north platte semi-weekly tribune. (north platte, ne) …...mechanic's clerk little rock, ark.,...

JOHN HERROD Sells tlie above Coffee together with a complete line of STAPLE IW FANCY HUB. Prices Always Reasonable. Highest market Paid For Country Produce.! PEALE'S Wall Paper. Paper Hung by Peale. Paper Cleaner at Peale's. MENTION. Remember the Engineer's May Party to-morr- evening. -- A tew small outbuildings were overturned by storm last acceptable -- A new barn is being built upon the J. C. Orr property in the Second ward, price MINOR H. C. Rennie has been confined to the house for a day or two by sickness. Citv clerk Scharmann is look- - for room feel to his CurtHinman m office 101 yesterday --The the potatoes mortgages the Chicago meeting gation ditch east of which was washed out a short time ago, has been replaced, and the ditch is now supplying water for the land under it. The team to Land-graf- s ice wagon ran away yester- day and smashed up vehicle to some extent. The driver made a in T. H. Agent connect F, M. P. commence its M. po can nicely farmers rickson Omaha of of in to escape when will be upset. to invited. ... . . . or The council fret irrigation remonstrance last has been Whether pointment of Senator as sec- - will or scheme will profitable retary to state of as tion to Lincoln is another story. VT 1 - it ur. r . uonaiason lost ms fine Online colt yester-da- p. The animal was being pas tured at Osgood ranch, became mired in a slough died it could be rescued. C. received this by express several dred plants he set and cultivate this season. propose that another dry season find him without full supply of krout material on Joe is prepar ations to put in three acres of tobacco on Scout's Rest ranch, about the of June. He has of thrifty plants now cultivation, prom ise great results. A. J. who is riding a bicycle from N. Y. to Salt Lake over in North has about ninety miles per He trip for Stearns' bicycle manufacturers and receives $125 month and Cushman claimed that he had so far made trip without puncturing a tire. John Keliher has been offered, and of at kindness of Frank master mecnanic oi the shops here. John is an industrious, stead' young man, and his many friends here trust that he will be to fill new with credit to himself, and the satisfaction of Through the kindness of his O'Kem, clerk Burritt this received large invoice of interesting public for gratuitous distribu- tion. If judiciously used they should be to Mr. Burritt's in spite of the machinations of his envious companions who are pops for The irrigation on side, Messrs. Evans, Hall and Hubbartt, is completion and in a week or ten will be flow- ing it This ditch is of sufficient to 2500 acres of and is that amount of fine, fertile land under it The work on this has been pushed forward without any blow or bluster, one-tent- h of our people it was under construction. It will prove of great financial benefit to and when land under cultivation, it will be near future, it will materially increase the business of Our citizens hail with de light the completion of ever' new irrigation ditch. Thos. Haley is reading- - law office of Fulton Gantt. C. Rennie received two bi cycles yesterday which round a ready sale. Several from town attended a social held at the residence of C. E. Osgood Friday night. Station Olds has been confined to the house with stomach trouble for several past. Until further the Mod ern "Woodmen will hold their meet ings at residence of John Soren- - son. Messrs. Ross and McChesney were at Saturday lay- - iir out several laterals for irri- - gators. The work of buildiner a lateral to the & ditch with the & H. ditch will this week. The countv relier commission is winding nr business, and the members are that city. end draws nigh. The Li. Lt. A. will a highly interesting programme at Y. C. A. rooms on Monday evening- - of next George Goodman holds the of private to Col. Cody, a position which the young the night, man fill. Strawberries are now being" sold in the local market at thirty per box. Those received Sat urday were nice and firm. . Small grain on unirrijrated land is up since the recent rains and are begin ing- - a down town in which ning to more hopeful. putting county crop to headgate vegeta- - of town, attached bles and grain on his father's place just west of city limits. -- uistrict court cierK naaer from an office work him buried at his desk about two extension Cody from injury music Dillon r is -- woric nas oeen on the of & the the the the the the the the the irri- - the is power east did not new Sidney A gether evening, meeting shipped. held this even the prove a the board irriga-on- e, Rudyard Kipling would say, was sent from this i. two-year-o- ld the before :M. Lindsay morning which out He shall a the 10th young under which Cushmau, Syracuse, City, Platte He averaged makes the the per expenses. the Young accepted, the mechanic's clerk Little Rock, Ark., through the Reardon formerly able his his em- ployer. friend Mr. county morning a able encompass only. constructed by now days the capacity land, fullv and probably not the owners, the is which iaihe North the days the Sutherland the secretary showing the emerging avalanche which has for weeks. notice commenced the Dillon rendered. The against afternoon and cabbage making thousands Sunday. position position documents Hearing through city yesterday. The Woman's edition of TnE Tribune, will be issued Fri- day, promises to be a very bright paper. Better send in an order for a few extra copies. About thousand pounds omitted ice per day is loaded into the ex- press car on train No. 2. The con- gealed fluid is used to ice the ship- ments of Oregon salmon. The room occupied by Wm. Landgraf, which was damaged during the fire last week, is being repaired rapidly by W. F. and his assistants. The. dandelion crop on lawns this spring is especially large and it will be well to rid of the plant before it seeds, else the crop next year will be larger. The dry goods the city now close at 8 p. m. each even- ing except Saturday. This new rule went last evening and is appreciated the clerks. The Neville will serve an excellent supper to-morr- night to attendants at the Party. On this occasion mine host Feder-hoo- f will probably do himself proud. evil disposed persons have been pulling up trees recently planted by Val Sharmann on his vacant block in the Third same kind of mean work was done last season. Dr. F. M. Somers has sold his practice to Dr. Hatch and will for Colorado the middle May. Dr. Hatch assumes the prac- tice and The Tribune trusts his professional career will be a successful one. J. A. McMichael and assistants are engaged this week in making a headgate for big lateral being put in by the old ditch company. It is being made in sections here in town and wili be put together at the head of lateral. his for the purpose of collect ing the dog This announce- ment is made so that certain parties will have time send their dosrs to during the in paying the President of the state irrigation association, received a telegram from Governor Holcomb asking if the appointment of R. B. Howell, of Omaha, as secretary of board of irrigation would be satis- factory. President Fort an answer that ap- pointment be held off until w, at which time he would prob- ably be in Lincoln. SEED POTATOES. Colorado Seed. Inquire at Mar- ble Shop. DHE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKL- Y TRIBUNE: TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 30, 1895. Dr. N. McCabe is building a commodious addition to he recently purchased of Louis Burke. Bruno Artz returned this morning from Germany, where he had been for several weeks settling up an es tate which he was sole heir. james .rcoaay nas invested a portion of his spare shekels in a new aluminium trimmed Eagle bi cycle purchased of C. F. Jennings. Eighty-eig- ht type-writte- n pages of filings for irri gation in Lincoln county have been prepared pursuant to the provisions of the new state law upon this subject. ur. $utt, tne new in McDonald's block, has rooms neatly up and is prepared to do all work in his line a satis factory maimer. A. H. Davis is making arrange to move his family from Wellfleet to this probably get The Mr. D., we understand, has purchased the Struther's house on west Front street. Ed J. Hall, editor of Grand Island Free Press, and deputy oil inspector for this district, spent a few in town to-da- y testing the oils sold by the local agent, Claude Weing-and- . -- The North Platte teachers who attended the educational as- - of report the a trom west very and Minnie as oleased the Butte, Wvo.. is her accorded Wm. Brown There recentlv been filed and Fred- - remove office. is forty in clerk's favor morning attend a acres and other Board of Trade for seed grain fur nished people of this county. Five car loads were sent into Lincoln county by the above organization. The ladies of the Baptist sion vircie nave tor a. lawn party and ice-crea- m at the Baptist on Thursday evening, May IJtli. narrow the ditch, which run from the Cody programme and good wagon the lands and Everybody press for town. city to-- the the ap- - a tion Akers be hun hand. Glaser day. master ditch the north water water there ditch knew Platte. render week. cents just kept ranch north reve- nue which by into by the the the his for the purpose of issuing li to the keepers. The present licenses expire and it is necessary that the new ones be granted without delay. yv i n to tne rain last evening the attendance at the Degree of was not ' and one of pari of the programme was water Gates many much stores of effect duly Hotel May Some ward. leave about of round to order to escape Fort, wired requesting dence to water canals dentist fitted in ments glad sition summer hours them. social ing censes saloon to-da- y uwmg Honor social lare-e- . by reason of the absence of some of those who were to participate. However, those present had a de lightful time, and were favored with a supply of refreshments. -- Frank Knott, a boy about seventeen years of age and a son of Joseph Knott, of Hershey, has caused his ble trouble of late by running away from home. His father sent word recently to Sheriff Miller to come and get the boy, as he wanted him taken to the home for the feeble minded. The request was granted and the bov brought to town, but word was subsequently received from the father to the effect that he had changed his mind and did want the boy sent to the home. mi i 3 j xne iaa is at present quarters at the jail. J. J. Sullivan received a little memento from Colonel W. r. wnicn ne prizes very highly and which he assures us 511 1 1 . ti-t f wm oe nanaea aown irom genera tion to generation of the honored Sullivan family. This gift is in the of hearsals the operetta 'West Show for Mr. Sullivan and his family. On. the reverse side of the ticket is written in Colonel Cody's bold hand the follow- ing: "This ticket is given to Jack O 11; j r t i f ouuivan ana iamiiy as lite pass for being the first engineer that ever hauled the Buffalo" Bill's Wild West." Mr. Sullivan is very proud, as well he may be, of the pass and is exhibiting it freely to his many r i t" i i inenas. course unso licited and is evidence that Buffalo Bill never forgets an old friend. Mr. and Mrs. Mcllrath, who are a tour of the world on bicy- cles in interests of the The marshal will soon begin Chicago Ocean, will tax. tax. any resi Mis will will town this afternoon. They left Chicago on the 10th inst, and up to date have averaged about fifty miles per day. At this point they be over two days behind their schedule time on account of the slight ill- ness of Mrs. Mcllrath, which de- layed three days. They are traveling westward, and reaching San Francis o route will be as follows: From San to Japan, then through China and southern India, Persia, Asia Minor, continental Europe, and then return to America. The object of the trip is to establish correspond- ents in the territories that are not reached by associated press. Arthur Hoagland and Fred Hart-ma- n rode down to Cottonwood to meet the couple. TO THE LADIES. I suppose a great many of you are looking formard to the May Party. Your toilet will not be complete without one of our new Sterling Silver boquet holders. We also have a fine line of side combs, hair pins, belts, collaretts and Sterling Silver fan holders. You certainly will want one of those fine long chains. for your watch; they are the latest, and one very pretty. CLINTON, THE JEWELER. PURELY PERSONAL. Mrs. Loren Whelpley returned to Fremont yesterday. state secretary Evans was in town yesterday on Fowles. of tran sacted business in this city to-da- y C. L. Wood leaves this week for a trip to California in search of an el dorado. Geo. W. Dillard made a business trine to Omaha, returning" home l. w last night. 'r Mrs. Geo: E. French and son Frank returned Saturday morning from Denver. Mrs. Claude Weingand has been spending the past few days with her parents at Lodge Pole. Mrs. Hosford, mother of our countv suoermtendent, came in week meeting tIie yesterday morning. instructive one express Mrs. Powers, of Red themselves well with eruest of treatment parents, Mr. and Mrs. have Wm- - Smallwood Fred went of Keith don't of arranged parsonage Interesting printing publica- - and laid country bountiful demented parents considera occupying Sunday vouy, was making will Fran- cisco Deputy business. Maxwell, Mystic Shriners. J. E. Baker wen to Juniata, Sat urday to visit his daughter, Mrs. Thos. Hughes. He will probablv be home w. Messrs. Smith, Plumer and Rob erts, of Maxwell, and the Mathew- - son brothers, or Bradv, were in town on business yesterday. Jas. Cotton leaves to-morr- for Houston, Texas, via Kansas City. G. R. Hammond accompanies him each having live stock to look while in transit. G. Washington Winkowitch, the bantam engineer of the Union Pa cific system, was in this Sun day renewing old acquaintance- ships. At present he is hostling at Sidney. Henry Goodman came down from Denver Saturday. Mrs. Goodman arrived on this-morning'- s train and J. A. is now happy. Josie will'stay in Denver until the of school. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Hammond leave to-morr- ow for Webster, Texas, where they will probablv make their future home. For more than twenty years they have been highly esteemed citizens of North Platte and they will be greatly missed by all acquaintances. The Tribune regrets to have Mr. and Mrs. H. leave us, but assures them that its best wishes accompany them to their Texas home. A car with a capacity of 80,000 pounds belonging to the Carnegie Co., of Pittsburg, Pa., at tracted considerable attention this morning in the railway yards. The frame-wor- k of the car was almost wholly of iron. The operetta of "The Three joears, wnicn nas oeen in course of preparation for several weeks under the direction of Prof. Gar- - lich, will be given at Lloyd's opera house on the evening of May 21st. Those who have attended the re- - shape a, life pass to the Wild pronounce a a ic or the Inter reach them after their the Russ after city Miss close Steel very pretty one, abounding with catchy music and entertaining drills. Prof. Garlich is considered an excellent instructor and the presentation of the play promises to be complete in every detail. The admission will be fifty cents for adults and twenty-fiv- e cents for children. Lincoln county, or at least a good portion of it, was visited by a rain last evening; not one of the sizzle-sozzle-for-- fif te e n-- m i n u t e s variety, but more of the nature of a gentle cloudburst, and it continued for six times fifteen minutes. And to-da- y eveybody is happy, is smil ing, and ready to swear bv the eat horn spoon that Lincoln county will raise enough produce this season to glut the Chicago market A quarter section of land in the sand-hill- s is worth $500 more to-da- y than it was yesterday, and real estate in the city has ad- vanced ten per cent in price. It was a great rain, the total fall be ing ninety-seve- n one hundredths of an inch. "PIiANT TREES," Editor Tribune: The beauty and glory of a city are nice shady streets. More especially would it be the case out on the bleak prairies of western Nebraska, and condi- tions are now such that North Platte can be made a perfect gem at a very moderate expense. Rival irrigating canals run on the north and south sides of the city, and arrangements might be made with one of them to run a lateral across the west side of the city so that water could be furnished for all the streets running east and west for the purpose of irrigating trees planted along the side walks on both sides of the streets. The city might contract for trees and the owners of lots pay for trees in front of same. In a very few years we could have over a mile square of shady streets. The trees would make the streets cool and would be a great protection against the spread of fire and the destruc- tion of tornados. Now is the time lo make prepara- tion and next fall or spring have the trees put out. - James Belton. The Gordon cornet band will if the weather is fair, give its initial street concert next Saturday even ing. The boys are having made a large lamp with which to provide them light, and they will not appear as early in the evening as they did last summer. A subscription pa- per will be circulated to which our business men should liberally re spond. The following is the; programme for its initial concert Approach of spring Zikoff La Petite Coquette Polka Eollinson Liberty Bell Sousa Anthony and Cleopatra, Serenade Smith Reminiscences of the War Beyer Gold Dust Overture Berdan Approach of the Lion Belford Sanspareil Polka Frankenfleld Selections from Erminie Jakobowski Selections from Maritana Wallace Wine, Wife and Song Strauss High School Cadets Sousa Should any one miss his "slicker" during the present rainy season it might be well for him to consult road-mast- er Wm. Connors, as that gentleman admitted that he had been out of the use of one of those necessary articles for two years, putting off the purchase of one for that length of time until he knew that it could rain in Lincoln county. Latest Styles of WINDOW SHADES with fringe, AT PEALE'S. Harrv Slack is making some improvements to his residence on west Fifth street Charley Woods, formerly cook at the Vienna, will turn his atten- tion to farm ing on land located near Sutherland. The buffalo gnat is thus early making life a burden for the indi vidual who is exposed to his insid ious attacks. Buffalo county is out 541,000 by reason oi suspension of several banks in the county. Special offer, for thirty days only I will furnish Pastel potraits 16x20 in nice frame for onlv S2.75. Satisfaction Wm. Muxson, Agent. For Sale or Trade, The White Elephant barn. Also several vacant lots. Will trade for ditch or hay land, or cattle. The above property is clear of incum brance. Inquire of T. R. BANGS. Homeseekers Excursions. On April 30th, May 21st andi June 11th, 1895, the Union Pacific System will sell tickets from Mis souri River points and stations in Kansas and Nebraska, to points south and west in Nebraska and! Kansas, also to Colorado, Wyom ing, Utah and Idaho, east ot Weiser and south of Beaver Canon, at rate of one first class standard fare for the round trip. Minimum rate $7. See your nearest Union Pacific ticket agent. E. L. Lomax, Gen'l Pass, and Ticket Agent, Omaha, Neb. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Baking Powder Absolutely pure Has no superior no equal. It is the result of studied im- provement in milling machinery the product of the hard, excellent wheat of the north. If you are not using the MOST Washburn Flour, try it. JOHN HERROD, SPURR'S DELICIOUS o COFFEE IN REVERE When Buying Minneapolis EOUR Washburn's Superlative & T0BIN, SOLE ACTS, PLATTE, NEB Hotel Neville . . A Kewly Furnished "Up to Date" A Table that Always Pleases. May Party Banquet served' at this hostelry. . . SOLE AGENT. WORLD MOCHA HARRINGTON' NEW HOTEL Throughout. Equipments. Federhoof, Haying removed my stock of books, sta- tionery, wall-pape- r, etc., TO OTTMAN BUILDING (the old book store stand), shall pleased to have everyone call on me when anything- - in my ine is de- sired. First class stock in all branches. LABRADOR'S COAST. Barren Shores, Rolling Sorgo and Many Icebergs Malce It Dangerous. The most northorly lighthouse on the coast of this continent stands on Bolle islo, at the head of tho straits of that namo, a northeast of Newfound-lau- d. By what freak of tasto it was called Belle islo I cannot say, for oven tho old navigators had such a horror of it that on their charts they marked it with tho figure of a demon. Tho morning the littlo mail steamer on which I cruised "down ou the Lab- rador," as tho Newfoundlanders say, plunged and rolled it through the surge the rugged mass of rock cronch-e- d thero as if ready to seize its prey of ships and human lives. Tho surf, un- - at our distance, around free reclining chair its base liko a long row of glistening teeth. A huge iceberg had drifted iu and lay stranded at ono end of tho is- land; far up on the rocks was tho light- house; on a below stood a little hut, with provisions, for shipwrecked sailors; the gray morning mists made these look heavy and sodden, and alto- gether this of Belle islo was tho most desolate sceno I had over be- hold. Over our bow tho barren coast of Labrador was faintly outlined, and as the last lighthouso on tho continent drop- ped astern I felt that wo wero indeed drawing away from civilization, and this feeling was strengthened when, as we turned our prow northward, we sighted tho vanguard of the seemingly endless procession of huge drift- ing slowly down in single file from the mysterious regions of tho north. Wo had mot with single bergs along the Newfoundland coast, but off Labra- dor they a constant and unspeak- ably grand featuro in tho seaward view. I doubt if they can be seen any- where else except in arctic and antarctic waters in such numbers, variety and grandeur. Tho branch of tho gulf stream which pushes its way into tho Arctic ocean has sufficient force left when it is reflected by tho frozen northorn bound ary of that sea to send an icy current down along tho Labrador coast. Prac- tically all the bergs that break loose from the ice sheathed shores of Green land aro borno southward by this cur rent. One morning, when I went upon deck, I counted no less than 135 huge ones. Somo of wero groat solid blocks of ico; others wero arched with Gothic passageways; somo reached with spireliko grace high up into tho air. All reflected with pris- matic glory the rays of tho sun. Gustav Kobbe in St. Nicholas. For information regard-- ! ing the Great Irrigation Belt of Lincoln Co., write; theLincoln Co. Immierra- - ition Association. North Platte, Nebraska. SMOKERS J In search of a good cigar X will always find it at J. F. Schmalzried's. Try them and judge. Subscribe for the Tribune. Why not get the BEST? It is sold by THE o ! AND NORTH f Try Our Sunday Dinner. J. C. Prop. THE be little past shelf theso 'Notice. I desire toell the hay crop for 1895, on the large Sidney Dillon Island located at Sutherland, sec- tions 2, 3, 4, 5, town 13 north, and sections 33, 34, 35 and 36, in town 14 north, all in range 34 west, to the highest bidder for cash. Bids will be received up to July 1st, 1895, and reserve the right to reject any all bids. N. B. OLDS. NO REGRETS If you mako tho trip via tho Chicago, Union Pacific & Northwestern Line. Fewest changes to Chicago and other eastern oities. Through vestibuled trains composed of dining cars, first and second heard flashed class sle?pers aQd glimpse icebergs became numerous cars. For full information call on or address N. B. Olds, Agent U. P. System. florth piatte Normal Commencing June 24th, endinif August 3d. Six weeks of work. A chance for students and teachers to prepare for next year. JRST'Send for announcement J. C. ORR, ) E.-D- . SNYDER rood Inst. Horses for Sale. A number of horses and mules of all ages, among the assets of the North Platte National Bank, are for sale. These horses are of all kinds, suitable for farm horses, drivers, or saddle ponies. Will be sold very cheap. Also for sale, a lot of second hand farm implements. Enquire at the bank. ni23 Mirrox Doolittle, Receiver. Overshoes good and cheap at Otten's Shoe Store. Ftf Remember in order to get pure, clean and healthy spring water ice, contract with Harpy Lamplugh. HORSES APPLY TO & CO. & Co's. JAVA f&nngei1 For Sale! HERSHEY Studebaker "Wagons Hershey at All accounts due H. Ottcn & Co. are payable at Otten's Shoe Store. The firm having dissolved, a settlement is urgently requested, that books ma' be balanced. Ftf H. Ottex. For sale, a six-roo- m house on Fifth street just east of the brick school house. For price and terms, apply to Mrs. F. Barraclough. p and

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Page 1: North Platte Semi-Weekly Tribune. (North Platte, NE) …...mechanic's clerk Little Rock, Ark., through the Reardon formerly able his his em-ployer. friend Mr. county morning a able

JOHN HERRODSells tlie above Coffee

together with a complete line of

STAPLE IW FANCY HUB.Prices Always Reasonable.

Highest marketPaid For Country Produce.!

PEALE'SWall Paper.Paper Hung by Peale.Paper Cleaner at Peale's.


Remember the Engineer's MayParty to-morr- evening.

--A tew small outbuildings wereoverturned by storm last acceptable

--A new barn is being built uponthe J. C. Orr property in the Secondward,



H. C. Rennie has been confinedto the house for a day or two bysickness.

Citv clerk Scharmann is look--for room feel

to his CurtHinman m office 101 yesterday

--The the potatoes mortgages the Chicago meeting

gation ditch east of whichwas washed out a short time ago,has been replaced, and the ditch isnow supplying water for the landunder it.

The team to Land-graf- s

ice wagon ran away yester-day and smashed up vehicle tosome extent. The driver made a




connect F, M.P. commence






rickson Omaha

of of in to

escape when will beupset. to invited.... . . .or The council fret

irrigation remonstrance lasthas been Whether pointment of Senator as sec- - will or

scheme will profitable retary to state ofas tion to Lincoln

is another story.VT 1 - itur. r . uonaiason lost ms

fine Online colt yester-da-p.

The animal was being pastured at Osgood ranch, becamemired in a slough diedit could be rescued.

C. received thisby express several

dred plants heset and cultivate this season.

propose that another dryseason find him without fullsupply of krout material on

Joe is preparations to put in three acres oftobacco on Scout's Rest ranch,about the of June. He has

of thrifty plantsnow cultivation, promise great results.

A. J. who is riding abicycle from N. Y. to SaltLake over in North

has aboutninety miles per He

trip for Stearns' bicyclemanufacturers and receives $125

month and Cushmanclaimed that he had so far madetrip without puncturing a tire.

John Keliher has beenoffered, andof at

kindnessof Frank mastermecnanic oi the shops here. Johnis an industrious, stead' youngman, and his many friends heretrust that he will be to fillnew with credit to himself,and the satisfaction of

Through the kindness of hisO'Kem, clerk

Burritt this receivedlarge invoice of interesting public

for gratuitous distribu-tion. If judiciously used theyshould be to Mr.Burritt's in spite ofthe machinations of his enviouscompanions who are pops for

The irrigation onside, Messrs.

Evans, Hall and Hubbartt, iscompletion and in a week

or ten will be flow-ing it This ditch is ofsufficient to 2500acres of and isthat amount of fine, fertile landunder it The work on thishas been pushed forward withoutany blow or bluster,

one-tent- h of our people itwas under construction. It willprove of great financial benefit to

and when landunder cultivation, it will be

near future, it will materiallyincrease the business of

Our citizens hail with delight the completion of ever' newirrigation ditch.

Thos. Haley is reading-- lawoffice of Fulton Gantt.

C. Rennie received two bicycles yesterday which round aready sale.

Several from town attended asocial held at the residence of C. E.Osgood Friday night.

Station Olds has beenconfined to the house with stomachtrouble for several past.

Until further the Modern "Woodmen will hold their meetings at residence of John Soren- -

son.Messrs. Ross and McChesney

were at Saturday lay- -

iir out several laterals for irri--

gators.The work of buildiner a lateral

to the & ditch withthe & H. ditch willthis week.

The countv relier commissionis winding nr business, and themembers are that city.

end draws nigh.The Li. Lt. A. will a

highly interesting programme atY. C. A. rooms on Monday

evening- - of nextGeorge Goodman holds the

of private to Col.Cody, a position which the young

the night, man fill.

Strawberries are now being"sold in the local market at thirty

per box. Those received Saturday were nice and firm.. Small grain on unirrijratedland is up since therecent rains and are begin

ing- - a down town in which ning to more hopeful.

putting county crop to

headgate vegeta-- oftown,


bles and grain on his father's placejust west of city limits.

--uistrict court cierK naaerfrom an

office work himburied at his desk about two

extension Codyfrom injury music



-- woric nas oeen onthe of &









irri- -


ispower east did not

new Sidney A gether evening, meetingshipped. held this even

the prove a the board irriga-on- e,

Rudyard Kipling would say, was sent from this

i.two-year-o- ld


:M. Lindsaymorning


Heshall a


youngunder which


City, PlatteHe averaged

makesthe the

per expenses.the

Youngaccepted, the

mechanic's clerk LittleRock, Ark., through the

Reardon formerly

able his

his em-ployer.

friend Mr. countymorning a

able encompass


constructed bynow

days the

capacityland, fullv

and probablynot

the owners, the iswhich










emerging avalanchewhich has



commencedthe Dillon













city yesterday.The Woman's edition of TnE

Tribune, will be issued Fri-day, promises to be a very brightpaper. Better send in an order fora few extra copies.

About thousand pounds omittedice per day is loaded into the ex-

press car on train No. 2. The con-

gealed fluid is used to ice the ship-ments of Oregon salmon.

The room occupied by Wm.Landgraf, which was damaged

during the fire last week, isbeing repaired rapidly by W. F.

and his assistants.The. dandelion crop on

lawns this spring is especially largeand it will be well to rid of theplant before it seeds, else the cropnext year will be larger.

The dry goods thecity now close at 8 p. m. each even-ing except Saturday. This newrule went last eveningand is appreciated theclerks.

The Neville will serve anexcellent supper to-morr- nightto attendants at the Party.On this occasion mine host Feder-hoo- f

will probably do himselfproud.

evil disposed personshave been pulling up trees recentlyplanted by Val Sharmann on hisvacant block in the Third

same kind of mean work wasdone last season.

Dr. F. M. Somers has sold hispractice to Dr. Hatch and willfor Colorado the middleMay. Dr. Hatch assumes the prac-tice and The Tribunetrusts his professional career willbe a successful one.

J. A. McMichael and assistantsare engaged this week in making aheadgate for big lateral beingput in by the old ditch company.It is being made in sections here intown and wili be put together atthe head of lateral.

his for the purpose of collecting the dog This announce-ment is made so that certain partieswill have time send their dosrs to

during the inpaying the

President of the stateirrigation association, received atelegram from Governor Holcombasking if the appointment of R. B.Howell, of Omaha, as secretary ofboard of irrigation would be satis-factory. President Fort ananswer that ap-pointment be held off until w,

at which time he would prob-ably be in Lincoln.

SEED POTATOES.Colorado Seed. Inquire at Mar-

ble Shop.


Dr. N. McCabe is building acommodious addition to

he recently purchased of LouisBurke.

Bruno Artz returned this morningfrom Germany, where he had beenfor several weeks settling up an estate which he was sole heir.

james .rcoaay nas invested aportion of his spare shekels in anew aluminium trimmed Eagle bicycle purchased of C. F. Jennings.

Eighty-eig-ht type-writte- n

pages of filings for irrigation in Lincoln countyhave been prepared pursuant to theprovisions of the new state lawupon this subject.

ur. $utt, tne new inMcDonald's block, has roomsneatly up and is prepared todo all work in his line a satisfactory maimer.

A. H. Davis is making arrangeto move his family from

Wellfleet to thisprobably



Mr. D., weunderstand, has purchased theStruther's house on west Frontstreet.

Ed J. Hall, editor of GrandIsland Free Press, and deputy oilinspector for this district, spent afew in town to-da- y testingthe oils sold by the local agent,Claude Weing-and- .

--The North Platte teacherswho attended the educational as- -

of report the a trom westvery and Minnie

as oleased the Butte, Wvo.. is heraccorded Wm. Brown

There recentlv been filed and Fred--

remove office. is forty in clerk'sfavor morning attend aacres and other

Board of Trade for seed grain furnished people of this county. Fivecar loads were sent into Lincolncounty by the above organization.

The ladies of the Baptistsion vircie nave tor a.lawn party and ice-crea- m atthe Baptist on Thursdayevening, May IJtli.

narrow the ditch, which run from the Cody programme and goodwagon the lands and Everybody

press for town. city to--the the ap- - ation Akers be





ditch thenorth










ranch north









for the purpose of issuing lito the keepers. The

present licenses expireand it is necessary that the newones be granted without delay.

yv i nto tne rain last eveningthe attendance at the Degree of

was not ' andone of pari of the programme was



muchstores of






leaveabout of



order to escape















ingcenses saloon

to-da- y


Honor social lare-e- .

by reason of the absence of some ofthose who were to participate.However, those present had a delightful time, and were favored witha supply of refreshments.

--Frank Knott, a boyabout seventeen years of age anda son of Joseph Knott, of Hershey,has caused hisble trouble of late by running awayfrom home. His father sent wordrecently to Sheriff Miller to comeand get the boy, as he wanted himtaken to the home for the feebleminded. The request was grantedand the bov brought to town, butword was subsequently receivedfrom the father to the effect thathe had changed his mind and didwant the boy sent to the home.mi i 3 jxne iaa is at presentquarters at the jail.

J. J. Sullivan receiveda little memento from Colonel W.r. wnicn ne prizes veryhighly and which he assures us

511 1 1 . ti-t fwm oe nanaea aown irom generation to generation of the honoredSullivan family. This gift is inthe of hearsals the operetta'West Show for Mr. Sullivanand his family. On. the reverseside of the ticket is written inColonel Cody's bold hand the follow-ing: "This ticket is given to JackO 11; j r t i fouuivan ana iamiiy as lite passfor being the first engineer thatever hauled the Buffalo" Bill's WildWest." Mr. Sullivan is very proud,as well he may be, of the pass andis exhibiting it freely to his manyr i t" i iinenas. course unsolicited and is evidence that BuffaloBill never forgets an old friend.

Mr. and Mrs. Mcllrath, who area tour of the world on bicy-

cles in interests of theThe marshal will soon begin Chicago Ocean, will








town this afternoon. They leftChicago on the 10th inst, and up todate have averaged about fifty milesper day. At this point they beover two days behind their scheduletime on account of the slight ill-

ness of Mrs. Mcllrath, which de-

layed three days. They aretraveling westward, andreaching San Francis o routewill be as follows: From San

to Japan, then through Chinaand southern India, Persia, AsiaMinor, continental Europe, and thenreturn to America. The object ofthe trip is to establish correspond-ents in the territories that are notreached by associated press.Arthur Hoagland and Fred Hart-ma- n

rode down to Cottonwood tomeet the couple.


I suppose a great many of you are looking formard to theMay Party. Your toilet will not be complete without one ofour new Sterling Silver boquet holders. We also have a fine

line of side combs, hair pins, belts, collaretts and SterlingSilver fan holders. You certainly will want one of those fine

long chains. for your watch; they are the latest, and one very



Mrs. Loren Whelpley returned toFremont yesterday.

state secretary Evans wasin town yesterday on

Fowles. of transacted business in this city to-da- y

C. L. Wood leaves this week for atrip to California in search of an eldorado.

Geo. W. Dillard made a businesstrine to Omaha, returning" home

l. w

last night. 'r

Mrs. Geo: E. French and sonFrank returned Saturday morningfrom Denver.

Mrs. Claude Weingand has beenspending the past few days withher parents at Lodge Pole.

Mrs. Hosford, mother of ourcountv suoermtendent, came in

week meeting tIie yesterday morning.instructive one express Mrs. Powers, of Red

themselves well with eruest oftreatment parents, Mr. and Mrs.

have Wm- - Smallwood Fredwent






printingpublica- - and





parents considera










Mystic Shriners.J. E. Baker wen to Juniata, Sat

urday to visit his daughter, Mrs.Thos. Hughes. He will probablvbe home w.

Messrs. Smith, Plumer and Roberts, of Maxwell, and the Mathew--son brothers, or Bradv, were intown on business yesterday.

Jas. Cotton leaves to-morr- forHouston, Texas, via Kansas City.G. R. Hammond accompanies himeach having live stock to lookwhile in transit.

G. Washington Winkowitch, thebantam engineer of the Union Pacific system, was in this Sunday renewing old acquaintance-ships. At present he is hostling atSidney.

Henry Goodman came down fromDenver Saturday. Mrs. Goodmanarrived on this-morning'- s train andJ. A. is now happy. Josiewill'stay in Denver until theof school.

Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Hammondleave to-morr- ow for Webster, Texas,where they will probablv maketheir future home. For more thantwenty years they have been highlyesteemed citizens of North Platteand they will be greatly missed byall acquaintances. The Tribuneregrets to have Mr. and Mrs. H.leave us, but assures them that itsbest wishes accompany them totheir Texas home.

A car with a capacity of 80,000pounds belonging to the Carnegie

Co., of Pittsburg, Pa., attracted considerable attention thismorning in the railway yards. Theframe-wor- k of the car was almostwholly of iron.

The operetta of "The Threejoears, wnicn nas oeen in courseof preparation for several weeksunder the direction of Prof. Gar- -lich, will be given at Lloyd's operahouse on the evening of May 21st.Those who have attended the re- -

shape a, life pass to the Wild pronounce a


ic or

theInter reach









very pretty one, abounding withcatchy music and entertainingdrills. Prof. Garlich is consideredan excellent instructor and thepresentation of the play promisesto be complete in every detail. Theadmission will be fifty cents foradults and twenty-fiv- e cents forchildren.

Lincoln county, or at least agood portion of it, was visited by arain last evening; not one of thesizzle-sozzle-for--

fif te e n--m i n u t e svariety, but more of the nature of agentle cloudburst, and it continuedfor six times fifteen minutes. Andto-da- y eveybody is happy, is smiling, and ready to swear bv the

eat horn spoon that Lincolncounty will raise enough producethis season to glut the Chicagomarket A quarter section of landin the sand-hill- s is worth $500more to-da- y than it was yesterday,and real estate in the city has ad-vanced ten per cent in price. Itwas a great rain, the total fall being ninety-seve- n one hundredths ofan inch.


Editor Tribune: The beautyand glory of a city are nice shadystreets. More especially would itbe the case out on the bleak prairiesof western Nebraska, and condi-

tions are now such that NorthPlatte can be made a perfect gemat a very moderate expense. Rivalirrigating canals run on the northand south sides of the city, andarrangements might be made withone of them to run a lateral acrossthe west side of the city so thatwater could be furnished for all thestreets running east and west forthe purpose of irrigating treesplanted along the side walks onboth sides of the streets.

The city might contract for treesand the owners of lots pay for treesin front of same. In a very fewyears we could have over a milesquare of shady streets. The treeswould make the streets cool andwould be a great protection againstthe spread of fire and the destruc-tion of tornados.

Now is the time lo make prepara-tion and next fall or spring havethe trees put out.

- James Belton.The Gordon cornet band will if

the weather is fair, give its initialstreet concert next Saturday evening. The boys are having made alarge lamp with which to providethem light, and they will not appearas early in the evening as they didlast summer. A subscription pa-per will be circulated to which ourbusiness men should liberally respond. The following is the;programme for its initial concertApproach of spring ZikoffLa Petite Coquette Polka EollinsonLiberty Bell SousaAnthony and Cleopatra, Serenade SmithReminiscences of the War BeyerGold Dust Overture BerdanApproach of the Lion BelfordSanspareil Polka FrankenfleldSelections from Erminie JakobowskiSelections from Maritana WallaceWine, Wife and Song StraussHigh School Cadets Sousa

Should any one miss his"slicker" during the present rainyseason it might be well for him toconsult road-mast- er Wm. Connors,as that gentleman admitted thathe had been out of the use of oneof those necessary articles for twoyears, putting off the purchase ofone for that length of time until heknew that it could rain in Lincolncounty.

Latest Styles ofWINDOW SHADES

with fringe,AT PEALE'S.

Harrv Slack is making someimprovements to his residence onwest Fifth street

Charley Woods, formerly cookat the Vienna, will turn his atten-tion to farm ing on land located nearSutherland.

The buffalo gnat is thus earlymaking life a burden for the individual who is exposed to his insidious attacks.

Buffalo county is out 541,000 byreason oi suspension of severalbanks in the county.

Special offer, for thirty daysonly I will furnish Pastel potraits16x20 in nice frame for onlv S2.75.Satisfaction

Wm. Muxson, Agent.

For Sale or Trade,The White Elephant barn. Also

several vacant lots. Will trade forditch or hay land, or cattle. Theabove property is clear of incumbrance. Inquire of


Homeseekers Excursions.On April 30th, May 21st andi

June 11th, 1895, the Union PacificSystem will sell tickets from Missouri River points and stations inKansas and Nebraska, to pointssouth and west in Nebraska and!Kansas, also to Colorado, Wyoming, Utah and Idaho, east ot Weiserand south of Beaver Canon, at rateof one first class standard fare forthe round trip. Minimum rate $7.

See your nearest Union Pacificticket agent. E. L. Lomax,Gen'l Pass, and Ticket Agent,

Omaha, Neb.

Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report


Absolutely pure

Has no superior no equal. It is the result of studied im-

provement in milling machinery the product of the hard,excellent wheat of the north. If you are not using the


Washburn Flour, try it.





When BuyingMinneapolis


Washburn's Superlative


Hotel Neville . .

AKewly Furnished"Up to Date"A Table that Always Pleases.

May Party Banquet served'at this hostelry. . .





NEW HOTELThroughout.



Haying removed my stock of books, sta-tionery, wall-pape- r, etc.,

TO OTTMAN BUILDING(the old book store stand), shall pleased to have

everyone call on me when anything- - in my ine is de-sired. First class stock in all branches.


Barren Shores, Rolling Sorgo and ManyIcebergs Malce It Dangerous.

The most northorly lighthouse on thecoast of this continent stands on Bolleislo, at the head of tho straits of thatnamo, a northeast of Newfound-lau- d.

By what freak of tasto it wascalled Belle islo I cannot say, for oventho old navigators had such a horror ofit that on their charts they marked itwith tho figure of a demon.

Tho morning the littlo mail steameron which I cruised "down ou the Lab-rador," as tho Newfoundlanders say,plunged and rolled it through thesurge the rugged mass of rock cronch-e- d

thero as if ready to seize its prey ofships and human lives. Tho surf, un- -

at our distance, around free reclining chairits base liko a long row of glisteningteeth. A huge iceberg had drifted iuand lay stranded at ono end of tho is-

land; far up on the rocks was tho light-house; on a below stood a littlehut, with provisions, for shipwreckedsailors; the gray morning mists madethese look heavy and sodden, and alto-gether this of Belle islo wastho most desolate sceno I had over be-

hold. Over our bow tho barren coast ofLabrador was faintly outlined, and as thelast lighthouso on tho continent drop-ped astern I felt that wo wero indeeddrawing away from civilization, andthis feeling was strengthened when, aswe turned our prow northward, wesighted tho vanguard of the seeminglyendless procession of huge drift-ing slowly down in single file from themysterious regions of tho north.

Wo had mot with single bergs alongthe Newfoundland coast, but off Labra-dor they a constant and unspeak-ably grand featuro in tho seawardview. I doubt if they can be seen any-where else except in arctic and antarcticwaters in such numbers, variety andgrandeur. Tho branch of tho gulf streamwhich pushes its way into tho Arcticocean has sufficient force left when it isreflected by tho frozen northorn boundary of that sea to send an icy currentdown along tho Labrador coast. Prac-tically all the bergs that break loosefrom the ice sheathed shores of Greenland aro borno southward by this current. One morning, when I went upondeck, I counted no less than 135 hugeones. Somo of wero groat solidblocks of ico; others wero arched with

Gothic passageways; somoreached with spireliko grace high upinto tho air. All reflected with pris-matic glory the rays of tho sun. GustavKobbe in St. Nicholas.

For information regard-- !ing the Great IrrigationBelt of Lincoln Co., write;theLincoln Co. Immierra- -

ition Association. NorthPlatte, Nebraska.

SMOKERS JIn search of a good cigar X

will always find it at J.F. Schmalzried's. Trythem and judge.

Subscribe for theTribune.

Why not get the BEST?

It is sold by

THE o !



f Try Our Sunday Dinner.

J. C. Prop.







'Notice.I desire toell the hay crop for

1895, on the large Sidney DillonIsland located at Sutherland, sec-tions 2, 3, 4, 5, town 13 north, andsections 33, 34, 35 and 36, in town14 north, all in range 34 west, tothe highest bidder for cash. Bidswill be received up to July 1st,1895, and reserve the right to rejectany all bids. N. B. OLDS.

NO REGRETSIf you mako tho trip via tho Chicago,Union Pacific & Northwestern Line.Fewest changes to Chicago and othereastern oities. Through vestibuled trainscomposed of dining cars, first and second

heard flashed class sle?pers aQd





cars.For full information call on or address

N. B. Olds,Agent U. P. System.

florth piatte Normal

Commencing June 24th,endinif August 3d.

Six weeks of work. Achance for students and teachers toprepare for next year.

JRST'Send for announcement

J. C. ORR, )




Horses for Sale.A number of horses and mules of

all ages, among the assets of theNorth Platte National Bank, arefor sale. These horses are of allkinds, suitable for farm horses,drivers, or saddle ponies. Will besold very cheap. Also for sale, alot of second hand farm implements.Enquire at the bank.ni23 Mirrox Doolittle, Receiver.

Overshoes good and cheap atOtten's Shoe Store. Ftf

Remember in order to get pure,clean and healthy spring water ice,contract with Harpy Lamplugh.



& CO.

& Co's.



For Sale!


Studebaker "WagonsHershey


All accounts due H. Ottcn &Co. are payable at Otten's ShoeStore. The firm having dissolved,a settlement is urgently requested,that books ma' be balanced.

Ftf H. Ottex.

For sale, a six-roo- m house onFifth street just east of the brickschool house. For price and terms,apply to Mrs. F. Barraclough.

