notice of application for constitutional remedy and finalized constitutional remedy for february...

ejk-[email protected] From: <ejk-[email protected]> Date: Sunday, February 24, 2013 11:59PM To: "Kerry Kennedy" <[email protected]>; "Hon. Christy Clark" <[email protected]>; "Tim Louman-Gardiner" <tlouman-[email protected]>; <[email protected]>; <[email protected]> Attach: Notice of Application for Constitutional Remedy and finalized Constitutional Remedy for February 2013.pdf Subject: Fw: Notice of February 6, 2013 Application for Constitutional Remedy Page 1 of 2 2/25/2013 Dear Sirs: Before sending my email, I failed to attach the Notice of Application of Constitutional Remedy and finalized Constitutional Remedy for February 2013 – I’m sorry. Here is the corrected email. Dear Sirs: I felt it was important to notify the law court system of my February 6, 2013 Application for Constitutional Remedy for the province enforced euthanisation of Rudi Heinz Krass and DENIAL of my Right to security of person. I could not attach the faxed documents but I did the next best thing and posted them online and the following faxed copies of Notification of my February 6, 2013 Application for Constitutional Remedy are: The Governor General David Johnston ( cid=76d01868d933a2ac#cid=76D01868D933A2AC&id=76D01868D933A2AC%21793 ); The Lt-Governor Judith Guichon ( cid=76d01868d933a2ac#cid=76D01868D933A2AC&id=76D01868D933A2AC%21795 ); The Supreme Court of Canada ( cid=76d01868d933a2ac#cid=76D01868D933A2AC&id=76D01868D933A2AC%21796 ); The Toronto Dominion Bank directly ( cid=76d01868d933a2ac#cid=76D01868D933A2AC&id=76D01868D933A2AC%21797 ); The Kelowna Supreme Court Registry ( cid=76d01868d933a2ac#cid=76D01868D933A2AC&id=76D01868D933A2AC%21794 ). As s. 52 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms makes The Charter and The INALIENABLE Rights and Freedoms especially s. 7 and 24 (1) of Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms the superior standard for all decisions plus s. 24 (1) is embodied directly in An Application for Constitutional Remedy, all law court proceedings are suspended and need to be addressed in an out of court settlement established between the Executive Branches of the Provinces where Our Majesty is the referee between the disenfranchised, The Charter of Rights and Freedoms while being opposed unconstitutionally by The Executives playing false gods. This is notification that matters are proceeding to the general public at an alarming right and I will not stop until the Constitutional Remedy is put in place and my Right to security of person is respected by The Executives and going forward with true liberty! Once received, the email receipt will be embedded in the Notice of Application of Constitutional Remedy and finalized constitutional remedy for February 6, 2013 and put online.

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This document is Public Notification of an unheard of but very real Constitutional Remedy process in Canada and Application for Constitutional Remedy that brings in The Charter of Rights and Freedoms imposed outcome without the law court process. This process is based upon s. 52 (1), s. 24 (1) and s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and is incontrovertible given The Nuremberg Trials where the judges and jurisprudence was discovered to be the cause for many people wrongly being convicted of crimes that only existed from the rule of law and which led to them being killed off. In the end, the judges of the Reich were found to be complicit in the death of millions and were executed!The proof of the hidden Constitutional Remedy is: Romeo Philion whose Ontario appeal disappeared; a young native man tortured outside Merritt in 2002 or 2003 - the case against the RCMP has disappeared (covered by CHBC); a skier whose common law wife died outside Kicking Horse Ski Resort in 2009 or 2010 after they stomped SOS in the snow and nobody came - the RCMP admitted its failure and the case disappeared; so the mother of the child where the RCMP failed to investigate the shooting in Maple Ridge (?) BC will also receive a constitutional remedy in the coming months ( There's the proof of the hidden constitutional process where the adverse affects relative to s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms are taken care of by a constitutional remedy.


Page 1: Notice of Application for Constitutional Remedy and Finalized Constitutional Remedy for February 2013

[email protected]

From: <[email protected]>Date: Sunday, February 24, 2013 11:59PMTo: "Kerry Kennedy" <[email protected]>; "Hon. Christy Clark" <[email protected]>; "Tim Louman-Gardiner"

<[email protected]>; <[email protected]>; <[email protected]>Attach: Notice of Application for Constitutional Remedy and finalized Constitutional Remedy for February 2013.pdfSubject: Fw: Notice of February 6, 2013 Application for Constitutional Remedy

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Dear Sirs:Before sending my email, I failed to attach the Notice of Application of Constitutional Remedy andfinalized Constitutional Remedy for February 2013 – I’m sorry. Here is the corrected email.

Dear Sirs:I felt it was important to notify the law court system of my February 6, 2013 Application forConstitutional Remedy for the province enforced euthanisation of Rudi Heinz Krass and DENIAL of myRight to security of person.I could not attach the faxed documents but I did the next best thing and posted them online and thefollowing faxed copies of Notification of my February 6, 2013 Application for Constitutional Remedyare:

The Governor General David Johnston (;The Lt-Governor Judith Guichon (;The Supreme Court of Canada (;The Toronto Dominion Bank directly (;The Kelowna Supreme Court Registry (

As s. 52 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms makes The Charter and The INALIENABLE Rights andFreedoms especially s. 7 and 24 (1) of Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms the superior standardfor all decisions plus s. 24 (1) is embodied directly in An Application for Constitutional Remedy, all lawcourt proceedings are suspended and need to be addressed in an out of court settlement establishedbetween the Executive Branches of the Provinces where Our Majesty is the referee between thedisenfranchised, The Charter of Rights and Freedoms while being opposed unconstitutionally by TheExecutives playing false gods.

This is notification that matters are proceeding to the general public at an alarming right and I will notstop until the Constitutional Remedy is put in place and my Right to security of person is respected byThe Executives and going forward with true liberty!

Once received, the email receipt will be embedded in the Notice of Application of ConstitutionalRemedy and finalized constitutional remedy for February 6, 2013 and put online.

Page 2: Notice of Application for Constitutional Remedy and Finalized Constitutional Remedy for February 2013

In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen,

Ernst John Krass,Self Applicant in the February 6, 2013 Application for Constitutional Remedy and in pursuit of the Rightof Liberty

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Page 3: Notice of Application for Constitutional Remedy and Finalized Constitutional Remedy for February 2013

Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH

Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of MedicineSpokesperson for THE TRUTH BASED FREE Society and Its Realm

February 24, 2013

The Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. OrganizationGovernor General David Johnston by fax Lt.-Gov. Judith Guichon by faxPremier Christy Clark et al. - The Executives - by email after being faxed to the Lt.-GovernorThe Supreme Court of Canada - its JudgesTim Louman-Gardiner and Robert Sloman, legal representatives for The Toronto Dominion BankAdrian Dix, Leader of the Opposition New Democrats of British Columbia

RE: God Almighty ordered that I rewrite the Constitutional Remedy pertaining to me and myknowledge concerning the HIDDEN Rewriting of The English Language since 1934 and1982 and then again in 1996 - the Constitutional Questions Act of 1996

Dear Sirs:

1 I had a horrible couple days because I did not understand what God wanted of me. Thismorning, while in a fitful state of slumber, I was ordered to rewrite and expand my ConstitutionalRemedy for my February 6, 2013 Application for Constitutional Remedy to encompass myknowledge of the rewriting of the English Language without the authority to do so by the Executivebranches of Administration and imposing these standards upon the thoughts of the people - mindcontrol.

February 2013 Constitutional Remedy for my February 5, 2013 Application for ConstitutionalRemedy that complies fully with s. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms

2 So, the April 2012 Constitutional Remedy pertaining to the matters of the DENIAL of rightto life of Rudi Heinz Krass and the DENIAL of my right to security of person - psychologicalintegrity - is still valid and applies to the Executives that have no validity because the 1867 CanadaAct is invalid as it imposed administration without The Right to Life, security of person and libertyas defined by God Almighty through His Holy Spirit/the words of Jesus Christ/Allah through thewords of Mohammed/The Great Spirit/The Mandate of Heaven/new evidence that is pure and showsthat entire classes have no legitimacy just as the Executives know that they persist as false rulers byimposing and managing class war and have done so since March 31, 1960 just as the Aristocracy thatthey replaced.

3 As Constitutional Remedy is a process that is superior to the law court processes, all lawcourt processes pending or ongoing against me, Ernst John Krass, or initiated by me are invalid andsuspended and must be resolved through non- law court methods especially since Premier Christy

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Page 4: Notice of Application for Constitutional Remedy and Finalized Constitutional Remedy for February 2013

Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH

Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of MedicineSpokesperson for THE TRUTH BASED FREE Society and Its Realm

Clark tricked me into believing that the law court system applied in my matters even though only TheCharter of Rights and Freedoms and s. 52 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and itsfunctioning from the neutral citation 2003 SCC 54 decision, as specifically defined in my February6, 2013 Application for Constitutional Remedy and The Right of Liberty since 1934 Exposed!document but not limited to these documents, applies solely to the Constitutional Remedy Process.

4 The “evidence” that I have compiled shows that, with the creation of the BritishCommonwealth and the implementation of centralized banking around the world in 1934, the Rightof Liberty was quietly rewritten by the Executives of all nations and now means beingDENIED/deprived of their Legal Right of life and security of person, where the latter is defined asbodily harm and psychological integrity, that then demands the right to a rich financial settlement.

5 When the disenfranchised learn of their Legal personal rights being DENIED, i.e. they havehad the INALIENABLE Rights, since April 17, 1982 in Canada, which granted them the Right toapply to Our Majesty to have the Right to Liberty imposed summarily as defined by the

disenfranchised, we have the right to revolt which is not what God wants because We, thePeople, have the right to right the path that mankind is upon by providing a place for thosebelieving and accepting THE FREE Society where “Doing unto others as you have done untoyourself and others” is the primary rule.

6 The need for revolutionary war and its resulting mass murder is over, at last!

7 However, as the Executive Branches of the Confederation of Canada have DECLINED TOACCEDE TO/comply with The Charter imposed positions put forth to them in April 2012 and s.52 (1) of The Charter and, then, replied by imposing the law court system over the Executives’absolute obligation to uphold Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms regardless of budgetaryconsiderations and finally having been caught by one who knows that The Right of Liberty isunlimited funding of THE FREE Society of Equals that has been severely suppressed underdemocracy for over a century and beyond that.

8 Thus, an account containing $50 Billion, that is to be secured by gold, is to be establishedwith The Bank of Canada in my name for the purpose of liberating THE FREE Society of Equals. These funds are not to accrue wealth and are to be drawn down to build homes that are well insulatedand whose heat and electricity is to be provided by either geothermal energy on a house by housebasis or wind or solar power where geothermal power and heat cannot be provided due topermafrost.

9 I, Ernst John Krass, have the right to secure my person and, when completed, I have the rightto return to Canada as Canada’s Charter Monarch and provide these homes in God’s Country on 60to 80 acre plots to people choosing to abide by The Pure Fact Truth/The Holy Spirit along with thestandard of Doing unto others as you have done unto you plus apply critical thinking that only allowsthat which is absolute Truth to guide everyone universally - evolution has been discredited by newevidence that came into existence since the book was published!

10 As money will cease to exist as a driving force of thought, taxes upon these lands is

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Page 5: Notice of Application for Constitutional Remedy and Finalized Constitutional Remedy for February 2013

Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH

Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of MedicineSpokesperson for THE TRUTH BASED FREE Society and Its Realm

unnecessary and unacceptable because those occupying these habitations will live with nature andwill, therefore. be called, chosen and Faithful: the land is supposed to support those living there notliving in far off places nor pursuing money to pay taxes - annual rental fees to the false rulers.

11 In 1996, disliking this Constitutional Petition standard, the Executives created theConstitutional Questions Acts of Canada where this simple Right of applying to Our Majesty,according to s. 24 (1) of The Charter, was now limited wrongly for the disenfranchised personshaving prepared and served an Application of Constitutional Remedy upon the Executives, the Lt-Governor and the Governor General along with the Privative Contract stating their price for libertythat must be accepted.

12 As you can see, since 1996, the system is very much like a computer where those knowingthat they have been wronged NOW have to comply with s. 8 (2)(b) of the Constitutional QuestionsAct as well as serve the Application of Constitutional Remedy upon the Executives, GovernorGeneral and the Lt.-Governor in order for the Right to Liberty to kick in.

13 YET, the people were purposely not informed to the hidden Constitutional Remedy dueprocess. Consequently, the Executives have shirked their responsibility to remedy the adverseaffects of their laws universally through liberty provided by a significant financial package for allthose whose right to life or right to security of person were dismissed by regulation or the actionsof all administrators which includes all government agents.

14 Last year, by April 2012, I had proven my case by virtue of The Charter of Rights andFreedoms but, according to s. 8 (2)(b) of the Constitutional Questions Act, applying for Liberty fromthe DENIAL of life of my dad, Rudi Heinz Krass, and my DENIAL of security of person bothaccording to physical harm and psychological integrity, was NOT surrendered to/acceded to by theExecutives because I had not produced an Application for Constitutional Remedy and served it uponthe Executive, the Governor General and the Lt.-Governor of British Columbia along with mycatching that the English Language had been rewritten which the evidence to this document provesoccurred and originating at the Executive branches of Canada’s Administration.

15 Thus, now, I have fulfilled everything that I did not know was being demanded of me whilethe lawyers effectively kept my mind busy dealing with them rather than finding s. 8 (2)(b) of theConstitutional Questions Act and then discovering the new and hidden Right to Liberty when personsare living in an economy based civilization.

16 Unfortunately, I am still awaiting the surrendering to my Application for ConstitutionalRemedy by the Executives and Our Majesty that was filed upon The Executives on February 6, 2013and then served upon the Governor General and Lt.-Governor of British Columbia on February 16,2013 and embedded in the Simple Yes or No Question put in place by Canada’s Charter documentwithin the Why the unconstitutional declining of The Charter imposed positions by the Executivesdocument.

17 Mankind is still in the same fight for The Truth and liberty that has plagued mankindthroughout history but the Executive Branches of Administration of Canada, since the Nuremberg

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Page 6: Notice of Application for Constitutional Remedy and Finalized Constitutional Remedy for February 2013

Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH

Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of MedicineSpokesperson for THE TRUTH BASED FREE Society and Its Realm

Trials and their Full Disclosure, knew that they had no validity as they were created by an Act of theBritish Parliamentary system and with the intention of destroying THE FREE Society that existedhere while the system knew that the monetary system and the economy are also illusions made realbecause there are vast amounts of existence that are priceless, i.e. without monetary valuation, whilethose which have been given a value can only be attained through the dismissal of Heaven and earthwhose existence is lost by those ruling thoughts through the enacted rules of law.

18 The actions against The Truth and Its Charter imposed positions forced the production of thisConstitutional Remedy while these actions also created me due to The Charter of Rights andFreedoms and The Charter protections were illegitimately suspended in the actions against me byThe Executives and its agents: hence, the Executives created the role and duties of Canada’sCharter Monarch while that I have fulfilled all these demands.

Praise be unto God Almighty in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Ernst John Krass, SoHSpokesperson for THE TRUTH BASED FREE Society and Its Realm

Attached: copy of the February 16, 2013 Simple Yes or No Question put in place by Canada’s Charterdocument;

November 30, 2012 letter from Our Majesty Queen Elizabeth II;

My Application for Constitutional Remedy that was emailed to Premier Christy Clark onFebruary 6, 2012 and which contains my contact information at the end of the document;

annotated pages 1, 3 and 5 of the Executives’ January 22, 2013 response to my Petition;

February 9, 2013 letter tying constitutional remedies to s. 7 of Canada’s Charter of Rights andFreedoms;

February 18, 2013 one page letter exposing the new definition for The Right to Liberty;

annotated 1934 Preamble to Canada’s Centralized Banking Act that is current today

Hyperlinks for those receiving a faxed copy of this document:

the Simple Yes or No Question put in place by Canada’s Charter document -

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Page 7: Notice of Application for Constitutional Remedy and Finalized Constitutional Remedy for February 2013

Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH

Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of MedicineSpokesperson for THE TRUTH BASED FREE Society and Its Realm

the Why the unconstitutional declining of The Charter imposed positions by the Executives document -

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Page 8: Notice of Application for Constitutional Remedy and Finalized Constitutional Remedy for February 2013

[email protected]

From: <[email protected]>Date: Saturday, February 16, 2013 1:16 PMTo: "Hon. Christy Clark" <[email protected]>Attach: p1-4 of Governor General fax informing him of the Yes, No Charter imposed reality.pdf; p1-4 of Simple yes or

no response fax sent to Lt.-Governor of BC.pdf; Simple Yes or No Reality put in place by The Charter.pdfSubject: Simple Yes or No to the power of s. 7 of Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Page 1 of 1


Dear Premier Clark:I mistakenly sent the previous email without the attachments. I apologize for that error and this emailcorrects the omissions.

Today, I composed a simple yes or no Charter imposed question that the attachments affirm was sentto the Governor General and the Lt.-Governor.I have enclosed a copy of the question along with its supporting documents so that everyone withinthe administration is on the same page.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Ernst John KrassApplicant for constitutional remedy relative to Petition no. 95750 and s. 7 and 24 (1) of Canada’sCharter of Rights and Freedoms

Page 9: Notice of Application for Constitutional Remedy and Finalized Constitutional Remedy for February 2013

Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH

Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of MedicineSpokesperson for THE TRUTH BASED FREE Society and Its Realm

February 16, 2013

Premier Christy Clark et al. - The Executives - by email after being faxedLt.-Gov. Judith Guichon by fax

RE: Simple Yes or No Position put in place by Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Dear Sirs:

On February 12, 2013, I submitted a fax outlining that my matters in Petition no. 95750 arewholly a constitutional remedy matter and, to put this matter properly into context, I emailed myapplication for constitutional remedy concerning Petition no. 95750 as well as the constitutionalremedy to the Hon. Christy Clark on February 6, 2012.

Given that the attached November 30 , 2012 letter from Our Majesty defines the role of Ourth

Majesty and her representatives as that of a “constitutional sovereign” and, as I have filed anapplication for “constitutional remedy” and put forth the “constitutional remedy”, I have the rightto know whether Our Majesty’s representative will now comply with Canada’s Charter of Rightsand Freedoms and the Constitutional Questions Act and force the Executive Branch of theAdministration to accede to The Charter imposed positions NOW and end the outrageous fortunethat has been imposed by the Executives once and for all.

The answer now can only be “yes” or “no” because Our Majesty is bound to the functioningof s. 7 of Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms and I have the right to be liberated from theeconomic civilization imposed by the Executives when the NO CODE Regulation’s existence isfound in the medical reporting and Dr. Kevin J. Pistawka, cardiologist, wrote:

It was felt that he (Rudi Krass - my dad) would be at high risk for re-operation with morbiditymortality and it was suggested that he be managed conservatively...

I do not think that there is too much to offer (Rudi and his family) and I think that we are gettingclose to the stage where this gentleman simply needs palliation, i.e. to be put down: hence, theunconstitutional NO CODE Regulation was imposed!

Thus, is Our Majesty’s answer going to be force the Executive to accede to the constitutionalposition (yes) or terminate Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the functioning of s. 7 ofCanada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Constitutional Remedy provision of theConstitutional Questions Act of British Columbia - s. 8(2)(b) - forevermore, with a no response?

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Page 10: Notice of Application for Constitutional Remedy and Finalized Constitutional Remedy for February 2013

Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH

Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of MedicineSpokesperson for THE TRUTH BASED FREE Society and Its Realm

Praise be unto God Almighty in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Ernst John Krass, SoHSpokesperson for THE TRUTH BASED FREE Society and Its Realm

Attached: November 30, 2012 letter from Our Majesty Queen Elizabeth II;My Application for Constitutional Remedy that was emailed to Premier Christy Clark onFebruary 6, 2012 and which contains my contact information at the end of the document;February 9, 2013 letter tying constitutional remedies to s. 7 of Canada’s Charter ofRights and Freedoms

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Page 11: Notice of Application for Constitutional Remedy and Finalized Constitutional Remedy for February 2013


30th November,2012

Dear Mr Krass,

The Queen has asked me to thank you for your letter of 30th October, andto say that Her Majesty has taken careful note of the views you express.

Perhaps I might explain, however, that this is not a matter in whichThe Queen would intervene. As a constitutional Sovereign, Her Majesty actsthrough her personal representative, the Governor-General, on the advice of herCanadian Ministers and it is to them that your appeal should be directed.

May I, nevertheless, take this opportunity of sending you my good wishesin the future.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs. Sonia BoniciSenior Correspondence Officer

Mr Ernst John Krass"

Page 12: Notice of Application for Constitutional Remedy and Finalized Constitutional Remedy for February 2013

Application for Constitutional Remedy

Premier Christy Clark and the Executives

For the relief from the

DENIAL of s. 7 of Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms

pertaining to the wrongful death of Rudi Heinz Krass

by Kelowna General Hospital

as presented in Ernst John Krass’ Petition to the Supreme Court no. 95750

to be heard at .

Take notice that, pursuant to s. 52 (1), s. 24 (1), and s. 7 of Canada’s Charter of Rights andFreedoms, the constitutional remedy being sought in this matter relates to the NO CODE Regulationimposed by Kelowna General Hospital that lead to the wrongful death of Rudi Heinz Krass.

The pertinent words from s. 29 of the neutral citation 2003 SCC 54 quote are:

29 From this principle of constitutional supremacy also flows, as a practicalcorollary, the idea that Canadians should be entitled to assert the rights andfreedoms that the Constitution guarantees them in the most accessible forumavailable, without the need for parallel proceedings before the courts: see DouglasCollege, supra, at pp. 603-604.

S. 52 (1) of The Charter functions as follows as taken from s. 28 of the neutral citation 2003SCC 54:

28 First, and most importantly, the Constitution is, under s. 52(1) of theConstitution Act, 1982, "the supreme law of Canada, and any law that isinconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of theinconsistency, of no force or effect". The invalidity of a legislative provision

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inconsistent with the Charter does not arise from the fact of its being declaredunconstitutional by a court, but from the operation of s. 52(1). Thus, in principle,such a provision is invalid from the moment it is enacted, and a judicialdeclaration to this effect is but one remedy amongst others to protect those whomit adversely affects. In that sense, by virtue of s. 52(1), the question of constitutionalvalidity inheres in every legislative enactment. Courts may not apply invalid laws,and the same obligation applies to every level and branch of government,including the administrative organs of the state. (And now lawyers, bankers, andall others which means you!)

The Constitutional Question in this matter goes as follows:

Constitutional Reality

Does the NO CODE regulation imposed by internal medical regulation DENY Everyone their GodGiven Right to Life, Liberty and Security of Person AND the right not to be DEPRIVED of the rightto life, liberty and security of person EXCEPT in accordance with The Principles of FundamentalJustice - s. 7 of Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms?


Does the NO CODE regulation imposed by internal medical regulation DENY the medical andethical obligation of Do No Harm while letting people die without providing simple intravenousfeeding and hydration along with other simple transfusions?


As an unanimous conclusion, the NO CODE Regulation is found to be of no effect, invalid, notsaved and a gross DENIAL of every reasonable code and The Charter of Rights and Freedoms,s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms - Everyone’s LEGAL Rights, which, therefore,demands that simple lifesaving measures MUST ALWAYS be applied so that all persons will havethe chance to defy the predictions of the administrators and those making the assumptions and thenmaking the outcome a foregone conclusion through DENIAL of Everyone’s personal need forhydration and nutrition and rejuvenating internal organs to restart their nature regenerative process.

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The Adverse Affects of this undeniable breach of Rudi Heinz Krass’ Right to life, liberty andsecurity of person through an unconstitutional NO CODE Regulation is that not only is Rudi HeinzKrass dead at the hands of Kelowna General Hospital but also Ernst John Krass, his dependent, sawand knew that his dad, Rudi Heinz Krass, was being murdered but was absolutely helpless to changethe outcome which is cruel and unusual treatment as it depraved Ernst John Krass of psychologicalintegrity.

Ernst John Krass is now deprived of the presence of the support of his loving dad, Rudi Heinz Krass,who was the sole financial support of Ernst John Krass, due to the DENIAL of Rudi Heinz Krass’ss. 7 Charter Rights.

This matter is a foregone conclusion given the Full Disclosure medical information and their wordsas there is no doubt that both Rudi Heinz Krass’ and Ernst John Krass’ Rights to life, liberty andsecurity of person have been DENIED and DEPRIVED in this matter which is outlined in Petitionto the Court document no. 95750, Kelowna Registry.

The term NO CODE in hospital records is the medical community’s means of declaring the deceasedas having been a medical mistake thereby informing the reader that they qualify for a constitutionalremedy of the administration’s DENIAL of their right to life, liberty and security of person/out ofcourt settlement and the system’s means for recognizing its need to remedy the DENIAL of the mostbasic of Charter Rights - the right to life and security of person.

The relief for the DENIAL of security of person is based upon s. 10 of the January 22, 2013 responseto my Notice of Constitutional Question on Petition no. 95677 by Richard Butler which affirms thatSecurity of person is limited under jurisprudence to bodily harm and psychological integrity.

On February 4, 2013, the judge at the hearing dismissed The Supremacy of God as being a concepthaving no authority. Thus, the judgment of the unconstitutional NO CODE Regulation in this matteris controlled by me under negotiation plus this fact proves that Canada is corrupt because no law isas a decree from Henri VIII concerning the flatness or roundness of the earth and beyond correctionby pure fact Truth.

The premature death from the premeditated actions of the Kelowna General Hospital medical staffclearly DENIED Rudi Heinz Krass his right to life and DENIED me my right to security of personaccording to jurisprudence standards especially since the documents show that, upon return from St.Paul’s Hospital on December 15, 2011, Rudi Krass and I were told that we, KGH, will do our bestwith our medical therapy, but we cannot remove the compressive effects from his right ventricle andas such, he will always have some difficulties and need to be careful in regards to these issues.(Exhibit E of the Petition no. 95750)

There is now undeniable evidence from The Province of British Columbia that jurisprudencerecognizes the DENIAL of security of person as it pertains to bodily harm and psychologicalintegrity while premeditated death is dealt with plainly by the right to life. Thus, this application for

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constitutional remedy is neither without foundation nor is scandalous nor vexatious and thereforedoes not constitute a frivolous lawsuit.

To plan the murder of someone over whom you have medical authority is premeditated murder andis never supposed to occur in Canada or anywhere while the medical reporting affirms it wasundertaken concerning Rudi Heinz Krass.

The DENIAL of the Right Life and Security of Person is fully supported concerning not only RudiHeinz Krass but also Ernst John Krass.

If I had conspired to have done these actions, I would have been charged and convicted of murderby now and The Province of British Columbia knows that. Plus, the constitutional questions actof British Columbia confirms that, for this corruption, there is a constitutional remedy open forall persons to keep the proof of the scheme beyond the eyes of the general public.

I have proposed a constitutional remedy in this matter which I hope is responded to quickly by theExecutive without having a court arbitrate in this matter and the evidence being produced for thegeneral public thereby disclosing the heretofore well hidden constitutional remedies and forcingnegotiations with the Executives so that they accede to the demands of the realities.

The matters in Petition no. 95750 are wholly constitutional that demand a negotiated constitutionalremedy for the wrongful death of Rudi Heinz Krass at the hands of Kelowna General Hospital andthe resulting DENIAL of my rights to security of person as clearly defined by jurisprudence.

The Constitutional Questions Act was prepared to insure that those whose rights as guaranteed bys. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms are to be granted their constitutional remedy given theirdiscovery of this special but highly hidden and secretive process.

Refusal to accede means that you must negotiate until a remedy is found and not force peoplethrough court!

The Right to life, liberty and security of person are the only rights that all Canadians have and, withthe Executive adopting an economy based civilization, the only real means for attaining liberty is avery good constitutional remedy package consisting of a high monetary payout as that relieves thoseharmed from having to deal with the ongoing demands of the Ponzi scheme civilization while flyingunder the radar by paying the imposed bills for many decades as in my case as I am only 46 butsuffering from a job injury that the Executive knows about and DENIED the cure down in LosAngeles repeatedly since 1996 through today as the Executive had this well hidden constitutionalremedy awaiting me but only if I got this far.

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Praise be unto God Almighty in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Ernst John Krass, SoHSpokesperson for THE FREE SOCIETY OF EQUALS and Its Truth based Realm

Address: 3929 Woodell RoadWESTBANK BC V4T 1E1 Phone: (250) 768-5150

DATE: February 6, 2012

Reading materials:

page 5 of Richard Butler’s January 22, 2013 response to Constitutional Question on file no. 95677

Page 17: Notice of Application for Constitutional Remedy and Finalized Constitutional Remedy for February 2013

Court File No. 95677

Kelowna Registry












Filed by: The Attorney General of British Columbia

THIS lS A RESPONSE TO the notice of constitutional question dated ,for hearing

February 4,2013, and delivered on January 15,2013


The Attorney General consents to the granting ,of the relief sought in the following

paragraphs of notice of constitutionalquestion: nil


The Attorney General opposes the granting of the relief sought in all paragraph(s) of the

notice of constitutional question.

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Representatives of The Executive Branches of the Provinces
Page 18: Notice of Application for Constitutional Remedy and Finalized Constitutional Remedy for February 2013


6, From time to time while these proceedings have been pending, including at some

points on a daily basis, the petitioner has provided the respondents with a deluge

of emails, filings and other communications of purported relevance to these

proceedings, including successive unfiled versions of the petition and notices of

constitutional question.

7. ln response, the respondents through counsel first declined to accede to the

positions asserted in those documents and then declined to read anything other

than what was filed in evidence.

8. On January 15, 2013, the petitioner delivered notice of hearing of the petition.

9. ln a Ietter dated January 17, 2013, delivered to the petitioner with a copy to the

court file, the Attorney General through counsel put the petitioner on notice as to

what proceeding was to be the subject of the hearing, on the basis of what

pleadings and on what filed evidence, and advised the Attorney General would

object to anything else being considered at the hearing.



1. The Attorney General appears as of right in response to the notice of

constitutional question and notice of hearing.

ConstitutionalQuestion Acf, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 68, s. 8

2. The petitioner appears to submit that he has a constitutional right to receive an

inheritance under his late falher's will. That right is alleged to arise pursuant to

some mixture of Charter sections 11(d), 7 and 12.

Constitutional Sovereign means having produced an Application for Constitutional Remedy and having served it along with the Privative Contract on The Executive and The Governor General
Page 19: Notice of Application for Constitutional Remedy and Finalized Constitutional Remedy for February 2013


L Here, the petitioner apparently considers that

otherwise have inherited under his late father's

Charter-protected security of the person

not receiving money he may

witl constitutes a deprivation of

!securityofthepersonwasinitiatly'.*i,"oIbodilysecurit5and later expanded to include the protection of psychological integrity. lt has

been argued that it should also be extended to state adion which deprives a

person of arr or "'ro:H,iflfi"E$HtBli*[6gE ro produce an income.

11. For example, in Gosselh, it was argued that section 7 imposed on govemment a

positive obligation to provide adequate welfare beneftts to those who were

without other sources of income. The plaintiff in that case had been unable to

participate in'wokfare", a prerequisite for income assistance benefits. While the

majority of the Supreme Court lefl open the possibility that Charter sedion 7

security of the percon may, in some circumstances and on sufficient evidence, be

extended to include financialsecurity, that invitation has not yet been accepted

by the courts.

Gosse/r,h v Quebec 2002 SCC 84; see Melanson v New Brunswick (AttomeyGeneral) 2007 NBCA 12, at para. 20 and 21; contrast Victoria (City) v Adams2009 BCCA 563, at para. 95.

12. Professor Hogg notes that, unlike the due proce$s clauses in the United States

, Constitution, property rights were not included in the protedion provided under

Charter section 7. So, for example, that section contains no protection in relation E*r-*hw*to He conctudes that the terms rlor-rt

"liberty" and "security of the person" in Charter section 7 should "be interpreted

as excluding economic tiberty and economic security [as] otherwise property

having been shut out of the front door, would enter by the baek [citing lrwin Toy v


Quebec t1989] 1 S.C.R. 927, 1003f'. p.Anrl[,a,.r .S Uo.ytr SrL--- La--,-

^S-\cfud I

Hogg, Constitutional Law of Canada (5h suppl.) pp. 47-12 - 47-18.

13. Moreover, the only evidence in the case at bar of alleged deprivation arising from

the irnpugned provisions of the Wills Act and Esfafe Admini$ration Act is that

Nobody owns anything in Canada!
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With the Executives owning everything and giving the illusion of ownership, God has been abolished because He alone owns this planet, this solar system and galaxy and its processes that we are discovering and all religions recognize property rights because God/Allah/The Great Spirit/etc. acknowledged this standard: the world was never round as the Executives previously claimed!
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The Right of Liberty since 1934
Page 20: Notice of Application for Constitutional Remedy and Finalized Constitutional Remedy for February 2013

Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH

Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of MedicineSpokesperson for THE TRUTH BASED FREE Society and Its Realm

February 9, 2013

Premier Christy Clark et al. - The ExecutivesLt.-Gov. Judith Guichon

RE: How constitutional remedy is tied to s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms -Everyone’s Legal Rights

Dear Sirs:

S. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms are Canadians only real Legal Rights that arebinding on the Executives as well as Our Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Defender of The Faith.

S. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms reads as follows:

Everyone has the Right to life, liberty and security of person...

Life and death are easily determined and, in my application for constitutional remedy and theprovided remedy, it is established that there is a Canada wide medical regulation called NO CODEwhere, when invoked, the medical staff are prohibited from providing intravenous nutrition andhydration even though it must be provided to save the life of those given a drug to which a knownnegative reaction was going to result - premeditated murder.

Canadians in general don’t know of this NO CODE Regulation’s existence because, if theyknew, then, they would no longer seek medical attention nor live their lives within this economybased civilization.

So, life has been expunged from s. 7 of Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms and thosewhom the NO CODE Regulation touches fall under s. 24 (1) of Canada’s Charter of Rights andFreedoms.

In s. 10 of the Executives’ January 22, 2013 response to one of my petitions, the Executives’provided clear evidence that security of person is limited in jurisprudence to bodily harm andpsychological integrity.

My application for constitutional remedy and the constitutional remedy fully expound onhow those watching their loved ones being premeditatively murdered by medical personnel of theprovinces have their psychological integrity destroyed especially if they are knowledgeable enoughto know what is going on and helpless to do Right because of the NO CODE Regulation beingentered into the medical records.

Thus far, the right to life and security of person have been affirmed to have been DENIED

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Page 21: Notice of Application for Constitutional Remedy and Finalized Constitutional Remedy for February 2013

Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH

Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of MedicineSpokesperson for THE TRUTH BASED FREE Society and Its Realm

by the Executives in the wrongful death of Rudi Heinz Krass as well as relative to the life of ErnstJohn Krass since he was born in 1966 - 6 years after property rights and God were dismissed by theExecutives making them into the Aristocracy of old.

But, what then is liberty?

Well, as the economy based civilization is the result of an enactment of the Executives in1934 where the Central Bank is their agent overseeing the implementation of goods and servicesabove all else, then, by its existence Constitutional Remedy is the means of liberating those whoserights to life and security of person were DENIED according to s. 24 (1) of Canada’s Charter ofRights and Freedoms with significant financial redress.

As such, I have every Right now to expect the Executives finally to accede to theconstitutional remedy put to them relative to the matters embodied in Petition no. 95750 with theSupreme Court of British Columbia even though the demand for filing the petition was nothing morethan a negotiating ploy so that I would have to find constitutional remedy in the ConstitutionalQuestions Act in order to obtain the liberty from the economy based civilization once and for all andforevermore: I am only 46 years old and was 45 when I was forced to watch my dad beingeuthanised with my hands tied behind my back.

The Executives are in possession of my Application for Constitutional Remedy and myConstitutional Remedy that complies fully with s. 7 of Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedomsas well as s. 24 (1) of Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

I would like this matter finally resolved quickly and quietly because that is the only propercourse going forward due to Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Any further negotiating tactics and I will take everything public forthwith without anynotification of the Executives so that Everyone learns of Constitutional Remedy and how they qualifyfor them all the way back to 1982.

The Constitutional Questions Act - s. 8 (2) (b), s. 9 (1) and s. 8 (3) - and s. 52 (1) of TheCharter of Rights and Freedoms makes it absolutely clear that I have every right to expect myconstitutional remedies to be acceded to and without any further delay by the Executives!

The pertinent words from s. 29 of the neutral citation 2003 SCC 54 quote are:

29 From this principle of constitutional supremacy also flows, as a practicalcorollary, the idea that Canadians should be entitled to assert the rights andfreedoms that the Constitution guarantees them in the most accessible forumavailable, without the need for parallel proceedings before the courts: see DouglasCollege, supra, at pp. 603-604.

The role of the Lt.-Governor is to insure that governance remains in place regardless of itsfailings which is why I have sent this document to the Hon. Judith Guichon.

3929 Woodell Road, WESTBANK BC V4T 1E1 Page 2 of 3

Page 22: Notice of Application for Constitutional Remedy and Finalized Constitutional Remedy for February 2013

Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH

Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of MedicineSpokesperson for THE TRUTH BASED FREE Society and Its Realm

Praise be unto God Almighty in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Ernst John Krass, SoHSpokesperson for THE TRUTH BASED FREE Society and Its Realm

Attached: Page 3 and 5 of the January 22, 2013 response to my Petition no. 95677;annotated page 2 of the 1934 Banking Act

3929 Woodell Road, WESTBANK BC V4T 1E1 Page 3 of 3

Page 23: Notice of Application for Constitutional Remedy and Finalized Constitutional Remedy for February 2013

[email protected]

From: <[email protected]>Date: Monday, February 18, 2013 6:59 AMTo: "Kerry Kennedy" <[email protected]>; "Hon. Christy Clark" <[email protected]>; "Tim Louman-Gardiner"

<[email protected]>; <[email protected]>; <[email protected]>Attach: Governor General fax with Liberty equation.pdf; Lt-Governor fax with Liberty Equation.pdf; Ultrasimple

equation for liberty.pdfSubject: Right to Liberty equation produced

Page 1 of 1


Dear Sirs:This is the “evidence” for which everyone has been looking and here it is in a very simple format foryou to see. I hope that The Executives now accede to my Application for Constitutional Remedy fromFebruary 6, 2013.All the demands upon me have been met!

In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen,

Ernst John KrassSelf Applicant for His Right to Liberty

Page 24: Notice of Application for Constitutional Remedy and Finalized Constitutional Remedy for February 2013

Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH

Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of MedicineSpokesperson for THE TRUTH BASED FREE Society and Its Realm

February 18, 2013

The Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. OrganizationPremier Christy Clark et al. - The Executives - by email after being faxed to the Lt.-GovernorLt.-Gov. Judith Guichon by faxTim Louman-Gardiner and Robert Sloman, legal representatives for The Toronto Dominion BankAdrian Dix, Leader of the Opposition New Democrats of British Columbia

RE: Simple equation for liberty that was hidden by the Executive

Dear Sirs:

DENIAL of life - NO CODE Regulation Y B Liberty demanded

CDENIAL of security of person - bodily harm Y through Application of

DENIAL of security of person - psychological integrity Y D Constitutional Remedy

Right to Liberty in this sense means financial independence without limitation when an economiccivilization is imposed - Preamble to Canada’s Banking Act - and the Executive must accede!

This is the evidence that everyone has been looking for but could not tell me about becauseI had to discover it on my own in order to free all mankind with the gift of my knowledge frombeyond the economic civilization. Knowing this does NOT make me any happier or engenderpsychological integrity because the discovery was at great cost to me and, only by God’s Grace, haveI been able to keep myself together against this onslaught.

Praise be unto God Almighty in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Ernst John Krass, SoHSpokesperson for THE TRUTH BASED FREE Society and Its Realm

3929 Woodell Road, WESTBANK BC V4T 1E1 Page 1 of 1

Page 25: Notice of Application for Constitutional Remedy and Finalized Constitutional Remedy for February 2013

i)Ol i"-lit-i *Tt .e ?*"& E ^d,.-"r "t T{^* F"-i{-t^



An Act respecting the Bank of Canada


WHEREAS it is desirable to establish a centralbank in Can adato regulate credit and currencyin the best interests of the economic life of the

nation, to control and protect the external value

of the national monetary unit and to mitigate

by its influence fluctuations in the general

level of production, trade, prices and

employment, so far as may be possible withinthe scope of monetary action, and generally topromote the economic and financial welfare ofCanada;


Short title

1. This Act may be cited as the Bank ofCanada Act .

R.S .) c.B-2, s. 1.



2.In this Act,

"autho rized foreign bank"<<banque dtrangdre autorisde >>


Loi concernant la Banque du Canada


Considdrant qu'il est opportun d'instituer une banque

centrale pour rdglementer le cr6dit et la monnaie dans

I'int6r0t de la vie 6conomique de la nation, pour

contr0ler et prot6ger la valeur de la monnaie nationale

sur les marchds internationaux, pour att5nuer, autarrt

que possible par I'action mondtaire,les fluctuationsdu niveau gdndral de la production, du commerce, des

prix et de I'emploi, et de fagon gdnercle pourfavoriser la prospdrite dconomique et financidre du


Sa Majest6, sur l'avis et avec le consentement du

Sdnat et de la Chambre des communes du Canada,ddicte :


Titre abr6g6

l. Loi sur la Banque du Canada .

S.R., ch. B-2, art. l.



2. Les ddfinitions qui suivent s'appliquent d laprdsente loi.


" director"


Page 2 r0/08/2008

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Mammon/the pursuit of wealth - monetary policy dies in 2008 so the ideal of the economy is dead!