november work

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Post on 04-Jun-2018




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  • 8/13/2019 November Work


    Heather> I have written the relationship about mexico in my notebook . here I describe only

    relationship with USA

    Mexicos relationship with/


    USAfriendly. They work together. Mexico is the U.S.third-largest trade partner after China and

    Canada. USA trade with mexico increased since NAFTA entered into force in jaunary 1994.The

    United States and Mexico share many common interests related to trade, investment, andregulatory cooperation. During the remainder of the 112 th Congress, policymakers will likelymaintain an active interest in Mexico on issues related to cross-border trade between thetwo countries, Mexicos participation in theTrans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreementnegotiations, economic conditions in Mexico,migration, and border issues. U.S. merchandiseexports were destined for Mexico and 12% of U.S. merchandise imports came from Mexico.Between 1996 and2011, the U.S. share of Mexicos total imports decreased from 75% to 50%


    1- Mexico is a strong power in Latin America Mexico ranks second among U.S. export markes after

    Canada and is the third-leading supplier of U.S. imports.

    2-Mexico works with some other countries to solve the Syria crisis/

    mexico welcomes the accession of the syria to the convention on the prohibition of the

    development ptoduction. Stockpiling and use of chemical weapons and on their destruction .the

    government of mexico recognize both U.S security general ban ki-moon and the UN investigative

    mission for the report on the chemical weapens attack on the outskirts of Damascus. Mexico will

    encourage the organization to work closely with the UN security council to implement the plan for

    Syrias accession to the chemical weapons . convention ,creating a program for the destruction of its

    chemical stockpiles

    3-mexico has a good position in the world Mexico has solid statements on Syria

    Is borded by us on the north and Guatemala,belize on the south

    4- mexico provide the human rights of Syrians human rights council on syriaThe Under Secretary

    for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights, Ambassador Juan Manuel Gmez Robledo,

    participated in the High Level Segment on Solidarity and burden-sharing with countrieshosting Syrian refugees, of the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees (UNHCR)

    annual Executive Committee meeting, which is taking place from September 30-October 1 in

    Geneva, Switzerland.

    Mexico strongly condemns the serious human rights violations committed during the Syrian

    conflict and calls on all parties to immediately stop the confrontations.

    5- mexico is the good oppotiunity for migrants

  • 8/13/2019 November Work


    The Mexican government believes the peace process in Syria must be inclusive and address

    the legitimate demands of the Syrian people.

    Mexico was never totally closed midcentury wars in Europe and the Middle East sent ripples of

    immigrants to Mexico, while Americans and Central Americans have always maintained a presence.

    But it was not a country that welcomed outsiders; the Constitution even prohibited non-Mexicans from

    directly owning land within 31 miles of the coast and 62 miles of the nations borders.

    Ambassador Montao supported the joint initiative of the United States and Russia to reach

    a political settlement in Syria by convening a second international conference in Geneva to

    implement the 2012 Statement, and hoped that the conference would be held as soon as


    5 weakness for mexico

    1-Mexico hasnt a good relationship with some important countries include japan china.

    2- mexico hasnt a power to investigate in economy of Syria

    3-mexico hasnt sigurate the human rights about refuges