nonanalytic functions of absolutely convergent fourier series


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Page 1: Nonanalytic Functions of Absolutely Convergent Fourier Series

Nonanalytic Functions of Absolutely Convergent Fourier SeriesAuthor(s): Walter RudinSource: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,Vol. 41, No. 4 (Apr. 15, 1955), pp. 238-240Published by: National Academy of SciencesStable URL: .

Accessed: 08/05/2014 02:53

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Page 2: Nonanalytic Functions of Absolutely Convergent Fourier Series

1, ... , n - 1, go into circles, Ci, where the center of C, is fixed and the center C2 is constrained to lie on a vertical line L through the center of C,. T is the re- ction in L, and the set of D admitting it3 consists of those for which the centers all Ci lie on L, thus depending on n - 2 centers and n - 1 radii = 2n - 3 = - 1 parameters.

On the Transcendental Moduli of Algebraic Riemann Surfaces" (hereafter referred to as the 'st note"), these PROCEEDINGS, 41, 42, 1955; "On Moduli in Conformal Mapping" (hereafter ,rred to as the "second note") these PROCEEDINGS, 41, 176, 1955. The notation in these notes arried over intact. Severi-Loffler, Vorlesungen iiber algebraische Geometrie (Leipzig; 1921). That is, those which admit T and are also of the type having hyperelliptic double-obviously re are others admitting T.




Communicated by Einar Hille, February 15, 1955

We denote by A the set of all complex-valued functions f of the form co

f(O) =c cZei"" (-r < < Tr)

lh E c,n < oo. The subset A + of A consists of all f in A for which Cn = 0 Lenever n < 0. With every f in A + there is associated an absolutely convergent wer series

F(z) E cnz, (I j< 1)

ch that F(ei?) = f(O). A famous theorem of Wienerl and L6vy2 asserts that, if f belongs to A and if < is 'unction which is analytic at every point of the range3 of f, then the composite nction4 6 o f also belongs to A. The principal result of this note (Theorem 2) ows that the conclusion of the Wiener-Levy theorem may fail to hold even if there only one point in the range of f at which 6 is merely continuous and not analytic. le special case in which 4 is the square root leads to the impossibility of certain Atorizations in the convolution algebra L1. Our method is geometric and requires no computation. It depends on the Rie- mnn mapping theorem and on the following two relations between rectifiability d absolute convergence of power series on the closed unit disk:

THEOREM 1. Let F(z) = E cnZn be analytic in z l < 1 and continuous on zI 0


(i) If E | c | < c, then F maps every radius of the unit disk into a rectifiable curve.

1, ... , n - 1, go into circles, Ci, where the center of C, is fixed and the center C2 is constrained to lie on a vertical line L through the center of C,. T is the re- ction in L, and the set of D admitting it3 consists of those for which the centers all Ci lie on L, thus depending on n - 2 centers and n - 1 radii = 2n - 3 = - 1 parameters.

On the Transcendental Moduli of Algebraic Riemann Surfaces" (hereafter referred to as the 'st note"), these PROCEEDINGS, 41, 42, 1955; "On Moduli in Conformal Mapping" (hereafter ,rred to as the "second note") these PROCEEDINGS, 41, 176, 1955. The notation in these notes arried over intact. Severi-Loffler, Vorlesungen iiber algebraische Geometrie (Leipzig; 1921). That is, those which admit T and are also of the type having hyperelliptic double-obviously re are others admitting T.




Communicated by Einar Hille, February 15, 1955

We denote by A the set of all complex-valued functions f of the form co

f(O) =c cZei"" (-r < < Tr)

lh E c,n < oo. The subset A + of A consists of all f in A for which Cn = 0 Lenever n < 0. With every f in A + there is associated an absolutely convergent wer series

F(z) E cnz, (I j< 1)

ch that F(ei?) = f(O). A famous theorem of Wienerl and L6vy2 asserts that, if f belongs to A and if < is 'unction which is analytic at every point of the range3 of f, then the composite nction4 6 o f also belongs to A. The principal result of this note (Theorem 2) ows that the conclusion of the Wiener-Levy theorem may fail to hold even if there only one point in the range of f at which 6 is merely continuous and not analytic. le special case in which 4 is the square root leads to the impossibility of certain Atorizations in the convolution algebra L1. Our method is geometric and requires no computation. It depends on the Rie- mnn mapping theorem and on the following two relations between rectifiability d absolute convergence of power series on the closed unit disk:

THEOREM 1. Let F(z) = E cnZn be analytic in z l < 1 and continuous on zI 0


(i) If E | c | < c, then F maps every radius of the unit disk into a rectifiable curve.

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Page 3: Nonanalytic Functions of Absolutely Convergent Fourier Series

L. :1, 1y0o IVIlI nlA ivsl 11AiU': 1 . IUJLIV zJ1

(ii) If F maps the unit circumference into a rectifiable curve, then I cn < o .

,rt (i) is trivial, since

I 1 F'(re"0) dr < E n c,,| r"-1 dr = E c,n.

,rt (ii) is due to Hardy and Littlewood.5 THEOREM 2. Let ?> be continuous on the closure of a plane domain D and analytic D. Suppose that t is a boundary point of D, and L is a rectifiable arc which has t one end-point but lies otherwise in D, such that the derivative 4'(w) is unbounded w on L n D. Then there exists a function f in A - with the following properties:

) f(0) is in D if 8 r O; f(O) = t. (2) 4 o f does not belong to A.

Proof: Choose a sequence of points w, (n = 1, 2, 3, . . .) on L n D such that '(wn) | > n. Replace L by a rectifiable polygonal arc M through the points w, Gh that t is the only limit point of the vertices of M. Then, for each n, we can larly find a closed circular disk Kn in D with center at w, and diameter less than 2, such that | 4'(w) | > n on K,, such that the intersection of K, and M is an arc th end-points a, and bn, and such that Kn and Km do not intersect if n 71 m. Let A,, B, be disjoint arcs on the boundary of K,, containing a, and b,, respec- ely, and let T, be a topological 2-cell6 with the following properties: Tn contains and Bn but is otherwise in the interior of K,; the boundary of Tn is rectifiable, length being less than 3n-2; the length of any arc in Tn joining a point of A, and )oint of B, is at least n2. We can now form a simply connected domain R which contains M n D and has e following properties: the intersection of R with the interior of K, is the interior Tn, the boundary of R is a rectifiable simple closed curve, and the closure of R ith the exception of the boundary point t) lies in D. Let F be a function which is one-to-one and continuous on zI < 1, analytic in

< 1, and which maps zl < 1 onto the closure of R, such that F(1) = t. Since boundary of R is rectifiable, Theorem 1 (ii) shows that f is in A +, if f(O) = F(ei').

Dn the other hand, the image C of the interval [0, 1 ] under the mapping F is an which traverses every cell T, from a point on An to a point on B,. Recalling

At | +'(w) | > n in Tn and that the length of C n T, is at least n-2, we see that the age of C under 4 (which is the same as the image of [0, 1 ] under f o F) is a non- ;tifiable curve. By Theorem 1(i), 0 of does not belong to A, and the theorem is )ved. FHEOREM 3. There exists a function t in A such that /(0) > 0 if 0 z O, /(0) = 0, i V\/ is not in A. Proof: Applying Theorem 2 with the right half plane for D, 4(w) = -/w, and = 0, we see that there exists a function q = u + iv, where u and v are real and v ;he conjugate of u, with the following properties: q(0) = 0, u(O) > 0 if 0 # 0, q lot in A, but q2 is in A +. Since the Fourier coefficients of q with negative index zero, u is not in A either. We put f = q2.

[f Ifl is not in A, take c = |fl 2, which is in A, since |fl 2 = f.f. Suppose that is in A. Sincefis in A, so is its real part u2 - v2. Also, If = u2 + v2. Add-

;, we see that u2 is in A, and t = u2 satisfies the conditions of the theorem.7

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Page 4: Nonanalytic Functions of Absolutely Convergent Fourier Series

Replacing 0 by x, we now consider the function t as a periodic function on the 1 line; define a function k by: k(x) = 1 if I x < 2r/2, k(x) = 0 if x z > 3ir/4, ') linear in the remaining intervals; let h = k*. ,; and define g by: g2(x) = h(x), ) >0. Jsing the well-known relation between absolutely convergent Fourier series and

,olutely convergent Fourier integrals, together with Wiener's localization ,orem,8 we see that h is the Fourier transform of a function H in L1, but g is not

, Fourier transform of any such function. Also, H is an entire function (even of )onential type), since h vanishes outside a bounded interval; and H is positive- inite,9 since h is nonnegative, so that we may state the following theorem:

RHEOREM 4. There exists an entire function H, of exponential type, which belongs rL on the real line and is positive-definite, such that the convolution equation

H(x) = G(x - t)G(t) dt (x real)

no positive definite solution G in L1. We conclude with the remark that g is not even the Fourier-Stieltjes transform

any bounded (complex-valued) Borel measure on the line. For, if it were, let

x) = k(x/2); then ki has its Fourier transform in Li. Since the convolution of a mber of Li and a bounded measure is in L1, it follows that g ki has its transform L1. But g l k = g, and we arrive at a contradiction.

N. Wiener, "Tauberian Theorems," Ann. Math., 33, 1-100, 1932. P. Levy, "Sur la convergence absolue des series de Fourier," Compositio Math., 1, 1-14, 1934. The range of a function is the set of its values. (L of is the function defined by: (gf of)(0) = f(f(o)). For a simple proof see A. Zygmund, Trigonometrical Series, Warsaw: Monografje Mate-

tyczne (1935), p. 158. A topological 2-cell is a topological image of a closed disk. Our proof of Theorem 3 is based on Theorem 2. Quite recently (Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci.

ris, January 3, 1955) J. P. Kahane has constructed, by fairly elaborate computations, an ex-

ple of a real function f in A such that If is not in A; this also implies Theorem 3. Wiener, op. cit., pp. 10, 14 (Lemmas IIb, lie). See, for instance, S. Bochner, Vorlesungen iiber Fouriersche Integrale, Leipzig: Akademische

rlagsgesellschaft (1932), p. 74.




Communicated by Marston Morse, January 24, 1955

1. Let X be a locally compact space, and let 3 be the Borel field generated from e open sets of X. A temporally homogeneous discrete Markoff process (d.M.p.) X is defined by the transition probability G(x, E) satisfying the conditions

G(x, E) > O, G(x, X) = 1, (1.1)

G(x, E) is countably additive in E e e and Q-measurable in x. (1.2)

Replacing 0 by x, we now consider the function t as a periodic function on the 1 line; define a function k by: k(x) = 1 if I x < 2r/2, k(x) = 0 if x z > 3ir/4, ') linear in the remaining intervals; let h = k*. ,; and define g by: g2(x) = h(x), ) >0. Jsing the well-known relation between absolutely convergent Fourier series and

,olutely convergent Fourier integrals, together with Wiener's localization ,orem,8 we see that h is the Fourier transform of a function H in L1, but g is not

, Fourier transform of any such function. Also, H is an entire function (even of )onential type), since h vanishes outside a bounded interval; and H is positive- inite,9 since h is nonnegative, so that we may state the following theorem:

RHEOREM 4. There exists an entire function H, of exponential type, which belongs rL on the real line and is positive-definite, such that the convolution equation

H(x) = G(x - t)G(t) dt (x real)

no positive definite solution G in L1. We conclude with the remark that g is not even the Fourier-Stieltjes transform

any bounded (complex-valued) Borel measure on the line. For, if it were, let

x) = k(x/2); then ki has its Fourier transform in Li. Since the convolution of a mber of Li and a bounded measure is in L1, it follows that g ki has its transform L1. But g l k = g, and we arrive at a contradiction.

N. Wiener, "Tauberian Theorems," Ann. Math., 33, 1-100, 1932. P. Levy, "Sur la convergence absolue des series de Fourier," Compositio Math., 1, 1-14, 1934. The range of a function is the set of its values. (L of is the function defined by: (gf of)(0) = f(f(o)). For a simple proof see A. Zygmund, Trigonometrical Series, Warsaw: Monografje Mate-

tyczne (1935), p. 158. A topological 2-cell is a topological image of a closed disk. Our proof of Theorem 3 is based on Theorem 2. Quite recently (Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci.

ris, January 3, 1955) J. P. Kahane has constructed, by fairly elaborate computations, an ex-

ple of a real function f in A such that If is not in A; this also implies Theorem 3. Wiener, op. cit., pp. 10, 14 (Lemmas IIb, lie). See, for instance, S. Bochner, Vorlesungen iiber Fouriersche Integrale, Leipzig: Akademische

rlagsgesellschaft (1932), p. 74.




Communicated by Marston Morse, January 24, 1955

1. Let X be a locally compact space, and let 3 be the Borel field generated from e open sets of X. A temporally homogeneous discrete Markoff process (d.M.p.) X is defined by the transition probability G(x, E) satisfying the conditions

G(x, E) > O, G(x, X) = 1, (1.1)

G(x, E) is countably additive in E e e and Q-measurable in x. (1.2)

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