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Catalogue of National Qualifications

There are 11 individual worksheets in this catalogue - use the arrow keys at the bottom left to display the name tabs

How to use this catalogue: this is what you are looking at now.

Introduction: this gives background informatiuon about National Qualifications

1 - National Units: this is a list of National Units, their codes, levels, credit values, Superclasses and Verification Group. Note - Units added since the publication of the Catalogue of National Qualifications 2008/2009 and available from 01/08/2009 are highlighted in blue.

2 - National Courses: this a list of National Courses and their Units, levels, codes and credit values. The Course title, level and code are repeated in columns A, B, and C alongside the Units/external assessment for each Course, so that the Excel Autofilter facility can be used. Shading has been used on alternate National Courses to help distinguish between them. Note - Courses and Units added since the publication of the Catalogue of National Qualifications 2008/2009 and available from 01/08/2009 are highlighted in blue.

3 - Standard Grades: this is a list of Standard Grades and their codes.

4 - National Certificates: this a list of National Certificates and their Units, levels, codes and credit values. The National Certificate title, level and code are repeated in columns A, B, C and D alongside the Units/external assessment for each National Certificate, so that the Excel Autofilter facility can be used. Shading has been used on alternate National Certificates to help distinguish between them. Note - National Certificates and Units available from 01/08/2009 are highlighted in blue - those not highlighted are available now.

5 - National Progression Awards: this a list of National Progression Awards and their Units, levels, codes and credit values. The National Progression Award title, level and code are repeated in columns A, B, C and D alongside the Units for each National Progression Award, so that the Excel Autofilter facility can be used.

6 - National Courses being withdrawn: this is a list of National Courses being withdrawn, their finish dates, and details about their Units

7 - National Units being withdrawn and their finish dates

8 - Scottish Group Award finish dates

9 - Verification Groups - codes and titles

Auto-approval – worksheets 1 – 5 each have a column headed Auto-approval, with an entry of Yes indicating that the associated Unit or Standard Grade has Automatic Approval status, and No that it does not.

Automatic Approval means that the qualifications are automatically approved for schools and colleges. Any other centres wishing to offer the new qualifications that are not already approved for the full range of auto approved products must complete the SA1 form Application for Approval to offer a Specific Qualification, and submit this to the Assessment Standards Section: [email protected].

Colleges with devolved authority seeking approval for non-automatically approved qualifications must complete an SQA Form 6 Approval Form (DAAPP1) and submit this to the Reference Section: [email protected].

Please note that where a Course or Group Award contains a mixture of Units which are automatically approved and others which are not automatically approved, centres must submit either form SA1 or form DAAPP1 if they wish to offer the Course or Group Award.

All of the columns in the worksheets have the Excel Autofilter facility, which enables you to view the lists in the manner most appropriate to your particular requirements, eg all Accounting Courses, all Unit titles containing "Computing", all Units in Superclass KE.

Printing this document - we have set up the main worksheets in this document so they print in landscape format showing all columns and headings on each page. You can change these settings in the File menu, in Page Setup, to suit your own printing requirements. (This page is set up to print in landscape format so it fits to one page.)

If you have any queries or suggestions about the content of this catalogue or how to use it, please email [email protected].

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Catalogue of National Qualifications

Introduction‘National Qualifications’ is the name of the family of qualifications which incorporates the following:

• National Units• National Courses• Standard Grades• National Qualification Group Awards (National Certificates and National Progression Awards)

Course ArrangementsCourse Arrangements documents will be available on the NQ subject pages on SQA’s website: www.sqa.org.uk.

Portfolio review

The Status Report and Development schedule for National Qualifications is available on SQA’s website at www.sqa.org.uk/nqga

Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF)

To view how SQA’s portfolio of qualifications is positioned on the SCQF, please visit the SQA website and look for the SQA Ready Reckoner.

The main implications of the SCQF for National Qualifications are:

• placing all current National Units, Courses and Group Awards, on the SCQF

• converting SQA National Unit credit values into SCQF credit points - 1 SQA National Unit credit at Access 1 to Higher = 6 SCQF credit points - 1 SQA National Unit credit at Advanced Higher = 8 SCQF credit points

This catalogue gives the code for every National Unit, National Course, Standard Grade, National Certificate and National Progression Award. It is intended to help those who require information about National Qualifications for teaching, recruitment or admissions purposes.

The review of our portfolio of qualifications is ongoing to ensure that we maintain a balanced portfolio of qualifications that is inclusive, addresses progression needs and reflects Scotland’s educational, economic, social and cultural needs. As part of this programme of work, we review existing qualifications and remove, revise or replace qualifications where it proves necessary to do so.

The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) brings together the qualifications awarded and accredited by SQA and Higher Education institutions into a single unified framework. The SCQF helps make the range of qualifications available easier to understand by describing them in a common language of level and credit. Level indicates the complexity of learning involved in achieving a qualification. The SCQF has twelve levels. Examples of a level 1 qualification are Access 1 Units and at level 12 are Doctorates or Professional Development Awards. Credit show how big the qualification is. 1 SCQF credit point represents 10 notional learning hours. This includes, for example, structured learning, self-directed learning and assessment activities. For example, an Access 3 Course at SCQF level 3 with no external assessment has 18 SCQF credit points. A Foundation Standard Grade at SCQF level 3 has 24 SCQF credit points.

In addition to making it easier to understand and compare qualifications, SCQF level and credit points clarify entry and exit points and should also facilitate credit-transfer between qualifications and learning programmes.

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Catalogue of National Qualifications


There is more information about the SCQF on SQA’s website and on the SCQF website: www.scqf.org.uk

This table shows the SQA Unit credit values and SCQF credit points for the qualifications covered by this catalogue

Qualification SCQF level

National Unit at Access 1, Access 2, Access 3, Intermediate 1, Intermediate 2 or Higher 1 - 6

0.5 3

1.0 6

1.5 9

2.0 12

National Unit at Advanced Higher 7

0.5 4

1.0 8

1.5 12

2.0 16

National Course at Access 2 or Access 3 2 - 3 3.0 9

National Course at Intermediate 1, Intermediate 2 or Higher 4 - 6 4.0 24

National Course at Advanced Higher 7 4.0 32

National Certificate at Access 2 or Access 3 2 -3 9.0 54

National Certificate at Intermediate 1, Intermediate 2 or Higher 4 - 6 12.0 72

1 - 6 minimum of 2 minimum of 12

Main features and requirements of National Units, National Courses, National Certificates and National Progression AwardsNational Units including those developed as part of National Courses, National Certificates and National Progression Awards

These Units are specified in terms of:• Outcomes• Performance Criteria• Evidence Requirements

Since December 2004, SCQF levels and SCQF credit points have been reported on the Scottish Qualification Certificate (SQC). From January 2007, SCQF level and credit points will be reported for individual Unit achievement, in addition to the level and credit of the achieved qualifications.

SQA Unit credit value

SCQF credit points

National Progression Award at Access 2 – Higher1

1 The credit points of a National Progression Award depends on the Units which make it up

In addition, each specification includes support notes giving guidance on content and context, learning and teaching, and approaches to assessment. National Units are internally assessed, subject to external verification and awarded on the basis of evidence of the successful attainment of all the Outcomes. The Performance Criteria define the standard of performance required to attain the Outcomes.

There are National Courses with grades and National Courses without grades – the latter include Skills for Work Courses and Personal Development Courses

National Courses with grades are available at Intermediate 1, Intermediate 2, Higher and Advanced Higher. They are usually made up of three 40-hour Units, or the equivalent, eg an 80-hour Unit may be used instead of two 40-hour Units, and are also designed to include an additional 40 hours for induction, consolidation, remediation, and preparation for the Course assessment, which is normally an external assessment.

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Catalogue of National Qualifications


Other National UnitsFormer National Certificate modulesThe key features of the specification for this type of National Unit are:• general competence for Unit• Access statement or preferred entry level• Outcomes and Performance Criteria• Range Statements• Evidence RequirementsThere are also advisory sections on:• assessment procedures• contexts within which a Unit could be offered• approaches to generating evidence or teachingand learning approaches

Former Short CoursesThe key features of the specification for this type of National Unit are:• purpose of Unit• preferred entry level• Learning Outcomes• content/context• suggested learning and teaching approaches• assessment procedures

Copies of Course Arrangements and Unit specifications

National Courses with grades are externally assessed in a variety of ways, from question papers to projects. The Course assessment samples the knowledge and skills in the Units making up the Course, and assesses the candidate’s ability to retain, integrate and apply the knowledge and skills acquired in the Units. The Course assessment is the basis for grading of the Course award. Course awards are graded A, B, C and D.

National Courses without grades at Intermediate 1, Intermediate 2 and Higher – including Skills for Work Courses - are made up of four 40-hour Units or the equivalent. There is no external Course assessment associated with these Courses and they are not graded.

National Courses without grades at Access 2 and 3 – including Skills for Work Courses - are made up of three 40-hour Units. There is no external Course assessment associated with these Courses and they are not graded.

National Certificates can be set at SCQF levels 2 – 6 (Access 2 – Higher). At levels 2 and 3 they are made up of Units to the value of 54 SCQF credit points, and at levels 4,5 and 6 they are made up of Units to the value of 72 SCQF credit points. The majority of the credit points are at the level of the Group Award. All National Certificates will have a mandatory section - at SCQF levels 2 and 3 this mandatory section contains a minimum of 27 SCQF credit points, and at levels 4, 5 and 6 it contains a minimum of 36 SCQF credit points. They incorporate opportunities to develop Core Skills and are aligned to National Occupational Standards or other professional or trade body standards, as appropriate to the Group Award. They can include a maximum of three graded Course assessments in the optional section if this is appropriate to the Group Award area.

National Progression Awards can be set at SCQF levels 2 - 6 and have a minimum credit value of 12 SCQF credit points (at least 2 Units). They are aligned to National Occupational Standards or other professional or trade body standards, as appropriate to the Group Award.

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Catalogue of National Qualifications

IntroductionCourse Arrangements and Unit specifications can be obtained through SQA’s website www.sqa.org.uk. Centres which still require paper copies of CourseArrangements or Unit specifications should send requests to:Customer Contact CentreScottish Qualifications AuthorityThe Optima Building58 Robertson StreetGLASGOWG2 8DQTel: 0845 279 1000Fax: 0845 213 5000e-mail: [email protected]

Units and teaching/learning time

Coding of National Qualifications

Code format

These ‘class’ indicators apply to the National Qualifications in this catalogue.

01 Standard Grade (National Qualification at SCQF level 3, 4 or 5)04 Unlevelled National Unit (former National Certificate module or short Course)07 Access 1 (National Unit at SCQF level 1)08 Access 2 (National Qualification at SCQF level 2)09 Access 3 (National Qualification at SCQF level 3)10 Intermediate 1 (National Qualification at SCQF level 4)11 Intermediate 2 (National Qualification at SCQF level 5)12 Higher (National Qualification at SCQF level 6)13 Advanced Higher (National Qualification at SCQF level 7) and, for, National Qualification Group Awards (NQGAs) – National Certificates and National Progression Awards:42 Access 2 (NQGA at SCQF level 2)43 Access 3 (NQGA at SCQF level 3)44 Intermediate 1 (NQGA at SCQF level 4)45 Intermediate 2 (NQGA at SCQF level 5)46 Higher (NQGA at SCQF level 6)

All National Units are allocated a nominal teaching/ learning time. This is based on the recommended entry level given in each specification. However, SQA has no requirements for either entry level or teaching/learning time, and individual learners may take more or less time to complete a Unit depending on factors such as previous knowledge or experience, maturity, or mode of attendance. Almost all National Units have a notional delivery length of 40 hours and an SQA Unit credit value of 1.0 in the SQA Framework. There are also smaller and larger Units, with values of 0.5, l.5, 2.0, etc. Achievement of an SQA Course at Higher requires the accumulation of 4 SQA Unit credits (24 SCQF credit points at SCQF level 6).

SQA’s coding structure was introduced in August 1999, and is used for processing all candidate entries, results, and certification, as well as for the various supporting procedures including approval to offer qualifications, assessment, verification, etc. This catalogue gives the identifying code for every current National Unit, National Course and Standard Grade.

Each Group Award, Course, Course, Unit and Course (ie external) assessment is identified by a four-digit alphanumeric code and a two-digit ‘class’ indicator, of level or type of qualification.

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Catalogue of National Qualifications


Taken together, the four-digit alphanumeric code and two digit class indicator — ‘the 4+2 code’ — provide a unique reference for each qualification.

Commenting on Units, Courses and Group Awards

Development and review of qualificationsPrioritisingThe factors taken into account in prioritising the development or review of qualifications include:• comments from centres and users• comments from Assessment Panels• feedback from assessors and verifiers• changes in legal requirements• changes in technology• initiatives by government or any national bodies responsible for education and training• number of centres or candidates involved• date of development or last review

Proposals Centres (or others) which propose new Units should also supply the following information:• rationale for the proposal• need for certification• relationship between the proposal and existing qualifications• target groups• anticipated number of candidates

Superclass version II

Additional informationFor information regarding submitting data on candidate entries and results please refer to the Operational Help Centre:http://pubweb1.sqa.org.uk.

For more information about SQA please contact our Customer Contact Centre on 0845 279 1000.

Because we want to ensure that National Qualifications are of a high standard, up to date, and appropriate for the designated group of learners, we invite teachers and lecturers to comment on them. We will use comments to help select qualifications for review and to inform our decisions on making any changes. It is helpful if the comments are supported by the centre as a whole. Review of any National Qualification is likely to involve consulting with key customers on the ‘fitness for purpose’ of the existing qualification. This research allows us to determine the extent to which the qualification needs to be revised, Thereafter, work to revise the qualification would be scheduled into development plans, subject to decisions on resources.

When we receive a proposal, we may consult with specialists. If the proposal is accepted for development, the speed of development will depend on the timing of the submission, the nature of the proposal, and resources available. Before you submit a proposal, you should discuss it with the SQA Qualifications Manager for the subject concerned.

In Section 1 of this catalogue, column H provides the Superclass for each National Unit as determined using the Superclass system for classification of vocational areas. This section includes the Excel Autofilter facility, which can be used to view the Units in each Superclass if required.

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Catalogue of National Qualifications-National Units

Unit title Unit code SQA Level SCQF level Superclass title

2-D Art and Design - Graphic Design D1AD 10 Intermediate 1 2.0 4 12 131 JC Design (non-industrial) Yes2-D Art and Design - Painting D1A7 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 131 JB Art Techniques/Practice Yes2-D Art and Design - Photography D1B0 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 131 JB Art Techniques/Practice Yes2-D Art and Design - Printmaking D1AK 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 131 JB Art Techniques/Practice Yes2-D Art and Design - Textiles D1AS 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 131 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) Yes3-D Art and Design - Ceramics D1A8 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 131 JR Glass/Ceramics/Stone Crafts Yes3-D Art and Design - Jewellery D1AE 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 131 JH Decorative Metal Crafts/Jewellery Yes3-D Art and Design - Product Design D1AL 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 131 JC Design (non-industrial) Yes3-D Art and Design - Sculpture D1AT 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 131 JB Art Techniques/Practice YesA World of Values DF11 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 119 DD Religious Studies YesA World of Values DF11 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 119 DD Religious Studies YesAbove Ground Discharge Pipework Systems and Appliances EB32 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 177 TH Building Services NoAbrasive Wheels E8LS 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 275 XA Engineering/Technology (general) NoAccess Control Systems,Installation and Maintenance F3P0 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 268 QH Security NoAccident and Emergency Procedures D055 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 85 PL Occupational Health and Safety 6350056 NoAccident Prevention and Emergency Procedures F5FK 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 85 PL Occupational Health and Safety NoAccommodation and Facilities Operations D04S 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 269 ND Hospitality Services NoAccommodation and Facilities Services F7E3 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 269 ND Hospitality Services YesAccommodation and Handling of Small Animals: An Introduction DV0E 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 154 SP Pets/Domestic Animal Care 82508 NoAccommodation and Package Holidays F3PC 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 192 NK Tourism/Travel NoAccomodation Operations F4SN 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 269 ND Hospitality Services YesAcids, Bases and Metals D068 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 139 RD Chemistry 6350016 YesAcrylic Nails F6XH 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 66 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoActing Skills D638 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts NoActing Styles and Practitioners: An Introduction F692 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts YesActing through Song F5L0 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts YesActing: Contrasting Text-Based Production D12R 12 Higher 3.0 6 18 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts NoActing: Devised Production D12N 12 Higher 3.0 6 18 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts 6120034 NoActing: Text-Based Production D12P 12 Higher 3.0 6 18 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts 6120415 NoActing: Touring Production D12S 12 Higher 3.0 6 18 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts NoAdministration EF3D 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 363 AF Management Skills NoAdministration of Resources D0WJ 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 363 AJ Human Resources Management NoAdministration Services DM3P 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 363 AY Office Skills 6350036 YesAdministration Services DM3P 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AY Office Skills YesAdministration Services DM3P 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 363 AY Office Skills YesAdministration: Presenting and Communicating Information DM3T 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 363 AY Office Skills YesAdministration: Presenting and Communicating Information DM3T 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AY Office Skills 6170416 YesAdministrative Management DX2A 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 363 AB Management (general) YesAdministrative Management: Presentation and Communication DX2C 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 363 AB Management (general) 6350006 YesAdministrative Support DR0F 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 363 AY Office Skills 82503 YesAdministrative Support DR0F 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AY Office Skills YesAdministrative Support 1 EE4J 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 363 AY Office Skills NoAdministrative Support 2 EE4K 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AY Office Skills 6170333 NoAdult Literacies Training in Scotland DA9V 12 Higher 0.25 6 1.5 374 GB Teaching/Training NoAdvanced Monochrome Processing Techniques EA62 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 129 KE Photography NoAdvanced Motor Vehicle Principles 1 E7TG 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 6170223 NoAdvanced Motor Vehicle Principles 2 E8KK 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 6220063 NoAdvertising E7PR 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 244 BA Marketing/PR NoAdvertising: An Introduction D0Y5 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 244 BA Marketing/PR YesAeronautical Electrical Technology F5D2 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 214 XP Aerospace/Defence Engineering NoAeronautical Engineering Fundamentals F5GM 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 214 XP Aerospace/Defence Engineering NoAeronautical Engineering Practice: Maintenance EA7D 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 214 XP Aerospace/Defence Engineering NoAeronautical Fundamentals E9L8 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 214 ZE Aviation 6110410 NoAgricultural Engineering: Grass Harvesting Machinery E9CR 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 234 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery 6110546 NoAgricultural Engineering: Root Harvesting Machinery E9CP 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 234 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery NoAgricultural Policy E8BX 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 144 SA Agriculture/Horticulture (general) NoAir Compressors and Tools E7VG 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XH Mechanical Engineering NoAir Conditioning and Ventilation Technology F1AV 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 405 XH Mechanical Engineering 6213083 NoAir Conditioning: Plant and Ductwork E8MP 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 181 XH Mechanical Engineering NoAir Conditioning: Psychrometry E8MN 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 181 XH Mechanical Engineering NoAir Travel : An Introduction DF6M 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 192 NK Tourism/Travel 6110230 NoAircraft Construction and Materials E9L9 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 214 XP Aerospace/Defence Engineering NoAircraft Design: An Introduction F5GN 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 214 XP Aerospace/Defence Engineering No

SQA Unit Credit(s)

SCQF Credit Points

Verification Group

Superclass code

Legacy Code

Auto- approval

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Catalogue of National Qualifications-National Units

Unit title Unit code SQA Level SCQF level Superclass titleSQA Unit Credit(s)

SCQF Credit Points

Verification Group

Superclass code

Legacy Code

Auto- approval

Aircraft Flight Controls F5GV 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 214 XP Aerospace/Defence Engineering NoAircraft Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems F5GW 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 214 XP Aerospace/Defence Engineering NoAircraft Legislation E9LC 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 214 EC Law 91129 NoAircraft Maintenance F5GP 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 214 XP Aerospace/Defence Engineering NoAircraft Power Plant F5GX12 Higher 1.0 6 6 214 XP Aerospace/Defence Engineering NoAircraft Systems F5GR 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 214 XP Aerospace/Defence Engineering NoAircraft Systems: Ancillary E9LD 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 214 XP Aerospace/Defence Engineering 6110115 NoAircraft Systems: Landing E9LF 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 214 XP Aerospace/Defence Engineering NoAircraft: Ground Handling E9LA 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 214 XP Aerospace/Defence Engineering NoAirport Ground Operations F3P8 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 192 ZE Aviation NoAirport Ground Operations: An Introduction F3PD 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 192 ZE Aviation NoAlarm and Communications Systems F5GY 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 160 TH Building Services NoAlcoholic Beverages: An Introduction F7E4 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 269 NB Food/Drink Services NoAmplification E9S2 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering NoAn Appreciation of Retail: An Activity Approach EF7J 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HC Career Change/Access NoAn Introduction to Designing and Making: Blouses EG3V 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) NoAn Introduction to Designing and Making: Childrenswear EG3W 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) NoAn Introduction to Designing and Making: Dresses EG3X 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) 3240973 NoAn Introduction to Designing and Making: Shirts EG3Y 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) NoAn Introduction to Designing and Making: Skirts EG40 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) NoAn Introduction to Designing and Making: Trousers EG41 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) 3241043 NoAn Introduction to Designing and Making: Waistcoats EG42 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) NoAnalogue and Digital Electronics D143 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 232 XL Electronic Engineering NoAnalogue and Digital Interfacing D141 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering 7290004 NoAnalogue and Opto-Electronics EA41 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 232 XL Electronic Engineering 7290014 NoAnalogue Systems D19N 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering 6120425 YesAnalyse Participants' Needs and Plan a Coaching Programme: Curling F41X 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MF Winter Sports NoAnalyse Participants’ Needs and Plan a Coaching Programme: Athletics F2X8 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoAnalyse Participants’ Needs and Plan a Coaching Programme: Basketball F2XA 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoAnalyse Participants’ Needs and Plan a Coaching Programme: Canoeing F2XC 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 6170426 NoAnalyse Participants’ Needs and Plan a Coaching Programme: Cricket F2XD 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 6170253 NoAnalyse Participants’ Needs and Plan a Coaching Programme: Equestrian F2XE 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 6170112 NoAnalyse Participants’ Needs and Plan a Coaching Programme: Football F2XF 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 6170163 NoAnalyse Participants’ Needs and Plan a Coaching Programme: Gymnastics F2XG 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoAnalyse Participants’ Needs and Plan a Coaching Programme: Hockey F2XH 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoAnalyse Participants’ Needs and Plan a Coaching Programme: Netball F2XJ 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 6110220 NoAnalyse Participants’ Needs and Plan a Coaching Programme: Rowing F2CK 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 61151 NoAnalyse Participants’ Needs and Plan a Coaching Programme: Rugby Union F2XL 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 6350046 NoAnalyse Participants’ Needs and Plan a Coaching Programme:Badminton F2X9 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 61154 NoAnalyse Participants’ Needs and Plan a Coaching Programme:Squash F2XM 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoAnalyse Participants’ Needs and Plan a Coaching Programme:Swimming F2XN 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoAnalyse Participants’ Needs and Plan a Coaching Programme:Table Tennis F2XP 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 7141451 NoAnalyse Participants’ Needs and Plan a Coaching Programme:Tennis F2XR 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 7141463 NoAnalysing Human Society 1 D460 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 278 EE Social Studies 6110210 YesAnalysing Human Society 2 D436 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 278 EE Social Studies 61152 YesAnalysis of Hair and Scalp D05J 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services 61153 NoAnimal Behaviour D036 13 Advanced Higher 0.5 7 4 140 RH Life Sciences 72278 YesAnimal Care: Accommodation and Handling F6SM 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 154 SP Pets/Domestic Animal Care NoAnimal Care: An Introduction to Dog Grooming F6SX 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 154 SP Pets/Domestic Animal Care NoAnimal Care: An Introduction to Dog Training F6ST 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 154 SP Pets/Domestic Animal Care NoAnimal Care: Anatomy and Physiology of Mammals F6SL 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 154 RH Life Sciences NoAnimal Care: Animal Survival Behaviour F7GC 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 154 RH Life Sciences NoAnimal Care: Avian Care F6SN 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 154 SP Pets/Domestic Animal Care NoAnimal Care: Behaviour of Small Animals F6T3 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 154 SP Pets/Domestic Animal Care NoAnimal Care: Breed Identification and Selection F6SY 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 154 SP Pets/Domestic Animal Care NoAnimal Care: Breeding F6SS 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 154 SP Pets/Domestic Animal Care NoAnimal Care: Farm Livestock F6SV 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 154 SH Animal Husbandry NoAnimal Care: Health Care F6SK 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 154 SP Pets/Domestic Animal Care NoAnimal Care: Neo–Natal Care F6T7 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 154 SP Pets/Domestic Animal Care NoAnimal Care: Ornamental Fish Care F6SP 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 154 SP Pets/Domestic Animal Care NoAnimal Care: Parasitology F6T0 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 154 SP Pets/Domestic Animal Care NoAnimal Care: Record Keeping F6T8 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 154 AY Office Skills NoAnimal Care: Reptile and Amphibian Care F6SR 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 154 SP Pets/Domestic Animal Care No

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Catalogue of National Qualifications-National Units

Unit title Unit code SQA Level SCQF level Superclass titleSQA Unit Credit(s)

SCQF Credit Points

Verification Group

Superclass code

Legacy Code

Auto- approval

Animal Care: Safe Working Practices F6T2 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 154 PL Occupational Health and Safety NoAnimal Care: Small Animal Feeding F6SJ 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 154 SP Pets/Domestic Animal Care NoAnimal Handling: An Introduction DX0Y 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 157 SH Animal Husbandry 72275 NoAnimal Husbandry: An Introduction DX0X 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 157 SH Animal Husbandry 6130394 NoAnimal Physiology D028 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 140 RH Life Sciences 6220033 YesApplication and Removal of Transfers and Lining EA80 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 67981 NoApplication of Electrical Installation Hand-tools and Accessories DH58 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 231 XJ Electrical Engineering 67990 NoApplication of Management Principles in the Dairy Industry D0LR 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 55 AB Management (general) 77991 NoApplication of Thermal Insulation Finishes E9MY 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 182 TG Building/Construction Operations 87993 NoApplications of Computer Technology in the Printing Industry ED9V 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 37 CE Text/Graphics/Multimedia Presentation Software NoApplications of Electronics in Measurement and Control ED6P 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 VE Industrial Control/Monitoring NoApplications of Mathematics D324 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 142 RB Mathematics YesApplications of Mathematics D324 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 142 RB Mathematics YesApplications of Programmable Logic Controllers F5H0 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering NoApplied Electronics D186 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 291 XL Electronic Engineering 6130032 YesApplied Electronics D186 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 291 XL Electronic Engineering 65672 YesApplied Electronics D186 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 291 XL Electronic Engineering 82283 YesApplied Electronics 2 E7T4 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 232 XL Electronic Engineering 6130046 NoApplied Genetics and Breeding E8VX 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 148 SH Animal Husbandry NoApplied Multimedia DM4D 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CE Text/Graphics/Multimedia Presentation Software YesApplied Multimedia DM4D 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 358 CE Text/Graphics/Multimedia Presentation Software YesApplied Synoptic Meteorology EA5W 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 151 RF Earth Sciences NoApplied Technology 1 EB0K 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 275 XA Engineering/Technology (general) NoApplied Technology 2 E7XJ 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 275 XA Engineering/Technology (general) 5120087 NoApplying Bituminous Materials To Structural Fabric (Applied Finishing Occupations) EB3W 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 189 TG Building/Construction Operations 6130022 NoApplying External Cementwork: An Introduction DH29 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 173 TG Building/Construction Operations 6130322 NoApplying Lightweight Plaster: An Introduction DH27 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 173 TG Building/Construction Operations 6130056 NoApplying Practical Skills F4BY 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 62 HC Career Change/Access NoApplying the Principles of Urban Planning EC81 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 117 TC Property: Surveying/Planning/Development 6130342 NoAppreciation of Access Platforms and Equipment F6MF 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 171 TK Construction Site Work NoAppreciation of Dance D639 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 132 LB Dance 6130352 YesAppreciation of Drama D640 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts 6130212 NoAppreciation of Music F58M 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 63 LF Music History/Theory YesAppreciation of Music D641 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 63 LF Music History/Theory 6130224 NoAppreciation of Slinging and Signalling the Movement of Loads F6LR 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 352 TK Construction Site Work NoAquaculture: An Introduction to Finfish Production F6TB 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 149 SJ Fish Production/Fisheries NoAquaculture: An Introduction to Shellfish Production F6TC 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 149 SJ Fish Production/Fisheries NoAquaculture: Basic Seamanship F6TD 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 149 ZF Marine Transport NoAquaculture: Floating Cage Fish Farm Operations F6TJ 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 149 SJ Fish Production/Fisheries NoAquaculture: Salmonid Ova Production F6TH 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 149 SJ Fish Production/Fisheries NoAquatic Environment: Local Investigation F6TA 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 149 RG Land and Sea Surveying/Cartography NoAquatic Environments for Aquaculture F6TG 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 149 SJ Fish Production/Fisheries NoArboricultural Techniques: Use of Specialist Equipment EF6L 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 6130332 NoArboriculture: Disorders of Trees EF6H 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 6130076 NoArboriculture: Felling and Processing Large Trees Using a Chainsaw EF6J 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 6130086 NoArboriculture: Introduction to Tree Surveying and Inspection EF6R 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 6130096 NoArboriculture: Urban Forestry EF6K 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production NoArchitectural Photography EA0G 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 129 KE Photography 6130234 NoArchitectural Project F3JD 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TD Building Design/Architecture NoArchitectural Project F3JD 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TD Building Design/Architecture NoArchitectural Technology: Building Design DV3V 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TD Building Design/Architecture 92273 NoArchitectural Technology: Manual and Computer Aided Construction Drawing DV3X 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TD Building Design/Architecture 92280 NoArchitectural Technology: Site Surveying DV3W 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TC Property: Surveying/Planning/Development 82285 No

F143 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HC Career Change/Access 6130116 YesArt and Design Studies DV39 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 65 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts 72284 YesArt and Design Studies DV39 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 65 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts YesArt and Design Studies DV39 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts YesArt and Design Studies DV39 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts 6140044 YesArt and Design: 3D Skills Development F5CC 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 65 JC Design (non-industrial) YesArt and Design: Analytical Drawing F5CD 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice YesArt and Design: Animation Project F5C6 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 CE Text/Graphics/Multimedia Presentation Software YesArt and Design: Animation Skills F5BT 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 CE Text/Graphics/Multimedia Presentation Software YesArt and Design: Colour F5CE 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts Yes

Art Activity Routines: An Introduction

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Catalogue of National Qualifications-National Units

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Art and Design: Contextual Studies F5CF 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts YesArt and Design: Corporate Identity F5CA 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JC Design (non-industrial) YesArt and Design: Creative Textile Development F5C5 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) YesArt and Design: Design Activity DV38 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 65 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts 6140034 YesArt and Design: Design Activity DV38 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 65 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts 6140014 YesArt and Design: Design Activity DV38 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts 6140024 YesArt and Design: Design Activity DV38 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts 6220096 YesArt and Design: Design Activity DV38 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 65 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts 7141351 YesArt and Design: Design Enquiry DV3H 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 65 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts 6220006 YesArt and Design: Design Study DV3J 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 65 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts 65674 YesArt and Design: Developmental Drawing F5CG 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice YesArt and Design: Digital Media F5CH 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts YesArt and Design: Digital Video Skills F5BR 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 KF Film/Video Production YesArt and Design: Exploratory Media Handling F5CJ 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts YesArt and Design: Expressive Activity DV37 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 65 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts 65675 YesArt and Design: Expressive Activity DV37 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 65 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts 6120320 YesArt and Design: Expressive Activity DV37 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts 6220086 YesArt and Design: Expressive Activity DV37 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts 6220106 YesArt and Design: Expressive Activity DV37 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 65 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts 65673 YesArt and Design: Expressive Drawing F5CL 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice YesArt and Design: Expressive Enquiry DV3F 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 65 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts 6120510 YesArt and Design: Introduction to 3D Design Skills F5C1 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 JC Design (non-industrial) YesArt and Design: Introduction to Ceramic Sculpture F5C0 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 JR Glass/Ceramics/Stone Crafts YesArt and Design: Introduction to Contemporary Art Practice F51K 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice YesArt and Design: Introduction to Exhibition Design EF7C 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 JC Design (non-industrial) NoArt and Design: Introduction to Graphic Design EF76 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 JC Design (non-industrial) NoArt and Design: Introduction to Illustration EF78 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice NoArt and Design: Introduction to Interior Design EF7B 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 JC Design (non-industrial) NoArt and Design: Introduction to Jewellery F5BS 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 JH Decorative Metal Crafts/Jewellery YesArt and Design: Introduction to Painting EF7D 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice NoArt and Design: Introduction to Photography EF77 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 129 KE Photography NoArt and Design: Introduction to Sculpture EF7E 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice NoArt and Design: Introduction to Sculpture Techiniques F5BY 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice YesArt and Design: Introduction to Stitched Textiles EF79 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) 6170015 NoArt and Design: Introduction to Surface Decoration EF7A 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice 6170055 NoArt and Design: Life Drawing F51L 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice YesArt and Design: Line and Tone Drawing Techniques F5CB 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice YesArt and Design: Painting Media and Techniques F5BA 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice YesArt and Design: Painting to a Theme F5C7 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice YesArt and Design: Personal Project F51M 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 65 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts YesArt and Design: Printmaking F5BV 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice YesArt and Design: Printmaking Applied Skills F5C8 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice YesArt and Design: Project F5CN 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts YesArt and Design: Research and Investigation Skills F5C2 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts YesArt and Design: Sketchbook Development F5CM 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts YesArt and Design: Sketchbook Development Thematic Studies F5BW 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 JC Design (non-industrial) YesArt and Design: Software Skills F5BX 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 CE Text/Graphics/Multimedia Presentation Software YesArt and Design: Software Skills F5C9 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 CE Text/Graphics/Multimedia Presentation Software YesArt and Design: Video Project F5C4 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 KF Film/Video Production YesArt and Design: Visual Arts Study DV3G 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 65 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts 6170122 YesArt and Design: Web Content F5BP 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems YesArt and Design: Web Project F5C3 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems YesArt/Design Project 1: Ceramics and Pottery E9SS 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 65 JR Glass/Ceramics/Stone Crafts 6170243 NoArt/Design Project 1: Exhibition Design E9SM 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 65 JC Design (non-industrial) 6170133 NoArt/Design Project 1: Graphic Design E9SK 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 65 JC Design (non-industrial) 6220013 NoArt/Design Project 1: Industrial Design E9ST 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 65 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development NoArt/Design Project 1: Interior Design E9SN 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 65 TJ Interior Design/Fitting/Decoration NoArt/Design Project 1: Jewellery E9SR 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 65 JH Decorative Metal Crafts/Jewellery 6171052 NoArt/Design Project 1: Technical Graphics E9SL 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice NoArt/Design Project: Ceramics and Pottery E8JK 12 Higher 3.0 6 18 65 JR Glass/Ceramics/Stone Crafts NoArt/Design Project: Exhibition Design E8JF 12 Higher 3.0 6 18 65 JC Design (non-industrial) NoArt/Design Project: Graphic Design E8JD 12 Higher 3.0 6 18 65 JC Design (non-industrial) NoArt/Design Project: Interior Design E8JG 12 Higher 3.0 6 18 65 TJ Interior Design/Fitting/Decoration 6170406 No

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Art/Design Project: Jewellery E8JJ 11 Intermediate 2 3.0 5 18 65 JH Decorative Metal Crafts/Jewellery 6170090 NoArtificial Insemination (A.I.) in Pigs ED56 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 148 SH Animal Husbandry NoArtificial Insemination in Poultry E8CF 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 148 SH Animal Husbandry NoArtificial Intelligence DF31 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 357 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems YesArtificial Intelligence DF31 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 357 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems 6170153 YesArtificial Intelligence DF31 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 357 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems 6220073 YesArtificial Nail Enhancement Tips and Overlays F4NT 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 66 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoArtificial Nail Structures D0V3 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 66 HL Hair/Personal Care Services 6170283 NoArtificial Nail Structures D7SR 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 66 HL Hair/Personal Care Services 6170313 NoArtificial Sports Surfaces (Outside) E8C1 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 355 SF Amenity Horticulture/Sportsgrounds 6170173 NoAsian Language: Bengali D15F 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 18 FK Languages 6171035 NoAsian Language: Bengali D15F 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 18 FK Languages 6170363 NoAsian Language: Bengali D15F 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 18 FK Languages 6170343 NoAsian Language: Bengali D15F 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 18 FK Languages 6170353 NoAsian Language: Hindi D15J 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 29 FK Languages 6170035 NoAsian Language: Hindi D15J 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 29 FK Languages 6171062 NoAsian Language: Hindi D15J 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 29 FK Languages 7110922 NoAsian Language: Hindi D15J 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 29 FK Languages 6170183 NoAsian Language: Panjabi D15M 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 30 FK Languages 6170263 NoAsian Language: Panjabi D15M 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 30 FK Languages 7110211 NoAsian Language: Panjabi D15M 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 30 FK Languages 8260005 NoAsian Language: Panjabi D15M 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 30 FK Languages NoAsian Language: Urdu D15R 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 31 FK Languages NoAsian Language: Urdu D15R 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 31 FK Languages NoAsian Language: Urdu D15R 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 31 FK Languages NoAsian Language: Urdu D15R 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 31 FK Languages NoAssessing Candidate Competence EE6T 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 242 GB Teaching/Training 6170025 NoAssessing the Trainee in the Workplace E9GR 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 242 GB Teaching/Training 6180436 NoAssist with Accidents and Emergencies DJ3X 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 198 PL Occupational Health and Safety 6180446 NoAssist with Activity Sessions DJ3Y 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 6180456 NoAssist with an Event F5FJ 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 363 BA Marketing/PR NoAssistant Stage Management D13B 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 16 LE Theatre Production 6180466 NoAssisting with Arranging and Securing Loads F6LX 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 186 TK Construction Site Work NoAssisting with Erecting and Dismantling Cranes and Rigs F6R4 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 186 TK Construction Site Work NoAssisting with Plant Operations from a Barge F6R5 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 186 TK Construction Site Work NoAssisting with Support for Learning: The Role of the Support for Learning Assistant D2KR 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues 6180476 NoAstronomy: The Stars D0R3 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 151 RE Astronomy 6180486 NoAsylum Seekers and Refugees: Asylum Seekers and the Law F542 11 Intermediate 2 1 5 6 108 PN Family/Community Work/Youth Advice Work NoAsylum Seekers and Refugees: Promoting Equality F543 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 108 PN Family/Community Work/Youth Advice Work NoAsylum Seekers and Refugees: Understanding Cultural Diversity F544 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 108 PN Family/Community Work/Youth Advice Work NoAudio and Radio Circuits E7T7 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 222 XL Electronic Engineering 6180496 NoAudio Visual Techniques D0HC 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 127 KG Audio and Visual Media 6180506 NoAudio Visual Technology: Projection E7MY 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 127 KG Audio and Visual Media 6180516 NoAudio Visual Technology: Sound Reproduction D0HD 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 127 KG Audio and Visual Media 6180526 NoAudio Visual Technology: Tape-Slide D0HE 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 127 KG Audio and Visual Media 6180536 NoAudio Visual Technology: Workshop Practice E7N2 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 127 KG Audio and Visual Media 6180546 NoAudio: An Introduction F5AD 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills YesAudio: Intermediate F5AE 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills YesAudio: Legal F7KR 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills NoAudio: Legal F7KR 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills NoAudio: Medical F7KS 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills NoAudio: Medical F7KS 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills NoAudiology 1 D0M5 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 94 PB Medical Sciences 6170193 NoAudiology 2 D0M6 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 94 PB Medical Sciences 6181025 NoAuto Engineering: An Activity Approach EF7W 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HC Career Change/Access 6180325 NoAutomotive: Air-Conditioning Systems D23F 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 6180205 NoAutomotive: Anti-Lock Braking Systems D23A 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 6180215 NoAutomotive: Automatic Transmission Systems D23E 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 6180225 NoAutomotive: Braking Systems EG3F 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 6180235 NoAutomotive: Compression Ignition Fuel Systems D23C 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 6180255 NoAutomotive: Cooling Systems EG3G 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 6180245 NoAutomotive: Effective Working Practices DE3Y 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 213 AF Management Skills 6180335 NoAutomotive: Electrical and Electronic Systems DE47 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 6180265 No

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Automotive: Electrical/Electronic Systems D23B 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 6180285 NoAutomotive: Electronic Ignition Systems D23G 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 6180275 NoAutomotive: Engine Cooling, Lubrication and Crankcase Ventilation Systems DE46 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 6180576 NoAutomotive: Engine Mechanical EG3H 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 6180295 NoAutomotive: Engine Mechanical EG3H 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 6180315 NoAutomotive: Foundation Skills DE44 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 6180305 NoAutomotive: Fuel Supply Systems DE42 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 6180586 NoAutomotive: Fuel Systems EG3J 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 6180345 NoAutomotive: Ignition Systems EG3K 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 6180355 NoAutomotive: Introduction to Vehicle Electrical/Electronic Systems EG3L 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 6180365 NoAutomotive: Introduction to Vehicle Layout EG3M 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 6180375 NoAutomotive: Lubrication Systems EG3N 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering NoAutomotive: Manual Transmission Systems DE40 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 6170293 NoAutomotive: Spark Ignition Fuel Systems D23D 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 6181011 NoAutomotive: Spark Ignition Systems DE41 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoAutomotive: Steering and Suspension Systems D22Y 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 6180385 NoAutomotive: Steering Systems EG3P 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering NoAutomotive: Steering, Suspension and Braking Systems DE45 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 6180395 NoAutomotive: Suspension Systems EG3R 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering NoAutomotive: Transmission Systems EG3S 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering NoAutomotive: Vehicle Construction and Periodic Maintenance DE43 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 6180637 NoAutomotive: Wheels and Tyres EG3T 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering NoAvian Physiology E8VT 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 148 RH Life Sciences 6180565 NoAviation Pratice F5H2 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 214 XP Aerospace/Defence Engineering NoAvionics: An Introduction F5GS 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 214 XP Aerospace/Defence Engineering NoBack, Neck and Shoulder Massage F4P4 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 62 HK Therapeutic Personal Care NoBakery Processes 1: Pre-Baking EB3D 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 56 WM Food/Drink/Tobacco (industrial) 6180555 NoBakery Processes 2: Baking and Finishing EB3B 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 56 WM Food/Drink/Tobacco (industrial) 6180100 NoBaking Control Factors E8S6 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 56 WM Food/Drink/Tobacco (industrial) 63112 NoBaling E8V4 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 147 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery 6310006 NoBar Service D0T4 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 269 NB Food/Drink Services 5190038 NoBasic Applications of Behavioural Science D0VP 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 306 PK Psychology 5120077 NoBasic Care of Fish E9JT 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 154 SP Pets/Domestic Animal Care 7150707 NoBasic Care of Horses at Grass E9T4 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 148 SP Pets/Domestic Animal Care 5120057 NoBasic Care of Poultry D0NB 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 148 SH Animal Husbandry NoBasic Chemistry for Textiles EE0N 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) 5190013 NoBasic Communication in a Familiar Setting D9EW 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 KB Communication Skills YesBasic Cookery Skills E9P4 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 197 NG Home Economics 5120021 NoBasic Customer Service Skills D04G 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 297 BA Marketing/PR NoBasic Dismantling and Assembly of Electrical Machines E8JV 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 274 XJ Electrical Engineering 5190027 NoBasic Electronic Installation Skills D9AH 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 160 XL Electronic Engineering NoBasic Electronic Installation Systems and Protection D9AG 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 160 XJ Electrical Engineering 4120713 NoBasic Engineering Materials ED8E 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 275 XA Engineering/Technology (general) 5120527 NoBasic Equipment Maintenance and Reporting Procedures in the Provision of Sport and Physical Recreation D0VB 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoBasic Financial Recording E8JL 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 257 AK Financial Management/ Accounting NoBasic General Factors in the Health of Children and Young People E87M 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 84 PA Health Care Management/Health Studies 63123 NoBasic Health Care Needs E9P5 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 85 PA Health Care Management/Health Studies NoBasic Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills DW7H 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 357 CY Information Systems/Management YesBasic Introduction to Land Based Industries EE8F 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 144 SA Agriculture/Horticulture (general) NoBasic Meteorology and International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea E8DB 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 151 RF Earth Sciences NoBasic Micro-Soldering EB0R 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 232 XE Welding/Joining NoBasic Needs of Children D11D 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 84 PN Family/Community Work/Youth Advice Work 6260016 NoBasic Polishing Techniques E85N 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 134 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture 6360006 NoBasic Power Systems E968 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 274 XK Power/Energy Engineering NoBasic Principles of Fabricated Component Design, Manufacture and Test Methods D157 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 218 XE Welding/Joining NoBasic Reception Skills EB5R 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AY Office Skills NoBasic Retail Skills D0SK 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 298 BA Marketing/PR NoBasic Seamanship: Ropes, Wires and Chains E8DC 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 151 ZF Marine Transport NoBasic Ship Construction and Stability E8DA 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 151 XQ Ship and Boat Building/Marine/Offshore Engineering 6260026 NoBasic Sports Coaching Techniques D0V9 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 6260036 NoBasic Telecommunications E7S6 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 222 XM Telecommunications 5120277 NoBasic Veneering Techniques and Processes E85D 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 134 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture 5120431 NoBasic Watchkeeping Procedures E8WV 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 151 ZF Marine Transport 5120287 No

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Battery and Charging Systems: Condition Assessment and Fault Diagnosis EA13 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 5120317 NoBattery and Charging Systems: Removal, Replacement and Adjustment of Components EA11 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 5120337 NoBeauty and Make-up: Drawing and Colouring Design Skills F4P2 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 66 JC Design (non-industrial) NoBeauty: Creative Current Make-Up Trends F5B3 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 443 JC Design (non-industrial) NoBeauty: Facial Techniques F5AY 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 443 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoBeauty: Facial Treatment Packages F5B1 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 443 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoBeauty: Nail Finishes F5B2 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 443 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoBedding Plant Production D8VP 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 146 SD Crop Production 6260056 NoBedding Plant Production: An Introduction D865 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 145 SD Crop Production 6340026 NoBeef Enterprise Management D0PG 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 148 SH Animal Husbandry 6360016 NoBeef Production D0PA 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 148 SH Animal Husbandry NoBehaviour, Populations and the Environment D045 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 140 RH Life Sciences 6260067 YesBench Skills - Metal D178 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 318 XF Tools/Machining YesBench Skills - Metal D178 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 318 XF Tools/Machining 8357540 YesBench Skills 1 - Wood Flat Frame Construction D182 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 318 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture 71976 YesBench Skills 1 - Wood Flat Frame Construction D182 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 318 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture 5120107 YesBench Skills 2 - Wood Carcase Construction D183 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 318 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture 6150016 YesBench Skills 2 - Wood Carcase Construction D183 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 318 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture 5120117 YesBeverage Product Knowledge D297 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 269 NB Food/Drink Services 63122 NoBilling in the Hotel and Catering Industry D0TP 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 269 NA Hotel/Catering (general) 5120067 NoBilling in the Hotel and Catering Industry D0TP 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 269 NA Hotel/Catering (general) 5120127 NoBiodiversity in Scotland D837 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 157 RH Life Sciences NoBiological Control of Pests and Diseases D0JV 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 147 SC Crop Protection/Fertilisers/Byproducts NoBiological Psychology D70H 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 306 PK Psychology NoBiology D04A 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 RH Life Sciences YesBiology Investigation D034 13 Advanced Higher 0.5 7 4 140 RH Life Sciences YesBiology: Practical Experiment DV2M 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 RH Life Sciences YesBiotechnological Industries D024 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 140 RH Life Sciences YesBiotechnological Industries D024 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 140 RH Life Sciences 5120137 YesBiotechnology DF5J 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 140 RH Life Sciences NoBiotechnology D035 13 Advanced Higher 0.5 7 4 140 RH Life Sciences 6220023 YesBiotechnology Processes DF5G 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 140 RH Life Sciences 63121 NoBlock Walling F1K5 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 171 TG Building/Construction Operations 6340016 NoBlood Transfusion and Serology E8X1 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 321 RH Life Sciences 6340006 NoBlow Drying Techniques F4BX 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoBody Painting F78M 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 65 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoBraking Systems: Condition Assessment and Fault Diagnosis E9H2 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoBraking Systems: Heavy Vehicle 1 EA5R 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 5120047 NoBraking Systems: Removal, Replacement and Adjustment of Components E9H1 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 5125002 NoBrashing/Pruning using Brashing Equipment E9SV 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 6250047 NoBrass Instruments: Dismantling and Reassembling Cornets and Trumpets E80B 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology 5120501 NoBrass Instruments: Fault Finding and Minor Repairs: Cornet and Trumpet E80C 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology 5120257 NoBrass Instruments: Repairing Stuck Slides E80E 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology 5120511 NoBrass Instruments: Soft Soldering E80D 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology NoBricklaying: Arch Construction F6M1 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 171 TG Building/Construction Operations NoBricklaying: Blockwork F6M2 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 171 TG Building/Construction Operations NoBricklaying: Cavity Walling F6MG 12 Higher 2 6 12 171 TG Building/Construction Operations NoBricklaying: Chimney Stacks F6M3 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 171 TG Building/Construction Operations NoBricklaying: Circular Walls F6MH 12 Higher 2 6 12 171 TG Building/Construction Operations NoBricklaying: Cladding to Timber Framed Structures F6M4 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 171 TG Building/Construction Operations NoBricklaying: Complex Arch Construction F6M2 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 171 TG Building/Construction Operations NoBricklaying: Cutting and Building to Rake F6M6 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 171 TG Building/Construction Operations NoBricklaying: Decorative Features F6MJ 12 Higher 2 6 12 171 TG Building/Construction Operations NoBricklaying: Decorative Panels and Obtuse Corners F6MK 12 Higher 2 6 12 171 TG Building/Construction Operations NoBricklaying: Decorative Ramp Walling F6M7 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 171 TG Building/Construction Operations NoBricklaying: Fireplaces and Flues F6M9 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 171 TG Building/Construction Operations NoBricklaying: Half Brick Walling F6MA 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 171 TG Building/Construction Operations NoBricklaying: Introduction D37N 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 171 TG Building/Construction Operations NoBricklaying: One Brick Walling F6ML 12 Higher 2 6 12 171 TG Building/Construction Operations NoBricklaying: Openings in Walls F6MM 12 Higher 2 6 12 171 TG Building/Construction Operations NoBricklaying: Piers F6MC 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 171 TG Building/Construction Operations NoBricklaying: Reconstituted Stone F6MD 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 171 TG Building/Construction Operations NoBricklaying: Setting Out Masonry Substructures F6ME 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 171 TG Building/Construction Operations No

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Bricklaying: Substructure Walling F6MP 12 Higher 2 6 12 171 TG Building/Construction Operations NoBrickwork: One Brick Thick Landscape Walling D72Y 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 171 TG Building/Construction Operations NoBridal and Evening Make-Up F4BW 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 66 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoBridge Watchkeeping: An Introduction F7HK 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 151 ZF Marine Transport NoBridgewatchkeeping Preparatory Course E8EB 13 Advanced Higher 1.5 7 12 151 ZF Marine Transport NoBritish Isles Tourist Destinations F3PE 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 192 NK Tourism/Travel NoBroiler Production E8CE 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 55 SH Animal Husbandry NoBuilding and Repairing Drystone Dykes EB3V 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 157 SL Agricultural/Horticultural Maintenance 71092 NoBuilding Blocks D066 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 139 RD Chemistry 8112043 YesBuilding Construction - An Introduction D9F1 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 161 TE Construction (general) NoBuilding Construction Project F3JF 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TG Building/Construction Operations NoBuilding Construction: Components and Finishes DV3T 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TG Building/Construction Operations 2150050 NoBuilding Construction: Site Establishment and Substructure DV3N 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TK Construction Site Work NoBuilding Construction: Superstructure DV3R 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TD Building Design/Architecture NoBuilding Contracts and Tendering D22T 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TC Property: Surveying/Planning/Development NoBuilding Craft Science and Mechanics F6N3 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 165 TE Construction (general) NoBuilding Design and Technology F3JE 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TD Building Design/Architecture NoBuilding Drawing E8N1 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 161 TD Building Design/Architecture NoBuilding Estimating D911 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TF Construction Management NoBuilding Inspection 1: Damp E868 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 190 TF Construction Management 91090 NoBuilding Inspection 2: Plumbing E869 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 190 TF Construction Management NoBuilding Inspection 3: Wet Rot, Dry Rot, Woodworm E86A 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 190 TF Construction Management NoBuilding Inspection 4: Walls, Internal and External E86B 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 190 TF Construction Management NoBuilding Inspection 5: Joinerwork E86C 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 190 TF Construction Management NoBuilding Maintenance: Contract Procedures E86D 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 190 TH Building Services NoBuilding Own Employability Skills F787 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 159 HC Career Change/Access YesBuilding Own Employability Skills F787 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 159 HC Career Change/Access YesBuilding Services Design - Electrical Installations D124 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TH Building Services NoBuilding Services Design - Heating and Ventilation D123 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TH Building Services 8112003 NoBuilding Services Engineering Science F1AL 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 405 XH Mechanical Engineering 2150080 NoBuilding Services Engineering Technology F1AP 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 405 XH Mechanical Engineering NoBuilding Services Engineering: Design Project F1AR 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 405 XA Engineering/Technology (general) N/A NoBuilding Services Engineering: Thermofluids F1AX 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 405 XH Mechanical Engineering NoBuilding Services in Domestic Low Rise Buildings F3JG 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 161 TH Building Services NoBuilding Services Provision - Low-Rise Buildings D122 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TH Building Services NoBuilding Services: Drainage and Sanitation E8N3 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 161 TH Building Services NoBuilding Services: Mechanical Systems E8MX 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 161 TH Building Services NoBuilding Services: Supply E8N4 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TH Building Services 91121 NoBuilding Technology - Sitework and Safety D912 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TE Construction (general) 91122 NoBuilding Technology: Components, Finishes and External Works E978 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TE Construction (general) 91123 NoBuilding Technology: Introduction E976 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 161 TE Construction (general) 91124 NoBuilding Technology: Introduction to Fire Precautions E9HP 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 161 TE Construction (general) 91125 NoBuilding Technology: Major Construction E97B 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 161 TE Construction (general) 8112132 NoBuilding Technology: Structure E977 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TE Construction (general) NoBulbs: Dry and Cut Flower Production E8BL 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 146 SD Crop Production NoBun-Chursa Litreachais EB2P 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 6 FC Literature NoBusiness and E-Commerce: An Introduction F5G7 10 Intermediate 1 0.25 4 1.5 254 AA Business/Finance (general) YesBusiness and Finance: An Introduction F5G8 10 Intermediate 1 0.25 4 1.5 254 AA Business/Finance (general) YesBusiness and Marketing: An Introduction F5G9 10 Intermediate 1 0.25 4 1.5 254 BA Marketing/PR YesBusiness Budgetary Control E8JN 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 257 AK Financial Management/ Accounting NoBusiness Decision Areas DV4H 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 254 AA Business/Finance (general) YesBusiness Decision Areas EF3H 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 254 AF Management Skills NoBusiness Decision Areas: Finance and Human Resource Management DV4L 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 254 AA Business/Finance (general) YesBusiness Decision Areas: Finance and Human Resource Management DV4L 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 254 AA Business/Finance (general) YesBusiness Decision Areas: Marketing and Operations DV4K 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 254 AA Business/Finance (general) YesBusiness Decision Areas: Marketing and Operations DV4K 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 254 AA Business/Finance (general) YesBusiness Enterprise DV4G 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 254 AA Business/Finance (general) YesBusiness Enterprise DV4G 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 254 AA Business/Finance (general) YesBusiness Enterprise DV4G 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 254 AA Business/Finance (general) YesBusiness Enterprise EF3J 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 254 AE Enterprises NoBusiness Enterprise: Contributing to a Business Enterprise D92Y 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 AE Enterprises 8110105 YesBusiness Enterprise: Participating in a Start-Up D92X 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 AE Enterprises YesBusiness Financial Performance Evaluation E8JM 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 266 AK Financial Management/ Accounting No

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Business Information and ICT DV4J 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 254 AA Business/Finance (general) YesBusiness Organisation ED53 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 363 AE Enterprises NoBusiness Practices in Travel and Tourism DM4M 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 192 NK Tourism/Travel YesButchery 1 E8S7 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 57 WM Food/Drink/Tobacco (industrial) NoButchery 2 E8S8 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 57 WM Food/Drink/Tobacco (industrial) NoButchery: Small Goods E8S9 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 57 WM Food/Drink/Tobacco (industrial) NoBuying E7PP 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 244 BA Marketing/PR NoCable Ratings and Overcurrent Devices F5H3 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 160 XJ Electrical Engineering NoCake Decorating D9GL 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 269 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing 8112182 NoCake Decoration Techniques D0RP 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 56 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing NoCake Decoration: Advanced Royal Icing Processes EG1B 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 56 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing 8112122 NoCake Decoration: Advanced Sugar Paste Processes EG1C 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 56 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing 8110127 NoCake Decoration: Chocolate Processes EB8A 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 56 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing 91111 NoCake Decoration: Creative Design and Development EB8B 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 56 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing 91112 NoCake Decoration: Gateaux Finishing Processes D0RR 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 56 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing 91113 NoCake Decoration: Royal Icing EB5H 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 56 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing 91114 NoCake Decoration: Sugar Paste Processes EB5L 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 56 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing 91115 NoCake Decorations: Prefabricated Cake Decorations EB8C 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 56 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing 81091 NoCake Production D9GM 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 269 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing 8112062 NoCalculations for Textiles ED9Y 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) NoCalf Rearing to 12 Weeks D0PD 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 148 SH Animal Husbandry NoCantonese : Language F3F1 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 27 FK Languages YesCantonese For Work Purposes F3CF 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 446 FK Languages YesCantonese For Work Purposes F3CF 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 446 FK Languages YesCantonese For Work Purposes F3CF 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 446 FK Languages YesCantonese For Work Purposes F3CF 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 446 FK Languages YesCantonese: Extended Reading and Viewing F3F2 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 27 FK Languages YesCantonese: Extended Reading and Viewing F3F2 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 27 FK Languages YesCantonese: Extended Reading and Viewing F3F2 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 27 FK Languages YesCantonese: Language F3F1 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 27 FK Languages YesCantonese: Language F3F1 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 27 FK Languages YesCantonese: Language in Work F296 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 27 FK Languages YesCantonese: Language in Work F296 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 27 FK Languages YesCantonese: Language in Work F296 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 27 FK Languages YesCantonese: Language in Work F296 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 27 FK Languages YesCantonese: Language in Work F296 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 27 FK Languages YesCantonese: Personal and Social Language F3F0 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 27 FK Languages 81126 YesCantonese: Personal Communication F3F3 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 27 FK Languages YesCantonese: Personal Language F292 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 27 FK Languages YesCantonese: Transactional Language F294 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 27 FK Languages YesCantonese:Transactional Language F294 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 27 FK Languages YesCapital Investment Appraisal E8JP 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 266 AL Financial Services NoCapturing Digital Images F7GB 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems YesCar Valeting: An Activity Approach DV2V 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HC Career Change/Access NoCarbon Compounds D067 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 139 RD Chemistry YesCarburettor and Air Supply Systems: Condition, Assessment and Fault Diagnosis E9J7 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoCarburettor and Air Supply Systems: Removal, Replacement and Adjustment of Components E9H5 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoCarcase and Frame Construction by Machine E85E 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 134 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture 6170273 NoCare and Feeding of Babies ED2S 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 84 PH Nursing NoCare and Feeding of Children DM60 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 84 PQ Child Care Services NoCare and Identification of Plants, Cut Flowers and Foliage D94V 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 75 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales NoCare of Babies and Young Children in the Home E7M4 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 84 PQ Child Care Services NoCare of Children DM85 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues NoCare of the Horse's Foot E9T6 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 148 SN Veterinary Services 8110137 NoCare Principles and Practice F1C6 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 407 PM Social Care/Social Work Skills 8110147 NoCaring for Babies: Workplace Experience ED7S 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 84 PQ Child Care Services 8110157 NoCaring for People with Dementia D11A 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 85 PN Family/Community Work/Youth Advice Work 8110065 No

Caring for People: Introduction E8RN 04 Unlevelled 2.0 Unlevelled 82 PM Social Care/Social Work Skills NoCarpentry and Joinery Repair and Maintenance F1L4 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 165 TG Building/Construction Operations NoCarpentry and Joinery: An Introduction F1KL 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 165 TG Building/Construction Operations 8112012 NoCarpentry and Joinery: Construction Studies and Procedures F6N5 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 165 TE Construction (general) NoCarpentry and Joinery: Craft Projects F6NJ 12 Higher 2 6 12 165 TG Building/Construction Operations No

Not allocated

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Carpentry and Joinery: Domestic Fitments F6MY 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 165 TG Building/Construction Operations NoCarpentry and Joinery: Domestic Straight Flight Stairs F6NH 12 Higher 2 6 12 165 TG Building/Construction Operations NoCarpentry and Joinery: Door Construction F6MX 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 165 TG Building/Construction Operations NoCarpentry and Joinery: First Fixing F6RV 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 165 TG Building/Construction Operations NoCarpentry and Joinery: Flat Roof Construction F6MW 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 165 TG Building/Construction Operations NoCarpentry and Joinery: Formwork and Temporary Works F6MV 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 165 TG Building/Construction Operations NoCarpentry and Joinery: Ground and Upper Floor Construction F6RW 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 165 TG Building/Construction Operations NoCarpentry and Joinery: Materials, Products and Finishes F6N4 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 165 TE Construction (general) NoCarpentry and Joinery: Panelling F6N1 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 165 TG Building/Construction Operations NoCarpentry and Joinery: Pitched Roof Construction F6N7 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 165 TG Building/Construction Operations NoCarpentry and Joinery: Repairs and Maintenance F6N2 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 165 TG Building/Construction Operations NoCarpentry and Joinery: Second Fixing F6MR 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 165 TG Building/Construction Operations NoCarpentry and Joinery: Temporary Works E97F 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 165 TG Building/Construction Operations NoCarpentry and Joinery: Timber Frames (Inner and External) F6N9 12 Higher 2 6 12 165 TG Building/Construction Operations NoCarpentry and Joinery: Window Construction F6N0 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 165 TG Building/Construction Operations NoCarpentry and Joinery: Woodworking Machine Skills F6MS 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 165 TG Building/Construction Operations NoCarpentry and Joinery: Woodworking Power Tool Skills F6MT 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 165 TG Building/Construction Operations NoCarpentry and Joinery: Workshop Practice 1 E97J 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 165 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture NoCarry Out Enhanced Care Activities D8ML 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 82 PH Nursing NoCartography 2: Principles of Map Construction E853 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 116 RG Land and Sea Surveying/Cartography NoCartography 3: Principles of Complex Map Construction E854 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 116 RG Land and Sea Surveying/Cartography 71119 NoCartography 4: Practical Map Production E855 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 116 RG Land and Sea Surveying/Cartography NoCast Metals Technology 1: Clay Bonded Sands E7WM 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 47 YD Metallurgy/Metals Production NoCast Metals Technology 2: Chemically Bonded Sands E7WN 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 47 YD Metallurgy/Metals Production NoCast Metals Technology 3: Precision Casting Processes E7WP 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 47 YD Metallurgy/Metals Production NoCast Metals Technology 4: Inspection E7WR 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 47 YD Metallurgy/Metals Production NoCast Metals Technology 5: Melting E7WS 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 47 YD Metallurgy/Metals Production NoCast Metals Technology 6: Mechanisation E7WT 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 47 YD Metallurgy/Metals Production NoCatering (Food Preparation): An Activity Approach EF7X 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HC Career Change/Access NoCatering (Food Service): An Activity Approach EF7S 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HC Career Change/Access NoCatering for Therapeutic Dietary Needs D80K 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 269 NH Food Science/Technology NoCattle Slaughter E9LY 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 57 WM Food/Drink/Tobacco (industrial) NoCauses and Prevention of Disease D13E 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 140 RH Life Sciences NoCCTV Systems, Installation and Maintenance F3P2 12 Higher 1 6 6 268 QH Security NoCeiling Fixing: Measure, Cut and Fix Suspended Ceiling Finishes E8NE 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 179 TG Building/Construction Operations NoCeiling Fixing: Pelmet and Partition Work E8NG 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 179 TG Building/Construction Operations NoCeiling Fixing: Setting Out and Levelling E8N8 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 179 TG Building/Construction Operations NoCeiling Fixing: Tools and Equipment E8N7 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 179 TG Building/Construction Operations NoCell and Molecular Biology D032 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 140 RH Life Sciences YesCell Biochemistry D13M 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 140 RH Life Sciences 81093 NoCell Biology D029 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 140 RH Life Sciences 8110042 YesCell Function and Inheritance D043 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 140 RH Life Sciences YesCentral Government in the UK: An Introduction D0Y2 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 259 EA Government/Politics NoCentral Heating Boiler House Plant and Equipment E8P7 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 181 XH Mechanical Engineering NoCentral Services F59S 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AY Office Skills YesCeramics - Introduction to Hand-Building D944 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 131 JR Glass/Ceramics/Stone Crafts NoCeramics and Pottery: Throwing Techniques 2 D0KV 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 65 JR Glass/Ceramics/Stone Crafts NoCeramics: Combined Thrown and Hand-Built Shapes D17R 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 65 JR Glass/Ceramics/Stone Crafts NoCeramics: Creative Hand-Built Shapes D17P 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 65 JR Glass/Ceramics/Stone Crafts NoCeramics: Decorated Tiles and Dishes EA8X 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 65 JR Glass/Ceramics/Stone Crafts NoCeramics: Introduction to Press Mould Making and Decoration EA0B 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JR Glass/Ceramics/Stone Crafts NoCeramics: Introduction to the Wheel D17M 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 JR Glass/Ceramics/Stone Crafts NoCeramics: Mould Making and Slip Casting EA8T 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 65 JR Glass/Ceramics/Stone Crafts NoCeramics: Raku Firing and Glazing D17S 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JR Glass/Ceramics/Stone Crafts NoCeramics: Throwing Techniques: Lids and Handles D17N 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JR Glass/Ceramics/Stone Crafts NoCereal Crop Production D0NH 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 147 SL Agricultural/Horticultural Maintenance NoCereal Enterprise Management E8AS 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 147 SD Crop Production NoCereal Harvesting and Storage E8B5 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 147 SC Crop Protection/Fertilisers/Byproducts NoChainsaw Overhaul and Repair E9HC 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 234 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery 8113004 NoChallenge to the Nation State D397 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 279 EA Government/Politics YesCharacter Make-up for TV and Theatre F78L 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 428 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoChartwork 1 E8D8 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 151 ZF Marine Transport NoChartwork 2 E8E1 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 151 ZF Marine Transport 7701 No

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Chartwork 3 E8E2 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 151 ZF Marine Transport NoCheese D0LN 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 55 WM Food/Drink/Tobacco (industrial) NoChemical Bonding and Structure E811 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 54 YC Chemicals/Materials Engineering NoChemical Investigation D075 13 Advanced Higher 0.5 7 4 139 RD Chemistry YesChemical Reactions D071 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 139 RD Chemistry YesChemistry D03Y 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 RD Chemistry YesChemistry and Life D065 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 139 RD Chemistry YesChemistry and Life D065 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 139 RD Chemistry YesChemistry for Textile Wet Processing EE00 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) NoChemistry in Action D063 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 139 RD Chemistry YesChemistry in Action D063 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 139 RD Chemistry YesChemistry: Practical Experiment DV2N 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 RD Chemistry 8110178 YesChild Care and Education Administration ED7R 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 84 PQ Child Care Services 8110168 NoChild Development DM83 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 84 PH Nursing NoChild Development and Health: An Introduction F19L 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 84 PH Nursing NoChild Development: An Introduction ED2L 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues NoChild Development: Birth to 12 Years DM3X 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 84 PK Psychology NoChild Development: Birth to Young Adulthood D2KM 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues NoChild Development: Workplace Experience ED7V 12 Higher 4.0 6 24 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues 65220 NoChild Health E9NL 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 84 PH Nursing 81095 NoChild Protection: An Introduction DF6J 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 84 PN Family/Community Work/Youth Advice Work NoChildren and Young People with Special Needs D2KJ 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues 6350026 NoChildren and Young People: Process of Play F2CP 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 410 PN Family/Community Work/Youth Advice Work N/A NoChildren and Young People: Rights and Protection F2CR 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 410 PN Family/Community Work/Youth Advice Work 6170385 NoChildren's Clothing and Nursery Equipment E98E 10 Intermediate 1 2.0 4 12 197 NG Home Economics 6170045 NoChildren's Development and Learning: An Introduction DV2H 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 84 HF Parenting/Carers NoChildren's Development and Learning: Babies (0-1 year) DV2J 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 84 HF Parenting/Carers 7130011 NoChildren's Development and Learning: Pre-School (3-5 years) DV2L 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 84 HF Parenting/Carers NoChildren's Development and Learning: The Toddler Years (1-3 years) DV2K 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 84 HF Parenting/Carers 8110032 NoChilling and Freezing of Foods D0LD 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 55 WM Food/Drink/Tobacco (industrial) NoChinese Language: Cantonese D15V 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 27 FK Languages 6160013 NoChinese Language: Cantonese D15V 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 27 FK Languages 8110021 NoChinese Language: Cantonese D15V 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 27 FK Languages 6170373 NoChinese Language: Cantonese D15V 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 27 FK Languages 7130071 NoChinese Language: Mandarin D15Y 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 28 FK Languages 7130081 YesChinese Language: Mandarin D15Y 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 28 FK Languages NoChinese Language: Mandarin D15Y 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 28 FK Languages NoChinese Language: Mandarin D15Y 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 28 FK Languages 7130021 NoChristian Ethics in a Secular Context D414 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 119 DD Religious Studies 7130031 NoChristianity - Critiques and Challenges D415 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 119 DD Religious Studies 7130041 NoCircuit Element Devices F5H7 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 231 XJ Electrical Engineering NoCircuit Elements Principles F5H8 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 231 XJ Electrical Engineering NoCitizenship through Sport and Fitness Volunteering F40C 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 PM Social Care/Social Work Skills NoCivil Engineering Administration D913 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 164 TF Construction Management 7130091 NoCivil Engineering Materials and Testing D914 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 164 TE Construction (general) 7130114 NoCivil Engineering Practice D117 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 164 TL Civil Engineering 7130124 NoCivil Engineering Project F3JH 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TL Civil Engineering NoCivil Engineering Sitework D915 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 164 TK Construction Site Work 7130134 NoCivil Engineering Sitework F3J6 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TL Civil Engineering NoCivil Engineering Technology D118 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 164 TL Civil Engineering NoCivil Engineering Technology F3J7 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TL Civil Engineering NoClassical Greek - Prose Composition D2Y7 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 26 FK Languages NoClassical Greek 1 D80H 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 26 FK Languages YesClassical Greek 2 D80J 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 26 FK Languages YesClassical Greek 3 D7YV 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 26 FK Languages YesClassical Greek 4 D7YW 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 26 FK Languages YesClassical Greek: Interpretation D089 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 21 FK Languages YesClassical Greek: Interpretation D089 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 21 FK Languages YesClassical Greek: Interpretation D089 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 21 FK Languages YesClassical Greek: Interpretation - Prose D091 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 21 FK Languages YesClassical Greek: Interpretation - Verse D090 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 21 FK Languages YesClassical Greek: Investigation D092 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 21 FK Languages YesClassical Greek: Translation D088 10 Intermediate 1 2.0 4 12 21 FK Languages Yes

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Classical Greek: Translation D088 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 21 FK Languages YesClassical Greek: Translation D088 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 21 FK Languages YesClassical Greek: Translation D088 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 21 FK Languages YesClassical Mythology D078 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 120 FB Culture/Gender/Folklore 91457 YesClassical Mythology D078 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 120 FB Culture/Gender/Folklore 91459 YesClassification Cataloguing and Indexing D10C 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 4 CY Information Systems/Management 91460 NoCleaning Agents D0TN 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 194 QE Cleansing 91461 NoCleaning of the Work Place D0TS 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 194 QE Cleansing 91462 NoClinical Psychology: The Individual and Mental Health EA55 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 306 PK Psychology 91458 NoClipper Cutting Techniques: Gents F50F 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoClothing Machining: Manufacturing Technology 1 EA07 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) 7174070 NoClothing Machining: Manufacturing Technology 2 EA08 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) NoClothing Machining: Manufacturing Technology 3 EA09 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) NoClutch and Manual Gearbox: Condition Assessment and Fault Diagnosis EA17 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoClutch and Manual Gearbox: Removal, Replacement and Adjustment of Components EA12 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoCNC Computer Aided Part Programming E8LH 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 295 XF Tools/Machining NoCNC Machining 2 E8LK 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 295 XF Tools/Machining NoCNC Part Programming 2 E8LG 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 295 XF Tools/Machining NoCoach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Angling F173 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports YesCoach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Athletics F175 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoCoach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Badminton F01D 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoCoach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Basketball F177 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoCoach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Canoeing F178 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoCoach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Cricket F01E 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 7171011 NoCoach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Curling F41W 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MF Winter Sports NoCoach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Cycling F2FF 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoCoach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Diving F2FH 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoCoach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Equestrian F1FM 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoCoach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Football F01F 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoCoach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Golf F33Y 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoCoach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Gymnastics F179 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoCoach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Hockey F01G 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoCoach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Judo F33W 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoCoach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Netball F01J 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoCoach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Rowing F1FK 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoCoach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Rugby League F2FK 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 7171071 NoCoach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Rugby Union F01L 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoCoach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Squash F01M 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoCoach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Swimming F01N 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoCoach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Synchronised Swimming F2FM 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoCoach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Table Tennis F1FT 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoCoach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Tennis F02F 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoCoach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Triathlon F2FR 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoCoach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Water Polo F2FT 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoCoaching Individuals E9GN 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 242 GE Training/Vocational Qualifications NoCoastal Navigation 1 DC63 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 151 ZF Marine Transport YesCoastal Navigation 2 DC62 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 151 ZF Marine Transport YesCognitive Psychology D70F 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 306 PK Psychology NoCognitive Psychology: The Individual and Thinking E9WP 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 306 PK Psychology NoCold Preparation F7E0 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 269 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing YesCold Water Systems 1: Introduction E9MH 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 177 TH Building Services 7171021 NoCold Water Systems 2: Contamination and Large Domestic and Commercial/Industrial Systems E9MJ 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 181 TH Building Services 7171031 NoCold Water Systems 3: Pumped and Fire Protection E9MK 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 177 TH Building Services 7171041 NoColour Correction F78R 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoColour Practice: Painting and Decorating F1KG 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 169 TG Building/Construction Operations NoColour Processing EA61 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 129 KE Photography NoColour: An Introduction D945 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 131 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts NoColouration Technology for Textile Dyeing and Printing EE01 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) NoColouration Technology for Textile Materials -The Application of Dyestuffs 1 EE0P 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) NoColouration Technology for Textile Materials -The Application of Dyestuffs 2 EE02 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) NoCo-Luadair Choinneamhan EB2K 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 6 KB Communication Skills NoCombinable Break Crop Enterprise Management E8TV 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 147 SD Crop Production NoCombination Cutting F78S 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services No

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Combinational Logic F5HA 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering NoCombinational Logic D134 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 231 XL Electronic Engineering YesCombinational Logic F5H9 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering NoCombustion of Natural and Liquefied Petroleum Gases, Fault Diagnosis and Servicing E9ML 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 177 TH Building Services NoCommercial Egg Production E8CA 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 55 SH Animal Husbandry 7176011 NoCommercial Experience F78V 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoCommissioning Plant and Equipment EB91 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 225 VG Engineering Services NoCommissioning, Testing and Fault Diagnosis of Heating Systems E8P6 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 181 XH Mechanical Engineering NoCommittee Skills E95L 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 260 AF Management Skills NoCommunicating for Accounting EE21 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AK Financial Management/ Accounting NoCommunicating in Meetings D0YE 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 1 KB Communication Skills NoCommunication F3GB 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 339 KB Communication Skills 7176041 YesCommunication F3GB 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 339 KB Communication Skills YesCommunication F3GB 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 339 KB Communication Skills YesCommunication F3GB 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 339 KB Communication Skills YesCommunication F3GB 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 339 KB Communication Skills YesCommunication (NC) EE3T 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 1 KB Communication Skills NoCommunication (NC) EE3T 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 1 KB Communication Skills NoCommunication (NC) EE3T 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 1 KB Communication Skills 7176071 NoCommunication 1: Spoken Communication EE3R 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 339 KB Communication Skills NoCommunication 1: Written Communication EE3S 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 339 KB Communication Skills NoCommunication for Life and Work EE64 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HC Career Change/Access 7176061 NoCommunication Radio Circuits and Systems 2 E7SG 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 222 XM Telecommunications 6280006 NoCommunication Skills for Care Support Workers D1CV 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 1 KB Communication Skills NoCommunication: Listening F3GM 08 Access 2 0.25 2 1.5 339 KB Communication Skills 7170005 YesCommunication: Listening F3GM 09 Access 3 0.25 3 1.5 339 KB Communication Skills 6150036 YesCommunication: Reading F3GN 08 Access 2 0.25 2 1.5 339 KB Communication Skills 6270006 YesCommunication: Reading F3GN 09 Access 3 0.25 3 1.5 339 KB Communication Skills YesCommunication: Speaking F3GP 08 Access 2 0.25 2 1.5 339 KB Communication Skills 7170015 YesCommunication: Speaking F3GP 09 Access 3 0.25 3 1.5 339 KB Communication Skills 7170025 YesCommunication: Writing F3GR 08 Access 2 0.25 2 1.5 339 KB Communication Skills 7170035 YesCommunication: Writing F3GR 09 Access 3 0.25 3 1.5 339 KB Communication Skills 7170045 YesCommunity Care in Scotland EC0A 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 108 PM Social Care/Social Work Skills 7170055 NoCommunity Drama D642 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts NoCommunity Drama: Drama/Games Sessions E7LE 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts NoCommunity Drama: Production 5 E7LF 12 Higher 2.5 6 15 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts NoCommunity Involvement E94C 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 108 PN Family/Community Work/Youth Advice Work NoCommunity Involvement E94C 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 108 PN Family/Community Work/Youth Advice Work NoCommunity Involvement E94C 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 108 PN Family/Community Work/Youth Advice Work NoCommunity Welfare E94J 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 108 PM Social Care/Social Work Skills NoCommunity Welfare E94J 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 108 PM Social Care/Social Work Skills No

Community Work E8RL 04 Unlevelled 2.0 Unlevelled 108 PM Social Care/Social Work Skills NoCompetition Hairdressing D05T 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoComplete Denture Construction D0KD 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 96 PF Dental Services 7173070 NoComplex Program Control Systems D2XX 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 VE Industrial Control/Monitoring NoComponent Mounting and Vibration Control E7T9 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XH Mechanical Engineering 6120220 NoComposite Skills in Beauty Care ED1Y 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 66 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoComposition Techniques: Advanced Photocomposition E893 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 37 KH Print and Publishing 6120110 NoComposition Techniques: Advanced Photocomposition, Display and Advertisement Setting E8SS 13 Advanced Higher 0.5 7 4 37 KH Print and Publishing NoComposition Techniques: Advanced Planning and Assembly E895 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 37 KH Print and Publishing 6120120 NoComposition Techniques: Introduction E891 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 37 KH Print and Publishing 6120522 NoComposition Techniques: Photocomposition E892 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 37 KH Print and Publishing NoComposition Techniques: Planning and Assembly E894 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 37 KH Print and Publishing 6120622 NoComposition Techniques: Preparation and Checking Procedures E896 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 37 KH Print and Publishing NoCompression Ignition Engine Fuel Systems: In-Line Pumps E8K8 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering NoCompression Ignition Engine Fuel Systems: Introduction E96K 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering NoCompression Ignition Engine Fuel Systems: Rotary Pumps E8KJ 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering NoCompression Ignition Engines ED19 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering NoComputer Aided Design (CAD) E9LJ 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 295 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development NoComputer Aided Design and Make (Home Economics) EB67 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 197 NG Home Economics NoComputer Aided Draughting (CAD) D985 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 295 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development NoComputer Aided Draughting (CAD) for Engineers F5H4 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 295 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development No

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Computer Aided Draughting (CAD) for Engineers F5H5 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 295 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development NoComputer Aided Drawing in Construction F3J8 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development NoComputer Application Software (Data) D16C 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CD Using Software and Operating Systems NoComputer Applications - Design D969 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CD Using Software and Operating Systems 6120020 NoComputer Applications Package (Database): Practitioners D16D 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CD Using Software and Operating Systems 2230080 YesComputer Applications Package (Spreadsheet): Practitioners D16E 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CD Using Software and Operating Systems NoComputer Applications Package (Word Processing): Practitioners D16F 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CD Using Software and Operating Systems NoComputer Applications Software - Graphics D966 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CE Text/Graphics/Multimedia Presentation Software 6150076 NoComputer Applications Software - Number D967 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CD Using Software and Operating Systems 6150066 NoComputer Applications Software - Text D968 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CD Using Software and Operating Systems NoComputer Applications: Accounting F212 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CD Using Software and Operating Systems 6150046 YesComputer Architecture DM44 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 357 CA Computer Technology YesComputer Control Systems D970 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 357 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems 7140186 YesComputer Games: Digital Games Design F1R2 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems YesComputer Games: Digital Gaming Design F1K4 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 358 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems 91485 YesComputer Graphics D173 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 135 CE Text/Graphics/Multimedia Presentation Software YesComputer Graphics D173 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 135 CE Text/Graphics/Multimedia Presentation Software 91487 YesComputer Graphics D173 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 135 CE Text/Graphics/Multimedia Presentation Software 91488 YesComputer Graphics D971 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 357 CE Text/Graphics/Multimedia Presentation Software 91489 NoComputer Hardware D972 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 357 CA Computer Technology 7172070 NoComputer Measurement and Control ED6G 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 VE Industrial Control/Monitoring 7175070 NoComputer Networking DF30 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 357 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems YesComputer Networking DF30 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 357 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems YesComputer Networking DF30 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 357 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems YesComputer Networks D973 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 357 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems NoComputer Operating Procedures D974 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 357 CD Using Software and Operating Systems 7350653 NoComputer Programming (Project) - Scripting Language D6RB 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 357 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems NoComputer Programming (Project)-BASIC E9B4 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 357 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems NoComputer Programming (Project)-COBOL E9B5 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 357 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems NoComputer Programming (Project)-COMAL E9B6 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 357 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems NoComputer Programming (Project)-FORTRAN E9B7 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 357 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems NoComputer Programming (Project)-PASCAL E9B8 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 357 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems NoComputer Programming: Practitioners EB4P 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 357 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems NoComputer System Software E8FD 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 357 CD Using Software and Operating Systems NoComputer Systems DF2X 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 357 CD Using Software and Operating Systems YesComputer Systems DF2X 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 357 CD Using Software and Operating Systems YesComputer-Aided 3D Modelling - Visualisation and Presentation D175 13 Advanced Higher 1.5 7 12 135 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development YesComputer-Aided Graphic Presentation D177 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 135 CE Text/Graphics/Multimedia Presentation Software YesComputer-Aided Graphics D1BS 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 135 CE Text/Graphics/Multimedia Presentation Software YesComputers and the Internet DF37 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 357 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems YesComputing Applications DF33 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 357 CD Using Software and Operating Systems YesComputing Applications DF33 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 357 CD Using Software and Operating Systems YesComputing in Engineering 1 E9LG 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 295 VE Industrial Control/Monitoring NoComputing in Engineering 2 E8LB 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 212 VE Industrial Control/Monitoring NoComputing Studies: Using Computer Applications F7H8 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 CA Computer Technology YesComputing Studies: Using Internet Applications F7H9 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems YesComputing Studies: Using Multimedia Applications F7HA 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 CE Text/Graphics/Multimedia Presentation Software YesComputing: Animation Fundamentals F1KB 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CE Text/Graphics/Multimedia Presentation Software YesComputing: Authoring a Website F3T2 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 358 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems YesComputing: Computer Hardware and Systems F1K2 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 358 CA Computer Technology 6120010 YesComputing: Computer Hardware and Systems F1KR 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CA Computer Technology YesComputing: Computer Hardware and Systems F3SY 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 358 CA Computer Technology Yes

F1KH 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems YesComputing: Digital Media Elements for Applications F1JM 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 358 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems YesComputing: Digital Media Elements for Applications F1KS 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems YesComputing: Digital Media Elements for Applications F3SW 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 358 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems Yes

F1KF 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CA Computer Technology YesComputing: Install and Maintain Computer Software F1KP 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CD Using Software and Operating Systems YesComputing: Installing and Maintaining Hardware F3T0 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 358 CA Computer Technology YesComputing: Installing and Maintaining Software F3T1 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 358 CD Using Software and Operating Systems Yes

F1K6 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 358 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems YesF1K8 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems YesF3SX 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 358 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems Yes

Computing: Computer Networking Fundamentals

Computing: Install and Maintain Computer Hardware

Computing: Office and Personal Productivity ApplicationsComputing: Office and Personal Productivity ApplicationsComputing: Office and Personal Productivity Applications

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Computing: Plan and Build a Computer Network F3T3 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 358 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems YesF1K0 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 358 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems YesFIKD 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CA Computer Technology Yes

Computing: Troubleshoot and Secure IT Systems F3T4 12 HIgher 1.0 6 6 358 CA Computer Technology YesF1KJ 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems Yes

Computing: Website Design and Development F182 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 357 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems YesComputing:Interactive Multimedia for Website Design F180 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 357 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems YesComputing:Web Design Fundamentals F181 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 357 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems YesConcentration, Membrane and Dehydration Processes in the Dairy Industry D0LG 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 55 WM Food/Drink/Tobacco (industrial) NoCondition Hair and Scalp D05F 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoConduct and Assist in Reconciling, Sterling Financial Transactions ED85 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 262 AK Financial Management/ Accounting NoConduct and Reconcile Foreign Financial Transactions ED86 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 262 AK Financial Management/ Accounting NoConduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Athletics F17A 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoConduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Badminton F029 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoConduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Basketball F17B 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoConduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Canoeing F17C 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoConduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Cricket F02A 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoConduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Cycling F2F3 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoConduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Diving F2F0 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoConduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Equestrian F1FN 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoConduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Football F02B 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoConduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Golf F342 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoConduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Gymnastics F17D 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 7110952 NoConduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Hockey F02C 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoConduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Judo F33T 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoConduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Netball F02D 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoConduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Orienteering F56R 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoConduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Rugby League F2EW 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoConduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Rugby Union F02E 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoConduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Squash F02G 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoConduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Swimming F02K 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoConduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Synchronised Swimming F2EN 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoConduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Table Tennis F1FV 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoConduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Tennis F02J 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoConduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Triathlon F2F7 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoConduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Volleyball F4TP 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoConduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Water Polo F2ES 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoConservation Masonry D3VJ 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 172 TG Building/Construction Operations NoConsiderations for Self Employment D0VV 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 257 AE Enterprises NoConsolidation of Masonry Structures F2G0 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 172 TG Building/Construction Operations NoConstruction - Cutting, Shaping and Working Building Materials/Components Using Hand and Power Tools D920 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 161 TG Building/Construction Operations 7111011 NoConstruction Administration F3JJ 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TF Construction Management NoConstruction and Commercial Practice E8NR 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 161 TF Construction Management 7111021 NoConstruction Calculations F3JL 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 161 RB Mathematics NoConstruction Careers - An Introduction D9F2 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 161 TE Construction (general) 7110962 NoConstruction Contract Procedure E988 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 161 TF Construction Management 7345110 NoConstruction Costs and Control E8MY 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TF Construction Management 7345120 NoConstruction Craft Appreciation E8N0 10 Intermediate 1 2.0 4 12 161 TG Building/Construction Operations 7345130 NoConstruction Craft Drawing F6N6 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 165 TD Building Design/Architecture NoConstruction Craft Drawing: An Introduction F6RT 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 165 TD Building Design/Architecture NoConstruction Craft Employment Skills F6LM 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 171 TG Building/Construction Operations NoConstruction Craft Studies and Procedures F6N5 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 165 TE Construction (general) NoConstruction Crafts: Bench Joinery DX0J 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 401 TG Building/Construction Operations 7345140 NoConstruction Crafts: Brickwork Techniques DM81 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 401 TG Building/Construction Operations 7345210 NoConstruction Crafts: Carpentry and Joinery Techniques DM82 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 401 TG Building/Construction Operations 7345220 NoConstruction Crafts: Decorative Finishes Using Waterborne Paints DM7Y 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 401 TE Construction (general) 7345230 NoConstruction Crafts: Decorative Painting DM7K 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 401 TG Building/Construction Operations 7345240 NoConstruction Crafts: Decorative Painting Techniques DX0R 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 401 TG Building/Construction Operations 7345310 NoConstruction Crafts: Electrical Installation DM7T 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 401 TH Building Services 7345320 NoConstruction Crafts: Employability Skills DM7C 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 401 HC Career Change/Access 7345330 NoConstruction Crafts: Employability Skills DM7C 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 401 TG Building/Construction Operations 7345340 NoConstruction Crafts: Half-Brick Walling DM7G 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 401 TG Building/Construction Operations 7345410 NoConstruction Crafts: One Brick Walling DX0L 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 401 TG Building/Construction Operations 7345420 No

Computing: Programming in a High-level language: FundamentalsComputing: Troubleshoot and Secure IT Systems

Computing: Web Page Creation

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Construction Crafts: Plasterwork DM7R 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 401 TG Building/Construction Operations 7345430 NoConstruction Crafts: Plumbing DM7E 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 401 TH Building Services 7345440 NoConstruction Crafts: Plumbing of Sanitary Appliances DX0T 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 401 TH Building Services NoConstruction Crafts: Practical Copper Pipework DM7W 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 401 TH Building Services NoConstruction Crafts: Roof Tiling DM7N 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 401 TG Building/Construction Operations NoConstruction Crafts: Site Carpentry and Bench Joinery DM7J 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 401 TG Building/Construction Operations NoConstruction Drawing 1: Introduction E9D4 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 161 TD Building Design/Architecture NoConstruction Drawing 2: Orthographic, Isometric and Oblique Projection E9EP 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 161 TD Building Design/Architecture NoConstruction Engineering Practice: Introduction E81T 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 164 TE Construction (general) NoConstruction Fundamentals 1 E8M8 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TE Construction (general) NoConstruction Industry Studies D916 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 161 TE Construction (general) NoConstruction Information Processing E824 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 164 CH Software for Specific Applications/Industries NoConstruction Materials and Products E972 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 161 TE Construction (general) NoConstruction Materials: An Introduction F3JB 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 161 TE Construction (general) NoConstruction Materials: Properties and Testing F3J9 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TE Construction (general) NoConstruction Measurement and Costing D917 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 161 TE Construction (general) NoConstruction Measurement and Costing F3JK 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TC Property: Surveying/Planning/Development NoConstruction Measurement and Description D22S 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TF Construction Management 7346110 NoConstruction Occupation Practices: An Introduction F1JN 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 165 TE Construction (general) 7346120 NoConstruction of Fences E9SW 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 157 SL Agricultural/Horticultural Maintenance 7346130 NoConstruction of Fences with an Access Device EB1N 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 145 SL Agricultural/Horticultural Maintenance 7346140 NoConstruction Operations: An Introduction to Installation of Ironwork Fixtures F6LP 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 352 TK Construction Site Work NoConstruction Operations: An Introduction to Installing Road Drainage F6LJ 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 352 TK Construction Site Work NoConstruction Operations: An Introduction to Laying Kerbs and Channels F6LE 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 352 TK Construction Site Work NoConstruction Operations: An Introduction to Modular Paving F6LF 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 352 TK Construction Site Work No

Construction Operations: An Introduction to Repair and Reinstatement of Excavations and Pavement Surfaces F6LH 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 352 TK Construction Site Work NoConstruction Operations: An Introduction to Searching for Underground Services F6LV 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 352 TK Construction Site Work NoConstruction Operations: An Introduction to Signing, Lighting and Guarding the Work Area F6LS 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 352 TK Construction Site Work NoConstruction Operations: Guiding Moving Loads or Machinery F6LY 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 186 TK Construction Site Work NoConstruction Plant Units and Attachments E7VC 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 TK Construction Site Work 7346210 NoConstruction Safety Practices: An Introduction F1JP 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 165 TE Construction (general) 7346220 NoConstruction Site Surveying: An Introduction F3JM 12 Higher 1 6 6 161 TC Property: Surveying/Planning/Development NoConstruction Studies E987 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 161 TE Construction (general) 7346230 NoConstruction Technology and Design F1AK 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 405 TD Building Design/Architecture 7346240 NoConstruction: Mason Pavior: Installing Structural Components (Ironwork) ED7A 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 352 TG Building/Construction Operations NoConsumer Issues EG06 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 197 BA Marketing/PR NoConsumer Studies D0SG 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 298 BA Marketing/PR NoContact Centre Skills: Call Handling DN8E 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 300 AF Management Skills NoContact Centre Skills: Customer Care 1 DN8F 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 300 BA Marketing/PR NoContact Centre Skills: Customer Care 2 DN8J 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 300 BA Marketing/PR NoContact Centre Skills: Information and Communication Technology DN8G 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 300 CY Information Systems/Management NoContact Centre Skills: Personal and Organisational Effectiveness DN8H 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 300 HB Self Development NoContact Centre Skills: Selling Skills DN8K 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 300 BE Sales Work NoContemporary Fitness and Exercise Training Methods: An Introductions F40B 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MD Athletics Gymnastics and Combat Sports YesContemporary Issues 1 EE35 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 159 HB Self Development NoContemporary Issues 2 EE36 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 159 HB Self Development NoContemporary Issues 3 EE37 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 159 HB Self Development NoContemporary Issues 4 EE38 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 159 HB Self Development No

Contemporary Macro Economic Issues E9KL 04 Unlevelled 1.0 Unlevelled 258 EB Economics NoContemporary Scottish Theatre D198 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts YesContinuous Flow Manufacturing EB0W 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 218 WA Manufacturing (general) 7348131 NoContract Law: An Introduction F392 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 260 EC Law 7348141 NoContribute to Energy Efficiency in the Workplace D95Y 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 157 QA Environmental Protection/Conservation 7348151 NoContribute to Harvesting a Crop by Hand EC3L 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 146 SD Crop Production NoContribute to Implementing a Livestock Growth and Development Programme EC68 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 148 SH Animal Husbandry NoContribute to Maintaining Crop Growth (Horticulture) EC3N 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 146 SD Crop Production NoContribute to Preparing and Maintaining a Controlled Production Environment for Livestock EC69 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 148 SH Animal Husbandry NoContribute to Providing Grazing and Water EC6A 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 148 SH Animal Husbandry NoContribute to the Arrangement of Events ED5Y 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AF Management Skills NoContribute to the Development of a Sport Activity DJ40 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoContribute to the Effectiveness of the Work Flow ED5M 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AY Office Skills No

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Contribute to the Efficiency of the Work Flow ED5A 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 363 AY Office Skills NoContribute to the Health, Safety and Security of the Workplace ED5B 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 363 PL Occupational Health and Safety NoContribute to the Maintenance of a Productive Workflow ED7X 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 262 AY Office Skills NoContribute to the Provision of a Safe Work Environment F6M0 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 171 PL Occupational Health and Safety NoContribute to the Provision of Customer Service ED7W 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 262 BA Marketing/PR NoContribute to the Sales of Products and Services ED84 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 262 BE Sales Work NoContributing to Health and Safety in the Workplace EB47 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 161 TE Construction (general) NoContributing to Quality Development in Construction and Related Services EB3G 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 161 TF Construction Management NoContributing to Sustainability in the Community F2B8 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 157 PN Family/Community Work/Youth Advice Work YesContributing to the Efficiency of the Workplace EB48 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 161 TF Construction Management NoContributing to the Planning, Organisation, Monitoring, Control and Evaluation of Operational Activities EB92 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 161 TF Construction Management NoContributing to the Selection and Use of Access Equipment EB49 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 161 TK Construction Site Work NoContributing to Waste Minimisation in the Workplace DV07 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 157 QA Environmental Protection/Conservation NoControl and Regulation D031 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 140 RH Life Sciences YesControl of Bird Damage and Vermin E8TF 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 143 SL Agricultural/Horticultural Maintenance NoControl of Cookery Processes D0TD 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 269 NF Cookery NoControl of Financial Information D3GG 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 266 AF Management Skills NoControl of Manufacturing D165 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 275 VE Industrial Control/Monitoring NoControl Systems 1 EG1N 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 VE Industrial Control/Monitoring NoControlled Environment Buildings 1 D0JN 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 234 SL Agricultural/Horticultural Maintenance NoConvenience Foods EF0C 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 269 NF Cookery No

Conventional Spray Painting E97W 04 Unlevelled 1.5 Unlevelled 169 TG Building/Construction Operations NoConversion and Separation Operations D0L9 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 55 WM Food/Drink/Tobacco (industrial) NoCookery Processes F7DS 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 269 NF Cookery NoCookery Processes EF0V 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 269 NF Cookery NoCookery Processes for Butchers E8SC 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 57 WM Food/Drink/Tobacco (industrial) NoCookery Processes: An Introduction D264 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 197 NF Cookery YesCookery Processes: An Introduction D264 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 197 NF Cookery YesCooking for Health D1CJ 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 197 NF Cookery YesCooking for Special Groups E9NW 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 197 NF Cookery NoCopy Speed Test (25 wpm) EF24 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills NoCopy Speed Test (30 wpm) EF25 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills NoCopy Speed Test (35 wpm) EF26 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills NoCopy Speed Test (40 wpm) EF27 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills NoCopy Speed Test (45 wpm) EF28 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills NoCopy Speed Test (50 wpm) EF29 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills NoCopy Speed Test (55 wpm) EF2A 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills NoCopy Speed Test (60 wpm) EF2B 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills NoCopy Speed Test (65 wpm) EF2C 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills NoCopy Speed Test (70 wpm) EF2D 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills NoCopy Speed Test (75 wpm) EF2E 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills NoCopy Speed Test (80 wpm) EF2F 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills NoCore Mathematics 2 E9XD 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 142 RB Mathematics YesCore Mathematics 3 D11T 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 142 RB Mathematics YesCore Mathematics 4 D11V 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 142 RB Mathematics YesCosmetology: Barbering Practical Skills F0F7 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoCosmetology: Beauty Practical Skills F0FE 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoCosmetology: Career Options and Choices F0F8 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 62 HC Career Change/Access NoCosmetology: Hairdressing Practical Skills F0FA 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoCosmetology: Health and Safety F0FD 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 62 HC Career Change/Access NoCosmetology: Make-up Artistry Practical Skills F0FB 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoCosmetology: Prepare and Assist in a Workplace Environment F0F9 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 62 HC Career Change/Access NoCosmetology: Product Awareness F0F6 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 62 HC Career Change/Access NoCosting for Hospitality Administration DE1A 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 269 NA Hotel/Catering (general) NoCosting for Printing E8A3 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 37 AK Financial Management/ Accounting NoCounselling Skills EG0S 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 369 PM Social Care/Social Work Skills NoCounter Service of Food and Drink EF1Y 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 269 NB Food/Drink Services NoCountryside Interpretation D838 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 157 QA Environmental Protection/Conservation NoCountryside Land Use DV09 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 157 QA Environmental Protection/Conservation NoCountryside Recreation D839 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 157 NM Country Leisure Facilities Work NoCountryside Woodwork and Access Facilities E8T7 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 157 SL Agricultural/Horticultural Maintenance NoCouture Dressmaking Skills E9NX 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 197 NG Home Economics No

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Craft and Design D16R 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 65 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development NoCraft Appreciation in Bricklaying EF2J 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 171 TG Building/Construction Operations NoCraft Appreciation in Construction Crafts Skills D918 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 161 TG Building/Construction Operations NoCraft Appreciation in Mechanical Engineering Services D919 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 161 TH Building Services NoCraft Appreciation in Painting EF2L 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 169 TG Building/Construction Operations NoCraft Appreciation in Plastering EF2K 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 173 TG Building/Construction Operations NoCraft Appreciation in Woodworking EF2H 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 165 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture NoCraft Baking: Fermentation and Conditioning Technology D0RN 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 56 WM Food/Drink/Tobacco (industrial) NoCraft Baking: Flour Confectionery Technology EB8D 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 56 WM Food/Drink/Tobacco (industrial) NoCraft Baking: Flour Technology EB88 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 56 WM Food/Drink/Tobacco (industrial) NoCraft Baking: Sugar Confectionery Processes EB89 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 56 WM Food/Drink/Tobacco (industrial) NoCraft Baking:An Introduction F4ST 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 269 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing YesCraft Practices for Vehicle Trades E9GW 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoCraftwork Enterprise D536 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 WA Manufacturing (general) YesCraftwork Enterprise D536 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 318 WA Manufacturing (general) YesCranes and Lifting Equipment E7V8 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 213 TK Construction Site Work NoCream and Butter D0LM 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 55 WM Food/Drink/Tobacco (industrial) NoCreate and Maintain Effective Working Relationships ED5N 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AJ Human Resources Management NoCreating and Maintaining Business Relationships EB5P 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AJ Human Resources Management NoCreative and Aesthetic Experiences for Children DM5Y 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues NoCreative Cake Production: Organisation of Practical Skills D9GN 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 269 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing NoCreative Composition: 2D D9GJ 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice NoCreative Cookery D0TH 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 269 NF Cookery NoCreative Cookery D0TH 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 269 NF Cookery NoCreative Digital Media: Hardware and Software F5CX 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 442 KG Audio and Visual Media NoCreative Digital Media: Introduction to the Industry F5CV 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 442 KG Audio and Visual Media NoCreative Digital Media: Production Project F5CY 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 442 KG Audio and Visual Media NoCreative Digital Media: The Creative Process F5CW 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 442 KG Audio and Visual Media NoCreative Drama 1 EB5E 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts NoCreative Drama 2 EB5F 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts NoCreative Haircutting F78X 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoCreative Project F58F 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 63 LF Music History/Theory YesCreative Project and Presentation D643 12 Higher 3.0 6 18 16 LA Performing Arts (general) NoCreative Selling and Territory Planning E7R1 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 244 BE Sales Work NoCreative Thinking and Goal Setting DV91 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 159 AF Management Skills YesCreative Writing 1 E9X5 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 1 KC Writing (authorship) NoCreative Writing 2 D0YF 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 1 KC Writing (authorship) No

Crime and the Community E8FF 04 Unlevelled 1.0 Unlevelled 268 QH Security NoCritical Thinking in Philosophy DV55 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 277 DE Philosophy NoCritical Thinking in Philosophy DV55 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 277 DE Philosophy NoCrofting Year: Autumn F460 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 157 SA Agriculture/Horticulture (general) NoCrofting Year: Autumn F463 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 157 SA Agriculture/Horticulture (general) NoCrofting Year: Enterprise F464 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 157 SA Agriculture/Horticulture (general) NoCrofting Year: Spring F465 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 157 SA Agriculture/Horticulture (general) NoCrofting Year: Spring F461 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 157 SA Agriculture/Horticulture (general) NoCrofting Year: Summer F466 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 157 SA Agriculture/Horticulture (general) NoCrofting Year: Winter F45Y 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 157 SA Agriculture/Horticulture (general) NoCrofting Year: Winter F462 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 157 SA Agriculture/Horticulture (general) NoCrop Establishment D22X 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 147 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery NoCrop Establishment and Production Mechanisation E8TN 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 147 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery NoCrop Establishment Equipment D840 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 147 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery NoCrop Nutrition D0JR 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 147 SD Crop Production NoCrop Production F6AK 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 437 SD Crop Production NoCrop Production: An Introduction DX12 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 157 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery NoCrosscutting Using a Chainsaw ED87 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production NoCurrent Techniques in Long Hair:Basic F4CB 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoCustomer Care DV2Y 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HC Career Change/Access NoCustomer Care for the Hospitality and Tourism Industry DV3A 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 269 BA Marketing/PR NoCustomer Contact D0SD 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 297 BA Marketing/PR NoCustomer Service D04H 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 297 BA Marketing/PR NoCustomer Service Skills for the Entrepreneur F5G6 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 297 BA Marketing/PR YesCustomer Service Skills for the Entrepreneur F5GB 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 297 BA Marketing/PR Yes

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Customers and Suppliers in the Supply Chain F4SY 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 398 BA Marketing/PR NoCutting Beards and Moustaches D05M 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoDaily Organisation D04E 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HJ Personal Health/Fitness/Appearance YesDaily Organisation - Carrying Out Activities D3KF 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HJ Personal Health/Fitness/Appearance 7340248 YesDaily Organisation - Describing Experience of Activities D3KG 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HJ Personal Health/Fitness/Appearance 7340258 YesDaily Organisation - Identifying Materials D3KE 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HJ Personal Health/Fitness/Appearance 7340268 YesDaily Organisation - Identifying Personal Targets D3KD 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HJ Personal Health/Fitness/Appearance 7340278 YesDairy Chemistry D0LK 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 55 WM Food/Drink/Tobacco (industrial) 7340298 NoDairy Enterprise Management E9JD 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 148 SH Animal Husbandry 7340144 NoDairy Microbiology for the Production and Preservation of Fermented Milk Products and Butter D0LJ 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 55 WM Food/Drink/Tobacco (industrial) 7340444 NoDairy Microbiology for the Production and Preservation of Milk D0LH 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 55 WM Food/Drink/Tobacco (industrial) 7340744 NoDairy Production D0P9 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 148 SH Animal Husbandry 7341044 NoDance in the Community D645 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 132 LB Dance 7340014 NoDance Notation: An Introduction D652 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 132 LB Dance 7340314 YesDance: Alternative D72N 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 132 LB Dance 7340614 YesDance: Alternative D72N 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 132 LB Dance 7340914 YesDance: Alternative D72N 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 132 LB Dance 7341214 No

Dance: Alternative Option 1 E8XP 04 Unlevelled 0.5 Unlevelled 132 LB Dance 7340024 NoDance: Choreography D646 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 132 LB Dance 7340324 YesDance: Choreography D646 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 132 LB Dance 7340624 YesDance: Classical D72P 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 132 LB Dance 7340924 YesDance: Classical D72P 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 132 LB Dance 7341224 YesDance: Classical D72P 13 Advanced Higher 0.5 7 4 132 LB Dance 7340154 No

Dance: Classical 1 E8XK 04 Unlevelled 0.5 Unlevelled 132 LB Dance 7340454 NoDance: Contemporary D72R 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 132 LB Dance 7340754 YesDance: Contemporary D72R 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 132 LB Dance 7341054 YesDance: Contemporary D72R 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 132 LB Dance 7341354 No

Dance: Contemporary 1 E8XL 04 Unlevelled 0.5 Unlevelled 132 LB Dance 7340034 NoDance: Ethnic D72S 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 132 LB Dance 7340334 YesDance: Ethnic D72S 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 132 LB Dance 7340634 YesDance: Ethnic D72S 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 132 LB Dance 7340934 No

Dance: Ethnic 1 E8XM 04 Unlevelled 0.5 Unlevelled 132 LB Dance 7341234 NoDance: Jazz D72T 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 132 LB Dance 7340044 YesDance: Jazz D72T 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 132 LB Dance 7340344 YesDance: Jazz D72T 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 132 LB Dance 7340644 NoDance: Scottish D72V 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 132 LB Dance 7340944 YesDance: Scottish D72V 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 132 LB Dance 7341244 YesDance: Scottish D72V 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 132 LB Dance 7340054 No

Dance: Scottish 1 E8XN 04 Unlevelled 0.5 Unlevelled 132 LB Dance 7340354 NoDatabase Analysis and Design DV4X 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 358 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems 7340654 YesDatabase Implementation and Testing DV4Y 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 358 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems 7340954 YesDatabase Systems DM4A 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CD Using Software and Operating Systems 7341254 YesDay Make-up and Basic Corrective Make-Up F4C0 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 66 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoDC and AC Circuit Responses E9RS 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 231 XJ Electrical Engineering 7340164 NoDeaf Awareness EG2V 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 2 HG Disabled People: Skills/Facilities 7340464 NoDealing with Basic Measurements EA2X 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 142 RB Mathematics 7340764 NoDealing with Equipment and Facilities DJ41 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 PL Occupational Health and Safety 7341064 NoDealing with Work Situations F789 09 Access 3 0.25 3 1.5 159 HC Career Change/Access YesDealing with Work Situations F789 10 Intermediate 1 0.25 4 1.5 159 HC Career Change/Access YesDebating ED4Y 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 1 KB Communication Skills 7340064 NoDeck Equipment and Fittings E8D9 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 151 XQ Ship and Boat Building/Marine/Offshore Engineering 7340364 NoDecorative Glasswork: Introduction to Stained Glass Techniques (Copperfoil) EG38 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JR Glass/Ceramics/Stone Crafts 7340664 NoDecorative Glasswork: Manufacture of Stained Glass Panels EE6P 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 320 JR Glass/Ceramics/Stone Crafts 7340964 NoDecorative Glasswork: Production EE6S 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 320 JR Glass/Ceramics/Stone Crafts 7341264 NoDecorative Glasswork: Stained Glass Panel Repair EE6R 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 320 JR Glass/Ceramics/Stone Crafts 71439 NoDecorative Glasswork: Templates and Rubbings EE6N 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 320 JR Glass/Ceramics/Stone Crafts 7341522 NoDecorative Painting F1K9 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 169 TG Building/Construction Operations 7340074 NoDecorative Skills 2 E97Y 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 169 TG Building/Construction Operations 7340674 No

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Decorative Treatment F1KA 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 169 TG Building/Construction Operations 7340974 NoDecorative Trims and Fittings for Upholstery E840 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 134 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture 7340084 NoDecorative Veneering and Inlaying E85H 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 134 JP Wood Cane and Furniture Crafts 7340384 NoDeer Legislation E9L2 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 143 SH Animal Husbandry 7340684 NoDeer Management on Open Ranges E9L3 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 143 SH Animal Husbandry 7340984 NoDefects and Deterioration of Construction Materials E8MS 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 164 TE Construction (general) 7341284 NoDeliver a Coaching Programme: Athletics F2W6 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 7340094 NoDeliver a Coaching Programme: Badminton F2W8 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 7340394 NoDeliver a Coaching Programme: Basketball F2WA 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 7340694 NoDeliver a Coaching Programme: Canoeing F2WC 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 7340994 NoDeliver a Coaching Programme: Cricket F2WG 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 7341294 NoDeliver a Coaching Programme: Curling F421 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MF Winter Sports NoDeliver a Coaching Programme: Equestrian F2WJ 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 7340104 NoDeliver a Coaching Programme: Football F2WM 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 7340404 NoDeliver a Coaching Programme: Gymnastics F2WP 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 7340704 NoDeliver a Coaching Programme: Hockey F2WS 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 7341004 NoDeliver a Coaching Programme: Netball F2WT 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 7341304 NoDeliver a Coaching Programme: Rowing F2WW 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 7340114 NoDeliver a Coaching Programme: Rugby Union F2WY 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 7340414 NoDeliver a Coaching Programme:Squash F2X1 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 7340714 NoDeliver a Coaching Programme:Swimming F2X3 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 7341014 NoDeliver a Coaching Programme:Table Tennis F2X5 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 7341314 NoDeliver a Coaching Programme:Tennis F2X7 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 7340124 NoDental Casts D0K4 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 96 PF Dental Services 7340424 NoDental Impressions D0K3 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 96 PF Dental Services 7340724 NoDental Radiography D0KJ 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 97 PF Dental Services 7341024 NoDental Record Blocks D0K6 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 96 PF Dental Services 7341324 NoDental Special Trays D0K5 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 96 PF Dental Services 7340134 NoDental Surgery Assistant: Skills 1 D0KE 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 97 PF Dental Services 7340434 NoDental Surgery Assistant: Skills 2 D0KF 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 97 PF Dental Services 7340734 NoDental Surgery Assistant: Skills 3 D0KG 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 97 PF Dental Services 7341034 No

Dental Surgery Maintenance E8F5 04 Unlevelled 1.0 Unlevelled 97 PF Dental Services 7341334 NoDental Surveying D0K7 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 96 PF Dental Services NoDenture Finishing D0KA 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 96 PF Dental Services NoDenture Flasking, Packaging and Processing D0K9 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 96 PF Dental Services NoDenture Repair and Rebase/Reline D0K8 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 96 PF Dental Services NoDepilation D0V4 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 66 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoDepilation D7ST 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 66 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoDesign and Costing of Domestic Hot and Cold Water Systems EB2X 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 177 TH Building Services NoDesign and Fashion Illustration of Children D0KN 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 197 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) NoDesign and Graphics in Industry D16S 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 133 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development NoDesign and Make D0JF 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 212 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development NoDesign and Make (Home Economics) EB66 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 197 NG Home Economics NoDesign and Manufacture: Children's Wear EB7R 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) NoDesign and Manufacture: Light Clothing (Bodices) D0S3 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) NoDesign and Manufacture: Light Clothing (Shirts) EB7L 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) NoDesign and Manufacture: Skirts D0S4 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) NoDesign and Manufacture: Trousers EB7P 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) NoDesign Case Studies D129 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 130 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development YesDesign in Action D16N 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 65 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development NoDesign in Action D9GE 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development NoDesign in Action D9GE 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development NoDesign in Context D16J 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 65 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development NoDesign in Context D9GD 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development NoDesign in Context D9GD 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development NoDesign of Welded Joints EE1X 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 218 XE Welding/Joining NoDesign Realisation D16L 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 65 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development NoDesign Realisation D9GF 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development NoDesign Realisation D9GF 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development NoDesign Selection and Garment Construction D11L 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 197 NG Home Economics NoDesign Studies D0JE 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 212 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development NoDesign Studies: Computer Aided Design D0KP 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 295 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development No

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Design Studies: Graphic Reproduction E8H3 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 65 KE Photography NoDesign Studies: History of Architecture E8HC 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 TD Building Design/Architecture NoDesign Studies: Introduction to Mixed Media D17H 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 JC Design (non-industrial) NoDesign Studies: Life Drawing E8HA 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice NoDesign Studies: Mixed Media Applications EE24 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice NoDesign Studies: Photography Location D0KR 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 129 KE Photography NoDesign Studies: Photography: Studio E8H7 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 129 KE Photography NoDesign Studies: Screen Printing 2 D0KS 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 65 KH Print and Publishing NoDesigning a Training Programme EA1T 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 242 GE Training/Vocational Qualifications NoDesktop Publishing D976 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 KH Print and Publishing NoDesktop Publishing D976 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 358 KH Print and Publishing NoDetail Painting, Gold Leafing and Burnishing E85S 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 134 TG Building/Construction Operations NoDevelop Bench Joinery Skills F1KN 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 165 TG Building/Construction Operations NoDevelop Constructional Carpentry Skills F1L0 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 165 TG Building/Construction Operations NoDevelop Effective Working Relationships ED5D 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 363 AJ Human Resources Management NoDevelop Self to Improve Performance ED5K 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AF Management Skills NoDevelop Self to Improve Performance (Banking) ED80 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 262 AF Management Skills NoDevelop Site Joinery Skills F1L3 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 165 TG Building/Construction Operations NoDeveloping a Software Solution DM43 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 357 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems YesDeveloping an Environmental Area D554 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 SD Crop Production YesDeveloping an Environmental Area D554 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 157 SD Crop Production YesDeveloping an Environmental Area - Planting Out D2ST 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 SD Crop Production YesDeveloping an Environmental Area - Preparation D2SS 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 SD Crop Production YesDeveloping an Environmental Area - Propagation D2SR 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 SD Crop Production YesDeveloping an Understanding of Working with Children DM5L 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues NoDeveloping an Understanding of Working with Children: Workplace Experience DM5M 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues NoDeveloping Craft Skills in Textiles D273 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) YesDeveloping Craft Skills in Textiles D273 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 197 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) YesDeveloping Craft Skills in Textiles D273 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 197 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) YesDeveloping Drama Skills D537 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts YesDeveloping Drama Skills - Expressing Ideas and Emotions D2SA 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts YesDeveloping Drama Skills - Participating with Others D2S9 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts YesDeveloping Drama Skills - Reviewing Participation D2SC 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts YesDeveloping Drama Skills - Using Resources D2SB 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts YesDeveloping Employability Skills in Construction and Engineering DX17 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 411 HC Career Change/Access NoDeveloping Leadership within Physical Activities F40D 11 Intermediate 2 2 5 12 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoDeveloping Personal Ideas D525 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HB Self Development YesDeveloping Personal Ideas - Developing Ideas D3N7 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HB Self Development YesDeveloping Personal Ideas - Exploring a Theme D3N6 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HB Self Development YesDeveloping Personal Ideas - Producing a Response D3N8 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HB Self Development YesDeveloping Positive Working Relationships with Customers in Construction and Related Services EC0J 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 161 BA Marketing/PR NoDeveloping Skills for Employment F393 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 159 HC Career Change/Access YesDeveloping Skills for Employment F5G4 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 159 HC Career Change/Access YesDeveloping Software 1 EE7Y 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 357 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems NoDevelopment of Welfare Services D0Y3 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 259 PM Social Care/Social Work Skills NoDevelopmental Psychology D70J 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 306 PK Psychology NoDevelopmental Psychology: The Individual and Development EA56 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 306 PK Psychology NoDevelopmental Theory in Early Education and Childcare DM3Y 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues NoDevised Drama D199 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts YesDies and Moulds: Introduction ED1A 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 275 YD Metallurgy/Metals Production NoDiesel Injection and Air Supply Systems: Condition Assessment and Fault Diagnosis EA1C 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoDiesel Injection and Air Supply Systems: Removal, Replacement and Adjustment of Components EA1B 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoDigital Acquisition and Editing: Audio F3T7 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 358 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems YesDigital Acquisition and Editing: Video F3T6 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 358 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems YesDigital Communication Methods F1KY 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 358 CD Using Software and Operating Systems 7500 YesDigital Computing F1L2 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 358 CD Using Software and Operating Systems YesDigital Culture: Social Software F81P 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 357 CD Using Software and Operating Systems YesDigital Imaging D7YF 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 129 KE Photography NoDigital Media: Audio Editing F1KT 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems 7260204 YesDigital Media: Still Images F3T5 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 358 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems YesDigital Media: Still Images Acquisiton F1JY 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 358 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems YesDigital Media: Still Images Editing F1KW 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems 7260294 YesDigital Media: Video Acquisition F1JW 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 358 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems Yes

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Digital Media: Video Editing F1KV 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems YesDigital Media:Audio Acquisition F1JT 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 358 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems YesDigital MSI Devices E9S5 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering NoDigital Numeracy F1L1 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 358 CD Using Software and Operating Systems YesDigitally Integrated Security and Environmental Control F5HB 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 160 XJ Electrical Engineering NoDimensional Control 2: Measurement Standards E7W2 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 275 VE Industrial Control/Monitoring NoDirect Current Machines F5HC 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 274 XJ Electrical Engineering NoDischarge Systems: An Introduction F1LB 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 177 TH Building Services 96026 NoDisplay Practice D0SM 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 244 BC Retailing/Wholesaling/Distributive Trades 7140800 NoDisplaying Merchandise D0SW 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 244 BA Marketing/PR 90011 NoDistribution and Storage of Goods F4T1 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 398 BF Physical Distribution NoDistribution and Transmission Cables E8JY 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 274 XK Power/Energy Engineering NoDomestic Gas Appliances E8MC 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 180 TH Building Services NoDomestic Gas Fired Central Heating E8MD 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 180 TH Building Services NoDomestic Heating Systems: Sealed and Warm Air E9MP 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 177 TH Building Services NoDomestic Heating: Control, Fault Diagnosis and Maintenance E9MM 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 177 TH Building Services NoDomestic Heating: Design Appreciation E9MN 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 177 TH Building Services NoDomestic Machine Knitting: Basic Garment Manufacture ED73 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) NoDomestic Machine Knitting: Ribbing Attachment 1 EB4J 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) NoDomestic Machine Knitting: Ribbing Attachment 2 EB4K 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) NoDomestic Machine Knitting: Stitches and Processes 1 ED75 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) NoDomestic Machine Knitting: Stitches and Processes 2 ED74 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) NoDrainage 2: Practical Applications E9FM 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 147 SL Agricultural/Horticultural Maintenance NoDraining Sports Surfaces F6V3 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 355 SF Amenity Horticulture/Sportsgrounds NoDrama Skills D193 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts YesDrama Skills D193 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts YesDrama Skills D193 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts YesDrama Theory and Practice D0H0 12 Higher 3.0 6 18 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts NoDrama: Acting Skills F5KY 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts YesDrama: Movement Skills F5L1 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts YesDrama: Production D195 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 16 LE Theatre Production YesDrama: Production D195 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 16 LE Theatre Production YesDrama: Production D195 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 16 LE Theatre Production 7260334 YesDrama: Special Study D201 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts YesDrama: Theatre Skills in Performance F5LB 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts YesDrama: Voice Skills F5LF 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts YesDrama:Providing Theatre Wardrobe Services F5L2 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 16 LE Theatre Production YesDraughting: Pipework EE12 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 218 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development 8301 NoDraughting: Structural Frameworks and Fabrication EE13 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 218 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development NoDrawing for Building D921 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 161 TD Building Design/Architecture NoDrawing for Construction F3JN 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 161 TD Building Design/Architecture NoDrawing Interpretation: Fabrication and Welding EE9R 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 218 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development NoDrawing Skills - Analytical Drawing D947 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 131 JB Art Techniques/Practice NoDrawing Skills - Analytical Drawing D947 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 131 JB Art Techniques/Practice NoDrawing Skills - Figure/Life Drawing 1 D948 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 131 JB Art Techniques/Practice NoDrawing Skills - Figure/Life Drawing 2 D949 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice NoDrawing Skills - Line and Tone Techniques D951 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 131 JB Art Techniques/Practice NoDrawing Skills: Figure/Life Drawing 3 E7MN 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice NoDrawing Skills: Technical Drafting for Illustration EF4S 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 133 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development 6190365 NoDrawing Skills: Technical Draughting - Freehand Perspective Projections D17D 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 133 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development 6190335 NoDrawing Skills: Technical Draughting - Measured Perspective Projections D17C 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 133 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development NoDrawing Skills: Technical Draughting - Parallel Projection D17B 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 133 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development 7351784 NoDry Hair into Style and Create a Finished Look D05G 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services 7260284 NoDrystone Dyking ED88 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 157 SL Agricultural/Horticultural Maintenance 7260244 NoDuck and Goose Production E8CK 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 148 SH Animal Husbandry 91599 NoDuties of a Chapel Attendant E98T 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 68 QG Funerary Services NoDuties of a Cremator Technician E98V 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 68 QG Funerary Services NoEar Piercing D0V5 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 66 HL Hair/Personal Care Services 6190325 NoEarly Years Curriculum D75D 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues 91568 NoEarly Years Curriculum: An Introduction DC5X 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues 6190345 NoEarth Materials: Rocks and Minerals D1BN 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 136 RF Earth Sciences 7352015 YesEarth Physics and Earth Movements D1BP 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 136 RF Earth Sciences YesEarth Physics and Earth Movements D247 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 136 RF Earth Sciences Yes

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Earth Physics, Structural Geology and Plate Tectonics D250 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 136 RF Earth Sciences YesEarthing and Earth Fault Current Protection F5HD 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 160 XJ Electrical Engineering NoEarthing Systems F5HE 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 160 XJ Electrical Engineering NoEconomic and Environmental Geology ED1M 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 136 RF Earth Sciences NoEconomic Geology D252 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 136 RF Earth Sciences 7350665 YesEconomic Research DM51 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 258 EB Economics 7350675 YesEconomic Structure of Industry D0VT 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 258 EB Economics 7350685 NoEconomics Issues and Policies DM50 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 258 EB Economics 7350695 Yes

Economics of the Market E9KJ 04 Unlevelled 1.0 Unlevelled 258 EB Economics NoEconomics: Basic Principles F5G3 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 258 EB Economics YesEcosystems D310 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 157 QA Environmental Protection/Conservation YesEcosystems D310 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 157 QA Environmental Protection/Conservation YesEfficient Construction Practices: An Introduction F1JR 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 165 TE Construction (general) NoElectric Vehicle Drive Systems E7V7 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoElectrical and Electronic Technology F1AN 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 181 XJ Electrical Engineering NoElectrical and System Principles for Security Installation Practice EG1D 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 160 XJ Electrical Engineering NoElectrical Connectors for Musical Instruments E98P 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology NoElectrical Engineering Case Study D138 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 231 XJ Electrical Engineering 7350040 NoElectrical Fundamentals D132 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 419 XJ Electrical Engineering NoElectrical Hand Skills E7RV 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 160 XJ Electrical Engineering 7350050 NoElectrical Installation Methods: Wiring Systems and Testing Procedures E9YC 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 160 TH Building Services 7350610 NoElectrical Installation Practice D922 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 160 TH Building Services NoElectrical Installation Practices DH59 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 231 XJ Electrical Engineering NoElectrical Installation: An Introduction to Industrial Electronics EC2Y 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 160 XL Electronic Engineering NoElectrical Installation: Circuit Fundamentals ED12 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 160 XJ Electrical Engineering NoElectrical Installation: Inspection and Testing E9MA 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 160 XJ Electrical Engineering 7351763 NoElectrical Installation: Introduction to Call and Alarm Systems EA8L 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 160 QH Security 7351773 NoElectrical Installation: Layout and Fixings EA8G 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 160 TH Building Services 81222 NoElectrical Installation: Site Procedures EA8J 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 160 TH Building Services 81223 NoElectrical Installation: Supply, Control and Protection E7RW 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 160 TH Building Services NoElectrical Installation: Water and Space Heating EA8K 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 160 TH Building Services NoElectrical Installations in Hazardous Environments and Special F5HF 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 160 XJ Electrical Engineering NoElectrical Machine Principles E969 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 274 XJ Electrical Engineering NoElectrical Motor Applications E96A 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 274 XJ Electrical Engineering NoElectrical Motor Starting and Speed Control D987 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 274 XJ Electrical Engineering 7350773 NoElectrical Phenomena D386 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 138 RC Physics 61191 YesElectrical Plant Maintenance F5HG 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 274 XK Power/Energy Engineering NoElectrical Plant Safety and Maintenance F5HH 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 274 XK Power/Energy Engineering NoElectrical Power Systems F5HJ 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 231 XK Power/Energy Engineering NoElectrical Principles F5HL 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 231 XJ Electrical Engineering NoElectrical Principles F5HK 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 231 XJ Electrical Engineering NoElectrical Production and Testing Skills DH5A 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 231 XJ Electrical Engineering NoElectrical System Auxiliary Circuits: Removal, Replacement and Adjustment of Components EA15 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoElectrical System Construction DH5C 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 231 XJ Electrical Engineering NoElectrical Systems Auxiliary Circuits: Condition Assessment and Fault Diagnosis EA16 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoElectrical Systems Control Circuits E7S3 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 274 XJ Electrical Engineering NoElectrical Systems: An Introduction D995 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 274 XJ Electrical Engineering NoElectrical Systems: Public Carrying Vehicles EB1Y 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoElectrical Testing and Measurement F5HM 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 231 XJ Electrical Engineering NoElectrical Testing and Measurement F5HN 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 231 XJ Electrical Engineering NoElectrical Wiring Skills F5HP 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 160 XJ Electrical Engineering NoElectricity and Electronics D380 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 138 RC Physics YesElectricity and Electronics D380 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 138 RC Physics YesElectricity for the Consumer E7RT 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 160 TH Building Services NoElectricity in the Home F5HR 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 160 XJ Electrical Engineering NoElectromagnetics E9RV 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 231 RC Physics NoElectronic Component and Material Handling EB0S 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering NoElectronic Construction 1 D19J 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering YesElectronic Construction 2 D19P 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering YesElectronic Control Systems D19T 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering YesElectronic Engine Management Systems EB1X 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoElectronic Navigation Systems 1: Decca, Echo Sounder and VHF Radio Telephone E8DD 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 151 XQ Ship and Boat Building/Marine/Offshore Engineering No

Not allocated

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Electronic Navigation Systems 2: General E8E5 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 151 XQ Ship and Boat Building/Marine/Offshore Engineering NoElectronic Navigation Systems 3: RADAR E8E6 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 151 ZF Marine Transport NoElectronic Navigation Systems 4: R.D.F. and Gyro Compass E8E7 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 151 ZF Marine Transport NoElectronic Navigation Systems 5: Loran and Omego E8E8 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 151 ZF Marine Transport NoElectronic Navigation Systems 6: Radar Plotting E8E9 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 151 ZF Marine Transport NoElectronic Network Analysis F5J7 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 231 XL Electronic Engineering NoElectronic Simulation and Testing D9EN 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering YesElectronic Simulation and Testing F5HS 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering NoElectronic Sound Generators E98N 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 64 LH Music Performance NoElectronic Structures and the Periodic Table D072 13 Advanced Higher 0.5 7 4 139 RD Chemistry YesElectronic Systems D19G 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 232 XL Electronic Engineering YesElectronic Systems: An Introduction D996 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 232 XL Electronic Engineering NoElectronic Test Equipment and Measurement F5DJ 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering NoElectronic Test Equipment and Measurement F5DC 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering NoElectronics D378 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 138 RC Physics YesElectronics D378 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 138 RC Physics YesElectronics and Music D19K 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering YesElectronics Case Study D142 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 232 XL Electronic Engineering NoElectronics Design Project D19V 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering YesElectronics for Security Systems EG1E 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 160 XL Electronic Engineering 91194 NoElectronics in Measurement D19R 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering 91195 YesElectronics in Society D19H 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 232 XL Electronic Engineering 91196 YesElectronics Project D145 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 232 XL Electronic Engineering 7350907 NoElectronics Project E7T0 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering 7140130 NoElectronics: An Introduction DV30 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HC Career Change/Access NoElectropneumatics D8XM 13 Advanced Higher 0.5 7 4 232 XL Electronic Engineering 7350005 NoElectrostatics E9RW 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 231 RC Physics NoElectrostatics and Electromagnetics F5D3 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 231 XK Power/Energy Engineering NoEmergency Lighting and Battery Maintenance E9MB 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 160 TH Building Services NoEmergency Power Supplies E7S4 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 274 XK Power/Energy Engineering NoEmergency Treatment of Epileptic Seizures in a Community DC9G 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 82 PD Paramedical Services/Supplementary Medicine NoEmployability Skills for Land-based Industries DX0W 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 157 HC Career Change/Access NoEmployeeship: Demonstrating Skills for the Workplace EE77 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 159 HC Career Change/Access NoEmployeeship: Developing Skills for the Workplace EE78 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 159 HC Career Change/Access NoEnergy D185 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 291 RC Physics YesEnergy EF05 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 212 RC Physics 7104 NoEnergy and the Individual F3FT 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 413 QB Energy Economics/Management/Conservation NoEnergy Conservation E826 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 181 QB Energy Economics/Management/Conservation 7350810 NoEnergy Matters D069 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 139 RD Chemistry 7350820 YesEnergy: An Introduction F3FN 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 413 QB Energy Economics/Management/Conservation NoEnergy: Conventional Technologies and the Grid F3FV 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 413 QB Energy Economics/Management/Conservation NoEnergy: Domestic Solar Hot Water Systems F3FS 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 413 QB Energy Economics/Management/Conservation NoEnergy: Domestic Wind Turbine Systems F3FR 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 413 QB Energy Economics/Management/Conservation NoEnergy: Employability and Careers F3FP 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 413 QB Energy Economics/Management/Conservation NoEnergy: Oil/Gas Extraction F3FW 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 413 YB Oil and Gas Operations NoEngine Cooling and Vehicle Ventilation Systems (Liquid Type): Condition Assessment and Fault Diagnosis EA0Y 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoEngine Cooling and Vehicle Ventilation Systems (Liquid Type): Removal, Replacement and Adjustment of CompoEA0X 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoEngine Cooling Systems E96L 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering NoEngine Diagnostics: Compression Ignition Systems E7TK 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering NoEngine Diagnostics: Mechanical E7TP 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering NoEngine Diagnostics: Spark Ignition Systems E7TR 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering NoEngine: Fault Diagnosis EA6L 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 7197017 NoEngine: Removal, Replacement and Adjustment of Components EA10 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair No

Engineering Assembly Skills F5W6 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 275 XA Engineering/Technology (general) No

Engineering Assembly Skills F5KA 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 275 XA Engineering/Technology (general) NoEngineering Communications: Introduction ED0X 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 212 KB Communication Skills NoEngineering Design F5K5 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 212 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development No

Engineering Dimensional Control F5W7 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 275 XA Engineering/Technology (general) No

Engineering Dimensional Control F5KB 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 275 XA Engineering/Technology (general) No

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Engineering Draughting D988 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 212 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development NoEngineering Drawing Office Practice E8M1 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 212 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development NoEngineering Dynamics F5K7 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 212 RC Physics NoEngineering Dynamics: An Introduction F5K6 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 212 RC Physics NoEngineering Geology D253 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 136 RF Earth Sciences YesEngineering Manufacturing Processes F5W8 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 275 WA Manufacturing (general) NoEngineering Manufacturing Processes F5KC 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 275 WA Manufacturing (general) No

Engineering Manufacturing Processes F5W8 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 275 WA Manufacturing (general) No

Engineering Manufacturing Processes F5KC 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 275 WA Manufacturing (general) NoEngineering Material Removal Principles F5WD 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 275 XF Tools/Machining No

Engineering Material Removal Principles F5KH 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 275 XF Tools/Machining No

Engineering Material Removal Principles F8LP 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 275 XF Tools/Machining NoEngineering Materials F5W9 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 275 XA Engineering/Technology (general) No

Engineering Materials F5KD 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 275 XA Engineering/Technology (general) No

Engineering Materials F5W9 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 275 XA Engineering/Technology (general) NoEngineering Materials - Metals D989 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 275 XA Engineering/Technology (general) NoEngineering Materials - Non Metals D990 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 275 XA Engineering/Technology (general) NoEngineering Metrology E7W3 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 275 WD Testing Measurement and Inspection NoEngineering Prime Movers F5K4 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 212 XK Power/Energy Engineering NoEngineering Prime Movers F5JD 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 212 XK Power/Energy Engineering NoEngineering Project F5DE 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 395 XA Engineering/Technology (general) NoEngineering Project F5D5 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 395 XA Engineering/Technology (general) NoEngineering Quality Awareness D06G 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 274 VD Quality and Reliability Management NoEngineering Quality: An Introduction F5FM 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 245 VD Quality and Reliability Management NoEngineering Services Drawing 1 E8N5 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 181 VG Engineering Services NoEngineering Services Drawing 2 E8N6 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 181 VG Engineering Services NoEngineering Skills: Design and Manufacture F39E 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 412 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development NoEngineering Skills: Electrical and Electronic F39C 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 412 XA Engineering/Technology (general) NoEngineering Skills: Electrical/Electronic F19D 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 412 XJ Electrical Engineering NoEngineering Skills: Fabrication F19F 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 412 XH Mechanical Engineering NoEngineering Skills: Maintenance F39D 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 412 VG Engineering Services NoEngineering Skills: Manufacture and Assembly F19H 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 412 WB Manufacturing/Assembly NoEngineering Skills: Mechanical F19C 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 412 XH Mechanical Engineering 7351303 NoEngineering Skills: Mechanical and Fabrication F39B 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 412 XA Engineering/Technology (general) NoEngineering Systems F5FN 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 395 VE Industrial Control/Monitoring NoEngineering Systems 1: Machines and Mechanisms E96H 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 212 VE Industrial Control/Monitoring NoEngineering Thermodynamics F5JF 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 212 RC Physics NoEngineering Workshop Skills F5KE 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 275 XA Engineering/Technology (general) NoEngineering Workshop Skills F5WA 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 275 XA Engineering/Technology (general) No

Engineering Workshop Skills F5WA 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 275 XA Engineering/Technology (general) NoEngineering: Applying Information Technology F5D4 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 288 CH Software for Specific Applications/Industries NoEngineering: Complex Control Systems F5KJ 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 VE Industrial Control/Monitoring NoEngineering: Control Valves and Positioners F5KL 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 VE Industrial Control/Monitoring NoEngineering: Distributed Control Systems F5KM 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 VE Industrial Control/Monitoring NoEngineering: Fault finding in Measurement and Control F5KN 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 VE Industrial Control/Monitoring NoEngineering: Hazards, Protection Methods and Functional Safety F5KP 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 XA Engineering/Technology (general) NoEngineering: Measurement Technology – Flow F5KR 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 WD Testing Measurement and Inspection NoEngineering: Measurement Technology – Pressure/Level F5KT 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 WD Testing Measurement and Inspection NoEngineering: Measurement Technology – Temperature F5KS 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 WD Testing Measurement and Inspection NoEngineering: Process Analysers F5KV 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 VE Industrial Control/Monitoring NoEngineering: Process Control F5KK 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 VE Industrial Control/Monitoring NoEngineering: Process Control Systems F5KW 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 VE Industrial Control/Monitoring NoEngineering: Signal Conditioning in Telemetry F5KX 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 XM Telecommunications NoEngineering: Using Information Technology F5D6 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 288 CH Software for Specific Applications/Industries NoEnglish and Communication: Language Study - Conveying Information in Writing D3JT 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 KC Writing (authorship) YesEnglish and Communication: Language Study - Understanding Text D3JS 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 KC Writing (authorship) Yes

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English and Communication: Literary Study - Expressing a Point of View D3JW 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 FC Literature YesEnglish and Communication: Literary Study - Responding to an Imaginative Text D3JV 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 FC Literature YesEnglish and Communication: Oral Communication D461 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 1 KB Communication Skills YesEnglish and Communication: Oral Communication - Delivering D3JY 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 KB Communication Skills YesEnglish and Communication: Oral Communication - Responding D3JX 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 KB Communication Skills YesEnglish for Speakers of Other Languages: An Introduction to Beginner English Literacies 1 F1AF 08 Access 2 2.0 2 12 17 FK Languages YesEnglish for Speakers of Other Languages: An Introduction to Beginner English Literacies 2 F1AG 08 Access 2 2.0 2 12 17 FK Languages YesEnglish for Speakers of Other Languages: Everyday Communication DV34 08 Access 2 2.0 2 12 17 FK Languages YesEnglish for Speakers of Other Languages: Everyday Communication DV34 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 17 FK Languages YesEnglish for Speakers of Other Languages: Everyday Communication DV34 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 17 FK Languages YesEnglish for Speakers of Other Languages: Everyday Communication DV34 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 17 FK Languages YesEnglish for Speakers of Other Languages: Everyday Communication DV34 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 17 FK Languages YesEnglish for Speakers of Other Languages: Study Context DV36 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 17 FK Languages YesEnglish for Speakers of Other Languages: Study Context DV36 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 17 FK Languages YesEnglish for Speakers of Other Languages: Transactional Contexts F1AD 08 Access 2 2.0 2 12 17 FK Languages YesEnglish for Speakers of Other Languages: Transactional Contexts F1AD 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 17 FK Languages YesEnglish for Speakers of Other Languages: Transactional Contexts F1AD 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 17 FK Languages YesEnglish for Speakers of Other Languages: Work and Study -related Contexts F1AE 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 17 FK Languages YesEnglish for Speakers of Other Languages: Work and Study-related Contexts F1AE 08 Access 2 2.0 2 12 17 FK Languages YesEnglish for Speakers of Other Languages: Work and Study-related Contexts F1AE 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 17 FK Languages YesEnglish for Speakers of Other Languages: Work Context DV35 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 17 FK Languages 4120282 YesEnglish for Speakers of Other Languages: Work Context DV35 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 17 FK Languages 7196007 YesEnglish: Creative Writing D9GW 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 1 KC Writing (authorship) YesEnglish: Critical Listening DF5V 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 1 KB Communication Skills 7196017 YesEnglish: Critical Listening DF5V 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 1 KB Communication Skills YesEnglish: Critical Listening DF5V 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 1 KB Communication Skills 7196027 YesEnglish: Critical Listening DF5V 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 1 KB Communication Skills 7196037 YesEnglish: Group Discussion DF5W 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 1 KB Communication Skills 7110065 YesEnglish: Group Discussion DF5W 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 1 KB Communication Skills YesEnglish: Group Discussion DF5W 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 1 KB Communication Skills YesEnglish: Group Discussion DF5W 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 1 KB Communication Skills YesEnglish: Individual Presentation DF5X 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 1 KB Communication Skills YesEnglish: Individual Presentation DF5X 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 1 KB Communication Skills YesEnglish: Individual Presentation DF5X 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 1 KB Communication Skills YesEnglish: Individual Presentation DF5X 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 1 KB Communication Skills YesEnglish: Language Study D8VH 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 1 KC Writing (authorship) YesEnglish: Language Study D8VH 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 1 KC Writing (authorship) YesEnglish: Language Study D8VH 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 1 KC Writing (authorship) 7350064 YesEnglish: Language Study F796 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 KC Writing (authorship) YesEnglish: Language Study D8VH 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 1 KC Writing (authorship) 7350075 YesEnglish: Language Study D8VH 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 1 KC Writing (authorship) YesEnglish: Literary Study D8VJ 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 1 FC Literature 7350030 YesEnglish: Literary Study D8VJ 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 1 FC Literature YesEnglish: Literary Study D8VJ 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 1 FC Literature YesEnglish: Literary Study D8VJ 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 1 FC Literature YesEnglish: Literary Study F797 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 FC Literature YesEnglish: Literary Study D8VJ 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 1 FC Literature YesEnglish: Oral Communication F791 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 KB Communication Skills YesEnglish: Personal Study (spoken response) D8VL 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 1 FC Literature 7197027 YesEnglish: Personal Study (spoken response) D8VL 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 1 FC Literature 7197037 YesEnglish: Personal Study (spoken response) D8VL 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 1 FC Literature 81228 YesEnglish: Personal Study (spoken response) D8VL 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 1 FC Literature 81229 YesEnglish: Personal Study (written response) D8VK 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 1 KC Writing (authorship) 7196047 YesEnglish: Personal Study (written response) D8VK 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 1 KC Writing (authorship) YesEnglish: Personal Study (written response) D8VK 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 1 KC Writing (authorship) YesEnglish: Personal Study (written response) D8VK 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 1 KC Writing (authorship) 7180005 YesEnglish: Reading the Media D9GX 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 1 KA Communication/Media (general) 7196057 YesEnglish: Specialist Study D9GT 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 1 KB Communication Skills YesEnglish: Textual Analysis D9GV 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 1 FC Literature YesEnterprise Activity D36N 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 159 HB Self Development YesEnterprise Activity D36N 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 159 HB Self Development 91243 YesEnterprise Activity D36N 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 159 HB Self Development YesEnvironment Primer E8A6 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 157 RH Life Sciences No

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Environmental Biology D033 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 140 RH Life Sciences 7196067 YesEnvironmental Biology and Genetics D027 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 140 RH Life Sciences 7196077 YesEnvironmental Design Factors E8M9 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 161 TD Building Design/Architecture NoEnvironmental Design Processes E8MV 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 164 TD Building Design/Architecture NoEnvironmental Geology D254 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 136 RF Earth Sciences YesEnvironmental Investigation D320 13 Advanced Higher 0.5 7 4 155 QA Environmental Protection/Conservation YesEnvironmental Issues D309 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 157 QA Environmental Protection/Conservation YesEnvironmental Issues: Sportsturf F6TV 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 355 SF Amenity Horticulture/Sportsgrounds NoEnvironmental Physiology of Plants D0JW 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 146 SB Agricultural Sciences 7351414 NoEpistemology DV58 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 277 DE Philosophy 7351424 NoEpistemology DV58 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 277 DE Philosophy 7351434 NoEpistemology D425 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 277 PB Medical Sciences 7196087 NoEquestrian Cross-Country Course Obstacle Construction EC1N 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 148 MH Country/Animal Sports 7196107 NoEquine Anatomy and Physiology E8WC 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 148 RH Life Sciences NoEquine Housing and Handling F6AG 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 437 SH Animal Husbandry NoEquipment Handling in the Provision of Sport and Physical Recreation D0VA 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoEquitation 1 E8WJ 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 148 MH Country/Animal Sports NoEquitation 2 E8WM 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 148 MH Country/Animal Sports NoEquitation 3 E8WN 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 148 MH Country/Animal Sports NoErecting and Dismantling Access Equipment EB3X 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 178 TK Construction Site Work NoErecting and Dismantling Access Platforms (Cantilever Scaffolds) EB9Y 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 178 TK Construction Site Work NoErecting and Dismantling Access Platforms (Complex Overhead) EC02 11 Intermediate 2 2.5 5 15 178 TK Construction Site Work NoErecting and Dismantling Access Platforms (Cradles) EC03 11 Intermediate 2 2.5 5 15 178 TK Construction Site Work 7190115 NoErecting and Dismantling Access Platforms (Independent and Birdcage Scaffolds) EB9X 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 178 TK Construction Site Work 7190105 NoErecting and Dismantling Access Platforms (Pavement and Roof Scaffolds) EC01 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 178 TK Construction Site Work 7190095 NoErecting and Dismantling Access Platforms (Scaffold Towers) EC00 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 178 TK Construction Site Work 7190085 NoErecting and Striking Timber and Proprietary Formwork Systems: An Introduction F6PC 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 165 TG Building/Construction Operations NoEstablish a Crop in Modules (Intensive Vegetable Crops) EC49 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 146 SD Crop Production 7140154 NoEstablishing a Business Identity F5GA 10 Intermediate 1 0.25 4 1.5 254 AE Enterprises YesEstate Maintenance: An Introduction DV0A 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 157 SL Agricultural/Horticultural Maintenance NoEstate Skills F6AL 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 437 SL Agricultural/Horticultural Maintenance NoEstimating E8A5 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 37 AK Financial Management/ Accounting 7351665 NoEstimating for Printing 1 E8SY 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 37 AK Financial Management/ Accounting 7351675 NoEstimating for Printing 2 E9G8 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 37 AK Financial Management/ Accounting 7351685 NoEuropean and Mediterranean Tourist Destinations F3PF 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 192 NK Tourism/Travel NoEvaluation Skills EE6V 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 242 GB Teaching/Training NoEvaporation and Dehydration D0L3 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 55 WM Food/Drink/Tobacco (industrial) NoEvent Organisation F5A3 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 420 BA Marketing/PR YesEvent Organisation F3PN 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 244 BA Human Resources Management 7110711 NoEverday Communication in a Cultural Setting DM5C 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HD Continuing Education (basic skills) 7110721 YesEverday Communication in a Work-Related Setting DM5A 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HD Continuing Education (basic skills) YesEveryday Chemistry D064 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 139 RD Chemistry 7141433 YesEveryday Chemistry D064 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 139 RD Chemistry 7190125 YesEveryday Communication: Recognising Signs in the Community DM5D 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HD Continuing Education (basic skills) 7190075 YesExcavating Holes and Trenches: An Introduction F6LK 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 352 TK Construction Site Work NoExcavation and Reinstatement of Public Roads and Footways E9HL 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 352 TG Building/Construction Operations 7190065 NoExcavation, Support and Backfill of Graves E98S 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 68 QG Funerary Services 7190055 NoExercise and Fitness - Aqua D674 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 198 MC Water Sports 7190045 NoExercise and Fitness - Aqua D674 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MC Water Sports 7190035 NoExercise and Fitness - Circuits D677 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MD Athletics Gymnastics and Combat Sports 7190025 NoExercise and Fitness - Exercise to Music D675 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 198 MD Athletics Gymnastics and Combat Sports 7190015 NoExercise and Fitness - Exercise to Music D675 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MD Athletics Gymnastics and Combat Sports NoExercise and Fitness - Gymnasium D676 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 198 MD Athletics Gymnastics and Combat Sports 6290016 NoExercise and Fitness - Gymnasium D676 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MD Athletics Gymnastics and Combat Sports NoExercise and Fitness - Resistance Training D678 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MD Athletics Gymnastics and Combat Sports NoExercise and Fitness - Step D679 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 198 MD Athletics Gymnastics and Combat Sports NoExercise and Fitness - Step D679 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MD Athletics Gymnastics and Combat Sports NoExercise and Fitness: An Introduction D682 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoExercise and Fitness: Cardiovascular Training F7JB 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 459 MD Athletics Gymnastics and Combat Sports NoExercise and Fitness: Circuit Training F7JE 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 459 MD Athletics Gymnastics and Combat Sports NoExercise and Fitness: Exercise to Music F7JF 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 459 MD Athletics Gymnastics and Combat Sports NoExercise and Fitness: Fixed Weight Training F7JC 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 459 MD Athletics Gymnastics and Combat Sports NoExercise and Fitness: Free Weight Training F7JD 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 459 MD Athletics Gymnastics and Combat Sports No

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Exhaust Systems: Fitting and Fault Diagnosis EA0W 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoExperiencing Europe D36L 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 159 HB Self Development NoExperiencing Europe D36L 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 159 HB Self Development 96014 NoExperiencing Europe D36L 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 159 HB Self Development 7340217 NoExperiencing Europe D36L 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 159 HB Self Development 7340227 NoExperiential Approaches to Early Education and Childcare DM5N 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues 61005 NoExperimental Procedures - Biology D934 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 140 RH Life Sciences 61006 NoExperimental Procedures - Chemistry D935 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 139 RD Chemistry 61007 NoExperimental Procedures - Physics D936 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 138 RC Physics 7340187 NoExperimental Procedures - Science D937 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 141 RA Science and Technology (general) 7340197 NoExpert Systems DM4H 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems 7340207 YesExpert Systems DM4H 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 358 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems 7340177 Yes

Explaining Human Behaviour: An Introduction EB05 04 Unlevelled 1.0 Unlevelled 166 PK Psychology 7340237 NoExploring Visual Images D523 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts 61513 YesExploring Visual Images - Creating D3N2 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts 61512 YesExploring Visual Images - Exploring D3N1 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts YesExploring Youth Issues EB4A 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 159 EE Social Studies NoExport Marketing Services D0XX 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 244 BB Export/Import/European Sales NoEye Enhancement F6XF 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 66 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoEye Treatments D0V1 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 66 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoFabric Crafts: Batik D0KM 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 197 JL Fabric Crafts/Soft Furnishings NoFabric Crafts: Embroidery D0H8 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 197 JL Fabric Crafts/Soft Furnishings 81226 NoFabric Crafts: Fabric Painting D0H9 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 197 JL Fabric Crafts/Soft Furnishings 81227 NoFabric Crafts: Knitting D0HA 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 197 JL Fabric Crafts/Soft Furnishings NoFabric Crafts: Weaving D0HB 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 197 JL Fabric Crafts/Soft Furnishings NoFabric Feed Mechanisms EA5N 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) NoFabricating and Maintaining Timber and Proprietary Formwork Systems: An Introduction F6PE 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 165 TG Building/Construction Operations NoFabrication and Welding D180 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 318 XE Welding/Joining YesFabrication and Welding D180 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 318 XE Welding/Joining YesFabrication and Welding Processes D158 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 218 XE Welding/Joining NoFabrication and Welding: Basic DH5D 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 218 XE Welding/Joining NoFabrication Processes F5EW 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 218 XD Metals Working/Finishing NoFabrication Processes F5F5 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 218 XD Metals Working/Finishing NoFabrication Skills F5FG11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 6 218 XD Metals Working/Finishing NoFabrication Skills: Sheet Metal D7SP 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 218 XD Metals Working/Finishing 5170005 NoFace and Body Electrotherapy: An Introduction F6XK 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 66 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoFace Painting F4C1 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 428 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoFacial Care D0V0 12 Higher 3.0 6 18 66 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoFacial Massage D0V6 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 66 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoFacial Skin Care F4P5 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 66 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoFamilies in Modern Society F01C 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 85 PN Family/Community Work/Youth Advice Work NoFantasy Hair and Make-Up F78N 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 66 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoFarm Buildings and Services E8D2 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 157 SL Agricultural/Horticultural Maintenance 5150054 NoFarm Planning E8B9 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 144 SM Rural/Agricultural Business Organisation NoFarm Woodland Management E9A3 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 145 SL Agricultural/Horticultural Maintenance NoFarming Systems D0JT 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 144 SM Rural/Agricultural Business Organisation 5150084 NoFashion and Clothing Industry: An Introduction D272 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 197 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) YesFashion and Clothing Industry: An Introduction D272 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 197 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) YesFashion and Textile Technology: Consumer Studies D494 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 197 BA Marketing/PR YesFashion and Textile Technology: Consumer Studies D494 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 197 BA Marketing/PR YesFashion and Textile Technology: Design and Make - Home Economics D275 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 197 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) YesFashion and Textile Technology: Design and Make - Home Economics D275 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 197 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) YesFashion and Textile Technology: Management of Practical Activities D493 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 197 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) 5150064 YesFashion and Textile Technology: Organisation of Practical Skills D491 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 197 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) YesFashion and Textile Technology: Organisation of Practical Skills D491 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 197 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) YesFashion and Textile Technology: Practical Research and Dissertation D279 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 197 NG Home Economics 5150074 YesFashion and Textile Technology: Product Development D495 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 197 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) 5150034 YesFashion and Textile Technology: Resource Management D496 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 197 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) 5150024 YesFashion and Textile Technology: Resource Management D496 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 197 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) 5150094 YesFashion and Textile Technology: Technology in Home Economics D04Y 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 197 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) YesFashion Design: General Principles 1 D0HV 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 197 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) NoFashion Design: General Principles 2 D0HW 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 197 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) No

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Fashion Design: General Principles 3 D0HX 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 197 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) NoFashion Merchandising D0JB 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 244 BA Marketing/PR 5250066 NoFashion Winding and Reshaping Hair D05X 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services 5250106 NoFault Diagnosis on Basic Electronic Circuits EE9K 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering NoFault Diagnosis on Complex Electronic Circuits and Systems EE9J 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering NoFault Diagnosis Techniques E7TB 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 WD Testing Measurement and Inspection NoFault Finding on Low Voltage Electrical Systems and Equipment F5DF 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 160 XJ Electrical Engineering NoFeeding and Watering Small Animals: An Introduction DV0D 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 154 SP Pets/Domestic Animal Care NoFeeding Horses and Ponies F6AH 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 437 SH Animal Husbandry NoFelling and Processing Storm Damaged Trees Using a Chainsaw EB1M 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production NoFelling and Processing Trees Using a Chainsaw EB1K 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 5150044 NoFence Construction E8AD 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 157 SL Agricultural/Horticultural Maintenance NoField Archaeology D842 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 157 DC Archaeology 5150014 NoField Archaeology D842 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 157 DC Archaeology NoField Scale Vegetable Management E8VL 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 146 SD Crop Production NoFigure Drawing D9GH 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice NoFilm Production Technology: Basic Skills D0HR 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 127 KF Film/Video Production NoFinal Drives and Drive Shafts: Condition, Assessment and Fault Diagnosis E9LK 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoFinal Drives and Drive Shafts: Removal, Replacement and Adjustment of Components E9LL 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoFinancial Accounting DF47 10 Intermediate 1 1.5 4 9 266 AK Financial Management/ Accounting YesFinancial Accounting DF47 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 266 AK Financial Management/ Accounting YesFinancial Accounting DF47 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 266 AK Financial Management/ Accounting YesFinancial Accounting DF47 13 Advanced Higher 1.5 7 12 266 AK Financial Management/ Accounting YesFinancial Accounting: An Introduction F394 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 266 AK Financial Management/ Accounting NoFinancial Analysis and Interpretation EC0N 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 266 AK Financial Management/ Accounting NoFinancial and Cost Accounting: An Introduction F5G1 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 266 AK Financial Management/ Accounting YesFinancial Appraisal of Property E86M 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 190 AK Financial Management/ Accounting NoFinancial Services: Building Positive Relationships with Customers and Colleagues DM7V 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 262 BA Marketing/PR NoFinancial Services: Call Handling DV7L 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 262 BA Marketing/PR NoFinancial Services: Communication Methods DV7E 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 262 AY Office Skills NoFinancial Services: Customer Service Standards DV7J 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 262 BA Marketing/PR NoFinancial Services: Employability Skills DM80 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 262 HB Self Development NoFinancial Services: Introduction DM7P 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 262 HC Career Change/Access NoFinancial Services: Legislation, Guidelines and Working Relationships DV7D 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 262 AJ Human Resources Management NoFinancial Services: Market, Products and Regulation F396 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 262 AL Financial Services NoFinancial Services: Performance Goals DV7G 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 262 AG Management Planning and Control Systems NoFinancial Services: Personal Development Planning DV7F 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 262 AF Management Skills NoFinancial Services: Personal Finance Awareness DM7X 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 262 HD Continuing Education (basic skills) NoFinancial Services: Promoting Products and Services DV7K 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 262 BA Marketing/PR NoFinancial Services: Regulatory Framework - An Introduction DV7C 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 262 AL Financial Services NoFinancial Services: Using Information Communications Technology DV7H 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 262 AY Office Skills 8355301 NoFinancial Skills for a Small Business DK2V 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 266 AE Enterprises 8355311 NoFinancial Skills for a Small Business: An Introduction F5G5 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 266 AE Enterprises YesFinancing a Business E95G 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 266 AK Financial Management/ Accounting 8355331 NoFinding and Keeping a Job EF7K 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HC Career Change/Access 8355341 NoFinishes for Special Effects (Wood and Metal) E85V 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 134 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture 8355351 NoFinishing Technology for Cellulosic and Synthetic Textile Fabrics and their Blends EE0R 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) 8355361 NoFire Alarm Systems, Installation and Maintenance F3P1 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 268 QJ Fire Prevention/Fire Fighting NoFirst Aid F19M 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 85 PD Paramedical Services/Supplementary Medicine NoFirst Aid F19M 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 85 PD Paramedical Services/Supplementary Medicine NoFirst Aid at Sea E8DG 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 151 PD Paramedical Services/Supplementary Medicine NoFirst Aid Measures D11E 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 85 PD Paramedical Services/Supplementary Medicine NoFish and Shellfish D0T0 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 269 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing NoFish Capture and Handling F6AN 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 437 SJ Fish Production/Fisheries NoFish Farming - Fin Fish Biology D844 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 149 SJ Fish Production/Fisheries NoFish Farming - Fin Fish Feeding and Nutrition D843 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 149 SJ Fish Production/Fisheries 7210 NoFish Farming - Fin Fish Health D845 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 149 SJ Fish Production/Fisheries 7250 NoFish Farming - Fish Farm Equipment D846 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 149 SJ Fish Production/Fisheries 7230 NoFish Farming - Fish Farm Structures D847 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 149 SJ Fish Production/Fisheries 7241 NoFish Farming - Fish Husbandry D849 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 149 SJ Fish Production/Fisheries 8350046 NoFish Farming - Live Fish Handling D848 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 149 SJ Fish Production/Fisheries 8350056 NoFish Farming - Salmonid Hatchery Operations D851 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 149 SJ Fish Production/Fisheries 8350066 NoFish Farming - Salmonid Ongrowing Operations D852 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 149 SJ Fish Production/Fisheries 8120106 No

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Fish Farming - Water Supply D854 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 149 SJ Fish Production/Fisheries 71973 NoFish Farming: Hatchery Operations (Warm Water Fin Fish) D0PK 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 149 SJ Fish Production/Fisheries 71927 NoFish Farming: Ongrowing Operations (Warm Water Fin Fish) D0PL 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 149 SJ Fish Production/Fisheries 8350174 NoFish Farming: Shellfish Production Operations D0PM 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 149 SJ Fish Production/Fisheries NoFish Farming: The Principles of Aquaculture D0PS 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 149 SJ Fish Production/Fisheries NoFish Stock Capture Operations D0PN 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 149 SJ Fish Production/Fisheries NoFisheries Management: An Introduction F6AM 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 437 SJ Fish Production/Fisheries NoFishery Operations: Angling Methods D0PP 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 149 NM Country Leisure Facilities Work NoFishery Operations: Freshwater Ecology D0PR 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 149 RH Life Sciences 61724 NoFishery Operations: Habitat Maintenance EE8X 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 149 RH Life Sciences NoFitness for the Army F5FL 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 QH Security NoFixing Plasterboard and Applying Plastering Materials: An Introduction DH28 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 173 TG Building/Construction Operations 61719 NoFlow of Orders in the Supply Chain F4T0 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 398 VB Production/Operations Management NoFlower Design and Arrangement E9KS 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 75 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales NoFluid Dynamics E7RG 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 212 XH Mechanical Engineering 61889 NoFluid Mechanics for Aeronautical Engineers E96T 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 214 RC Physics 8350104 NoFodder Crop Production D0LX 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 147 SD Crop Production 8350114 NoFoetal Development and Human Growth EA4J 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 140 RH Life Sciences 8350023 NoFood Additives D0L5 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 55 WM Food/Drink/Tobacco (industrial) 8350011 NoFood and Beverage Service Table F4SR 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 269 NB Food/Drink Services YesFood and Beverage Service: Counter F4SL 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 269 NB Food/Drink Services YesFood Fermentation D0LA 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 55 WM Food/Drink/Tobacco (industrial) 85337 NoFood for Health D9NT 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 197 NH Food Science/Technology 8350035 YesFood Hygiene Elementary DC0K 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 55 NH Food Science/Technology 8350134 NoFood Hygiene for the Hospitality Industry F792 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 197 NH Food Science/Technology YesFood Hygiene for the Hospitality Industry F792 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 197 NH Food Science/Technology YesFood Hygiene for the Hospitality Industry F792 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 197 NH Food Science/Technology YesFood Hygiene for the Hospitality Industry F792 12 Higher 1.0 6 1 197 NH Food Science/Technology YesFood Industry: An Introduction D267 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 197 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing 61821 YesFood Poisoning D0L7 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 55 NH Food Science/Technology 61823 NoFood Preparation for Healthy Eating D262 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 197 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing YesFood Preparation for Healthy Eating D262 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 197 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing YesFood Preparation for Healthy Eating D262 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 197 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing 8350154 YesFood Preparation Techniques F7DP 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 269 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing NoFood Preparation Techniques EF0E 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 269 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing 61760 NoFood Preparation Techniques: An Introduction D263 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 197 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing 61762 YesFood Preparation Techniques: An Introduction D263 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 197 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing 61758 YesFood Product Development D9NV 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 197 NH Food Science/Technology 61761 YesFood Product Development D9NV 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 197 NH Food Science/Technology 61764 YesFood Product Knowledge D289 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 269 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing 61755 NoFood Production and Presentation Skills DE2M 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 269 NF Cookery 61763 NoFood Safety for Food Handlers EF4D 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 269 NH Food Science/Technology 61765 NoFood Spoilage D0L6 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 55 NH Food Science/Technology 61766 NoFood Technology D9NW 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 197 NH Food Science/Technology 61757 YesFoods of the World D286 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 269 NF Cookery 61767 YesForage Conservation E8AM 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 147 SD Crop Production 61756 NoForensic Science: Applications F823 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 137 QH Security YesForensic Science: Practical Techniques F824 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 137 QH Security YesForest Ecology D855 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 145 RH Life Sciences 71971 NoForest Fire Protection E8CS 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 145 QJ Fire Prevention/Fire Fighting 7220 NoForest Harvesting Machinery E8V0 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 145 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery 7231 NoForest Harvesting Systems E8D1 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 145 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery NoForest Management Practice E8CL 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production NoForest Nursery Management Techniques E98K 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production NoForest Nutrition E8B2 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production NoForest Policy and Law E8CM 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 8150206 NoForest Protection E8CR 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 8150196 NoForest Roads E8CY 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 8150216 NoForest Soils D856 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 8357520 NoForest Surveying E8W9 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 8357500 NoForest Tree Planting E8TB 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 71974 NoForest Weed Control 1 E8AW 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 71972 NoForest Weed Control 2 E8AX 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 8350164 No

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Forest Weeding and Cleaning Using Hand Tools D857 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 61830 NoForestry and Multiple Land Use D858 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 71908 NoForestry Economics E8CN 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 71904 NoForestry in Britain: An Introduction D866 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 61890 NoForestry Industry in Britain: An Introduction D868 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 61892 NoForestry Research E8W0 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 71901 NoForests and Woodlands: An Introduction F6AP 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 437 SG Forestry/Timber Production NoForklift Truck Operation E8KN 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 213 ZD Freight Handling 61833 NoForming and Rectification of Structural Sections ED17 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 218 XD Metals Working/Finishing 71913 NoForming Structural Concrete: An Introduction F6LG 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 352 TG Building/Construction Operations NoFossils and Stratigraphy D251 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 136 RF Earth Sciences 71910 YesFrench For Work Purposes F3CG 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 447 FK Languages 71905 YesFrench For Work Purposes F3CG 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 447 FK Languages 71912 YesFrench For Work Purposes F3CG 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 447 FK Languages YesFrench For Work Purposes F3CG 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 447 FK Languages YesFrench: Accelerated Language - Beginners D588 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 8 FK Languages 71900 YesFrench: Extended Reading/Viewing D342 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 8 FK Languages 71902 YesFrench: Extended Reading/Viewing D342 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 8 FK Languages 71903 YesFrench: Extended Reading/Viewing D342 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 8 FK Languages 71911 YesFrench: Language D339 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 8 FK Languages 61891 YesFrench: Language D339 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 8 FK Languages 71915 YesFrench: Language D339 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 8 FK Languages 71909 YesFrench: Language in Work D338 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 8 FK Languages 71914 YesFrench: Language in Work D338 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 8 FK Languages 71917 YesFrench: Language in Work D338 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 8 FK Languages 71918 YesFrench: Language in Work D338 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 8 FK Languages 71919 YesFrench: Language in Work D338 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 8 FK Languages 71916 YesFrench: Language in Work D338 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 8 FK Languages 71906 YesFrench: Life in Another Country D562 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 FK Languages 71907 YesFrench: Personal and Social Language D336 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 8 FK Languages YesFrench: Personal Communication D340 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 8 FK Languages YesFrench: Personal Communication D340 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 8 FK Languages YesFrench: Personal Language D563 08 Access 2 1.0 3 6 8 FK Languages YesFrench: Personal Language D563 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 8 FK Languages YesFrench: Transactional Language D337 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 8 FK Languages YesFrench: Transactional Language D337 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 8 FK Languages YesFrench: Transactional Language D337 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 8 FK Languages 71804 YesFrequency Generation and Selection EF02 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering 66087 NoFront of Office Skills F59P 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AY Office Skills YesFront-of-Screen Monitor Testing EB0V 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 275 VE Industrial Control/Monitoring 1164001 NoFruit and Vegetables D0T1 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 269 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing 1163601 NoFruit Plantation Management E8VE 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 146 SD Crop Production 1163801 NoFruit Production D0JY 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 146 SD Crop Production 1163701 NoFruit Propagation D0M1 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 146 SD Crop Production 1163901 NoFunction Waiting D0T2 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 269 NB Food/Drink Services 1163050 NoFundamental Electrical Systems F5D7 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 274 XJ Electrical Engineering NoFundamental Electrical Systems F5D8 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 274 XJ Electrical Engineering NoFundamental Electronic Principles D9AF 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 160 XJ Electrical Engineering 7221 NoFundamental Electronics F5DB 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering NoFundamental Electronics F5DH 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering NoFundamentals of Cavity Walling F1JX 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 171 TG Building/Construction Operations 8357550 NoFundamentals of Floor Tiling F50X 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 175 TG Building/Construction Operations NoFundamentals of Geology EB1D 10 Intermediate 1 2.0 4 12 136 RF Earth Sciences 61770 NoFundamentals of Manufacture and Assembly Techniques D105 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 212 WA Manufacturing (general) 71967 YesFundamentals of Technology - Structures D104 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 212 RC Physics 71963 YesFundamentals of Technology: Structures EE9G 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 212 RC Physics 61775 NoFundamentals of Wall Tiling F50V 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 175 TG Building/Construction Operations NoFuneral Floristry E9KV 10 Intermediate 1 1.5 4 9 75 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales 61774 NoFurniture Construction E9G1 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 134 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture 71965 NoFurniture Construction: Traditional E85L 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 134 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture 61772 NoFurniture Drawing 1 E83V 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 134 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development 71961 NoFurniture Drawing 2 E8NP 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 134 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development 71966 NoFurniture Drawing 3 E9G2 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 134 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development 71968 No

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Furniture Fittings and Ironmongery E85K 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 134 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture 71962 NoFurniture Production: Joint Forming E9HT 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 134 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture 61773 NoFurniture Production: Planing and Moulding E9HS 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 134 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture 8120085 NoFurniture Production: Sanding E9HW 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 134 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture 8120002 NoFurniture Production: Sawing E9HR 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 134 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture 8120022 NoFurniture Production: Shaping E9HV 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 134 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture 8120042 NoFurniture: Preparation of Surfaces E85M 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 134 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture 8120032 NoGaelic (Learners) For Work Purposes F3CD 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 448 FK Languages 7240 YesGaelic (Learners) For Work Purposes F3CD 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 448 FK Languages 3240238 YesGaelic (Learners) For Work Purposes F3CD 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 448 FK Languages YesGaelic (Learners) For Work Purposes F3CD 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 448 FK Languages YesGaelic (Learners): Accelerated Language Focus D227 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 7 FK Languages 3240248 YesGaelic (Learners): Language and Individual Study DV44 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 7 FK Languages 3240258 YesGaelic (Learners): Language and Individual Study DV44 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 7 FK Languages 3240268 YesGaelic (Learners): Language and Individual Study DV44 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 7 FK Languages 3240278 YesGaelic (Learners): Listening and Speaking Skills DV42 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 7 FK Languages 3240288 YesGaelic (Learners): Listening and Speaking Skills DV42 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 7 FK Languages 3240298 YesGaelic (Learners): Listening and Speaking Skills DV42 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 7 FK Languages 8120096 YesGaelic (Learners): Listening and Speaking Skills DV42 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 7 FK Languages 71803 YesGaelic (Learners): Listening and Speaking Skills DV42 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 7 FK Languages 3240903 YesGaelic (Learners): Literature and Individual Study DV4A 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 7 FK Languages 3240703 YesGaelic (Learners): Literature and Individual Study DV4A 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 7 FK Languages 3240653 YesGaelic (Learners): Reading and Writing Skills DV43 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 7 FK Languages 3240753 YesGaelic (Learners): Reading and Writing Skills DV43 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 7 FK Languages 3240803 YesGaelic (Learners): Reading and Writing Skills DV43 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 7 FK Languages YesGaelic (Learners): Reading and Writing Skills DV43 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 7 FK Languages YesGaelic (Learners): Reading and Writing Skills DV43 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 7 FK Languages YesGaidhlig 1 - Gaidhlig Labhairte EE7B 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 6 KB Communication Skills 3311054 NoGaidhlig 1 - Gaidhlig Sgriobhte EE7F 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 6 KB Communication Skills 3240063 NoGaidhlig 2 EE7E 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 6 KB Communication Skills 3240073 NoGaidhlig 3 EE7C 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 6 KB Communication Skills 3311074 NoGaidhlig 4 EE7D 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 6 KB Communication Skills 3311064 NoGaidhlig: Communication Skills D587 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 FK Languages YesGàidhlig: Language and Culture DV4E 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 6 FK Languages YesGàidhlig: Listening and Reading Skills DV47 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 6 FK Languages YesGàidhlig: Listening and Reading Skills DV47 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 6 FK Languages YesGàidhlig: Listening and Reading Skills DV47 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 6 FK Languages YesGàidhlig: Listening and Reading Skills DV47 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 6 FK Languages YesGàidhlig: Literature and Culture DV49 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 6 FK Languages YesGàidhlig: Literature and Culture DV49 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 6 FK Languages YesGàidhlig: Literature and Culture DV49 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 6 FK Languages YesGàidhlig: Literature and Culture DV49 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 6 FK Languages YesGàidhlig: Speaking and Writing Skills DV48 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 6 FK Languages YesGàidhlig: Speaking and Writing Skills DV48 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 6 FK Languages 61800 YesGàidhlig: Speaking and Writing Skills DV48 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 6 FK Languages 61801 YesGàidhlig: Speaking and Writing Skills DV48 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 6 FK Languages 61802 YesGàidhlig: Translation Skills DV4C 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 6 FK Languages 3240043 YesGàidhlig: Writing and Literary Criticism Skills DV4D 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 6 FK Languages 3240013 YesGalactic Astronomy and Cosmology D0R4 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 151 RE Astronomy 3240453 NoGame and Poultry: Despatch and Preparation EA7R 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 143 SH Animal Husbandry 3240053 NoGame Bird Laying Stock and Egg Handling EA7T 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 143 SH Animal Husbandry 3240193 NoGame Bird Rearing EA7N 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 143 SH Animal Husbandry 3311024 NoGame Bird Releasing EA7J 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 143 SH Animal Husbandry 3311034 NoGamekeeping: Role of the Gamekeeper F6AS 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 437 SH Animal Husbandry NoGarden Centre Operations: Plant Identification, Selection and Use D3BE 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 146 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales 3240203 NoGarden Centre Operations: Plant Protection, Nutrition and Care D3BD 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 146 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales 3240643 NoGarden Centre Operations: Planting and Aftercare D3BC 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 146 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales 3240303 NoGarden Centre Operations: Retailing Skills D3BB 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 146 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales 3240103 NoGarden Centre Operations: Tools, Equipment and Sundries D3BF 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 146 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales 3240613 NoGarden Centres: Care of Plants and Selling E8BG 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 146 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales 3240143 NoGarden Centres: Design, Layout and Consumer Management E8BH 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 146 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales 3240223 NoGarden Centres: Financial Planning and Stock Management E8VA 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 146 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales 67836 NoGarment Machine Sewing Skills: Children's Wear D0RV 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) 3311084 No

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Garment Machine Sewing Skills: Gents' Light Clothing (Shirts) D0RT 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) 3240027 NoGarment Machine Sewing Skills: Ladies' Light Clothing (Bodices) D0S1 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) 3240183 NoGarment Machine Sewing Skills: Skirts D0RW 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) 3311044 NoGarment Machine Sewing Skills: Trousers D0S0 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) 3240083 NoGarment Pattern Construction for Machine Knitting: Bodice ED70 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) 67800 NoGarment Pattern Construction for Machine Knitting: Skirts ED71 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) 67811 NoGarment Pattern Construction: Children's Wear EB81 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) 67804 NoGarment Pattern Construction: Dresses EB80 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) 3311014 NoGarment Pattern Construction: Gents' Light Clothing (Shirts) EB7V 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) NoGarment Pattern Construction: Ladies' Light Clothing (Bodices) EB7S 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) 71730 NoGarment Pattern Construction: Skirts D0S2 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) 61731 NoGarment Pattern Construction: Trousers EB84 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) 61732 NoGarment Pattern Construction: Waistcoats EB7Y 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) 61733 NoGas Distribution: Breathing Apparatus E9R5 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 180 PL Occupational Health and Safety 61734 NoGas Distribution: Commissioning Procedures E9R6 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 180 TH Building Services 67810 NoGas Distribution: Corrosion Control of Metallic Gas Pipes E9R7 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 180 YC Chemicals/Materials Engineering 8120011 NoGas Distribution: Disconnection of Redundant Gas Services E9R8 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 180 TH Building Services 65607 NoGas Distribution: Flow Stopping Techniques E9R9 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 180 TH Building Services 65604 NoGas Distribution: Insertion of Polyethylene Through Existing Pipes E9RA 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 180 TH Building Services 65613 NoGas Distribution: Mains and Service Offtakes from Gas Mains E9RB 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 180 TH Building Services 65409 NoGas Distribution: Mains Testing E9RC 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 180 TH Building Services 8120062 NoGas Distribution: Metallic Mainlaying E9RD 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 180 TH Building Services 8120072 NoGas Distribution: Operation and Use of Mobile Radio E9RE 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 180 XM Telecommunications 65622 NoGas Distribution: Polyethylene Technology and Jointing Skills E9RF 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 180 TH Building Services 7211 NoGas Distribution: Repairs to Pipeline Systems E9RG 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 180 TH Building Services 8357560 NoGas Distribution: Safety and Emergency Procedures E9RH 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 180 PL Occupational Health and Safety 71978 NoGas Distribution: Service Laying E9RJ 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 180 TH Building Services NoGas Distribution: Soil Displacement Method E9RK 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 180 TH Building Services 71959 NoGas Distribution: Trench Support Systems E9RL 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 180 TH Building Services 8356792 NoGas Industry: Customer Relations E9RM 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 180 BA Marketing/PR 8356782 NoGas Industry: Firefighting E9RN 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 180 PL Occupational Health and Safety 8356802 NoGas Industry: Operation of Mechanical Plant Supportive to Gas Distribution Activities E9RP 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 180 TH Building Services 8356721 NoGas Pressure, Flow and Measurement E8MB 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 180 TH Building Services 8356821 NoGas Services: Built-In Gas Appliances E9V3 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 180 TH Building Services 8356711 NoGas Services: Catering Equipment E9TY 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 180 TH Building Services 8356772 NoGas Services: Control of Gas Pressure E9TN 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 180 TH Building Services 8356811 NoGas Services: Dealing with Gas Emergencies 1 E9TP 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 180 TH Building Services 8356751 NoGas Services: Dealing with Gas Emergencies 2 E9TR 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 180 TH Building Services 8150227 NoGas Services: Domestic Appliance Technology E9TS 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 180 TH Building Services 8150124 NoGas Services: Domestic Meters E9TT 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 180 TH Building Services 8150114 NoGas Services: Electrical Work on Domestic Gas Appliances E9TV 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 180 XJ Electrical Engineering 8150104 NoGas Services: Electrical Work on Wet Central Heating Systems E9TW 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 180 XJ Electrical Engineering 8150094 NoGas Services: Flueless Space Heaters E9V6 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 180 TH Building Services 8358010 NoGas Services: Flues and Ventilation of Domestic Gas Appliances E9TX 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 180 TH Building Services NoGas Services: Free Standing Domestic Gas Cookers E9V7 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 180 TH Building Services NoGas Services: Gas Fires E9V4 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 180 TH Building Services NoGas Services: Gas Refrigeration E9V8 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 180 TH Building Services NoGas Services: Industrial Related Studies E9V2 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 180 PL Occupational Health and Safety NoGas Services: Installation and Repair of Showers E9VA 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 180 TH Building Services NoGas Services: Installation of Flues for Domestic Gas Appliances E9VB 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 180 TH Building Services NoGas Services: Installation of Gas Central Heating Equipment E9VC 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 180 TH Building Services NoGas Services: Installation of Internal Pipework and Controls E9VD 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 180 TH Building Services NoGas Services: Instantaneous Multipoint Water Heaters E9VE 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 180 TH Building Services NoGas Services: Introduction to Electrical Work E9VG 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 180 TH Building Services NoGas Services: Introduction to the Combustion of Natural and Liquefied Petroleum Gases E9VF 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 180 TH Building Services NoGas Services: Large Scale Flue Systems and Ventilation of Non Domestic Appliance Compartments E9VH 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 180 TH Building Services NoGas Services: Layout of Domestic Internal Gas Installation E9VJ 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 180 TH Building Services NoGas Services: Layout of Non Domestic Gas Installation E9VK 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 180 TH Building Services NoGas Services: Maintenance and Repair of Wet Central Heating Equipment E9VR 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 180 TH Building Services NoGas Services: Non Domestic Gas Meters E9VM 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 180 TH Building Services NoGas Services: Pipework E9VN 10 Intermediate 1 2.0 4 12 180 TH Building Services NoGas Services: Room-Sealed Space Heaters E9V9 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 180 TH Building Services NoGas Services: Sink Water Heaters E9V5 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 180 TH Building Services No

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Gas Services: Storage Water Heaters E9VP 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 180 TH Building Services NoGas Services: Use of Tools E9VS 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 180 TH Building Services NoGas Services: Warm Air Central Heating E9TM 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 180 TH Building Services NoGas Shielded Welding Processes EE1M 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 218 XE Welding/Joining NoGathering and Providing Information (Animal Care) EB60 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 152 AY Office Skills NoGel Nails F6XJ 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 66 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoGeneral Appreciation of Interior Finishes E863 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 169 TG Building/Construction Operations NoGeneral Appreciation of Trowel Applied Finishes E862 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 173 TG Building/Construction Operations NoGeneral Appreciation of Underground Drainage E864 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 171 TH Building Services NoGeneral Building Operatives: Construction Materials E9YD 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 171 TE Construction (general) NoGeneral Building Operatives: Excavation of Trenching up to 1.5m Deep E9YE 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 171 TK Construction Site Work NoGeneral Building Operatives: Introduction to Steel Fixing E9YF 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 171 TK Construction Site Work NoGeneral Building Operatives: Kerblaying E9YG 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 171 TG Building/Construction Operations NoGeneral Building Operatives: Lifting and Handling Skills E9YH 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 171 TK Construction Site Work NoGeneral Building Operatives: Mixing, Placing, Compacting and Finishing Concrete E9YJ 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 171 TG Building/Construction Operations NoGeneral Building Operatives: Paths and Paving E9YK 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 171 TG Building/Construction Operations NoGeneral Building Operatives: Pre-cast and In Situ Concrete E9YL 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 171 TG Building/Construction Operations NoGeneral Building Operatives: Scaffolding Safety E9YM 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 171 TK Construction Site Work 7110075 NoGeneral Building Operatives: Servicing Trowel Trades E9YN 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 171 TG Building/Construction Operations 7110085 NoGeneral Building Operatives: Servicing Wood Trades E9YP 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 171 TG Building/Construction Operations 7110105 NoGeneral Building Operatives: Underground Drainage E9YR 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 171 TH Building Services 7110115 NoGeneral Building Operatives: Use of Hand and Power Tools E9YS 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 171 TG Building/Construction Operations 7110125 NoGeneral Building Operatives: Use of Small Construction Plant E9YT 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 171 TK Construction Site Work 7110135 NoGeneral Building: Cutting and Fixing Building Materials E856 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 171 TG Building/Construction Operations 7110145 NoGeneral Building: Paths and Paving E858 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 171 TG Building/Construction Operations NoGeneral Construction Operations: Assisting in Construction Operations EC8A 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 161 TG Building/Construction Operations 7110932 NoGeneral Construction Operations: Erecting and Dismantling Access Platforms (Scaffolding - Bricklaying) EC8C 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 178 TK Construction Site Work NoGeneral Construction Operations: Erecting and Dismantling Temporary Supporting Structures (Shallow TimberingEC8G 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 161 TK Construction Site Work NoGeneral Construction Operations: Excavating, Shaping and Reinstating Ground Conditions EC88 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 161 TK Construction Site Work NoGeneral Construction Operations: Installing Structural Components (Kerbs) EC8J 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 352 TK Construction Site Work NoGeneral Construction Operations: Installing Structural Components (Steelfixing) EC8K 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 171 TK Construction Site Work NoGeneral Construction Operations: Loading and Unloading Materials and Components EC87 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 161 TK Construction Site Work NoGeneral Construction Operations: Operating and Maintaining Hand Tools and Hand-held Powered Tools and EquEC8B 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 165 TG Building/Construction Operations NoGeneral Construction Operations: Providing Ground Services (Site Drainage) EC8D 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 161 TH Building Services NoGeneral Construction Operations: Providing Site Security (Hoardings, Barriers and Site Huts) EC89 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 161 TF Construction Management NoGeneral Construction Operations: Providing Surface Finishes (Concreting to Slabs, Walls, Columns and Beams) EC8F 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 161 TG Building/Construction Operations NoGeneral Construction Operations: Providing Surface Finishes (Flexible Paving) EC8H 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 352 TG Building/Construction Operations NoGeneral Construction Operations: Providing Temporary Structures (Foundations) EC8E 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 161 TK Construction Site Work NoGeneral Engineering Workshop Practice E9CW 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 275 XA Engineering/Technology (general) NoGeneral Measurement Methods D00F 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 212 WD Testing Measurement and Inspection NoGeneral Ship Knowledge: Cargo Work 1 E8DH 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 151 ZF Marine Transport NoGeneral Ship Knowledge: Cargo Work 2 E8DJ 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 151 ZF Marine Transport NoGeneral Ship Knowledge: Cargo Work 3 E8DK 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 151 ZF Marine Transport NoGeneral Ship Knowledge: Cargo Work 4 E8DL 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 151 ZF Marine Transport 7110330 NoGeneral Ship Knowledge: Class 4 E8DS 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 151 ZF Marine Transport 7110035 NoGeneral Ship Knowledge: Ship Construction 1 E8DM 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 151 XQ Ship and Boat Building/Marine/Offshore Engineering 7110045 NoGeneral Ship Knowledge: Ship Construction 2 E8DN 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 151 XQ Ship and Boat Building/Marine/Offshore Engineering 7110055 NoGeneral Ship Knowledge: Stability 1 E8DP 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 151 ZF Marine Transport 7110015 NoGeneral Ship Knowledge: Stability 2 E8DR 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 151 ZF Marine Transport 7110025 NoGenetics D13N 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 140 RH Life Sciences 7140388 NoGenetics and Adaptation D030 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 140 RH Life Sciences 7110533 YesGents' Haircutting D05L 12 Higher 3.0 6 18 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services 7351313 NoGeographical Issues DF49 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 122 RF Earth Sciences YesGeographical Methods and Techniques DF4A 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 122 RF Earth Sciences YesGeographical Study DF48 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 122 RF Earth Sciences YesGeography: Environmental Interactions DF44 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 122 RF Earth Sciences YesGeography: Environmental Interactions DF44 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 122 RF Earth Sciences YesGeography: Environmental Interactions DF44 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 122 RF Earth Sciences YesGeography: Environmental Interactions DF44 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 122 RF Earth Sciences YesGeography: Human Environments DF43 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 122 RF Earth Sciences YesGeography: Human Environments DF43 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 122 RF Earth Sciences YesGeography: Human Environments DF43 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 122 RF Earth Sciences YesGeography: Human Environments DF43 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 122 RF Earth Sciences Yes

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Geography: Physical Environments DF3C 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 122 RF Earth Sciences YesGeography: Physical Environments DF3C 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 122 RF Earth Sciences YesGeography: Physical Environments DF3C 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 122 RF Earth Sciences YesGeography: Physical Environments DF3C 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 122 RF Earth Sciences YesGeology and Scenery D1BL 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 136 RF Earth Sciences YesGeology and Scenery D244 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 136 RF Earth Sciences YesGeology and Scenery D244 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 136 RF Earth Sciences 7110815 YesGeology, People and Environment D1BK 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 136 RF Earth Sciences 7110825 YesGeology, People and Environment D245 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 136 RF Earth Sciences 7110835 YesGeology, People and Environment D245 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 136 RF Earth Sciences 7110845 YesGeology: The Study of the Earth D243 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 136 RF Earth Sciences 7110855 YesGeology: The Study of the Earth D243 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 136 RF Earth Sciences 7110942 YesGeology: The Study of the Earth D1BJ 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 136 RF Earth Sciences 7110882 YesGerman For Work Purposes F3CC 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 449 FK Languages 7110902 YesGerman For Work Purposes F3CC 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 449 FK Languages 91245 YesGerman For Work Purposes F3CC 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 449 FK Languages YesGerman For Work Purposes F3CC 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 449 FK Languages YesGerman: Accelerated Language - Beginners D589 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 9 FK Languages 7110310 YesGerman: Extended Reading/Viewing D467 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 8 FK Languages 7110320 YesGerman: Extended Reading/Viewing D467 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 9 FK Languages 7110521 YesGerman: Extended Reading/Viewing D467 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 9 FK Languages YesGerman: Language D465 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 9 FK Languages 7110892 YesGerman: Language D465 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 9 FK Languages 7110731 YesGerman: Language D465 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 9 FK Languages 7110761 YesGerman: Language in Work D464 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 9 FK Languages 7110741 YesGerman: Language in Work D464 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 9 FK Languages 7110751 YesGerman: Language in Work D464 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 9 FK Languages 7110401 YesGerman: Language in Work D464 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 9 FK Languages 7110411 YesGerman: Language in Work D464 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 9 FK Languages YesGerman: Language in Work D464 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 9 FK Languages YesGerman: Life in Another Country D564 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 FK Languages YesGerman: Personal and Social Language D462 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 9 FK Languages YesGerman: Personal Communication D466 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 9 FK Languages YesGerman: Personal Language D565 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 9 FK Languages YesGerman: Personal Language D565 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 9 FK Languages YesGerman: Transactional Language D463 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 9 FK Languages YesGerman: Transactional Language D463 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 9 FK Languages YesGerman: Transactional Language D463 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 9 FK Languages YesGift Packaging and Wrapping: Flowers and Plants D94T 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 75 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales NoGlass Reinforced Plastic Lay-up and Repair E8LY 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 WB Manufacturing/Assembly NoGlazing: Introduction to Domestic Window Glazing EA53 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 320 TG Building/Construction Operations NoGlobal Aquaculture F6TF 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 149 SJ Fish Production/Fisheries NoGolf Caddying 1: An Introduction D6Y4 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 153 MG Ball and Related Games 7110862 NoGolf Course Construction: An Introduction F6TL 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 355 SF Amenity Horticulture/Sportsgrounds NoGolf Course Design and Layout F6XM 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 355 SF Amenity Horticulture/Sportsgrounds NoGolf Course Maintenance F6TR 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 355 SF Amenity Horticulture/Sportsgrounds NoGolf Course Tournament Preparation F6TX 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 355 SF Amenity Horticulture/Sportsgrounds NoGolf Greenkeeping: Handtools and Mechanical Equipment EE3F 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 355 SF Amenity Horticulture/Sportsgrounds 8170051 NoGolf Rules, Handicapping and Etiquette: An Introduction D6DP 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 355 SF Amenity Horticulture/Sportsgrounds 8170031 NoGolf: Club Procedures, Etiquette and Rules D0PT 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 355 SF Amenity Horticulture/Sportsgrounds 8170116 NoGolf: Club Procedures, Rules and Course Preparation EE3E 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 355 SF Amenity Horticulture/Sportsgrounds NoGraphic Communication 1 D1BR 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 135 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development 8170061 YesGraphic Design: Advertising E7P3 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JC Design (non-industrial) 71923 NoGraphic Design: Book Design E8GJ 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 65 JC Design (non-industrial) NoGraphic Design: Children's Book Illustration D0J8 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JC Design (non-industrial) 81858 NoGraphic Design: Corporate Identity 2 E8GF 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 65 JC Design (non-industrial) 8170094 NoGraphic Design: Finished Artwork E7P4 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JC Design (non-industrial) NoGraphic Design: Illustration (General) E8GV 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 133 JC Design (non-industrial) NoGraphic Design: Information Graphics E8GR 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 65 JC Design (non-industrial) NoGraphic Design: Label and Packaging Design E8GK 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 65 JC Design (non-industrial) NoGraphic Design: Magazine Design E8GT 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 65 JC Design (non-industrial) 8170011 NoGraphic Design: Media Design E8GE 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 65 JC Design (non-industrial) 8170105 NoGraphic Design: Poster Design E8GG 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 65 JC Design (non-industrial) 81857 No

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Graphic Design: Technical Graphics: Architectural Illustration E8GX 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 133 JC Design (non-industrial) 81853 NoGraphic Design: Technical Graphics: Diagrammatic Illustration E8H0 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 133 JC Design (non-industrial) NoGraphic Design: Technical Graphics: Exploded and Sectional Illustration E8H1 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 133 JC Design (non-industrial) 61859 NoGraphic Design: Technical Graphics: Product Design Illustration E8H2 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 133 JC Design (non-industrial) 64317 NoGraphic Design: Technical Graphics: Scientific Illustration E8GY 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 133 JC Design (non-industrial) 61789 NoGraphic Design: Television Graphics 2 E8GM 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 65 JC Design (non-industrial) 61790 NoGraphic Reproduction: Additional Techniques for Cartography E8SV 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 37 KH Print and Publishing 7290803 NoGraphic Reproduction: Basic Techniques for Cartography E8ST 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 37 KH Print and Publishing 7110177 NoGraphic Reproduction: Camera Techniques for Poor Originals EA0J 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 37 KH Print and Publishing 7110165 NoGraphic Reproduction: Camera Techniques: Monochrome E898 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 37 KH Print and Publishing NoGraphic Reproduction: Colour Separation EA0P 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 37 KH Print and Publishing 61735 NoGraphic Reproduction: Continuous Tone Techniques: Monochrome E89A 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 37 KH Print and Publishing 61736 NoGraphic Reproduction: Electronic Colour Scanning and Electronic Page Composition EA0R 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 37 KH Print and Publishing 61737 NoGraphic Reproduction: Introduction D0JL 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 37 KH Print and Publishing 61738 NoGraphic Reproduction: Introduction to Electronic Scanning EA0H 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 37 KH Print and Publishing 61739 NoGraphic Reproduction: Originals and Image Formation E89B 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 37 KH Print and Publishing 91317 NoGraphic Reproduction: Photomontage and Printing Surface Preparation EA8Y 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 37 KH Print and Publishing 91318 NoGraphic Reproduction: Retouching E899 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 37 KH Print and Publishing 91315 NoGraphical Detailing F1AM 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 181 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development NoGraphical Engineering Communication F5FP 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 212 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development NoGraphical Engineering Communication F5JG 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 212 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development NoGrass Conservation D0JS 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 147 SD Crop Production NoGrassland Production D0M0 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 147 SD Crop Production 7110095 NoGreek and Roman Medicine D80G 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 120 DB History 7110155 YesGreek Drama D80E 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 120 FC Literature 67922 YesGreek Drama D80E 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 120 FC Literature 77927 YesGrooming and Care of the Stabled Horse E9T7 10 Intermediate 1 1.5 4 9 148 SH Animal Husbandry 67925 NoGroup Dance Performance D650 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 132 LB Dance 67920 YesGrowing Plants D025 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 140 SD Crop Production 67921 YesGrowing Plants D025 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 140 SD Crop Production 67924 YesGuidance: Investigating Career Opportunities EA1V 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 159 HC Career Change/Access 67926 NoGuidance: On-Going EA1W 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 159 HB Self Development 71925 NoGuidance: Options and Choices E9FL 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 159 HB Self Development 71926 NoGuidance: Pre-Exit EA1X 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 159 HB Self Development NoGuided Study at Sea E8EG 12 Higher 4.0 6 24 151 ZF Marine Transport NoGundog Care and Handling E8WR 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 143 SH Animal Husbandry 77949 NoHabitat Assessment D859 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 157 QA Environmental Protection/Conservation 77948 NoHaematology E8X0 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 321 PB Medical Sciences 8190051 NoHair Colouring and Lightening F78P 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoHair Colouring: Special Effects D8VM 12 Higher 3.0 6 18 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services 67941 NoHair Colouring: Theory and Practice D8VN 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services 8190011 NoHair Extensions D0VL 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services 67943 NoHair, Beauty and Make-Up Portfolio Presentation F4C7 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 66 JC Design (non-industrial) NoHair, Beauty and Make-up: Competition Technical Skills F4BV 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 66 JC Design (non-industrial) NoHair, Beauty and Make-Up:Personal Care and Appearance F4C5 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 66 HJ Personal Health/Fitness/Appearance NoHaircutting - Creative Styling D05N 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services 8190031 NoHairdressing Composite Skills EF5L 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services 67940 NoHairdressing: An Activity Approach DV2X 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HC Career Change/Access 8190021 NoHairdressing: Creative Trends F346 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 404 HL Hair/Personal Care Services 67944 NoHairdressing: Creativity DX0P10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 404 HC Career Change/Access 8190062 NoHairdressing: Employability Skills DX0K 1 0 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 404 HC Career Change/Access 67942 NoHairdressing: Introduction to Colour F345 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 404 HL Hair/Personal Care Services 67962 NoHairdressing: Salon Awareness DX0M 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 404 HL Hair/Personal Care Services 67965 NoHairdressing: Salon Skills F344 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 404 HL Hair/Personal Care Services 67955 NoHairdressing: Working in a Salon Environment F343 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 404 HL Hair/Personal Care Services 67960 NoHairdressing: Working in the Salon DX0N 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 404 HL Hair/Personal Care Services 67961 NoHalf Brick Walling: An Introduction F1JS 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 171 TG Building/Construction Operations 67964 NoHand Care: Gents F50G 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoHand Drainage E9SY 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 145 TL Civil Engineering 67958 NoHand Knitting: Complex Patterns E88C 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 JL Fabric Crafts/Soft Furnishings 67959 NoHand Sewing Skills E88J 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) 67956 NoHand Tools and Machinery: Brass Instruments E803 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology 67957 NoHand Tools and Machinery: Stringed Instruments E802 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology 67971 No

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Catalogue of National Qualifications-National Units

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Hand Tools and Machinery: Woodwind Instruments E801 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology 67972 NoHandle Mail ED5H 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 363 AY Office Skills 77983 NoHandling Business Documents F59W 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AY Office Skills YesHandling Money D9ET 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 RB Mathematics 67975 YesHandling Stock EB5N 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 269 BF Physical Distribution 67977 NoHandling Wages and Salaries D0WL 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AK Financial Management/ Accounting 77982 NoHandspinning EB0P 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 JL Fabric Crafts/Soft Furnishings 67974 NoHard Landscaping E9L6 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 146 TD Building Design/Architecture 67970 NoHatchery Management E8VS 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 148 SH Animal Husbandry 67976 NoHatching Egg Production E8CD 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 148 SH Animal Husbandry 67978 No

Health and Exercise D1A3 04 Unlevelled 1.0 Unlevelled 85 PA Health Care Management/Health Studies 67973 YesHealth and Food Technology: Consumer Studies D269 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 197 BA Marketing/PR 67979 YesHealth and Food Technology: Consumer Studies D269 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 197 BA Marketing/PR 67980 YesHealth and Food Technology: Management of Practical Activities D268 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 197 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing 67986 YesHealth and Food Technology: Practical Research and Dissertation D0F5 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 197 NG Home Economics 8190071 YesHealth and Food Technology: Product Development D270 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 197 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) 67915 YesHealth and Food Technology: Resource Management D271 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 197 AG Management Planning and Control Systems 67914 YesHealth and Food Technology: Resource Management D271 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 197 NH Food Science/Technology 67919 YesHealth and Food Technology: Technology in Home Economics D265 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 197 NA Hotel/Catering (general) 67917 YesHealth and Safety at Work D11P 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 104 PL Occupational Health and Safety 67918 NoHealth and Safety at Work for Assisting Worker with Horses E9T8 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 148 SL Agricultural/Horticultural Maintenance 67916 NoHealth and Safety at Work for Forestry Workers E9T0 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 145 SL Agricultural/Horticultural Maintenance NoHealth and Safety for Babies and Young Children D277 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 197 PH Nursing 67908 YesHealth and Safety for Babies and Young Children D277 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 197 PH Nursing 8190041 YesHealth and Safety for Care F17V 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 82 PL Occupational Health and Safety 67911 NoHealth and Safety in the Construction Industry F3JA 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TE Construction (general) NoHealth and Safety in the Provision of Sporting Activities D680 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 67907 NoHealth and Safety in the Provision of Sporting Activities: An Introduction D683 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 67909 NoHealth and Safety in the Work Environment D11M 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 104 PL Occupational Health and Safety 67910 NoHealth and Safety in the Work Place D11R 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 212 PL Occupational Health and Safety 67906 No

Health and Safety Security Installation Practices EG1K 04 Unlevelled 1.0 Unlevelled 268 PL Occupational Health and Safety NoHealth and Safety: Engineering F5DG 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 104 XA Engineering/Technology (general) NoHealth and Technology D023 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 140 PE Medical Technology/Pharmacology YesHealth and Technology D023 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 140 PE Medical Technology/Pharmacology YesHealth Care for Small Animals: An Introduction DV0C 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 154 SP Pets/Domestic Animal Care NoHealth Choices D0MN 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 159 HJ Personal Health/Fitness/Appearance NoHealth Choices D0MN 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 159 HJ Personal Health/Fitness/Appearance 61706 NoHealth Promotion EF53 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 85 PA Health Care Management/Health Studies 61707 NoHealth Promotion F1RG 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 85 PA Health Care Management/Health Studies 61726 NoHealth Sector: An Introduction F58P 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 6 6 426 PA Health Care Management/Health Studies NoHealth Sector: Health Awareness F598 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 6 6 426 PA Health Care Management/Health Studies NoHealth Sector: Life Sciences Industry F59A 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 6 3 426 RH Life Sciences NoHealth Sector: Roles and Responsibilities F58R 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 6 6 426 PA Health Care Management/Health Studies NoHealth Sector: Working Safely F599 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 6 3 426 PL Occupational Health and Safety NoHealth, Safety and Protection Issues in Care Settings F1C8 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 407 PL Occupational Health and Safety NoHealth, Safety and Welfare in the Building Services Engineering Industry F1AJ 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 104 XA Engineering/Technology (general) NoHealth, Safety and Wellbeing of children and Young People in a Sport Environment F7JJ 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 459 PL Occupational Health and Safety NoHealthy Basic Cooking DC9K 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 NF Cookery YesHealthy Basic Cooking - Make a Snack DM52 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 NF Cookery 7202 YesHealthy Basic Cooking - Planning a Meal D2SL 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 NF Cookery YesHealthy Basic Cooking - Producing a Meal D2SM 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 NF Cookery YesHealthy Basic Cooking - Reviewing the Production of a Meal D2SP 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 NF Cookery YesHealthy Basic Cooking - Using a Cooker/Microwave D2SN 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 NF Cookery YesHealthy Basic Cooking: Introduction to Kitchen Routines DE67 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 NF Cookery YesHealthy Basic Cooking: Producing a One Course Cooked Meal DE6A 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 NF Cookery 80115 YesHealthy Basic Cooking: Producing a One Course Cooked, One Course Uncooked Meal DE6C 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 NF Cookery YesHealthy Basic Cooking: Producing a Two Course Cooked Meal DE6D 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 NF Cookery YesHealthy Basic Cooking: Producing an Uncooked Meal DE69 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 NF Cookery YesHealthy Basic Cooking: Use of Small Electrical Equipment DE68 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 NF Cookery YesHealthy Cookery F4SS 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 269 NF Cookery YesHealthy Cooking F399 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 197 NF Cookery Yes

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Catalogue of National Qualifications-National Units

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Healthy Eating in a Care Setting F1P1 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 82 NH Food Science/Technology 80111 NoHealthy Living D04D 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HJ Personal Health/Fitness/Appearance YesHealthy Living - Healthy Living in the Home D3KC 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HJ Personal Health/Fitness/Appearance YesHealthy Living - Identifying Healthy Living Principles D3K9 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HJ Personal Health/Fitness/Appearance YesHealthy Living - Key Tasks D3KB 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HJ Personal Health/Fitness/Appearance 80112 YesHealthy Living - Personal Healthy Living D3KA 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HJ Personal Health/Fitness/Appearance YesHeat Conversion Operations: Food D0LB 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 55 WM Food/Drink/Tobacco (industrial) NoHeat Emitters E8P5 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 181 XH Mechanical Engineering NoHeat Transfer EC1D 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 225 RC Physics 80113 NoHeat Transfer Equipment E8PC 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 181 XH Mechanical Engineering NoHeating and Plumbing Technology F1AT 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 405 XH Mechanical Engineering NoHeating and Process Pipe Sizing E8ML 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 181 XH Mechanical Engineering NoHeating and Ventilating Controls E8P9 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 181 XH Mechanical Engineering NoHeating and Ventilating: Building Heat Requirements E8MH 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 181 XH Mechanical Engineering NoHeating and Ventilating: Fuels and Combustion E8MM 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 181 XH Mechanical Engineering NoHeating and Ventilating: Materials and Components E8MF 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 181 XH Mechanical Engineering 80114 NoHeating and Ventilating: Services Provision E8MJ 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 181 XH Mechanical Engineering NoHeating and Ventilating: Steam Systems E8MK 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 181 XH Mechanical Engineering NoHeating and Ventilating: Ventilation and Air Conditioning E8MG 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 181 XH Mechanical Engineering 80110 NoHeating Systems 1 E8PA 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 181 TH Building Services 61264 NoHeating Systems 2 E8PB 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 181 TH Building Services 7213 NoHeating Technology: Drawing and Design E9MR 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 177 TD Building Design/Architecture 61335 NoHeavy Mobile Plant and PSV Electrical Unit Test and Reclamation: Alternators E7V5 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 VG Engineering Services 61336 NoHeavy Mobile Plant and PSV Electrical Unit Test and Reclamation: Starter Motors E7V6 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 VG Engineering Services NoHeavy Plant Full Power Steering and Brakes E8K1 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 VG Engineering Services 7290553 NoHeritage Gardening - Design and Use of Plant Collections D861 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 145 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales 7290533 NoHeritage Gardening - Practical Plantsmanship D862 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 145 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales 7290543 NoHeritage Gardening - Scottish Gardens D863 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 145 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales 7290563 NoHeritage Gardening: An Introduction D860 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 145 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales NoHill Grazing Management E8V3 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 147 SD Crop Production NoHistorical Research F3GA 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 123 DB History 61256 YesHistorical Special Topic D258 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 123 DB History 61257 YesHistorical Study D259 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 123 DB History YesHistorical Study - European and World D256 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 123 DB History 7290503 YesHistorical Study - European and World D256 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 123 DB History 7290513 YesHistorical Study - European and World D256 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 123 DB History YesHistorical Study - European and World D256 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 123 DB History YesHistorical Study - Options D257 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 123 DB History YesHistorical Study - Options D257 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 123 DB History YesHistorical Study - Options D257 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 123 DB History YesHistorical Study - Scottish and British D255 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 123 DB History YesHistorical Study - Scottish and British D255 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 123 DB History YesHistorical Study - Scottish and British D255 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 123 DB History YesHistorical Study - Scottish and British D255 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 123 DB History YesHistory and Development of British Sign Language (BSL) EG2W 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 2 HG Disabled People: Skills/Facilities 61250 NoHistory and Development of Instruments of the Modern Orchestra E7YJ 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 63 LF Music History/Theory NoHistory and Development of the Modern Piano E7YH 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 63 LF Music History/Theory 7204 NoHistory of Art: c.1750 to c.1850 D17J 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts NoHistory of Art: c.1850 to c.1914 D17K 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts NoHistory of Art: c.1914 to c.1960 D17L 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts 61291 NoHistory of Art: c.4000BC to c.500AD EA6F 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts NoHistory of Construction E8N2 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 161 TE Construction (general) NoHistory of Dance D651 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 132 LB Dance NoHistory of Furniture E83W 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 134 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture NoHistory of the Earth D1BM 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 136 RF Earth Sciences YesHistory of the Earth D8XL 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 136 RF Earth Sciences 7290523 YesHIV and Hepatitis B: An introduction D10N 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 85 PH Nursing NoHIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C Infections DM5T 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 85 PH Nursing NoHIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C Infections DM5T 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 85 PH Nursing NoHoliday Destinations DM4J 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 192 NK Tourism/Travel YesHoliday Issues DM4G 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 192 NK Tourism/Travel YesHoliday Planning DM4E 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 192 NK Tourism/Travel YesHolistic Approaches to Child Health DM40 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 84 PA Health Care Management/Health Studies No

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Catalogue of National Qualifications-National Units

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Home and Allotment Gardening D864 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 146 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales NoHorse Care: Stable and Grass Routine F6T6 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 154 SH Animal Husbandry NoHorse Clothing E9T9 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 148 MH Country/Animal Sports NoHorse Clothing and Saddlery E8WH 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 148 WJ Leather Footwear and Fur NoHorse Grooming and Care E8WD 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 148 SH Animal Husbandry 61261 NoHorse Handling E8WB 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 148 SH Animal Husbandry 7290633 NoHorse Health E9TA 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 148 SH Animal Husbandry NoHorses:Basic Handling F6SW 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 154 SH Animal Husbandry NoHorticultural Machinery and Hand Tool Sharpening E9CK 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 234 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery NoHorticultural Machinery for Grass Maintenance E9CL 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 234 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery NoHorticultural Machinery: General E9CM 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 234 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery 7290573 NoHorticultural Skills F6AV 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 437 SA Agriculture/Horticulture (general) NoHospitality Administration D294 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 269 AY Office Skills 7290583 NoHospitality Costing D670 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 269 NA Hotel/Catering (general) NoHospitality Events F3J3 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 406 NA Hotel/Catering (general) NoHospitality Front Office Skills F4SP 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 269 ND Hospitality Services YesHospitality Front Office Skills F7E2 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 269 ND Hospitality Services YesHospitality Reception and Marketing D295 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 269 ND Hospitality Services NoHospitality: Developing Skills for Working in Hospitality F3J0 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 406 NA Hotel/Catering (general) 7290401 NoHospitality: Developing Skills for Working in the Professional Kitchen F3J1 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 406 NA Hotel/Catering (general) 7290411 NoHospitality: Front of House Operations F3J2 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 406 NA Hotel/Catering (general) 7290421 NoHospitality: Introduction to Events F19K 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 406 NA Hotel/Catering (general) 7290431 NoHospitality: Organisation of Practical Skills D9NL 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 197 NF Cookery 7290441 YesHospitality: Organisation of Practical Skills D9NL 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 269 NF Cookery 7290451 YesHospitality: Organisation of Practical Skills F7DH 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 269 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing YesHospitality: Working Front of House F19J 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 406 NA Hotel/Catering (general) 7290461 NoHospitality: Working in the Hospitality Industry F19E 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 406 NA Hotel/Catering (general) 7290471 NoHospitality: Working in the Professional Kitchen F19G 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 406 NA Hotel/Catering (general) 7290481 NoHot and Cold Water Systems: An Introduction F1L7 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 177 TH Building Services 7290603 NoHot Water Systems and Water Heaters EB2W 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 177 TH Building Services 61263 NoHotel Law for Reception and Front Office Staff D671 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 194 EC Law 61259 NoHousekeeping: An Activity Approach DV2W 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HC Career Change/Access 7290613 No

Housing Administration 1 E95N 04 Unlevelled 1.0 Unlevelled 80 AC Public Administration 7290623 No

Housing Administration 2 E95P 04 Unlevelled 1.0 Unlevelled 80 AC Public Administration NoHousing Construction 1 E95M 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TF Construction Management NoHousing Construction 2 E9C7 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TF Construction Management NoHow a Supply Chain Works F4SX 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 398 VB Production/Operations Management NoHuman Anatomy, Physiology and Physical Activities F40E 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 RH Life Sciences YesHuman Body Function for Care Support Workers: An Introduction D1CW 10 Intermediate 1 1.5 4 9 140 RH Life Sciences NoHuman Development and Activities of Living D1CT 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 140 RH Life Sciences 61262 NoHuman Development for the Home Care Worker: An Introduction D3H3 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 82 PN Family/Community Work/Youth Advice Work NoHuman Development: 0 - Puberty E9D8 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues 64901 NoHuman Physiological Processes DC4D 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 140 RH Life Sciences 64900 NoHuman Physiology in the Development of Performance D681 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 81660 NoHuman Physiology in the Development of Performance: An Introduction D9VG 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 81661 NoHuman Physiology in the Development of Personal Performance: An Introduction D8XJ 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoHuman Resources: Administration F5AG 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 363 AJ Human Resources Management YesHumanism F576 10 Intermediate 1 1 6 6 119 DA Humanities YesHumanism F33F 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 119 DA Humanities YesHusbandry and Maintenance of Laboratory Animals D36Y 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 154 SN Veterinary Services NoHydraulic Systems Theory, Design and Servicing E98W 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 225 XH Mechanical Engineering NoHydrostatics E7RF 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 212 RC Physics NoHygiene in the Home E9P6 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 197 NG Home Economics 61354 NoIdentification of Individual Learning Needs EE70 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 242 GB Teaching/Training NoIdentifying Opportunities: Recognising Entrepreneurial Activity D0Y9 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 243 AB Management (general) 91350 NoIllumination and Emergency Lighting F5FR 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 160 XJ Electrical Engineering NoIllustration and Presentation D1BT 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 135 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development 91351 YesIllustrative Sculpture EE2B 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice NoIllustrative Sculpture: Found Objects EE2A 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice NoImage, Branding and Packaging D0XR 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 244 BA Marketing/PR NoImmediate Dentures D0KC 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 96 PF Dental Services No

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Catalogue of National Qualifications-National Units

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Imparting Shape to Sheet Metal Components EE9E 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 218 XD Metals Working/Finishing NoImplementation of Farm Plans E8BY 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 144 SM Rural/Agricultural Business Organisation NoImplementing a Public Relations Campaign D0YA 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 244 BA Marketing/PR YesImplementing Customer Care D296 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 269 BA Marketing/PR No

Improvised Drama D1A6 04 Unlevelled 1.0 Unlevelled 131 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts YesIn-Car Entertainment (ICE) Equipment, Installation and Testing E7V3 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XN Electrical/Electronic Servicing NoIncubation and Hatchery Practice EA7K 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 148 SH Animal Husbandry NoIndividual Performance in Sport: Analysis and Evaluation F79E 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 459 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoIndividual Performance in Sport: Codes of Conduct F79C 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 459 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoIndividual Sporting Performance F79D 12 Higher 2 6 12 459 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoInduction E94B 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 159 HB Self Development NoInduction Course E8EJ 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 151 ZF Marine Transport NoIndustrial CNC Machining F5D9 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 295 XF Tools/Machining NoIndustrial CNC Machining F5HT 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 295 XF Tools/Machining NoIndustrial CNC Part Programming F5HV 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 6 6 295 XF Tools/Machining NoIndustrial Measurement and Control ED6T 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 232 VE Industrial Control/Monitoring NoIndustrial Photography E95C 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 129 KE Photography 84936 NoIndustrial Pipework Installation 1 E8PD 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 181 TH Building Services 8230011 NoIndustrial Pipework Installation 2: Air Handling Equipment E8PE 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 181 TH Building Services 8230021 NoIndustrial Pipework Installation 3: Boiler House Equipment E8PF 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 181 TH Building Services 8230041 NoIndustrial Pipework Installation 4: Compressed Air E8PG 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 181 TH Building Services 91356 NoIndustrial Plant E7WD 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 225 VG Engineering Services 91357 NoIndustrial Plant Insulation E9N0 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 182 XH Mechanical Engineering 91358 NoIndustrial Processes E7WE 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 225 WA Manufacturing (general) NoIndustrial Processes Project EC1A 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 225 VE Industrial Control/Monitoring 7290026 NoIndustrial Relations in the Workplace D0VN 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 241 AJ Human Resources Management 7290036 NoIndustrial Science 1 EC18 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 225 RC Physics 7290046 NoIndustrial Science 2 EC19 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 225 RC Physics 7290056 NoIndustrial Studies for Textiles EE03 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) 7290756 NoInformation and Communication Technology F3GC 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 341 CD Using Software and Operating Systems 7290386 YesInformation and Communication Technology F3GC 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 341 CD Using Software and Operating Systems 7290816 YesInformation and Communication Technology F3GC 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 341 CD Using Software and Operating Systems 7290076 YesInformation and Communication Technology F3GC 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 341 CD Using Software and Operating Systems 7290176 YesInformation and Communication Technology F3GC 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 341 CD Using Software and Operating Systems 7290276 YesInformation and the Internet DF36 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 357 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems 7290066 YesInformation Handling Skills DF9J 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems 7290186 YesInformation in Business EF3K 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 254 CX Information Work/Information Use 7290286 NoInformation Literacy Skills F1P3 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CX Information Work/Information Use 7290396 YesInformation Systems EB0L 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 358 CY Information Systems/Management 7290826 NoInformation Systems Interfaces DV51 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 358 CY Information Systems/Management 7290086 YesInformation Technology for Administrators DM3R 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 363 AY Office Skills 7290096 YesInformation Technology for Administrators DM3R 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AY Office Skills 7290206 YesInformation Technology for Management DM3V 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 363 AY Office Skills 7290306 YesInformation Technology: Office Applications EE4L 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 363 AY Office Skills 7290846 NoInformation Technology: Office Applications EE4L 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 363 CX Information Work/Information Use 7290106 NoInformation Technology: Office Applications EE4L 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 CX Information Work/Information Use 7290216 NoInput and Retrieve Data using a Computer System ED82 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 262 CY Information Systems/Management 7290316 NoInspecting Plant and Equipment to Identify Defects EB8Y 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 225 WD Testing Measurement and Inspection 7290676 NoInspection - Non-Destructive Testing Skills D159 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 218 WD Testing Measurement and Inspection 7290856 NoInspection and Testing of Electrical Installations F5FT 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 160 XJ Electrical Engineering NoInspection and Testing of Electrical Installations F5FS 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 160 XJ Electrical Engineering NoInspection: Non-Destructive Testing Skills EE9D 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 275 WD Testing Measurement and Inspection 7290116 NoInspection: Principles of Non-Destructive Testing EE20 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 218 WD Testing Measurement and Inspection 7290226 NoInstall and Connect Domestic Plumbing Appliances: An Introduction F1L9 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 177 TH Building Services 7290326 NoInstallation of AC Induction Motors F5DA 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 274 XJ Electrical Engineering NoInstallation of Cable Tray and MI Systems F5FW 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 160 XJ Electrical Engineering NoInstallation of Cable Tray and MI Systems F5FV 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 160 XJ Electrical Engineering NoInstallation of Conduit Systems F5FY 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 160 XJ Electrical Engineering NoInstallation of Conduit Systems F5FX 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 160 XJ Electrical Engineering NoInstallation of PVC Sheathed Wiring Systems F5HX 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 160 XJ Electrical Engineering NoInstallation of PVC Sheathed Wiring Systems F5HW 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 160 XJ Electrical Engineering NoInstallation of Trunking Systems F5J0 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 160 XJ Electrical Engineering No

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Installation of Trunking Systems F5HY 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 160 XJ Electrical Engineering NoInstalling Domestic Drainage Systems: An Introduction F6LD 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 352 TH Building Services NoInstalling Finishing Components for Ceiling Cavity Barriers and Services EB9S 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 179 TG Building/Construction Operations 7290126 NoInstalling Finishing Components to the Structural Fabric: Complex Non-standard Suspended Integrated Ceilings ED00 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 179 TG Building/Construction Operations 7290236 NoInstalling Finishing Components to the Structural Fabric: Suspended Ceilings EB9R 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 179 TG Building/Construction Operations 7290336 NoInstalling Protective Barriers: Fire, Smoke, Sound and Thermal Insulation EC9Y 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 179 TH Building Services 7290696 NoInstrumental Chemical Analysis EC2X 13 Advanced Higher 0.5 7 4 139 RD Chemistry 7290876 NoInstrumentation and Measurement Techniques ED6R 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 232 WD Testing Measurement and Inspection 7290136 NoInstrumentation of Processes EC1F 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 225 WD Testing Measurement and Inspection 7290746 NoInsurance: Law D0W7 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 261 AL Financial Services 7290346 NoInsurance: Life and Health D0W6 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 261 AL Financial Services 7290706 NoInsurance: Procedures and Documents D0W4 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 261 AL Financial Services 7290886 NoInsurance: Risk and Market D0W5 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 261 AL Financial Services 7290146 NoIntegrated Circuit Applications E9S7 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering 7290246 NoIntegrated Production Cookery F7DV 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 269 NF Cookery YesIntegrated Production Cookery 3 D0TG 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 269 NF Cookery 7290716 NoIntegrated Restaurant Service D0N6 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 269 NC Catering Services 7290896 NoIntegrative Study: Built Environment E825 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 177 TD Building Design/Architecture 7290926 NoIntensive Vegetable Management E8VM 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 146 SD Crop Production 7290936 NoInteracting in a Community Setting F382 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HD Continuing Education (basic skills) YesInteracting in a Familiar Setting F381 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HD Continuing Education (basic skills) YesInteracting with Customers D441 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 192 NK Tourism/Travel 7290946 NoInterfacing and Control D977 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 357 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems 7290956 NoInterior Landscaping EA74 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 146 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales 7290966 NoInterior Planning and Basic Design Principles D0H7 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 TJ Interior Design/Fitting/Decoration NoInternal Combustion Heat Engines D153 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoInternational Issues DV54 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 124 FB Culture/Gender/Folklore YesInternational Issues DV54 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 124 FB Culture/Gender/Folklore YesInternational Issues DV54 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 124 FB Culture/Gender/Folklore YesInternational Issues DV54 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 124 FB Culture/Gender/Folklore YesInternational Morse Code 1 E7SP 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 151 XM Telecommunications NoInternational Morse Code 2 E7ST 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 151 XM Telecommunications NoInternational Morse Code 3 E7SW 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 151 XM Telecommunications NoInternet Applications DF35 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 357 CE Text/Graphics/Multimedia Presentation Software YesInternet Safety F0H5 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 357 CD Using Software and Operating Systems 7290166 YesInternet: Basics D3HF 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 358 CD Using Software and Operating Systems 7290256 YesInterpreting Chemical Reactions EA46 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 139 RD Chemistry 7290726 NoInterviewer Skills D0VR 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 241 AF Management Skills 7290916 NoIntroducing Biological Cells EB34 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 140 RH Life Sciences 7290156 NoIntroducing Biotechnology D13H 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 140 RH Life Sciences 7290266 NoIntroducing Chemical Engineering: Process Calculations EF5C 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 322 YC Chemicals/Materials Engineering 7290376 NoIntroducing Ecological Investigations EA3G 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 157 RH Life Sciences 7290736 NoIntroducing Ecological Principles EA3F 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 157 RH Life Sciences 7290906 NoIntroducing Flowering Plants EA3H 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 140 RH Life Sciences NoIntroducing Metals and Electrochemistry EA43 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 139 RD Chemistry NoIntroducing Microbiological Techniques EA3M 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 140 RH Life Sciences NoIntroducing Microbiology D13J 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 140 RH Life Sciences NoIntroducing Petrochemicals and Fertiliser Chemistry EA44 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 139 RD Chemistry NoIntroducing Quantitative Chemistry EB76 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 139 RD Chemistry NoIntroducing Reproduction and Inheritance D13G 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 140 RH Life Sciences NoIntroducing Science EA48 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 141 RA Science and Technology (general) NoIntroducing Science Investigation Skills D0RE 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 141 RA Science and Technology (general) NoIntroduction to Administrative Law D0WE 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 260 EC Law NoIntroduction to Aeration EB3E 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 56 WM Food/Drink/Tobacco (industrial) 8230031 NoIntroduction to Agricultural and Horticultural Microbiology D0LV 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 153 SB Agricultural Sciences 91647 NoIntroduction to Apiculture E8W1 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 146 SH Animal Husbandry 64925 NoIntroduction to Astro-Dynamics D0R5 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 151 RE Astronomy 64928 NoIntroduction to Astronomical Measurement D0R6 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 151 RE Astronomy 64927 NoIntroduction to Astronomy D0R7 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 151 RE Astronomy 84937 NoIntroduction to Astrophysics D0R8 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 151 RE Astronomy 64917 NoIntroduction to Banking Practice D0XG 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 266 AL Financial Services 64916 NoIntroduction to Basic Semi-Conductor Manufacturing Procedures EB2A 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering 64915 NoIntroduction to Budgeting and Finance for Care D11F 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 266 AL Financial Services No

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Introduction to Building Craft Science E973 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 161 RC Physics NoIntroduction to Cake Decoration D0RM 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 56 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing NoIntroduction to Chemistry EB75 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 139 RD Chemistry NoIntroduction to Chilling and Freezing of Foods D0N8 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 55 WM Food/Drink/Tobacco (industrial) 64929 NoIntroduction to Close-up Photography D16W 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 129 KE Photography 64904 NoIntroduction to Cogen ED0Y 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 AG Management Planning and Control Systems 64905 NoIntroduction to Computer Aided Manufacture E8LL 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 295 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development 64934 NoIntroduction to Computer Animation D6RC 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 357 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems 64935 YesIntroduction to Computer Application Packages E946 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 358 CH Software for Specific Applications/Industries 64902 NoIntroduction to Computer Hardware E8FA 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 357 CA Computer Technology 64903 NoIntroduction to Computer Hardware: Practitioners EB4N 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 357 CA Computer Technology 64911 NoIntroduction to Computer Programming: Practitioners EB4V 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 357 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems 64908 NoIntroduction to Computer Programming: Using a Scripting Language EG2L 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 357 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems 64906 NoIntroduction to Computer Programming-BASIC E9AY 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 357 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems 64907 NoIntroduction to Computer Programming-FORTRAN E9B2 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 357 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems 8230098 NoIntroduction to Computer Programming-PASCAL E9B3 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 357 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems 8230072 NoIntroduction to Computer Software E945 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 357 CD Using Software and Operating Systems 64930 NoIntroduction to Computer Software: Operation and Maintenance EB28 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 357 CD Using Software and Operating Systems 8230052 NoIntroduction to Computers E944 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 357 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems 64924 NoIntroduction to Construction 1 E81E 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 161 TE Construction (general) 64923 NoIntroduction to Construction 2 E81F 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 161 TE Construction (general) 8230062 NoIntroduction to Construction Procedures E986 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 161 TE Construction (general) 8230088 NoIntroduction to Consumer and Investor Protection D0W9 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 260 BC Retailing/Wholesaling/Distributive Trades 64909 NoIntroduction to Contemporary Studies EA1Y 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 159 HB Self Development 64910 NoIntroduction to Control Systems EE9C 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 232 VE Industrial Control/Monitoring 64913 NoIntroduction to Cookery Processes EF0H 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 269 NF Cookery 64918 NoIntroduction to Counselling EF4J 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 369 PM Social Care/Social Work Skills 64922 NoIntroduction to Crafts E876 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 197 JF Crafts: Leisure/General 64920 NoIntroduction to Crops and Soils D0LS 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 147 SB Agricultural Sciences 64921 No

Introduction to Dance E8XJ 04 Unlevelled 1.0 Unlevelled 132 LB Dance 64919 NoIntroduction to Decorative Skills E866 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 169 TG Building/Construction Operations NoIntroduction to Deer Biology EA7M 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 143 RH Life Sciences NoIntroduction to Display D0SN 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 244 BC Retailing/Wholesaling/Distributive Trades NoIntroduction to Domestic Heating Systems EB33 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 177 TH Building Services NoIntroduction to Domestic Machine Knitting ED76 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) NoIntroduction to Downhole Techniques EF6A 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 53 YB Oil and Gas Operations NoIntroduction to Dynamics E9CF 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 212 RC Physics NoIntroduction to Electronic Music Systems EA68 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 63 LH Music Performance NoIntroduction to Estate Maintenance EE90 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 157 SL Agricultural/Horticultural Maintenance NoIntroduction to Fabrication and Joining Processes EE9W 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 218 XE Welding/Joining NoIntroduction to Farm Building Maintenance EE8Y 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 157 SL Agricultural/Horticultural Maintenance NoIntroduction to Fashion D0JA 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 298 BC Retailing/Wholesaling/Distributive Trades NoIntroduction to Fashion Design EG2Y 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) NoIntroduction to Flour EB3C 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 56 WM Food/Drink/Tobacco (industrial) NoIntroduction to Food Manufacture D0L4 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 55 WM Food/Drink/Tobacco (industrial) NoIntroduction to Food Preparation Techniques EF0J 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 269 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing 5160215 NoIntroduction to Forest Harvesting E8AY 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 5160195 NoIntroduction to Foundry Moulding Methods E7WH 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 47 YD Metallurgy/Metals Production NoIntroduction to Foundry Patternmaking Methods E7WG 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 47 YD Metallurgy/Metals Production NoIntroduction to Fundamentals of Technology E7R9 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 212 XA Engineering/Technology (general) NoIntroduction to Gamekeeping D0NR 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 143 SH Animal Husbandry NoIntroduction to Garden Centres E8V9 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 146 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales NoIntroduction to Gardening Skills EE91 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 146 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales NoIntroduction to Garment Pattern Construction D0RY 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) NoIntroduction to Gas Shielded Welding Skills ED8M 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 218 XE Welding/Joining NoIntroduction to Grouse and their Habitat EA7G 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 143 SH Animal Husbandry NoIntroduction to Growing Plants in Glasshouses EB3A 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 146 SD Crop Production NoIntroduction to Guidance and Support EE6X 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 242 GF Careers/Education Guidance Work No

Introduction to Human Development: Infancy to Old Age E9NS 04 Unlevelled 1.5 Unlevelled 82 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues NoIntroduction to Jigs and Fixtures E7W4 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 275 XF Tools/Machining NoIntroduction to Land Based Industries EE85 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 157 SA Agriculture/Horticulture (general) No

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Introduction to Land Based Industry 2 E8AA 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 144 SA Agriculture/Horticulture (general) NoIntroduction to Land Use EE86 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 157 QA Environmental Protection/Conservation NoIntroduction to Lawns and Lawn Care D0MV 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 146 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales NoIntroduction to Legal Rights, Obligations and Processes D0WD 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 260 EC Law NoIntroduction to Leisure and Recreation D0VH 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 205 NL Leisure/Sports Facilities Work NoIntroduction to Light Industrial Hydraulic Loader/Excavator Operation E9TG 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 147 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery NoIntroduction to Literature E9X7 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 1 FC Literature NoIntroduction to Livestock Production E8VP 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 148 SH Animal Husbandry NoIntroduction to Location Photography EE2C 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 129 KE Photography NoIntroduction to Marine Engineering E7VV 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 215 XQ Ship and Boat Building/Marine/Offshore Engineering NoIntroduction to Marketing in a Land Based Industry E8T6 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 144 SM Rural/Agricultural Business Organisation NoIntroduction to Marking Out Procedures ED8F 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 275 XF Tools/Machining NoIntroduction to Materials Management D0XM 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 241 VC Purchasing/Procurement and Sourcing NoIntroduction to Measurement E7VY 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 275 WD Testing Measurement and Inspection NoIntroduction to Mechanised Crop Production E8VN 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 147 SD Crop Production NoIntroduction to Metal Inert Gas (MIG) Welding EA0V 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 218 XE Welding/Joining NoIntroduction to Microfiche Readers EA6H 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 4 CY Information Systems/Management NoIntroduction to Observing D0R9 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 151 RE Astronomy NoIntroduction to Office Management E9NB 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 363 AY Office Skills NoIntroduction to Oilfield Geophysics EF6C 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 53 RF Earth Sciences NoIntroduction to Oilfield Production EF6B 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 53 YB Oil and Gas Operations NoIntroduction to Organic Horticulture EB7G 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 146 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales NoIntroduction to Oxy-Acetylene Welding EA14 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 218 XE Welding/Joining NoIntroduction to Packaging of Foods D0RH 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 55 WL Paper Manufacture NoIntroduction to People and Politics EE7H 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 279 EA Government/Politics NoIntroduction to People and Society E9GG 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 124 ED Social Sciences General/Combined NoIntroduction to People and the Environment EA1H 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 122 RF Earth Sciences NoIntroduction to People and the Past E9PA 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 123 DB History NoIntroduction to Pesticide Application E9KT 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 147 SC Crop Protection/Fertilisers/Byproducts NoIntroduction to Philosophy E9X0 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 277 DE Philosophy NoIntroduction to Physics EB6W 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 138 RC Physics NoIntroduction to Pig Production ED58 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 148 SH Animal Husbandry NoIntroduction to Plasma Arc Cutting EA85 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XE Welding/Joining NoIntroduction to Printed Circuit Board Manufacture E8K0 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering NoIntroduction to Psychology E9WL 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 306 PK Psychology NoIntroduction to Quality EB68 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 245 VD Quality and Reliability Management NoIntroduction to Radio and Audio Systems E7S8 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 222 XL Electronic Engineering NoIntroduction to Radio Navigation Position Fixing Systems EA92 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 151 ZF Marine Transport NoIntroduction to Resistance (Spot) Welding EA86 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XE Welding/Joining NoIntroduction to Retail Merchandising D0SJ 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 298 BC Retailing/Wholesaling/Distributive Trades No

Introduction to Setting Up and Working With Groups E9VY 04 Unlevelled 1.0 Unlevelled 108 PN Family/Community Work/Youth Advice Work NoIntroduction to Sewing Skills for Knitwear ED72 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) 5160205 NoIntroduction to Shipbuilding E7X1 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 215 XQ Ship and Boat Building/Marine/Offshore Engineering NoIntroduction to Shoot Management E8WP 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 143 NM Country Leisure Facilities Work NoIntroduction to Small Boats E8D5 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 151 XQ Ship and Boat Building/Marine/Offshore Engineering NoIntroduction to Soft Landscaping D0PV 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 146 QA Environmental Protection/Conservation NoIntroduction to Sound Synthesis EA67 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 63 LH Music Performance NoIntroduction to Sports Development D0VD 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoIntroduction to Stained Glass Techniques D17V 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JR Glass/Ceramics/Stone Crafts 5160235 NoIntroduction to Telecommunications EG39 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 222 XM Telecommunications NoIntroduction to Textile Fibres E88E 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) NoIntroduction to the Abattoir and Wholesale Meat Industry E9M0 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 57 SH Animal Husbandry NoIntroduction to the Food Industry E9DC 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 269 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing NoIntroduction to the Game of Golf D6DN 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 355 SF Amenity Horticulture/Sportsgrounds NoIntroduction to the History of Astronomy D0RA 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 151 RE Astronomy NoIntroduction to the Law of Contract D32C 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 260 EC Law NoIntroduction to the Marketing of Local Tourist Attractions and Services E99E 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 244 BA Marketing/PR NoIntroduction to the Meat Industry E8SA 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 57 WM Food/Drink/Tobacco (industrial) NoIntroduction to the Nature of Business EF3L 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 254 AE Enterprises NoIntroduction to the Prevention of Personal Injury in Sport D0MW 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoIntroduction to the Retail and Distribution Industries D0SP 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 298 BC Retailing/Wholesaling/Distributive Trades NoIntroduction to the Security Industry: Intruder Alarms EG1F 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 160 QH Security No

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Introduction to the Structures and Processes of the European Union D0WB 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 260 EA Government/Politics NoIntroduction to the Welfare of Livestock on Farms D0PH 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 148 SH Animal Husbandry NoIntroduction to Thermal Insulation E8PN 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 182 TG Building/Construction Operations NoIntroduction to Tourism E9C0 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 192 NK Tourism/Travel NoIntroduction to Tractor Mounted Ditcher Operation E9TJ 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 147 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery NoIntroduction to Trainer Roles EE6W 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 242 GE Training/Vocational Qualifications NoIntroduction to Vehicle Body Alignment EA8P 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoIntroduction to Vehicle Electrical Systems EA6K 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoIntroduction to Vehicle Electrical/Electronic Principles: Testing and Measurement EB0X 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoIntroduction to Vehicle Layout EA0S 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering NoIntroduction to Welded Metal Sculpture D17F 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice NoIntroduction to Wildfowl and their Habitat EA7W 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 143 SH Animal Husbandry NoIntroduction to Work Study E7L7 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 241 AJ Human Resources Management NoIntroduction to Working with People EF7R 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HC Career Change/Access NoIntroduction to Working with Tools EF7V 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HC Career Change/Access NoIntroductory Applied Analogue and Digital Electronics EE9B 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering NoIntroductory Fabrication Skills EE19 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 218 XD Metals Working/Finishing NoIntroductory Machining Skills E8LN 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 275 XF Tools/Machining 80005 NoIntroductory Sewing Machine Skills D0RX 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) 80006 NoIntroductory Signwriting E980 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice 90009 NoIntroductory Trowel Skills: Walling E865 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 171 TG Building/Construction Operations NoIntruder Alarm Principles F3NX 12 Higher 1 6 6 268 QH Security NoIntruder Alarm Systems, Installation and Maintenance F3P3 12 Higher 1 6 6 268 QH Security NoIntruder Alarm: Signalling EG1J 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 160 QH Security NoIntruder Alarms: Control EG1G 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 160 QH Security NoIntruder Alarms: Detection Devices EG1H 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 160 QH Security NoIn-Vehicle Communication Systems EB1W 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XM Telecommunications NoInventory Planning and Control D0XL 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 248 VB Production/Operations Management NoInvestigating Animal Wildlife D870 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 152 SH Animal Husbandry NoInvestigating Ecosystems D315 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 157 RH Life Sciences YesInvestigating Europe D36K 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 159 HB Self Development NoInvestigating Europe D36K 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 159 HB Self Development NoInvestigating Europe D36K 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 159 HB Self Development NoInvestigating Europe D36K 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 159 HB Self Development NoInvestigating Foreign Culture 1 EA96 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 278 HB Self Development NoInvestigating Industry EB4B 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 159 HB Self Development NoInvestigating Length in Familiar Situations DM54 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HD Continuing Education (basic skills) YesInvestigating Life and Work in Another Country D80M 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 ED Social Sciences General/Combined NoInvestigating Measurement DM53 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HD Continuing Education (basic skills) YesInvestigating Skills for Caring EF59 10 Intermediate 1 1.5 4 9 82 PM Social Care/Social Work Skills NoInvestigating Volume in Familiar Situations DM56 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HD Continuing Education (basic skills) YesInvestigating Weight in Familiar Situations DM55 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HD Continuing Education (basic skills) YesInvestigation into Consumer Issues EB4C 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 159 HB Self Development NoInvestigation into Managing Your Money EB4D 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 159 HB Self Development NoInvestigative Drama D196 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts YesIrrigating Sports Surfaces F6V4 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 355 SF Amenity Horticulture/Sportsgrounds NoIrrigation D0LW 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 147 SL Agricultural/Horticultural Maintenance NoItalian For Work Purposes F3CB 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 450 FK Languages YesItalian For Work Purposes F3CB 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 450 FK Languages YesItalian For Work Purposes F3CB 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 450 FK Languages YesItalian For Work Purposes F3CB 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 450 FK Languages YesItalian: Accelerated Language - Beginners D590 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 10 FK Languages YesItalian: Extended Reading/Viewing D473 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 8 FK Languages YesItalian: Extended Reading/Viewing D473 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 10 FK Languages YesItalian: Extended Reading/Viewing D473 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 10 FK Languages YesItalian: Language D471 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 10 FK Languages YesItalian: Language D471 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 10 FK Languages YesItalian: Language D471 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 10 FK Languages YesItalian: Language in Work D470 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 10 FK Languages YesItalian: Language in Work D470 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 10 FK Languages YesItalian: Language in Work D470 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 10 FK Languages YesItalian: Language in Work D470 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 10 FK Languages YesItalian: Language in Work D470 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 10 FK Languages Yes

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Italian: Language in Work D470 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 10 FK Languages YesItalian: Life in Another Country D566 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 FK Languages YesItalian: Personal and Social Language D468 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 10 FK Languages YesItalian: Personal Communication D472 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 10 FK Languages YesItalian: Personal Language D567 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 10 FK Languages YesItalian: Personal Language D567 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 10 FK Languages YesItalian: Transactional Language D469 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 10 FK Languages YesItalian: Transactional Language D469 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 10 FK Languages YesItalian: Transactional Language D469 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 10 FK Languages YesJewellery Design: Basic Enamelling D0HJ 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 JH Decorative Metal Crafts/Jewellery NoJewellery Design: Casting E8JA 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 65 JH Decorative Metal Crafts/Jewellery NoJewellery Design: Doming and Forming D0KY 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 65 JH Decorative Metal Crafts/Jewellery NoJewellery Design: Enamelling E8J7 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 65 JH Decorative Metal Crafts/Jewellery NoJewellery Design: Etching E7NK 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 JH Decorative Metal Crafts/Jewellery NoJewellery Design: Non-Precious Materials D0HL 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 65 JH Decorative Metal Crafts/Jewellery NoJewellery Design: Non-Precious Materials 2 D0L0 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 JH Decorative Metal Crafts/Jewellery NoJewellery Design: Piercing E7NG 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 65 JH Decorative Metal Crafts/Jewellery NoJewellery Design: Piercing and Inlay D0KW 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 65 JH Decorative Metal Crafts/Jewellery NoJewellery Design: Silversmithing E8J9 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 65 JH Decorative Metal Crafts/Jewellery NoJewellery Design: Stone Setting D0L1 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JH Decorative Metal Crafts/Jewellery NoJewellery Design: Texturing and Surface Decoration D0KX 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 65 JH Decorative Metal Crafts/Jewellery NoJewellery Design: Wire Twisting D0HK 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 65 JH Decorative Metal Crafts/Jewellery NoJewellery: Repairs EE81 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JH Decorative Metal Crafts/Jewellery NoJob Seeking Skills E94T 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 159 HC Career Change/Access NoJob Seeking Skills E94T 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 159 HC Career Change/Access NoJustice in the World D411 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 119 DD Religious Studies YesJustice in the World D411 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 119 DD Religious Studies YesKey Areas of Business EF3M 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 254 AJ Human Resources Management NoKitchen Design E8PH 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 180 TJ Interior Design/Fitting/Decoration NoKitchen Skills: An Introduction F4SM 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 269 NA Hotel/Catering (general) YesKnitted Garment Production: Basic Assembly Skills E884 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) NoKnitted Garment Production: Hand Finishing E88D 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) NoKnitted Garment Production: V Bed Knitting E887 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) NoKnitted Garment Production: Yarns and Fabrics E886 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) NoKnitwear Design and Manufacture: Skirts, Tops and Dresses ED6Y 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 35 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) NoLabhairt Phoballach EB2R 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 6 KB Communication Skills NoLabhairt: Sgilean Deantach EB2E 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 6 KB Communication Skills NoLabhairt: Sgilean Libhrigidh EB2H 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 6 KB Communication Skills NoLaboratory and Site Testing Construction Materials E8MT 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 164 TE Construction (general) NoLaboratory Safety EB71 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 139 RD Chemistry NoLaboratory Safety F3TD 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 137 PL Occupational Health and Safety YesLadies' Haircutting D05K 12 Higher 3.0 6 18 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoLadies Hairdressing: Basic Cutting Categories F4C2 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoLamb Slaughter E9M1 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 57 SH Animal Husbandry NoLand Based Engineering: Crop Maintenance Equipment DL4E 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 234 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery NoLand Based Engineering: Tillage and Sowing Equipment DL4F 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 234 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery NoLand Based Industries Case Studies E8B7 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 144 SA Agriculture/Horticulture (general) NoLand Industries: An Activity Approach EF7G 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HC Career Change/Access NoLand Navigation Using Topographic Maps D0MY 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 198 MH Country/Animal Sports NoLand Use D311 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 157 QA Environmental Protection/Conservation YesLand Use in Scotland D316 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 157 QA Environmental Protection/Conservation YesLand Use in Scotland EE89 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 157 QA Environmental Protection/Conservation NoLandbased Engineering: Advanced Hydraulics D3TB 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 234 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery NoLandbased Engineering: Braking Systems D3TA 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 234 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery NoLandbased Engineering: Charging Systems D3TJ 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 234 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery 5160155 NoLandbased Engineering: Combine Harvesters D3T8 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 234 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery NoLandbased Engineering: Electronic Systems D3TG 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 234 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery NoLandbased Engineering: Engine Starting Systems (Electrical) D3TH 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 234 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery NoLandbased Engineering: Hydraulic Systems: Maintenance and Repair D3TE 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 234 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery NoLandbased Engineering: Principles of Power Units D3T7 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 234 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery NoLandbased Engineering: Servicing and Maintenance of Forest Harvesting Machinery D7T0 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 234 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery NoLandbased Engineering: Small Spark Ignition Engine Systems D3TD 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 234 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery NoLandbased Engineering: Steering Systems D3TF 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 234 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery No

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Landbased Engineering: Timber Harvesting Heads D7SY 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 234 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery NoLandbased Engineering: Transmission Systems D3TC 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 234 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery NoLandbased Engineering: Wheels and Tyres D3T9 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 234 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery NoLand-based Industries: An Introduction DX0V 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 157 SA Agriculture/Horticulture (general) NoLand-based Industries: Investigating Ecosystems EE88 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 157 RH Life Sciences NoLand-based Industry - Production and Commerce D871 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 234 SM Rural/Agricultural Business Organisation NoLandscape 1: The Natural Environment E86T 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 190 RF Earth Sciences NoLandscape 2: Human Impact E86V 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 190 RH Life Sciences NoLandscape Assessment D872 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 157 QA Environmental Protection/Conservation NoLandscape Construction 1 E8C5 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 146 TD Building Design/Architecture NoLandscape Construction 2 E8C6 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 146 TD Building Design/Architecture NoLandscape Construction: Introduction D0K1 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 146 TD Building Design/Architecture NoLandscape Planning in Forestry D873 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production NoLanguage and Literacy in Early Years: An Introduction D75F 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 84 PQ Child Care Services NoLanguage, Philosophy and Religion D416 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 119 DD Religious Studies NoLanguage: British Sign Language (BSL) D13T 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 2 HG Disabled People: Skills/Facilities NoLanguage: British Sign Language (BSL) D13T 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 2 HG Disabled People: Skills/Facilities NoLanguage: British Sign Language (BSL) D13T 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 2 HG Disabled People: Skills/Facilities NoLanguage: Catalan EG43 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 12 FK Languages NoLanguage: Catalan EG43 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 12 FK Languages NoLanguage: Catalan EG43 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 12 FK Languages NoLanguage: Catalan EG43 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 12 FK Languages NoLanguage: Catalan EG43 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 12 FK Languages NoLanguage: Danish D14E 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 13 FK Languages NoLanguage: Danish D14E 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 13 FK Languages NoLanguage: Danish D14E 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 13 FK Languages NoLanguage: Danish D14E 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 13 FK Languages NoLanguage: Danish D14E 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 13 FK Languages NoLanguage: Dutch D13X 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 19 FK Languages NoLanguage: Dutch D13X 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 19 FK Languages NoLanguage: Dutch D13X 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 19 FK Languages NoLanguage: Dutch D13X 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 19 FK Languages NoLanguage: Dutch D13X 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 19 FK Languages NoLanguage: Finnish D14F 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 14 FK Languages NoLanguage: Finnish D14F 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 14 FK Languages NoLanguage: Finnish D14F 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 14 FK Languages NoLanguage: Finnish D14F 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 14 FK Languages NoLanguage: Finnish D14F 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 14 FK Languages NoLanguage: French ED2X 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 8 FK Languages NoLanguage: French ED2X 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 8 FK Languages NoLanguage: French ED2X 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 8 FK Languages NoLanguage: French ED2X 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 8 FK Languages NoLanguage: French ED2X 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 8 FK Languages NoLanguage: Gaelic ED2Y 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 7 FK Languages NoLanguage: Gaelic ED2Y 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 7 FK Languages NoLanguage: Gaelic ED2Y 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 7 FK Languages NoLanguage: Gaelic ED2Y 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 7 FK Languages NoLanguage: Gaelic ED2Y 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 7 FK Languages NoLanguage: German ED30 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 9 FK Languages NoLanguage: German ED30 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 9 FK Languages NoLanguage: German ED30 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 9 FK Languages NoLanguage: German ED30 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 9 FK Languages NoLanguage: German ED30 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 9 FK Languages NoLanguage: Hebrew D14G 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 25 FK Languages NoLanguage: Hebrew D14G 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 25 FK Languages NoLanguage: Hebrew D14G 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 25 FK Languages NoLanguage: Hebrew D14G 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 25 FK Languages NoLanguage: Hebrew D14G 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 25 FK Languages NoLanguage: Introduction to British Sign Language (BSL) EG2P 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 2 HG Disabled People: Skills/Facilities NoLanguage: Italian ED31 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 10 FK Languages NoLanguage: Italian ED31 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 10 FK Languages NoLanguage: Italian ED31 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 10 FK Languages NoLanguage: Italian ED31 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 10 FK Languages No

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Language: Italian ED31 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 10 FK Languages NoLanguage: Japanese D15E 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 15 FK Languages NoLanguage: Japanese D15E 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 15 FK Languages NoLanguage: Modern Greek D13Y 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 21 FK Languages NoLanguage: Modern Greek D13Y 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 21 FK Languages NoLanguage: Modern Greek D13Y 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 21 FK Languages NoLanguage: Modern Greek D13Y 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 21 FK Languages NoLanguage: Modern Greek D13Y 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 21 FK Languages NoLanguage: Norwegian D14A 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 22 FK Languages NoLanguage: Norwegian D14A 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 22 FK Languages NoLanguage: Norwegian D14A 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 22 FK Languages NoLanguage: Norwegian D14A 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 22 FK Languages NoLanguage: Norwegian D14A 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 22 FK Languages NoLanguage: Polish D14B 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 24 FK Languages NoLanguage: Polish D14B 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 24 FK Languages NoLanguage: Polish D14B 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 24 FK Languages NoLanguage: Polish D14B 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 24 FK Languages NoLanguage: Polish D14B 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 24 FK Languages NoLanguage: Portuguese D14C 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 23 FK Languages NoLanguage: Portuguese D14C 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 23 FK Languages NoLanguage: Portuguese D14C 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 23 FK Languages NoLanguage: Portuguese D14C 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 23 FK Languages NoLanguage: Portuguese D14C 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 23 FK Languages NoLanguage: Russian ED36 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 11 FK Languages NoLanguage: Russian ED36 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 11 FK Languages NoLanguage: Russian ED36 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 11 FK Languages 5160225 NoLanguage: Russian ED36 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 11 FK Languages 5160165 NoLanguage: Russian ED36 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 11 FK Languages NoLanguage: Spanish ED37 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 12 FK Languages NoLanguage: Spanish ED37 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 12 FK Languages NoLanguage: Spanish ED37 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 12 FK Languages NoLanguage: Spanish ED37 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 12 FK Languages NoLanguage: Spanish ED37 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 12 FK Languages NoLanguage: Swedish D14D 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 20 FK Languages NoLanguage: Swedish D14D 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 20 FK Languages NoLanguage: Swedish D14D 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 20 FK Languages NoLanguage: Swedish D14D 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 20 FK Languages NoLanguage: Swedish D14D 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 20 FK Languages NoLarge Scale Cleaning E880 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 194 QE Cleansing NoLatin - Prose Composition D2Y8 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 26 FK Languages NoLatin 1 D7YY 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 26 FK Languages YesLatin 2 D80A 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 26 FK Languages YesLatin 3 D80C 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 26 FK Languages YesLatin 4 D80D 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 26 FK Languages YesLatin: Interpretation D084 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 26 FK Languages YesLatin: Interpretation D084 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 26 FK Languages YesLatin: Interpretation D084 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 26 FK Languages YesLatin: Interpretation - Prose D086 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 26 FK Languages YesLatin: Interpretation - Verse D085 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 26 FK Languages YesLatin: Investigation D087 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 26 FK Languages YesLatin: Translation D083 10 Intermediate 1 2.0 4 12 26 FK Languages YesLatin: Translation D083 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 26 FK Languages YesLatin: Translation D083 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 26 FK Languages YesLatin: Translation D083 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 26 FK Languages YesLaw in Employment D0WC 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 260 EC Law NoLaying and Finishing Concrete: An Introduction F6LL 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 352 TG Building/Construction Operations NoLaying Slabs and Pavings: Introduction D37M 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 171 TG Building/Construction Operations NoLayout and Maintenance of Amenity Glasshouses E9EW 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 146 SF Amenity Horticulture/Sportsgrounds NoLayout and Maintenance of Sports Grounds E9E6 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 353 SF Amenity Horticulture/Sportsgrounds NoLeadership and Motivation at Work D0VS 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 241 AF Management Skills NoLeadership in Practice F78B 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 159 AF Management Skills YesLeadership in Practice F78D 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 159 AF Management Skills YesLeadership: An Introduction F78A 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 159 AF Management Skills Yes

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Leadership: An Introduction F78C 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 159 AF Management Skills YesLeading Sporting Activities D687 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoLearning and Teaching in Adult Literacies DA9X 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 374 GB Teaching/Training NoLeisure and Recreation E94N 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 159 NL Leisure/Sports Facilities Work NoLeisure and Recreation E94N 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 159 NL Leisure/Sports Facilities Work NoLibrary and Information Units in Modern Society D10D 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 4 CZ Libraries/Librarianship NoLibrary and Information Work Routines: Design and Equipment D10E 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 4 CZ Libraries/Librarianship NoLibrary and Information Work Routines: Services D10F 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 4 CZ Libraries/Librarianship NoLibrary and Information Work Routines: Stock D10G 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 4 CZ Libraries/Librarianship NoLife and Work E94L 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 159 HB Self Development NoLife and Work E94L 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 159 HB Self Development NoLife Drawing and Painting: The Human Head EF4V 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice NoLife Drawing: Composition and Colour EE28 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice NoLife Drawing: General EE29 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice NoLife in Another Country: Optional Language D75N 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 FK Languages YesLife Science Industries: An Induction F845 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 137 RH Life Sciences NoLife Science Industries: An Introduction to Laboratory Work F846 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 137 RH Life Sciences NoLifestart: 3D Art and Design EE6G 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HD Continuing Education (basic skills) NoLifestart: Drama EE6F 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HD Continuing Education (basic skills) NoLifestart: Games and Sports EE6E 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HD Continuing Education (basic skills) NoLifestart: Music EE6D 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HD Continuing Education (basic skills) NoLifestyle and Consumer Technology: Consumer Studies D501 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 197 BA Marketing/PR YesLifestyle and Consumer Technology: Consumer Studies D501 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 197 BA Marketing/PR YesLifestyle and Consumer Technology: Design and Make - Home Economics D04X 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 197 JC Design (non-industrial) YesLifestyle and Consumer Technology: Design and Make - Home Economics D04X 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 197 JC Design (non-industrial) YesLifestyle and Consumer Technology: Food Preparation for Healthy Eating D04W 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 197 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing YesLifestyle and Consumer Technology: Food Preparation for Healthy Eating D04W 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 197 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing YesLifestyle and Consumer Technology: Management of Practical Activities D500 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 197 AG Management Planning and Control Systems YesLifestyle and Consumer Technology: Organisation of Practical Skills D497 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 197 AF Management Skills YesLifestyle and Consumer Technology: Organisation of Practical Skills D497 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 197 AG Management Planning and Control Systems YesLifestyle and Consumer Technology: Practical Research and Dissertation D0F6 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 197 NG Home Economics YesLifestyle and Consumer Technology: Product Development D502 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 197 NG Home Economics YesLifestyle and Consumer Technology: Resource Management D503 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 197 AF Management Skills YesLifestyle and Consumer Technology: Resource Management D503 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 197 AF Management Skills YesLifting and Handling Skills E7RJ 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 225 XH Mechanical Engineering NoLight Vehicle Body Exterior and Components: Fault Diagnosis and Condition Assessment EA6J 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoLight Vehicle Body Exterior Components and Finish Trim: Removal, Replacement and Adjustment EA79 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering NoLighting: In-House Production D12T 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 16 LE Theatre Production NoLighting: Touring Production D12V 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 16 LE Theatre Production NoLinguistic Features of British Sign Language (BSL) EG2X 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 2 HG Disabled People: Skills/Facilities NoLip-Reading Skills E7M3 10 Intermediate 1 2.0 4 12 2 HG Disabled People: Skills/Facilities NoListening and Responding to Simple Scottish Texts F384 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HB Self Development YesListening and Responding to Simple Texts F383 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HB Self Development YesListening to Music 1 E955 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 63 LF Music History/Theory NoListening to Music 2 E956 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 63 LF Music History/Theory NoLiterature 1 E9X8 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 1 FC Literature NoLitreachas 1 EB2N 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 6 FC Literature NoLivestock Breed Improvement E9JN 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 148 SH Animal Husbandry NoLivestock Feeding D0P8 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 148 SH Animal Husbandry NoLivestock Handling and Marketing E9K0 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 148 SH Animal Husbandry NoLivestock Health and Hygiene D0P6 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 148 SH Animal Husbandry NoLivestock Nutrition Management E9JP 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 148 SH Animal Husbandry NoLivestock Production F6AJ 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 437 SH Animal Husbandry NoLivestock Rearing E9JV 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 148 SH Animal Husbandry NoLivestock Reproduction D0P7 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 148 SH Animal Husbandry NoLivestock Wastes and Effluents E9JB 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 148 SL Agricultural/Horticultural Maintenance NoLiving Cells D026 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 140 RH Life Sciences YesLiving Safely at Home D551 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 NG Home Economics YesLiving Safely at Home - Common Dangers in the Home D2SH 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 NG Home Economics YesLiving Safely at Home - Safe Use of Household Appliances D2SJ 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 NG Home Economics YesLiving Safely at Home - Simple First Aid D2SK 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 NG Home Economics YesLoading and Unloading Materials and Components (Applied Finishing Occupations) EB41 10 Intermediate 1 1.5 4 9 161 TK Construction Site Work NoLoading and Unloading Materials and Components (Plant Occupations) EB9N 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 161 XH Mechanical Engineering No

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Local Environment D314 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 157 QA Environmental Protection/Conservation YesLocal Environment EE8A 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 157 QA Environmental Protection/Conservation NoLocal Government Operation in Scotland D0Y0 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 259 EA Government/Politics NoLocal Hospitality Provision F7DL 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 269 NA Hotel/Catering (general) YesLocal Investigations D36J 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 159 HB Self Development NoLocal Investigations D36J 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 159 HB Self Development NoLocal Investigations D36J 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 159 HB Self Development NoLocal Investigations D36J 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 159 HB Self Development NoLocal Tourism Product Knowledge DV3D 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 192 NK Tourism/Travel NoLocation Drawing D9GG 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice NoLocation Drawing: Local Environment EE27 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice NoLogic 1 D423 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 277 DE Philosophy YesLogic 2 D428 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 277 DE Philosophy NoLogic Families and Digital Systems Analysis E9SB 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering NoLow Voltage Distribution Systems F5J1 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 160 XJ Electrical Engineering NoLungeing or Long Reining E9TB 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 148 MH Country/Animal Sports NoMachine and Hand Sewing for Soft Furnishing E85C 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 134 JL Fabric Crafts/Soft Furnishings NoMachine Printing: Film Planning and Assembly for Litho Platemaking E89K 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 37 KH Print and Publishing NoMachine Printing: Four-Colour Process Printing using a Two-Colour Press E89N 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 37 KH Print and Publishing NoMachine Printing: Introduction E89C 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 37 KH Print and Publishing NoMachine Printing: Material Transport, Ancillary Operations and Ink Drying Systems E89H 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 37 KH Print and Publishing NoMachine Printing: Photo Litho Platemaking E89J 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 37 KH Print and Publishing NoMachine Printing: Quality Control Systems E89M 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 37 KH Print and Publishing NoMachine Printing: Step and Repeat Work E89L 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 37 KH Print and Publishing NoMachine Printing: Surface Preparation and Two-Colour Overprinting E89F 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 37 KH Print and Publishing NoMachine Printing: Two-Colour Presswork E89G 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 37 KH Print and Publishing NoMachine Printing: Two-Colour Text and Line Printing E89D 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 37 KH Print and Publishing NoMachine Printing: Two-Colour Text and Line with Monochrome Half-Tone E89E 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 37 KH Print and Publishing NoMachine Processes - Metal D179 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 318 XF Tools/Machining YesMachine Processes - Metal D179 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 318 XF Tools/Machining YesMachinery Maintenance E7TA 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 VG Engineering Services NoMachining and Finishing - Wood D184 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 318 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture YesMachining and Finishing - Wood D184 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 318 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture Yes

Macro Economic Concepts EB02 04 Unlevelled 1.0 Unlevelled 258 EB Economics NoMaintain and Develop an Effective Working Environment D0XD 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 80 AF Management Skills NoMaintain and Issue Stock Items ED5V 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 VB Production/Operations Management NoMaintain Crop Growth (Fruit Crop) EC4X 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 146 SD Crop Production NoMaintain Crop Growth (Intensive Vegetable Crops) EC4S 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 146 SD Crop Production NoMaintain Crop Growth (Nursery Stock) EC4W 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 146 SD Crop Production NoMaintain Crop Growth (Protected Crops: Food Crops) EC4T 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 146 SD Crop Production NoMaintain Crop Growth (Protected Crops: Ornamental Crops) EC4V 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 146 SD Crop Production NoMaintain Data in a Computer System ED5R 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 CC IT: Computer Use NoMaintain Fences and Land Drains EC7R 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 157 SL Agricultural/Horticultural Maintenance NoMaintain Services and Structures EC7S 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 234 SL Agricultural/Horticultural Maintenance NoMaintaining Animal Accommodation EB5W 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 154 SP Pets/Domestic Animal Care NoMaintaining Costing Systems D0VY 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 266 AK Financial Management/ Accounting NoMaintaining Financial Records D3GH 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 266 AF Management Skills NoMaintaining Health in Laboratory Animals D36W 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 152 SN Veterinary Services NoMaintaining Health of Animals EB5X 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 154 SP Pets/Domestic Animal Care NoMaintaining Personal Hygiene, Health and Safety (Animal Care) EB5Y 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 154 PL Occupational Health and Safety NoMaintaining Safety in a Care Setting F1P2 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 82 PL Occupational Health and Safety NoMaintaining Well-being of Animals EB5V 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 154 SP Pets/Domestic Animal Care NoMaintaining Working Conditions and Operational Activities to Meet Quality Standards EB93 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 161 TF Construction Management NoMaintenance and Fabrication of Sewing Machine Attachments and Work Aids EA5P 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) NoMaintenance of a Safe Environment for Children DM5V 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 84 PL Occupational Health and Safety NoMaintenance of Automatic Chainstitch Sewing Machines: Button Sewing/Tacking EA5G 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) NoMaintenance of Automatic Short Cycle Chainstitch Sewing Machines - Buttonholing E9F9 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) NoMaintenance of Automatic Short Cycle Lockstitch Sewing Machines - Bartacking/Button Sewing E9F7 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) NoMaintenance of Automatic Short Cycle Lockstitch Sewing Machines - Buttonholing E9F8 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) NoMaintenance of Chainstitch Machines - Multi-needle E9FK 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) NoMaintenance of Chainstitch Machines - Single and Two Needle Overedge E9F6 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) NoMaintenance of Chainstitch Machines - Single and Two Thread E9FG 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) No

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Maintenance of Cutting Room Equipment and Machinery EA5F 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) NoMaintenance of Hand Tools used in Forestry Work E9T2 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production NoMaintenance of High Arm Lockstitch Blindstitch Machines EA5M 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) NoMaintenance of Lockstitch Machines E9FF 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) NoMaintenance of Low Arm Blindstitch Machines E9FJ 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) NoMaintenance of Non-turf Surfaces: Cricket D32N 13 Advanced Higher 0.5 7 4 355 SF Amenity Horticulture/Sportsgrounds NoMaintenance of Non-turf Surfaces: Football D32P 13 Advanced Higher 0.5 7 4 355 SF Amenity Horticulture/Sportsgrounds NoMaintenance of Non-turf Surfaces: Rugby D7T4 13 Advanced Higher 0.5 7 4 355 SF Amenity Horticulture/Sportsgrounds NoMaintenance of Pressing Room Equipment and Machinery EA5E 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) NoMaintenance of Sports Ground: Bowls D7TC 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 355 SF Amenity Horticulture/Sportsgrounds NoMaintenance of Sports Grounds: Cricket D32R 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 355 SF Amenity Horticulture/Sportsgrounds NoMaintenance of Sports Grounds: Football D32S 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 355 SF Amenity Horticulture/Sportsgrounds NoMaintenance of Sports Grounds: Rugby D7T5 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 355 SF Amenity Horticulture/Sportsgrounds NoMaintenance of Sports Turf: Golf D70M 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 153 SF Amenity Horticulture/Sportsgrounds NoMaintenance Safety F5J4 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 225 VG Engineering Services NoMaintenance Safety F5JA 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 225 VG Engineering Services NoMake-up for Performance D653 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 16 LE Theatre Production NoMaking Local Journeys EB4E 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HB Self Development NoMaking Moral Decisions D408 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 119 DE Philosophy YesMaking Moral Decisions D408 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 119 DE Philosophy YesManage a Coaching Environment: Athletics F2W7 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoManage a Coaching Environment: Badminton F2W9 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoManage a Coaching Environment: Basketball F2WB 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoManage a Coaching Environment: Canoeing F2WD 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoManage a Coaching Environment: Cricket F2WE 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoManage a Coaching Environment: Curling F420 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MF Winter Sports NoManage a Coaching Environment: Equestrian F2WF 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoManage a Coaching Environment: Football F2WH 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoManage a Coaching Environment: Gymnastics F2WL 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoManage a Coaching Environment: Hockey F2WN 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoManage a Coaching Environment: Netball F2WR 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoManage a Coaching Environment: Rowing F2WV 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoManage a Coaching Environment: Rugby Union F2WX 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoManage a Coaching Environment: Squash F2X0 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoManage a Coaching Environment: Swimming F2X2 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoManage a Coaching Environment: Table Tennis F2X4 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoManage a Coaching Environment:Tennis F2X6 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoManage and Develop Personal Coaching Programmes and Practice: Athletics F2VM 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoManage and Develop Personal Coaching Programmes and Practice: Basketball F2VP 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoManage and Develop Personal Coaching Programmes and Practice: Canoeing F2VR 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoManage and Develop Personal Coaching Programmes and Practice: Cricket F2VS 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoManage and Develop Personal Coaching Programmes and Practice: Curling F41Y 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MF Winter Sports NoManage and Develop Personal Coaching Programmes and Practice: Equestrian F2VT 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoManage and Develop Personal Coaching Programmes and Practice: Football F2VV 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoManage and Develop Personal Coaching Programmes and Practice:Badminton F2VN 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoManage and Develop Personal Coaching Programmes and Practice:Gymnastics F2VW 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoManage and Develop Personal Coaching Programmes and Practice:Hockey F2VX 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoManage and Develop Personal Coaching Programmes and Practice:Netball F2VY 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoManage and Develop Personal Coaching Programmes and Practice:Rowing F2W0 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoManage and Develop Personal Coaching Programmes and Practice:Rugby Union F2W1 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoManage and Develop Personal Coaching Programmes and Practice:Squash F2W2 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoManage and Develop Personal Coaching Programmes and Practice:Swimming F2W3 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoManage and Develop Personal Coaching Programmes and Practice:Table Tennis F2W4 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoManage and Develop Personal Coaching Programmes and Practice:Tennis F2W5 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoManagement Accounting DF4T 10 Intermediate 1 1.5 4 9 266 AK Financial Management/ Accounting YesManagement Accounting DF4T 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 266 AK Financial Management/ Accounting YesManagement Accounting DF4T 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 266 AK Financial Management/ Accounting YesManagement Accounting DF4T 13 Advanced Higher 1.5 7 12 266 AK Financial Management/ Accounting YesManagement Accounting: An Introduction F395 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 266 AK Financial Management/ Accounting 1261012 NoManagement Control Systems: The Clothing Industry ED10 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 AG Management Planning and Control Systems 78357 NoManagement of Epilepsy: An Intro DC9F 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 82 PB Medical Sciences 78360 NoManagement Principles of Apiculture E8W3 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 146 SH Animal Husbandry 78361 NoManaging Customer Care D672 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 297 BA Marketing/PR 1182660 No

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Managing Environment Resources: Policy and Practice D318 13 Advanced Higher 0.5 7 4 157 QA Environmental Protection/Conservation 90016 YesManaging Organisations: The External Environment DV4M 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 254 AG Management Planning and Control Systems 1182710 YesManaging Organisations: The Internal Environment DV4N 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 254 AG Management Planning and Control Systems 90015 YesManaging the Natural Heritage D319 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 155 QA Environmental Protection/Conservation YesManaging Your Time and Resources F59T 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AF Management Skills YesMandarin For Work Purposes F3CA 09 Access 3 1.0 3 451 28 FK Languages YesMandarin For Work Purposes F3CA 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 451 28 FK Languages YesMandarin (Simplified): Extended Reading and Viewing F3CT 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 28 FK Languages YesMandarin (Simplified): Extended Reading and Viewing F3CT 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 28 FK Languages YesMandarin (Simplified): Extended Reading and Viewing F3CT 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 28 FK Languages YesMandarin (Simplified): Language F3CV 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 28 FK Languages YesMandarin (Simplified): Language F3CV 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 28 FK Languages YesMandarin (Simplified): Language F3CV 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 28 FK Languages YesMandarin (Simplified): Language in Work F3CX 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 28 FK Languages YesMandarin (Simplified): Language in Work F3CX 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 28 FK Languages YesMandarin (Simplified): Language in Work F3CX 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 28 FK Languages YesMandarin (Simplified): Language in Work F3CX 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 28 FK Languages YesMandarin (Simplified): Personal and Social Language F3CY 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 28 FK Languages YesMandarin (Simplified): Personal Communication F3CW 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 28 FK Languages YesMandarin (Simplified): Transactional Language F3D0 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 28 FK Languages YesMandarin (Traditional): Extended Reading and Viewing F3CN 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 28 FK Languages YesMandarin (Traditional): Extended Reading and Viewing F3CN 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 28 FK Languages YesMandarin (Traditional): Extended Reading and Viewing F3CN 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 28 FK Languages YesMandarin (Traditional): Language F3CP 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 28 FK Languages YesMandarin (Traditional): Language F3CP 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 28 FK Languages YesMandarin (Traditional): Language F3CP 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 28 FK Languages YesMandarin (Traditional): Language in Work F3CS 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 28 FK Languages YesMandarin (Traditional): Language in Work F3CS 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 28 FK Languages YesMandarin (Traditional): Language in Work F3CS 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 28 FK Languages YesMandarin (Traditional): Language in Work F3CS 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 28 FK Languages YesMandarin (Traditional): Personal and Social Language F3D1 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 28 FK Languages YesMandarin (Traditional): Personal Communication F3CR 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 28 FK Languages YesMandarin (Traditional): Transactional Language F3D2 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 28 FK Languages YesMandarin For Work Purposes F3CA 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 451 28 FK Languages YesMandarin For Work Purposes F3CA 12 Higher 1.0 6 451 28 FK Languages YesMandarin: Language in Work F29R 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 28 FK Languages YesMandarin: Personal Language F29M 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 28 FK Languages YesMandarin:Transactional Language F29P 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 28 FK Languages YesManicure F4C3 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoManicure and Pedicure F6XG 12 Higher 2 6 12 66 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoManual Metal Arc Welding Skills E7X8 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 218 XE Welding/Joining NoManual Metal Arc(MMA) Welding Skills F5F6 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 218 XE Welding/Joining NoManufacture Joinery Components F1KX 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 165 TG Building/Construction Operations NoManufacture Joinery Products DD2C 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 165 TG Building/Construction Operations NoManufacturing - Materials and Processes D164 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 275 WA Manufacturing (general) NoManufacturing Assembly Processes EB0T 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 232 WB Manufacturing/Assembly NoManufacturing Operations Management 1 E8LD 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 295 WA Manufacturing (general) 5130176 NoManufacturing Operations Management 2 E8LE 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 295 WA Manufacturing (general) NoManufacturing Systems - Characteristics D163 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 275 WA Manufacturing (general) 5130136 NoManufacturing Systems 1 EE99 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 275 VE Industrial Control/Monitoring NoManufacturing Systems 2 D00C 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 275 VE Industrial Control/Monitoring 5130366 NoMap Reading D0MX 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 198 MH Country/Animal Sports 5130086 NoMap Reading and Land Navigation F5FH 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 RG Land and Sea Surveying/Cartography NoMap Reading within Expedition Leadership F40F 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MH Country/Animal Sports NoMarine Bulkhead Construction E845 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 215 XQ Ship and Boat Building/Marine/Offshore Engineering 5130100 NoMarine Crew Accommodation Furniture: Manufacture E849 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 215 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture 73219 NoMarine Crew Accommodation Furniture: Setting Out E848 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 215 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture NoMarine General Outfitting E844 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 215 XQ Ship and Boat Building/Marine/Offshore Engineering NoMarine Heat Engines F7HG 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 151 ZF Marine Transport NoMarine Plumbing: Installation and Commissioning Procedures E8R1 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 177 XQ Ship and Boat Building/Marine/Offshore Engineering 5130216 NoMarine Plumbing: Introduction to Pipework Systems E8PX 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 177 XQ Ship and Boat Building/Marine/Offshore Engineering 5130376 NoMarine Public Room and Bar Fittings E84B 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 215 XQ Ship and Boat Building/Marine/Offshore Engineering 93204 NoMarine Storerooms E847 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 215 XQ Ship and Boat Building/Marine/Offshore Engineering No

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Marine Wheelhouse and Chartroom Fittings E84A 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 215 XQ Ship and Boat Building/Marine/Offshore Engineering NoMarine Window and Door Construction E846 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 215 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture NoMaritime Electronic Systems E7SV 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 151 XL Electronic Engineering NoMaritime General Radiotelephony: Regulations and Procedures E7SN 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 151 XM Telecommunications 5140116 NoMaritime General Radiotelephony: Skills E7SM 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 151 XM Telecommunications NoMaritime General Radiotelephony: Theory E7SL 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 151 XM Telecommunications NoMaritime Industry: An Introduction F7HH 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 151 ZF Marine Transport NoMaritime Radiocommunication Systems E7SX 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 151 XM Telecommunications 3230913 NoMaritime Radiocommunications Reserve Equipment E7SY 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 151 XM Telecommunications 3230006 NoMaritime Radiotelephony: Restricted E7SK 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 151 XM Telecommunications 3230086 NoMaritime Radiotelephony: Restricted VHF E7SJ 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 151 XM Telecommunications 3230973 NoMaritime Wireless Telegraphy Regulations and Procedures E7SR 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 151 XM Telecommunications 3230033 NoMarket Operations and the Scottish Economy F391 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 258 EB Economics 3230943 NoMarketing : Basic Principles F390 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 399 BA Marketing/PR 3230333 NoMarketing in Travel and Tourism: An Introduction DM4R 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 192 NK Tourism/Travel 3231023 NoMarketing Mix F6V0 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 244 BA Marketing/PR 3230163 NoMarketing Research Practice D0XS 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 244 BA Marketing/PR YesMarketing Research Principles D0XT 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 244 BA Marketing/PR 5130016 NoMarketing: An Introduction F5G2 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 399 BA Marketing/PR YesMarking of Thinnings in a Woodland D874 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 5130056 NoMarking Out Procedures EE16 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 218 XF Tools/Machining NoMason Pavior: Preparing Background Surfaces (Flexible Paving) ED79 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 352 TG Building/Construction Operations NoMason Pavior: Providing Ground Services (Linear Drainage Surface Ducting ED7B 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 352 TG Building/Construction Operations NoMason Pavior: Providing Surface Finishings (Block Paving as a Flexible Surface) ED7D 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 352 TF Construction Management NoMasonry Materials and Performance F2FY 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 172 TG Building/Construction Operations NoMasonry Repairs F2G1 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 172 TG Building/Construction Operations 5130066 NoMastic Asphalt: Flooring Work E83R 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 189 TG Building/Construction Operations NoMastic Asphalt: Horizontal Work E83K 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 189 TG Building/Construction Operations NoMastic Asphalt: Inverted Roofs E83T 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 189 TG Building/Construction Operations NoMastic Asphalt: Labour Items E83M 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 189 TG Building/Construction Operations 5130076 NoMastic Asphalt: Plant, Equipment and Materials E83H 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 189 TG Building/Construction Operations NoMastic Asphalt: Preparatory Work E83J 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 189 TG Building/Construction Operations NoMastic Asphalt: Repair and Refurbishing Work E83S 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 189 TG Building/Construction Operations 3230100 NoMastic Asphalt: Roofing Work 1 E83N 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 189 TG Building/Construction Operations 3231994 NoMastic Asphalt: Sloping and Vertical Work E83L 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 189 TG Building/Construction Operations 5130126 NoMastic Asphalt: Tanking Work E83P 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 189 TG Building/Construction Operations 97400 NoMastic Asphalt: Tools E83G 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 189 TG Building/Construction Operations NoMaterial Removal 2 E7W8 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 275 XF Tools/Machining 5130156 NoMaterial Removal 3 E7WC 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 275 XF Tools/Machining 5130166 NoMaterial Removal 4 E7WL 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 275 XF Tools/Machining 5130326 NoMaterial Removal 5 E7XB 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 275 XF Tools/Machining 5130196 NoMaterial Removal 6 E7XC 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 275 XF Tools/Machining 5130206 NoMaterial Removal Practice: Grinding E7WB 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 275 XF Tools/Machining 5130246 No

Material Removal Practice: Milling F5WB 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 275 XF Tools/Machining No

Material Removal Practice: Milling F5KF 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 275 XF Tools/Machining No

Material Removal Practice: Turning F5WC 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 275 XF Tools/Machining No

Material Removal Practice: Turning F5KG 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 275 XF Tools/Machining NoMaterial Removal Skills: Grinding E7X7 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 275 XF Tools/Machining NoMaterials - Effects of Force and Protection D156 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 218 XD Metals Working/Finishing NoMaterials and Jointing Methods (Electrical) E9MD 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 160 XJ Electrical Engineering 8300 NoMaterials for Soft Furnishing E859 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 134 JL Fabric Crafts/Soft Furnishings 7150530 NoMaterials for Traditional Upholstery E843 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 134 JP Wood Cane and Furniture Crafts 5130296 NoMaterials Handling 1 EC1J 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 225 XH Mechanical Engineering 5130306 NoMaterials Handling 2 EC1K 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 225 XH Mechanical Engineering NoMaterials Handling and Storage D0XN 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 241 BF Physical Distribution NoMaterials in Motor Vehicle Engineering E9GV 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering NoMaterials: Effects of Force and Protection ED1E 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 275 XD Metals Working/Finishing NoMaterials: Protection and Failure Prevention E7RN 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 275 WD Testing Measurement and Inspection NoMaterials: Stress and Strain E7RR 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 212 RC Physics No

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Materials: Structures and Properties E7RK 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 275 RC Physics NoMathematics 1 D321 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 142 RB Mathematics YesMathematics 1 D321 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 142 RB Mathematics YesMathematics 1 D321 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 142 RB Mathematics YesMathematics 1 D321 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 142 RB Mathematics YesMathematics 2 D322 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 142 RB Mathematics YesMathematics 2 D322 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 142 RB Mathematics YesMathematics 2 D322 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 142 RB Mathematics YesMathematics 2 D322 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 142 RB Mathematics YesMathematics 3 D323 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 142 RB Mathematics 5130276 YesMathematics 3 D323 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 142 RB Mathematics 5130286 YesMathematics 3 D323 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 142 RB Mathematics 5130096 YesMathematics 3 D323 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 142 RB Mathematics 77015 YesMathematics for Applied Mathematics DE8Y 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 142 RB Mathematics YesMathematics for Science F3T8 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 142 RB Mathematics YesMathematics: Analysis/Algebra 1 D11W 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 142 RB Mathematics YesMathematics: Analysis/Algebra 2 ED51 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 142 RB Mathematics 5130226 YesMathematics: Analysis/Algebra 3 E9AG 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 142 RB Mathematics 7150510 NoMathematics: Boolean Algebra (A) E9AH 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 142 RB Mathematics 7150630 NoMathematics: Business Numeracy E941 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 142 RB Mathematics 7150003 NoMathematics: Calculus 1 ED50 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 142 RB Mathematics NoMathematics: Calculus 2 E9AP 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 142 RB Mathematics NoMathematics: Calculus A EE3X 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 142 RB Mathematics NoMathematics: Construction Numeracy 1 E9G9 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 142 RB Mathematics NoMathematics: Construction Numeracy 2 E9GA 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 142 RB Mathematics NoMathematics: Craft 1 F3HV 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 142 RB Mathematics YesMathematics: Craft 2 F3HW 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 142 RB Mathematics YesMathematics: Engineering Numeracy E942 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 142 RB Mathematics NoMathematics: Laboratory Numeracy E943 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 142 RB Mathematics NoMathematics: Spherical Trigonometry E9G7 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 151 RB Mathematics 8302 NoMathematics: Statistics 1 E9AJ 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 142 RB Mathematics NoMathematics: Statistics 2 E9AK 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 142 RB Mathematics NoMathematics: Technician 1 F3HX 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 142 RB Mathematics YesMathematics: Technician 2 F3HY 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 142 RB Mathematics YesMeal Production and Design D281 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 269 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing YesMeasurement Methods E7W0 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 275 WD Testing Measurement and Inspection NoMeasurement of Timber Produce D875 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production NoMeasurement Techniques for Vehicle Craft Skills E9GX 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoMeasuring and Mixing E8RS 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 56 NF Cookery 5130406 NoMeasuring and Recording in Science EA49 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 141 RA Science and Technology (general) NoMeasuring Tree Crops E8D0 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production NoMeat and Poultry 1 D0T6 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 269 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing NoMeat and Poultry 2 D0T7 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 269 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing NoMechanical Engineering Principles F5K1 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 212 RC Physics NoMechanical Engineering Principles F6X7 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 212 XH Mechanical Engineering NoMechanical Fastening Methods DH57 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 212 XE Welding/Joining 7150540 NoMechanical Services (Plumbing): Domestic Drainage EB31 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 177 TH Building Services 7150520 NoMechanical Services (Plumbing): Installation Practice 1 E8P3 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 177 TH Building Services NoMechanical Services (Plumbing): Installation Practice 2 EB30 10 Intermediate 1 2.0 4 12 177 TH Building Services NoMechanical Services (Plumbing): Materials (Services) E850 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 177 TH Building Services NoMechanical Services (Plumbing): Related Technology E8R2 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 177 TH Building Services NoMechanical Services (Plumbing): Sanitary Plumbing EB2Y 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 177 TH Building Services NoMechanical Services (Plumbing): Sheet Weatherings E8P4 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 177 TH Building Services NoMechanical Services Technology: Basic Heat Transfer EA02 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 177 TH Building Services NoMechanical Services Technology: Hot and Cold Water Supply Systems EA04 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 177 TH Building Services NoMechanical Services Technology: Low Pressure Hot Water Heating Systems EA03 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 177 TH Building Services NoMechanical Services Technology: Medium and High Pressure Water Systems EA06 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 181 TH Building Services 5110106 NoMechanical Services Technology: Ventilation and Air Conditioning EA05 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 181 TH Building Services 92400 NoMechanical Systems D188 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 291 VE Industrial Control/Monitoring YesMechanics D385 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 138 RC Physics YesMechanics 1 D327 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 142 RB Mathematics YesMechanics 2 D331 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 142 RB Mathematics 6170323 YesMechanics and Heat D379 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 138 RC Physics Yes

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Mechanics and Properties of Matter D383 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 138 RC Physics 5110466 YesMechanics for Construction: An Introduction F3JC 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TK Construction Site Work NoMechanisation Planning E8TM 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 144 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery 5240006 NoMechatronic Control Systems EF03 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 275 XL Electronic Engineering NoMechatronic Systems: An Introduction D146 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering NoMechatronics Applications EG1M 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 275 XL Electronic Engineering NoMechatronics Case Study D149 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 232 XL Electronic Engineering NoMechatronics Practical Project D8XP 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 232 XL Electronic Engineering NoMedia Analysis D332 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 KA Communication/Media (general) YesMedia Analysis DV31 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 3 KA Communication/Media (general) YesMedia Analysis: Fiction DF14 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) 5110126 YesMedia Analysis: Fiction DF14 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) 5110506 YesMedia Analysis: Fiction DF14 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) YesMedia Analysis: Fiction DF14 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) 5170056 YesMedia Analysis: Non-Fiction DF15 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) 81224 YesMedia Analysis: Non-Fiction DF15 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) 81225 YesMedia Analysis: Non-Fiction DF15 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) 7351001 YesMedia Analysis: Non-Fiction DF15 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) 5110062 YesMedia Investigation DV32 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 3 KA Communication/Media (general) 5110042 YesMedia Practical D333 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 KA Communication/Media (general) YesMedia Production DF16 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) 1190106 YesMedia Production DF16 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) 78400 YesMedia Production DF16 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) 68293 YesMedia Production DF16 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) 1120021 YesMedia Production DF16 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 3 KA Communication/Media (general) 1120041 YesMedia Production D334 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 KA Communication/Media (general) 66134 YesMedia Project F57P 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 3 KA Communication/Media (general) YesMedia Studies - Advertising D6V2 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) 7140120 YesMedia Studies - An Introduction D6V5 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) 7106 YesMedia Studies - An Introduction D6V5 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) 7141556 YesMedia Studies - Broadcast Narratives D6V1 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) YesMedia Studies - Contemporary Popular Music D6V0 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) YesMedia Studies - Fashion D6TY 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) 6190056 YesMedia Studies - Film D6TX 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) 6190016 YesMedia Studies - Popular Comics D6V6 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) 7100 YesMedia Studies - Popular Literature D6TW 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) 6190066 YesMedia Studies - Press and Magazines D6V7 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) 6190676 YesMedia Studies - Press and Magazines D6V7 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) 79114 YesMedia Studies - Radio D6V4 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) 79115 YesMedia Studies - Radio D6V4 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) YesMedia Studies - Representation D6TV 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) 79105 YesMedia Studies - Still Image D6WH 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) YesMedia Studies - Television D6V3 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) 99111 YesMedia Studies - Television D6V3 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) 99113 YesMedia: Advertising - an Introduction F57H 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 3 BA Marketing/PR YesMedia: An Introduction to a Sector of the Media Industry F57J 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) YesMedia: An Introduction to Comics and Graphic Novels F57K 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) YesMedia: An Introduction to Film and the Film Industry F57T 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) YesMedia: An Introduction to the Media Industry F57L 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) YesMedia: Basic Video Camera Operations F585 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 3 KF Film/Video Production YesMedia: Basic Video Editing F57V 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 3 KF Film/Video Production YesMedia: Basic Website Development F57Y 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 3 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems YesMedia: Directing for a Single Camera Production F586 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 3 KF Film/Video Production YesMedia: Feature Writing F57M 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 3 KD Journalism YesMedia: Lighting for Single Camera F57W 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 3 KF Film/Video Production YesMedia: Making a Radio Programme F57X 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 3 KA Communication/Media (general) YesMedia: Making a Radio Programme F587 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) YesMedia: Multi-camera Studio Production Roles F589 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 3 KF Film/Video Production YesMedia: News Writing for Print F57R 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 3 KD Journalism YesMedia: Page Layout and Design for Print F57N 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 3 KH Print and Publishing YesMedia: Photography F580 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 3 KE Photography YesMedia: Presenting for Radio and Television F58A 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) YesMedia: Radio Feature Production F581 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) Yes

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Media: Radio Interviewing F58B 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 3 KD Journalism YesMedia: Radio Journalism F582 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 3 KD Journalism YesMedia: Radio Music Programme Production F58D 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) YesMedia: Research and Interview Skills for Journalism F57S 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 3 KD Journalism YesMedia: Scriptwriting F583 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 3 KC Writing (authorship) YesMedia: Sound recording for Single Camera F58E 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 3 KG Audio and Visual Media YesMedia: Television Production Assistant F584 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) YesMedia: Understanding the Creative Process F5D1 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) YesMedical Reception and Records F5AJ 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 256 PA Health Care Management/Health Studies YesMedical Terminology: An Introduction F5AK 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 256 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills YesMedical Terms Associated with Common Medical Conditions: An Introduction DC4J 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 85 PE Medical Technology/Pharmacology NoMental Health Issues: An Introduction F1P4 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 85 PH Nursing NoMenu Planning D9NR 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 269 NA Hotel/Catering (general) 68622 NoMenu Planning EF0K 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 269 NA Hotel/Catering (general) 7140226 NoMerchandising D0SV 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 244 BA Marketing/PR 7140418 NoMetal Inert Gas(MIG)/ Metal Active Gas( MAG) Welding Skills F5F7 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 218 XE Welding/Joining NoMetals in Furniture E9F1 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 134 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture NoMetaphysics D413 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 119 DE Philosophy NoMetaphysics EA59 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 277 DE Philosophy NoMeteorological Instruments and Forecasts E8EC 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 151 ZF Marine Transport 69154 No

Micro Economic Concepts EB03 04 Unlevelled 1.0 Unlevelled 258 EB Economics 69142 NoMicrobes in Poultry Production E8VY 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 148 SN Veterinary Services 69141 NoMicrobiological Techniques D042 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 140 RH Life Sciences 69166 NoMicrobiology DF5H 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 140 RH Life Sciences 69144 NoMicrobiology for Healthcare: An Introduction DC4H 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 140 RH Life Sciences 69143 NoMicrocomputer Hardware D04T 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 357 CA Computer Technology 69161 NoMicrocomputer Hardware D2Y0 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 CA Computer Technology 69162 NoMicroeconomics DM4W 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 258 EB Economics 69163 YesMicroeconomics DM4W 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 258 EB Economics 69164 YesMicroeconomics DM4W 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 258 EB Economics 69145 YesMicroeconomics DM4W 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 258 EB Economics 69148 YesMicroelectronics for Mechatronics EF04 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering 69147 NoMicroprocessor Fault Diagnosis E9SD 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering 69146 NoMicroprocessor Systems Hardware D144 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 232 XL Electronic Engineering 69152 NoMigratory Apiculture E8W5 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 146 SH Animal Husbandry 69150 NoMilk Production, Processing and Handling D0LF 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 55 WM Food/Drink/Tobacco (industrial) 69165 NoMilking E9K1 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 148 SH Animal Husbandry 69167 NoMilling and Mixing of Animal Feeds D0JP 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 148 SH Animal Husbandry 7260264 NoMime: An Introduction D654 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts NoMinerals and Rocks D8XK 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 136 RF Earth Sciences YesMinerals and Rocks D8XK 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 136 RD Chemistry 7140330 Yes

F4C4 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoMobile Plant Battery and Starting Systems E7V0 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoMobile Plant Bodyworking: Introduction E8L1 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoMobile Plant Braking Systems 1 E8KC 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoMobile Plant Braking Systems 2: Hydraulic E8KD 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 7140014 NoMobile Plant Braking Systems 3: Air Brakes E7TJ 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoMobile Plant Charging Systems E7V1 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoMobile Plant Chassis and Transmission Diagnostics E7TX 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoMobile Plant Electrical Unit Test and Reclamation: Light Vehicle Units E7V4 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 7260214 NoMobile Plant Electrics 1: Introduction E7V9 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 76092 NoMobile Plant Electrics 2: Lighting and Signalling E7VA 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoMobile Plant Electrics 3: Auxiliaries and Electronics E7VB 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoMobile Plant Exhaust Systems E8KL 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 6110310 NoMobile Plant Glazing E7TY 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoMobile Plant Hydraulic Systems: Maintenance and Repair E7VD 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoMobile Plant Lubrication E96G 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 7177041 NoMobile Plant Parts Department Practice EA77 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 ZL Motor Trade Operations NoMobile Plant Parts Department Principles EA76 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 ZL Motor Trade Operations 7177021 NoMobile Plant Parts Product Knowledge 1 E7VN 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 213 ZL Motor Trade Operations NoMobile Plant Parts Product Knowledge 2 E7VP 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 ZL Motor Trade Operations 7177051 NoMobile Plant Parts Product Knowledge 3 E7VR 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 ZL Motor Trade Operations 7141301 No

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Mix, Apply and Remove Hair Colour

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Mobile Plant Power Shift and Hydrostatic Transmissions E8K2 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 7177011 NoMobile Plant Steering 1 E7TV 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 7177031 NoMobile Plant Steering and Suspension 2 E7TW 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 7177071 NoMobile Plant Steering and Suspension Geometry E7TT 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoMobile Plant Suspension 1 E8KH 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoMobile Plant Transmission 2: Light Vehicle E8K9 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoMobile Plant Transmission 3: Heavy Vehicle E8KA 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoMobile Plant Transmission 4: Specialised Transmission E96N 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoMobile Plant Transmission 5: Tracked Transmission E7TH 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoMobile Plant Transmission Systems 1 E96M 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoMobile Plant Users Maintenance E8K5 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoMobile Plant Wheels and Tyres 1 E8KE 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoMobile Plant Wheels and Tyres 2 E7TF 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoModel Making: Architectural 1 D0HM 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 TD Building Design/Architecture NoModel Making: Architectural 2 D0HN 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 TD Building Design/Architecture NoModel Making: General 1 D0HP 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 TD Building Design/Architecture NoModern Finishing Materials E85R 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 134 WB Manufacturing/Assembly NoModern Finishing Techniques E85P 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 134 WB Manufacturing/Assembly NoModern Languages: Life in Another Country - Aspects of Life D3K3 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 FK Languages 7177061 YesModern Languages: Life in Another Country - Language D3K4 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 FK Languages YesModern Methods of Construction F3JR 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TE Construction (general) NoModern Political Ideas D395 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 279 EA Government/Politics YesModern Studies: Practical Research F1HE 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 124 FB Culture/Gender/Folklore YesModern Upholstery and Bedding Finishing E83Y 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 134 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture NoModern Upholstery and Bedding Preparation E83X 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 134 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture NoMonitor and Issue Stock Items ED5J 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 363 VB Production/Operations Management NoMonitor and Maintain a Healthy, Safe and Secure Workplace ED5L 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 PL Occupational Health and Safety 6170143 NoMonitor and Maintain a Healthy, Safe and Secure Workplace (Banking) ED81 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 262 PL Occupational Health and Safety NoMonitoring and Maintaining an Environmental Area D555 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales YesMonitoring and Maintaining an Environmental Area D555 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 157 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales 4281030 YesMonitoring and Maintaining an Environmental Area: Maintaining D93N 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 QA Environmental Protection/Conservation 4281180 YesMonitoring and Maintaining an Environmental Area: Monitoring D93M 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 QA Environmental Protection/Conservation 4281150 YesMoral Issues in Technology DF10 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 119 DE Philosophy 4280420 YesMoral Issues in Technology DF10 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 119 DE Philosophy 7160046 YesMoral Philosophy DV57 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 277 DE Philosophy 7160026 NoMoral Philosophy DV57 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 277 DE Philosophy 7161324 No

F145 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 DE Philosophy 1250072 YesMotor Cycle Construction 1: Frames, Steering and Suspension E8KF 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering NoMotor Cycle Construction 2: Wheels, Tyres and Brakes E8KG 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering NoMotor Cycle Systems: Multi Cylinder Engine Units E7V2 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 6170233 NoMotor Vehicle Inspection: Heavy Goods and Passenger-Carrying Vehicles EE5J 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 ZJ Road Transport Operation 6220053 NoMotor Vehicle Inspection: Light Vehicles and Motorcycles EG21 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 ZJ Road Transport Operation 91180 NoMotor Vehicle Inspection: Prohibition EG22 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 ZJ Road Transport Operation 7140110 NoMotor Vehicle Inspection: Tachographs and Speed Limiters ED9T 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 ZJ Road Transport Operation NoMotor Vehicle Performance Testing E8K7 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoMotor Vehicle Warranty Policies and Procedures EA78 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 213 ZA Transport (general) NoMotorcycle Systems: Small Engine Maintenance E7VS 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoMotors: Mechatronic Applications D8XN 13 Advanced Higher 0.5 7 4 232 XL Electronic Engineering 7160011 NoMovement D377 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 138 RC Physics 7160036 YesMovement D377 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 138 RC Physics YesMovement and Dance E7LN 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 16 LB Dance 76100 YesMovement for Theatre Performers D655 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts 7141443 NoMovement Observation and Analysis D0M9 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 81218 NoMovement Observation and Analysis D0M9 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 81219 NoMoving and Handling Materials F6PG 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 186 TK Construction Site Work NoMoving, Exercising and Restraining Animals EB5S 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 154 SP Pets/Domestic Animal Care 7330016 NoMultimedia D978 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 358 CE Text/Graphics/Multimedia Presentation Software 6290006 NoMultimedia Applications DF34 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 357 CE Text/Graphics/Multimedia Presentation Software 7330006 YesMultimedia Applications DF34 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 357 CE Text/Graphics/Multimedia Presentation Software 7140026 YesMultimedia Computing: Introduction to Digital Photography D0F7 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CE Text/Graphics/Multimedia Presentation Software YesMultimedia Computing: Introduction to Video Production D1D0 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CE Text/Graphics/Multimedia Presentation Software NoMultimedia Production for Theatre F696 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 16 LE Theatre Production YesMultimedia Technology DF32 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 357 CE Text/Graphics/Multimedia Presentation Software Yes

Morals and Rules

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Multimedia Technology DF32 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 357 CE Text/Graphics/Multimedia Presentation Software YesMushroom Production E8V5 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 146 SD Crop Production NoMusic Circuits EA65 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 64 LH Music Performance NoMusic Composition 1: Hi-Tech Pop Comp E9GD 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 63 LH Music Performance 7350310 NoMusic Composition 2: Hi-Tech Pop Comp E9GE 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 63 LH Music Performance 7140056 NoMusic Composition 3: Hi-Tech Composition E9GF 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic for Dance D04L 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 132 LH Music Performance Yes

Music in Movement Activities 1 E7LS 04 Unlevelled 1.0 Unlevelled 132 LB Dance No

Music in Movement Activities 2 E7LT 04 Unlevelled 1.0 Unlevelled 132 LB Dance NoMusic Making for Theatre Performance D656 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 16 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Group 1 EF9H 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Group 2 EF9G 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 63 LH Music Performance 7140216 NoMusic Making: Group 3 EF9F 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 63 LH Music Performance 7140176 NoMusic Making: Group 4 EF9E 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Group 5 EG0R 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Acoustic Guitar) 1 EF95 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Acoustic Guitar) 2 EF8S 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 63 LH Music Performance 81203 NoMusic Making: Solo (Acoustic Guitar) 3 EF83 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 63 LH Music Performance 81204 NoMusic Making: Solo (Acoustic Guitar) 4 EF8E 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 63 LH Music Performance 81205 NoMusic Making: Solo (Acoustic Guitar) 5 EG0Y 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Bass Guitar) 1 EF97 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 LH Music Performance 7140096 NoMusic Making: Solo (Bass Guitar) 2 EF8V 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Bass Guitar) 3 EF85 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Bass Guitar) 4 EF8G 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 63 LH Music Performance 7141010 NoMusic Making: Solo (Bass Guitar) 5 EG11 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 63 LH Music Performance 7140066 NoMusic Making: Solo (Brass) 1 EF93 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 LH Music Performance 7141501 NoMusic Making: Solo (Brass) 2 EF8P 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 63 LH Music Performance 76090 NoMusic Making: Solo (Brass) 3 EF81 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Brass) 4 EF8C 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Brass) 5 EG0W 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Bugle) 1 D2Y9 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Drumkit) 1 EF99 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 LH Music Performance 7140196 NoMusic Making: Solo (Drumkit) 2 EF8X 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 63 LH Music Performance 7350712 NoMusic Making: Solo (Drumkit) 3 EF87 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 63 LH Music Performance 7140206 NoMusic Making: Solo (Drumkit) 4 EF8J 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Drumkit) 5 EG13 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Electric Guitar) 1 EF96 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 LH Music Performance 7140408 NoMusic Making: Solo (Electric Guitar) 2 EF8T 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 63 LH Music Performance 7141020 NoMusic Making: Solo (Electric Guitar) 3 EF84 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Electric Guitar) 4 EF8F 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 63 LH Music Performance 7141401 NoMusic Making: Solo (Electric Guitar) 5 EG10 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 63 LH Music Performance 7220006 NoMusic Making: Solo (Ethnic Instrument) 1 EF9D 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Ethnic Instrument) 2 EF92 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Ethnic Instrument) 3 EF8B 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 63 LH Music Performance 61523 NoMusic Making: Solo (Ethnic Instrument) 4 EF8N 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 63 LH Music Performance 7260314 NoMusic Making: Solo (Ethnic Instrument) 5 EG17 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 63 LH Music Performance 7260274 NoMusic Making: Solo (Keyboard) 1 EF98 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Keyboard) 2 EF8W 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Keyboard) 3 EF86 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 63 LH Music Performance 7260011 NoMusic Making: Solo (Keyboard) 4 EF8H 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 63 LH Music Performance 7260021 NoMusic Making: Solo (Keyboard) 5 EG12 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 63 LH Music Performance 7260304 NoMusic Making: Solo (Orchestral Strings) 1 EF94 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Orchestral Strings) 2 EF8R 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 63 LH Music Performance 7260224 NoMusic Making: Solo (Orchestral Strings) 3 EF82 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 63 LH Music Performance 7140086 NoMusic Making: Solo (Orchestral Strings) 4 EF8D 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Orchestral Strings) 5 EG0X 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Percussion) 1 EF9A 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Percussion) 2 EF8Y 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Percussion) 3 EF88 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Percussion) 4 EF8K 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Percussion) 5 EG14 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 63 LH Music Performance No

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Music Making: Solo (Scottish Bagpipe) 1 EG1V 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Scottish Bagpipe) 2 EG1W 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Scottish Bagpipe) 3 EG1X 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Scottish Bagpipe) 4 EG1Y 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Scottish Bagpipe) 5 EG20 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Scottish Pipe Band Snare Drumming) D3NV 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Scottish Pipe Band Snare Drumming) D3NV 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Scottish Pipe Band Snare Drumming) D3NV 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Scottish Pipe Band Snare Drumming) D3NV 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Scottish Pipe Band Snare Drumming) D3NV 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 63 LH Music Performance 1260036 NoMusic Making: Solo (Snare Drum) D3NW 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 63 LH Music Performance 1240006 NoMusic Making: Solo (Snare Drum) D3NW 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Snare Drum) D3NW 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Snare Drum) D3NW 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 63 LH Music Performance 1230036 NoMusic Making: Solo (Snare Drum) D3NW 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Voice) 1 EF9C 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Voice) 2 EF91 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 63 LH Music Performance 1110126 NoMusic Making: Solo (Voice) 3 EF8A 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Voice) 4 EF8M 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Voice) 5 EG16 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Woodwind) 1 EF9B 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Woodwind) 2 EF90 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Woodwind) 3 EF89 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Woodwind) 4 EF8L 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Making: Solo (Woodwind) 5 EG15 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Production and Sound Engineering: Four Track Sound Recording 1 E9FC 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 63 KG Audio and Visual Media NoMusic Production and Sound Engineering: Four Track Sound Recording 2 E9FD 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 63 KG Audio and Visual Media NoMusic Production and Sound Engineering: Stereo Sound Recording 1 E9BB 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 63 KG Audio and Visual Media NoMusic Production and Sound Engineering: Stereo Sound Recording 2 E9BC 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 63 KG Audio and Visual Media 68008 NoMusic Promoting and Managing 1 D12E 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 63 AG Management Planning and Control Systems NoMusic Promoting and Managing 2 D12F 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 63 AG Management Planning and Control Systems 1110016 NoMusic Technology D586 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 63 LH Music Performance 1110046 YesMusic Theatre D04M 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 63 LH Music Performance NoMusic Theatre 1 E7LX 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 63 LF Music History/Theory 78455 NoMusic: Accompanying D355 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 63 LH Music Performance 68456 YesMusic: Accompanying D355 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 63 LH Music Performance 65237 YesMusic: Accompanying D355 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 63 LH Music Performance YesMusic: An Introduction to the UK Music Industry F58J 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 63 LF Music History/Theory YesMusic: Aural Skills F58L 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 63 LF Music History/Theory YesMusic: Composing DV45 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 63 LH Music Performance 5140026 YesMusic: Composing DV45 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 63 LH Music Performance 5140056 YesMusic: Composing DV45 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 63 LH Music Performance 67120 YesMusic: Composing DV45 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 63 LH Music Performance 67125 YesMusic: Composing DV45 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 63 LH Music Performance 67103 YesMusic: Compositional Techniques F5E9 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 63 LF Music History/Theory YesMusic: Creating and Listening D584 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 LF Music History/Theory 5140076 YesMusic: Listening DV41 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 63 LF Music History/Theory 67123 YesMusic: Listening DV41 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 63 LF Music History/Theory 88247 YesMusic: Listening DV41 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 63 LF Music History/Theory 88248 YesMusic: Listening DV41 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 63 LF Music History/Theory 88245 YesMusic: Listening DV41 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 63 LF Music History/Theory 88246 YesMusic: Listening and Performing D583 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 LH Music Performance 71551 YesMusic: Listening and Performing - Performing D7S5 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 LH Music Performance 4110222 Yes

F141 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HC Career Change/Access 7280026 YesMusic: Literacy F5EA 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 63 LF Music History/Theory YesMusic: Live Performance F58K 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 63 LH Music Performance YesMusic: Live Performance F5E5 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 63 LH Music Performance YesMusic: Management in the Music Industry F5E8 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 386 LF Music History/Theory YesMusic: MIDI Sequencing F78E 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 380 LH Music Performance YesMusic: MIDI Sequencing F5DV 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 380 LH Music Performance YesMusic: MIDI Sequencing F79B 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 380 LH Music Performance YesMusic: MIDI Sequencing F5DX 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 380 LH Music Performance YesMusic: Organising a Community-based Musical Activity F5E6 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 63 LF Music History/Theory Yes

Music: Listening to Music

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Music: Performing DV46 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 63 LH Music Performance YesMusic: Performing DV46 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 63 LH Music Performance YesMusic: Performing DV46 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 63 LH Music Performance YesMusic: Performing DV46 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 63 LH Music Performance YesMusic: Performing DV46 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 63 LH Music Performance YesMusic: Performing and Creating D585 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 LH Music Performance YesMusic: Performing and Creating - Creating D7S4 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 LH Music Performance YesMusic: Performing with Technology DV4F 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 63 LJ Musical Instrument Technology YesMusic: Performing with Technology DV4F 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 63 LJ Musical Instrument Technology YesMusic: Performing with Technology DV4F 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 63 LJ Musical Instrument Technology YesMusic: Performing with Technology DV4F 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 63 LJ Musical Instrument Technology YesMusic: Performing with Technology DV4F 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 63 LJ Musical Instrument Technology YesMusic: Producing a Sound F144 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HC Career Change/Access YesMusic: Promotion in the Music Industry F5E7 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 386 LF Music History/Theory YesMusic: Songwriting F5EB 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 63 LF Music History/Theory YesMusic: Sound Engineering and Production D354 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 63 KG Audio and Visual Media 2210102 YesMusic: Technical Support F5E2 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 380 LJ Musical Instrument Technology YesMusic: Training and Directing D358 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 63 LH Music Performance YesMusic: Visuals for Live Performance F5E4 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 380 LH Music Performance YesMusical Instrument Technology: Introduction to Acoustics E80F 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology NoMusical Instrument Technology: Metal Working Skills 1 E7YM 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology 68295 NoMusical Instrument Technology: Metal Working Skills 2 E7YN 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology NoMusical Instrument Technology: Pianoforte Servicing: Industrial Training 1 E80J 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology 3161001 NoMusical Instrument Technology: Pianoforte Servicing: Industrial Training 2 E80K 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology 3161121 NoMusical Instrument Technology: Pianoforte Servicing: Industrial Training 3 E80L 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology 3161011 NoMusical Instrument Technology: Pianoforte Servicing: Industrial Training 4 E80M 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology NoMusical Instrument Technology: Woodworking Skills 1 E7YK 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology 3161312 NoMusical Instrument Technology: Woodworking Skills 2 E7YL 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology NoMusical Invention 1 E9BD 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 63 LF Music History/Theory NoMusical Invention 2 E9BE 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 63 LF Music History/Theory 3161101 NoMusical Transducers and Amplification EA66 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 64 LH Music Performance NoNail Art: Freehand F4P3 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 66 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoNail Care D0V2 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 66 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoNatural and Man-Made Fibres EE04 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) NoNatural Gas Characteristics E8MA 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 180 TH Building Services NoNatural Language Processing D979 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 358 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems NoNatural Resource Use D312 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 157 QA Environmental Protection/Conservation 7180311 YesNatural Resource Use D312 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 157 QB Energy Economics/Management/Conservation 7180321 YesNature of Belief D409 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 119 DD Religious Studies 7180331 YesNature of Belief D409 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 119 DD Religious Studies 7180030 YesNautical Science: An Introduction F7HD 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 151 ZF Marine Transport NoNeedle Positioning Devices and Mechanisms EA5D 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 35 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 7180040 NoNegotiating Techniques E9KA 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 241 AF Management Skills NoNew Testament Greek D7YX 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 120 FK Languages NoNon Alcoholic Beverages F7E6 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 269 NB Food/Drink Services YesNon Domestic Gas Utilisation E8ME 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 180 TH Building Services NoNorth European Aquaculture: An Introduction F6T9 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 149 SJ Fish Production/Fisheries NoNucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis D13L 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 140 RH Life Sciences NoNumeracy F3GF 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 340 RB Mathematics YesNumeracy F3GF 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 340 RB Mathematics YesNumeracy F3GF 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 340 RB Mathematics YesNumeracy F3GF 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 340 RB Mathematics YesNumeracy F3GF 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 340 RB Mathematics YesNumeracy for Life and Work EE6L 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HC Career Change/Access NoNumeracy: Using Graphical Information F3GG 08 Access 2 0.25 2 1.5 340 RB Mathematics 91069 YesNumeracy: Using Graphical Information F3GG 09 Access 3 0.25 3 1.5 340 RB Mathematics 7180653 YesNumeracy: Using Number - Calculation F3GK 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 340 RB Mathematics YesNumeracy: Using Number - Measuring F3GL 08 Access 2 0.25 2 1.5 340 RB Mathematics YesNumeracy: Using Number - Measuring F3GL 09 Access 3 0.25 3 1.5 340 RB Mathematics 7180401 YesNumeracy: Using Number - Money F3GH 08 Access 2 0.25 2 1.5 340 RB Mathematics 7180414 YesNumeracy: Using Number - Time F3GJ 08 Access 2 0.25 2 1.5 340 RB Mathematics 91060 YesNumerical Analysis 1 D328 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 142 RB Mathematics 91061 YesNumerical Analysis 2 D329 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 142 RB Mathematics 81053 Yes

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Catalogue of National Qualifications-National Units

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Nursery Stock Production D876 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 146 SD Crop Production 91065 NoNutrition and Health D11K 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 197 NH Food Science/Technology 7181144 NoNutrition and Menu Planning E9P1 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 197 NH Food Science/Technology 91071 NoNutrition, Health and Wellbeing F40G 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 RH Life Sciences YesOccupational Psychology: The Individual and Work E9Y7 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 306 PK Psychology 7181155 NoOccupational Workplace Training E9GP 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 242 GE Training/Vocational Qualifications 91048 NoOcean Navigation D1C2 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 151 ZF Marine Transport 91049 YesOffice Practice: An Activity Approach D521 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 363 AY Office Skills 91045 YesOffice Practice: An Activity Approach EF7L 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 167 HC Career Change/Access 91046 NoOffice Skills and Keyboarding: An Introduction D516 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 AY Office Skills 81055 YesOffice Skills: Understanding Use of Common Office Equipment D92P 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 AY Office Skills 91051 YesOffice Skills: Using a Keyboard D92T 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 AY Office Skills 81056 YesOffice Skills: Using Basic Office Skills D92R 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 AY Office Skills 7181030 YesOne Brick Walling: An Introduction F1JV 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 171 TG Building/Construction Operations 91066 NoOn-line Database Systems DV50 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 358 CD Using Software and Operating Systems 7180900 YesOperate and Take Care of Equipment ED5C 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 363 AY Office Skills 7181000 NoOperate and Take Care of Equipment (Banking) ED83 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 262 AY Office Skills 81047 NoOperating a Powered Tool and Equipment – An Introduction F6S8 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 186 TK Construction Site Work NoOperating All Terrain Vehicles ED55 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 147 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery 91063 NoOperating Plant and Equipment (Forward Tipping Dumper) EB9W 10 Intermediate 1 2.0 4 12 161 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 91064 NoOperating Road Rail Plant – An Introduction F6R6 11 Intermediate 2 2 5 12 186 TK Construction Site Work NoOperation and Maintenance of Horticultural Machinery E8C2 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 146 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery 7180630 NoOperational Amplifiers F5J6 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering NoOperational and Control Skills for Supervisors D928 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 242 AF Management Skills NoOperational Aspects of Merchant Shipping E8EH 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 151 ZF Marine Transport NoOperational Procedures: Basic Processing EC1L 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 225 WA Manufacturing (general) NoOperational Procedures: Processing EC1C 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 225 WA Manufacturing (general) NoOral Presentation Skills D0N4 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 1 KB Communication Skills NoOrganic Chemistry D074 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 139 RD Chemistry YesOrganic Chemistry for Textiles EE05 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) NoOrganisation and Methods E7LA 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 241 AJ Human Resources Management NoOrganisation in the Home D550 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 NG Home Economics YesOrganisation in the Home - Carrying Out a Task D2SF 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 NG Home Economics YesOrganisation in the Home - Planning Work D2SE 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 NG Home Economics YesOrganisation in the Home - Preparing a Task D2SD 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 NG Home Economics YesOrganisation in the Home - Safe Working Practices D2SG 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 NG Home Economics YesOrganisation of Practical Skills 2 D0TJ 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 269 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing NoOrganisation of Practical Skills 4 D0T9 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 269 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing NoOrganisation of Sports Grounds: Cricket D32M 13 Advanced Higher 0.5 7 4 202 SF Amenity Horticulture/Sportsgrounds NoOrganisation of Sports Grounds: Football D32L 13 Advanced Higher 0.5 7 4 202 SF Amenity Horticulture/Sportsgrounds 7180060 NoOrganisation of Sports Grounds: Rugby D7T6 13 Advanced Higher 0.5 7 4 355 SF Amenity Horticulture/Sportsgrounds NoOrganise Travel and Accommodation Arrangements ED5X 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 NK Tourism/Travel NoOrganising Music Making in the Community 1 E9FA 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 63 LH Music Performance NoOrganising Music Making in the Community 2 E9FB 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 63 LH Music Performance 7180020 NoOutside Flower Crops E8BK 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 146 SD Crop Production 7180010 NoOverhead Lines E7S5 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 274 XK Power/Energy Engineering 7181060 NoOverseas Marketing D6DL 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 244 BB Export/Import/European Sales 7181071 NoOxy-Acetylene Welding Practice EE96 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 218 XE Welding/Joining NoPackaging of Foods D0RJ 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 55 WL Paper Manufacture NoPaint Surface Coatings 1: Cellulose and Acrylic Finishes E8KX 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering NoPaint Surface Coatings 2: Air Drying Synthetic Finishes (Brush Application) E8LA 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering NoPaint Surface Coatings 2: Air Drying Synthetic Finishes (Spray Application) E8KY 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering NoPaint Surface Coatings 3: Force Drying E8KV 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering NoPaint Surface Coatings 4: Two Pack Finishes E8L0 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering NoPainting and Decorating: Air Spraying and High Volume Low Pressure F79F 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 169 TG Building/Construction Operations NoPainting and Decorating: Airless Spraying and Ancillary Equipment F79G 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 169 TG Building/Construction Operations NoPainting and Decorating: Applying Solvent - borne Surface Coatings F79L 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 169 TG Building/Construction Operations NoPainting and Decorating: Applying Coatings to Cementitious Surfaces F79H 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 169 TG Building/Construction Operations NoPainting and Decorating: Applying Coatings to Metal Surfaces F79J 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 169 TG Building/Construction Operations NoPainting and Decorating: Applying Coatings to Timber Surfaces F79K 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 169 TG Building/Construction Operations NoPainting and Decorating: Applying Water - borne Surface Coatings F79M 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 169 TG Building/Construction Operations NoPainting and Decorating: Basic Decorative Effects F79N 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 169 TG Building/Construction Operations NoPainting and Decorating: Broad Wall Decorative Effects F79P 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 169 TG Building/Construction Operations No

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Painting and Decorating: Ceiling Paperhanging F79Y 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 169 TG Building/Construction Operations NoPainting and Decorating: Colour Schemes F79R 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 169 TG Building/Construction Operations NoPainting and Decorating: Construction Studies F79S 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 169 TE Construction (general) NoPainting and Decorating: Drawing F79T 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 169 TD Building Design/Architecture NoPainting and Decorating: Foundation and Plain Paperhanging F79W 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 169 TG Building/Construction Operations NoPainting and Decorating: Patterned Paperhanging F79X 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 169 TG Building/Construction Operations NoPainting and Decorating: Properties of Solvent - borne Coatings F7A0 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 169 TG Building/Construction Operations NoPainting and Decorating: Properties of Water - borne Coatings F7A1 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 169 TG Building/Construction Operations NoPainting Plastic Surfaces EA88 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 7180050 NoPainting Techniques - Opaque D953 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice 91050 NoPainting Techniques - Watercolour D954 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 131 JB Art Techniques/Practice NoPainting Techniques: Oils 1 D0HY 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice 2330026 NoPainting Techniques: Oils 2 D0J0 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice NoPainting Techniques: Water Based E7P0 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice NoPainting: General EE26 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice NoPaperhanging: Foundation and Plain Paper F1KE 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 169 TG Building/Construction Operations NoPaperhanging: Patterned Paper F1KK 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 169 TG Building/Construction Operations NoParenting DM86 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 84 HF Parenting/Carers 2160060 NoParenting DM86 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 84 HF Parenting/Carers NoPartial Denture Construction D0KB 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 96 PF Dental Services 2330036 NoParticipating in Leisure Time Activities E9XB 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 NL Leisure/Sports Facilities Work NoPartnership in Childcare and Education D75G 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 84 PQ Child Care Services 84538 NoPartnerships in Child Care and Education 1 EB0E 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 84 PQ Child Care Services NoPartnerships in Child Care and Education 2 EB07 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 84 PQ Child Care Services 2250006 NoPartnerships in Child Care and Education: Workplace Experience ED7T 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 84 PQ Child Care Services 3251023 NoPartnerships in Early Education and Childcare DM5W 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 84 PQ Child Care Services 64010 NoParts Merchandising by Telephone EA7B 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 BF Physical Distribution 3251673 NoPasteurisation and Sterilisation D0LC 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 55 WM Food/Drink/Tobacco (industrial) 3251963 NoPastry D0TC 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 269 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing 85005 NoPatisserie DE2L 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 269 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing 94005 NoPatisserie 2 E9J6 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 269 NE Baking/Dairy/Food and Drink Processing 3171223 NoPattern Development F5EX 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 218 XD Metals Working/Finishing NoPattern Development F5F8 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 218 XD Metals Working/Finishing NoPatternmaking Methods 1 E7WJ 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 47 YD Metallurgy/Metals Production NoPatternmaking Methods 2 E7WK 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 47 YD Metallurgy/Metals Production NoPatternmaking Methods: Machine Tools E8LT 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 47 YD Metallurgy/Metals Production NoPatternmaking Methods: Pattern Milling E8LV 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 47 YD Metallurgy/Metals Production NoPayments Handling D0SL 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 266 AK Financial Management/ Accounting NoPC Passport: Database DC9V 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 358 CD Using Software and Operating Systems YesPC Passport: Internet DC9N 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 358 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems 3171131 YesPC Passport: Internet DC9N 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems YesPC Passport: Internet DC9N 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 358 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems YesPC Passport: Internet and On-line Communications F1FD 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems YesPC Passport: Introduction to IT Software and Presenting Information F1F8 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 358 CD Using Software and Operating Systems YesPC Passport: Introduction to IT Systems F1GP 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 358 CA Computer Technology YesPC Passport: Introduction to the Internet and On-line Communications F1F9 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 358 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems YesPC Passport: IT Software - Spreadsheet and Database F1FB 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CD Using Software and Operating Systems 2160070 YesPC Passport: IT Software - Word Processing and Presenting Information F1FC 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CD Using Software and Operating Systems YesPC Passport: IT Systems F1FA 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 358 CA Computer Technology YesPC Passport: Presentations DC9T 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CE Text/Graphics/Multimedia Presentation Software YesPC Passport: Presentations DC9T 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 358 CE Text/Graphics/Multimedia Presentation Software YesPC Passport: Spreadsheets DC9R 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 358 CD Using Software and Operating Systems YesPC Passport: Spreadsheets DC9R 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CD Using Software and Operating Systems YesPC Passport: Spreadsheets DC9R 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 358 CD Using Software and Operating Systems YesPC Passport: Word Processing DC9P 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 358 CD Using Software and Operating Systems YesPC Passport: Word Processing DC9P 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CD Using Software and Operating Systems YesPC Passport: Word Processing DC9P 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 358 CD Using Software and Operating Systems YesPC Passport: Working with Artwork and Imaging F1FG 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 358 CE Text/Graphics/Multimedia Presentation Software 2330046 YesPC Passport: Working with Internet and On-line Communications F1FF 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 358 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems YesPC Passport: Working with IT Software – Spreadsheet and Database F1FJ 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 358 CD Using Software and Operating Systems 2330056 YesPC Passport: Working with IT Software - Word Processing and Presenting Information F1FE 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 358 CD Using Software and Operating Systems YesPC Passport:Working with IT Security for Users F1FH 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 358 CC IT: Computer Use YesPearlescent Paint Applications EA8S 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 2150186 No

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Catalogue of National Qualifications-National Units

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Peer Education EE39 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 159 GB Teaching/Training NoPeople and Politics: British Society EE7J 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 279 EA Government/Politics NoPeople and Politics: European/EU Society EE7K 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 279 EA Government/Politics NoPeople and Politics: Global Society EE7L 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 279 EA Government/Politics 2330076 NoPeople and Politics: Optional Society EE7M 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 279 EA Government/Politics NoPeople and Politics: Scottish Society EE7N 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 279 EA Government/Politics NoPeople and Society: British Society E9GJ 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 124 ED Social Sciences General/Combined NoPeople and Society: European/EC Society E9GK 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 124 ED Social Sciences General/Combined NoPeople and Society: Global Society E9GL 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 124 ED Social Sciences General/Combined NoPeople and Society: Scottish Society E9GH 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 124 ED Social Sciences General/Combined NoPeople and the Environment: British Isles EA1J 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 122 RF Earth Sciences NoPeople and the Environment: Europe/EC EA1K 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 122 RF Earth Sciences NoPeople and the Environment: Optional Country EA1L 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 122 RF Earth Sciences NoPeople and the Environment: Scotland EA1M 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 122 RF Earth Sciences NoPeople and the Environment: The World EA1N 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 122 RF Earth Sciences NoPeople and the Past: British Society E9PG 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 123 DB History NoPeople and the Past: European/EC Society E9PH 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 123 DB History NoPeople and the Past: Global Society E9PJ 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 123 DB History NoPeople and the Past: Optional Society E9PK 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 123 DB History NoPeople and the Past: Scottish Society E9PL 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 123 DB History NoPerforming Arts Industry: An Introduction F5TG 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts YesPerforming Music on One Instrument or Voice F3F4 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 63 LH Music Performance YesPerforming Music on One Instrument or Voice F3F4 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 63 LH Music Performance YesPerforming Music on One Instrument or Voice F3F4 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 63 LH Music Performance YesPerforming Music on One Instrument or Voice F3F4 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 63 LH Music Performance YesPerforming Music on One Instrument or Voice F3F4 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 63 LH Music Performance YesPeripherals E9SE 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering NoPerm and Neutralise Hair D05R 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoPermanent Patching and Reinstatement of Flexible Roads and Footways E9HG 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 352 TF Construction Management 3180963 NoPersonal and Interpersonal Skills for Supervisors D926 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 159 AJ Human Resources Management 3181111 NoPersonal and Social Development: Living Skills E7LB 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 159 HB Self Development 3181031 NoPersonal Assistance in an Independent Living Context D10X 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 82 HD Continuing Education (basic skills) 3181313 No

Personal Care EG34 04 Unlevelled 0.5 Unlevelled 66 HL Hair/Personal Care Services 2320020 NoPersonal Development: Completing a Work Related Activity F56C 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HC Career Change/Access YesPersonal Development: Developing Appropriate Behaviour F56D 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HB Self Development YesPersonal Development: Enterprise Activity F56E 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HC Career Change/Access YesPersonal Development: Environmental Issues F56F 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HB Self Development YesPersonal Development: Going Shopping F56G 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HB Self Development YesPersonal Development: Healthy Eating F56H 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HJ Personal Health/Fitness/Appearance YesPersonal Development: Improving an Environmental Area F56J 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HB Self Development YesPersonal Development: Leisure Time Activities F56K 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HB Self Development YesPersonal Development: Making a Journey F56L 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HB Self Development YesPersonal Development: Personal Hygiene F56M 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HJ Personal Health/Fitness/Appearance YesPersonal Development: Practical Abilities F37Y 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 159 HB Self Development 68617 YesPersonal Development: Practical Abilities F37Y 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 159 HB Self Development 7604 YesPersonal Development: Practical Abilities F37Y 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 159 HB Self Development 7605 YesPersonal Development: Practical Abilities F37Y 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 159 HB Self Development YesPersonal Development: Self and Work F37X 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 159 HB Self Development YesPersonal Development: Self and Work F37X 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 159 HB Self Development 3270413 YesPersonal Development: Self and Work F37X 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 159 HB Self Development YesPersonal Development: Self and Work F37X 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 159 HB Self Development YesPersonal Development: Self Awareness F2FV 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 159 HB Self Development YesPersonal Development: Self Awareness F2FV 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 159 HB Self Development YesPersonal Development: Self Awareness F2FV 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 159 HB Self Development 3270012 YesPersonal Development: Self Awareness F2FV 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 159 HB Self Development YesPersonal Development: Self in Society F37W 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 159 HB Self Development YesPersonal Development: Self in Society F37W 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 159 HB Self Development YesPersonal Development: Self in Society F37W 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 159 HB Self Development YesPersonal Development: Self in Society F37W 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 159 HB Self Development YesPersonal Effectiveness 1 E9K7 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 159 HB Self Development NoPersonal Effectiveness 2 E9K8 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 159 HB Self Development NoPersonal Effectiveness 3 E9K9 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 159 HB Self Development No

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Personal Financial Services D0XE 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 266 AL Financial Services NoPersonal Hygiene D04C 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HJ Personal Health/Fitness/Appearance YesPersonal Hygiene - Carrying Out Activities D3K7 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HJ Personal Health/Fitness/Appearance YesPersonal Hygiene - Commonly Used Products D3K6 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HJ Personal Health/Fitness/Appearance YesPersonal Hygiene - Meeting Learning Targets D3K8 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HJ Personal Health/Fitness/Appearance YesPersonal Hygiene - Planning Activities D3K5 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HJ Personal Health/Fitness/Appearance YesPersonal Organisation EF7N 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HB Self Development NoPersonal Preparation in Daily Life E9P7 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 66 HB Self Development NoPersonal Presentation D0TY 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 66 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoPersonal Profiling for Life and Work EE6M 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HB Self Development 7602 NoPersonal Profiling: An Introduction D9EY 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HB Self Development YesPersonal Wellbeing and Exercise D0VF 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 HJ Personal Health/Fitness/Appearance NoPersonnel Skills for Supervisors D927 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 159 AJ Human Resources Management 7601 NoPerspectives in Psychology D406 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 306 PK Psychology NoPerspectives of Theatre History D657 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts NoPesticide Application by Ground Crop Sprayer E9L5 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 147 SC Crop Protection/Fertilisers/Byproducts 7600 NoPesticide Application by Hand Held Applicators E9PM 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 147 SC Crop Protection/Fertilisers/Byproducts NoPetrol Injection and Air Supply Systems: Condition Assessment and Fault Diagnosis EA1A 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 7603 NoPetrol Injection and Air Supply Systems: Removal, Replacement and Adjustment of Components E9LM 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 3320016 NoPharmaceutics: Aseptic Dispensing Practice DC4E 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 95 PE Medical Technology/Pharmacology 7175010 NoPharmaceutics: Good Dispensing Practice DC44 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 95 PE Medical Technology/Pharmacology 65679 NoPharmaceutics: Legal and Ethical Controls DC45 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 95 PE Medical Technology/Pharmacology NoPharmaceutics: Preparation and Use of Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms DC46 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 95 PE Medical Technology/Pharmacology 7175020 NoPharmaceutics: Sale and Supply of Medicines and Related Products DC4F 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 95 PE Medical Technology/Pharmacology 7175030 NoPharmacology: An Introduction DC48 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 95 PE Medical Technology/Pharmacology 7175040 NoPharmacology: Chemotherapeutic Agents DC4C 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 95 PE Medical Technology/Pharmacology 7175050 NoPharmacology: Major Body Systems DC49 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 95 PE Medical Technology/Pharmacology 7175060 NoPhilosophy and Knowledge D11S 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 277 DE Philosophy 68691 NoPhilosophy and Morality E9WY 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 277 DE Philosophy 3270022 NoPhilosophy of Mind D426 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 277 DE Philosophy 78663 NoPhilosophy of Science EA5A 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 277 DE Philosophy 68692 NoPhilosophy: Metaphysics DV56 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 277 DE Philosophy 78689 NoPhilosophy: Metaphysics DV56 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 277 DE Philosophy 65558 NoPhoto Reportage D7YD 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 129 KE Photography 65559 NoPhotogrammetry 1: Introduction to Aerial Surveys E851 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 116 RG Land and Sea Surveying/Cartography 65560 NoPhotography - Monochrome Film Processing and Printing D956 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 129 KE Photography NoPhotography: An Introduction D952 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 129 KE Photography NoPhotography: Basic Product Imaging F51R 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 129 KE Photography NoPhotography: Basic Studio Techniques F51V 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 129 KE Photography NoPhotography: Camera Techniques F51S 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 129 KE Photography NoPhotography: Colour Printing EA0E 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 129 KE Photography 65116 NoPhotography: Colour Theory and Use EF4T 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 129 KE Photography 65118 NoPhotography: Copy Techniques D0MS 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 129 KE Photography 65120 NoPhotography: Creative Image Making Techniques D7YC 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 129 KE Photography 65119 NoPhotography: Location 2 D0J2 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 129 KE Photography NoPhotography: Magnified Image Skills F51T 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 129 KE Photography NoPhotography: Manipulative Processes D0J1 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 129 KE Photography NoPhotography: Portraiture Skills F51N 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 129 KE Photography NoPhotography: Portraiture Skills F51P 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 129 KE Photography NoPhotography: Research Project D7YG 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 129 KE Photography NoPhysical and Dynamical Meteorology E8ED 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 151 RF Earth Sciences NoPhysical Chemistry: Thermodynamics and Chemical Equilibrium EB19 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 139 RD Chemistry No

Physical Education: An Activity Approach E9AD 04 Unlevelled 1.0 Unlevelled 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoPhysical Education: Analysis and Development of Performance DF2R 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports YesPhysical Education: Analysis and Development of Performance DF2R 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports YesPhysical Education: Analysis and Development of Performance DF2R 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports YesPhysical Education: Appreciation of Performance D577 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports YesPhysical Education: Integrated Performance D575 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports YesPhysical Education: Integrated Performance - Participation D3KX 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 79106 YesPhysical Education: Integrated Performance - Personal Organisation D3L0 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 7310091 YesPhysical Education: Integrated Performance - Progress Towards Targets D3KY 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports YesPhysical Education: Participating in Group Activities F35M 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 7311021 Yes

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Physical Education: Participating in Individual Activities F35N 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports YesPhysical Education: Participating in Swimming Pool Activities F35P 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports YesPhysical Education: Performance D371 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports YesPhysical Education: Performance DF2T 10 Intermediate 1 1.5 4 9 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 68001 YesPhysical Education: Performance DF2T 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports YesPhysical Education: Performance DF2T 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports YesPhysical Education: Performance DF2T 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 78351 YesPhysical Education: Performance A DM45 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports YesPhysical Education: Performance B DM46 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 1190116 YesPhysical Education: Performance C DM47 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 1190126 YesPhysical Education: Performance D DM48 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 7311031 YesPhysical Education: Perspectives on Performance Development DM49 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports YesPhysical Education: Supported Participation in Group Activities F35J 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 7311041 YesPhysical Education: Supported Participation in Individual Activities F35K 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports YesPhysical Education: Supported Participation in Swimming Pool Activities F35L 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 7140398 YesPhysical Landscape of Scotland D0S5 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 136 RF Earth Sciences 7140378 NoPhysics D04P 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 RC Physics YesPhysics for Engineering E1D2 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 138 RC Physics 7310102 NoPhysics Investigation D388 13 Advanced Higher 0.5 7 4 138 RC Physics 7310501 YesPhysics: Carrying Out Practical Experiments D92M 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 RC Physics 7310071 YesPhysics: Handling Information D92N 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 RC Physics 7310061 YesPhysics: Practical Experiment DV2P 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 RC Physics 7310081 YesPhysiology, Health and Exercise D037 13 Advanced Higher 0.5 7 4 140 RH Life Sciences 7310521 YesPiano Keys 1: Cleaning and Rebushing E7YW 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology 7310511 NoPiano Tuning: Chipping and Beatless Intervals E7YS 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology 7310143 NoPiano Tuning: Chipping and Straining E7YP 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology 1120111 NoPiano Tuning: Chipping and Tuning E7YR 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology NoPianoforte Regulating: Introduction E800 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology 1110116 NoPIC Microcontrollers: Principles and Applications D8XR 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 232 XL Electronic Engineering 65680 NoPicture Frame Making and Finishing 1 EB3H 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 165 JP Wood Cane and Furniture Crafts NoPicture Frame Making and Finishing 2 EB3J 10 Intermediate 1 2.0 4 12 165 JP Wood Cane and Furniture Crafts NoPig Enterprise Management E9K3 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 148 SH Animal Husbandry NoPig Husbandry: Finishing Pigs ED54 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 148 SH Animal Husbandry NoPig Husbandry: Indoor Breeding ED59 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 148 SH Animal Husbandry 7311011 NoPig Husbandry: Outdoor Breeding ED57 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 148 SH Animal Husbandry NoPig Production D0PB 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 148 SH Animal Husbandry 7311051 NoPig Slaughter E9M2 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 57 SH Animal Husbandry 7312002 NoPipework Preparation, Forming, Assembly and Installation: Copper EE0Y 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 177 XH Mechanical Engineering NoPipework Preparation, Forming, Assembly and Installation: Non-Metallic EE11 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 177 XH Mechanical Engineering NoPipework Preparation, Forming, Assembly and Installation: Stainless Steel EE10 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 177 XH Mechanical Engineering NoPipework Skills F5EY 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 218 XH Mechanical Engineering NoPipework Systems F5F9 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 218 XH Mechanical Engineering NoPiston Engine Repair Skills E7TL 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoPlain Roof Tiling: An Introduction DD1V 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 174 TG Building/Construction Operations NoPlain Tile Roofing Skills F1L5 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 174 TG Building/Construction Operations 68224 NoPlan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Angling F17E 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 1260066 NoPlan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Athletics F17F11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 1260026 NoPlan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Badminton F012 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 68011 NoPlan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Basketball F17G 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 68170 NoPlan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Canoeing F17H 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoPlan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Cricket F015 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoPlan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Curling F41V 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MF Winter Sports NoPlan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Cycling F2F8 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoPlan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Diving F2FG 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 68177 NoPlan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Equestrian F1FP 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 78010 NoPlan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Football F016 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 78003 NoPlan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Golf F33X 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 78003 NoPlan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Gymnastics F17J 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoPlan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Hockey F017 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 1230156 NoPlan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Judo F33V 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 1230156 NoPlan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Netball F018 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoPlan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Rowing F1FL 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 68175 NoPlan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Rugby League F2FJ 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 68166 No

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Plan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Rugby Union F019 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 98051 NoPlan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Squash F01A 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 98037 NoPlan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Swimming F01B 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 98038 NoPlan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Synchronised Swimming F2FL 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 98039 NoPlan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Table Tennis F1FW 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoPlan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Tennis F02L 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 98164 NoPlan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Triathlon F2FP 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 98174 NoPlan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Water Polo F2FS 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 98165 NoPlan, Prepare and Deliver Training Sessions EE6Y 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 242 GE Training/Vocational Qualifications 1120011 NoPlanning 2: Survey and Analysis E86S 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 117 TC Property: Surveying/Planning/Development NoPlanning a Management Report DX2D 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 363 AG Management Planning and Control Systems YesPlanning an Environmental Area D553 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 QA Environmental Protection/Conservation 68199 YesPlanning an Environmental Area D553 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 157 QA Environmental Protection/Conservation 68117 YesPlanning an Environmental Area: Identifying a Suitable Site D93J 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 QA Environmental Protection/Conservation 78119 YesPlanning an Environmental Area: Identifying Suitable Plants, Tools and Equipment D93K 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 QA Environmental Protection/Conservation 1210233 YesPlanning an Environmental Area: Preparing a Plan D93L 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 QA Environmental Protection/Conservation 1210213 YesPlanning and Control of Arboricultural Operations E98L 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 68121 NoPlanning and Control of Forest Operations 1 E8CV 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production NoPlanning and Control of Forest Operations 2 E8CW 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production NoPlanning and Cultural Management of Hardy Ornamental Nursery Stock E8VD 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 146 SD Crop Production NoPlanning and Design of Below Ground Drainage Systems E975 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 177 TL Civil Engineering NoPlanning and Securing Jobs - Supported Employment D3BA 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 82 GF Careers/Education Guidance Work NoPlanning Customer Care Programmes in Travel and Tourism D445 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 192 NK Tourism/Travel NoPlanning Fitness for Others D7XE 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 1210243 NoPlanning for Manufacture E7WA 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 275 WA Manufacturing (general) 78208 NoPlanning Personal Fitness D81R 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 409 HJ Personal Health/Fitness/Appearance 78120 NoPlanning, Organisation and Control of Resources in Construction F1AS 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 405 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development 68075 NoPlant Breeding E8BC 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 146 SD Crop Production 78201 NoPlant Classification D877 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 145 SD Crop Production 68206 NoPlant Display E8V8 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 146 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales 78205 NoPlant Husbandry: Common Disorders D878 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 145 SC Crop Protection/Fertilisers/Byproducts 68168 NoPlant Identification D879 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 145 SD Crop Production 78162 NoPlant Identification D879 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 145 SD Crop Production NoPlant Identification - Conifers and Winter Subjects D880 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 145 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales NoPlant Installation F5J2 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 225 VG Engineering Services NoPlant Installation F5J8 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 225 VG Engineering Services NoPlant Installation E96J 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 225 VG Engineering Services 78167 NoPlant Instrumentation and Testing E7TC 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 225 VG Engineering Services 78209 NoPlant Maintenance Practice F5J9 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 225 VG Engineering Services NoPlant Maintenance Practice F5J3 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 225 VG Engineering Services NoPlant Operations: Carrying Out Earthworks (Mechanical Earthmoving and Loading Equipment) ED05 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 161 TK Construction Site Work 78218 NoPlant Operations: Carrying Out Earthworks (Mechanical Earthmoving Equipment) ED06 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 161 TK Construction Site Work 1210143 NoPlant Operations: Delivering Materials and Components (Mechanical Lifting Plant and Equipment) ED08 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 161 TK Construction Site Work 1210103 NoPlant Operations: Loading and Unloading Materials and Components (Slinging/Signalling) ED02 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 161 TK Construction Site Work 1210133 NoPlant Operations: Providing Dimensional Positioning (Checking and Transferring Reference Marks) ED04 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 161 TK Construction Site Work 1210113 NoPlant Operations: Servicing and Repairing Plant and Equipment (Servicing and Minor Adjustments) ED03 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 TK Construction Site Work 1210123 NoPlant Physiological Processes D13P 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 140 RH Life Sciences 78179 NoPlant Production from Seed D882 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 145 SD Crop Production NoPlant Protection Procedures: Pest and Disease Control D0NJ 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 147 SC Crop Protection/Fertilisers/Byproducts 68193 NoPlant Protection Procedures: Weed Control D0NL 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 147 SC Crop Protection/Fertilisers/Byproducts 78200 NoPlant Services - Boilers D00N 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 225 XH Mechanical Engineering 68176 NoPlant Services - Compressed Air D00L 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 225 XH Mechanical Engineering NoPlant Services 1 EC1B 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 225 VG Engineering Services NoPlant Services 2 EC1E 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 225 VG Engineering Services NoPlant Services: Refrigeration and Air Conditioning E7TD 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 225 XH Mechanical Engineering NoPlant Structure and Function D883 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 145 SB Agricultural Sciences 68118 NoPlanting/Beating Up E9T3 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 88223 NoPlastering: Applying and Coating to Metal Lath F6SB 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 173 TG Building/Construction Operations NoPlastering: Applying Lightweight Plasters F6SC 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 173 TG Building/Construction Operations NoPlastering: Cement Casting F6RY 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 173 TG Building/Construction Operations NoPlastering: External Finishes F6SD 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 173 TG Building/Construction Operations NoPlastering: External Repairs F6S0 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 173 TG Building/Construction Operations NoPlastering: Floorscreeding F6S7 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 173 TG Building/Construction Operations No

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Plastering: Internal Repairs F6S1 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 173 TG Building/Construction Operations NoPlastering: Plain Faced Render and Bull-nose Ashlars F6S9 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 173 TG Building/Construction Operations NoPlastering: Plasterboard and Coving F6SE 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 173 TG Building/Construction Operations NoPlastering: Producing and Fixing Fibrous Plaster Casts F6SF 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 173 TG Building/Construction Operations NoPlastering: Producing and Fixing Plaster Enrichments from a Case Mould F6SA 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 173 TG Building/Construction Operations NoPlastering: Producing and Fixing Plaster Enrichments from a Flood Mould F6S2 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 173 TG Building/Construction Operations NoPlastering: Producing Plaster Piece Mould F6S3 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 173 TG Building/Construction Operations NoPlastering: Run and Fix Mouldings F6SG 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 173 TG Building/Construction Operations NoPlastering: Running Cornice Work Incorporating Short Breaks and Mitres F6SH 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 173 TG Building/Construction Operations NoPlastering: Screeds and Straightening F6S4 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 173 TG Building/Construction Operations NoPlastering: Tools and Materials F6S5 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 173 TG Building/Construction Operations NoPlastics in Furniture E9D5 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 134 WB Manufacturing/Assembly 68173 NoPlating and Etching of Printed Circuits E7T1 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering 78202 NoPlay and the Curriculum: Workplace Experience ED7M 12 Higher 4.0 6 24 84 GB Teaching/Training NoPlay and Theatre Appreciation E7LR 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts NoPlay Experiences for the Young Child ED2N 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 84 PQ Child Care Services NoPlay in Early Education and Childcare DM41 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues 78151 NoPlay in Early Education and Childcare DM41 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues 68191 No

DM41 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues 78204 NoPlay in Practice DM42 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues 78207 NoPlay in Practice DM42 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues NoPlay: An Introduction D10T 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 84 PQ Child Care Services 68178 NoPlumbing Services: An Introduction F1L6 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 177 TH Building Services 1163000 NoPlumbing Technology, Drawing and Design E81H 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 177 TD Building Design/Architecture 1163020 NoPlumbing: Bossing and Forming 1 (Introduction) EA3D 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 177 TH Building Services NoPlumbing: Bossing and Forming 2 (Chimney Weatherings) EA3E 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 177 TH Building Services NoPlumbing: Bossing and Forming 3 (Dormer Weatherings) EA0A 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 177 TH Building Services NoPlumbing: Bronze Welding up to and including 76mm Diameter Pipe E9MT 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 177 XE Welding/Joining NoPlumbing: Gas Welding of Lead, Copper and Low Carbon Steel E9MV 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 177 XE Welding/Joining NoPlumbing: Hot Water Systems 1 E9YX 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 177 TH Building Services 68188 NoPlumbing: Hot Water Systems 2 E9YY 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 177 TH Building Services 68189 NoPlumbing: Hot Water Systems 3 EA01 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 177 TH Building Services 78190 NoPlumbing: Introduction to Working with Natural Gas E9MS 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 177 TH Building Services NoPlumbing: Leadburning, Bronze Welding and Hard Soldering E9A1 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 177 XE Welding/Joining NoPlumbing: Mains-fed Hot Water Systems EA00 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 177 TH Building Services NoPlumbing: Ventilation and Flues E9MW 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 177 TH Building Services NoPneumatic Systems Theory, Design and Servicing E98X 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 225 XH Mechanical Engineering NoPneumatics and Hydraulics F5JB 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 212 XH Mechanical Engineering NoPneumatics and Hydraulics F5K2 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 212 XH Mechanical Engineering NoPolice Cadets: Community Safety DE0V 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 284 QH Security NoPolice Cadets: Information Technology Skills D9VF 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 284 QH Security 1212500 NoPolice Cadets: Meeting Customer Needs - The Role of Road Policing DE4F 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 284 QH Security 78187 NoPolice Cadets: Meeting Customer Needs - The Role of the CID DE0W 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 284 QH Security 1210016 NoPolice Cadets: Support Services (Air Support Unit) DE4A 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 284 QH Security 88238 NoPolice Cadets: Support Services (Armed Response Vehicles) DE4C 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 284 QH Security 1212602 NoPolice Cadets: Support Services (Dog Branch) DE4D 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 284 QH Security NoPolice Cadets: Support Services (Mountain Rescue Team) DE4E 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 284 QH Security NoPolice Cadets: support services (Mounted Branch) DE4J 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 284 QH Security 78186 NoPolice Cadets: Support Services (Support Unit) DE4G 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 284 QH Security NoPolice Cadets: Support Services (Underwater Search Unit) DE4H 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 284 QH Security 1163030 NoPolish for Work Purposes F3C9 09 Access 3 1.0 3 452 24 FK Languages YesPolish for Work Purposes F3C9 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 452 24 FK Languages 68232 YesPolish for Work Purposes F3C9 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 452 24 FK Languages YesPolish for Work Purposes F3C9 12 Higher 1.0 6 452 24 FK Languages YesPolitical and Social Issues F1HD 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 124 FB Culture/Gender/Folklore 88237 YesPolitical Behaviour: An Introduction D391 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 279 EA Government/Politics 98235 YesPolitical Issues in the United Kingdom DV52 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 124 FB Culture/Gender/Folklore 1210044 YesPolitical Issues in the United Kingdom DV52 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 124 FB Culture/Gender/Folklore YesPolitical Issues in the United Kingdom DV52 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 124 FB Culture/Gender/Folklore 1210000 YesPolitical Issues in the United Kingdom DV52 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 124 FB Culture/Gender/Folklore 1210024 YesPolitical Representation DV4V 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 279 EA Government/Politics YesPolitical Representation DV4V 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 279 EA Government/Politics 1210051 YesPolitical Structures DV4T 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 279 EA Government/Politics 88249 Yes

Play in Early Education and Childcare

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Political Structures DV4T 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 279 EA Government/Politics 98231 YesPolitical Structures: An Introduction D390 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 279 EA Government/Politics YesPolitical Theory DV4R 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 279 EA Government/Politics YesPolitical Theory DV4R 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 279 EA Government/Politics YesPolitical Theory: An Introduction D389 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 279 EA Government/Politics YesPolitics: Research D396 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 279 EA Government/Politics YesPolymer Plant and Services E81D 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 54 YE Polymer Science/Technology NoPolymer Processes 1 E80X 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 54 YE Polymer Science/Technology NoPolymer Processes 2 E80Y 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 54 YE Polymer Science/Technology NoPolymer Science 1 E80V 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 54 YE Polymer Science/Technology NoPolymer Technology 1 E80W 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 54 YE Polymer Science/Technology NoPolymer Technology 2: Plastics E812 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 54 YE Polymer Science/Technology NoPolymer Technology 2: Rubber E816 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 54 YE Polymer Science/Technology NoPolymer Technology 3: Plastics E813 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 54 YE Polymer Science/Technology NoPolymer Technology 3: Rubber E817 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 54 YE Polymer Science/Technology 88239 NoPolymer Technology 4: Plastics E814 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 54 YE Polymer Science/Technology NoPolymer Technology 4: Rubber E818 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 54 YE Polymer Science/Technology 98228 NoPolymer Technology 5: Plastics E815 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 54 YE Polymer Science/Technology 68234 NoPolymer Technology 5: Rubber E819 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 54 YE Polymer Science/Technology 98229 NoPolymer Testing E810 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 54 YE Polymer Science/Technology 1230116 NoPolymer Workshop 1 E81A 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 54 YE Polymer Science/Technology 1230076 NoPolymer Workshop 2 E81B 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 54 YE Polymer Science/Technology 1230096 NoPolymer Workshop 3 E81C 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 54 YE Polymer Science/Technology 1230086 NoPopular Longhaul Tourist Destinations F3PG 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 192 NK Tourism/Travel 1230106 NoPopulation Ecology EB1H 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 157 RH Life Sciences 1152150 No

F4C6 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoPot Plants E9KX 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 75 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales 1153084 NoPotato Enterprise Management E8AT 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 147 SD Crop Production 1153031 NoPotato Harvesting and Storage E9E1 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 147 SC Crop Protection/Fertilisers/Byproducts 1153011 NoPotato Production D0NF 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 147 SL Agricultural/Horticultural Maintenance 68284 NoPotato Roguing EF6Y 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 147 SB Agricultural Sciences 88159 NoPoultry Equipment E8CC 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 148 SH Animal Husbandry 68149 NoPoultry Health Management E8VV 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 148 SL Agricultural/Horticultural Maintenance 68285 NoPoultry Nutrition E8VW 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 148 SH Animal Husbandry 68294 NoPoultry Product Handling: Eggs E8CB 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 55 SH Animal Husbandry 68336 NoPoultry Product Handling: Meat E8CG 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 55 SH Animal Husbandry NoPoultry Production Systems E8VR 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 55 SH Animal Husbandry 78339 NoPoultry Rearing E8C9 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 148 SH Animal Husbandry 78027 NoPoultry Slaughter E9M3 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 57 SH Animal Husbandry 68132 NoPower Assisted Steering Systems EA7Y 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 68133 NoPower Control D137 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 231 XJ Electrical Engineering NoPower Drives F5K3 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 212 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoPower Drives F5JC 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 212 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoPower Electronics F5JH 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering NoPower Supplies F5J5 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 XK Power/Energy Engineering NoPower Tools E9D0 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 165 TG Building/Construction Operations NoPractical Abilities: Independent Living F37P 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HD Continuing Education (basic skills) 68338 YesPractical Abilities: Making Journeys F37N 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HD Continuing Education (basic skills) 88160 YesPractical Abilities: Personal Finance F37R 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HE Personal Finance/Consumerism/Rights 68298 YesPractical Apiculture E8W4 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 146 SH Animal Husbandry 68299 NoPractical Cookery Skills for the Hospitality Industry D9NM 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 269 NF Cookery 1152100 YesPractical Craft Skills D535 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 XA Engineering/Technology (general) YesPractical Craft Skills D535 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 318 XA Engineering/Technology (general) 78332 YesPractical Craft Skills - Health and Safety D3NG 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 XA Engineering/Technology (general) YesPractical Craft Skills - Identifying Materials D3NE 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 XA Engineering/Technology (general) YesPractical Craft Skills - Producing Artefacts D3NF 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 XA Engineering/Technology (general) YesPractical Deer Tasks EA7P 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 143 SH Animal Husbandry NoPractical Electricity D374 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 138 RC Physics 78341 YesPractical Electricity D374 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 138 RC Physics 68297 YesPractical Electronics F5JJ 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering NoPractical Electronics D181 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 318 XL Electronic Engineering 68330 YesPractical Electronics D181 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 318 XL Electronic Engineering 65614 YesPractical Experiences in Construction DX15 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 411 TE Construction (general) No

Postiche Applications and Styling: An Introduction

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Practical Experiences in Engineering DX16 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 411 TL Civil Engineering 78335 NoPractical Fabric Skills D274 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 197 JK Fashion/Textiles/Clothing (craft) YesPractical Fabric Skills E9P2 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 197 NG Home Economics 1230126 NoPractical Forest Nursery Techniques D885 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 88157 NoPractical Investigation in Philosophy E9WT 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 277 DE Philosophy NoPractical Investigation in Psychology EA58 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 306 PK Psychology NoPractical Investigation in the Social Sciences: People and Politics EA1G 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 279 EA Government/Politics NoPractical Investigation in the Social Sciences: People and Society EA1P 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 278 ED Social Sciences General/Combined 1230136 NoPractical Investigation in the Social Sciences: People and the Environment EA1S 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 122 ED Social Sciences General/Combined 1230146 NoPractical Investigation in the Social Sciences: People and the Past EA1R 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 123 DB History NoPractical Navigation 1 E8E3 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 151 ZF Marine Transport 78131 NoPractical Navigation 2 E8E4 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 151 ZF Marine Transport 68026 NoPractical Skills for Carers F1P0 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 82 PM Social Care/Social Work Skills 1153061 NoPractical Skills for Salon Assistants D05W 10 Intermediate 1 1.5 4 9 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services 1153051 NoPractical Talking Skills EA3B 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 1 KB Communication Skills 78334 NoPractical Tasks in Library and Information Work EA7C 10 Intermediate 1 2.0 4 12 4 CZ Libraries/Librarianship NoPractical Writing Skills EA3A 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 1 KB Communication Skills NoPractice Experience in a Support for Learning Setting: The Support for Learning Assistant D2KL 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 84 GD Education/School Organisation 78271 NoPredator and Pest Control D0NV 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 143 SC Crop Protection/Fertilisers/Byproducts 1180003 NoPreliminary Operations: Food Processing D0L8 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 55 WM Food/Drink/Tobacco (industrial) 68259 NoPreparation and Assembly of Electrical Systems E7S1 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 274 XK Power/Energy Engineering 1180110 NoPreparation for Audition D658 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts YesPreparation for Audition D658 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts 1182610 NoPreparation for Burial Procedures E98R 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 68 QG Funerary Services 1180620 NoPreparation for Farm Enterprise Evaluation E9A2 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 144 SM Rural/Agricultural Business Organisation 1180520 NoPreparation for Parenthood D276 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 197 HF Parenting/Carers 68256 YesPreparation for Parenthood D276 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 197 HF Parenting/Carers 1180550 YesPreparation for Parenthood E9F3 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 84 HF Parenting/Carers 68251 NoPreparation of Textile Materials for Dyeing, Printing and Finishing EE06 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) 1183003 NoPrepare and Secure Domestic Plumbing Appliances: An Introduction F1L8 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 177 TH Building Services 1183013 NoPrepare Documents ED5S 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AY Office Skills 1180600 NoPrepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Athletics F17K 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 1180500 NoPrepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Badminton F021 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 98435 NoPrepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Basketball F17L 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 98436 NoPrepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Canoeing F17M 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 68264 NoPrepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Cricket F022 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 1120031 NoPrepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Cycling F2F2 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 1120061 NoPrepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Diving F2EY 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 1120071 NoPrepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Equestrian F1FR 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 1120081 NoPrepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Football F023 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 1182640 NoPrepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Golf F341 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 1182640 NoPrepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Gymnastics F17N 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 78422 NoPrepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Hockey F024 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 78261 NoPrepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Judo F33S 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 78261 NoPrepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Netball F025 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 68255 NoPrepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Orienteering F56P 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoPrepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Rugby League F2EV 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 78352 NoPrepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Rugby Union F026 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 78350 NoPrepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Squash F027 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 1182680 NoPrepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Swimming F028 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 1181001 NoPrepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Synchronised Swimming F2EM 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 78300 NoPrepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Table Tennis F1FY 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 1120001 NoPrepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Tennis F02H 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 1120101 NoPrepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Triathlon F2F6 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 78219 NoPrepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Volleyball F4TN 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoPrepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Water Polo F2ER 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 1180063 NoPreparing and Conditioning Cut Flowers and Foliages E9KY 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 75 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales 1182802 NoPreparing and Painting Surfaces F1K7 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 169 TG Building/Construction Operations 3250010 NoPreparing and Using Basic Lime Mixes D3VG 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 172 TG Building/Construction Operations NoPreparing Background Surfaces to Receive Surface Finishings (Applied Finishing Occupations) EB42 10 Intermediate 1 1.5 4 9 161 TG Building/Construction Operations 3250050 NoPreparing Components (Cleaning and Applying Protective Coatings) EB9V 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 WB Manufacturing/Assembly 1180800 NoPreparing Final Accounts F6TY 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 266 AK Financial Management/ Accounting 1180240 NoPreparing Financial Accounts EC0E 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 266 AK Financial Management/ Accounting 1180250 No

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Preparing Finishing Components for Suspended Ceilings EB9P 10 Intermediate 1 2.0 4 12 179 TG Building/Construction Operations 1180810 NoPreparing for Employment: First Steps F786 09 Access 3 0.25 3 1.5 159 HC Career Change/Access YesPreparing for Employment: First Steps F786 10 Intermediate 1 0.25 4 1.5 159 HC Career Change/Access YesPreparing for Independent Living EE3A 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 159 HD Continuing Education (basic skills) 1180200 NoPreparing for Independent Living EE3A 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 159 HD Continuing Education (basic skills) 1180230 NoPreparing for Independent Living EE3A 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 159 HD Continuing Education (basic skills) 78302 NoPreparing Graphical Information for Reprographic Media (Land Use and Development) EC82 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 117 TC Property: Surveying/Planning/Development 78304 NoPreparing Hydraulic Mortars and Building and Repointing Traditional Rubble Masonry with Various Lime Mortars D3VH 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 172 TG Building/Construction Operations 1180490 NoPreparing Machinery for Operational Performance F6R0 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 186 TK Construction Site Work NoPreparing Materials for Application (Mixing) EC86 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 352 TG Building/Construction Operations 68116 NoPreparing Materials for Application to Structural Fabric (Applied Finishing Occupations) EB4L 10 Intermediate 1 1.5 4 9 161 TG Building/Construction Operations 1180630 NoPreparing Reports and Returns EC0K 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 266 AK Financial Management/ Accounting 1180263 NoPreparing to Work F57F 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 159 HC Career Change/Access YesPreparing to Work F57F 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 159 HC Career Change/Access YesPreparing to Work in an Early Years Care and Education Setting D75B 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 84 PQ Child Care Services 1180163 NoPreparing to Work with People with Special Needs D10R 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 166 PN Family/Community Work/Youth Advice Work 1180013 NoPreparing VAT Returns EC0G 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 266 AK Financial Management/ Accounting 1180530 NoPresenting Analytical Graphical Information (Land Use and Development) EC83 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 117 TC Property: Surveying/Planning/Development 3250040 NoPresenting Basic Graphical Information (Land Use and Development) EC80 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 117 TC Property: Surveying/Planning/Development 68253 NoPresenting Drama D539 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts 78267 YesPresenting Drama: Participating with Others D93F 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts 68252 YesPresenting Drama: Reviewing Own Performance D93H 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts 68260 YesPresenting Drama: Using Acting and Technical Skills D93G 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts 78258 YesPress Tooling: Introduction ED1B 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 275 XD Metals Working/Finishing 68250 NoPrevention of Infection DM5P 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 85 PH Nursing 3250060 NoPreventive Dentistry D0KH 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 97 PF Dental Services 78303 NoPrimal Boning E9M4 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 57 WM Food/Drink/Tobacco (industrial) 1120121 NoPrinciples of Chemical Reactions D073 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 139 RD Chemistry 1180610 YesPrinciples of Conservation D886 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 155 QA Environmental Protection/Conservation 1180510 NoPrinciples of Conservation in the Built Heritage F2FW 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 172 TG Building/Construction Operations 1180360 NoPrinciples of Naval Architecture 1 E7X2 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 215 XQ Ship and Boat Building/Marine/Offshore Engineering 1180350 NoPrinciples of Naval Architecture 2 E7X3 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 215 XQ Ship and Boat Building/Marine/Offshore Engineering NoPrinciples of Naval Architecture 3 E7X4 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 215 XQ Ship and Boat Building/Marine/Offshore Engineering NoPrinciples of Navigation 1 E8DX 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 151 ZF Marine Transport NoPrinciples of Navigation 2 E8DY 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 151 ZF Marine Transport NoPrinciples of Navigation 3 E8E0 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 151 ZF Marine Transport NoPrinciples of Organic Production D0MT 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 146 SD Crop Production 78354 NoPrinciples of Physiological Measurement: Cardiology/Respiratory D0NM 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 94 PB Medical Sciences 1261002 NoPrinciples of Physiological Measurement: Instrumentation/Nephrology D0NP 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 94 PB Medical Sciences 78355 NoPrinciples of Physiological Measurement: Neurology/Audiology D0NN 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 94 PB Medical Sciences 1182630 NoPrinciples of Purchasing and Supply D0XJ 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 298 VC Purchasing/Procurement and Sourcing 78353 NoPrinciples of Refrigeration E7TE 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 225 XH Mechanical Engineering 78359 NoPrinciples of Telecommunication Systems E7S7 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 222 XM Telecommunications 1180540 NoPrinciples of the Ship's Magnetic Compass E9R0 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 151 ZF Marine Transport 1180640 NoPrint Finishing: Ancillary Operations E89R 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 37 KH Print and Publishing 78301 NoPrint Finishing: Book Production Methods E89S 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 37 KH Print and Publishing 78358 NoPrint Finishing: Book Restoration and Repair E8SX 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 37 KH Print and Publishing 1182690 NoPrint Finishing: Cutting E89W 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 37 KH Print and Publishing 68263 NoPrint Finishing: Cutting 2 E89Y 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 37 KH Print and Publishing 1182620 NoPrint Finishing: Fine Bookbinding E8SW 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 37 KH Print and Publishing 1120051 NoPrint Finishing: Folding E89V 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 37 KH Print and Publishing NoPrint Finishing: Introduction E89P 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 37 KH Print and Publishing NoPrint Finishing: Library Binding E89X 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 37 KH Print and Publishing NoPrint Finishing: Specialist Book Production E8A0 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 37 KH Print and Publishing NoPrint Finishing: Stationery, Looseleaf and Mechanical Binding E89T 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 37 KH Print and Publishing NoPrint Finishing: Stock Control and Materials Handling E8A1 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 37 KH Print and Publishing NoPrinted Circuit Tracking and Artwork E7T3 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 232 XL Electronic Engineering NoPrinting Administration E8A2 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 37 KH Print and Publishing NoPrinting Materials E8A4 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 37 KH Print and Publishing NoPrinting Production Processes E8T0 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 37 KH Print and Publishing NoPrintmaking: Etching 1 D17A 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 37 KH Print and Publishing NoProblem Solving F3GD 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 340 HB Self Development YesProblem Solving F3GD 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 340 HB Self Development 1190026 Yes

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Problem Solving F3GD 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 340 HB Self Development 1190046 YesProblem Solving F3GD 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 340 HB Self Development 1190066 YesProblem Solving F3GD 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 340 HB Self Development 1190076 YesProblem Solving E9JA 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 159 AF Management Skills 1190147 NoProblem Solving in Home Economics E9P3 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 197 NG Home Economics NoProblem Solving in Mathematics DM57 07 Access 1 2.0 1 12 197 HD Continuing Education (basic skills) 78071 YesProcess Chemistry: An Introduction F6X9 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 52 RD Chemistry NoProcess Control and Fault Diagnosis EC17 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 225 VE Industrial Control/Monitoring 68340 NoProcess Documents Relating to Goods and Services ED5W 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AY Office Skills 94460 NoProcess Information ED5E 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 363 AY Office Skills 94461 NoProcess Measurement and Control: An Introduction F6X8 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 52 VE Industrial Control/Monitoring NoProcess Operations 1 EC1G 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 225 VE Industrial Control/Monitoring 1130600 NoProcess Operations 2: Distillation and Extraction EC12 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 225 WA Manufacturing (general) 1130610 NoProcess Operations 2: Evaporation and Crystallisation EC13 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 225 WA Manufacturing (general) NoProcess Operations 2: Gas Compression EC16 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 225 WA Manufacturing (general) NoProcess Operations 2: Mixing, Blending and Heat Exchange EC14 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 225 WA Manufacturing (general) NoProcess Operations 2: Size Reduction/Classification EC15 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 225 WA Manufacturing (general) NoProcess Operations: Gas Processing Operations F6XB 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 52 YC Chemicals/Materials Engineering NoProcess Operations: Oil and Gas Separation F6XA 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 52 YC Chemicals/Materials Engineering NoProcess Operations: Utilities F6XC 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 52 YB Oil and Gas Operations NoProcess Plant Hygiene D0JH 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 55 QE Cleansing NoProcessing Basic Numerical Data D0WH 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 VB Production/Operations Management NoProcessing Business Documents D0WK 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AY Office Skills NoProduce a Creative Three-Dimensional Art-Form D8LY 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice NoProduce and Present Business Documents from Dictated Material ED62 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AY Office Skills NoProduce and Present Business Documents from Provided Material ED60 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AY Office Skills NoProduce and Present Business Documents from Recorded Material ED61 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AY Office Skills NoProduce Text Following Instructions ED5G 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills NoProducing and Fixing Plaster Moulding: An Introduction DH2A 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 173 TG Building/Construction Operations NoProducing Components from Procured Materials (Powered and Non-Powered Tools) EB9M 10 Intermediate 1 2.0 4 12 212 XA Engineering/Technology (general) NoProducing Floral Designs: Accessory EA8D 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 75 JG Decorative Leisure Crafts NoProducing Floral Designs: Flower Arrangements EA8F 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 75 JG Decorative Leisure Crafts NoProducing Floral Designs: Funeral Tributes EA8E 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 75 JG Decorative Leisure Crafts 78069 NoProducing Floral Designs: Tied Assemblies EA8C 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 75 JG Decorative Leisure Crafts 1130003 NoProducing Floral Designs: Wedding EA8A 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 75 JG Decorative Leisure Crafts 68233 NoProducing Text from Recorded Material - Legal D0X3 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills NoProducing Text from Recorded Material - Medical D0X4 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 256 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills NoProducing Text from Recorded Material 2 EF32 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills NoProducing Text from Recorded Material 2 (Medical) EF33 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills 1131003 NoProduct Design 1 D0HT 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development 68230 NoProduct Design Analysis D130 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 130 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development 78029 YesProduct Design: Design Analysis DF4V 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 130 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development 1260056 YesProduct Design: Design Analysis DF4V 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 130 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development 1153071 YesProduct Design: Developing Design Proposals DF4W 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 130 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development 1230052 YesProduct Design: Developing Design Proposals DF4W 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 130 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development 98123 YesProduct Design: Manufacturing Products DF4X 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 130 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development 1130410 YesProduct Design: Manufacturing Products DF4X 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 130 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development 1153041 YesProduct Development EA54 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 244 BA Marketing/PR 78036 NoProduct Development D131 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 130 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development 68105 YesProduct Knowledge: Aromatherapy Oils and Products EG02 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 66 BA Marketing/PR 78019 NoProduct Knowledge: Flowers EG00 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 75 BA Marketing/PR 98079 NoProduct Knowledge: Health and Beauty Products EG01 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 66 BA Marketing/PR 88094 NoProduction and Care of Young Trees F6AR 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 437 SG Forestry/Timber Production NoProduction Design D659 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 16 LE Theatre Production 1230064 NoProduction Management D660 12 Higher 3.0 6 18 16 LE Theatre Production NoProduction of Healthy Plant Material E8BA 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 146 SD Crop Production 68420 NoProduction of Woody Plants from Seed E8VF 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 146 SD Crop Production 88017 NoProfessional Practice D661 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 16 LA Performing Arts (general) 1182600 YesProfessional Practice in an Educational Setting F7HV 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 84 GB Teaching/Training NoProfessional Theatre in Context F5L4 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 16 LE Theatre Production YesProficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats F7HF 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 151 ZF Marine Transport NoProgram Control Systems D2XY 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 VE Industrial Control/Monitoring 1152110 NoProgrammable Control Systems D147 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 232 VE Industrial Control/Monitoring 1260006 No

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Programmable Systems D980 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 357 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems 78077 NoProgrammable Systems D980 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 357 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems 1180820 NoProject in Library and Information Work D10H 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 4 CZ Libraries/Librarianship 1260013 No

Promoting Equal Opportunities EB0B 04 Unlevelled 1.0 Unlevelled 82 AJ Human Resources Management 78266 No

Promoting Equal Opportunities 2 EC08 04 Unlevelled 1.0 Unlevelled 82 AJ Human Resources Management 1230001 NoPromoting Play D31E 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 84 PQ Child Care Services 98004 NoPromoting Positive Behaviour in Children D36T 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 84 PK Psychology NoPromoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Athletics F17P 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 68172 NoPromoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Basketball F17R 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 68171 NoPromoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Canoeing F17S 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 68227 NoPromoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Cricket F01R 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 78013 NoPromoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Cycling F2F1 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoPromoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Diving F2EX 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 88016 NoPromoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Equestrian F1FS 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 68014 NoPromoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Football F01T 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 68018 NoPromoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Golf F340 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 68018 NoPromoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Gymnastics F172 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 1182700 NoPromoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Hockey F01V 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoPromoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Judo F33R 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoPromoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Netball F01W 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoPromoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Orienteering F56N 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoPromoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Rugby League F2ET 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 78272 NoPromoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Rugby Union F01X 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 1180028 NoPromoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Squash F01Y 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 1180038 NoPromoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Swimming F020 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 1180048 NoPromoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Synchronised Swimming F2EL10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 1180058 NoPromoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Table Tennis F1G0 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 1180078 NoPromoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Tennis F02M 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 1180088 NoPromoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Triathlon F2F5 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 1180098 NoPromoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Volleyball F4TM 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoPromoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Water Polo F2EP 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 1180138 NoPromoting Safe and Ethical Sport; Badminton F01P 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 409 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 1180148 NoPromotion of Child Health ED2M 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 84 PH Nursing 1180158 NoPromotional Mix D0XW 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 244 BA Marketing/PR 1180178 NoProperties and Uses of Construction Materials D923 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 161 TE Construction (general) 1180188 NoProperties of Heat, Light and Sound in Construction F3JP 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TH Building Services NoProperty Development E86P 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 190 AL Financial Services 1180198 NoProperty Investments E86R 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 190 AL Financial Services NoProtected Crop Production - Floriculture D888 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 146 SD Crop Production 1180120 NoProtected Crop Production - Food Crops D887 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 146 SD Crop Production 1182650 NoProtected Crop Production - Pot Plants D884 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 146 SD Crop Production 1180100 NoProtected Environments: Sites and Structures D0LY 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 146 SD Crop Production NoProtection and Earthing E9ME 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 160 XJ Electrical Engineering NoProvide Play Sessions in a Sport Environment F7JK 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 459 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoProviding Assistance using Telecommunications DE18 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 300 AF Management Skills 1250022 NoProviding Dimensional Positioning for Setting Out Groundwork ED78 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 352 TK Construction Site Work 1250042 NoProviding Financial Services E9KK 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 266 AL Financial Services 1250002 NoProviding Food and Water for Animals EB5T 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 154 SP Pets/Domestic Animal Care 1250032 NoProviding for an Early Years Curriculum ED2R 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 84 GB Teaching/Training NoProviding Surface Finishings to Structural Fabric in Built-Up Bituminous Roofing: Pour and Roll EB8F 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 189 TG Building/Construction Operations NoProviding Surface Finishings to Structural Fabric in Built-Up Bituminous Roofing: Torch-On EB8G 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 189 TG Building/Construction Operations NoProviding Temporary Excavation Supports F6LN 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 352 TK Construction Site Work NoProviding Temporary Support Structures (Falsework) EC04 11 Intermediate 2 2.5 5 15 178 TK Construction Site Work NoProviding Temporary Support Structures (Shoring) EC05 11 Intermediate 2 2.5 5 15 178 TK Construction Site Work NoProvision of Care EB0D 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 82 PN Family/Community Work/Youth Advice Work No

Provision of Community Care E8RH 04 Unlevelled 0.5 Unlevelled 108 PN Family/Community Work/Youth Advice Work NoProvision of Financial Services D0XF 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 266 AL Financial Services NoProvision of Health Care E8RK 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 85 PH Nursing NoProvision of Laundry Service D0TW 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 194 ND Hospitality Services NoProvision of Public Premises D0TV 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 194 TC Property: Surveying/Planning/Development No

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Psychology for Care F17X 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 82 PK Psychology NoPsychology for Care F17X 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 82 PK Psychology NoPsychology: Investigating Behaviour DF5L 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 306 PK Psychology NoPsychology: Investigating Behaviour DF5L 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 306 PK Psychology NoPsychology: Investigating Behaviour DF5L 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 306 PK Psychology NoPsychology: Research D407 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 306 PK Psychology NoPublic Sector Organisation D0Y1 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 310 EA Government/Politics 4350053 NoPublic Speaking D0YG 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 1 KB Communication Skills 5140096 NoQuality (An Introduction) EF74 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 245 VD Quality and Reliability Management 85141 NoQuality Assurance D0R0 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 245 VD Quality and Reliability Management 85140 NoQuality Assurance for Textiles EE07 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) 65082 NoQuality Assurance Procedures D0N3 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 245 VD Quality and Reliability Management 4350033 NoQuality Assurance Specifications and Procedures D0R1 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 245 VD Quality and Reliability Management 65682 NoQuality Management Techniques D0R2 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 245 VD Quality and Reliability Management NoQuality Management Techniques E9B9 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 245 VD Quality and Reliability Management NoQuality Practice in the Workplace: An Introduction D0PX 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 245 VD Quality and Reliability Management NoQuality Practice in the Workplace: Application D0PY 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 245 VD Quality and Reliability Management 75156 NoQuantity Surveying 3 E8MW 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TC Property: Surveying/Planning/Development 95601 NoQuantity Surveying: Billing E97A 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TC Property: Surveying/Planning/Development 95602 NoQuantity Surveying: Introduction E979 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 161 TC Property: Surveying/Planning/Development NoQuarry Species D0M3 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 143 SH Animal Husbandry 71931 NoQuarry Species: An Introduction F6AT 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 437 SH Animal Husbandry NoQuestioning Belief D580 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 119 DD Religious Studies YesQuestioning Belief D580 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 DE Philosophy 75020 YesQuestioning Belief: Basic Understanding D93Y 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 DD Religious Studies 75148 YesQuestioning Belief: Expressing a Reasoned Opinion D93X 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 DD Religious Studies 1161310 YesQuestioning Belief: Influencing Action D94A 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 DD Religious Studies 4250780 YesQuestioning Morality D581 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 DD Religious Studies 65225 YesQuestioning Morality D581 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 119 DD Religious Studies 68241 YesQuestioning Morality - Moral Behaviour D3L2 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 DD Religious Studies 68242 YesQuestioning Morality - Moral Situations D3L3 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 DD Religious Studies 68240 YesQuestioning Morality - Understanding Morality D3L1 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 DD Religious Studies 61780 YesQuestioning the World D582 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 DD Religious Studies 61781 YesQuestioning the World D582 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 119 DD Religious Studies 61783 YesQuestioning the World - Belonging to a Religious Community D3L5 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 DD Religious Studies 65080 YesQuestioning the World - Rules of a Religious Community D3L6 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 DD Religious Studies 65083 YesQuestioning the World - Understanding Community D3L4 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 DD Religious Studies YesRadiation and Matter D384 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 138 RC Physics YesRadiations D375 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 138 RC Physics 85139 YesRadiations D375 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 138 RC Physics 85137 YesRadio Telecommunication System EG3A 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 222 XM Telecommunications 95136 NoRadio Telephone Transceiver Net Operation EA0D 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 222 XM Telecommunications 85144 NoRadio Telephone Transceiver Operation EA0C 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 222 XM Telecommunications 85138 NoRadio Telex Systems E7SS 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 151 XM Telecommunications NoRadio: Making a Programme 1 EF5V 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 3 KA Communication/Media (general) NoRadio: Making a Programme 2 EF5W 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 3 KA Communication/Media (general) NoRadioactivity D382 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 138 RC Physics 65200 YesReceive and Transmit Information ED5T 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills 75013 NoReceiving and Transporting Loads: An Introduction F6R2 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 186 TK Construction Site Work NoRecentring Piano Parts 1: Hammers E7YX 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology NoReception Duties and Skills F4P1 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoReception Skills D0WG 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AY Office Skills 85002 NoRecognise, Respond and Report Abuse in a Care Setting D8MH 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 82 PN Family/Community Work/Youth Advice Work NoRecognise, Respond and Report Challenging Behaviour in a Care Setting D8MK 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 82 PN Family/Community Work/Youth Advice Work NoRecognising and Reporting Abuse and Challenging Behaviour in a Home Care Setting D3H4 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 82 PN Family/Community Work/Youth Advice Work NoRecognising Number DM58 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 82 PN Family/Community Work/Youth Advice Work 85421 YesRecognising Time D9EV 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 RB Mathematics 4120332 YesRecording and Accounting for Cash Transactions EC0B 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 266 AK Financial Management/ Accounting NoRecording and Accounting for Credit Transactions EE23 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 266 AK Financial Management/ Accounting 4120511 NoRecording Capital Transactions EC0D 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 266 AK Financial Management/ Accounting 75157 NoRecording Cost Information EC0F 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 266 AK Financial Management/ Accounting 65029 NoRecording Income and Receipts and Making Payments D3GJ 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 266 AF Management Skills 65030 NoRecording of Cash Data D0W0 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 266 AK Financial Management/ Accounting 85420 No

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Recording of Credit Data D0W1 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 266 AK Financial Management/ Accounting 75147 NoRecording of Data in Ledger D0W2 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 266 AK Financial Management/ Accounting NoRecording of Financial Transactions D929 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 266 AK Financial Management/ Accounting NoRecording of Pay Information D0W3 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 266 AK Financial Management/ Accounting 4110130 NoRecording Payroll Transactions EE22 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 266 AK Financial Management/ Accounting NoRecord-Keeping in a Land Based Business 1 (Physical) E8AB 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 144 SM Rural/Agricultural Business Organisation 65647 NoRecreation in the Community D0S8 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 269 NL Leisure/Sports Facilities Work 65648 NoRecreational Use of Forests E8CP 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 145 NM Country Leisure Facilities Work 65649 NoRefrigeration Technology F1AW 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 405 XH Mechanical Engineering 65650 NoRegional and Dental Anatomy D0KK 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 97 PF Dental Services 65651 NoReinforcing and Fixing for Thermal Insulation Materials E8PR 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 182 TG Building/Construction Operations NoRelation Database Systems DM4K 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 358 CD Using Software and Operating Systems 75443 Yes

Relationships and Health D1A1 04 Unlevelled 1.0 Unlevelled 85 HB Self Development 85424 YesReligion and the Social World D410 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 119 DD Religious Studies 4120723 YesRepair and Rewinding of A.C. Machines E8JW 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 274 XJ Electrical Engineering 4120843 NoRepair and Rewinding of D.C. Machines E8JX 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 274 XJ Electrical Engineering 82505 NoRepair of Non-Metallic Components E8LX 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XE Welding/Joining 92506 NoRepairing and Maintaining Finishing Components: Non-standard and Integrated Suspended Ceilings ED01 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 179 TG Building/Construction Operations 4120733 NoRepairing and Maintaining Plant and Equipment (Auxiliary Systems and Components) EB8W 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 213 VG Engineering Services 4130564 NoRepairing and Maintaining Plant and Equipment (Hydraulic Systems and Components) EB8T 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 225 VG Engineering Services 95008 NoRepairing and Maintaining Plant and Equipment (Plant Electrical Systems and Components) EB8P 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 213 VG Engineering Services 4360070 NoRepairing and Maintaining Plant and Equipment (Pneumatic Systems and Components) EB8V 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 225 VG Engineering Services 4210432 NoRepairing and Maintaining Plant and Equipment (Power Trains- Mechanical) EB8S 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 VG Engineering Services NoRepairing and Maintaining Plant and Equipment (Power Units) EB8R 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 VG Engineering Services NoRepairing and Maintaining Plant and Equipment (Thermal Joining and Cutting) EB8N 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 218 VG Engineering Services NoRepairing and Overhauling Plant and Equipment EB90 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 225 VG Engineering Services NoRepairing Surface Defects for Built-Up Felt Roofing EB8H 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 189 TG Building/Construction Operations NoReprographics: Introduction D0JK 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 37 KH Print and Publishing NoReprographics: Micrographics E88T 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 37 KH Print and Publishing NoReprographics: Plateless Printing E890 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 37 KH Print and Publishing NoReprographics: Small Offset Litho Printing - Single Colour Work E88X 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 37 KH Print and Publishing 85298 NoReprographics: Small Offset Litho Printing - Two Colour Work E88Y 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 37 KH Print and Publishing 75277 NoReprographics: Small Offset Platemaking, Copying and Duplicating Methods E88W 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 37 KH Print and Publishing 75279 NoResearch and Appreciation D021 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 65 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts 75271 YesResearch Skills D669 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 4 KB Communication Skills 75270 NoResearching a Business DV4P 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 254 AG Management Planning and Control Systems YesResearching a Business Opportunity D0VW 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 266 AG Management Planning and Control Systems NoResearching and Preparing Presentations F5A0 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AF Management Skills YesResearching and Providing Information DE19 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 300 AF Management Skills NoResidential Experience D36M 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 159 PM Social Care/Social Work Skills NoResidential Experience D36M 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 159 PM Social Care/Social Work Skills NoResidential Experience D36M 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 159 PM Social Care/Social Work Skills 75155 NoResidential Experience D36M 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 159 PM Social Care/Social Work Skills NoResist Film Processing E7T2 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 KE Photography NoResort Representation: An Introduction F3PH 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 192 NK Tourism/Travel NoResponsibilities of Employment F788 09 Access 3 0.25 3 1.5 159 HC Career Change/Access YesResponsibilities of Employment F788 10 Intermediate 1 0.25 4 1.5 159 HC Career Change/Access YesRestaurant Food Production with Menu Planning D9NN 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 269 NF Cookery NoRetail Jewellers Wares 1 EB3N 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 JH Decorative Metal Crafts/Jewellery NoRetail Jewellers Wares 2 EB51 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 JH Decorative Metal Crafts/Jewellery NoRetail Jewellery: Gemstones D16H 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JH Decorative Metal Crafts/Jewellery NoRetail Jewellery: Noble Metals D16G 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 JH Decorative Metal Crafts/Jewellery NoRetail Jewellery: Watches and Clocks EB3L 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 WC Instrument Making/Repair NoRetail Skills: An Introduction D517 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 BC Retailing/Wholesaling/Distributive Trades YesRetail Skills: Identifying the Use of Common Office Equipment D92V 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 BC Retailing/Wholesaling/Distributive Trades YesRetail Skills: Performing Allocated Tasks D92W 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 BC Retailing/Wholesaling/Distributive Trades YesRetailing: Planning and Implementing an Event F33K 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 414 BC Retailing/Wholesaling/Distributive Trades 4130534 NoRetailing: Satisfying Customer Needs F33J 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 414 BC Retailing/Wholesaling/Distributive Trades 85333 NoRetailing: Storing,Replenishing and Displaying Stock F33H 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 414 BC Retailing/Wholesaling/Distributive Trades 4230006 NoRetailing: Working in Retail F33G 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 414 BC Retailing/Wholesaling/Distributive Trades NoRevolution and Political Change D398 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 279 EA Government/Politics 4170006 YesRoad Craft EG25 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 213 ZH Driving/Road Safety 4230016 No

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Road Vehicle Usage E7TS 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 213 ZJ Road Transport Operation NoRoads Maintenance: An Introduction to Assisting with Workplace Activity F55F 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 349 TK Construction Site Work NoRoads Maintenance: An Introduction to Constructing Brick Works F55K 11 Intermediate 2 1 5 6 349 TK Construction Site Work NoRoads Maintenance: An Introduction to Efficient Working Practices F55D 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 349 TK Construction Site Work NoRoads Maintenance: An Introduction to Flexible Pavement Construction F55L 11 Intermediate 2 1 5 6 349 TK Construction Site Work NoRoads Maintenance: An Introduction to Health, Safety and Security F55C 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 349 TK Construction Site Work NoRoads Maintenance: An Introduction to Installation of Ironwork Fixtures F55M 11 Intermediate 2 1 5 6 349 TK Construction Site Work NoRoads Maintenance: An Introduction to Installing Road Drainage F55R 11 Intermediate 2 1 5 6 349 TK Construction Site Work NoRoads Maintenance: An Introduction to Laying Kerbs and Channels F55N 11 Intermediate 2 1 5 6 349 TK Construction Site Work NoRoads Maintenance: An Introduction to Modular Paving F55P 11 Intermediate 2 1 5 6 349 TK Construction Site Work NoRoads Maintenance: An Introduction to Repair and Reinstatement of Excavations and Pavement Surfaces F55E 11 Intermediate 2 1 5 6 349 TK Construction Site Work NoRoads Maintenance: An Introduction to Searching for Underground Services F55H 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 349 TK Construction Site Work NoRoads Maintenance: An Introduction to Signing, Lighting and Guarding the Work Area F55G 11 Intermediate 2 1 5 6 349 TK Construction Site Work NoRoads Maintenance: An Introduction to Small Plant and Tool Operations F55J 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 349 TK Construction Site Work NoRoadworking: Modular Paving - Flexible Construction EB21 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 352 TK Construction Site Work NoRoadworking: Thermoplastic Road Marking EB25 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 352 TK Construction Site Work 85336 NoRoadworks Safety: Detection of Underground Apparatus E9HN 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 352 TK Construction Site Work NoRoadworks: Basic Levelling and Setting Out E9HK 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 352 TK Construction Site Work NoRoadworks: Flexible Construction E9HJ 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 352 TK Construction Site Work 65621 NoRoadworks: Kerblaying E9HH 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 352 TK Construction Site Work NoRoadworks: Traffic Safety and Control E9HM 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 352 ZH Driving/Road Safety NoRobotic and Automated Systems F5H6 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 295 VE Industrial Control/Monitoring NoRobotic and Automated Systems D148 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 VE Industrial Control/Monitoring NoRobotics: An Introduction D998 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 232 VE Industrial Control/Monitoring NoRock Garden Construction E8C8 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 146 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales NoRole Play D12M 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts NoRoles and Behaviour EA20 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 159 HB Self Development NoRoles and Behaviour EA20 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 159 HB Self Development 95012 NoRoles and Responsibilities within Group Business Activity D0VM 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 241 AF Management Skills NoRoman Archaeology and Civilisation D077 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 120 DC Archaeology YesRoman Archaeology and Civilisation D077 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 120 DC Archaeology YesRoman Education D80F 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 120 DB History 65640 YesRoman Education D80F 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 120 DB History 65638 YesRoman Spectator Sports D7YT 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 120 DB History 4120541 YesRoman Spectator Sports D7YT 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 120 DB History 4120561 YesRoof Slating: An Introduction DD1W 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 174 TG Building/Construction Operations 4120571 NoRoofing: Building Craft Science and Materials F7D8 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 174 TE Building/Construction Operations NoRoofing: Estimating F7D6 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 174 TF Construction Management NoRoofing: External Cement Work Bands and Artificial Stone Work F7A2 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 174 TG Building/Construction Operations NoRoofing: External Cement Work Plain Render Finish F7C3 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 174 TG Building/Construction Operations NoRoofing: External Cement Work Textured Finishes F7C5 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 174 TG Building/Construction Operations NoRoofing: Fibre Cement Slating to Hip and Valley Dry Fix Details F7D3 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 174 TG Building/Construction Operations NoRoofing: Fibre Cement Slating to Hip and Valley Mitred Details F7DD 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 174 TG Building/Construction Operations NoRoofing: Plain Tiling of Hips, Valleys and Curved Eaves F7A4 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 174 TG Building/Construction Operations NoRoofing: Plain Tiling to a Gabled Roof F7C9 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 174 TG Building/Construction Operations NoRoofing: Plain Tiling Vertical Surfaces F7A3 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 174 TG Building/Construction Operations NoRoofing: Random Slating to Gabled Roofs F7CV 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 174 TG Building/Construction Operations NoRoofing: Random Slating to Hip and Valley Roofs F7D1 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 174 TG Building/Construction Operations NoRoofing: Random Slating to Vertical Surfaces F7CY 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 174 TG Building/Construction Operations NoRoofing: Regular Sized Natural Slates with Random Widths DH26 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 174 TG Building/Construction Operations 4120581 NoRoofing: Regular Sized Slating to Battened Roofs F7DA 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 174 TG Building/Construction Operations NoRoofing: Regular Sized Slating to Boarded Roofs F7CD 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 174 TG Building/Construction Operations NoRoofing: Single Lap Tiling Fixed Gauge Tiles Gable to Gable Wet Verges and Ridges F7CP 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 174 TG Building/Construction Operations NoRoofing: Single Lap Tiling Fixed Gauge Tiles Hip and Valley F7CS 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 174 TG Building/Construction Operations NoRoofing: Single Lap Tiling Gable to Gable Dry Details F7CM 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 174 TG Building/Construction Operations NoRoofing: Single Lap Tiling Gable to Gable Wet Details F7CF 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 174 TG Building/Construction Operations NoRoofing: Single Lap Tiling Hip and Valley Dry Details F7CJ 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 174 TG Building/Construction Operations NoRooting, Seed and Potting Composts D0JX 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 146 SD Crop Production 4120601 NoRose Production E8VH 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 146 SD Crop Production 4120611 NoRotating Electrical Machines F5JK 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 274 XJ Electrical Engineering NoRoutine Estate Maintenance EA7H 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 157 SL Agricultural/Horticultural Maintenance 4120631 NoRural Business Investigation F6AF 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 437 AE Enterprises NoRural Land Use E8A8 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 157 QA Environmental Protection/Conservation 65598 No

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Russian For Work Purposes F3C8 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 453 FK Languages 65600 YesRussian For Work Purposes F3C8 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 453 FK Languages 4120853 YesRussian For Work Purposes F3C8 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 453 FK Languages YesRussian For Work Purposes F3C8 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 453 FK Languages YesRussian: Accelerated Language - Beginners D591 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 11 FK Languages 4120863 YesRussian: Extended Reading/Viewing D479 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 11 FK Languages 4120903 YesRussian: Extended Reading/Viewing D479 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 11 FK Languages 4120923 YesRussian: Extended Reading/Viewing D479 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 11 FK Languages 4240031 YesRussian: Language D477 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 11 FK Languages YesRussian: Language D477 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 11 FK Languages YesRussian: Language D477 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 11 FK Languages 4320113 YesRussian: Language in Work D476 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 11 FK Languages 4320143 YesRussian: Language in Work D476 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 11 FK Languages 4320103 YesRussian: Language in Work D476 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 11 FK Languages 65643 YesRussian: Language in Work D476 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 11 FK Languages 75700 YesRussian: Language in Work D476 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 11 FK Languages 65642 YesRussian: Language in Work D476 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 11 FK Languages YesRussian: Life in Another Country D568 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 FK Languages YesRussian: Personal and Social Language D474 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 11 FK Languages YesRussian: Personal Communication D478 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 11 FK Languages 4130524 YesRussian: Personal Language D569 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 11 FK Languages 4130544 YesRussian: Personal Language D569 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 11 FK Languages YesRussian: Transactional Language D475 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 11 FK Languages YesRussian: Transactional Language D475 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 11 FK Languages 65393 YesRussian: Transactional Language D475 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 11 FK Languages 65388 YesSaddlery and Harness E9TC 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 148 WJ Leather Footwear and Fur 65395 No

Safe Hygienic Practices E87P 04 Unlevelled 0.5 Unlevelled 194 QE Cleansing 65390 NoSafe Working Practices F5JL 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 231 XJ Electrical Engineering NoSafe Working Practices in Hazardous Environments E9K4 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 275 XA Engineering/Technology (general) 65386 NoSafe Working Practices in the Vehicle Workshop EA7A 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 213 XA Engineering/Technology (general) 65387 NoSafety and Survival at Sea 1 E8DE 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 151 ZF Marine Transport 65394 NoSafety and Survival at Sea 2 E8DF 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 151 ZF Marine Transport 65391 No

Safety in the Home E9P8 04 Unlevelled 1.0 Unlevelled 82 PL Occupational Health and Safety 65389 NoSafety Training For Seafarers F7HJ 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 151 ZF Marine Transport NoSafety, Security and Sustainability in the Supply Chain F4T3 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 398 PL Occupational Health and Safety NoSales Environment D0Y7 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 244 BE Sales Work 65392 NoSales Team Leadership D0Y6 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 244 BE Sales Work 65385 NoSalon Reception and Administration Duties D7SS 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoSampling Work: An Introduction D9ER 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HB Self Development YesSawmill Practice 2 E8W6 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production NoSawmilling D889 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production NoScalp, Neck and Shoulder Massage F6XE 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 66 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoScheduled Servicing EA0T 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoScience D04B 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 RA Science and Technology (general) YesScience - Carrying Out Experiments D3NH 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 RA Science and Technology (general) YesScience - Handling Information D3NJ 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 RA Science and Technology (general) 95307 YesScience and Technology in Society F3TA 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 137 RA Science and Technology (general) YesScience and Technology in Society D0RF 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 141 RA Science and Technology (general) NoScience and Technology in Society F3T9 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 137 RA Science and Technology (general) YesScience in Context 1 D0RD 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 141 RA Science and Technology (general) NoScience in Context 2 D940 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 141 RA Science and Technology (general) NoScience Investigation Skills D941 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 141 RA Science and Technology (general) 4210412 NoScience Investigation Skills F3TB 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 137 RA Science and Technology (general) YesScience Practical Skills D942 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 141 RA Science and Technology (general) 4320123 NoScience Practical Skills F3TC 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 137 RA Science and Technology (general) YesScottish Bagpipe Solo Performance: Bagpipes F7P1 10 Intermediate 1 2.0 4 12 456 LH Music Performance NoScottish Bagpipe Solo Performance: Bagpipes F7P3 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 456 LH Music Performance NoScottish Bagpipe Solo Performance: Bagpipes F7P5 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 456 LH Music Performance NoScottish Bagpipe Solo Performance: Practice chanter F7NS 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 456 LH Music Performance NoScottish Bagpipe Theory: Bagpipes F7P2 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 456 LF Music History/Theory NoScottish Bagpipe Theory: Bagpipes F7P4 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 456 LF Music History/Theory No

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Scottish Bagpipe Theory: Bagpipes F7P6 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 456 LF Music History/Theory NoScottish Bagpipe Theory: Practice Chanter F7NT 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 456 LF Music History/Theory NoScottish Bagpipe Theory: Practice Chanter F7P0 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 456 LF Music History/Theory NoScottish Bagpipes Solo Performance: Practice Chanter F7NY 09 Access 3 2.0 3 12 456 LH Music Performance NoScottish Legal Framework D32B 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 260 EC Law NoScottish Pipe Band Drumming Music Theory F7NH 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 456 LF Music History/Theory NoScottish Pipe Band Drumming Music Theory F7NN 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 456 LF Music History/Theory NoScottish Pipe Band Drumming Music Theory F7NR 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 456 LF Music History/Theory NoScottish Pipe Band Drumming Music Theory F7NK 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 456 LF Music History/Theory NoScottish Pipe Band Drumming Performance F7NG 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 456 LH Music Performance NoScottish Pipe Band Drumming Performance F7NM 10 Intermediate 1 2.0 4 12 456 LH Music Performance NoScottish Pipe Band Drumming Performance F7NP 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 456 LH Music Performance NoScottish Pipe Band Drumming Performance F7NJ 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 456 LH Music Performance NoScottish Sea Fisheries: An Introduction F6TE 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 149 SJ Fish Production/Fisheries NoScreen Process Printing: An Introduction D957 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 37 KH Print and Publishing 4120813 NoScreen Process Printing: Fine-Line and Half-Tone Printing E88N 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 37 KH Print and Publishing 4210422 NoScreen Process Printing: Four Colour and Monochrome Halftone Assembly and Printing EA0N 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 37 KH Print and Publishing NoScreen Process Printing: Four-Colour Half-Tone Printing E88S 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 37 KH Print and Publishing NoScreen Process Printing: Multi-Colour Printing in Register E88M 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 37 KH Print and Publishing 4210553 NoScreen Process Printing: Multiple Image Reproduction for Multi-Colour Printing on Plastic Substrate E88P 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 37 KH Print and Publishing 4210563 NoScreen Process Printing: Semi-Automatic Machine Printing Operations E88R 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 37 KH Print and Publishing 75703 NoScreen Process Printing: Stencil Production D0JJ 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 37 KH Print and Publishing 4320153 NoSeamanship 1 DC60 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 151 ZF Marine Transport 4210543 YesSeamanship 2 DC5Y 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 151 ZF Marine Transport YesSeamanship: Certificate in Proficiency in Survival Craft E8DT 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 151 ZF Marine Transport NoSeamanship: Class 4 E8DW 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 151 ZF Marine Transport 85710 NoSeamanship: Efficient Deck Hand F7HE 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 151 ZF Marine Transport NoSeamanship: Efficient Deck Hand E8DV 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 151 ZF Marine Transport NoSecondary/Chassis Systems D154 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoSecurity Installation:Health and Safety Practices F3P5 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 268 PL Occupational Health and Safety NoSecurity Systems Industry: An Introduction F3NV 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 268 QH Security NoSecurity Systems Installation Practices F3NY 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 268 QH Security NoSecurity Systems Principles F3NW 12 Higher 2.0 6 6 268 QH Security NoSecurity Systems Signalling F3P4 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 268 QH Security NoSecurity, Alarm and Communication Systems F5JM 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 160 QH Security NoSelected Thermal Insulating Materials E9AC 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 182 TG Building/Construction Operations NoSelecting a Cable Size E9CG 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 160 XJ Electrical Engineering NoSelection and Application of Adhesives and Bonding Agents ED1L 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 213 XE Welding/Joining NoSelf and Work: Completing a Work Placement F37L 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HC Career Change/Access YesSelf and Work: Enterprise Activity F37M 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HC Career Change/Access YesSelf and Work: Investigating the Workplace F37K 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HC Career Change/Access 75519 YesSelf Awareness: Building Positive Relationships F38N 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HB Self Development 4360030 YesSelf Awareness: Personal Development Planning F38M 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HB Self Development 75707 YesSelf Awareness: Physical Health F38P 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HJ Personal Health/Fitness/Appearance 85718 YesSelf in Society: Environmental Issues F37V 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HB Self Development 4360230 YesSelf in Society: Investigating Service Providers in the Local Community F37T 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HB Self Development 4360100 YesSelf in Society: Leisure Time Activities F37S 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HB Self Development 85716 YesSelling Principles D0Y8 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 244 BA Marketing/PR 85711 NoSelling Skills D0SF 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 298 BE Sales Work 75709 NoSelling Skills F3PJ 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 298 BE Sales Work 75706 NoSelling the Travel and Tourism Product F3P9 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 192 NK Tourism/Travel 4360151 NoSemiconductor Applications F5JP 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering NoSemiconductor Applications F5JN 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering NoSemiconductor Applications: An Introduction D133 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 231 XL Electronic Engineering 85719 YesSeparating Microorganisms EA3N 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 140 RH Life Sciences NoSequential Logic F5JS 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering NoSequential Logic F5JR 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering NoService of Food and Drink D04R 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 269 NB Food/Drink Services 65652 YesService of Food and Drink - Table D280 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 269 NB Food/Drink Services NoServicing and Repairing Plant and Equipment (General Servicing) EB8M 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 VG Engineering Services NoServicing and Repairing Plant and Equipment (Lubricants and Fluids) EB9T 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 VG Engineering Services NoServicing Plant and Equipment EB8X 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 225 VG Engineering Services 75229 NoSet Design D13C 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 16 LE Theatre Production 75151 No

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Setting and Finishing Hair D05H 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services 75230 NoSetting and Styling Techniques for Media F4P0 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 428 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoSetting and Winding Techniques for Hair F4C8 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoSetting of Cleaning Standards D0TT 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 194 QE Cleansing 4250500 NoSetting Out of Pipework EE0W 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 177 XH Mechanical Engineering 4250510 NoSetting out Secondary Dimensional Work Controls F6LT 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 352 TE Construction (general) NoSgilean Fona EB2J 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 6 AY Office Skills 4250520 NoSgriobhadh Cruthachail 1 EB2L 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 6 KC Writing (authorship) 4250560 NoSgriobhadh Cruthachail 2 EB2M 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 6 KC Writing (authorship) 84109 NoSgriobhadh Phaipearan is Aithisgean EB2G 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 6 KC Writing (authorship) NoSgriobhadh: Sgilean Deantach EB2F 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 6 KB Communication Skills NoShampoo Hair and Scalp D17W 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoShampooing, Conditioning and Scalp Massage F4C9 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoSheep Enterprise Management D0PF 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 148 SH Animal Husbandry NoSheep Production E9JE 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 148 SH Animal Husbandry NoSheep Shearing E9JM 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 148 SH Animal Husbandry 4250212 NoSheepdog Care and Handling E9L4 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 148 SH Animal Husbandry NoSheepdog Handling - Breeding D25X 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 154 SH Animal Husbandry 75042 NoSheepdog Handling - Care of the Working Dog D25W 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 154 SH Animal Husbandry 75043 NoSheepdog Handling - Health Care D25Y 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 154 SH Animal Husbandry 4250620 NoSheepdog Handling - Working the Dog D26A 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 154 SH Animal Husbandry 4250630 NoSheepdog Handling: Introduction D25V 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 154 SH Animal Husbandry 4250640 NoSheet Lead Weathering: An Introduction F1LA 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 177 TH Building Services NoShip Construction and Stability: An Introduction F7HC 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 151 ZF Marine Transport No

Ship Construction Skills F5F0 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 218 XQ NoShip Outfitting E7X0 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 215 XQ Ship and Boat Building/Marine/Offshore Engineering 4110232 NoShip Service Requirements E7WY 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 215 XQ Ship and Boat Building/Marine/Offshore Engineering 64100 NoShipboard Operations: An Introduction F7HB 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 151 ZF Marine Transport NoShipbuilding Drawing 1 E7XK 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 215 XQ Ship and Boat Building/Marine/Offshore Engineering 4110210 NoShipbuilding Drawing 2 E7XL 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 215 XQ Ship and Boat Building/Marine/Offshore Engineering 4281130 No

Shipbuilding Technology F5FA 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 218 XQ NoShoot Day Skills EA7L 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 143 NM Country Leisure Facilities Work 4281110 NoShorthand Transcription 3 (70 wpm) D0WR 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills 4281120 NoShorthand Transcription 4 (80 wpm) D0WS 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills 4281090 NoShorthand Transcription 4 (80 wpm) - Legal D0WV 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills 4281060 NoShorthand Transcription 4 (80 wpm) - Medical D0WT 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills 4281140 NoShorthand Transcription 5 (90 wpm) D0WW 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills 4281070 NoShorthand Transcription 5 (90 wpm) - Legal D0WY 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills 4281020 NoShorthand Transcription 5 (90 wpm) - Medical D0WX 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 256 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills 4281010 NoShorthand Transcription 6 (100 wpm) D0X0 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills 4281160 NoShorthand Transcription 6 (100 wpm) - Legal D0X2 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills 75041 NoShorthand Transcription 6 (100 wpm) - Medical D0X1 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 256 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills 4280140 NoShorthand: An Introduction F5AA 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills YesShorthand: Speed Development 1 (50 wpm) F5AB 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills YesShorthand: Speed Development 2 (60 wpm) F5AC 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills YesSignal Processing and Noise D140 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 232 XL Electronic Engineering 4280330 NoSignals E8EF 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 151 ZF Marine Transport 4280100 NoSilver Service D0TA 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 269 NB Food/Drink Services 4280210 NoSilvicultural Practice D890 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 4280380 NoSilvicultural Practice in British Forestry: An Introduction D867 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 4280040 NoSilvicultural Systems D891 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 4280060 NoSilviculture 2: Planning and Control of Silvicultural Operations E8WA 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 4280340 NoSimple Arch Construction F1K3 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 171 TG Building/Construction Operations 4280080 NoSimple Control Systems ED6S 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 232 VE Industrial Control/Monitoring 4280090 NoSimple Decorative Brickwork F1K1 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 171 TG Building/Construction Operations 4280190 NoSimple Harmonic Motion E7RS 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 212 RC Physics 4280160 NoSimulation of Real Time Electronic Navigation E8EA 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 151 ZF Marine Transport 4280230 NoSingle and Three Phase Motors F5JT 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 274 XJ Electrical Engineering NoSingle Lap Roof Tiling: An Introduction DD1T 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 174 TG Building/Construction Operations 4280110 NoSingle Lap Roofing Skills DH24 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 174 TG Building/Construction Operations 4280180 NoSingle Phase and Three Phase Principles F5JV 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 231 XK Power/Energy Engineering No

Ship and Boat Building/Marine/Offshore Engineering

Ship and Boat Building/Marine/Offshore Engineering

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Site Procedures E9MX 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 177 TK Construction Site Work 4280320 NoSite Surveying 1 D108 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 RG Land and Sea Surveying/Cartography 4280350 NoSite Surveying 2 D924 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 RG Land and Sea Surveying/Cartography 4280310 NoSizing of Pipes and Channels E81K 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 177 TD Building Design/Architecture 4280360 NoSkills Development for Administrators F5AF 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills YesSkills for Customer Care F38W 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 297 BA Marketing/PR YesSkills for Customer Care F38X 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 297 BA Marketing/PR YesSkills for Customer Care F38Y 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 297 BA Marketing/PR YesSkills for Effective Learning E9F4 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 1 HC Career Change/Access 4280240 NoSkillstart Enterprise Activity EF7P 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HB Self Development 4280200 NoSkillstart: Communication in a Work-related Environment D06M 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HD Continuing Education (basic skills) 4280030 NoSkillstart: Developing Skills for the Workplace DV2T 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HC Career Change/Access 4280150 NoSkillstart: Numeracy in a Work-related Environment DV2R 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HD Continuing Education (basic skills) 4280120 NoSlinging and Signalling the Movement of Loads F6RB 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 186 TK Construction Site Work NoSmall Boats: Powered E8D6 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 151 XQ Ship and Boat Building/Marine/Offshore Engineering 75534 NoSmall Boats: Sail E8D7 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 151 XQ Ship and Boat Building/Marine/Offshore Engineering NoSmall Business Accounting E9BM 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 266 AK Financial Management/ Accounting NoSmall Construction Plant E7VE 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 TK Construction Site Work 4320133 NoSmall Scale Planning, Estimating and Costing EA34 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 142 RB Mathematics 4250152 No

Small Scale Production: Acting EA6N 04 Unlevelled 1.0 Unlevelled 16 LE Theatre Production 75502 NoSmall Scale Production: Costume D12G 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 16 LE Theatre Production 4250162 NoSmall Scale Production: Direction D12H 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 16 LE Theatre Production 65506 NoSmall Scale Production: Lighting EA6S 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 16 LE Theatre Production 75750 NoSmall Scale Production: Make-up D12J 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 16 LE Theatre Production 4250142 NoSmall Scale Production: Props EA6V 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 16 LE Theatre Production 75514 NoSmall Scale Production: Set Design D12K 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 16 LE Theatre Production 4290141 NoSmall Scale Production: Sound EA6X 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 16 LE Theatre Production 4250721 NoSmall Scale Production: Stage Management D12L 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 16 LE Theatre Production 4250731 NoSmall Spark Ignition Engine Systems E7TN 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 4250741 NoSocial Aspects of the Classical World - Classical Drama D076 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 120 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts 4290061 YesSocial Aspects of the Classical World - Classical Drama D076 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 120 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts 75040 YesSocial Aspects of the Classical World - Evidence-based D079 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 120 ED Social Sciences General/Combined 75044 YesSocial Aspects of the Classical World - Investigation D082 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 120 ED Social Sciences General/Combined YesSocial Aspects of the Classical World - Text-based - Classical Drama D080 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 120 ED Social Sciences General/Combined YesSocial Issues in the United Kingdom DV53 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 124 FB Culture/Gender/Folklore 71943 YesSocial Issues in the United Kingdom DV53 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 124 FB Culture/Gender/Folklore 71939 YesSocial Issues in the United Kingdom DV53 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 124 FB Culture/Gender/Folklore 61887 YesSocial Issues in the United Kingdom DV53 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 124 FB Culture/Gender/Folklore 71952 YesSocial Philosophy D427 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 277 DE Philosophy 71948 NoSocial Philosophy EA5B 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 277 DE Philosophy 71949 NoSocial Psychology D70G 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 306 PK Psychology 71951 NoSocial Psychology: The Individual and Groups EA57 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 306 PK Psychology 71950 NoSocial Services in Scotland: An Introduction F3G2 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 82 PM Social Care/Social Work Skills 61886 NoSocial Software DW7J 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 357 CD Using Software and Operating Systems 71945 YesSocial Stratification DV3M 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 278 EE Social Studies 71942 YesSocial Stratification DV3M 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 278 EE Social Studies 71940 YesSocial Subjects: Contrasting D527 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 EE Social Studies 61885 YesSocial Subjects: Contrasting D527 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 382 EE Social Studies 71946 YesSocial Subjects: Contrasting - Demonstrating Knowledge D75M 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 EE Social Studies 71941 YesSocial Subjects: Contrasting - Making a Contrast D75L 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 EE Social Studies 71938 YesSocial Subjects: Deciding D526 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 EE Social Studies 71937 YesSocial Subjects: Deciding D526 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 382 EE Social Studies 71935 YesSocial Subjects: Deciding - Demonstrating Knowledge D3NK 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 EE Social Studies 71934 YesSocial Subjects: Deciding - Reaching a Decision D3NL 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 EE Social Studies 71936 YesSocial Subjects: Organising and Presenting Information D528 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 EE Social Studies 71933 YesSocial Subjects: Organising and Presenting Information D528 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 382 EE Social Studies YesSocial Subjects: Organising and Presenting Information - Organising D3NM 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 EE Social Studies YesSocial Subjects: Organising and Presenting Information - Presenting D3NN 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 EE Social Studies 64473 Yes

Social Welfare Issues for Carers EF4M 04 Unlevelled 1.0 Unlevelled 82 EC Law 4260032 NoSocialisation DV3L 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 278 EE Social Studies 64467 YesSocialisation DV3L 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 278 EE Social Studies 4260042 Yes

Not allocated

Not allocated

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Sociology and Psychology in Care F17T 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 82 PK Psychology 4260123 NoSociology for Care F17Y 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 82 PK Psychology 4260143 NoSociology for Care F17Y 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 82 PK Psychology 4260153 NoSociology: Research D437 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 278 EE Social Studies 4260103 YesSociology: Themes and Issues D435 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 278 EE Social Studies 4260133 YesSoft Furnishing: Upholstery and Bedding E85B 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 134 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) 4260113 NoSoft Furnishing: Window Dressing E85A 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 134 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) 4120521 NoSoft Landscaping - General Plantings F6AW 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 437 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales NoSoft Landscaping - Herbaceous Perennials D893 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 145 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales 4120551 NoSoft Landscaping - Specialist Plantings D895 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 146 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales 4120591 NoSoft Landscaping - Trees and Shrubs D892 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 146 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales 4120641 NoSoft Landscaping in the Golf Course Environment EE3D 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 146 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales 4120873 NoSoft Landscaping: An Introduction DX13 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 157 SF Amenity Horticulture/Sportsgrounds 4120913 NoSoft Landscaping: Planning and Implementation D0K0 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 146 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales 4120833 NoSoft Landscaping: Roses E8BT 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 146 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales 4120933 NoSoftware Development DF2Y 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 357 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems 4120943 YesSoftware Development DF2Y 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 357 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems 4120823 YesSoftware Development DF2Y 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 357 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems 4120893 YesSoils - Structure and Function D29F 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 157 SB Agricultural Sciences 4210402 NoSoldering and Circuit Assembly Techniques F5JW 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 232 XL Electronic Engineering NoSolid and Bench Plasterwork Skills: An Introduction DD1R 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 173 TG Building/Construction Operations 2211253 NoSound and Basic Recording Techniques EF5X 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 127 KG Audio and Visual Media 2211213 NoSound and Music D376 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 138 RC Physics 2211203 YesSound and Music D376 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 138 RC Physics 4120994 YesSound Engineering and Production F78F 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 380 KG Audio and Visual Media YesSound Engineering and Production F58H 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 380 KG Audio and Visual Media YesSound Engineering and Production F78G 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 380 KG Audio and Visual Media YesSound Engineering and Production F5DW 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 380 XL Electronic Engineering YesSound: Audio Electronics — An Introduction F5DS 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 380 XL Electronic Engineering YesSound: Design F5DY 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 380 XL Electronic Engineering YesSound: Digital DJing — An Introduction F5E3 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 380 XL Electronic Engineering YesSound: In-House Production D12W 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 16 LE Theatre Production 4260163 NoSound: Music Remixing F5E1 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 380 XL Electronic Engineering YesSound: Reinforcement F5E0 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 380 XL Electronic Engineering YesSound: Synthesis and Sampling Skills F58N 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 63 KG Audio and Visual Media YesSound: Touring Production D12X 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 16 LE Theatre Production 4260173 NoSound: Understanding the Signal Path F58G 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 380 KG Audio and Visual Media YesSources of Information: Bibliographic D10J 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 4 CY Information Systems/Management 4130252 NoSources of Information: Quick Reference D10K 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 4 CY Information Systems/Management 4130342 NoSpanish For Work Purposes F3C7 09 Access 3 1.0 3 454 12 FK Languages 95015 YesSpanish For Work Purposes F3C7 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 454 12 FK Languages 95011 YesSpanish For Work Purposes F3C7 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 454 12 FK Languages YesSpanish For Work Purposes F3C7 12 Higher 1.0 6 454 12 FK Languages YesSpanish: Accelerated Language - Beginners D592 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 12 FK Languages 95010 YesSpanish: Extended Reading/Viewing D485 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 12 FK Languages 95009 YesSpanish: Extended Reading/Viewing D485 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 12 FK Languages 4250760 YesSpanish: Extended Reading/Viewing D485 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 12 FK Languages 64483 YesSpanish: Language D483 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 12 FK Languages YesSpanish: Language D483 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 12 FK Languages YesSpanish: Language D483 13 Advanced Higher 2.0 7 16 12 FK Languages 1152160 YesSpanish: Language in Work D482 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 12 FK Languages 85093 YesSpanish: Language in Work D482 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 12 FK Languages YesSpanish: Language in Work D482 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 12 FK Languages YesSpanish: Language in Work D482 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 12 FK Languages 65214 YesSpanish: Language in Work D482 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 12 FK Languages 65215 YesSpanish: Language in Work D482 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 12 FK Languages YesSpanish: Life in Another Country D570 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 FK Languages 65213 YesSpanish: Personal and Social Language D480 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 12 FK Languages 4370006 YesSpanish: Personal Communication D484 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 12 FK Languages YesSpanish: Personal Language D571 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 12 FK Languages YesSpanish: Personal Language D571 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 12 FK Languages 6250027 YesSpanish: Transactional Language D481 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 12 FK Languages 6170303 YesSpanish: Transactional Language D481 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 12 FK Languages 6170213 Yes

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Spanish: Transactional Language D481 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 12 FK Languages 6170395 YesSpark Ignition (C.B. Systems): Condition Assessment and Fault Diagnosis E9H7 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 6250037 NoSpark Ignition (C.B. Systems): Removal, Replacement and Adjustment of Components E9H6 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 6250006 NoSpark Ignition Engine: Fuel Systems 1 E96F 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 6250016 NoSpark Ignition Engine: Ignition Systems 1 E96E 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoSpark Ignition, Engine Ignition and Fuel Systems 2 E7TM 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoSpark Ignition: (Breakerless Systems): Condition Assessment and Fault Diagnosis E9HB 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 2281353 NoSpark Ignition: (Breakerless Systems): Removal, Replacement and Adjustment of Components E9HA 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 2280002 NoSpatial Design: Assembly Interiors E8HS 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 65 TJ Interior Design/Fitting/Decoration 2280066 NoSpatial Design: Commercial Interiors E8HR 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 65 TJ Interior Design/Fitting/Decoration 91164 NoSpatial Design: Construction Skills E8HL 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 65 TJ Interior Design/Fitting/Decoration 2280076 NoSpatial Design: Display Design D0J6 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 TJ Interior Design/Fitting/Decoration 2280086 NoSpatial Design: Office Interiors E8HP 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 65 TJ Interior Design/Fitting/Decoration 2260100 NoSpatial Design: Presentation Modelmaking E8HV 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 65 TJ Interior Design/Fitting/Decoration 2150196 NoSpatial Design: Residential Interiors E8HN 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 65 TJ Interior Design/Fitting/Decoration 3150684 NoSpatial Design: Retail Display: Display Prop Construction E8HJ 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 65 TJ Interior Design/Fitting/Decoration 64631 NoSpecial Effects Make-up: An Introduction F78K 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 428 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoSpecial Needs and Support Services D11B 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 166 PN Family/Community Work/Youth Advice Work 3151034 NoSpecial Vehicle Paint Application Systems E8KT 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 3251413 NoSpecialised Cleaning E881 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 194 QE Cleansing 2150156 NoSpecialist Procedures in Animal Technology D36X 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 152 RH Life Sciences 8220016 NoSpecification, Measurement and Estimating E81J 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 177 TC Property: Surveying/Planning/Development NoSpirituality in a Religious Context DV2F 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 119 DD Religious Studies YesSport and Fitness: Coaching Development F6XD 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoSport and Physical Recreation in the Community D0V7 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 3150674 NoSport and Recreation: An Introduction F40L 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoSport and Recreation: Assist with a Component of Activity Sessions DX0E 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 403 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 3150564 NoSport and Recreation: Assist with Activity Sessions DM7D 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 403 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 94608 NoSport and Recreation: Assist with Daily Centre Duties DX0H 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 403 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 3250963 NoSport and Recreation: Assist with Fitness Programming DX0G 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 403 MD Athletics Gymnastics and Combat Sports 3150574 NoSport and Recreation: Dealing with Accidents and Emergencies DM7L 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 403 PL Occupational Health and Safety 3251763 NoSport and Recreation: Dealing with Facilities and Equipment DM7F 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 403 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 3150624 NoSport and Recreation: Developing Volunteering F7JG 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 459 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoSport and Recreation: Employment Opportunities in the Sport and Recreation Industry DX0F 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 403 HC Career Change/Access NoSport and Recreation: Personal Fitness DM7M 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 403 HJ Personal Health/Fitness/Appearance 3150644 NoSport and Recreation: Skills for Employment DM7H 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 403 HB Self Development 3150694 NoSporting Activities: An Introduction D685 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoSporting Activity - Alpine Skiing D709 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MF Winter Sports 7303 NoSporting Activity - Alpine Skiing D709 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MF Winter Sports 74710 NoSporting Activity - Alpine Skiing D709 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MF Winter Sports 3151024 NoSporting Activity - Alpine Skiing D709 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MF Winter Sports NoSporting Activity - Archery D736 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MH Country/Animal Sports NoSporting Activity - Archery D736 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MH Country/Animal Sports NoSporting Activity - Archery D736 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MH Country/Animal Sports 8357570 NoSporting Activity - Archery D736 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MH Country/Animal Sports 2260130 NoSporting Activity - Association Football D712 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity - Association Football D712 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 84693 NoSporting Activity - Association Football D712 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity - Association Football D712 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MG Ball and Related Games 8150166 NoSporting Activity - Athletics D700 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MD Athletics Gymnastics and Combat Sports 64805 NoSporting Activity - Athletics D700 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MD Athletics Gymnastics and Combat Sports NoSporting Activity - Athletics D700 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MD Athletics Gymnastics and Combat Sports 8150063 NoSporting Activity - Badminton D713 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity - Badminton D713 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity - Badminton D713 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 8150003 NoSporting Activity - Badminton D713 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity - Baseball/Softball D714 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity - Baseball/Softball D714 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 8150033 NoSporting Activity - Baseball/Softball D714 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity - Baseball/Softball D714 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity - Basketball D715 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 64804 NoSporting Activity - Basketball D715 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 71921 NoSporting Activity - Basketball D715 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 71932 No

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Sporting Activity - Basketball D715 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MG Ball and Related Games 2270304 NoSporting Activity - Bowling D716 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 2270314 NoSporting Activity - Bowling D716 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 2270016 NoSporting Activity - Bowling D716 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 8150155 NoSporting Activity - Bowling D716 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MG Ball and Related Games 8210045 NoSporting Activity - Canoeing D694 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MC Water Sports 8210034 NoSporting Activity - Canoeing D694 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MC Water Sports 8210024 NoSporting Activity - Canoeing D694 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MC Water Sports 8210014 NoSporting Activity - Canoeing D694 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MC Water Sports 64802 NoSporting Activity - Climbing D727 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MH Country/Animal Sports 64810 NoSporting Activity - Climbing D727 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MH Country/Animal Sports 74801 NoSporting Activity - Climbing D727 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MH Country/Animal Sports 65401 NoSporting Activity - Cricket D717 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 75402 NoSporting Activity - Cricket D717 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 95397 NoSporting Activity - Cricket D717 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 8150186 NoSporting Activity - Cricket D717 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MG Ball and Related Games 7700 NoSporting Activity - Curling D705 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MF Winter Sports 7703 NoSporting Activity - Curling D705 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MF Winter Sports NoSporting Activity - Curling D705 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MF Winter Sports NoSporting Activity - Curling D705 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MF Winter Sports NoSporting Activity - Cycling D738 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 ME Wheeled Sports 7702 NoSporting Activity - Cycling D738 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 ME Wheeled Sports 2260304 NoSporting Activity - Cycling D738 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 ME Wheeled Sports 74807 NoSporting Activity - Cycling D738 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 ME Wheeled Sports 8110051 NoSporting Activity - Fencing D701 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MD Athletics Gymnastics and Combat Sports 74699 NoSporting Activity - Fencing D701 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MD Athletics Gymnastics and Combat Sports 94800 NoSporting Activity - Fencing D701 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MD Athletics Gymnastics and Combat Sports NoSporting Activity - Fencing D701 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MD Athletics Gymnastics and Combat Sports 61795 NoSporting Activity - Flag Football DE55 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity - Flag Football DE55 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity - Flag Football DE55 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity - Flag Football DE55 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity - Gaelic Football D718 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity - Gaelic Football D718 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity - Gaelic Football D718 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity - Gaelic Football D718 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity - Goalball D719 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 2270354 NoSporting Activity - Goalball D719 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 2270364 NoSporting Activity - Goalball D719 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity - Goalball D719 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity - Golf D720 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity - Golf D720 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity - Golf D720 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity - Golf D720 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity - Gymnastics D702 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MD Athletics Gymnastics and Combat Sports NoSporting Activity - Gymnastics D702 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MD Athletics Gymnastics and Combat Sports 2211173 NoSporting Activity - Gymnastics D702 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MD Athletics Gymnastics and Combat Sports NoSporting Activity - Gymnastics D702 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MD Athletics Gymnastics and Combat Sports 75235 NoSporting Activity - Handball D721 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 75236 NoSporting Activity - Handball D721 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 64464 NoSporting Activity - Handball D721 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 64465 NoSporting Activity - Handball D721 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MG Ball and Related Games 74407 NoSporting Activity - Hill Walking D728 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MH Country/Animal Sports NoSporting Activity - Hill Walking D728 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MH Country/Animal Sports 64417 NoSporting Activity - Hill Walking D728 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MH Country/Animal Sports 84413 NoSporting Activity - Hockey D722 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 64420 NoSporting Activity - Hockey D722 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 74409 NoSporting Activity - Hockey D722 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 3252013 NoSporting Activity - Hockey D722 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MG Ball and Related Games 3252413 NoSporting Activity - Ice Hockey D706 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MF Winter Sports 2211133 NoSporting Activity - Ice Hockey D706 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MF Winter Sports 2211113 NoSporting Activity - Ice Hockey D706 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MF Winter Sports 2211083 NoSporting Activity - Ice Hockey D706 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MF Winter Sports 2211123 No

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Auto- approval

Sporting Activity - Ice Skating D707 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MF Winter Sports 2211103 NoSporting Activity - Ice Skating D707 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MF Winter Sports 2211093 NoSporting Activity - Ice Skating D707 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MF Winter Sports 2211073 NoSporting Activity - Ice Skating D707 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MF Winter Sports 2211163 NoSporting Activity - Indoor Football D724 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 2211063 NoSporting Activity - Indoor Football D724 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 2211033 NoSporting Activity - Indoor Football D724 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 2211143 NoSporting Activity - Indoor Football D724 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MG Ball and Related Games 2270584 NoSporting Activity - Indoor Hockey D723 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 2310051 NoSporting Activity - Indoor Hockey D723 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity - Indoor Hockey D723 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity - Indoor Hockey D723 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MG Ball and Related Games 64703 NoSporting Activity - Inland Kayaking D696 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MC Water Sports NoSporting Activity - Inland Kayaking D696 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MC Water Sports 64724 NoSporting Activity - Inland Kayaking D696 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MC Water Sports 64700 NoSporting Activity - Lacrosse D725 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity - Lacrosse D725 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 74682 NoSporting Activity - Lacrosse D725 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 74683 NoSporting Activity - Lacrosse D725 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity - Life Saving D688 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MC Water Sports 3251093 NoSporting Activity - Life Saving D688 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MC Water Sports 3251213 NoSporting Activity - Life Saving D688 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MC Water Sports 64714 NoSporting Activity - Life Saving D688 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MC Water Sports 3252123 NoSporting Activity - Martial Arts D703 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MD Athletics Gymnastics and Combat Sports 3252473 NoSporting Activity - Martial Arts D703 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MD Athletics Gymnastics and Combat Sports 3252643 NoSporting Activity - Martial Arts D703 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MD Athletics Gymnastics and Combat Sports 3252533 NoSporting Activity - Martial Arts D703 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MD Athletics Gymnastics and Combat Sports 3252983 NoSporting Activity - Mountain Biking D739 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 ME Wheeled Sports NoSporting Activity - Mountain Biking D739 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 ME Wheeled Sports 74766 NoSporting Activity - Mountain Biking D739 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 ME Wheeled Sports 2310066 NoSporting Activity - Netball D726 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 2310031 NoSporting Activity - Netball D726 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 65620 NoSporting Activity - Netball D726 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 65619 NoSporting Activity - Netball D726 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MG Ball and Related Games 95608 NoSporting Activity - Nordic Skiing D708 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MF Winter Sports 2211043 NoSporting Activity - Nordic Skiing D708 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MF Winter Sports 8120052 NoSporting Activity - Nordic Skiing D708 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MF Winter Sports 64632 NoSporting Activity - Nordic Skiing D708 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MF Winter Sports NoSporting Activity - Open Canadian Canoeing D695 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MC Water Sports 64419 NoSporting Activity - Open Canadian Canoeing D695 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MC Water Sports NoSporting Activity - Open Canadian Canoeing D695 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MC Water Sports 2211153 NoSporting Activity - Open Canadian Canoeing D695 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MC Water Sports NoSporting Activity - Orienteering D729 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MH Country/Animal Sports 2270884 NoSporting Activity - Orienteering D729 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MH Country/Animal Sports 3151014 NoSporting Activity - Orienteering D729 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MH Country/Animal Sports 3150513 NoSporting Activity - Personal Survival D689 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MC Water Sports 64600 NoSporting Activity - Personal Survival D689 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MC Water Sports 64063 NoSporting Activity - Personal Survival D689 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MC Water Sports 64061 NoSporting Activity - Personal Survival D689 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MC Water Sports 64601 NoSporting Activity - Rowing D693 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MC Water Sports 3150594 NoSporting Activity - Rowing D693 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MC Water Sports 3150584 NoSporting Activity - Rowing D693 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MC Water Sports 3150604 NoSporting Activity - Rowing D693 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MC Water Sports 3310264 NoSporting Activity - Rugby Football D737 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 3310034 NoSporting Activity - Rugby Football D737 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 3310144 NoSporting Activity - Rugby Football D737 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 2140010 NoSporting Activity - Rugby Football D737 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MG Ball and Related Games 2140020 NoSporting Activity - Sailing D698 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MC Water Sports 2140030 NoSporting Activity - Sailing D698 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MC Water Sports 3310214 NoSporting Activity - Sailing D698 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MC Water Sports 3310224 NoSporting Activity - Sailing D698 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MC Water Sports 3310154 NoSporting Activity - Sea Kayaking D697 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MC Water Sports 2140040 NoSporting Activity - Sea Kayaking D697 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MC Water Sports 3310194 No

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Superclass code

Legacy Code

Auto- approval

Sporting Activity - Sea Kayaking D697 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MC Water Sports NoSporting Activity - Sea Kayaking D697 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MC Water Sports 3310254 NoSporting Activity - Shinty D731 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 67814 NoSporting Activity - Shinty D731 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 67803 NoSporting Activity - Shinty D731 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 2140100 NoSporting Activity - Shinty D731 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MG Ball and Related Games 2140070 NoSporting Activity - Short Tennis D732 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 84364 NoSporting Activity - Short Tennis D732 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 84362 NoSporting Activity - Short Tennis D732 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 84363 NoSporting Activity - Short Tennis D732 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MG Ball and Related Games 84356 NoSporting Activity - Snowboarding D711 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MF Winter Sports 84357 NoSporting Activity - Snowboarding D711 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MF Winter Sports 84351 NoSporting Activity - Snowboarding D711 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MF Winter Sports 2140080 NoSporting Activity - Snowboarding D711 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MF Winter Sports 2140060 NoSporting Activity - Squash D733 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 84350 NoSporting Activity - Squash D733 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 84355 NoSporting Activity - Squash D733 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 2140090 NoSporting Activity - Squash D733 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MG Ball and Related Games 3310184 NoSporting Activity - Swimming D690 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MC Water Sports 3312014 NoSporting Activity - Swimming D690 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MC Water Sports 3310104 NoSporting Activity - Swimming D690 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MC Water Sports 65606 NoSporting Activity - Synchronised Swimming D691 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MC Water Sports 65605 NoSporting Activity - Synchronised Swimming D691 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MC Water Sports 84352 NoSporting Activity - Synchronised Swimming D691 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MC Water Sports 3310124 NoSporting Activity - Synchronised Swimming D691 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MC Water Sports 64500 NoSporting Activity - Table Tennis D730 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MJ Indoor Games 3310164 NoSporting Activity - Table Tennis D730 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MJ Indoor Games 3310134 NoSporting Activity - Table Tennis D730 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MJ Indoor Games 67830 NoSporting Activity - Table Tennis D730 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MJ Indoor Games 3310024 NoSporting Activity - Telemark Skiing D710 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MF Winter Sports 3310064 NoSporting Activity - Telemark Skiing D710 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MF Winter Sports 3310174 NoSporting Activity - Telemark Skiing D710 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MF Winter Sports 3310074 NoSporting Activity - Telemark Skiing D710 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MF Winter Sports 3310044 NoSporting Activity - Tennis D734 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 3310084 NoSporting Activity - Tennis D734 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 3310114 NoSporting Activity - Tennis D734 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 3310094 NoSporting Activity - Tennis D734 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MG Ball and Related Games 3310204 NoSporting Activity - Trampolining D704 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MD Athletics Gymnastics and Combat Sports 3310014 NoSporting Activity - Trampolining D704 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MD Athletics Gymnastics and Combat Sports 3310234 NoSporting Activity - Trampolining D704 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MD Athletics Gymnastics and Combat Sports 3310054 NoSporting Activity - Trampolining D704 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MD Athletics Gymnastics and Combat Sports 78356 NoSporting Activity - Volleyball D735 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 1182670 NoSporting Activity - Volleyball D735 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 65618 NoSporting Activity - Volleyball D735 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games 65609 NoSporting Activity - Volleyball D735 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity - Water Polo D692 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MC Water Sports NoSporting Activity - Water Polo D692 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MC Water Sports NoSporting Activity - Water Polo D692 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MC Water Sports NoSporting Activity - Water Polo D692 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MC Water Sports 65610 NoSporting Activity - Windsurfing D699 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 MC Water Sports 85301 NoSporting Activity - Windsurfing D699 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MC Water Sports 4270006 NoSporting Activity - Windsurfing D699 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MC Water Sports 65406 NoSporting Activity - Windsurfing D699 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 198 MC Water Sports 65623 NoSporting Activity Participation and Performance: Gymnastics F40Y 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MD Athletics Gymnastics and Combat Sports NoSporting Activity Participation and Performance: Handball F410 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity Participation and Performance: Hill Walking F411 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MH Country/Animal Sports NoSporting Activity Participation and Performance: Hockey F412 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity Participation and Performance: Sea Kayaking F41C 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MC Water Sports NoSporting Activity Participation and Performance: Squash F41E 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity Participation and Performance: Table Tennis F41G 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MJ Indoor Games NoSporting Activity Participation and Performance: Archery F40N 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MH Country/Animal Sports NoSporting Activity Participation and Performance: Alpine Skiing F40M 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MF Winter Sports NoSporting Activity Participation and Performance: Association Football F40P 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games No

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Superclass code

Legacy Code

Auto- approval

Sporting Activity Participation and Performance: Athletics F40R 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MD Athletics Gymnastics and Combat Sports NoSporting Activity Participation and Performance: Badminton F40S 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity Participation and Performance: Basketball F40T 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity Participation and Performance: Canoeing F40V 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MC Water Sports NoSporting Activity Participation and Performance: Climbing F40W 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MH Country/Animal Sports NoSporting Activity Participation and Performance: Golf F40X 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity Participation and Performance: Indoor Football F413 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity Participation and Performance: Indoor Hockey F414 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity Participation and Performance: Inland Kayaking F415 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MC Water Sports NoSporting Activity Participation and Performance: Life Saving F416 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MC Water Sports NoSporting Activity Participation and Performance: Mountain Biking F417 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 ME Wheeled Sports NoSporting Activity Participation and Performance: Netball F418 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity Participation and Performance: Orienteering F419 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MH Country/Animal Sports NoSporting Activity Participation and Performance: Rugby Football F41A 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity Participation and Performance: Sailing F41B 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MC Water Sports NoSporting Activity Participation and Performance: Short Tennis F41D 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity Participation and Performance: Swimming F41F 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MC Water Sports NoSporting Activity Participation and Performance: Tennis F41H 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity Participation and Performance: Trampolining F41J 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MD Athletics Gymnastics and Combat Sports NoSporting Activity Participation and Performance: Volleyball F41K 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MG Ball and Related Games NoSporting Activity Participation and Performance: Windsurfing F41L 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MC Water Sports NoSports Development: An Introduction F40H 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports YesSports Injuries: Identification, Prevention and Treatment: An Introduction F40J 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 PB Medical Sciences NoSports Mechanics: An Introduction F40K 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports YesSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Alpine Skiing D758 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 95396 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Archery D784 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 65616 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Association Football D761 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 65615 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Athletics D749 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 95802 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Badminton D762 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 95801 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Baseball/Softball D763 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 95804 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Basketball D764 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 95800 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Bowling D765 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 95803 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Canoeing D744 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 65617 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Climbing D776 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 65403 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Cricket D766 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Curling D754 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Cycling D786 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 65416 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Fencing D750 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 65414 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Gaelic Football D767 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 65412 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Goalball D768 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 95398 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Golf D769 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 65405 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Gymnastics D751 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 65404 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Handball D770 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 65611 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Hockey D771 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 65408 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Ice Hockey D755 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 65407 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Ice Skating D756 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 95805 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Indoor Football D773 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Indoor Hockey D772 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Inland Kayaking D746 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Lacrosse D774 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Martial Arts D752 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Mountain Biking D787 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 3210350 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Netball D775 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 3210360 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Nordic Skiing D757 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 3230012 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Open Canadian Canoeing D745 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 3230022 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Orienteering D777 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 77624 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Rowing D743 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 77630 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Rugby Football D785 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 77631 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Sailing D747 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 77632 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Shinty D779 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 3250030 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Short Tennis D780 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 77686 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Snowboarding D760 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 77533 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Squash D781 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 77681 No

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Legacy Code

Auto- approval

Sports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Swimming D740 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 77515 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Synchronised Swimming D741 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 77635 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Table Tennis D778 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 3230213 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Telemark Skiing D759 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 3230073 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Tennis D782 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 3230743 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Trampolining D753 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 3230043 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Volleyball D783 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 77685 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Water Polo D742 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 77684 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Formal: Windsurfing D748 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 77683 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Alpine Skiing D806 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 77682 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Archery D832 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 77020 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Association Football D809 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 77430 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Athletics D797 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 77526 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Badminton D810 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 77531 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Baseball/Softball D811 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 3230112 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Basketball D812 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 97534 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Bowling D813 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 3230062 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Canoeing D792 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 77401 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Climbing D824 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 77633 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Cricket D814 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 77680 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Curling D802 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 77532 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Cycling D834 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 77510 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Fencing D798 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 3250020 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Flag Football DE56 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 77634 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Gaelic Football D815 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 77687 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Goalball D816 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 74715 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Golf D818 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 2330012 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Gymnastics D799 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 64819 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Handball D819 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 2250404 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Hockey D820 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Ice Hockey D803 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Indoor Football D821 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Indoor Hockey D817 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 2340006 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Inland Kayaking D794 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 94717 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Lacrosse D822 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Martial Arts D800 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 64001 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Mountain Biking D835 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Netball D823 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Nordic Skiing D805 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Open Canadian Canoeing D793 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Orienteering D825 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Rowing D791 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 2211013 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Rugby Football D833 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 7304 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Sailing D795 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 94000 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Shinty D827 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 2210661 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Short Tennis D828 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Skating D804 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Snowboarding D808 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 7300 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Squash D829 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Swimming D788 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Synchronised Swimming D789 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Table Tennis D826 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Telemark Skiing D807 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Tennis D830 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Trampolining D801 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 2270514 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Volleyball D831 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 2270504 NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Water Polo D790 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoSports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Windsurfing D796 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoSports Officiating and Organising -Formal: Flag Football DE57 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoSports Officiating: An Introduction D686 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoSports: Activity and Participation Opportunities in the Community F7JL 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 459 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoSports: Investigate Activity Development Opportunities in an Organisation F7JM 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 459 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoSportsturf Industry: An Introduction to Health and Safety F6TT 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 355 PL Occupational Health and Safety No

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Sportsturf Industry: Soils and Rootzones F6TM 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 355 SF Amenity Horticulture/Sportsgrounds NoSportsturf Nutrition F6TN 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 355 SF Amenity Horticulture/Sportsgrounds NoSpreadsheets for Administrators F5A5 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 363 CD Using Software and Operating Systems YesStable Maintenance EC1P 10 Intermediate 1 1.5 4 9 148 SH Animal Husbandry 2270574 NoStable Management E8WG 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 148 SH Animal Husbandry 2270546 NoStable Routine E9TD 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 148 SH Animal Husbandry 2270484 NoStabling E8WE 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 148 SH Animal Husbandry 2270524 NoStage Carpentry D0H3 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 16 LE Theatre Production 2270534 NoStage Make-Up D0H1 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 16 LE Theatre Production NoStage Management: In-House Production D12Y 12 Higher 3.0 6 18 16 LE Theatre Production 2341413 NoStage Management: Touring Production D13A 12 Higher 3.0 6 18 16 LE Theatre Production NoStage Presentation D662 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts NoStarting in Business (Intermediate 2) DK2P 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 254 AE Enterprises 2131383 NoStatics F5K8 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 212 RC Physics NoStatics - Equilibrium in Frameworks and Simple Stress D106 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 212 RC Physics 2270564 YesStatics: Equilibrium in Frameworks and Simple Stress EE95 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 212 RC Physics 2310011 NoStatistics D325 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 142 RB Mathematics YesStatistics 1 D326 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 142 RB Mathematics 2270854 YesStatistics 2 D330 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 142 RB Mathematics YesSteam Generating Plant E7VX 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 225 XH Mechanical Engineering NoSteam Plant and Equipment: Greater than 50mm Diameter E9AA 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 182 XH Mechanical Engineering NoSteam Turbines E7VW 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 225 XH Mechanical Engineering NoSteering Systems (Unassisted): Condition Assessment and Fault Diagnosis E9H4 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 2270804 NoSteering Systems (Unassisted): Removal, Replacement and Adjustment of Components E9H3 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 2270654 NoSteering Systems: Heavy Vehicle 1 EA5T 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 2270614 NoSteering Systems: Heavy Vehicle 2 EA5V 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 2270006 NoStitchology and Thread Control E9FH 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) 2270754 NoStock Control D0ST 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 298 BF Physical Distribution 2210470 NoStocks and Sauces F7DX 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 269 NF Cookery YesStonemasonry: Ashlar Walling F6P4 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 172 TG Building/Construction Operations NoStonemasonry: Ashlar Walling with Return F6PH 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 172 TG Building/Construction Operations NoStonemasonry: Block Walling with Return Corners F6PJ 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 172 TG Building/Construction Operations NoStonemasonry: Build Battered Walling F9PK 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 172 TG Building/Construction Operations NoStonemasonry: Build Radius Walling F6PL 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 172 TG Building/Construction Operations NoStonemasonry: Build Semi-circular Arch F6P9 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 172 TG Building/Construction Operations NoStonemasonry: Concreting, Slab Laying and Block Paving F6PM 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 172 TG Building/Construction Operations NoStonemasonry: Cutting a Cavetto Moulding to Ashlar Stop F6PP 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 172 TG Building/Construction Operations NoStonemasonry: Cutting a Cyma Recta Moulding to Internal and External Mitres F6RK 12 Higher 2 6 9 172 TG Building/Construction Operations NoStonemasonry: Cutting a Plane Surface On Stone F6PR 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 172 TG Building/Construction Operations NoStonemasonry: Cutting an Ovolo Moulding to Ashlar Stop F6PT 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 172 TG Building/Construction Operations NoStonemasonry: Cutting and Building Wrought Stone F6PV 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 172 TG Building/Construction Operations NoStonemasonry: Cutting Moulding on a Radius F6PB 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 172 TG Building/Construction Operations NoStonemasonry: Cutting Return Heads at Right Angles to Adjacent Face F6PS 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 172 TG Building/Construction Operations NoStonemasonry: Fix Cladding to Structures F6PW 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 172 TG Building/Construction Operations NoStonemasonry: Prepare Templates and Moulds F6PD 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 172 TG Building/Construction Operations NoStonemasonry: Produce Complex Mouldings to Mitre and Ashlar Stop F6RM 12 Higher 2 6 12 172 TG Building/Construction Operations NoStonemasonry: Random Rubble External Corner and Internal Return F6PX 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 172 TG Building/Construction Operations NoStonemasonry: Random Rubble Walling with Block Backing F6R7 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 172 TG Building/Construction Operations NoStonemasonry: Random Rubble Walling with Returns F6RF 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 172 TG Building/Construction Operations NoStonemasonry: Repair of Masonry Structures F6R9 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 172 TG Building/Construction Operations NoStonemasonry: Snecked Walling with Block Backing F6RA 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 172 TG Building/Construction Operations NoStonemasonry: Snecked Walling with Internal and External Returns F6RH 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 172 TG Building/Construction Operations NoStonemasonry: Step Construction F6PF 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 172 TG Building/Construction Operations NoStonemasonry: Surface Finishes F6RC 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 172 TG Building/Construction Operations NoStonemasonry: Timber Frame Construction F6RD 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 172 TG Building/Construction Operations NoStore and Retrieve Information using an Established Storage System ED5F 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 363 AY Office Skills 2270454 NoStore, Retrieve and Supply Information ED5P 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AY Office Skills 2210941 NoStrength of Materials F5K9 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 212 RC Physics NoStress and Stress Management D10Y 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 85 AF Management Skills 64758 No

Stringed Instruments: Assembling the Components of an Instrument Body D0FB 04 Unlevelled 3.0 Unlevelled 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology NoStringed Instruments: Design EB7H 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology 64790 NoStringed Instruments: Faultfinding and Minor Repairs: Classical and Flat-Top Guitars E80G 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology No

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Stringed Instruments: Finishing EB65 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology NoStringed Instruments: Fitting Up of the Viola and Violoncello E80A 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology NoStringed Instruments: Fitting Up of the Violin E809 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology NoStringed Instruments: Fret Replacement and Refurbishing EB64 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology No

Stringed Instruments: Manufacture of Body and Neck Components D0F8 04 Unlevelled 3.0 Unlevelled 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology 74749 NoStructural Design and Detailing D22V 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 164 TM Structural Engineering NoStructural Design and Detailing 1 E822 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 164 TM Structural Engineering 64791 NoStructural Design and Detailing 2 E823 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 164 TM Structural Engineering NoStructural Drawing and Detailing D22W 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 164 TM Structural Engineering 74779 NoStructural Drawing and Detailing E821 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 164 TM Structural Engineering 2270766 NoStructural Mechanics 1 EF2G 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 164 TM Structural Engineering NoStructural Mechanics and Design 1 D119 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 164 TM Structural Engineering 2270554 NoStructural Mechanics and Design 2 D925 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TM Structural Engineering 4250470 NoStructure of Financial Services D0XH 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 266 AL Financial Services 4250460 NoStructure of the Travel and Tourism Industry F5G0 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 192 NK Tourism/Travel NoStructures and Materials D190 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 291 RC Physics 74756 YesStructures and Materials D190 13 Advanced Higher 0.5 7 4 291 RC Physics 2131473 YesStud Management E8WL 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 148 SH Animal Husbandry 2271403 NoStudy of a Text in its Theatrical Context D197 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts YesStudying Human Society: The Sociological Approach DV3P 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 278 EE Social Studies YesStudying Human Society: The Sociological Approach DV3P 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 278 EE Social Studies YesStudying Human Society: The Sociological Approach DV3P 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 278 EE Social Studies YesStyle, Dress and Finish Hair F78T 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoStyling and Dressing Long Hair D05P 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services 64755 NoStyling for a Total Look F78W 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoSubstance Use and Misuse D12B 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 85 PP Crisis Support/Counselling NoSuckled Calf Production D0PC 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 148 SH Animal Husbandry 64792 NoSuckler Cow Enterprise Management E9JK 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 148 SH Animal Husbandry NoSun, Moon and Stars E8WW 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 151 RF Earth Sciences NoSupervising People D930 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 243 AF Management Skills 8150135 NoSupport Services in the Community EA8N 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 85 PN Family/Community Work/Youth Advice Work 8150145 NoSupport the Class Teacher: The Role of the Classroom Assistant D31C 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues 2270026 NoSupport the Well Being of Pupils: The Role of the Classroom Assistant D31D 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues NoSupporting a Curriculum in an Early Education and Childcare Setting DM66 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues NoSupporting a Curriculum in an Early Education and Childcare Setting: Workplace Experience DM67 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues NoSupporting Children and Young People in an Educational Setting F7HY 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 84 GB Teaching/Training NoSupporting Children and Young People who require Additional Support for Learning F7HT 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 84 GB Teaching/Training NoSupporting Children with Additional Support Needs DM65 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues 2270834 NoSupporting Children's Behaviour DM5K 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues 2270844 NoSupporting Children's Rights and Entitlements DM5J 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues 2270864 NoSupporting Elderly People in the Community D11C 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 82 PN Family/Community Work/Youth Advice Work 2270774 NoSupporting Information Communication Technology (ICT) in an Educational Setting F7HX 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 84 GB Teaching/Training NoSupporting Information Communication Technology (ICT) in Early Education and Childcare Setting DM64 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues NoSupporting Language, Literacy and Numeracy in an Educational Setting F7J4 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 84 GB Teaching/Training NoSupporting Learners with their Personal Care Needs: The Role of the Support for Learning Assistant D2KH 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues 74695 NoSupporting Learning through Computer Applications: An Introduction D2KK 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 295 CH Software for Specific Applications/Industries 74696 NoSupporting Playwork Practice DM68 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues 74697 NoSupporting Playwork Practice: Workplace Experience DM69 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues 8220006 NoSupporting the Behaviour of Children and Young People F7HS 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 84 GB Teaching/Training NoSupporting the Care and Feeding of Babies DM61 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues 74694 NoSupporting the Care and Feeding of Babies: Workplace Experience DM62 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues 64635 NoSupporting the Development of Children and Young People from Birth to Eighteen Years F7HR 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues NoSurface Finishing to Masonry Walling F2G2 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 172 TG Building/Construction Operations NoSurface Mount Technology Rework - Concepts D00R 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 52 XL Electronic Engineering NoSurface Mount Technology Rework - Practice D00S 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 52 XL Electronic Engineering 2270424 NoSurface Travel DF6L 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 192 NK Tourism/Travel 64707 NoSurveying 1 E81M 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 163 RG Land and Sea Surveying/Cartography 64718 NoSurveying 3 E81P 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 163 RG Land and Sea Surveying/Cartography 64732 NoSurveying Fieldwork E81S 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 163 RG Land and Sea Surveying/Cartography 64795 NoSurveying: Intensive Field Exercises E81R 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 163 RG Land and Sea Surveying/Cartography 64796 NoSuspension Systems (Mechanical): Removal, Replacement and Adjustment of Components E9H8 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 64716 NoSuspension Systems: Heavy Vehicle 1 EA5S 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 64709 No

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Sustainability in the Construction Industry F3JS 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TK Construction Site Work NoSustainable Development in Practice D896 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 157 QA Environmental Protection/Conservation 84708 NoSustainable Resource Utilisation EE8B 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 157 QA Environmental Protection/Conservation 74705 NoSustainable Resource Utilisation EE8B 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 157 QA Environmental Protection/Conservation NoSwimming Pool Side Operations and Safety Procedures D0VC 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoSwitchgear and High Voltage Protection F5JX 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 274 XK Power/Energy Engineering NoSwitching Systems 1 E7SD 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 222 XJ Electrical Engineering NoSwitching Systems 2 E7SE 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 222 XJ Electrical Engineering 2271393 NoSynoptic Meteorology E8EE 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 151 RF Earth Sciences NoSystems and Control D187 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 291 VE Industrial Control/Monitoring 64485 YesSystems and Control D187 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 291 VE Industrial Control/Monitoring YesSystems and Control D187 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 291 VE Industrial Control/Monitoring 75068 YesTable Service of Food and Drink EF23 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 269 NB Food/Drink Services 75067 NoTaking Part in a Residential Experience EA22 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 PM Social Care/Social Work Skills NoTaxation for Unincorporated Businesses E9BN 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 266 AK Financial Management/ Accounting NoTeam Working ED0W 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 159 HB Self Development NoTeamwork through Sport and Recreation Activities F40A 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoTechnical Drawing: Introduction D3SJ 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 161 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development 75518 NoTechnical Graphics D33P 13 Advanced Higher 0.5 7 4 135 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development 75517 YesTechnical Graphics 1 F397 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 135 JC Design (non-industrial) 64416 YesTechnical Graphics 1 D171 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 135 JC Design (non-industrial) YesTechnical Graphics 1 D171 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 135 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development YesTechnical Graphics 2 F398 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 135 JC Design (non-industrial) YesTechnical Graphics 2 D172 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 135 JC Design (non-industrial) 64011 YesTechnical Graphics 2 D172 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 135 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development 75527 YesTechnical Illustration: Architectural 2 E7N6 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 133 JB Art Techniques/Practice 75520 NoTechnical Illustration: Diagrams and Charts E7N8 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 133 JB Art Techniques/Practice 75062 NoTechnical Illustration: Engineering E7NB 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 133 JB Art Techniques/Practice 75066 NoTechnical Illustration: Engineering Sectional Views E7N3 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 133 JB Art Techniques/Practice 75060 NoTechnical Illustration: Exploded View E7NA 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 133 JB Art Techniques/Practice 75063 NoTechnical Illustration: Medical E7NC 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 133 JB Art Techniques/Practice 75064 NoTechnical Illustration: Pictorial 2 D0HF 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 133 JB Art Techniques/Practice 84557 NoTechnical Illustration: Scientific 1 E7NE 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 133 JB Art Techniques/Practice 4360240 NoTechnical Illustration: Scientific 2 E7N4 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 133 JB Art Techniques/Practice 64008 NoTechnical Recording and Reporting in the Construction Industry F3JV 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TE Construction (general) NoTechnical Theatre in Context F5L5 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 16 LE Theatre Production YesTechnical Theatre Production Operations F5L6 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 16 LE Theatre Production YesTechnical Theatre Workshop Skills F5L7 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 16 LE Theatre Production YesTechniques of Purchasing and Supply D0XK 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 298 VC Purchasing/Procurement and Sourcing 64021 NoTechnological Studies: Case Study Report D191 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 291 XA Engineering/Technology (general) 2211023 YesTechnological Studies: Project Enquiry D192 13 Advanced Higher 0.5 7 4 291 XA Engineering/Technology (general) 3251033 YesTechnology for All D1B4 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 291 XA Engineering/Technology (general) 3251013 YesTechnology in Home Economics D1CM 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 197 NG Home Economics YesTechnology in the Kitchen F39A 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 197 NA Hotel/Catering (general) 2270224 YesTelecommunication Signal Processing EG3B 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 222 XM Telecommunications 2270244 NoTelecommunications D373 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 138 RC Physics 2270214 YesTelecommunications D373 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 138 RC Physics 2270234 YesTelecommunications 1 D19L 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 232 XM Telecommunications YesTelecommunications 2 D19S 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 232 XM Telecommunications YesTelecommunications Lines: Cables E7SB 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 222 XM Telecommunications NoTelecommunications Lines: Maintenance E7SH 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 222 XM Telecommunications 64421 NoTelecommunications Lines: Planning E7SC 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 222 XM Telecommunications 84558 NoTelecommunications Switching Practice EG3C 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 222 XM Telecommunications 64422 NoTelecommunications Systems Equipment EG3D 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 222 XM Telecommunications NoTelecommunications Transmission Media EG3E 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 222 XM Telecommunications 2270204 NoTelecommunications: Digital Transmission Techniques E7SF 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 222 XM Telecommunications 64552 NoTelecommunications: Line Transmission E7SA 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 222 XM Telecommunications 85715 NoTelephone Communications Skills D0YD 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 1 AY Office Skills 64551 NoTelevision and Video Systems E7T5 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 222 XM Telecommunications 64624 NoTelevision and Video Systems: Supplementary E7T8 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 222 XM Telecommunications NoTelevision Receivers Circuits E7T6 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 222 XM Telecommunications NoTelevision: Basic Lighting EF5Y 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 127 KA Communication/Media (general) 74135 NoTelevision: Basic Production Techniques EF60 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 127 KA Communication/Media (general) 84169 No

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Television: Basic Single Camera Operation on Location EF61 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 127 KA Communication/Media (general) NoTelevision: Programme Origination - Basic Technology EF62 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 127 KA Communication/Media (general) 84112 NoTelevision: Programme Origination Techniques EF63 13 Advanced Higher 3.0 7 24 127 KA Communication/Media (general) 94110 NoTelevision: Sound Recording for Programme Origination EF68 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 127 KG Audio and Visual Media 2160020 NoTemplate Making Skills D00T 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 218 VF Industrial Design/Research and Development 2160090 NoTextile Processing: Basic Principles of Manufacture EE08 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) 84172 NoThe Biology of Micro-organisms DF5F 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 140 RH Life Sciences NoThe Building Industry: An Activity Approach EF7Y 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HC Career Change/Access 7280006 NoThe Child with Special Needs: An Introduction D12D 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 166 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues 2160014 NoThe Continuation of Life D044 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 140 RH Life Sciences YesThe Ecology of Scotland D897 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 145 RH Life Sciences NoThe Economy, State and Industrial Relations E9KD 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 241 AJ Human Resources Management 64101 NoThe Effective Organisation and Use of Resources: The Role of the Classroom Assistant D31B 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues 4110273 NoThe Environment and Human Activity D317 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 157 QA Environmental Protection/Conservation YesThe Forest Management Plan E8CT 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 4110180 NoThe Helping Relationship: An Introduction EF4Y 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 82 PM Social Care/Social Work Skills 84167 NoThe Human Body F1RH 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 140 RH Life Sciences 84168 YesThe Human Body D13F 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 140 RH Life Sciences YesThe Individual in Industry and Work E9NF 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 258 EE Social Studies NoThe Individual in the Economy E9NE 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 258 EB Economics NoThe International Economy DM4Y 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 258 EB Economics 64166 YesThe International Economy DM4Y 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 258 EB Economics YesThe International Economy DM4Y 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 258 EB Economics YesThe Internet DM4F 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems YesThe Internet DM4F 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 358 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems 4280130 YesThe Internet D01N 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 358 CB IT: Computer Science/Programming/Systems 4280220 NoThe Internet 1 D17E 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 358 AY Office Skills 4110080 NoThe Land-based Industries D898 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 234 SA Agriculture/Horticulture (general) 4110060 NoThe Land-based Industries D898 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 234 SA Agriculture/Horticulture (general) 94111 NoThe Management of Timber Sales E8CX 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production NoThe Manufacturing Industry: An Activity Approach EF7F 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HC Career Change/Access 4110120 NoThe Nature of Organic Compounds EA47 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 139 RD Chemistry 84103 NoThe Pre-School Child - Food, Clothing and Play D278 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 197 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues 74136 YesThe Pre-school Child: Food, Clothing and Play D1CL 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 197 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues 74137 YesThe Principles and Practice of the Design and Development of Confectionery Products D36R 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 56 NH Food Science/Technology 94105 NoThe Principles and Practice of the Design and Development of Fermented Products D36P 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 56 NH Food Science/Technology 2160030 NoThe Property Market E86N 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 190 AL Financial Services 2150034 NoThe Prosecution of Crime in Scotland D32D 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 260 EC Law 64163 NoThe Psychology of Individual Differences D70K 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 306 PK Psychology 64207 NoThe Retail Meat Industry E8SB 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 57 WM Food/Drink/Tobacco (industrial) 64208 NoThe Rights and Entitlements of Children and Young People F7HW 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 84 PN Family/Community Work/Youth Advice Work NoThe Role and Functions of Public Relations in Organisations D0YB 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 245 BA Marketing/PR YesThe Role of the Care Support Worker in Occupational Therapy Programmes: An Introduction D39W 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 82 PJ Semi-Medical/Physical/Psycho/Therapies 2150024 NoThe Role of the Care Support Workers in Physiotherapy Programmes D1CY 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 85 PD Paramedical Services/Supplementary Medicine 4110320 NoThe Scottish Tourism Product: An Introduction DM4T 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 192 NK Tourism/Travel 84161 NoThe Solar System (1) D0RB 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 151 RE Astronomy 74174 NoThe Solar System (2) D0RC 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 151 RE Astronomy 4110263 NoThe Stock Market and Investment D0VX 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 266 AL Financial Services 84170 NoThe Structure of the Leisure Industry D0S7 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 205 NL Leisure/Sports Facilities Work 2180006 NoThe Theory of Apiculture E8W2 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 146 SH Animal Husbandry 64171 NoThe UK Economy DM4X 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 258 EB Economics 64173 YesThe UK Economy DM4X 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 258 EB Economics YesThe UK Economy DM4X 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 258 EB Economics 2150270 YesThe Upright Overdamper Piano: A Practical Introduction E7YT 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 63 LJ Musical Instrument Technology 64164 NoThe Work Environment EB0C 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 241 PL Occupational Health and Safety NoThe World of Carbon D070 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 139 RD Chemistry 2160040 YesTheatre History: An Introduction to Theory and Practice F691 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts YesTheatre Performance F5LA 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts YesTheatre Performance :Solo Singing Skills F5L9 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 16 LH Music Performance YesTheatre Performance: Group Singing Skills F5L8 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 16 LH Music Performance YesTheatre Production Skills D194 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 16 LE Theatre Production 2150240 YesTheatre Production Skills D194 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 16 LE Theatre Production YesTheatre Production Skills D194 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 16 LE Theatre Production Yes

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Theatre Production Team D663 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 16 LE Theatre Production 3171141 NoTheatre Skills E7LL 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 16 LE Theatre Production 7006 NoTheatre Stage Lighting Operations F693 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 16 LE Theatre Production YesTheatre Stage Management in Practice F695 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 16 LE Theatre Production YesTheatre Stage Management Operations F5LC 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 16 LE Theatre Production YesTheatre Stage Model Set Construction F699 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 16 LE Theatre Production YesTheatre Stage Set Construction F698 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 16 LE Theatre Production YesTheatre Stage Sound Operations F694 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 16 LE Theatre Production YesTheatrical Design F697 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 16 LE Theatre Production YesTheatrical Makeup F5LD 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 16 LE Theatre Production YesTheatrical Prop Making F5LE 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 16 LE Theatre Production YesTheory of Flight F5GT 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 214 XP Aerospace/Defence Engineering NoTheory of Flight E96V 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 214 XP Aerospace/Defence Engineering NoThermal Cutting Processes F5FB 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 218 XF Tools/Machining NoThermal Cutting Skills F5F1 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 218 XF Tools/Machining NoThermal Insulation E8P8 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 181 TG Building/Construction Operations 64320 NoThermal Insulation Materials E9N1 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 182 TG Building/Construction Operations 64333 NoThermal Insulation Plant and Equipment Less Than 50mm Diameter E8PT 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 182 TG Building/Construction Operations NoThermal Insulation Practice: Application of Preformed Materials E9A7 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 182 TG Building/Construction Operations NoThermal Insulation Practice: Flexible Forms E9N2 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 182 TG Building/Construction Operations 2150010 NoThermal Insulation Practice: Pre-formed Materials E9N3 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 182 TG Building/Construction Operations 7005 NoThermal Insulation Surface Finishes E9A9 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 182 TG Building/Construction Operations 2150040 NoThermal Insulation Working Processes E8PP 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 182 TG Building/Construction Operations 4110033 NoThermal Insulation: Attachments and Supports for Fixing Materials to Large Plant Components E9AB 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 182 TG Building/Construction Operations 2310021 NoThermal Insulation: Identification Markings and Finishes E8PV 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 182 TG Building/Construction Operations 2150220 NoThermal Insulation: Sheet Material Forming Skills E8PS 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 182 TG Building/Construction Operations 7002 NoThermal Insulation: Site Considerations E9YV 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 182 TG Building/Construction Operations 7007 NoThermal Insulation: Technology and Design E9YW 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 182 TG Building/Construction Operations 7010 NoThermal Insulation: Working Processes for Selecting Thermal Insulation Thicknesses E9A8 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 182 TG Building/Construction Operations NoThermal Joining Skills F5F2 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 218 XF Tools/Machining NoThermofluids F5JE 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 212 RC Physics NoThread Trimming and Wiper Mechanisms EA5C 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 35 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 7280016 NoThree Dimensional Design: The Spatial Design Process D0J3 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JC Design (non-industrial) 7008 NoThree-Dimensional Design - Basic Construction Skills D958 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 JC Design (non-industrial) 7001 NoTillage D0JM 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 147 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery NoTimber and Timber Derivatives DA9R 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 134 TG Building/Construction Operations 64315 NoTimber Lamination and Steam Bending E85J 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 134 SG Forestry/Timber Production NoTimber Produce D899 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 2150096 NoTooling and Equipment: Woodworking Machines E85F 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 134 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture 2150136 NoTorque Convertor and Automatic Gearbox: Condition Assessment and Fault Diagnosis EA19 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 2150146 NoTorque Convertor and Automatic Gearbox: Removal, Replacement and Adjustment of Components EA18 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 2150260 NoTotal Quality Bakery Management Applications D36S 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 56 AB Management (general) 2150101 NoTour Guiding: An Introduction F3PK 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 192 NK Tourism/Travel NoTourist Destinations DM4N 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 192 NK Tourism/Travel 2150410 YesTourist Destinations DM4N 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 192 NK Tourism/Travel 74322 NoTown and Country Planning Legislation EC84 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 117 TC Property: Surveying/Planning/Development 64202 NoTownscape 2: Field Study E86W 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 117 TC Property: Surveying/Planning/Development 2150230 NoTractor Operations 1 D900 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 147 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery 2150176 NoTractor Operations 2 D901 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 147 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery 2150020 NoTractors and Power Units D902 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 147 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery 64259 NoTraditional Polishing Schedules and Furniture Restoration E85T 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 134 JP Wood Cane and Furniture Crafts 2130016 NoTraditional Upholstery Finishing E842 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 134 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture NoTraditional Upholstery Preparation E841 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 134 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture 2130046 NoTransformation and Rectification F5JY 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 232 XK Power/Energy Engineering NoTransformation and Rectification E9S1 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 231 XK Power/Energy Engineering NoTransformers F5K0 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 274 XK Power/Energy Engineering NoTransport Mechanically EC7N 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 234 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery NoTransport of Roundwood E8W8 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 2150166 NoTransportation of Goods F4T2 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 398 BF Physical Distribution NoTransportation of Horses E8WK 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 148 SH Animal Husbandry 2150060 NoTransporting the Horse E9TE 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 148 SH Animal Husbandry NoTravel Agency Practice and Procedures DF6K 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 192 NK Tourism/Travel NoTravel and Tourism Study Visit F3PA 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 192 NK Tourism/Travel 2150070 No

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Travel and Tourism Work Experience D0SC 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 192 NK Tourism/Travel NoTravel and Tourism: An Introduction DM4L 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 192 NK Tourism/Travel 64316 YesTravel and Tourism: Enhancing Skills for Employment F3PL 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 192 NK Tourism/Travel NoTravel Industry: An Introduction F3PB 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 192 NK Tourism/Travel NoTree and Shrub Planting D903 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 64165 NoTree Biology EF6M 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production NoTree Climbing and Rescue Techniques E98J 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production NoTree Identification D2LG 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production NoTree Identification D904 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 64318 NoTree Identification: An Introduction D869 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production NoTree Planting D2LH 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production NoTree Surgery: Use of Hand Tools EF6N 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 2150030 NoTree Surgery: Use of Power Tools EF6P 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production NoTrees and Shrubs in the Golf Course Environment E9A5 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 355 SF Amenity Horticulture/Sportsgrounds NoTrees in the Environment D905 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production NoTrim and Upholstery Sewing E7VH 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) 64200 NoTungsten Inert Gas(TIG) Welding Skills F5FC 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 218 XE Welding/Joining NoTurf Grass Identification and Production F6TP 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 355 SF Amenity Horticulture/Sportsgrounds NoTurf Maintenance Machinery F6TS 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 355 SF Amenity Horticulture/Sportsgrounds NoTurf Mechanisation E8C3 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 355 SF Amenity Horticulture/Sportsgrounds 64252 NoTurkey Production E8CJ 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 148 SH Animal Husbandry 64262 NoTutoring Adults E9R2 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 242 GB Teaching/Training 64251 NoTwentieth-Century Theatre - Theories of Performance D200 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts 64250 YesTwo-Dimensional Design - Basic Skills D959 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 JC Design (non-industrial) 64256 NoTwo-Dimensional Design - Design for Print D960 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 KH Print and Publishing 64201 NoTwo-Dimensional Design - Design for Print D960 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 KH Print and Publishing 8240048 NoTwo-Dimensional Design - Experimental Printmaking D961 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 KH Print and Publishing 8240021 NoTwo-Dimensional Design - The Design Process D962 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 65 JC Design (non-industrial) 8240011 NoTwo-Dimensional Design - Typography 1 D963 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 KH Print and Publishing 64257 NoTwo-Dimensional Design - Typography 2 D964 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 KH Print and Publishing 3150614 NoTwo-Dimensional Design: Letterforms 1 D0H4 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 KH Print and Publishing 8240058 NoTwo-Dimensional Design: Letterforms 2 D0H5 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 KH Print and Publishing 7004 NoTwo-Dimensional Display: Basic Letterforms and Visual Layout D0H6 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 KH Print and Publishing 7009 NoTypewriting 1 EE4T 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills 64205 NoTypewriting 2 EE4V 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills 64211 NoTypewriting 3 EE4W 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills 64206 NoTypewriting 4 EE4X 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills 8240068 NoUnderstanding and Supporting People in Health and Social Care Settings F1C5 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 407 PK Psychology 8240078 NoUnderstanding Human Society 1 DV3Y 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 278 EE Social Studies 8240088 YesUnderstanding Human Society 2 DV40 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 278 EE Social Studies 64209 YesUnderstanding Loss and Grief F3G4 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 82 PP Crisis Support/Counselling 64204 NoUnderstanding of Mental Health and Mental Illness DF6H 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 85 PH Nursing 64331 NoUnderstanding Religious Festivals: Christianity F147 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 FB Culture/Gender/Folklore 64334 YesUnderstanding Religious Festivals: Hinduism F146 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 FB Culture/Gender/Folklore 64332 YesUnderstanding Religious Festivals: Islam F140 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 FB Culture/Gender/Folklore 64462 NoUnderstanding Religious Festivals: Judaism F149 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 FB Culture/Gender/Folklore 64539 YesUnderstanding Religious Festivals: Sikhism F14A 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 FB Culture/Gender/Folklore 2231001 YesUnderstanding Reports and Accounts E98M 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 266 AK Financial Management/ Accounting 2230020 NoUnderstanding Scottish Cultural Festivals F148 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 FB Culture/Gender/Folklore 2231333 YesUnderstanding Sport and Physical Recreation in the Community D0V8 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 198 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports 94532 NoUnderstanding the Needs of the Older Person F1P5 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 82 PN Family/Community Work/Youth Advice Work 2230050 NoUnderstanding the Retail and Distribution Industries EG0P 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 298 BC Retailing/Wholesaling/Distributive Trades 2230060 NoUnderstanding Tourism in the Local Area DV3C 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 192 NK Tourism/Travel 2230070 NoUnderstanding Weather E8WX 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 151 RF Earth Sciences 2230090 NoUndertaking Stock Control EA91 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 298 BF Physical Distribution 2230130 NoUniformed and Emergency Services: An Introduction F38R 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 422 QH Security 84541 NoUniformed and Emergency Services: Engaging with the Community F38T 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 422 EE Social Studies NoUniformed and Emergency Services: Health, Safety, Fitness and Well-being F38S 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 422 PL Occupational Health and Safety 68616 NoUniformed and Emergency Services: Working in Teams F38V 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 422 HB Self Development 68619 NoUpholstery and Vehicle Trimming Materials E7VJ 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 68670 NoUpright Piano Action Repairs 1 E7YV 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology 68640 NoUpright Piano Pedal Mechanisms: Dismantling, Assembling and Adjustment E7YY 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology 68641 NoUrdu For Work Purposes F3CE 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 455 FK Languages 64550 Yes

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Urdu For Work Purposes F3CE 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 455 FK Languages 64775 YesUrdu For Work Purposes F3CE 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 455 FK Languages YesUrdu For Work Purposes F3CE 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 455 FK Languages YesUrdu: Extended Reading/Viewing F184 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 31 FK Languages 68610 YesUrdu: Language F183 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 31 FK Languages 65411 YesUrdu: Language in Work F185 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 31 FK Languages 65410 YesUse and Abuse of the Sea DC61 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 151 ZF Marine Transport 75749 YesUse and Care of Hand Tools in Motor Vehicle Engineering E9GS 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 75746 NoUse and Care of Workshop Equipment in Motor Vehicle Engineering E9GT 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 65419 NoUse of Clearing Saw E8TX 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 65413 NoUse of Hand Tools in Forestry Work E8AE 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 65418 NoUse of Hand Tools in Greenkeeping E8TD 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 146 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery 64776 NoUse of Hand Tools in Horticulture EE8E 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 146 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery 64777 NoUse of the Shotgun and Sporting Rifle EA7V 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 143 NM Country Leisure Facilities Work 64778 NoUser Services in Library and Information Units D10L 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 4 CZ Libraries/Librarianship 64772 NoUsing a Computer - Basic Operations D2S8 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 CA Computer Technology 64773 YesUsing a Computer in Business D520 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 363 CC IT: Computer Use 64820 YesUsing a Keyboard D519 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills 64821 YesUsing a Keyboard EA5H 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills 68611 NoUsing a Microcomputer E9BG 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 357 CA Computer Technology 68612 NoUsing Accounting Information EF3X 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 266 AK Financial Management/ Accounting 65486 NoUsing and Maintaining a Mobile De-Barker EB1R 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 65489 NoUsing and Maintaining a Mobile Sawbench EB1P 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 65490 NoUsing and Maintaining a Tractor-Mounted Weeding Machine EB1S 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 145 SK Agricultural Engineering/Farm Machinery 65485 NoUsing Avogadro's Constant and The Periodic Table EA45 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 139 RD Chemistry 65491 NoUsing Basic Computer Skills D9EX 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 CA Computer Technology 65487 YesUsing Basic Number Skills EA36 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 142 RB Mathematics 65492 NoUsing Basic Oral Communication Skills EB2D 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 1 KB Communication Skills 64425 NoUsing Basic Reading Skills EB2B 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 1 HD Continuing Education (basic skills) 74472 NoUsing Basic Writing Skills EB2C 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 1 HD Continuing Education (basic skills) NoUsing Computer Aided Learning: Explaining Educational and leisure Use of Software D93R 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HC Career Change/Access YesUsing Computer Aided Learning: Identifying Personal Learning Targets D93P 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HC Career Change/Access 2210198 YesUsing Computer Aided Learning: Meeting Personal Learning Targets D93T 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HC Career Change/Access YesUsing Computer Aided Learning: Using Educational Programs D93W 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HC Career Change/Access 2210208 YesUsing Computer Aided Learning: Using Leisure Programs D93V 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HC Career Change/Access YesUsing Computers: An Introduction D2KP 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 295 AY Office Skills NoUsing Cranes to Lift and Transfer Loads – An Introduction F6RE 11 Intermediate 2 2 5 12 186 TK Construction Site Work NoUsing Drama Skills D538 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts 2210218 YesUsing Drama Skills: Exploring Dramatic Situations D93C 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts YesUsing Drama Skills: Participating with Others D93A 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts 2210228 YesUsing Drama Skills: Portraying Character D93D 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts 2210238 YesUsing Drama Skills: Reviewing Own Performance D93E 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts 2210248 YesUsing Information DM4C 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 358 CY Information Systems/Management 2210258 YesUsing Information DM4C 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 358 CY Information Systems/Management 2210268 YesUsing Information Retrieval Skills 1 ED4R 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 4 CZ Libraries/Librarianship NoUsing Information Retrieval Skills 2 ED4S 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 4 CZ Libraries/Librarianship NoUsing Information Retrieval Skills 3 ED4T 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 4 CZ Libraries/Librarianship 2210278 NoUsing Learning Skills 1 ED4V 09 Access 3 0.5 3 3 159 HC Career Change/Access 2210288 NoUsing Learning Skills 2 ED4W 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 159 HC Career Change/Access 2210298 NoUsing Learning Skills 3 ED4X 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 159 HC Career Change/Access 2210308 NoUsing Machinery for Compacting Materials — An Introduction F6LW 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 186 TK Construction Site Work NoUsing Machinery for Construction and Formation Work: An Introduction F6RL 11 Intermediate 2 2 5 12 186 TK Construction Site Work NoUsing Machinery to Access Work Areas F6R3 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 186 TK Construction Site Work NoUsing Machinery to Excavate Materials: An Introduction F6RG 11 Intermediate 2 2 5 12 186 TK Construction Site Work NoUsing Machinery to Extract Materials: An Introduction F6RJ 11 Intermediate 2 2 5 12 186 TK Construction Site Work NoUsing Machinery to Lay and Distribute Materials: An Introduction F6RN 11 Intermediate 2 2 5 12 186 TK Construction Site Work NoUsing Machinery to Lift and Transfer Loads – An Introduction F6R1 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 186 TK Construction Site Work NoUsing Machinery to Process Materials: An Introduction F6R8 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 186 TK Construction Site Work NoUsing Mathematical Techniques in Everyday Situations 2 E9X1 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 142 RB Mathematics 84433 NoUsing Mathematics 1 D559 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 142 RB Mathematics 74458 YesUsing Mathematics 2 D560 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 142 RB Mathematics 2211363 YesUsing Mathematics 3 D561 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 142 RB Mathematics 84435 YesUsing Mathematics in Everyday Situations 1 D556 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 RB Mathematics 64429 Yes

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Using Mathematics in Everyday Situations 1 - Money D3K1 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 RB Mathematics 64437 YesUsing Mathematics in Everyday Situations 1 - Time D3K0 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 RB Mathematics 64438 YesUsing Mathematics in Everyday Situations 1 - Weight and Measurement D3K2 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 RB Mathematics 2210450 YesUsing Mathematics in Everyday Situations 2 D557 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 RB Mathematics 2210581 YesUsing Mathematics in Everyday Situations 3 D558 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 RB Mathematics 94373 YesUsing Mathematics to Handle Information DM59 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HD Continuing Education (basic skills) 74451 YesUsing Numbers in Everyday Situations E9BF 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 RB Mathematics 74495 NoUsing Oral Communication Skills for Everyday Purposes EB2V 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 1 KB Communication Skills 74516 NoUsing Reading Skills for Everyday Purposes EB2S 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 1 KB Communication Skills 74496 NoUsing Technological Equipment - Basic Household Operations D2S6 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 AY Office Skills 74497 YesUsing Technological Equipment - Basic Office and Personal Operations D2S7 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 AY Office Skills 2210981 YesUsing Technological Equipment - Identifying Equipment D2S5 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 AY Office Skills 2210991 YesUsing Writing Skills for Everyday Purposes EB2T 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 1 KB Communication Skills 74492 NoValues and Principles in Care F17W 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 82 PM Social Care/Social Work Skills 2140110 NoValues and Principles in Care F17W 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 82 PM Social Care/Social Work Skills 64501 NoValues and Principles in Care F17W 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 82 PM Social Care/Social Work Skills 74506 NoValues and Principles in Early Year Provision D75E 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues 74507 NoVegetable Production D0M2 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 146 SD Crop Production 74505 NoVegetative Propagation D908 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 145 SD Crop Production 74508 NoVegetative Propagation: Micropropagation E8BE 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 146 SD Crop Production 74514 NoVehicle Body Building: Commercial Vehicle Underframes E8L4 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 74515 NoVehicle Body Building: Framing E8L5 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 2211463 NoVehicle Body Building: Introduction E8L3 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 2210911 NoVehicle Body Building: Panelling E8L6 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 74442 NoVehicle Body Building: Public Service Vehicles Sub Structures E8L8 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 74509 NoVehicle Body Building: Underframes (Specialised Vehicles) E8L9 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 74491 NoVehicle Body Hydraulic Repair Equipment EA84 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 2210971 NoVehicle Body Interior: Removal and Replacement of Components E9H9 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 74494 NoVehicle Body Repair: Materials, Processes, Tools and Procedures EA81 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 74499 NoVehicle Body Sub Structures ED1K 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 2210651 NoVehicle Bodywork: Calculations and Communications EA82 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 65325 NoVehicle Chassis and Transmission Electronic Systems EB20 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 64502 NoVehicle Component: Sealing Devices E9H0 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 64503 NoVehicle Component: Securing Devices E9GY 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 64504 NoVehicle Configurations, Constructions and Identification E8KB 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 2210821 NoVehicle Doors and Body Fittings E8L7 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering NoVehicle Electrical System: Starter Circuit EA5Y 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoVehicle Electronic Systems: Modifications EB1V 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoVehicle Major Damage Repair: Assessment and Jigs E8KM 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoVehicle Major Damage Repair: Structural Replacement E8KP 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoVehicle Management Systems D155 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoVehicle Minor Damage Repair 1 E8KR 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoVehicle Minor Damage Repair 2: Door Reskinning EA83 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair NoVehicle Paint Colour Mixing and Matching E8KS 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 2210540 NoVehicle Paint Matching and Spot Repairing EA8R 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 2210520 NoVehicle Paint Surface Preparation 1 E8KW 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 94381 NoVehicle Paint Surface Preparation 2 E8L2 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 2210601 NoVehicle Painting Processes: Tools, Equipment and Procedures EA75 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 94380 NoVehicle Painting: Introductory Brush Painting E82M 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 94385 NoVehicle Security Systems EB1T 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 QH Security 94384 NoVehicle Servicing: Motorcycles ED0C 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 2210390 NoVehicle Trades Communications Skills E9G6 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 213 ZL Motor Trade Operations 2210530 NoVehicle Trimming 1 E7VK 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 94374 NoVehicle Trimming 2 E7VL 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 2210440 NoVehicle Trimming, Repair and Restoration E7VM 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 213 XR Road Vehicle Engineering 2210430 NoVeterinary Care Auxiliary: Anatomy and Physiology of Companion Animals D0NX 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 154 SN Veterinary Services 64466 NoVeterinary Care Auxiliary: Assisting in Radiography D0F9 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 154 SN Veterinary Services 2210370 NoVeterinary Care Auxiliary: First Aid for Companion Animals D0NY 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 154 SN Veterinary Services 2210380 NoVeterinary Care Auxiliary: General Care of Companion Animals D0P0 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 154 SN Veterinary Services 2210142 NoVeterinary Care Auxiliary: In-Patient Care and Hospital Management D0P1 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 154 SN Veterinary Services 2210132 NoVeterinary Care Auxiliary: Laboratory Support Work D1CN 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 154 SN Veterinary Services 2210500 NoVeterinary Care Auxiliary: Medical Nursing Care of Companion Animals D1CP 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 154 SN Veterinary Services 2210490 NoVeterinary Care Auxiliary: Pharmacy D1CR 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 154 SN Veterinary Services 2210571 No

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Veterinary Care Auxiliary: Procedures for Surgery D1CS 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 154 SN Veterinary Services 2210510 NoVeterinary Care Auxiliary: Receptionist Duties and Practice Organisation D0P3 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 256 SN Veterinary Services 2210480 NoVeterinary Care Auxiliary: Reproduction and Neonatal Care in Companion Animals D0P4 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 154 SN Veterinary Services 2210330 NoVeterinary Care Auxiliary: Safe Working Practices D0FA 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 154 SN Veterinary Services 2210320 NoVeterinary Care Auxiliary: Veterinary Terminology D0P5 11 Intermediate 2 1.5 5 9 154 SN Veterinary Services NoVibration Monitoring E7W1 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 212 XH Mechanical Engineering 2210811 No

Video Production Techniques E7LG 04 Unlevelled 3.0 Unlevelled 127 KF Film/Video Production 2210641 NoVideo Production Technology: Basic Skills D0HS 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 127 KF Film/Video Production 2210091 NoVideo Skills: Presentation and Production D13D 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 127 KF Film/Video Production 2210591 NoVideo: Basic Linear Editing Techniques EF70 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 127 KF Film/Video Production 94375 NoVideo: Basic Origination Techniques EF69 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 127 KF Film/Video Production 64455 NoVisual Presentation: Art and Design D022 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 65 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts 74498 YesVoice D0H2 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 16 LC Theatre and Dramatic Arts 64481 NoWall and Floor Tiling: An Introduction F50P 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 175 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWall and Floor Tiling: Basic Cement Work F511 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 175 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWall and Floor Tiling: Basic Cutting, Shaping and Fixing F514 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 175 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWall and Floor Tiling: Basic Pattern Work F516 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 175 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWall and Floor Tiling: Cement Rendering for Tile Work F6NK 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 175 TG Building/Construction Operations No

F6NS 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 175 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWall and Floor Tiling: Construction Drawing for Tile work F6NM 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 175 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWall and Floor Tiling: Craft Projects F6P8 12 Higher 2 6 12 175 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWall and Floor Tiling: Estimating and Calculations for Tile Work F6P2 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 175 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWall and Floor Tiling: Fixing Floor Tiles Using Adhesives F6NR 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 175 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWall and Floor Tiling: Fixing Mosaics to Walls and Floors F6P1 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 175 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWall and Floor Tiling: Fixing Wall Tiles Using Thin Set Adhesives F6P5 12 Higher 2 6 12 175 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWall and Floor Tiling: Floor Screeding for Tile Work F6NN 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 175 TG Building/Construction Operations No

F6NL 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 175 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWall and Floor Tiling: Isolating Membranes and Movement Joints for Tile work F6P3 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 175 TG Building/Construction Operations No

F6P7 12 Higher 2 6 12 175 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWall and Floor Tiling: Repair and Restoration F6NW 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 175 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWall and Floor Tiling: Science for Tile Work F6NY 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 175 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWall and Floor Tiling: Setting Out for Tiling Applications F6NP 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 175 TG Building/Construction Operations No

F6P0 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 175 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWall and Floor Tiling: Tiling Floors In-situ F6NT 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 175 TG Building/Construction Operations No

F6NX 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 175 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWall and Floor Tiling: Tiling to Staircase Walls F6P6 12 Higher 2 6 12 175 TG Building/Construction Operations No

F6NV 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 175 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWarehouse Practice: An Activity Approach EF80 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HC Career Change/Access 84406 NoWater Features E8C7 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 146 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales 74408 NoWater Supplies and Drains D909 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 157 SL Agricultural/Horticultural Maintenance 64447 NoWatering and Feeding Stabled Horses E9TF 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 148 SH Animal Husbandry 64448 NoWave Phenomena D387 13 Advanced Higher 0.5 7 4 138 RC Physics 64444 YesWaves and Optics D381 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 138 RC Physics 74454 YesWaxing Treatments: Legs and Underarms F4CA 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 66 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoWeb Logs DN81 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 357 CD Using Software and Operating Systems 74440 YesWedding Floristry E9L0 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 75 JG Decorative Leisure Crafts 74441 NoWeld Procedure Specification and Testing F5F4 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 218 XE Welding/Joining NoWeld Procedure Specification and Testing F5FE 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 218 XE Welding/Joining NoWelded Metal Sculpture 1 EE79 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 XE Welding/Joining 64426 NoWelding Effects on the Structure of Materials F5FF 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 218 XE Welding/Joining NoWelding High Strength Steels in Motor Vehicle Body Repairwork EA87 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 64424 NoWelding Processes F5FD 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 218 XE Welding/Joining NoWelding Processes F5F3 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 218 XE Welding/Joining NoWelding: Effects on the Structure of Materials 2 EE92 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 218 YC Chemicals/Materials Engineering 2210420 NoWelding: Surfacing and Repairs EE1T 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 218 XE Welding/Joining 2210340 NoWelfare Provision in Scotland D0Y4 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 259 HE Personal Finance/Consumerism/Rights 64430 No

What is Health? D19W 04 Unlevelled 1.0 Unlevelled 85 PA Health Care Management/Health Studies 2210801 YesWheels and Tyres: Application, Condition Assessment and Fault Finding E9LN 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 2131433 NoWheels and Tyres: Tyre Fitting and Repairs E9LP 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 213 XS Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 2131443 NoWhole Farm Physical Planning E8AC 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 144 SM Rural/Agricultural Business Organisation 2131453 NoWigs and Postiche for Media F78J 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 65 HL Hair/Personal Care Services No

Not allocated

Wall and Floor Tiling: Complex Cutting and Shaping of Tiles

Wall and Floor Tiling: Hand Fixing Using Sand and Cement Mortar

Wall and Floor Tiling: Project Planning and Preparation

Wall and Floor Tiling: Tiling Equipment and Power Tools

Wall and Floor Tiling: Tiling Materials and Technology

Wall and Floor Tiling: Tiling to Steps

Not allocated

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Wildlife Conservation 1 E8WT 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 157 QA Environmental Protection/Conservation 2131423 NoWildlife Conservation 2 E8D4 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 157 QA Environmental Protection/Conservation 2210460 NoWildlife Habitats of Game D0NW 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 143 SH Animal Husbandry NoWindbreaks D910 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 146 SE Gardening/Floristry/Plant Sales 74423 NoWiring and Assembly Techniques D9EP 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 232 XJ Electrical Engineering 64436 YesWiring and Assembly Techniques ED8B 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 232 XJ Electrical Engineering 94387 NoWiring Between Buildings E9MF 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 160 XJ Electrical Engineering 94386 NoWood Using Industries 2 E8W7 12 Higher 1.5 6 9 145 SG Forestry/Timber Production 84405 NoWoodmachining: Band Re-sawing Machine F7GR 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 170 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWoodmachining: Breaking out Machines: Circular saws F7GG 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 170 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWoodmachining: Carpentry and Joinery Hand Skills F7GE 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 170 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWoodmachining: Craft Projects F7H2 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 170 TF Construction Management NoWoodmachining: Four Sided Moulder F7H4 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 170 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWoodmachining: High Speed Router F7H1 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 170 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWoodmachining: Jig Development and Manufacture F7GF 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 170 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWoodmachining: Local Exhaust Ventilation Maintenance F7GS 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 170 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWoodmachining: Mortise Machines F7GL 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 170 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWoodmachining: Narrow Bandsaws F7GP 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 170 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWoodmachining: Planing Machines F7GH 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 170 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWoodmachining: Sanding and Shaping Machines F7GX 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 170 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWoodmachining: Small Tool Maintenance F7GW 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 170 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWoodmachining: Spindle Moulder F7H3 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 170 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWoodmachining: Tenon Machine F7GM 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 170 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWoodmachining: Timber Technology and Materials F7GD 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 170 TE Construction (general) NoWoodmachining: Toolroom (Circular Saws) F7GJ 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 170 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWoodmachining: Toolroom (Cutters) F7H0 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 170 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWoodmachining: Vertical Spindle Moulder: An Introduction F7GN 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 170 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWoodmachining: Wood Turning and Drilling F7GK 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 170 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWoodwind Instruments: Dismantling and Reassembling 1 (Flutes and Clarinets) E804 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology 84404 NoWoodwind Instruments: Fault Finding and Minor Repairs (Flutes and Clarinets) E808 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology 64432 NoWoodwind Instruments: Padding Techniques E80H 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology 94399 NoWoodwind Instruments: Recorking and Refelting Keywork E806 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology 94398 NoWoodwind Instruments: Recorking Tenon Joints and Crooks E807 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology 94383 NoWoodwind Instruments: Respringing E805 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 64 LJ Musical Instrument Technology 94382 NoWoodworking Machinery: Introduction to Maintenance and Waste Extraction E9HX 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 134 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture 2210621 NoWool Fabrics: Dry Finishing EE0J 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) 2210631 NoWool Fabrics: Wet Finishing EE0G 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) 94388 NoWord Processing F5A7 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills YesWord Processing F59L 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills YesWord Processing F5A9 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills YesWord Processing 1 EE4Y 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills 2210410 NoWord Processing 2 EE50 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills 94371 NoWord Processing 3 D931 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills 94372 NoWord Processing 4 D932 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills 2210931 NoWord Processing 4 - Medical D0X7 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 256 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills 94397 NoWord Processing 5 D933 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills 2210901 NoWord Processing 5 - Legal D0X6 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills 2210152 NoWord Processing 5 - Medical D0X5 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 256 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills 94377 NoWord Processing Skills E9ND 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills 94376 NoWord Processing: Legal F7KT 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills NoWord Processing: Legal F7KT 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills NoWord Processing: Medical F7KV 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills NoWord Processing: Medical F7KV 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 363 AZ Typing/Shorthand/Secretarial Skills NoWork Environment Maintenance F6T1 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 154 PL Occupational Health and Safety NoWork Experience D36H 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 159 HB Self Development 2210561 NoWork Experience D36H 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 159 HB Self Development 2210112 NoWork Experience D36H 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 159 HB Self Development 74486 NoWork Experience D36H 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 159 HB Self Development 74488 NoWork Experience in General Medical Practice D0XB 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 256 PA Health Care Management/Health Studies NoWork Experience in Hospital D0XC 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 256 PA Health Care Management/Health Studies 74489 NoWork Experience: Art/Design E8JC 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JB Art Techniques/Practice 2210921 NoWork Shadowing DR3V 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 159 HB Self Development 2210961 YesWork Shadowing DR3V 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 159 HB Self Development 2210360 Yes

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Work Study 1 E7L8 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 241 AJ Human Resources Management 2210350 NoWork Study 2 E7L9 13 Advanced Higher 1.0 7 8 241 AJ Human Resources Management 3320006 NoWorking across Construction Specialisms F3JT 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 161 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWorking as a Nanny in a Family Setting F2CW 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 410 PQ Child Care Services 3320026 NoWorking as a Team in a Care Setting F1NY 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 82 AF Management Skills 64985 NoWorking as a Volunteer to Support a Community Project DV06 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 108 PN Family/Community Work/Youth Advice Work 4281080 YesWorking as Air Cabin Crew F3P7 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 192 ZE Aviation NoWorking as Air Cabin Crew: An Introduction F3PM 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 192 ZE Aviation NoWorking for Yourself F57E 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 254 AE Enterprises YesWorking for Yourself F57E 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 254 AE Enterprises YesWorking in a Business Enterprise D522 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 363 AE Enterprises 3330006 YesWorking in a Business Enterprise: An Introduction D518 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 AE Enterprises 2270876 YesWorking in a Crèche as a Sessional Worker F2CS 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 410 PQ Child Care Services 64733 NoWorking in a Holiday Playscheme F2CT 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 410 PQ Child Care Services 64734 NoWorking in a Reception Area EA5K 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 363 AY Office Skills 64735 NoWorking in an Out of School Care Setting as a Sessional Worker F2CV 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 410 PQ Child Care Services 64736 NoWorking in Early Education and Childcare DM84 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues 64737 No

DM84 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues 64738 NoWorking in Health and Social Care Settings F1C7 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 407 PM Social Care/Social Work Skills 2131373 NoWorking Safely D11N 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 104 PL Occupational Health and Safety 64727 NoWorking Safely in the Hospitality Industry F4SK 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 269 NA Hotel/Catering (general) YesWorking to a Competition Design Brief E8GD 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 65 JC Design (non-industrial) 64726 NoWorking towards Independent Living D11J 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 82 HD Continuing Education (basic skills) 64728 NoWorking with Adult Literacies Learners DA9W 12 Higher 0.25 6 1.5 374 GB Teaching/Training 64729 NoWorking with Callers and Colleagues D0WF 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 363 AY Office Skills 74746 NoWorking with Children and Young People F2CN 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 410 PQ Child Care Services 74747 NoWorking with Children and Young People to Provide Play in a Sport Environment F7JH 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 459 MA Sports Studies/Combined Sports NoWorking with Children and Young People with Autism F7J1 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 84 PN Family/Community Work/Youth Advice Work NoWorking with Children and Young People with Autism: An Introduction D7P4 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues 64997 NoWorking with Children and Young People with Hearing Loss F7J3 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 84 PN Family/Community Work/Youth Advice Work NoWorking with Children and Young People with Physical Impairments: An Introduction D7P5 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues 64982 NoWorking with Children and Young People with Visual Impairments F7J0 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 84 PN Family/Community Work/Youth Advice Work NoWorking with Children and Young People with Visual Impairments: An Introduction D7P3 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues 64983 NoWorking with Commercial Synthetic Postiche F78Y 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 62 HL Hair/Personal Care Services NoWorking with Craft Tools - Identifying Tools D3NB 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 XA Engineering/Technology (general) 64980 YesWorking with Craft Tools - Using Tools D3NC 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 XA Engineering/Technology (general) 64981 YesWorking with Craft Tools - Valuing Tools D3ND 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 XA Engineering/Technology (general) 64986 YesWorking with Craft Tools: An Introduction D534 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 XA Engineering/Technology (general) 64990 YesWorking with Craft Tools: An Introduction D534 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 318 XA Engineering/Technology (general) 64987 YesWorking With Customers and Colleagues DJ3W 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 198 AF Management Skills 64991 NoWorking with Deaf Children and Young People: An Introduction D7P6 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 84 GA Education Theory/Learning Issues 64988 NoWorking with Individuals in a Care Setting F3FX 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 82 PM Social Care/Social Work Skills 64992 NoWorking with Individuals with Additional Support Needs F3G3 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 82 PM Social Care/Social Work Skills 64989 NoWorking with Materials D524 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts 64993 YesWorking with Materials - Identifying Materials D3N3 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts 64984 YesWorking with Materials - Selecting Materials D3N4 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts 64994 YesWorking with Materials - Using Materials D3N5 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 JA Art Studies/Fine Arts 64995 YesWorking with Microorganisms D039 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 140 RH Life Sciences 64996 NoWorking with Others F3GE 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 340 HB Self Development 2210671 YesWorking with Others F3GE 09 Access 3 1.0 3 6 340 HB Self Development 2210086 YesWorking with Others F3GE 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 340 HB Self Development 2210046 YesWorking with Others F3GE 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 340 HB Self Development 2210056 YesWorking with Others F3GE 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 340 HB Self Development 2210076 YesWorking with Others on a Group Activity D9F0 07 Access 1 1.0 1 6 167 HB Self Development 68676 YesWorking with People in Construction and Related Services EB3F 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 161 HB Self Development 68613 NoWorking with Physically Disabled Children and Young People F7J2 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 84 PN Family/Community Work/Youth Advice Work NoWorking with the Elderly: An Activity Approach EF75 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HC Career Change/Access 68665 NoWorking with Traditional Mortars F2FX 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 172 TG Building/Construction Operations 68666 NoWorking With Wood: An Introduction D6DE 10 Intermediate 1 0.5 4 3 165 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture NoWorking with Wood: Garden Furniture and Accessories D6DF 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 165 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture 68671 NoWorking with Wood: Hobbies D6DK 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 165 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture 68672 NoWorking with Wood: Household Accessories D6DH 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 165 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture 68673 NoWorking with Wood: Wooden Toys D6DJ 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 165 WK Woodworking/Furniture Manufacture 68674 No

Working in Early Education and Childcare

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Workplace Practice for Care Support Workers D1CX 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 85 PN Family/Community Work/Youth Advice Work 68630 NoWorkshop Practice and Hand Skills F6N8 12 Higher 2.0 6 12 165 TG Building/Construction Operations NoWorkstart: Catering Skills EE6H 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HD Continuing Education (basic skills) 68632 NoWorkstart: Construction Skills Using Metal EE6C 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HD Continuing Education (basic skills) 68633 NoWorkstart: Construction Skills Using Wood EE6B 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HD Continuing Education (basic skills) 68647 NoWorkstart: Gardening Skills EE6A 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HD Continuing Education (basic skills) 68645 NoWorkstart: Mechanical Skills EE69 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HD Continuing Education (basic skills) 68646 NoWorkstart: Office Skills EE68 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HD Continuing Education (basic skills) 68695 NoWorkstart: Sampling Work EE6J 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HD Continuing Education (basic skills) 68697 NoWorkstart: Service Skills - Caring EE67 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HD Continuing Education (basic skills) 2321011 NoWorkstart: Service Skills - Retail EE66 08 Access 2 1.0 2 6 167 HD Continuing Education (basic skills) 68690 NoWoven Fabric Production: Ancillary Mechanisms E88H 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) 68668 NoWoven Fabric Production: Control of Fabric Quality EE0M 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) 68660 NoWoven Fabric Production: Fabric Structures 1 EE09 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) 68661 NoWoven Fabric Production: Fabric Structures 2 EE0H 11 Intermediate 2 0.5 5 3 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) 68662 NoWoven Fabric Production: Principles of Weaving Machines 1 EE0A 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) 2320010 NoWoven Fabric Production: Principles of Weaving Machines 2 EE0B 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) 68620 NoWoven Fabric Production: Weaving Preparatory Processes EE0K 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) 68621 NoWriting Dramatic Text: An Introduction F5LG 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 16 KC Writing (authorship) YesWriting Papers and Reports D0N5 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 1 KC Writing (authorship) NoYacht and Boat Building: Construction in Glass Reinforced Plastic E84P 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 215 XQ Ship and Boat Building/Marine/Offshore Engineering NoYacht and Boat Building: Construction in Wood 1 E84T 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 215 XQ Ship and Boat Building/Marine/Offshore Engineering 68650 NoYacht and Boat Building: Construction in Wood 2 E84V 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 215 XQ Ship and Boat Building/Marine/Offshore Engineering 68652 NoYacht and Boat Building: Fitting Out E84N 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 215 XQ Ship and Boat Building/Marine/Offshore Engineering 68651 NoYacht and Boat Building: Lofting E84S 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 215 XQ Ship and Boat Building/Marine/Offshore Engineering 68693 NoYacht and Boat Building: Machinery Installations E84W 12 Higher 1.0 6 6 215 XQ Ship and Boat Building/Marine/Offshore Engineering 68675 NoYacht and Boat Building: Plug Manufacture E84R 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 215 XQ Ship and Boat Building/Marine/Offshore Engineering NoYacht and Boat Building: Sail Plans and Rigging E84X 12 Higher 0.5 6 3 215 XQ Ship and Boat Building/Marine/Offshore Engineering 2210186 NoYarn Production 1: Introduction to Yarn Production EE0C 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) 95014 NoYarn Production 2: Fibre Preparation Processes EE0D 10 Intermediate 1 1.0 4 6 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) 2210044 NoYarn Production 3: Carding Processes EE0S 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) 2210167 NoYarn Production 4: Combing, Drafting and Tow Conversion EE0E 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) 2210177 NoYarn Production 5:Twist Insertion Techniques and Alternative Yarn Formation Methods EE0F 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) 2210034 NoYarn Production 6: Fancy Yarn Production and Texturing EE0L 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 35 WH Textiles/Fabrics (industrial) 64443 NoYoghurt, Ice Cream and Dairy Desserts D0LP 11 Intermediate 2 1.0 5 6 55 WM Food/Drink/Tobacco (industrial) 2210691 No

Youth Work in Practice E9VW 04 Unlevelled 1.0 Unlevelled 108 PN Family/Community Work/Youth Advice Work 64512 NoYouth Work: An Introduction DV2G 11 Intermediate 2 2.0 5 12 108 PN Family/Community Work/Youth Advice Work 94370 No

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Courses and their Units

Course Title Level Code Component Unit Title Code SCQF level

Accounting Intermediate 1 C209 10 Financial Accounting DF47 10 1.5 4 9 YesAccounting Intermediate 1 C209 10 Management Accounting DF4T 10 1.5 4 9 YesAccounting Intermediate 1 C209 10 Accounting X209 10 1.0 4 6 YesAccounting Intermediate 2 C209 11 Financial Accounting DF47 11 1.5 5 9 YesAccounting Intermediate 2 C209 11 Management Accounting DF4T 11 1.5 5 9 YesAccounting Intermediate 2 C209 11 Accounting X209 11 1.0 5 6 YesAccounting Higher C209 12 Financial Accounting DF47 12 1.5 6 9 YesAccounting Higher C209 12 Management Accounting DF4T 12 1.5 6 9 YesAccounting Higher C209 12 Accounting X209 12 1.0 6 6 YesAccounting Advanced Higher C209 13 Financial Accounting DF47 13 1.5 7 12 YesAccounting Advanced Higher C209 13 Management Accounting DF4T 13 1.5 7 12 YesAccounting Advanced Higher C209 13 Accounting X209 13 1.0 7 8 YesAdministration Intermediate 1 C214 10 Administration Services DM3P 10 1.0 4 6 YesAdministration Intermediate 1 C214 10 Administration: Presenting and Communicating Information DM3T 10 1.0 4 6 YesAdministration Intermediate 1 C214 10 Information Technology for Administrators DM3R 10 1.0 4 6 YesAdministration Intermediate 1 C214 10 Administration X214 10 1.0 4 6 YesAdministration Intermediate 2 C214 11 Administration Services DM3P 11 1.0 5 6 YesAdministration Intermediate 2 C214 11 Administration: Presenting and Communicating Information DM3T 11 1.0 5 6 YesAdministration Intermediate 2 C214 11 Information Technology for Administrators DM3R 11 1.0 5 6 YesAdministration Intermediate 2 C214 11 Administration X214 11 1.0 5 6 YesAdministration Higher C214 12 Administration Services DM3P 12 1.0 6 6 YesAdministration Higher C214 12 Information Technology for Management DM3V 12 2.0 6 12 YesAdministration Higher C214 12 Administration X214 12 1.0 6 6 YesAdministration Advanced Higher C214 13 Administrative Management DX2A 13 1.0 7 8 YesAdministration Advanced Higher C214 13 Administrative Management: Presentation and Communication DX2C 13 1.0 7 8 YesAdministration Advanced Higher C214 13 Planning a Management Report DX2D 13 1.0 7 8 YesAdministration Advanced Higher C214 13 Administration X214 13 1.0 7 8 YesApplied Mathematics: Mechanics Advanced Higher C204 13 Mathematics for Applied Mathematics DE8Y 13 1.0 7 8 YesApplied Mathematics: Mechanics Advanced Higher C204 13 Mechanics 1 D327 13 1.0 7 8 YesApplied Mathematics: Mechanics Advanced Higher C204 13 Mechanics 2 D331 13 1.0 7 8 YesApplied Mathematics: Mechanics Advanced Higher C204 13 Applied Mathematics: Mechanics X204 13 1.0 7 8 YesApplied Mathematics: Statistics Advanced Higher C202 13 Mathematics for Applied Mathematics DE8Y 13 1.0 7 8 YesApplied Mathematics: Statistics Advanced Higher C202 13 Statistics 1 D326 13 1.0 7 8 YesApplied Mathematics: Statistics Advanced Higher C202 13 Statistics 2 D330 13 1.0 7 8 YesApplied Mathematics: Statistics Advanced Higher C202 13 Applied Mathematics: Statistics X202 13 1.0 7 8 YesApplied Practical Electronics Intermediate 1 C119 10 Electronic Simulation and Testing D9EN 10 1.0 4 6 YesApplied Practical Electronics Intermediate 1 C119 10 Electronics D378 10 0.5 4 3 YesApplied Practical Electronics Intermediate 1 C119 10 Practical Electronics D181 10 1.0 4 6 YesApplied Practical Electronics Intermediate 1 C119 10 Wiring and Assembly Techniques D9EP 10 0.5 4 3 YesApplied Practical Electronics Intermediate 1 C119 10 Applied Practical Electronics X119 10 1.0 4 6 YesArchitectural Technology Higher C226 12 Architectural Technology: Building Design DV3V 12 1.0 6 6 NoArchitectural Technology Higher C226 12 Architectural Technology: Manual and Computer- Aided Construction Drawing DV3X 12 1.0 6 6 NoArchitectural Technology Higher C226 12 Architectural Technology: Site Surveying DV3W 12 1.0 6 6 NoArchitectural Technology Higher C226 12 Architectural Technology X226 12 1.0 6 6 NoArt and Design Access 2 C003 08 Developing Personal Ideas D525 08 1.0 2 6 YesArt and Design Access 2 C003 08 Exploring Visual Images D523 08 1.0 2 6 YesArt and Design Access 2 C003 08 Working with Materials D524 08 1.0 2 6 YesArt and Design Access 3 C223 09 Art and Design: Expressive Activity DV37 09 1.0 3 6 YesArt and Design Access 3 C223 09 Art and Design: Design Activity DV38 09 1.0 3 6 YesArt and Design Access 3 C223 09 Art and Design Studies DV39 09 1.0 3 6 YesArt and Design Intermediate 1 C223 10 Art and Design: Expressive Activity DV37 10 1.0 4 6 YesArt and Design Intermediate 1 C223 10 Art and Design: Design Activity DV38 10 1.0 4 6 YesArt and Design Intermediate 1 C223 10 Art and Design Studies DV39 10 1.0 4 6 YesArt and Design Intermediate 1 C223 10 Art and Design X223 10 1.0 4 6 YesArt and Design Intermediate 2 C223 11 Art and Design: Expressive Activity DV37 11 1.0 5 6 YesArt and Design Intermediate 2 C223 11 Art and Design: Design Activity DV38 11 1.0 5 6 YesArt and Design Intermediate 2 C223 11 Art and Design Studies DV39 11 1.0 5 6 YesArt and Design Intermediate 2 C223 11 Art and Design X223 11 1.0 5 6 YesArt and Design Higher C223 12 Art and Design: Expressive Activity DV37 12 1.0 6 6 YesArt and Design Higher C223 12 Art and Design: Design Activity DV38 12 1.0 6 6 YesArt and Design Higher C223 12 Art and Design Studies DV39 12 1.0 6 6 YesArt and Design Higher C223 12 Art and Design X223 12 1.0 6 6 Yes

SQA Unit Credit(s)

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Courses and their Units

Course Title Level Code Component Unit Title Code SCQF levelSQA Unit Credit(s)

SCQF Credit Points

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Art and Design: Design Advanced Higher C225 13 Art and Design: Design Enquiry DV3H 13 2.0 7 16 YesArt and Design: Design Advanced Higher C225 13 Art and Design: Design Study DV3J 13 1.0 7 8 YesArt and Design: Design Advanced Higher C225 13 Art and Design: Expressive Activity DV37 13 1.0 7 8 YesArt and Design: Design Advanced Higher C225 13 Art and Design: Design X225 13 1.0 7 8 YesArt and Design: Expressive Advanced Higher C224 13 Art and Design: Expressive Enquiry DV3F 13 2.0 7 16 YesArt and Design: Expressive Advanced Higher C224 13 Art and Design: Design Activity DV38 13 1.0 7 8 YesArt and Design: Expressive Advanced Higher C224 13 Art and Design: Visual Arts Study DV3G 13 1.0 7 8 YesArt and Design: Expressive Advanced Higher C224 13 Art and Design: Expressive X224 13 1.0 7 8 YesAutomotive Engineering Intermediate 2 C01S 11 Automotive: Engine Mechanical EG3H 11 1.0 5 6 NoAutomotive Engineering Intermediate 2 C01S 11 Automotive: Ignition Systems EG3K 11 1.0 5 6 NoAutomotive Engineering Intermediate 2 C01S 11 Automotive: Introduction to Vehicle Layout EG3M 11 0.5 5 3 NoAutomotive Engineering Intermediate 2 C01S 11 Automotive: Lubrication Systems EG3N 11 0.5 5 3 NoAutomotive Engineering Intermediate 2 C01S 11 Automotive Engineering X01S 11 1.0 5 6 NoBeauty Higher C262 12 Beauty: Creative Current Make-Up Trends F583 12 1.0 6 6 NoBeauty Higher C262 12 Beauty: Facial Techniques F5AY 12 1.0 6 6 NoBeauty Higher C262 12 Beauty: Facial Treatment Packages F581 12 1.0 6 6 NoBeauty Higher C262 12 Beauty: Nail Finishes F582 12 1.0 6 6 NoBiology Access 3 C007 09 Biotechnological Industries D024 09 1.0 3 6 YesBiology Access 3 C007 09 Growing Plants D025 09 1.0 3 6 YesBiology Access 3 C007 09 Health and Technology D023 09 1.0 3 6 YesBiology Intermediate 1 C007 10 Biotechnological Industries D024 10 1.0 4 6 YesBiology Intermediate 1 C007 10 Growing Plants D025 10 1.0 4 6 YesBiology Intermediate 1 C007 10 Health and Technology D023 10 1.0 4 6 YesBiology Intermediate 1 C007 10 Biology X007 10 1.0 4 6 YesBiology Intermediate 2 C007 11 Animal Physiology D028 11 1.0 5 6 YesBiology Intermediate 2 C007 11 Environmental Biology and Genetics D027 11 1.0 5 6 YesBiology Intermediate 2 C007 11 Living Cells D026 11 1.0 5 6 YesBiology Intermediate 2 C007 11 Biology X007 11 1.0 5 6 YesBiology Higher C007 12 Cell Biology D029 12 1.0 6 6 YesBiology Higher C007 12 Control and Regulation D031 12 1.0 6 6 YesBiology Higher C007 12 Genetics and Adaptation D030 12 1.0 6 6 YesBiology Higher C007 12 Biology X007 12 1.0 6 6 YesBiology Advanced Higher C007 13 Animal Behaviour D036 13 0.5 7 4 YesBiology Advanced Higher C007 13 Biology Investigation D034 13 0.5 7 4 YesBiology Advanced Higher C007 13 Biotechnology D035 13 0.5 7 4 YesBiology Advanced Higher C007 13 Cell and Molecular Biology D032 13 1.0 7 8 YesBiology Advanced Higher C007 13 Environmental Biology D033 13 1.0 7 8 YesBiology Advanced Higher C007 13 Physiology, Health and Exercise D037 13 0.5 7 4 YesBiology Advanced Higher C007 13 Biology X007 13 1.0 7 8 YesBiotechnology Intermediate 2 C008 11 Biotechnology Processes DF5G 11 1.0 5 6 NoBiotechnology Intermediate 2 C008 11 The Biology of Micro-organisms DF5F 11 1.0 5 6 NoBiotechnology Intermediate 2 C008 11 Working with Microorganisms D039 11 1.0 5 6 NoBiotechnology Intermediate 2 C008 11 Biotechnology X008 11 1.0 5 6 NoBiotechnology Higher C008 12 Biotechnology DF5J 12 1.0 6 6 NoBiotechnology Higher C008 12 Microbiology DF5H 12 1.0 6 6 NoBiotechnology Higher C008 12 Microbiological Techniques D042 12 1.0 6 6 NoBiotechnology Higher C008 12 Biotechnology X008 12 1.0 6 6 NoBuilding Construction Higher C227 12 Building Construction: Components and Finishes DV3T 12 1.0 6 6 NoBuilding Construction Higher C227 12 Building Construction: Site Establishment and Substructure DV3N 12 1.0 6 6 NoBuilding Construction Higher C227 12 Building Construction: Superstructure DV3R 12 1.0 6 6 NoBuilding Construction Higher C227 12 Building Construction X227 12 1.0 6 6 NoBusiness Access 2 C083 08 Office Skills and Keyboarding: An Introduction D516 08 1.0 2 6 YesBusiness Access 2 C083 08 Retail Skills: An Introduction D517 08 1.0 2 6 YesBusiness Access 2 C083 08 Working in a Business Enterprise: An Introduction D518 08 1.0 2 6 YesBusiness Access 3 C083 09 Office Practice: An Activity Approach D521 09 1.0 3 6 YesBusiness Access 3 C083 09 Using a Computer in Business D520 09 1.0 3 6 YesBusiness Access 3 C083 09 Using a Keyboard D519 09 1.0 3 6 YesBusiness Access 3 C083 09 Working in a Business Enterprise D522 09 1.0 3 6 YesBusiness Management Intermediate 1 C234 10 Business Decision Areas DV4H 10 1.0 4 6 YesBusiness Management Intermediate 1 C234 10 Business Enterprise DV4G 10 1.0 4 6 YesBusiness Management Intermediate 1 C234 10 Business Information and ICT DV4J 10 1.0 4 6 YesBusiness Management Intermediate 1 C234 10 Business Management X234 10 1.0 4 6 Yes

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Courses and their Units

Course Title Level Code Component Unit Title Code SCQF levelSQA Unit Credit(s)

SCQF Credit Points

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Business Management Intermediate 2 C234 11 Business Decision Areas: Finance and Human Resource Management DV4L 11 1.0 5 6 YesBusiness Management Intermediate 2 C234 11 Business Decision Areas: Marketing and Operations DV4K 11 1.0 5 6 YesBusiness Management Intermediate 2 C234 11 Business Enterprise DV4G 11 1.0 5 6 YesBusiness Management Intermediate 2 C234 11 Business Management X234 11 1.0 5 6 YesBusiness Management Higher C234 12 Business Decision Areas: Finance and Human Resource Management DV4L 12 1.0 6 6 YesBusiness Management Higher C234 12 Business Decision Areas: Marketing and Operations DV4K 12 1.0 6 6 YesBusiness Management Higher C234 12 Business Enterprise DV4G 12 1.0 6 6 YesBusiness Management Higher C234 12 Business Management X234 12 1.0 6 6 YesBusiness Management Advanced Higher C234 13 Managing Organisations: The External Environment DV4M 13 1.0 7 8 YesBusiness Management Advanced Higher C234 13 Managing Organisations: The Internal Environment DV4N 13 1.0 7 8 YesBusiness Management Advanced Higher C234 13 Researching a Business DV4P 13 1.0 7 8 YesBusiness Management Advanced Higher C234 13 Business Management X234 13 1.0 7 8 YesCantonese Access 3 C247 09 Cantonese: Language in Work F296 09 1.0 3 6 YesCantonese Access 3 C247 09 Cantonese: Personal Language F292 09 1.0 3 6 YesCantonese Access 3 C247 09 Cantonese:Transactional Language F294 09 1.0 3 6 YesCantonese Intermediate 1 C247 10 Cantonese: Language in Work F296 10 1.0 4 6 YesCantonese Intermediate 1 C247 10 Cantonese: Personal and Social Language F3F0 10 1.0 4 6 YesCantonese Intermediate 1 C247 10 Cantonese: Transactional Language F294 10 1.0 4 6 YesCantonese Intermediate 1 C247 10 Cantonese: Language X247 10 1.0 4 6 YesCantonese Intermediate 2 C247 11 Cantonese: Extended Reading and Viewing F3F2 11 1.0 5 6 YesCantonese Intermediate 2 C247 11 Cantonese: Language F3F1 11 2.0 5 12 YesCantonese Intermediate 2 C247 11 Cantonese: Language in Work F296 11 1.0 5 6 YesCantonese Intermediate 2 C247 11 Cantonese: Personal Communication F3F3 11 1.0 5 6 YesCantonese Intermediate 2 C247 11 Cantonese X247 11 1.0 5 6 YesCantonese Higher C247 12 Cantonese: Extended Reading and Viewing F3F2 12 1.0 6 6 YesCantonese Higher C247 12 Cantonese: Language F3F1 12 2.0 6 12 YesCantonese Higher C247 12 Cantonese: Language in Work F296 12 1.0 6 6 YesCantonese Higher C247 12 Cantonese: Language X247 12 1.0 6 6 YesCantonese Advanced Higher C247 13 Cantonese: Extended Reading and Viewing F3F2 13 1.0 7 8 YesCantonese Advanced Higher C247 13 Cantonese: Language F3F1 13 2.0 7 16 YesCantonese Advanced Higher C247 13 Cantonese: Language in Work F296 13 1.0 7 8 YesCantonese Advanced Higher C247 13 Cantonese: Language X247 13 1.0 7 8 YesCare Intermediate 1 C241 10 Health and Safety for Care F17V 10 1.0 4 6 NoCare Intermediate 1 C241 10 Sociology and Psychology in Care F17T 10 1.0 4 6 NoCare Intermediate 1 C241 10 Values and Principles in Care F17W 10 1.0 4 6 NoCare Intermediate 1 C241 10 Care X241 10 1.0 4 6 NoCare Intermediate 2 C241 11 Psychology for Care F17X 11 1.0 5 6 NoCare Intermediate 2 C241 11 Sociology for Care F17Y 11 1.0 5 6 NoCare Intermediate 2 C241 11 Values and Principles in Care F17W 11 1.0 5 6 NoCare Intermediate 2 C241 11 Care X241 11 1.0 5 6 NoCare Higher C241 12 Psychology for Care F17X 12 1.0 6 6 NoCare Higher C241 12 Sociology for Care F17Y 12 1.0 6 6 NoCare Higher C241 12 Values and Principles in Care F17W 12 1.0 6 6 NoCare Higher C241 12 Care X241 12 1.0 6 6 NoCare Issues for Society: Child Care Intermediate 2 C06F 11 Child Protection: An Introduction DF6J 11 1.0 5 6 NoCare Issues for Society: Child Care Intermediate 2 C06F 11 Families in Modern Society F01C 11 1.0 5 6 NoCare Issues for Society: Child Care Intermediate 2 C06F 11 Parenting DM86 11 1.0 5 6 NoCare Issues for Society: Child Care Intermediate 2 C06F 11 Care Issues for Society: Child Care X06F 11 1.0 5 6 NoCare Issues for Society: Older People Intermediate 2 C06H 11 Family in Modern Society F01C 11 1.0 5 6 NoCare Issues for Society: Older People Intermediate 2 C06H 11 Mental Health Issues: An Introduction F1P4 11 1.0 5 6 NoCare Issues for Society: Older People Intermediate 2 C06H 11 Understanding the Needs of the Older Person F1P5 11 1.0 5 6 NoCare Issues for Society: Older People Intermediate 2 C06H 11 Care Issues for Society: Child Care X06H 11 1.0 5 6 NoCare Practice Higher C01F 12 Practical Skills for Carers F1P0 12 2.0 6 12 NoCare Practice Higher C01F 12 Working as a Team in a Care Setting F1NY 12 1.0 6 6 NoCare Practice Higher C01F 12 Care Practice X01F 12 1.0 6 6 NoChemistry Access 3 C012 09 Chemistry and Life D065 09 1.0 3 6 YesChemistry Access 3 C012 09 Chemistry in Action D063 09 1.0 3 6 YesChemistry Access 3 C012 09 Everyday Chemistry D064 09 1.0 3 6 YesChemistry Intermediate 1 C012 10 Chemistry and Life D065 10 1.0 4 6 YesChemistry Intermediate 1 C012 10 Chemistry in Action D063 10 1.0 4 6 YesChemistry Intermediate 1 C012 10 Everyday Chemistry D064 10 1.0 4 6 YesChemistry Intermediate 1 C012 10 Chemistry X012 10 1.0 4 6 Yes

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Courses and their Units

Course Title Level Code Component Unit Title Code SCQF levelSQA Unit Credit(s)

SCQF Credit Points

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Chemistry Intermediate 2 C012 11 Acids, Bases and Metals D068 11 1.0 5 6 YesChemistry Intermediate 2 C012 11 Building Blocks D066 11 1.0 5 6 YesChemistry Intermediate 2 C012 11 Carbon Compounds D067 11 1.0 5 6 YesChemistry Intermediate 2 C012 11 Chemistry X012 11 1.0 5 6 YesChemistry Higher C012 12 Chemical Reactions D071 12 1.0 6 6 YesChemistry Higher C012 12 Energy Matters D069 12 1.0 6 6 YesChemistry Higher C012 12 The World of Carbon D070 12 1.0 6 6 YesChemistry Higher C012 12 Chemistry X012 12 1.0 6 6 YesChemistry Advanced Higher C012 13 Chemical Investigation D075 13 0.5 7 4 YesChemistry Advanced Higher C012 13 Electronic Structures and the Periodic Table D072 13 0.5 7 4 YesChemistry Advanced Higher C012 13 Organic Chemistry D074 13 1.0 7 8 YesChemistry Advanced Higher C012 13 Principles of Chemical Reactions D073 13 1.0 7 8 YesChemistry Advanced Higher C012 13 Chemistry X012 13 1.0 7 8 YesClassical Greek Intermediate 1 C015 10 Classical Greek: Interpretation D089 10 1.0 4 6 YesClassical Greek Intermediate 1 C015 10 Classical Greek: Translation D088 10 2.0 4 12 YesClassical Greek Intermediate 1 C015 10 Classical Greek X015 10 1.0 4 6 YesClassical Greek Intermediate 2 C015 11 Classical Greek: Interpretation D089 11 1.0 5 6 YesClassical Greek Intermediate 2 C015 11 Classical Greek: Translation D088 11 2.0 5 12 YesClassical Greek Intermediate 2 C015 11 Classical Greek X015 11 1.0 5 6 YesClassical Greek Higher C015 12 Classical Greek: Interpretation - Prose D091 12 1.0 6 6 YesClassical Greek Higher C015 12 Classical Greek: Interpretation - Verse D090 12 1.0 6 6 YesClassical Greek Higher C015 12 Classical Greek: Translation D088 12 1.0 6 6 YesClassical Greek Higher C015 12 Classical Greek X015 12 1.0 6 6 YesClassical Greek Advanced Higher C015 13 Classical Greek: Interpretation D089 13 1.0 7 8 YesClassical Greek Advanced Higher C015 13 Classical Greek: Investigation D092 13 1.0 7 8 YesClassical Greek Advanced Higher C015 13 Classical Greek: Translation D088 13 1.0 7 8 YesClassical Greek Advanced Higher C015 13 Classical Greek X015 13 1.0 7 8 YesClassical Studies Intermediate 1 C013 10 Classical Mythology D078 10 1.0 4 6 YesClassical Studies Intermediate 1 C013 10 Roman Archaeology and Civilisation D077 10 1.0 4 6 YesClassical Studies Intermediate 1 C013 10 Social Aspects of the Classical World - Classical Drama D076 10 1.0 4 6 YesClassical Studies Intermediate 1 C013 10 Classical Studies X013 10 1.0 4 6 YesClassical Studies Intermediate 2 C013 11 Classical Mythology D078 11 1.0 5 6 YesClassical Studies Intermediate 2 C013 11 Roman Archaeology and Civilisation D077 11 1.0 5 6 YesClassical Studies Intermediate 2 C013 11 Social Aspects of the Classical World - Classical Drama D076 11 1.0 5 6 YesClassical Studies Intermediate 2 C013 11 Classical Studies X013 11 1.0 5 6 YesClassical Studies Higher C013 12 Social Aspects of the Classical World - Evidence-based D079 12 2.0 6 12 YesClassical Studies Higher C013 12 Social Aspects of the Classical World - Text-based - Classical Drama D080 12 1.0 6 6 YesClassical Studies Higher C013 12 Classical Studies X013 12 1.0 6 6 YesClassical Studies Advanced Higher C013 13 Social Aspects of the Classical World - Investigation D082 13 1.0 7 8 YesClassical Studies Advanced Higher C013 13 Social Aspects of the Classical World - Text and Evidence-based D081 13 2.0 7 16 YesClassical Studies Advanced Higher C013 13 Classical Studies X013 13 1.0 7 8 YesComputing Access 2 C017 08 Using Computer Aided Learning D529 08 1.0 2 6 YesComputing Access 2 C017 08 Using Technological Equipment D530 08 1.0 2 6 YesComputing Access 2 C017 08 Using a Computer D531 08 1.0 2 6 YesComputing Intermediate 2 C206 11 Artificial Intelligence DF31 11 1.0 5 6 YesComputing Intermediate 2 C206 11 Computer Networking DF30 11 1.0 5 6 YesComputing Intermediate 2 C206 11 Computer Systems DF2X 11 1.0 5 6 YesComputing Intermediate 2 C206 11 Multimedia Technology DF32 11 1.0 5 6 YesComputing Intermediate 2 C206 11 Software Development DF2Y 11 1.0 5 6 YesComputing Intermediate 2 C206 11 Computing X206 11 1.0 5 6 YesComputing Higher C206 12 Artificial Intelligence DF31 12 1.0 6 6 YesComputing Higher C206 12 Computer Networking DF30 12 1.0 6 6 YesComputing Higher C206 12 Computer Systems DF2X 12 1.0 6 6 YesComputing Higher C206 12 Multimedia Technology DF32 12 1.0 6 6 YesComputing Higher C206 12 Software Development DF2Y 12 1.0 6 6 YesComputing Higher C206 12 Computing X206 12 1.0 6 6 YesComputing Advanced Higher C206 13 Artificial Intelligence DF31 13 1.0 7 8 YesComputing Advanced Higher C206 13 Computer Architecture DM44 13 1.0 7 8 YesComputing Advanced Higher C206 13 Computer Networking DF30 13 1.0 7 8 YesComputing Advanced Higher C206 13 Developing a Software Solution DM43 13 1.0 7 8 YesComputing Advanced Higher C206 13 Software Development DF2Y 13 1.0 7 8 YesComputing Advanced Higher C206 13 Computing X206 13 1.0 7 8 Yes

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Courses and their Units

Course Title Level Code Component Unit Title Code SCQF levelSQA Unit Credit(s)

SCQF Credit Points

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Computing Studies Access 2 C207 08 Computing Studies: Using Computer Applications F7H8 08 1.0 2 6 YesComputing Studies Access 2 C207 08 Computing Studies: Using Internet Applications F7H9 08 1.0 2 6 YesComputing Studies Access 2 C207 08 Computing Studies: Using Multimedia Applications F7HA 08 1.0 2 6 YesComputing Studies Access 3 C207 09 Computer Applications DF33 09 1.0 3 6 YesComputing Studies Access 3 C207 09 Internet Applications DF35 09 1.0 3 6 YesComputing Studies Access 3 C207 09 Multimedia Applications DF34 09 1.0 3 6 YesComputing Studies Intermediate 1 C207 10 Computer Applications DF33 10 1.0 4 6 YesComputing Studies Intermediate 1 C207 10 Computers and the Internet DF37 10 1.0 4 6 YesComputing Studies Intermediate 1 C207 10 Information and the Internet DF36 10 1.0 4 6 YesComputing Studies Intermediate 1 C207 10 Multimedia Applications DF34 10 1.0 4 6 YesComputing Studies Intermediate 1 C207 10 Computing Studies X207 10 1.0 4 6 YesConstruction Crafts Intermediate 1 C218 10 Construction Crafts: Brickwork Techniques DM81 10 1.0 4 6 NoConstruction Crafts Intermediate 1 C218 10 Construction Crafts: Carpentry and Joinery Techniques DM82 10 1.0 4 6 NoConstruction Crafts Intermediate 1 C218 10 Construction Crafts: Decorative Finishes Using Waterborne Paints DM7Y 10 1.0 4 6 NoConstruction Crafts Intermediate 1 C218 10 Construction Crafts: Decorative Painting DM7K 10 1.0 4 6 NoConstruction Crafts Intermediate 1 C218 10 Construction Crafts: Electrical Installation DM7T 10 1.0 4 6 NoConstruction Crafts Intermediate 1 C218 10 Construction Crafts: Employability Skills DM7C 10 1.0 4 6 NoConstruction Crafts Intermediate 1 C218 10 Construction Crafts: Half-Brick Walling DM7G 10 1.0 4 6 NoConstruction Crafts Intermediate 1 C218 10 Construction Crafts: Plasterwork DM7R 10 1.0 4 6 NoConstruction Crafts Intermediate 1 C218 10 Construction Crafts: Plumbing DM7E 10 1.0 4 6 NoConstruction Crafts Intermediate 1 C218 10 Construction Crafts: Practical Copper Pipework DM7W 10 1.0 4 6 NoConstruction Crafts Intermediate 1 C218 10 Construction Crafts: Roof Tiling DM7N 10 1.0 4 6 NoConstruction Crafts Intermediate 1 C218 10 Construction Crafts: Site Carpentry and Bench Joinery DM7J 10 1.0 4 6 NoConstruction Crafts Intermediate 2 C218 11 Construction Crafts: Bench Joinery DX0J 11 1.0 5 6 NoConstruction Crafts Intermediate 2 C218 11 Construction Crafts: Decorative Painting Techniques DX0R 11 1.0 5 6 NoConstruction Crafts Intermediate 2 C218 11 Construction Crafts: Employability Skills DM7C 11 1.0 5 6 NoConstruction Crafts Intermediate 2 C218 11 Construction Crafts: One Brick Walling DX0L 11 1.0 5 6 NoConstruction Crafts Intermediate 2 C218 11 Construction Crafts: Plumbing of Sanitary Appliances DX0T 11 1.0 5 6 NoCreative Cake Production Intermediate 2 C06E 11 Cake Decorating D9GL 11 1.0 5 6 NoCreative Cake Production Intermediate 2 C06E 11 Cake Production D9GM 11 1.0 5 6 NoCreative Cake Production Intermediate 2 C06E 11 Creative Cake Production: Organisation of Practical Skills D9GN 11 1.0 5 6 NoCreative Cake Production Intermediate 2 C06E 11 Creative Cake Production X06E 11 1.0 5 6 NoCreative Digital Media Intermediate 1 C264 10 Creative Digital Media: Hardware and Software F5CX 10 1.0 4 6 NoCreative Digital Media Intermediate 1 C264 10 Creative Digital Media: Introduction to the Industry F5CV 10 1.0 4 6 NoCreative Digital Media Intermediate 1 C264 10 Creative Digital Media: Production Project F5CY 10 1.0 4 6 NoCreative Digital Media Intermediate 1 C264 10 Creative Digital Media: The Creative Process F5CW 10 1.0 4 6 NoDance Practice Higher C03D 12 Dance: Alternative D72N 12 0.5 6 3 YesDance Practice Higher C03D 12 Dance: Choreography D646 12 1.0 6 6 YesDance Practice Higher C03D 12 Dance: Classical D72P 12 0.5 6 3 YesDance Practice Higher C03D 12 Dance: Contemporary D72R 12 0.5 6 3 YesDance Practice Higher C03D 12 Dance: Ethnic D72S 12 0.5 6 3 YesDance Practice Higher C03D 12 Dance: Jazz D72T 12 0.5 6 3 YesDance Practice Higher C03D 12 Dance: Scottish D72V 12 0.5 6 3 YesDance Practice Higher C03D 12 Professional Practice D661 12 1.0 6 6 YesDance Practice Higher C03D 12 Dance Practice X03D 12 1.0 6 6 YesDesign Higher C01A 12 Design in Action D16N 12 1.0 6 6 NoDesign Higher C01A 12 Design in Context D16J 12 1.0 6 6 NoDesign Higher C01A 12 Design Realisation D16L 12 1.0 6 6 NoDesign Higher C01A 12 Design X01A 12 1.0 6 6 NoDrama Access 2 C037 08 Developing Drama Skills D537 08 1.0 2 6 YesDrama Access 2 C037 08 Presenting Drama D539 08 1.0 2 6 YesDrama Access 2 C037 08 Using Drama Skills D538 08 1.0 2 6 YesDrama Access 3 C037 09 Drama Skills D193 09 1.0 3 6 YesDrama Access 3 C037 09 Drama: Production D195 09 1.0 3 6 YesDrama Access 3 C037 09 Theatre Production Skills D194 09 1.0 3 6 YesDrama Intermediate 1 C037 10 Drama Skills D193 10 1.0 4 6 YesDrama Intermediate 1 C037 10 Drama: Production D195 10 1.0 4 6 YesDrama Intermediate 1 C037 10 Theatre Production Skills D194 10 1.0 4 6 YesDrama Intermediate 1 C037 10 Drama X037 10 1.0 4 6 YesDrama Intermediate 2 C037 11 Drama Skills D193 11 1.0 5 6 YesDrama Intermediate 2 C037 11 Drama: Production D195 11 1.0 5 6 YesDrama Intermediate 2 C037 11 Theatre Production Skills D194 11 1.0 5 6 Yes

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Courses and their Units

Course Title Level Code Component Unit Title Code SCQF levelSQA Unit Credit(s)

SCQF Credit Points

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Drama Intermediate 2 C037 11 Drama X037 11 1.0 5 6 YesDrama Higher C037 12 Contemporary Scottish Theatre D198 12 1.0 6 6 YesDrama Higher C037 12 Investigative Drama D196 12 1.0 6 6 YesDrama Higher C037 12 Study of a Text in its Theatrical Context D197 12 1.0 6 6 YesDrama Higher C037 12 Drama X037 12 1.0 6 6 YesDrama Advanced Higher C037 13 Devised Drama D199 13 1.0 7 8 YesDrama Advanced Higher C037 13 Drama: Special Study D201 13 1.0 7 8 YesDrama Advanced Higher C037 13 Twentieth-Century Theatre - Theories of Performance D200 13 1.0 7 8 YesDrama Advanced Higher C037 13 Drama X037 13 1.0 7 8 YesEarly Education and Childcare Intermediate 1 C221 10 Care of Children DM85 10 1.0 4 6 NoEarly Education and Childcare Intermediate 1 C221 10 Child Development DM83 10 1.0 4 6 NoEarly Education and Childcare Intermediate 1 C221 10 Maintenance of a Safe Environment for Children DM5V 10 1.0 4 6 NoEarly Education and Childcare Intermediate 1 C221 10 Parenting DM86 10 1.0 4 6 NoEarly Education and Childcare Intermediate 1 C221 10 Play in Early Education and Childcare DM41 10 1.0 4 6 NoEarly Education and Childcare Intermediate 1 C221 10 Working in Early Education and Childcare DM84 10 1.0 4 6 No

Intermediate 2 C246 11 Care and Feeding of Children DM60 11 1.0 5 6 NoIntermediate 2 C246 11 Child Development and Health: An Introduction F19L 11 1.0 5 6 NoIntermediate 2 C246 11 First Aid F19M 11 1.0 5 6 NoIntermediate 2 C246 11 Parenting DM86 11 1.0 5 6 NoIntermediate 2 C246 11 Play in Early Education and Childcare DM41 11 1.0 5 6 NoIntermediate 2 C246 11 Working in Early Education and Childcare DM84 11 1.0 5 6 No

Early Education and Childcare Higher C215 12 Child Development: Birth to 12 Years DM3X 12 1.0 6 6 NoEarly Education and Childcare Higher C215 12 Development Theory in Early Education and Childcare DM3Y 12 1.0 6 6 NoEarly Education and Childcare Higher C215 12 Holistic Approaches to Child Health DM40 12 1.0 6 6 NoEarly Education and Childcare Higher C215 12 Early Education and Childcare X215 12 1.0 6 6 NoEarly Years Curriculum Higher C00T 12 Early Years Curriculum D75D 12 2.0 6 12 NoEarly Years Curriculum Higher C00T 12 Values and Principles in Early Years Provision D75E 12 1.0 6 6 NoEarly Years Curriculum Higher C00T 12 Early Years Curriculum X00T 12 1.0 6 6 NoEconomics Intermediate 2 C038 11 Microeconomics DM4W 11 1.0 5 6 YesEconomics Intermediate 2 C038 11 The International Economy DM4Y 11 1.0 5 6 YesEconomics Intermediate 2 C038 11 The UK Economy DM4X 11 1.0 5 6 YesEconomics Intermediate 2 C038 11 Economics X038 11 1.0 5 6 YesEconomics Higher C038 12 Microeconomics DM4W 12 1.0 6 6 YesEconomics Higher C038 12 The International Economy DM4Y 12 1.0 6 6 YesEconomics Higher C038 12 The UK Economy DM4X 12 1.0 6 6 YesEconomics Higher C038 12 Economics X038 12 1.0 6 6 YesEconomics Advanced Higher C038 13 Economic Research DM51 13 1.0 7 8 YesEconomics Advanced Higher C038 13 Economics Issues and Policies DM50 13 1.0 7 8 YesEconomics Advanced Higher C038 13 Microeconomics DM4W 13 1.0 7 8 YesEconomics Advanced Higher C038 13 Economics X038 13 1.0 7 8 YesElectrical Installation Fundamentals Intermediate 2 C06C 11 Basic Electrical Installation Skills D9AH 11 1.0 5 6 NoElectrical Installation Fundamentals Intermediate 2 C06C 11 Basic Electrical Installation Systems and Protection D9AG 11 1.0 5 6 NoElectrical Installation Fundamentals Intermediate 2 C06C 11 Fundamental Electrical Principles D9AF 11 1.0 5 6 NoElectrical Installation Fundamentals Intermediate 2 C06C 11 Electrical Installation Fundamentals X06C 1.0 5 6 NoElectronic and Electrical Fundamentals Intermediate 2 C025 11 Combinational Logic D134 11 1.0 5 6 YesElectronic and Electrical Fundamentals Intermediate 2 C025 11 Electrical Fundamentals D132 11 1.0 5 6 YesElectronic and Electrical Fundamentals Intermediate 2 C025 11 Semiconductor Applications: An Introduction D133 11 1.0 5 6 YesElectronic and Electrical Fundamentals Intermediate 2 C025 11 Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals X025 11 1.0 5 6 YesEnergy Intermediate 2 C258 11 Energy and the Individual F3FT 11 0.5 5 3 NoEnergy Intermediate 2 C258 11 Energy: An Introduction F3FN 11 1.0 5 6 NoEnergy Intermediate 2 C258 11 Energy: Conventional Technologies and the Grid F3FV 11 0.5 5 3 NoEnergy Intermediate 2 C258 11 Energy: Domestic Solar Hot Water Systems F3FS 11 1.0 5 6 NoEnergy Intermediate 2 C258 11 Energy: Domestic Wind Turbine Systems F3FR 11 1.0 5 6 NoEnergy Intermediate 2 C258 11 Energy: Employability and Careers F3FP 11 0.5 5 3 NoEnergy Intermediate 2 C258 11 Energy: Oil/Gas Extraction F3FW 11 0.5 5 3 NoEngineering Craft Skills Intermediate 1 C034 10 Bench Skills - Metal D178 10 1.0 4 6 YesEngineering Craft Skills Intermediate 1 C034 10 Fabrication and Thermal Joining Techniques D180 10 1.0 4 6 YesEngineering Craft Skills Intermediate 1 C034 10 Machine Processes - Metal D179 10 1.0 4 6 YesEngineering Craft Skills Intermediate 1 C034 10 Practical Electronics D181 10 1.0 4 6 YesEngineering Craft Skills Intermediate 1 C034 10 Engineering Craft Skills X034 10 1.0 4 6 YesEngineering Craft Skills Intermediate 2 C034 11 Bench Skills - Metal D178 11 1.0 5 6 YesEngineering Craft Skills Intermediate 2 C034 11 Fabrication and Thermal Joining Techniques D180 11 1.0 5 6 Yes

Early Education and Childcare Early Education and Childcare Early Education and Childcare Early Education and Childcare Early Education and Childcare Early Education and Childcare

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Courses and their Units

Course Title Level Code Component Unit Title Code SCQF levelSQA Unit Credit(s)

SCQF Credit Points

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Engineering Craft Skills Intermediate 2 C034 11 Machine Processes - Metal D179 11 1.0 5 6 YesEngineering Craft Skills Intermediate 2 C034 11 Practical Electronics D181 11 1.0 5 6 YesEngineering Craft Skills Intermediate 2 C034 11 Engineering Craft Skills X034 11 1.0 5 6 YesEngineering Skills Intermediate 1 C243 10 Engineering Skills: Electrical/Electronic F19D 10 1.0 4 6 NoEngineering Skills Intermediate 1 C243 10 Engineering Skills: Fabrication F19F 10 1.0 4 6 NoEngineering Skills Intermediate 1 C243 10 Engineering Skills: Manufacture and Assembly F19H 10 1.0 4 6 NoEngineering Skills Intermediate 1 C243 10 Engineering Skills: Mechanical F19C 10 1.0 4 6 NoEngineering Skills Intermediate 2 C253 11 Engineering Skills: Design and Manufacture F39E 11 1.0 5 6 NoEngineering Skills Intermediate 2 C253 11 Engineering Skills: Electrical and Electronic F39C 11 1.0 5 6 NoEngineering Skills Intermediate 2 C253 11 Engineering Skills: Maintenance F39D 11 1.0 5 6 NoEngineering Skills Intermediate 2 C253 11 Engineering Skills: Mechanical and Fabrication F39B 11 1.0 5 6 NoEnglish Access 2 C115 08 English: Language Study F796 08 1.0 2 6 YesEnglish Access 2 C115 08 English: Literary Study F797 08 1.0 2 6 YesEnglish Access 2 C115 08 English: Oral Communication F791 08 1.0 2 6 YesEnglish Access 3 C115 09 English: Language Study D8VH 09 1.0 3 6 YesEnglish Access 3 C115 09 English: Literary Study D8VJ 09 1.0 3 6 YesEnglish Access 3 C115 09 English: Personal Study (spoken response) D8VL 09 1.0 3 6 YesEnglish Access 3 C115 09 English: Personal Study (written response) D8VK 09 1.0 3 6 YesEnglish Intermediate 1 C115 10 English: Language Study D8VH 10 1.0 4 6 YesEnglish Intermediate 1 C115 10 English: Literary Study D8VJ 10 1.0 4 6 YesEnglish Intermediate 1 C115 10 English: Personal Study (spoken response) D8VL 10 1.0 4 6 YesEnglish Intermediate 1 C115 10 English: Personal Study (written response) D8VK 10 1.0 4 6 YesEnglish Intermediate 1 C115 10 English X115 10 1.0 4 6 YesEnglish Intermediate 2 C115 11 English: Language Study D8VH 11 1.0 5 6 YesEnglish Intermediate 2 C115 11 English: Literary Study D8VJ 11 1.0 5 6 YesEnglish Intermediate 2 C115 11 English: Personal Study (spoken response) D8VL 11 1.0 5 6 YesEnglish Intermediate 2 C115 11 English: Personal Study (written response) D8VK 11 1.0 5 6 YesEnglish Intermediate 2 C115 11 English X115 11 1.0 5 6 YesEnglish Higher C115 12 English: Language Study D8VH 12 1.0 6 6 YesEnglish Higher C115 12 English: Literary Study D8VJ 12 1.0 6 6 YesEnglish Higher C115 12 English: Personal Study (spoken response) D8VL 12 1.0 6 6 YesEnglish Higher C115 12 English: Personal Study (written response) D8VK 12 1.0 6 6 YesEnglish Higher C115 12 English X115 12 1.0 6 6 YesEnglish Advanced Higher C115 13 English: Creative Writing D9GW 13 1.0 7 8 YesEnglish Advanced Higher C115 13 English: Language Study D8VH 13 1.0 7 8 YesEnglish Advanced Higher C115 13 English: Literary Study D8VJ 13 1.0 7 8 YesEnglish Advanced Higher C115 13 English: Reading the Media D9GX 13 1.0 7 8 YesEnglish Advanced Higher C115 13 English: Specialist Study D9GT 13 1.0 7 8 YesEnglish Advanced Higher C115 13 English: Textual Analysis D9GV 13 1.0 7 8 YesEnglish Advanced Higher C115 13 English X115 13 1.0 7 8 YesEnglish and Communication Access 2 C039 08 English and Communication: Oral Communication D540 08 1.0 2 6 YesEnglish and Communication Access 2 C039 08 English: Language Study D8VH 08 1.0 2 6 YesEnglish and Communication Access 2 C039 08 English: Literary Study D8VJ 08 1.0 2 6 YesEnglish for Speakers of Other Languages Access 3 C222 09 English for Speakers of Other Languages: Everyday Communication DV34 09 1.0 3 6 YesEnglish for Speakers of Other Languages Access 3 C222 09 English for Speakers of Other Languages: Transactional Contexts F1AD 09 1.0 3 6 YesEnglish for Speakers of Other Languages Access 3 C222 09 English for Speakers of Other Languages: Work and Study –related Contexts F1AE 09 1.0 3 6 YesEnglish for Speakers of Other Languages Intermediate 2 C222 11 English for Speakers of Other Languages: Everyday Communication DV34 11 2.0 5 12 YesEnglish for Speakers of Other Languages Intermediate 2 C222 11 English for Speakers of Other Languages: Study Context DV36 11 1.0 5 6 YesEnglish for Speakers of Other Languages Intermediate 2 C222 11 English for Speakers of Other Languages: Work Context DV35 11 1.0 5 6 YesEnglish for Speakers of Other Languages Intermediate 2 C222 11 English for Speakers of Other Languages X222 11 1.0 5 6 YesEnglish for Speakers of Other Languages Higher C222 12 English for Speakers of Other Languages: Everyday Communication DV34 12 2.0 6 12 YesEnglish for Speakers of Other Languages Higher C222 12 English for Speakers of Other Languages: Study Context DV36 12 1.0 6 6 YesEnglish for Speakers of Other Languages Higher C222 12 English for Speakers of Other Languages: Work Context DV35 12 1.0 6 6 YesEnglish for Speakers of Other Languages Higher C222 12 English for Speakers of Other Languages X222 12 1.0 6 6 YesEnterprise through Craft Access 2 C080 08 Craftwork Enterprise D536 08 1.0 2 6 YesEnterprise through Craft Access 2 C080 08 Practical Craft Skills D535 08 1.0 2 6 YesEnterprise through Craft Access 2 C080 08 Working with Craft Tools: An Introduction D534 08 1.0 2 6 YesEnterprise through Craft Access 3 C080 09 Craftwork Enterprise D536 09 1.0 3 6 YesEnterprise through Craft Access 3 C080 09 Practical Craft Skills D535 09 1.0 3 6 YesEnterprise through Craft Access 3 C080 09 Working with Craft Tools: An Introduction D534 09 1.0 3 6 YesFabrication and Welding Engineering Higher C030 12 Basic Principles of Fabricated Component Design, Manufacture and Test Methods D157 12 1.0 6 6 NoFabrication and Welding Engineering Higher C030 12 Fabrication and Welding Processes D158 12 1.0 6 6 No

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Courses and their Units

Course Title Level Code Component Unit Title Code SCQF levelSQA Unit Credit(s)

SCQF Credit Points

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Fabrication and Welding Engineering Higher C030 12 Inspection - Non-Destructive Testing Skills D159 12 0.5 6 3 NoFabrication and Welding Engineering Higher C030 12 Materials - Effects of Force and Protection D156 12 0.5 6 3 NoFabrication and Welding Engineering Higher C030 12 Fabrication and Welding Engineering X030 12 1.0 6 6 NoFinancial Services Intermediate 2 C220 11 Financial Services: Building Positive Relationships with Customers and Colleagues DM7V 11 1.0 5 6 NoFinancial Services Intermediate 2 C220 11 Financial Services: Employability Skills DM80 11 1.0 5 6 NoFinancial Services Intermediate 2 C220 11 Financial Services: Introduction DM7P 11 1.0 5 6 NoFinancial Services Intermediate 2 C220 11 Financial Services: Personal Finance Awareness DM7X 11 1.0 5 6 NoFrench Access 2 C059 08 French: Language in Work D338 08 1.0 2 6 YesFrench Access 2 C059 08 French: Life in Another Country D562 08 1.0 2 6 YesFrench Access 2 C059 08 French: Personal Language D563 08 1.0 2 6 YesFrench Access 2 C059 08 French: Transactional Language D337 08 1.0 2 6 YesFrench Access 3 C059 09 French: Language in Work D338 09 1.0 3 6 YesFrench Access 3 C059 09 French: Personal Language D563 09 1.0 3 6 YesFrench Access 3 C059 09 French: Transactional Language D337 09 1.0 3 6 YesFrench Intermediate 1 C059 10 French: Language in Work D338 10 1.0 4 6 YesFrench Intermediate 1 C059 10 French: Personal and Social Language D336 10 1.0 4 6 YesFrench Intermediate 1 C059 10 French: Transactional Language D337 10 1.0 4 6 YesFrench Intermediate 1 C059 10 French X059 10 1.0 4 6 YesFrench Intermediate 2 C059 11 French: Extended Reading/Viewing D342 11 1.0 5 6 YesFrench Intermediate 2 C059 11 French: Language D339 11 2.0 5 12 YesFrench Intermediate 2 C059 11 French: Language in Work D338 11 1.0 5 6 YesFrench Intermediate 2 C059 11 French: Personal Communication D340 11 1.0 5 6 YesFrench Intermediate 2 C059 11 French X059 11 1.0 5 6 YesFrench Higher C059 12 French: Extended Reading/Viewing D342 12 1.0 6 6 YesFrench Higher C059 12 French: Language D339 12 2.0 6 12 YesFrench Higher C059 12 French: Language in Work D338 12 1.0 6 6 YesFrench Higher C059 12 French X059 12 1.0 6 6 YesFrench Advanced Higher C059 13 French: Extended Reading/Viewing D342 13 1.0 7 8 YesFrench Advanced Higher C059 13 French: Language D339 13 2.0 7 16 YesFrench Advanced Higher C059 13 French: Language in Work D338 13 1.0 7 8 YesFrench Advanced Higher C059 13 French X059 13 1.0 7 8 YesGaelic (Learners) Access 3 C232 09 Gaelic (Learners): Language and Individual Study DV44 09 1.0 3 6 YesGaelic (Learners) Access 3 C232 09 Gaelic (Learners): Listening and Speaking Skills DV42 09 1.0 3 6 YesGaelic (Learners) Access 3 C232 09 Gaelic (Learners): Reading and Writing Skills DV43 09 1.0 3 6 YesGaelic (Learners) Intermediate 1 C232 10 Gaelic (Learners): Language and Individual Study DV44 10 1.0 4 6 YesGaelic (Learners) Intermediate 1 C232 10 Gaelic (Learners): Listening and Speaking Skills DV42 10 1.0 4 6 YesGaelic (Learners) Intermediate 1 C232 10 Gaelic (Learners): Reading and Writing Skills DV43 10 1.0 4 6 YesGaelic (Learners) Intermediate 1 C232 10 Gaelic (Learners) X232 10 1.0 4 6 YesGaelic (Learners) Intermediate 2 C232 11 Gaelic (Learners): Language and Individual Study DV44 11 1.0 5 6 YesGaelic (Learners) Intermediate 2 C232 11 Gaelic (Learners): Listening and Speaking Skills DV42 11 1.0 5 6 YesGaelic (Learners) Intermediate 2 C232 11 Gaelic (Learners): Reading and Writing Skills DV43 11 1.0 5 6 YesGaelic (Learners) Intermediate 2 C232 11 Gaelic (Learners) X232 11 1.0 5 6 YesGaelic (Learners) Higher C232 12 Gaelic (Learners): Listening and Speaking Skills DV42 12 1.0 6 6 YesGaelic (Learners) Higher C232 12 Gaelic (Learners): Literature and Individual Study DV4A 12 1.0 6 6 YesGaelic (Learners) Higher C232 12 Gaelic (Learners): Reading and Writing Skills DV43 12 1.0 6 6 YesGaelic (Learners) Higher C232 12 Gaelic (Learners) X232 12 1.0 6 6 YesGaelic (Learners) Advanced Higher C232 13 Gaelic (Learners): Listening and Speaking Skills DV42 13 1.0 7 8 YesGaelic (Learners) Advanced Higher C232 13 Gaelic (Learners): Literature and Individual Study DV4A 13 1.0 7 8 YesGaelic (Learners) Advanced Higher C232 13 Gaelic (Learners): Reading and Writing Skills DV43 13 1.0 7 8 YesGaelic (Learners) Advanced Higher C232 13 Gaelic (Learners) X232 13 1.0 7 8 YesGaidhlig Access 3 C229 09 Gàidhlig: Listening and Reading Skills DV47 09 1.0 3 6 YesGaidhlig Access 3 C229 09 Gàidhlig: Speaking and Writing Skills DV48 09 1.0 3 6 YesGaidhlig Access 3 C229 09 Gaidhlig: Literature and Culture DV49 09 1.0 3 6 YesGàidhlig Intermediate 1 C229 10 Gàidhlig: Listening and Reading Skills DV47 10 1.0 4 6 YesGàidhlig Intermediate 1 C229 10 Gaidhlig: Literature and Culture DV49 10 1.0 4 6 YesGàidhlig Intermediate 1 C229 10 Gàidhlig: Speaking and Writing Skills DV48 10 1.0 4 6 YesGàidhlig Intermediate 1 C229 10 Gàidhlig X229 10 1.0 4 6 YesGàidhlig Intermediate 2 C229 11 Gàidhlig: Listening and Reading Skills DV47 11 1.0 5 6 YesGàidhlig Intermediate 2 C229 11 Gàidhlig: Literature and Culture DV49 11 1.0 5 6 YesGàidhlig Intermediate 2 C229 11 Gàidhlig: Speaking and Writing Skills DV48 11 1.0 5 6 YesGàidhlig Intermediate 2 C229 11 Gàidhlig X229 11 1.0 5 6 YesGàidhlig Higher C229 12 Gàidhlig: Listening and Reading Skills DV47 12 1.0 6 6 Yes

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Courses and their Units

Course Title Level Code Component Unit Title Code SCQF levelSQA Unit Credit(s)

SCQF Credit Points

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Gàidhlig Higher C229 12 Gàidhlig: Literature and Culture DV49 12 1.0 6 6 YesGàidhlig Higher C229 12 Gàidhlig: Speaking and Writing Skills DV48 12 1.0 6 6 YesGàidhlig Higher C229 12 Gàidhlig X229 12 1.0 6 6 YesGàidhlig Advanced Higher C229 13 Gaidhlig: Language and Culture DV4E 13 1.0 7 8 YesGàidhlig Advanced Higher C229 13 Gàidhlig: Translation Skills DV4C 13 1.0 7 8 YesGàidhlig Advanced Higher C229 13 Gàidhlig: Writing and Literary Criticism Skills DV4D 13 1.0 7 8 YesGàidhlig Advanced Higher C229 13 Gàidhlig X229 13 1.0 7 8 YesGeography Access 3 C208 09 Geography: Human Environmrnts DF43 09 1.0 3 6 YesGeography Access 3 C208 09 Geography: Physical Environment DF3C 09 1.0 3 6 YesGeography Access 3 C208 09 Georgraphy: Environmental Interactions DF44 09 1.0 3 6 YesGeography Intermediate 1 C208 10 Geography: Environmental Interactions DF44 10 1.0 4 6 YesGeography Intermediate 1 C208 10 Geography: Human Environments DF43 10 1.0 4 6 YesGeography Intermediate 1 C208 10 Geography: Physical Environments DF3C 10 1.0 4 6 YesGeography Intermediate 1 C208 10 Geography X208 10 1.0 4 6 YesGeography Intermediate 2 C208 11 Geography: Environmental Interactions DF44 11 1.0 5 6 YesGeography Intermediate 2 C208 11 Geography: Human Environments DF43 11 1.0 5 6 YesGeography Intermediate 2 C208 11 Geography: Physical Environments DF3C 11 1.0 5 6 YesGeography Intermediate 2 C208 11 Geography X208 11 1.0 5 6 YesGeography Higher C208 12 Geography: Environmental Interactions DF44 12 1.0 6 6 YesGeography Higher C208 12 Geography: Human Environments DF43 12 1.0 6 6 YesGeography Higher C208 12 Geography: Physical Environments DF3C 12 1.0 6 6 YesGeography Higher C208 12 Geography X208 12 1.0 6 6 YesGeography Advanced Higher C208 13 Geographical Issues DF49 13 1.0 7 8 YesGeography Advanced Higher C208 13 Geographical Methods and Techniques DF4A 13 1.0 7 8 YesGeography Advanced Higher C208 13 Geographical Study DF48 13 1.0 7 8 YesGeography Advanced Higher C208 13 Geography X208 13 1.0 7 8 YesGeology Access 3 C043 09 Geology and Scenery D244 09 1.0 3 6 YesGeology Access 3 C043 09 Geology, People and Environment D245 09 1.0 3 6 YesGeology Access 3 C043 09 Geology: The Study of the Earth D243 09 1.0 3 6 YesGeology Intermediate 1 C043 10 Geology and Scenery D244 10 1.0 4 6 YesGeology Intermediate 1 C043 10 Geology, People and Environment D245 10 1.0 4 6 YesGeology Intermediate 1 C043 10 Geology: The Study of the Earth D243 10 1.0 4 6 YesGeology Intermediate 1 C043 10 Geology X043 10 1.0 4 6 YesGeology Intermediate 2 C043 11 Earth Physics and Earth Movements D247 11 1.0 5 6 YesGeology Intermediate 2 C043 11 History of the Earth D8XL 11 1.0 5 6 YesGeology Intermediate 2 C043 11 Minerals and Rocks D8XK 11 1.0 5 6 YesGeology Intermediate 2 C043 11 Geology X043 11 1.0 5 6 YesGeology Higher C043 12 Earth Physics, Structural Geology and Plate Tectonics D250 12 1.0 6 6 YesGeology Higher C043 12 Economic Geology D252 12 0.5 6 3 YesGeology Higher C043 12 Fossils and Stratigraphy D251 12 0.5 6 3 YesGeology Higher C043 12 Minerals and Rocks D8XK 12 1.0 6 6 YesGeology Higher C043 12 Geology X043 12 1.0 6 6 YesGerman Access 2 C060 08 German: Language in Work D464 08 1.0 2 6 YesGerman Access 2 C060 08 German: Life in Another Country D564 08 1.0 2 6 YesGerman Access 2 C060 08 German: Personal Language D565 08 1.0 2 6 YesGerman Access 2 C060 08 German: Transactional Language D463 08 1.0 2 6 YesGerman Access 3 C060 09 German: Language in Work D464 09 1.0 3 6 YesGerman Access 3 C060 09 German: Personal Language D565 09 1.0 3 6 YesGerman Access 3 C060 09 German: Transactional Language D463 09 1.0 3 6 YesGerman Intermediate 1 C060 10 German: Language in Work D464 10 1.0 4 6 YesGerman Intermediate 1 C060 10 German: Personal and Social Language D462 10 1.0 4 6 YesGerman Intermediate 1 C060 10 German: Transactional Language D463 10 1.0 4 6 YesGerman Intermediate 1 C060 10 German X060 10 1.0 4 6 YesGerman Intermediate 2 C060 11 German: Extended Reading/Viewing D467 11 1.0 5 6 YesGerman Intermediate 2 C060 11 German: Language D465 11 2.0 5 12 YesGerman Intermediate 2 C060 11 German: Language in Work D464 11 1.0 5 6 YesGerman Intermediate 2 C060 11 German: Personal Communication D466 11 1.0 5 6 YesGerman Intermediate 2 C060 11 German X060 11 1.0 5 6 YesGerman Higher C060 12 German: Extended Reading/Viewing D467 12 1.0 6 6 YesGerman Higher C060 12 German: Language D465 12 2.0 6 12 YesGerman Higher C060 12 German: Language in Work D464 12 1.0 6 6 YesGerman Higher C060 12 German X060 12 1.0 6 6 Yes

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Courses and their Units

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SCQF Credit Points

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German Advanced Higher C060 13 German: Extended Reading/Viewing D467 13 1.0 7 8 YesGerman Advanced Higher C060 13 German: Language D465 13 2.0 7 16 YesGerman Advanced Higher C060 13 German: Language in Work D464 13 1.0 7 8 YesGerman Advanced Higher C060 13 German X060 13 1.0 7 8 YesGraphic Communication Intermediate 1 C033 10 Computer Graphics D173 10 1.0 4 6 YesGraphic Communication Intermediate 1 C033 10 Technical Graphics 1 D171 10 1.0 4 6 YesGraphic Communication Intermediate 1 C033 10 Technical Graphics 2 D172 10 1.0 4 6 YesGraphic Communication Intermediate 1 C033 10 Computer Graphics X033 10 1.0 4 6 YesGraphic Communication Intermediate 2 C033 11 Computer Graphics D173 11 1.0 5 6 YesGraphic Communication Intermediate 2 C033 11 Technical Graphics 1 F397 11 1.0 5 6 YesGraphic Communication Intermediate 2 C033 11 Technical Graphics 2 F398 11 1.0 5 6 YesGraphic Communication Intermediate 2 C033 11 Graphic Communication X033 11 1.0 5 6 YesGraphic Communication Higher C033 12 Technical Graphics 1 D171 12 1.0 6 6 YesGraphic Communication Higher C033 12 Technical Graphics 2 D172 12 1.0 6 6 YesGraphic Communication Higher C033 12 Computer Graphics D173 12 1.0 6 6 YesGraphic Communication Higher C033 12 Graphic Communication X033 12 1.0 6 6 YesGraphic Communication Advanced Higher C033 13 Computer-Aided 3D Modelling - Visualisation and Presentation D175 13 1.5 7 12 YesGraphic Communication Advanced Higher C033 13 Computer-Aided Graphic Presentation D177 13 1.0 7 8 YesGraphic Communication Advanced Higher C033 13 Technical Graphics D33P 13 0.5 7 4 YesGraphic Communication Advanced Higher C033 13 Graphic Communication X033 13 1.0 7 8 YesHairdressing Intermediate 1 C238 10 Hairdressing: Employability Skills DX0K 1 0 1.0 4 6 NoHairdressing Intermediate 1 C238 10 Hairdressing: Salon Awareness DX0M 10 1.0 4 6 NoHairdressing Intermediate 1 C238 10 Hairdressing: Working in the Salon DX0N 10 1.0 4 6 NoHairdressing Intermediate 1 C238 10 Hairdressing: Creativity DX0P10 1.0 4 6 NoHairdressing Intermediate 2 C252 11 Hairdressing: Introduction to Colour F345 11 1.0 5 6 NoHairdressing Intermediate 2 C252 11 Hairdressing: Salon Skills F344 11 1.0 5 6 NoHairdressing Intermediate 2 C252 11 Hairdressing: Working in a Salon Environment F343 11 1.0 5 6 NoHairdressing Intermediate 2 C252 11 Hairdressing: Creative Trends F346 11 1.0 5 6 NoHealth and Safety in Care Settings Intermediate 2 C01E 11 Healthy Eating in a Care Setting F1P1 11 1.0 5 6 NoHealth and Safety in Care Settings Intermediate 2 C01E 11 Maintaining Safety in a Care Setting F1P2 11 1.0 5 6 NoHealth and Safety in Care Settings Intermediate 2 C01E 11 Prevention of Infection DM5P 11 1.0 5 6 NoHealth and Safety in Care Settings Intermediate 2 C01E 11 Health and Safety in Care Settings X01E 11 1.0 5 6 No

Higher C245 12 Care Principles and Practice F1C6 12 1.0 6 6 NoHealth and Social Care Higher C245 12 Understanding and Supporting People in Health and Social Care Settings F1C5 12 1.0 6 6 NoHealth and Social Care Higher C245 12 Working in Health and Social Care Settings F1C7 12 1.0 6 6 No

Higher C245 12 Health, Safety and Protection Issues in Care Settings F1C8 12 1.0 6 6 NoHealth Sector Intermediate 1 C261 10 Health Sector: An Introduction F58P 10 1.0 4 6 NoHealth Sector Intermediate 1 C261 10 Health Sector: Health Awareness F598 10 1.0 4 6 NoHealth Sector Intermediate 1 C261 10 Health Sector: Life Sciences Industry F59A 10 0.5 4 3 NoHealth Sector Intermediate 1 C261 10 Health Sector: Roles and Responsibilities F58R 10 1.0 4 6 NoHealth Sector Intermediate 1 C261 10 Health Sector: Working Safely F599 10 0.5 4 3 NoHistory Access 3 C044 09 Historical Study: European and World D256 09 1.0 3 6 YesHistory Access 3 C044 09 Historical Study: Options D257 09 1.0 3 6 YesHistory Access 3 C044 09 Historical Study: Scottish and British D255 09 1.0 3 6 YesHistory Intermediate 1 C044 10 Historical Study - European and World D256 10 1.0 4 6 YesHistory Intermediate 1 C044 10 Historical Study - Options D257 10 1.0 4 6 YesHistory Intermediate 1 C044 10 Historical Study - Scottish and British D255 10 1.0 4 6 YesHistory Intermediate 1 C044 10 History X044 10 1.0 4 6 YesHistory Intermediate 2 C044 11 Historical Study - European and World D256 11 1.0 5 6 YesHistory Intermediate 2 C044 11 Historical Study - Options D257 11 1.0 5 6 YesHistory Intermediate 2 C044 11 Historical Study - Scottish and British D255 11 1.0 5 6 YesHistory Intermediate 2 C044 11 History X044 11 1.0 5 6 YesHistory Higher C044 12 Historical Special Topic D258 12 1.0 6 6 YesHistory Higher C044 12 Historical Study - European and World D256 12 1.0 6 6 YesHistory Higher C044 12 Historical Study - Scottish and British D255 12 1.0 6 6 YesHistory Higher C044 12 History X044 12 1.0 6 6 YesHistory Advanced Higher C259 13 Historical Research F3GA 13 1.0 7 8 YesHistory Advanced Higher C259 13 Historical Study D259 13 2.0 7 16 YesHistory Advanced Higher C259 13 History X259 13 1.0 7 8 YesHome Economics Access 2 C048 08 Healthy Basic Cooking DC9K 08 1.0 2 6 YesHome Economics Access 2 C048 08 Living Safely at Home D551 08 1.0 2 6 YesHome Economics Access 2 C048 08 Organisation in the Home D550 08 1.0 2 6 Yes

Health and Social Care

Health and Social Care

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Courses and their Units

Course Title Level Code Component Unit Title Code SCQF levelSQA Unit Credit(s)

SCQF Credit Points

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Home Economics - Fashion and Textile Technology Access 3 C116 09 Developing Craft Skills in Textiles D273 09 1.0 3 6 YesHome Economics - Fashion and Textile Technology Access 3 C116 09 Fashion and Clothing Industry: An Introduction D272 09 0.5 3 3 YesHome Economics - Fashion and Textile Technology Access 3 C116 09 Fashion and Textile Technology: Design and Make - Home Economics D275 09 1.0 3 6 YesHome Economics - Fashion and Textile Technology Access 3 C116 09 Fashion and Textile Technology: Organisation of Practical Skills D491 09 0.5 3 3 YesHome Economics - Fashion and Textile Technology Intermediate 1 C116 10 Developing Craft Skills in Textiles D273 10 1.0 4 6 YesHome Economics - Fashion and Textile Technology Intermediate 1 C116 10 Fashion and Clothing Industry: An Introduction D272 10 0.5 4 3 YesHome Economics - Fashion and Textile Technology Intermediate 1 C116 10 Fashion and Textile Technology: Design and Make - Home Economics D275 10 1.0 4 6 YesHome Economics - Fashion and Textile Technology Intermediate 1 C116 10 Fashion and Textile Technology: Organisation of Practical Skills D491 10 0.5 4 3 YesHome Economics - Fashion and Textile Technology Intermediate 1 C116 10 Fashion and Textile Technology: Technology in Home Economics D04Y 10 1.0 4 6 YesHome Economics - Fashion and Textile Technology Intermediate 1 C116 10 Practical Fabric Skills D274 10 1.0 4 6 YesHome Economics - Fashion and Textile Technology Intermediate 1 C116 10 Home Economics: Fashion and Textile Technology X116 10 1.0 4 6 YesHome Economics - Fashion and Textile Technology Intermediate 2 C116 11 Fashion and Textile Technology: Consumer Studies D494 11 1.0 5 6 YesHome Economics - Fashion and Textile Technology Intermediate 2 C116 11 Fashion and Textile Technology: Management of Practical Activities D493 11 1.0 5 6 YesHome Economics - Fashion and Textile Technology Intermediate 2 C116 11 Fashion and Textile Technology: Product Development D495 11 1.0 5 6 YesHome Economics - Fashion and Textile Technology Intermediate 2 C116 11 Home Economics: Fashion and Textile Technology X116 11 1.0 5 6 YesHome Economics - Fashion and Textile Technology Higher C116 12 Fashion and Textile Technology: Consumer Studies D494 12 1.0 6 6 YesHome Economics - Fashion and Textile Technology Higher C116 12 Fashion and Textile Technology: Resource Management D496 12 2.0 6 12 YesHome Economics - Fashion and Textile Technology Higher C116 12 Home Economics: Fashion and Textile Technology X116 12 1.0 6 6 YesHome Economics: Health and Food Technology Access 3 C254 09 Food Product Development D9NV 09 1.0 3 6 YesHome Economics: Health and Food Technology Access 3 C254 09 Healthy Cooking F399 09 1.0 3 6 YesHome Economics: Health and Food Technology Access 3 C254 09 Technology in the Kitchen F39A 09 1.0 3 6 YesHome Economics - Health and Food Technology Intermediate 2 C118 11 Health and Food Technology: Consumer Studies D269 11 1.0 5 6 YesHome Economics - Health and Food Technology Intermediate 2 C118 11 Health and Food Technology: Management of Practical Activities D268 11 1.0 5 6 YesHome Economics - Health and Food Technology Intermediate 2 C118 11 Health and Food Technology: Product Development D270 11 1.0 5 6 YesHome Economics - Health and Food Technology Intermediate 2 C118 11 Home Economics: Health and Food Technology X118 11 1.0 5 6 YesHome Economics - Health and Food Technology Higher C118 12 Health and Food Technology: Consumer Studies D269 12 1.0 6 6 YesHome Economics - Health and Food Technology Higher C118 12 Health and Food Technology: Resource Management D271 12 2.0 6 12 YesHome Economics - Health and Food Technology Higher C118 12 Home Economics: Health and Food Technology X118 12 1.0 6 6 YesHome Economics - Health and Food Technology Advanced Higher C118 13 Health and Food Technology: Practical Research and Dissertation D0F5 13 1.0 7 8 YesHome Economics - Health and Food Technology Advanced Higher C118 13 Health and Food Technology: Resource Management D271 13 2.0 7 16 YesHome Economics - Health and Food Technology Advanced Higher C118 13 Home Economics: Health and Food Technology X118 13 1.0 7 8 YesHome Economics - Health and Food Technology Intermediate 1 C118 10 Food for Health D9NT 10 1.0 4 6 YesHome Economics - Health and Food Technology Intermediate 1 C118 10 Food Product Development D9NV 10 1.0 4 6 YesHome Economics - Health and Food Technology Intermediate 1 C118 10 Food Technology D9NW 10 1.0 4 6 YesHome Economics - Health and Food Technology Intermediate 1 C118 10 Health and Food Technology X118 10 1.0 4 6 YesHome Economics - Lifestyle and Consumer Technology Access 3 C117 09 Food Preparation for Healthy Eating D04W 09 0.5 3 3 YesHome Economics - Lifestyle and Consumer Technology Access 3 C117 09 Health and Safety for Babies and Young Children D277 09 0.5 3 3 YesHome Economics - Lifestyle and Consumer Technology Access 3 C117 09 Lifestyle and Consumer Technology: Design and Make - Home Economics D04X 09 1.0 3 6 YesHome Economics - Lifestyle and Consumer Technology Access 3 C117 09 Lifestyle and Consumer Technology: Organisation of Practical Skills D497 09 0.5 3 3 YesHome Economics - Lifestyle and Consumer Technology Access 3 C117 09 Preparation for Parenthood D276 09 0.5 3 3 YesHome Economics - Lifestyle and Consumer Technology Intermediate 1 C117 10 Food Preparation for Healthy Eating D04W 10 0.5 4 3 YesHome Economics - Lifestyle and Consumer Technology Intermediate 1 C117 10 Health and Safety for Babies and Young Children D277 10 0.5 4 3 YesHome Economics - Lifestyle and Consumer Technology Intermediate 1 C117 10 Lifestyle and Consumer Technology: Design and Make - Home Economics D04X 10 1.0 4 6 YesHome Economics - Lifestyle and Consumer Technology Intermediate 1 C117 10 Lifestyle and Consumer Technology: Organisation of Practical Skills D497 10 0.5 4 3 YesHome Economics - Lifestyle and Consumer Technology Intermediate 1 C117 10 Preparation for Parenthood D276 10 0.5 4 3 YesHome Economics - Lifestyle and Consumer Technology Intermediate 1 C117 10 The Pre-School Child - Food, Clothing and Play D278 10 1.0 4 6 YesHome Economics - Lifestyle and Consumer Technology Intermediate 1 C117 10 Home Economics: Lifestyle and Consumer Technology X117 10 1.0 4 6 YesHome Economics - Lifestyle and Consumer Technology Intermediate 2 C117 11 Lifestyle and Consumer Technology: Consumer Studies D501 11 1.0 5 6 YesHome Economics - Lifestyle and Consumer Technology Intermediate 2 C117 11 Lifestyle and Consumer Technology: Management of Practical Activities D500 11 1.0 5 6 YesHome Economics - Lifestyle and Consumer Technology Intermediate 2 C117 11 Lifestyle and Consumer Technology: Product Development D502 11 1.0 5 6 YesHome Economics - Lifestyle and Consumer Technology Intermediate 2 C117 11 Home Economics: Lifestyle and Consumer Technology X117 11 1.0 5 6 YesHome Economics - Lifestyle and Consumer Technology Higher C117 12 Lifestyle and Consumer Technology: Consumer Studies D501 12 1.0 6 6 YesHome Economics - Lifestyle and Consumer Technology Higher C117 12 Lifestyle and Consumer Technology: Resource Management D503 12 2.0 6 12 YesHome Economics - Lifestyle and Consumer Technology Higher C117 12 Home Economics: Lifestyle and Consumer Technology X117 12 1.0 6 6 Yes

Intermediate 1 C244 10 Hospitality Events F3J3 11 1.0 5 6 NoIntermediate 1 C244 10 Hospitality: Introduction to Events F19K 10 1.0 4 6 NoIntermediate 1 C244 10 Hospitality: Working Front of House F19G 10 1.0 4 6 NoIntermediate 1 C244 10 Hospitality: Working in the Hospitality Industry F19E 10 1.0 4 6 NoIntermediate 1 C244 10 Hospitality: Working in the Professional Kitchen F19G 10 1.0 4 6 No

Hospitality Intermediate 2 C260 11 Hospitality Events F3J3 11 1.0 5 6 NoHospitality Intermediate 2 C260 11 Hospitality: Developing Skills for Working in Hospitality F3J0 11 1.0 5 6 NoHospitality Intermediate 2 C260 11 Hospitality: Developing Skills for Working in the Professional Kitchen F3J1 11 1.0 5 6 No

Hospitality Hospitality Hospitality Hospitality Hospitality

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Courses and their Units

Course Title Level Code Component Unit Title Code SCQF levelSQA Unit Credit(s)

SCQF Credit Points

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Hospitality Intermediate 2 C260 11 Hospitality: Front of House Operations F3J2 11 1.0 5 6 NoHospitality - General Operations Intermediate 2 C049 11 Food Hygiene for the Hospitality Industry F792 11 0.5 5 3 YesHospitality - General Operations Intermediate 2 C049 11 Local Hospitality Provision F7DL 11 0.5 5 3 YesHospitality - General Operations Intermediate 2 C049 11 Meal Production and Design D281 11 1.0 5 6 YesHospitality - General Operations Intermediate 2 C049 11 Service of Food and Drink D04R 11 1.0 5 6 YesHospitality - General Operations Intermediate 2 C049 11 Hospitality - General Operations X049 11 1.0 5 6 YesHospitality: Practical Cookery Access 3 C201 09 Cookery Processes: An Introduction D264 09 1.0 3 6 YesHospitality: Practical Cookery Access 3 C201 09 Food Hygiene for the Hospitality Industry F792 09 0.5 3 3 YesHospitality: Practical Cookery Access 3 C201 09 Food Preparation Techniques: An Introduction D263 09 1.0 3 6 YesHospitality: Practical Cookery Access 3 C201 09 Hospitality: Organisation of Practical Skills D9NL 09 0.5 3 3 YesHospitality - Practical Cookery Intermediate 1 C201 10 Cookery Processes: An Introduction D264 10 1.0 4 6 YesHospitality - Practical Cookery Intermediate 1 C201 10 Food Hygiene for the Hospitality Industry F792 10 0.5 4 3 YesHospitality - Practical Cookery Intermediate 1 C201 10 Food Preparation Techniques: An Introduction D263 10 1.0 4 6 YesHospitality - Practical Cookery Intermediate 1 C201 10 Hospitality: Organisation of Practical Skills D9NL 10 0.5 4 3 YesHospitality - Practical Cookery Intermediate 1 C201 10 Hospitality - Practical Cookery X201 10 1.0 4 6 YesHospitality - Practical Cookery Intermediate 2 C201 11 Food Preparation for Healthy Eating D262 11 1.0 5 6 YesHospitality - Practical Cookery Intermediate 2 C201 11 Foods of the World D286 11 1.0 5 6 YesHospitality - Practical Cookery Intermediate 2 C201 11 Practical Cookery Skills for the Hospitality Industry D9NM 11 1.0 5 6 YesHospitality - Practical Cookery Intermediate 2 C201 11 Hospitality - Practical Cookery X201 11 1.0 5 6 YesHospitality - Professional Cookery Intermediate 2 C051 11 Cookery Processes F7DS 11 2.0 5 12 NoHospitality - Professional Cookery Intermediate 2 C051 11 Food Preparation Techniques F7DP 11 1.0 5 6 NoHospitality - Professional Cookery Intermediate 2 C051 11 Hospitality - Professional Cookery X051 11 1.0 5 6 NoHospitality - Professional Cookery Higher C051 12 Food Hygiene for the Hospitality Industry F792 12 1.0 6 6 NoHospitality - Professional Cookery Higher C051 12 Food Product Knowledge D289 12 1.0 6 6 NoHospitality - Professional Cookery Higher C051 12 Restaurant Food Production with Menu Planning D9NN 12 1.0 6 6 NoHospitality - Professional Cookery Higher C051 12 Hospitality - Professional Cookery X051 12 1.0 6 6 NoHuman Biology Higher C009 12 Behaviour, Populations and the Environment D045 12 1.0 6 6 YesHuman Biology Higher C009 12 Cell Function and Inheritance D043 12 1.0 6 6 YesHuman Biology Higher C009 12 The Continuation of Life D044 12 1.0 6 6 YesHuman Biology Higher C009 12 Human Biology X009 12 1.0 6 6 YesInformation Systems Intermediate 2 C216 11 Applied Multimedia DM4D 11 1.0 5 6 YesInformation Systems Intermediate 2 C216 11 Database Systems DM4A 11 1.0 5 6 YesInformation Systems Intermediate 2 C216 11 Expert Systems DM4H 11 1.0 5 6 YesInformation Systems Intermediate 2 C216 11 The Internet DM4F 11 1.0 5 6 YesInformation Systems Intermediate 2 C216 11 Using Information DM4C 11 1.0 5 6 YesInformation Systems Intermediate 2 C216 11 Information Systems X216 11 1.0 5 6 YesInformation Systems Higher C216 12 Applied Multimedia DM4D 12 1.0 6 6 YesInformation Systems Higher C216 12 Expert Systems DM4H 12 1.0 6 6 YesInformation Systems Higher C216 12 Relational Database Systems DM4K 12 1.0 6 6 YesInformation Systems Higher C216 12 The Internet DM4F 12 1.0 6 6 YesInformation Systems Higher C216 12 Using Information DM4C 12 1.0 6 6 YesInformation Systems Higher C216 12 Information Systems X216 12 1.0 6 6 YesInformation Systems Advanced Higher C216 13 Database Analysis and Design DV4X 13 1.0 7 8 YesInformation Systems Advanced Higher C216 13 Database Implementation and Testing DV4Y 13 1.0 7 8 YesInformation Systems Advanced Higher C216 13 Information Systems Interfaces DV51 13 1.0 7 8 YesInformation Systems Advanced Higher C216 13 On-line Database Systems DV50 13 1.0 7 8 YesInformation Systems Advanced Higher C216 13 Information Systems X216 13 1.0 7 8 YesItalian Access 2 C061 08 Italian: Language in Work D470 08 1.0 2 6 YesItalian Access 2 C061 08 Italian: Life in Another Country D566 08 1.0 2 6 YesItalian Access 2 C061 08 Italian: Personal Language D567 08 1.0 2 6 YesItalian Access 2 C061 08 Italian: Transactional Language D469 08 1.0 2 6 YesItalian Access 3 C061 09 Italian: Language in Work D470 09 1.0 3 6 YesItalian Access 3 C061 09 Italian: Personal Language D567 09 1.0 3 6 YesItalian Access 3 C061 09 Italian: Transactional Language D469 09 1.0 3 6 YesItalian Intermediate 1 C061 10 Italian: Language in Work D470 10 1.0 4 6 YesItalian Intermediate 1 C061 10 Italian: Personal and Social Language D468 10 1.0 4 6 YesItalian Intermediate 1 C061 10 Italian: Transactional Language D469 10 1.0 4 6 YesItalian Intermediate 1 C061 10 Italian X061 10 1.0 4 6 YesItalian Intermediate 2 C061 11 Italian: Extended Reading/Viewing D473 11 1.0 5 6 YesItalian Intermediate 2 C061 11 Italian: Language D471 11 2.0 5 12 YesItalian Intermediate 2 C061 11 Italian: Language in Work D470 11 1.0 5 6 YesItalian Intermediate 2 C061 11 Italian: Personal Communication D472 11 1.0 5 6 Yes

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Courses and their Units

Course Title Level Code Component Unit Title Code SCQF levelSQA Unit Credit(s)

SCQF Credit Points

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Italian Intermediate 2 C061 11 Italian X061 11 1.0 5 6 YesItalian Higher C061 12 Italian: Extended Reading/Viewing D473 12 1.0 6 6 YesItalian Higher C061 12 Italian: Language D471 12 2.0 6 12 YesItalian Higher C061 12 Italian: Language in Work D470 12 1.0 6 6 YesItalian Higher C061 12 Italian X061 12 1.0 6 6 YesItalian Advanced Higher C061 13 Italian: Extended Reading/Viewing D473 13 1.0 7 8 YesItalian Advanced Higher C061 13 Italian: Language D471 13 2.0 7 16 YesItalian Advanced Higher C061 13 Italian: Language in Work D470 13 1.0 7 8 YesItalian Advanced Higher C061 13 Italian X061 13 1.0 7 8 YesLatin Intermediate 1 C014 10 Latin: Interpretation D084 10 1.0 4 6 YesLatin Intermediate 1 C014 10 Latin: Translation D083 10 2.0 4 12 YesLatin Intermediate 1 C014 10 Latin X014 10 1.0 4 6 YesLatin Intermediate 2 C014 11 Latin: Interpretation D084 11 1.0 5 6 YesLatin Intermediate 2 C014 11 Latin: Translation D083 11 2.0 5 12 YesLatin Intermediate 2 C014 11 Latin X014 11 1.0 5 6 YesLatin Higher C014 12 Latin: Interpretation - Prose D086 12 1.0 6 6 YesLatin Higher C014 12 Latin: Interpretation - Verse D085 12 1.0 6 6 YesLatin Higher C014 12 Latin: Translation D083 12 1.0 6 6 YesLatin Higher C014 12 Latin X014 12 1.0 6 6 YesLatin Advanced Higher C014 13 Latin: Interpretation D084 13 1.0 7 8 YesLatin Advanced Higher C014 13 Latin: Investigation D087 13 1.0 7 8 YesLatin Advanced Higher C014 13 Latin: Translation D083 13 1.0 7 8 YesLatin Advanced Higher C014 13 Latin X014 13 1.0 7 8 YesManaging Environmental Resources Access 2 C055 08 Developing an Environmental Area D554 08 1.0 2 6 YesManaging Environmental Resources Access 2 C055 08 Monitoring and Maintaining an Environmental Area D555 08 1.0 2 6 YesManaging Environmental Resources Access 2 C055 08 Planning an Environmental Area D553 08 1.0 2 6 YesManaging Environmental Resources Access 3 C055 09 Developing an Environmental Area D554 09 1.0 3 6 YesManaging Environmental Resources Access 3 C055 09 Monitoring and Maintaining an Environmental Area D555 09 1.0 3 6 YesManaging Environmental Resources Access 3 C055 09 Planning an Environmental Area D553 09 1.0 3 6 YesManaging Environmental Resources Intermediate 1 C055 10 Environmental Issues D309 10 1.0 4 6 YesManaging Environmental Resources Intermediate 1 C055 10 Ecosystems D310 10 1.0 4 6 YesManaging Environmental Resources Intermediate 1 C055 10 Land Use D311 10 1.0 4 6 YesManaging Environmental Resources Intermediate 1 C055 10 Managing Environmental Resources X055 10 1.0 4 6 YesManaging Environmental Resources Intermediate 2 C055 11 Ecosystems D310 11 1.0 5 6 YesManaging Environmental Resources Intermediate 2 C055 11 Local Environment D314 11 1.0 5 6 YesManaging Environmental Resources Intermediate 2 C055 11 Natural Resource Use D312 11 1.0 5 6 YesManaging Environmental Resources Intermediate 2 C055 11 Managing Environmental Resources X055 11 1.0 5 6 YesManaging Environmental Resources Higher C055 12 Investigating Ecosystems D315 12 1.0 6 6 YesManaging Environmental Resources Higher C055 12 Land Use in Scotland D316 12 1.0 6 6 YesManaging Environmental Resources Higher C055 12 Natural Resource Use D312 12 1.0 6 6 YesManaging Environmental Resources Higher C055 12 Managing Environmental Resources X055 12 1.0 6 6 YesMandarin Access 3 C248 09 Mandarin: Language in Work F29R 09 1.0 3 6 YesMandarin Access 3 C248 09 Mandarin: Personal Language F29M 09 1.0 3 6 YesMandarin Access 3 C248 09 Mandarin:Transactional Language F29P 09 1.0 3 6 YesMandarin (Simplified) Intermediate 1 C256 10 Mandarin (Simplified) : Language in Work F3CX 10 1.0 4 6 YesMandarin (Simplified) Intermediate 1 C256 10 Mandarin (Simplified) : Personal and Social Language F3CY 10 1.0 4 6 YesMandarin (Simplified) Intermediate 1 C256 10 Mandarin (Simplified) : Transactional Language F3D0 10 1.0 4 6 YesMandarin (Simplified) Intermediate 1 C256 10 Mandarin (Simplified) X256 10 1.0 4 6 YesMandarin (Simplified) Intermediate 2 C256 11 Mandarin (Simplified): Extended Reading and Viewing F3CT 11 1.0 5 6 YesMandarin (Simplified) Intermediate 2 C256 11 Mandarin (Simplified): Language F3CV 11 2.0 5 12 YesMandarin (Simplified) Intermediate 2 C256 11 Mandarin (Simplified): Language in Work F3CX 11 1.0 5 6 YesMandarin (Simplified) Intermediate 2 C256 11 Mandarin (Simplified): Personal Communication F3CW 11 1.0 5 6 YesMandarin (Simplified) Intermediate 2 C256 11 Mandarin (Simplified) X256 11 1.0 5 6 YesMandarin (Simplified) Higher C256 12 Mandarin (Simplified): Extended Reading and Viewing F3CT 12 1.0 6 6 YesMandarin (Simplified) Higher C256 12 Mandarin (Simplified): Language F3CV 12 2.0 6 12 YesMandarin (Simplified) Higher C256 12 Mandarin (Simplified): Language in Work F3CX 12 1.0 6 6 YesMandarin (Simplified) Higher C256 12 Mandarin (Simplified): X256 12 1.0 6 6 YesMandarin (Simplified) Advanced Higher C256 13 Mandarin (Simplified): Extended Reading and Viewing F3CT 13 1.0 7 8 YesMandarin (Simplified) Advanced Higher C256 13 Mandarin (Simplified): Language F3CV 13 2.0 7 16 YesMandarin (Simplified) Advanced Higher C256 13 Mandarin (Simplified): Language in Work F3CX 13 1.0 7 8 YesMandarin (Simplified) Advanced Higher C256 13 Mandarin (Simplified): X256 13 1.0 7 8 YesMandarin (Traditional) Intermediate 1 C257 10 Mandarin (Traditional): Language in Work F3CS 10 1.0 4 6 Yes

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Courses and their Units

Course Title Level Code Component Unit Title Code SCQF levelSQA Unit Credit(s)

SCQF Credit Points

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Mandarin (Traditional) Intermediate 1 C257 10 Mandarin (Traditional): Personal and Social Language F3D1 10 1.0 4 6 YesMandarin (Traditional) Intermediate 1 C257 10 Mandarin (Traditional): Transactional Language F3D2 10 1.0 4 6 YesMandarin (Traditional) Intermediate 1 C257 10 Mandarin (Traditional) X257 10 1.0 4 YesMandarin (Traditional) Intermediate 2 C257 11 Mandarin (Traditional): Extended Reading and Viewing F3CN 11 1.0 5 6 YesMandarin (Traditional) Intermediate 2 C257 11 Mandarin (Traditional): Language F3CP 11 2.0 5 12 YesMandarin (Traditional) Intermediate 2 C257 11 Mandarin (Traditional): Language in Work F3CS 11 1.0 5 6 YesMandarin (Traditional) Intermediate 2 C257 11 Mandarin (Traditional): Personal Communication F3CR 11 1.0 5 6 YesMandarin (Traditional) Intermediate 2 C257 11 Mandarin (Traditional) X257 11 1.0 5 6 YesMandarin (Traditional) Higher C257 12 Mandarin (Traditional): Extended Reading and Viewing F3CN 12 1.0 6 6 YesMandarin (Traditional) Higher C257 12 Mandarin (Traditional): Language F3CP 12 2.0 6 12 YesMandarin (Traditional) Higher C257 12 Mandarin (Traditional): Language in Work F3CS 12 1.0 6 6 YesMandarin (Traditional) Higher C257 12 Mandarin (Traditional) X257 12 1.0 6 6 YesMandarin (Traditional) Advanced Higher C257 13 Mandarin (Traditional): Extended Reading and Viewing F3CN 13 1.0 7 8 YesMandarin (Traditional) Advanced Higher C257 13 Mandarin (Traditional): Language F3CP 13 2.0 7 16 YesMandarin (Traditional) Advanced Higher C257 13 Mandarin (Traditional): Language in Work F3CS 13 1.0 7 8 YesMandarin (Traditional) Advanced Higher C257 13 Mandarin (Traditional) X257 13 1.0 7 8 YesMathematics Access 2 C056 08 Using Mathematics in Everyday Situations 1 D556 08 1.0 2 6 YesMathematics Access 2 C056 08 Using Mathematics in Everyday Situations 2 D557 08 1.0 2 6 YesMathematics Access 2 C056 08 Using Mathematics in Everyday Situations 3 D558 08 1.0 2 6 YesMathematics Access 3 C056 09 Using Mathematics 1 D559 09 1.0 3 6 YesMathematics Access 3 C056 09 Using Mathematics 2 D560 09 1.0 3 6 YesMathematics Access 3 C056 09 Using Mathematics 3 D561 09 1.0 3 6 YesMathematics: Maths 1, 2 and 3 Intermediate 1 C100 10 Mathematics 1 D321 10 1.0 4 6 YesMathematics: Maths 1, 2 and 3 Intermediate 1 C100 10 Mathematics 2 D322 10 1.0 4 6 YesMathematics: Maths 1, 2 and 3 Intermediate 1 C100 10 Mathematics 3 D323 10 1.0 4 6 YesMathematics: Maths 1, 2 and 3 Intermediate 1 C100 10 Mathematics: Maths 1, 2 and 3 X100 10 1.0 4 6 YesMathematics: Maths 1, 2 and 3 Intermediate 2 C100 11 Mathematics 1 D321 11 1.0 5 6 YesMathematics: Maths 1, 2 and 3 Intermediate 2 C100 11 Mathematics 2 D322 11 1.0 5 6 YesMathematics: Maths 1, 2 and 3 Intermediate 2 C100 11 Mathematics 3 D323 11 1.0 5 6 YesMathematics: Maths 1, 2 and 3 Intermediate 2 C100 11 Mathematics X100 11 1.0 5 6 YesMathematics: Maths 1, 2 and 3 Higher C100 12 Mathematics 1 D321 12 1.0 6 6 YesMathematics: Maths 1, 2 and 3 Higher C100 12 Mathematics 2 D322 12 1.0 6 6 YesMathematics: Maths 1, 2 and 3 Higher C100 12 Mathematics 3 D323 12 1.0 6 6 YesMathematics: Maths 1, 2 and 3 Higher C100 12 Mathematics: Maths 1, 2 and 3 X100 12 1.0 6 6 YesMathematics: Maths 1, 2 and 3 Advanced Higher C100 13 Mathematics 1 D321 13 1.0 7 8 YesMathematics: Maths 1, 2 and 3 Advanced Higher C100 13 Mathematics 2 D322 13 1.0 7 8 YesMathematics: Maths 1, 2 and 3 Advanced Higher C100 13 Mathematics 3 D323 13 1.0 7 8 YesMathematics: Maths 1, 2 and 3 Advanced Higher C100 13 Mathematics: Maths 1, 2 and 3 X100 13 1.0 7 8 YesMathematics: Maths 1, 2 and Applications Intermediate 1 C101 10 Applications of Mathematics D324 10 1.0 4 6 YesMathematics: Maths 1, 2 and Applications Intermediate 1 C101 10 Mathematics 1 D321 10 1.0 4 6 YesMathematics: Maths 1, 2 and Applications Intermediate 1 C101 10 Mathematics 2 D322 10 1.0 4 6 YesMathematics: Maths 1, 2 and Applications Intermediate 1 C101 10 Mathematics: Maths 1, 2 and Applications X101 10 1.0 4 6 YesMathematics: Maths 1, 2 and Applications Intermediate 2 C101 11 Applications of Mathematics D324 11 1.0 5 6 YesMathematics: Maths 1, 2 and Applications Intermediate 2 C101 11 Mathematics 1 D321 11 1.0 5 6 YesMathematics: Maths 1, 2 and Applications Intermediate 2 C101 11 Mathematics 2 D322 11 1.0 5 6 YesMathematics: Maths 1, 2 and Applications Intermediate 2 C101 11 Mathematics: Maths 1, 2 and Applications X101 11 1.0 5 6 YesMechatronics Higher C028 12 Mechatronic Systems: An Introduction D146 12 1.0 6 6 NoMechatronics Higher C028 12 Mechatronics Case Study D149 12 0.5 6 3 NoMechatronics Higher C028 12 Programmable Control Systems D147 12 0.5 6 3 NoMechatronics Higher C028 12 Robotic and Automated Systems D148 12 1.0 6 6 NoMechatronics Higher C028 12 Mechatronics X028 12 1.0 6 6 NoMedia Studies Access 2 C058 08 Media Analysis D332 08 1.0 2 6 YesMedia Studies Access 2 C058 08 Media Practical D333 08 1.0 2 6 YesMedia Studies Access 2 C058 08 Media Production D334 08 1.0 2 6 YesMedia Studies Access 3 C210 09 Media Analysis: Fiction DF14 09 1.0 3 6 YesMedia Studies Access 3 C210 09 Media Analysis: Non-fiction DF15 09 1.0 3 6 YesMedia Studies Access 3 C210 09 Media Production DF16 09 1.0 3 6 YesMedia Studies Intermediate 1 C210 10 Media Analysis: Fiction DF14 10 1.0 4 6 YesMedia Studies Intermediate 1 C210 10 Media Analysis: Non-fiction DF15 10 1.0 4 6 YesMedia Studies Intermediate 1 C210 10 Media Production DF16 10 1.0 4 6 YesMedia Studies Intermediate 1 C210 10 Media Studies X210 10 1.0 4 6 YesMedia Studies Intermediate 2 C210 11 Media Analysis: Fiction DF14 11 1.0 5 6 Yes

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Media Studies Intermediate 2 C210 11 Media Analysis: Non-fiction DF15 11 1.0 5 6 YesMedia Studies Intermediate 2 C210 11 Media Production DF16 11 1.0 5 6 YesMedia Studies Intermediate 2 C210 11 Media Studies X210 11 1.0 5 6 YesMedia Studies Higher C210 12 Media Analysis: Fiction DF14 12 1.0 6 6 YesMedia Studies Higher C210 12 Media Analysis: Non-fiction DF15 12 1.0 6 6 YesMedia Studies Higher C210 12 Media Production DF16 12 1.0 6 6 YesMedia Studies Higher C210 12 Media Studies X210 12 1.0 6 6 YesMedia Studies Advanced Higher C210 13 Media Analysis DV31 13 1.0 7 8 YesMedia Studies Advanced Higher C210 13 Media Investigation DV32 13 1.0 7 8 YesMedia Studies Advanced Higher C210 13 Media Production DF16 13 1.0 7 8 YesMedia Studies Advanced Higher C210 13 Media Studies X210 13 1.0 7 8 YesMental Health Care Higher C06G 12 Caring for People with Dementia D11A 12 1.0 6 6 NoMental Health Care Higher C06G 12 Stress and Stress Management D10Y 12 1.0 6 6 NoMental Health Care Higher C06G 12 Understanding of Mental Health and Mental Illness DF6H 12 2.0 6 12 NoMental Health Care Higher C06G 12 Mental Health Care X06G 12 1.0 6 6 NoModern Studies Access 3 C236 09 International Issues DV54 09 1.0 3 6 YesModern Studies Access 3 C236 09 Political Issues in the United Kingdom DV52 09 1.0 3 6 YesModern Studies Access 3 C236 09 Social Issues in the United Kingdom DV53 09 1.0 3 6 YesModern Studies Intermediate 1 C236 10 International Issues DV54 10 1.0 4 6 YesModern Studies Intermediate 1 C236 10 Political Issues in the United Kingdom DV52 10 1.0 4 6 YesModern Studies Intermediate 1 C236 10 Social Issues in the United Kingdom DV53 10 1.0 4 6 YesModern Studies Intermediate 1 C236 10 Modern Studies X236 10 1.0 4 6 YesModern Studies Intermediate 2 C236 11 International Issues DV54 11 1.0 5 6 YesModern Studies Intermediate 2 C236 11 Political Issues in the United Kingdom DV52 11 1.0 5 6 YesModern Studies Intermediate 2 C236 11 Social Issues in the United Kingdom DV53 11 1.0 5 6 YesModern Studies Intermediate 2 C236 11 Modern Studies X236 11 1.0 5 6 YesModern Studies Higher C236 12 International Issues DV54 12 1.0 6 6 YesModern Studies Higher C236 12 Political Issues in the United Kingdom DV52 12 1.0 6 6 YesModern Studies Higher C236 12 Social Issues in the United Kingdom DV53 12 1.0 6 6 YesModern Studies Higher C236 12 Modern Studies X236 12 1.0 6 6 YesModern Studies Advanced Higher C236 13 Modern Studies: Practical Research F1HE 13 1.0 7 8 YesModern Studies Advanced Higher C236 13 Political and Social Issues F1HD 13 2.0 7 16 YesModern Studies Advanced Higher C236 13 Modern Studies X236 13 1.0 7 8 YesMusic Access 2 C065 08 Listening and Performing D583 08 1.0 2 6 YesMusic Access 2 C065 08 Music: Creating and Listening D584 08 1.0 2 6 YesMusic Access 2 C065 08 Music: Performing and Creating D585 08 1.0 2 6 YesMusic: Performing Access 3 C231 09 Music: Composing DV45 09 1.0 3 6 YesMusic: Performing Access 3 C231 09 Music: Listening DV41 09 1.0 3 6 YesMusic: Performing Access 3 C231 09 Music: Performing DV46 09 1.0 3 6 YesMusic: Performing Intermediate 1 C231 10 Music: Composing DV45 10 1.0 4 6 YesMusic: Performing Intermediate 1 C231 10 Music: Listening DV41 10 1.0 4 6 YesMusic: Performing Intermediate 1 C231 10 Music: Performing DV46 10 1.0 4 6 YesMusic: Performing Intermediate 1 C231 10 Music: Performing X231 10 1.0 4 6 YesMusic: Performing Intermediate 2 C231 11 Music: Composing DV45 11 1.0 5 6 YesMusic: Performing Intermediate 2 C231 11 Music: Listening DV41 11 1.0 5 6 YesMusic: Performing Intermediate 2 C231 11 Music: Performing DV46 11 1.0 5 6 YesMusic: Performing Intermediate 2 C231 11 Music: Performing X231 11 1.0 5 6 YesMusic: Performing Higher C231 12 Music: Composing DV45 12 1.0 6 6 YesMusic: Performing Higher C231 12 Music: Listening DV41 12 1.0 6 6 YesMusic: Performing Higher C231 12 Music: Performing DV46 12 1.0 6 6 YesMusic: Performing Higher C231 12 Music: Performing X231 12 1.0 6 6 YesMusic: Performing Advanced Higher C231 13 Music: Composing DV45 13 1.0 7 8 YesMusic: Performing Advanced Higher C231 13 Music: Listening DV41 13 1.0 7 8 YesMusic: Performing Advanced Higher C231 13 Music: Performing DV46 13 1.0 7 8 YesMusic: Performing Advanced Higher C231 13 Music: Performing X231 13 1.0 7 8 YesMusic: Performing with Technology Access 3 C233 09 Music: Composing DV45 09 1.0 3 6 YesMusic: Performing with Technology Access 3 C233 09 Music: Listening DV41 09 1.0 3 6 YesMusic: Performing with Technology Access 3 C233 09 Music: Performing with Technology DV4F 09 1.0 3 6 YesMusic: Performing with Technology Intermediate 1 C233 10 Music: Composing DV45 10 1.0 4 6 YesMusic: Performing with Technology Intermediate 1 C233 10 Music: Listening DV41 10 1.0 4 6 YesMusic: Performing with Technology Intermediate 1 C233 10 Music: Performing with Technology DV4F 10 1.0 4 6 YesMusic: Performing with Technology Intermediate 1 C233 10 Music: Performing with Technology X233 10 1.0 4 6 Yes

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Music: Performing with Technology Intermediate 2 C233 11 Music: Composing DV45 11 1.0 5 6 YesMusic: Performing with Technology Intermediate 2 C233 11 Music: Listening DV41 11 1.0 5 6 YesMusic: Performing with Technology Intermediate 2 C233 11 Music: Performing with Technology DV4F 11 1.0 5 6 YesMusic: Performing with Technology Intermediate 2 C233 11 Music: Performing with Technology X233 11 1.0 5 6 YesMusic: Performing with Technology Higher C233 12 Music: Composing DV45 12 1.0 6 6 YesMusic: Performing with Technology Higher C233 12 Music: Listening DV41 12 1.0 6 6 YesMusic: Performing with Technology Higher C233 12 Music: Performing with Technology DV4F 12 1.0 6 6 YesMusic: Performing with Technology Higher C233 12 Music: Performing with Technology X233 12 1.0 6 6 YesMusic: Performing with Technology Advanced Higher C233 13 Music: Composing DV45 13 1.0 7 8 YesMusic: Performing with Technology Advanced Higher C233 13 Music: Listening DV41 13 1.0 7 8 YesMusic: Performing with Technology Advanced Higher C233 13 Music: Performing with Technology DV4F 13 1.0 7 8 YesMusic: Performing with Technology Advanced Higher C233 13 Music: Performing with Technology X233 13 1.0 7 8 YesPersonal Care Access 2 C082 08 Daily Organisation D04E 08 1.0 2 6 YesPersonal Care Access 2 C082 08 Healthy Living D04D 08 1.0 2 6 YesPersonal Care Access 2 C082 08 Personal Hygiene D04C 08 1.0 2 6 YesPersonal Development Access 2 C250 08 Practical Abilities: Independent Living F37P 08 1.0 2 6 YesPersonal Development Access 2 C250 08 Practical Abilities: Making Journeys F37N 08 1.0 2 6 YesPersonal Development Access 2 C250 08 Practical Abilities: Personal Finance F37R 08 1.0 2 6 YesPersonal Development Access 2 C250 08 Self and Work: Completing a Work Placement F37L 08 1.0 2 6 YesPersonal Development Access 2 C250 08 Self and Work: Enterprise Activity F37M 08 1.0 2 6 YesPersonal Development Access 2 C250 08 Self and Work: Investigating the Workplace F37K 08 1.0 2 6 YesPersonal Development Access 2 C250 08 Self in Society: Environmental Issues F37V 08 1.0 2 6 YesPersonal Development Access 2 C250 08 Self in Society: Investigating Service Providers in the Local Community F37T 08 1.0 2 6 YesPersonal Development Access 2 C250 08 Self in Society: Leisure Time Activities F37S 08 1.0 2 6 YesPersonal Development Access 3 C250 09 Personal Development: Practical Abilities F37Y 09 1.0 3 6 YesPersonal Development Access 3 C250 09 Personal Development: Self and Work F37X 09 1.0 3 6 YesPersonal Development Access 3 C250 09 Personal Development: Self in Society F37W 09 1.0 3 6 YesPersonal Development Intermediate 1 C255 10 Personal Development: Practical Abilities F37Y 10 1.0 4 6 YesPersonal Development Intermediate 1 C255 10 Personal Development: Self and Work F37X 10 1.0 4 6 YesPersonal Development Intermediate 1 C255 10 Personal Development: Self Awareness F2FV 10 1.0 4 6 YesPersonal Development Intermediate 1 C255 10 Personal Development: Self in Society F37W 10 1.0 4 6 YesPersonal Development Intermediate 2 C255 11 Personal Development: Self Awareness F2FV 11 1.0 5 6 YesPersonal Development Intermediate 2 C255 11 Personal Development: Self in Society F37W 11 1.0 5 6 YesPersonal Development Intermediate 2 C255 11 Personal Development: Self and Work F37X 11 1.0 5 6 YesPersonal Development Intermediate 2 C255 11 Personal Development: Practical Abilities F37Y 11 1.0 5 6 YesPersonal Development Higher C255 12 Personal Development: Practical Abilities F37Y 12 1.0 6 6 YesPersonal Development Higher C255 12 Personal Development: Self and Work F37X 12 1.0 6 6 YesPersonal Development Higher C255 12 Personal Development: Self Awareness F2FV 12 1.0 6 6 YesPersonal Development Higher C255 12 Personal Development: Self in Society F37W 12 1.0 6 6 YesPhilosophy Intermediate 2 C237 11 Critical Thinking in Philosophy DV55 11 0.5 5 3 NoPhilosophy Intermediate 2 C237 11 Epistemology DV58 11 1.0 5 6 NoPhilosophy Intermediate 2 C237 11 Moral Philosophy DV57 11 1.0 5 6 NoPhilosophy Intermediate 2 C237 11 Philosophy: Metaphysics DV56 11 0.5 5 3 NoPhilosophy Intermediate 2 C237 11 Philosophy X237 11 1.0 5 6 NoPhilosophy Higher C237 12 Critical Thinking in Philosophy DV55 12 0.5 6 3 NoPhilosophy Higher C237 12 Epistemology DV58 12 1.0 6 6 NoPhilosophy Higher C237 12 Moral Philosophy DV57 12 1.0 6 6 NoPhilosophy Higher C237 12 Philosophy: Metaphysics DV56 12 0.5 6 3 NoPhilosophy Higher C237 12 Philosophy X237 12 1.0 6 6 NoPhotography for the Media Higher C06A 12 Basic Camera Techniques D7YE 12 1.0 6 6 NoPhotography for the Media Higher C06A 12 Digital Imaging D7YF 12 6 0 NoPhotography for the Media Higher C06A 12 Photo Reportage D7YD 12 1.0 6 6 NoPhotography for the Media Higher C06A 12 Photography: Creative Image Making Techniques D7YC 12 1.0 6 6 NoPhotography for the Media Higher C06A 12 Photography: Research Project D7YG 12 1.0 6 6 NoPhotography for the Media Higher C06A 12 Photography for the Media X06A 12 1.0 6 6 NoPhysical Education Access 2 C068 08 Physical Education: Appreciation of Performance D577 08 1.0 2 6 YesPhysical Education Access 2 C068 08 Physical Education: Integrated Performance D575 08 1.0 2 6 YesPhysical Education Access 2 C068 08 Physical Education: Performance D371 08 1.0 2 6 YesPhysical Education Access 3 C205 09 Physical Education: Analysis and Development of Performance DF2R 09 1.0 3 6 YesPhysical Education Access 3 C205 09 Physical Education: Performance A DM45 09 0.5 3 3 YesPhysical Education Access 3 C205 09 Physical Education: Performance B DM46 09 0.5 3 3 YesPhysical Education Access 3 C205 09 Physical Education: Performance C DM47 09 0.5 3 3 Yes

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Physical Education Access 3 C205 09 Physical Education: Performance D DM48 09 0.5 3 3 YesPhysical Education Intermediate 1 C205 10 Physical Education: Analysis and Development of Performance DF2R 10 1.5 4 9 YesPhysical Education Intermediate 1 C205 10 Physical Education: Performance DF2T 10 1.5 4 9 YesPhysical Education Intermediate 1 C205 10 Physical Education X205 10 1.0 4 6 YesPhysical Education Intermediate 2 C205 11 Physical Education: Analysis and Development of Performance DF2R 11 1.5 5 9 YesPhysical Education Intermediate 2 C205 11 Physical Education: Performance DF2T 11 1.5 5 9 YesPhysical Education Intermediate 2 C205 11 Physical Education X205 11 1.0 5 6 YesPhysical Education Higher C205 12 Physical Education: Analysis and Development of Performance DF2R 12 1.5 6 9 YesPhysical Education Higher C205 12 Physical Education: Performance DF2T 12 1.5 6 9 YesPhysical Education Higher C205 12 Physical Education X205 12 1.0 6 6 YesPhysical Education Advanced Higher C205 13 Physical Education: Analysis and Development of Performance DF2R 13 1.0 7 8 YesPhysical Education Advanced Higher C205 13 Physical Education: Performance DF2T 13 1.0 7 8 YesPhysical Education Advanced Higher C205 13 Physical Education: Perspectives on Performance Development DM49 13 1.0 7 8 YesPhysical Education Advanced Higher C205 13 Physical Education X205 13 1.0 7 8 YesPhysics Access 3 C069 09 Electronics D378 09 0.5 3 3 YesPhysics Access 3 C069 09 Movement D377 09 0.5 3 3 YesPhysics Access 3 C069 09 Practical Electricity D374 09 0.5 3 3 YesPhysics Access 3 C069 09 Radiations D375 09 0.5 3 3 YesPhysics Access 3 C069 09 Sound and Music D376 09 0.5 3 3 YesPhysics Access 3 C069 09 Telecommunications D373 09 0.5 3 3 YesPhysics Intermediate 1 C069 10 Electronics D378 10 0.5 4 3 YesPhysics Intermediate 1 C069 10 Movement D377 10 0.5 4 3 YesPhysics Intermediate 1 C069 10 Practical Electricity D374 10 0.5 4 3 YesPhysics Intermediate 1 C069 10 Radiations D375 10 0.5 4 3 YesPhysics Intermediate 1 C069 10 Sound and Music D376 10 0.5 4 3 YesPhysics Intermediate 1 C069 10 Telecommunications D373 10 0.5 4 3 YesPhysics Intermediate 1 C069 10 Physics X069 10 1.0 4 6 YesPhysics Intermediate 2 C069 11 Electricity and Electronics D380 11 1.0 5 6 YesPhysics Intermediate 2 C069 11 Mechanics and Heat D379 11 1.0 5 6 YesPhysics Intermediate 2 C069 11 Radioactivity D382 11 0.5 5 3 YesPhysics Intermediate 2 C069 11 Waves and Optics D381 11 0.5 5 3 YesPhysics Intermediate 2 C069 11 Physics X069 11 1.0 5 6 YesPhysics Higher C069 12 Electricity and Electronics D380 12 1.0 6 6 YesPhysics Higher C069 12 Mechanics and Properties of Matter D383 12 1.0 6 6 YesPhysics Higher C069 12 Radiation and Matter D384 12 1.0 6 6 YesPhysics Higher C069 12 Physics X069 12 1.0 6 6 YesPhysics Advanced Higher C069 13 Electrical Phenomena D386 13 1.0 7 8 YesPhysics Advanced Higher C069 13 Mechanics D385 13 1.0 7 8 YesPhysics Advanced Higher C069 13 Physics Investigation D388 13 0.5 7 4 YesPhysics Advanced Higher C069 13 Wave Phenomena D387 13 0.5 7 4 YesPhysics Advanced Higher C069 13 Physics X069 13 1.0 7 8 YesPlay in Early Education and Childcare Higher C06L 12 Play in Early Education and Childcare DM41 12 1.0 6 6 NoPlay in Early Education and Childcare Higher C06L 12 Play in Practice DM42 12 2.0 6 12 NoPlay in Early Education and Childcare Higher C06L 12 Play in Early Education and Childcare X061 12 1.0 6 6 NoPolitics Higher C235 12 Political Representation DV4V 12 1.0 6 6 YesPolitics Higher C235 12 Political Structure DV4T 12 1.0 6 6 YesPolitics Higher C235 12 Political Theory DV4R 12 1.0 6 6 YesPolitics Higher C235 12 Politics X235 12 1.0 6 6 YesPractical Experiences: Construction and Engineering Access 3 C240 09 Developing Employability Skills in Construction and Engineering DX17 09 1.0 3 6 NoPractical Experiences: Construction and Engineering Access 3 C240 09 Practical Experiences in Construction DX15 09 1.0 3 6 NoPractical Experiences: Construction and Engineering Access 3 C240 09 Practical Experiences in Engineering DX16 09 1.0 3 6 NoProduct Design Intermediate 2 C211 11 Product Design: Design Analysis DF4V 11 1.0 5 6 YesProduct Design Intermediate 2 C211 11 Product Design: Developing Design Proposals DF4W 11 1.0 5 6 YesProduct Design Intermediate 2 C211 11 Product Design: Manufacturing Products DF4X 11 1.0 5 6 YesProduct Design Intermediate 2 C211 11 Product Design X211 11 1.0 5 6 YesProduct Design Higher C211 12 Product Design: Design Analysis DF4V 12 1.0 6 6 YesProduct Design Higher C211 12 Product Design: Developing Design Proposals DF4W 12 1.0 6 6 YesProduct Design Higher C211 12 Product Design: Manufacturing Products DF4X 12 1.0 6 6 YesProduct Design Higher C211 12 Product Design X211 12 1.0 6 6 YesProduct Design Advanced Higher C211 13 Design Case Studies D129 13 1.0 7 8 YesProduct Design Advanced Higher C211 13 Product Design Analysis D130 13 1.0 7 8 YesProduct Design Advanced Higher C211 13 Product Development D131 13 1.0 7 8 Yes

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Product Design Advanced Higher C211 13 Craft and Design X211 13 1.0 7 8 YesPsychology Intermediate 1 C263 10 Psychology: Investigating Behaviour DF5L 10 1.0 4 6 NoPsychology Intermediate 1 C263 10 Psychology: The Individual in the Social Context F5B5 10 1.0 4 6 NoPsychology Intermediate 1 C263 10 Psychology: Understanding the Individual F5B4 10 1.0 4 6 NoPsychology Intermediate 1 C263 10 Psychology X263 10 1.0 4 6 NoPsychology Intermediate 2 C263 11 Psychology: Investigating Behaviour DF5L 11 1.0 5 6 NoPsychology Intermediate 2 C263 11 Psychology: The Individual in the Social Context F5B5 11 1.0 5 6 NoPsychology Intermediate 2 C263 11 Psychology: Understanding the Individual F5B4 11 1.0 5 6 NoPsychology Intermediate 2 C263 11 Psychology X263 11 1.0 5 6 NoPsychology Higher C263 12 Psychology: Investigating Behaviour DF5L 12 1.0 6 6 NoPsychology Higher C263 12 Psychology: The Individual in the Social Context F5B5 12 1.0 6 6 NoPsychology Higher C263 12 Psychology: Understanding the Individual F5B4 12 1.0 6 6 NoPsychology Higher C263 12 Psychology X263 12 1.0 6 6 NoReligious, Moral and Philosophical Studies Access 2 C072 08 Questioning Belief D580 08 1.0 2 6 YesReligious, Moral and Philosophical Studies Access 2 C072 08 Questioning Morality D581 08 1.0 2 6 YesReligious, Moral and Philosophical Studies Access 2 C072 08 Questioning the World D582 08 1.0 2 6 YesReligious, Moral and Philosophical Studies Access 3 C072 09 Questioning Belief D580 09 1.0 3 6 YesReligious, Moral and Philosophical Studies Access 3 C072 09 Questioning Morality D581 09 1.0 3 6 YesReligious, Moral and Philosophical Studies Access 3 C072 09 Questioning the World D582 09 1.0 3 6 YesReligious, Moral and Philosophical Studies Intermediate 1 C265 10 Morality in the Modern World F59K 10 1.0 4 6 YesReligious, Moral and Philosophical Studies Intermediate 1 C265 10 The Existence of God F59M 10 1.0 4 6 YesReligious, Moral and Philosophical Studies Intermediate 1 C265 10 World Religion F59E 10 1.0 4 6 YesReligious, Moral and Philosophical Studies Intermediate 1 C265 10 Religious Moral and Philosophical Studies X265 10 1.0 4 6 YesReligious, Moral and Philosophical Studies Intermediate 2 C265 11 Christianity: Belief and Science F59Y 11 1.0 5 6 YesReligious, Moral and Philosophical Studies Intermediate 2 C265 11 Morality in the Modern World F59K 11 1.0 5 6 YesReligious, Moral and Philosophical Studies Intermediate 2 C265 11 The Existence of God F59M 11 1.0 5 6 YesReligious, Moral and Philosophical Studies Intermediate 2 C265 11 World Religion F59E 11 1.0 5 6 YesReligious, Moral and Philosophical Studies Intermediate 2 C265 11 Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies X265 11 1.0 5 6 YesReligious, Moral and Philosophical Studies Higher C265 12 Christianity: Belief and Science F59Y 12 1.0 6 6 YesReligious, Moral and Philosophical Studies Higher C265 12 Morality in the Modern World F59K 12 1.0 6 6 YesReligious, Moral and Philosophical Studies Higher C265 12 World Religion F59E 12 1.0 6 6 YesReligious, Moral and Philosophical Studies Higher C265 12 Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies X265 12 1.0 6 6 YesReligious, Moral and Philosophical Studies Advanced Higher C265 13 Medical Ethics F5AM 13 1.0 7 8 YesReligious, Moral and Philosophical Studies Advanced Higher C265 13 Philosophy of Religion F5A6 13 1.0 7 8 YesReligious, Moral and Philosophical Studies Advanced Higher C265 13 Religious Experience F5AH 13 1.0 7 8 YesReligious, Moral and Philosophical Studies Advanced Higher C265 13 Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies - Personal Research F5A8 13 1.0 7 8 YesReligious, Moral and Philosophical Studies Advanced Higher C265 13 Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies X265 13 1.0 7 8 YesRetail Travel Higher C06K 12 Surface Travel DF6L 12 1.0 6 6 NoRetail Travel Higher C06K 12 Travel Agency Practice DF6K 12 2.0 6 12 NoRetail Travel Higher C06K 12 Retail Travel X06K 12 1.0 6 6 NoRetailing Intermediate 2 C249 11 Retailing: Planning and Implementing an Event F33K 11 1.0 5 6 NoRetailing Intermediate 2 C249 11 Retailing: Satisfying Customer Needs F33J 11 1.0 5 6 NoRetailing Intermediate 2 C249 11 Retailing: Storing,Replenishing and Displaying Stock F33H 11 1.0 5 6 NoRetailing Intermediate 2 C249 11 Retailing: Working in Retail F33G 11 1.0 5 6 NoRural Skills Intermediate 1 C239 10 Animal Handling: An Introduction DX0Y 10 1.0 4 6 NoRural Skills Intermediate 1 C239 10 Animal Husbandry: An Introduction DX0X 10 1.0 4 6 NoRural Skills Intermediate 1 C239 10 Crop Production: An Introduction DX12 10 1.0 4 6 NoRural Skills Intermediate 1 C239 10 Employability Skills for Land-based Industries DX0W10 1.0 4 6 NoRural Skills Intermediate 1 C239 10 Estate Maintenance: An Introduction DV0A10 1.0 4 6 NoRural Skills Intermediate 1 C239 10 Land-based Industries: An Introduction DX0V10 1.0 4 6 NoRural Skills Intermediate 1 C239 10 Soft Landscaping: An Introduction DX13 10 1.0 4 6 NoRussian Access 2 C062 08 Russian: Language in Work D476 08 1.0 2 6 YesRussian Access 2 C062 08 Russian: Life in Another Country D568 08 1.0 2 6 YesRussian Access 2 C062 08 Russian: Personal Language D569 08 1.0 2 6 YesRussian Access 2 C062 08 Russian: Transactional Language D475 08 1.0 2 6 YesRussian Access 3 C062 09 Russian: Language in Work D476 09 1.0 3 6 YesRussian Access 3 C062 09 Russian: Personal Language D569 09 1.0 3 6 YesRussian Access 3 C062 09 Russian: Transactional Language D475 09 1.0 3 6 YesRussian Intermediate 1 C062 10 Russian: Language in Work D476 10 1.0 4 6 YesRussian Intermediate 1 C062 10 Russian: Personal and Social Language D474 10 1.0 4 6 YesRussian Intermediate 1 C062 10 Russian: Transactional Language D475 10 1.0 4 6 YesRussian Intermediate 1 C062 10 Russian X062 10 1.0 4 6 Yes

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Russian Intermediate 2 C062 11 Russian: Extended Reading/Viewing D479 11 1.0 5 6 YesRussian Intermediate 2 C062 11 Russian: Language D477 11 2.0 5 12 YesRussian Intermediate 2 C062 11 Russian: Language in Work D476 11 1.0 5 6 YesRussian Intermediate 2 C062 11 Russian: Personal Communication D478 11 1.0 5 6 YesRussian Intermediate 2 C062 11 Russian X062 11 1.0 5 6 YesRussian Higher C062 12 Russian: Extended Reading/Viewing D479 12 1.0 6 6 YesRussian Higher C062 12 Russian: Language D477 12 2.0 6 12 YesRussian Higher C062 12 Russian: Language in Work D476 12 1.0 6 6 YesRussian Higher C062 12 Russian X062 12 1.0 6 6 YesScience Access 2 C081 08 Biology D04A 08 1.0 2 6 YesScience Access 2 C081 08 Chemistry D03Y 08 1.0 2 6 YesScience Access 2 C081 08 Science D04B 08 1.0 2 6 YesScience Access 2 C081 08 Physics D04P 08 1.0 2 6 YesSelling Overseas Tourist Destinations Intermediate 2 C03T 11 European and Mediterranean Area Tourist Destinations F3PF 11 1.0 5 6 NoSelling Overseas Tourist Destinations Intermediate 2 C03T 11 Popular Longhaul Tourist Destinations F3PG 11 1.0 5 6 NoSelling Overseas Tourist Destinations Intermediate 2 C03T 11 Selling Skills F3PJ 11 1.0 5 6 NoSelling Overseas Tourist Destinations Intermediate 2 C03T 11 Selling Overseas Tourist Destinations X03T 11 1.0 5 6 NoSelling Scheduled Air Travel Higher C06J 12 Air Travel: An Introduction DF6M 12 2.0 6 12 NoSelling Scheduled Air Travel Higher C06J 12 Selling Scheduled Air Travel X06J 12 1.0 6 6 NoSelling Scheduled Air Travel Higher C06J 12 Selling the Travel and Tourism Product F3P9 12 1.0 6 6 NoSocial Subjects Access 2 C079 08 Social Subjects: Deciding D526 08 1.0 2 6 YesSocial Subjects Access 2 C079 08 Social Subjects: Contrasting D527 08 1.0 2 6 YesSocial Subjects Access 2 C079 08 Social Subjects: Organising and Presenting Information D528 08 1.0 2 6 YesSocial Subjects Access 3 C079 09 Social Subjects: Deciding D526 09 1.0 3 6 YesSocial Subjects Access 3 C079 09 Social Subjects: Contrasting D527 09 1.0 3 6 YesSocial Subjects Access 3 C079 09 Social Subjects: Organising and Presenting Information D528 09 1.0 3 6 YesSociology Intermediate 2 C228 11 Social Stratification DV3M 11 1.0 5 6 YesSociology Intermediate 2 C228 11 Socialisation DV3L 11 1.0 5 6 YesSociology Intermediate 2 C228 11 Studying Human Society: The Sociological Approach DV3P 11 1.0 5 6 YesSociology Intermediate 2 C228 11 Sociology X228 11 1.0 5 6 YesSociology Higher C228 12 Studying Human Society: The Sociological Approach DV3P 12 1.0 6 6 YesSociology Higher C228 12 Understanding Human Society 1 DV3Y 12 1.0 6 6 YesSociology Higher C228 12 Understanding Human Society 2 DV40 12 1.0 6 6 YesSociology Higher C228 12 Sociology X228 12 1.0 6 6 YesSpanish Access 2 C063 08 Spanish: Language in Work D482 08 1.0 2 6 YesSpanish Access 2 C063 08 Spanish: Life in Another Country D570 08 1.0 2 6 YesSpanish Access 2 C063 08 Spanish: Personal Language D571 08 1.0 2 6 YesSpanish Access 2 C063 08 Spanish: Transactional Language D481 08 1.0 2 6 YesSpanish Access 3 C063 09 Spanish: Language in Work D482 09 1.0 3 6 YesSpanish Access 3 C063 09 Spanish: Personal Language D571 09 1.0 3 6 YesSpanish Access 3 C063 09 Spanish: Transactional Language D481 09 1.0 3 6 YesSpanish Intermediate 1 C063 10 Spanish: Language in Work D482 10 1.0 4 6 YesSpanish Intermediate 1 C063 10 Spanish: Personal and Social Language D480 10 1.0 4 6 YesSpanish Intermediate 1 C063 10 Spanish: Transactional Language D481 10 1.0 4 6 YesSpanish Intermediate 1 C063 10 Spanish X063 10 1.0 4 6 YesSpanish Intermediate 2 C063 11 Spanish: Extended Reading/Viewing D485 11 1.0 5 6 YesSpanish Intermediate 2 C063 11 Spanish: Language D483 11 2.0 5 12 YesSpanish Intermediate 2 C063 11 Spanish: Language in Work D482 11 1.0 5 6 YesSpanish Intermediate 2 C063 11 Spanish: Personal Communication D484 11 1.0 5 6 YesSpanish Intermediate 2 C063 11 Spanish X063 11 1.0 5 6 YesSpanish Higher C063 12 Spanish: Extended Reading/Viewing D485 12 1.0 6 6 YesSpanish Higher C063 12 Spanish: Language D483 12 2.0 6 12 YesSpanish Higher C063 12 Spanish: Language in Work D482 12 1.0 6 6 YesSpanish Higher C063 12 Spanish X063 12 1.0 6 6 YesSpanish Advanced Higher C063 13 Spanish: Extended Reading/Viewing D485 13 1.0 7 8 YesSpanish Advanced Higher C063 13 Spanish: Language D483 13 2.0 7 16 YesSpanish Advanced Higher C063 13 Spanish: Language in Work D482 13 1.0 7 8 YesSpanish Advanced Higher C063 13 Spanish X063 13 1.0 7 8 YesSport and Recreation Intermediate 1 C219 10 Sport and Recreation: Assist with Activity Sessions DM5V 10 1.0 4 6 NoSport and Recreation Intermediate 1 C219 10 Sport and Recreation: Dealing with Accidents and Emergencies DM7L 10 1.0 4 6 NoSport and Recreation Intermediate 1 C219 10 Sport and Recreation: Dealing with Facilities and Equipment DM7F 10 1.0 4 6 NoSport and Recreation Intermediate 1 C219 10 Sport and Recreation: Personal Fitness DM7M 10 1.0 4 6 No

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Courses and their Units

Course Title Level Code Component Unit Title Code SCQF levelSQA Unit Credit(s)

SCQF Credit Points

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Sport and Recreation Intermediate 1 C219 10 Sport and Recreation: Skills for Employment DM7F 10 1.0 4 6 NoSport and Recreation Intermediate 2 C219 11 Sport and Recreation: Assist with a Component of Activity Sessions DX0E 11 1.0 5 6 NoSport and Recreation Intermediate 2 C219 11 Sport and Recreation: Assist with Daily Centre Duties DX0H 11 1.0 5 6 NoSport and Recreation Intermediate 2 C219 11 Sport and Recreation: Assist with Fitness Programming DX0G 11 1.0 5 6 NoSport and Recreation Intermediate 2 C219 11 Sport and Recreation: Employment Opportunities in the Sport and Recreation Industry DX0F 11 1.0 5 6 NoTechnological Studies Intermediate 2 C036 11 Applied Electronics D186 11 1.0 5 6 YesTechnological Studies Intermediate 2 C036 11 Energy D185 11 0.5 5 3 YesTechnological Studies Intermediate 2 C036 11 Mechanical Systems D188 11 0.5 5 3 YesTechnological Studies Intermediate 2 C036 11 Systems and Control D187 11 1.0 5 6 YesTechnological Studies Intermediate 2 C036 11 Technological Studies X036 11 1.0 5 6 YesTechnological Studies Higher C036 12 Applied Electronics D186 12 1.0 6 6 YesTechnological Studies Higher C036 12 Structures and Materials D190 12 0.5 6 3 YesTechnological Studies Higher C036 12 Systems and Control D187 12 1.0 6 6 YesTechnological Studies Higher C036 12 Technological Studies: Case Study Report D191 12 0.5 6 3 YesTechnological Studies Higher C036 12 Technological Studies X036 12 1.0 6 6 YesTechnological Studies Advanced Higher C036 13 Applied Electronics D186 13 1.0 7 8 YesTechnological Studies Advanced Higher C036 13 Structures and Materials D190 13 0.5 7 4 YesTechnological Studies Advanced Higher C036 13 Systems and Control D187 13 1.0 7 8 YesTechnological Studies Advanced Higher C036 13 Technological Studies: Project Enquiry D192 13 0.5 7 4 YesTechnological Studies Advanced Higher C036 13 Technological Studies X036 13 1.0 7 8 YesTravel and Tourism Intermediate 1 C217 10 Holiday Destinations DM4J 10 1.0 4 6 YesTravel and Tourism Intermediate 1 C217 10 Holiday Issues DM4G 10 1.0 4 6 YesTravel and Tourism Intermediate 1 C217 10 Holiday Planning DM4E 10 1.0 4 6 YesTravel and Tourism Intermediate 1 C217 10 Travel and Tourism X217 10 1.0 4 6 YesTravel and Tourism Intermediate 2 C217 11 Business Practices in Travel and Tourism DM4M 11 1.0 5 6 YesTravel and Tourism Intermediate 2 C217 11 Tourist Destinations DM4N 11 1.0 5 6 YesTravel and Tourism Intermediate 2 C217 11 Travel and Tourism: An Introduction DM4L 11 1.0 5 6 YesTravel and Tourism Intermediate 2 C217 11 Travel and Tourism X217 11 1.0 5 6 YesTravel and Tourism Higher C217 12 Marketing in Travel and Tourism: An Introduction DM4R 12 1.0 6 6 NoTravel and Tourism Higher C217 12 Structure of the Travel and Tourism Industry F5G0 12 1.0 6 6 NoTravel and Tourism Higher C217 12 The Scottish Tourism Product: An Introduction DM4T 12 1.0 6 6 NoTravel and Tourism Higher C217 12 Tourist Destinations DM4N 12 1.0 6 6 NoTravel and Tourism Higher C217 12 Travel and Tourism X217 12 1.0 6 6 NoUniformed and Emergency Services Intermediate 1 C250 10 Uniformed and Emergency Services: An Introduction F38R 10 1.0 4 6 NoUniformed and Emergency Services Intermediate 1 C250 10 Uniformed and Emergency Services: Engaging with the Community F38T 10 1.0 4 6 NoUniformed and Emergency Services Intermediate 1 C250 10 Uniformed and Emergency Services: Health, Safety, Fitness and Well-being F38S 10 1.0 4 6 NoUniformed and Emergency Services Intermediate 1 C250 10 Uniformed and Emergency Services: Working in Teams F38V 10 1.0 4 6 NoUrdu Higher C242 12 Urdu: Extended Reading/Viewing F184 12 1.0 6 6 YesUrdu Higher C242 12 Urdu: Language F183 12 2.0 6 12 YesUrdu Higher C242 12 Urdu: Language in Work F185 12 1.0 6 6 YesUrdu Higher C242 12 Urdu X242 12 1.0 6 6 YesVisual Arts Higher C06D 12 Creative Composition: 2D D9GJ 12 1.0 6 6 NoVisual Arts Higher C06D 12 Figure Drawing D9GH 12 1.0 6 6 NoVisual Arts Higher C06D 12 Location Drawing D9GG 12 1.0 6 6 NoVisual Arts Higher C06D 12 Produce a Creative Three-Dimensional Art-Form D8LY 12 1.0 6 6 NoVisual Arts Higher C06D 12 Visual Arts X06D 12 1.0 6 6 NoWoodworking Skills Intermediate 1 C035 10 Bench Skills 1 - Wood Flat Frame Construction D182 10 1.0 4 6 YesWoodworking Skills Intermediate 1 C035 10 Bench Skills 2 - Wood Carcase Construction D183 10 1.0 4 6 YesWoodworking Skills Intermediate 1 C035 10 Machining and Finishing - Wood D184 10 1.0 4 6 YesWoodworking Skills Intermediate 1 C035 10 Woodworking Skills X035 10 1.0 4 6 YesWoodworking Skills Intermediate 2 C035 11 Bench Skills 1 - Wood Flat Frame Construction D182 11 1.0 5 6 YesWoodworking Skills Intermediate 2 C035 11 Bench Skills 2 - Wood Carcase Construction D183 11 1.0 5 6 YesWoodworking Skills Intermediate 2 C035 11 Machining and Finishing - Wood D184 11 1.0 5 6 YesWoodworking Skills Intermediate 2 C035 11 Woodworking Skills X035 11 1.0 5 6 Yes

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - Standard Grade Courses

Course Title Level Code

Accounting & Finance Standard Grade 0010 01 YesAdministration Standard Grade 0020 01 YesArt & Design Standard Grade 0090 01 YesBiology Standard Grade 0300 01 YesBusiness Management Standard Grade 4200 01 YesChemistry Standard Grade 0500 01 YesClassical Greek Standard Grade 0510 01 YesClassical Studies Standard Grade 0520 01 YesComputing Studies Standard Grade 0560 01 YesContemporary Social Studies Standard Grade 0580 01 YesCraft & Design Standard Grade 0600 01 YesDrama Standard Grade 0700 01 YesEconomics Standard Grade 0820 01 YesEnglish Standard Grade 0860 01 YesEnglish - Alternative Communication Standard Grade 0880 01 YesFrench Standard Grade 1000 01 YesGaelic (Learners) Standard Grade 1240 01 YesGaelic (Learners) Optional Standard Grade 1241 01 YesGáidhlig Standard Grade 1220 01 YesGeography Standard Grade 1260 01 YesGerman Standard Grade 1300 01 YesGraphic Communication Standard Grade 1330 01 YesHistory Standard Grade 1540 01 YesHome Economics Standard Grade 1660 01 YesItalian Standard Grade 1900 01 YesLatin Standard Grade 2320 01 YesMathematics Standard Grade 2500 01 YesModern Studies Standard Grade 2640 01 YesMusic Standard Grade 2660 01 YesPhysical Education Standard Grade 3200 01 YesPhysics Standard Grade 3220 01 YesReligious Studies Standard Grade 3400 01 YesScience Standard Grade 3700 01 YesSocial & Vocational Skills Standard Grade 3780 01 YesSpanish Standard Grade 3800 01 YesTechnological Studies Standard Grade 4040 01 YesUrdu Standard Grade 4100 01 Yes

When entering candidates for Standard Grades, please note the following:

The product code 01 applies to all Standard Grade course. However, when entering candidates for Standard Grades please use the appropriate entry level code , ie 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 or 32. The use of the correct entry level code ensures that you are sent the correct question papers, stationery etc. The significance of each entry level code is explained below:

27 Foundation28 Foundation and General (papers and stationery at both levels will be sent)29 General30 General and Credit (papers and stationery at both levels will be sent)31 Credit32 Foundation and General and Credit (only appropriate where there is a single paper common to all three levels)

Not all subjects are available at all levels. For more information, please refer to the most recent edition of Conditions and Arrangements for National Qualifications and to any Subject Notes which may have been issued subsequently.

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Certificates and their Units

National Certificate Title Code Unit Title Code SQA Unit Credit(s)

Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 Acting Styles and Practitioners: An Introduction F692 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 Acting Through Song F5L0 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 Communication F3GB 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 Contemporary Scottish Theatre D198 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 Creative Project F58F 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 Dance: Alternative D72N 12 6 Higher 3 0.5Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 Dance: Choreography D646 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 Dance: Classical D72P 12 6 Higher 3 0.5Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 Dance: Contemporary D72R 12 6 Higher 3 0.5Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 Dance: Ethnic D72S 12 6 Higher 3 0.5Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 Dance: Jazz D72T 12 6 Higher 3 0.5Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 Dance: Scottish D72V 12 6 Higher 3 0.5Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 Drama: Acting Skills F5KY 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 Drama: Movement Skills F5L1 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 Drama: Theatre Skills in Performance F5LB 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 Drama: Voice Skills F5LF 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 External Assessment for Higher Dance Practice X03D 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 External Examination for Higher Drama X037 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 Group Dance Performance D650 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 Information and Communication Technology F3GC 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 Investigative Drama D196 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 Movement and Dance E7LN 11 5 Intermediate 2 12 2.0Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 Performing Arts Industry: An Introduction F5TG 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 Performing Music on One Instrument or Voice F3F4 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 Performing Music on One Instrument or Voice F3F4 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 Preparation for Audition D658 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 Problem Solving F3GD 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 Professional Practice D661 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 Professional Theatre in Context F5L4 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 Study of a Text in its Theatrical Context D197 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 Technical Theatre in Context F5L5 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 Theatre History: An Introduction to Theory and Practice F691 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 Theatre Performance F5LA 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 Theatre Performers: Group Singing Skills F5L8 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 Theatre Performers: Solo Singing Skills F5L9 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 Theatrical Makeup F5LD 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 Work Experience D36H 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 Working with Others F3GE 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Acting and Theatre Performance 6 Higher G98A 46 Writing Dramatic Text: An Introduction F5LG 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Administrative Services DM3P 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Audio – An Introduction F5AD 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Audio – Intermediate F5AE 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Cantonese for work purposes F3CF 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Cantonese for work purposes F3CF 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Central Services F59S 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Communication F3GB 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Communication D01B 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Communication F3GB 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Computer Application Package (Database): Practitioners D16D 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Contract Law: An Introduction F392 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Developing Skills for Employment F393 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 ESOL : Basic operational reading and writing skills (HN) F2VK 33 6 Higher 8 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 ESOL : Basic operational speaking and listening skills (HN) F2VJ 33 6 Higher 8 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 ESOL: Developing basic listening and speaking skills (HN) F1J0 40 5 Intermediate 2 8 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 ESOL: Developing basic reading and writing skills (HN) F1J1 40 5 Intermediate 2 8 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Event Organisation F5A3 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 External Examination for Higher Administration X214 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 French For Work Purposes F3CG 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 French For Work Purposes F3CG 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Front of Office F59P 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Gaelic (Learners) For Work Purposes F3CD 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Gaelic (Learners) For Work Purposes F3CD 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

SCQF Level of National


SQA Level of National Certicate

SCQF Level of Unit

SQA Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Certificates and their Units

National Certificate Title Code Unit Title Code SQA Unit Credit(s)SCQF Level of

National Certificate

SQA Level of National Certicate

SCQF Level of Unit

SQA Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 German For Work Purposes F3CC 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 German For Work Purposes F3CC 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Handling Business Documents F59W 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Human Resources: Administration F5AG 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Information Technology for Administrators DM3R 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Information Technology for Management DM3V 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Italian For Work Purposes F3CB 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Italian For Work Purposes F3CB 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Managing your time and Resources F59T 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Mandarin For Work Purposes F3CA 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Mandarin For Work Purposes F3CA 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Medical Reception and Records F5AJ 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Medical Terminology: An Introduction F5AK 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Polish For Work Purposes F3C9 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Polish For Work Purposes F3C9 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Recording Cash Data D0W0 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Researching and Preparing Presentations F5A0 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Russian For Work Purposes F3C8 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Russian For Work Purposes F3C8 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Shorthand – an introduction F5AA 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Shorthand: Speed Development 1 - 50 WPM F5AB 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Shorthand: Speed Development 2 - 60 WPM F5AC 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Skills Development for Administrators F5AF 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Spanish For Work Purposes F3C7 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Spanish For Work Purposes F3C7 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Spreadsheets for Administrators F5A5 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Urdu For Work Purposes F3CE 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Urdu For Work Purposes F3CE 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Word Processing F5A7 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Word Processing F5A9 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Word Processing F59L 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Administration 5 Intermediate 2 G99P 45 Work Experience F36H 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Aeronautical Engineering 6 Higher G97H 46 Aeronautical Electrical Technology F5D2 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Aeronautical Engineering 6 Higher G97H 46 Aeronautical Engineering Fundamentals F5GM 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Aeronautical Engineering 6 Higher G97H 46 Aircraft Design: An Introduction F5GN 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Aeronautical Engineering 6 Higher G97H 46 Aircraft Flight Controls F5GV 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Aeronautical Engineering 6 Higher G97H 46 Aircraft Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems F5GW 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Aeronautical Engineering 6 Higher G97H 46 Aircraft Maintenance F5GP 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Aeronautical Engineering 6 Higher G97H 46 Aircraft Power Plant F5GX 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Aeronautical Engineering 6 Higher G97H 46 Aircraft Systems F5GR 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Aeronautical Engineering 6 Higher G97H 46 Aviation Practice F5H2 11 5 Intermediate 2 12 2.0Aeronautical Engineering 6 Higher G97H 46 Avionics: An Introduction F5GS 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Aeronautical Engineering 6 Higher G97H 46 Communication F3GB 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Aeronautical Engineering 6 Higher G97H 46 Engineering Dynamics: An Introduction F5K6 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Aeronautical Engineering 6 Higher G97H 46 Engineering Materials F5KD 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Aeronautical Engineering 6 Higher G97H 46 Engineering Quality: An Introduction F5FM 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Aeronautical Engineering 6 Higher G97H 46 Engineering: Applying Information Technology F5D4 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Aeronautical Engineering 6 Higher G97H 46 Mathematics: Technician 1 F3HX 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Aeronautical Engineering 6 Higher G97H 46 Mathematics: Technician 2 F3HY 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Aeronautical Engineering 6 Higher G97H 46 Strength of Materials F5K9 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Aeronautical Engineering 6 Higher G97H 46 Theory of Flight F5GT 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Animal Care 5 Intermediate 2 G9D7 45 Animal Care: Accommodation and Handling F6SM 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1Animal Care 5 Intermediate 2 G9D7 45 Animal Care: An Introduction to Dog Grooming F6SX 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1Animal Care 5 Intermediate 2 G9D7 45 Animal Care: An Introduction to Dog Training F6ST 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1Animal Care 5 Intermediate 2 G9D7 45 Animal Care: Anatomy and Physiology of Mammals F6SL 11 5 Intermediate 2 9 1.5Animal Care 5 Intermediate 2 G9D7 45 Animal Care: Animal Survival Behaviour F7GC 12 6 Higher 6 1Animal Care 5 Intermediate 2 G9D7 45 Animal Care: Avian Care F6SN 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5Animal Care 5 Intermediate 2 G9D7 45 Animal Care: Behaviour of Small Animals F6T3 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1Animal Care 5 Intermediate 2 G9D7 45 Animal Care: Breed Identification and Selection F6SY 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1Animal Care 5 Intermediate 2 G9D7 45 Animal Care: Breeding F6SS 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1Animal Care 5 Intermediate 2 G9D7 45 Animal Care: Farm Livestock F6SV 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Certificates and their Units

National Certificate Title Code Unit Title Code SQA Unit Credit(s)SCQF Level of

National Certificate

SQA Level of National Certicate

SCQF Level of Unit

SQA Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

Animal Care 5 Intermediate 2 G9D7 45 Animal Care: Health Care F6SK 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1Animal Care 5 Intermediate 2 G9D7 45 Animal Care: Neo–Natal Care F6T7 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5Animal Care 5 Intermediate 2 G9D7 45 Animal Care: Ornamental Fish Care F6SP 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5Animal Care 5 Intermediate 2 G9D7 45 Animal Care: Parasitology F6T0 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1Animal Care 5 Intermediate 2 G9D7 45 Animal Care: Record Keeping F6T8 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5Animal Care 5 Intermediate 2 G9D7 45 Animal Care: Reptile and Amphibian Care F6SR 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5Animal Care 5 Intermediate 2 G9D7 45 Animal Care: Safe Working Practices F6T2 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5Animal Care 5 Intermediate 2 G9D7 45 Animal Care: Small Animal Feeding F6SJ 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1Animal Care 5 Intermediate 2 G9D7 45 Communication F3GB 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1Animal Care 5 Intermediate 2 G9D7 45 Communication F3GB 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1Animal Care 5 Intermediate 2 G9D7 45 First Aid F19M 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1Animal Care 5 Intermediate 2 G9D7 45 Horse Care: Stable and Grass Routine F6T6 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5Animal Care 5 Intermediate 2 G9D7 45 Horses: Basic Handling F6SW 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5Animal Care 5 Intermediate 2 G9D7 45 Information and Communication Technology F3GC 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1Animal Care 5 Intermediate 2 G9D7 45 Information and Communication Technology F3GC 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1Animal Care 5 Intermediate 2 G9D7 45 Investigating Animal Wildlife D870 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1Animal Care 5 Intermediate 2 G9D7 45 Numeracy F3GF 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1Animal Care 5 Intermediate 2 G9D7 45 Preparing to Work F57F 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1Animal Care 5 Intermediate 2 G9D7 45 Skills for Customer Care F38W 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1Animal Care 5 Intermediate 2 G9D7 45 Skills for Customer Care F38X 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1Animal Care 5 Intermediate 2 G9D7 45 Work Environment Maintenance F6T1 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5Animal Care 5 Intermediate 2 G9D7 45 Work Experience D36H 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Acids, Bases and Metals D068 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Animal Physiology D028 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Applied Electronics D186 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Biodiversity in Scotland D837 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Biotechnological Industries D024 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Biotechnology Processes DF5G 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Building Blocks D066 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Carbon Compounds D067 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Causes and Prevention of Disease D13E 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Chemistry and Life D065 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Chemistry in Action D063 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Communication D01B 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Communication F3GB 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Earth Physics and Earth Movements D247 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Ecosystems D310 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Electricity and Electronics D380 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Electronics D378 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Energy D185 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Environmental Biology and Genetics D027 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Environmental Issues D309 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Everyday Chemistry D064 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Forensic Science: Applications F823 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Geology and Scenery D244 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Geology, People and Environment D245 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Growing Plants D025 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Health and Technology D023 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 History of the Earth D8XL 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Information and Communication Technology F3GC 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Information Technology D01D 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Introducing Microbiology D13J 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Laboratory Safety F3TD 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Land Use D311 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Living Cells D026 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Local Environment D314 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Mathematics 1 D321 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Mathematics 2 D322 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Mathematics 3 D323 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Mechanical Systems D188 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Mechanics and Heat D379 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Microbiology for Healthcare: An Introduction DC4H 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Certificates and their Units

National Certificate Title Code Unit Title Code SQA Unit Credit(s)SCQF Level of

National Certificate

SQA Level of National Certicate

SCQF Level of Unit

SQA Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Minerals and Rocks D8XK 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Movement D377 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Natural Resource Use D312 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Numeracy F3GF 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Practical Electricity D374 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Radiations D375 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Radioactivity D382 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Science and Technology in Society F3TA 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Science Investigation Skills F3TB 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Science: Practical Skills F3TC 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Sound and Music D376 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Systems and Control D187 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Telecommunications D373 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 The Biology of Micro-organisms DF5F 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 The Human Body D13F 10 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 The Human Body F1RH 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 The Study of the Earth D243 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Waves and Optics D381 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Work Experience D36H 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 5 Intermediate 2 G90M 45 Working with Micro-organisms D039 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Acids, Bases and Metals D068 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Animal Physiology D028 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Applied Electronics D186 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Behaviour, Populations and the Environment D045 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Biodiversity in Scotland D837 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Biotechnology DF5J 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Biotechnology Processes DF5G 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Building Blocks D066 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Carbon Compounds D067 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Cell Biology D029 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Cell Function and Inheritance D043 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Chemical Reactions D071 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Communication D01B 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Communication F3GB 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Control and Regulation D031 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Earth Physics and Earth Movements D247 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Earth Physics, Structural Geology and Plate Tectonics D250 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Economic Geology D252 12 6 Higher 3 0.5Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Ecosystems D310 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Ecosystems D310 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Electricity and Electronics D380 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Electricity and Electronics D380 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Energy D185 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Energy Matters D069 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Environmental Biology and Genetics D027 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Experimental Procedures - Biology D934 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Experimental Procedures - Chemistry D935 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Experimental Procedures - Physics D936 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Experimental Procedures - Science D937 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Forensic Science: Practical Techniques F824 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Forest Ecology D855 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Fossils and Stratigraphy D251 12 6 Higher 3 0.5Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Genetics and Adaptation D030 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 History of the Earth D8XL 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Human Physiological Processes DC4D 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Information and Communication Technology F3GC 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Introducing Microbiology D13J 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Investigating Ecosystems D315 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Certificates and their Units

National Certificate Title Code Unit Title Code SQA Unit Credit(s)SCQF Level of

National Certificate

SQA Level of National Certicate

SCQF Level of Unit

SQA Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Laboratory Safety F3TD 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Land Use in Scotland D316 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Library and Information Units in Modern Society D10D 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Living Cells D026 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Local Environment D314 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Mathematics 1 D321 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Mathematics 2 D322 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Mathematics 3 D323 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Mathematics for Science F3T8 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Mechanical Systems D188 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5

Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Mechanics and Heat D379 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Mechanics and Properties of Matter D383 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Microbiological Techniques D042 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Microbiology DF5H 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Microbiology for Healthcare: An Introduction DC4H 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Minerals and Rocks D8XK 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Natural Resource Use D312 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Natural Resource Use D312 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Radiation and Matter D384 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Radioactivity D382 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Science and Technology in Society F3T9 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Structures and Materials D190 12 6 Higher 3 0.5

Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Systems and Control D187 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Technological Studies: Case Study Report D191 12 6 Higher 3 0.5

Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 The Biology of Micro-organisms DF5F 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 The Continuation of Life D044 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 The Ecology of Scotland D897 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 The Human Body F1RH 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 The World of Carbon D070 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Waves and Optics D381 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Work Experience D36H 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Applied Sciences 6 Higher G90N 46 Working with Micro-organisms D039 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Army Preparation 4 Intermediate 2 G970 44 Accident Prevention and Emergency Procedures F5FK 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Army Preparation 4 Intermediate 2 G970 44 Assist with an Event F5FJ 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Army Preparation 4 Intermediate 2 G970 44 Communication F3GB 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

Army Preparation 4 Intermediate 2 G970 44 Developing Leadership within Physical Activities F40D 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Army Preparation 4 Intermediate 2 G970 44 Exercise and Fitness: Circuits D677 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5

Army Preparation 4 Intermediate 2 G970 44 Exercise and Fitness: Resistance Training D678 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5

Army Preparation 4 Intermediate 2 G970 44 Fitness for the Army F5FL 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

Army Preparation 4 Intermediate 2 G970 44 Information and Communication Technology F3GC 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

Army Preparation 4 Intermediate 2 G970 44 Map Reading and Land Navigation F5FH 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Army Preparation 4 Intermediate 2 G970 44 Map Reading within Expedition Leadership F40F 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Army Preparation 4 Intermediate 2 G970 44 Numeracy F3GF 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

Army Preparation 4 Intermediate 2 G970 44 Personal Development: Self in Society F37W 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

Army Preparation 4 Intermediate 2 G970 44 Problem Solving F3GD 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

Army Preparation 4 Intermediate 2 G970 44 Sporting Activity - Athletics D700 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

Army Preparation 4 Intermediate 2 G970 44 Sporting Activity - Climbing D727 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

Army Preparation 4 Intermediate 2 G970 44 Sporting Activity - Hill Walking D728 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

Army Preparation 4 Intermediate 2 G970 44 Sporting Activity - Inland Kayaking D696 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

Army Preparation 4 Intermediate 2 G970 44 Sporting Activity - Mountain Biking D739 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Certificates and their Units

National Certificate Title Code Unit Title Code SQA Unit Credit(s)SCQF Level of

National Certificate

SQA Level of National Certicate

SCQF Level of Unit

SQA Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

Army Preparation 4 Intermediate 2 G970 44 Sporting Activity - Orienteering D729 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

Army Preparation 4 Intermediate 2 G970 44 Sporting Activity - Swimming D690 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Army Preparation 4 Intermediate 2 G970 44 Uniformed and Emergency Services: Engaging with the Community F38T 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

Army Preparation 4 Intermediate 2 G970 44 Uniformed and Emergency Services: Health, Safety, Fitness and Wellbeing F38S 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

Army Preparation 4 Intermediate 2 G970 44 Working as a Volunteer to Support a Community Project DV06 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design: Analytical Drawing F5CD 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design: Colour F5CE 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design: Contextual Studies F5CF 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design: Design Activity DV38 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design: Developmental Drawing F5CG 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design: Digital Media F5CH 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design: Exploratory Media Handling F5CJ 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design: Expressive Activity DV37 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design: Expressive Drawing F5CL 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design: Introduction to Contemporary Art Practice F51K 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design: Introduction to Graphic Design EF76 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design: Introduction to Illustration EF78 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design: Introduction to Interior Design EF7B 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design: Introduction to Sculpture EF7E 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design: Introduction to Surface Decoration EF7A 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design: Life Drawing F51L 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design: Personal Project F51M 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design: Project F5CN 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design: Sketchbook Development F5CM 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design:3D Skills Development F5CC 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design:Animation Project F5C6 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design:Animation Skills F5BT 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design:Corporate Identity F5CA 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design:Creative Textile Development F5C5 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design:Creative Textile Development F5C5 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design:Digital Video Skills F5BR 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design:Introduction to 3D Design Skills F5C1 11 5 Intermediate 2 12 2.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design:Introduction to Ceramic Sculpture F5C0 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design:Introduction to Jewellery F5BS 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design:Introduction to Sculpture Techiniques F5BY 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design:Line and Tone Techniques F5CB 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design:Painting Media and Techniques F5BA 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design:Painting to a Theme F5C7 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design:Printmaking F5BV 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design:Printmaking Applied Skills F5C8 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design:Research and Investigation Skills F5C2 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design:Sketchbook Development Thematic Studies F5BW 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design:Software Skills F5C9 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design:Software Skills F5BX 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design:Video Project F5C4 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design:Web Content F5BP 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Art and Design:Web Project F5C3 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Ceramics:Combined Thrown and Hand-Built Shapes D17R 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Ceramics:Creative Hand-Built Shapes D17P 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Ceramics:Introduction to the Wheel D17M 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Communication F3GB 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Creative Composition: 2D D9GJ 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Decorative Glasswork: Introduction to Stained Glass Techniques (Copperfoil) EG38 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Decorative Glasswork: Production EE6S 11 5 Intermediate 2 12 2.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Decorative Glasswork: Templates and Rubbings EE6N 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Design Studies: Mixed Media Applications EE24 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Developing Skills for Employment F393 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Digital Imaging D7YF 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Drawing Skills - Figure/Life Drawing 1 D948 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Drawing Skills: Figure/Life Drawing 3 E7MN 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Certificates and their Units

National Certificate Title Code Unit Title Code SQA Unit Credit(s)SCQF Level of

National Certificate

SQA Level of National Certicate

SCQF Level of Unit

SQA Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Graphic Design: Advertising E7P3 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Graphic Design: Book Design E8GJ 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Graphic Design: Children's Book Illustration D0J8 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Graphic Design: Corporate Identity 2 E8GF 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Graphic Design: Finished Artwork E7P4 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Graphic Design: Illustration (General) E8GV 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Graphic Design: Label and Packaging Design E8GK 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Graphic Design: Magazine Design E8GT 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Graphic Design: Poster Design E8GG 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Illustrative Sculpture EE2B 11 5 Intermediate 2 12 2.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Illustrative Sculpture: Found Objects EE2A 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Introduction to Stained Glass Techniques D17V 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Jewellery Design: Basic Enamelling D0HJ 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Jewellery Design: Casting E8JA 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Jewellery Design: Doming and Forming D0KY 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Jewellery Design: Non-Precious Materials D0HL 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Jewellery Design: Non-Precious Materials 2 D0L0 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Jewellery Design: Piercing E7NG 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Jewellery Design: Piercing and Inlay D0KW 11 5 Intermediate 2 12 2.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Jewellery Design: Silversmithing E8J9 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Jewellery Design: Texturing and Surface Decoration D0KX 11 5 Intermediate 2 12 2.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Jewellery Design: Wire Twisting D0HK 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Literature 1 E9X8 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Location Drawing D9GG 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Location Drawing: Local Environment EE27 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Location Drawing: Local Environment EE27 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Model Making: Architectural 1 D0HM 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Model Making: Architectural 2 D0HN 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Model Making: General 1 D0HP 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Personal Development: Practical Abilities F37Y 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Photography: Portraiture Skills F51N 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Photography: Portraiture Skills F51P 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Produce a Creative Three-Dimensional Art-Form D8LY 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Spatial Design: Commercial Interiors E8HR 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Spatial Design: Construction Skills E8HL 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Spatial Design: Display Design D0J6 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Spatial Design: Office Interiors E8HP 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Spatial Design: Presentation Modelmaking E8HV 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Spatial Design: Residential Interiors E8HN 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Spatial Design: Retail Display: Display Modelmaking E8HK 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Spatial Design: Retail Display: Display Prop Construction E8HJ 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Three Dimensional Design: The Spatial Design Process D0J3 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Three-Dimensional Design - Basic Construction Skills D958 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Two-Dimensional Design - Design for Print D960 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Two-Dimensional Design - Typography 1 D963 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Visual Presentation : Art and Design D022 13 7 Advanced Higher 8 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Work Experience D36H 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Art and Design 6 Higher G96X 46 Work Experience D36H 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Beauty Care 6 Higher G9K2 46 Acrylic Nails F6XH 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Beauty Care 6 Higher G9K2 46 Beauty: Creative Current Make-Up Trends F5B3 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Beauty Care 6 Higher G9K2 46 Beauty: Facial Techniques F5AY 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Beauty Care 6 Higher G9K2 46 Beauty: Facial Treatment Packages F5B1 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Beauty Care 6 Higher G9K2 46 Beauty: Nail Finishes F5B2 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Beauty Care 6 Higher G9K2 46 Body Massage(HN) DN6C 33 6 Higher 12 2.0Beauty Care 6 Higher G9K2 46 Commercial Experience F78V 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Beauty Care 6 Higher G9K2 46 Depilation(HN) DN6G 33 6 Higher 8 1.0Beauty Care 6 Higher G9K2 46 Digital Imaging D7YF 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Beauty Care 6 Higher G9K2 46 Eye Enhancement F6XF 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Beauty Care 6 Higher G9K2 46 Face and Body Electrotherapy(HN) DN80 33 6 Higher 12 2.0Beauty Care 6 Higher G9K2 46 Face and Body Electrotherapy: An Introduction F6XK 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Beauty Care 6 Higher G9K2 46 Gel Nails F6XJ 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Beauty Care 6 Higher G9K2 46 Manicure and Pedicure F6XG 12 6 Higher 12 2.0

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Certificates and their Units

National Certificate Title Code Unit Title Code SQA Unit Credit(s)SCQF Level of

National Certificate

SQA Level of National Certicate

SCQF Level of Unit

SQA Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

Beauty Care 6 Higher G9K2 46 Research Skills D669 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Beauty Care 6 Higher G9K2 46 Scalp, Neck and Shoulder Massage F6XE 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Beauty Care and Make-Up 5 Intermediate 2 G92F 45 Applying Practical Skills F4BY 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Beauty Care and Make-Up 5 Intermediate 2 G92F 45 Artificial Nail Enhancement Tips and Overlays F4NT 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Beauty Care and Make-Up 5 Intermediate 2 G92F 45 Back, Neck and Shoulder Massage F4P4 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Beauty Care and Make-Up 5 Intermediate 2 G92F 45 Beauty and Make-up: Drawing and Colouring Design Skills F4P2 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Beauty Care and Make-Up 5 Intermediate 2 G92F 45 Bridal and Evening Make-Up F4BW 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Beauty Care and Make-Up 5 Intermediate 2 G92F 45 Day Make-up and Basic Corrective Make-Up F4C0 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Beauty Care and Make-Up 5 Intermediate 2 G92F 45 Face Painting F4C1 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Beauty Care and Make-Up 5 Intermediate 2 G92F 45 Facial Skin Care F4P5 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Beauty Care and Make-Up 5 Intermediate 2 G92F 45 Hair, Beauty and Make-Up Competition Technical Skills F4BV 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Beauty Care and Make-Up 5 Intermediate 2 G92F 45 Hair, Beauty and Make-Up Portfolio Presentation F4C7 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Beauty Care and Make-Up 5 Intermediate 2 G92F 45 Hair, Beauty and Make-up: Personal Care and Appearance F4C5 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Beauty Care and Make-Up 5 Intermediate 2 G92F 45 Manicure F4C3 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Beauty Care and Make-Up 5 Intermediate 2 G92F 45 Nail Art: Freehand F4P3 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Beauty Care and Make-Up 5 Intermediate 2 G92F 45 Postiche Applications and Styling: An Introduction F4C6 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Beauty Care and Make-Up 5 Intermediate 2 G92F 45 Reception Duties and Skills F4P1 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Beauty Care and Make-Up 5 Intermediate 2 G92F 45 Selling Skills D0SF 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

Beauty Care and Make-Up 5 Intermediate 2 G92F 45 Setting and Styling Techniques for Media F4P0 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Beauty Care and Make-Up 5 Intermediate 2 G92F 45 Skills for Customer Care F38X 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Beauty Care and Make-Up 5 Intermediate 2 G92F 45 Waxing Treatments: Legs and Underarms F4CA 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Beauty Care and Make-Up 5 Intermediate 2 G92F 45 Work Experience D36H 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Beauty Care and Make-Up 5 Intermediate 2 G92F 45 Working with Others D01F 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Beauty Care and Make-Up 5 Intermediate 2 G92F 45 Working with Others F3GE 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Building Services Engineering 6 Higher G8GD 46 Air Conditioning and Ventilation Technology F1AV 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Building Services Engineering 6 Higher G8GD 46 Building Services Engineering Science F1AL 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Building Services Engineering 6 Higher G8GD 46 Building Services Engineering Technology F1AP 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Building Services Engineering 6 Higher G8GD 46 Building Services Engineering: Design Project F1AR 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Building Services Engineering 6 Higher G8GD 46 Building Services Engineering: Thermofluids F1AX 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Building Services Engineering 6 Higher G8GD 46 Construction Technology and Design F1AK11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Building Services Engineering 6 Higher G8GD 46 Electrical and Electronic Technology F1AN 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Building Services Engineering 6 Higher G8GD 46 Graphical Detailing F1AM 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Building Services Engineering 6 Higher G8GD 46 Health, Safety and Welfare in the Building Services Engineering Industry F1AJ 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Building Services Engineering 6 Higher G8GD 46 Heating and Plumbing Technology F1AT 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Building Services Engineering 6 Higher G8GD 46 Mathematics: Analysis/Algebra 2 ED51 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Building Services Engineering 6 Higher G8GD 46 Mathematics:Analysis/Algebra 1 D11W 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Building Services Engineering 6 Higher G8GD 46 Planning, Organisation and Control of Resources in Construction F1AS 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Building Services Engineering 6 Higher G8GD 46 Refrigeration Technology F1AW 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Built Environment 6 Higher G8Y3 46 Architectural Project F3JD 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Built Environment 6 Higher G8Y3 46 Building Construction Project F3JF 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Built Environment 6 Higher G8Y3 46 Building Design and Technology F3JE 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Built Environment 6 Higher G8Y3 46 Building Services in Domestic Low Rise Buildings F3JG 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Built Environment 6 Higher G8Y3 46 Civil Engineering Project F3JH 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Built Environment 6 Higher G8Y3 46 Civil Engineering Site Work F3J6 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Built Environment 6 Higher G8Y3 46 Civil Engineering Technology F3J7 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Built Environment 6 Higher G8Y3 46 Computer Aided Drawing in Construction F3J8 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Built Environment 6 Higher G8Y3 46 Construction Administration F3JJ 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Built Environment 6 Higher G8Y3 46 Construction Calculations F3JL 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Built Environment 6 Higher G8Y3 46 Construction Materials: An Introduction F3JB 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Built Environment 6 Higher G8Y3 46 Construction Materials: Properties and Testing F3J9 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Built Environment 6 Higher G8Y3 46 Construction Measurement and Costing F3JK 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Built Environment 6 Higher G8Y3 46 Construction Site Surveying: An Introduction F3JM 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Built Environment 6 Higher G8Y3 46 Drawing for Construction F3JN 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Built Environment 6 Higher G8Y3 46 Health and Safety in the Construction Industry F3JA 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Built Environment 6 Higher G8Y3 46 Mathematics: Craft 1 F3HV 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Built Environment 6 Higher G8Y3 46 Mechanics for Construction: An Introduction F3JC 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Built Environment 6 Higher G8Y3 46 Modern Methods of Construction F3JR 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Certificates and their Units

National Certificate Title Code Unit Title Code SQA Unit Credit(s)SCQF Level of

National Certificate

SQA Level of National Certicate

SCQF Level of Unit

SQA Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

Built Environment 6 Higher G8Y3 46 Properties of Heat, Light and Sound in Construction F3JP 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Built Environment 6 Higher G8Y3 46 Sustainability in the Construction Industry F3JS 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Built Environment 6 Higher G8Y3 46 Technical Recording and Reporting in the Construction Industry F3JV 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Built Environment 6 Higher G8Y3 46 Working across Construction Specialisms F3JT 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 Administration: Presenting and Communicating Information DM3T 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 Administrative Services DM3P 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 Basic Reception Skills EB5R 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 Business Decision Areas DV4H 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 Business Enterprise DV4G 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 Business information and ICT DV4J 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 Cantonese For Work Purposes F3CF 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 Communications F3GB 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 Contract Law: An Introduction F392 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 Developing Skills for Employment F5G4 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 Economics: Basic Principles F5G3 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 English for Speakers of other Languages DV34 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 Enterprise Activity D36N 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 External Examination for Intermediate 1 Accounting X209 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 External Examination for Intermediate 1 Administration X214 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 External Examination for Intermediate 1 Business Management X234 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 External Examination for Intermediate 1 Economics X038 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 Financial Accounting DF47 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 Financial and Cost Accounting: An Introduction F5G1 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 French For Work Purposes F3CG 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 Gaelic (Learners) For Work Purposes F3CD 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 German For Work Purposes F3CC 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 Information Technology for Administrators DM3R 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 Italian For Work Purposes F3CB 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 Management Accounting DF4T 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 Mandarin For Work Purposes F3CA 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 Marketing: An Introduction F5G2 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 Microeconomics DM4W 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 Numeracy F3GF 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 PC Passport: Internet and On-line Communication F1FD 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 PC Passport: Introduction to Internet and On-line Communications F1F9 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 PC Passport: Introduction to IT Software and Presenting Information F1F8 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 PC Passport: Introduction to IT Systems F1GP 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 PC Passport: IT Software - Spreadsheet and Database F1FB 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 PC Passport: IT Software - Word Processing and Presenting Information F1FC 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 1.0Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 PC Passport: IT Systems F1FA 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 Polish For Work Purposes F3C9 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 Russian For Work Purposes F3C8 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 Selling Skills D0SF 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 Skills for Customer Care F38W 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 Spanish For Work Purposes F3C7 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 The International Economy DM4Y 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 The UK Economy DM4X 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 Urdu For Work Purposes F3CE 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 Work Experience D36H 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

Business 4 Intermediate 2 G973 44 Work Experience D36H 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 Administration: Presenting and Communicating Information DM3T 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Certificates and their Units

National Certificate Title Code Unit Title Code SQA Unit Credit(s)SCQF Level of

National Certificate

SQA Level of National Certicate

SCQF Level of Unit

SQA Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 Business Decision Areas: Finance and Human Resource Management DV4L 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 Business Decision Areas: Finance and Human Resource Management DV4L 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 Business Decision Areas: Marketing and Operations DV4K 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 Business Decision Areas: Marketing and Operations DV4K 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 Business Enterprise DV4G 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 Communication D01B 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 Communication F3GB 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 Contract Law: An Introduction F392 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 Developing Skills for Employment F393 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 English for Speakers of Other Languages: Study-Related Contexts DV36 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 English for Speakers of Other Languages: Study-Related Contexts DV36 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 English for Speakers of Other Languages: Everyday Communication DV34 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 English for Speakers of Other Languages: Everyday Communication DV34 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 Enterprise Activity D36N 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 External Examination for Higher Economics X038 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 External Examination for Higher Business Management X234 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 Financial Accounting: An Introduction F394 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 Financial Services: Market, Products & Regulation F396 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 Information Technology for Administrators DM3R 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 Information Technology for Management DM3V 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 Management Accounting: An Introduction F395 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 Market Operations and the Scottish Economy F391 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 Marketing : Basic Principles F390 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 Marketing Mix D0XV 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 Marketing Research Practice D0XS 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 Microeconomics DM4W 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 Numeracy D01C 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 Numeracy F3GF 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 PC Passport : IT Software – Word Processing & Presenting Information F1FC 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 PC Passport : IT Software –Spreadsheet & Database F1FB 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 PC Passport: Internet and On-line Communications F1FD 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 PC Passport: IT Systems F1FA 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 PC Passport: Working with Artwork and Imaging F1FG 12 6 Higher 3 0.5Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 PC Passport: Working with Internet and Online Communication F1FF 12 6 Higher 3 0.5Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 PC Passport: Working with IT Security for Users F1FH 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 PC Passport: Working with IT Software – Spreadsheets and Databases F1FJ 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 F1FE 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 Preparing Final Accounts EC0M 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 Presenting and Communicating Information DM3T 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 Problem Solving D01E 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 Problem Solving F3GD 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 Recording of Cash Data D0W0 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 Recording of Credit Data D0W1 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 Recording of Data in Ledger D0W2 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 Skills for Customer Care F38X 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 The International Economy DM4Y 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 The UK Economy DM4X 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 Work Experience D36H 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 Work Experience D36H 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 Working with Others D01F 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Business 5 Intermediate 2 G8WT 45 Working with Others F3GE 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Animal Physiology D028 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 External Examination for Intermediate 2 Biology X007 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Biotechnological Industries D024 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 External Examination for Intermediate 2 Care X241 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Care and Feeding of Children DM60 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 External Assessment for Intermediate 2 Care Issues for Society: Childcare X06F 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 External Assessment for Intermediate 2 Care Issues for Society: Older People X06H 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Care of Children DM85 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Child Development and Health F19L 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Child Protection: An Introduction DF6J 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Children and Young People: Process of Play F2CP 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

PC Passport: Working with IT Software – Word Processing and Presenting Information

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Certificates and their Units

National Certificate Title Code Unit Title Code SQA Unit Credit(s)SCQF Level of

National Certificate

SQA Level of National Certicate

SCQF Level of Unit

SQA Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Communication D01B 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Communication F3GB 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Communication D01B 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Communication F3GB 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Creative and Aesthetic Experiences for Children DM5Y 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Environmental Biology and Genetics D027 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Families in Modern Society F01C 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 First Aid F19M 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Health and Safety for Care F17V 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 External Assessment for Intermediate 2 Health and Safety in Care Settings X01E 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Health and Technology D023 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Healthy Eating in a Care Setting F1P1 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C Infections DM5T 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Information and Communication Technology F3GC 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Information Technology D01D 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Information and Communication Technology F3GC 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Information Technology D01D 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Living Cells D026 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Maintaining Safety in a Care Setting F1P2 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Maintenance of a Safe Environment for Children DM5V 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Maintenance of a Safe Environment for Children DM5V 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Mental Health Issues: An Introduction F1P4 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Numeracy D01C 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Numeracy F3GF 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Numeracy D01C 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Numeracy F3GF 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Parenting DM86 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Parenting DM86 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Partnerships in Early Education and Childcare DM5W 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Play in Early Education and Childcare DM41 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Play in Practice DM42 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Prevention of Infection DM5P 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Problem Solving D01E 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Problem Solving F3GD 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Problem Solving D01E 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Problem Solving F3GD 11 6 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 External Examination for Intermedaite 2 Psychology X212 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 External Examination for Intermediate 1 Psychology X212 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Psychology for Care F17X 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Psychology: Investigating Behaviour DF5L 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Psychology: Investigating Behaviour DF5L 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Psychology: The Individual in the Social Context DF5M 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Psychology: The Individual in the Social Context DF5M 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Psychology: Understanding the Individual DF5K 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Psychology: Understanding the Individual DF5K 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Social Services in Scotland: An Introduction F3G2 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Social Stratification DV3M 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Social Stratification DV3M 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Socialisation DV3L 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Socialisation DV3L 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 External Examination for Intermediate 2 Sociology X228 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Sociology for Care F17Y 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Studying Human Society: The Sociological Approach DV3P 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Studying Human Society: The Sociological Approach DV3P 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Supporting Children with Additional Support Needs DM65 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Supporting Children’s Behaviour DM5K 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 The Human Body F1RH 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Understanding Loss and Grief F3G4 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Understanding the Needs of the Older Person F1P5 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Values and Principles in Care F17W 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Working in Early Education and Childcare DM84 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Working with Individuals in a Care Setting F3FX 11 5 Intermediate 2 12 2.0

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Certificates and their Units

National Certificate Title Code Unit Title Code SQA Unit Credit(s)SCQF Level of

National Certificate

SQA Level of National Certicate

SCQF Level of Unit

SQA Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Working with Individuals with Additional Support Needs F3G3 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Working With Others D01F 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Working With Others F3GE 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Working With Others D01F 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Child, Health and Social Care 5 Intermediate 2 G8XP 45 Working With Others F3GE 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Civil Engineering 6 Higher G8Y2 46 Architectural Project F3JD 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Civil Engineering 6 Higher G8Y2 46 Building Construction Project F3JF 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Civil Engineering 6 Higher G8Y2 46 Building Design and Technology F3JE 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Civil Engineering 6 Higher G8Y2 46 Building Services in Domestic Low Rise Buildings F3JG 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Civil Engineering 6 Higher G8Y2 46 Civil Engineering Project F3JH 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Civil Engineering 6 Higher G8Y2 46 Civil Engineering Site Work F3J6 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Civil Engineering 6 Higher G8Y2 46 Civil Engineering Technology F3J7 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Civil Engineering 6 Higher G8Y2 46 Computer Aided Drawing in Construction F3J8 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Civil Engineering 6 Higher G8Y2 46 Construction Administration F3JJ 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Civil Engineering 6 Higher G8Y2 46 Construction Calculations F3JL 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Civil Engineering 6 Higher G8Y2 46 Construction Materials: An Introduction F3JB 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Civil Engineering 6 Higher G8Y2 46 Construction Materials: Properties and Testing F3J9 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Civil Engineering 6 Higher G8Y2 46 Construction Measurement and Costing F3JK 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Civil Engineering 6 Higher G8Y2 46 Construction Site Surveying: An Introduction F3JM 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Civil Engineering 6 Higher G8Y2 46 Drawing for Construction F3JN 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Civil Engineering 6 Higher G8Y2 46 Health and Safety in the Constuction Industry F3JA 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Civil Engineering 6 Higher G8Y2 46 Mathematics: Craft 1 F3HV 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Civil Engineering 6 Higher G8Y2 46 Mechanics for Construction: An Introduction F3JC 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Civil Engineering 6 Higher G8Y2 46 Modern Methods of Construction F3JR 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Civil Engineering 6 Higher G8Y2 46 Properties of Heat, Light and Sound in Construction F3JP 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Civil Engineering 6 Higher G8Y2 46 Sustainability in the Construction Industry F3JS 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Civil Engineering 6 Higher G8Y2 46 Technical Recording and Reporting in the Construction Industry F3JV 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Civil Engineering 6 Higher G8Y2 46 Working across Construction Specialisms F3JT 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Basic Information and Communication Technology DW7H 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Business Information and ICT DV4J 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Computer Control Systems D970 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Computer Games: Digital Gaming Design F1K4 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Computer Games: Digital Gaming Design F1R2 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 F1KB 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Computing: Computer Hardware and Systems F1K2 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 F1KH 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Computing: Digital Media Elements for Applications F1JM 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Computing: Digital Media Elements for Applications F1KS 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 FIKF 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 F1KP 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Computing: Interactive Multimedia for Website Design F180 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Computing: Office and Personal Productivity Applications F1K6 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 F1K0 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 FIKD 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Computing: Web Design Fundamentals F181 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 F1KJ 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Computing: Website Design and Development F182 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Core Mathematics 2 EDXD 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Core Mathematics 3 D11T 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Core Mathematics 4 D11V 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Digital Communication Methods F1KY 09 3 Access 3 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Digital Computing F1L2 09 3 Access 3 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Digital Culture: Social Software F81P 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Digital Media: Audio Acquisition F1JT 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Digital Media: Audio Editing F1KT 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Digital Media: Still Images Acquisiton F1JY 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Digital Media: Still Images Editing F1KW 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Digital Media: Video Acquisition F1JW 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Digital Media: Video Editing F1KV 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Digital Numeracy F1L1 09 3 Access 3 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Enterprise Activity D36N 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Information Literacy Skills F1P3 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Computing: Animation Fundamentals

Computing:Computer Networking Fundamentals

Computing: Install and Maintain Computer HardwareComputing: Install and Maintain Computer Software

Computing: Programming in a High-level language: FundamentalsComputing: Troubleshoot and Secure IT Systems

Computing: Web Page Creation

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Certificates and their Units

National Certificate Title Code Unit Title Code SQA Unit Credit(s)SCQF Level of

National Certificate

SQA Level of National Certicate

SCQF Level of Unit

SQA Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Internet Safety F0H5 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Introduction to Computer Animation D6RC 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Mathematics 1 D321 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Mathematics 2 D322 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Mathematics 3 D323 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Mathematics: Analysis/Algebra 2 ED51 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Mathematics:Analysis/Algebra 1 D11W 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Multimedia Computing: Introduction to Digital Photography D0F7 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 PC Passport: Introduction to IT Software and Presenting Information F1F8 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 PC Passport: Introduction to IT Systems F1GP 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 PC Passport: Introduction to the Internet and On-line Communications F1F9 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 PC Passport: IT Software - Spreadsheet and Database F1FB 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 PC Passport: IT Software - Word Processing and Presenting Information F1FC 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 PC Passport: IT Systems F1FA 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 PC Passport: Working with Artwork and Imaging F1FG 12 6 Higher 3 0.5Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 PC Passport: Working with IT Security for Users F1FH 12 6 Higher 3 0.5Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 PC Passport: Working with IT Software - Spreadsheet and Databases F1FJ 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 F1FE 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Problem Solving D01E 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Problem Solving F3GD 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Social Software DW7J 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Software Development DF2Y 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Software Development DF2Y 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 4 Intermediate 1 G8JM 44 Web Logs DN81 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Basic Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills DW7H 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Business Information and ICT DV4J 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Communication D01B 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Communication F3GB 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Computer Control Systems D970 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Computer Games: Digital Games Design F1R2 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Computer Games: Digital Gaming Design F1K4 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Computing: Animation Fundamentals F1KB 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Computing: Computer Hardware and Systems F1KR 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Computing: Computer Hardware and Systems F1K2 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Computing: Computer Networking Fundamentals F1KH 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Computing: Digital Media Elements for Applications F1KS 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Computing: Digital Media Elements for Applications F1JM 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Computing: Install and Maintain Computer Hardware F1KF 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Computing: Install and Maintain Computer Software F1KP 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Computing: Interactive Multimedia for Website Design F180 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Computing: Office and Personal Productivity Applications F1K8 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Computing: Office and Personal Productivity Applications F1K6 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Computing: Programming in a High-level Language - Fundamentals F1K0 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Computing: Troubleshoot and Secure IT Systems F1KD 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Computing: Web Design Fundamentals F181 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Computing: Web Page Creation F1KJ 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Computing: Website Design and Development F182 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Core Mathematics 2 E9XD 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Core Mathematics 3 D11T 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Core Mathematics 4 D11V 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Digital Communication Methods F1KY 09 3 Access 3 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Digital Computing F1L2 09 3 Access 3 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Digital Media: Audio Acquisition F1JT 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Digital Media: Audio Editing F1KT 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Digital Media: Still Images Acquisition F1JY 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Digital Media: Still Images Editing F1KW 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Digital Media: Video Acquisition F1JW 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Digital Media: Video Editing F1KV 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Digital Numeracy F1L1 09 3 Access 3 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Enterprise Activity D36N 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Information Literacy Skills F1P3 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Internet Safety F0H5 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

PC Passport: Working with IT Software - Word Processing and Presenting Information

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Certificates and their Units

National Certificate Title Code Unit Title Code SQA Unit Credit(s)SCQF Level of

National Certificate

SQA Level of National Certicate

SCQF Level of Unit

SQA Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Introduction to Computer Animation D6RC 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Mathematics 1 D321 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Mathematics 2 D322 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Mathematics 3 D323 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Mathematics: Analysis/Algebra 2 ED51 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Mathematics:Analysis/Algebra 1 D11W 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Multimedia Computing: Introduction to Digital Photography D0F7 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Numeracy D01C 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Numeracy F3GF 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 PC Passport: Internet and On-line Communication F1FD 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 PC Passport: Introduction to IT Software and Presenting Information F1F8 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 PC Passport: Introduction to IT Systems F1GP 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 PC Passport: Introduction to the Internet and On-line Communications F1F9 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 PC Passport: IT Software - Spreadsheet and Database F1FB 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 PC Passport: IT Software - Word Processing and Presenting Information F1FC 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 PC Passport: IT Systems F1FA 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 PC Passport: Working with Artwork and Imaging F1FG 12 6 Higher 3 0.5Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 PC Passport: Working with Internet and On-line Communications F1FF 12 6 Higher 3 0.5Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 PC Passport: Working with IT Security for Users F1FH 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 PC Passport: Working with IT Software - Spreadsheet and Database F1FJ 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 F1FE 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Problem Solving D01E 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Problem Solving F3GD 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Social Software DW7J 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Software Development DF2Y 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Software Development DF2Y 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JK 45 Web Logs DN81 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Communication D01B 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Communication F3GB 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Computer Games: Digital Game Design F1R2 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Computing: Animation Fundamentals F1KB 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Computing: Authorising a Website F3T2 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Computing: Computer Hardware and Systems F3SY 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Computing: Computer Networking Fundamentals F1KH 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Computing: Digital Media Elements for Applications F1KS 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Computing: Digital Media Elements for Applications F3SW 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Computing: Install and Maintain Computer Hardware F1KF 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Computing: Install and Maintain Computer Software F1KP 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Computing: Installing and Maintaining Hardware F3T0 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Computing: Installing and Maintaining Software F3T1 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Computing: Interactive Multimedia for Website Development F180 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Computing: Office and Personal Productivity Applications F3SX 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Computing: Plan and Build a Computer Network F3T3 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Computing: Troubleshoot and Secure IT Systems F1KD 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Computing: Troubleshoot and Secure IT systems F3T4 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Computing: Web Design and Development F182 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Computing: Web Page Creation F1KJ 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Computing: Website Design Fundamentals F181 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Core Mathematics 2 E9XD 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Core Mathematics 3 D11T 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Core Mathematics 4 D11V 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Digital Acquisition and Editing : Audio F3T7 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Digital Acquisition and Editing : Video F3T6 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Digital Media: Audio Editing F1KT 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Digital Media: Still Images F3T5 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Digital Media: Still Images Editing F1KW 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Digital Media: Video Editing F1KV 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Information Literacy Skills F13P 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Introduction to Computer Animation D6RC 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Mathematics: Analysis/Algebra 1 D11W 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Mathematics: Analysis/Algebra 2 ED51 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

PC Passport: Working with IT Software - Word Processing and Presenting Information

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Certificates and their Units

National Certificate Title Code Unit Title Code SQA Unit Credit(s)SCQF Level of

National Certificate

SQA Level of National Certicate

SCQF Level of Unit

SQA Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Multimedia Computing: Introduction to Digital Photography D0F7 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Numeracy D01C 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Numeracy F3GF 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 PC Passport: IT Software Spreadsheets and Database F1FB 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 PC Passport: IT Software Word Processing and Presenting Information F1FC 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 PC Passport: IT Systems F1FA 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 PC Passport: Working with Artwork and Imaging F1FG 12 6 Higher 3 0.5Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 PC Passport: Working with Internet and On-line Communications F1FF 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 PC Passport: Working with IT Security for Users F1FH 12 6 Higher 3 0.5Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 PC Passport: Working with IT Software Spreadsheets and Database F1FJ 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 PC Passport: Working with IT Software: Word Processing and Presenting Information F1FE 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Social Software DW7J 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Software Development DF2Y 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Software Development DF2Y 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Digital Media Computing 6 Higher G9GK 46 Weblogs DN81 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Early Education and Childcare 6 Higher G8K1 46 Care and Feeding of Children DM60 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Early Education and Childcare 6 Higher G8K1 46 Child Development and Health F19L 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Early Education and Childcare 6 Higher G8K1 46 Child Development: Birth to 12 Years DM3X 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Early Education and Childcare 6 Higher G8K1 46 Communication D01B 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Early Education and Childcare 6 Higher G8K1 46 Communication F3GB 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Early Education and Childcare 6 Higher G8K1 46 Creative and Aesthetic Experiences for Children DM5Y 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Early Education and Childcare 6 Higher G8K1 46 Developing an Understanding of Working with Children DM5L 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Early Education and Childcare 6 Higher G8K1 46 Developing an Understanding of Working with Children: Workplace Experience DM5M 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Early Education and Childcare 6 Higher G8K1 46 Developmental Theory in Early Education and Childcare DM3Y 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Early Education and Childcare 6 Higher G8K1 46 External Examination for Higher Early Education and Childcare X215 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Early Education and Childcare 6 Higher G8K1 46 Experiential Approaches to Early Education and Childcare DM5N 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Early Education and Childcare 6 Higher G8K1 46 First Aid F19M 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Early Education and Childcare 6 Higher G8K1 46 HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C Infections DM5T 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Early Education and Childcare 6 Higher G8K1 46 Holistic Approaches to Child Health DM40 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Early Education and Childcare 6 Higher G8K1 46 Information Technology D01D 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Early Education and Childcare 6 Higher G8K1 46 Maintenance of a Safe Environment for Children DM5V 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Early Education and Childcare 6 Higher G8K1 46 Numeracy D01C 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Early Education and Childcare 6 Higher G8K1 46 Numeracy F3GF 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Early Education and Childcare 6 Higher G8K1 46 Partnerships in Early Education and Childcare DM5W 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Early Education and Childcare 6 Higher G8K1 46 Play in Early Education and Childcare DM41 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Early Education and Childcare 6 Higher G8K1 46 External Assessment for Higher Play in Early Education and Childcare X06L 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Early Education and Childcare 6 Higher G8K1 46 Play in Practice DM42 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Early Education and Childcare 6 Higher G8K1 46 Prevention of Infection DM5P 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Early Education and Childcare 6 Higher G8K1 46 Supporting a Curriculum in an Early Education and Childcare Setting DM66 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Early Education and Childcare 6 Higher G8K1 46 DM67 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Early Education and Childcare 6 Higher G8K1 46 Supporting Children with Additional Support Needs DM65 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Early Education and Childcare 6 Higher G8K1 46 Supporting Children's Behaviour DM5K 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Early Education and Childcare 6 Higher G8K1 46 Supporting Children's Rights and Entitlements DM5J 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Early Education and Childcare 6 Higher G8K1 46 Supporting ICT in an Early Education and Childcare Setting DM64 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Early Education and Childcare 6 Higher G8K1 46 DM63 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Early Education and Childcare 6 Higher G8K1 46 Supporting Language, Literacy and Numeracy in an Educational Setting F7J4 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Early Education and Childcare 6 Higher G8K1 46 Supporting Playwork Practice DM68 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Early Education and Childcare 6 Higher G8K1 46 Supporting Playwork Practice: Workplace Experience DM69 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Early Education and Childcare 6 Higher G8K1 46 Supporting the Care and Feeding of Babies DM61 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Early Education and Childcare 6 Higher G8K1 46 Supporting the Care and Feeding of Babies: Workplace Experience DM62 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G988 45 Applications of Programmable Logic Controllers F5H0 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Electrical Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G988 45 Circuit Element Devices F5H7 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electrical Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G988 45 Communication F3GB 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electrical Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G988 45 Earthing Systems F5HE 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electrical Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G988 45 Electrical Plant Safety and Maintenance F5HH 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electrical Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G988 45 Electrical Principles F5HK 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Supporting a Curriculum in an Early Education and Childcare Setting: Workplace Experience

Supporting Language, Literacy and Numeracy in an Early Education and Childcare Setting

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Certificates and their Units

National Certificate Title Code Unit Title Code SQA Unit Credit(s)SCQF Level of

National Certificate

SQA Level of National Certicate

SCQF Level of Unit

SQA Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

Electrical Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G988 45 Electrical Testing and Measurement F5HM 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electrical Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G988 45 Electrical Wiring Skills F5HP 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electrical Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G988 45 Electricity in the Home F5HR 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electrical Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G988 45 Electronic Test Equipment and Measurement F5DC 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electrical Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G988 45 Engineering Project F5DE 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electrical Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G988 45 Engineering: Using Information Technology F5D6 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electrical Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G988 45 Fundamental Electrical Systems F5D7 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electrical Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G988 45 Fundamental Electronics F5DH 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electrical Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G988 45 Inspection and Testing of Electrical Installations F5FS 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electrical Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G988 45 Installation of Cable Tray and MI Systems F5FV 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electrical Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G988 45 Installation of Conduit Systems F5FX 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electrical Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G988 45 Installation of PVC Sheathed Wiring Systems F5HW 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electrical Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G988 45 Installation of Trunking Systems F5HY 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electrical Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G988 45 Mathematics: Craft 1 F3HV 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electrical Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G988 45 Mathematics: Craft 2 F3HW 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electrical Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G988 45 Rotating Electrical Machines F5JK 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electrical Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G988 45 Safe Working Practices F5JL 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electrical Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G988 45 Security, Alarm and Communications Systems F5JM 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electrical Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G988 45 Transformation and Rectification F5JY 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Alarm and Communication Systems F5GY 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Applications of Programmable Logic Controllers F5H0 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Cable Ratings and Overcurrent Protection Devices F5H3 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Circuit Element Principles F5H8 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Communication F3GB 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Digitally Integrated Security and Environmental Control Systems F5HB 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Direct Current Machines F5HC 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Earthing and Earth Fault Current Protection F5HD 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Electrical Installations in Hazardous Environments and Special Locations F5HF 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Electrical Plant Maintenance F5HG 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Electrical Power Systems F5HJ 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Electrical Principles F5HL 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Electrical Testing and Measurement F5HN 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Electrical Wiring Skills F5HP 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Electronic Network Analysis F5J7 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Electronic Test Equipment and Measurement F5DJ 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Electrostatics and Electromagnetics F5D3 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Engineering Project F5D5 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Engineering: Applying Information Technology F5D4 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Fault Finding on Low Voltage Electrical Systems and Equipment F5DF 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Fundamental Electrical Systems F5D8 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Fundamental Electronics F5DB 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Illumination and Emergency Lighting F5FR 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Inspection and Testing of Electrical Installations F5FT 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Installation Conduit Systems F5FY 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Installation of AC Induction Motors F5DA 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Installation of Cable Tray and MI Systems F5FW 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Installation of PVC Sheathed Wiring Systems F5HX 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Installation of Trunking Systems F5J0 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Low Voltage Distribution Systems F5J1 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Mathematics: Technician 1 F3HX 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Mathematics: Technician 2 F3HY 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Power Electronics F5JH 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Certificates and their Units

National Certificate Title Code Unit Title Code SQA Unit Credit(s)SCQF Level of

National Certificate

SQA Level of National Certicate

SCQF Level of Unit

SQA Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Safe Working Practices F5JL 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Single and Three Phase Induction Motors F5JT 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Single Phase and Three Phase Principles F5JV 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Switchgear and High Voltage Protection F5JX 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Transformation and Rectification F5JY 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Electrical Engineering 6 Higher G9AF 46 Transformers F5K0 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electronic Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G98D 45 Applications of Programmable Logic Controllers F5H0 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electronic Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G98D 45 Circuit Element Devices F5H7 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electronic Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G98D 45 Combinational Logic F5HA 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electronic Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G98D 45 Communication F3GB 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electronic Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G98D 45 Electrical Principles F5HK 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electronic Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G98D 45 Electrical Testing and Measurement F5HM 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electronic Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G98D 45 Electronic Simulation and Testing F5HS 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electronic Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G98D 45 Electronic Test Equipment and Measurement F5DC 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electronic Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G98D 45 Engineering Project F5DE 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electronic Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G98D 45 Engineering: Using Information Technology F5D6 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electronic Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G98D 45 Fundamental Electrical Systems F5D7 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electronic Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G98D 45 Fundamental Electronics F5DH 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electronic Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G98D 45 Mathematics: Craft 1 F3HV 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electronic Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G98D 45 Mathematics: Craft 2 F3HW 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electronic Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G98D 45 Practical Electronics F5JJ 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electronic Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G98D 45 Semiconductor Applications F5JN 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electronic Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G98D 45 Sequential Logic F5JR 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electronic Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G98D 45 Soldering and Circuit Assembly Techniques F5JW 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Electronic Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G98D 45 Transformation and Rectification F5JY 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Electronic Engineering 6 Higher G9AG 46 Applications of Programmable Logic Controllers F5H0 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electronic Engineering 6 Higher G9AG 46 Circuit Element Devices F5H7 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Electronic Engineering 6 Higher G9AG 46 Combinational Logic F5H9 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electronic Engineering 6 Higher G9AG 46 Communication F3GB 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electronic Engineering 6 Higher G9AG 46 Electrical Principles F5HL 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electronic Engineering 6 Higher G9AG 46 Electrical Testing and Measurement F5HN 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electronic Engineering 6 Higher G9AG 46 Electronic Network Analysis F5J7 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electronic Engineering 6 Higher G9AG 46 Electronic Test Equipment and Measurement F5DJ 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electronic Engineering 6 Higher G9AG 46 Electrostatics and Electromagnetics F5D3 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electronic Engineering 6 Higher G9AG 46 Engineering Project F5D5 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electronic Engineering 6 Higher G9AG 46 Engineering: Applying Information Technology F5D4 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electronic Engineering 6 Higher G9AG 46 Fundamental Electrical Systems F5D8 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electronic Engineering 6 Higher G9AG 46 Fundamental Electronics F5DB 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electronic Engineering 6 Higher G9AG 46 Mathematics: Technician 1 F3HX 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electronic Engineering 6 Higher G9AG 46 Mathematics: Technician 2 F3HY 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electronic Engineering 6 Higher G9AG 46 Operational Amplifiers F5J6 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electronic Engineering 6 Higher G9AG 46 Power Electronics F5JH 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electronic Engineering 6 Higher G9AG 46 Power Supplies F5J5 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electronic Engineering 6 Higher G9AG 46 Semiconductor Applications F5JP 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electronic Engineering 6 Higher G9AG 46 Sequential Logic F5JS 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Electronic Engineering 6 Higher G9AG 46 Transformation and Rectification F5JY 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Applications of Programmable Logic Controllers F5H0 12 6 Higher 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Combinational Logic F5HA 12 6 Higher 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Communication F3GB 12 6 Higher 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Computer Aided Draughting(CAD) for Engineers F5H5 12 6 Higher 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Electrical Principles F5HL 12 6 Higher 6 1

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Certificates and their Units

National Certificate Title Code Unit Title Code SQA Unit Credit(s)SCQF Level of

National Certificate

SQA Level of National Certicate

SCQF Level of Unit

SQA Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Electrical Principles F5HK 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Electrical Testing and Measurement F5HM 12 6 Higher 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Electronic Test Equipment and Measurement F5DJ 12 6 Higher 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Electrostatics and Electromagnetics F5D3 12 6 Higher 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Engineering Design F5K5 12 6 Higher 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Engineering Dynamics: An Introduction F5K6 12 6 Higher 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Engineering Materials F5KD 12 6 Higher 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Engineering Systems F5FN 12 6 Higher 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Engineering Thermodynamics F5JF 12 6 Higher 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Engineering: Applying Information Technology F5D4 12 6 Higher 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Engineering: Control Valves and Positioners F5KL 12 6 Higher 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Engineering: Distributed Control Systems F5KM 12 6 Higher 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Engineering: Fault Finding in Measurement and Control F5KN 12 6 Higher 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Engineering: Hazards, Protection Methods and Functional Safety F5KP 12 6 Higher 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Engineering: Measurement Technology – Flow F5KR 12 6 Higher 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Engineering: Measurement Technology – Pressure/Level F5KT 12 6 Higher 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Engineering: Process Control F5KK 12 6 Higher 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Fundamental Electronics F5DB 12 6 Higher 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Fundamental Electronics F5DH 12 6 Higher 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Graphical Engineering Communication F5JG 12 6 Higher 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Graphical Engineering Communication F5FP 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Health and Safety: Engineering F5DJ 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Mathematics: Technician 1 F3HX 12 6 Higher 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Mathematics: Technician 2 F3HY 12 6 Higher 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Mechanical Engineering Principles F6X7 12 6 Higher 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Mechanical Engineering Principles F5K1 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Pipework Systems F5F9 12 6 Higher 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Plant Maintenance Practice F5J3 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Pneumatics and Hydraulics F5K2 12 6 Higher 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Power Drives F5K3 12 6 Higher 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Power Electronics F5JH 12 6 Higher 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Process Chemistry: An Introduction F6X9 12 6 Higher 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Process Measurement & Control: An Introduction F6X8 12 6 Higher 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Process Operations: Gas Processing F6XB 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Process Operations: Oil and Gas Separation F6XA 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Process Operations: Utilities F6XC 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Rotating Electrical Machines F5JK 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Sequential Logic F5JR 12 6 Higher 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Single Phase & 3 Phase Principles F5JV 12 6 Higher 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Statics F5K8 12 6 Higher 6 1

Engineering Systems 6 Higher G9CC 46 Thermofluids F5JE 12 6 Higher 6 1

Fabrication and Welding Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G981 45 Communication F3GB 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Fabrication and Welding Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G981 45 Computer Aided Draughting (CAD) for Engineers F5H4 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Fabrication and Welding Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G981 45 Engineering Materials F5W9 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Fabrication and Welding Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G981 45 Engineering Project F5DE 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Fabrication and Welding Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G981 45 Engineering: Using Information Technology F5D6 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Fabrication and Welding Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G981 45 Fabrication Processes F5EW 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Fabrication and Welding Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G981 45 Fabrication Skills F5FG 11 5 Intermediate 2 12 2.0

Fabrication and Welding Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G981 45 Graphical Engineering Communication F5FP 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Certificates and their Units

National Certificate Title Code Unit Title Code SQA Unit Credit(s)SCQF Level of

National Certificate

SQA Level of National Certicate

SCQF Level of Unit

SQA Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

Fabrication and Welding Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G981 45 Health and Safety:Engineering F5DG 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Fabrication and Welding Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G981 45 Manual Metal Arc (MMA) Welding Skills F5F6 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Fabrication and Welding Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G981 45 Mathematics: Craft 1 F3HV 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Fabrication and Welding Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G981 45 Mathematics: Craft 2 F3HW 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Fabrication and Welding Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G981 45 Metal Inert Gas (MIG)/Metal Active Gas (MAG) Welding Skills F5F7 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Fabrication and Welding Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G981 45 Pattern Development F5EX 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Fabrication and Welding Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G981 45 Pipefitting Skills F5EY 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Fabrication and Welding Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G981 45 Ship Construction Skills F5F0 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Fabrication and Welding Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G981 45 Thermal Cutting Skills F5F1 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Fabrication and Welding Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G981 45 Thermal Joining Skills F5F2 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Fabrication and Welding Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G981 45 Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) Welding Skills F5FC 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Fabrication and Welding Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G981 45 Welding Processes F5F3 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Fabrication and Welding Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G981 45 Welding: Procedures and Specifications F5F4 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Fabrication and Welding Engineering 6 Higher G984 46 Communication F3GB 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Fabrication and Welding Engineering 6 Higher G984 46 Computer Aided Draughting (CAD) for Engineers F5H5 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Fabrication and Welding Engineering 6 Higher G984 46 Engineering Materials F5KD 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Fabrication and Welding Engineering 6 Higher G984 46 Engineering Project F5D5 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Fabrication and Welding Engineering 6 Higher G984 46 Engineering Quality F5FM 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Fabrication and Welding Engineering 6 Higher G984 46 Engineering: Applying Information Technology F5D4 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Fabrication and Welding Engineering 6 Higher G984 46 Fabrication Processes F5F5 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Fabrication and Welding Engineering 6 Higher G984 46 Graphical Engineering Communication F5JG 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Fabrication and Welding Engineering 6 Higher G984 46 Health and Safety: Engineering F5DG 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Fabrication and Welding Engineering 6 Higher G984 46 Manual Metal Arc (MMA) Welding Skills F5F6 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Fabrication and Welding Engineering 6 Higher G984 46 Mathematics: Technician 1 F3HX 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Fabrication and Welding Engineering 6 Higher G984 46 Mathematics: Technician 2 F3HY 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Fabrication and Welding Engineering 6 Higher G984 46 Metal Inert Gas (MIG)/Metal Active Gas (MAG) Welding Skills F5F7 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Fabrication and Welding Engineering 6 Higher G984 46 Pattern Development F5F8 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Fabrication and Welding Engineering 6 Higher G984 46 Pipework Systems F5F9 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Fabrication and Welding Engineering 6 Higher G984 46 Shipbuilding Technology F5FA 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Fabrication and Welding Engineering 6 Higher G984 46 Thermal Cutting Processes F5FB 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Fabrication and Welding Engineering 6 Higher G984 46 Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) Welding Skills F5FC 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Fabrication and Welding Engineering 6 Higher G984 46 Welding Processes F5FD 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Fabrication and Welding Engineering 6 Higher G984 46 Welding: Effects on the Structure of Materials F5FF 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Fabrication and Welding Engineering 6 Higher G984 46 Welding: Procedures and Specifications F5FE 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Greenkeeping 5 Intermediate 2 G9D6 45 Communication F3GB 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Greenkeeping 5 Intermediate 2 G9D6 45 Draining Sports Surfaces F6V3 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Greenkeeping 5 Intermediate 2 G9D6 45 Environmental Issues: Sportsturf F6TV 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Greenkeeping 5 Intermediate 2 G9D6 45 Golf Course Construction: An Introduction F6TL 11 5 Intermediate 2 9 1.5Greenkeeping 5 Intermediate 2 G9D6 45 Golf Course Design and Layout F6XM 11 5 Intermediate 2 9 1.5Greenkeeping 5 Intermediate 2 G9D6 45 Golf Course Maintenance F6TR 11 5 Intermediate 2 9 1.5Greenkeeping 5 Intermediate 2 G9D6 45 Golf Course Tournament Preparation F6TX 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5Greenkeeping 5 Intermediate 2 G9D6 45 Golf: Club Procedures, Etiquette and Rules D0PT 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5Greenkeeping 5 Intermediate 2 G9D6 45 Information and Communication Technology F3GC 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Greenkeeping 5 Intermediate 2 G9D6 45 Irrigating Sports Surfaces F6V4 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Greenkeeping 5 Intermediate 2 G9D6 45 Numeracy F3GF 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Greenkeeping 5 Intermediate 2 G9D6 45 Pesticide Application(HN) F2B2 34 7 Advanced Higher 8 1.0Greenkeeping 5 Intermediate 2 G9D6 45 Plant Husbandry:Common Disorders D878 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Greenkeeping 5 Intermediate 2 G9D6 45 Skills for Customer Care F38W 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Greenkeeping 5 Intermediate 2 G9D6 45 Soft Landscaping: An Introduction DX13 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5Greenkeeping 5 Intermediate 2 G9D6 45 Sportsturf Industry: An Introduction to Health and Safety F6TT 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5Greenkeeping 5 Intermediate 2 G9D6 45 Sportsturf Industry: Soils and Rootzones F6TM 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Greenkeeping 5 Intermediate 2 G9D6 45 Sportsturf Nutrition F6TN 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Greenkeeping 5 Intermediate 2 G9D6 45 Tractor Operations 1 D900 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Greenkeeping 5 Intermediate 2 G9D6 45 Tree and Shrub Planting D903 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Greenkeeping 5 Intermediate 2 G9D6 45 Turf Grass Identification and Production F6TP 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Greenkeeping 5 Intermediate 2 G9D6 45 Turf Maintenance Machinery F6TS 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Greenkeeping 5 Intermediate 2 G9D6 45 Work Environment Maintenance F6T1 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5Greenkeeping 5 Intermediate 2 G9D6 45 Work Experience D36H 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Hairdressing 5 Intermediate 2 G95H 45 Applying Practical Skills F4BY 11 5 Intemediate 2 6 1.0

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Certificates and their Units

National Certificate Title Code Unit Title Code SQA Unit Credit(s)SCQF Level of

National Certificate

SQA Level of National Certicate

SCQF Level of Unit

SQA Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

Hairdressing 5 Intermediate 2 G95H 45 Blow Drying Techniques F4BX 11 5 Intemediate 2 6 1.0Hairdressing 5 Intermediate 2 G95H 45 Clipper Cutting Techniques: Gents F50F 11 5 Intemediate 2 6 1.0Hairdressing 5 Intermediate 2 G95H 45 Curent Techniques in Long Hair: Basic F4CB 11 5 Intemediate 2 6 1.0Hairdressing 5 Intermediate 2 G95H 45 Hair Beauty and Make-Up Personal Care and Appearance F4C5 11 5 Intemediate 2 6 1.0Hairdressing 5 Intermediate 2 G95H 45 Hair, Beauty and Make-Up Competition Technical Skills F4BV 11 5 Intemediate 2 6 1.0Hairdressing 5 Intermediate 2 G95H 45 Hair, Beauty and Make-Up Portfolio Presentation F4C7 11 5 Intemediate 2 6 1.0Hairdressing 5 Intermediate 2 G95H 45 Hand Care: Gents F50G 11 5 Intemediate 2 6 1.0Hairdressing 5 Intermediate 2 G95H 45 Ladies Hairdressing: Basic Cutting Categories F4C2 11 5 Intemediate 2 6 2.0Hairdressing 5 Intermediate 2 G95H 45 Mix, Apply and Remove Hair Colour F4C4 11 5 Intemediate 2 6 2.0Hairdressing 5 Intermediate 2 G95H 45 Postiche Applications and Styling: An Introduction F4C6 11 5 Intemediate 2 6 1.0Hairdressing 5 Intermediate 2 G95H 45 Reception Duties and Skills F4P1 11 5 Intemediate 2 6 1.0Hairdressing 5 Intermediate 2 G95H 45 Reception Duties and Skills F4P1 11 5 Intemediate 2 6 1.0Hairdressing 5 Intermediate 2 G95H 45 Selling Skills D0SF 10 4 Intemediate 1 6 1.0Hairdressing 5 Intermediate 2 G95H 45 Setting and Winding Techniques for Hair F4C8 11 5 Intemediate 2 6 1.0Hairdressing 5 Intermediate 2 G95H 45 Shampooing, Conditioning and Scalp Massage F4C9 11 5 Intemediate 2 6 1.0Hairdressing 5 Intermediate 2 G95H 45 Skills for Customer Care F38X 11 5 Intemediate 2 6 1.0Hairdressing 5 Intermediate 2 G95H 45 Work Experience D36H 11 5 Intemediate 2 6 1.0Hairdressing 5 Intermediate 2 G95H 45 Working with Others D01F 11 5 Intemediate 2 6 1.0Hairdressing 5 Intermediate 2 G95H 45 Working with Others F3GE 11 5 Intemediate 2 6 1.0Hairdressing 6 Higher G9K3 46 Beauty: Creative Current Make-up Trends F5B3 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Hairdressing 6 Higher G9K3 46 Colour Correction F78R 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Hairdressing 6 Higher G9K3 46 Combination Hair Cutting F78S 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Hairdressing 6 Higher G9K3 46 Commercial Experience F78V 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Hairdressing 6 Higher G9K3 46 Creative Cutting F78X 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Hairdressing 6 Higher G9K3 46 Digital Imaging D7YF 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Hairdressing 6 Higher G9K3 46 Hair Colouring and Lightening F78P 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Hairdressing 6 Higher G9K3 46 Hairdressing: Long Hair Design(HN) DN5Y 33 6 Higher 6 1.0Hairdressing 6 Higher G9K3 46 Research Skills D669 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Hairdressing 6 Higher G9K3 46 Scalp, Neck and Shoulder Massage F6XE 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Hairdressing 6 Higher G9K3 46 Style, Dress and Finish Hair F78T 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Hairdressing 6 Higher G9K3 46 Styling for a Total Look F78W 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Hairdressing 6 Higher G9K3 46 Working with Commercial Synthetic Postiche F78Y 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Acids, Bases and Metals D068 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Animal Physiology D028 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Behaviour, Populations and the Environment D045 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Building Blocks D066 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Carbon Compounds D067 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Caring for People with Dementia D11A 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Cell Biology D029 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Cell Function and Inheritance D043 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Chemical Reactions D071 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Child Protection: An Introduction DF6J 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Communicate With, and Complete Records for Individuals DK3V 04 Unlevelled Unlevelled Not allocated 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Communication D01B 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Communication D01B 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Communication F3GB 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Control and Regulation D031 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Develop your Knowledge and Practice DK6D 04 Unlevelled Unlevelled Not allocated 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Energy Matters D069 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Ensure Your Own Actions Support the Care, Protection and Well-Being of Individuals DK6X 04 Unlevelled Unlevelled Not allocated 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Environmental Biology and Genetics D027 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 External Assessment for Higher Care Practice X01F 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 External Assessment for Higher Mental Health Care X06G 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 External Examination for Advanced Higher Biology X007 13 7 Advanced Higher 8 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 External Examination for Advanced Higher Chemistry X012 13 7 Advanced Higher 8 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 External Examination for Higher Biology X007 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 External Examination for Higher Care X241 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 External Examination for Higher Human Biology X009 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 External Examination for Higher Psychology X212 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 External Examination for Higher Sociology X228 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 External Examination for Higher Chemistry X012 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Families in Modern Society F01C 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Certificates and their Units

National Certificate Title Code Unit Title Code SQA Unit Credit(s)SCQF Level of

National Certificate

SQA Level of National Certicate

SCQF Level of Unit

SQA Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 First Aid F19M 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 First Aid F19M 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Genetics and Adaptation D030 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Health Promotion F1RG 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Health, Safety and Protection Issues in Care Settings F1C8 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Healthy Eating in a Care Setting F1P1 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C Infections DM5T 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Information and Communication Technology F3GC 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Information Technology D01D 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Information and Communication Technology F3GC 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Information Technology D01D 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Living Cells D026 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Maintaining Safety in a Care Setting F1P2 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Mental Health Issues: An Introduction F1P4 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Numeracy D01C 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Numeracy D01C 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Numeracy F3GF 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Parenting DM86 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Practical Skills for Carers F1P0 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Prevention of Infection DM5P 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Problem Solving D01E 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Problem Solving D01E 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Problem Solving F3GD 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Psychology for Care F17X 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Psychology: Investigating Behaviour DF5L 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Psychology: Investigating Behaviour DF5L 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Psychology: The Individual in the Social Context DF5M 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Psychology: The Individual in the Social Context DF5M 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Psychology: Understanding the Individual DF5K 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Psychology: Understanding the Individual DF5K 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Social Stratification DV3M 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Socialisation DV3L 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Sociology for Care F17Y 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Stress and Stress Management D10Y 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Studying Human Society: The Sociological Approach DV3P 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Studying Human Society: The Sociological Approach DV3P 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Support the Health and Safety of Yourself and Individuals DK8W 04 Unlevelled Unlevelled Not allocated 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 The Continuation of Life D044 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 The Human Body F1RH 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 The World of Carbon D070 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Understanding and Supporting People in Health and Social Care Settings F1C5 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Understanding Human Society 1 DV3Y 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Understanding Human Society 2 DV40 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Understanding of Mental Health and Mental Illness DF6H 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Understanding the Needs of the Older Person F1P5 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Values and Principles in Care F17W 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Working as a Team in a Care Setting F1NY 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Working in Health and Social Care Settings F1C7 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Working with Others D01F 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Working with Others F3GE 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Working with Others D01F 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Health and Social Care 6 Higher G8K3 46 Working with Others F3GE 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Hospitality 4 Intermediate 1 G93V 44 Accommodation Operations F4SN 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Hospitality 4 Intermediate 1 G93V 44 Cookery Processes: An Introduction D264 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Hospitality 4 Intermediate 1 G93V 44 Craft Baking: An Introduction F4ST 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Hospitality 4 Intermediate 1 G93V 44 Food and Beverage Service: Counter F4SL 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Hospitality 4 Intermediate 1 G93V 44 Food and Beverage Service: Table F4SR 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Hospitality 4 Intermediate 1 G93V 44 Food Hygiene for the Hospitality Industry D8KY 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5Hospitality 4 Intermediate 1 G93V 44 Food Preparation Techniques: An Introduction D263 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Hospitality 4 Intermediate 1 G93V 44 Healthy Cookery F4SS 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Hospitality 4 Intermediate 1 G93V 44 Hospitality Costing D670 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Hospitality 4 Intermediate 1 G93V 44 Hospitality Front Office Skills F4SP 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Certificates and their Units

National Certificate Title Code Unit Title Code SQA Unit Credit(s)SCQF Level of

National Certificate

SQA Level of National Certicate

SCQF Level of Unit

SQA Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

Hospitality 4 Intermediate 1 G93V 44 Hospitality: Introduction to Events F19K 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Hospitality 4 Intermediate 1 G93V 44 Hospitality: Organisation of Practical Skills D9NL 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5Hospitality 4 Intermediate 1 G93V 44 External Examination for Intermediate 1 Hospitality: Practical Cookery X201 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Hospitality 4 Intermediate 1 G93V 44 Hospitality: Working Front of House F19J 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Hospitality 4 Intermediate 1 G93V 44 Hospitality: Working in the Hospitality Industry F19E 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Hospitality 4 Intermediate 1 G93V 44 Hospitality: Working in the Professional Kitchen F19G 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Hospitality 4 Intermediate 1 G93V 44 Kitchen Skills: An Introduction F4SM 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Hospitality 4 Intermediate 1 G93V 44 Meal Production and Design D281 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Hospitality 4 Intermediate 1 G93V 44 Organisation of Practical Skills 3 D0T8 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Hospitality 4 Intermediate 1 G93V 44 Skills for Customer Care F38W 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Hospitality 4 Intermediate 1 G93V 44 Working Safely in the Hospitality Industry F4SK 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 Accommodation and Facilities Services F7E3 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 Alcoholic Beverages: An Introduction F7E4 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 Beverage Product Knowledge D297 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 Cake Decorating D9GL 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 Cake Production D9GM 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 Cold Preparation F7E0 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 Cookery Processes F7DS 11 5 Intermediate 2 12 2.0Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 Creative Cake Production: Organisation of Practical Skills D9GN 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 Customer Care for the Hospitality and Tourism Industry DV3A 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 Event Organisation F3PN 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 External Assessment for Higher Patisserie X02L 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 External Assessment for Intermediate 2 Creative Cake Production X06E 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 External Examination for Higher Hospitality-Professional Cookery X051 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 External Examination for Intermediate 2 Hospitality-Professional Cookery X051 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 External Examination for Intermediate 2 Hospitality-General Operations X049 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 Food and Health F7E7 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 Food Hygiene for the Hospitality Industry F792 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 Food Hygiene for the Hospitality Industry F792 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 Food Preparation Techniques F7DP 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 Food Product Knowledge D289 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 Food Production and Presentation Skills DE2M 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 Hospitality Administration D294 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 Hospitality Costing D670 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 Hospitality Events F3J3 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 Hospitality Front Office Skills F7E2 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 Hospitality: Developing Skills for Working in Hospitality F3J0 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 Hospitality: Developing Skills for Working in the Professional Kitchen F3J1 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 Hospitality: Front of House Operations F3J2 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 Hospitality: Organisation of Practical Skills F7DH 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 Integrated Production Cookery F7DV 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 Local Hospitality Provision F7DL 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 Meal Production and Design D281 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 Non Alcoholic Beverages F7E6 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 Organisation of Practical Skills 4 D0T9 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 Patisserie DE2L 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 Restaurant Food Production and Menu Planning D9NN 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 Selling Skills F3PJ 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 Service of Food and Drink D04R 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 Service of Food and Drink – Table D280 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 Stocks and Sauces F7DX 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Hospitality 5 Intermediate 2 G9FL 45 Working Safely D11N 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5Make-Up Artistry 6 Higher G9K4 46 Beauty: Current Creative Make-Up Trends F5B3 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Make-Up Artistry 6 Higher G9K4 46 Body Painting F78M 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Make-Up Artistry 6 Higher G9K4 46 Character Make-Up for TV and Theatre F78L 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Make-Up Artistry 6 Higher G9K4 46 Commercial Experience F78V 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Make-Up Artistry 6 Higher G9K4 46 Digital Imaging D7YF 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Make-Up Artistry 6 Higher G9K4 46 Fantasy Make-Up and Hair F78N 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Make-Up Artistry 6 Higher G9K4 46 Media Make-Up: Special Effects F78K 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Make-Up Artistry 6 Higher G9K4 46 Research Skills D669 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Make-Up Artistry 6 Higher G9K4 46 Scalp, Neck and Shoulder Massage F6XE 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Make-Up Artistry 6 Higher G9K4 46 Style, Dress and Finish Hair F78T 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Certificates and their Units

National Certificate Title Code Unit Title Code SQA Unit Credit(s)SCQF Level of

National Certificate

SQA Level of National Certicate

SCQF Level of Unit

SQA Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

Make-Up Artistry 6 Higher G9K4 46 Styling for a Total Look F78W 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Make-Up Artistry 6 Higher G9K4 46 Wigs and Postiche for Media F78J 12 6 Higher 12 2.0

Manufacturing Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G982 45 Communication F3GB 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Manufacturing Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G982 45 Computer Aided Draughting (CAD) for Engineers F5H4 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Manufacturing Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G982 45 Engineering Assembly Skills F5W6 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Manufacturing Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G982 45 Engineering Dimensional Control F5W7 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Manufacturing Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G982 45 Engineering Manufacturing Processes F5W8 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Manufacturing Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G982 45 Engineering Material Removal Principles F5WD 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Manufacturing Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G982 45 Engineering Materials F5W9 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Manufacturing Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G982 45 Engineering Project F5DE 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Manufacturing Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G982 45 Engineering Quality F5FM 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Manufacturing Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G982 45 Engineering Workshop Skills F5WA 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Manufacturing Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G982 45 Engineering: Using Information Technology F5D6 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Manufacturing Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G982 45 Graphical Engineering Communication F5FP 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Manufacturing Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G982 45 Health and Safety: Engineering F5DG 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Manufacturing Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G982 45 Industrial CNC Machining F5D9 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Manufacturing Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G982 45 Material Removal Practice: Milling F5WB 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Manufacturing Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G982 45 Material Removal Practice: Turning F5WC 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Manufacturing Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G982 45 Mathematics: Craft 1 F3HV 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Manufacturing Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G982 45 Mathematics: Craft 2 F3HW 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Manufacturing Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G982 45 Robotic and Automated Systems F5H6 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Manufacturing Engineering 6 Higher G97L 46 Applications of Programmable Logic Controllers F5H0 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Manufacturing Engineering 6 Higher G97L 46 Communication F3GB 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Manufacturing Engineering 6 Higher G97L 46 Computer Aided Draughting (CAD) for Engineers F5H5 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Manufacturing Engineering 6 Higher G97L 46 Engineering Assembly Skills F5KA 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Manufacturing Engineering 6 Higher G97L 46 Engineering Design F5K5 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Manufacturing Engineering 6 Higher G97L 46 Engineering Dimensional Control F5KB 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Manufacturing Engineering 6 Higher G97L 46 Engineering Manufacturing Processes F5KC 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Manufacturing Engineering 6 Higher G97L 46 Engineering Material Removal Principles F5KH 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Manufacturing Engineering 6 Higher G97L 46 Engineering Materials F5KD 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Manufacturing Engineering 6 Higher G97L 46 Engineering Project F5D5 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Manufacturing Engineering 6 Higher G97L 46 Engineering Quality: An Introduction F5FM 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Manufacturing Engineering 6 Higher G97L 46 Engineering Systems F5FN 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Manufacturing Engineering 6 Higher G97L 46 Engineering Workshop Skills F5KE 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Manufacturing Engineering 6 Higher G97L 46 Engineering: Applying Information Technology F5D4 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Manufacturing Engineering 6 Higher G97L 46 Graphical Engineering Communication F5JG 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Manufacturing Engineering 6 Higher G97L 46 Industrial CNC Machining F5HT 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Manufacturing Engineering 6 Higher G97L 46 Industrial CNC Part Programming F5HV 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Manufacturing Engineering 6 Higher G97L 46 Material Removal Practice: Milling F5KF 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Manufacturing Engineering 6 Higher G97L 46 Material Removal Practice: Turning F5KG 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Manufacturing Engineering 6 Higher G97L 46 Mathematics: Technician 1 F3HX 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Manufacturing Engineering 6 Higher G97L 46 Mathematics: Technician 2 F3HY 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Manufacturing Engineering 6 Higher G97L 46 Robotic and Automated Systems F5H6 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Measurement and Control 6 Higher G987 46 Applications of Programmable Logic Controllers F5H0 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Measurement and Control 6 Higher G987 46 Combinational Logic F5H9 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Measurement and Control 6 Higher G987 46 Communication F3GB 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Measurement and Control 6 Higher G987 46 Electrical Principles F5HL 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Measurement and Control 6 Higher G987 46 Engineering: Applying Information Technology F5D4 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Measurement and Control 6 Higher G987 46 Engineering: Complex Control Systems F5KJ 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Measurement and Control 6 Higher G987 46 Engineering: Control Valves and Positioners F5KL 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Measurement and Control 6 Higher G987 46 Engineering: Distributed Control Systems F5KM 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Measurement and Control 6 Higher G987 46 Engineering: Fault-finding in Measurement and Control F5KN 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Measurement and Control 6 Higher G987 46 Engineering: Hazards, Protection Methods and Functional Safety F5KP 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Measurement and Control 6 Higher G987 46 Engineering: Measurement Technology – Flow F5KR 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Measurement and Control 6 Higher G987 46 Engineering: Measurement Technology – Pressure/Level F5KT 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Measurement and Control 6 Higher G987 46 Engineering: Measurement Technology – Temperature F5KS 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Measurement and Control 6 Higher G987 46 Engineering: Process Analysers F5KV 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Certificates and their Units

National Certificate Title Code Unit Title Code SQA Unit Credit(s)SCQF Level of

National Certificate

SQA Level of National Certicate

SCQF Level of Unit

SQA Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

Measurement and Control 6 Higher G987 46 Engineering: Process Control F5KK 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Measurement and Control 6 Higher G987 46 Engineering: Process Control Systems F5KW 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Measurement and Control 6 Higher G987 46 Engineering: Signal Conditioning in Telemetry F5KX 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Measurement and Control 6 Higher G987 46 Mathematics: Technician 1 F3HX 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Measurement and Control 6 Higher G987 46 Mathematics: Technician 2 F3HY 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Mechanical Engineering 6 Higher G97J 46 Communication F3GB 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Mechanical Engineering 6 Higher G97J 46 Computer Aided Draughting (CAD) for Engineers F5H5 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Mechanical Engineering 6 Higher G97J 46 Electrical Plant Maintenance F5HG 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Mechanical Engineering 6 Higher G97J 46 Engineering Design F5K5 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Mechanical Engineering 6 Higher G97J 46 Engineering Dimensional Control F5KB 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Mechanical Engineering 6 Higher G97J 46 Engineering Dynamics F5K7 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Mechanical Engineering 6 Higher G97J 46 Engineering Dynamics: An Introduction F5K6 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Mechanical Engineering 6 Higher G97J 46 Engineering Materials F5KD 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Mechanical Engineering 6 Higher G97J 46 Engineering Prime Movers F5J9 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Mechanical Engineering 6 Higher G97J 46 Engineering Project F5D5 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Mechanical Engineering 6 Higher G97J 46 Engineering Quality: An Introduction F5FM 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Mechanical Engineering 6 Higher G97J 46 Engineering Systems F5FN 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Mechanical Engineering 6 Higher G97J 46 Engineering Thermodynamics F5JF 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Mechanical Engineering 6 Higher G97J 46 Engineering: Applying Information Technology F5D4 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Mechanical Engineering 6 Higher G97J 46 Graphical Engineering Communication F5JG 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Mechanical Engineering 6 Higher G97J 46 Maintenance Safety F5JA 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Mechanical Engineering 6 Higher G97J 46 Mathematics: Technician 1 F3HX 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Mechanical Engineering 6 Higher G97J 46 Mathematics: Technician 2 F3HY 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Mechanical Engineering 6 Higher G97J 46 Plant Installation F5J8 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Mechanical Engineering 6 Higher G97J 46 Plant Maintenance Practice F5J9 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Mechanical Engineering 6 Higher G97J 46 Pneumatics and Hydraulics F5JB 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Mechanical Engineering 6 Higher G97J 46 Power Drives F5JC 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Mechanical Engineering 6 Higher G97J 46 Statics F5K8 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Mechanical Engineering 6 Higher G97J 46 Strength of Materials F5K9 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Mechanical Engineering 6 Higher G97J 46 Thermofluids F5JE 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Mechanical Maintenance Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G983 45 Communication F3GB 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Mechanical Maintenance Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G983 45 Computer Aided Draughting (CAD) for Engineers F5H4 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Mechanical Maintenance Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G983 45 Electrical Plant Safety and Maintenance F5HH 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Mechanical Maintenance Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G983 45 Engineering Dimensional Control F5W7 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Mechanical Maintenance Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G983 45 Engineering Materials F5W9 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Mechanical Maintenance Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G983 45 Engineering Prime Movers F5K4 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Mechanical Maintenance Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G983 45 Engineering Project F5DE 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Mechanical Maintenance Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G983 45 Engineering: Using Information Technology F5D6 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Mechanical Maintenance Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G983 45 Graphical Engineering Communication F5FP 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Mechanical Maintenance Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G983 45 Health and Safety: Engineering F5DG 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Mechanical Maintenance Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G983 45 Maintenance Safety F5J4 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Mechanical Maintenance Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G983 45 Mathematics: Craft 1 F3HV 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Mechanical Maintenance Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G983 45 Mathematics: Craft 2 F3HW 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Mechanical Maintenance Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G983 45 Mechanical Engineering Principles F5K1 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Mechanical Maintenance Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G983 45 Plant Installation F5J2 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Mechanical Maintenance Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G983 45 Plant Maintenance Practice F5J3 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Mechanical Maintenance Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G983 45 Pneumatics and Hydraulics F5K2 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Mechanical Maintenance Engineering 5 Intermediate 2 G983 45 Power Drives F5K3 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Cantonese For Work Purposes F3CF 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Cantonese For Work Purposes F3CF 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Communication F3GE 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 French for Work Purposes F3CG 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 French for Work Purposes F3CG 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Gaelic (Learners) For Work Purposes F3CD 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Gaelic (Learners) For Work Purposes F3CD 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 German for Work Purposes F3CC 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 German for Work Purposes F3CC 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Certificates and their Units

National Certificate Title Code Unit Title Code SQA Unit Credit(s)SCQF Level of

National Certificate

SQA Level of National Certicate

SCQF Level of Unit

SQA Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

Media 6 Higher G975 46 Italian for Work Purposes F3CB 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Italian for Work Purposes F3CB 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Mandarin For Work Purposes F3CA 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Mandarin For Work Purposes F3CA 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Media Analysis: Fiction DF14 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Media Analysis: Non Fiction DF15 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Media Production DF16 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Media Project F57P 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Media: Advertising - an Introduction F57H 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Media: An Introduction to a Sector of the Media Industry F57J 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Media: An Introduction to Comics and Graphic Novels F57K 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Media: An Introduction to Film and the Film Industry F57T 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Media: An Introduction to the Media Industry F57L 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Media: Basic Video Camera Operations F585 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Media: Basic Video Editing F57V 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Media: Basic Website Development F57Y 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Media: Directing for a Single Camera Production F586 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Media: Feature Writing F57M 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Media: Lighting for Single Camera F57W 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Media: Making a Radio Programme F57X 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Media: Making a Radio Programme F587 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Media: Multi-camera Studio Production Roles F589 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Media: News Writing for Print F57R 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Media: Page Layout and Design for Print F57N 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Media: Photography F580 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Media: Presenting for Radio and Television F58A 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Media: Radio Feature Production F581 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Media: Radio Interviewing F58B 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Media: Radio Journalism F582 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Media: Radio Music Programme Production F58D 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Media: Research and Interview Skills for Journalism F57S 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Media: Scriptwriting F583 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Media: Sound recording for Single Camera F58E 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Media: Television Production Assistant F584 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Media: Understanding the Creative Process F5D1 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Polish For Work Purposes F3C9 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Polish For Work Purposes F3C9 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Russian For Work Purposes F3C8 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Russian For Work Purposes F3C8 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Spanish for Work Purposes F3C7 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Spanish for Work Purposes F3C7 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Urdu For Work Purposes F3CE 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Urdu For Work Purposes F3CE 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Media 6 Higher G975 46 Working with Others FG3E 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Music 6 Higher G978 46 Applied Multimedia DM4D 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 Applied Multimedia DM4D 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 Appreciation of Music F58M 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 Creative Project F58F 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 Digital Media: Video Acquisition F1JW 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

Music 6 Higher G978 46 Digital Media: Video Editing F1KV 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Music 6 Higher G978 46 French for Work Purposes F3GC 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 French for Work Purposes F3GC 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 German for Work Purposes F3CC 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 German for Work Purposes F3CC 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 Italian for Work Purposes F3CB 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 Italian for Work Purposes F3CB 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 Keyboard Skills for Music Production(HN) DJ28 33 6 Higher 6 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 Media: Making a Radio Programme F57X 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 Media: Radio Feature Production F581 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 Media: Radio Interviewing F58B 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Certificates and their Units

National Certificate Title Code Unit Title Code SQA Unit Credit(s)SCQF Level of

National Certificate

SQA Level of National Certicate

SCQF Level of Unit

SQA Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

Music 6 Higher G978 46 Media: Radio Music Programme Production F58D 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 Music: An Introduction to the UK Music Industry F58J 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Music 6 Higher G978 46 Music: Aural Skills F58L 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 Music: Composing DV45 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 Music: Composing DV45 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 Music: Compositional Techniques F5E9 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Music 6 Higher G978 46 Music: Literacy F5EA 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 Music: Live Performance F5E5 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 Music: Live Performance F58K 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 Music: Management in the Music Industry F5E8 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 Music: MIDI Sequencing F5DV 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 Music: MIDI Sequencing F5DX 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 Music: Organising a Community-based Musical Activity F5E6 13 7 Advanced Higher 8 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 Music: Promotion in the Music Industry F5E7 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 Music: Songwriting F5EB 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 Music: Technical Support F5E2 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 Music: Visuals for Live Performance F5E4 13 7 Advanced Higher 8 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 Performing Music on One Instrument or Voice F3F4 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 Performing Music on One Instrument or Voice F3F4 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 Performing Music on One Instrument or Voice F3F4 13 7 Advanced Higher 8 1.0

Music 6 Higher G978 46 Sound Engineering and Production F5DW 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 Sound Engineering and Production F58H 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 Sound: Design F5DY 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 Sound: Digital DJing — An Introduction F5E3 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 Sound: Music Remixing F5E1 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 Sound: Reinforcement F5E0 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 Sound: Synthesis and Sampling Skills F58N 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 Sound: Understanding the Signal Path F58G 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 Spanish for Work Purposes F3C7 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Music 6 Higher G978 46 Spanish for Work Purposes F3C7 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Music Business 6 Higher G9KN 46 Appreciation of Music F58M 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Music Business 6 Higher G9KN 46 Creative Project F58F 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Music Business 6 Higher G9KN 46 Music: An Introduction to the UK Music Industry F58J 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Music Business 6 Higher G9KN 46 Music: Management in the Music Industry F5E8 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Music Business 6 Higher G9KN 46 Music: Organising a Community-based Musical Activity F5E6 13 7 Higher 8 1.0Music Business 6 Higher G9KN 46 Music: Promotion in the Music Industry F5E7 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Shipping and Maritime Operations 6 Higher G9GW 46 Bridge Watchkeeping: An Introduction F7HK 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Shipping and Maritime Operations 6 Higher G9GW 46 Communication F3GB 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Shipping and Maritime Operations 6 Higher G9GW 46 Computing: Office and Personal Productivity Applications F1K8 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Shipping and Maritime Operations 6 Higher G9GW 46 Engineering Dynamics F5K7 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Shipping and Maritime Operations 6 Higher G9GW 46 Marine Heat Engines F7HG 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Shipping and Maritime Operations 6 Higher G9GW 46 Maritime Industry: An Introduction F7HH 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Shipping and Maritime Operations 6 Higher G9GW 46 Mathematics for Science F3T8 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Shipping and Maritime Operations 6 Higher G9GW 46 Nautical Science: An Introduction F7HD 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Shipping and Maritime Operations 6 Higher G9GW 46 Numeracy F3GF 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Shipping and Maritime Operations 6 Higher G9GW 46 Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats F7HF 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Shipping and Maritime Operations 6 Higher G9GW 46 Safety Training For Seafarers F7HJ 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Shipping and Maritime Operations 6 Higher G9GW 46 Seamanship: Efficient Deck Hand F7HE 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Shipping and Maritime Operations 6 Higher G9GW 46 Ship Construction and Stability: An Introduction F7HC 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Shipping and Maritime Operations 6 Higher G9GW 46 Shipboard Operations: An Introduction F7HB 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Shipping and Maritime Operations 6 Higher G9GW 46 Statics F5K8 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Shipping and Maritime Operations 6 Higher G9GW 46 Strength of Material F5K9 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Applied Multimedia DM4D 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Applied Multimedia DM4D 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Appreciation of Music F58M 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Calculus 1 ED50 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Core Mathematics 3 D11T 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Certificates and their Units

National Certificate Title Code Unit Title Code SQA Unit Credit(s)SCQF Level of

National Certificate

SQA Level of National Certicate

SCQF Level of Unit

SQA Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Core Mathematics 4 D11V 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Creative Project F58F 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Digital Media: Audio Editing F1KT 11 6 Higher 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Digital Media: Video Acquisition F1JW 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Digital Media: Video Editing F1KV 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 French for Work Purposes F3GC 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 French for Work Purposes F3CG 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 German for Work Purposes F3CC 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 German for Work Purposes F3CC 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Italian for Work Purposes F3CB 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Italian for Work Purposes F3CB 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Keyboard Skills for Music Production(HN) DJ28 33 6 Higher 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Mathematics: Analysis/Algebra 1 D11W 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Mathematics: Analysis/Algebra 2 ED51 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Mathematics: Craft 1 F3HV 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Mathematics: Craft 2 F3HW 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Mathematics: Technician 1 F3HX 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Mathematics: Technician 2 F3HY 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Media: Making a Radio Programme F57X 12 6 Higher 12 2.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Media: Radio Interviewing F58B 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Media: Radio Music Programme Production F58D 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Music: An Introduction to the UK Music Industry F58J 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Music: Composing DV45 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Music: Composing DV45 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Music: Live Performance F5E5 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Music: Live Performance F58K 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Music: Management in the Music Industry F5E8 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Music: MIDI Sequencing F5DX 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Music: MIDI Sequencing F5DV 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Music: Organising a Community-based Musical Activity F5E6 13 7 Advanced Higher 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Music: Promotion in the Music Industry F5E7 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Certificates and their Units

National Certificate Title Code Unit Title Code SQA Unit Credit(s)SCQF Level of

National Certificate

SQA Level of National Certicate

SCQF Level of Unit

SQA Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Music: Technical Support F5E2 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Music: Visuals for Live Performance F5E4 13 7 Advanced Higher 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Performing Music on One Instrument or Voice F3F4 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Performing Music on One Instrument or Voice F3F4 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Performing Music on One Instrument or Voice F3F4 13 7 Advanced Higher 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Sound Engineering and Production F5DW 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Sound Engineering and Production F58H 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Sound: Audio Electronics — An Introduction F5DS 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Sound: Design F5DY 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Sound: Digital DJing – An Introduction F5E3 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Sound: Music Remixing F5E1 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Sound: Reinforcement F5E0 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Sound: Synthesis and Sampling Skills F58N 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Sound: Understanding the Signal Path F58G 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Spanish for Work Purposes F3C7 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

Sound Production 6 Higher G977 46 Spanish for Work Purposes F3C7 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Citizenship through Sport and Fitness Volunteering F40C 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Communication D01B 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Communication F3GB 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Contemporary Fitness and Exercise Training Methods: An Introductions F40B 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Countryside Recreation D839 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Developing Leadership within Physical Activities F40D 11 5 Intermediate 2 12 2.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Health and Safety in the Provision of Sporting Activities: An Introduction D683 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Human Anatomy, Physiology and Physical Activities F40E 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Information and Communication Technology F3GC 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Information Technology D01D 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Map Reading within Expedition Leadership F40F 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Nutrition, Health and Wellbeing F40G 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Residential Experience D36M 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sport and Recreation: An Introduction F40L 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sport Development: An Introduction F40H 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sporting Activity Participation & Performance: Archery F40N 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sporting Activity Participation & Performance: Alpine Skiing F40M 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sporting Activity Participation & Performance: Association Football F40P 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sporting Activity Participation & Performance: Athletics F40R 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sporting Activity Participation & Performance: Badminton F40S 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sporting Activity Participation & Performance: Basketball F40T 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sporting Activity Participation & Performance: Canoeing F40V 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sporting Activity Participation & Performance: Climbing F40W 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sporting Activity Participation & Performance: Golf F40X 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sporting Activity Participation & Performance: Gymnastics F40Y 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sporting Activity Participation & Performance: Handball F410 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sporting Activity Participation & Performance: Hill Walking F411 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sporting Activity Participation & Performance: Hockey F412 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sporting Activity Participation & Performance: Indoor Football F413 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sporting Activity Participation & Performance: Indoor Hockey F414 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Certificates and their Units

National Certificate Title Code Unit Title Code SQA Unit Credit(s)SCQF Level of

National Certificate

SQA Level of National Certicate

SCQF Level of Unit

SQA Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sporting Activity Participation & Performance: Inland Kayaking F415 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sporting Activity Participation & Performance: Life Saving F416 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sporting Activity Participation & Performance: Mountain Biking F417 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sporting Activity Participation & Performance: Netball F418 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sporting Activity Participation & Performance: Orienteering F419 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sporting Activity Participation & Performance: Rugby Football F41A 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sporting Activity Participation & Performance: Sailing F41B 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sporting Activity Participation & Performance: Sea Kayaking F41C 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sporting Activity Participation & Performance: Short Tennis F41D 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sporting Activity Participation & Performance: Squash F41E 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sporting Activity Participation & Performance: Swimming F41F 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sporting Activity Participation & Performance: Table Tennis F41G 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sporting Activity Participation & Performance: Tennis F41H 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sporting Activity Participation & Performance: Trampolining F41J 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sporting Activity Participation & Performance: Volleyball F41K 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sporting Activity Participation & Performance: Windsurfing F41L 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sports Injuries: Identification, Prevention and Treatment: An Introduction F40J 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sports Mechanics: An Introduction F40K 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sports Officiating and Organisation - Recreational: Alpine Skiing D806 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sports Officiating and Organisation - Recreational: Archery D832 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sports Officiating and Organisation - Recreational: Association Football D809 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sports Officiating and Organisation - Recreational: Athletics D797 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sports Officiating and Organisation - Recreational: Badminton D810 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sports Officiating and Organisation - Recreational: Basketball D812 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sports Officiating and Organisation - Recreational: Canoeing D792 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sports Officiating and Organisation - Recreational: Climbing D824 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sports Officiating and Organisation - Recreational: Golf D818 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sports Officiating and Organisation - Recreational: Gymnastics D799 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sports Officiating and Organisation - Recreational: Handball D819 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sports Officiating and Organisation - Recreational: Hockey D820 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sports Officiating and Organisation - Recreational: Indoor Football D821 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sports Officiating and Organisation - Recreational: Indoor Hockey D817 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sports Officiating and Organisation - Recreational: Inland Kayaking D794 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sports Officiating and Organisation - Recreational: Mountain Biking D835 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sports Officiating and Organisation - Recreational: Netball D823 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sports Officiating and Organisation - Recreational: Orienteering D825 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sports Officiating and Organisation - Recreational: Rugby Football D833 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sports Officiating and Organisation - Recreational: Sailing D795 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sports Officiating and Organisation - Recreational: Short Tennis D828 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sports Officiating and Organisation - Recreational: Squash D829 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sports Officiating and Organisation - Recreational: Swimming D788 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sports Officiating and Organisation - Recreational: Table Tennis D826 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sports Officiating and Organisation - Recreational: Tennis D830 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sports Officiating and Organisation - Recreational: Trampolining D801 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sports Officiating and Organisation - Recreational: Volleyball D831 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Sports Officiating and Organisation - Recreational: Windsurfing D796 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Teamworking Through Sport and Recreation Activities F40A 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Sport and Fitness 5 Intermediate 2 G92G 45 Work Experience D36H 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Technical Theatre 6 Higher G98C 46 Communication F3GB 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Technical Theatre 6 Higher G98C 46 Creative Project F58F 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Technical Theatre 6 Higher G98C 46 Digital Media: Video Acquisition F1JW 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Technical Theatre 6 Higher G98C 46 Digital Media: Video Editing F1KV 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Technical Theatre 6 Higher G98C 46 Drama: Providing Theatre Wardrobe Services F5L2 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Technical Theatre 6 Higher G98C 46 First Aid Measures F19M 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Technical Theatre 6 Higher G98C 46 Information and Communication Technology F3GC 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Technical Theatre 6 Higher G98C 46 Multimedia Production for Theatre F696 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Technical Theatre 6 Higher G98C 46 Numeracy F3GF 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Technical Theatre 6 Higher G98C 46 Performing Arts Industry: An Introduction F5TG 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Technical Theatre 6 Higher G98C 46 Problem Solving F3GD 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Technical Theatre 6 Higher G98C 46 Professional Theatre in Context F5L4 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Technical Theatre 6 Higher G98C 46 Technical Theatre in Context F5L5 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Technical Theatre 6 Higher G98C 46 Technical Theatre Production Operations F5L6 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Certificates and their Units

National Certificate Title Code Unit Title Code SQA Unit Credit(s)SCQF Level of

National Certificate

SQA Level of National Certicate

SCQF Level of Unit

SQA Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

Technical Theatre 6 Higher G98C 46 Technical Theatre Workshop Skills F5L7 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Technical Theatre 6 Higher G98C 46 Theatre Stage Lighting Operations F693 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Technical Theatre 6 Higher G98C 46 Theatre Stage Management in Practice F695 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Technical Theatre 6 Higher G98C 46 Theatre Stage Management Operations F5LC 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Technical Theatre 6 Higher G98C 46 Theatre Stage Model Set Construction F699 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Technical Theatre 6 Higher G98C 46 Theatre Stage Set Construction F698 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Technical Theatre 6 Higher G98C 46 Theatre Stage Sound Operations F694 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Technical Theatre 6 Higher G98C 46 Theatrical Design F697 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Technical Theatre 6 Higher G98C 46 Theatrical Makeup F5LD 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Technical Theatre 6 Higher G98C 46 Theatrical Prop Making F5LE 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Technical Theatre 6 Higher G98C 46 Work Experience D36H 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Technical Theatre 6 Higher G98C 46 Working with Others F3GE 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Accommodation and Package Holidays F3PC 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Air Travel : An Introduction DF6M 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Airport Ground Operations F3P8 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Airport Ground Operations: An Introduction F3PD 11 5 Higher 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 British Isles Tourist Destinations F3PE 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Business Practices in Travel and Tourism DM4M 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Cantonese for Work Purposes F3CF 09 3 Access 3 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Communication F3GB 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Contact Centre Skills: Call Handling DN8E 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Contact Centre Skills: Personal and Organisational Effectiveness DN8H 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Creative Thinking and Goal Setting DV91 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 English for Speakers of Other Languages: Work and Study related contexts F1AE 09 3 Access 3 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 European and Mediterranean Area Tourist Destinations F3PF 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Event Organisation F3PN 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 External Assessment for Higher Retail Travel X06K 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 External Assessment for Higher Selling Scheduled Air Travel X06J 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 External Examination for Higher Travel and Tourism X217 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 External Examination for Inttermediate 1 Travel and Tourism X217 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 External Examination for Intermediate 2 Travel and Tourism X217 11 5 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 External Assessment for Intermedite 2 Selling overseas Tourist Destinations X03T 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 External Assessment for Higher Selling Scheduled Air Travel X06J 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 First Aid F19M 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Food Hygiene for the Hospitality Industry D8KY 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 French for Work Purposes F3CG 09 3 Access 3 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Gaelic (Learners) for Work Purposes F3CD 09 3 Access 3 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 German for Work Purposes F3CC 09 3 Access 3 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Holiday Destinations DM4J 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Holiday Issues DM4G 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Holiday Planning DM4E 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Information and Communication Technology F3GC 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Italian for Work Purposes F3CB 09 3 Access 3 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Local Tourism Product Knowledge DV3D 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Mandarin for Work Purposes F3CA 09 3 Access 3 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Marketing in Travel and Tourism: An Introduction DM4R 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Marketing: Basic Principles F390 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Numeracy F3GF 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 PC Passport: Introduction to the Internet and On-line Communications F1F9 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Personal Development: Self Awareness F2FV 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Personal Development: Self and Work F37X 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Personal Development: Self in Society F37W 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Polish for Work Purposes F3C9 09 3 Access 3 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Popular Longhaul Tourist Destinations F3PG 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Problem Solving F3GD 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Resort Representation: An Introduction F3PH 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Russian for Work Purposes F3C8 09 3 Access 3 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Selling Skills F3PJ 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Selling the Travel and Tourism Product F3P9 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Skills for Customer Care F38X 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Spanish for Work Purposes F3C7 09 3 Access 3 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Structure of the Travel and Tourism Industry F5G0 12 6 Higher 6 1.0

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Certificates and their Units

National Certificate Title Code Unit Title Code SQA Unit Credit(s)SCQF Level of

National Certificate

SQA Level of National Certicate

SCQF Level of Unit

SQA Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Surface Travel DF6L 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Telephone Communications Skills D0YD 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 The Scottish Tourism Product: An Introduction DM4T 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Tour Guiding : An Introduction F3PK 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Tourist Destinations DM4N 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Tourist Destinations DM4N 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Travel Agency Practice and Procedures DF6K 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 External Examination for Intermediate 2 Travel and Tourism X217 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Travel and Tourism Study Visit F3PA 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Travel and Tourism: An Introduction DM4L 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Travel and Tourism: Enhancing Skills for Employment F3PL 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Travel Industry: An Introduction F3PB 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Understanding Tourism in the Local Area DV3C 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Urdu for Work Purposes F3CE 09 3 Access 3 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Work Experience D36H 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Working as Air Cabin Crew F3P7 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Working as Air Cabin Crew: An Introduction F3PM 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Working Safely in the Hospitality Industry F4SK 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 1.0Travel and Tourism 5 Intermediate 2 G8YT 45 Working With Others F3GE 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Accommodation and Package Holidays F3PC 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Accommodations and Facilities Servicing D293 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Accommodation Operations F4SN 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Air Travel : An Introduction DF6M 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Airport Ground Operations F3P8 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Airport Ground Operations: An Introduction F3PD 11 5 Higher 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 British Isles Tourist Destinations F3PE 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Business Practices in Travel and Tourism DM4M 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Cantonese for Work Purposes F3CF 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Communication F3GB 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Contact Centre Skills: Call Handling DN8E 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Contact Centre Skills: Personal and Organisational Effectiveness DN8H 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Creative Thinking and Goal Setting DV91 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 English for Speakers of Other Languages: Work and Study related contexts F1AE 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 European and Mediterranean Area Tourist Destinations F3PF 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Event Organisation F3PN 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 External Assessment for Higher Retail Travel X06K 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 External Assessment for Higher Selling Scheduled Air Travel X06J 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 External Examination for Higher Travel and Tourism X217 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 External Assessment for Intermediate 2 Selling overseas Tourist Destinations X03T 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 External Examination for Intermediate 2 Travel and Tourism X217 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 First Aid F19M 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Food and Beverage Service: Counter F4SL 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Food Hygiene for the Hospitality Industry D8KY 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 French for Work Purposes F3CG 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Gaelic (Learners) for Work Purposes F3CD 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 German for Work Purposes F3CC 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Hospitality Front Office Skills F4SP 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Hospitality Reception Skills D292 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Information and Communication Technology F3GC 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Italian for Work Purposes F3CB 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Mandarin for Work Purposes F3CA 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Marketing in Travel and Tourism: An Introduction DM4R 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Numeracy F3GF 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 PC Passport: Internet and on-line communication F1FD 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Personal Development: Self Awareness F2FV 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Personal Development: Self and Work F37X 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Personal Development: Self in Society F37W 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Polish for Work Purposes F3C9 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Popular Longhaul Tourist Destinations F3PG 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Problem Solving F3GD 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Resort Representation: An Introduction F3PH 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Russian for Work Purposes F3C8 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Certificates and their Units

National Certificate Title Code Unit Title Code SQA Unit Credit(s)SCQF Level of

National Certificate

SQA Level of National Certicate

SCQF Level of Unit

SQA Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Selling skills F3PJ 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Selling the Travel and Tourism Product F3P9 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Service of Food and Drink D04R 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Skills for Customer Care F38Y 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Spanish for Work Purposes F3C7 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Structure of the Travel and Tourism Industry F5G0 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Surface Travel DF6L 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Telephone Communications Skills D0YD 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 The Scottish Tourism Product: An Introduction DM4T 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Tour Guiding : An Introduction F3PK 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Tourist Destinations DM4N 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Travel Agency Practice and Procedures DF6K 12 6 Higher 12 2.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Travel and Tourism Study Visit F3PA 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Travel and Tourism: An Introduction DM4L 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Travel and Tourism: Enhancing Skills for Employment F3PL 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Urdu for Work Purposes F3CE 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Work Experience D36H 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Working as Air Cabin Crew F3P7 12 6 Higher 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Working as Air Cabin Crew: An Introduction F3PM 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Working Safely in the Hospitality Industry F4SK 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 1.0Travel and Tourism 6 Higher G8YV 46 Working With Others F3GE 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Progression Awards and their Units

National Progression Award Title Level Code Unit Title Code SQA Level of Unit

Achieving Excellence in Sport 6 Higher G9G5 46 Individual Performance in Sport: Codes of Conduct F79C 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 No

Achieving Excellence in Sport 6 Higher G9G5 46 Individual Performance in Sport:Analysis and Evaluation F79E 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 No

Achieving Excellence in Sport 6 Higher G9G5 46 Individual Sporting Performance F79D 12 6 Higher 12 2.0 No

Acting and Performance 6 Higher G9KM 46 Drama: Theatre Skills in Performance F5LB 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 Yes

Acting and Performance 6 Higher G9KM 46 Professional Theatre in Context F5L4 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 Yes

Administration: Information Technology and Audio 5 Intermediate 2 G9CE 45 Audio: an introduction F5AD 10 4 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 Yes

Administration: Information Technology and Audio 5 Intermediate 2 G9CE 45 Information Technology for Administrators DM3R 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesAdministration: Information Technology and Audio 5 Intermediate 2 G9CE 45 Word Processing F59L 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesAdministration: Office Skills and Services 5 Intermediate 2 G9CF 45 Central Services F595 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesAdministration: Office Skills and Services 5 Intermediate 2 G9CF 45 Front of Office F59P 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesAdministration: Office Skills and Services 5 Intermediate 2 G9CF 45 Researching and Preparing Presentations F5A0 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesAquaculture 4 Intermediate 1 G9D8 44 Aquaculture: An Introduction to Finfish Production F6TB 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoAquaculture 4 Intermediate 1 G9D8 44 Aquaculture: An Introduction to Shellfish Production F6TC 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoAquaculture 4 Intermediate 1 G9D8 44 Aquaculture: Basic Seamanship F6TD 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoAquaculture 4 Intermediate 1 G9D8 44 Aquatic Environment: Local Investigation F6TA 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoAquaculture 4 Intermediate 1 G9D8 44 Business and E-Commerce: An Introduction F5G7 10 4 Intermediate 1 1.5 0.25 YesAquaculture 4 Intermediate 1 G9D8 44 Business and Finance: An Introduction F5G8 10 4 Intermediate 1 1.5 0.25 YesAquaculture 4 Intermediate 1 G9D8 44 Business and Marketing: An Introduction F5G9 10 4 Intermediate 1 1.5 0.25 YesAquaculture 4 Intermediate 1 G9D8 44 Establishing a Business Identity F5GA 10 4 Intermediate 1 1.5 0.25 YesAquaculture 4 Intermediate 1 G9D8 44 North European Aquaculture: An Introduction F6T9 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoAquaculture 4 Intermediate 1 G9D8 44 Scottish Sea Fisheries: An Introduction F6TE 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoAquaculture 4 Intermediate 1 G9D8 44 Work Experience D36H 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoAquaculture 5 Intermediate 2 G9D9 45 Aquaculture: An Introduction to Finfish Production F6TB 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoAquaculture 5 Intermediate 2 G9D9 45 Aquaculture: An Introduction to Shellfish Production F6TC 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoAquaculture 5 Intermediate 2 G9D9 45 Aquaculture: Floating Cage Fish Farm Operations F6TJ 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoAquaculture 5 Intermediate 2 G9D9 45 Aquaculture: Salmonid Ova Production F6TH 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoAquaculture 5 Intermediate 2 G9D9 45 Aquatic Environments for Aquaculture F6TG 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoAquaculture 5 Intermediate 2 G9D9 45 Global Aquaculture F6TF 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoAquaculture 5 Intermediate 2 G9D9 45 Starting in Business DK2P 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoAquaculture 5 Intermediate 2 G9D9 45 Work Experience D36H 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoArt and Design: Digital Media 5 Intermediate 2 G96V 45 Art and Design:Animation Skills F5BT 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesArt and Design: Digital Media 5 Intermediate 2 G96V 45 Art and Design:Digital Video Skills F5BR 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesArt and Design: Digital Media 5 Intermediate 2 G96V 45 Art and Design:Web Content F5BP 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesArt and Design: Digital Media 6 Higher G96W 46 Art and Design:Animation Project F5C3 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 YesArt and Design: Digital Media 6 Higher G96W 46 Art and Design:Video Project F5C4 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 YesArt and Design: Digital Media 6 Higher G96W 46 Art and Design:Web Project F5C6 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 YesBusiness Improvement Techniques 5 Intermediate 1 G8YY 45 Contributing to Effective Team Working (SVQ) F1SX 04 Unlevelled Unlevelled Not allocated 1.0 NoBusiness Improvement Techniques 5 Intermediate 1 G8YY 45 Applying Workplace Organisation Techniques (SVQ) F1SD 04 Unlevelled Unlevelled Not allocated 1.0 NoBusiness Improvement Techniques 5 Intermediate 1 G8YY 45 Applying Continuous Improvement Techniques (Kaizen) (SVQ) F1S1 04 Unlevelled Unlevelled Not allocated 1.0 NoComputer Networks and Systems 5 Intermediate 2 G9J8 45 Computing: Computer Networking Fundamentals F1KH 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesComputer Networks and Systems 5 Intermediate 2 G9J8 45 Computing: Install and Maintain Computer Hardware F1KF 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesComputer Networks and Systems 5 Intermediate 2 G9J8 45 Computing: Install and Maintain Computer Software F1KP 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesComputers and Digital Photography 5 Intermediate 1 G9J7 45 Digital Media: Still Images Editing F1KW 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesComputers and Digital Photography 5 Intermediate 1 G9J7 45 Multimedia Computing: Introduction to Digital Photography D0F7 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesConservation of Masonry 6 Higher G8RC 46 Consolidation of Masonry Structures F2G0 12 6 Higher 9 1.5 NoConservation of Masonry 6 Higher G8RC 46 Masonry Materials and Performance F2FY 12 6 Higher 3 0.5 NoConservation of Masonry 6 Higher G8RC 46 Masonry Repairs F2G1 12 6 Higher 12 2.0 NoConservation of Masonry 6 Higher G8RC 46 Principles of Conservation in the Built Heritage F2FW 12 6 Higher 3 0.5 NoConservation of Masonry 6 Higher G8RC 46 Surface Finishing to Masonry Walling F2G2 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoConservation of Masonry 6 Higher G8RC 46 Working with Traditional Mortars F2FX 12 6 Higher 3 0.5 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Application of Electrical Hand-tools and Accessories DH58 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Applying External Cementwork: An Introduction DH29 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Applying Lightweight Plaster: An Introduction DH27 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Basic Electrical Installation Skills D9AH 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Basic Electrical Installation Systems and Protection D9AG 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Block Walling F1K5 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Carpentry and Joinery Repair and Maintenance F1L4 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Carpentry and Joinery: An Introduction F1KL 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Colour Practice: Painting and Decorating F1KG 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 No

SCQF level of NPA

SCQF Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

SQA Unit Credit(s)

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Progression Awards and their Units

National Progression Award Title Level Code Unit Title Code SQA Level of UnitSCQF level of NPA

SCQF Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

SQA Unit Credit(s)

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Construction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Construction Occupation Practices: An Introduction F1JN 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Construction Safety Practices: An Introduction F1JP 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Decorative Painting F1K9 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Decorative Treatment F1KA 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Develop Bench Joinery Skills F1KN 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Develop Constructional Carpentry Skills F1L0 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Develop Site Joinery Skills F1L3 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Discharge Systems: An Introduction F1LB 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Efficient Construction Practices: An Introduction F1JR 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 External Assessment for Intermediate 2 Electrical Installation Fundamentals X06C 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Electrical Systems: An Introduction D995 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Electricity for the Consumer E7RT 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Fixing Plasterboard and Applying Plastering Materials: An Introduction DH28 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Fundamental Electrical Principles D9AF 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Fundamentals of Cavity Walling F1JX 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Fundamentals of Floor Tiling F50X 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Fundamentals of Wall Tiling F50V 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Half Brick Walling an Introduction F1JS 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Hot and Cold Water Systems: An Introduction F1L7 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Install and Connect Domestic Plumbing Appliances: An Introduction F1L9 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Manufacture Joinery Components F1KX 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 One Brick Walling an Introduction F1JV 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Paperhanging: Foundation and Plain Paper F1KE 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Paperhanging: Patterned Paper F1KK 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Plain Roof Tiling: An Introduction DD1V 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Plain Tile Roofing Skills F1L5 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Plumbing Services: An Introduction F1L6 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Prepare and Secure Domestic Plumbing Appliances: An Introduction F1L8 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Preparing and Painting Surfaces F1K7 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Producing and Fixing Plaster Moulding: An Introduction DH2A 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Roof Slating: An Introduction DD1W 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Roofing: Regular Sized Natural Slates with Random Widths DH26 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Sheet Lead Weathering: An Introduction F1LA 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Simple Arch Construction F1K3 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Simple Decorative Brickwork F1K1 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Single Lap Roof Tiling: An Introduction DD1T 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Single Lap Roofing Skills DH24 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Solid and Bench Plasterwork Skills: An Introduction DD1R 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Wall and Floor Tiling: An Introduction F50P 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Wall and Floor Tiling: Basic Cement Work F511 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Wall and Floor Tiling: Basic Cutting, Shaping and Fixing F514 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction 5 Intermediate 2 G8H4 45 Wall and Floor Tiling: Basic Pattern Work F516 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AT 45 Appreciation of Access Platforms and Equipment F6MF 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoConstruction Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AT 45 Appreciation of Slinging and Signalling the Movement of Loads F6LR 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AT 45 Assisting with Arranging and Securing Loads F6LX 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AT 45 Construction Operations: An Introduction to Installing Road Drainage F6LJ 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AT 45 Construction Operations: An Introduction to Laying Kerbs and Channels F6LE 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AT 45 Construction Operations: An Introduction to Modular Paving F6LF 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 No

Construction Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AT 45 F6LH 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AT 45 Construction Operations:An Introduction to Installation Of Ironwork Fixtures F6LP 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AT 45 Construction Operations:An Introduction to Searching for Underground Services F6LV 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 No

Construction Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AT 45 Construction Operations:An Introduction to Signing, Lighting and Guarding the Work Area F6LS 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AT 45 Construction Safety Practices: An Introduction F1JP 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoConstruction Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AT 45 Efficient Construction Practices: An Introduction F1JR 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoConstruction Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AT 45 Excavating Holes and Trenches: An Introduction F6LK 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AT 45 Forming Structural Concrete: An Introduction F6LG 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AT 45 Guiding Moving Loads or Machinery F6LY 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 NoConstruction Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AT 45 Installing Domestic Drainage Systems: An Introduction F6LD 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AT 45 Laying and Finishing Concrete: An Introduction F6LL 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AT 45 Operating a Powered Tool and Equipment: An Introduction F6S8 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 No

Construction Operations: An Introduction to Repair and Reinstatement of Excavations and Pavement Surfaces

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Progression Awards and their Units

National Progression Award Title Level Code Unit Title Code SQA Level of UnitSCQF level of NPA

SCQF Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

SQA Unit Credit(s)

Auto- approval

Construction Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AT 45 Providing Temporary Excavation Supports F6LN 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoConstruction Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AT 45 Setting out Secondary Dimensional Work Controls F6LT 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 NoConstruction Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AT 45 Using Machinery for Compacting Materials: An Introduction F6LW 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoCosmetology 4 Intermediate 1 G8GX 44 Cosmetology: Barbering - Practical Skills F0F7 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoCosmetology 4 Intermediate 1 G8GX 44 Cosmetology: Beauty - Practical Skills F0FE 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoCosmetology 4 Intermediate 1 G8GX 44 Cosmetology: Career Options and Choices F0F8 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoCosmetology 4 Intermediate 1 G8GX 44 Cosmetology: Hairdressing - Practical Skills F0FA 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoCosmetology 4 Intermediate 1 G8GX 44 Cosmetology: Health and Safety F0FD 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoCosmetology 4 Intermediate 1 G8GX 44 Cosmetology: Make up Artistry - Practical Skills F0FB 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoCosmetology 4 Intermediate 1 G8GX 44 Cosmetology: Prepare and Assist in a Workplace Environment F0F9 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoCosmetology 4 Intermediate 1 G8GX 44 Cosmetology: Product Awareness F0F6 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoCosmetology 4 Intermediate 1 G8GX 44 Working with Customers and Colleagues DJ3W 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoCrofting 5 Intermediate 2 G9K6 45 Countryside Land Use DV09 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoCrofting 5 Intermediate 2 G9K6 45 Crofting Year: Autumn F460 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoCrofting 5 Intermediate 2 G9K6 45 Crofting Year: Autumn F463 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 NoCrofting 5 Intermediate 2 G9K6 45 Crofting Year: Enterprise F464 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 NoCrofting 5 Intermediate 2 G9K6 45 Crofting Year: Spring F461 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoCrofting 5 Intermediate 2 G9K6 45 Crofting Year: Spring F465 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 NoCrofting 5 Intermediate 2 G9K6 45 Crofting Year: Summer F466 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 NoCrofting 5 Intermediate 2 G9K6 45 Crofting Year: Winter F45Y 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoCrofting 5 Intermediate 2 G9K6 45 Crofting Year: Winter F462 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 NoCrofting 5 Intermediate 2 G9K6 45 Estate Maintenance: An Introduction DV0A 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoDealing with Solvent Emissions in Dry Cleaning 6 Higher G8Y7 46 Health, Safety & Security at Work (SVQ) F0JK 04 Unlevelled Unlevelled Not allocated 1.0 NoDealing with Solvent Emissions in Dry Cleaning 6 Higher G8Y7 46 Deal with Solvent Emissions in Dry Cleaning (SVQ) F3JW 04 Unlevelled Unlevelled Not allocated 1.0 NoDigital Literacy 3 Access 3 G8HE 43 Digital Communication Methods F1KY 09 3 Access 3 6 1.0 YesDigital Literacy 3 Access 3 G8HE 43 Digital Computing F1L2 09 3 Access 3 6 1.0 YesDigital Literacy 3 Access 3 G8HE 43 Digital Numeracy F1L1 09 3 Access 3 6 1.0 YesDigital Media Animation 5 Intermediate 2 G9FC 45 Computing: Animation Fundamentals F1KB 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesDigital Media Animation 5 Intermediate 2 G9FC 45 Computing: Digital Media Elements for Applications F1KS 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesDigital Media Animation 5 Intermediate 2 G9FC 45 Digital Media: Audio Editing F1KT 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesDigital Media Animation 5 Intermediate 2 G9FC 45 Digital Media: Still Images Editing F1KW 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesDigital Media Animation 5 Intermediate 2 G9FC 45 Digital Media: Video Editing F1KV11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesDigital Media Animation 5 Intermediate 2 G9FC 45 Introduction to Computer Animation D6RC 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesDigital Media Basics 4 Intermediate 1 G9FD 44 Digital Media: Audio Acquisition F1JT 10 4 Intermediate 2 4 1.0 YesDigital Media Basics 4 Intermediate 1 G9FD 44 Digital Media: Still Images Acquisition F1JY 10 4 Intermediate 2 4 1.0 YesDigital Media Basics 4 Intermediate 1 G9FD 44 Digital Media: Video Acquisition F1JW 10 4 Intermediate 2 4 1.0 YesDigital Media Editing 5 Intermediate 2 G9FF 45 Digital Media: Audio Editing F1KT 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesDigital Media Editing 5 Intermediate 2 G9FF 45 Digital Media: Still Images Editing F1KW 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesDigital Media Editing 5 Intermediate 2 G9FF 45 Digital Media: Video Editing F1KV 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesDigital Media Production 6 Higher G9J5 46 Digital Acquisition and Editing: Audio F3T7 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 YesDigital Media Production 6 Higher G9J5 46 Digital Acquisition and Editing: Video F3T6 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 YesDigital Media Production 6 Higher G9J5 46 Digital Media: Still Images F3T5 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 YesEnterprise and Employability 4 Intermediate 1 G976 44 Business and E-Commerce: An Introduction F5G7 10 4 Intermediate 1 1.5 0.25 YesEnterprise and Employability 4 Intermediate 1 G976 44 Business and Finance: An Introduction F5G8 10 4 Intermediate 1 1.5 0.25 YesEnterprise and Employability 4 Intermediate 1 G976 44 Business and Marketing: An Introduction F5G9 10 4 Intermediate 1 1.5 0.25 YesEnterprise and Employability 4 Intermediate 1 G976 44 Customer Service Skills for the Entrepreneur F5G6 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 YesEnterprise and Employability 4 Intermediate 1 G976 44 Enterprise Activity D36N 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 YesEnterprise and Employability 4 Intermediate 1 G976 44 Establishing a Business Identity F5GA 10 4 Intermediate 1 1.5 0.25 YesEnterprise and Employability 4 Intermediate 1 G976 44 Financial Skills for a Small Business: An Introduction F5G5 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 YesEnterprise and Employability 4 Intermediate 1 G976 44 Personal Development: Self and Work F37X 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 YesEnterprise and Employability 4 Intermediate 1 G976 44 Personal Development: Self Awareness F2FV 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 YesEnterprise and Employability 4 Intermediate 1 G976 44 Preparing to Work F57F 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 YesEnterprise and Employability 4 Intermediate 1 G976 44 Skills for Customer Care F38W 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 YesEnterprise and Employability 4 Intermediate 1 G976 44 Work Experience D36H 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoEnterprise and Employability 4 Intermediate 1 G976 44 Working for Yourself F57E 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 YesEnterprise and Employability 4 Intermediate 1 G976 44 Working with Others F3GE 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 YesEnterprise and Employability 5 Intermediate 2 G9AH 45 Business and E-Commerce: An Introduction F5G7 10 4 Intermediate 1 1.5 0.25 YesEnterprise and Employability 5 Intermediate 2 G9AH 45 Business and Finance: An Introduction F5G8 10 4 Intermediate 1 1.5 0.25 YesEnterprise and Employability 5 Intermediate 2 G9AH 45 Business and Marketing: An Introduction F5G9 10 4 Intermediate 1 1.5 0.25 YesEnterprise and Employability 5 Intermediate 2 G9AH 45 Customer Service Skills for the Entrepreneur F5GB 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesEnterprise and Employability 5 Intermediate 2 G9AH 45 Enterprise Activity D36N 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesEnterprise and Employability 5 Intermediate 2 G9AH 45 Establishing a Business Identity F5GA 10 4 Intermediate 1 1.5 0.25 Yes

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Progression Awards and their Units

National Progression Award Title Level Code Unit Title Code SQA Level of UnitSCQF level of NPA

SCQF Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

SQA Unit Credit(s)

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Enterprise and Employability 5 Intermediate 2 G9AH 45 Financial Skills for a Small Business: An Introduction F5G5 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 YesEnterprise and Employability 5 Intermediate 2 G9AH 45 Personal Development: Self and Work F37X 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesEnterprise and Employability 5 Intermediate 2 G9AH 45 Personal Development: Self Awareness F2FV 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesEnterprise and Employability 5 Intermediate 2 G9AH 45 Preparing to Work F57F 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesEnterprise and Employability 5 Intermediate 2 G9AH 45 Work Experience D36H 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoEnterprise and Employability 5 Intermediate 2 G9AH 45 Working for Yourself F57E 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesEnterprise and Employability 5 Intermediate 2 G9AH 45 Working with Others F3GE 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesExercise and Fitness 6 Higher G9GC 46 Exercise and Fitness: Cardiovascular Training F7JB 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoExercise and Fitness 6 Higher G9GC 46 Exercise and Fitness: Circuit Training F7JE 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoExercise and Fitness 6 Higher G9GC 46 Exercise and Fitness: Exercise to Music F7JF 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoExercise and Fitness 6 Higher G9GC 46 Exercise and Fitness: Fixed Weight Training F7JC 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoExercise and Fitness 6 Higher G9GC 46 Exercise and Fitness: Free Weight Training F7JD 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoFinancial Services 6 Higher G8H5 46 Financial Services: Communication Methods DV7E 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoFinancial Services 6 Higher G8H5 46 Financial Services: Customer Service Standards DV7J 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoFinancial Services 6 Higher G8H5 46 Financial Services: Legislation, Guidelines and Working Relationships DV7D 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoFinancial Services 6 Higher G8H5 46 Financial Services: Performance Goals DV7G 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoFinancial Services 6 Higher G8H5 46 Financial Services: Personal Development Planning DV7E 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoFinancial Services 6 Higher G8H5 46 Financial Services: Personal Development Planning DV7F 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoFinancial Services 6 Higher G8H5 46 Financial Services: Promoting Products and Services DV7K 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoFinancial Services 6 Higher G8H5 46 Financial Services: Regulatory Framework - An Introduction DV7C 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoFinancial Services 6 Higher G8H5 46 Financial Services: Using Information Communications Technology DV7H 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoFormwork 5 Intermediate 2 G9AN 45 Appreciation of Slinging and Signalling the Movement of Loads F6LR 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoFormwork 5 Intermediate 2 G9AN 45 Construction Safety Practices: An Introduction F1JP 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoFormwork 5 Intermediate 2 G9AN 45 Efficient Construction Practices: An Introduction F1JR 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoFormwork 5 Intermediate 2 G9AN 45 Erecting and Striking Timber and Proprietary Formwork Systems: An Introduction F6PC 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoFormwork 5 Intermediate 2 G9AN 45 Fabricating and Maintaining Timber and Proprietary Formwork Systems: An Introduction F6PE 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoFormwork 5 Intermediate 2 G9AN 45 Moving and Handling Materials F6PG 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 NoFormwork 5 Intermediate 2 G9AN 45 Operating a Powered Tool and Equipment: An Introduction F6S8 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 NoInternet Technology 4 Intermediate 1 G8HC 44 Information Literacy Skills F1P3 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesInternet Technology 4 Intermediate 1 G8HC 44 Internet Safety F0H5 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 YesInternet Technology 4 Intermediate 1 G8HC 44 PC Passport: Introduction to the Internet and On-line Communications F1F9 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 YesInternet Technology 5 Intermediate 2 G8H8 45 PC Passport: Internet and On-line Communication F1FD 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesInternet Technology 5 Intermediate 2 G8H8 45 Social Software DW7J 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesInternet Technology 5 Intermediate 2 G8H8 45 Web Logs DN81 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesLaboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 Acids, Bases and Metals D068 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesLaboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 Animal Physiology D028 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesLaboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 Behaviour, Populations and the Environment D045 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 YesLaboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 Biotechnology DF5J 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoLaboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 Biotechnology Processes DF5G 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoLaboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 Building Blocks D066 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesLaboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 Carbon Compounds D067 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesLaboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 Cell Biology D029 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 YesLaboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 Cell Function and Inheritance D043 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 YesLaboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 Chemical Reactions D071 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 YesLaboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 Control and Regulation D031 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 YesLaboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 Electrical Fundamentals D132 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoLaboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 Energy Matters D069 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 YesLaboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 Energy Matters D069 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 YesLaboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 Engineering: Measurement Technology - Pressure/Level F5KT 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoLaboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 Engineering: Process Control F5KK 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoLaboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 Engineering: Process Control Systems F5KW 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoLaboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 Environmental Biology and Genetics D027 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesLaboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 Experimental Procedures - Biology D934 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoLaboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 Experimental Procedures - Chemistry D935 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoLaboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 Experimental Procedures - Science D937 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoLaboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 Fundamental Chemistry: An Introduction(HN) DX29 33 6 Higher 8 1.0 NoLaboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 Genetics and Adaptation D030 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 YesLaboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 Living Cells D026 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesLaboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 Mathematics for Science F3T8 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesLaboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 Microbiological Techniques D042 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoLaboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 Microbiology DF5H 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoLaboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 Process Chemistry: An Introduction F6X9 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 No

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Progression Awards and their Units

National Progression Award Title Level Code Unit Title Code SQA Level of UnitSCQF level of NPA

SCQF Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

SQA Unit Credit(s)

Auto- approval

Laboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 Quality and Health & Safety Systems in Science Industries(HN) DF82 34 7 AdvancedHigher 8 1.0 NoLaboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 Radioactivity D382 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesLaboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 Science Investigation Skills F3TB 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 YesLaboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 Systems and Control D187 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesLaboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 The Biology of Micro-organisms DF5F 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoLaboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 The Continuation of Life D044 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 YesLaboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 The Human Body F1RH 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesLaboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 The World of Carbon D070 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 YesLaboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 Waves and Optics D381 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 YesLaboratory Science 6 Higher G9G6 46 Working with Micro-organisms D039 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoMusical Theatre 6 Higher G9KP 46 Acting through Song F5L0 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 YesMusical Theatre 6 Higher G9KP 46 Group Dance Performance D650 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 YesMusical Theatre 6 Higher G9KP 46 Preparation for Audition D658 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 YesMusical Theatre 6 Higher G9KP 46 Theatre Performers: Group Singing Skills F5L8 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 YesMusical Theatre 6 Higher G9KP 46 Theatre Performers: Solo Singing Skills F5L9 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 YesOrganising Volunteering Events in Sport 6 Higher G9GD 46 Business Decision Areas: Marketing and Operations DV4K 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 YesOrganising Volunteering Events in Sport 6 Higher G9GD 46 Event Organisation F3PN 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoOrganising Volunteering Events in Sport 6 Higher G9GD 46 Sport and Recreation: Developing Volunteering F7JG 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoPC Passport: Beginner 4 Intermediate 1 G8H7 44 PC Passport: Introduction to IT Software and Presenting Information F1F8 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 YesPC Passport: Beginner 4 Intermediate 1 G8H7 44 PC Passport: Introduction to IT Systems F1GP 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 YesPC Passport: Beginner 4 Intermediate 1 G8H7 44 PC Passport: Introduction to the Internet and On-line Communications F1F9 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 YesPC Passport: Intermediate 5 Intermediate 2 G8H9 45 PC Passport: Internet and On-line Communication F1FD 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesPC Passport: Intermediate 5 Intermediate 2 G8H9 45 PC Passport: IT Software - Spreadsheet and Database F1FB 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesPC Passport: Intermediate 5 Intermediate 2 G8H9 45 PC Passport: IT Software - Word Processing and Presenting Information F1FC 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesPC Passport: Intermediate 5 Intermediate 2 G8H9 45 PC Passport: IT Systems F1FA 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 YesPC Passport: Advanced 6 Higher G8HA 46 PC Passport: Working with Artwork and Imaging F1FG 12 6 Higher 3 0.5 YesPC Passport: Advanced 6 Higher G8HA 46 PC Passport: Working with Internet and On-line Communications F1FF 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 YesPC Passport: Advanced 6 Higher G8HA 46 PC Passport: Working with IT Security for Users F1FH 12 6 Higher 3 0.5 YesPC Passport: Advanced 6 Higher G8HA 46 PC Passport: Working with IT Software - Spreadsheet and Database F1FJ 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 YesPC Passport: Advanced 6 Higher G8HA 46 PC Passport: Working with IT Software - Word Processing and Presenting Information F1FE 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 YesPlant Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AV 45 Assisting with Arranging and Securing Loads F6LX 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoPlant Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AV 45 Assisting with Erecting and Dismantling Cranes and Rigs F6R4 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoPlant Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AV 45 Assisting with Plant Operations from a Barge F6R5 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoPlant Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AV 45 Construction Safety Practices: An Introduction F1JP 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoPlant Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AV 45 Efficient Construction Practices: An Introduction F1JR 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoPlant Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AV 45 Guiding Moving Loads or Machinery F6LY 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 NoPlant Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AV 45 Moving and Handling Materials F6PG 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 NoPlant Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AV 45 Operating A Powered Tool and Equipment: An Introduction F6S8 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 NoPlant Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AV 45 Operating Road Rail Plant: An Introduction F6R6 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoPlant Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AV 45 Preparing Machinery for Operational Performance F6R0 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 NoPlant Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AV 45 Receiving and Transporting Loads: An Introduction F6R2 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoPlant Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AV 45 Setting out Secondary Dimensional Work Controls F6LT 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 NoPlant Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AV 45 Slinging and Signalling the Movement of Loads F6RB 11 5 Intermediate 2 9 1.5 NoPlant Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AV 45 Using Cranes to Lift and Transfer Loads: An Introduction F6RE 11 5 Intermediate 2 12 2.0 NoPlant Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AV 45 Using Machinery for Compacting Materials: An Introduction F6LW 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoPlant Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AV 45 Using Machinery for Construction and Formation Work: An Introduction F6RL 11 5 Intermediate 2 12 2.0 NoPlant Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AV 45 Using Machinery to Access Work Areas F6R3 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoPlant Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AV 45 Using Machinery to Excavate Materials: An Introduction F6RG 11 5 Intermediate 2 12 2.0 NoPlant Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AV 45 Using Machinery to Extract Materials: An Introduction F6RJ 11 5 Intermediate 2 12 2.0 NoPlant Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AV 45 Using Machinery to Lay and Distribute Materials: An Introduction F6RN 11 5 Intermediate 2 12 2.0 NoPlant Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AV 45 Using Machinery to Lift and Transfer Loads: An Introduction F6R1 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoPlant Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G9AV 45 Using Machinery to Process Materials: An Introduction F6R8 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoPlay in a Sport Environment 6 Higher G9GE 46 Health, Safety and Wellbeing of children and Young People in a Sport Environment F7JJ 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoPlay in a Sport Environment 6 Higher G9GE 46 Provide Play Sessions in a Sport Environment F7JK 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoPlay in a Sport Environment 6 Higher G9GE 46 Working with Children and Young People to Provide Play in a Sport Environment F7JH 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoPlaywork and Childcare 5 Intermediate 2 G8P8 45 Child Development and Health F19L 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoPlaywork and Childcare 5 Intermediate 2 G8P8 45 Children and Young People: Process of Play F2CP 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoPlaywork and Childcare 5 Intermediate 2 G8P8 45 Children and Young People: Rights and Protection F2CR 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoPlaywork and Childcare 5 Intermediate 2 G8P8 45 Supporting Children with Additional Support Needs DM65 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoPlaywork and Childcare 5 Intermediate 2 G8P8 45 Working as a Nanny in a Family Setting F2CW 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoPlaywork and Childcare 5 Intermediate 2 G8P8 45 Working in a Crèche as a Sessional Worker F2CS 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoPlaywork and Childcare 5 Intermediate 2 G8P8 45 Working in a Holiday Playscheme F2CT 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 No

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Progression Awards and their Units

National Progression Award Title Level Code Unit Title Code SQA Level of UnitSCQF level of NPA

SCQF Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

SQA Unit Credit(s)

Auto- approval

Playwork and Childcare 5 Intermediate 2 G8P8 45 Working in an Out of School Setting as a Sessional Worker F2CV 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoPlaywork and Childcare 5 Intermediate 2 G8P8 45 Working with Children and Young People F2CN 11 5 Intermediate 2 12 2.0 NoProfessional Theatre Preparation 6 Higher G9KT 46 Drama: Acting Skills F5KY 12 6 Higher 12 2.0 YesProfessional Theatre Preparation 6 Higher G9KT 46 Drama: Movement Skills F5L1 12 6 Higher 12 2.0 YesProfessional Theatre Preparation 6 Higher G9KT 46 Drama: Voice Skills F5LF 12 6 Higher 12 2.0 YesProfessional Theatre Preparation 6 Higher G9KT 46 Preparation for Audition D658 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 YesRoads Maintenance 5 Intermediate 2 G96A 45 Roads Maintenance: An Introduction to Assisting with Workplace Activity F55F 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 NoRoads Maintenance 5 Intermediate 2 G96A 45 Roads Maintenance: An Introduction to Constructing Brick Works F55K 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoRoads Maintenance 5 Intermediate 2 G96A 45 Roads Maintenance: An Introduction to Efficient Working Practices F55D 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 NoRoads Maintenance 5 Intermediate 2 G96A 45 Roads Maintenance: An Introduction to Flexible Pavement Construction F55L 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoRoads Maintenance 5 Intermediate 2 G96A 45 Roads Maintenance: An Introduction to Health, Safety and Security F55C 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 NoRoads Maintenance 5 Intermediate 2 G96A 45 Roads Maintenance: An Introduction to Installation of Ironwork Fixtures F55M 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoRoads Maintenance 5 Intermediate 2 G96A 45 Roads Maintenance: An Introduction to Installing Road Drainage F55R 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoRoads Maintenance 5 Intermediate 2 G96A 45 Roads Maintenance: An Introduction to Laying Kerbs and Channels F55N 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoRoads Maintenance 5 Intermediate 2 G96A 45 Roads Maintenance: An Introduction to Modular Paving F55P 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 No

Roads Maintenance 5 Intermediate 2 G96A 45 F55E 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 NoRoads Maintenance 5 Intermediate 2 G96A 45 Roads Maintenance: An Introduction to Searching for Underground Services F55H 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 NoRoads Maintenance 5 Intermediate 2 G96A 45 Roads Maintenance: An Introduction to Signing, Lighting and Guarding the Work Area F55G 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoRoads Maintenance 5 Intermediate 2 G96A 45 Roads Maintenance: An Introduction to Small Plant and Tool Operations F55J 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 1.0 NoRural Skills 5 Intermediate 2 G9CD 45 Animal Care: Accommodation and Handling F6SM 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoRural Skills 5 Intermediate 2 G9CD 45 Animal Care: Small Animal Feeding F6SJ 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoRural Skills 5 Intermediate 2 G9CD 45 Crop Production F6AK 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoRural Skills 5 Intermediate 2 G9CD 45 Equine Housing and Handling F6AG 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoRural Skills 5 Intermediate 2 G9CD 45 Estate Skills F6AL 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoRural Skills 5 Intermediate 2 G9CD 45 Feeding Horses and Ponies F6AH 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoRural Skills 5 Intermediate 2 G9CD 45 Fish Capture and Handling F6AN 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoRural Skills 5 Intermediate 2 G9CD 45 Fisheries Management: An Introduction F6AM 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoRural Skills 5 Intermediate 2 G9CD 45 Forests and Woodlands: An Introduction F6AP 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoRural Skills 5 Intermediate 2 G9CD 45 Gamekeeping: Role of the Gamekeeper F6AS 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoRural Skills 5 Intermediate 2 G9CD 45 Horticultural Skills F6AV 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoRural Skills 5 Intermediate 2 G9CD 45 Livestock Production F6AJ 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoRural Skills 5 Intermediate 2 G9CD 45 Production and Care of Young Trees F6AR 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoRural Skills 5 Intermediate 2 G9CD 45 Quarry Species: An Introduction F6AT 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoRural Skills 5 Intermediate 2 G9CD 45 Rural Business Investigation F6AF 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoRural Skills 5 Intermediate 2 G9CD 45 Soft Landscaping - General Plantings F6AW 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSafe Operation of Continuous Batch Washers 6 Higher G8Y6 46 Health, Safety & Security at Work F0JK 04 Unlevelled Unlevelled Not allocated 1.0 NoSafe Operation of Continuous Batch Washers 6 Higher G8Y6 46 Safely Operate Continuous Batch Washers F3JX 04 Unlevelled Unlevelled Not allocated 1.0 NoScottish Bagpipes 2 Access 2 G9H5 42 Scottish Bagpipe Solo Performance: Practice chanter F7NS 08 2 Access 2 6 1.0 NoScottish Bagpipes 2 Access 2 G9H5 42 Scottish Bagpipe Theory: Practice Change F7NT 08 2 Access 2 6 1.0 NoScottish Bagpipes 3 Access 3 G9H6 43 Scottish Bagpipe Solo Performance: Practice Chanter F7NY 09 3 Access 3 12 2.0 NoScottish Bagpipes 3 Access 3 G9H6 43 Scottish Bagpipe Theory: Practice Chanter F7P0 09 3 Access 3 6 1.0 NoScottish Bagpipes 4 Intermediate 1 G9H7 44 Scottish Bagpipe Solo Performance: Bagpipes F7P1 10 4 Intermediate 1 12 2.0 NoScottish Bagpipes 4 Intermediate 1 G9H7 44 Scottish Bagpipe Theory: Bagpipes F7P2 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoScottish Bagpipes 5 Intermediate 2 G9H8 45 Scottish Bagpipe Solo Performance: Bagpipes F7P3 11 5 Intermediate 2 12 2.0 NoScottish Bagpipes 5 Intermediate 2 G9H8 45 Scottish Bagpipe Theory: Bagpipes F7P4 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoScottish Bagpipes 6 Higher G9H9 46 Scottish Bagpipe Solo Performance: Bagpipes F7P5 12 6 Higher 12 2.0 NoScottish Bagpipes 6 Higher G9H9 46 Scottish Bagpipe Theory: Bagpipes F7P6 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoScottish Pipe Band Drumming 3 Access 3 G9GL 43 Scottish Pipe Band Drumming Music Theory F7NH 09 3 Access 3 6 1.0 NoScottish Pipe Band Drumming 3 Access 3 G9GL 43 Scottish Pipe Band Drumming Performance F7NG 09 3 Access 3 6 1.0 NoScottish Pipe Band Drumming 4 Intermediate 1 G9H3 44 Scottish Pipe Band Drumming Music Theory F7NN 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoScottish Pipe Band Drumming 4 Intermediate 1 G9H3 44 Scottish Pipe Band Drumming Performance F7NM 10 4 Intermediate 1 12 2.0 NoScottish Pipe Band Drumming 5 Intermediate 2 G9H4 45 Scottish Pipe Band Drumming Music Theory F7NR 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoScottish Pipe Band Drumming 5 Intermediate 2 G9H4 45 Scottish Pipe Band Drumming Performance F7NP 11 5 Intermediate 2 12 2.0 NoScottish Pipe Band Drumming 6 Higher G9H2 46 Scottish Pipe Band Drumming Music Theory F7NK 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoScottish Pipe Band Drumming 6 Higher G9H2 46 Scottish Pipe Band Drumming Performance F7NJ 12 6 Higher 12 2.0 No

5 Intermediate 2 G8GP 45 CCTV (PSS) Operations: Operate CCTV Equipment F196 04 Unlevelled Unlevelled Not allocated 1.0 No

5 Intermediate 2 G8GP 45 CCTV (PSS) Operations: Roles and Responsibilities F198 04 Unlevelled Unlevelled Not allocated 1.0 NoSecurity Operations: Door Supervision 5 Intermediate 2 G8GN 45 Door Supervision: Roles and Responsibilities F1GG 04 Unlevelled Unlevelled Not allocated 1.0 NoSecurity Operations: Door Supervision 5 Intermediate 2 G8GN 45 Security Operations: Door Supervision F199 04 Unlevelled Unlevelled Not allocated 1.0 No

Roads Maintenance: An Introduction to Repair and Reinstatement of Excavations and Pavement Surfaces

Security Operations: CCTV (Public Space Surveillance)Security Operations: CCTV (Public Space Surveillance)

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Progression Awards and their Units

National Progression Award Title Level Code Unit Title Code SQA Level of UnitSCQF level of NPA

SCQF Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

SQA Unit Credit(s)

Auto- approval

Security Operations: Security Guarding 5 Intermediate 2 G8GL 45 Security Guarding: Deal with Conflict F19A 04 Unlevelled Unlevelled Not allocated 1.0 NoSecurity Operations: Security Guarding 5 Intermediate 2 G8GL 45 Security Guarding: Roles and Responsibilities F195 04 Unlevelled Unlevelled Not allocated 1.0 NoSocial Software 4 Intermediate 1 G9J4 44 Digital Culture: Social Software F81P 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 YesSocial Software 4 Intermediate 1 G9J4 44 Internet Safety F0H5 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 YesSocial Software 4 Intermediate 1 G9J4 44 Web Logs DN81 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesSoftware Development 4 Intermediate 1 G9HL 44 Computing: Programming in a High-level Language - Fundamentals F1K0 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 YesSoftware Development 4 Intermediate 1 G9HL 44 Problem Solving F3GD 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 YesSoftware Development 4 Intermediate 1 G9HL 44 Problem Solving D01E 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesSoftware Development 4 Intermediate 1 G9HL 44 Software Development DF2Y 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesSoftware Development 4 Intermediate 1 G9HL 44 Software Development DF2Y 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 YesSport and Fitness (Individual Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CG 45 Sport and Fitness: Coaching Development F6XD 11 5 Intermediate 2 12 2.0 NoSport and Fitness (Individual Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CG 45 Sporting Activity Participation and Performance: Archery F40N 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Individual Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CG 45 Sporting Activity Participation and Performance: Athletics F40R 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Individual Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CG 45 Sporting Activity Participation and Performance: Badminton F40S 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Individual Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CG 45 Sporting Activity Participation and Performance: Golf F40X 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Individual Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CG 45 Sporting Activity Participation and Performance: Gymnastics F40Y 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Individual Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CG 45 Sporting Activity Participation and Performance: Short Tennis F41D 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Individual Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CG 45 Sporting Activity Participation and Performance: Squash F41E 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Individual Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CG 45 Sporting Activity Participation and Performance: Swimming F41F 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Individual Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CG 45 Sporting Activity Participation and Performance: Table Tennis F41G 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Individual Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CG 45 Sporting Activity Participation and Performance: Tennis F41H 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Individual Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CG 45 Sporting Activity Participation and Performance: Trampolining F41J 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Individual Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CG 45 Sports Officiating and Organising - Golf D818 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Individual Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CG 45 Sports Officiating and Organising- Recreational Archery D832 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Individual Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CG 45 Sports Officiating and Organising- Recreational: Athletics D797 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Individual Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CG 45 Sports Officiating and Organising- Recreational: Badminton D810 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Individual Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CG 45 Sports Officiating and Organising- Recreational: Gymnastics D799 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Individual Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CG 45 Sports Officiating and Organising- Recreational: Short Tennis D828 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Individual Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CG 45 Sports Officiating and Organising- Recreational: Squash D829 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Individual Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CG 45 Sports Officiating and Organising- Recreational: Swimming D788 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Individual Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CG 45 Sports Officiating and Organising- Recreational: Table Tennis D826 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Individual Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CG 45 Sports Officiating and Organising- Recreational: Tennis D830 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Individual Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CG 45 Sports Officiating and Organising- Recreational: Trampolining D801 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Outdoor Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CH 45 Sport and Fitness: Coaching Development F6XD 11 5 Intermediate 2 12 2.0 NoSport and Fitness (Outdoor Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CH 45 Sporting Activity Participation and Performance: Alpine Skiing F40M 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Outdoor Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CH 45 Sporting Activity Participation and Performance: Canoeing F40V 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Outdoor Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CH 45 Sporting Activity Participation and Performance: Climbing F40W 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Outdoor Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CH 45 Sporting Activity Participation and Performance: Inland Kayaking F415 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Outdoor Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CH 45 Sporting Activity Participation and Performance: Mountain Biking F417 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Outdoor Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CH 45 Sporting Activity Participation and Performance: Orienteering F419 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Outdoor Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CH 45 Sporting Activity Participation and Performance: Sailing F41B 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Outdoor Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CH 45 Sporting Activity Participation and Performance: Sea Kayaking F41C 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Outdoor Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CH 45 Sporting Activity Participation and Performance: Windsurfing F41L 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Outdoor Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CH 45 Sports Officiating and Organising- Recreational: Alpine Skiing D806 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Outdoor Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CH 45 Sports Officiating and Organising- Recreational: Canoeing D792 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Outdoor Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CH 45 Sports Officiating and Organising- Recreational: Climbing D824 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Outdoor Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CH 45 Sports Officiating and Organising- Recreational: Inland Kayaking D794 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Outdoor Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CH 45 Sports Officiating and Organising- Recreational: Mountain Biking D835 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Outdoor Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CH 45 Sports Officiating and Organising- Recreational: Orienteering D825 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Outdoor Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CH 45 Sports Officiating and Organising- Recreational: Windsurfing D796 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Outdoor Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CH 45 Sports Officiating and Organising: Sailing D795 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Team Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CJ 45 Sport and Fitness: Coaching Development F6XD 11 5 Intermediate 2 12 2.0 NoSport and Fitness (Team Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CJ 45 Sporting Activity Participation and Performance: Association Football F40P 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Team Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CJ 45 Sporting Activity Participation and Performance: Basketball F40T 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Team Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CJ 45 Sporting Activity Participation and Performance: Handball F410 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Team Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CJ 45 Sporting Activity Participation and Performance: Hockey F412 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Team Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CJ 45 Sporting Activity Participation and Performance: Indoor Football F413 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Team Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CJ 45 Sporting Activity Participation and Performance: Indoor Hockey F414 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Team Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CJ 45 Sporting Activity Participation and Performance: Netball F418 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Team Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CJ 45 Sporting Activity Participation and Performance: Rugby Football F41A 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Team Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CJ 45 Sporting Activity Participation and Performance: Volleyball F41K 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Team Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CJ 45 Sports Officiating and Organising- Recreational: Association Football D809 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 No

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Progression Awards and their Units

National Progression Award Title Level Code Unit Title Code SQA Level of UnitSCQF level of NPA

SCQF Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

SQA Unit Credit(s)

Auto- approval

Sport and Fitness (Team Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CJ 45 Sports Officiating and Organising- Recreational: Basketball D812 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Team Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CJ 45 Sports Officiating and Organising- Recreational: Handball D819 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Team Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CJ 45 Sports Officiating and Organising- Recreational: Hockey D820 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Team Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CJ 45 Sports Officiating and Organising- Recreational: Indoor Football D821 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Team Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CJ 45 Sports Officiating and Organising- Recreational: Indoor Hockey D817 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Team Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CJ 45 Sports Officiating and Organising- Recreational: Netball D823 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Team Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CJ 45 Sports Officiating and Organising- Recreational: Rugby Football D833 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSport and Fitness (Team Sports) 5 Intermediate 2 G9CJ 45 Sports Officiating and Organising- Recreational: Volleyball D831 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Athletics 4 Intermediate 1 G8HJ 44 Conduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Athletics F17A 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Athletics 4 Intermediate 1 G8HJ 44 Prepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Athletics F17K 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Athletics 4 Intermediate 1 G8HJ 44 Promoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Athletics F17P 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Badminton 4 Intermediate 1 G8HG 44 Conduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Badminton F029 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Badminton 4 Intermediate 1 G8HG 44 Prepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Badminton F021 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Badminton 4 Intermediate 1 G8HG 44 Promoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Badminton F01P 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Basketball 4 Intermediate 1 G8HK 44 Conduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Basketball F17B 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Basketball 4 Intermediate 1 G8HK 44 Prepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Basketball F17L 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Basketball 4 Intermediate 1 G8HK 44 Promoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Basketball F17R 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching : Canoeing 4 Intermediate 1 G8HL 44 Conduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Canoeing F17C 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching : Canoeing 4 Intermediate 1 G8HL 44 Prepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Canoe F17M 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching : Canoeing 4 Intermediate 1 G8HL 44 Promoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Canoeing F17S 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Cricket 4 Intermediate 1 G8HH 44 Conduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Cricket F02A 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Cricket 4 Intermediate 1 G8HH 44 Prepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Cricket F022 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Cricket 4 Intermediate 1 G8HH 44 Promoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Cricket F01R 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Cycling 4 Intermediate 1 G8R3 44 Conduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Cycling F2F3 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Cycling 4 Intermediate 1 G8R3 44 Prepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Cycling F2F2 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Cycling 4 Intermediate 1 G8R3 44 Promoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Cycling F2F1 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Diving 4 Intermediate 1 G8R2 44 Conduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Diving F2F0 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Diving 4 Intermediate 1 G8R2 44 Prepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Diving F2EY 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Diving 4 Intermediate 1 G8R2 44 Promoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Diving F2EX 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Equestrian 4 Intermediate 1 G8HY 44 Conduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Equestrian F1FN 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Equestrian 4 Intermediate 1 G8HY 44 Prepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Equestrian F1FR 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Equestrian 4 Intermediate 1 G8HY 44 Promoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Equestrian F1FS 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Football 4 Intermediate 1 G8HM 44 Conduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Football F02B 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Football 4 Intermediate 1 G8HM 44 Prepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Football F023 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Football 4 Intermediate 1 G8HM 44 Promoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Football F01T 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Golf 4 Intermediate 1 G8W4 44 Conduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Golf F342 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Golf 4 Intermediate 1 G8W4 44 Prepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Golf F341 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Golf 4 Intermediate 1 G8W4 44 Promoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Golf F340 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Gymnastics 4 Intermediate 1 G8HN 44 Conduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Gymnastics F17D 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Gymnastics 4 Intermediate 1 G8HN 44 Prepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Gymnastics F17N 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Gymnastics 4 Intermediate 1 G8HN 44 Promoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Gymnastics F17210 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Hockey 4 Intermediate 1 G8HP 44 Conduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Hockey F02C 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Hockey 4 Intermediate 1 G8HP 44 Prepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Hockey F024 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Hockey 4 Intermediate 1 G8HP 44 Promoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Hockey F01V 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching:Judo 4 Intermediate 1 G8W2 44 Conduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Judo F33T 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching:Judo 4 Intermediate 1 G8W2 44 Prepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Judo F33S 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching:Judo 4 Intermediate 1 G8W2 44 Promoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Judo F33R 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Netball 4 Intermediate 1 G8HR 44 Conduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Netball F02D 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Netball 4 Intermediate 1 G8HR 44 Prepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Netball F025 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Netball 4 Intermediate 1 G8HR 44 Promoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Netball F01W 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Orienteering 4 Intermediate 1 G96G 44 Conduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Orienteering F56R 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Orienteering 4 Intermediate 1 G96G 44 Prepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Orienteering F56P 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Orienteering 4 Intermediate 1 G96G 44 Promoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Orienteering F56N 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Rugby League 4 Intermediate 1 G8R1 44 Conduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Rugby League F2EW 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Rugby League 4 Intermediate 1 G8R1 44 Prepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Rugby League F2EV 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Rugby League 4 Intermediate 1 G8R1 44 Promoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Rugby League F2ET 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Rugby Union 4 Intermediate 1 G8HT 44 Conduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Rugby Union F02E 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Rugby Union 4 Intermediate 1 G8HT 44 Prepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Rugby Union F026 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Rugby Union 4 Intermediate 1 G8HT 44 Promoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Rugby Union F01X 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Squash 4 Intermediate 1 G8HV 44 Conduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Squash F02G 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Squash 4 Intermediate 1 G8HV 44 Prepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Squash F027 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Squash 4 Intermediate 1 G8HV 44 Promoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Squash F01Y 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 No

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Progression Awards and their Units

National Progression Award Title Level Code Unit Title Code SQA Level of UnitSCQF level of NPA

SCQF Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

SQA Unit Credit(s)

Auto- approval

Sports Coaching: Swimming 4 Intermediate 1 G8HW 44 Conduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Swimming F02K 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Swimming 4 Intermediate 1 G8HW 44 Prepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Swimming F028 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Swimming 4 Intermediate 1 G8HW 44 Promoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Swimming F020 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Synchronised Swimming 4 Intermediate 1 G8PY 44 Conduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Synchronised Swimming F2ES 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Synchronised Swimming 4 Intermediate 1 G8PY 44 Prepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Synchronised Swimming F2ER 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Synchronised Swimming 4 Intermediate 1 G8PY 44 Promoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Synchronised Swimming F2EL 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching :Table Tennis 4 Intermediate 1 G8HX 44 Conduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Table Tennis F1FV 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching :Table Tennis 4 Intermediate 1 G8HX 44 Prepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Acitivity: Table Tennis F1FY 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching :Table Tennis 4 Intermediate 1 G8HX 44 Promoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Table Tennis F1G 010 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Tennis 4 Intermediate 1 G8HF 44 Conduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Tennis F02J 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Tennis 4 Intermediate 1 G8HF 44 Prepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Tennis F02H 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Tennis 4 Intermediate 1 G8HF 44 Promoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Tennis F02M 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Triathlon 4 Intermediate 1 G8R4 44 Conduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Triathlon F2F7 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Triathlon 4 Intermediate 1 G8R4 44 Prepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Triathlon F2F6 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Triathlon 4 Intermediate 1 G8R4 44 Promoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Triathlon F2FS 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Volleyball 4 Intermediate 1 G94L 44 Conduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Volleyball F4TP 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Volleyball 4 Intermediate 1 G94L 44 Prepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Volleyball F4TN 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Volleyball 4 Intermediate 1 G94L 44 Promoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Volleyball F4TM 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Water Polo 4 Intermediate 1 G8R0 44 Conduct and Review the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Water Polo F2ES 10 4 Intermediate 1 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Water Polo 4 Intermediate 1 G8R0 44 Prepare for the Delivery of a Coaching Activity: Water Polo F2ER 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Water Polo 4 Intermediate 1 G8R0 44 Promoting Safe and Ethical Sport: Water Polo F2EP 10 4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 NoSports Coaching: Angling 5 Intermediate 2 G974 45 Coach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Angling F173 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Angling 5 Intermediate 2 G974 45 Plan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Angling F17E 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Athletics 5 Intermediate 2 G8JA 45 Coach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Athletics F175 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Athletics 5 Intermediate 2 G8JA 45 Plan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Athletics F17F 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Badminton 5 Intermediate 2 G8J2 45 Coach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Badminton F01D11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Badminton 5 Intermediate 2 G8J2 45 Plan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Badminton F012 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Basketball 5 Intermediate 2 G8JC 45 Coach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Basketball F177 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Basketball 5 Intermediate 2 G8JC 45 Plan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Basketball F17G 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching : Canoeing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JD 45 Coach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Canoeing F178 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching : Canoeing 5 Intermediate 2 G8JD 45 Plan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Canoeing F17H 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Cricket 5 Intermediate 2 G8J3 45 Coach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Cricket F01E 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Cricket 5 Intermediate 2 G8J3 45 Plan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Cricket F015 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Curling 5 Intermediate 2 G913 45 Plan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Curling F41V 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Curling 5 Intermediate 2 G913 45 Coach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Curling F41W 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Cycling 5 Intermediate 2 G8R5 45 Coach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Cycling F2FF 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Cycling 5 Intermediate 2 G8R5 45 Plan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Cycling F2F8 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Diving 5 Intermediate 2 G8R6 45 Coach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Diving F2FH 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Diving 5 Intermediate 2 G8R6 45 Plan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Diving F2FG 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Equestrian 5 Intermediate 2 G8JG 45 Coach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Equestrian F1FM 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Equestrian 5 Intermediate 2 G8JG 45 Plan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Equestrian F1FP 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Football 5 Intermediate 2 G8J4 45 Coach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Football F01F 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Football 5 Intermediate 2 G8J4 45 Plan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Football F016 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Golf 5 Intermediate 2 G8W5 45 Coach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Golf F33Y 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Golf 5 Intermediate 2 G8W5 45 Plan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Golf F33X 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Gymnastics 5 Intermediate 2 G8JE 45 Coach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Gymnastics F179 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Gymnastics 5 Intermediate 2 G8JE 45 Plan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Gymnastics F17J 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Hockey 5 Intermediate 2 G8J5 45 Coach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Hockey F01G 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Hockey 5 Intermediate 2 G8J5 45 Plan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Hockey F017 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching:Judo 5 Intermediate 2 G8W3 45 Coach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Judo F33W 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching:Judo 5 Intermediate 2 G8W3 45 Plan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions:Judo F33V 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Netball 5 Intermediate 2 G8J6 45 Coach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Netball F01J 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Netball 5 Intermediate 2 G8J6 45 Plan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Netball F018 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Rowing 5 Intermediate 2 G8J0 45 Coach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Rowing F1FK 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Rowing 5 Intermediate 2 G8J0 45 Plan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Rowing F1FL 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Rugby League 5 Intermediate 2 G8R7 45 Coach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Rugby League F2FK 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Rugby League 5 Intermediate 2 G8R7 45 Plan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Rugby League F2FJ 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Rugby Union 5 Intermediate 2 G8J7 45 Coach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Rugby Union F01L 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Rugby Union 5 Intermediate 2 G8J7 45 Plan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Rugby Union F019 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Squash 5 Intermediate 2 G8J8 45 Coach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Squash F01M 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Squash 5 Intermediate 2 G8J8 45 Plan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Squash F01A 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Swimming 5 Intermediate 2 G8J9 45 Coach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Swimming F01N 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 No

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Progression Awards and their Units

National Progression Award Title Level Code Unit Title Code SQA Level of UnitSCQF level of NPA

SCQF Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

SQA Unit Credit(s)

Auto- approval

Sports Coaching: Swimming 5 Intermediate 2 G8J9 45 Plan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Swimming F01B 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Synchronised Swimming 5 Intermediate 2 G8R8 45 Coach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Synchronised Swimming F2FM 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Synchronised Swimming 5 Intermediate 2 G8R8 45 Plan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Synchronised Swimming F2FL 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching :Table Tennis 5 Intermediate 2 G8JF 45 Coach Particpants and Develop Personal Practice: Table Tennis F1FT 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching :Table Tennis 5 Intermediate 2 G8JF 45 Plan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Table Tennis F1FW 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching:Tennis 5 Intermediate 2 G8J1 45 Coach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Tennis F02F 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching:Tennis 5 Intermediate 2 G8J1 45 Plan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Tennis F02L 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Triathlon 5 Intermediate 2 G8R9 45 Coach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Triathlon F2FR 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Triathlon 5 Intermediate 2 G8R9 45 Plan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Triathlon F2FP 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Water Polo 5 Intermediate 2 G8RA 45 Coach Participants and Develop Personal Practice: Water Polo F2FT 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Water Polo 5 Intermediate 2 G8RA 45 Plan and Prepare a Series of Coaching Sessions: Water Polo F2FS 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Athletics 6 Higher G8TR 46 Analyse Participants’ Needs and Plan a Coaching Programme: Athletics F2X8 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Athletics 6 Higher G8TR 46 Deliver a Coaching Programme: Athletics F2W6 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Athletics 6 Higher G8TR 46 Manage a Coaching Environment: Athletics F2W7 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Athletics 6 Higher G8TR 46 Manage and Develop Personal Coaching Programmes and Practice: Athletics F2VM 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Badminton 6 Higher G8TT 46 Analyse Participants’ Needs and Plan a Coaching Programme:Badminton F2X9 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Badminton 6 Higher G8TT 46 Deliver a Coaching Programme: Badminton F2W8 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Badminton 6 Higher G8TT 46 Manage a Coaching Environment:Badminton F2W9 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Badminton 6 Higher G8TT 46 Manage and Develop Personal Coaching Programmes and Practice:Badminton F2VN 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Basketball 6 Higher G8TV 46 Analyse Participants’ Needs and Plan a Coaching Programme: Basketball F2XA 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Basketball 6 Higher G8TV 46 Deliver a Coaching Programme: Basketball F2WA 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Basketball 6 Higher G8TV 46 Manage a Coaching Environment:Basketball F2WB 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Basketball 6 Higher G8TV 46 Manage and Develop Personal Coaching Programmes and Practice: Basketball F2VP 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching : Canoeing 6 Higher G8TW 46 Analyse Participants’ Needs and Plan a Coaching Programme: Canoeing F2XC 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching : Canoeing 6 Higher G8TW 46 Deliver a Coaching Programme: Canoeing F2WC 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching : Canoeing 6 Higher G8TW 46 Manage a Coaching Environment: Canoeing F2WD 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching : Canoeing 6 Higher G8TW 46 Manage and Develop Personal Coaching Programmes and Practice: Canoeing F2VR 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Cricket 6 Higher G8TX 46 Analyse Participants’ Needs and Plan a Coaching Programme: Cricket F2XD 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Cricket 6 Higher G8TX 46 Deliver a Coaching Programme: Cricket F2WG 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Cricket 6 Higher G8TX 46 Manage a Coaching Environment: Cricket F2WE 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Cricket 6 Higher G8TX 46 Manage and Develop Personal Coaching Programmes and Practice: Cricket F2VS 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Curling 6 Higher G914 46 Analyse Participants' Needs and Plan a Coaching Programme: Curling F41X 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Curling 6 Higher G913 46 Manage and Develop Personal Coaching Programmes and Practice: Curling F41Y 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Curling 6 Higher G913 46 Manage a Coaching Environment: Curling F420 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Curling 6 Higher G913 46 Deliver a Coaching Programme: Curling F421 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Equestrian 6 Higher G8TY 46 Analyse Participants’ Needs and Plan a Coaching Programme: Equestrian F2XE 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Equestrian 6 Higher G8TY 46 Deliver a Coaching Programme: Equestrian F2WJ 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Equestrian 6 Higher G8TY 46 Manage a Coaching Environment: Equestrian F2WF 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Equestrian 6 Higher G8TY 46 Manage and Develop Personal Coaching Programmes and Practice: Equestrian F2VT 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Football 6 Higher G8V0 46 Analyse Participants’ Needs and Plan a Coaching Programme: Football F2XF 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Football 6 Higher G8V0 46 Deliver a Coaching Programme: Football F2WM 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Football 6 Higher G8V0 46 Manage a Coaching Environment:Football F2WH 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Football 6 Higher G8V0 46 Manage and Develop Personal Coaching Programmes and Practice: Football F2VV 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Gymnastics 6 Higher G8V1 46 Analyse Participants’ Needs and Plan a Coaching Programme: Gymnastics F2XG 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Gymnastics 6 Higher G8V1 46 Deliver a Coaching Programme: Gymnastics F2WP 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Gymnastics 6 Higher G8V1 46 Manage a Coaching Environment:Gymnastics F2WL 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Gymnastics 6 Higher G8V1 46 Manage and Develop Personal Coaching Programmes and Practice:Gymnastics F2VW 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching : Hockey 6 Higher G8V2 46 Analyse Participants’ Needs and Plan a Coaching Programme: Hockey F2XH 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching : Hockey 6 Higher G8V2 46 Deliver a Coaching Programme: Hockey F2WS 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching : Hockey 6 Higher G8V2 46 Manage a Coaching Environment:Hockey F2WN 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching : Hockey 6 Higher G8V2 46 Manage and Develop Personal Coaching Programmes and Practice:Hockey F2VX 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching : Netball 6 Higher G8V3 46 Analyse Participants’ Needs and Plan a Coaching Programme: Netball F2XJ 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching : Netball 6 Higher G8V3 46 Deliver a Coaching Programme: Netball F2WT 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching : Netball 6 Higher G8V3 46 Manage a Coaching Environment:Netball F2WR 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching : Netball 6 Higher G8V3 46 Manage and Develop Personal Coaching Programmes and Practice:Netball F2VY 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Rowing 6 Higher G8V4 46 Analyse Participants’ Needs and Plan a Coaching Programme: Rowing F2CK 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Rowing 6 Higher G8V4 46 Deliver a Coaching Programme: Rowing F2WW 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Rowing 6 Higher G8V4 46 Manage a Coaching Environment:Rowing F2WV 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching: Rowing 6 Higher G8V4 46 Manage and Develop Personal Coaching Programmes and Practice:Rowing F2W0 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching : Rugby Union 6 Higher G8V5 46 Analyse Participants’ Needs and Plan a Coaching Programme: Rugby Union F2XL 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching : Rugby Union 6 Higher G8V5 46 Deliver a Coaching Programme: Rugby Union F2WY 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching : Rugby Union 6 Higher G8V5 46 Manage a Coaching Environment:Rugby Union F2WX 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 No

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Progression Awards and their Units

National Progression Award Title Level Code Unit Title Code SQA Level of UnitSCQF level of NPA

SCQF Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

SQA Unit Credit(s)

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Sports Coaching : Rugby Union 6 Higher G8V5 46 Manage and Develop Personal Coaching Programmes and Practice:Rugby Union F2W1 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching : Squash 6 Higher G8V6 46 Analyse Participants’ Needs and Plan a Coaching Programme:Squash F2XM 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching : Squash 6 Higher G8V6 46 Deliver a Coaching Programme:Squash F2X1 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching : Squash 6 Higher G8V6 46 Manage a Coaching Environment:Squash F2X0 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching : Squash 6 Higher G8V6 46 Manage and Develop Personal Coaching Programmes and Practice:Squash F2W2 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching : Swimming 6 Higher G8V7 46 Analyse Participants’ Needs and Plan a Coaching Programme:Swimming F2XN 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching : Swimming 6 Higher G8V7 46 Deliver a Coaching Programme:Swimming F2X3 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching : Swimming 6 Higher G8V7 46 Manage a Coaching Environment:Swimming F2X2 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching : Swimming 6 Higher G8V7 46 Manage and Develop Personal Coaching Programmes and Practice:Swimming F2W3 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching :Table Tennis 6 Higher G8V8 46 Analyse Participants’ Needs and Plan a Coaching Programme:Table Tennis F2XP 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching :Table Tennis 6 Higher G8V8 46 Deliver a Coaching Programme:Table Tennis F2X5 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching :Table Tennis 6 Higher G8V8 46 Manage a Coaching Environment:Table Tennis F2X4 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching :Table Tennis 6 Higher G8V8 46 Manage and Develop Personal Coaching Programmes and Practice:Table Tennis F2W4 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching :Tennis 6 Higher G8V9 46 Analyse Participants’ Needs and Plan a Coaching Programme:Tennis F2XR 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching :Tennis 6 Higher G8V9 46 Deliver a Coaching Programme:Tennis F2X7 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching :Tennis 6 Higher G8V9 46 Manage a Coaching Environment:Tennis F2X6 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Coaching :Tennis 6 Higher G8V9 46 Manage and Develop Personal Coaching Programmes and Practice:Tennis F2W5 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Development 6 Higher G9GF 46 Sports: Activity and Participation Opportunities in the Community F7JL 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSports Development 6 Higher G9GF 46 Sports: Investigate Activity Development Opportunities in an Organisation F7JM 12 6 Higher 12 2.0 NoSupply Chain Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G93X 45 Customers and Suppliers in a Supply Chain F4SY 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSupply Chain Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G93X 45 Distribution and Storage of Goods F4T1 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSupply Chain Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G93X 45 Flow of Orders in the Supply Chain F4T0 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 NoSupply Chain Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G93X 45 How a Supply Chain Works F4SX 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSupply Chain Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G93X 45 Personal Development: Self and Work F37X 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSupply Chain Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G93X 45 Saftey, Security and Sustainability in the Supply Chain F4T3 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoSupply Chain Operations 5 Intermediate 2 G93X 45 Transportation of Goods F4T2 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoTechnical Theatre in Practice 6 Higher G9KR 46 Creative Project F58F 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 YesTechnical Theatre in Practice 6 Higher G9KR 46 Technical Theatre in Context F5L5 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 YesTechnical Theatre in Practice 6 Higher G9KR 46 Theatre Stage Lighting Operations F693 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 YesTechnical Theatre in Practice 6 Higher G9KR 46 Theatre Stage Model Set Construction F699 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 YesTechnical Theatre in Practice 6 Higher G9KR 46 Theatre Stage Sound Operations F694 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 YesTechnical Theatre in Practice 6 Higher G9KR 46 Theatrical Design F697 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 YesTechnical Theatre in Practice 6 Higher G9KR 46 Theatrical Prop Making F5LE 12 6 Higher 6 1.0 YesWeb Design Fundamentals 5 Intermediate 2 G8HD 45 Computing: Interactive Multimedia for Website Design F180 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesWeb Design Fundamentals 5 Intermediate 2 G8HD 45 Computing: Web Design Fundamentals F181 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesWeb Design Fundamentals 5 Intermediate 2 G8HD 45 Computing: Website Design and Development F182 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesWebsite Enterprise 5 Intermediate 2 G9HM 45 Computing: Web Page Creation F1KJ 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesWebsite Enterprise 5 Intermediate 2 G9HM 45 Computing: Website Design and Development F182 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesWebsite Enterprise 5 Intermediate 2 G9HM 45 Enterprise Activity D36N 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 YesWorking with Asylum Seekers and Refugees 5 Intermediate 2 G961 45 Asylum Seekers and Refugees: Promoting Equality F543 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 NoWorking with Asylum Seekers and Refugees 5 Intermediate 2 G961 45 Asylum Seekers and Refugees: Asylum Seekers and the Law F542 11 5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 NoWorking with Asylum Seekers and Refugees 5 Intermediate 2 G961 45 Asylum Seekers and Refugees: Understanding Cultural Diversity F544 11 5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 No

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - Professional Development Awards and their Units

Professional Development Award Title Level Code

Bricklaying 6 Higher G9AK 46Bricklaying 6 Higher G9AK 46Bricklaying 6 Higher G9AK 46Bricklaying 6 Higher G9AK 46Bricklaying 6 Higher G9AK 46Bricklaying 6 Higher G9AK 46Bricklaying 6 Higher G9AK 46Bricklaying 6 Higher G9AK 46Bricklaying 6 Higher G9AK 46Bricklaying 6 Higher G9AK 46Bricklaying 6 Higher G9AK 46Bricklaying 6 Higher G9AK 46Bricklaying 6 Higher G9AK 46Bricklaying 6 Higher G9AK 46Bricklaying 6 Higher G9AK 46Bricklaying 6 Higher G9AK 46Bricklaying 6 Higher G9AK 46Bricklaying 6 Higher G9AK 46Bricklaying 6 Higher G9AK 46Bricklaying 6 Higher G9AK 46Bricklaying 6 Higher G9AK 46Bricklaying 6 Higher G9AK 46Carpentry and Joinery 6 Higher G9AR 46Carpentry and Joinery 6 Higher G9AR 46Carpentry and Joinery 6 Higher G9AR 46Carpentry and Joinery 6 Higher G9AR 46Carpentry and Joinery 6 Higher G9AR 46Carpentry and Joinery 6 Higher G9AR 46Carpentry and Joinery 6 Higher G9AR 46Carpentry and Joinery 6 Higher G9AR 46Carpentry and Joinery 6 Higher G9AR 46Carpentry and Joinery 6 Higher G9AR 46Carpentry and Joinery 6 Higher G9AR 46Carpentry and Joinery 6 Higher G9AR 46Carpentry and Joinery 6 Higher G9AR 46Carpentry and Joinery 6 Higher G9AR 46Carpentry and Joinery 6 Higher G9AR 46Carpentry and Joinery 6 Higher G9AR 46Carpentry and Joinery 6 Higher G9AR 46Carpentry and Joinery 6 Higher G9AR 46Carpentry and Joinery 6 Higher G9AR 46Carpentry and Joinery 6 Higher G9AR 46Carpentry and Joinery 6 Higher G9AR 46Carpentry and Joinery 6 Higher G9AR 46Carpentry and Joinery 6 Higher G9AR 46

SCQF level of PDA

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Carpentry and Joinery 6 Higher G9AR 46Carpentry and Joinery 6 Higher G9AR 46Education Support Assistance 6 Higher G9G4 46Education Support Assistance 6 Higher G9G4 46Education Support Assistance 6 Higher G9G4 46Education Support Assistance 6 Higher G9G4 46Education Support Assistance 6 Higher G9G4 46Education Support Assistance 6 Higher G9G4 46Education Support Assistance 6 Higher G9G4 46Education Support Assistance 6 Higher G9G4 46Education Support Assistance 6 Higher G9G4 46Education Support Assistance 6 Higher G9G4 46Education Support Assistance 6 Higher G9G4 46Education Support Assistance 6 Higher G9G4 46Education Support Assistance 6 Higher G9G4 46Education Support Assistance 6 Higher G9G4 46Education Support Assistance 6 Higher G9G4 46Painting and Decorating 6 Higher G9GH 46Painting and Decorating 6 Higher G9GH 46Painting and Decorating 6 Higher G9GH 46Painting and Decorating 6 Higher G9GH 46Painting and Decorating 6 Higher G9GH 46Painting and Decorating 6 Higher G9GH 46Painting and Decorating 6 Higher G9GH 46Painting and Decorating 6 Higher G9GH 46Painting and Decorating 6 Higher G9GH 46Painting and Decorating 6 Higher G9GH 46Painting and Decorating 6 Higher G9GH 46Painting and Decorating 6 Higher G9GH 46Painting and Decorating 6 Higher G9GH 46Painting and Decorating 6 Higher G9GH 46Painting and Decorating 6 Higher G9GH 46Painting and Decorating 6 Higher G9GH 46Painting and Decorating 6 Higher G9GH 46Painting and Decorating 6 Higher G9GH 46Painting and Decorating 6 Higher G9GH 46Painting and Decorating 6 Higher G9GH 46Plastering 6 Higher G9AW 46Plastering 6 Higher G9AW 46Plastering 6 Higher G9AW 46Plastering 6 Higher G9AW 46Plastering 6 Higher G9AW 46Plastering 6 Higher G9AW 46Plastering 6 Higher G9AW 46Plastering 6 Higher G9AW 46Plastering 6 Higher G9AW 46Plastering 6 Higher G9AW 46Plastering 6 Higher G9AW 46Plastering 6 Higher G9AW 46Plastering 6 Higher G9AW 46Plastering 6 Higher G9AW 46Plastering 6 Higher G9AW 46Plastering 6 Higher G9AW 46Plastering 6 Higher G9AW 46

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Plastering 6 Higher G9AW 46Plastering 6 Higher G9AW 46Plastering 6 Higher G9AW 46Roof Slating, Tiling and Cement Work 6 Higher G9GG 46Roof Slating, Tiling and Cement Work 6 Higher G9GG 46Roof Slating, Tiling and Cement Work 6 Higher G9GG 46Roof Slating, Tiling and Cement Work 6 Higher G9GG 46Roof Slating, Tiling and Cement Work 6 Higher G9GG 46Roof Slating, Tiling and Cement Work 6 Higher G9GG 46Roof Slating, Tiling and Cement Work 6 Higher G9GG 46Roof Slating, Tiling and Cement Work 6 Higher G9GG 46Roof Slating, Tiling and Cement Work 6 Higher G9GG 46Roof Slating, Tiling and Cement Work 6 Higher G9GG 46Roof Slating, Tiling and Cement Work 6 Higher G9GG 46Roof Slating, Tiling and Cement Work 6 Higher G9GG 46Roof Slating, Tiling and Cement Work 6 Higher G9GG 46Roof Slating, Tiling and Cement Work 6 Higher G9GG 46Roof Slating, Tiling and Cement Work 6 Higher G9GG 46Roof Slating, Tiling and Cement Work 6 Higher G9GG 46Roof Slating, Tiling and Cement Work 6 Higher G9GG 46Roof Slating, Tiling and Cement Work 6 Higher G9GG 46Roof Slating, Tiling and Cement Work 6 Higher G9GG 46Roof Slating, Tiling and Cement Work 6 Higher G9GG 46Roof Slating, Tiling and Cement Work 6 Higher G9GG 46Roof Slating, Tiling and Cement Work 6 Higher G9GG 46Roof Slating, Tiling and Cement Work 6 Higher G9GG 46Roof Slating, Tiling and Cement Work 6 Higher G9GG 46Security Systems 6 Higher G8YF 46Security Systems 6 Higher G8YF 46Security Systems 6 Higher G8YF 46Security Systems 6 Higher G8YF 46Security Systems 6 Higher G8YF 46Security Systems 6 Higher G8YF 46Security Systems 6 Higher G8YF 46Security Systems 6 Higher G8YF 46Security Systems 6 Higher G8YF 46Security Systems 6 Higher G8YF 46Stonemasonry 6 Higher G9AL 46Stonemasonry 6 Higher G9AL 46Stonemasonry 6 Higher G9AL 46Stonemasonry 6 Higher G9AL 46Stonemasonry 6 Higher G9AL 46Stonemasonry 6 Higher G9AL 46Stonemasonry 6 Higher G9AL 46Stonemasonry 6 Higher G9AL 46Stonemasonry 6 Higher G9AL 46Stonemasonry 6 Higher G9AL 46Stonemasonry 6 Higher G9AL 46Stonemasonry 6 Higher G9AL 46Stonemasonry 6 Higher G9AL 46Stonemasonry 6 Higher G9AL 46Stonemasonry 6 Higher G9AL 46Stonemasonry 6 Higher G9AL 46Stonemasonry 6 Higher G9AL 46

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Stonemasonry 6 Higher G9AL 46Stonemasonry 6 Higher G9AL 46Stonemasonry 6 Higher G9AL 46Stonemasonry 6 Higher G9AL 46Stonemasonry 6 Higher G9AL 46Stonemasonry 6 Higher G9AL 46Stonemasonry 6 Higher G9AL 46Stonemasonry 6 Higher G9AL 46Stonemasonry 6 Higher G9AL 46Stonemasonry 6 Higher G9AL 46Stonemasonry 6 Higher G9AL 46Stonemasonry 6 Higher G9AL 46Wall and Floor Tiling 6 Higher G9AP 46Wall and Floor Tiling 6 Higher G9AP 46Wall and Floor Tiling 6 Higher G9AP 46Wall and Floor Tiling 6 Higher G9AP 46Wall and Floor Tiling 6 Higher G9AP 46Wall and Floor Tiling 6 Higher G9AP 46Wall and Floor Tiling 6 Higher G9AP 46Wall and Floor Tiling 6 Higher G9AP 46Wall and Floor Tiling 6 Higher G9AP 46Wall and Floor Tiling 6 Higher G9AP 46Wall and Floor Tiling 6 Higher G9AP 46Wall and Floor Tiling 6 Higher G9AP 46Wall and Floor Tiling 6 Higher G9AP 46Wall and Floor Tiling 6 Higher G9AP 46Wall and Floor Tiling 6 Higher G9AP 46Wall and Floor Tiling 6 Higher G9AP 46Wall and Floor Tiling 6 Higher G9AP 46Wall and Floor Tiling 6 Higher G9AP 46Wall and Floor Tiling 6 Higher G9AP 46Wall and Floor Tiling 6 Higher G9AP 46Wall and Floor Tiling 6 Higher G9AP 46Wall and Floor Tiling 6 Higher G9AP 46Wall and Floor Tiling 6 Higher G9AP 46Woodmachining 6 Higher G9FH 46Woodmachining 6 Higher G9FH 46Woodmachining 6 Higher G9FH 46Woodmachining 6 Higher G9FH 46Woodmachining 6 Higher G9FH 46Woodmachining 6 Higher G9FH 46Woodmachining 6 Higher G9FH 46Woodmachining 6 Higher G9FH 46Woodmachining 6 Higher G9FH 46Woodmachining 6 Higher G9FH 46Woodmachining 6 Higher G9FH 46Woodmachining 6 Higher G9FH 46Woodmachining 6 Higher G9FH 46Woodmachining 6 Higher G9FH 46Woodmachining 6 Higher G9FH 46Woodmachining 6 Higher G9FH 46Woodmachining 6 Higher G9FH 46Woodmachining 6 Higher G9FH 46Woodmachining 6 Higher G9FH 46

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Woodmachining 6 Higher G9FH 46Woodmachining 6 Higher G9FH 46Woodmachining 6 Higher G9FH 46Woodmachining 6 Higher G9FH 46Woodmachining 6 Higher G9FH 46Woodmachining 6 Higher G9FH 46Woodmachining 6 Higher G9FH 46

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - Professional Development Awards and their Units

Unit Title Code

Appreciation of Access Platforms and Equipment F6MF 12Bricklaying: Arch Construction F6M1 12Bricklaying: Blockwork F6M2 12Bricklaying: Cavity Walling F6MG 12Bricklaying: Chimney Stacks F6M3 12Bricklaying: Circular Walling F6MH 12Bricklaying: Cladding to Timber Framed Structures F6M4 12Bricklaying: Complex Arch Construction F6M5 12Bricklaying: Cutting and Building to Rake F6M6 12Bricklaying: Decorative Features F6MJ 12Bricklaying: Decorative Panels and Obtuse Corners F6MK 12Bricklaying: Decorative Ramp Walling F6M7 12Bricklaying: Fireplaces and Flues F6M9 12Bricklaying: Half Brick Walling F6MA 12Bricklaying: One Brick Walling F6ML 12Bricklaying: Openings in Walls F6MM 12Bricklaying: Piers F6MC 12Bricklaying: Reconstituted Stone F6MD 12Bricklaying: Setting out Masonry Substructures F6ME 12Bricklaying: Substructure Walling F6MP 12Construction Craft Employment Skills F6LM 11Contribute to the Provision of a Safe Work Environment F6M0 11Appreciation of Access Platforms and Equipment F6MF 12Building Craft Science and Mechanics F6N3 12Carpentry and Joinery: Craft Projects F6NJ 12Carpentry and Joinery: Domestic Fitments F6MY 12Carpentry and Joinery: Domestic Straight Flight Stairs F6NH 12Carpentry and Joinery: Door Construction F6MX 12Carpentry and Joinery: First Fixing F6RV 12Carpentry and Joinery: Flat Roof Construction F6MW 12Carpentry and Joinery: Formwork and Temporary Works F6MV 12Carpentry and Joinery: Ground and Upper Floor Construction F6RW 12Carpentry and Joinery: Materials, Products and Finishes F6N4 12Carpentry and Joinery: Panelling F6N1 12Carpentry and Joinery: Pitched Roof Construction F6N7 12Carpentry and Joinery: Repairs and Maintenance F6N2 12Carpentry and Joinery: Second Fixing F6MR 12Carpentry and Joinery: Timber Frames (Inner and External) F6N9 12Carpentry and Joinery: Window Construction F6N0 12Carpentry and Joinery: Woodworking Machine Skills F6MS 12Construction Craft Drawing F6N6 12Construction Craft Drawing: An Introduction F6RT 11Construction Craft Employment Skills F6LM 11Construction Craft Studies and Procedures F6N5 12Contribute to the Provision of a Safe Work Environment F6M0 11

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Woodworking Power Tool Skills F6MT 12Workshop Practice and Hand Skills F6N8 12First Aid F19M 11Information and Communication Technology F3GC 11Play in Early Education and Childcare DM41 12Professional Practice in an Educational Setting F7HV 12Supporting Children and Young People in an Educational Setting F7HY 12Supporting Children and Young People who require Additional Support for Learning F7HT 12Supporting Information Communication Technology (ICT) in an Educational Sett F7HX 12Supporting Language, Literacy and Numeracy in an Educational Setting F7J4 12Supporting the Behaviour of Children and Young People F7HS 12Supporting the Development of Children and Young People from Birth to Eighteen Years F7HR 12The Rights and Entitlements of Children and Young People F7HW 12Working with Children and Young People with Autism F7J1 12Working with Children and Young People with Hearing Loss F7J3 12Working with Children and Young People with Visual Impairments F7J0 12Working with Physically Disabled Children and Young People F7J2 12Appreciation of Access Platforms and Equipment F6MF 12Construction Crafts: Employment Skills F6LM 11Contribute to the Provision of a Safe Work Environment F6M0 11Painting and Decorating: Air Spraying and High Volume Low Pressure F79F 12Painting and Decorating: Airless Spraying and Ancillary Equipment F79G 12Painting and Decorating: Applying Coatings to Cementitious Surfaces F79H 12Painting and Decorating: Applying Coatings to Metal Surfaces F79J 12Painting and Decorating: Applying Coatings to Timber Surfaces F79K 12Painting and Decorating: Applying Solvent-borne Surface Coatings F79L 12Painting and Decorating: Applying Water-borne Surface Coatings F79M 12Painting and Decorating: Basic Decorative Effects F79N 12Painting and Decorating: Broadwall Decorative Effects F79P 12Painting and Decorationg: Ceiling Paperhanging F79Y 12Painting and Decorating: Colour Schemes F79R 12Painting and Decorating: Construction Studies F79S 12Painting and Decorating: Drawing F79T 12Painting and Decorating: Foundation and Plain Paperhanging F79W 12Painting and Decorating: Patterned Paperhanging F79X 12Painting and Decorating: Properties of Solvent-borne Coatings F7A0 12Painting and Decorating: Properties of Water-borne Coatings F7A1 12Appreciation of Access Platforms and Equipment F6MF 12Construction Craft Employment Skills F6LM 11Contribute to the Provision of a Safe Work Environment F6M0 11Plastering: Applying and Coating to Metal Lath F6SB 12Plastering: Applying Lightweight Plasters F6SC 12Plastering: Cement Casting F6RY 12Plastering: External Finishes F6SD 12Plastering: External Repairs F6S0 12Plastering: Floorscreeding F6S7 12Plastering: Internal Repairs F6S1 12Plastering: Plain Faced Render and Bull-nose Ashlars F6S9 12Plastering: Plasterboard and Coving F6SE 12Plastering: Producing and Fixing Fibrous Plaster Casts F6SF 12Plastering: Producing and Fixing Plaster Enrichments from a Case Mould F6SA 12Plastering: Producing and Fixing Plaster Enrichments from a Flood Mould F6S2 12Plastering: Producing Plaster Piece Moulds F6S3 12Plastering: Run and Fix Mouldings F6SG 12

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Plastering: Running Cornice Work Incorporating Short Breaks and Mitres F6SH 12Plastering: Screeds and Straightening F6S4 12Plastering: Tools and Materials F6S5 12Appreciation of Access Platforms and Equipment F6MF 12Construction Craft Drawing F6N6 12Construction Craft Employment Skills F6LM 11Construction Craft Studies and Procedures F6N5 12Contribute to the Provision of a Safe Work Environment F6M0 11Roofing: Building Craft Science and Materials F7D8 12Roofing: Estimating F7D6 12Roofing: External Cement Work Bands and Artificial Stone Work F7A2 12Roofing: External Cement Work Plain Render Finish F7C3 12Roofing: External Cement Work Textured Finishes F7C5 12Roofing: Fibre Cement Slating to Hip and Valley Dry Fix Details F7D3 12Roofing: Fibre Cement Slating to Hip and Valley Mitred Details F7DD 12Roofing: Plain Tiling Hips, Valleys and Curved Eaves F7A4 12Roofing: Plain Tiling to a Gabled Roof F7C9 12Roofing: Plain Tiling Vertical Surfaces F7A3 12Roofing: Random Slating to Gabled Roofs F7CV 12Roofing: Random Slating to Hip and Valley Roofs F7D1 12Roofing: Random Slating to Vertical Surfaces F7CY 12Roofing: Regular Sized Slating to Battened Roofs F7DA 12Roofing: Regular Sized Slating to Boarded Roofs F7CD 12Roofing: Single Lap Tiling Fixed Gauge Tiles Hip and Valley F7CS 12Roofing: Single Lap Tiling Gable to Gable Dry Details F7CM 12Roofing: Single Lap Tiling Gable to Gable Wet Details F7CF 12Roofing: Single Lap Tiling Hip and Valley Dry Details F7CJ 12Access Control Systems, Installation and Maintenance F3P012CCTV Systems, Installation and Maintenance F3P212Fire Alarm Systems, Installation and Maintenance F3P11Intruder Alarm Principles F3NX12Intruder Alarm Systems, Installation and Maintenance F3P312Security Installation: Health and Safety Practices F3P512Security Systems Industry: An Introduction F3NV12Security Systems Installation Practices F3NY12Security Systems Principles F3NW12Security Systems Signalling F3P412Appreciation of Access Platforms and Equipment F6MF12Construction Craft Employment Skills F6LM 11Contribute to the Provision of a Safe Work Environment F6M011Stonemasonry: Ashlar Walling F6P412Stonemasonry: Ashlar Walling with Returns F6PH12Stonemasonry: Block Walling with Return Corners F6PJ12Stonemasonry: Build Battered Walling F6PK12Stonemasonry: Build Radius Walling F6PL12Stonemasonry: Build Semi Circular Arch F6P912Stonemasonry: Concreting, Slab Laying and Block Paving F6PM 12Stonemasonry: Cutting a Cavetto Moulding to Ashlar Stop F6PP12Stonemasonry: Cutting a Cyma Recta Moulding to Internal and External Mitres F6RK12Stonemasonry: Cutting a Plane Surface On Stone F6PR12Stonemasonry: Cutting a Return Heads at Right Angles to Adjacent Face F6PS12Stonemasonry: Cutting an Ovolo Moulding to Ashlar Stop F6PT12Stonemasonry: Cutting and Building Wrought Stone F6PV12Stonemasonry: Cutting Mouldings on a Radius F6PB12

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Stonemasonry: Fix Cladding to Structures F6PW12Stonemasonry: Prepare Templates and Moulds F6PD12Stonemasonry: Producing Complex Mouldings to Mitres and Ashlar Stop F6RM12Stonemasonry: Random Rubble External Corner and Internal Return F6PX12Stonemasonry: Random Rubble Walling with Block Backing F6R712Stonemasonry: Random Rubble Walling with Returns F6RF12Stonemasonry: Repair of Masonry Structures F6R912Stonemasonry: Snecked Walling with a Block Backing F6RA12Stonemasonry: Snecked Walling with Internal and External Returns F6RH12Stonemasonry: Step Construction F6PF12Stonemasonry: Surface Finishes F6RC12Stonemasonry: Timber Frame Construction F6RD12Appreciation of Access Platforms and Equipment F6MF 12Construction Craft Employment Skills F6LM 11Contribute to the Provision of a Safe Work Environment F6M0 11Wall and Floor Tiling: Cement Rendering for Tile Work F6NK 12Wall and Floor Tiling: Complex Cutting and Shaping of Tiles F6NS 12Wall and Floor Tiling: Construction Drawing for Tile Work F6NM 12Wall and Floor Tiling: Craft Projects F6P8 12Wall and Floor Tiling: Estimating and Calculations for Tile Work F6P2 12Wall and Floor Tiling: Fixing Floor Tiles Using Adhesives F6NR 12Wall and Floor Tiling: Fixing Mosaics to Walls and Floors F6P1 12Wall and Floor Tiling: Fixing Wall Tiles Using Adhesives F6P5 12Wall and Floor Tiling: Floor Screeding for Tile Work F6NN 12Wall and Floor Tiling: Hand Fixing Using Sand and Cement Mortar F6NL 12Wall and Floor Tiling: Isolating Membranes and Movement Joints F6P3 12Wall and Floor Tiling: Project Planning and Preparation F6P7 12Wall and Floor Tiling: Repair and Restoration F6NW 12Wall and Floor Tiling: Science for Tile Work F6NY 12Wall and Floor Tiling: Setting Out for Tiling Applications F6NP 12Wall and Floor Tiling: Tiling Equipment and Power Tools F6P0 12Wall and Floor Tiling: Tiling Floors In-situ F6NT 12Wall and Floor Tiling: Tiling Materials and Technology F6NX 12Wall and Floor Tiling: Tiling to Staircase Walls F6P6 12Wall and Floor Tiling: Tiling to Steps F6NV 12Construction Craft Drawing F6N6 12Construction Craft Drawing: An Introduction F6RT 11Construction Craft Employment Skills F6LM 11Construction Craft Studies and Procedures F6N5 12Contribute to the Provision of a Safe Work Environment F6M0 11Woodmaching: Spindle Moulder F7H3 12Woodmachining: Band Re-sawing Machine F7GR 12Woodmachining: Breaking out Machines (Circular Saws) F7GG 12Woodmachining: Carpentry and Joinery Hand Skills F7GE 12Woodmachining: Craft Projects F7H2 12Woodmachining: Four Sided Moulder F7H4 12Woodmachining: High Speed Router F7H1 12Woodmachining: Jig Development and Manufacture F7GF 12Woodmachining: Local Exhaust Ventilation Maintenance F7GS 12Woodmachining: Mortise Machines F7GL 12Woodmachining: Narrow Bandsaws F7GP 12Woodmachining: Planing Machines F7GH 12Woodmachining: Sanding and Shaping Machines F7GX 12Woodmachining: Small Tool Maintenance F7GW 12

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Woodmachining: Tenon Machines F7GM 12Woodmachining: Timber Technology and Materials F7GD 12Woodmachining: Toolroom (Circular Saws) F7GJ 12Woodmachining: Toolroom (Cutters) F7H0 12Woodmachining: Vertical Spindle Moulder: An Introduction F7GN 12Woodmachining: Wood Turning and Drilling F7GK 12Woodworking Power Tool Skills F6MT 12

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - Professional Development Awards and their Units

SQA Level of Unit Auto- approval

6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 12 2.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 12 2.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 12 2.0 No6 Higher 12 2.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 12 2.0 No6 Higher 12 2.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 12 2.0 No5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 No5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 No6 Higher 3 0.5 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 12 2.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 12 2.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 9 1.5 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 12 2.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 No5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 No

SCQF Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

SQA Unit Credit(s)

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6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 12 2.0 No5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 No5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 Yes6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 12 2.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 No5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 No6 Higher 12 2.0 No6 Higher 12 2.0 No6 Higher 9 1.5 No6 Higher 9 1.5 No6 Higher 12 2.0 No6 Higher 12 2.0 No6 Higher 9 1.5 No6 Higher 9 1.5 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 12 2.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 12 2.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 12 2.0 No6 Higher 3 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 No5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 No6 Higher 12 2.0 No6 Higher 12 2.0 No6 Higher 3 0.5 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No

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6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 12 2.0 No6 Higher 12 2.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 12 2.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 12 2.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No5 Intermediate 2 3 1.0 No5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 No6 Higher 3 0.5 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 3 0.5 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 12 2.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 3 0.5 No

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6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 3 0.5 No6 Higher 12 2.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 9 1.5 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 9 1.5 No6 Higher 3 0.5 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 No5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 12 2.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 12 2.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 12 2.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 12 2.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 12 2.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No5 Intermediate 2 6 1.0 No5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 No6 Higher 12 2.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 12 2.0 No6 Higher 12 2.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No

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6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No6 Higher 6 1.0 No

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - Awards and their Units

Award Title Level Code

Employability 3 Access 3 G9D2 43Employability 3 Access 3 G9D2 43Employability 3 Access 3 G9D2 43Employability 3 Access 3 G9D2 43Employability 4 Intermediate 1 G9CY 44Employability 4 Intermediate 1 G9CY 44Employability 4 Intermediate 1 G9CY 44Employability 4 Intermediate 1 G9CY 44Leadership 5 Intermediate 2 G9D3 45Leadership 5 Intermediate 2 G9D3 45Leadership 6 Higher G9D4 46Leadership 6 Higher G9D4 46Safe Road Use 4 Intermediate 1 G9AX 44Safe Road Use 4 Intermediate 1 G9AX 44

SCQF level of Award

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - Awards and their Units

Unit Title Code

Building own Employability Skills F787 09Dealing with Work Situations F789 09Preparing for Employment: First Steps F786 09Responsibilities of Employment F788 09Building Employability Skills F787 10Dealing with Work Situations F789 10Preparing for Employment: First Steps F786 10Responsibilities of Employment F788 10Leadership : An Introduction F78A 11Leadership in Practice F78D 11Leadership : An Introduction F78C 12Leadership in Practice F78D 12Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10Understanding How to Use the Roads F6V2 10

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - Awards and their Units

SQA Level of Unit Auto- approval

3 Access 3 3 0.5 Yes3 Access 3 1.5 0.25 Yes3 Access 3 1.5 0.25 Yes3 Access 3 1.5 0.25 Yes4 Intermediate 1 3 0.5 Yes4 Intermediate 1 1.5 0.25 Yes4 Intermediate 1 1.5 0.25 Yes4 Intermediate 1 1.5 0.25 Yes5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 Yes5 Intermediate 2 6 1 Yes6 Higher 3 0.5 Yes6 Higher 6 1 Yes4 Intermediate 1 6 1 No4 Intermediate 1 6 1 No

SCQF Level of Unit

SCQF Credit Points of Unit

SQA Unit Credit(s)

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Courses being withdrawn

National Courses being withdrawn after diet 2009

Course Withdrawn-not available in session 2009/2010 Units in the Course

C01A 12-Design, HigherD09GD 12 Design in Context RetainD9GE 12 Design in Action RetainD9GF 12 Design Realisation Retain

C00T 12-Early Years Curriculum, Higher D75D 12 Early Years Curriculum RetainD75E 12 Values and Principles in Early Years Provision Retain

C212 10-Psychology,Intermediate 1DF5L 10 Psychology: Investigating Behaviour RetainDF5M 10 Psychology: The Individual in the Social Context Finish 31/07/10DF5K 10 Psychology: Understanding the Individual Finish 31/07/10

C212 11-Psychology,Intermediate 2DF5L 11 Psychology: Investigating Behaviour RetainDF5M 11 Psychology: The Individual in the Social Context Finish 31/07/10DF5K 11 Psychology: Understanding the Individual Finish 31/07/10

C212 12-Psychology,HigherDF5L 12 Psychology: Investigating Behaviour RetainDF5M 12 Psychology: The Individual in the Social Context Finish 31/07/10DF5K 12 Psychology: Understanding the Individual Finish 31/07/10

C212 10-Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies,Intermediate 1DM3L 10 Morality in the Modern World Finish 31/07/10DM3M 10 The Existence of God Finish 31/07/10DM3K 10 World Religion Finish 31/07/10

C213 11-Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies,Intermediate 2

DM3N 11 Christianity: Belief and Science Finish 31/07/10DM3L 11 Morality in the Modern World Finish 31/07/10DM3M 11 The Existence of God Finish 31/07/10DM3K 11 World Religion Finish 31/07/10

C213 12-Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies, Higher

DM3N 12 Christianity: Belief and Science Finish 31/07/10

DM3L 12 Morality in the Modern World Finish 31/07/10

DM3K 12 World Religion Finish 31/07/10

C072 13-Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies,Advanced Higher

D420 13 Bio-Ethics Finish 31/07/10D417 13 Philosophy of Religion Finish 31/07/10D419 13 Religious Experience Finish 31/07/10D418 13 Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies: Personal Research Finish 31/07/10

C06D 12-Visual Arts, Higher

D9GH 12 Figure Drawing RetainD9GG 12 Location Drawing RetainD9GJ 12 Creative Composition: 2D RetainD8LY 12 Produce a Creative Three-Dimensional Art-Form Retain

National Courses being wihdrawn after diet 2010

Course Withdrawn-not available in session 2010/2011 Units in the Course

C06B 11-Amenity Horticulture,Intermediate 2

D892 11 Soft Landscaping - Trees and Shrubs RetainD894 11 Soft Landscaping - General Plantings RetainD0MV 11 Introduction to Lawns and Lawn Care RetainD893 11 Soft Landscaping - Herbaceous Perennials RetainD895 11 Soft Landscaping - Specialist Plantings Retain

C01A 11-Design,Intermediate 2D16J 11 Design in Context Retain

Action for Units in the Course

Action for Units in the Course

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Course Withdrawn-not available in session 2009/2010 Units in the Course Action for Units in the Course

C01A 11-Design,Intermediate 2 D16L 11 Design Realisation RetainD16N 11 Design in Action Retain

C038 10-Economics, Intermediate 1DM4W 10 Microeconomics RetainDM4X 10 The UK Economy RetainDM4Y 10 The International Economy Retain

0890 01-English Spoken,Standard Grade N/A N/A

C03P 11-Fitness and Exercise,Intermediate 2

D674 11 Exercise and Fitness - Aqua RetainD675 11 Exercise and Fitness - Exercise to Music RetainD676 11 Exercise and Fitness - Gymnasium RetainD677 11 Exercise and Fitness - Circuits RetainD678 11 Exercise and Fitness - Resistance Training RetainD679 11 Exercise and Fitness - Step RetainD8XJ 11 Human Physiology in the Development of Personal Performance: An Introduction RetainD0VF 11 Personal Wellbeing and Exercise RetainD7XE 12 Planning Fitness for Others RetainD674 12 Exercise and Fitness - Aqua RetainD675 12 Exercise and Fitness - Exercise to Music Retain

C03P 12-Fitness and Exercise,Higher D676 12 Exercise and Fitness - Gymnasium RetainD677 12 Exercise and Fitness - Circuits RetainD678 12 Exercise and Fitness - Resistance Training RetainD679 12 Exercise and Fitness - Step Retain

C03N 11-Leading Sports Activites,Intermediate 2

D867 11 Leading Sporting Activities RetainD788 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Swimming RetainD789 11 Sports Officiation and Organising - Recreational: Synchronised Swimming RetainD790 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Water Polo RetainD791 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Rowing RetainD792 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Canoeing RetainD793 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Open Canadian Canoeing RetainD794 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Inland Kayaking RetainD795 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Sailing RetainD796 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Windsurfing RetainD797 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Athletics RetainD798 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Fencing RetainD799 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Gymnastics RetainD800 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Martial Arts RetainD801 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Trampolining RetainD802 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Curling RetainD803 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Ice Hockey RetainD804 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Skating RetainD805 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Nordic Skiing RetainD806 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Alpine Skiing RetainD807 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Telemark Skiing RetainD808 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Snowboarding RetainD809 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Association Football RetainD810 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Badminton RetainD811 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Baseball/Softball RetainD812 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Basketball RetainD813 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Bowling RetainD814 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Cricket RetainD815 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Gaelic Football RetainD816 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Goalball RetainD817 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Indoor Hockey RetainD818 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Golf RetainD819 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Handball RetainD820 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Hockey RetainD821 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Indoor Football RetainD822 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Lacrosse RetainD823 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Netball RetainD824 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Climbing Retain

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Course Withdrawn-not available in session 2009/2010 Units in the Course Action for Units in the Course

C03N 11-Leading Sports Activites,Intermediate 2

D825 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Orienteering RetainD826 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Table Tennis RetainD827 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Shinty RetainD828 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Short Tennis RetainD829 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Squash RetainD830 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Tennis RetainD831 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Volleyball RetainD832 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Archery RetainD833 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Rugby Football RetainD834 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Cycling RetainD835 11 Sports Officiating and Organising - Recreational: Mountain Biking Retain

C067 08 Personal and Social Education, Access 2

Finish 31/07/10

Finish 31/07/10

Finish 31/07/10

Finish 31/07/10

D0ER 08 Social Awareness and Development - Participating in Leisure Time Activities Finish 31/07/10

D0ET 08 Social Awareness and Development - Using Support Services in the Local Community Finish 31/07/10

D0EV 08 Vocational Awareness and Development - Contributing to an Enterprise Activity Finish 31/07/10

D0EW 08 Vocational Awareness and Development - Sampling Work Finish 31/07/10

D0EX 08 Vocational Awareness and Development - Using Work-Related Skills Finish 31/07/10

C03A 11-Plant Propagation,Intermediate 2D8VP 11 Bedding Plant Production Retain

D882 11 Plant Production from Seed RetainD908 11 Vegetative Propagation Retain

C02L 12-Professional Patisserie,HigherDE2L 12 Patisserie RetainD0T9 12 Organisation of Practical Skills 4 Retain

3420 01-Russian,Standard Grade N/A N/A

C03R 12-Sports Coaching Studies,HigherD0V9 12 Basic Sports Coaching Techniques RetainD681 12 Human Physiology in the Development of Performance Retain

National Courses being wihdrawn after diet 2011

Course Withdrawn-not available in session 2011/2012 Units in the Course

C017 08-Computing, Access 2D529 08 Using Computer Aided Learning Finish 31/07/11D530 08 Using Technological Equipment Finish 31/07/11D531 08 Using a Computer Finish 31/07/11

C039 08-English and Communication, Access 2D8VH 08 English and Communication: Language Study Finish 31/07/11D8VJ 08 English and Communication: Literary Study Finish 31/07/11D540 08 English and Communication: Oral Communication Finish 31/07/11

D0EL 08 Personal Awareness and Development- Personal Profiling for Independent Living

D0EM 08 Personal Awareness and Development- Personal Presentation for Everyday Living

D0EN 08 Personal Awareness and Development- Making Local Journeys

D0EP 08 Social Awareness and Development - Participating in a Community Activity

Action for Units in the Course

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Courses being withdrawn

National Courses being withdrawn after diet 2009


Replaced by C263 10, Psychology, Intermediate 1

Replaced by C263 11, Psychology, Intermediate 2

Replaced by C263 12, Psychology, Higher

National Courses being wihdrawn after diet 2010


Replaced by C265 10, Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies, Intermediate 1

Replaced by C265 11, Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies, Intermediate 2

Replaced by C265 12, Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies, Higher

Replaced by C265 13, Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies, Advanced Higher

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No Units in a Standard Grade Course

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Replaced by C250 08, Personal Development, Access 2

No Units in a Standard Grade Course

National Courses being wihdrawn after diet 2011


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Catalogue of National Qualifications - National Units being withdrawn

Units to be withdrawn after 2009 Diet

The undernoted National Units which appeared in the 2009/2010 Catalogue of National Qualifications but do not appear in this Catalogue of National Qualifications (in 1 - National Units) are no longer current and cannot be used.

Unit Title Unit Level Unit Code Finish Date

Applications of Information Technology in Society Higher D965 12 31/7/09Animal Survival Behaviour Higher EB39 12 31/7/09Applied Electronics 1 Intermediate 2 EG1R 11 31/7/09Aquaculture: An Introduction Intermediate 1 DE3P 10 31/7/09Art/Design Project 1: Retail Display Higher E9SP 12 31/7/09Art/Design Project: Retail Display Higher E8JH 12 31/7/09Art/Design Project: Technical Graphics Higher E8JE 12 31/7/09British Isles Tourist Destinations Intermediate 2 D439 11 31/7/09Child Protection: An Introduction Intermediate 2 D36V 11 31/7/09Computer Graphics Techniques Higher EB0M 12 31/7/09Computer Software Higher D975 12 31/7/09Customer Service Skills Intermediate 2 D0VJ 11 31/7/09Design Studies: Product Design Higher D0KT 12 31/7/09Design Studies: Screen Printing 1 Higher E8H8 12 31/7/09Digital and Programmable Systems Intermediate 2 D19M 11 31/7/09Drawing Skills- Line and Tone Techniques 2 Higher E7MH 12 31/7/09Drawing Skills: Technical Drafting for Illustration Higher EE7P 12 31/7/09Enabling Others to Cope with Loss:An Introduction Intermediate 2 D11G 11 31/7/09English for Speakers of Other Languages 4 Higher EA71 12 31/7/09English for Speakers of Other Languages 5 Advanced Higher EA72 13 31/7/09European and Mediterranean Tourist Destinations Intermediate 2 D440 11 31/7/09Event Organisation Higher D673 12 31/7/09Film Animation 1 : Graphics Higher D0J7 12 31/7/09Graphic Communication Higher D16T 12 31/7/09Graphic Communication 2 Intermediate 1 D1BV 10 31/7/09Graphic Design: Audio-Visual Graphics Higher E8GN 12 31/7/09Graphic Design: Publicity Design Higher E8GH 12 31/7/09Graphic Design: Reprographics Higher E8GS 12 31/7/09Graphic Design: Slide Tape Higher E8GP 12 31/7/09Graphic Design: Teaching Aids Higher E7PH 12 31/7/09Graphic Design: Technical Graphics: Continuous Tone Techniques Higher E8GW 12 31/7/09Graphic Design: Television Graphics 1 Higher E8GL 12 31/7/09Health and Food Technology: Organisation of Practical Skills Access 3 D266 09 31/7/09Historical Research Advanced Higher D260 13 31/7/09History of Art c 1400– c 1600 Higher EA6D 12 31/7/09History of Art c 1600 – c 1750 Higher EA6C 12 31/7/09History of Art c 500 – c 1400 Higher EA6E 12 31/7/09Information Technology in Business and Industry 1 Intermediate 2 EB4Y 11 31/7/09Introduction to CAD/CAM Intermediate 2 ED8D 11 31/7/09Introduction to Computer Aided Manufacture Intermediate 2 E8LL 11 31/7/09Introduction to Computer Programming-COBOL Intermediate 2 E9B0 11 31/7/09Introduction to Computer Programming-COMAL Intermediate 2 E9B1 11 31/7/09Introduction to Expert Systems Higher EB0Y 12 31/7/09Introduction to the Travel Industry Higher EF1K 12 31/7/09Language Structure 1 Access 2 E7KW 08 31/7/09Language Structure 2 Access 3 E7KX 09 31/7/09Language Structure 3 Intermediate 1 E7KY 10 31/7/09

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Language: English as a Foreign Language 1 Access 3 ED2W 09 31/7/09Language: English as a Foreign Language 2 Intermediate 1 ED3A 10 31/7/09Language: English as a Foreign Language 3 Intermediate 2 ED3P 11 31/7/09Language: English as a Foreign Language 4 Higher ED44 12 31/7/09Language: English as a Foreign Language 5 Advanced Higher ED4J 13 31/7/09Marketing Mix Higher D0XV 12 31/7/09Modern Studies: Practical Research Advanced Higher D348 13 31/7/09Movement Performance - Dance Unlevelled D1A9 04 31/7/09Obtain, Organise and Provide Information Intermediate 2 ED7Y 11 31/7/09Personal Awareness and Development Access 3 D364 09 31/7/09Personal Awareness and Development Intermediate 1 D364 10 31/7/09Personal Awareness and Development Intermediate 2 D364 11 31/7/09Personal Awareness and Development Higher D364 12 31/7/09Police Cadets: Information Technology Skills Intermediate 2 D9VF 10 31/7/09Police Cadets: Understanding Customer Needs (Culture) Intermediate 2 D9VD 11 31/7/09Police Cadets: Understanding Customer Needs (Special Needs) Intermediate 2 D9VC 11 31/7/09Police Cadets: Understanding Customer Needs(Age) Intermediate 2 D9VE 11 31/7/09Political and Social Issues Advanced Higher D347 13 31/7/09Popular Longhaul Destinations Travel Geography Intermediate 2 D0SA 11 31/7/09Preparing Final Accounts Intermediate 2 EC0M 11 31/7/09Preparing Financial Statements Unlevelled EF3P 04 31/7/09Production Skills Related to Speech Intermediate 1 E7M2 10 31/7/09Project Technology Higher D1B6 12 31/7/09PROLOG Intermediate 2 D981 11 31/7/09Psychology: The Individual in the Social Context Intermediate 1 DF5M 10 31/7/09Psychology: The Individual in the Social Context Intermediate 2 DF5M 11 31/7/09Psychology: The Individual in the Social Context Higher DF5M 12 31/7/09Psychology: Understanding the Individual Intermediate 1 DF5K 10 31/7/09Psychology: Understanding the Individual Intermediate 2 DF5K 11 31/7/09Psychology: Understanding the Individual Higher DF5K 12 31/7/09Radio: Making a Programme 1 Intermediate 2 EF5V 11 31/7/09Radio: Making a Programme 1 Intermediate 2 EF5V 11 31/7/09Robotics Higher D1B5 12 31/7/09Search-based Problem Solving Higher D982 12 31/7/09Social Awareness and Development Access 3 D365 09 31/7/09Social Awareness and Development Intermediate 1 D365 10 31/7/09Social Awareness and Development Intermediate 2 D365 11 31/7/09Social Awareness and Development Higher D365 12 31/7/09Spatial Design: Applied Graphics Higher E8HW 12 31/7/09Spatial Design: Assembly Interiors Higher E8HT 12 31/7/09Spatial Design: Exhibition Display Units Higher E8J2 12 31/7/09Spatial Design: Exhibitions Modular Trade Stand Higher E8HX 12 31/7/09Spatial Design: Exhibitions Museum Artefacts Higher E8HY 12 31/7/09Spatial Design: Exhibitions Simulated Environment Higher E8J1 12 31/7/09Spatial Design: Exhibitions Trade Exhibition Stand Higher E8J0 12 31/7/09Spatial Design: General Display Higher D0J5 12 31/7/09Spatial Design: Point of Sale 2 Higher E8HM 12 31/7/09Spatial Design: Point of Sale Design Higher D0J4 12 31/7/09Spatial Design: Retail Display: Display Modelmaking Higher E8HK 12 31/7/09Spatial Design: Retail Display: Interior Display Higher E8HG 12 31/7/09Spatial Design: Retail Display: Long Term Prestige Higher E8HF 12 31/7/09Spatial Design: Retail Display: Prestige Service Higher E8HH 12 31/7/09Spatial Design: Retail Display: Short Term Promotional Higher E8HE 12 31/7/09Structure of the Travel and Tourism Industry Higher DM4P 12 31/7/09Structures and Materials 1 Higher EF01 12 31/7/09System Analysis and Design - Project Advanced Higher D983 13 31/7/09Technical Illustration: Airbrush Higher D0HG 12 31/7/09Technical Illustration: Architectural 1 Intermediate 2 E7N9 11 31/7/09Technical Illustration: Pictorial 1 Higher D0HH 12 31/7/09Travel and Tourism Study Visit Higher D0S9 12 31/7/09Vehicle Cleaning and Valeting Unlevelled EC1W 04 31/7/09Vocational Awareness and Development Access 3 D366 09 31/7/09

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Vocational Awareness and Development Intermediate 1 D366 10 31/7/09Vocational Awareness and Development Intermediate 2 D366 11 31/7/09Vocational Awareness and Development Higher D366 12 31/7/09Welded Metal Sculpture Higher EE7A 12 31/7/09

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Units to be withdrawn after 2010 Diet

Unit Title Unit Level Unit Code Finish Date

Accommodation and Facilities Servicing Intermediate 2 D293 11 31/7/10Assembly Skills Intermediate 2 E7RH 11 31/7/10Basic Studio Photography Higher D0MP 12 31/7/10Bio-Ethics Advanced Higher D420 13 31/7/10Christianity: Belief and Science Intermediate 2 DM3N 11 31/7/10Christianity: Belief and Science Higher DM3N 12 31/7/10Cold Preparations Intermediate 2 D0SX 11 31/7/10Colour Practice: Painting and Decorating Intermediate 2 DD27 11 31/7/10Communication Access 2 D01B 08 31/7/10Communication Access 3 D01B 09 31/7/10Communication Intermediate 1 D01B 10 31/7/10Communication Intermediate 2 D01B 11 31/7/10Communication Higher D01B 12 31/7/10Contributing to the Handling of Incidents and Resources Higher DE12 12 31/7/10Cookery Processes Intermediate 2 D288 11 31/7/10Costing and Estimating for Manufacture Higher D986 12 31/7/10Decorative Painting Intermediate 1 DD23 10 31/7/10Decorative Treatments Intermediate 2 DD25 11 31/7/10Develop Bench Joinery Skills Intermediate 2 DD2A 11 31/7/10Develop Constructional Carpentry Skills Intermediate 2 DD2D 11 31/7/10Develop Site Carpentry and Bench Joinery Skills Intermediate 1 DD29 10 31/7/10Develop Site Joinery Skills Intermediate 2 DD2E 11 31/7/10Developing and Maintaining an Effective and Safe Working Environment Higher DE14 12 31/7/10Developing and Maintaining Positive Relationships with Callers Higher DE13 12 31/7/10Developing and Maintaining Supportive Relationships with Callers Higher DE15 12 31/7/10Developing Building Craft Practices Intermediate 1 DD28 10 31/7/10Emergency Services: Handling Stressful Calls Higher DE16 12 31/7/10Engineering Draughting Skills Intermediate 2 D0JG 11 31/7/10Food Hygiene for the Hospitality Industry Access 3 D8KY 09 31/7/09Food Hygiene for the Hospitality Industry Intermediate 1 D8KY 10 31/7/09Food Hygiene for the Hospitality Industry Intermediate 2 D8KY 11 31/7/09Food Hygiene for the Hospitality Industry Higher D8KY 12 31/7/09Food Preparation Techniques Intermediate 2 D287 11 31/7/10Fundamentals of Cavity Walling Intermediate 2 DD20 11 31/7/10Golf Course Design and Layout Intermediate 2 E9E7 11 31/7/10Graphical Communication: An Introduction Intermediate 2 D997 11 31/7/10Half Brick Walling: An Introduction Intermediate 1 DD1X 10 31/7/10Hospitality Reception Skills Intermediate 2 D292 11 31/7/10Hot and Cold Water Systems: An Introduction Intermediate 1 DH2C 11 31/7/10Information Technology Access 2 D01D 08 31/7/10Information Technology Access 3 D01D 09 31/7/10Information Technology Intermediate 1 D01D 10 31/7/10Information Technology Intermediate 2 D01D 11 31/7/10Information Technology Higher D01D 12 31/7/10Installation of Plumbing Appliances Intermediate 2 DH2E 11 31/7/10Integrated Production Cookery 2 Higher D0TF 12 31/7/10Integrated Production Cookery 3 Higher D0TG 12 31/7/10Introduction to Alcoholic Beverages Intermediate 2 D0T3 11 31/7/10Introduction to Craft Baking Intermediate 1 D0RS 10 31/7/10Introduction to Graphical Engineering Communication Intermediate 2 D0N7 11 31/7/10Local Hospitality Provision Intermediate 2 D283 11 31/7/10Managing Time and Personal Skill Development Higher DE17 12 31/7/10

National Units which were available in session 2009/2010 but which do not appear in this Catalogue of National Qualifications (in 1- National Units) will now enter a completion period. Centres already approved to offer these Units can run the unrevised versions for one or two more years. The undernoted National Units fall within these conditions, and their one-year completion period is 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010.

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Manufacture Joinery Products Intermediate 2 DD2C 11 31/7/10Marketing: Basic Principles Intermediate 2 D0XP 11 31/7/10Morality in the Modern World Intermediate 1 F59K 10 31/7/10Morality in the Modern World Intermediate 2 F59K 11 31/7/10Morality in the Modern World Higher F59K 12 31/7/10Non Alcoholic Beverages Intermediate 2 D0L2 11 31/7/10Numeracy Access 2 D01C 08 31/7/10Numeracy Access 3 D01C 09 31/7/10Numeracy Intermediate 1 D01C 10 31/7/10Numeracy Intermediate 2 D01C 11 31/7/10Numeracy Higher D01C 12 31/7/10One Brick Walling: An Introduction Intermediate 2 DD1Y 11 31/7/10Organisation of Practical Skills 3 Intermediate 2 D0T8 11 31/7/10Paperhanging Intermediate 2 DD26 11 31/7/10Personal Awareness and Development - Making Local Journeys Access 2 D0EN 08 31/7/10Personal Awareness and Development - Personal Presentation for Everyday Living Access 2 D0EM 08 31/7/10Personal Awareness and Development - Personal Profiling for Independent Living Access 2 D0EL 08 31/7/10Personal Awareness and Development : Personal Profiling for Independent Living - Carrying Out Tasks Access 1 D2SX 07 31/0710Personal Awareness and Development : Personal Profiling for Independent Living - Planning Tasks Access 1 D2SW 07 31/0710Personal Awareness and Development : Personal Profiling for Independent Living - Reviewing Access 1 D2SY 07 31/0710Personal Awareness and Development : Personal Profiling for Independent Living - Target Setting Access 1 D2SV 07 31/0710Personal Awareness and Development: Making Local Journeys - Planning Local Journeys Access 1 D3KJ 07 31/0710Personal Awareness and Development: Making Local Journeys - Reviewing Access 1 D3KL 07 31/0710Personal Awareness and Development: Making Local Journeys - Travelling Routines Access 1 D3KH 07 31/0710Personal Awareness and Development: Making Local Journeys - Undertaking Local Journeys Access 1 D3KK 07 31/0710Personal Awareness and Development: Personal Presentation for Everyday Living - Identfiying Requirements Access 1 D3KM 07 31/0710Personal Awareness and Development: Personal Presentation for Everyday Living - Implementing Presentation Access 1 D3KP 07 31/0710Personal Awareness and Development: Personal Presentation for Everyday Living - Planning Requirements Access 1 D3KN 07 31/0710Personal Awareness and Development: Personal Presentation for Everyday Living - Reviewing Access 1 D3KR 07 31/0710Philosophy of Religion Advanced Higher D4713 13 31/0710Photography - Camera Techniques Higher D955 12 31/7/10Photography: Portraiture Higher D0MR 12 31/7/10Photography: Product Higher E7P9 12 31/7/10Photography: Scientific Higher E7P8 12 31/7/10Photography:Introduction to Portraiture Intermediate 2 D16X 11 31/7/10Plumbing Services: An Introduction Intermediate 1 DD1P 10 31/7/10Police: Control and Dispatch of Resources Higher DE49 12 31/7/10Police: Radio Practices and Procedures Higher DE48 12 31/7/10Prepare and Assemble Plumbing Appliances Intermediate 2 DH2D 11 31/7/10Preparing and Painting Surfaces Intermediate 2 DD24 11 31/7/10Problem Solving Access 2 D01E 08 31/7/10Problem Solving Access 3 D01E 09 31/7/10Problem Solving Intermediate 1 D01E 10 31/7/10Problem Solving Intermediate 2 D01E 11 31/7/10Problem Solving Higher D01E 12 31/7/10Providing Assistance Using Telecommunications Higher DE18 12 31/7/10Providing Theatre Wardrobe Services Higher D664 12 31/7/10Radio: Making a Programme 2 Higher EF5W 12 31/7/10Religious Experience Advanced Higher D419 13 31/7/10Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies: Personal Research Advanced Higher D418 13 31/7/10Researching and Providing Information Higher DE19 12 31/7/10Selling Skills Intermediate 2 D0SF 11 31/7/10Selling the Travel and Tourism Product Higher D0VK 12 31/7/10Semi-circular Arch Construction Intermediate 2 DD22 11 31/7/10Sheet Lead Weathering: An Introduction Intermediate 2 DH2F 11 31/7/10Simple Decorative Brickwork Intermediate 2 DD21 11 31/7/10Social Awareness and Development - Participating in a Community Activity Access 2 D0EP 08 31/7/10Social Awareness and Development - Participating in Leisure Time Activities Access 2 D0ER 08 31/7/10Social Awareness and Development - Using Support Services in the Local Community Access 2 D0ET 08 31/7/10Social Awareness and Development : Participating in Leisure Time Activities - Identifying Activities Access 1 D2T0 07 31/7/10Social Awareness and Development : Participating in Leisure Time Activities - Reviewing Access 1 D2T3 07 31/7/10Social Awareness and Development : Participating in Leisure Time Activities - Undertaking a Familiar Activity Access 1 D2T1 07 31/7/10

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Social Awareness and Development : Participating in Leisure Time Activities - Undertaking a New Activity Access 1 D2T2 07 31/7/10Social Awareness and Development : Using Support Services in the Local Community - Identifying Services Access 1 D2T4 07 31/7/10Social Awareness and Development: Participating in a Community Activity - Planning a Contribution Access 1 D2T8 07 31/7/10Social Awareness and Development: Participating in a Community Activity - Reviewing Access 1 D2TB 07 31/7/10Social Awareness and Development: Participating in a Community Activity - Target Setting Access 1 D2TA 07 31/7/10Social Awareness and Development: Participating in a Community Activity - Working with Others Access 1 D2T9 07 31/7/10Social Awareness and Development: Using Support Services in the Local Community - Accessing Services Access 1 D2T5 07 31/7/10Social Awareness and Development: Using Support Services in the Local Community - Reviewing Access 1 D2T7 07 31/7/10Social Awareness and Development: Using Support Services in the Local Community - Seeking Help Access 1 D2T6 07 31/7/10Solving Problems for Callers Higher DE11 12 31/7/10Stocks and Sauces Intermediate 2 D0TB 11 31/7/10The Existence of God Intermediate 1 DM3M 10 31/7/10The Existence of God Intermediate 2 DM3M 11 31/7/10Vocational Awareness and Development - Contributing to an Enterprise Activity Access 2 D0EV 08 31/7/10Vocational Awareness and Development - Sampling Work Access 2 D0EW 08 31/7/10Vocational Awareness and Development - Using Work-Related Skills Access 2 D0EX 08 31/7/10Vocational Awareness and Development: Contributing to an Enterprise Activity - Identifying Personal Contribution Access 1 D3KS 07 31/7/10Vocational Awareness and Development: Contributing to an Enterprise Activity - Planning Access 1 D3KT 07 31/7/10Vocational Awareness and Development: Contributing to an Enterprise Activity - Reviewing Contribution Access 1 D3KW 07 31/7/10Vocational Awareness and Development: Contributing to an Enterprise Activity - Working with Others Access 1 D3KV 07 31/7/10Working with Others Access 2 D01F 08 31/7/10Working with Others Access 3 D01F 09 31/7/10Working with Others Intermediate 1 D01F 10 31/7/10Working with Others Intermediate 2 D01F 11 31/7/10Working with Others Higher D01F 12 31/7/10World Religion Intermediate 1 DM3K 10 31/7/10World Religion Intermediate 2 DM3K 11 31/7/10World Religion Higher DM3K 12 31/7/10

Units to be withdrawn after 2011 Diet

Unit Title Unit Level Unit Code Finish Date

AC Circuit Theory and Application Higher D136 12 31/7/11Aeronautical Engineering Practice Intermediate 2 E7VT 11 31/7/11Aircraft Pneumatics: Applying Basic Theory Higher ED16 12 31/7/11Aircraft Power Plant and Fuel Systems Higher E9HE 12 31/7/11Aircraft Systems: Flight Higher E9LE 12 31/7/11Aircraft: Hydraulics Higher E9LB 12 31/7/11Anatomy and Physiology of Animals Intermediate 2 E9L1 11 31/7/11Arc Cutting and Gouging Intermediate 2 EE1D 11 31/7/11Basic Care of Mammals Intermediate 2 E9JR 11 31/7/11Basic Electrical Plant Safety and Maintenance Intermediate 2 E96B 11 31/7/11Basic Handling of Horses Intermediate 1 E9T5 10 31/7/11Basic Metal Platework Skills Intermediate 2 ED8H 11 31/7/11Basic Principles of Container Design, Manufacture and Test Methods Higher EE1F 12 31/7/11Basic Sheet Metal Working Skills Intermediate 2 ED8G 11 31/7/11Cable Tray Systems Intermediate 2 E967 11 31/7/11Cable Tray Systems Intermediate 2 E967 11 31/7/11Cable Trunking Systems Intermediate 2 E9CH 11 31/7/11Ceramics:Introduction to Sculpture Intermediate 2 D17T 11 31/7/11Circuit Elements Higher E9RR 12 31/7/11CNC Machining 1 Intermediate 2 E8LJ 11 31/7/11CNC Part Programming Higher EE9Y 12 31/7/11Combinational Logic Intermediate 2 E9S3 11 31/7/11

National Units which were available in session 2009/2010 but which do not appear in this Catalogue of National Qualifications (in 1- National Units) will now enter a completion period. Centres already approved to offer these Units can run the unrevised versions for one or two more years. The undernoted National Units fall within these conditions, and their two-year completion period is 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2011.

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Complex Control Systems Higher ED6J 12 31/7/11Computer Aided Draughting and CNC Manufacturing Project Intermediate 2 E970 11 31/7/11Computer Networks: Practitioners Advanced Higher EB4R 13 31/7/11Computer System Networks Higher E9S4 12 31/7/11Conduit Systems Intermediate 2 E966 11 31/7/11Control Valves and Positioners Higher ED6M 12 31/7/11Customer Service Skills for the Entrepreneur Intermediate 1 DK2R 10 31/7/11Customer Service Skills for the Entrepreneur Intermediate 2 DK2R 11 31/7/11Dealing with Money Access 3 EA2Y 09 31/7/11Dimensional Control 1: Measuring and Testing Intermediate 2 E8LC 11 31/7/11Drainage 1: Introduction Intermediate 1 E9FP 10 31/7/11Dynamics Higher D160 12 31/7/11Dynamics Higher EE9P 12 31/7/11Earthing Systems Higher E96D 12 31/7/11Electrical and Wiring Hand Skills Intermediate 2 ED8A 11 31/7/11Electrical Fundamentals Intermediate 2 D132 11 31/7/11Electrical Installation in Adverse/Hazardous Conditions Higher ED13 12 31/7/11Electrical Installation: Distribution Systems Higher ED11 12 31/7/11Electrical Installation: Fundamentals of Illumination Higher EA8H 12 31/7/11Electrical Plant Maintenance Higher E96C 12 31/7/11Electrical Power Systems Higher EE9N 12 31/7/11Electronic Components and Circuit Assembly Techniques Intermediate 2 E9S6 11 31/7/11Engineering Design Higher D0JD 12 31/7/11Engineering Manufacturing Processes 1 Intermediate 2 E7W6 11 31/7/11Engineering Manufacturing Processes 2 Higher E7W7 12 31/7/11Engineering Materials: Properties and Treatments Higher EE9M 12 31/7/11Engineering Quality Assurance Higher D06H 12 31/7/11Engineering Systems - Hydraulics Higher D991 12 31/7/11Engineering Systems: Pneumatics Higher D6DM 12 31/7/11English and Communication: Language Study Access 2 D8VH 08 31/7/11English and Communication: Literary Study Access 2 D8VJ 08 31/7/11English and Communication: Oral Communication Access 2 D540 08 31/7/11English for Speakers of Other Languages 3 Intermediate 2 E9X4 11 31/7/11Establishing Your Business Intermediate 1 D6YC 10 31/7/11Exercise and Fitness - Circuits Intermediate 2 D677 11 31/7/11Exercise and Fitness - Circuits Higher D677 12 31/7/11Exercise and Fitness - Exercise to Music Higher D675 12 31/7/11Exercise and Fitness - Resistance Training Intermediate 2 D678 11 31/7/11Fastening and Joining: Non-Thermal Methods Intermediate 2 ED8N 11 31/7/11Fault Diagnosis Techniques Intermediate 2 D992 12 31/7/11Fault Finding in Measurement and Control Systems Higher ED6K 12 31/7/11Fertilisers: Quantity and Application Intermediate 2 D0ND 11 31/7/11Financial Skills for a Small Business: An Introduction Intermediate 1 DK2W 10 31/7/11Financial Skills for a Small Business: An Introduction Intermediate 1 DK2W 10 31/7/11Fish Farming - Salmonid Ova Production Intermediate 2 D853 11 31/7/11Fish Farming: Floating Cage Operations Higher D0PJ 12 31/7/11Fundamentals of Technology Intermediate 2 EG1L 11 31/7/11General Fabrication: Assembly Intermediate 2 EE1E 11 31/7/11Golf Course Construction: Greens & Tees Intermediate 2 E9A4 11 31/7/11Golf Course Construction:Bunkers Intermediate 2 E98Y 11 31/7/11Graphic Design: Corporate Identity Higher D0J9 12 31/7/11Graphical Engineering Communication Higher D993 12 31/7/11Industrial Plant Maintenance Higher D994 12 31/7/11Installation of AC Induction Motors Intermediate 2 E9MC 12 31/7/11Interpretation of Standards Higher ED18 12 31/7/11Introduction to Arc and Resistance Welding Processes Intermediate 2 EE1H 11 31/7/11Introduction to Computer Aided Draughting Intermediate 2 E8M2 11 31/7/11Introduction to Computer Aided Drawing Intermediate 2 EB29 11 31/7/11Introduction to Electronic Test Equipment and Measurements Intermediate 2 E9S9 11 31/7/11Introduction to Manufacturing Processes Intermediate 2 E7W5 11 31/7/11Introduction to Oxy-Fuel Gas Cutting and Joining Skills Intermediate 2 EE18 11 31/7/11Introduction to Sculpture Techniques Intermediate 2 D17G 11 31/7/11

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Introduction to Semiconductor Applications Intermediate 2 E9SA 11 31/7/11Introduction to Statistics Intermediate 2 D1C9 11 31/7/11Introduction to Thermofluids Higher E7RE 12 31/7/11Irrigating Sports Turf Surfaces Higher EA94 12 31/7/11Maintenance of Sports Turf: Golf (An Introduction) Higher DC59 12 31/7/11Manual Metal Arc Basic Welding Practice Higher D00A 12 31/7/11Manual Metal Arc Welding Practice 2 Higher E7WW 12 31/7/11Manual Metal Arc Welding Process Intermediate 2 D00B 11 31/7/11Manufacture and Assembly Procedures Intermediate 2 EE9A 11 31/7/11Material Preparation and Forming Processes Intermediate 2 EE1B 11 31/7/11Material Preparation and Forming Skills Intermediate 2 EE1C 11 31/7/11Material Removal Practice: Milling Higher D00D 12 31/7/11Material Removal Practice: Milling Intermediate 2 E7W9 11 31/7/11Material Removal Practice: Turning Intermediate 2 E971 11 31/7/11Material Removal Principles Intermediate 2 E8LP 11 31/7/11Material Removal Skills - Turning Higher D00E 12 31/7/11Materials: Mechanical Testing Higher E7RP 12 31/7/11Mathematics: Analysis/Algebra 4 Advanced Higher E9AN 13 31/7/11Mathematics: Applied Statistics Higher ED14 12 31/7/11Mathematics: Business Statistics Higher E9AL 12 31/7/11Mathematics: Calculus 3 Advanced Higher E9AR 13 31/7/11Mathematics: Craft Technology 1 Intermediate 2 D0N0 11 31/7/11Mathematics: Craft Technology 2 Intermediate 2 D0N1 11 31/7/11Mathematics: Grade 1 Access 3 E9AF 09 31/7/11Mathematics: Mathematical Modelling Advanced Higher EA30 13 31/7/11Mathematics: Numerical Methods 1 Advanced Higher E9AM 13 31/7/11Mathematics: Numerical Methods 2 Advanced Higher E9AS 13 31/7/11Mathematics: Operational Research Advanced Higher EA31 13 31/7/11Mathematics: Quality Control Advanced Higher EA32 13 31/7/11Mathematics: Statistics 3 Advanced Higher EA33 13 31/7/11Measurement Technology: Flow Higher ED6C 12 31/7/11Measurement Technology: Pressure/Level Higher ED6B 12 31/7/11Measurement Technology: Temperature Higher ED6D 12 31/7/11Medical Reception and Records Intermediate 2 D0XA 11 31/7/11Medical Terminology Intermediate 2 D0X9 11 31/7/11Metal Arc Gas Shielded Basic Welding Practice - Ferrous Material Higher D00G 12 31/7/11Metal Arc Gas Shielded Basic Welding Practice - Non Ferrous Material Higher D00H 12 31/7/11Metal Arc Gas Shielded Welding of Sheet Metal Higher D7SN 12 31/7/11Metal Arc Gas Shielded Welding Practice 2 Higher E8LW 12 31/7/11Metal Arc Gas Shielded Welding Process Higher D00J 12 31/7/11Metal Arc Gas Shielded Welding Skills Higher E7X9 12 31/7/11Metal Joining Skills for all Positional Welding Higher E8M0 12 31/7/11Mineral Insulated Cable Intermediate 2 E9CJ 11 31/7/11Music: MIDI Sequencing Intermediate 1 D352 10 31/7/11Music: MIDI Sequencing Intermediate 2 D352 11 31/7/11Music: MIDI Sequencing Higher D352 12 31/7/11Music: MIDI Sequencing Advanced Higher D352 13 31/7/11Music: Sound Engineering and Production Intermediate 1 D354 10 31/7/11Music: Sound Engineering and Production Intermediate 2 D354 11 31/7/11Music: Sound Engineering and Production Advanced Higher D354 13 31/7/11Network Analysis Higher E9RX 12 31/7/11Oxy-Acetylene Welding Process Higher D00K 12 31/7/11Oxy-fuel Gas Thermal Cutting Skills Intermediate 2 ED8J 11 31/7/11Personal and Social Development: Accident and Emergency Procedures Intermediate 2 E9F5 11 31/7/11Pipework Preparation, Forming, Assembly and Installation: Plain Carbon Steel Higher EE0X 12 31/7/11Plant Maintenance Practice Intermediate 2 E8K3 11 31/7/11Power Drives: Assembly of Gears Intermediate 2 ED1G 11 31/7/11Power Drives: Bearings, Seals and Gaskets Intermediate 2 ED1H 11 31/7/11Power Drives: Chain and Belt Drives Intermediate 2 ED1J 11 31/7/11Power Drives: Shafts and Couplings Intermediate 2 ED1F 11 31/7/11Power Electronics Higher E7S2 12 31/7/11Power Factor Improvement and Three-Phase Theory Higher E9RY 12 31/7/11

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Power Generation and Distribution Higher D135 12 31/7/11Power Supplies Higher D139 12 31/7/11Power Supplies Higher E9SF 12 31/7/11Prime Movers Higher D00P 12 31/7/11Process Analysers Higher ED6L 12 31/7/11Process Control Higher ED69 12 31/7/11Process Control 2 Higher E9CV 12 31/7/11Process Control Systems Higher ED6A 12 31/7/11Producing Text from Recorded Material Intermediate 2 D0X8 11 31/7/11Programmable Logic Controllers Higher ED6H 12 31/7/11Protection Systems Higher ED6N 12 31/7/11PVC Sheathed Wiring Intermediate 2 E965 11 31/7/11Record Keeping (Animal Care) Intermediate 1 EB61 10 31/7/11Self-Secured Joints Intermediate 2 EE1A 11 31/7/11Sequential Logic Higher E9SG 12 31/7/11Sequential Logic Higher D984 12 31/7/11Sheet Metal Forming and Joining Processes: Non-Thermal Intermediate 2 ED1D 11 31/7/11Ship Construction Higher E7WX 12 31/7/11Shorthand Transcription 1 (50 wpm) Intermediate 2 D0WM 11 31/7/11Shorthand Transcription 2 (60 wpm) Intermediate 2 D0WP 11 31/7/11Signal Conditioning in Telemetry Higher ED6E 12 31/7/11Single Phase AC Higher E9S0 12 31/7/11Small Animal Husbandry: Accommodation and Handling Intermediate 2 D7EF 11 31/7/11Small Animal Husbandry: Avian Care Intermediate 2 D7EL 11 31/7/11Small Animal Husbandry: Behaviour Intermediate 2 D7H8 11 31/7/11Small Animal Husbandry: Breed Identification Intermediate 2 D7EA 11 31/7/11Small Animal Husbandry: Breeding Intermediate 2 D7EH 11 31/7/11Small Animal Husbandry: Dog Grooming Intermediate 2 D7E8 11 31/7/11Small Animal Husbandry: Feeding Intermediate 2 D7EJ 11 31/7/11Small Animal Husbandry: Health Care Intermediate 2 D7EG 11 31/7/11Small Animal Husbandry: Introduction to Dog Training Intermediate 2 D7EM 11 31/7/11Small Animal Husbandry: Neo-Natal Care Intermediate 2 D7EK 11 31/7/11Small Animal Husbandry: Ornamental Fish Care Intermediate 2 D7EE 11 31/7/11Small Animal Husbandry: Parasitology Intermediate 2 D7ED 11 31/7/11Small Animal Husbandry: Reptile and Amphibian Care Intermediate 2 D7E9 11 31/7/11Small Animal Husbandry: Safe Working Practice Intermediate 2 D7EC 11 31/7/11Small Engine Powered Machine Operation Intermediate 1 E8K6 10 31/7/11Soft Landscaping - General Plantings Intermediate 2 D894 11 31/7/11Soils: Formation and Cropping Potential Higher D0NC 12 31/7/11Soldering Techniques on Electronic Circuits Intermediate 2 ED8C 11 31/7/11Sporting Activity - Athletics Intermediate 1 D700 10 31/7/11Sporting Activity - Climbing Intermediate 1 D727 10 31/7/11Sporting Activity - Hill Walking Intermediate 1 D728 10 31/7/11Sporting Activity - Mountain Biking Intermediate 1 D739 10 31/7/11Sporting Activity - Orienteering Intermediate 1 D729 10 31/7/11Sporting Activity - Swimming Intermediate 1 D690 10 31/7/11Sporting Activity: Inland Kayaking Intermediate 1 D696 10 31/7/11Stable and Grass Routine Intermediate 2 E8WF 11 31/7/11Strength of Materials Higher D161 12 31/7/11Strength of Materials Higher EE94 12 31/7/11Supporting Language, Literacy and Numeracy in an Early Education and Childcare Setting Higher DM63 12 31/7/11Surface Development and Pattern Drawing: Basic Higher D0PW 12 31/7/11Surface Development and Pattern Drawing: Intermediate Higher EE15 12 31/7/11Switchgear and Protection Higher E7S0 12 31/7/11Thermal Cutting Processes Intermediate 2 ED1C 11 31/7/11Thermal Joining Processes Intermediate 2 D00V 11 31/7/11Thermal Joining Skills Intermediate 2 D00W 11 31/7/11Thermofluids Higher D162 12 31/7/11Thermofluids Higher EG1P 12 31/7/11Tungsten Arc Gas Shielded Basic Welding Practice - Ferrous Material Higher D00X 12 31/7/11Tungsten Arc Gas Shielded Basic Welding Practice - Non Ferrous Material Higher D00Y 12 31/7/11

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Tungsten Arc Gas Shielded Welding Practice 2 Higher E7WV 12 31/7/11Tungsten Arc Gas Shielded Welding Process Higher D01A 12 31/7/11Tungsten Arc Gas Shielded Welding Skills Higher E7XA 12 31/7/11Turf Grass: An Introduction Intermediate 2 D70L 11 31/7/11Turf Maintenance Higher E9E4 12 31/7/11Turf Maintenance Equipment Operation and Maintenance Intermediate 2 E8C0 11 31/7/11Turf Production Higher E9E5 12 31/7/11Using a Computer Access 2 D531 08 31/7/11Using Arithmetic Skills Intermediate 1 EA35 10 31/7/11Using Computer Aided Learning Access 2 D529 08 31/7/11Using Mathematical Techniques in Everyday Situations 1 Access 3 EA37 09 31/7/11Using Measurement Skills within Everyday Activities Access 3 EA38 09 31/7/11Using Technological Equipment Access 2 D530 08 31/7/11Welding and Fabrication Processes Higher EE9V 12 31/7/11Welding Specification and Testing Higher EE1V 12 31/7/11Welding: Distortion and Residual Stress Higher EE1W 12 31/7/11Welding: Effects on the Structure of Materials 1 Higher EE1Y 12 31/7/11Word Processing 1 Intermediate 1 D009 10 31/7/11Word Processing 2 Intermediate 2 D010 11 31/7/11Work Safety Intermediate 2 E9MG 11 31/7/11Workshop Skills: An Introduction Intermediate 2 D999 11 31/7/11Your Business and E-Commerce Intermediate 1 D89J 10 31/7/11Your Business and Finance Intermediate 1 D89K 10 31/7/11Your Business and Marketing Intermediate 1 D89L 10 31/7/11

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - Scottish Group Award finish dates

SGA Title Level Level Code

Arts Intermediate 2 G5CD 11Arts Higher G5CD 12Arts - Creative Arts Higher G5CF 12Arts - Social Sciences Higher G5CH 12Business Intermediate 2 G5A0 11Business Higher G5A0 12Care Intermediate 2 G5A2 11Care - Health Care Higher G5A3 12Care - Social Care Higher G5A4 12Computing and Information Technology Intermediate 2 G5A6 11Engineering Intermediate 2 G5AC 11Hospitality Intermediate 2 G5AL 11Science Higher G5AY 12Science Intermediate 2 G5AY 11Scottish Group Award Intermediate 1 G5BN 10Scottish Group Award Intermediate 2 G5BN 11Scottish Group Award Higher G5BN 12Scottish Group Award Advanced Higher G5BN 13SGA Single Access 2 G7V6 8SGA Single Access 3 G7V6 9SGA Double Access 2 G7V7 8SGA Double Access 3 G7V7 9SGA Triple Access 2 G7V8 8SGA Triple Access 3 G7V8 9Social Sciences Intermediate 2 G5J1 11Technology Intermediate 2 G5B1 11Technology Higher G5B1 12Travel and Tourism Intermediate 2 G5B2 11Travel and Tourism - Retail Travel Higher G5B3 12

The following SGAs will finish on 31/07/2010 and cannot be offered after that date. Centres already approved to offer these SGAs can continue to run them until then.

Grouping Code

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Catalogue of National Qualifications - Verification Groups

Code Verification Group Title Code Verification Group Title Code Verification Group Title Code Verification Group Title Code Verification Group Title

1 English and Communication 94 Physiological Measurement 171 Brickwork 291 Technological Studies 449 German For Work Purposes2 BSL and Deaf Studies 95 Pharmaceutical Science 172 Stonemasonry 295 Computer Aided Technology 450 Italian For Work Purposes3 Media Studies 96 Dental Technology 173 Plasterwork 297 Customer Service 451 Mandarin For Work Purposes4 Library & Information Science 97 Dental Surgery Assistant / Dental Nursing 174 Roof Slating and Tiling 298 Distribution 452 Polish For Work Purposes6 Gàidhlig 104 Health and Safety 177 Plumbing 300 Call Centre Operations 453 Russian For Work Purposes7 Gaelic Language 108 Community 178 Scaffolding 306 Psychology 454 Spanish for Work Purposes8 French 116 Cartography 179 Suspended Ceiling Fixing 310 Administration (SAS) 455 Urdu for Work Purposes9 German 117 Planning 180 Gas 318 Practical Craft Skills 459 Sport and Fitness

10 Italian 119 Religious Studies 181 Heating and Ventilation 320 Glass Making 11 Russian 120 Classical Studies 182 Thermal Insulation 321 Blood Donor Support 12 Spanish 122 Geography 186 Construction (Plant and Ops) 322 Chemical Engineering 13 Danish 123 History 189 Mastic Asphalt 339 Core Skills: Communication14 Finnish 124 Modern Studies 190 Property - Construction 284 Police Studies 15 Japanese 126 European Studies 192 Travel and Tourism 340 Core Skills: Numeracy16 Drama and Theatre Arts 127 Audio Visual 194 Hotel Services 341 Core Skills: Technology17 ESOL 129 Photography 197 Home Economics 342 Core Skills: Problem Solving and Working with Others18 Bengali 130 Craft & Design 198 Physical Education Sport and Leisure 349 Highways and Roads Maintenance19 Dutch 131 Creative and Aesthetic Studies 202 SVQ Sport and Recreation - Facilities Management/Develop 352 Construction and Civil Engineering Services20 Swedish 132 Dance 205 Leisure Management 353 Design21 Modern Greek 133 Technical Drawing 212 Mechanical Engineering 355 Sports Turf and Greenkeeping22 Norwegian 134 Furniture - Craft & Design 213 Mobile Plant 357 Computing 23 Portuguese 135 Graphic Communication 214 Aeronautical Engineering 358 Information Systems24 Polish 136 Geology 215 Ship/Boat Building 363 Administration 25 Hebrew 138 Physics 218 Sheet Plate and Welding 369 Counselling26 Latin and Classical Greek 139 Chemistry 222 Electronic Communication Technology 374 Training in Adult Literacies Learning27 Cantonese 140 Biology 225 Factory Plant 382 Social Subjects28 Mandarin 141 Science 231 Electrical Principles 395 Engineering Systems29 Hindi 142 Mathematics and Statistics 232 Electronics and Instrumentation 401 Skills for Work Construction30 Panjabi 143 Game Management 234 Land Based Engineering 403 Skills for Work - Sport and Recreation31 Urdu 144 Farm Business Management 241 Industrial and Behavioural Studies 404 Skills for Work - Hairdressing35 Textiles and Clothing 145 Forestry 242 Learning and Development 405 Building Services Engineering37 Printing 146 Horticulture 243 Management Skills 406 SfW Hospitality47 Foundry 147 Crop Production 244 Sales, Marketing and Procurement 407 SfW Health & Social Care52 OPITO and Oil Related Awards 148 Livestock 245 Quality Management 409 Sports Coaching53 Oil Related Studies 149 Fish Farming 254 Business Management 410 Playwork and Childcare54 Polymer Technology 151 Nautical Science - Including Studies 256 Medical Secretarial 411 SfW Practical Experiences: Construction & Engineering55 Food Processing 152 Animal Technology 257 Accounting 412 SfW Engineering Skills56 Craft Baking 153 Amenity Horticulture 258 Economics 413 SfW Energy57 Meat and Poultry Processing 154 Animal Care 259 Public Administration 414 SfW Retailing62 Hairdressing 155 Environmental Conservation 260 Legal Services 416 SfW Early Education and Child Care63 Music 157 Environment 261 Insurance 422 SfW Uniformed and Emergency Services 64 Musical Instruments 159 Personal and Social Development 262 Financial Services 426 SfW Health Sector65 Art and Design 160 Electrical Installation 266 Accounting and Finance 428 Make-up Artistry66 Beauty Care 161 Construction - Technician 268 Security Studies 436 SfW Rural Skills68 Procedures for Burial and Cremation 163 Surveying 269 Catering & Hospitality 437 Rural Skills75 Floristry 164 Construction Engineering 274 Electrical Plant 442 SfW Creative Digital Media80 Housing 165 Carpentry and Joinery 275 Manufacture 443 SfW Beauty82 Care 166 Supporting Special Needs/Learning Support 277 Philosophy 446 Cantonese For Work Purposes84 Child Care 167 Skillstart 278 Sociology 447 French For Work Purposes85 Health Care 169 Painting and Decorating 279 Politics 448 Gaelic (Learners) For Work Purposes