· notification cbse- asl examiners training screening test 19 june, 2014 cbse -asl far classes...

No. DE.5/43/04/2013-14/Exam/ ~J. -.\,~ Directorate of Education: Govt. of NCT of Delhi Examination Cell. Room No. 222-A Old Secretariat, Delhi-ll0054 Dated: 0'1 bl~ \~ // CIRCULAR 1/ Sub: CBSE-ASL Examiners/Masters Training Screening Test All concerned are hereby informed that CBSE, in collaboration with Trinity College London, is conducting a workshop from 21" July 2014 to 25'" July 2014 in Salwan Public School Rajender Nagar New Delhi to train selected post graduate teachers of English (TGTs/PGTsiVice Principals/Principals) as ASL - ET / MT (Examiner Trainers/ Master Trainers). Last date for taking screening test in this regard is oih July 2014. CBSE notification dated 16 June 2014 in this regard is enclosed herewith. English Teachers would find this workshop to be very significant. The training of ASL-ET/MT would prove very effective in teaching of English and in the assessment of students' language skills. ~I'" (Dr. SUNITA S KAUSHIK) ADDL. DE (EXAM) To All Heads of Govt. & Govt.-aided Schools through DELE. Copy to: I. All RDEs/DDEs through DELE. 2. All Zonal Education Officers. 3. ADE (IT) to get it placed on DEL E. 4. P.S. to Secretary of Education 5. P.S. to Director of Education. f 6. Guard File U~ (SA VII A DRALL) DEO (Exam)

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Page 1:  · NOTIFICATION CBSE- ASL Examiners Training Screening Test 19 June, 2014 CBSE -ASL far classes IX, X & Xl, In collabomrion with Trinity College. London, has been in effect since

No. DE.5/43/04/2013-14/Exam/ ~J. -.\,~

Directorate of Education: Govt. of NCT of DelhiExamination Cell. Room No. 222-A

Old Secretariat, Delhi-ll0054

Dated: 0'1 bl~\~// CIRCULAR 1/

Sub: CBSE-ASL Examiners/Masters Training Screening Test

All concerned are hereby informed that CBSE, in collaboration withTrinity College London, is conducting a workshop from 21" July 2014 to 25'"July 2014 in Salwan Public School Rajender Nagar New Delhi to train selectedpost graduate teachers of English (TGTs/PGTsiVice Principals/Principals) asASL - ET / MT (Examiner Trainers/ Master Trainers). Last date for takingscreening test in this regard is oih July 2014. CBSE notification dated 16 June2014 in this regard is enclosed herewith.

English Teachers would find this workshop to be very significant. Thetraining of ASL-ET/MT would prove very effective in teaching of English andin the assessment of students' language skills.



All Heads of Govt. & Govt.-aided Schools through DELE.Copy to:I. All RDEs/DDEs through DELE.2. All Zonal Education Officers.3. ADE (IT) to get it placed on DEL E.4. P.S. to Secretary of Education5. P.S. to Director of Education. f6. Guard File U~


Page 2:  · NOTIFICATION CBSE- ASL Examiners Training Screening Test 19 June, 2014 CBSE -ASL far classes IX, X & Xl, In collabomrion with Trinity College. London, has been in effect since

"'" """""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""" """,,",,""" ""


Screening Test19 June, 2014

CBSE -ASL far classes IX, X & Xl, In collabomrion with Trinity College. London, has been in

effect since March 2012. The success of the project has been achieved through the number of

capacity-building programmes for teachers of English by ASL Examiner -Trainers. '1'0 further

cascade the training to other CBSE teachers, the Board needs to identify and (rain more Examiner-

Trainers (ASL-ETs). Therefore, Post Graduate Teachers of English ( TGTs/ PGTs/ VICC-

Principals/ Principals) with five years of experience teaching at the Secondary or Senior Secondary

level are invited to take the test. It is recommended that interested Teachers take the test at the

earliest possible

t.Please read the Guidelines and click on the Link for the Screening Test given in Annexure-I.

2.The training calendar for five- day ASL-ETs [Examiner Trainers] and ASL-MTs [Master Trainers]

is gIVen in Annexure - II

Note: Teachers who have already attended tlw five-day tr;tillin.~ prourununc m.t) Till!

take the screening test again.

For further clarification, contact:

Ms Neelima Sharma, Consultant[English] O! ! ·23233552

Ms Rajeswary P , Education Officer [Academics} 011-23231248

Dr Praggya Singh, Joint Director 011-23215130

s/a.(Dr. Sadhana Parashar)

Director (Academic, Research, Training & Innovation)



Page 3:  · NOTIFICATION CBSE- ASL Examiners Training Screening Test 19 June, 2014 CBSE -ASL far classes IX, X & Xl, In collabomrion with Trinity College. London, has been in effect since


Annexure - I

Screening Test for CBSE - ASL Examiner TrainersGuidelines

Please read the instructions carefully before you attempt the practise exercise.


This exercise is to help you practice assessment of Oral and Aural Skills and grading before you anempt thestandardisation exercise for CBSE's ASL-ET sessions.

i. Go to the Trinity webpage: tHfp:!h...,.,....,•.lrinil}"Collcgc'O;Q.uk/<jl!:l?id-26S7&acrjou-prp·jc\\"&h~ck"l·o-indc"Click on the following tabs to view:

a. Practice mark sheet: This gives you ,he format in which you have to mark the scores for the videos youwill watch.

b. Practice rationales: This gives the rationale for the grade marked for the candidatec. Graded Examination in Spoken English [GESEI Performance Descriptors: Tlus documeurclarifies what the grades scored by the candidate mean. You will need to refer 10 this during thepractice exercise and the standardisation exercise.

d. GESE Exam information booklet: TIUs provides information about the language re'lUlfemenrsfor each level/grade: hnp:llww\V.trini,}'collegc.c().uk!~i{eeid=llJ76. Download the GESEperformance descriptors document. 1111sdocument describes a candidate's performance at tho: fourlevels of attainment: A. B. C and D. \,\'hen assessing each performance, make sure that you arc awareof the grade requirements as grven III the GESE Exam information booklet. Ensure that you referto right page for that grade. Go through the rcquircrnenrs for the grade before watching eachcandidate

Ji. Watch the videos:

a. There arc 6 candidates to watch Virinchi, Snehn, Gngann. Giovanni, Radoslav and Tsvctclina.b. \'(Iatch each exam straight through without pauslllg. r f your internet connection is weak, allow time forbuffering. After the entire video is loaded, watch it through without pausing.C. \Vatch each exam once only.d. \Vntch and assess the exams alone. In a real examination you will be alone so to create the mostauthentic exam situation, please assess on your own.e. Grade each task (A, B, Cor D) as soon as it is finished.

iii. Complete the mark sheet as follows:

a. Complete the information at the top: Your name, school, complete address with name of state or lIT,CBSE Region and classes taught.b. Watch all SLXof the prac[lce exams (Virinchi, Socha, Oagana, Giovanni, Rndoslav and Tsvcrclina). Notefrom the exam booklet that at Grades 4-6, candidates complete tWO tasks (topic discussion andconversation), and at Grades 7-9, candidates complete three tasks (topic diSCUSSIon,mtemcuve task andconversation).c. For each task, decide the grade you will award (A, B, Cor D) and write this in the box next to the tasknumber and below the candidate's name.


..""""""" I""""'" """,""", I """,""", """","", " """" ""'" """'" ..

Page 4:  · NOTIFICATION CBSE- ASL Examiners Training Screening Test 19 June, 2014 CBSE -ASL far classes IX, X & Xl, In collabomrion with Trinity College. London, has been in effect since

"" " I" """,""""""""", I ", I"""", I "", I' I' """""""""""""""""",.

In the box below, the example candidate has been awarded a B for task 1 and a C for task 2:IN"me exam ,. Virlnchi Sneha G, ,0, Giovann, Radoslav TwelelonaIRe. No. "" = = "" - "" ~"'Grade G' " c; cs " G. ce, ,, ,IT~,k

,,u e'(1. G. L. P n/i;!


cl(s.G.LP "r a'es, G. l. P, ,1u",,,n;n. I I I I I I I I

I. If you award an A or B ,you need not mark an area of irnprovemeur. If you award a C for a task, you mustchoose ONE key area for improvement: Communicarion Skill (CS),Grammar (G), Lexis (L) orPhonology (PJ. In the box below, the example candidate needs to improve communication skills l!l task 2.

IName exomt)ie VirinChi sneha G, ens GiovannI Radosl"v Tlve elon",,- . No. ,= .:~~x ~. ,- n" ~." ~n'Grade G' G' cs " " G. 0;, ,,,Talk

,,,i eIcs. G. l, P "j,"

rIG. c.L P CStatcs. G. L. P, ,ILis,,,njnli I I I I I I I I

2. If you award a D for any task you must choose TWO key areas for improvement. In the box below, theexample candidate has been awarded a 0 in both tasks. They need to improve conununication skills andphonology in task 1 and lcxis and phonology in task 2.

IName eXam ,. Virlnchi Sneha G, '"' Giovanni n aecsrav Ts~elehna.ne . NO. "" "0 "" .,. .'.X' ,.., .".'Grade G' G' c; cs " ce (Os ,,ITaSK



to. G. c. , C5.0,, D

res. G. L. P C, p

"1C,s. G. i. P, ,, I I I I I I I IIU"eninw

3. Lastly. if you feel the candidate has displayed adequate listening skills, put a YES ill the box for Listening asbelow:


"",,""",""" I'" I"" I" I I I I I I I I" I' I' ," '" '" I' I' I I" I."" I' I"'" """," •• ",.""

Page 5:  · NOTIFICATION CBSE- ASL Examiners Training Screening Test 19 June, 2014 CBSE -ASL far classes IX, X & Xl, In collabomrion with Trinity College. London, has been in effect since

"",,,,",, II I' II I'" II'" II 'T'" II' "T' ,,," '" ,"""""" I' I' I""""""",",'"""""".

'Name exam " Virin,hl Sneh~ G, '"' GIovanni Radollav TIVe:ellnaIRe. No. ~ = = ,= ". m' ""tc-eoe G' G' 0> ce G' G. G', ,,rask

,,, eIC~.G. l, P of,


Io. G. L. P CS

"1(1. G. L P


lyES ! ! I I I I :J4. Virinchi, Socha and Cagaco will do tasks 1 and 2. Giovanni, Radoslav and Tsverelina will do l:Ish I. 2:and J.

(/lito "fir 10 paint 2) .You do not need to enter anything in (he greyed boxes.5. Save a soft copr of your mark sheet for rour persona! reference.

iv. Compare your marks with the Trinity marks:

a .Opco the document 'C13SE India Practice Rationales' from the related resources box on the videowcbpage. Compare your marks with the Trinity marks and rend the rationales for each candidate.b. Once you are satisfied with your practice, proceed to the standardisation exercise.

I Do not submit your marks for the practice exercise. I


~ This is the standardisation exercise for teachers and this task will be assessed.}> Eligibility for anending ASL-ET sessions is partly based on your performance ;0 this


t.Access the videos and download the standardisation mark sheet via the Trinity webpagc here:http: L Lwww.!"rjp..io'coUegc.co.uk/siteL?id-2658&act.ion -pre\'i!,;w& back T0- ind ex.2. Use the GESE performance descriptors.3.. Before watching each candidate, ensure that you have the GESE Exam information booklet

open at the right page for rhar grade [r.g.po.!,r2.J-2jlor Grade .J]_

i. Watch videos:

a. There are 6 candidates to watch Angela, Aslam, Kyoungwha, Lluis, Leonardo and Galileu.b. Watch each exam straight tl.liough without pausing. If your internet connection IS weak, allow umcfor buffering. After the entire video is loaded, watch it through without pauslOgc. \\latch e:tch exam once only.d. \\latch and assess the exams alone. In a real cxarrunauon you will be alone so (0 create rlw mostauthentic exam situation, please assess on your own.e. Mark each task (A, B, C or D) as soon as it IS finished.

ii. Complete the mark sheet:

a. Follow instructions as given enrlicr.b. Save a softcoov of vour completed mark sheet for your personal reference.


I I I " I I '" I " '" 1'1" I I I I'" '" I II II I I '" I1I1 I II I II '" "I' I I I I I I '" I I I I I """ """'" ," """ I

Page 6:  · NOTIFICATION CBSE- ASL Examiners Training Screening Test 19 June, 2014 CBSE -ASL far classes IX, X & Xl, In collabomrion with Trinity College. London, has been in effect since

.-II """" 1111111" II I' I I 1'1 I 1"" J II " 1"" " I J "1111" 1,.,,/1111 1,1,/, I' I'" II J' I., " J II I I J' I"

iii. Submit your marks to Trinily:

a. Upload completed the exercise and filled in your mark sheet, your personal information and finalmarks here: h[[p:!I\vww_sm~rrsuntcv_co,ukls!CBSEIndia2013,c. Follow the online instructions and complete all the necessary information.d. Ensure you transfer your marks accurately from }'our mark sheet to the online form.e. Complete all pages of the online form and select Finish Survey .Your marks will automatically besubmitted [0 Trini Colle c.


""11'1"1"11111'1' "1 I II TI'I I II '1"'11,,1'1,,1'1"'1'1'111111111111"111111' I I II I I I I I' I' I"" '"

Page 7:  · NOTIFICATION CBSE- ASL Examiners Training Screening Test 19 June, 2014 CBSE -ASL far classes IX, X & Xl, In collabomrion with Trinity College. London, has been in effect since

"""" III f'" f' '" J"""" I"" f","'" I""" "'" J"'" " J"" " f' """ I" I"'" fl'" " fl f""", I ,,," I II "" I" I""'"

Annexure -II


~"" ~ 'l!1, ~,~ '" [!:n~ "~ ~ \l r-

Last date Date of D fS T f f k" B" ate 0r. ype 0 or ta 109 egmnmg E d fLo' VNo Tr'lining Screening of n 0 calion cnue P'" I Contact E 'I id CBSE Regions to. W k I tII1Clpa crnau-r

T w, k I or sncp No/s be coveredest ~.•.or s lOp

Gurukul Global Ms. Arena 9646345100 principal@gmukul Delhi, Panchkula,School, Adjoining Bhardwaj 0172· globaLcom Allahabad &

30June, J 114 8J II' CI d' I Policc Stauc», 2735100 bhacdwaj.aruna@g DchradoonI '014 14-u- j-u-4 lanlgarl N Il"Pk d_ car ;lr " ma .com

Mnnimajra, Info@gurukulglob;\SL-ET Chandi -arh a1.com

Dr. Indu 9810071928 sps@sahvanschool Dchradoon,Salwan Public Khcrrapal 8800593456 s.com Allahabad,

.2 07.J ul.14 .21.Jul.14 25.Jul-14 New Delhi School, Rajindcr prinClpal.sps@s~1 Panchkula, '~imer &Nagar, New Delhi wanschools.com Delhi

ASL-MTDelhi Public Dr. 02717· dpsbopal@calol'x. Ajmcr

School, Bopal Manjula 325516 orgSquare Shroff 02717-

3 07.Jul.14 .21.Jul.14 25·Jul.14 Ahmedabad Ncar Bopal 325-100Railway CrossingAhmedabad - 380

.\:-;J..FT 05~.Maharani Gavarri Ms. Suniti 01-1 1- principal@mgd~ch AjmcrDcvi School, Savai Sh;\nm 2364·r7g ooljainur.com ..Rmn ~il1~hRoad,

-I 14.JlIl-14 2H·Jul.14 01';\1I~.1-l jaipur Chaudpolc Bazar,jaipur, Ibi;\~th~n



"" ",., I """ "',",." ." .• ,." """"" "'" ""'J """ ""'. """"" """ 'I'" "~'"~"I""" """"" """" """"

Page 8:  · NOTIFICATION CBSE- ASL Examiners Training Screening Test 19 June, 2014 CBSE -ASL far classes IX, X & Xl, In collabomrion with Trinity College. London, has been in effect since

-------------------------- --------------

"'" '" II.J"" "" I'" f, I' If' I, 1"""""" ,I J"'" """'!' If I'" " " I' I '" I' I.' 1,",111"',111"", '" III I "" f"" '" """ II

South POlO! Sh, 9706012121 kchanda3017@yah Guwahati,School, 21, Krishnanja 0361- oo.com Bhubaneswar &

5 18 August, 02-Scp-14 06-Scp-14 Guwahau Bnrsapara, 11 Chanda 2475977 helpdesk@spsghy Pama. 2014 Guwahaci,781018 co.in

ASL-MTMs. Laxmi 9176631235 [email protected] Chennai &

P.S. SeniorSUOlV<lSill1 04--1-- m Tluruvananthapura

2:'i August,Secondary School, 42074412/2 m

(, 09-Sep-14 13-Sep-14 Chcnnai 33, Alar 4640(J5620)4 mclrnangapuram,Mylapocc, Chcnnai

ASL-MT - 600004Chinmava Ms. Saroja 9249573189 chinruavakannama Chennai &Vidvalava, Sahdcvan [email protected] Thiruvananrhapura

Kalarhara Road, m

18 August,Mundamvcli,

7 01-Sep-14 05-Scp,14 Koohi Karriparsmbu,2014 Kannamalv,

Kechi, Kcrala682507

ASL-ET 0484 224 7505

Apecja, School, 1\15. Rita <)13.1 Bhuhancswar, Pnrna

8 2:i August, 08-Sep-14 12-Sep-14 KolkaraSalt Lake, 11.1, Chatterjee 22291779 nracha tteqee@ape & Cuwahari

2014 Park Street Ci~:·group.comASL-ET Kolkata - 700 016

Kathan Dr. Manju 91-120- Info@kotharischo Allahabad. Delhi &

29 International Gupta 4T~0844,408 ol.eJu.1l1 DehrJdoon

9 September, 13-0cr-14 17-0ct-14 NoidaSchool, 13-279, 2430,433087

Sector 50, Noida - 72014 201301, (U.!,).-\SL-ET India

30 Yetta be Schools Outside1(1 OctOber, 02-Nov·1-1 Il6-Nov-14 Duhai confirmed India

;\SL-ET 2014

7 I ' cl r

- .' .' r .' , , .' .' _' r F .' -' F -' -' .' _' -' F F ' -' -' , , I -' .' J' -' -' , -' -' -' -' -' ! -' -' -' -' -' ! ' , -' -' -' , -' J , -' • , , , , , -' , , , -' J' • -' F , , -' J -' ! .' -' -' -' -' -' , J -' , .' -' -' .'.' , t , -' -' -' , , , , , I I -' , , .' J , J J .' .' ' ! .' .' ! .' -' , ! -'