note from the grand knight

KNIGHTLY NOTES PAGE 1 NOTE FROM THE GRAND KNIGHT As a member of the Color Corps some of you have heard me talk about my experience at the Our Lady of La Vang parish. Prior to that I didn’t even know we had a Vietnamese parish in LV, but seeing over 4,000 people saying the Rosary and seeing Bishop Pepe and a Bishop from Vietnam concelebrate Mass made me look into the appearance of Our Blessed Mother, including in Vietnam. I’ve been to Lourdes and knew of other appearances. I have to say when I realized she appeared to the people of Vietnam, I suddenly found a bitterness I’ve been living with gone. Charlene and I just returned from a Mediterranean/Greek Isle Cruise. At the time of the booking I wasn’t too happy about the Turkey part, and then I realized the port was really Ephesus, the home where St John took Mary. We were joined by over 5,000 visitors per day, but to our total surprise, the guide that we just happened to have that day was a friend of one of the priests who care for the site. We were ushered off to the side of the house to an outside altar for a private Mass, and Charlene was asked to do the readings. These experiences have caused me to rethink my relationship with our Mother Mary and I’d like to share a little with you. I made my 1st Communion in 2nd grade. Another boy in that class lived around the corner and he invited me to come to his house on Friday to say the Rosary. Well I had those new beads, so why not. There we over a dozen of us and his mom told us that if we came every week without missing, she’d give us our own statue. And if anyone made it 2 years, they would get a large statue of Mary like they had on their TV. Well 2 years later when I came home with that large statue, my mother couldn’t believe someone would just give a kid something like that, so off she marched to check this out. That was the start of a change in our home, next thing my mother was going over to that house helping make rosaries for the lady’s brother who was a missionary. We didn’t go anypl ace that we were not saying the Rosary. I recall my dad getting a new car and it had a radio in, but when mom was along it wasn’t on, we said the Rosary. One day as we were driving I asked my mom, do you really think dad’s driving is that bad that we have to pray all the time? I remember her reply like it was yesterday; “I am praying for you and your brothers and sisters that you will find someone that enriches your faith and brings you closer to heaven”. Well , friends, I am the youngest of 5, all my siblings made it to well past 50 years of marriage and if I were to judge, all seem to have a spiritual family life. I know that Charlene has been a true gift from our Heavenly Father in my faith journey. So as GK, while I have this opportunity, I feel I would be remiss if I didn’t try to encourage each of you to pray the Rosary for your families, for each other, and our country. Some of you have balked at saying the Rosary. And I don’t wonder; it is boring, but that is the point. As any good Buddhist will tell you, fingering the beads, the rhythm, the mindlessness is precisely what frees you to prayer. “Hail Mary, Hail Mary,” is supposed to block out the people talking in Church, the traffic noise, the music from your neighbor’s house. Taken to the next level , it is meditative, allowing your brain to focus on the mysteries, or the petitions of your immediate needs. Yes you can focus on Our Blessed Mother and the asking of her Son…But with practice you can do that and so much more. The Rosary is also an open door to contemplation, undirected prayer. If petition is asking for something, ‘cure my headache’, bring the troops home or save the whales, and meditation is studying the glory and beauty of the mysteries, then truly, contemplation is listening to His message to us. A few weeks ago in a reading from Kings, Elijah is trying to hear God in earthquakes and fire, but finally hears Him in the silence. Only, when we silence the noises around us and in us can hear God’s voice. Peace to you, fraternally, Ken Sawyer Grand Knight Council 10442 [email protected] 702-646-4404 ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Y2K PLUS XIIII EDITION, ISSUE IX SEPT 2014 KNIGHTLY NOTES ST JOSEPH, HUSBAND OF MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL NO. 10442 7260 WEST SAHARA AVENUE LAS VEGAS, NV 89117 PHONE: 702-363-1902

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NOTE FROM THE GRAND KNIGHT As a member of the Color Corps some of you have heard me talk about my experience at the Our Lady of La Vang parish. Prior to that I didn’t even know we had a Vietnamese parish in LV, but seeing over 4,000 people saying the Rosary and seeing Bishop Pepe and a Bishop from Vietnam concelebrate Mass made me look into the appearance of Our Blessed Mother, including in Vietnam. I’ve been to Lourdes and knew of other appearances. I have to say when I realized she appeared to the people of Vietnam, I suddenly found a bitterness I’ve been living with gone. Charlene and I just returned from a Mediterranean/Greek Isle Cruise. At the time of the booking I wasn’t too happy about the Turkey part, and then I realized the port was really Ephesus, the home where St John took Mary. We were joined by over 5,000 visitors per day, but to our total surprise, the guide that we just happened to have that day was a friend of one of the priests who care for the site. We were ushered off to the side of the house to an outside altar for a private Mass, and Charlene was asked to do the readings.

These experiences have caused me to rethink my relationship with our Mother Mary and I’d like to share a little with you. I made my 1st Communion in 2nd grade. Another boy in that class lived around the corner and he invited me to come to his house on Friday to say the Rosary. Well I had those new beads, so why not. There we over a dozen of us and his mom told us that if we came every week without missing, she’d give us our own statue. And if anyone made it 2 years, they would get a large statue of Mary like they had on their TV. Well 2 years later when I came home with that large statue, my mother couldn’t believe someone would just give a kid something like that, so off she marched to check this out. That was the start of a change in our home, next thing my mother was going over to that house

helping make rosaries for the lady’s brother who was a missionary. We didn’t go anyplace that we were not saying the Rosary. I recall my dad getting a new car and it had a radio in, but when mom was along it wasn’t on, we said the Rosary. One day as we were driving I asked my mom, do you really think dad’s driving is that bad that we have to pray all the time? I remember her reply like it was yesterday; “I am praying for you and your brothers and sisters that you will find someone that enriches your faith and brings you closer to heaven”. Well, friends, I am the youngest of 5, all my siblings made it to well past 50 years of marriage and if I were to judge, all seem to have a spiritual family life. I know that Charlene has been a true gift from our Heavenly Father in my faith journey. So as GK, while I have this opportunity, I feel I would be remiss if I didn’t try to encourage each of you to pray the Rosary for your families, for each other, and our country. Some of you have balked at saying the Rosary. And I don’t wonder; it is boring, but that is the point. As any good Buddhist will tell you, fingering the beads, the rhythm, the mindlessness is precisely what frees you to prayer. “Hail Mary, Hail Mary,” is supposed to block out the people talking in Church, the traffic noise, the music from your neighbor’s house. Taken to the next level, it is meditative, allowing your brain to focus on the mysteries, or the petitions of your immediate needs. Yes you can focus on Our Blessed Mother and the asking of her Son…But with practice you can do that and so much more. The Rosary is also an open door to contemplation, undirected prayer. If petition is asking for something, ‘cure my headache’, bring the troops home or save the whales, and meditation is studying the glory and beauty of the mysteries, then truly, contemplation is listening to His message to us. A few weeks ago in a reading from Kings, Elijah is trying to hear God in earthquakes and fire, but finally hears Him in the silence. Only, when we silence the noises around us and in us can hear God’s voice. Peace to you, fraternally, Ken Sawyer Grand Knight Council 10442

[email protected] 702-646-4404








PHONE: 702-363-1902



What’s coming up you need to Know about: September 2014

4th Council Meeting (7:30 PM to 9:00 PM Hall)

6th 1st Degree Exemplification (7:00 AM to 9:00 AM St. Francis & Clare rooms)

13th/14th Fall BBQ Ticket Sales (Plaza after all masses)

20th & 21st Fall BBQ Ticket Sales (Plaza after all masses)

20th & 21st Blood Drive Signup (Plaza after all masses)

25th Planning meeting (730: PM to 9: PM St Francis room)

26 Fall BBQ Dinner Prep (10: AM to 5: PM Kitchen & Hall)

27th Fall BBQ Dinner (10: AM to 9: PM Kitchen & Hall)

27th Blood Drive (7:00 AM to 12: noon Hall)

27th Set up tables for Sunday Pancake Breakfast in Hall after dinner

28th Pancake Breakfast (6:00 AM to 1:00 PM Kitchen & Hall) (Ladies Aux Sales)

October 2014

2nd Council Meeting (7:30 PM to 9:00 PM Hall)

4th 1st Degree Ex (7:00 AM to 9:00 AM St. Francis & Clare rooms)

11th Concession Stand event UNLV vs Fresno FB Game SBS

18th/19th Parish Tootsie Roll Drive (Plaza after all masses)

19th Pancake Breakfast (6:00 AM to 1:00 PM Kitchen & Hall)

25th Walk with the Saints (After 4:30 Mass to 9:00 Hall & Kitchen)

26th Tootsie Roll Drive, Both Smith’s

30th Planning meeting (7:30 PM to 9: PM St Francis room)


As you can see we have a very full two months coming up. Please mark your calendars to help as much as you can. I understand this is a lot to ask, but these events make up such a big part of our charitable fundraising budget.

I really appreciate all the help you provide.

Thank you,




Upcoming Events Details from Ken:

Western BBQ dinner dance

The Council and Ladies Auxiliary will be hosting the Annual Western BBQ dinner dance on September 27th. This is one of our most exciting events of the year, and is sure to be a sellout. The menu will include a full BBQ Dinner, for only $15.00 per person.

There will be live entertainment as well as a bar service available for purchase.

Tickets will be on sale after all masses the weekends of September 13th 14th or the 20th 21st. We can also use your help selling tickets on these dates.

Get your tickets early as this is sure to be a sellout. For more information contact dinner Chairman Mark Martinez at (702) 250-8911 [email protected] or Grand Knight Ken Sawyer at (702) 203-7403 [email protected]

Parish Blood Drive

The Council will be sponsoring a Parish Blood Drive the morning of Saturday September 27th from 8:00 AM till Noon. If you can donate please, please, sign up and be a life saver.

If you are not certain if you are eligible please sign up and come and find out. I had cancer in 2002 and was surprised that I was eligible again, so don’t assume you can’t give.

For more information contact Drive Chairman Steve Corkins at 702-513-5654 [email protected]

Again we also need help with signups on the weekend before, which is the same weekend as we will be selling Western BBQ Tickets September 20th & 21st.

Your support is really appreciated,

Ken Sawyer


Names and Addresses of the Seminarians:

Mount Angel Seminary in Oregon Mundelein Seminary Pontifical North American College

One Abbey Drive 1000 E Maple Avenue 00120 Vatican City State

St Benedict Oregon, 97373 Mundelein, IL 60060 EUROPE

Felipe Jiminez – 2nd year Philosophy Miguel Corral – 1st year theology Luke Burgis – 2nd year Theology

Neil Guan - 3rd year Philosophy

**** Shawn Dresden is finished with his studies and is serving in a Parish. He will be ordained to the

Transitional Deaconate in December, and then about 6 months later he will be Ordained a Priest *****



IN MEMORIAM Please remember the following in your prayers and pray for the repose of their souls and their families:

Donna Marinello-Davis, past president of Ladies

Auxiliary, and recently elected Treasurer of the

Council 10442 AND the State Ladies Auxiliary, beloved

wife of Trustee Frank Davis, went to our Lord this

month after a brave fight with cancer. Please pray

for the repose of her soul and for her husband Frank.

Jimmie Earlene McCloskey, mother of PGK Chuck

McCloskey went to our Lord this month. Funeral

Service for PGK Chuck’s mom is set for September 6th

at 11:00 AM St Christopher of the Desert Catholic

Church, 61161 Sunburst St. Joshua Tree, CA. A number

of friends are driving down early that morning and

coming back that night. If you are interested in

directions or in carpooling please send an email to

GK Ken at [email protected] or attend the Council meeting on September 4th.

Please pray for the repose of her soul, and also for Chuck and their family,

especially his father.

Arsenia Castro, mother of Brother Edgar Castro, passed away suddenly on the

morning of Sunday, August 3, 2014. Brother Edgar is a member of St. Joseph,

Husband of Mary, Council 10442 and Faithful Comptroller of Father Joseph

O’Callahan Assembly 2820.Please pray for the repose of her soul. Also pray for

Edgar and Sandy Castro and their family, especially Edgar’s Father.




I wanted to take a minute to reflect on our many blessings and how we need to

appreciate them while we have them. Whether it is our families, spouse, loved ones, or

the fact that we live in the greatest country in the world, we need to thank God for what

we have every day and not take it for granted. Every day is a blessing with the ones we

love. God has a plan for each of us and we need to pray for the Holy Spirit to guide us to

follow that plan. Let us support each other, pray for each other, and continue to look

for ways to do good. Treat others as you would want to be treated. Visit a Brother who

hasn’t been seen in a while, invite someone lonely over for dinner.

I love the concept of “paying it forward.” Do something for someone who looks like they need help and

then tell them, don’t pay it back –pay it forward to help someone else. This will prove to be very


As always, suggestions, comments, input and articles for the newsletter are always welcome. Call us at

702-306-2668 or email at [email protected].

. –Robert Pinzl, Editor *****************************************************************************************************



PRAYER FOR THE CANONIZATION OF FATHER MCGIVNEY Founder of the Knights of Columbus in 1882 God, our Father, protector of the poor and defender of the widow and orphan, you called your

priest Father Michael J. McGivney, to be an apostle of Christian family life and the lead the

young to the generous service of their neighbor. Through the example of his life and virtue

may we follow your Son Jesus Christ more closely, fulfilling his commandment of charity and

building up his Body which is the Church. Let the inspiration of your servant prompt us to greater confidence in your

love so that we may continue his work of caring for the needy and the outcast. We humbly ask that you glorify your

venerable servant Father Michael J McGivney on earth according to the design of Your Holy will. Through his

intercession, grant the favor I now present( make your request) Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Please report all favors received to: The Fr McGivney Guild 1 Columbus Plaza, New Haven CT 06510-3326


Sept 4th – 730-9 pm Council 10442 Monthly

Business Meeting, Church Hall

730-9pm –Ladies Auxiliary

Monthly Meeting, St Francis/Clair Rooms

Sept 6th 7am – 9am – First Degree

Exemplification (St Francis/Clair Rooms)

Sept 13-14 –Fall BBQ Ticket sales (after all

masses) Plaza

Sept 20-21 –Fall BBQ Ticket sales (after all

masses (Plaza)

Blood Drive Sign up (Plaza after

all Masses)

Sept 25th – 7-9 pm Officer Planning Meeting

St Francis Room

Sept 26 – Fall BBQ Dinner Kitchen Prep

Sept 27 - 7am -12 noon – Parish Blood Drive

10am – 9pm - Kitchen Prep and

Fall BBQ Dinner

Sept 28 – 6am -1 pm Pancake Breakfast –

Church Hall

Sept 27-28 – Sign up for BB Free Throw

Contest Plaza (after all masses

Sept 28 – Ladies Auxiliary Religious Goods

Sales (Sunday only)


Oct 2nd 730-9pm Council 10442 Monthly Business

Meeting Church Hall

730-9pm Ladies Auxiliary Monthly

Business Meeting, St Francis/Clair Room

Oct 4th – 7-9am First Degree Exemplification – St

Francis/Clair Room

Oct 18-19th - Tootsie Roll Drive (Plaza after all


Oct 18-19th – Ladies Auxiliary Religious Goods

Sales (after all masses except the 530 pm on Oct


Oct 19th – 6am – 1pm--Pancake Breakfast

(Kitchen and Hall)

Oct 19th –Parish BB Free Throw Contest (after 8,

10, 12 noon masses in Hall)

Oct 25th - 5-9pm – Walk with the Saints (Hall and


Oct 25-26th – Tootsie Roll Drive at Smith’s

Oct 30th – 730-9pm - Council 10442 Monthly

Planning Meeting (St Francis Room)





SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYS --- Happy Birthday to all


Scott Whitman Sept 6 Charles Buescher Sept 20

Barry Keller Sept 7 Frederick Sullivan Sept 21

Victor Elizalde Sept 8 Joseph Kelleher Sept 23

Gregory Estermeyer Sept 10 Roger Smith Sept 23

Sylvester Smith III Sept 10 Victor Stango Sept 24

William Gattoni Sept 11 Lamar Johnson Sept 24

James Morgan Sept 13 Mark Kalbfleisch Sept 24

Miguel Rosales Sept 14 Russell Brancatelli Sept 26

Joseph Gallo Sept 15 Rev O’Neill Monzillo Sept 27

Rafael Escobar Sept 15 Douglas Guerriero Sept 27

Larry Glines Sept 15 Stephen Spelman Sept 27

Michael Caster Sept 15 Carl DiMario Sept 28

Will Vicuna Sept 16 Russ Feeley Sept 30

Ronald Di Dio Sept 18 Ralph Gallo Sept 30

Al Paduano Sept 19 Robert Williams Sept 30


COUNCIL MOTTO FOR THIS FRATERNAL YEAR: “Brothers, remember to kiss the frog, for if we kiss enough frogs, we are just apt to find that Prince”



********************************************************* One of the Council’s Fundraiser Project is the Concession Booth project at UNLV.

We need more members for the team! Another sports season is just around the corner.

Working a concession booth is a great way to have some fun and the Council to make some

money. We need all the help we can get so please sign up for Training.

Contact Edgar Castro to sign up at Cell: 702-809-8727 or [email protected]


DATES AND CONSIDER THESE CLASSES TO RENEW YOUR CARD BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!!!! Alcohol Awareness Training Classes: Concession Booth Classes

Thurs Sept 11, 2014 Tues September 9,2014

Tues Sept 23, 2014 Thurs Sept 25 2014

Thur, October 16 2014 Tuesday October 14 2014

Tues Nov 11, 2014 Thursday Nov 13 2014

$5.00 for this class, (reimbursed by Council) Class – 545pm – 930 pm

Pictures taken at 530pm-6pm Class – 6pm-10pm




Please continue to help our brothers, families, and friends that are in need of our

prayers. Prayers are our way of asking Jesus to help.

Please remember the following in your prayers……

Let us all remember the bravery and spirit of Donna Marinello Davis as she

entered the House of the Lord on 8/15/14 and her devoted husband Frank.

Please remember Edgar and Sandy Castro’s Family, as his mother, Aresenia

Castro, went to our Lord this month.

Please remember PGK Chuck McCloskey’s Mother, Earlene McCloskey, who also

went to our Lord this month, and Remember Chuck and his father Ron at this

time. Also remember..

Virginia Zappia has been in and out of ICU because of breathing problems.

Virginia and Vincent Zappia Sr, need our prayers. Also remember..

Vilma Koss, Jennifer Hill, Mary Lou Matthys, Kay DeNeal, Kory DeNeal, Sharon

Dupra, Pete Ilardo, Louis Lanza, Mrs Peries, Leon Fuselier, Kathy Fuselier.

And all our other family and friends who need our help!

Reminder- pray the Rosary..Our Blessed Mother has a direct line and it works!

Online Rosary:

Please let me know if we should add or remove any names

from the list.

All Members – be a part of one of the best brotherhoods and

add new life-long friends. Become committee chairman, call

the new members and friends for help. Do not do it alone!!

Please note that being human we forget these folks that helped

us in the past. Then they become ill and can’t participate. But let us not

forget them – there are many and should be noted for our prayer list.

God Bless,

Nick Ciccone, Fraternal Chairman

702-845-5879 or [email protected]



August Knight of the Month: August Family of the Month:



Note: first time in recent memory the awards go to the same family!


St Joseph, Husband of Mary Catholic Church Knights of Columbus Council No. 10442

7260 West Sahara Avenue

Las Vegas, NV 89117

Phone: 363-1902

Or Contact: Grand Knight: Ken Sawyer , 702-203-7403 Deputy Grand Knight: Bob Zagby, 702-379-3025 Fraternal Chairman: Nick Ciccone, 702-845-5879 Financial Secretary, Al Cuccinelli, 305-588-6312 Newsletter Editor -Robert Pinzl, 702-306-2668 Membership Director: Lamar Johnson 702-233-4272 Email communications: Frank Davis, 702-363-9010

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ttf

Quote of the Month: "Without love, deeds, even the most brilliant, count as nothing."

— St. Therese of Lisieux - The Little Flower


Nevada State Website

Council Website:


Cover two people with one policy

In this month’s article, I want to discuss a type of life insurance

product with which you might not be familiar. This product

offers a way for you to help your heirs meet estate settlement

costs without subtracting from the total value of your estate.

After all, you’ve worked hard to accumulate wealth or build a

business over the years and you want to pass along that value to

your family, charity or church in its entirety.

To this end, the Knights of Columbus designed a Survivorship

Universal Life (SUL) product. SUL is a second to die, or

survivorship, life insurance program that covers two people,

(usually husband and wife) and the death benefit is paid upon the

death of the surviving second person — which is normally when

an estate would be taxed. This can be an important part of an

estate plan.

Keep in mind, an SUL policy is one policy that covers two people.

This has advantages, including a lower cost than two individual

life insurance policies. It is a great option for a married couple

with children. It can provide funds for the legal guardians chosen

to care for children in the event both parents die, which is

especially attractive to parents of a special needs child.

If you have a child or children, you need life insurance. If you

intend to pass on any property or wealth, you need life insurance.

A SUL policy is one option that we can discuss when we meet for

an insurance review.

Agent Name Neil Peters

Phone (702)426-3157

Email: [email protected]

********************************************* NOTE: All members are encouraged to look into the annuity and insurance programs offered by the Knights. The annuities start at 100 and are a great long term investment. Go to the Supreme Council’s website or Contact field agent Neil Peters above for more info or to sign up. With over $92 million in insurance and Annuities in force and 1400 service agents, the Knights are proudly fulfilling Father McGivney’s vision of protecting the widows and orphans of deceased Knights. You can also plan and save for your financial security and future retirement. Please take advantage of this special fraternal service. As a Knights of Columbus member, this is a free insurance, annuity and estate planning service for you and your family.


Ladies Auxiliary

Dear Ladies

It has been an emotional month as our sister Donna went to our Lord this past month and as there are so many of us in need of prayers. Donna taught us, inspired us, and made it easier for all of us by the way she lived her life. Please continue to pray for the repose of her soul and also for Frank. Please keep in your prayers: Virginia Zappia and her husband Vincent, Arvilla Forbes, Vilma Koss, Annette DeNeal and her husband Kory DeNeal, Also Sandy and Edgar Castro with the loss of his mother, and also Chuck McCloskey who also lost his mother this month. Thank you to Helen Barrett for stepping up and taking the Treasurer position for us. Thank you to all who helped with Religious Goods sales the weekend of Aug 23-24. We had a great support of help and it is greatly appreciated!!!! You all came through and helped get it done. Upcoming events: Next Meeting: Sept 4th Sept 27th-Fall BBQ Dinner – we will have a sign up at the meeting but I need someone to volunteer to coordinate the Ladies part of the event. The Ladies Part includes chairing the decorations, and staffing/supporting the dinner. We will need help decorating and setting the tables, and I need help Staffing the “money” table – the “will call”, the raffle and the 50/50 tickets. We will have a signup at the meeting so please come out and help! Our next Religious goods sales will be Sunday, Sept 28th. We will not be able to sell Saturday night because of the dinner, but we can have someone bring the boxes over Saturday and put them in a corner till we come back Sunday morning and set up. A closing thought: A soul that does not practice the exercise of prayer is a like a paralyzed body, which thought possessing feet and hands, makes no use of them.. - St. Alphonsus Liguori Jolyn Pinzl President, Ladies Auxiliary Council 10442


LETTER FROM DEACON TOM, CEO of Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada and 4th Degree Knight

The Manifestations of Stewardship Catholic Social teaching instructs us that human dignity can be protected and enhanced only if the basic rights of human rights and responsibilities are afforded to all members of God’s family. Every person has a fundamental right to life, and access to resources that are required for human dignity. A Basic moral test for us is to ask ourselves how the most vulnerable of our brothers and sisters among us are faring in our own community here in Southern Nevada. The 25th Chapter of the Gospel Of Matthew reminds us, “Amen, I say unto you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for Me.” As Catholic Christians, we called to care of the poor and disenfranchised among us. That’s the new founding principal for our work at Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada – to bring help and hope to all of God’s children – regardless of race, religion, or creed. We are the hands and hearts of the manifestation of the Gospel mandate to care for those who need us to be Christ to them. This wonderful gift of stewardship in the sharing of our time, talents, and treasures with those in need is an open invitation to each of you, my Fellow Knights, delivered in many ways here at Catholic Charities. Whether it’s through the sharing of your time and talents as a volunteer in our Lied Dining Room. Where we serve an average of 1000 meals each and every day to many who would otherwise go hungry; or through the gift of your labors in stocking and servicing our clients in the Hands of Hope Food Pantry, where we are seeing an average of 200 families every day who depend on us to help address their food insecurities. Perhaps it’s a group project to raise cash donations, food stuffs, diapers and supplies; maybe it is personal donation to help take 750 seniors off the waiting list for our Meals on Wheels program. There are many ways for you, your spouses, and family members to share your gifts and treasures with those less fortunate. I ask your to prayerfully consider how you can help to live out the Gospel message to help care for our brothers and sisters in need. I invite you to visit our website at www. to learn more about how you can become involved, and make a difference. May God continue to bless our Families, our organization, and our work. Sincerely, Deacon Tom ************************************************************************************************


Knights of Columbus Announces Fund to Help Christians

Threatened with Extinction in Iraq


Commits $1 million and seeks public donations for

humanitarian aid to religious minorities

The Knights of Columbus announced today that is establishing a fund to

assist those – particularly Christians as well as other religious minorities

– facing a horrific and violent persecution and possible extinction in Iraq

and the surrounding regions.

The Knights has pledged an initial $500,000 and will match an

additional $500,000 in donations from the public.

“The unprovoked and systematic persecution and violent elimination of

Middle East Christians, as well as other minority groups, especially in

Iraq, has created an enormous humanitarian crisis,” said Supreme Knight

Carl Anderson. “Pope Francis has asked the world for prayers and

support for those affected by this terrible persecution, and we are asking

our members, and all people of good will, to pray for those persecuted and support efforts to assist them by donating to

this fund.”

Anderson added: “It has shocked the conscience of the world that people are systematically being purged from the

region where their families have lived for millennia – simply for their faith. It is imperative that we stand in solidarity

with them in defense of the freedom of conscience, and provide them with whatever relief we can.”

Those seeking to assist with the relief efforts can donate to K of C Christian Refugee Relief by visiting or by sending checks or money orders to: K of C Christian Refugee Relief, Knights of Columbus

Charities, P.O. Box 1966, New Haven, CT 06509-1966.

Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Knights of Columbus Charities, Inc., is recognized by the

Internal Revenue Service as a charitable organization under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, and 100

percent of all donations collected by Knights of Columbus Charities, Inc., will be used for humanitarian assistance for

those Christians – as well as other religious minorities –being persecuted or displaced in Iraq and the surrounding


The Knights of Columbus has a long history of providing humanitarian relief and has done so following Sept. 11, 2001;

last year’s typhoons in the Philippines; Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Sandy; tornadoes nationwide; flooding in Mexico;

and tsunamis in Indonesia and Japan.

In addition, the Knights of Columbus has also long supported persecuted Christians. Throughout the 1920s, the Knights

provided humanitarian assistance and created international awareness of the persecution of the Catholic Church in


The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic fraternal organization with more than 1.8 million members


Dedicated to charity, Knights last year provided more than $170 million and more than 70 million hours to charitable

causes, assisting substantially with several humanitarian disasters from North America to Asia.


From the Vatican, 28 July 2014

His Holiness Pope Francis was pleased to learn that from 5 to 7 August 2014 the 132nd Supreme Convention of the

Knights of Columbus will be held in Orlando, Florida. He has asked me to convey his warm greetings to all those in

attendance, together with the assurance of his closeness in prayer.

The theme of this year’s Supreme Convention - You Will All Be Brothers: Our Vocation to Fraternity - is one

particularly close to the Holy Father’s heart. Faith teaches us that, created in the image and likeness of the triune God and

redeemed by Christ’s sacrifice of atonement, the Church is called to be a community of brothers and sisters who accept

and care for one another and serve as a leaven of reconciliation and unity for the whole human family. In the complex

social and ecclesial situation of late nineteenth century America, this vocation found particular expression in principles of

faith, fraternity and service which guided the establishment of the Knights of Columbus. The fidelity of the Knights to

these high ideals has not only ensured the continued vitality of your Order, but has also contributed, and continues to

contribute, to the mission of the Church at every level and, in particular, to the universal ministry of the Apostolic See.

For this, His Holiness is profoundly grateful.

Just as faith is shaped by charity and bears fruit in good works, so the fraternal spirit inculcated by Father Michael

McGivney and the first Knights of Columbus continues to be fruitful in the numerous charitable activities of the local

Councils which, while meeting the needs of individuals, also build up communities in solidarity and concern for the

common good. Conscious of the sacrifice which this great outpouring of charity entails, His Holiness is confident that the

Knights will continue to draw inspiration from the teaching and example of Christ in order to reach out to others,

especially the poor and disadvantaged, with heartfelt empathy. If service is the soul of that fraternity which builds up

peace (Message for the 2014 World Day of Peace, 10), then every charitable work carried out by your Order should be a

reflection of the love of Christ, alive and at work in the communion of his body, the Church. By dwelling in that love, we

come to see those whom we serve as brothers and sisters; we respect their innate dignity, and we venerate Jesus present

in them (cf. Mt 25:40). Jesus assures us that in giving we also receive (cf. Lk 6:38); our works of charity thus become a

source of spiritual enrichment, for they open our hearts to a transforming encounter with the Lord.

As the distinguished history of your Order clearly shows, the call to fraternity also finds fruitful expression in the virtue

of patriotism and in an active commitment to the growth of an ever more harmonious and just society. His Holiness is

grateful for the active role played by the Knights to resist efforts to restrict religion to the purely personal sphere, to

defend its proper place in the public square and to encourage the lay faithful in their mission of shaping a society which

reflects the truth of Christ and the values of his Kingdom. As he made clear in his Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii

Gaudium, “the earth is our common home, and all of us are brothers and sisters”; consequently, “no one can demand that

religion should be relegated to the inner sanctum of personal life, without influence on societal or national life, without

concern for the soundness of civil institutions, without a right to offer an opinion on events affecting society” (No. 183).



Of particular concern in this regard are the well-known and growing threats to the integrity of marriage and the family.

These call not only for vigilance and a consistent public witness, but also for convincing presentations of Christian moral

teaching in the light of a sound anthropological vision centered on human dignity and the correct use of our God-given

freedom. The Holy Father is grateful for the efforts of your Order to provide its members with ongoing instruction in the

faith and to instill a strong sense of civic responsibility. He is likewise appreciative of the support which the Knights

have given to such important ecclesial initiatives as the forthcoming Assemblies of the Synod of Bishops, which will

treat pastoral challenges facing the family, and the World Meeting of Families to be held next year in Philadelphia. For

the family is the ultimate teacher of that fraternity which unites and builds society on the firm foundations of mutual

respect, justice, mercy and truth.

With these sentiments His Holiness commends the deliberations of the 132nd Supreme Convention to the loving prayers

of Mary, Mother of the Church. Assuring the members of the Supreme Council, and all the Knights and their families, of

a grateful remembrance in his prayers, he cordially imparts his Apostolic Blessing as a pledge of joy and peace in our

Lord Jesus Christ.

Please accept my own prayerful good wishes for the occasion.

Yours sincerely,

Pietro Cardinal Parolin

Secretary of State








August 5, 2014

Today the 5th of August marks the dedication of Rome’s first Marian Basilica; it is said that Mary signaled her choice of

the churches site with an August snowfall. Today we come together to open the 132nd Supreme Convention of the

Knights of Columbus. We open in prayer and thanksgiving to God and our Blessed Mother, Mary. I welcome my brother

bishops and priests; Supreme Officers and Supreme Directors; brother knights their wives and family to Orlando.

These past few months have been difficult and I am reminded by these words, “These are the times that try men’s souls”

words written by Thomas Paine during the American revolutionary war. These words may ring true today to summarize

the state of our world. The first reading from the book of the prophet Jeremiah we hear a similar cry. God asks Jeremiah

to list the sins of the people. Despite this long list of sins, God still offers them hope “you shall be my People and I shall

be your God.” The Church, the world and society face many challenges today and in the future. The Church’s moral and

spiritual teaching and its role in society is been questioned; some ask: Is there a need for God in our world? People’s

behavior is no longer influenced by any standard or moral code. Politics is gridlocked in extreme liberal and conservative

points of view. Greed has led to economic turmoil; people losing their homes and their financial security. Hatred, lack of

respect for human life has brought wars and violence. Hunger and poverty have brought disease and famine. Marriage

and family values are been questioned. Human life itself is dehumanized. These are the challenges we face today and we

ask — what will the future be like?

In all this doom and gloom, Jeremiah reminds us of God’s unconditional love. The challenges we are facing are whether

we are willing to recognize God in our lives and are we willing to have a relationship with Him. Along comes a man

named Jorge Mario Bergoglio who becomes Pope Francis. He captures the world with his humility and simplicity.

Riding on the bus with the other cardinals after his election; paying his hotel bill; riding around in a Ford Focus.

In his first message to the world, he is telling us not to view the world with fear but with the joy of the Gospel. Pope

Francis challenges us to let God into our lives. He illustrates this by telling us that the moon has no lights, but we have to

be like the moon, because the moon reflects the light of the sun just as we must reflect the love of Christ in our lives.

In Matthew’s Gospel we hear Jesus coming to the aid of the disciples in the boat. Jesus walking on the water tells the

scared disciples, “take courage (heart), it is I, do not be afraid” Jesus encounters Peter’s faith or lack of faith. Peter asks

“Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water,” Jesus simply replies “Come” but Peter relies too much on

his own resources so he becomes fearful and begins to sink and cries out, “Lord save me.” Jesus reminds him and you

and me “O you of little faith, why did you doubt.”

Pope Francis reminds us that fear will always be interwoven with our hopes. We need to discern not only our hopes but

also our fear, that our fears will not overcome our hopes and leave us in doubt. The joy of the Gospel is a gift of the Holy

Spirit it is in our relationship with Christ that we overcome all fears and doubts. In Sunday’s readings we heard that

“nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.” The joy we experience in a relationship with Jesus Christ

is more than a simple enthusiasm; it is forged into our lives in our surrender and ultimate trust in Jesus Christ. Jesus

challenges Peter to receive Jesus’ unconditional love. Peter finally accepts Jesus’ love when asked three times “Do You

Love Me.” It is then that Peter finally recognizes and surrenders to Christ’s love. We too are challenged by the trials and

tribulations of life; are we too busy or too self-confident to answer Jesus question “do you love me?”