nov 14 al akseer

al-akseer Volume-V -Issue VIII NOVEMBER 2014 the Successorship of prophethood

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Volume-V -Issue VIII NOVEMBER 2014

the Successorship of prophethood

Page 2: Nov 14 al akseer


The Holy Quran


Writings of the Promised Messiah(as)

Summary of Friday Sermon

Importance of Khilafat

Urdu Section

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Al-Akseer Magazine

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Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya

New Zealand

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Page 3: Nov 14 al akseer

Allah has promised to those among you who believe and do good works that He

will surely make them Successors in the earth, as He made Successors from

among those who were before them; and that He will surely establish for them

their religion which He has chosen for them; and that He will surely give them in

exchange security and peace after their fear: They will worship Me, and they will

not associate anything with Me. Then who so is ungrateful after that, they will be

the rebellious. [Surah Al-Nur, Verse 56]

"Prophethood shall remain among you as long as Allah shall will. He will bring

about its end and follow it with Khilafat on the precepts of prophethood for as

long as He shall will and then bring about its end. A tyrannical monarchy will then

follow and will remain as long as Allah shall will and then come to an end. There

will follow thereafter monarchial despotism to last as long as Allah shall will and

come to an end upon His decree. There will then emerge Khilafat on precept of

Prophethood." The Holy Prophet said no more (Masnad Ahmad)

You should therefore, neither grieve over what I have told you (that the hour of

my demise is nigh) nor should you be heart-broken for it is mandatory that you

see God's second manifestation. The coming of that manifestation is a lot better

for you because it is eternal whose succession will not terminate till the end of

days. When I go, Allah will send to you the second manifestation and it will stay

with you forever. (Al-Wassiyat, pp. 6-7)

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On 24 October 2014 Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīh V(May Allāh be his Helper) delivered the Friday Sermon at Baitul Futuh Mosque, London UK

Hudhur said: At this time I have selected some incidents to mention here today. These are

incidents relating to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II(ra) himself, or they are incidents relating to

others but mentioned by him. These relate to different topics and I will relate a few today and

I am mentioning these in the sermons because through the MTA, the Friday Sermon is listened

to most widely by the worldwide Jama’at Ahmadiyya members and because these can be very

helpful in understanding some situations.

After the passing away of the Promised Messiah(as) Hazrat Khalifa tul Masih I(ra) said to me

that I should complete the reading of Book of Ahadith (Bukhari ) from him. In fact I had told

him that the Promised Messiah(as) used to tell me to study the translation of the Holy Quran

and Bukhari from him. In fact I had started the study of both these book from Hazrat Khalifa

tul Masih I(ra) during the lifetime of the Promised Messiah(as) and although this went on and

off I had also started studying the medicine from him during the lifetime of the Promised


Then at another place he states with regard to the grand lofty position of the Holy Quran as

follows. I remember an example of my childhood foolishness. When I was a young child, when

the enemies of the Promised Messiah(as) would come, and level accusations against him, so

because the Promised Messiah(as) would address them in a very simple and straightforward,

easy to understand manner, I would sometimes think that perhaps he would not be able to

combat the cleverness of such a person’s attack.

The Jama’at is opposed, the Prophets are opposed and such opposition becomes the means

for progress and advancements. He writes that we heard an incident from the Promised

Messiah(as) many a times. He used to say that the enemies who vilify us and abuse us and

oppose us, we entertain the hope that the blessed souls from among them will come towards

us, but when neither the people shout abuse at us nor oppose us and they become totally

silent, then this becomes a source of pain for us.

Hazrat Khalifa tul Masih II(ra) says that in the time of the Promised Messiah(as), all the

peoples of India had opposed him in the most intense manner possible but despite all those

oppositions our movement progressed in India and also all over the world and jama’ats were

established inside india and all over the world. So much so that today our missions are

working all over the world. In England, America, China, Japan, Java, Sumatra, and in all the

countries in Europe we have established our missions and the work of preaching is ongoing.

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Muslim Television Ahmadiyya, telecasts a very interesting program for our Arab brothers

which is called "Meeting With Arabs" - Liqa'a Ma'al Arab - in which Arabs seeked answers

from Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV. Following question was asked by an Arab brother.

Question: In this age, the world, especially the Muslim world direly needs the Institution of

Khilafat. Whats is its importance?

Answer: The Muslims who should have been united and be in harmony, are divided in countless

sects and divisions. It is not only in religious field but in politics too. When there is schism, they can

achieve nothing in the world, which a united and harmonious people can do. By discord and

disharmony the power of the Muslim world has not only disintegrated, but also they are using this

broken strength against one another. When such are the conditions, the aggregate will be below


The groups may be very powerful, but if they will oppose and counteract each other in minor and

major issues and remain busy in fighting, their power will be scattered and strength broken.

This is happening in every Muslim country. Unfortunately it is being named as Jihad. What will they

gain from all this? What resources will remain for their own nation building, defense of Islam or

fighting the enemy? Therefore, it is incumbent that Muslims should unite on the hand of One

Imam. There should be one Imam of the Muslims of the whole world. But without Khilafat, it is just

impossible. Khilafat is the successor after the prophet in the form of a person who is representing

the deceased prophet and Khalifa is the vicegerent and his subordinate. He is the central authority.

This is the basic principle of Khilafat.

Muslims do understand its need as well as importance. This need was felt after the sad demise of

the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) also. In Islam this is quite clear like

broad daylight and is a part of Islamic teaching that without unity and harmony you cannot rightly

work on the teachings of Islam. When you go to the mosque for Namaz five times a day, there

must be an Imam. Standing behind an Imam is a demonstration of unity among people. That is

why the Holy Quran especially emphasizes the need of congregational prayer. Imam is given so

much importance that if the Imam falters, the entire congregation must follow his mistake even if

they know that a mistake has been committed. What better instance can be presented for the

need of an Imam and unity in his following? If Imam is mandatory in a small mosque, then how can

the whole of Muslims Ummah survive without an Imam.

As far as the Ummah is concerned, there is commandment in the Holy Quran to turn their faces

towards Qiblah. For the Muslims throughout the world, there is one and only one Qiblah. You may

go anywhere in the world, the Qiblah remains the same. This is a pointer that it is incumbent for

the Muslim Ummah that they should be united under one Imam. Had this not been the sole

purpose, there would have been no Khilafat at all because the spiritual condition of Muslims in the

days of the Holy Prophet was a thousand times better than the Muslims of today. If they need to


Muhtamim Sihat-e-Jismani

Page 6: Nov 14 al akseer

follow an Imam, how can we live without an Imam today when the condition of Muslims is crying

for it. This is the answer why Khilafat is needed.

The issue is that once Khilafat is terminated, then it is not within the power of the people to

introduce it again themselves. This is a dilemma, which the Muslim world is facing today. Khilafat

starts after the passing away of the prophet and if unfortunately once it is destroyed, it is

impossible that it restarts without a prophet. As far as Muslims are concerned, they are victims of

dual issues. According to a large number of Muslims, the chain of Khilafat ended with the Khilafat

of Hazrat Ali. After him, there was no Khiafat-e-Rashida. It was monarchy in the name of Khilafat

and majority of Muslims agree that Khilafat-e-Rashida ended after Hazrat Ali. So how can you start

this Khilafat once again?

As far as Shia Imams are concerned, there is no problem for them because majority of them

believes that Imamate continued till the twelfth Imam. Some believe it up to the sixth Imam. Some

think that it is continuing till today. But majority of Muslims deprived of the blessings of Khilafat.

Even if we accept the continuity of Imamate till today, they are unable to unite the whole Ummah

on one hand. We are discussing the issue of uniting the whole Ummah on one hand and it cannot

be achieved by partial or regional Khilafat. It can be achieved only by universal or global Khilafat,

which will unite the whole Ummah.

Muslims believe that no prophet, of whatever category, can come now. This means that the single

avenue to open the way of Khilafat has been barred. This is the big issue, which the Muslim

Ummah is facing today.

The non-Ahmadi Ulema present the only solution of this problem and say that they also believe in

the coming of a prophet. No doubt, he will be an old prophet, but they say that when he will come,

he will be a prophet. Thus the lost Islamic Khilafat will once again be revived by Jesus Christ of

Nazareth when he will descend with his old form and body. But the problem is that fourteen

hundred years have passed, and there is no trace of second coming of that Jesus. There is no sign

visible of his descent. World conditions have totally changed. Muslims have passed and are still

passing through their worst phase of decline. But no Jesus has descended from the sky so far.

Now, the majority of Muslims are so much frustrated that they say that he has died or is living they

are least interested. The scholars of al-Azhar University have repeatedly expressed their well

thought and considered opinion that according to the Holy Quran, Jesus Christ has died and his

second advent is absolutely impossible. It may be in their fancies, but practically, they have

completely closed this door.

No one will ever descend from skies, and this is the big and difficult problem, which the Muslim

world is facing today. With this they have not only destroyed the most important institution like

Khilafat but they have also blocked the entrance of the beginning of Khilafat.

(Ahmadiyya Gazette, Canada. Khilafat Number, May 2001)

Page 7: Nov 14 al akseer

“When the voice of the Khalifatul

Massih reaches the Ahmadis

around the world through MTA

then we must follow his advice,

otherwise we will fall short of our

pledge of bai’at.” (Friday sermon 22 June 2012)

Have you listened to Huzur’s Friday Sermon?

Upcoming Event-Khuddam Ijtema 2014

Please try to pay your Ijtema Chanda Jazakamullah

Page 8: Nov 14 al akseer

Utilize day light savings and come out to distribute peace message

to the people of New Zealand

Waqfe Jadid year end on 31 December-Kindly try to pay

this chanda-for more information contact your Halqa

Qaid or Mr Najam ul Islam (Sec.Waqfe Jadid)

Peace Message

Page 9: Nov 14 al akseer

"Come and show off your Table Tennis /

Ping Pong skills...

After Maghrib Namaz

God is love, God is peace!

Love can never beget hatred,

and peace can never lead to war

(Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad (RA)Khalifatul Masih IV

Page 10: Nov 14 al akseer

ومحمد ادمح ریض اہلل ہنع۔ اشعئ رکدہ سلجم دخام االدمحہی اپاتسکن۔ فینصت دیسان رضحت رمزا ریشبادلنی

ریس ت حیسم وموعد ہیلع االسلم

ر امھی کل

واہعق لتق

ر ام انیم اکی آرہی 1897ھی کل

رطح ےس امرچ وک آپ یک اکی وگشیپیئ ےک اطمقب امرا ایگ اور اس رپ آرویں ںیم تخس وشر رباپ وہا اور ضعب رشریوں ےن رطح 6ء ںیم

ےلھک وظفلں ںیم آپ رپ لتق اک ادمحویں وک اور رھپ ان ےک اسھت دورسے املسمونں وک یھب دھک دانی رشوع ایک اور رضحت حیسم وموعد ےک الخف وت تخس یہ وشر رباپ وہا اور

ا آپ یک التیش یل یئگ ہک اشدی وکیئ رساغ لتق اک لم اجوے نکیل اہلل اعتیلےن دنمش وک رہ رطح اناکم راھک اور ابووجد اس ےک ہک رہ رطح آپ رپ ازلام ازلام اگلای ایگ اور وفر

اگلےن یک وکشش یک یئگ نکیل رھپ یھب اکایمیب ہن وہیئ اور آپ اس ازلام ےس ابلکل اپک اثتب وہےئ۔

نیسح اکیم رویم ریفس اک اقداین ںیم آان

1897یئم اکی اشنن ےک وطر رپ رےہ اگ۔ نیسح اکیم ریفس روم اینپ دعتمد دروخاوتسں ےک دعب رضحت حیسم ء ںیم اکی میظع ااشلن واہعق اک آاغز وہا وج اترخی ںیم

رٹیک رپ آےن واےل اصمبئ ےس وموعدہیلع االسلم یک دختم ںیم اقداین احرض وہا۔ رضحت ےن اینپ دخاداد رفاتس اور ااہلیم االطع رپ اےس ااشرۃ اس یک اینپ احتل اور

ذموکر ےن تنطلس روم یک تبسن اکی اخص داع یک رحتکی یک یھت سج رپ آپ ےن اس وک اصف رفام دای ہک اطلسن یک تنطلس یک احتل ایھچ ںیہن ےہ االطع دی ویکہکن ریفس

یفشک رطقی ےس اس ےک اراکن یک احتل ایھچ ںیہن داتھکی اور ریمے زندکی ان احوتلں ےک اسھت ااجنم ااھچ ںیہن۔ی اور م

دعب ںیم وکر انرا وہ رک ال ایگ اور الوہر ےک اکی ارابر ںیم یدنی اگںویں اک اکی ط اوپھاای سج ےس املسمانن ودنوباجن ںیم وشر چ ایگ رگان ابوتں ےس ریفس ذم

اک آےن واےل وااعقت ےن اس تقیقح وک وھکل دای اس ےک نمض ںیم تہب یس وگشیپایئں وپری وہ ںیئگ۔ وخد ریفس ذموکر رضحت ےک وہشمر ااہلم یی


انی اھیادی ایر

یی م

نھی م



ےس اھچاپ اھت وہ یھب زسا ےس ہن اچب اور اشنہن انب ویکہکن وہ اکی نیگنس ازلام ںیم اموخذ وہ رک زسا ای وہا اور سج ارابر ےن اہنتی زور ےس اس ومضمن یک اتدیئ یک یھت اور ا

تنطلس رٹیک یک وج احتل ےہ وہ رہ صخش رپ ایعں ےہ۔

دقمہم ڈارٹک امرنٹ الکرک

ارمرست یک دعاتل ایس نس یک مکی اتسگ وک آپ ےک الخف ڈارٹک امرنٹ الکرک انم اکی یحیسم اپدری ےن دقمہم اسزش لتق رٹسم اے۔ ای امرونیٹ ڈرٹسٹک رٹسجمٹی

ل وت ڈک ی ص رنش اصبح ردادر ےن آپ ےک انم وار ںیم دارئ ایک اور ایبن ایک ہک رمزا اصبح ےن دبعادیمحل انم اکی صخش وک ریمے لتق رکےن ےک ےیل اجیھبی اھت۔ او

ٹی اصبح ردادر علض رگاتفری اجری ایک نکیل دعب ںیم ان وک ولعمم وہا ہک وبہج ریغ علض وہےن ےک ہی ابت ان ےک اایتخر ےس ابرہ ےہ۔ سپ دقمہم ڈرٹسٹک رٹسجم

Page 11: Nov 14 al akseer

ےہ اور وج اس وج ئاارئ امی نان یک ک ف ص رنشی ےس ی نش ای وہ رک والتی ںیم ۔ں۔ آپ ےک اسب ے یھب وگرداوپسر یک دعاتل ںیم لقتنم ایک نج اک انم امی۔ ڈویلب ڈسلگ

امر دو۔ نکیل وچہکن اس ایبن ںیم دبعادیمحل ےن یہی ایبن ایک ہک ےھجم رمزا اصبح ےن امرنٹ الکرک اصبح ےک لتق ےک ےیل اجیھب اھت اور اہک اھت ہک اکی ڑبے رھتپ ےس ان وک

آپ ےن ڑبے زور ےس اس اس ےن ڈرٹسٹک رٹسجمٹی ارمرست ےک اسب ے دای اھت اور اس ںیم وج ا آپ ےک اسب ے دای ھچ رف اھت اس ےیل آپ وک ھچ ک ڑ ایگ اوروج

رپ اکی یحیسم تعات یھت عتاح بص رضحت دن ےک ادنر دقمہم ہلصیف رک دای اور ابووجد اس ےک ہک آپ ےک اقمہلب 27ارم یک اقیقحتت رشوع یک اور اچر یہ ویشیپں ںیم

وک اعمف رک دای اور ان رپ وکیئ حیسم وموعد ےک قح ںیم ہلصیف دای اور آپ وک اصف ربی رک دای ہکلب ااجزت دی ہک اےنپ اخمنیفل ےک الخف دقمہم دارئ رکںی نکیل آپ ےن ان

۔: ۔ں دقمہم ہن ایک۔ ڈرٹسٹک رٹسجمٹی اصبح اےنپ ہلصیف ںیم رحتری رفامےت

" ل وت اس اک ایبن وج امہرے اسب ے وہا اس ایبن ےس فلتخم اھت وج ارمرستی ےک ڈرٹسٹک رٹسجمٹی اصبح مہ ےن اس اک ایبن ےتنس یہ اس وک دیعب از لقع اھجمس ویکہکن او

ہی بیجع ابت دیھکی ہک سج دقر رعہص وہ اٹبہل ںیم نشم ےک ےک اسب ے وہا۔ العوہ ازںی اس یک وعض عطق یہ ہبش دیپا رکےن وایل یھت۔ دورسے مہ ےن اس ےک ایبانت ںیم

اتسگ وک اور دورسے دن ےک ایبن ںیم یئک الیصفتت 13اتسگ وک دای اور اکی 12المزومں ےک اپس راہ اس اک ایبن لصفم اور وطلی وہات ایگ۔ انچہچن اس ےن اکی ایبن

ںیمہ ہبش دیپا وہا ہک ای وت اےس وکیئ اھکسات ےہ ای اےس تہب ھچ ولعمم ےہ ےسج وہ اظرہ ںیہن رکان اچاتہ۔ اس ےیل ڑبھ ںیئگ وج ےلہپ دن ےک ایبن ںیم ہن ںیھت۔ وچہکن اس ےس

ےک ہضبق ۔ اںوہں ےن اےس نشم مہ ےن اصبح رپسڈنٹن وپسیل وک اہک وج اکی ویرنیپ آرسیف ےھت ہک اس وک نشم اپمکؤمی ےس اکنل رک اینپ وحتلی ںیم روھک اور رھپ ایبن ول

اینپ اجن ےس ازیار ےس اکنل ایل اور بج آپ ےن اس ےس ایبن ایل وت عتا یسک ودعہ اعمیف ےک وہ رو رک اپؤں رپ رگ ایگ اور ایبن ایک ہک ھجم وک ڈرا رک ہی بسی ھچ اولہاای ایگ ےہ۔ م

ےن رمزا اصبح ےک الخف ایبی ن ایک وہ دبعایح ،مو وارا ادلنی اور رپمی داس یئاس ںوں یک اسزش اور ان ےک وہں اور وخد یشک ےک ےیل ایتر اھت اور درتقیقح وج ھچ م

ن ہی ےھجم اھکس دےتی اور رمزا اھکسےن ےس ایک ےہ۔ رمزا اصبح ےن ہن ھجم وک اجیھب اور ہن ریما ان ےس وکیئ قلعت اھت۔ انچہچن وج دج اکی دن ےک ایبن ںیم آیت دورسے د

ی وافق ںیہن ہن اس اک انم انس اھت اںوہں ےن وخد یہ اصبح ےک سج رمدی یک تبسن م

ی اس ےن ایبن ایک اھت ہک اس ےن دعب از لتق ےھجم انپہ دینی یھت اس یک لکش ےس یھب م

وھبل ہن اجؤں ریمی یلیھتہ رپ لسنپ ےس انم ھکل دای اھت ہک اس وج دھکی انیلی اور ہی یھب اہک ہک بج ےلہپ ھجم ےس رمزا اصبح اک انم اور ہتپ ےھجم اید رکا دای اور اس ڈر ےس ہک م

۔"(ینعی ا مہ رمزا اصبح وک اسنھپںیئ ےگ)ےک الخف ایبن وھکلاای وت ان یئاس ںوں ےن وخش وہ رک اہک ہک ا امہرے دل یک رماد رب آیئ

س دقر وخش ےھت ہک اکی آرہی ولیک ےن عتا ارجت اس ںیم ہی امتم لیصفت ھکل رک رٹسجمٹی اصبح ردادر ےن آپ وک ربی ایک۔ اس دقمہم رپ آپ ےک اخمفل ا

ےئ اور ضعب اناجز ویحیسمں یک رطف ےس ریپوی یک اور املسمن ومولی یھب آپ ےک الخف وگایہ دےنی آےئ۔ رغ یحیسمو ودنو اور املسمن لم رک آپ رپ ہلمح اور وہ

ے ا نا ی ںیہن رک اتک اور ہی رطقی یھب اایتخر ےیک ےئگ نکیل دخا اعتیل ےن اتپکن ڈسلگ وک الیپی وطس ےس زایدہ تم اور صو ہل دای۔ اںوہں ےن رہ ومہعق رپ یہی اہک ہک م

تم رپ ربشٹ راج یک ربرتی ںیہن ایک ہک اےنپ اہھت دوھ رک حیسم وموعد وک اس ےک دونمشں ےک اہھت ںیم دے دےتی ہکلب اںوہں ےن آپ وک ربی ایک اور اس رطح رونم وکح

دی۔ اثتب رک

"ایہن دونں ںیم آپ ےن ی

ح خ

ل یصل

ےک انم ےس اکی ااہتشر اشعئ رک ےک املسمن املعء ےک آےگ وجتزی شیپ یک ہک وہ آپ یک اخمتفل ےس ابز آاجںیئ اور آپ وک "ای

10دونمشں اک اقمہلب رکےن دںی اور اس ےک ےیل وخد ابتہ وہ اجؤں اگ اور ارگ اچس وہں وت مت ذعا ےس دس اسل یک دمت رقمر یک ہک اس ایعمد ےک ادنر ارگ ںیم وھجاٹ وہں وت

ہلب رکےن یک ےئاےئ اےنپ چب اجؤ ےگ وج وچسں یک اخمتفل ےک ببس دخااعتیل یک رطف ےس انزل وہات ےہ۔ نکیل املسمونں ےن اس وک وبقل ہن ایک اور دانمشن االسم ےس اقم

ےس یہ اقمہلب دنسپایک۔

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