non sikh genius views about sikhism

Non Sikh Genius views SIKHISM about

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Views of World renowned Noble Laureates, Historians, Philosophers, Politicians, Religious Leaders about Sikhism.


  • 1.Non Sikh Genius views SIKHISM about

2. Sat Sri Akaal means Timeless is True Sikhs Greetings praises the Creator 3. Bertrand Russell (Philosopher, Mathematician 1872-1970) If some lucky men survive the onslaught of the third world war of atomic and hydrogen bombs, then the Sikh religion will be the only means of guiding them. When asked, isnt this religion capable of guiding mankind before the third world war? He said, Yes it has the capability, 4. But.. Sikhs havent brought out in the broad daylight the splendid doctrines of this religion, which has come into existence for the benefit of the entire mankind. This is their greatest sin and the Sikhs cannot be freed of it. Bertrand Russell (Philosopher, Mathematician 1872-1970) 5. Max Arthur Macauliffe "Unlike the scriptures of other creeds, they do not contain love stories or accounts of wars waged for selfish considerations. They contain sublime truths, the study of which cannot but elevate the reader spiritually, morally & socially. 6. There is not the least tinge of sectarianism in them. They teach the highest & purest principle that serve to bind man to man & inspire the believer with an ambition to serve his fellow men, to sacrifice all & die for their sake." Max Arthur Macauliffe 7. He addresses the Western Society and claims to bring Sikh religion from the East which is simple to understand. There is no place to pretence & hypocritical in this religion.. Flesh, Alcohol Tobacco & other drugs are prohibited in it. It nor only teachers kindness, love, honesty but also encourages its followers to accept all human beings as one thus diminishing all racial differences. Max Arthur Macauliffe 8. Battles fought by Sikh Gurus were not against any communalism and orthodoxy but they fought for the betterment of society, to protect people from tyranny & for the upliftment of their souls. Max Arthur Macauliffe 9. It (Sikhism) prohibits idolatry, hypocrisy, caste exclusiveness, con-cremation (Satti) of widows, the immurement (confinement) of women (like Muslims), the use of wine & other intoxicants, tobacco smoking, infanticide, slander, pilgrimage to the sacred rivers & tanks of the Hindus. It inculcates loyalty, justice, impartiality, truth, honesty & all the moral & domestic virtues to holiest citizens of any country. " Max Arthur Macauliffe 10. Pearl S. Buck Nobel Laureate, Good Earth I have studied the scriptures of the great religions, but I do not find elsewhere the same power of appeal to the heart and mind as I find here in these volumes. They are compact in spite of their length & are a revelation of the concept of God to the recognition & indeed the insistence upon the practical needs of the human body. 11. Perhaps this sense of unity is the source of power I find in these volumes. They speak to a person of any religion or of none. They speak for the human heart and the searching mind. Pearl S. Buck Nobel Laureate, Good Earth 12. There is something strangely modern about these scriptures & this puzzled me until I learned that they are in fact comparatively modern, compiled as late as the 16th century when explorers were beginning to discover the globe upon which we all live is a single entity divided only by arbitrary lines of our making. Pearl S. Buck Nobel Laureate, Good Earth 13. The hymns in Guru Granth are an expression of mans loneliness, his aspirations, his longings, his cry to God & his hunger for communication with that being. It speaks to me of life & death; of time & eternity; of temporal human body & its needs; of the mystic human soul & its longing to be fulfilled; of God & the indissoluble bond between them." Pearl S. Buck Nobel Laureate, Good Earth 14. Arnold Toynbee, a historian One of the prominent historians in the 20th Century, Arnold has written 20 volumes on World History. Arnold has given very high & prominent place to Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji in Sikh History. He calls Guru Ji as divinity of highest rank. He gets emotional when he writes about Guru Sahibs contribution in the formation of Khalsa. Again & again he emphasizes the fact that there can not be any person like them. 15. When Western organizations and U.N.O. became known to Sri Guru Granth Sahibs teachings, they at once decided to translate them into English and other languages. The decided to publish a book based on the principles and teachings of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Arnold Toynbee, a historian 16. I, in the company of my Guru Swami Brahma Nanda, while on a pilgrimage tour, reached Punjab. There we met Swami Satya Nanda, Udaasi (a Hindu ascetic). He expounded Guru Nanaks philosophy & religiosity so eloquently that Swami Brahma Nanda experienced spiritual bliss. During the visit to the Golden temple in Amritsar his soul was so impressed that he became Gurus devotee. Swami Nitya Nand, author of Guru Gyan 17. After sojourn in Punjab we went to Hardwar. One day I saw tears in his eyes, though he was healthy. When asked about it he answered, "I have sifted sand all my life. The truth dwells in the house of Guru Nanak. I have to take another birth in that house then only I will attain Mukti (salvation). As he said that his spirit passed away. Swami Nitya Nand, author of Guru Gyan 18. I too contemplate incessantly on Wahguru (wonderful God) as manifested by Guru Nanak. For many years I practiced Yoga Aasnas taught by Yogis, but the rapture and serenity I feel now was never attained before. Swami Nitya Nand, author of Guru Gyan 19. Swami Nitya Nand used to practice Yoga in order to attain God. But he couldnt attain him with his yogic lessons. He writes at one place that when he meditated according to the principles of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji he was able to achieve God. Swami Nitya Nand, author of Guru Gyan 20. He writes that as he remembered God as told in Gurbani, he was able to attain spiritual peace which yoga was not able to provide. So this Swami criticizes yoga as a means to attain God and spiritual peace. He too becomes a follower of Guru Granth Sahib Ji which is the ultimate source of delight for him. It gives tranquility to his mind and soul. Swami Nitya Nand, author of Guru Gyan 21. Sir Winston Churchill, former Prime Minister of Britain British people are highly indebted & obliged to Sikhs for a long time. I know that within this century we needed their help twice & they did help us very well. As a result of their timely help, we are today able to live with honor, dignity & independence. In the war, they fought & died for us, wearing the turbans. 22. At that time we were not adamant that they should wear safety helmets because we knew that they are not going to wear them anyways & we would be deprived of their help. At that time due to our miserable & poor situation, we did not force it on them to wear safety helmets, why should we force it now? Rather, we should now respect their traditions & by granting this legitimate concession, win their applaud." Sir Winston Churchill, former Prime Minister of Britain 23. Charles Freer Andrews (C.F. Andrews), Writer An 1921, during the time of the incident of Nankana Sahib, one God fearing man Andrews was there whose name is mentioned in the Morcha of Guru Ka Bagh. He was immensely moved after viewing such a lot of bloodshed. He told the D.C. of Lahore that we have read about the crucification of Jesus Christ which was the result of inhumanity & due to this inhuman deed, the whole world of Christianity has been denouncing the killers of Christ. 24. But today I watched about a million Christs in the form of Sikhs being killed, slaughtered and charred to death. I was shocked as well as comforted by the fact that there were no traces of fear and violence in their sacrifices. They were sacrificing their lives happily following the path showed by their Gurus. Charles Freer Andrews (C.F. Andrews), Writer 25. General Bardwood I will not be slightly worried or reluctant to leave my wife & young daughter under protection of any Sikh soldier. (cited in Gurmat Prakash Amritsar, Feb., 1997) 26. Sikhs are very brave. (Maj. Gen. Fazal Muqeem Khan, author of book "Pakistan's Crisis of Leadership") The major reason for our defeat are Sikhs. We are simply unable to do anything before them despite our best efforts. They are very daring people & are fond of martyrdom. They fight courageously & are capable of defeating an army much bigger than them. 27. Lord Mountbatten (Indias Last British Viceroy) Guru Nanak was a great poet, philosopher & saint. His teachings are of universal application & his message of love, service & sacrifices will continue to inspire coming generations. (Excerpt from speech in London on Guru Nanaks Quincentenary) 28. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (i) Sikh religion is a spiritual home for those who desire to attain peace with respect. (ii) Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is a spiritual guide for me & I strongly feel that whatever is good for me, is also beneficial for my brothers all over the world. Guru Granth Sahib represents a casteless society. A society where there is no racial discrimination or difference of opinions. This was the reason that under the influence of Gurmat Prachar Conference held in 1935, Ambedkar wanted to convert himself into a pure Sikh. 29. He also took personal interest in the opening of Khalsa College, Bombay & also sent his two nephews to Amritsar so that they could study in Khalsa College, Amritsar. This was all due to liberal attitude of Sikhism & Ambedkar knew it very well. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 30. Nadir Shah Durani, King of Persia When Nadir Shah couldnt gain victory over Sikhs, he became frustrated & asked Subedar of Lahore, Tell me, who are these Sikhs ? Subedar answered, This is a group of hermits who believe in bathing twice in the sacred lake of their Guru and then become invisible. Where they disappear, no one can make it out. 31. All the answer bewildered Nadir Shah & after contemplating for some time he said, Beware of these people, they are courageous people & the day is not so far when they will conquer the whole country. (History of Golden Temple). Nadir Shah Durani, King of Persia 32. Swami Brahma Nand He writes, Throughout my life I have been wandering but wasnt able to spend my life according to the principles of Gursikhi as given in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji which is the elixir of life. Guru Granth Sahib Ji is the true & highest source of redemption. It is useless to try to redeem oneself from the other sources. 33. This awakening came to my mind only when I visited Sri Harmandir Sahib & read the sacred hymns from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. In order to born again. After saying these lines Swami Brahma Nand left his worldly abode in front of Swami Satyanand so that he can fulfill his dream of becoming Sikh in his new birth. (From the book Giyan Prakash) Swami Brahma Nand 34. Pandit Maddan Mohan Malwia Pandit Ji studied Sikh religion thoroughly. He addresses Hindu community & says, Each Hindu family should convert at least one child into Singh, who can take care of this world which is our family. Pandit Ji was strong devotee of Sant Attar Singh. He was himself inspired by him & encouraged others too take inspiration from Attar Singh. He also made him to lay down a foundation stone for Banaras Hindu University. 35. Swami Ram Tirath Dandi Sanyasi Hindu Theologian, Sanskrit Scholar & Author (Supreme Scriptures, Sri Guru Granth Sahib & Paramount Religion, Khalsa Panth) In the Adi Granth there is no credo regarding barbaric worship neither any importance for ritual feast (to holy quakes) or sacrifices. Similarly no regard is accorded to Vaishnava or goddess worship because in the puranas it is said that they both (Hindu Goddess & Vishnu, one of Hindu god trinity) relish barbarous intakes i.e. meat, alcohol, marijuana, hemp, tobacco, hashish, cannabis etc. 36. In the end I want to mention Guru Granth Sahibs supremacy from the standpoint that this preeminent Granth does not profess any demigod or goddess to be the real God just as the (Hindu) puranas have done. Each puranas author has made a God out of his conceptual demigod. Swami Ram Tirath Dandi Sanyasi Hindu Theologian, Sanskrit Scholar & Author (Supreme Scriptures, Sri Guru Granth Sahib & Paramount Religion, Khalsa Panth) 37. Swami Vivekanand Swami Vivekanand has also expressed his views about Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. He writes, Guru Nanak was born in the sacred land of India. He gave a message of love and peace of the whole world and preached the same through his teachings. He was full of affection for everyone & his arms were always outstretched as if to embrace the whole world. There was no difference between a Hindu & a Muslim for him. 38. He was common Guru to all. He was the Guru of all human race. (Reference: The complete works of Swami Vivekanand Vol. III page 366) The unequalled sacrifices made by Guru Gobind Singh Ji for the sake of Nation & humanity always used to prevail on Vivekanands mind. Swami Vivekanand 39. The seedling that Guru Nanak Sahib planted, the sapling that Guru Arjun Dev Sahib & Guru Hargobind Sahib nourished with their blood & bones. Guru Teg Bahadur Sahib watered with his blood Arya Samaji Lala Daulat R (Sahib--kml Guru Gobind Singh) 40. Guru Gobind Singh Sahib nurtured with the overflowing canals of blood of his 4 juvenile sons [2 martyred in battle against Mogul & Hindu hordes & 2 immured (wall built around them) & beheaded by barbaric Muslim ruler of Sirhind], 5 cherished Sikhs & thousands of devoted Sikh martyrs; into a robust tree that bore fruit. That fruit symbolizes socio-religious harmony, piety monotheism & patriotism. Daulat R (Sahib--kml Guru Gobind Singh) 41. Waheguru ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru ji Ki Fateh means Pure belongs to God God is always Victorious Khalsa means pure Greeting [email protected]