Studies ? MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


PGSD2 Haddad, Jean-Paul JP Waterloo Electrical & Computer Engineering Waterloo STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY


PGSD2 Hamilton, Ryan RJ Waterloo Mathematics, Faculty of Waterloo PURE MATHEMATICSCan

PGSD2 Hines, Greg GD Waterloo Computer Science, School of Waterloo ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer Vision, use Can

PGSD2 Khan, Mohammad Ibraheem MI Waterloo Mechanical Engineering and


PGSD2 Knezevich, Nicole N Waterloo Biology Waterloo PLANT AND TREE BIOLOGYCan

PGSD2 McCamphill, Patrick PK Waterloo Biology Waterloo NeurophysiologyCan

PGSD2 Mohajer Jasebi, Mehrbod M Waterloo Electrical & Computer

Engineering Waterloo Electromagnetics, compatibility and interfereCan

PGSD2 Naoum-Sawaya, Joe J Waterloo Management Sciences Waterloo INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERINGCan

PGSD2 Park, Sangtak S Waterloo Systems Design Engineering Waterloo BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGCan

PGSD2 Sikora, Jamie JWJ Waterloo Combinatorics and Optimization Waterloo APPLIED MATHEMATICSCan

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PGSD2 Sinnatamby, Ramila Niloshini RN Waterloo Biology Waterloo Aquatic ecology and limnology


PGSD2 Smith, Jamie JA Waterloo Combinatorics and Optimization Waterloo PURE MATHEMATICSCan

PGSD2 Zhu, Jian Jun JJ Waterloo Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics Waterloo Aerospace, aeronautical and automotive

engine Can

PGSD3 Au, Yu Hin YH Waterloo Combinatorics and Optimization Waterloo PURE MATHEMATICSCan

PGSD3 Baysal, Olga O Waterloo Computer Science, School of Waterloo Software and developmentCan

PGSD3 Chung, So-Ra SR Waterloo Engineering, Faculty of Waterloo BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGCan

PGSD3 Feiman, Roman R Waterloo Psychology ? PSYCHOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Ketcheson, Scott SJ Waterloo Geography Waterloo HYDROLOGYCan

PGSD3 King, Joshua JML Waterloo Geography ? Remote sensingCan

PGSD3 Knapp, Edward EM Waterloo Combinatorics and Optimization Waterloo PURE MATHEMATICSCan

PGSD3 Mader Monaghan, Richelle SR Waterloo Biology Waterloo ANIMAL BIOLOGY


PGSD3 Marshall, William WJ Waterloo Statistics and Actuarial Science Waterloo STATISTICS AND PROBABILITYCan

PGSD3 Mealin, Caroline Ann CA Waterloo Earth Sciences Laurentian EARTH SCIENCE (see also Marine geology, 4604) Can

PGSD3 Memarian, Mohammad M Waterloo Electrical & Computer Engineering Waterloo Electromagnetics, compatibility and interfere


PGSD3 Metherel, Adam AH Waterloo Kinesiology Waterloo FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYCan

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PGSD3 Petrashek, Adam AR Waterloo Psychology Waterloo PSYCHOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Sadatmousavi, Parisa P Waterloo Chemical Engineering Waterloo BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGCan

PGSD3 Shahi, Arash A Waterloo Civil & Environmental Engineering Waterloo CIVIL ENGINEERING


PGSD3 Smith, Ian IC Waterloo Kinesiology Waterloo BiophysicsCan

PGSD3 Steelman, Colby CM Waterloo Earth Sciences Waterloo EARTH SCIENCE (see also Marine geology, 4604) Can

PGSD3 Waechter, Stephanie SN Waterloo Psychology Waterloo PSYCHOLOGYCan

PGSM Furmaniak, Ralph R Waterloo Pure Mathematics ? PURE MATHEMATICSCan

PGSM Hollinger, Jonathan JR Waterloo Chemistry ? ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

PGSM Mathai, Ashley AR Waterloo Civil & Environmental Engineering Waterloo ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING


PGSM Matuk, Tiffany TA Waterloo Management Sciences Waterloo INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERINGCan

PGSM Ogden, Kelly KA Waterloo Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics ? FLUID MECHANICS


PGSM Soltani, Nima N Waterloo Electrical & Computer Engineering ? Communications systems


PGSM Soukharev, Vladimir V Waterloo Pure Mathematics ? APPLIED MATHEMATICSCan

CGSM Shiplett, Sarah SE Wellesley College Computer Science ? ROBOTICSForeign

CGSD2 Azizian, Mahdi M Western Ontario Electrical and Computer Engineering Western Ontario Control systems


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CGSD2 Booker, Christina CJ Western Ontario Chemistry Western Ontario ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRYCan

CGSD2 Churko, Jared JM Western Ontario Anatomy and Cell Biology Western Ontario MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

CGSD2 Dapp, Wolfgang WB Western Ontario Physics and Astronomy Western Ontario ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICSCan

CGSD2 Gerson, Alexander AR Western Ontario Animal Care and Veterinary Services Western Ontario ANIMAL BIOLOGY


CGSD2 Halonen, Robbie RJ Western Ontario Physics and Astronomy Western Ontario ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICSCan

CGSD2 Hansuld, Erin EM Western Ontario Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Western Ontario CHEMICAL ENGINEERING


CGSD2 Levy, Michael MA Western Ontario Biochemistry Western Ontario GENETICSCan

CGSD2 Wolters, Mark MA Western Ontario Statistical and Actuarial Sciences Western Ontario STATISTICS AND PROBABILITYCan

CGSD3 Bowes, Andrea AE Western Ontario Psychology Western Ontario PSYCHOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Casson, Nora NJ Western Ontario Biology Trent Terrestrial ecologyCan

CGSD3 El-Fitiany, Salah El-Din SED Western Ontario Civil and Environmental

Engineering Western Ontario STRUCTURAL ENGINEERINGCan

CGSD3 Hughes, Christopher CS Western Ontario Biochemistry Western Ontario BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSD3 Hundey, Elizabeth EJ Western Ontario Geography Western Ontario PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHYCan

CGSD3 Koval, Michael MJ Western Ontario Psychology Western Ontario NeurophysiologyCan

CGSD3 McKillop, William W Western Ontario Anatomy and Cell Biology Western Ontario NeurophysiologyCan

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CGSD3 McLachlin, Stewart SD Western Ontario Mechanical and Materials Engineering British Columbia BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING


CGSD3 Morra, Nicholas NA Western Ontario Chemistry Western Ontario ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSD3 Najmaei, Nima N Western Ontario Electrical and Computer Engineering ? ROBOTICS


CGSD3 Pitchers, Kyle K Western Ontario Anatomy and Cell Biology Western Ontario Behavioural neuroscienceCan

CGSD3 Reale, Meghan ME Western Ontario Anatomy and Cell Biology Western Ontario CELL BIOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Sankar, Janani J Western Ontario Psychology Western Ontario PSYCHOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Silber, Elizabeth EA Western Ontario Physics and Astronomy Western Ontario PHYSICSCan

CGSD3 Sun, Shuhui S Western Ontario Mechanical and Materials Engineering Western Ontario MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY


CGSD3 Sutherland, Duncan DEK Western Ontario Chemistry Western Ontario INORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSD3 Tiedemann, Michael MT Western Ontario Chemistry Western Ontario INORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSD3 Trejos, Ana Luisa AL Western Ontario Electrical and Computer Engineering Western Ontario BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING


CGSD3 Wilson, Elizabeth ET Western Ontario Psychology Western Ontario Behavioural neuroscienceCan

CGSM Ambacher, Kristin KK Western Ontario Biology ? Behavioural neuroscienceCan

CGSM Bath, Daniel DE Western Ontario Biology Western Ontario GENETICSCan

CGSM Berruti, Federico FM Western Ontario Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Western Ontario CHEMICAL ENGINEERING


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CGSM Bowering, Elisabeth EA Western Ontario Civil and Environmental Engineering Western Ontario CIVIL ENGINEERING


CGSM Cheung, Johnson J Western Ontario Biology Western Ontario MICROBIOLOGYCan

CGSM Cooper, John JDE Western Ontario Biology Western Ontario MICROBIOLOGYCan

CGSM Couch, Marcus MJ Western Ontario Physics and Astronomy Western Ontario PHYSICSCan

CGSM Davis, Sasha SM Western Ontario Psychology British Columbia PSYCHOLOGYCan

CGSM Ding, Yang Y Western Ontario Medicine and Dentistry, Faculty of ? Neurophysiology


CGSM Drake, Stephanie SS Western Ontario Civil and Environmental Engineering Western Ontario ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Fischer, Christian CF Western Ontario Mechanical and Materials Engineering Western Ontario MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Gabriel, Michelle MA Western Ontario Biology Western Ontario BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Giles, Joshua JW Western Ontario Mechanical and Materials Engineering Western Ontario BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Gordon, Melissa MM Western Ontario Psychology Western Ontario Behavioural neuroscienceCan

CGSM Hall, Zachary ZJ Western Ontario Physiology and Pharmacology Western Ontario EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Hanson, Emily ES Western Ontario Biology Western Ontario MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Kish, Greg GJ Western Ontario Electrical and Computer Engineering ? Power systems


CGSM Mackenzie, Stuart SA Western Ontario Biology ? Terrestrial ecologyCan

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CGSM McNiven, Vanda VTK Western Ontario Biology Western Ontario GENETICSCan

CGSM Norton, Katelyn K Western Ontario Kinesiology, School of Western Ontario KinesiologyCan

CGSM Nuhn, Amelia A Western Ontario Biology ? BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Oleniuk, Andrew AJ Western Ontario Civil and Environmental Engineering Western Ontario ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Pan, Yan Y Western Ontario Chemistry Western Ontario PHYSICAL CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Pinnock, Farena FS Western Ontario Anatomy and Cell Biology Western Ontario NeurophysiologyCan

CGSM Quail, Daniela DF Western Ontario Biology Western Ontario CELL BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Renouf, Elizabeth EMC Western Ontario Mathematics Western Ontario STATISTICS AND PROBABILITYCan

CGSM Rogers, Lisa L Western Ontario Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Western Ontario CHEMICAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Ross, Joseph JA Western Ontario Biology Western Ontario BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Shantz, Jeffrey JL Western Ontario Electrical and Computer Engineering ? INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY


CGSM Sykelyk, Alexander Walter AW Western Ontario Biology Western Ontario MOLECULAR BIOLOGY


CGSM Ta, Robert RM Western Ontario Biology Western Ontario BiophysicsCan

CGSM Taylor, Meghan MJ Western Ontario Biology Western Ontario CELL BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Vermeire, Brian BC Western Ontario Mechanical and Materials Engineering Western Ontario MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


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CGSM Wiggers, Brad JB Western Ontario Biology ? ImmunologyCan

CGSM Yim, Jacky JCH Western Ontario Chemistry ? PHYSICAL CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Zahedi, Polad P Western Ontario Electrical and Computer Engineering Western Ontario Control systems


PDF Alford, Jamu JK Western Ontario Physics and Astronomy Harvard Medical School PHYSICS


PDF Austman, Rebecca RL Western Ontario Mechanical and Materials Engineering Manitoba MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


PDF Cant, Jonathan JS Western Ontario Clinical Neurological Sciences Harvard University Behavioural neuroscienceCan

PDF Carson, Cheryl CA Western Ontario Chemistry Princeton University ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

PDF Desroches, Amy A Western Ontario Psychology Northwestern University PSYCHOLOGY


PDF Karas, Bogumil BJ Western Ontario Biology ? PLANT AND TREE BIOLOGYCan

PDF Kedgley, Angela AE Western Ontario Mechanical and Materials Engineering



PDF Rupar, Paul PA Western Ontario Chemistry Calgary ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

PDF Wojciechowski, Filip F Western Ontario Chemistry Universitat Bern ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

PGSD2 Dodd, David DW Western Ontario Chemistry Western Ontario ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

PGSD2 Gallivan, Jason JP Western Ontario Psychology Western Ontario Behavioural neuroscienceCan

PGSD2 Harwood, Brad BJ Western Ontario Kinesiology, School of Western Ontario NeurophysiologyCan

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PGSD2 Iglic, Katrina KL Western Ontario Science, Faculty of Western Ontario OCEANOGRAPHYCan

PGSD2 Szyszka, Beata B Western Ontario Biology Western Ontario PLANT AND TREE BIOLOGYCan

PGSD2 Taylor, Zachary ZJ Western Ontario Engineering, Faculty of Not Indicated FLUID MECHANICSCan

PGSD3 Battler, Melissa MM Western Ontario Earth Sciences Western Ontario EARTH SCIENCE (see also Marine geology, 4604) Can

PGSD3 Del Rey Fernandez, David DC Western Ontario Mechanical and Materials

Engineering Western Ontario FLUID MECHANICSCan

PGSD3 Disher, Brandon BMS Western Ontario Medical Biophysics Western Ontario PHYSICSCan

PGSD3 Foster, Ian IS Western Ontario Earth Sciences Western Ontario EARTH SCIENCE (see also Marine geology, 4604) Can

PGSD3 Knight, Darryl D Western Ontario Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Western Ontario CHEMICAL ENGINEERING


PGSD3 Marklevitz, Stephen SAC Western Ontario Science, Faculty of ? Aquatic ecology and limnologyCan

PGSD3 McGuire, Liam LP Western Ontario Biology Western Ontario EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

PGSD3 McMillan, Neil NA Western Ontario Psychology Western Ontario PSYCHOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Miron, Richard RJ Western Ontario Anatomy and Cell Biology Western Ontario CELL BIOLOGYCan

PGSD3 O'Neil, Kevin K Western Ontario Chemistry Western Ontario PHYSICAL CHEMISTRYCan

PGSD3 Park, Jamie JS Western Ontario Physiology and Pharmacology Western Ontario MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Seferovic, Maxim MD Western Ontario Biochemistry Western Ontario BIOCHEMISTRYCan

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PGSD3 Stevenson, Scott SA Western Ontario Psychology Western Ontario NeurophysiologyCan

PGSD3 Van Gaalen, Rolina RD Western Ontario Applied Mathematics McGill APPLIED MATHEMATICSCan

PGSM Campbell, Adrienne A Western Ontario Biology ? BiophysicsCan

PGSM Whitwell, Robert RL Western Ontario Clinical Neurological Sciences Western Ontario Behavioural neuroscienceCan

CGSD3 Hawco, Colin CS Wilfrid Laurier Psychology ? PSYCHOLOGYCan

CGSM Brown, Matthew MJN Wilfrid Laurier Psychology Wilfrid Laurier KinesiologyCan

CGSM Halperin, Shira SD Wilfrid Laurier Chemistry ? ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Hoang, Tuan NAT Wilfrid Laurier Chemistry ? BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Matthews, Brittany BA Wilfrid Laurier Psychology ? Behavioural neuroscienceCan

PGSM Mancini, Amanda AS Wilfrid Laurier Biology Wilfrid Laurier Animal physiology and metabolismCan

CGSD2 Hatnean, Jillian JA Windsor Chemistry and Biochemistry Windsor INORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSD3 Daley, Jennifer M Windsor Great Lakes Inst. for Environmental Res. (GLIER) Windsor Aquatic ecology and limnology


CGSD3 Miller, Lindsay L Windsor Civil and Environmental Engineering Windsor ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Abdellah, Melissa ML Windsor Biological Sciences Windsor EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Bondy, Matthew MJ Windsor Engineering, Faculty of Windsor Aerospace, aeronautical and automotive engine Can

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CGSM Bushnell, Eric EAC Windsor Chemistry and Biochemistry Windsor ORGANIC CHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Cameron, Iain AS Windsor Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering ? MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


CGSM Cervi, Andrea AL Windsor Biological Sciences Windsor Behavioural neuroscienceCan

CGSM Chan, Farrah FT Windsor Great Lakes Inst. for Environmental Res. (GLIER) Windsor Aquatic ecology and limnology


CGSM Dennis, Caroline CAE Windsor Earth Sciences ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Johnston, Michael MJ Windsor Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering ? Aerospace, aeronautical and automotive

engine Can

CGSM Wilbur, Patricia PC Windsor Civil and Environmental Engineering Windsor CIVIL ENGINEERING


CGSM Yaworsky, Elizabeth EA Windsor Biological Sciences ? CELL BIOLOGYCan

PDF Yang, Tie Bao TB Windsor Electrical and Computer Engineering ? Control systems


PGSD2 Hodges, Kristen KA Windsor Psychology Windsor Cognitive science -- fundamentalCan

PGSD2 Saady, Noori N Windsor Civil and Environmental Engineering Windsor ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING


PGSD2 Zhang, Peng P Windsor Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering Windsor MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY


PGSD3 Chen, Ying Y Windsor Computer Science, School of Windsor Communications networksCan

PGSD3 Hamdoon, Muhsin MM Windsor Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering Windsor MECHANICAL ENGINEERING


PGSM Brown, Ruth RB Windsor Kinesiology ? KinesiologyCan

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CGSM Bryson, Kimberley KA Winnipeg Environmental Studies & Urban Studies ? ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE


CGSM Cardigan Smith, Blair BJ Winnipeg Physics ? ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICSCan

CGSM Cobus, Laura LAE Winnipeg Physics Manitoba PHYSICSCan

CGSM Danielson, Dana DC Winnipeg Chemistry ? CELL BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Hoffer, Melissa MA Winnipeg Biology Manitoba EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Jonasson, Kristin KA Winnipeg Biology Winnipeg Animal physiology and metabolismCan

CGSM Matheson, Amanda AL Winnipeg Biology ? EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGYCan

CGSM Pawliuk, Micheal MA Winnipeg Mathematics and Statistics ? PURE MATHEMATICSCan

PGSM Grant, Candice CR Winnipeg Biology Manitoba ANIMAL BIOLOGYCan

PGSM Jeffrey, James JM Winnipeg Psychology ? PSYCHOLOGYCan

PGSD2 Lefrançois, Philippe P Yale University Molecular Cellular & Developmental Biology Yale University BIOLOGIE MOLÉCULAIRE


PGSD2 Tanner, Joel JD Yale University Astronomy Yale University ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICSForeign

CGSD2 Mok, Carson CK York Physics and Astronomy York PHYSICSCan

CGSD2 Saleem, Ayesha A York Graduate Studies, Faculty of York MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

CGSD3 Ashlock, Wendy WEC York Computer Science - Glendon College York GENETICS


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CGSM Bartlett, Adrian AM York Health, Faculty of York Sensory systems and perceptionCan

CGSM Davis, Kevin KM York Biology ? BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSM D'Souza, Anna Marie AM York Kinesiology and Health Science, School of ? Kinesiology


CGSM Krylova, Anna A York Biology ? NeurophysiologyCan

CGSM Lam, Doris DK York Environmental Studies, Faculty of ? PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY


CGSM Lombardo, Stephanie S York Biology York BIOCHEMISTRYCan

CGSM Masoom, Hassan H York Computer Science - Glendon College ? Communications networks


CGSM Nguyen, Hang HTL York Biology York ANIMAL BIOLOGYCan

CGSM Sathiyanathan, Kartheephan K York Earth and Space Science and

Engineering ? Aerospace, aeronautical and automotive engine Can

CGSM Ward, Rachel RL York Physics and Astronomy ? ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICSCan

PDF Ljubicic, Vladimir V York Kinesiology and Health Science, School of Ottawa CELL BIOLOGY


PGSD2 Matthews, Melanie MA York Psychology - (Arts) York PSYCHOLOGYCan

PGSD2 Petrov, Alex A York Biology York ImmunologyCan

PGSD2 Serio, Damiano D York Kinesiology and Health Science, School of York CELL BIOLOGY


PGSD2 Wang, Hui H York Computer Science and Engineering York ROBOTICS


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PGSD3 Haji-Khamneh, Bahar B York Psychology - (Arts) York PSYCHOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Nicholson, Beth BL York Biology York MOLECULAR BIOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Park, Mincheng M York Biology York CELL BIOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Rob, Tamanna TR York Chemistry York ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRYCan

PGSD3 Uguccioni, Giulia G York Graduate Studies, Faculty of York CELL BIOLOGYCan

PGSD3 Williams, Gwillym GD York Chemistry York ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRYCan

PGSD3 Winter, Rebecca R York Health, Faculty of York PSYCHOLOGYCan