november 17th publisher newsletter

A NOTE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Each term the School Improvement Team develop a professional learning schedule for all staff to ensure we are moving towards achieving our set targets in all areas – achievement, school climate, leadership, safety, etc. After looking at all the data it is pleasing to report that our students and parents are feeling that school is promot- ing positive behaviour and building confidence and resiliency skills. The general satisfaction with the school according to the Parent and Student Opinion surveys is 82%. High Expectation for Success was another area where parents scored the school high, 86%. Our academic results have shown a slight decrease in students performing at or above expected level and as a school we need to work on this area to achieve a higher percent of student achieving above expected level and have 0% of students achieving below standard. Staff have been participating in a number of Professional Learning opportunities to develop their capacity to target teach and provide individual learning strategies for each student in reading, writing and numeracy. 2018 will again see teachers participating in Professional Learning opportunities to enhance the learning experiences for all students and thus improving student achievement data. As a staff and community we are committed to continually improve our practice in order to enhance the outcomes for all Healesville children. I look forward to working with staff for the rest of 2017 and beyond. We have a fantastic school and amazing people within our school supported by an outstanding community. Working Bee – 18 November 9.00am-12.00pm A reminder that tomorrow is our last working bee for 2017. If you are able to assist in some way we will be installing the Friendship seats and general cleaning. Edition 36 Friday 17th November 2017 N E W S L E T T E R ENROL NOW FOR PREP 2018 2 View Street, Healesville P.O. Box 222, Healesville, 3777 Ph: 5962 4053 Email: [email protected] Website: FINAL WORKING BEE TOMORROW 18th November 9:00am—12:00pm We will be undertaking the carving and installing of our ‘friendshipseats’ around the school. Asthisisheavyworkwewillbe requiring as many hands as possible to be able to complete the project on theday. Ifyouarehandywitha sander, paint brush or happy to dig holes to plant out the areas, we would love to see you on the day. It would be much appreciated if we couldgetaccesstoaBOBCAT.Ifyou are able to help us out that would be great. Hope to see you there.

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Page 1: November 17th Publisher Newsletter


Each term the School Improvement Team develop a professional learning schedule for all staff to ensure we are moving towards achieving our set targets in all areas – achievement, school climate, leadership, safety, etc. After looking at all the data it is pleasing to report that our students and parents are feeling that school is promot-ing positive behaviour and building confidence and resiliency skills. The general satisfaction with the school according to the Parent and Student Opinion surveys is 82%. High Expectation for Success was another area where parents scored the school high, 86%. Our academic results have shown a slight decrease in students performing at or above expected level and as a school we need to work on this area to achieve a higher percent of student achieving above expected level and have 0% of students achieving below standard. Staff have been participating in a number of Professional Learning opportunities to develop their capacity to target teach and provide individual learning strategies for each student in reading, writing and numeracy. 2018 will again see teachers participating in Professional Learning opportunities to enhance the learning experiences for all students and thus improving student achievement data. As a staff and community we are committed to continually improve our practice in order to enhance the outcomes for all Healesville children. I look forward to working with staff for the rest of 2017 and beyond. We have a fantastic school and amazing people within our school supported by an outstanding community. Working Bee – 18 November 9.00am-12.00pm A reminder that tomorrow is our last working bee for 2017. If you are able to assist in some way we will be installing the Friendship seats and general cleaning.

Edition 36 Friday 17th November 2017


ENROL NOW FOR PREP 2018 2 View Street, Healesville P.O. Box 222, Healesville, 3777 Ph: 5962 4053

Email: [email protected] Website:


TOMORROW 18th November


We will be undertaking the carving

and installing of our ‘friendship seats’

around the school.

As this is heavy work we will be

requiring as many hands as possible

to be able to complete the project on

the day. If you are handy with a

sander, paint brush or happy to dig

holes to plant out the areas, we

would love to see you on the day.

It would be much appreciated if we

could get access to a BOB CAT . If you

are able to help us out that would be


Hope to see you there.

Page 2: November 17th Publisher Newsletter

House Points Award System – Tally So Far!


116 101 94 93


Saturday 18th

Working Bee

Tuesday 21st

Year 3—Bike Ed

Thursday 23rd

House Captain Speeches

RACV Incursion

Friday 24th

Year 3 Warburton Trail Bike Hike

Monday 27th to Friday Dec 1st

Year 5/6 Camp


Monday 4th

School Council Meeting

Tuesday 5th

Parent Info. Session—Thunderstorm Asthma 2:30pm

Friday 8th

Colour Fun Run 5:30 pm—8:00 pm

Monday 11th to Wednesday 13th

Year 3 Camp

Tuesday 12th

Prep Orientation Day 9:30—10:30am

(Uniform Shop Open 9:00am—1:00pm)

Tuesday 19th

Captains Day

Thursday 21st

Year 6 Graduation Dinner & Presentation

Friday 22nd

Last Day of School




and play.


Make sure that you drink lots of water while you're


Stacey and the crew from Camp Australia,

where we make children smile.

Please note:

Canteen will be closed

in the last week of Term 4.

(Closed 21st and 22nd December)


PL: Maya R, Jett B PV: Alyssa M, Annelise C 1L: Chloe R, Aaron B 1/2D: Kyah V 2G: Tilly M, Riley M, Mia K, Evelyn B 3/4B: Toby B 4Y: Jack C, Jye C 5/6B: Nicholas F, Deacon K 5/6L: Jayde E 5/6W: Taylar D Art: Summer C, Liam W, Charlotte K

Page 3: November 17th Publisher Newsletter

The Wellbeing CornerThe Wellbeing CornerThe Wellbeing CornerThe Wellbeing Corner Hello HPS Families and Friends,

This week we con(nue our series on HABITS. Each week we take a le*er of the word and

discuss an aspect of what makes a healthy habit.

Have a Goal

Apply Behaviour Consciously

Be Repe??ve

I Can Do It

Transform in 21 Days

Stay Focused

So far we have looked at H and A. This week we will take a closer view of what it means to ‘Be Repe((ve’.

This encapsulates the concept of ‘prac(ce makes perfect’. The more we prac(ce something, the be*er we get at it. So, if we

are aiming to form a new, posi(ve habit, then we repeat that behaviour un(l it becomes a natural part of our daily rou(ne.

The (p from last week works really well for this week’s thought. That is, create numerous reminders for yourself of the new

behaviour you want to implement for example, regular reminders and alarms on your phone with a short message to

yourself of what you want to achieve. Then you need to actually implement the new behaviour. This is the prac(ce. It you

don’t take ac(on when reminding yourself, you will create a new habit that ignores your reminders. We don’t want that!!

Your reminder should also be at specific (mes that you want to implement the behaviour so that your brain starts to

remember of its own accord – this helps as it becomes a rou(ne occurrence. Good luck and enjoy

prac(cing your new good habit.

Penny and Baz

PRINCIPAL REPORT (con�nued from page 1)

School Captains

After preparing a speech and delivering it to their peers the Year 5 students where short listed for an interview with myself, Mrs

Darling and Mr Stafford. This year we had outstanding candidates and the final decision was extremely difficult. It is with pleasure

that I announce Riley C and Mia W, as our 2018 School Captains. As a community we look forward to your leadership throughout


Building Works

As you probably are aware the P6J rooms have been without power for over two weeks due to a disruption in the wiring under

the concrete in front of the ART room. This week workers have been digging up the concrete in order to find the damaged

section. We have been reassured that it will all be fixed by Friday. Thank you for your patience with this disruption.

Staff First Aid

The safety of all HPS community members is paramount. Each year teachers attend a CPR course and every 3 years staff

attend a first aid – level 2 – course to ensure that the school has sufficient trained staff under the provision of the Occupational

Health and Safety Act 2004 and the Department’s First Aid policies. This training was completed by staff on Monday.

Veggie Patch

If any HPS community member is interested in planting tomato plants in our veggie patch can you please contact the office. It

would involve watering and care of the plants over the summer holidays.

Baz Gilfillan

Baz has been working at HPS as part of our wellbeing team over the course of this year. Unfortunately due to family reasons Baz

will be moving back to South Australia. We would like to take this opportunity to thank him for all his work and wish him all the

very best in the next chapter of his life.

Please be advised that the following dates are pupil free days. 29th Jan – Preparation for 2018 and building teacher capacity to target teach. 30th Jan – State Curriculum Day Cameron Heath, Principal

Page 4: November 17th Publisher Newsletter

Kew Traffic School

On the 14th

November, we went to Kew Traffic School. We went

because it was part of our bike educa(on. We got there on a

bus. When we got there, they did a talk about the safety of cars

and bikes. A8er that we all got one bike each. I learnt all about

the roundabout and how you need to give way to the person on

your right, or if there is already someone in the round about,

you have to wait.

I also learnt that if you go in the red light, you would probably

have an accident. I also learnt you have to be at least 145

cen(metres tall to sit in the front seat because if you have an

accident, the air bag won’t hit you in the head. The air bag

comes out at 200 kilometres per hour. We also learnt to scan

around you to see what was happening.

At the crossings you have to go slow so you don’t run into

people. That’s why you should obey the road rules. My

favourite part of the day was probably riding. I liked pretending

I was actually in a small village. By Charli L..

Hi there, yesterday which was Tuesday I went to the Kew Traffic School. We got there on a bus. We went

there for bike educa(on. We rode on bikes, on a small fake road with traffic lights. It was so fun, I learnt

that in a roundabout, always let the person on the right go first, go slower at the bends and all about


At a crossing go slower. It was 34 degrees, we were all really hot and sweaty. My favourite part was

riding and pretending I was in a car. I loved it. It was so fun. By Chloe B.

It was a fun and exci(ng day. We learnt heaps of stuff about safety. We learnt that an air bag shoots out

at 200 kilometres an hour. You have to be 145 cen(metres tall to sit in the front and when you go

around a round about, you have to slow down. You have to

obey traffic rules or you could have an accident on the road. My

favourite part about Kew Traffic School was doing the figure of

eight. You had to really slow around the bends and the

roundabout. You could only go if nobody was on your right side,

then you could go.

By Riley B

We went to Kew Traffic School on the 14th

November. We went

there for bike educa(on and we rode on bikes. We rode in a

mini town. We learnt, that you need to be at least 145

cen(metres tall to sit in the front seat,

because of the air bags. They come out at 200 kilometres an

hour. At a crossing you need to go slower and go slower around

bends. My favourite part of the day was riding.

By Denzel P

Page 5: November 17th Publisher Newsletter

Kew Traffic School (con?nued)

On the 14th November grade 3B went to Kew Traffic School to learn about bike educa(on. We rode on

mini roads with stores and real traffic lights. Here are some of the things that we learnt about:

- roundabouts, air bags, road safety, bike safety, scanning, crossing roads and going slower at bends.

My favourite part of the day was riding around. By Lachie H

On the 14th November, all of the grade 3's went to Kew Traffic School. We went on the bus for one hour

to get there. It was about 34 degrees, So we all had to bring a drink bo*le. When we got there, there was

a playground, an oval and the Kew Traffic School. In Kew Traffic School, there was a li*le village and a

road. There were two groups. The first group went on the bikes and the second group went on the play

ground. A8er an hour we had lunch and we swapped. On the bikes we did free riding and then we did

three ac(vi(es. We did the roundabout, the figure of eight and we went around the course. My favorite

part of the day was riding.

By Ma#y

The 2017 national drowning report has been released and unfortunately drowning rates have increased, particularly in inland water ways such as rivers and dams, a common place for people to swim and recreate in the Upper Yarra area. Families are

encouraged to enrol children in water safety programs and swimming lessons outside of school swimming programs.

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