non-linear theory and fluctuations. plasma electrodynamics


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Page 2: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


A. I. Akhiezer, I. A. Akhiezer, R. V. Polovin, A. G. Sitenko and K. N. Stepanov Translated by D. ter Haar


Page 3: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics

U. K. Pergamon Press Ltd., Headington Hill Hall, Oxford OX3 OBW, England

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Page 4: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics

Contents of Volume 1. Linear Theory

Chapter 1. Kinetic and Hydrodynamic Methods of Describing a Plasma 1.1. Kinetic equations hierarchy 1.2. The Vlasov equation 1.3. The pair correlation function of an equilibrium plasma and the Landau collision integral 1.4. Relaxation of a plasma 1.5. The hydrodynamical description of a plasma

Chapter 2. Small Amplitude Magneto-hydrodynamic Waves 2.1. Magneto-sound and Alfven waves 2.2. Characteristics of the magneto-hydrodynamical equations

Chapter 3. Simple Waves and Shock Waves in Magneto-hydrodynamics 3.1. Simple waves 3.2. Discontinuities | 3.3. Stability and structure of shock waves 3.4. Study of discontinuities

Chapter 4. High-frequency Oscillations in an Unmagnetized Plasma 4.1. Hydrodynamical theory of high-frequency oscillations of an unmagnetized plasma 4.2. Kinetic theory of longitudinal plasma oscillations 4.3. Kinetic theory of electromagnetic waves in a plasma

Chapter 5. Oscillations of a Plasma in a Magnetic Field 5.1. Hydrodynamical theory of oscillations of a plasma in a magnetic field 5.2. Kinetic theory of plasma oscillations in a magnetic field 5.3. Damping of high-frequency electromagnetic waves in a magneto-active plasma 5.4. Absorption of Alfven and fast magneto-sound waves 5.5. Low-frequency oscillations of a hot plasma in a magnetic field 5.6. Cyclotron waves in a plasma for the case of quasi-transverse propagation 5.7. Cyclotron waves in the case of transverse propagation

Chapter 6. Interaction Between Charged Particle Beams and a Plasma. Stable and Unstable Particle Distributions in a Plasma

6.1. Interaction of charged particle beams with the oscillations of an unmagnetized plasma 6.2. Interaction of a charged particle beam with plasma oscillations in a magnetic field 6.3. Excitation of electromagnetic waves in a plasma by oscillator beams 6.4. Excitation of electromagnetic waves in a plasma by relativistic charged particle beams 6.5. General criteria for the stability of particle distributions in a plasma 6.6. Absolute and convective instabilities

Chapter 7. Oscillations of a Partially Ionized Plasma 7.1. Electron distribution function and high-frequency electron oscillations in an external electrical

field 7.2. Ion-sound oscillations in a strong electrical field 7.3. Low-frequency oscillations of a partially ionized plasma

V l l l

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THE properties of plasmas as a specific state of matter are to an important extent determined by the fact that there are between the particles which constitute the plasma electromagnetic forces which act over macroscopic distances. Processes occurring in a plasma are therefore as a rule accompanied by the excitation of electromagnetic fields which play a fundamental role in the way these processes develop.

The electromagnetic interactions which extend over macroscopic distances show up first of all in the occurrence in the plasma of collective oscillations in which a large number of particles takes part simultaneously. The existence of these specific collective electromagnetic oscillations is just as much a characteristic of a plasma as a specific state of matter as, for instance, the crystalline ordering is for the solid state of matter.

This explains the place occupied in plasma physics by plasma electrodynamics, that is, the theory of electromagnetic fields in a plasma—and, in the first instance, the theory of electromagnetic oscillations of a plasma—and the theory of macroscopic electrical and magnetic properties of a plasma.

Such problems as the theory of magnetic traps, the problem of plasma heating by external fields or currents, and the theory of instabilities in a non-uniform plasma belong also to the field of plasma electrodynamics in its widest sense. We shall not consider these problems in the present book—not because they are not important; to the contrary, they are of great importance. We restrict ourselves to an exposition of the theory of the electromagnetic properties of a uniform plasma as this theory is the basis of the whole of plasma electro­dynamics.

Although there are several monographs (see, for example, Alfven, 1950; Artsimovich, 1963; Akhiezer, Akhiezer, Polovin, Sitenko, and Stepanov, 1967; Vedenov, 1965; Ginz-burg, 1970; Cowling, 1957; Kulikovskii and Lyubimov, 1962; Leontovich, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1970; Silin and Rukhadze, 1961; Spitzer, 1956; Stix, 1962; Tsytovich, 1970) devoted to the problems of plasma electrodynamics, we decided all the same to write yet another book on this topic having in mind to give the theory of both low- and high-frequency oscillations—without restricting ourselves to small amplitude oscillations only—from a unified point of view and to give the basic fundamental applications of this theory.

The book starts with an exposition of the general methods of describing a plasma. Chapter 1 is devoted to this problem; in this chapter we construct the BBGKY-hierarchy of kinetic equations, introduce the self-consistent field, and introduce the Vlasov kinetic equation and the Landau collision integral. We give an account of Boltzmann's //-theorem as applied to a plasma and study the problem of the relaxation of a plasma. Finally, in that chapter


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we elucidate the transition from a kinetic to a hydrodynamic description of a plasma and derive the equations of magneto-hydrodynamics.

The methods for describing a plasma which we have discussed allow us then to start a detailed study of both low- and high-frequency plasma oscillations.

We start with the theory of low-frequency oscillations in the case of frequent collisions when the concise hydrodynamic description of a plasma suffices. Chapters 2 and 3 are devoted to the low-frequency oscillations.

We give in Chapter 2 the linear theory of magneto-hydrodynamic waves. We define there phase velocities, damping, and polarization of different waves and study the conic refraction of magneto-hydrodynamic waves and the excitation of these waves, as well as the problem of the formation of lacunae when two-dimensional excitations propagate from a point source. Finally, we study the characteristics of magneto-hydrodynamic flow.

After that we turn to non-linear magneto-hydrodynamic waves, both simple waves and shock waves (Chapter 3). Here we study the distortion of the profile of a simple wave leading to the formation of discontinuities. We integrate the equations for simple waves and, in particular, we evaluate the Riemann invariants.

Then follows an exposition of the theory of shock waves. We prove the Zemplen theorem and study simple and shock waves in relativistic magneto-hydrodynamics. We put the pro­blem of the evolutionarity and structure of shock waves. Finally, we solve the problem of the formation and splitting-up of an arbitrary discontinuity in magneto-hydrodynamics.

Having studied magneto-hydrodynamic waves for the case of frequent collisions we turn to a consideration of another limiting case—oscillations in a collisionless plasma. Chapters 4 and 5 deal with this problem. In the first of these chapters we give the theory of oscillations in an unmagnetized plasma, and in the second one the theory of oscillations in a collisionless plasma in an external magnetic field.

Chapter 4 starts with an exposition of the theory of oscillations in a collisionless plasma in the hydrodynamic approximation and then these oscillations are studied using a kinetic equation. The spectra of both the high- and the low-frequency oscillations (Langmuir waves and ion-sound waves) are studied in detail. We consider the collisionless (Landau) damping of the oscillations and we solve the problem of the anomalous skin effect.

In Chapter 5 we study in detail the spectra and damping of oscillations in a collisionless magneto-active plasma. At the start of the chapter we consider oscillations in a "cold" magneto-active plasma. Then we determine the dielectric tensor of a magneto-active plasma, using a kinetic equation, and we introduce a dispersion relation for electromagnetic waves, taking spatial dispersion, caused by the thermal motion of the electrons and ions in the plasma, into account. We find the frequencies and damping rates (Cherenkov and cyclotron damping) of practically all branches of the oscillations which can propagate in a magneto-active plasma with a Maxwell particle velocity distribution—the ordinary, fast and slow extra-ordinary, fast magneto-sound, and Alfven waves, fast and slow ion-sound oscillations, electron-sound oscillations in a non-isothermal plasma, and different branches of electron and ion cyclotron waves.

Having studied the oscillation spectra in an equilibrium plasma, we turn to the study of oscillations in a non-equilibrium, uniform plasma (Chapter 6).

First of all we study the interaction of a beam of charged particles with the oscillations


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of an unmagnetized plasma and show that the plasma-beam system is unstable, that is, that the interaction between the beam particles and the plasma oscillations leads to an exponen­tial growth in time of a small initial perturbation. We then find the growth rates for different kinds of oscillations, consider the problem of the stability of a plasma in an electric field, and study the excitation of non-potential (electromagnetic) waves in a plasma with aniso-tropic particle velocity distributions. We study the interaction of charged particle currents with slow waves in a magneto-active plasma (the particles in the currents are characterized either by isotropic or by anisotropic distribution functions). Finally, we consider the ex­citation of electromagnetic waves in a plasma by currents of relativistic particles.

Having studied the interaction of charged particle currents with the plasma, we elucidate the general criteria of the stability of different particle distributions in a plasma. We con­sider separately an unmagnetized plasma and a plasma in an external magnetic field. We solve the problem of the two-beam instability.

Concluding Chapter 6 we study the general problem of the nature of the instability, give a definition of absolute and convective instabilities, and establish criteria for those two kinds of instability. We also establish criteria for the amplification and blocking of waves and, finally, consider the global instability caused by the reflection of waves from the system boundaries.

The problem of the interaction between charged particle currents and the plasma is related to the problem of the behaviour of a partially ionized plasma in an external electric field. As the stationary states of such a plasma are characterized by a directed motion of the electrons relative to the ions there can arise in such a plasma an instability analogous to the beam instability of a collisionless plasma.

Having studied the interaction of charged particle currents with the plasma we consider the oscillations of a partially ionized plasma in an external electric field (both with and without an external magnetic field). This problem is treated in Chapter 7. We derive there the kinetic equation describing the electron component of a partially ionized plasma in external electric and magnetic fields and we determine the stationary electron distribution function in such a plasma (Druyvesteyn-Davydov distribution). We then study high-frequency (transverse electromagnetic and Langmuir), ion-sound, and magneto-sound oscillations and show that ion-sound and magneto-sound oscillations in an external electric field turn out to be growing oscillations. Finally, we study in Chapter 7 the peculiar oscilla­tions of a partially ionized plasma—the ionization-recombination oscillations in which not only the charged particle density, but also their total number changes.

In Chapter 8 we turn again to the study of a completely ionized plasma. In this chapter we study the non-linear oscillations in such a plasma (in contrast to Chapters 4 to 6 in which we restricted our considerations to oscillations with a small amplitude). We discuss here non-linear high-frequency waves in a cold plasma, Langmuir waves in a non-relativistic plasma, and longitudinal, transverse, and coupled longitudinal-transverse waves in a relativistic plasma. We study non-linear waves in a plasma in which the average electron energy appreciably exceeds the average ion energy (ion-sound and magneto-sound waves of finite amplitude) and consider both simple (Riemann) waves and waves with a stationary profile (periodic, isolated, and quasi-shock waves with an oscillatory structure). We show that the nature of simple and stationary waves depends greatly on the electron velocity


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distribution. Finally, we study in Chapter 8 non-linear low-frequency waves in a cold magneto-active plasma.

Chapter 9 is devoted to a study of oscillations in the quasi-linear approximation in which the simplest non-linear effect is taken into account—the influence of oscillations on reson­ance particles. We first consider the interaction between resonance particles with longitudinal oscillations of an unmagnetized plasma and we give the derivation of the basic equation of a quasi-linear theory—the particle diffusion equation in velocity space. We then consider the quasi-linear relaxation process which leads to the formation of a plateau on the dis­tribution function of resonance particles and study the quasi-linear wave transformation. In the same chapter we consider the quasi-linear theory of the interaction between resonance particles and the oscillations of a magneto-active plasma and study the problem of the quasi-linear relaxation of wave packets for the cases of cyclotron and Cherenkov resonance. Finally, we consider the influence of collisions on the quasi-linear relaxation process and on the damping of oscillations.

Having expounded the quasi-linear theory, which describes the effects of the first approx­imation in terms of the plasma wave energy, we turn to a study of the processes of higher order in the energy of the oscillations: the interaction between waves and waves and the non-linear interaction of waves and particles. This is the subject of Chapter 10 in which we obtain a kinetic equation for waves which takes into account three-wave processes and the non-linear interaction between waves and particles (sometimes called the non-linear Landau damping). We then study turbulent processes in which Langmuir waves take part: their interaction with ion sound and the decay instability and non-linear damping of Langmuir waves, and we study in detail ion-sound turbulence which occurs in a plasma with a directed motion of electrons relative to ions. Finally, we consider the interaction between Alfven and magneto-sound waves in a magneto-active plasma.

The last three chapters of the book deal with the theory of fluctuations and of the wave and particle-scattering processes in a plasma caused by the fluctuations.

We give in Chapter 11 the theory of electromagnetic fluctuations in a plasma. We start with the derivation of the general fluctuation-dissipation relation which establishes a connec­tion between the spectral distribution of the fluctuations and the energy dissipation in the medium; we use this relation to determine the fluctuations first in an equilibrium and then in a two-temperature plasma, both for an unmagnetized plasma and for a plasma in a mag­netic field.

We then develop the theory of fluctuations in a non-equilibrium plasma and a kinetic theory of fluctuations; we find the fluctuations in the particle-distrubution function and consider the critical fluctuations near the instability limits of the plasma and study the fluctuations in the plasma-beam system. We elucidate how one can proceed to a hydrody-namic theory of fluctuations and, finally, we study fluctuations in a partially ionized plasma in an electric field.

Chapter 12 is devoted to the theory of scattering processes and the transformation of waves in a plasma. We study here the scattering of electromagnetic waves in an unmagne­tized plasma and determine the spectral distribution of the scattered radiation. We consider critical opalescence connected with the scattering of waves in a plasma near the limits of instability, and we study the transformation of transverse and longitudinal waves in an


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unmagnetized plasma and also the spontaneous emission in an non-equilibrium plasma. We give the theory of incoherent reflection of electromagnetic waves from a plasma. We study scattering and transformation of waves in a magnetoactive plasma, in a partially ionized plasma in an external electric field, and in a turbulent plasma. Finally, we discuss echo effects in a plasma; these are connected with undamped oscillations of particle distri­bution functions in a plasma.

In Chapter 13 we study the scattering of charged particles in a plasma. We determine here the polarization energy losses when charged particles move in a plasma; we find the energy losses caused by the fluctuations of the field in the plasma, and we determine the coefficients of dynamic friction in diffusion. We also study the propagation of charged par­ticles through a magneto-active plasma and the interaction of charged particles with a non-equilibrium plasma, as well as the scattering of particles by critical fluctuations and the interaction between particles and a turbulent plasma.

We are well aware that the problems considered by us do not cover the complete theory, even of a uniform plasma, and that we have not given equal weight to the different pro­blems. However, this is apparently unavoidable when writing a relatively large book. A very apt quotation comes from one of the best books on elementary particle theory (Bernstein, 1968): "No doubt another physicist writing the same book would have emphasized different aspects of the subject or would have treated the same aspects differently. One of the few pleasures in writing such a book is that the author can present the subject as he would like to see it presented . . . and if this encourages someone else to write a better book, then the present author will be among its most enthusiastic readers."

The authors express their gratitude for assitance and useful remarks to V. F. Aleksin, V. V. Angeleiko, A. S. Bakai, A. B. Mikhailovskii, S. S. Moiseev, V. A. Oraevskii, J. R. Ross and V. P. Silin.


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Preface to the English Edition

"PLASMA ELECTRODYNAMICS", which is here brought before the English-speaking public, is devoted to the theory of collective oscillations in a plasma—strictly speaking, of a uniform plasma.

We have endeavoured to collect here the most important aspects of the theory of plasma oscillations and decided therefore to present not only the theory of oscillations in a colli­sionless plasma, but also the theory of magneto-hydrodynamic waves. Of course, our consi­derations include both linear oscillations and large amplitude oscillations.

The book is an expanded and extended version of our booklet Collective Oscillations in a Plasma, the English edition of which appeared in 1967.

Although we restricted our considerations solely to a uniform plasma, nevertheless the material referring to the electromagnetic properties of such a plasma is so extensive that we considered it appropriate to split the English edition into two volumes. The first volume contains the theory of magneto-hydrodynamical waves and the theory of linear oscillations of a collisionless plasma. The second volume contains the theory of non-linear waves in a collisionless plasma, including the quasi-linear theory, the theory of plasma turbulence, and the theory of electromagnetic fluctuations in a plasma.

The publication of an English edition of our book would have been impossible without the active participation of D. ter Haar: not only was it his initiative which led to the publi­cation in England, but he also undertook the translation of the book, which—as far as we can judge with our knowledge of the English language—is excellent. Both for this and for his many useful comments we want to thank Professor ter Haar most sincerely.



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C H A P T E R 8

Non-Linear Waves in a Collisionless Plasma

8.1. Non-linear High-frequency Waves in a Cold Plasma


In the preceding chapters we have considered small oscillations in a collisionless plasma. We now turn to a study of finite-amplitude waves in such a plasma. We shall start with considering longitudinal electron oscillations in a plasma, neglecting thermal effects (Akhiezer and Lyubarskii, 1951). In this case the state of the plasma is characterized by the electron density n = n(r, t) rather than by the distribution function and instead of the kinetic equation we can use a hydrodynamic equation to determine the electron velocity υ = D(#% /):

i - § + ( - V ) P = - f £ , ( at ot me

where E is the electrical field, satisfying the Maxwell equations

aivE = 4πβ(η0-η), (

with — e the electron charge, rae the electron mass, and n0 the ion density; we shall assume the ions to be fixed and we shall neglect the action of the magnetic field, assuming that v <§: c. Adding to these equations the equation of continuity,

-^-+div(m>) = 0, (

we obtain a complete set of equations which determine the state of the plasma. Let us consider one-dimensional motion along the z-axis. We can then write eqns.

( to ( in the form

dE dE ΘΕ A -dF^-W+vdi=47iemv>

where v = v2, vx = vy = 0. Differentiating the first equation with respect to / and substitut­ing the result into the second equation we obtain the following equation for the non-linear


Ht z=

e rae


NP 2 1

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velocity oscillations in Lagrangian coordinates (Polovin, 1957)

d2v df + ω%ν = 0 (

where ωρ is the Langmuir frequency,



This equation is the same as the equation for small amplitudes and leads to the important conclusion that the frequency of the non-linear Langmuir oscillations is independent of their amplitude (Akhiezer and Lyubarskii, 1951).

One can easily generalize eqn. ( to the case when there is a constant magnetic field applied to the plasma; in that case also the frequency of the oscillations is independent of the amplitude (Vedenov, 1958; Stepanov, 1963c).

We emphasize that the proof that the amplitude of the oscillations is independent of the amplitude is valid only in the case of a cold plasma and when the ion motion is neglected: taking the thermal motion of the electrons and the motion of the ions into account leads to an amplitude-dependence of the frequency of the oscillations (Böhm and Gross, 1949a; Sizonenko and Stepanov, 1965; Repalov and Khizhnyak, 1968; Wilhelmsson, 1961).*

Let us consider in more detail the non-linear Langmuir waves, which appear in a cold plasma, with a density and velocity which are functions of the following combination of the variables t and z:

T = t-zfV,

where Fis a constant which is the velocity of propagation of the wave. Denoting differentia­tion with respect to the variable t by a prime, we get from ( to (

Vn'-(nv)' = 0, Vv'-vv' = - —α>', -φ" = 4ne(n0~n) F2, (

where φ is the scalar potential, E = —ΰφ/θζ. From the first of equations ( it follows that

A n = T 7 — ,

where A is an integration constant. As the electron density must equal the ion density, n = no, when there are no oscillations (v = 0), we have A = n0V.

Integrating then the second of eqns. (, we get

ψ<* y-'=\l-±- <8-'-'·6> t We note that the statement by Amer (1958) that the frequency of the non-linear Langmuir oscillations

in a cold plasma is amplitude-dependent is based upon an error: the author commutes the operators d/dz and d/dt = (d/dt)+v(d/dz) (see Derfler, 1961), which is not allowed, as v is a function of z. The amplitude-dependence of the frequency found by Sturrock (1957) is also based upon an error: in this paper the integra­tion constant is chosen in such a way that the average velocity v vanishes, while it is the average current J which vanishes.


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Using these relations we can write the third of eqns. ( in the form

V φ"-\-4nen0V2 1 -

f 2ecp me

= 0.

We can easily integrate this equation, after multiplying it by ψ' (Akhiezer and Lyubarskii, 1951; see also Smerd, 1955)

copT = arcsin 1 f&h}-fHfm->)l <-·"

where C is an integration constant. Hence it follows that the frequency of the non-linear oscillations is the same as the Langmuir frequency ωρ and that the potential φ varies within the limits

2e 2e

Equation ( shows that the quantity C is the maximum of the ratio of the particle velocity to the wave propagation velocity,


We now generalize the results obtained in the previous subsection to the case of a relativ-istic plasma. As before, we shall assume the plasma to be suflBciently cold; as far as the nature of the oscillations is concerned, we shall not assume them necessarily to be longitudi­nal.

The basic equations to determine the electron velocity v, their density /?, and the fields E and B now have the form

1 dB c dt ' curl E = — , curl B

div E = 4ne(no—ri), div B = 0,

1 dE An c dt c


where m is the equilibrium electron density which is equal to the density of the ions which we assume to be infinitely heavy and fixed in space, while p is the electron momentum

P = mev

VD-(*2/c2)] The problem which will occupy us lies in a general study of the wave motions of a relativ-

istic cold plasma, that is, such motions of the electrons in which the variable quantities are

2* 3

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functions of a single combination (i-r) — Vt, with / a constant unit vector and V a constant, rather than separately of r and t. The meaning of this kind of solutions lies in the fact that they are plane waves propagating in the direction ί with velocity V.

Indicating differentiation with respect to the argument (/·!·)— Vt by a prime, we can write eqns. ( in the form

4π [/ Λ E'\ = βΒ',

[i ABr\=-ßE' env,

(i-B') = 0, (/ ·£")=— Απε(η — n0),

[(i-o)-V]p' =-eE--[v A B],

where β = Vfc. Integrating ( we get

1 Β=Ύ[ί AE]+B0, P

( (

( (



where Bo is the external magnetic field strength, which acts upon the plasma. If there is no such field and there are natural oscillations in the plasma, we have

In that case


(i-B) = 0, (E-B) = 0. (

In other words, if there is no external magnetic field B0, the variable magnetic field B is transverse and at right angles to the electrical field.

It follows from ( and ( that

n0V ν-(ΐ·υ)


Since n0 > 0, we have (i-o) < V, that is, the component of the electron velocity along the direction of the propagation of the wave is always less than the wave velocity.

Taking the vector product of ( with i and using (, we find

Β = ~[ιΑρ]+ V { . o )

After this taking the vector product of ( and i we get

An en B' c β2-!

It follows from ( and ( that

_. . .„ 4ne2n r. A . e

[i A v].

VBo-ü(i-B0) K-(i.p)





Page 15: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


Taking the dot product of ( and / and using ( we find

{ [ ( i . «0 -FW)+( [* Λ v].[i Λ ^D' + i i ^ A M V = 4 ^ „ O T ^ - . (

Equations ( and ( determine the transverse and the longitudinal components of the electron velocity in the general case when the external magnetic field B0 is non-vanishing (Akhiezer and Polovin, 1956).

If we assume that the vector i is along the z-axis and introduce the dimensionless momen­tum p = p/mec and the dimensionless velocity u = v/c, we can write eqns. ( and ( in the form

cPq> dx2

d2Qy °>%ß2 ß o d ßu>B*x-Ux(x)B*z _ 0 dx2 + ^ - 1 ß-uz

Uy P dx ß-uz d \< ΟΛ dqz dqx dqy ß2 ) ß?uz

dt \(u'-fi-är+u*-W + u> ^ + ^ Ζ ^ ( ^ ^ - ^ ω ^ ) | = ωΐ j —


where (IT)

t - t v , «4 = Ane2no ω5 β =

eBo me

w mtc

When there is no external field B0 eqns. ( take the form

d*Q*_ ωψ ßux dx2 ^ ß2-! ß-uz

d2qy ω*β2 ßuy


dt2 "*" ß2-] ß-uz

d \( o\ dqz dqx dqy\


or * ρ , «#Ρ ßQX


άτ2 " * > - 1 ßV(l + (?)-ez tPQy ωψ ßQy t/r2 "'"/P-l ßy/(l + f)-ßt

2 ^

'p ß-u,

= 0,


^ [ f e - V 0 + e 2 ) ] + M T + e2)-e*


= o.


The first two eqns. ( for the transverse components of the velocity clearly allow bounded solutions only in the case when β =- 1, that is, V > c. As far as the third eqn. ( for the longitudinal velocity component uz is concerned, it allows bounded solu­tions for any value of β, provided ux = uy — 0. Such purely longitudinal motions are,

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however, unstable due to the coupling between longitudinal and transverse motions in the case when ß < 1.

Introducing instead of the momentum components the new variables

we can write eqns. ( in the form

rft5f+/3a-l V f ^ - l + I H r f + C 2 ] dhj tujj/J2 βη

,2«2 βζ 2 #2 i + ω*?

dx* + /J*-1 -v/[^-l + i2+i?2+C2] ' i?2-l

These equations can be obtained from the Lagrangian

= 0,

= 0,

= 0.


-1[(§H£H£)T „2«2 ß*

ßz-l [/3V(|82-H-f2+t?2+C2)+C]. (

The general problem of the relativistic wave motions of a plasma in the case when there is no external magnetic field is thus equivalent to the problem of the non-relativistic motion of a particle with a mass equal to unity in a field with a potential energy

U ß*-l \ßV(P-i+?+rf+?)+C\- (')

From the form of the Lagrangian we obtain immediately the conservation laws for the energy W and the angular momentum M:


If we change from the variables | , η9 and ζ to the fields E and B and the velocity t>, these conservation laws take the following form:

8 ^ ( £ 2 + i P ) + V [ l - ( W ) ] " ME Λ B])

An constant, (p-B) = constant. (

We note that these equations are direct consequences of the basic equations. Indeed, taking the dot product of ( and B' one checks easily that (ο-Α') = 0, that is, (p-B')=0. Also, taking the dot product of ( with B, we get (pf ·B) = 0. Adding these two results we obtain the second of eqns. ( The first eqn. ( can be obtained in a similar way.

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Let us now turn to a study of longitudinal non-linear waves in a relativistic plasma, neglecting thermal effects. Putting ux — uy = 0 in (, we get

where u = uz and ρ = ρζ are the dimensionless electron velocity and momentum. Expressing the momentum in terms of the velocity we can write this equation in the form

d2 l-ßu _ gytßzu at2 Λ / ( 1 - " 2 ) ~ ß-u '

Multiplying it by (djdx){{\ —ßu)/(l —u2)1'2} and integrating, we get

d l-ßu rfrVO-»2)

^ω; C l

V(i-«2) (

where C is an integration constant. Putting C = (1 —w^)-1'2 we see that u lies in the range — um < w < um. Integrating ( we get (Akhiezer and Polovin, 1955)

ί {ß~u)du ~ν(2)βωρτ. ( (1 -ιιψ2 Λ/[(1 - ^ ) " ι / 2 - ( 1 -W2)"1/2]

This formula solves our problem in principle, expressing u as a function of t = t—zfV. It is clear that u is a periodic function of x. Its period, which we shall denote by T is

determined by the equation «m

J (/? U)du ~V(2)ßo)pT. ( (1 -w2)3/V[(l - i 4 ) _ 1 / a - ( l -w2)-J/2]

Introducing the frequency ω = 2π/Τ instead of the period, we get

_ TOP _ j* du ω ~ /(«„) V2' (Mm) ~ J (i -«2)5/4 VM(i -«2)/(i -«4)1-1} · t8·1·3·4)


One can obtain simple formulae in two limiting cases—small and large velocity ampli­tudes^ In the first case, when um <$; 1, the frequency is equal to

ω = ω ρ θ - ^ ) , um<z 1. (

t It is interesting to note that in the electron frame of reference the frequency of the non-linear oscilla­tions is equal to (Francis, 1960):

*™2»o m,^_ m* m* ' e V[ l - (^7c 2 ) ] ·

Equation ( in the laboratory frame of reference can be obtained through a transformation of the frequency. Wang (1963) has studied the influence of the thermal spread in electron velocities on relativistic longitudinal non-linear waves.

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In the second limiting case when 1 — um <c 1 the frequency is equal to

πωΌ[1— Wml1/4 . * /„ * ^ « v ω = 2 Λ / 2 , l - w m « l . (

As wm -> 0 the frequency tends to ωρ, as should be the case. As um ->- 1, the frequency tends to zero. This is connected with the fact that as um -*■ 1, the effective mass of the electron tends to infinity.

In the general case, for intermediate values of wm, the integral determining r in ( and the period of the oscillations can be expressed in terms of elliptical functions (Akhiezer and Polovin, 1956; Cavaliere, 1962).

Once we know u we can easily determine the particle density and the electrical field which is in the direction of the wave propagation. Using ( and ( we find

*T> = 7^r' ^ ) = ± ^ M A 2 { W ^ - - ^ W } ] · (8-L3-6) The maximum value of the field is proportional to um for small velocities and determined

by the equation eEm = nha>pc V(2)(l -*&)"1/4, (

if 1— um «c 1.


For purely transverse oscillations qz = 0 and the third eqn. ( gives

p2 = constant.

We obtain the same result also when B0 is different from zero, provided B0 lies along the direction of the wave propagation.

Putting qz = 0 in the first two eqns. ( we get

qx ~ ρ cos ωτ, ρ = ρ sin ωτ, where

ß i ω _ ω ν ( £ 2 - 1 ) ( 1 + ρ2)ι/4'

From this it follows that the wave velocity β can be written in the form

where - 1 _ J ^ L · ' - l / 4 7 r g 2 / ? Q / _ m e

ε ~ l ~^J 9 °)p " \ m't ' ™e ~ V[l -(v2[c2)]


with v the electron velocity.

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In the case of purely transverse waves the electrons move therefore in circles with an angular velocity ω and only waves with circular polarization are possible.1" This is connected with the fact that if the amplitude of the oscillations is large it is impossible to have a super­position of two waves with different circular polarizations because of the non-linearity of the equations. For small amplitudes when the oscillations are linear such a superposition is possible and this leads to the occurrence of linearly polarized transverse waves.

Using eqns. ( (for B0 = 0) and ( one can easily show that the magnetic field B is parallel to the electron momentum and is determined by the equations

meceo raeceop eBx = — -=— gx = £—cos ωτ,

P P raeceo mecoop . eBv = -p:— pv = ~— sin ωτ.

y ß xy ß

The electrical field is according to ( equal to

eEx = —meccoQ sin ωτ, eEy = meccoQ cos ωτ.

If the external magnetic field is non-vanishing and its direction is the same as the direction of the propagation of the wave, the equations of motion for the transverse oscillations take the form:

d2qx duy β2

(Pqy dux β2

~^-+ω^-^+-^ϊ pliy= ' where, as before, M^+M! — constant. Noting that

V(i-«2) '

and putting ux— U cos ωτ, uy = U sin cot, we find the following expression for the fre­quency ω:

ω ί 1 ß2 1 , ± 2 ω ^ (

whence 1 = 1 .

where β2 CoHöJtOße

ω'2 = ω|(1 - «2)1/2, ω'Β, = ωΒ9(1 -ηψ\

Let us now turn to a study of oscillations which are nearly transverse, for which the

t This conclusion loses its meaning in practice when β » 1 when because of the smallness of the longi­tudinal velocity components oscillations which are practically linearly polarized and transverse become possible (see below in Subsection 8.1.5). The solution ( can be generalized to the case when the electron moves along a spiral and when ions take part in the motion (Wang and Lojko, 1963).


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electron orbits are nearly circular. To do this we transform the basic eqns. (, introducing instead of ρ and qy new variables ρ± and φ which are connected with ρ and ρ by the relation

Qx+iQy = Q±e*.

The first two eqns. ( can be written in the form

1, ßH fox _ n "+" 0 9 1 ΟΧΛ , _9 , .9/11/9 _ ~ U?

<PQL n (^L\\ßH_ ßQ± dt* ρ± \ dt ) + β>-1 β[\ + Q\ + ρ Ι ] ^ - ρ ζ

* *%4+Α& = α Integration of the second of these equations gives

9 άΨ

where M is a constant. The first equation then becomes

j ^ _ M * ^ ßQ± = 0 ( 8 M 3 )

Putting here ρζ = 0 we arrive at transverse oscillations with a constant value of ρ±. Denoting this value by ρ0, we get from (

2 ω\ρΙ β2ω* (8 14 4)

Let us now consider small oscillations of the quantity ρ± around the value ρ0. Putting ρ± = ρ0+δ, assuming that δ and ρζ are small compared to ρο, and using (, we get from (

cPd [ ω2±(4+3ρ2

±) δ j ω2±ρ0ρ2 = Q

dx* (l + ρ2,)3'2 ftl + ρ2,)

Performing a similar expansion in the third of eqns. ( we get a second equation to determine δ and ρζ:

d2gz ρ0 cPd βρζ p dx* V 0 + e8) ^ 2 p V(i + e8)

Putting δ = ZteICür, ρ2 = lteZ£üT, we get the following equation to determine the frequencies ω of the coupled transverse-longitudinal oscillations:

4 ω2(4£2ρ2 + 5^-1) ο ^ + ^ ρ 2 ) _ ' / DO 1 \ / 1 9 \ 9 ' (^-1)(1 + ρ2

0) (^_l)(t + {?2)2

whence (Akhiezer and Polovin, 1956)


t o n = ω± ί4βψ0+5β^-1 r / 4 ^ e g + 5 ^ - l ^ (^-l)(4+3eg) l ^ u .

νΌ+<?8) \ 2/3V(i + e§) ± L l 2 0 V O + e§) / ß2 J J (


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We note some limiting cases. If ρ0 «: 1, we have

coi = 2ω±, α>2 = ωΡ. ( If ρ0 » 1,

-■•■-ÄI^^}· If ß— 1 «: 1, the frequencies of the coupled oscillations are for any value of ρο equal to

»i = 0, a , . - ( 1 ^ ) 1 / 4 ■ (

If/? :§> 1, we have for any value of ρο

(4+3ρ§)*/2 ωΡ


In the preceding subsections we have considered waves in a plasma which were longitudi­nal, transverse, or nearly transverse. A study of the general case, which can be called the case of longitudinal-transverse waves, reduces to integrating eqns. ( and is a very complicated problem for which we can find a solution in a few limiting cases, namely, for large β and for β close to unity.

Let us first consider the case β^> I, and we shall assume that β2 and ξ2+η2+ζ2 are of the same order of magnitude. (If ξ2+η2+ζ2 <sc β2, we are back in the small amplitude case, as in that case ξ/β ~ ρχ9ηΙβ ~ Qy,ilß ~ Q2-) We can now in the potential energy U which charac­terizes the motion of the plasma and which is given by eqn. (') drop the term £. The problem is thus reduced to integrating the equations of motion of a particle in a central field with a Lagrangian which according to ( has the form

m-m+di}-<^+i'+^ Introducing instead of | , η9 ζ, r, and L the new variables X, F, Z, 0, and JL:

X = ξ/θ, Y = η/θ9 Z = C/0, θ = ωρτ, JS. = o>2ß2L, we get

1 [/dX\2 (dY\2 /dZ\2l ... „_

where R2 = X2+ Y2+Z2. As the motion in a central field is planar, it is convenient to rotate the system of coordinates in such a way that the X, 7-plane is at right angles to the angular momentum. The Lagrangian then takes the form

2 (£)"♦"(£)' V0+*2),


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where φ is the polar angle. If we write down the energy and angular momentum conservation laws,

1 /dR\2 M2 /ίΛ Λ„ „ , Λ0 dw

l[-de)+2R>+V{i + R2)=W> *J=M>

we get from integrating the equations (Akhiezer and Polovin, 1956)

Γ dR ω ρ Τ = J \2W- (M2/R2) -2 V( 1 + R2)]112 * (

The quantity R which occurs here is connected with the dimensionless momentum ρ through the equation

It follows from eqn. ( that the quantity R oscillates between two values R0 and R± which are connected with W and M through the equations

2R2R\ R2 + R2+l + [(l+R2Hl+Ri)]X/2

V(i+J!8)+V(i+J®' V(i+^o2)+V(i+^f)

The frequency of the oscillations is equal to

dR i(R»,RU= I tu, ί%ΛηνΆ ,n , D2M1/2- (8.1-5.2) /(Äo, Ä I ) A / 2 ' V ' J [W-(M2/2R2)-T/(1 + R2)YI2


If i o = 0, this integral is the same as the integral 7(t/m) which determines the frequency of the longitudinal oscillations, if we put i?i = um{\ — wm)~1/2. However, the case considered by us does not reduce to the case of purely longitudinal oscillations, which we studied earlier, when R0 = 0 as now we may have oscillations which are practically linearly pola-ized in any direction. In particular, these may be oscillations which are nearly transverse linearly polarized oscillations for which ρ is non-vanishing, qy = 0, and ρζ non-vanishing, but considerably less than ρχ9 ρζ ~ ρχ/β. The possibility that such oscillations exist does not contradict the earlier given statement that purely transverse oscillations correspond to circular rather than linear polarization.

If R0 = Ru R is constant and the vector R describes a circle with an angular frequency equal to

ω = ωΡ(1 + /?Τ 1 / 4 ·

This equation agrees with eqn. ( for the frequency of transverse oscillations, if in the latter we put β:» 1. The oscillations considered now are in the case R0 = Ri nearly oscillations with circular polarization, but for them the plane of the oscillations is not necessarily at right angles to the direction of the wave propagation.

We now turn to a study of the case when β lies close to unity, ß—l « : 1. We can in this


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case write the basic eqns. ( in the form

d2Qx Qx

cPQy + ■ Qy

cP άθ* ' ν (1 + ρ2)-ρ^

Λ ΐ Ι & - ν ( ΐ + Λ ] + ν ( 1 + Λ _ & = 0,


where θ = ωρχ(β?—ΐ)~112. Neglecting the last term in the third equation we get

V(i+e2)-e* = c2, where C is a constant. The first two eqns. ( then take the form


whence dd2 "*" C2 ~ ' </02 + C2 '

QX = Rx cos —, ρ, = Ry sin —.

Substituting these expressions into ( we find

Qz = W* [^+^-2(C4-l)-(Ä2-i?2) cos^j



There is a relation between C, Rx9 and Ry which follows from the fact that the average value of nvz vanishes. (This last condition follows from the vanishing of the average values of E' and B'\ see eqn. ( Noting that uz = ρζ(1 + ρ2)"1/2 and using ( and ( we get for ß-l « 1

nuz n0u2 noQz no l-uz ν(1 + ρ2)-ρ, C2

As the average value of nuz vanishes, it follows from this that also the average value of the quantity qz vanishes. We can therefore put in (

Ä2+tf2 = 2(C*-l), C» = V[l + KÄi+^) l ·

Finally ρ , qy, and qz become (Akhiezer and Polovin, 1956)

(Rl-R*) cos 2ωτ ρχ = Rx cos ωτ, Qy = Ry sin ωτ, ρζ =

where ω = ωρΟΡ-1)-ι/»[1 + |<Α2+^)Γ1/4-



These results are in agreement with eqns. ( and ( which describe waves which are nearly transverse waves with circular polarization. Indeed, when Rx ^ Ry the


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frequency of the oscillations of the quantity Rz is the same as the value given by eqn. (

Let us finally consider the case of high energies when we have the inequality


and where the value of β remains arbitrary (β > 1). The Lagrangian describing the motion of the plasma can in this case be written in the form

*-H(£H£),+®'] ^ [ / ν ( ΐ 2 + ϊ ? 2 + ζ 2 ) + α

Under the transformation

| = μξ\ η = μη', ζ = μζ', % = Λ/(μ)τ\

where μ is an arbitrary constant, the Lagrangian is multiplied by μ. Hence it follows that if the motion

| = S(T), η = φ)9 C = C(T)

is possible, one can also have the analogous motion

ξ' = ξ(τ'), n' = rtf)\ ζ' = ζ{τ').

It follows in particular from this that the way the frequency of the oscillations depends on the quantity p0 which characterizes the electron momentum is well defined; in fact, the frequency must be inversely proportional to the square root of p0:

ω = £ £ Ξ ^ 1 . (8.L5.9) VPo

This formula agrees with the earlier obtained expressions for the frequency in the high-energy region (eqns. (, (, (, and (

8.2. Non-linear Waves in an Unmagnetized Two-temperature Plasma


We now turn to a study of finite-amplitude waves in a quasi-equilibrium plasma, in which the electrons and ions are characterized by Maxwellian velocity distributions with different temperatures, the electron temperature being appreciably higher than the ion temperature. As we showed in Chapter 4, low-frequency oscillations, which in the long-wavelength region have a linear dispersion law (ion sound), can propagate in such a plasma. The phase velocity of an ion-sound wave is large compared to the average ion thermal velocity; to describe the motion of the ions in such a wave we can thus use the hydrodynamic equations with a self-


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consistent field

^ + ( « . v ) i r + ™ - v y = 0, (

^+div( / i i i f ) = 0, (

where n{ and u are the density and the hydrodynamical velocity of the ions, Ze and mi their charge and mass, and φ the electrostatic potential which is connected with the electron and ion densities ne and n{ through the Poisson equation

ν 2 < ρ - 4 π φ β - Ζ « 0 = 0. (

We must describe the electron component of the plasma by a kinetic equation for the electron distribution function F(r, v, /). As the phase velocity of the ion sound is small compared with the electron thermal velocity we can in this kinetic equation neglect the term dFjdt compared with (u-v)F. If, moreover, the collision frequency v is sufficiently small, so that we have the inequality kve:» v (although the inequality ω > v may not hold; k and ω are the wavenumber and frequency of the perturbation), we can neglect the collision integral and use the equation

( P . v ) F + ^ ( v , . f - ) = 0. (

For the case of a quasi-equilibrium plasma with a Maxwellian electron velocity distribu­tion with a temperature Te one can immediately write down the solution of eqn. (

F(r, v, t) = exp e(p(r, t) Fo(i>), (

where F0(v) is the distribution function at a point where the potential φ = 0. Integrating this expression we obtain the electron density

ecp(r91) ] nt(r, t) = weo e x P (

where ne0 is the electron density at the point where φ = 0. The distribution ( is, clearly, simply a Boltzmann distribution for electrons in an

electrostatic field with a potential φ(τ, t) which varies in space and time. The fact that the electron density and the electron distribution function depend on the position and the time only through the potential φ is connected with the fact that the phase velocity of the oscilla­tions considered is small when compared with the electron thermal velocity; because of this it is possible to establish everywhere in space and at all times a local Boltzmann distribu­tion for the electrons. We emphasize that it is not necessary for this that the condition ωτ <<c 1 is satisfied, where x ~ v~l.

Equations (, (, (, and ( form a complete set of non-linear equations which describe the ion-sound oscillations in a quasi-equilibrium plasma. Apart from the non-linear relation ( which connects the electron density nt and the electro-


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static potential φ the hydrodynamical eqn. ( also contains non-linearity—in the term (u- v) u. Of course, if we restrict ourselves—as we did in Volume 1—to a study of weak perturbations of the plasma, we can easily by linearizing these equations obtain the formula co = (1 + /·β&2)-"1/2 kvs which connects the frequency and wavenumber of the small-ampli­tude ion-sound oscillations.

In the case of long-wavelength perturbations (krO <κ 1, where rD is the electron Debye radius), one can slightly simplify the set of equations which describe the ion sound. In that case we can neglect the spatial charge separation and assume that

Λβ = Zm. (

Using that relation and introducing the notation

p = nQTe, (

we can write eqn. ( in the form


Equations (, (, and ( are formally the same as the equations of ordinary hydrodynamics, if we put in them the adiabatic index γ = 1, that is, assume the temperature, rather than the entropy per unit mass, to be constant.

The long-wavelength oscillations of arbitrary amplitude in a quasi-equilibrium plasma with Te » T{ are thus described by the equations of isothermal hydrodynamics. We emphas­ize, however, the fact that this analogy is to a large extent formal. Equations (, (, and ( describe oscillations with a frequency ω ^> v9 where v is the collision frequency, and are the consequences of a kinetic equation without a collision integral, while the analogous equations of ordinary hydrodynamics refer to the case ω <$c v—and can be obtained from the kinetic equation only if the collisions between the particles are taken into account.

We note that—as we shall show in Section 8.3—equations similar to ( to ( describe ion-sound oscillations also in the case of a non-equilibrium plasma in which the electron velocity distribution is non-Maxwellian. However, in the case of a non-equilibrium plasma these equations can not be reduced to equations of the kind ( or (, with some adiabatic index.


In the preceding subsection we obtained the non-linear equations which describe the motion of a quasi-equilibrium plasma consisting of hot electrons and cold ions. Turning now to a study of different kinds of non-linear oscillations in such a plasma we shall, first of all, consider one-dimensional simple (Riemann) waves (Vedenov, Velikhov, and Sagdeev, 1961a). Apart from giving us the possibility to follow the evolution of an initial perturbation, a study of simple waves is of great interest especially because only the region of simple waves can (when there are no discontinuities) delimit an unperturbed plasma (see in that connec­tion Chapter 3).



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Simple waves can be excited only in the case of long-wavelength perturbations of the plasma (krO « : 1) when the wavevector dependence of the phase velocity does not play an essential role; we can thus use for a study of these waves together with eqns. (, (, and ( also eqn. ( Choosing the x-axis in the direction of the wave propagation we can write these equations in the form

rte = Zm = ne0 exp (eq)fTe)9 ( where d/dt = dfdt+uxd/dx while u± is the component of the vector u which is at right angles to the direction of the wave propagation.

It is well known that in the case of simple waves one can write all quantities which charac­terize the plasma as functions of one of these quantities—say, n{—which, in turn, is a function of x and /. The set of eqns. ( to ( then becomes a set of ordinary differential equations for the functions u{n-) and φ(ηί\ while the phase velocity V is determ­ined from the condition that this set can be solved.

Introducing the notation vs = \/(ΖΤ^/ηΊ{) we get after a few transformations dux vs duL dcp Te -r— = ε —, -—- = 0, -7— = , We = Z/ii, ( dm m dm dm em

V= ux+ev^ (

where ε = + 1 (ε = — 1), if the wave propagates in the direction of the positive (negative) x-axis.

The set of eqns. ( enables us to study the direction of changes in the quantities which characterize the plasma and to follow the evolution of a finite-amplitude perturba­tion.

We note first of all that the quantities vs and « x are independent of n{ and are thus integrals of motion. The electron temperature and the electron distribution function, nor­malized to one particle, F/«e, also remain unchanged during the propagation of the wave. Furthermore, in a compression wave the densities of both kinds of particles and the electrostatic potential increase; in a rarefaction wave these quantities decrease. In order to determine how the shape of the ion-sound wave changes when it propagates we must evaluate the derivative dV\dnv Using ( and ( and putting ε = + 1 to fix the ideas we have

f - = *■ . ( dm m

We see that—as in ordinary hydrodynamics—the derivative dV\dnx is positive; in other words, elements with a larger density move with a larger velocity. The wave profile therefore becomes steeper and steeper along compression sections and flatter and flatter along rare­faction sections.

It is well known that in ordinary hydrodynamics such a change in the profile leads to the occurrence of shock waves (see, for instance, Landau and Lifshitz, 1959). The Euler equation

NP 3 17

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—together with the continuity equation and the equation of state of the fluid—then enables us to follow the evolution of the perturbation until the gradients of the hydrodynamic quantities become so large that it becomes necessary to take dissipative processes into ac­count. Ultimately a stationary shock wave is established thanks to these processes (see Chap-3).

We have a somewhat different picture in a collisionless plasma because of the smallness of the dissipative processes. When the width of the leading front of a compression wave becomes equal to the electron Debye radius, eqn. ( becomes inapplicable and it is necessary to take the dispersion of the ion sound into account. When the gradients increase further there may appear multiple-current flow (Vedenov, Velikhov, and Sagdeev, 1961a) or quasi-shock waves (Moiseev and Sagdeev, 1963; Sagdeev, 1966) along compression sections.

Let us dwell briefly on self-similar one-dimensional motions of a two-temperature plasma,1" that is, motions such that all quantities characterizing the plasma depend on the coordinates and the time solely in the combination x\t. It is well known (see Chapter 3 in this connection) that the nature of the self-similar waves, like that of simple waves, is determined by the derivative dVjdn{. According to ( we have dV/dni > 0; self-similar waves in a quasi-equilibrium plasma thus are always rarefaction waves.

The problem of motions in a two-temperature plasma which arise when its volume is changed uniformly (see Landau and Lifshitz (1959) for the analogous hydrodynamical problem of a moving piston) is connected with the problem of self-similar waves.

We shall assume that the plasma fills the half-space x > u0t which is bounded by a uni­formly moving plane—such a boundary may, in particular, be a region of a very strong mag­netic field. It is well known that, if there are no discontinuities, the motions which appear in a uniformly compressed or rarefied medium can only be self-similar waves. In the case considered self-similar waves which are rarefaction waves occur when the plasma expands (wo < 0).

Using ( and ( we can connect the changes in all quantities X which charac­terize the plasma in a self-similar wave with the "piston" velocity u0. Introducing the nota­tion

and assuming for the sake of simplicity that w0 <c vs, we find

Am Ane wo u0Tc tonnn\ = = /in = o, Δψ = . (

In concluding this subsection we note that when deriving the initial equations we did not take into account Landau damping for ion-sound waves (mathematically this is connected with neglecting the term dFjdt in the kinetic equation for the electrons). Bearing in mind that the damping of small-amplitude ion-sound waves is proportional to the small para­meter \/(mJm^) (see Chapter 4), one sees easily that in order that non-linear effects—rather

t Gurevich, Pariiskaya, and Pitaevskii (1966) have studied self-similar waves in a collisionless plasma with an electron Boltzmann distribution for the case of hot ions.


Page 29: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


than the damping of the sound—play the main role in the evolution of the perturbation* the amplitude of the perturbation Ane may not be too small,

ne J/ m\ '


One-dimensional simple (Riemann) and self-similar waves* which were considered in the preceding subsection, are the simplest kinds of non-stationary motions of a quasi-equilibrium plasma. We saw that both kinds of waves occur in the case of long-wavelength perturbations of the plasma (krO « 1 ) . Generally speaking, any long-wavelength perturbation must, because of the amplitude dependence of the propagation velocity of the perturbation, propagate in the plasma in the form of non-stationary waves.

The situation is different for short-wavelength perturbations. One must take the dispersion of ion sound into account on those sections of the wave where the characteristic length of the inhomogeneity is comparable to the electron Debye length; as a result the propagation velocity of the perturbation becomes dependent on the wavelength. The amplitude depen­dence and the wavelength dependence of the velocity of propagation of the perturbation may then compensate one another. When the dispersion of sound in a plasma is taken into account stationary waves may thus become a possibility; we shall now turn to a study of those waves.

In a one-dimensional stationary wave all quantities depend clearly on the coordinates and the time in the combination x' -* x— Vt, where F i s a constant. Changing to a coordi­nate system which moves with the wave—that is, which moves with a velocity Fwith respect to the laboratory system—and using ( and ( we get

unx = wo«io, jimiiß+Zecp = \miU% (

where t/0 and ni0 are the values of the velocity and of the ion density in a point where the potential φ vanishes (here and henceforth we shall drop the index x of the velocity component ux). Equations ( express clearly the fact that the number of ions and the total energy of an ion are integrals of motion. Together with eqn. ( and the Poisson equation,

^ = -4πβ(Ζηί~η,1 (

eqns. ( form a complete set of equations which determine the quantities w, wi9 «e, and φ in a one-dimensional stationary wave.

Solving these equations and introducing the electrical field E = — dq>/dx, we get <p

E2 = - %ne I dcp{Zn{(f) -η*(φ% ( d(p{Zm(cp)-n(


where the function ne((p) is given by formula ( while

l-igp (8,.3.4) m\\

3* 19

Page 30: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


We have reckoned the potential φ from the point where E = 0; ne0 is the value of the electron density at that point.

Performing the integration in ( we get

*-w.[£{^(*)-.}+=?i{/(.-^)-.}]. < ·5> Knowing £%>) we easily find the equation which determines the potential φ as function

of the coordinates and the time:

X-«-±J vm<p))' (

In the general case when «e0 ^ Zni0 eqns. (, (, (, and ( determine the distribution of the quantities which characterize the plasma in a one-dimen­sional periodic wave. (The potential distribution in such a wave is sketched in Fig. 8.2.1).

x-Vt FIG. 8.2.1. The distribution of the electrostatic potential in a one-dimensional periodic stationary wave

The amplitude of the wave q>m clearly follows from the equation

For the wavelength we get


λ = 1 ν(2τΓ«ίοΓβ) fl^Hll-^Wi'-^Hir* <8"'8)

In the special case when in some point the charge density and the electrical field vanish simultaneously (nt0 = Zni0\ eqns. (, (, (, and ( describe a so-called solitary wave, which is a potential burst which moves uniformly across the plasma (Vedenov, Velikhov, and Sagdeev, 1961a; see also Sagdeev, 1966). A solitary wave is a degenerate case of a periodic wave: the latter changes into a solitary wave, as λ -+ «>. (We note that a similar situation occurs in ordinary hydrodynamics in the theory of wave propagation in a channel of finite depth where there is also the possibility of periodic and solitary waves (Korteweg and de Vries, 1895).)


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Let us consider the structure of a solitary wave in somewhat more detail. (The potential distribution in a solitary wave is sketched in Fig. 8.2.2.) Bearing in mind that far from the crest of the wave—in the unperturbed region—the plasma is at rest (in the laboratory frame of reference), we have w0 = — V. Using ( we can easily determine the potential φ far from the crest of the wave (| x— Vt\ ->oo):

φ oc exp -\x-Vt\

rv /M)] (

where vs = \/{ZTJm^ is the ion sound velocity and rD = V(47ie2ne0/Te) the electron Debye radius. We see that, in the laboratory frame of reference, a solitary wave moves with super-

x - V t FIG. 8.2.2. The distribution of the electrostatic potential in a solitary compression wave.

sonic velocity (V > vs) while the perturbation far from the crest of the wave decreases exponentially.

Putting ne0 = Zwi0, u0 = — V in ( we get the equation which determines the amplitude of the potential in the solitary wave:

1 + *-/(.-f^)-iU(^H. «s,„o) One can easily show that this equation can only be solved if <pm > 0. Noting that the ampli­tude of the electron and ion densities nem and nim are, according to ( and (, connected with φτα through the relations

ne0 exp ίίΪΞΛ , nim = « i0

f('-f^)' (

we see that nem > ne0 and nim ni0. A solitary wave in a quasi-equilibrium plasma with a Maxwellian electron velocity distribution is therefore always a compression wave.

There is, according to (, a unique relation between the wave amplitude and its propagation velocity (Vedenov, Velikhov, and Sagdeev, 1961a)

^ 4 « Η ^ Η Η 3 Γ ) - « - 3 Γ Γ · <8·2'312)


Page 32: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


If the amplitude of the solitary wave is small (βφτη <ζ Te) its propagation speed tends, according to ( to the ion sound velocity vs. The potential distribution is in that case determined by the formula

φ = cosh- { ^ (l - ^ y m , Vm = ^ (l - - £ ) . (

We note that eqn. ( has a solution only provided <pm is not too large. This means that a solitary wave cannot have an arbitrarily large amplitude. The maximum possible value of the amplitude of a solitary wave can be determined from the relation ^m{V2=Ze<pm, which is the condition that the ions at the crest of the wave completely lose their kinetic energy—for larger values of <pm the ions would not be able to cross the wave potential barrier which is formed. Solving this equation together with eqn. ( we get

ecpm % 1.3Γβ, V % \.6vs.

In concluding this subsection we note that the solitary waves (sometimes called solitons) play apparently a special role in the propagation of perturbations in a collisionless plasma. Computer experiments (Zabusky and Kruskal, 1965; Berezin and Karpman, 1967), which used non-linear equations of the Korteweg-de Vries type, have shown that a perturbation of an arbitrary shape is, generally speaking, unstable and decays after some time into a succession of solitons which move one after another.


In the case of solitary waves the state of the plasma behind the wave is the same as that in front of the leading wave front: both as x— Vt -+■ — oo and as x— Vt -*-oo the plasma is at rest in the laboratory frame of reference while both the electrical field and the charge density in it are equal to zero. There is another kind of stationary wave possible in a colli­sionless plasma in which the state of the plasma behind the wave is not the same as that in front of the wave—the so-called quasi-shock waves (Sagdeev, 1966). These waves are similar to shock waves in that respect. However, in contrast to ordinary shock waves whose struc­ture is in an essential way determined by dissipative effects, quasi-shock waves occur also when there is no dissipation and the width of the front of these waves can be considerably smaller than the mean free path of the particles in the plasma—in particular, in a plasma without a magnetic field the width of the front of a quasi-shock wave is of the same order of magnitude as the Debye radius.

A quasi-shock wave occurs when for some reason or other the symmetry of the spatial distribution of the physical quantities in the plasma is broken. In the case of a quasi-equilibrium plasma with a Maxwellian electron velocity distribution (Moiseev and Sagdeev, 1963) the reason may be the reflection of ions from the potential barrier formed by the wave. The leading front of the perturbation has in that case the same shape as the leading front of a solitary wave, but the perturbation does not decrease exponentially behind the crest of the wave, but oscillates. The profile of such a quasi-shock wave is sketched in Fig. 8.2.3.


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π i χ -v t FIG. 8.2.3. The distribution of the electrostatic potential in a quasi-shock compression wave.

Assuming for the sake of simplicity that the density of the reflected ions Δηχ is small (Δη{ « : «j), we can clearly determine the potential distribution in the leading front of the wave (region I), substituting ne0 = ZniQ and u0 = — V into eqns. ( and ( The result is

x-Vt = 1 V(%nne0TQ) f*M£)-'+W(i- ^)- · ] }


m (

The maximum of the potential cpm and the maxima of the electron and ion densities nem

and nim are determined as before from the eqns. ( and ( We see that, as in the case of a solitary wave, nim > ni0; we can therefore call the quasi-shock wave in a plasma with a Maxwellian electron velocity distribution a quasi-shock compression wave.

In region II we have

x-Vt -\/(8πη(


Kernte) J Ψ \ F \ Te ) «em V,

-1 /2


where ιξ^ = V2—2Zeopm\mv We find for the minimum value of the potential φτ in the region of the oscillations and for the wavelength of the oscillations λ

λ =



r^(99r-99m) 1 + Z - ^


-ym)1 e J

| %{exp(^)

■zlm t/j !{/ i 2Ze{<pT-<pm)

- 1 + Z «im-Zlrtj w|



, (



The quasi-shock wave thus connects two different states of the plasma—the unperturbed plasma in front of the wave and the plasma with periodic oscillations of E, ne, η^ φ, and so on, behind the wave front. If we now understand by the width of the wave front x0 the dimension of the region in space which separates these two states of the plasma, we find,


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according to (, as to order of magnitude,

xo t'O

vii-w/m where rO is the electron Debye radius. We see that the width of the front of a quasi-shock wave in a collisionless plasma can be appreciably smaller than the mean free path of the particles which we know to determine the width of the shock wave in ordinary gas-dynamics (see Chapter 3).

Of course, the oscillations in a quasi-shock wave will be slowly damped as a result of dissipative effects. We shall not consider in detail the problem of the damping of the oscilla­tions.

8.3. Non-linear Waves in an Unmagnetized Non-equilibrium Plasma


Weakly damped ion-sound oscillations can propagate not only in a two-temperature plasma but also in a plasma with an arbitrary (not necessarily Maxwellian) velocity distribu­tion provided the average energy of the random motion of the electrons is considerably higher than the average energy of the random motion of the ions. As before, the small-amplitude ion-sound oscillations are then characterized by the dispersion law



^s = J-D " 4πβ2Ζ2Πίο


Ψ nti

while rD is the electron Debye radius which is connected with the electron distribution function F(O) through the equation

^D = £JK-) Jk^vj - 1 / 2


ni0 and we0 Zni0 are as before the unperturbed values of the ion and electron densities. The nature of the dispersion of the small-amplitude ion-sound oscillations in a plasma

with a non-Maxwellian velocity distribution does therefore not differ at all from the nature of the dispersion of the analogous oscillations in a plasma with a Maxwellian distribution; we need only understand by the electron temperature the quantity

WeWeO k-6F\ d3v dv 1 (k»v)


The situation is different in the case of non-linear ion-sound oscillations: we shall show in a moment that the nature of those turns out to depend in an essential way on the form of the electron distrubution function.


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For a study of the non-linear ion-sound oscillations we can as before use eqns. ( to ( where we understand by F(v) the non-Maxwellian electron velocity distribution. In the case of one-dimensional oscillations—and we shall restrict our considerations to that case—one can easily find a solution of the kinetic eqn. ( Using the notation F(v) = F(v2

x; v±) we get

F(y*; v±; x, t) =± F (ν*-2?-φ, t); νλ ; (

the x-axis corresponds to the direction of the wave propagation. Integrating ( over the electron velocities we get the electron "equation of state",

WC - HefoO, (

which for a non-equilibrium plasma replaces eqn. ( Together with the Poisson eqn. ( and eqns. ( and ( the "equation of state" ( forms a complete set of equations which describe non-linear one-dimensional motions of a plasma with an arbitrary velocity distribution.


Turning now to a study of simple (Riemannian) waves in a non-equilibrium plasma (Akhiezer, 1965b) we first of all note that, as in the case of a plasma with a Maxwellian electron distribution, simple waves can only be excited in the case of long-wavelength perturbations of the plasma (krO <c 1). In that case we can neglect space charge in the plasma and assume that ne = Zn{. We can thus for a study of simple waves use eqns. (, (, and the "equation of state"

ne = Zm = nt((p). (

Bearing in mind that in the case of simple waves all quantities characterizing the plasma can be written as functions of one of them (for instance, Wj), we get a set cf ordinary differen­tial equations for the functions w(^) and φ(η^) and the phase velocity V is determined from the condition that this set can be solved. Using the notation

, 2 = _ ^ _ , m = 4 ^ " , J = 0,1.2, ..., ( we get

rz , du* v* du± dtp rriivl V = ux+ evS9 -T— = ε — , -7— = 0, - / - = , ne = Znu (

an\ n\ dn\ dm eZrn where ε = ± 1, depending on whether the wave moves in the direction of the positive or negative x-axis.

The set of eqns. ( together with eqn. ( enables us to study the way in which the quantities characterizing the plasma—including the electron distribution function— change and to follow the evolution of a finite-amplitude perturbation.

First of all we note that the densities of both kinds of particles as well as the electrostatic potential increase along compression sections while they decrease along rarefaction sec­tions.


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Let us follow the change of the electron distribution function in a simple wave. Noting that depict^ > 0 and using ( we show easily that for those velocities for which vxdFfdvx < 0 the number of electrons with velocities in the range v, v + dv increase in a compression wave and decrease in a rarefaction wave. On the other hand, for those values of v for which vxdF[drx > 0 the number of electrons with velocities in the range v, v+dv increases in a rarefaction wave and decreases in a compression wave. In particular, if the initial electron velocity distribution has apart from the maximum at vx — 0 also a narrow spike which occupies a small velocity region, the spike will shift into the region of larger (smaller) values of | vx | during the motion of a compression (rarefaction) wave.

To determine how the shape of an ion-sound wave changes we need to evaluate the deriva­tive dVjdnv Using ( and putting ε = -f 1 to fix the ideas, we get

dV ^Vs_ dii{ 2/i{

Depending on the shape of the electron distribution function the quantity dVfdn{ can be positive, negative, zero, or changing sign, that is, positive for some and negative for other values of the potential φ. (We remember that both in ordinary and in magneto-hydrodyna­mics the quantity dVfdn{ is always positive.)

If dVldn{ > 0 (normal case), elements with a larger density move—as in ordinary hydro­dynamics—with a larger velocity; as a result there can appear discontinuities along com­pression sections.f Self-similar waves are in this case rarefaction waves. Such a possibility occurs in particular when the electron velocity distribution is Maxwellian (see preceding section) and for a step-function distribution

m = 1° {v^ Mni))

[constant (v < voim)). If dVldn{ = 0 for all values of the potential all elements will move with the same velocity

during the wave motion so that the wave profile is not distorted and no discontinuities appear. Using ( one can verify that the ion-sound velocity and the quantity <\/φ are in that case inversely proportional to the density

vsni = constant, ψη\ ~ constant.

The case dVldni = 0 is, in particular, realized for a distribution of the form F(v) oc

lidVjdn{ < 0 (anomalous case) elements with larger densities move with a lower velocit Discontinuities therefore appear along rarefaction sections: self-similar waves are compres­sion waves. Such a situation can be realized, in particular, if the distribution function in the main velocity range has the form

F ( D ) o c { t ' H * i ) } - a ,

t We apply the term discontinuity to narrow regions in which the gradients of the quantities which charac­terize the plasma are so large that the original relation ne — Znx becomes inapplicable. If krO > 1 it is necessary to take the ion-sound dispersion into account. When the gradients increase further in these regions multiple-current flow or shock waves may occur.

3 - nevw (


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where |- < a -< 2. We note that in that case the sound velocity vs increases in a rarefaction wave and decreases in a compression wave.

Let us finally consider the case when the quantity dV/dn{ can be both positive and nega­tive, depending on the value of the potential 99. To fix the ideas we shall assume that dV\dnx > 0 when ψ < φι and dV/d^ < 0 when φ > φλ where ψχ is some critical value of the potential. When a compression wave moves through such a plasma the "peak" of the wave, that is those parts for which n{ > niv where na is given by the equations φ(η{1) = φλ9 will lag behind the "base" of the wave, that is those parts for which n{ < n{1; if such a wave leads to a discontinuity the density in that point can therefore not exceed niv When a rarefaction wave propagates there is also the possibility that a discontinuity may occur; in that case the density in that point cannot be less than niv

If, on the other hand, dVjdn{ < 0 when φ < φ2 and dVfd^ > 0 when φ > φ2, one can easily check that the density in a discontinuity cannot exceed ni2 if the discontinuity devel­ops from a rarefaction wave and cannot be less than ni2 if it develops from a compression wave (the critical value of the density ni2 follows from the equation <p(ni2) = 9 2).

Both possibilities are, in particular, realized if the electron velocity distribution is a super­position of two, a "hot" and a "cold", Maxwell distributions:

F(O) = vi(/ii) exp I 2T* I + v2(ni) exp / ^ j , 7\ » Γ2.

Let us now consider briefly the problem of the motion in a non-equilibrium plasma which occurs when it is uniformly compressed or expanding—the analogy to the hydrodynamical piston problem. It is well known that the motion which occurs in a uniformly compressed (or expanding) plasma can only be self-similar waves—when there are no discontinuities. If dV\dnx > 0, a self-similar wave—which in this case is a rarefaction wave—occurs when the plasma is expanding (u0 < 0, where w0 is the "piston" velocity). If dVjdn{ < 0, the self-similar wave, which in this case is a compression wave occurs when the plasma is compressed (wo > 0).

Using ( and ( we can connect the change AXm the quantities which charac­terize the plasma X in a self-similar wave with the "piston" velocity w0. In particular, we have when u0 <sc vs

Anc Δηχ u0 . miVsu0 = = — , Au± = 0 , Αφ = — — , nQ ti{ vs eZ

Avs = -— wo 1 = !"'[ ^ ) - ^ ^ · <«·2·5>


When long-wavelength ion-sound oscillations with a linear dispersion law propagate through the plasma the wave profile will, in general, change with time—an exception is the case of a plasma with an electron distribution function of the form [v2-h v§~2 for which a sound wave can propagate without distortion of its shape.

Along sections of the wave with a characteristic inhomogeneity length of the order of the electron Debye radius the dispersion of ion sound becomes appreciable and as a result


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waves with a stationary profile become possible: solitary, periodic, and quasi-shock waves. We shall now turn to the study of the propagation of such waves in a non-equilibrium plasma (Akhiezer and Borovik, 1967).

In the case of a non-equilibrium plasma the velocity distribution, the ion density, and the electrostatic potential in a one-dimensional stationary wave are—in the frame of reference which moves with the wave—clearly determined by the same eqns. ( and ( as in the case of a plasma with a Maxwellian distribution. Adding to these equations the "equation of state" (, ne = ne(cp), we get the complete set of equations which describe such a wave.

One can easily show by solving these equations that the distribution of the physical quan­tities in a stationary wave is determined in the case of a non-equilibrium plasma by the same eqns. (, (, and ( as in the case of a plasma with a Maxwellian electron velocity distribution, provided we understand by nG(<p) the function which is obtained by integrating the non-Maxwellian distribution ( over the velocities.

In the general case when ne0 ^ Zni0, these relations determine the distribution of the quantities which characterize the plasma in a one-dimensional periodic wave. The wave amplitude (pm is clearly determined from the equation

j d<p [nJw)-Znfcp)\ = 0, ( 0

and the wavelength is equal to

1 V(2* ö

Ψτα ( Ψ

— \d<p\\ ώρ'[η*(φ')-Ζη£φ') o lo

- 1 / 2


In the special case when the charge density and the electrical field vanish in some point (we0 = Zni0) eqns. (, (, and ( describe a solitary wave, the structure of which we shall now consider in some detail.

We note first of all that far from the crest of the wave (| x— Vt | -* <*>) the potential distribution in a solitary wave is in the case of a non-equilibrium plasma determined, accord­ing to these relations, by the same formula ( as in the case of a plasma with a Max­wellian distribution; we need merely in the case of a non-equilibrium plasma use for the electron Debye radius rO eqn. ( or

/'D - [4^Ζ>ω]-ι/29 ( which is equivalent to it.

We see that in the case of a non-equilibrium plasma a solitary wave moves—in the laboratory frame of reference—with a supersonic velocity (V > v&0, where vs0 is the ion sound velocity when n{ = ni0) while the perturbation far from the crest of the wave falls off exponentially.

Putting /7e0 = Zni0, u0 = —V into ( and ( we get the equation which determines the amplitude φΐη of the potential in the solitary wave:

f dtp |«e(9P)-«eo {1 - ^ P - P ^ = 0· (8·3·3·4)


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In the case of a Maxwellian electron velocity distribution this equation, which in this case takes the form (, has a solution φτη > 0 as was pointed out in the preceding section. Clearly, the ion and electron densities then increase together with the potential (solitary compression wave).

However, it is possible to have such an electron velocity distribution that eqn. ( has a solution which lies in the region of negative values of the potential, <pm < 0, rather than in the region of positive values. The ion and electron densities in the solitary wave then decrease (solitary rarefaction wave). This case is, in particular, realized for distributions which in the main velocity region have the form (v2+νΙ)~Λ with J- < a < 2.

We shall now show that a solitary compression wave is formed in the case of distribution functions which lead to an increase of the gradients along compression regions (normal case), while a solitary rarefaction wave is formed in the case of distribution functions leading to an increase in the gradients along rarefaction regions (anomalous case).

To do this, we note that the integrand in eqn. ( vanishes when φ = 0 and when ψ = <pu where ψι lies within the range 0, <pm. The quantity

A= d[ 1 1 l-j ΤΖβφΎΙ αφ\ηΙ(φ) /& |_ rriiV2 \\

therefore vanishes for some value φ = <p2 which lies within the interval 0, φ±. Bearing in mind that because of the condition V > vs0 the quantity A is negative for φ = 0, we have

(sgn ψπι) ~ Μ<ρ)Γ2 > 0. (

On the other hand, the profile of a simple wave is distorted in the normal direction, if expression ( is positive, and in the anomalous direction, if that expression is negative, and according to ( this expression has the same sign as ψ^.

If for some reason the symmetry of the spatial distribution of the physical quantities in the plasma is broken, there appears a wave with a leading front of the same shape as the leading front of a solitary wave, but behind the crest of the wave the perturbation does not fall off exponentially, but oscillates (quasi-shock wave).

In the case of a solitary compression wave a cause for the violation of the symmetry of the spatial distribution of physical quantities and for the appearance of a quasi-shock compres­sion wave may be the reflection of ions from the potential barrier formed by the wave. In the case of a solitary rarefaction wave one may have similarly reflection of electrons from the potential barrier formed by the wave; as a result we get a quasi-shock rarefaction wave.

The profile of a quasi-shock rarefaction wave is sketched in Fig. 8.3.1. The distribution of physical quantities in the leading front of the wave (region I) is, as before, described by eqns. (, (, and (—with ne0 = Zni0 and u0 = - V—while the potential

f The function d2[ne(<p)]~2/d<p2 is assumed to be monotonic; in the case of non-monotonic functions the gradients in a simple wave can increase both on compression and on rarefaction sections, depending on the magnitude of the perturbation, as was pointed out in the preceding section.


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FIG. 8.3.1. The distribution of the electrostatic potential in a quasi-shock rarefaction wave,

minimum cpm is determined from eqn. ( In region II eqn. ( must be replaced by

E2 = 8πβ j* όφ[η+(φ)-Ζιΐ[(φ)], (

where ne — n^ is the density of the reflected electrons. Hence we get for the maximum value ψτ of the potential in the region of the oscillations and for the wavelength λ of the oscillations the equations

Ιαφ[η+(φ)-Ζηι(φ)] = 0,




A quasi-shock compression wave—for which clearly φτη > φτ > 0—has a similar struc­ture. To determine the quantities characterizing that wave, we must make the following substitution in eqns. ( to (

nt — n* -* Z(jn-nf),

where n{—nf is the density of the reflected ions. Of course, the oscillations in both kinds of quasi-shock waves will be slowly damped due to dissipative effects.

We noted earlier that a solitary and therefore also a quasi-shock wave moves with a super­sonic velocity, V > vs0, with respect to the unperturbed plasma. However, with respect to the plasma behind the crest of the wave a quasi-shock wave moves with a velocity less than the sound velocity, u < vs. Indeed, the expression on the right-hand side of eqn. ( is positive and vanishes when ψ = (pm and φ — φτ\ this expression must therefore have a negative second derivative. On the other hand, that derivative is equal to SneDa\l — (v2Ju2)}.


Let us now consider non-linear multiple-current flow in a non-equilibrium plasma in which the average electron energy appreciably exceeds the average ion energy (Akhiezer and Borovik, 1967). We noted earlier that such a flow may arise when finite-amplitude waves


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propagate in a plasma which initially only contained a single ion current. Moreover, multiple-current flow may arise when solitary or quasi-shock waves propagate in the plasma. In particular, in the case of a quasi-shock compression wave the ions reflected from the potential barrier formed by the wave may form three currents in front of the wave front. In the case of a solitary (or quasi-shock) rarefaction wave multiple-current flow is possible inside the perturbed region and is produced by the ions which are trapped by the wave.

A peculiar feature of a plasma with several ion currents is the possibility that ion-sound oscillations may become unstable in it. We shall show below that two cases may then be realized: either the wave moves away from the spatial boundary of the instability region, or there appears a discontinuity at the boundary ofthat region.

We shall use for a description of multiple-current flow in a plasma the hydrodynamical equations with a self-consistent field for each kind of ions. Restricting ourselves to one-dimensional motion we have

^ / + ^ O W ) = 0, (

where n} and u} are the density and hydrodynamic velocity of the /th kind of ion (j = 1, 2, . . . , N)9 and Mj and eZj are the ion mass and charge; we chose the Λ-axis in the direction of the wave propagation, and here and henceforth we shall drop the index x of the velocity component ux. Together with the Poisson equation

δ°Ύ Λ N " e - Σ ZJnJ

·/ = ! 0, (

and the electron "equation of state" (, eqns. ( and ( form a complete set of equations describing multiple-current flow of the plasma.

In the case of large-scale motions when the distance over which the quantities character­izing the plasma change appreciably is large compared to the electron Debye radius, we can neglect the first term in eqn. ( Equations ( to ( then allow solutions in the form of simple waves corresponding to such motions of the plasma for which the perturbations of all quantities propagate with the same velocity.

It is well known that in the case of simple waves all quantities which characterize the plasma can be written as functions of one of them which, in turn, is a function of x and t. Choosing the potential <p as this quantity we get a set of ordinary differential equations for the functions rij = w/φ), w, = η(φ):

drij eZ; tit din eZf 1 ^ ^ ^ « Λ ,. -Γ = T7- 7 v ^~Ϋ> ; V = T / 7/ ' n* = Σ Zj"h ( άψ Mj (V-uj)~ άφ Mj V-Uj j t i

where V = V(cp) is the phase velocity of the wave. It is determined from the condition that the set of equations can be solved, that is, from the equation

Φ(Κ)= 1, (


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Φ(ν) = j , £ * (V-Ujf My/)*1) ' (

here we use again the notation Z>(° = d'njdq)'. The dispersion eqn. ( is an algebraic equation of degree 2iV, where JV is the number

of currents; it has 2N roots of which two—the smallest and the largest—are always real while the remaining 2(N— 1) roots can be either real or imaginary. We show the function 0(V) in Fig. 8.3.2.

Φ ( ν )

V., u, V+l V_p Uo V. V-3«J3V+3

FIG. 8.3.2. The function Φ{Υ) for the case of three ion currents. The equation Φ(Κ) = 1 determines the phase velocities of six oscillation branches, Κ_χ, V+1, K_2, F+ 2, F_3, and K+3.

If all IN roots of the dispersion eqn. ( are real the ion-sound oscillations will be stable. There can then propagate in the plasma 2N kinds of simple waves which are charac­terized by different phase velocities V±j(j = 1,2, . . . , N). (We denote by V±J the roots of the dispersion eqn. ( which lie closest to uj9 and we take V_j < u} < V+i.)

In each of the simple waves the potential 99, the electron density we, and the densities n} of the ions corresponding to the each of N currents increase along compression sections; along rarefaction sections these quantities decrease.

We note that it follows from eqns. ( that if the phase velocity of one of the waves lies close to Uj the ions of the/th current interact particularly strongly with that wave.

Let us determine how the shape of an ion-sound wave changes when it propagates through the plasma. Using ( to ( we find


dV _ P [ ^ΤΊ^Γ n*m)\ d<p

« e j jtiZjnAV-Uj)*



The denominator in ( is always positive for waves with the phase velocity V+j and negative for waves with the phase velocity V'_/, however, the enumerator can have both signs, depending on the nature of the electron distribution function, and hence on the form of the "equation of state" nt = ne(cp).


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One sees easily that G > 1—the case G = 1 is realized if there is only one ion current in the plasma, N = 1. Therefore, in the case of electron distributions for which weZ>(2){Z)(1)}""2

< 3, the enumerator in equation ( is always positive. For an analysis of how the profile of a wave moving with the velocity V+J or V_j changes in that case it is convenient to change to a frame of reference in which the ions of the 7th kind are at rest. In this frame elements with a larger density move in both above-mentioned waves with a velocity which has a larger absolute magnitude. Discontinuities—or additional ion currents—can there­fore appear, as in ordinary hydrodynamics, along compression sections; self-similar waves are rarefaction waves.

We shall call the case 3G—«eZ)(2){Z)(1)}~2 > 0 the normal case. The normal case is realized, in particular, for a Maxwellian electron velocity distribution (Taniuti, Yajima, and Outi, 1966). We showed in Subsection 8.3.2 that there exists also a class of distribution functions for which «eZ)(2){£)(1)}~2 > 3 so that the enumerator in ( can be negative. Discontinuities can then occur along rarefaction sections rather than along compression sections, as in the normal case; self-similar waves are compression waves (anomalous case; Akhiezer and Borovik, 1967). This case can be realized, in particular, for distributions which in the main velocity region have the form (v2-\- #2)~a, where γ < α < 2.

We emphasize that in the normal (anomalous) case discontinuities occur along those sec­tions of a wave with phase velocity V±j which are compression (rarefaction) sections from the point of view of an observer who moves with theyth ion current. Of course, the concept of compression or rarefaction sections is not invariant under a transformation to a moving frame of reference. For instance, compression sections appear as rarefaction sections (and vice versa) to an observer moving with a velocity larger than V+p in particular, moving with the 7 4- 1st ion current.

If there are complex roots among the roots of the dispersion eqn. ( ion-sound oscillations in the plasma are unstable. One sees easily that when one approaches the bound­ary of the stability region the phase velocities of any two kinds of waves approach one another: V}_Y -*· V_} -+ Vc where the boundary of the stability region and the critical phase velocity are determined from the equations

0(VC) = 1, 0\VG) = 0; (

the prime on the function Φ indicates differentiation with respect to V. It follows, in particular, that in a plasma containing two ion currents the stability condi­

tion has the form (wi-w2)2>w2 (

where Uc= [ν^+νψΤ'\ (')

while near the boundary of the stability region

Fi,-2 = VcT^(ucViv2y* Γ / ^ ^ 2 Λ 2 - ΐ 1 1 / 2 , Vc = u-^[Ulvr+u2vri (

In order to study the evolution of a wave near the boundary of the stability region we note that the quantity


NP 4 33

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which is positive in the stability region and vanishes on its boundary, is—like all quantities in a simple wave—a function of x—Vt. There can therefore not occur an instability in a simple wave if the plasma were initially stable in the whole of space; the spatial boundary of the instability region x = xc(t), determined by the equation

W(xc(t), t) = 0,

is carried along the characteristics. Bearing in mind that

dW _ dq ±V\V±J)

dV_ dq Φ" > 0,

one sees easily that the quantity dWjdq is positive (negative) in the normal (anomalous) case. If, therefore, initially in the normal (anomalous) case the spatial boundary of the stability region terminates along a compression (rarefaction) section, a discontinuity will develop later on on the boundary. If, however, the boundary of the stability region termi­nates on a rarefaction (compression) region, the distance between the crest of the simple wave and the point xc(/) will increase with time.

We note that on the boundary of the stability region the quantity dV/dq, which character­izes the rate of change of the profile of a simple wave—and, in particular, determines the moment when a discontinuity will appear—becomes infinite according to ( and (

Let us now consider the case of a plasma through which a low-density ion current passes (ni:» n%). Four kinds of simple waves can propagate in such a plasma. Two of them have phase velocities close to the ion-sound velocity in a plasma with one kind of ions, V±1 = u1± v±. In agreement with ( we have for such waves

dV±1 _ ι DWv! | 3 neDW dq> 2ne


Depending on the form of the electron distribution function discontinuities can thus occur either along compression sections (normal case) or along rarefaction sections (anomalous case).

There are two other kinds of waves which have phase velocities close to u%\

F + o = ^2 + 2**2 1

Equations ( then become

diii eZ\Ui dq


(u2 — Wi)2

- 1 / 2 (

CM i


Mi{lt2 — Uif ' άψ

eZi du 2 = ±


Mi(u» — i{i) ' ώρ ' M2v%

From ( we get for the derivatives dV+2/dcp



v (li2 — Ulf

(1(2-Ulf J


dV+2 dq +


-1- 2Zo«2 1

( « 2 - W i ) 2 (


Page 45: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


The quantity dV/dcp which characterizes the rate at which the shape of the wave changes is large in waves of this kind (proportional to n^112) while, independent of the form of the electron distribution function, the wave profile can change only in the usual direction (normal case).

We note that an ion current with a small density interacts very intensively with such waves. In particular, άη^άηχ:» n<i\n\.

8.4. Non-linear Waves in a Magneto-active Plasma with Hot Electrons


In the preceding section we considered non-linear waves in an unmagnetized non-equilibrium plasma with hot electrons. We shall now study non-linear waves in a plasma with hot electrons in an external constant and uniform magnetic field (Akhiezer and Boro-vik, 1968). We shall consider both equilibrium and non-equilibrium plasmas.

As before, for the description of the ion motion in a magneto-active plasma with hot electrons we can start from the hydrodynamical equations with a self-consistent field and for the description of the electron motion from the kinetic equation for the electron distribu­tion function F(v):

du Tt+(l" V ) i f -

Ze r Α Λ_ Ze [u Λ Bo] + V99 = 0, mxc mi

-g^+div(#ii») 0,

(r· v ) F - mec \ dF'

A Bo] ·—-)+ — ov j me ("4)"*



where B0 is the external magnetic field and Ze the ion charge. Adding the Poisson eqn. ( to eqns. ( and ( we obtain a complete set of equations which describe the non-linear motions of a non-equilibrium plasma in an external magnetic field.

In what follows we shall be interested in the case of strong magnetic fields, when

» Z Ä7*D ,

c m\

where vA = Bo/Vi^^i^d is the Alfven velocity, rO the electron Debye radius, and k'1

a length over which the quantities characterizing the plasma change appreciably. In this case—often called the case of strongly magnetized electrons—it is convenient tö change from the kinetic eqn. ( to the equation obtained by averaging over the 'faSt electron rotation:

9 . e Βφ d dz mc f=o, ( dz vz dvz

where / is the distribution function integrated over the electron velocity components at

4* 35

Page 46: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


right angles to the magnetic field,

f(t® = $F(v)dvxdvy, (

and where the z-axis is taken in the direction of the external magnetic field. Solving equation ( we find

f(A\ r, 0 =fU-^j{r, t)\ . (

If we then integrate this equation over the electron velocity we get the electron "equation of state":

He = nJi<p\ (

which connects the electron density with the electrostatic potential. The set of eqns. (, (, and ( describes the non-linear motions in a

plasma with an arbitrary electron velocity distribution, provided the average electron energy is considerably larger than the average ion energy, while the form of the "equation of state" ( depends on the actual form of the electron distribution function.

Let us first of all consider the case of a not too strong magnetic field, when vA/c « krO (but, as before, vA(c:» krOZmJm^). In this case—usually called the case of weakly magnet­ized ions—we can neglect the term involving the magnetic field in the first of eqns. ( If we are interested in one-dimensional motions of the plasma and introduce a new variable I = ν~Ητ·ν)9 we can write eqns. ( and ( in the form

Ze δφ _ drii d ^W~ ~0Γ + ~0Ϊ

-Ane{nQ-Zm) = 0, (

( 9 0 \ Ze dw _ drii d , ,n * + ^

^"wr^-*-0- -er+-er(w) = ft (8AL7)


where u = V~\u*V) and V is the wave velocity. The set of eqns. ( to ( is completely analogous to the set of equations

describing the non-linear motion of a non-equilibrium plasma when there is no magnetic field. The only essential difference between these sets of equations lies in the form of the "equations of state": in magnetic fields, satisfying the condition vA/c ^> krOZmJm^ the quantity η^φ) is a functional of the one-dimensional electron distribution function/rather than of the total distribution function F, as in the case when B0 = 0.

We studied the non-linear motion of a non-equilibrium plasma when there is no magnetic field in detail in Section 8.3. The just-mentioned analogy enables us to transfer directly all conclusions of Section 8.3 to the case of a plasma in a not too strongmagneticfield, vA/c<zkrO. In particular, the nature of the non-linear waves in such a plasma will be different in the normal case, when the quantity

Q = 3-J5W ί 8 Α 1 · 9 )

is positive, from the anomalous case when the quantity Q is negative.


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In the normal case discontinuities (or multiple-current flow) will occur in a simple wave along compression sections; self-similar waves are rarefaction waves. Solitary waves are in this case compression waves. As a result of the reflection of ions from the potential barrier formed by such a wave a quasi-shock compression wave may occur. The normal case is, in particular, realized for a Maxwellian electron velocity distribution.

In the anomalous case discontinuities (or multiple-current flow) occur in a simple wave along rarefaction sections; self-similar waves are compression waves. Solitary waves are in this case rarefaction waves. As a result of the reflection of electrons from the potential barrier formed by such a wave a quasi-shock rarefaction wave may occur. The anomalous case is, in particular, realized if the electron distribution in the main velocity range has the form

where \ < a < 1. Apart from the normal and the anomalous cases one can also have the intermediate case

Q = 0—as when there is no magnetic field. In that case the wave profile is not distorted while the wave propagates and no discontinuities occur. The case Q = 0 is, in particular, realized if the electron distribution function in the main velocity range has the form

/ ocM+f j ) " 1 .


Let us now consider non-linear waves for the case of a strong magnetic field, vA/c ^> krO. In that case—usually called the case of strongly magnetized ions—it is convenient to change from the hydrodynamical eqns. ( to the equations which are averaged over the fast rotation of the ions:

id d \ Ze dw \ at dz ) mi dz

dn- e ( 8 A 2 1 )

~W^"dz^n'lU") = °' iBo A ν 1 ( ε ' + Z e ( p ^ = °' where et is the average value of the kinetic energy of the ion cyclotron rotation,

These equations together with the Poisson eqn. ( and the electron "equation of state" ( form a complete set of equations describing the non-linear motions in a plasma with hot electrons in a strong magnetic field (non-linear magneto-sound waves).

In the case of large-scale motions (krO <$c 1) we can neglect the first term in ( Equations (, (, and ( then have solutions in the form of simple waves. As we have already said several times, in the case of simple waves all quantities character­izing the plasma can be written as functions of one of them, for instance, the ion density n{ which, in turn, is a function of I and t. Equations ( then turn into a set of ordinary differential equations for the functions φ(η^), uz(n& and et(n^:

du^^v^ det = rmvl dtp _ m ^ (8 4 2 2 drii n\ ' dnx nx ' dm eZn\ '


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while the phase velocity V. = V(n{) is determined from the condition that these equations have a solution,

V= (u2+vs) cos Θ, (

where vs is the ion-sound velocity, given by formula ( and Θ the angle between the direction of wave propagation and that of the magnetic field (to fix the ideas we assume that Θ < TT/2).

We can use eqns. ( and ( to study the direction in which the quantities which characterize the plasma change and to follow the evolution of a finite-amplitude perturbation. We note, first of all, that along compression sections the potential φ increases, as well as the electron and ion densities; along rarefaction sections these quantities decrease. As far as st is concerned, this quantity increases along rarefaction and decreases along compression sections.

To determine how the shape of a magneto-sound wave changes when it moves in the plasma, we evaluate the derivative dV\dnv Using ( and ( we get

dlrV~Qco^ (

where the quantity Q is defined by eqn. ( Depending on the sign of the quantity Ö, that is, depending on the form of the electron distribution function, the derivative dV\dni

can be positive (normal case), negative (anomalous case), or zero. (We remind ourselves that both in ordinary and in magneto-hydrodynamics the derivative dVjdn{ is always positive.)

If dVjdn{ > 0, elements with a larger density move, as in magneto-hydrodynamics, with a higher velocity; discontinuities (or multiple-current flow) therefore occur along com­pression sections. Self-similar waves are then rarefaction waves.

If dV]dni = 0 all elements move with the same velocity during the propagation of the wave; the wave profile is thus not distorted and no discontinuities occur.

Finally, if dV\dnx < 0, elements with larger density move with a smaller velocity. Dis­continuities (or multiple-current flow) occur along rarefaction sections and self-similar waves are compression waves.

We draw attention to the fact that the sign of the derivative dV\dnx is, according to (, the same as the sign of the quantity Q which determines the direction in which the profile of a simple wave is distorted in the case of a not very strong magnetic field. The direction in which the profile of a simple wave is distorted is thus determined solely by the form of the electron distribution function and is independent of the strength of the magnetic field.


We have seen that when long-wavelength magneto-sound waves with a linear dispersion law propagate in a plasma the wave profile changes with time—except when the electron distribution function has the form/oc (v^+vl)"1; in that case the magneto-sound wave propagates without distortion of its shape.


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Along those sections of the wave where the characteristic size of the inhomogeneity is comparable with the electron Debye radius, krO % 1, we must take the sound dispersion, described by the first term in eqn. (, into account. It is well known that when the sound dispersion is taken into account waves with a stationary profile, solitary, periodic, or quasi-shock waves, become a possibility.

Turning to a study of stationary magneto-sound waves we note, first of all, that one can easily obtain a solution of eqns. ( in closed form in the case of such waves. Using ( we get a complete set of equations describing a stationary wave:

1 / V \ 2 rmV2

rii(V-uz cos 0) = moK T m i Iw* ^ 1 +Z?<P = 2 \ COS U J 2 cos2 Θ

et + Zecp = co, — = Ane[nQ((p)-Zni}, (

where Vis the wave velocity, 0 the angle between the directions of the wave propagation and the magnetic field, ni0 and ε0 the values of the ion density and of the average energy of the ion cyclotron rotation in the point where u2 = 0 (we have taken the zero of the electro­static potential to be at the point where u2 — 0).

Solving these equations, we get


(^Y = tote \ dq>[»JL<P)-Zm(<F)], 0

2Z<?<pcos20 I--1'2

Πϊ{ψ) = «i0 1 — rrnV2



By integrating ( we get an implicit equation determining φ as a function of the coordinates and the time:

ξ-¥ί = ±1 y/(ine)

f φ -1/2


In the general case when /?e0 ^ Zni0 this equation determines the distribution of the potential in a periodic magneto-sound wave. The amplitude φτα of such a wave and its wavelength λ are determined by eqns. ( and ( in which we must substitute expression ( for the function η^φ).

In the case when the total charge vanishes (ne0 = Zni0) at the same points as the velocity uz, λ ->o?, and the periodic wave degenerates into a solitary wave. One sees easily that all equations which describe a solitary magneto-sound wave can be obtained from the corre­sponding equations describing a solitary ion-sound wave when there is no magnetic field by making in those equations the substitution

V - -J— I cos 01 '


Page 50: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


We can therefore at once use the results of the preceding section to reach various conclusions about the structure of a solitary magneto-sound wave.

Firstly, the perturbation in a solitary magneto-sound wave falls off exponentially far from the crest of the wave—as | ζ — Vt \ —- <*>,

y o c e x p j - Γ ρ [ί ^ψ2 I [> (8·4·3·5)

where ^s0 is the value of the ion-sound velocity as 11 — Vt | -+ oo and rD is the electron Debye radius defined by eqn. ( From this one can, in particular, conclude easily that a solitary wave moves relative to the unperturbed plasma with a velocity which exceeds the velocity of small-amplitude magneto-sound waves, V > vs | cos Θ |.

Furthermore, the amplitude φτη of a solitary magneto-sound wave is clearly determined by the equation


j ^ { n e ( y ) - Z , i 0 [ l - 2 Z ^ C ; 2S 2 e ] " ] / 2 } = 0. (


In the case of a Maxwellian electron distribution this equation has a solution in the range of positive 99-values, <pm > 0. Clearly, both the potential and the ion and electron densities increase in such a wave (solitary compression wave).

One can also have such electron velocity distributions that eqn. ( has a solution with a negative rather than a positive value of <pm. The ion and electron densities in a solitary wave then decrease (solitary rarefaction wave). This case is, in particular, realized for distri­butions which in the main velocity range have the form

/ 0C( t i+ !©- , with ~ < a < 1.

One can show that in a plasma in a magnetic field a solitary compression wave occurs for electron distributions leading to increasing gradients along compression sections (normal case) and a solitary rarefaction wave occurs in the case of electron distributions leading to increasing gradients along rarefaction sections (anomalous case). The proof of this statement is completely analogous to the proof given in Section 8.3 for the case of an unmagnetized plasma; we shall therefore not give the proof here.

If for some reason or other the symmetry of the spatial distribution of the physical quan­tities in the plasma is broken, a wave appears with a leading front of the same shape as the leading front of a solitary wave, but with the perturbation behind the crest of the wave oscillating rather than falling off exponentially (quasi-shock wave). As in the case when there is no magnetic field, in the case of a solitary compression (rarefaction) wave the cause of the breaking of the symmetry of the spatial distribution of the physical quantities which leads to the appearance of quasi-shock compression (rarefaction) waves can be the reflec­tion of ions (electrons) from the potential barrier formed by the wave. All equations charac­terizing a quasi-shock magneto-sound wave can be obtained from the corresponding rela­tions in Section 8.3 provided we substitute there the function η^ψ) defined by eqn. (; we shall therefore not give here the corresponding expressions.


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To conclude this subsection we note that a solitary wave—and thus also a quasi-shock wave—moves with respect to the unperturbed plasma with a velocity which is larger than the velocity of a small-amplitude magneto-sound wave, V > vs0 | cos 0 |. However, the quasi-shock wave moves with respect to the plasma behind the wave front with a velocity smaller than the magneto-sound velocity.

8.5. Non-linear Low-frequency Waves in a Cold Plasma in a Magnetic Field


In the preceding three sections we have studied waves in a plasma with hot electrons and we have shown that in the case of large-scale perturbations the wave profile is distorted when the wave propagates and that this leads to the appearance of discontinuities (or multiple-current flow). In the short-wavelength region, however, perturbations in a plasma with hot electrons can propagate in the form of waves with a stationary profile—periodic, solitary, or quasi-shock waves.

The possibility of the propagation of stationary waves was in that case connected in an essential way with the dispersion of the ion-sound (or magneto-sound) waves. The dispersion length of such oscillations—that is, the characteristic size of the inhomogeneity for which dispersion effects start to play an important role—is determined by the electron Debye radius; the width of the wave front (of a solitary or quasi-shock wave) in a plasma with hot electrons is of the same order of magnitude as the Debye radius.

We shall now consider non-linear low-frequency waves in a cold plasma in a magnetic field. (We considered high-frequency waves in a cold plasma in Section 8.1.) It is well known that in such a plasma we can have waves which have a linear dispersion law in the long-wavelength region and a phase velocity equal to the Alfven velocity. We shall see that when such a wave propagates its profile is distorted and this may lead to the occurrence of discontinuities (or multiple-current flow). However, in the short-wavelength region perturb­ations in the form of waves with a stationary profile can propagate. As before, the possi­bility of the propagation of stationary waves is in an essential manner connected with dispersion effects. The dispersion length of oscillations in a cold plasma in a magnetic field is then determined by the equation

1==~7Γλ—2-TMax1~77^ 7» V(WeC2)l, V(4^2«e) [V(47Tfle) V J

where nc is the electron density and B the magnetic field. The width of the wave front (of a solitary or quasi-shock wave) must be of the same order of magnitude as /.

We shall restrict ourselves to the study of non-linear waves propagating in a cold plasma (T <$: 2?2/8πηβ, where T is the plasma temperature) at right angles to the magnetic field (Adlam and Allen, 1958; Sagdeev, 1958b; Gardner, Goertzel, Grad, Morawetz, Rose, and Rubin, 1958; Davies, Lust, and Schlüter, 1958). We can then use the hydrodynamical


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equations for the electron and ion densities, ne and ni5 and their velocities, v and u:

- Ϊ - + »*7Γ-+ — [ » Λ * ] + — £ = 0, ( dt dx mec me

ot ox

du du Ze _ . „_ Ze ^ /Λ ,- « ^ ~*T + U*-* [« Λ * 1 — — E= °> ( dt dx ftiiC m\

^ - + -~(« i W , ) = a (

where the x-axis is chosen to be in the direction of the wave propagation. We shall first consider the case of a strong magnetic field when B2[4nne» mec2 (the case

of a weak magnetic field, B2/4nne <^mec2, will be considered in Subsection 8.5.3). In that case we get by solving eqn. (

. - « i ^ f i . (

One checks easily that when the condition

e 4nn{

is statisfied, we can neglect the Lorentz force in eqn. ( Introducing the electrostatic potential φ which satisfies the Poisson equation,

we find

^ | -4ne(ne-Zm) = 0, (

du du Ze dw Λ /or- , ~ + u —+ — -g- = 0 ; ( αί ox mi dx

here and henceforth we drop the index x from the velocity component ux. Equations (, (, and ( are exactly the same as the analogous equations

of Sections 8.2 and 8.3 describing the motion in a plasma when there is no magnetic field. We shall now prove that eqns. ( and ( together with the Maxwell equations,



can be reduced to an equivalent electron "equation of state", ne = ne(<p); the z-axis has been chosen in the direction of the magnetic field.

Substituting ( into ( and comparing the resultant equation with eqn.

dEy _ dx

dB _ dx

1 dB c dt '

4ne 1 dEy

c dt '


Page 53: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


( we check easily that the electron density changes proportional to the magnetic field,

-^-== constant. (

Using then ( and ( and noting that in the first of these equations we can neglect the term (l/c)(dEyldt\ we get

Β-4πβφ^ = constant. ( B

Comparison of ( and ( then leads to the electron "equation of state":

η*(φ) = «e0 1 . Λ 7 7 e0


where ne0 and B0 are the values of the electron density and the magnetic field at the point where the potential φ vanishes.

We have thus reduced the problem of the non-linear motion in a cold plasma in a strong magnetic field to the form which is completely analogous to the problem of the non-linear motion of a plasma with hot electrons and no magnetic field. (According to ( the role of the average thermal electron energy is now played by the quantity Tef[ ~ B^jAnn^)


Turning now to the study of non-linear oscillations of a cold plasma in a strong magnetic field (B2/4nnc ^> mec2) we note first of all that according to ( and ( the dis­persion length for such oscillations is equal to

We draw attention to the fact that, according to (, the dispersion length / is an integral of motion.

In the case of large-scale perturbations (kl <§c 1), when we can neglect the first term in eqn. (, eqns. (, (, (, and ( allow solutions in the form of simple (Riemannian) waves. Introducing the Alfven velocity

V* = -ÜÄ^ V> ( 8 · 5 · 2 · 2 ) <γ/(4π/7ί/?7ί)

which in the case considered plays the same role as the ion-sound velocity vs in the case of a plasma with hot electrons (compare ( we get equations which are satisfied by the functions w(^), φ(η), nJjt-X B(ni\ and £e(/7i) m t n e c a s e °f a simple wave

du vA dtp mxv\ dB B dEy u+vA B —— = — , -— = ——— , UQ — Z/7i , -j— = , — — = ; {Q.D.Z.O) drii rii drii eZnx dni ινχ αηχ c m


Page 54: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


to fix the ideas we assume that the wave propagates in the direction of the positive x-axis. The phase velocity of the wave is connected with the Alfven velocity through the equation

V=u+vA. (

We showed in Section 8.3 that the direction in which the front of a simple wave is distorted is determined by the sign of the quantity Q = 3—«eZ)(2){Z>(1)}"~2. Using the "equation of state" ( we have Q = 3. The profile of a simple wave propagating through a cold plasma is therefore always distorted in the normal direction, which means that the gradients of the quantities characterizing the plasma increase along compression sections and this leads to the appearance of discontinuities (or multiple-current flow) along such sections. Self-similar waves in such a plasma are rarefaction waves.

Let us now consider the propagation of stationary waves in a cold plasma in a magnetic field. We can obtain all the equation which describe such waves from the corresponding equations of Subsection 8.3.3 by making there the substitutions

s -* vA9 rO — /,

and by using for ne{cp) the function determined by eqn. ( Of course, solitary waves are in this case compression waves. In such waves not only the electron and ion densities increase, but also the magnetic field and the electrostatic potential.

Using (, (, and ( we can establish a relation between the velocity V of the solitary wave and its amplitude; in fact, if Bm is the amplitude of the magnetic field, we have

V = AO 2B , (

where B0 and vA0 are the values of the magnetic field and the Alfven velocity in the un­perturbed region (as | x— Vt \ -*■ ») .

In concluding this subsection we note that the amplitude of a solitary wave—and hence also its velocity—cannot be arbitrarily large. Indeed, the expression under the square root in eqn. ( for the ion density must be non-negative. Substituting ( into this equation, using ( and (, and bearing in mind that we have noted earlier that Bm >: Bo, we find

B0< Bm< 3£o, vAo < V < 2vA0. (


Let us now consider non-linear waves in a cold plasma in a weak magnetic field (Γ«: B2/4nne <zmec2). We can again use in this case the hydrodynamical eqns. ( to ( and the Maxwell equations. Noting that we can neglect the appearance of space charge in the plasma when 2?2/4π/7β <c mec2 and neglecting corrections proportional to the


Page 55: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


dVy ~dt


dm dux -d7+ni^x- =

dux dt ~

EX+^B = c

;H8)-dEy dx ~ ee _ dx





1 c



dB et'


small parameter Zmjirii we can write these equations in the form we = Zm, vx - ux, (


B\, (





where d/dt = d/dt+ ujdjdx and where we have as before chosen the x-axis in the direction of the wave propagation and the z-axis in the direction of the magnetic field.

Substituting eqns. ( and ( into eqn. ( we get dux d B2

miniW = -dx^- ( 8 · 5 3 · 8 )

The equations of motion ( and ( (the second of these is clearly the Euler equation in which the magnetic pressure Β2/$π plays the role of the pressure) form together with the continuity eqn. ( and the Maxwell eqns. ( and ( a complete set of equations describing non-linear motions in a plasma in a weak magnetic field.

Let us first of all consider the propagation of long-wavelength perturbations, k2 <$c 4ne2nJmQc2, through the( plasma. In that case we have, neglecting the first term on the left-hand side of eqn. (,

Ey = —B. (

The set of eqns. (, (, (, and ( allow solutions in the form of simple waves corresponding to such plasma oscillations for which the quantities character­izing the plasma can be written as functions of one of them—for which we choose the ion density nv Assuming to fix the ideas that the simple wave propagates in the direction of the positive x-axis, we have

dux νχ dB B dEy UX+VA B ( dnx ri{ ' drii nx ' dru c πι 9

and the phase velocity V of the wave is connected with the Alfven velocity vA through eqn. (

In order to follow the change of the profile of a simple wave when it propagates we evaluate the derivative dVjdn^


Page 56: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


As the derivative dV/dni is positive, gradients of the quantities which characterize the plasma in a simple wave increase along compression sections and this leads to the appear­ance of discontinuities (or multiple-current flow) along these sections. Self-similar waves in a cold plasma are rarefaction waves.

Let us now consider stationary waves in a cold plasma in a weak magnetic field. Eliminat­ing from eqns. (, ( to ( all quantities bar the magnetic field B, we get

/2 B*-Bl _χ

&πιη{η{0ν2 ex) &-£% i]dB), r β2-Βο ι

SOTMiHjoF2 \ dx ί 8π/«ί«ίοΚ2 n B+Bo = 0, (

where ni0 and Bo are the values of the ion density and the magnetic field at the point where ux = 0, V is the wave velocity, and

r2 [ /WeC*

In the general case, when the derivative dBfdx is non-vanishing when B = Z?0, eqn. ( determines the distribution of the magnetic field in a periodic wave. In the special case when B—BQ and dB/dx vanish in the same point, the wavelength tends to infinity and the periodic wave degenerates into a solitary wave.

Integrating eqn. ( we get an equation implicitly determining the magnetic field distribution in a solitary wave as a function of the variable x—Vt:

x-Vt=: dB

B-B» '-* ■ .1 I . - ,£^P. (».»■■<> ] { -8ττιηιηιον2 J j lojrWjWioK2

We draw attention to the fact that the width of a solitary wave in a plasma in a weak magnetic field is, according to ( and (, of the order of (mec2/4tte2/7e)1/2, whereas the width of a solitary wave in the case of a strong magnetic field is, according to (, of the order of BfAnen^

Using ( one checks easily that the amplitude Bm of a solitary wave and its velocity V are related to one another in the case of a weak magnetic field through the same relation ( as in the case of a strong magnetic field. The quantities Bm and Fcan then not be arbitrarily large and, as before, satisfy the inequalities (

We have thus considered non-linear waves propagating in a cold plasma at right angles to the magnetic field. One can in a similar way consider non-linear waves propagating in a cold plasma at some other angle to the magnetic field (Sagdeev, 1961, 1966; Karpman, 1964b; Kazantsev, 1963; Berezin and Karpman, 1964). Without discussing the structure of such waves in detail we draw attention to one of its important features. We saw in Chapter 5 that the phase velocity of waves propagating in a cold plasma at an angle to the magnetic field which was different from πβ increased with increasing wavenumber rather than decreased as in the case of waves propagating in a cold plasma at right angles to the mag­netic field or in the case of a plasma with hot electrons. Such a behaviour of the phase velocity in its dependence on the wavenumber leads to the fact that solitary waves propagat­ing in a cold plasma at an angle which is not close to ττ/2 turn out to be solitary rarefaction waves, rather than solitary compression waves.


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C H A P T E R 9

Theory of Plasma Oscillations in the Quasi-linear Approximation

9.1. Quasi-linear Theory of the Oscillations of an Unmagnetized Plasma


When studying small (linear) oscillations in a plasma we split the distribution function into two terms—a non-oscillating part (the initial distribution function) and a small correc­tion to it which oscillates with the frequency of the plasma oscillations—and we then assumed that the non-oscillating part was not connected at all with the oscillations occurring in the plasma. In actual fact, however, plasma oscillations affect the non-oscillating part of the distribution function and this eifect increases with increasing amplitude of the oscillations.

When the amplitude of the oscillations increases one also violates the basic property of linear osculations—the independence of the propagation of oscillations with different wave-vectors and frequencies (superposition principle) since processes involving the interactions between different oscillations begin to play an ever larger part.

We now turn to a study of these so-called non-linear processes. The simplest of the non­linear processes, which we shall first of all study, is the reaction of the plasma oscillations on the non-oscillating part of the distribution function. We shall here assume the amplitude of the oscillations to be so small that we can for the time being neglect wave-wave interactions, that is, that we can neglect the violation of the superposition principle.

The theory of plasma oscillations in which we take into account the effect of the oscilla­tions on the non-oscillating part of the distribution function but still assume that the princi­ple of the superposition of oscillations is valid is called the quasi-linear theory and this kind of approach to a study of plasma oscillations is called the quasi-linear approximation.

As the amplitude of the oscillations is assumed to be so small that in fact we can in the quasi-linear approximation consider the influence of the plasma oscillations only on the distribution of the resonance particles, that is, the particles for which the velocity component w along the direction of propagation lies close to the phase velocity a)[k,


where ω{Κ) is the frequency of the plasma oscillations with wave vector k. We know that these particles are important both for the damping and for the building up of oscillations as they interact strongly with the plasma oscillations. Non-resonance particles practically do


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not exchange energy with the waves; we may thus assume that their distribution is not affected by the plasma oscillations.

To obtain the basic equations of the quasi-linear theory we turn to the kinetic equation for the distribution function F = F(r, Ό, t) with a self-consistent field E = E(r, t\

f + ( P . v ) F + ^ ( £ f ) = 0, (

where for the sake of simplicity we have assumed that there is one kind of particles with charge e and mass m and that the oscillations are one-dimensional,

E = - vy>, V2φ = -4ne(j Fd*O-n0). (

As we assume that the superposition principle is valid for the field we can write the electrical field E as a wavepacket,

E = £ Ek(t) (*-r)-/»(fc) t9 (9 u 3) It

where the frequency of the oscillations co(A)is determined by the dispersion relation of the linear theory, while Ek{f) is the complex amplitude of the oscillation which varies slowly with time. This change can be caused either by Landau damping or by a growth connected with the non-monotonic nature of the change in the initial distribution function, but in all cases we require that the damping rate or the growth rate of the oscillations y(k) is sufficiently small,

| y(k) | <3c ω(£), | y{k) | « kvT,

where vT is the mean thermal particle velocity. Apart from assuming that | γ | is small, we make two more assumptions about the nature

of the wavepacket ( First of all, we shall assume that the phases d(k) of the different complex amplitudes Eh(i) are independent and random. This means that each amplitude when averaged over this phase vanishes,

(Ek(t)) = 0,

where the pointed brackets ( . . . ) indicate averaging over b(k). Moreover, it follows from this assumption that


Similar formulae are also valid for the amplitudes of the potential cpk(t):

<yfc(0> = 0, <<M%£'(0> = <Ph(f) φϋθ dktk>.

Secondly, we shall assume that the wavepacket ( is sufficiently narrow (in Λ-space) so that the number of resonance particles, interacting with the wavepacket, is considerably smaller than the total number of particles

J dw J (PvxF(r, v, t) «c «o, Aw

where Aw = A{co(k)lk) is the range of phase velocities corresponding to the range of k-


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values, Ak, in the wavepacket ( This assumption is made in order that we may assume that the frequency ω(Λ) is formally determined by the same dispersion relation as in the linear theory.

We now substitute the field ( into the kinetic eqn. ( and average it over the phases. To do this we split off from the distribution function the term

/o = (F), (

which is the value of the distribution function when averaged over the phases—it is called the background distribution function; we thus put

F=fo+f. (

As ( / ) = 0, we get the following equation for/0:

§+<„.v)A+^/(E.f))=0, (,,,,, while/, in turn, satisfies the equation

f—>/^KK(«-D-i<K)>-' We can in this equation neglect the last two terms which are responsible for non-linear interactions between the waves which are not taken into account in the quasi-linear approx­imation

f + ( „ . v ) / + A( £ . f ) = 0. (9.U.7, We shall assume the plasma to be uniform so that the background distribution function

will be independent of the coordinates and its equation becomes

Ψ = -±./(Ε.*)\ ( dt m\\ dvj/ v '

Our problem now consists in using ( to express/ in terms of/o,

f = f{fo), and substituting this expression into ( to obtain an equation containing only/i.

One sees easily that in this way we get a second-order differential equation,

- f = Σ ^ 7 Α ν | | , (

where D^ = Di}(p, t) is a function of the velocity and the time; eqn. ( has the form of a diffusion equation—in velocity space. This is the reason why the Di} are called the diffusion coefficients in velocity space.

Our problem thus consists in finding the diffusion coefficients under the above-mentioned assumptions about the properties of the wavepacket ( To do this we expand the

NP 5 49

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function/(r, Ό, f) in a Fourier series (or integral):

/ ( r , r ,0 = 2/*(D,0^(*-r)-,e,(l:)l, k

where thefk(v, t) are slowly varying functions of the time,

^ - + »[(*.«0-ω(*)]Λ = / J L ^ , ) ( * · ^ - ) ·

Integrating this equation and assuming that the initial perturbation of the distribution function/(r, r, /) vanishes, we get


fk(v,t) = ^ K * > - < * · « » ] ' Γ ώ ν ^ - ^ - ^ Μ ' ^ Α ί Ο ^ · - ^ 1 ^ ) . ( o

After substituting this expression into the Poisson equation, we get


o where

dt'l(t9f)<put') (


/ ( / , / ' ) = f dw eV">-**m>'-i df°^n , Mw,t)=((Pc±Mv,t).

One sees easily that for sufficiently large values of / (co/» 1) the main contribution to the integral in ( comes from /'-values close to /:

t^t' **t+At9 At<^t.

Indeed, the contribution of non-resonance particles to the integral /(/, /') for /'-values not close t o / ( | ω — kw | (/—/') » 1) will be small because ofthe fast oscillations of the integrand. As far as the contribution to /(/, /') from the resonance particles for /' not close to / is concerned, it will be proportional to the range Aw occupied by the resonance particles in w-space and it can also be neglected because the number of resonance particles is small. We need therefore consider only /'-values close to / for the integration over /'.

Choosing the range At over which /' moves such that

cu(k) At^>\, kvT At ^> /, | y(k) \ At « 1, At «c T(H>), ( where

we get

r<*,a|,„,.<,,, ^L = A l n ^ , ( „ . , l 3 )





Page 61: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


Using the above inequalities we have



= I \ I -e-i[kw-(o(k)-iV(k)-ifr(w)]At] kw—co(k) — iy(k) — ifr(w) [ J

* * k*-am~U-iK») +^W-^}] , (

where φ is the principal-value symbol. Equation ( thus becomes

- Σ / π A;w—ω(&) —/y(A:) —//t(w) 0H>

4 π ^ S/a 0

mafc2 9w = 0. ( H> = w(k)/k

The main contribution to the integral over w in this equation comes from the non-resonance particles for which the quantity dfa0/dw is practically independent of time so that we can neglect in eqn. ( the quantity 1 /r(w). The equation which we then obtain is the same as the dispersion equation for the longitudinal, weakly damped, oscillations of an un-magnetized plasma.

Under the assumptions made (| y | <§: ω, | y | <c kvT) we can thus use the dispersion equation from the linear theory, replacing in it the initial distribution function by the back­ground distribution function.

Let us now transform eqn. ( Substituting in the right-hand side of this eqn. £(r, /) and/(r, i>, /) in their Fourier representation and using eqn. ( we can write the equation in the form

dt m2 \ δυ \ kL

\ \

I , · \ \

ΑΣ,*?«') ίdt'^'-»-^»''-'ν*^')(ft'· ®*£p\ )

Averaging over the phases and changing from a sum to an integral we get

t = l^> (9.1.M«) where

t dv, J"


">(*)](*' "'WO dfo(v, f) dvj ■ / ^ 0 = Σ ^ ί ^ χ f M\\Mwm(dt'eM»*-*W-OvM-yij^-, (

- o o 0

where k^ and k± are the wavevector components parallel and at right angles to the particle velocity Ό.

The main contribution to the integral over /' in ( comes only from /'-values close to t. Indeed, if f is not close to /, the main contribution in the integration over kn comes

5* 51

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from fc|j-values close to fc0 where the wavevector fc(| = fc0 is determined from the equation fc||V = co(fc). Expanding the expression in the exponent in ( in a series near k^ = fco, we find

+ oo

J dkukiktfUt) <pk{t') ^\knv-m(.H)W-t)

+ oo

Γ dAk^kikjftit) <pk(t') exp Γ/ (v—^Ll \ zJfc||(/'—/)Ί . — oo

As f is not close to / this integral is negligibly small because of the fast oscillations of the integrand (| »-(θωφ/θ*,,) \kn = ko Ak^t'-i) | » 1).

We still must evaluate the integrals over t' in ( when f % t. Choosing in that case the integration range At such that conditions ( are satisfied we can, as in (, put

ί dt' wk(t') d ^ ' ^ ^iknv-<h)\{t^t) dvj

dvj y (k*v)-a)(k)-iy(k)-ift(v) l / J J

where i _ d lndf0(v9t)

Χ(Ό) dt dvj

Substituting this expression into the right-hand side of eqn. ( and using the fact that the principal value integral vanishes as y(k) -* 0 and r(v) -* oo because the integrand is an odd function, we find that eqn. ( has the same form as the diffusion eqn. ( where the diffusion coefficients Du are determined by the equations

D i ] = n ^ \ l d3kkikj | <pk(t) |2 d{(k.o)-co(k)}, ( '" J


Dij{v, t) = π ^ <P"± i m2\ "±\v-dm(k)/dkn\

k\\V = <o(k)

Equation ( determines the change in the averaged distribution function of the resonance particles under the influence of high-frequency oscillations.* The fact that it refers only to resonance particles is connected with the presence of the δ-function in eqn. (

We have already noted that eqn. ( has the form of a diffusion equation in velocity space; the diffusion occurring under the influence of random oscillations. One must add to

t It was established by Romanov and Fillipov (1961), Vedenov, Velikhov, and Sagdeev (1961 a, b; 1962), and Drummond and Pines (1962).


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eqn. ( an equation determining the time-dependence of the field amplitudes:

d\Ek{t)\* dt 2y{k)\Ek(t)\\ (

where the growth (damping) rate of the oscillations is, according to (, determined by the equation

y(jfc) = _ £ nel S / ao (w) ' Γ Λ

mak dw w = a)(/c)/fc L β [?**fe*j£ A r ·*·■'*>

The set of eqns. (, and ( to ( for the functions/a0(i>, /) and | Ek{t) |2

determines the change in the background distribution function and also the damping (or growth) of the oscillations in the quasi-linear approximation.


We shall show that as a result of the diffusion of the particles due to interaction with the waves the system of resonance particles and plasma oscillations reaches a stationary state as / -+■ oo. This process is called quasi-linear relaxation. To show this we multiply both sides of eqn. ( by fa0 and integrate over the whole of velocity space:

^ γ ί / 5 , Λ - - « ^ - ξ ί ^ Ι ^ ( 0 Ι 2 ( Α · - ^ ) 2 δ Κ Α ) - ( Α . Γ ) } . (

The right-hand side of this equation is negative, that is, the quantity

a{t) = jd*vf*

decreases and tends to a constant value as / -*- <==. Therefore

da_ dt - 0 ,

/ - » ► oo

whence it follows, in turn, that as t -*■ oo the right-hand side of eqn. ( also vanishes. As the integrands in ( are non-negative, we must have the following equality as / — oo:

I eo(fc) = (*.»)

Therefore, as t -► oo we must have either

l ^ l 2 = 0, ( or

(*■£) = 0. ( a>(&) = (At· i?)

In other words, the oscillations are either damped, or a plateau is formed on the distribution function:

f*o(v±, w, t) !,_>«, = f«o(v±), (


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that is, the distribution function does not change along the direction of the wave propaga­tion^

We note that if the volume in velocity space occupied by the resonance particles is rather large, it is impossible to form a plateau in that volume, as it would require too much energy. In that case the oscillations are either damped or the oscillation spectrum becomes one-dimensional while along the direction of the oscillation a plateau is formed on the distribu­tion function as t - . » .

In conclusion we note that the quasi-linear relaxation process is accompanied by an increase in the entropy of the resonance particles:

- f i f t ln^, (£)'■ <'·'·"> Indeed, if we substitute expression ( for dfx0fdt into the equation

-Λ,Γΐ + Ιη^Γ dt I A\ dt and integrate by parts, we get

dS dt

π τ | ίdH \dSk Wk?h (*' Ι Γ Ρ Μ * ) - ^ · 0 » · The integrand in this expression is positive, and hence dSjdt > 0.

We note that the increase in entropy during the quasi-linear relaxation of the distribution function does not contradict what we said in Subsection 1.4.3 about the self-consistent field in itself not leading to an increase in entropy. Indeed, the change to the quasi-linear approx­imation is connected with an additional averaging over the phases of the random oscilla­tions. Moreover, we have here defined the entropy in terms of the background (averaged) distribution function, while the total distribution function entered into the definition (


We can follow in detail the quasi-linear relaxation process in the case of one-dimensional oscillations and find the final state when a plateau is formed on the distribution function by the oscillation energy (Vedenov, Velikhov, and Sagdeev, 1961a, 1962; Drummond and Pines, 1962). For the sake of simplicity we restrict ourselves to considering only Langmuir oscillations. In that case the basic equations describing the quasi-linear relaxation of the distribution function and the field amplitudes are

dt dw ( « ! £ ) ■ <'·'·3·»

+ Vedenov, Velikhov, and Sagdeev (1961 a, b; 1962) and Drummond and Pines (1962) indicated the possibility of the formation of a plateau on the distribution function for the case of one-dimensional oscilla­tions; the proof given here is due to Sizonenko and Stepanov (1966; Bernstein and Engelman, 1966).


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A = 7to)OQw2/no, B = 4π2ε2


ö{k, t) is the spectral density of the energy of the oscillations,

\Ek(t)\2 £(k, t) = 4π

while the wavenumber k and the particle velocity w are connected through the relation ωηρ = kw.

Let the spectral density of the oscillation energy initially be given:

S0(k) when k\ < k < k^ £(k, t) it when k < k± or A: >■ fc2?

as well as the background electron distribution function

/eo(H\ i) |r = 0 = /o(w), ΗΊ < W < W2,

where wi = ω^Ι^ and n>2 = ωρβ/Λι. If dfo/dw < 0, the oscillations will be damped and the magnitude of the derivative of the distribution function | df^/dw | will decrease until a plateau is formed and the exchange of energy between the waves and the particles ceases (see Fig. 9.1.1). In the points w = w12 the distribution function is discontinuous. We note,


FIG. 9.1.1. Formation of a "plateau" on the distribution function of the resonance particles through the absorption of energy from a wavepacket.

however, that the shape of the distribution function in this figure corresponds to a total neglect of binary collisions. Taking these collisions into account—even though they are very rare—leads to a "smearing out" of the distribution function so that it changes continuously near the points w = wlt 2. (We refer to Subsection 9.1.4 for details.)


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Let us find the oscillation energy in the final state with a plateau. Substituting expression ( for dfjdw into ( we find

_8 Γ , dB dt\

that is, M^H

u~L\&=Mw)~^£°=constant· ( 9 1 · 3 · 3 )

Hence we find for the spectral density of the energy of the oscillations cope/fc

<5(*,/) = <5„(*)+-£ f <Wfi»-fo). (9.1-3.4)

In particular, we have as / -»· ~ cOpe/Ä:

&Jfc) = £0(k)+^ f dw(f^-fo), (

where cSjfc) = <5(fc, i) | , _ . The height / ^ of the plateau can be found from the condition that the number of resonance

particles be coijserved,

J dufto(w, t) = J i/w/o(w),

whence we find as / W>2

——— dwfo( V% — Wi J

/oo = ; — - r Λν/οί^). (

In the relaxation process the resonance particles clearly gain energy:


2 ί dw^-if^-fo)™2.

The relaxation proceeds somewhat differently in the case when the initial distribution is unstable, that is, when there is a velocity range w* < w < w0 where dfo/dw > 0. Such an electron distribution is realized, for instance, when a low density beam passes through the plasma (see Fig. 9.1.2). In this case, oscillations with phase velocities in the interval w* < a>pe/fc < Wo will grow in time, while oscillations with phase velocities outside that range will be damped. However, due to the deformation of the distribution function the instability region of the oscillations will widen with time (see the dotted curve in Fig. 9.1.2) and finally a plateau will be formed.

The energy of the oscillations and the height of the plateau are again given by eqns. ( and (, but the position of the points H>I and w2 are no longer determined by


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_l 1 1 *. w, w* w0 w2 w

FIG. 9.1.2. Formation of a plateau on the distribution function of the resonance electrons when oscillations are excited by an electron beam.

the position of the boundaries of the original perturbation but by the condition that the function fe(w, t) be continuous:

/ o o = / 0 ( W > l ) , / o o = / 0 O 2 ) .



The state of the plasma with a plateau on the distribution function is, of course, not an equilibrium state, but a quasi-stationary one, as binary (Coulomb) collisions between particles will tend to produce a Maxwellian distribution. Even though very rare, Coulomb collisions will appreciably affect the collisionless absorption of waves when the diffusion of resonance particles in velocity space caused by Coulomb collisions is comparable with the diffusion caused by particle-wave interactions. Let us consider this problem in more detail.

It is convenient to write the Landau collision integral (, which we must now add to the right-hand side of eqn. (, in the following form (Trubnikov, 1965)

[et\G ma Yß\ mßMJß0^matjSvidvjBvidvj

+ [ i . i l y « s Ü 5 L | (9141)

where Ψβ(ν)= $d*v'fßo(v')\v-v'U

while L is the Coulomb logarithm. For narrow one-dimensional wavepackets when the number of resonance particles is small

we can neglect the collisions of resonance particles with each other. One can in that case simplify the collision integral ( bearing in mind that the distribution function for the


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non-resonance particles is Maxwellian, while it differs little from a Maxwellian one for the resonance particles. Neglecting the quantities d(f0L0-fM)/dv± ~ ( / α 0 - / Μ ) /^ α as compared to d(fa0—/M)/öw ~ (/a0—fu)/Aw, we can write the equation for the electron background distribution function in the case of one-dimensional Langmuir oscillations, taking collisions into account, in the form

e/eo _ 9 / n 9 / e o \ t d l n

d(U-fM) dt dw \ dw) dw [ dw


2v\ , 2 , _9Λ 2ne*Lrto Dc=vc-°(v\ + vt), , , = — ^ . (

It follows from ( that the diffusion of particles in the resonance region, when binary Coulomb collisions are taken into account, takes place over a characteristic time (Vedenov, 1962, 1967)

1 /Aw\2 1 τ = — — « rc = —, vc \ ve J vc

which is appreciably less than the average relaxation time rc. The magnitude of the derivative dfe0fdw and, hence, the rate at which energy is absorbed

from the oscillations are now determined by two competing processes—plateau formation due to diffusion and Maxwellization due to collisions.

In the quasi-stationary state the diffusion due to interaction with the waves is balanced by the diffusion due to collisions—such a situation may, for instance, be established in the case of forced oscillations when there is an external source of oscillations or in the case of free oscillations with a sufficiently large initial noise level. In that case we get, neglecting in eqn. ( the term dfjdt

d/e0 9/M 1 dw dw l + D/Dc


We note that the quantity Dc occurring here depends on v±. The magnitude of the damping rate, in agreement with ( and taking eqn.

( into account, is determined by the equation (Rowlands, Sizonenko, and Stepanov, 1966)

y = yo<2>00, (

where γ0 is the damping rate of the Langmuir oscillations in a plasma with a Maxwellian electron velocity distribution, while

0(y)=l+yey+1*Ei{-y-±)9 Ei(-x) = -^dt~9 y = ■£-, Dc0 = v c ^ | . ( Dcfi w>

The decrease in the damping rate caused by the plateau-formation effect and character­ized by the monotonically decreasing function Φ(y) thus depends on the ratio D/Dc0 of the diffusion coefficient of resonance electrons caused by the interaction with waves to the characteristic diffusion coefficient caused by collisions, Dc0.

For a small-amplitude wavepacket (y <<c 1) the damping rate of the Langmuir oscillations is the same as y0. In the case of a large-amplitude wavepacket (y :§> 1) the quantity 6fe0fdw


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decreases roughly y times as much as dfMfdw9 while the damping rate decreases in the same ratio:

9.2. Quasi-linear Theory of the Oscillations of a Magneto-active Plasma


In the preceding section we developed a quasi-linear theory for the oscillations of an un-magnetized plasma. We shall now consider the oscillations of a magneto-active plasma in the quasi-linear approximation. To do this we need study the reaction of the plasma oscillations on the resonance particles in a magnetic field. We saw in Chapter 5 that the nature of the interaction of resonance particles in a plasma in a magnetic field is appreciably different from the case of an unmagnetized plasma, as cyclotron resonances become important as well as the Cherenkov resonance.

As in the preceding section we shall consider the interaction of the resonance particles with a small-amplitude wavepacket with random phases which slowly grows (or is damped) with time. We shall again assume the number of resonance particles to be small. We shall, however, not restrict ourselves, as we did in the preceding section, to longitudinal oscilla­tions alone, but we shall consider the general case of electromagnetic waves, which are not necessarily longitudinal.

We put Fa(r, r, /) = /«o(o, /) +/«(#·, i>, /), (

where / a 0 = (Fa) is the average value of the distribution function which we shall assume to be independent of the spatial coordinates, while fa is the oscillating part of the distribution function (</a) = 0). We expand the function/, and the electrical and magnetic field strengths in Fourier series in the spatial coordinates:


E(r, 0 = Σ & ( * ) e'ik"r)'iV>{i)(k)'* *('> 0 = Σ B k \ t ) eKk'r)'itoti){k)', k,j kj


where the summations are over all values of the wavevector k and over all branches j of the oscillations, while οΡ\Κ) is the eigenfrequency of the /th branch of oscillations with wavevector k.

Let us now obtain the equation for the background distribution function fa0(v, t) taking into account the reaction of the oscillations on the resonance particles and also the equations which determine the change with time of the amplitudes Ejp(t) and B{

kj\t). Substituting

expression ( into the kinetic equation

8Fa dFu ea

dt αφ ma ({Β+Ι„Λ.,}.«)-«.


Page 70: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics

dt οφ ma


where φ is the azimuthal angle in velocity space, and averaging over the phases we get

The oscillating part fa of the distribution function is determined from the equation

in which we have dropped the non-linear terms

responsible for non-linear wave-wave interactions. Bearing in mind that oscillations with different values of k and j are statistically independ­

ent, we get from ( 9/αΟ δ/αθ si, .v / n Λ 1 c \

" ä — » * - ^ - = Ö ( » , / X (9-2.1.5) where

The Fourier component/^ü, t) of the oscillating part of the distribution function is here, in accordance with ( determined by the equation


^+Μ·ν)-ωνχν]/ίΛ-ωΒ«υγ- = R(k, v), (

JK*,-) = -^ - ( {^4 [ -A^ ] } .^ - ) , ψ = φ—φ, with φ the azimuthal angle in wavevector space with the polar axis parallel toÄo.

We shall write the background distribution function in the form of a Fourier series in the angular variable φ:

Mv,t)= +f /(>,|,^,θΛ ( / = — oo

where v± and v^ are the components of the particle velocity v at right angles and parallel to the magnetic field B0.

Introducing a coordinate system with unit basis vectors ei9 e2, and e3, where es is parallel to Bo, e± parallel to the wavevector component k± = [Bo Λ [k Λ B0]]/Bl9 which is at right angles to B0, and e2 = [e% Λ ei], we can write eqn. ( in the following form:

JJ^+i[kllVll-a)UXk)+k±v± (xjs ν ] / £ > - ω Λ - ^ - = R. (


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The function R is here defined by the formula

R= Σ W j l > *L> v\l· v±> 0 ^ i9·2·1·9) / = —oo

Let us now find the solution of this equation. To do this, we write the function/^ in the form

iJ) = uk(o)e \ λ= ω Λ ·

We then get for the function wA(o) the equation

where p —. j ^ g—ίλ sin v


we get hence an equation for the function u^

-^+ί[*,,»Ι|-/ωΛ-.αιω(*)]ιί) = P°\ where

p(0 = I dw e~asiny,~iltp R In J


= _ ^ +f ^(_1)/-/'ί(£ω^_ι7:/-(ηΙ5ω\//_κλ)

( Integrating this equation we find

uf(t) = «1/)(0)εχρ[-/{/:||ί;||-/ωΒα-ωω(Α)}ί]

+ J dir* R%') exp [ι{Λ||»||-/ωΛ-ωω(Α:)}(/'-/)], 0

where *4/}(0) is the initial value of u{l\t). The Fourier components of the oscillating part of the distribution function thus have the

following form: Λ%, t) = /£?(*, *)+/%(*, t\ (


Page 72: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics



/ # = +f exV{i{XsmW+lw)-i[kl]v]]-lMB^Mu\k)]t}u(i\0)

fJS = Σ~ eUs inv+"v | rfi'P(/)(A:||, * ± , v]h vx, f) exp {/[fc^,, - / ω Λ - ωω (*)] (/ '-/)}·

« = —oo 0


Let us now turn to eqn. ( for the background distribution function. Using eqn. ( we find

£--ίΙωΛ/$ = &>Ην\\,ν±,ή, (

where 2π

Q«) 2π) άφ Q(ü, t) e-»*.

Hence it follows that 1

f£Hv\\, v±9 t) =/8>(t;„, v±9 0)+ J df β(0>(η|, v±9 t'\

Μ\ν\\, Ό±9 t) f$Kvu9v±90)-i , β ^ ι ι , ^ , θ ) Ico

If the initial perturbation is such that

/ a < W V±9 t) % Ϊ

exp {ilo)BJ)+i

Q(l\v\\, v±, 0)


Ιω£ (

the functions/^(^i |, v±, /)(/ ^ 0) and hence also the distribution function fa0(v9 t) will not contain terms oc exp (ilcoßat) which oscillate fast with time so that we can neglect the quan­t i t i es /$ % iQ(l)[la>Bg, when | coBai \ t :» 1 as compared to / j j* ^ Q(0)/. In the case considered we may thus, when condition ( is satisfied, assume the background distribution function to be independent of the azimuthal angle φ9 that is,

/«θ(0, 0 - /αθ(^ | | , V±9 t) = / io ) ( f l | | , VJL, t).

Thanks to this property of the background distribution function we can simplify the quantities P(/) occurring in (

*» - -^-»{tf^m- [(df-*«) £ + ^ * g i ] 4 w + / K^*)f:~T*£H (

The Fourier components of the magnetic field, B^\ can by means of the equation

1 dB

cur l£ = ^ τ c at


Page 73: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


be expressed in terms of the Fourier components of the electrical field:

έ ^ Η Α ' (

where eilm is the antisymmetric third-rank unit tensor and the y$(k9 0 are the momentaneous growth rates of the mth component of the electrical field amplitude,

V& = Vff+W = ^ EJUff). (

Let us now find the expression for the current density in the quasi-linear approximation. Writing the current density as a Fourier series in the spatial variables


and using eqn. ( we can split the Fourier components of the current density into two terms

jk — jkl+jk2i where

Ai = Σ Σ *« J rf3^lAsinv+//^40(^ll· V-L> °) βχρ{-ι[Λ„ί?,|-/ωΛ-ω^)(Α)] ή,

+ e Jk2 = Σ Σ α J Λ ^ » η ' + ^ f *7*0(t;„, ν±, O«p{/[fc||t;r/ß)A-ö)W(t)](/'-0},

α / = - ο ο ^

( while the function Pil\v^ v±9 i) is determined by eqn. (

The term/tt is caused by the initial perturbation of the oscillating part of the distribution function. This term plays the role of an external current and does not affect the dispersion equation. For the sake of simplicity we shall therefore assume in what follows thsXjkl = 0.

Let us now turn to an evaluation of the quantity j k 2 which is given by eqn. ( The integrals over υ^ which occur in that expression have the form

+fdvnS(vn9 O exp { ^ | | η Γ / ω ΰ α - ω ω ( Λ ) ) ( / ' - / ) } , (


S{vn9t)-Eki(t) ^ ~

The main contribution to this integral comes from ^-values close to V||res = {ω(·/)(Λ) + /ωΑΧ}/&|1, provided f is not too close to t (| k^v^ — lo)Boi—ωυ\Κ) \ (t—1)^> 1) and the whole integral will be proportional in that case to the interval Δν^ that is, proportional to the number of resonance particles; we can then neglect the integral.

If i' lies close to t, the region of ^-values where | k^ — lcoBoL—ω°'}(Λ) | (t—f) ^> 1 will not contribute to the integral ( because of the fast oscillations of the integrand.

There remains the evaluation of the integrals occurring in ( when f % t in the


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region υ^ % i;|!res, where \ k^-lcuBa-co(j)(k)\(t—t') <, 1. Choosing the range Zl/ of the integration over f (t—At< f < /) such that

| yK>(*)| Λ / « 1, Λ/«τ„,±(ι>),

ω<»(*) At?>\, k\\v% At » 1, and

we get

ί rf^V)%^exp { ιτν„- /ω Λ -ωω(*)] (>'->)} 9 % i -

;ν^δ/«0ω ffiJPW 0V|| <Z>-1

Λ||η|-la)B*-co<fl(k)-iy\j\k)-i/tlu± (Ό) - + ϊττδ{ω^)(*:)+/ω5α - k\ \V\ |},


where the τ^ ± are the relaxation times of the background distribution function,

1 _ 9 dfgd(v\\9 v±9 t) % ±(*>t) ~~ 9 ' 9 % ±

and ^) indicates that in the integration over v^ one must take the principal value integral. Using eqn. ( we can write the Fourier components j k = j k 2 of the current density

in the form Μ = Σ0*Μ)Ε%Η) (



while σ\£ is the contribution of particles of the ath kind of the plasma conductivity tensor In the system of coordinates in which the 3-axis is parallel to B0 and the 1-axis lies in the plane through the vectors k and B0 the quantities σ}£ have the form

1 +°° f /ω2

where fef. = ÄJiJ,.,

1 +

/2 /

— iv±Jf v±J'i2 —iv\\JiJ[

V\\-JJJ iv\\JiJ[ v\



J i= J^X) and

RmfaO 1 Γ ^ | |^ l [ -^3m/^±(P) l d/αθ Λ|ΐηΐ + /ω Λ -ωω(* ) - / 7 ^ ) (* )_ ι / τ ± ( Γ ) [ coO)(A,) + /rC/>(/r) J 9t;„

+ (^J-/^||)[fc||^H —/a3m/T||(p)] 9/aO

[Λ||ΐ;|Ι + /ωΑ-ω«>(*)-ϊ)ΚΛ(*)-//τ,|(ο)] ^\k)+iy^(k)] öv„ (


Page 75: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


Using eqns. ( we get from the Maxwell equations

£ 4 / « 4 £ = 0 ( m

where Λ C jklkm — k" Vim) (Q Ί 1 Ο^λ

Atm~ [ωΟ)(Λ) + ^)(Λ)][ωΟ·)(Λ) + /7ω(Λ)] + ε ' " " V-^.zi)

Λτζί ε"" = Ölm+ coU\k)+i//Xkf"- (9-2J-26)

The quantities elm and alm defined by eqns. ( and ( are the dielectric permittivity and the conductivity tensor of a magneto-active plasma in the quasi-linear approximation. These quantities differ appreciably from the corresponding quantities of the linear theory. The dfference consists in that in the expressions for alm and elm in the quasi-linear theory the time-dependent background distribution function fa0(v, t) occurs rather than the initial distribution function, and also that in expressions ( and ( for olm and elm the quantities w^ify+iy^JJc) and ω(7\£)+ *?//}„(*)+ Z7T|| , _L> which contain the momentaneous growth rates γψ, y(J\ γψ and the relaxation times t\\(p) and t±(o), occur, while in the linear theory there has occurred only the complex frequency CD = ωω(Α:)+iya\k) which contains one growth rate, yu\k)9 which is independent of time.

The set of eqns. ( determines the time-dependence of the electrical field amplitude E$(f). If the anti-Hermitean terms in the tensor elm are small compared to the Hermitean parts, the ratio of the electrical field components Ε^Χή/Ε^ί) will, according to (, be determined solely by the Hermitean parts of the tensor ei$ which are independent of the detailed behaviour of the background distribution function /α0(ϋ, /) in the region occupied by the resonance particles and, hence, the ratio Ε$(ί)ΙΕ^{ί) will be independent of the time. This means that the quantities E$(t) change with time in the same way, that is, the momen­taneous growth rates y^\k) are in this case all equal. It is also clear that the momentaneous growth rates y(/\k) are equal to one another also in the case of irrotational oscillations when E^ = —ikqfjp. In these cases the equation

Λ = OetAim = 0,

in which we can neglect the quantities Ι/τ^ ± because the number of resonance particles is small, is the same as the dispersion equation of the linear theory.

In the general case, however, the different components of the electrical field strength amplitude have different momentaneous growth rates γψ(Κ) since the anti-Hermitean terms of the tensor eip which in an essential way depend on the values of the quantities dfa0/dvu and 0/aO/6v±, which can change with time because of the particle diffusion due to interaction with the waves will enter in the ratio Efy (t)/E^m.

Let us now transform eqn. ( for the background distribution function. We can neglect the contribution from the func t ion /^») to the right-hand side of this equation as it is proportional to the number of resonance particles. Using eqn. ( for fj$(v)

NP 6 65

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we then get from eqn. (

a/ao dt '


X £° eenn»-+»r dt'PW (/') exp {/[*„«„-/ωΛ-ω<Λ(Α:)] (ί ' - ί)}· ( / = —oo J


On the right-hand side of this equation we have an integral over k^ of the form

/ = J <#„/(*„, O exp {ι[Λ„«„-/ωΛ-ωω(*)] (/ ' -*)}, (

where/(Λ||, /) is proportional to E$(t) E^t) dfa0(v, t)/dv^ ± . If/' does not lie close to t, the integrand in ( oscillates rapidly and does not contribute to the integral unless k^v^ — lo)Bo,—a)u\k) lies close to zero. The main contribution to this integral comes from the region of resonance values k^ ^ k0, where k0 is determined from the condition

a)^\k)-lo)Ba-k\iVii = 0, /Γ(| = k0.

For narrow wavepackets (Ak]]/k() <sc 1) we can write the integral ( in the form

da>v\k) / % dk\\f{k\\, O e x p { i | v |

If the condition

dkn (k Jk\\ = *0

| - * 0 ) ( / ' - / ) | .

« I I -da><J\k)

dk II (kn-ko)(t'-t)

k)\ = k0

» 1 (

holds, we can take the function/(A:^ t') from under the integral sign and put k^ = k0. The remaining integral is nearly b(t' — t) and therefore does not contribute to the integral over t' in ( (f does not lie close to t). As long as we also consider times At = / — t' small compared to 1 /y0)(&), it is necessary that the condition

..(A yJiWI Δ/CJI — ;§>

fco Λ|||ί;||-0ω^>(*)/0Λ:||| |*M = *β


is satisfied, in order that condition ( can hold. When these conditions are satisfied the main contribution to the integral over f in ( comes therefore from values f % t. Bearing this in mind, applying to the evaluation of the integrals over k^ and t' in ( the same considerations as for the evaluation of the current density^ = j k 2 , and neglecting terms of order γ[ω and Ι/ωτ^ ± we get finally for the function

/aoO>||, v±9 t) 2π #/αθ(ί>, 0 ^/«θ(Ρ, 0

the equation (which has been derived by Yakimenko (1963), Andronov and Trakhtengerts


Page 77: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


(1964), Shapiro and Shevchenko (1962), and Sizonenko and Stepanov (1967b, 1968))

¥α°-~%Σ Σ i^*i^ÄJt;±|^^/K|A|)+ii^/i(|A|) π-dt m\ 12 Ί

+Ε$ -^L / / ( | λ |) (Rfu0) d{a>0\k)-l \ωΒ« I -fc||V,|}, ( v± I J


^a | e . | ' L am 0\k) a - + -fe- * (

9ν± ω(Λ(Α) 9v||

The set of eqns. ( and ( for the functions /β 00>| | ,ν±,0 a n d £ ^ ( m = 1,2, 3) determine the damping (or growth) of the electromagnetic field and the relaxation of the averaged distribution function in the quasi-linear approximation in a plasma in an external magnetic field.

To conclude this subsection we note that condition (, which was assumed to hold when we derived eqn. (, is not satisfied for oscillations with a linear (or nearly linear) dispersion law, ω 0 ) ^ k^v. Examples of such waves are the Alfven wave (ω = k^v^ the slow magneto-sound wave in a low pressure plasma (ω = k^vs9 κα = SnnaTJBl «c 1), and the fast magneto-sound wave propagating almost parallel to the magnetic field (ω % kvA, &II ^ k) in a low density plasma (κα « : 1). The equation for the background distribution function for these oscillations is non-local in the time (Sizonenko and Stepanov, 1967b, 1968), that is, the rate of change of the function/α0(#||, ν±91) at time / is determined by the values of the electrical field amplitude and of the derivative dfa0/dv^ at all earlier times. We can easily obtain this equation from (, retaining on the right-hand side only the term with / = 0:

d*k \E$J<* ω i (\X\) + iVaE%J'0(\X\) k\ Si-V

WJ a>V\k)

X jdf [E%(0 JO(\ λ | ) + « 7 . ^ ( 0 J J f l λD-^j-] δ/^°'η exp {i[*n»H -«>»>(*)](f -1)}. 0


The reaction of the oscillations on the resonance particles leads to a diffusion of the parti­cles in velocity space parallel and at right angles to the magnetic field. Let us now consider the quasi-linear relaxation in a magneto-active plasma (Andronov, and Trakhtengerts, 1964; Sizonenko and Stepanov, 1966; Rowlands, Sizonenko, and Stepanov, 1966). We shall restrict our discussion to oscillations for which the anti-Hermitean parts in the tensor stJ

are small compared with the Hermitean parts while the momentaneous growth rates of the different components of the electrical field are the same.

One can easily check that during the quasi-linear relaxation in a magneto-active plasma, as in the case of unmagnetized oscillations, the entropy of the resonance particles increases.

6* 67

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Indeed, using the definition ( of the entropy and eqn. ( we find


S--M,+h£]£--4.t?MAi<*« / I2

X ] £ % — - J i { \ l \ ) + i ^ E % m i \ ) + E % - ^ J i \ l \ ) \ <5{ωω- / |ω* α | -ν„}^0 . (

We shall now show that the system of oscillations and resonance particles which we are considering relaxes to a stationary state. To do that we multiply eqn. ( by/ a 0 and integrate over the velocities. Integrating by parts we get

\d*vf««=- ^^Xjd3v\d3k(kM2

X E% -r^r J,(\ λ \)+iVaE%Ji(\ λ \)+Ε$ -^- Ji{\ λ |) δ{ωΟ·>-/1 ω*α | -fc„t;„}. (

As the right-hand side of this equation is negative, the positive quantity

σ(0 = / ^ Λ 2 ο

decreases and as / -> oo tends to a constant limit. The left-hand side of the equation therefore tends to zero as / -^ oo. It then follows from ( that as t -+ oo either

E$ ~ Ji(\ λ \)+ίηΛΕ&ϊ(\ λ | ) + £ # ^ - / / ( | 11) 1 1 v±

-o , (

or (Rf*o)o>u)(k) = i\a>BOi\+k\\v\\ = 0 · (

Bearing in mind that the amplitudes Efy are interconnected through the linear relation ( we can conclude that if condition ( is satisfied, | Ej» \ = 0 as / -> oo, that is, the oscillations are damped.

If, however, in the final state the energy of the oscillations is non-vanishing, condition ( must be satisfied:

Γ/ι i δ/«° , / 0/«° \l\GI>Ba\-£r-+k\\V± dv± dvu 0. (

JcoO) (k) = 1 | ωΒ(Χ \+k\\v\\

In that case one speaks of the establishment of a "generalized" plateau on the distribution function/a0.

As the anti-Hermitean terms in the tensor ε^ which determine the growth rate y°\k) are integrals over the velocities ofexpressions proportional to C&/a0) δ(ωυ)—1\ ooBoL \ —k^) the growth rate ya\k) will tend to zero as condition ( is satisfied, that is, in that case the exchange of energy between the resonance particles and the waves vanishes.

The quantity k^ in eqn. ( is, generally speaking, arbitrary so that this equation can be satisfied only when the two conditions

Ö/αΟ **

dv\ = 0, dv± = 0


Page 79: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


are satisfied simultaneously. In the general case of three-dimensional wavepackets there will thus be established a three-dimensional plateau in the whole of the velocity region ΩΌ occupied in the v^9 v±-plane by the resonance particles.

The size of this region as far as v^ is concerned is determined by the condition ω^\Κ) = fe||Vjj + /1 ωΒα | for all possible values of k, /, j for which E^ ■=£ 0. For given / and j this condition determines a region of resonance particles Qfj\ If the regions i2*/,7) do not intersect, in each of them its own "plateau" will be established.

If the initial distribution function /α0(ν^ ν±9 0) is such that oscillations with frequency a^\k) are unstable, either the initial level of the oscillations of theyth branch is large, but the other branches of the oscillations have small growth rates, or their initial amplitude is small and one can consider solely the development of oscillations of frequency ω j)(k). As a result a generalized plateau may be formed on the distribution function/a0 in the region Ω^. It can happen that a distribution function with a plateau in the region Ω j) is unstable with regard to oscillations with frequency ω(/)(Λ'). In that case a second stage quasi-linear relaxation starts during which the oscillations of the/th branch grow and in which there is a further deformation of the distribution function. In that case one talks about a quasi-linear wave-transformation (this possibility was indicated by Andronov and Trakh-tengerts (1964)). As the result of such a two-stage relaxation in the final state either the oscillations will be damped or a generalized plateau is formed in the whole region ΩΌ for which E(

kj) and E^ are non-vanishing.

One can also speak of a quasi-linear wave-transformation in the case when in the first stage the oscillations of a branch are damped (grow) leading to the establishment of a plateau in a region Ω^ of resonance particles for which ωω(£) = fc||t7|| + / | ωΒ(Χ | while in the second stage there is a slower growth of the same branch of oscillations through reson­ance particles for which ω(ί\Κ) = k^v^-\-V \ ωΒα, | with/' = / and k' = k while the regions Ω$» and Ω«ΊΊ intersect.

Let us, as an example, consider the problem of the passage of a low-density electron beam through a "cold" plasma in a strong magnetic field (| a>Be | » ω^) (Shapiro and Shevchenko, 1968). Such a beam can excite low-frequency longitudinal oscillations with frequencies

ω = α£\θ) = ω+(Λ„, k±) % | ω Α | [l + -^sm2 0 ^ - ] ,

ω = ω2}(0) = eo_(fc||, k±) % ωρβ cos θ = ωρβ —~. K

The growth-rate of the oscillations with frequency ω+ is lower by a factor | ω^ |/cope than the growth rate of the oscillations with frequency ω_ (see eqn. ( and we can neglect the excitation ofthat branch of oscillations.

The growth rate of the oscillations with frequency ω _ is a maximum for the case of Cheren-kov excitation,

G>-(% k±) = knvn,

while those oscillations which propagate in the direction of the magnetic field grow fastest. In the first stage of the passage of a low-density beam through a plasma we shall thus see

the excitation of almost one-dimensional longitudinal oscillations (k^ > k±) with frequency


Page 80: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


<o_ ^ ωρβ. The diffusion of resonance particles due to these oscillations leads to the forma­tion of a plateau on the longitudinal velocity part of the electron distribution function, dfeo/dv\\ = 0 f ° r v\\ — ω-Ι^\\-> a n d to a limit to the growth of the Cherenkov instability. At the end of the first stage the electron distribution function will have the shape shown by the dashed line in Fig. 9.2.2 at the end of this subsection and in the plateau region will depend only on v±,fe0 =fjv±).

In the next stage we have the slower cyclotron excitation of oscillations with frequency co — ω_ under anomalous Doppler effect conditions,f

0>_(fcj|, fe'x) = fc||V||+/|(W5e|, / = - 1 , - 2 , . . . ,

and, as ω_ <$c | ω^ |, the resonance particles, v^ = l(oBJk'^ are in the plateau region if fe[j » fc||, where k^ is the longitudinal wavevector of the oscillations with frequency ω_ which grow through Cherenkov resonance.

Indeed, the basic equations of the quasi-linear theory take the following form for longi­tudinal oscillations of a plasma in a magnetic field:

9 ^ ° ^ fir Air "V \ 9 Ir A - 1 ^ dt ιτξ J /«ÄÖOLÖVJI v 0^_L J

0/eo . / | ω 5 β 11 dv\\ v,


9/co]lyikl2J7(A) 8i;x J |V||-«;g|


0l9fcl 8/ 2y|<p*|

yr π ωα_ 2 k2k\\fio f d2v± J2ß) 9/eO , / | ö>Äe | 9/eO

T 0w 0z;± (

ω- -^\ν\\+1\ωΒβ\

and vg = 9ω_/0Λ|| is the group velocity. In obtaining eqn. ( we assumed that the quantity | cpk |2 is independent of the azimuthal angle φ which is clearly satisfied if the initial value of | tpk |2 were independent of the angle φ.

Changing from v,,9 vL to new variables υ^ w,

ί we can write eqns. ( and ( in the form

0/eo e2 f, „ t T 0 dt ■ π K

π toicos2 Θ ^ ^ - T - T ^ - f * ^


|V | | -« g | 5i>n J 9/eO



The derivatives with respect to v^ are taken here for w(/, k±) = constant. It follows from eqn. ( that the diffusion of the resonance particles proceeds along the lines w(/, k±) = constant.

t Kadomtsev and Pogutse (1968) indicated the possibility of the excitation of Langmuir and ion-sound oscillations of a plasma in a strong magnetic field under anomalous Doppler efiFect conditions by a group of "run-away" electrons for which the condition dfe0(v[{t v±)/dvu > 0 is not satisfied.


Page 81: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


Bearing in mind that

v\ = w(l,k'±)+2 C ω_(% k'±) J *il


where v^ = a>_(k^, k±)fk^, we find that in the state with a plateau on the distribution function

d w>(/, k'_x_) = cons tan t

)v\\ l J A n _ 2Γ co_(% ftp 1 # ,

L *ίι " J * 5 . ·

II - » f l

Using this formula we find the growth rate of the oscillations with frequency a>_(k'^, k'±) for cyclotron excitation when there is a plateau on the distribution function:

7,(% k'±) =πω-^£) [vpb(k'n, k'±)-vpb(kn!k±)] [<PVXJKX)JF± >

where the phase velocities are determined by the relations

,1f , / . (o(k\\,k'±) ,. . . co_(k\u k±) K\\ AC||

As vph(fc||9 &'χ) = ^||H-/| ö>Ä|/fc[j, the growth rate yt will be positive for distribution functions fj^v2^) which decrease with increasing v±9 if / < 0, that is, the formation of a plateau due to Cherenkov excitation leads, indeed, to cyclotron excitation of oscillations under anomalous Doppler effect conditions.

When oscillations with frequency ω _ are cyclotron excitated there occurs particle diffusion along the lines w(l, k'±) = constant, that is, both along and at right angles to the magnetic field (see Fig. 9.2.1). On these l&ies

dv± = η | - [ω_(% k'±)/k\{\ dv\\ v±



FIG. 9.2.1. Lines along which resonance particles diffuse when there is cyclotron excitation of longitudinal plasma oscillations by an electron beam under anomalous Doppler effect conditions.


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and the diffusion is accompanied by an increase in the energy of the transverse motion of the particles in the beam and a decrease in the energy of their longitudinal motion, that is, by an incline in the plateau (dfe0/dv\\ < 0; see Fig. 9.2.2).

On the other hand, when dfe0fdv^ < 0, oscillations which were excited in the first stage will be slowly damped. As a result these oscillations die down and the energy of the trans­verse motion of the particles in the beam increases considerably when we take into account the decrease in their translational motion.

FIG. 9.2.2. Change of the electron distribution function during two-stage quasi-linear relaxation when an electron beam passes through a plasma in a strong magnetic field.


We shall consider in more detail the quasi-linear relaxation of one-dimensional wave-packets propagating at an angle Θ to the magnetic field B0 (Rowlands, Sizonenko, and Stepanov, 1966). We shall assume that the spectral density of the wavepacket considered is non-zero in a narrow range of wavevectors, k\ < k < k% with k2—k± <sc k.

The resonance regions Ω^]) correspond to particles velocities along the magnetic field in the range

VmUhj) < V\\ < ^max(/,7), where

,ωω(*) - / |ω Λ | ^max(min) = M a x (MUl) - k cos Θ

It is clear that two regions Ω^]) and Ω^,η with IJ ^ / ' ,/will not intersect when vmSLJJ\f) < vmin(l,j) or vmSiX(l,j) < vmin(l\j'). In the remainder of this subsection we shall consider only the case when there are no intersections between the regions Q%J) so that in the right-hand side of eqn. ( we can retain only one term in the sums over /and/

First of all we shall study the Cherenkov interaction of resonance particles with one-dimensional wavepackets. Equation ( then becomes

9/aO 9 n / Λ6/α0 (


Page 83: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


where the diffusion coefficient D is equal to

ΕΡΜλ) + /?7α4Μΐ λ 1) (vjv\\)? 1 Λ. _9ω<Λ(*,0) e Γ 11 W 2 L |ü | j COS θ — g

5 ^ g Λ Γ ' CÖ<J>(fc,0) = fc||1>||


It follows from eqn. ( that the particle diffusion due to interaction with waves under Cherenkov resonance conditions occurs only in the direction of the magnetic field. However, as the diffusion coefficient depends on v±9 the function fa0(v^9 ^JL? 0 will change at a different rate for different values of v± because of particle diffusion along B0.

If initially, t — 0, the function / a 0 were a product,

/«o(0||, v±9 0) =/M(v±)/«o(v||, 0),

eqn. ( will have in the case of longitudinal oscillations, E(kj) = — ikcp^, a solution

of the form /«o(fl||, v±9 t) = fM(v±)U(vll9 J&X) t). (

It is clear that in that case the function /α0(^|> v±, 0 will for long-wavelength oscillations (| λ | = k±v±/\ ωΒα | <c 1, Jo(X) % 1) split into a product of distribution functions with respect to v^ and v± for all t.

Let us now consider the interaction of resonance particles with one-dimensional wave-packets under cyclotron resonance conditions when ω0)(Λ) = k^v± + l\ ωΒο, |. Introducing instead of v^ and v± new variables,

2 2

Wl,2 = C / v J \ , Γ ± 7 T ^ ' (9·2·3·4)

ω^)(*)- / |ω Λ ι | / |ω 5 α |

we can write eqn. ( in the form of a one-dimensional diffusion equation

— = ^ % ^ % 2 , (


16π£* 1^3^ΜΛ(1 l)+/^a^li^x>/;(l A D+^CQl α, α l/fcj.V/d A I)]2 ( 9 2 3 6 )

ml [ω<Λ(*)]2|ι;β-ϋ„<κ>8θ|2

Under cyclotron resonance conditions the diffusion in velocity space proceeds thus along the lines w^v^ v±) = constant.

The diffusion coefficient D given by ( can vanish in several points

H>I = qm(w2\ rn = 0, 1, . . . ,

where #w + 1 > #m. The number of particles in the range qm < H>I < #m + 1 is conserved,

4m + i

MwuW^^dw^D^ = 0,


Page 84: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


and hence Qtm; + 1 Qm + 1

where/M is the initial (Maxwell) distribution function. If the energy of the oscillations in the final state is non-zero, it follows from eqn. (

that df^fdwi = 0, that is, a plateau is formed along the lines w2 = constant:

/ α θ = /oo(H'2) .

If the initial velocity distribution function is Maxwellian, we have

/ - = £ z w k ' C ' 5 { e x p [ - g ^ O ) / 4 ^ ] - e x p [ - g w + l t o O ) / 4 ^ } . (

Let us, as an example, consider electromagnetic waves with frequency ofi\k) = /1 ωΒο, |, propagating in a "cold" plasma when kva <sc | ωΒα |. Using eqn. ( to express the components E$ and Ej$ in terms of E}$ we find

D = , 6 , 4 ^1^Ρ|ν;(|Α|)+(//|1|)Λ(|Α1)ΐρ w* ω^>2| vg —V|| cos 0| 7


For the narrow wavepacket considered for which the velocity of the resonance particles along the magnetic field changes within the range vi < v^ < r2, the variable vt>i changes for given w2 within the limits determined from the inequalities

v\ ^ ^[ωω(*)- / | ω Λ | ] ( Μ ; 1 4- W 2 ) < fl|. (

The diffusion coefficient ( vanishes in the point vL — 0, that is, M>I = H>2, and also in the points v± = vv> | ω5α \/k± » νΛ9 determined by the equations ??β//(| λ |) + ^ΧΙ ^ I) I = 0. However, if | -|π — Θ | » feve/| ωΒα |, the points vL = v„ do not fall in the range ( for which D ^ 0—and we restrict ourselves to considering that case.

The point H>I = H>2 lies in the range (, if

—]A—2 ^ > ^— j when 0)0)-l ωΒ« > 0, ^ 2/ ω^α or ^ ' Ba \ ( ^-~ > -γ-. : when ω">-Ι\ωΒ<χ\ < 0.

#1 2/1 ω#α | J If these inequalities are not satisfied, we get in the final state when ωϋ) — 1\ ωΒο, | > 0

■ / ~ - ( 2 π ) 3 / ^ / Χ ρ { 2vl + '

and when ω ω - / | ω Β α | < 0 J (

1 ί ^±-f^f ^ ι ( ^{ -ν ι ) / |ω^1 1 1-g-(2nfl*v*QXp\ 2v* + ι ί [ ω ω - / | ω Λ | ] j χ

U ~ ( 2 7 r ) ^ ^ e x P | 2t£ + *5[/ |ωΛ|-ω<»] [ Λ


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In this case diflFusion therefore leads to a redistribution of the particles only with respect to i7|l in a narrow range of velocities.

If, however, the point wx = u>2 lies in the interval (, we get in the equilibrium state when ωω(&)—/ \ ωΒα | > 0

/ - = ; exp{_A+<i<»"w-'irii}[i-exp{^i^J^+^l}l

I 2vl 2 / | ω Α 1 ^ JL *[ 2v\ Ιω^-1\ωΒα\ / | ω Λ | JjJ {2πψΗΜ^Ι{(νΙ-νΙ)Ι[ωΜ-11 coBa \}}+{v\jl \ ωΒ« |}]

and when ωω(Λ)—1\ ωΒο, | < 0

2 e x p ( - A + < [ ^ W - / l ^ i n [ 1 - e x p ( , M 2«g^ 21\ωΒα\νΙ JL p l fflü)

2rf » 1 - 0 1 1


/ | ß> Ä |J jJ + 21\ωΒΛ\νΙ J L CXP 1 "2tg L o)0)-/jω^ 1 +

(2ττ)3/2 ^ ^ ^ [ { ( « ί - ^ / ί ω ω - / 1 ωΒα |]}+{t^_//1 ωΒα |}]

Let us consider the distributions obtained,/a0 =f00(v^ v±\ in the final state with a "plateau" along the direction of wi(v^ v±), given by ( and ( in the particular cases of "narrow" (| V2—vx | <§c vj}c^J\ coBaL |)) and "broad" (\ν%—υχ\ » vÄk\\vJ\ ™B* I)) wavepackets.

The inequality ( can not be satisfied for a "narrow" wavepacket when υ± ^ υΛ. It is clear from eqns. ( that the diffusion of particles due to the interaction with the waves in this case leads to the formation of a "plateau" with respect to v^ in a narrow range and does not change the distribution with respect to v± for not too small vx-values.

The inequality ( is for "broad" wavepackets satisfied for all v^ and v±, except ^-values very close to v± and v2. The diffusion of particles due to the interaction with waves leads in this case to a great change in the distribution functions both with respect to Vjj and with respect to v±. For that reason it is just the case of "broad" wavepackets which is of most interest for the heating of a plasma by means of high-frequency electromagnetic fields.

Let us consider the relaxation process for "broad" wavepackets in somewhat more detail. In the initial stage we can on the right-hand side of eqn. ( neglect the terms fcj|9/0«>ll ~ k\\l^v\\ as compared to the terms (/| ωΒ<χ \Ιν±)(β/δυχ) ~ /| ωΒ<χ \jv\ (jt?u = v2—vi). Equation ( then becomes

9Λ fco J d_(D <X*\ dt vx dv± \ ± 6v± ) '


Z>, =π

«H m jj|- m A !>+*?.£» m *■ \)+w -£ u\ A D m\ | Vg — W|| COS Θ |



Under the action of the electromagnetic field of "broad" wavepackets diflFusion of particles with respect to vx occurs, therefore, caused by cyclotron acceleration of the particles.


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For long wavelengths and resonance particles with a not too large transverse velocity (| λ ] « : 1), eqn. ( can be simplified:

dx where

-V ~ ~2t* ' " J * ' " m2a \ ω*α ] 2I'I[(| / | -1)!]21 » , -»„ cos θ \ v;


Let us write down the solution of eqn. ( for / = 1, 2, and 4:

r 1 / a 0 ~ (27r)3/2^(l + r ) e X p

8/aO = V

-4-τΐϊ]· /= , ; ( 9 · 2 · 3 · 1 6 )


5^MJ<,«-*ep{-±[,-h*]'to*}, ,_2; «,Ζ,Π,

be (2π)3/2 v3*3 V T J I L \ x x)4x\ 0

■"»[-(7-4)':*-]}· / = 4 . (

It follows from ( that the distribution with respect to v± remains Maxwellian when time goes on, while the transverse temperature of the particles increases,

T±(t) = Ta+Ta \üdt. o

The damping of the oscillations is in this case linear, that is,

\Εψ{()? = | ^ ) ( 0 ) | 2 e x p ( - 2 r L / ) , (

where yL is the damping rate determined by the formulae of the linear theory for a Maxwell­ian velocity distribution.

In the case of two-fold resonance, mu\k) ^ 2 | ωΒα |, the damping rate of long-wavelength "broad" wavepackets is given by the relation

y^\k,t)=-y0e8\ (

We can easily show, using this relation, that the damping of the wave amplitude will proceed as follows:

w o i » = 1 ^ ( 0 ) 1 ' ^ ρ ^ Γ + ο ή + c ' (9·2·3·21)


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where r_ ne\k\\E<im?\M?

4mlyL | flg —0|| cos θ | ω|α

It follows from ( and ( that the damping of broad wavepackets with fre­quency mu\k) % 2 | ωΒα | proceeds in the quasi-linear theory faster than in the linear theory.



We showed in Subsection 9.1.4 that the Coulomb collisions of resonance particles with the other particles in the plasma can appreciably affect the change of the distribution function with time and the magnitude of the derivative dfa0/dw which determines the speed of the collisionless damping of the oscillations.

We shall now study the effect of the collisions of resonance particles on their diffusion in velocity space and on the collisionless Cherenkov and cyclotron absorption of electro­magnetic waves in a magneto-active plasma (Rowlands, Sizonenko, and Stepanov, 1966). In the case of narrow wavepackets when the number of resonance particles is small (small range, Δυ^ = v%—v±9 of velocities occupied by resonance particles: Av^<^v^ for vi < #|j < v2) we can neglect the collision of resonance particles with one another. For resonance electrons with a velocity v^ appreciably larger than the thermal ion velocity v{

we can write the collision integral ( in the form

0/« e0

dt d Γ η S ( / e O - / e M ) ■[*

00ii dv\\ (

where feM is the Maxwellian electron distribution function while the diffusion coefficient Dc

is equal to

1 2π e^noL rc m\v\


Ψ - = J W M « / ) I „-• I = |f§ „. exp (--£)+ *±*-Φ (-JL-) , X

φ(χ) = _ 4 - Γ dt exp (-fi). ( V π J


The first term in ( takes the collisions of the electrons with the ions into account and the second one those with the electrons themselves. If v^:» ve, expression ( takes the simple form


A ^ - ^ i + ^e). (


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For resonance ions we may take into account merely their collisions with the other (non-resonance) ions and neglect the collisions with the electrons. In that case we get from (

r 0/io l L dt

d c ~ dV\\ '


De =

Dc 5(/iO-/iM)

2π ehioL



and Wiu is determined by eqn. ( in which we must replace vQ by v{. When v^ » vi

eqn. ( becomes


As in Subsection 9.1.4 we assumed, when deriving eqns. ( to ( that the electron and ion distribution functions differ little from Maxwellian distribution func­tions in the resonance region, while they are Maxwellian outside the resonance region, and we neglected the quantities 6(fa0—falA)ldv± ~ ( A O - A M ) / ^ i n comparison with 0( /«O- /«M) / 0 V I I ~ ( Λ Ο - Λ Μ ) / ^ | | ·

Let us first of all consider the effect of the collisions of resonance particles on the Cheren­kov damping of narrow wavepackets propagating at an angle Θ to the direction of the external magnetic field in a low-pressure plasma (4πη0Τα <$c Bl). We shall only consider long-wavelength oscillations with a wavelength much larger than the Larmor radius of the particles. Examples of such waves are different branches of longitudinal waves, the Alfven and the fast magneto-sound waves, considered in Chapter 5. As the phase velocity of these waves is much larger than the ion thermal velocity we can neglect the exponentially small Cherenkov damping due to the ions and consider only the Cherenkov damping due to the electrons.

Retaining in eqn. ( for electrons only a single term with / = 0 and adding to the right-hand side of this equation the collision integral in the form ( we write the equation for^ 0 in the form

0/eO et 0011

nd/eO . n 0(/eO-/eM) u— \-uc — —

0V|| ÖV\\


where Dc is given by eqn. ( and

D = ne^\d* ml] 2v\\ δμ^)_^η,}. (

In a quasi-equilibrium state dfe0/dt ^ 0 and when the diffusion of electrons through interaction with the waves is counterbalanced by collisions we get from eqn. (

S/eO 0/eM 1 8vn dv}] l + (DIDc)'



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The anti-Hermitean term in the dispersion equation for longitudinal oscillations,

£ Sijkjkj = 0, u

and, hence, the damping rate, is proportional to the integral

5/eO ί dv±v± dvu tf||=i0(j>(fc)/fc[|

Using eqn. ( we get the following expression for ya\k):

yU)(k) = - r L 0 , (

where yL is the damping rate of longitudinal oscillations for a plasma with a Maxwellian electron velocity distribution while

Φ=[ Γ1\ - * = Α · ν = Φ ^ · ( o

If the phase velocity of the oscillations considered is appreciably larger than the electron thermal velocity (vn > ve% DjDc = yl(x+\\ where

D 4v5 es C y = —, A> = — | , /) = π— μ»*|£»|2ό{ωω-Λ||ν||}.

In that case

φ = 14 .^ /2+j E i ( _ | _ ; ; ) 9 E i ( -x ) = - dt

For large-amplitude oscillations (y » 1) we have Φ ^ 3/2;; and in that case the damping rate is proportional to the collision frequency.

Equation ( determines the Cherenkov damping rate of longitudinal plasma oscilla­tions in the quasi-linear approximation, taking electron collisions into account. One can similarly easily obtain the Cherenkov damping rate of Alfven and fast magneto-sound waves in a low-pressure plasma in the quasi-linear approximation, taking electron collisions into account in a quasi-stationary state when the diffusion of the electrons due to interaction with the waves is counterbalanced by collisions. To do this we must use eqn. ( and the dispersion eqn. ( We just write down the final result:

yU){k) = -


v* = V mx

+ (ει

ει = ο 4 - « ω 2 '






- ε ι Φ,+


-πΦ\ \ω(^-ω%. [ 3 2 ϋ>(Λ0-ω%

\ 12Ψ2Φ3-Ψ2Φ2+πΦ2ΦΙ]\ ,



Page 90: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


Φι = - ^ f «fo^ ff» , φ2 = - 2 Ä * Γ Λ χ ^ §5°,

Φ3 = - π 3 ' 2 f dv±v\ | £ ° , Ψ = 1 -2ze exp ( - 4 ) f exp {fi) dt, ze = ^ ^ - . 0 0

If the phase velocity of the Alfven and fast magneto-sound waves is much larger than the electron thermal velocity, eqn. ( can be simplified:

_ 2β1ωω*ζ3 U — „2^2 φ + ^φφ_ 2 φ e x p ( - z | ) , (

where Φ = Φ(γ) is given by formula ( and

Φ0>)= l - ^ - j ( 7 + i ) ^ + 1 / 2 E i ( - ^ - i ) ,

j = D/Do, £> is given by formula ( in which the term oc Efy has been dropped. For weak fields, DfD0 <§: 1, expression ( goes over into equation ( for

the damping rate of the linear theory for a plasma with a Maxwellian electron velocity distribution. For strong fields, D/D0^> 1, the damping rate ( is smaller than the damping rate of the linear theory by a factor DJDQ.

Let us now study the effect of Coulomb collisions on the cyclotron damping of one-dimensional wavepackets. We shall restrict our considerations to narrow wavepackets, Δυ^ <§c vjjc\\vj\ ωΒα |) <<c va. In that case the diffusion of particles due to interaction with the waves is practically along the magnetic field. Neglecting particle diffusion in directions at right angles to the magnetic field we write eqn. (, taking collisions into account, in the form (, where

m2a\ojBa ) 2 ' + 1 / a [ ( / - l ) ! ] 2

w ^ > g - V | | c o s 0 | \V2va (

In the final state when the diffusion of particles due to interaction with the waves is counterbalanced by collisions, the magnitude of the derivative of the distribution function df*o/dv\\ will be determined by eqn. ( Bearing in mind that the anti-Hermitean terms in the tensor ε{] and hence the damping rate are proportional to the integral

ί dv±vTi^M3hlA dv

and using eqn. (, we get

where yU)(k) = -yof, (

1 C e~x ~ F= 7f| dxx'-p^r> ^ 7 T > x


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In the case of electron cyclotron resonance, ma\k) « / | ω & |, the quantity η simplifies when 7>|,» ve:


Using this expression for η we get when ω ^ | OJBQ \ F = x [ 3 - 2 x + x ( l -2x) ex Ei ( -x)] , vVl » vt9 (

where x = (1+ηο)~χ. For weak fields (η0<<ζ1) F = 1 and γ = —y0; for strong fields (ηο :$> 1) the damping rate is diminished, F ^ 3/η0 <$c 1.

If ω % 2 | coge I, we find easily, using (, that

F = -=— \ 1 - ~ „ ^ l ° t ^ x [(*i+/>) exp ( - xi) Ei (*i) - (x2+/?) exp ( - x2) Ei (x2)] \ , 2η0 [ 3r?o ί]ογ(1-ί]ο) J

( where

^ o - 4 - l + V O - ^ o ) * i , 2 — ' ~ 4(7yo-2) ' ^ ^0

If 770 <c 1, it follows from this that F ^ 1, while for 770 » 1, we have F ^ 3/2?yo «c 1. In the strong field region (η0 :» 1) the function F asymptotically approaches the value

3 1 F = -jr — , 770» 1, v\\»Vt. ( /! 770

For ion cyclotron resonance, cuu\k) ^ ΙωΒ{ we have when v.. ^> v{

xl D(v±) tcvf{

^ ^ T + T · *>° = 2tf , /2

Using this equation, we get for ω(7)(Λ) ^ eoBi and ωω(£) % 2co5i


F = x[2-x+exEi ( - x ) x(l - x ) ] , x = - r - i—, / = 1; ( I+770

F - — f l —^—+ 2T~\ J ( ^ i + ^ e x p ( - x i ) E i ( x i ) - ( x 2 + / 7 ) e x p ( - x 2 ) E i ( x 2 ) ] L η0 [ 2η0 77oV(l-4?7o) J 1=2; (

where - l ± V ( l - 4 r ? o ) i?o-l

*i,2 = ~ , P 2η0 ' 2^ο—1

In the strong field case (ηο > l) we get when ω(/)(£) % ΙωΒι and VJJ :» ^

F « 2 / ( / ! l ? 0 ) . For narrow wavepackets the diffusion of particles due to interaction with the waves under

cyclotron resonance conditions therefore always leads to a decrease in the damping rate and in strong fields the cyclotron damping is determined by the collisions,

that is, the damping rate is proportional to the collision frequency.

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C H A P T E R 10

Non-linear Wave-Particle Interactions

10.1. Kinetic Equation for the Waves


The quasi-linear approximation considered in the preceding chapter takes, from all different non-linear processes, into account only processes of the lowest order in the plasma oscillation energy and especially the reaction of the oscillations on the averaged distribution function and also the effect of a slow change in the particle distribution function on the rate of growth of the oscillations.

When the amplitude of the oscillations increases it becomes necessary to take into account higher-order non-linear processes—the non-linear interaction of waves and the scattering of waves by the plasma particles. It is convenient to describe these processes by means of the so-called kinetic equation for the waves; we shall now turn to its derivation.1"

For the sake of simplicity we shall restrict ourselves to the case of longitudinal plasma oscillations when there are no external fields; we shall start from the kinetic equations for the distribution functions Fa for particles of the ath kind (a = e, i) and the equations of electrostatics:

Τ Γ - Κ ' - ' ^ - Ϊ Κ Τ Γ ) - 0 · ( I 0 U · ' » V > = -4n^eCiJFad3ü. (


Here Fa is the exact distribution function, not the one averaged over fluctuations or over a small time interval,

F.(P, r, t) = ~ £ 8 [ r - r y ( * ) ] »[ν-νβ)], ( j

where r. and Vj are the coordinates and velocity of the 7th particle, while the summation is over all particles of the ath kind; Fis the volume of the plasma and ea and ma are the charge and mass of a particle of the ath kind.

t Kadomtsev and Petviashvili (1963), Galeev and Karpman (1963; Karpman, 1964a), and Silin (1964b) developed a method to study non-linear processes in a plasma by means of a kinetic equation for waves. There is a large literature devoted to non-linear wave-particle interactions and this is reflected in a number of review articles and monographs (Kadomtsev, 1965; Galeev, Karpman, and Sagdeev, 1965; Tsytovich, 1970).


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For this definition of the distribution function eqn. ( is clearly exact and com­pletely equivalent to the equations of motion

rj(t) = vj(t), bj{t) = - ~ νψ ( Ι«*-«ϊ

Averaging eqn. ( over initial conditions and bearing in mind that, if there is no external electric field (and this is the only case we shall consider here),

(?) = o, we get equations for the averaged distribution functions F<0):

- ^ + (P.V)Fr = - ^ ( | r . < / e v , > ) , (

where / a = Fa—F<0) is the oscillating perturbation of the distribution function and the (... > brackets indicate averaging.

Substracting eqn. ( from eqn. ( and changing to Fourier components,

/ (*'ω) = (2^ ί^/(λ,,)+'ωί/(Μ)Λώ,

we get the following equation for the function /α(Λ, ω) = /α :

-/[ω-(£.υ)]/α(Α;,ω)-/—-φ{Κ ω) [k- * ) ma \ ov )

= /-— (-|-· |*'{ςρ(*',ω')/«(*-*', ω-ω,)-(φ^\ω')/Λ^-^9ω-ω,))}\α^αω\


where φ(£, ω) is the Fourier component of the electrostatic potential which is connected with the functions fu through the formula

Ψ{Κ ω) = i j X ea f/e(*, ω) dh>. (

Now introducing the operator

glkM =_i«-[co-(* . i , )+fo]- i - | - , ( A/#a GO

where o indicates an infinitesimal positive quantity, introduced to indicate how to go around the pole when ω = (k*v), we can write this equation in a more compact form:

/«(*, ω)-ν(*, ω)(*·*β(Λ, co))F<°> - J (*'·*«(*, ω)) {?(*', ω')/«(*-*\ ω-ω') -<?(*', o)')fa(k-k\ ω-ω'))}ά*νάο'. (

Equation ( is convenient for a study of non-linear processes in a plasma in the case of so-called weak-turbulence states, that is, such states of the plasma that the energy of

7* 83

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the plasma oscillations is small compared to the particle energies. In that case we can use a series expansion in powers of the amplitude of the oscillations.

Usually weak-turbulence states arise in a plasma when oscillations grow with a growth rate—given by the linear theory—small compared to the frequency, y« f t ) . We note, how­ever, that the inequality y <$c ω is by no means a sufficient condition for the occurrence of weak turbulence. If, as occurs for so-called explosive instabilities (Rosenbluth, Coppi, and Sudan, 1968), non-linear effects lead to an increase in the growth rate with increasing oscilla­tion amplitude, strong turbulence will develop in the plasma, even when the values of the growth rate given by the linear theory are small.

We can in the case of weak turbulence find the functions / a in any (finite) approximation in the amplitude of the oscillations, by iterating eqn. ( To take the interaction between the waves and the non-linear wave-particle interactions in the plasma into account —in the first non-vanishing approximation—it is sufficient in iterating eqn. ( to restrict ourselves to terms which are cubic in the amplitude of the oscillations. Introducing for the sake of convenience the notation

£« = g*(k, o)\ φη = (p(kn, ωη\ gl = gjjin, ωη\ η= 1, 2, 3, we get

/«(*, ω) = {k.go)F[V<p{k, ω)+ J ( ^ i - ^ ) ( ^ 2 - ^ ) F ( % V - < ^ V > } ö(k-k1-k2)

Xd(a)-cui-a)2)d3k1d3k2da)1dcü2-l· j (ki*gaL)(k2*goik-'ku ω-ωι)(Α:3·^α))

χΡ^){φχφ2φ3—φ1(φ2φ3) — (φ1φ2φ3)} d(k—k1—k2—ks) δ(ω—coi—ω2 —ω3)

Χά^χά^ά^άω^ω^άω^. (

Substituting ( into ( and bearing in mind that the dielectric permittivity of the plasma is connected with the averaged particle distribution function through the relation

e(k, ω) = 1-4J - I*« f (*·*«(*> o>))F«»d% ["ΐ"?"αί we get the following equation for the electrostatic potential:

e(k, o))(p{k9 ώ) = J V(k9 ω; k±9 co^ty^2 — (<pV2)}ö(A: — k± — Α:2)δ(ω — ω±—0)2)d3kid3k2

Χάωχ άω2+ J V(k, ω; kl9 ωχ; Ar2, ω2){φ1φ2φ3-φ\φ2φ3)-(φ1φ2φ5)}

Xö(k—k±—k2—k3)d(a>—CUI—CO2—CU3) d3kid3k2d3k3da)idco2dcu3,

( where

V(k9 ω; *ι, ο)ι) = ^~Σβ« f ( Λ ι ^ « ) ( ^ 2 · ^ ) ^ 0 ) δ ( Α : - Λ 1 - / Γ 2 ) ό ( ω - ω ι - ω 2 ) ^ ^ ^ 2 ί / ω 2 ,

4π Γ V(k9 ω; *ιωι; k2, ω2) = η^Σ^ (*ι·#«)(*2·£(*-*ι, ω-ωι))(*3·£2)ί£0 )

Xd(k-ki-k2-ks)d(o)-o)1-co2-co3)d3üd3k3doo3. (


Page 95: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


10.1.2. EQUATION FOR THE CORRELATION FUNCTION The non-linear eqn. ( for the electrostatic potential is a consequence of the

dynamic eqns. (—or, what amounts to the same, of the kinetic eqn. (— and the equations of electrostatics. We draw attention to the fact that in deriving this equa­tion we implicitly used the assumption of the random nature of the plasma oscillations. Indeed, when solving the kinetic equations we chose particular solutions of the kind fa — (kcp-ga) F^0) rather than general solutions, and as a result eqns. ( did not con­tain the initial perturbation of the particle distribution functions. In other words, in deriving eqn. ( we tacitly implied that the system is able to "forget" the explicit form of the initial perturbation so that the function φ is determined by the properties of the system itself rather than by the initial perturbance. We shall not dwell on an elucida­tion of the criteria for when such a "loss of memory" of the initial conditions (stochastiza-tion of the oscillations) occurs.1"

As we are interested in the spectral distribution of random oscillations we can change from eqn. ( to an equation which is more convenient for the description of such oscillations—the so-called kinetic equation for the waves. To do this we multiply eqn. ( by (p*(k\ ω') and average over the random phases:

e(k, ω)(φ(£, ω)φ*(Κ\ ω')) = J V(k, ω; k±9 tt)i)(y*(Jfc', (u')(p(ku ω^φ^-^ ω-ωι)> XJ3*i£fo)i+J V(k, ω; fticoi; k2, w2){{cp*(k\ ω') ?>W>-<?>*(*', ω') ^ X v V » X6(k — ki—kz—k3)dfa—co1 — cu2—oj3)d3kidzk2d3k3d(D1da)2d(Dz. (

This equation connects the pair correlation function ((^φ2) with the triple correlation function (φ^φ*) and the quadruple correlation function ((^φ^φ^). The triple correlation function can then be reduced to the quadruple one if we use ( and substitute in it the quantity φ up to second-order terms. As far as the quadruple correlation function is concerned, for random oscillations with completely uncorrelated phases it can be written as a sum of products of binary correlation functions,

(φψφψ) = (φψ)(φψ)+(φψ)(φψ) + (φί<ρ*)(φΥ). ( As a result eqn. ( becomes a non-linear equation for a single function—the pair correlation function (<pV2)·

Noting that the function (q?<p2) is proportional to δ(Α2+Α;ι) δ(ω2+α>ι), we can introduce the correlator I(k, ω) defined by the relation

(φ9 <o)<p\k\ eo')> = «(*-*') δ(ω-ω')/(&, ω). ( Using then ( and ( we can write eqn. ( in the form

β(Λ, ω) / (* , ω) = I(k, ω) U(k, ω ; ku ω ι ) / ( * ι , ωι) ί/3Αη</ωι+/(Λ, ω)

f v(k, ω; ku ωι) v(ku ω±; k, ω) 1 J e(k — ku ω-ωχ-hio) 2s*(k, ω)

X | | v(k, ω; kl9 ωι) | 2 1(k u ωϊ) I(k-ku ω-ω{)ά^χάωχ (

t Zaslavskii (1970) has considered the basis for the statistical approach to various systems and has eluci­dated the criteria for stochastization.


Page 96: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


where v(k, ω; &i, ω±) = V(k, ω; ku coi)-f V(k, ω\ k—ku ω—ω±), U(k, ω\ ku ωι) = V(k, ω; Αι,ωι; -ku —ωι)+ V{k,m\ Αι,ωι; £,ω),

while the quantities Fare defined by eqns. ( In the case of a weakly turbulent plasma in which we are interested the bilinear expression

on the right-hand side of eqn. ( turns out to be proportional to the small parameter y/ω, where | y | is the growth rate of the oscillations given by the linear theory. Introducing the notation

e\k, co) = Re s(k, ω), e"(k, ω) = Im e(k, ω),

and bearing in mind that the growth rate of the oscillations in the linear theory is propor­tional to the imaginary part of the dielectric permittivity,

y{k) = *"(*, <ok) V

where ωΑ is the frequency of the plasma eigenoscillation, we get in zeroth approximation in the parameter γ[ω

β'(*,ω)/(*,ω) = 0. (

The solution of eqn. ( clearly has the following structure:

/ ( * , ω) = / + ( * )β (ω-ω Λ ) + /_(*)β(ω+ω_Α),

where / + and /_ are functions of the wavevector k (in order not to complicate the formulae we restrict our discussion in the present subsection to considering only one kind of collective oscillations; the generalization to the case of several branches of oscillations will be given in the next subsection). Bearing in mind that

/(*, ω) = / ( - * , -ω),

we see that the functions / + and /_ are not independent, but connected through the relation

/+(*) = / _ ( - * ) .

Therefore, if we agree to understand by ω_Η the quantity — ωΑ, we can write the correlator I(k, ώ) in the more compact form

/(*, ω) = /(*) δ(ω-ωΛ). (

The next-order equation clearly determines the additional damping and the shift of their eigenfrequency of the oscillations caused by non-linear effects. The correction Δω to the eigenfrequency is here small compared to the frequency itself, Δω ^ y. As far as the addi­tional damping of the oscillations is concerned, the corresponding damping rate may turn out to be of the same order of magnitude as the growth rate given by the linear theory, or even exceed it. We shall therefore restrict ourselves to determining the non-linear damping rate of the oscillations and shall not be interested in the correction to their frequency caused by non-linear effects.




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Substituting ( into eqn. ( we can write the imaginary part of the resulting expression in the form

y{I(k)} = 0, (


yl(k) = 7{k)I{k)-I{k) Γ θε(0ωω) 1 f Imlü(k9 ω; ku a>*fl

v(k9 cok; ku ω ) vjk-kx, ο^-ω^; A:, a>k) 1 ττ Γ 6e'(fc, ω) 1 e(k—kuü)k—(£>kl+io) j 2 [ 9ω J

ΚΛ,ω*; fei, ωΟΙ2 /(*ι)/(*-Λι) δ(ωΛ-ωΛι-ωΑ_Α1) <«*. (

Equation ( determines the correlator I(k) in the case of a stationary and uniform distribution of random waves.

This equation can be physically interpreted in a simple way. Indeed, the quantity 2y{/} determines clearly the decrease in the function I(k) per unit time due to the simultaneous effect of the non-linear damping and the "build-up" of the waves, determined by the linear theory. Equation ( can therefore be interpreted as the condition that the total damping rate of the oscillations—which is the (algebraic) sum of the growth rate of the oscillations given by the linear theory and the damping rate caused by non-linear effects— vanish.

We can easily generalize eqn. ( to the case of non-stationary and non-uniform wave distributions. To do this we note that if there were no non-linear effects at all, the function I(k) would in the case of weak inhomogeneities {kX » 1, where λ is the charac­teristic size of the inhomogeneities) satisfy the equation

a / + (^v ) /+2 y ( * ) /=0 . dt

It is clearly necessary in this equation to replace the damping rate y(Ä) of the linear theory by the non-linear damping rate y{/}// given by eqn. (, in order to take the non­linear wave-particle and wave-wave interactions into account. As a result we get the equation

a/ et

■+ ί~ ν\ Ι+2γ{Ι} = 0 (

This equation is usually called the kinetic equation for the waves. Using the function I(k) we can write eqn. ( for the averaged particle distribution

functions in the form

dt + (0. V) F f = ^ f (^-Ul(k) δ[ω-(Α·0)] (k-^\ d>k\ . (

These equations form, together with eqn. ( for /(£), a complete set of equations to describe weak-turbulence states of the plasma.


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We note that eqn. ( which describes the slow change in the particle distribution functions under the influence of waves is, of course, nothing but the equation for the particle distribution functions of the quasi-linear theory (see Chapter 9).

We can put the kinetic equation for the waves in a more familiar form if we introduce the number N(k) of plasma waves per unit volume instead of the correlator /(&). To do this we write the energy density of the plasma oscillations in the form

W L\k2 dco

[ωε'(&, ω)] /(ft) d*k. °>k


Noting that the energy density of the oscillations must be connected with the number of waves by the relation

Γ dsk W= l ^ t f i * ) - , — , ( J'

we have

N(k) =


n2k2 [de'(k, o>) fi dco /(ft). (

Substituting ( into ( and introducing instead of the function γ{1) the collision integral

/dN\ „π2Α:2 Γδε'(£,ω)Ί , „

we get the following kinetic equation for the plasmons:

lda>k _\ , T . /dN\ 6N ♦GH**©.-* (

We emphasize that the introduction of the distribution function JV(ft, r, /) of the quasi-particles—plasmons—which depends both on the plasmon momentum hk and on the coordinates r and the time t has a meaning only if the number N of plasmons changes slowly in space and time. This means that the change in the function N over distances of the order of the wavelength λ = 2nfk and during times of the order of the period of the wave T= 2nja>k

must be much smaller than the function N itself. We note that eqn. ( is similar to the well-known kinetic equation for phonons in

solid (see, for instance, Peierls, 1955).


Let us now dwell upon the physical interpretation of the different terms on the right-hand side of eqn. ( Bearing in mind that in the transparency region (when ε" <<c ε')

is ε(£,ω+/ο) = <P

i e'(ft, ω) +πί

de'(k9 ώ) dco

- 1 {δ(ω-ω*)+<5(ω+ωΑ)} sgn ω,


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we can write the quantity γ{1) in the form

y{I(k)} = y(k) I(k)+r(k) I(k)+S{I(k)}, (

where | y(k) | is as before the growth rate of the oscillations given by the linear theory (see Chapter 4) while the quantities Γ(Κ) and S{I(k)} are given by the formulae

m=- [ 8 ε ^ ω ) 1Γ ί i m \u{K ω"; ki> ω^Η

Φ <M^i,^y-^^-^;t,^) i I(ki) p k u (10 j 3 2)

S{I(k)} = nl{k) de s(k-ku ω*-ωΑ1)

dco \Wk J L δω , co) - 1

RQ{v(k, cok;ku cokl)

X v(k-ku o)k-kl; k, ω*)}/^) d(a)k-cukl-cuk-kl) d?ki- π θε'μ,ω)-]-2

θω Γ Jl . X I <*, ω*; *!, ω*,)!2 /(jfcO / ( * - * ι ) β(ω*-ωΑι-ω*_Α1) d3*, (

where the symbol ^) means that we are dealing with a principal value integral. Equation ( for the quantity S contains δ-functions which can be interpreted as

giving the energy conservation law for wave-wave interactions,

oik = ωΑ1+ωΑ_Λι. ( The quantity S therefore clearly characterizes the non-linear damping of waves due to three-wave—or three-plasmon—processes: the decay of one wave into two or the fusion of two waves into one. One sees easily that not for all dispersion laws ω = wk is this quantity non-vanishing, so that three-wave processes would be possible. For instance, in an isotropic medium condition ( is satisfied if the phase velocity increases with increasing wave-number, (d/dk)(cokfk) > 0—in such cases one says that the spectrum of the oscilla­tions is decay able. If, on the other hand, the phase velocity decreases with increasing k9 (d/dk)(coklk)<0, condition ( cannot be satisfied (non-decayable spectrum).

The term Γ(Κ)Ι(Κ) in eqn. ( does not contain d(cok—ωΗχ—ωΛ_Λι); this term characterizes clearly the damping of waves caused by the scattering of these waves by the plasma particles. This damping has the same nature as the collisionless Landau damping —and is therefore sometimes called the non-linear Landau damping. Indeed, looking at the definitions (, (, and ( of the functions V, v, and#, we see that the imaginary parts of these functions appear when one goes round the pole of expressions such as{^i—ω2) — ([&ι—A^'p)}-1 and thus contain a factor δ({ωι—co2} —({Ai—£2}·ι>)). There­fore, while the usual (linear) Landau damping occurs due to the absorption (or emission) of a wave with frequency ω and wavevector k by the plasma particles, the non-linear Landau damping is connected with the simultaneous absorption of a wave with frequency ω± and wavevector ki and the emission of a wave with frequency ω2 and wavevector A2.

Turning to wave-wave interaction processes we note that in the case of non-decayable spectra such processes are, of course, also possible; an example is the four-plasmon wave-wave scattering process. However, these processes occur only in higher approximations in


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the wave amplitude and contribute to the function γ{1} a term, cubic in /(Λ). Noting that the non-linear Landau damping, which contributes to the function γ{1} a term quadratic in the correlator I(k), is non-vanishing (for a non-zero particle temperature) both for decayable and for non-decayable spectra, we see that it must, in general, be unnecessary to take four-plasmon processes into account, even in the case of non-decayable spectra.

We shall now show how one can write the kinetic equation for the waves in the case when not one, but several modes of weakly damped oscillations can propagate in the plasma. One sees easily that the solution of eqn. ( in that case has the form

/(*, ω) = Σ /„(*) δ(ω-ωμ{Η% ( ß

where the index μ numbers the oscillations branches. The kinetic eqn. ( will therefore be valid for each of the functions IJfc), if we replaced in eqn. ( for the functional γ the quantities I{k\ I(ki) and I{k-k^) by IJJt), I^(ki) and I^k — k^ respec­tively, and sum over μι, μ2 as well as integrate over k±.

10.2. Turbulent Processes in which Langmuir Waves Take Part


It is well known that in a completely equilibrium plasma without an external magnetic field, only one kind of longitudinal oscillations—Langmuir oscillations with a non-decayable spectrum—is possible. If the electron temperature is much higher than the ion temperature, another branch of longitudinal oscillations appears—ion-sound waves also characterized by a non-decayable spectrum. Forgetting about possible processes involving transverse electromagnetic waves, we see that in an isotropic two-temperature plasma three-plasmon processes are possible involving one ion-sound and two Langmuir waves—the absorption (or emission) of an ion-sound wave by a Langmuir wave, the decay of an ion-sound wave into two Langmuir waves, and the inverse process of the fusion of two Langmuir waves with the formation of an ion-sound wave. We shall now start a study of these processes.

We shall characterize the intensities of the Langmuir and ion-sound waves by the functions Ix(k) and Is(k\ which are connected with the correlator I(k, ώ) by the relation

/(*, ω) = life) δ(ω-ωι(*)) + /,(*) ό(ω-ω8(*)), (

! ωι(*) I = o)Pe-f |wpe(/crD)2, I ω.(*) | = vjc, (

with ω^ the electron plasma frequency, vs = ViTJm^) the ion-sound velocity, Te the electron temperature, and rO the electron Debye radius; we remind ourselves that we use a represen­tation in which ω{ and a>s can be both positive and negative, while ωμ(—Κ) = —ωμ{Κ), μ = 1, s.

The kinetic equations for the interacting Langmuir and ion-sound oscillations have,


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according to ( and (, the form

^f+<Pv V) i/i+2S{/,} = 0, (

-^+(tfs-v)/s+2S{/s} = 0, (

where Z7, and Us are the respective group velocities,

Ux{k) = ± 3ωνΛΚ Us{k) = ± vsk/k. (

To determine the functions V(k, ω; k±9 ωι) which occur in the expressions for S{I} we shall start from the general formulae ( Noting that the contribution from the ions to the function Fis small both for Langmuir and for ion-sound waves, we have

V(k, *>„(*); ku ω,(Λχ)) = - ^ dHfaAk)-(k.v)+ü>]-*

X ( * ι · ^ ) |κ(Λ)-ω,(Λ1)-([Α-Α1].ϋ)+/ο]-^ ( [* -*J . ^ΡίήΥ μ,ν = 1 s.


One can easily evaluate the integrals over the velocities which occur in these formulae if one takes into account that the velocity range for which ω8 «c (£·υ) «: ω{ gives the main contribution to these integrals:

V{k, ωι(Λ); ku ω(Αι)) = ^— — , V(k, a)&(k); ku a>i(fti)) = ±-φ 3— ψ-;


we have not written down the expression for the function V(k, ω^Λ); ku <*>s(k{)), as that function contains, when compared to the other two functions, an extra small factor (fcrD)2. Substituting ( into (, we have

it n\ i n \\ (*e*l) e /# n\ , η \\ (*·*ΐ)(*·{*-*ι}) * v(k, ωι(Α); ku fi>i(*i)) = ^ — , v(k, ω,(*); An, ωι(*ι)) - - ^ - ^ ^ γ-.


Using then ( we get finally the following kinetic equations which describe interacting Langmuir and ion-sound oscillations

[|r+(^w· v ) l / i w + ~ ^ f A*«»« evmiik-kj-iiki) /,(*-*!)} χδ{ω,(Λ)-ω1(Α:ι)-ω8(Α-Λι)} </3*ι = 0, (

Γ | Γ + ( Κ ( * ) · V)l J,(Jfc)-^ j ^ f k\ COS2 fl(fc-fci COS 0)2 /,(*!) /,(&-*!)

X β{ω,(*)-ωι(*ι)-ωι(*-*ι)} </3fti = 0, (

where Θ is the angle between the vectors k and ku


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We can write eqns. ( and ( for the functions Ix and Is in the form of kinetic equations for quasi-particles—the quanta of the plasma oscillations—if we use ( to introduce instead of these functions the plasmon distribution functions

?7r2k2 ?TT2

»m-g^m. *« = M W (ia2UI)

Substituting these expressions into ( and ( we get

•3JV, | + ( J 7 „ ( A ) . V ) N"(k)+rw) = °' / i = 1*s ' (

where the collision integrals (dNJdt)c have the form

( nF i = i ^ j c o s 2 'wm-wm) \k-kliNs(k-kl) Χ«{ωι(Α)-ωι(*ι)-ω,(Α-*ι)} ds

kl, (

( dNs(k) \ e2 hkvs

dt ) ~ 8π meTe

( / : -^ iCos Θ)2 c o s θ —Γι—/ ,2 Ni(k)Ni(k-k!)

I Λ — #ti |

X δ{ω8(Α:)—ωι(&ι)—ωι(Α: — Ä:i)} J3Ä:i.

We draw attention to the fact that the collision integral in the kinetic equation for the ion-sound waves is always negative, (dNJdt)c < 0. The number of these waves and hence also their energy therefore always increase with time.

The increase with time of the energy of the ion-sound oscillations leads to the result that any distribution of Langmuir waves in a two-temperature plasma with T& » T{ turns out to be unstable. The physical mechanism of this instability consists in that low-frequency beats occurring when two Langmuir waves interact are transformed into ion-sound oscillations, leading thereby to the excitation of ion sound. Such an instability mechanism is possible because for two Langmuir waves and one ion-sound wave the decay conditions (,

|ωι(*0)| = ΙωιίΛΟΙ + Ιω,ί*.)!, k0 = * i+*„ (

can be satisfied; for this reason the instability itself is usually called a decay instability. We shall now turn to a study of the decay instability of Langmuir waves.


We shall consider the problem of the instability of a separate finite-amplitude Langmuir wave propagating in a two-temperature plasma. We first of all note that equations ( and (—as the original kinetic equation for the waves (—are intended for a study of the interaction between wavepackets which, in wavevector space, are rather broad and need some modifications if we want to consider processes involving monochroma­tic waves. We shall therefore start by not using these equations but eqn. ( for the wave amplitude; afterwards we shall show how one can obtain the same results from the kinetic eqns. ( and (


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Turning therefore to eqn. ( we can write this equation for the case of interacting Langmuir and ion-sound waves in the form

Γ g j 1 Χ[ω-ωι(*)] ςρι(/τ, ω) = | V(k, ω,(Λ); kuωι(*ι)) <ρι(*ι,ωι)

X(ps(k-ku ω-ωι)ί/3λ;ι6?ωι, (

— ^ — X [ω -ω8(Λ)] (ps(k, ω) = v(k, ω8(Λ); k±9 ωι(Λι)) ^i(fti, ωι)

X<pi(k—ku ω— coi)d3kideoi9 (

where the (μ = 1, s) are the respective parts of the electrostatic potential while the functions Fand v are again determined by formulae ( and (; we have symmetrized the equation for the quantity cps and neglected in both equations terms containing the poten­tial in powers higher than the second.

We shall assume that in the initial state a single Langmuir wave with amplitude 990 and wavevector ko propagates through the plasma,

cpo{k, ω) - cpQb(k-kQ) ί(ω-ωι(*0)). (

As we are interested in the instability of this wave against decay into an ion-sound wave with wavevector ks and a Langmuir wave with wavevector kx we write the perturbation of the electrostatic potential in the form

C d5r dt φ\Κώ) = 2 {φsCos[(ks·r)-ωs(ks)t] + φίcos[(kl·r)-\ωikl)\t]}-^—, (

where <ps and φ\ are slowly varying functions of the time. In order that the above-mentioned decay be possible the vectors k{ and ks must satisfy

eqns. ( Solving those equations and, to fix the ideas, assuming that k0rO:» ^{rnjm^ we get

k\ = ko, ks = 2ko sin |-a,

where a is the angle between the vectors k0 and kv

Now substituting ( and ( into eqns. ( and ( and linear­izing, we have

(x) 6Wc\ k V Ωί. [ω -a)i(ki)] φ[ = ψ- -~- <Ps cos α, [ω -oo&(ks)] cps = ^-\- βφ0φ[ sin3 — . (

Z 1 e Jfl^COpQ Z

Putting for each of the excited waves ω = ωμ^μ)-\-ίν(<χ), we find the square of the growth rate of the oscillations, v2(oc):

* « ) = - ^ ( W f ^ - ( ^ f [ - c o s a X s i n ' j ] . (

We see that perturbations for which α > π/2 grow, while perturbations for which a = 7T, that is, kx = —ko, ks = 2k0, are characterized by the largest growth rate. The growth


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rate of a decay instability, v=Max{v(oc)}, is thus determined by the formula (Oraevskii and Sagdeev, 1963)

, - ^ ^ Ι ^ - ^ ) " (

Let us now show how we can determine the growth rate of the decay instability, if we start from the kinetic eqns. ( and ( for interacting Langmuir and ion-sound waves rather than from eqn. ( To do this we note that, if we take the growth (or damping) of waves into account in expression ( for the function S{I} we must perform the substitution

ό(ω)^Ι Η π ωζ+ν*

If we now take as the unperturbed state of the system of waves the state characterized by the correlator

/(A, ω) = /ο{δ(Α-Α0)δ(ω-ωι(Αο))+δ(Λ+Αο)δ(ω+ωι(Αο))}, and impose a perturbation of the form

/'(£, ω) = 7ιΧθ)^{β(*+*ο)*[ω-ωι(*ο)] + «(*-*ο)«[ω+ωι(*ο)ΐ} + Is(0)evt{d(k-2ko) d[co-a)s(2ko)] + d(k+2ko) δ[ω + ω8(2Α0)]},

where as before we have assumed that krO » y/{mjm^9 we get, after linearizing the kinetic equations,

_ e*t4Jp _ *$&ο , Π022Ν Vh - "4|7j7f S' s " n%ü>U\v\ h ' ( 1 ° · 2 · 2 · 8 )

Solving these equations we get for the growth rate an expression which is similar to ( (Kadomtsev, 1965)

v = cope(fcorD)3/2 ^Γ I 4^71 . (

We note that eqns. ( and ( for the growth rate of the decay instability of a Langmuir wave are valid provided the growth rate of this instability exceeds the damp­ing rate of all three waves which take part in the decay process. As far as the possibility itself of the decay instability is concerned, it is necessary for the occurrence of this instability that the condition v ^> y is realized for at least two—but not necessarily for all three— waves which take part in the process (Karplyuk, Oraevskii, and Pavlenko, 1969).

When studying the decay instability we started from the assumption that all three waves taking part in the process are monochromatic and that their frequencies satisfy the decay condition ( Simultaneously with the decay process of the waves the inverse processes—the processes in which waves fuse leading to a decrease in the growth rate of the decay instability—must, in principle, also take place. For monochromatic waves, satisfying the decay condition the condition for the fusion of waves | ω Αο) I = \coi(ko+ks)\ — | cos(Ä:s) |, cannot be satisfied. However, in an actual physical situation we are, of course, not dealing with monochromatic waves, but with wavepackets, existing for a finite time. The first of conditions ( must thus be replaced by the weaker condition

|ωι(*0)| = |ω,(Α,)|±|ω3(*5)| + Ζΐ,


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where kx = fto =F fts while Δ is a quantity characterizing the non-monochromatic packet —this non-monochromaticity can be caused by the damping or growth of the waves taking part in the process, by non-linear effects leading to a smearing-out of the wavepacket in frequency, or, finally, by the conditions under which the Langmuir wave whose decay we follow was excited. When the "frequency detuning" Δ is taken into account it is necessary to consider perturbations of a more general form than a single Langmuir and a single sound wave (Bakal, 1970,1971). In fact, it is necessary to take into account perturbations which are a superposition of three waves: an ion-sound wave with frequency | cos(fts) | and two Lang­muir waves with frequencies | co fto+fts) | which are close to, respectively, | a)j(fto) | + | cos(fts)| (fusion of waves) or | co^ko) | —| cos(fts)| (decay of the wave). As a result the square of the growth rate of the decay instability becomes, in general, smaller than the quantity v2 given by formula ( For sufficiently large values of the "detuning" A the quantity v2 may even become negative; in that case, of course, the quantity | v \ is no longer the growth rate of the oscillations, but a correction to their frequency.


We showed in Chapter 4 that the damping rate of the usual (linear) Landau damping for Langmuir waves is exponentially small, γ/ω oc exp{—y(^D)""2}. This is connected with the fact that there is an exponentially small number of resonance particles—electrons with velocities close to the phase velocity of the Langmuir wave which therefore can strongly interact with that wave.

When two Langmuir waves interact non-linearly low-frequency beats with phase velocities of the order krOve, with ve = <\/(2TJme) the average thermal electron velocity, must occur. These beats, whose absorption by particles leads to the non-linear Landau damping, interact much more strongly with the electrons than the original Langmuir waves (when Te = Ti9 when the decay conditions for Langmuir oscillations are not satisfied; see subsection 10.2.2). Therefore, the decrease in the energy of Langmuir waves must, roughly speaking, be determined by their non-linear damping even for not very large amplitudes; we shall now turn to a study of this non-linear damping.

To determine the rate of the non-linear damping of Langmuir waves we shall use the general formula ( To determine the functions £/and v which occur in that formula we bear in mind that when we sum over the different kinds of particles in eqns. ( it is sufficient to limit ourselves to the electron terms. Furthermore, the main contribution to the integrals on the right-hand sides of these equations comes from the range of velocities v ~ ve and an expansion of the integrands in power series in (ft-üj/co ft) therefore corre­sponds to an expansion of the functions £7and v in power series in the small parameter krO.

To first order in that parameter we have

v(k, coi(ft); fti, eoi(fti)) = - - ^ ^ ^TTj— K*~*i» ωι(*)-ωι(*ι)),

U(k9 ωι(*); fti, ω,(*ι)) - -^- ^ ^ - ^ ' ^ v(k~k^ ω,(*)-ω,(*ι); ft, α>ι(*)). (

We see that the first-order terms cancel one another and we must therefore go to the next


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approximation. In the next approximation in the parameter krO we have

Im[U(k, «**); ku *&$+ *** ωΐ(*); *h "ft*]**-*? ^ I ^ * * *' " ^ l J ε(Λ—fti, ωι(Λ)—ωι(Λι)) J = ^ ^ ^ 1 ί ( Α , ϋ ) 2 ( { Λ ~ Λ ι } · ^ ) ό { ω ι ( Λ ) - ω ι ( Λ ι ) " ( [ Λ - Α ι ] · ί ' ) } ώ ? 3 1 ' · { ΐ α 2 · 3 · 2 )

Noting that, as to order of magnitude, | cojjt)—ω^&ι) | ~ (^D)2cope, we can write the inte­gral occurring in this equation in a form symmetric in the vectors k and k\:

(k.vf ( [ Ä - f t l ] . ^ g - ^ β{ωι(*)-ωι(*ι)-([*"*ι]· "OK" = - ^ ' ^ ^ ' '

Xlmε(£-*ι, ωι(Α)-ωι(*ι)). (

Substituting ( and ( into ( we get the final expression for the non-linear damping rate of Langmuir waves (see Kadomtsev, 1965)

r ( f e ) = J&*J<* f(*'*l)2|[A: Λ k1]\nme{k-k1^l{k)-Ml{k1))I{k1)d^k1. (

According to this formula the non-linear damping rate of Langmuir waves is, as to order of magnitude, equal to

r~ W p e ( f cr D )3 -^ , ( Hole


where «o is the equilibrium electron density and W the energy density of the waves,

4«J l + ffcH Bearing in mind that the linear damping rate for Langmuir waves is equal to

W = — - f f /(ft) d3k. ( %a J 1-

— λίπ ωρε [3 1 1 ~ \ 8 (fcrD)3eXpL 2 2(krDf\

we see that the non-linear damping starts to play a decisive role for rather small wave amplitudes, namely, when E > Em, where

*~-^Γ-Ρ[-^] · <">"·'> noTe (krOf

Substituting ( into ( and ( and neglecting the linear damping of the waves, we have

~^~ = - J ^ , /(ft) jVfti)21 [ft Λ fti] |»Ime((*-*i, c^k)-a^k1))I(k0d'k1.


We limit ourselves to the case of spatially uniform distributions and assume that the electron


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temperature is not too different from the ion temperature so that three-wave processes involving Langmuir waves are impossible. Using ( to introduce the number of Langmuir waves Nx(k) we can write the kinetic eqn. ( in the form

dNijk) (dNi(k)\ _ n et + [ dt ] c - ü '

(dNjk)\ g%Qpe 6 ν , . Λ f (ft-fti)2

XI [k Λ fti] I2Im e((ft-fti, α*(*)-ωι(*ι))Μ(*ι)&kx. (

Integrating eqn. ( over k and using the fact that Im e(ft, co) = —Im ε(—ft, —ω), we easily check that the number of Langmuir waves per unit volume,

JV, = $Ni(k)d*lt9

is conserved when there is non-linear damping,

-~Ni = 0. (

It further follows from eqn. ( that the total energy density of the Langmuir waves which in the approximation considered is connected with the number of waves through the relation W — tUo^Jf^ is conserved (Drummond and Pines, 1962). Due to the non-linear damping the momentum of the waves,

P = jhkNi(k)d*k9

decreases. The damping rate Γ therefore in practice determines the inverse of the damping time of the momentum rather than of the energy of the waves.

If we want to determine the rate at which the energy of the Langmuir waves changes we must in our evaluation of the damping rate Γ consider terms of even higher order in the parameter krO. The characteristic time v1 for changes in the energy of the wave turns out to be much larger than Γ~\

v ~ (krDfr. (

The relation ( which expresses the conservation of the total number of waves turns out to be valid not only in the first non-vanishing order in the parameter krD9 but generally apart from exponentially small terms (APtshuP and Karpman, 1965). Indeed, integrating the first of equations ( by parts and using ( we have

Ift—ftil2 v(k, co; fti, ωι) = ^ v(k—fti, ω—ωΰ ft, ω).

One further easily verifies that if we neglect the exponentially small residues in the points ω = (ft·») and ωι = (fti·») we find

v(k—fti, ω—ωύ ft, ώ) = v\—k+kx, - ω + ωι; —ft, —ω).

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Finally we can easily prove for the function U the relation


Im U(k9 ω; k±9 ω±) = — ^ Im U(k\, coi; A:, ω).

If we, therefore, write the kinetic equation for the waves in the form

~ ~ - l · [K(K k^Nl^Niik^d^kx = 0, (

it turns out that the kernel K(k, ki) of the integral equation is antisymmetric in k and ku

K(k, jki) - -K(ku k).

Integrating equation ( over k we get eqn. ( Bearing in mind the conservation of the number of Langmuir waves we easily understand

why the characteristic time for the diminution of their energy is appreciably longer than the time of the damping of their momentum. Indeed, the non-linear damping of waves is caused by the absorption of one wave by a particle with the simultaneous emission of another wave; two other processes involving two waves leading to a change in the total number of waves—the simultaneous absorption or emission of two waves by a particle—make expo­nentially small contributions to the quantity Γ. The energy conservation law is satisfied,

Δε = (Δρ-υ),

where Δε = h\ ωχ{Κ) \ —h\ co^ki) | and Δρ = hk — hkx are the changes in the energy and the momentum of the wave. Noting that the energy of the Langmuir wave weakly depends on its momentum, we see that in each scattering process the relative change in the energy of the wave is much less than the relative change in its momentum,

Λ* „„ Λ2 \Δρ\ ■ j t o ~ ( f e ^ hk '

Multiplying this relation by the number of scattering processes per unit time, we get eqn. (

From a quantum-mechanical point of view the non-linear damping of waves—in contrast to the linear damping—is thus not the absorption of oscillation quanta (plasmons) by plasma particles, but the diffusion of these quanta in momentum space due to their collisions with particles. The mixing of the plasmons with respect to the directions of their momenta is then characterized by the largest rate; the characteristic time for this process is equal to Γ"-1. The diffusion of plasmons in wavenumber space from the region of larger to that of smaller ^-values, which leads to a slow change in the total plasmon energy, proceeds much more slowly, over a characteristic time of the order of v~l ~ (krO)~2 Γ"1.

We draw attention to the essential difference between plasma turbulence and ordinary hydrodynamic turbulence. It is well known that in a turbulent fluid energy is transferred from large to small vortices so that the energy flux in momentum space is directed towards larger k. In the larger k region the linear damping of the oscillations then begins to play a


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role; this is caused by the viscosity and thermal conductivity of the fluid. In a turbulent plasma the energy flux is in the opposite direction from larger to smaller fc-values, that is, into the region where the linear collisionless damping is exponentially small.

One sees easily that only a single non-linear damping process cannot lead to the total dissipation of the energy of the Langmuir waves. Indeed, if initially Nt waves were excited in the plasma, their energy can not become less than h(ßptNl as a result of non-linear damping.

In concluding this subsection we note that the non-linear wave-particle interaction leads to a damping of waves in the case when the equilibrium electron distribution function decreases with increasing energy. If, however, in the velocity region where v ~ vekrO the number of electrons increases with increasing energy, dF^jdv > 0, the number of scattering processes in which Δε < 0 will exceed the number of scattering processes with As > 0 so that the non-linear wave-particle interaction leads to an increase in the wave energy rather than to a decrease (Silin, 1964a).

10.3. Ion-sound Turbulence


It is well known that in a two-temperature plasma with hot electrons and cold ions, Te:» Tj, apart from the high-frequency Langmuir waves, also low-frequency longitudinal oscillations—ion sound—can propagate. The usual (linear) Landau damping for ion-sound waves is mainly caused by the absorption of these waves by electrons and is characterized by a damping rate

rf°\k) - ] / ~ atffc);

the contribution of the ions to the damping rate is exponentially small,

yj(ft) - ω8(*) exp

This small value of the ion damping is connected with the fact that the number of resonance ions, that is, ions with a velocity close to the phase velocity of the ion-sound wave which therefore can interact strongly with that wave is exponentially small, while the number of resonance electrons is only linear in the small parameter y/(jnjm^.

The relatively large value of the linear damping rate of ion-sound oscillations due to their interaction with electrons leads to the result that in the case of a plasma with an isotropic electron velocity distribution it is unnecessary to consider the non-linear damping of these oscillations together with the linear damping. We remind ourselves that in the case of Langmuir waves we are in a completely different situation—one needs to take the non­linear damping into account even for comparatively small wave amplitudes.

The situation changes in the case of a plasma with a directed electron motion. We have


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shown in Chapter 6 that in such a plasma

m) = rs(o)w 1 kvs (

where u is the average directed electron velocity (the velocity of the electron stream) and vs

the ion-sound velocity. For electron stream velocities larger than the sound velocity the interaction between ion-sound waves and electrons leads thus to a growth of the waves, rather than a damping. Under these conditions it is necessary to take the non-linear damping of ion-sound into account.

Turning to a determination of the function T{k) which characterizes the non-linear inter­action of ion-sound waves with plasma particles we note first of all that three different pro­cesses contribute to it: the scattering of an ion-sound wave by an ion, the absorption (or emission) of two waves by an electron, and the scattering of an ion-sound wave by an electron (the contribution from a fourth possible process—the simultaneous absorption or emission of two waves by an ion—is proportional to the number of ions with velocities v ^ vs and therefore exponentially small).

The contribution to Γ of the first of these processes is clearly determined by the ion terms in equations ( and we shall show that it is proportional to the small parameter TJTe. One can easily verify that the contribution of the two other processes is proportional to the number of resonance electrons and thus proportional to the small parameter V(m

e/mi)· Assuming that the inequalities

i Ti

1 ^ ΊΪΓ- » V— r m

are satisfied, we can limit ourselves to considering the interaction of ion-sound waves with the ions and neglect the contribution of the electrons to the function Γ.

The non-linear damping of ion-sound waves as a result of their interaction with ions has the same physical nature as the non-linear damping of Langmuir waves due to their inter­action with electrons, which we considered in the preceding section. In fact, when two ion-sound oscillations with wavevectors k and k\ interact beats occur with a phase velocity

Ph Akkx . 9 1 ' -1/2

where ft is the angle between the vectors k and k\. If the frequencies of the interacting waves lie close to one another,

k-ki Λ[Τ{ . 1 q —/,, , x ~ 1/ -^r sin — v, V(kkx) \ Te 2

the velocity Vph becomes of the same order of magnitude as the thermal ion velocity, v. = ^(ITJm^. Such beats are strongly absorbed by the ions, leading thereby to a damping of the original ion-sound waves.

Turning to eqn. ( for the non-linear damping rate of waves, we note that in determining the functions U, v9 and V which occur there we can limit ourselves in the summa­tion over the different kinds of particles to the ion terms. Moreover, we bear in mind that the


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\6n2e\k nßcoW

main contribution to the integrals on the right-hand sides of eqns. ( comes from the velocity region v ~ v{ so that the expansion of the integrands in powers of (Α·ϋ)/ω8(Λ) corresponds to expanding the functions U and v in power series in the small parameter V(7yre).

One checks easily that—as in the earlier considered case of the interaction of Langmuir waves with electrons—the leading terms in eqn. ( cancel and that it is therefore necessary to take into account terms proportional to V(Ti/Te) and TJTG. As a result we get

T [TT(L· (ΙΛ· V (v \ \ . v(k>ajs(fc);fci,cüs(&i))v(k2,cu2; Λ, (o&(k))] Im Jt/(*, ω8(*), *l5 <*(*,))+-* ^ ^ }

?ω6Α:2 J I L ω k\ \ ω [ ω &§ J

_ (k^ J /*2. Jg!L\ ί{ω,-(*..β)}Λ, (

where ω = ω8(Λ), ω2 = ω8(£)-ω(8Α:ι), and k2 = Jfc—Λι. Substituting this expression into ( we get after a few straightforward transforma­


XdfaW-cDsiku-ak-kJ.v)}. (

We can considerably simplify expression ( for Γ if we take into account that the main contribution to the integral over k\ comes from the region of wavenumbers where k± is close to k, \ k\—k | ~ y/(T{jT^. Writing I(k, n) = /(£), expanding /(Λι) in a series,

/(fci, m) = KK m)+(*i-*) — | ^ - + · · ·>

and integrating over fci on the right-hand side of relation ( we get the following expression for the non-linear damping rate of ion-sound waves (Kadomtsev and Petviash-vili, 1963; Petviashvili, 1964)

=»/■ r(k) = -ö>s(fc) 2ne 2 k^ j - | sin2 # cos2 #Ä:3 /(£, m) rf2 ωι, (

where n — k/k, m = ki/k±9 and # is the angle between the vectors k and k\. We see that the quantity T{k) will be positive, if the function kzI{k) decreases for increasing

k\ in that case the non-linear interaction between the ion-sound oscillations and the ions in the plasma leads to a damping of the oscillation. If, however, the function I(k) decreases more slowly than krz when k increases, the quantity Γ{Κ) becomes negative, and the non­linear interaction between ion-sound waves and ions leads to an increase in the wave amplitude.


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The non-linear damping (or growth) rate of ion-sound waves is, according to (,as to order of magnitude, equal to

r rv W T i woW/ow , (10.3.~6)T e noTe

where oW/ow is the spectral density of the wave energy per unit volume,

oW 1 f 0 k2 f~ == 8- -0 [we'(k, w)] I(k) k4 d2

(JJ == 4--2 I(k, n) d2w.uW 1tVs W nV3rD

Substituting ( into ( and ( and restricting ourselves to the caseof spatially uniform distributions, we get

Ol~; n) = 2v(k) I(k, n)+ws(k) ~; 4ne2I(k, n) k :k f sin2 fj cos2 {) k3I(k, nl) cP(J1!, (to.3.1.7)

where v(k) == -ys(k) is the growth rate of the oscillations given by the linear theory.Using ( to introduce the number Ns(k) of the ion-sound waves, we can write

the kineticeqn.. ( in the form

aNs(k)_ loNs(k) ] (i)== 2v(k) No (k)ot + ot s ,c

loNs(k) ](i) IzTi k 2 7\T (k) 0 f .2 2-0. k 4 7\T ('k ) d2~ c = - 8n2norn iTe Hs ok sm 'If Hs ,nl (Jll·



Integrating this equation over k we easily see that the non-linear damping conserves thenumber ofion-sound oscillations per unit volume. Strictly speaking, if the term 2v(k) Ns(k)which describes the growth of the waves and which is determined by the linear theory wereabsent, we would get the continuity equation in wavenumber space,

oNs(k)_ ~ J(k) == 0at +ok 'where Ns(k) == f k 2N s(k, n) d2w, and

J(k) = - 4n,::::n:Te

{I f nNs(k, n) cPw 12

-If(n-n')Ws(k,n)N:(k, n')cPWd2W,n·


From the quantum-mechanical point ofview the non-linear damping of ion-sound oscilla­tions-like the non-linear damping of Langmuir oscillations-is thus the diffusion of thequanta of the oscillations (plasmons) in momentum space due to their collisions with parti­cles, rather than the absorption of these quanta by the plasma particles. As a result of thecollisions packets'of ion-sound waves are displaced in momentum space; the energy of thewaves then changes proportional to the frequency.

We note that if there were no linear interaction between the ion-sound and the particles,the energy of the ion-sound waves could, in principle, be completely transferred to the ionsin the plasma due to the non-linear damping. (This possibility is connected with the fact


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that the frequency of the ion-sound wave tends to zero as k -+ 0; we remember that in the case of Langmuir waves for which ω^Ο) = ω^ the energy of the waves can not become less than ftcopeNl as a result of the non-linear damping.) This feature of the non-linear damping of ion sound leads to the result that the non-linear damping can completely compensate the increase in the energy of the waves caused by the directed motion of the electrons. A station­ary distribution of turbulent ion-sound oscillations can then be established in the plasma; we shall now turn to a study of those distributions.


To determine the stationary distributions of turbulent ion-sound waves we shall start from the kinetic equation for the waves ( Putting dl/dt = 0 in that equation, we get

<k, θ)+^η6ζ^Τ{ fc2-^ Γκ(0, 0') kH{k, 0') dcos 0' = 0, (

where 0 (0') is the angle between the vector k(ki) and the direction of the electron stream,

κ(0, 0') = -L I sin2 ϋ cos2 0 dp, (

and φ is the angle between the k, u- and the Jfci, w-planes. If we substitute in this equation for the growth rate v(k) the quantity — y*(A) determined

by eqn. (, we get, as to order of magnitude, for the function /

' Me ' e rt i \ jqpf(kr*\

where/(x) is a function of x which changes more slowly than a power. It is very obvious that when there are such strong oscillations present, the electron distri­

bution function cannot be Maxwellian. We must therefore take into account the reaction of the oscillations on the averaged electron distribution function which leads to the forma­tion of a plateau on that function and thereby decreases the growth rate of the ion-sound waves.

The presence of turbulent ion-sound waves in the plasma clearly strongly changes the velocity distribution only of those electrons which can strongly interact with these waves, that is, which have velocities satisfying the relation

(k*ü) = kvs < (&·*#).

The function y%k) which describes the linear wave-electron interaction shall therefore change appreciably only in the wavevector region for which the linear theory forecasts a growth of the oscillations. In other words, the damping rate y%k) must for damped oscillations (kvs > (£·#)) differ little from that given by eqn. ( However, for growing oscilla­tions (kvs < (£·«)) the expression for the growth rate, when we take into account the reaction of the oscillations on the particle distribution function, must have the structure

v(k) = -ε(β) yt(kl (


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where yl(k) is given by formula ( and ε(0) is a small factor connected with the appearance of a plateau on the electron distribution function.

To estimate the order of magnitude of the function ε(θ) we use the kinetic eqn. ( in the quasi-linear approximation. We introduce into that equation the relaxation term S{i^0)} (for example, the electron-neutral particles collision integral),

^ ^ . fkl(k) δ{ω8(Α)-(*.Ρ)} ( · * ^ ) &ή = S{F«»}. (

Bearing in mind that, as to order of magnitude, S,{Ff)} ~ r " 1 ^ , where τ"1 is the electron collision frequency, and

J kikjl{k) o{ft>s(Ä)-(*·»)} d3k ~ v-1 j kl(k) d3k,

we get for the derivative of the electron distribution function in the region of the plateau

dv2 ehejkl(k)d3k' Vs < Vz < U,

where we have chosen the z-axis in the direction of the vector ». Noting that in the case of a Maxwellian electron velocity distribution,

8F<°> _ mevz dvz'~ r l e ^ 0 ) ,

we see that as a result of the reaction of the waves on the particle distribution function the derivative dFf)jdv2 and, hence, also the growth rate v(k) decreases approximately by a factor ε"1, where

e ^ 1 . ( A e J kl(k) <Pk

If we now substitute expression ( for the growth rate into eqn. ( we get

Comparing this expression with eqn. ( we find finally (Kadomtsev and Petviashvili 1963; Petviashvili, 1964)

[ T -|l/2 — y , (


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m ~ i&f(krO) m°Te

r l 1 / 2 . ( τη{Γ{ων&χ{

Equation ( determines the order of magnitude of the intensity of the turbulent ion-sound waves.* It follows, in particular, from this formula that the correlator of the poten­tial increases steeply with decreasing wavenumber so that the energy of the turbulent waves turns out to be concentrated, roughly speaking, in the long-wavelength part of the spectrum.

To determine the order of magnitude of the energy of the turbulent waves we note that eqn. (—like the original kinetic equation for the waves (—does not take into account the damping of the waves due to the collisions between the particles. The contribution from the collisions to the growth rate of the waves can qualitatively be taken into account by replacing formula ( by the relation

Η*)=-ε(θ)^(*) + 1

where %i x is the frequency of the ion collisions. We see that for very high frequencies,

ω ~ a>m, where

— i/"— tie y me '

ωΛ 1/ — , (

the growth rate of the oscillations becomes negative. In the frequency range ω ^ a>m ion-sound waves therefore cease to be turbulent so that the function I(k) is small in that fre­quency range. Using that fact we get for the energy density of the ion-sound waves, as to order of magnitude,

W ~ n0Te - S ^ T M — V-l (l0·3·2·9) We note that in the short-wavelength region eqns. ( and ( are valid down

to wavelength k'1 ~ rO. One can easily generalize these equations to the case of oscilla­tions of even shorter wavelengths down to the upper limit of the transparency region &-1 ~ fDi (rOi — rT> V(T{[T^ is the ion Debye radius). To do this, it is sufficient to take in eqn. (, and also when determining the growth rate v(k\ the dispersion of the ion-sound into account. We shall, however, not be interested in the function I(k) in the region krO > 1, bearing in mind that, roughly speaking, the energy of the turbulent waves is con­centrated in the long-wavelength part or the spectrum.

f The angular dependence of I(k) and a detailed analysis of the function f{krD) can be found in the work Akhiezer (1964b, 1965c).


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10.4. Interaction Between Magneto-sound and Alfven Waves


In the preceding subsections we have considered the non-linear wave-particle interaction in a plasma without external fields. Using the same method for constructing the kinetic equa­tion for the waves we could, in principle, generalize the discussion to the case of a magneto-active plasma. In that case we should start, rather than from eqns. (, from more general kinetic equations which take into account the presence of a magnetic field. As the plasma oscillations in a magnetic field are not purely electrostatic we should use the complete set of Maxwell equations instead of the Poisson equation. It is clear that then the turbulent fluctuations can no longer be characterized by a single scalar function /(&, ω), but that we must introduce a tensor correlation function of the form (Et{k9 co) E*(k, ω)>.

Although all these complications do not change the principles, they nonetheless make the derivation of the kinetic equation for the waves in a magneto-active plasma much more difficult, if we want to take into account both the non-linear wave-wave and the non-linear wave-particle interactions. We shall therefore not obtain here the general kinetic equation for the waves, which would generalize eqns. ( and ( for the case of a magneto-active plasma, but we shall restrict ourselves to a study of only one group of non­linear processes—three-wave processes, involving low-frequency waves (Oraevskii and Sagdeev, 1963; Galeev and Oraevskii, 1963). We shall use for the study of these processes a somewhat different method, which is close to the method applied to the study of wave-wave interactions in solid state theory.

If the intensity of the plasma waves is large and there is an appreciable probability that wave-wave interactions occur, the phases of the waves will, in general, be random functions of time. We need therefore not be interested in the phases and can average over them. Under those conditions the vibrational state of the plasma can be described in terms of the numbers of plasmons, that is, quasi-particles, which are plasma waves. Of course, the concept of a plasmon has a meaning only when the plasmon frequency ωμ (μ: kind of plasmon) is appre­ciably larger than the inverse of its life time χμ. This time is, in general, determined both by the plasmon-plasmon interaction processes and by the processes of the interaction between plasmons and the electrons and ions in the plasma.

If the condition ωμτμ » 1 is satisfied, we can introduce the number NJJc, i) of plasmons of different kinds with well-defined wavevectors k and frequencies ωμ{Κ) and study how these numbers change due to the processes of interaction of plasmons with other plasmons or with plasma particles. If the plasma wave intensity is sufficiently large the plasmon-plasmon interaction processes can become more likely than the plasmon-plasma particle interaction processes. Under these conditions—which we shall assume to be realized—we may assume the plasma to consist of two weakly interacting subsystems: the particle subsystem and the wave subsystem, which slowly exchange energy between each other. In other words, the relaxation in the plasma is then a two-stage process—firstly statistical equilibrium is established in the plasmon subsystem—corresponding to a temperature which, in general,


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will differ from the particle temperature, and after that the slower process of the equalization of the plasmon and particle temperatures will take place.

The energy and momentum conservation laws hold for the plasmon-plasmon interaction. In particular, in processes involving only three plasmons, that is, in the processes in which two plasmons fuse into one or in which one plasmon splits into two (μι ** μ2+μ3) the following conservation laws hold:

ω ^ ι ) = co^kz^ + co^ks), fci = &2+fc3, (

where the indices 1 and 2,3 indicate the plasmons in the initial and final states. One can easily write down a general expression for the change in the plasmon numbers in

each given plasmon interaction process. To do this it is sufficient to take into account that the plasma wave intensity, which is proportional to the number of plasmons, can be arbitrarily large so that the plasmons must satisfy Bose-Einstein statistics. For instance, the change in the plasmon number N± = Nßi(ku t) per unit time due to three-plasmon processes (1 ^ 2+3) can be written in the following general form:

(NO, = Σ MH), 2 ,3

-£i{iV} = - ^ | V(U 2, 3) |2 {[(2Vi+ 1)Ν2Ν3~Νχ(Ν2+1) (W3+1)] #*>(*!-Λ2-Λ8)

+ 2[(ΛΓι+ 1)N2(N3+ l)-#i(W2+ l)Ns] #4>(fci-Ä:2+fc3)}, (

where V(l9 2, 3) is the matrix element for the plasmon decay (fusion) process 1 ^ 2 + 3 (the indices 1, 2, 3 indicate both the kind of plasmon and their wavevector: for instance, 1 = μχ, k\\ the summation is over the kinds μ2 and μ3 and over the wavevectors k% and k$ of the plasmons involved in the processes 1 2+3). As the energy and momentum con­servation laws ( are satisfied in the processes 1 2+3, there appears a product of δ-functions in eqn. (

WKki-k%Tkz) = 6(^1-hm2+^3)A(k1-k2Tk3), A(k) = Γ ' ^ * = ° 10, if k 9^ 0

where ωι = ωΑι(#ι); we have assumed that the plasma is in a box of finite volume so that the wavevectors take on discrete values. It is natural to call expression ( the collision integral for the plasmons.

One checks easily that the collision integral (iVi)c vanishes for the Planck distribution function

hcou Λ "1 ~l

, ( N^0)= e x p ^ f - 1

where T* is a constant which can be interpreted as the temperature of the plasmon gas in the statistical equilibrium state. In the case of low-frequency oscillations for which Ϋιωμ <§c Γ* the plasmon equilibrium distribution is given by the Rayleigh-Jeans formula,


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N«» = ^ . (

To conclude this subsection we show that one has a //-theorem for the plasmon collision integral ( To do this we use the general expression for the entropy of a boson gas,

S* = Σ{(Νι+1)Ιη(Ν1+1)-Ν1ΙηΝ1}. ( 1

Taking the time-derivative of that expression, we get

S· = £(&)„ to ^ j £ A - . (

If we substitute here for (Ni)c expression (, we see easily that

-** = IT Σ I *Ό, 2 ' 3)I2 WKki-kt-k,) {(N!+ l)N2N3~N1(N2+ 1)(JV,+1)} ft 1,2,3

x l n iVx(iv2+i)(iV3+i) ' ( 1 0 Α 1 · 7 )

whence follows the //-theorem.


We have written down the plasmon collision integral corresponding to processes involving three plasmons. We can similarly write down the general form of collision integrals corre­sponding to processes involving four or more plasmons. Apart from the numbers of plasmons in different states and δ-functions guaranteeing energy and momentum conservation in the expressions for these collision integrals there will appear the matrix elements for the various plasmon interaction processes, that is, the quantities which are the analogue of F(l, 2, 3).

The matrix elements are determined by the dynamical laws of the wave interactions and can, in principle, be found using the kinetic equations for the particles and the Maxwell equations for the fields. We shall restrict ourselves to the calculation of the matrix elements V(l9 2, 3) corresponding to three-plasmon processes involving low-frequency—Alfven and magneto-sound—waves which, we know, can propagate not only in a well-conducting fluid, but also in a collisionless plasma with hot electrons and cold ions in the frequency range co <§:ωΑ, where ωΒί is the ion cyclotron frequency (Akhiezer, Aleksin, and Khodusov, 1971; Aleksin and Khodusov, 1970).


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To describe these waves we can use—both in the case of a conducting fluid and in the case of a collisionless plasma—the equations

Qm f) Ί 1

+ (»· V) 0 = - » ϊ ν ρ , η + y [y Λ B], dt

% - + d i v 6mv = 0, curl B = —j, ( 01 C

E = -—[v Ml], divB = 0, c

where gm and v are the mass density and the hydrodynamical velocity of the ions, j the current density, and vs the sound velocity, which in the case of a non-isothermal collision-less plasma is equal to vs — \/(TJm^)9 where Te is the electron temperature and mx the ion mass.

To find the probabilities for the different interaction processes for magneto-hydrodynam­ical waves, it is convenient to put the equations of motion ( in Hamiltonian form and to separate explicitly the Hamiltonian of the free magneto-hydrodynamical waves and the Hamiltonian of their interactions. To do this we change to the Lagrangian way to describe the motion. Let ro and r be the coordinates of a plasma element at t— 0, correspond­ing to an equilibrium state,and at time/. Introducing the displacement vector ξ = r—r0, which we shall assume to be small, and noting that

_9_ = _δ y d£j 8 [ dxi dxoi j dxoi dxoj

we can write eqn. (, up to terms of second order in 4f in the form

Qm^r=F, (


= |(4W^)^divf- ΣBjB,^ -Σ ν ^ ^ Σ Ά ^


where we have here and henceforth dropped the index 0 of ro and all equilibrium quantities.


Page 120: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


Multiplying eqn. ( by ξ and integrating over space and time, we find the Hamilton-ian, corresponding to the hydrodynamical system of equations:

H= Ho+Hi int»


«,„, = iJÄ{ie„««dlv5)>-(^4;)(d1v?)i||-J/^(div5)||

Fourier transforming the displacement vector,

where F is the plasma volume, we can write H0 and Hint in the form

H° = Σ (4π^Ι4-*+(4πρ«η«?+^)(Α·ξ*)(Λ·ξ-*)+(ξ*·ξ-*)(Λ·5)2

-(*.Β)(Α.ξ_*Χ*.ξ*)-(Α.Α)(Α·ξ)(*.ξ_*)}, (

8 n

H i n t = ÖZ 7v Σ 4 * ι + Α2+Α3){(4πρΙ»^+£2)[(Λι.ξ1)(Α2·ξ3)(*3·ξ2)+(Λ2·ξ2)(Λι·ξ3) Z4JI V ' 1,2,3

X (Λ3·ξι)+ (*8·ξβ) (*ι·ξ2) (fts-ξι)] -4πρπ1»2(Α1.ξ1) (Α2·ξ2) (Λ3·ξ3)+ [(*ι·ξι) (ξ8·ξβ) X (*2-Ä) (*S-Ä)+ (*2·ξ2) (ξΐ ·ξ3) (Ä1-Ä) (*8·Α)+ (*8·ξβ) (ξΐ·?2) (*!'*) (*«·*)]

- (* ι ·Α) (ξι-Ä) [(*2·ξ2) (*3·ξ3)+ (Λϊ-ξβ) (*3·ξ2)] -(*2·Α) (ir-β) Κ*ι·ξι) (*»·?*) + (Λι·ξ3)(Λ3·ξι)]-(Λ3·5)(ξ3.Α)[(Λ1.ξ1)(Λ2·ξ2)+(Λι·ξ2)(Α2·ξι)]},


where the indices 1, 2, 3 of the displacements ξ correspond to the wavevectors &ι, Λ2, k%. One verifies easily that the Hamiltonian Ho is the Hamiltonian of the free magneto-

hydrodynamical waves—Alfvon, fast, and slow magneto-sound waves. Indeed, we shall diagonalize the expression ( which is quadratic in the ξ. To do this we write the vector %k in the form

ξ* = £W+ 3VP+ #V?\ ( where ef\ e$\ and ejjp are three mutually orthogonal unit vectors,

* κ±Α:5 * κ± k \ κχ J Β " κ± k \ κ±} Β (

« = ~[i-Qyi2, ß = ~[i+QY12, *\\ = -^r> ^ = [ΐ-^ιι]1/2,

Ö - [emflStö -^ i )+(B 2 l^)]{[ Q m vi (x \ -^ ι )+(^ /4 π )Ρ+4(ρ Π ) ^ ι | κ χ ) 2 }- 1 / 2 .


Page 121: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


The Hamiltonian ( expressed in the variables ξ%> has the form

#o = -bm Σ {&^+<$ΜΦ&& (

where μ = a, f, s; coa is the Αΐίνέη wave frequency,

tojji) = toA%|!, vA = —— , ( γ(4πρπ,)

and ω{ and eos are the frequencies of the fast and the slow magneto-sound waves,

cof = kv+, cos = kv-, v+ = \[ν%+νΙ+2νΑν8κιι]χΐ2±γ[ν%+νΙ-2νΑνΒκ\\]112. (

The variables |^° are thus the amplitudes of the Alfven (μ = a), the fast (μ = f), and the slow (μ = s) magneto-sound waves, while the vectors e^ are the corresponding polariza­tion vectors of these waves.

The part Hini of the total Hamiltonian which is cubic in the wave amplitudes must clearly be considered as the Hamiltonian of the interaction between the magneto-hydrodynamical waves. The interaction Hamiltonian ( has in the normal coordinates ξ^μ) the form

# * * = « - " W Σ ί ι ^ 3 ^ ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) 2 Ρ Α : ι ^ 3 ^ ( * ι + * 2 + *3), (


F( l ,2 ,3 ) ill l + ~l· Κ>«ι^ι)(κ2·^3)(κ3·^2)+(κ2·^2)(κι·^3)(κ3^ι)


+ (κ3·έ?3) (κι·έ?2) (κ2·έ?ι)] - -4- (κι·έ?ι)(κ2.£2)(κ3·έ?3)+ [(κι·έ?ι)(κ2·/ι)(κ3·/!)(έ?2·έ?3)

+ (κ2·^2)(κι./ι)(κ3·ιι)(^ι·^3)+(κ3·^3)(κι·/ι)(κ2·/ι)(^ι^2)]-(κι·ιι)(^ι·ιι)


-(κ3·/ι)(^3·Λ)[(κι^ι)(κ2^2)+(κι^2)(κ2^ι)], (

where η = BfB, κ = k/k, and the indices 1,2, 3 are used to indicate both the wavevector and the kind of plasmon; for instance, ei = £J£l}, l i = |^l}. We note that if all three waves involved in a process are Alfven waves, we have F(l, 2, 3) = 0 according to ( This corresponds to Oraevskii's result (1963) that an Alfven wave cannot split up into two Alfven waves.


We can treat the interaction Hamiltonian Hint as a perturbation causing transitions in the system of magneto-hydrodynamic waves. To find the probabilities for such processes it is simplest to use quantum field theory methods and to change from the classical free wave Hamiltonian ( to the corresponding quantal Hamiltonian. To do this we must introduce operators for the creation c^)+and the annihilation cjf} of a plasmon of kind


Page 122: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


μ (μ = a, f, s) with wavevector &,

l1'2 .. Γ n~ l l /2 r·^) [ l ^ i ] KW^+« ^)+=[2^]12KW^-«(>

which satisfy the usual boson operator commutation relations. We can express the displacement operators |j£° in terms of the plasmon creation and

annihilation operators:

^ = [-2^mTW)+c"l+l ( 1 0 Α 3 · 2 )

Substituting this expression into (, we can write the Hamiltonian Ho as a sum of independent oscillators corresponding to different kinds of plasmons with different values of the wavevector,

Ho = Σ *ω,(*)[ΛΓΛ*)+£], NM(k) = # ) + 4 ° · ( k,ß

The interaction Hamiltonian ( in terms of the plasmon creation and annihila­tion operators takes the form

#int = i Σ F0> 2> 3){A(k1-k2-k3)c144+A(k1-k2+k2)ctc24 1, 2 ,3

+ A{k1+k2-kz)cictcz)+h.c, (


4ν(2ριη^) Λ/(ωιω2ω3)

F(l, 2, 3) is the function given by formula (, C\ = cj£l}, coi = ω^(£ι), while h.c. indicates the Hermitean conjugate terms. Bearing in mind that the only non-vanishing matrix elements of the operators c^ and c^)+ are those for which the number of plasmons Νμ{Κ) changes by unity,

(N,(k)-1 \<&\NJk)) = VNMexpi-ico^tl <J>U*)+114")+1W)) = vW*)+1] exp [^(k) t\9

we see that the function K(l, 2, 3) is exactly the amplitude of the three-plasmon processes and hence is the same as the matrix element occurring in eqn. ( for the collision integral.

We shall now immediately write down the final expressions for the plasmon collision integrals, restricting ourselves to the case the gas-kinetic pressure p of the plasma is small compared to the magnetic pressure,/? <ζΒ2/%π (Aleksin and Khodusov, 1970; Akhiezer, Aleksin and Khodusov, 1971). In that case the most important plasmon interaction pro­cesses are the following ones:

a ^ a+s, a f-fs, f ^ f-f-s, f a-hs,


Page 123: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


and the collision integrals have the form

(N*i)c = 4 r c £ { w m ^ e + i ( # a a ^ 3 - ^ 2,3

+ H>a ^ f+ i(iVf 2#s3 -NaiNsa -N&1N{2) + Ws+a -*f ( # β 1 Nf 2 -\-N(2NsZ-N&1Ns3)}, (Nf2)c = 4 7 t £ { M ^ a + s ( # a l # s 3 - W a l ^ ^


+ M>f-*s + f(NflNs2 -Nf2Nfl -Nf2Nsl)+w{+s ^ f(NnNs3+NflN{2 -N{2NsZ)},

(iVs3)c = 4ar£{2w Ä + i ^a(# . l f la2 + ^ 1,2



H>a _ a + s = Mio(4)(^-fc|-Ä:l), H>a+s -* a - M i o ^ - f c f + f c l ) , Wa»f+. = M2bU\k\-k{-k§, Wa + S„f = M2bM{k\-kl+k& wf^{+s = M3d«\k[-kl-k& w f + s _ f - Mzd«\k[-kl+k&


Νμι = NJJii), while kß stands for both the wavevector and the energy of a plasmon of kind μ. Furthermore,

Mi = Λκ?|,꧄*§„ ([X! Λ#ι].[χ2 Λιι])2


Μ2 = ^ ϊ , , ^ ί(*8·[Χι Λ « ] ) + » ( * 2 · [ : κ1± [ κ2±

κι Λ Λ])1 ,

Μ3 ^311

κ1±κ2_1_ { 1 — « l X « 2 | | ( ^ 2 e X 3 ) — « 2 ± κ 1 | | ( ^ ΐ · κ 3 ) — « 1 | | « 2 | | « Β | |


- h2

yiVqm ωΕ(Λι) a)t{k2) ω5(£3)



Let us now determine the lifetimes of the plasmons due to their interactions with one another. To do this we consider the collision integral for plasmons of a given kind μ with a given wavevector k, and we shall assume that all plasmons of other kinds and also plasmons of the given kind but with other values of k are in a state of statistical equilibrium. As to the plasmon number Νμ{Κ) we shall assume that it differs little from its equilibrium value, iV^*) = NfXk)+ANJjc\ where ΔΝμ <κΝμ°\ Bearing in mind that the collision integral vanishes for an equilibrium plasmon distribution, we see that in the case considered the collision integral will be proportional to ΔΝμ,

ÖMU w*)t= [w^ ΔΝμ{Κ),

NP 9



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where (δ*£μ/δΝμ)0 is the value of the functional derivative of the collision integral <£μ (compare equation ( with respect to Νμ for Νμ = Νμ

0). It is clear that the quantity — (bJlJ&NJJc))* will be the larger the faster plasmons of kind

μ approach their equilibrium distribution thanks to plasmon-plasmon interaction processes. It is therefore obvious to consider the quantity

*Λ*) = - l^Prk I ( r a-4, r 1

I m»W Jo to be the lifetime of plasmons of kind μ and wavevector k with regard to three-plasmon processes.

If we average the quantity r~\k) over the intensity of the equilibrium plasmon distribu­tion, we get the average reciprocal of the lifetime of plasmons of kind μ thanks to plasmon-plasmon interactions,

1 f W*)]"1 hwNf\k) d3k — = LJL tU. . (

The integration here must be taken over volumes in wavevector space where the plasmons can exist and can interact with one another. Those are the volumes determined by the condition that the plasmon damping is small and by the energy and momentum conserva­tion laws for the plasmon interactions; they turn out to be equal to

p OJ3Bi


One can show that, as to order of magnitude, the average values of the reciprocal life­times of magneto-hydrodynamic waves are equal to

1 1 w \ W / v s \ 2 Μ\ΛΛΛ\

— ' ~ -7^O)BU — ~ -=r I —I ω/,ί, (

where W — Τ*Γ is the wave energy and n{ the ion density. We note that

t a ~ t f <$c r s ;

it therefore takes the slow magneto-sound plasmons much longer to reach equilibrium than the Alfven and the fast magneto-sound plasmons.

We emphasize that the stationary plasmon distribution, established thanks to the plasmon-plasmon interactions is, according to ( a Rayleigh-Jeans distribution. In contrast to this, the stationary ion-sound distribution, studied in Section 10.3, differs appreciably from a Rayleigh distribution. This is connected with the totally different nature of the system considered here (a closed system—the gas of mutually interacting plasmons) and the system considered in Section 10.3 (an open system consisting of ion-sound waves interacting both with the electrons which are injected from outside and with the ions in the plasma).

Concluding this subsection, we note that the times χμ have a real meaning of the plasmon lifetimes only in the case when they are appreciably less than the plasmon lifetimes caused by the interaction of the plasmons with the plasma particles. On the other hand, these times must be large in comparison with the inverse of the plasmon frequency.


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If we start from the linear theory in which the damping rate of the plasmons caused by the interaction with the plasma particles is given by the formula

^ ~ ] / £ 5 ω - ( 1 0 · 4 Α 5 )

we get the following condition for the applicability of the treatment of the magneto-hydrodynamical waves as a gas of quasi-particles (plasmons) which interact only with themselves:

fme vA W t ~ ^ <sc 1. (

One can, however, only use the linear theory of the damping of the waves, if the inequality

W vs v riiTe vA \coBc\ (

is satisfied, where ωΑ is the electron cyclotron frequency and v = 2ne*n^lm\v\ the frequency of Coulomb collisions, with A the Coulomb logarithm.

As the level of the plasmon energy, obtained from (, exceeds the level ( we must use the non-linear theory for the damping of the waves; in it the damping is less than in the linear theory and the Cherenkov damping rate is given by the formula (Rowlands, Sizonenko, and Stepanov, 1966)

*~*ώ(ϊΕΓ· (,0-4A8)

rather than by ( Using that formula we find, instead of (, the following condition for the applicability of the approach used:

\ m \a>Bt\ \mT.) V '

9* 115

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C H A P T E R 11

Fluctuations in a Plasma

11.1. Fluctuation-Dissipation Relation


It is well known that any physical quantity characterizing a macroscopic system which is in equilibrium can experience deviations from its average value. These deviations from the average value* called the fluctuations of the physical quantity, are determined by the tem­perature and the macroscopic properties of the system (we refer to the literature (for instance, Landau and Lifshitz, 1960, 1969; Rytov, 1953; Levin and Rytov, 1967) for a discussion of the general theory of fluctuations).

For a description of fluctuations we introduce correlation functions defined as the average values of products of fluctuations in a single or in several quantities at different points in space and at different times. The average is here both over the quantum-mechanical state of the system and over the statistical distribution of various quantum-mechanical states of the system. If the medium is spatial homogeneous and if we consider stationary states of the system, the second-order space-time correlation functions will depend only on the relative distances and the absolute value of the time interval between the points in which the fluctua­tions are considered. If, to fix the ideas, we consider a vector quantity j(r9 t) which is distrib­uted continuously in space—for instance, the current density in the system—and assume that its average vanishes, we define the space-time correlation functions of the components 7,(1·, t) and7}(r, /) of the vector/ by

Q'tri, h) jj(r2, t2)) = (j,jj)rg9 (

where r = r2—fi, t = H—tl9 while the brackets ( . . . ) indicate the above-mentioned aver­aging.

We introduce the spectral representation or spectral density of the correlation function, that is, the space-time Fourier components of (Λ/}),,'.

(Jijj)kco = j <ΛΛ V"'(*'r)+,etf Λ Α . ( In what follows we shall call this quantity the spectral density of the fluctuations.

Introducing Fourier transforms through the relations

A(k9 ω) = f A(r91) «?-'(*·'>+'»'<Pr dt9 A(r9 i) = - ^ j A(k9 ω) **<*·')-/«/ d*k άω9 (


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we see easily that the average of the products of the Fourier components of fluctuating quantities will be connected with the spectral density of the correlation function through the equation

QKK ω)7Χ*', ω')> = (2πΥ (jj/)^ δ(*-*') δ(ω-ω'), (

where the symbol f indicates the Hermitean conjugate. The average of a product of fluctuations of any quantities at different points in space but

at the same time is called a spatial correlation function,

Ufa, t)jj(r291)) = (My (

One checks easily that the Fourier component of the spatial correlation function is the integral over all frequencies of the spectral representation of the space-time correlation function:

<M>* = 2^ <ΛΛ>*»Λ>· (

We note that the spatial correlation function for the; particle density (δη(η) δη(ι·2)> is connected with the two-particle distribution function η2(τι9 r£) introduced in Section 1.2 through the formula

(δη(η) dn(r2)) = n2(ru r2)-n{n) n(r2)+n(n) δ(ΐΊ-ι·2). (

The average of a product of fluctuations of any quantities in the same point in space but at different times is called the time correlation function or the autocorrelation function,

Ufa ti)jfa h)) = (jijj)<. (

We clearly have the relation

OJj)~ = j^\<JiJJ>k***. (

We can similarly introduce higher-order correlation functions, but we shall restrict our­selves here to considering merely the second-order correlation functions.


We shall now show that the spectral representation of a correlation function is determined by the dissipative properties of the medium. To do this we shall evaluate the average of the product of jj(k9 ω) and jj(k9 ω). If the system is in a well-defined stationary state n, the quantum-mechanical average is defined as the diagonal matrix element of the operator /?(Λ,ω);,.(*', ω'):

L/7(*, ω)//(*\ ω')]ηη = Σ[/;(*, co)U [jj(k\ ω')]^Λ, (


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where the summation is over all states of the system. The matrix elements of the operator jkoi between stationary states, which occur here, have the following structure:

Uk<»)nm = 2n(jk)nm δ(ω -f iowm), (

where ωηηι = (En—Em)lh is the frequency of the transition between the states n and m and Uk)nm a r e quantities which do not contain δ-functions. Substituting this expression and a Similar one for UlJnm into ( and averaging, we get

</K*> ω) jj(k\ ω')> = 2n(JKk) //(*')>* δ(ω-ω'), (

{JKk)jj{k'))m = 2π Zf(En)UmU[jW)Ud&-conm\ ( m, n

where /(£„) is the statistical distribution function for the different quantum-mechanical states of the system, which in the case of statistical equilibrium is given by Gibbs' formula

f(EH) = eF-WT9 (

where F is the free energy and T the temperature of the system. Let us now connect the correlation function ( with the energy absorbed by the

system due to dissipation. We shall assume that there is a periodic perturbation, with energy V proportional to /', acting upon the system. If, to fix our ideas, we assume j to be the electrical current density, V has the form

K = - J(i<(r, / ) . # , *))d*r, (

where A is the vector potential of the perturbing field. Taking the spatial Fourier transforms of A and j we can write the perturbation energy in

the form V = - | Re Σ (Ak(t) .y|(0), (


where Ak(t) is, by definition, a harmonic function of the time,

Ak(t) = Aktoe-ia><. (

Transitions between different states of the system become possible under the action of the perturbation ( Using ( we can easily evaluate the matrix element of the perturbation energy corresponding to the transition n -+ m:

Vnm = - ^ Σ { ( ^ ' { / I W ä (ö ) -W«m)+ ^ ί « , · } / * } ™ ) Ö(w + Ö)„m)}. ( k

Hence it follows that the probability for a transition in the system per unit time is equal to

W«« = W Σ A*(k> ω ) AXk'> ω ) {[·/?(*)]»« \J0')]mn Ö(cö-CDnm) Zfl ktk',lj

+ UmU [jj(k')U βίω + ω™). (


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In each transition n -» m the system absorb an energy ha)mn; the source for this energy is the external perturbation. The energy absorbed by the system per unit time is thus equal to

0« = Σ**»*ω«»· ( m

We find the average absorbed energy by averaging ( over all stationary states n:

Q= £ / (£ , , ) WBm*fiW ( m, n

If we restrict ourselves in what follows to considering equilibrium states we must substi­tute for f(E^ the canonical distribution ( Substituting formula ( into ( and interchanging in one of the terms the summation indices n and ra, we get

Q = ~[exp(hMfT)-\] £ ΑίΚω)Α](μ\ω)

X £ txp{{F-En)IT}[jKk)]nm[JAkl]mnK^-(^nm). ( m, n

Comparing this expression with eqn. ( we find the following relation between the average energy absorbed by the system in unit time and the correlation function of fluctuat­ing quantities:

Q = -£r[exp(ha>/T)-l] Σ ΑίΚω)Α^\ω){η{Κ)ΜΚ))ω. ( W k,k'9i,j

On the other hand, the absorbed energy Q can be connected with the macroscopic para­meters characterizing the dissipative properties of the system. When there is no external perturbation the average of 7 vanishes, (/) = 0. The action of the perturbation ( leads to a non-vanishing average of/, which is proportional to the magnitude of the per­turbing potential A:

ji^Y^oiijAj, ( ,/

where αϋ is a linear space-time integral operator. For the Fourier components of the quantities/ and A we can write this connection in the form

Mk, ω) = £ > / * , ω) Aj(k, ω), ( J

where a/7(fc, ω) is a tensor characterizing the dissipative properties of the system, which we shall call the response tensor.

Processes for which eqn. ( holds are usually called linear dissipative processes. In the case of a linear dissipative process the absorbed energy Q can be expressed directly in terms of the coefficients a ·. Indeed, the change in the average internal energy of the system is equal to the average of the partial time derivative of the Hamiltonian of the system. As in the Hamiltonian only the perturbation V depends explicitly on the time, we find for the change in the internal energy of the system

^ = - [{A{r, t).j(r, t))d*r. (


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Fourier transforming, using (, and time-averaging, we get the following expression for the average energy absorbed per unit time:

Q = \ίω £ (*i-xjt) At(k, ώ) Aftk, ω). ( K u j

Comparing this equation with formula (, we find that 8π3ίί

Umjj(k')X = e x p ( w r ) _ 1 IK-«*,,) δ(Α-Λ'). (

This gives us the connection between the correlation function of fluctuating quantities and the dissipative properties of the system, characterized by the coefficients α#.

Using ( and ( we get from this the following formula for the spectral density of the current fluctuations:

<Α//>*ω = exp(/k!/r)-l / { * ω )~α ' ί (* 'ω ) }* (

This important relation—called the fluctuation-dissipation relation—completely determines the fluctuations in equilibrium systems; it was obtained by Callen and Welton (1951).

If we use the fluctuation-dissipation relation to find the fluctuations of a quantity j9 we must first of all use the expression for the change in the energy of the system to determine from ( the quantity A corresponding to/, and then we must use ( to find the quantities α which directly determine the spectral representation of the fluctuations.

Nyquist's well-known formula (Nyquist, 1928),

<'a>» = -2^kwRcothW> (H.l.2.21)

for the fluctuations of the current / in a system with impedance Z(R= Re Z) is a particular example of eqn. (

If we remember that the fluctuations in the quantity / are the effect of the action of a random potential A on the system, we can write eqn. ( in a different form. Noting that

At^^Jh ( J

and using ( we find the spectral representation of the random potential:

(AiAj)kca = exp ( to/T)-1 *'{0CJ?1(*' -«ä1***»ω»· (Π.1.2.23)

Let us also give an expression for the spectral representation of the symmetrized space time correlation function,

(i{Mri> h)j)(r2, tu+jjlr* tuji{ru h)}) = {jijj)\t.

One sees easily that

(jijjfko, = 2" Μ"ΚΛ>ω) -«db ω)} coth -£■. (


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At sufficiently high temperatures, when T^> ήω, eqn. ( becomes

T (jijj)ka> = — i{aj(*, to) -<Xji(k, ω)}, (

that is, the spectral representation is, as should be expected, independent of the quantum of action, h. We shall in what follows restrict ourselves to considering only that case.


The response tensor az>.(fc, to) which connects the quantities j](k9 to) and Aj(k9 ω) has a number of symmetry properties. First of all, it follows immediately from the fact that the quantities./ and A are real that

α,Χ*,ω) = α£( -* , - ω ) . (

Denoting the real and imaginary parts of <xu by oc-j and α^, we have thus

aljik, to) = α£( -* , - ω ) , a'u\k, to) = - < ( - * , - ω ) . (

Then we have the symmetry relations

α,7(*,ω) = α;,(-/τ,ω). (

To see that these relations are valid we must use the fact that the symmetrized correlation functions are invariant under time reversal. As time reversal is equivalent to the substitution ω -+■ —to in the Fourier components, we have

\jijj/ka> = (Jijj/k-ω-

On the other hand, one easily checks that

\JiJj)k-(o = \JjJi)-ko>>

whence the symmetry relations follow. If the plasma is in an external magnetic field B, we must in ( together with the

change k -*- —k change the sign of B:

ocij(B, k, to) = ocjii-B, - * , ω). (

Equations ( and ( simplify considerably if the medium is isotropic and if there is no external field. In that case we have only one vector—the wavevector— at our disposal to construct the tensor oc^k, to). The tensor <xu therefore must have the following structure:

al7(ft, ω) = A(k9 to) bij+B(k9 to)kikJ9 (

where A and B are functions of the absolute magnitude of the wavevector. From this it follows at once that the tensor a/y in the isotropic case is symmetric in the indices / and j :

oijj(k, co) = ocji(k9 ω), (


Page 132: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


and is an even function of k:

α/Χ*,ω) = α//-*,ω). (

According to ( the real part of the tensor <x(j is in that case an even, and the imag­inary part of octj an odd function of the frequency,

cc\j{k, ώ) = oclj(k, —ω), ai/(£, ω) = — α#(£, —ω). (

Considered as a function of the complex variable ω the tensor oc^k, ώ) is an analytical function in the upper half-plane of ω. This is connected with the fact that the value of the quantity / at time / can depend only on values of the external action A at earlier times /' (f < f). From eqn. ( which connects the imaginary part of <ζϋ with the energy dissipation it follows that the function α '(&, ω) has no zeroes for real, non-vanishing values of ω.

From these properties we find, in turn, the following relations:

4(*, ω)-«£(*, co) = I ( p f *«&'ωΊάο'9 ( 71 I CO — CO

— oo

«ft*, ω) = ±0> f ^ - ) - ^ ^ ' ) r f f t ) , ( 7T J ω — ω

which connect the real and imaginary parts of the tensor a/y. Using these relations—the so-called Kramers-Kronig relations—we can easily find the correlation function of the current density at equal times:

<jijj)k = |7K<*> 0)-ocfrk, eo)+«yi(*, 0)-α,,(*, oo)}, (

where we have assumed that T ^> hoo.

11.2. Electromagnetic Fluctuations in an Equilibrium Plasma


Let us now apply the general theory of fluctuations discussed in the preceding section to a study of electromagnetic fluctuations in media with space-time dispersion, in particular, in an equilibrium plasma.1^ Let E£k9 ω) and j)(k9 ω) denote the Fourier components of the electrical field and of the current density. These quantities are related to one another through the Maxwell equations for a vacuum:

Y^AfEjik, ω) = ~Mk, ω), ( j

t Leontovich and Rytov (1952) developed the theory of electromagnetic fluctuations. Silin (1959b) generalized this to the case of a medium with spatial dispersion. Akhiezer, Akhiezer, and Sitenko (1962; Sitenko, 1967) studied fluctuations in an equilibrium plasma; in the present section we follow their work.


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^^(Τ'Ψ^ " = ί · (H.2.1.2) To find the fluctuating fields and currents we must introduce into the material equations

connecting the current and the field the external field <5(A, co):

Ji = ^ Σ ( β « - * υ ) i^j+Sj), ( j

where etj = ^(Λ, α>) is the dielectric permittivity tensor of the plasma, and we must determine the change in the energy of the medium caused by the action of the external field,

^ = f(c5(r, / ) . # , t)) dh = - f (Λ(Γ, t).j(r, t)) d% (

where <5(#% t) = -A{r, /).

According to (, the spectral representation of the current density fluctuations is determined by the coeflOicients of proportionality in the relation connecting j) and Aj = — (i/ω) £j. To find those we must use ( to eliminate the field E(k, co) from (

Mk, co) = Σ a/y(A, ω) ^(Λ, ω), ( J

where « ^ * ^ ) = ^ { ^ > - £ ^ 2 f e M H , (

while Ay1 is the tensor which is the inverse of the tensor Aip

Av = *(^-d») + e'J· (H.2.1.7)

According to the fluctuation-dissipation relation ( the current fluctuations in an equilibrium system are determined by the anti-Hermitean part of the tensor al7 and we have seen that this, in turn, is determined by the dielectric permittivity tensor of the medium. Substituting ( into ( we get the following expression for the spectral representation of the current density fluctuations in an equilibrium system:

{hjj)km =1-ωΤΣΛ®{Α^-ΛΤ^)Λψ. (

This formula determines the fluctuations of the electrical current in any system with space-time dispersion in a state of statistical equilibrium. In particular, the spectral representation ( is valid both for an unmagnetized plasma and for a plasma in an external magnetic field; it is only necessary that the plasma is in equilibrium.

One easily concludes from the form of the tensor oc0 that its singularities are the same as the zeroes of the determinant of the Atj (the tensor A^1 is inversely proportional to


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Det Au = A). On the other hand, we saw in Chapter 4 that the equation A(k, ω) = 0 determines the spectrum of the plasma eigen oscillations. The spectral density of the fluctua­tions of the plasma thus has steep maxima at frequencies which are the same as the fre­quencies of its eigenoscillations.

In the transparency region (Im A <z Re A) we can neglect damping of the waves and the spectral density of the current fluctuations will have the form

(jijj)ka> = \o)TYAfXklAfb{A{k, ω)}, ( k,l

where Xkl is the cofactor of Akl in the determinant A {EkXikAkj = Αδν). We see that in the transparency region the spectral representation of the current fluctua­

tions have δ-function-like maxima near the eigenfrequencies, that is, the frequency spectrum of the fluctuations contains solely the eigenfrequencies of the oscillations in the plasma.

Using the connection between the charge densities and the current,

ωρ*ω = (*·/*„), (

which follows from the equation of continuity, we easily find, using (, the spectral density of the charge density fluctuations in the plasma:

<eV = Λ-Im Σ M j % (

Finally, expressing the field E^k, ω) in terms ofy}(&, ω) and using (, we find the spectral density of the electrical field fluctuations in the plasma:

(EiEj)km = 4ni ^{A^-Aj;1*} (

In the transparency region (Im A <sc Re A),

AJ-A^ _ _ ^ _ _ ( ^ ^ / y - ^ . ) 6{A(k9 ω)},

that is, the spectral representation of the electrical field fluctuations, like that of the current fluctuations, has δ-function-like maxima at the frequencies of the plasma eigen oscillations.

Noting further that, if ω and k satisfy the dispersion relation, we have the relation

λυ = β^Ύτλ, (

where the e are the polarization vectors of the appropriate oscillations, and bearing in mind that (Tr λ/ώ) Im A > 0, we can write the spectral representation of the electrical field fluctuations in the form

(EtEj)ka = Sn2efejT | T f A | 6{A(k, ω)}. ( |ω |

This formula is valid not only for a plasma, but also for any system with space-time dis­persion.


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The formulae for the spectral densities of fluctuations become much simpler for an isotropic plasma when there are no external fields, as in that case the tensor al7 has a simple structure: namely, like the dielectric permittivity tensor eu we can split it into a longitudinal and a transverse part:

' 3 / s KiKj

k2 (δο-π)«> «i+ «ν-^ΤϊΓ «t, (

where the quantities <zx and at which are the coefficients giving the proportionality between the longitudinal and transverse components of the current/ and the potential A depend only on the absolute magnitude of the wavevector, A:, and on the frequency ω and are connected with the longitudinal and transverse components of the dielectric permittivity εχ and εχ by the relations

ω2 βι—1 ω2 e t - l / n o o - n αι = 4 — ' a t =^( 1-"W· ( Π · 2 · 2 · 2 )

The real parts <x[ and at' of the quantities oq and at are even, and the imaginary parts a" and a" odd functions of the frequency. They are related through Kramers-Kronig relations

a,'(ft, ω)-α,'(*, ~ ) = l < p f ^Ι^Ιαω', 7t J ω —ω

— oo

«,'(*, ω ) - α , ' ( * , ~ ) = 1 < ρ Γ *"&>ω')αω'. ( 71 J ω —ω

— οο

Substituting expressions ( into ( we get

/ . . \ co π[ kikj Imei Λ kikj\ /Λ 0. Imst 1 ,i*~~^ 0φ\ω = — Γ ^ η ^ + ^ - ^ Ο - ι ί ) ^ - ^ } . (Π.2.2.4)

The first term determines here the fluctuations of the longitudinal current, and the second term the fluctuations of the transverse current.

We note that the current density fluctuations are connected with the longitudinal current fluctuations because of the continuity equation. The spectral density of the charge density fluctuations in an isotropic plasma is determined by the formula

(Λ-5ΪΤΪ?· ( " ' 2 ' 2 · 5 )

Using the connection between the field E and the current/ , as well as eqn. (II.2.2.4), we can easily obtain a formula for the spectral density of the electrical field strength fluc­tuations :

< ^ - * Ϊ { # Τ ^ + ( « . - # ) - Ϊ £ $ Γ } · <"·2·"> 125

Page 136: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


The magnetic field is connected with the electrical field through the relation B = (clco)[k Λ E]; the spectral density of the magnetic field fluctuations is thus given by the equation

(B,l * ' > - * £ ( « " - Τ ) * Ί Ϊ 5 Ι Γ · (11·2·2·7)

Using the Kramers-Kronig relations ( we can integrate the spectral density over the frequencies, in its general form. Integrating ( we get in this way the correlation function of the current fluctuations at one time:

O'Uj)k = Tiyg-Mk,0)-etk, » ) ) + ^ - ^ ) [ # , 0 ) - # , <»)]}. (

In deriving this equation we used the fact that the imaginary parts of OLX and at vanish as ω -+ 0 and as ω -*· °o.

We can similarly find the correlation function for the charge density fluctuations at the same time:

<&> = £T{l-i<mY ( 1 1 · 2 · 2 · 9 )

Using the integral relations ( we can also in a general form find the quantity

(o)2) = J ω2(ρ2)*β> άω / J <ρ2)*ω αω,

which can be considered to be the mean square frequency of the charge density fluctuations. Using ( we easily check that this frequency equals

<^=i -«£o) -» ' (11·2·2·Ι0)

where ω2^ = lim ω2{1 — ex{k, ω)} = 4jr«o^2/me. We can find the mean square frequency of CD—►<»

the transverse fluctuations in a similar way. The fluctuations of the different electromagnetic quantities are thus in an equilibrium

isotropic plasma completely determined by the longitudinal and the transverse components of the plasma dielectric permittivity.


Let us now use the explicit expressions for the components of the dielectric permittivity of an equilibrium isotropic plasma:

βι(*,ω) = Ι + η ^ {2-φ(ζ)-φ(μζ)+ίνπ z[e~z2+ μβ~^%\

2 , (H.2.3.1) CO

et(Ä, ω) = 1 ψ {φ(ζ) — iy/πζ e~2%


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twhere z = ω/\/2 kve9 μ = VO^/m,,), and φ(ζ) = 2z exp(—z2) j exp(x2) dx, and study in

more detail the nature of the spectral representations of the fluctuations for various quan-ities.

Let us first of all consider the charge density fluctuations of an equilibrium isotropic plasma. Substituting ( into ( we get the following general formula for the spectral density of the charge density fluctuations in a plasma where the ion motion is taken into account:

/«2\ =Λ/η<τΛ<*η ^ 3 / D exp(-z2)+iuexp(-/a2z2) \Q?k. V W ^ o ω ^ [ ^2 ) + 2 -^z)-^z)] 2 +^z 2 [exp(-z 2 )+ / /exp(-- i a 2 z 2 ) ] 2 *


In the region of sufficiently low frequencies, z <$c μ"1, this formula gives



n {\ + μ? ϋ ' XK/"° v v ' ^ cope (2+*HJ* ·

In the high-frequency region, ζ^>μ~1\/(1ημ), we can neglect the ion motion and the expression for the spectral density of the fluctuations simplifies considerably

<Λ» - V W « * ^ - l t H + 1 _ ; ^ e x p ( - ^ ) · <1113·3'

In the limiting case z » 1, that is, ω :» fcve, we get then


<ρ2>*«> = 2π^2Α2ο-^δ(ω2-ω2β-3Α:^2). (

In the high-frequency region there is thus only the plasma frequency present in the spectrum of the charge density fluctuations in a plasma.

We have given in Fig. 11.2.1 the spectral representation of the charge density fluctuations as function of the dimensionless frequency z = coj\/2 kve for different values of the para­meter k2ijy. At large values of the parameter k2r^ the low-frequency fluctuations play the main role. When the parameter k2r& decreases the effective frequency of the fluctuations increases. When k2r^ <$c 1, there remain in the fluctuation spectrum only frequencies close to the eigenfrequencies of the oscillations of the plasma density.

If k2r\> y> 1, one can neglect the Coulomb interactions and the spectral density is deter­mined by the equation


<e2>*«, = v W - ^ - [exp (-ζ*)+μ exp ( -^z 2 ) ] . (


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FIG. 11.2.1. The spectral representation of the charge density fluctuations in a plasma, 2(Q2)kz/ezn0, as function of the dimensionless frequency z = w/^/2kvc for different values of the parameter k*r%.

According to ( and ( the spectral density of the charge density fluctua­tions, integrated over the frequency, is determined by the formula

<e2>* 2e2n0k2

k2+(2/rh) ' (

If k2rjy:» 1, we get from this the well-known result for a gas of non-interacting particles:

<ρ2}* = 2e2Ho, krD s> 1. (

We find the integrated contribution of the low-frequency fluctuations to the total intensity ( by integrating ( over the frequency:

(e2)l e2n0k2rl, l + 3k2rl "

The ratio of the low-frequency to the total intensity equals

(g8)* 1 2+Afrfe {q*)k 2 1 + 3*** ·

This ratio equals 1/6 when k2ij>:» 1 and equals 1 when k2r\, <sc 1.


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We have taken both the contribution from the electrons and that from the ions into ac­count in eqn. (; the latter is especially important when krO > 1. If we neglect the ion motion, we get, instead of (

» = w· ( 1 1 · 2 · 3 · 8 )

We see that the quantity (ρ2)Λ is increased by a factor 2 by the effect of the ions when k2*O ^ 1· When krO decreases, so does the contribution from the ions.

Using ( we can easily find the spatial correlation function for the charge den­sity fluctuations:

<ρ*>, = Ä [ « ( » · ) - 4 ^ - ^ - ] , (Π.2.3.9)

where rD = rD/\/2. We see that the correlation between the charge density fluctuations in a plasma occurs mainly at distances of the order of the Debye radius.

According to ( and ( the root mean square frequency of the charge density fluctuations is equal to

V<o)2> = VKe+**t£l· (

We note that the root mean square frequency of the fluctuations V<^2> is less than the eigen-frequency ωρ(Λ) of the plasma oscillations.

Let us also give the spectral representation of the charge density fluctuations for a rela-tivistic electron plasma. The longitudinal component of the dielectric permittivity tensor of a plasma is for T^> mec2 determined by the formula

/» 1 ί\ ω i \co—kc\ π . ω [\ ω—kc ~|1 n i / , * m ^ ω ) = l + ^ | l + ^ l n J - ^ : ^ + T ^ [ l - ^ - ^ r j } , (

and substituting this into (, we get

<ρ2)*ω =


ne2riQ ω

ω Q{kc—(u) kc \\ 1 1\A- ω \a)-kc\\f π2 ω2 1

L *?*& \ 2fcc ω+kc / J 4 fc2c2 fcVi>

+T«*'(' + A[, + WtoJ5iEL)]

where θ(χ) is the Heaviside step-function. We note that if we integrate ( over the frequency we get, as in the non-relativistic

case, eqn. (

NP 10 129

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Let us now consider the current density fluctuations in an equilibrium, isotropic plasma. Using eqn. ( we get the following formula for the spectral representation of the current density fluctuations:

, . . v 1 ω2 ikjkj exp ( - z2)+μ exp ( - μ2ζ2) {JiJj)k* V ( g 7 r ) kOe

J\ k2 [Ι^Ι+2-φ(ζ)-φ(μζ)Υ+πζ2[θχρ(-ζ2) + μ^χρ(-μ2ζψ

+ / έ . . _ Μ Κ ( 1 _ Λ 2 exp(-z2) 1 (112 4 1) + \ lJ Ä2 / ω2 l } [« 2 -1 + (ω2

6 /ω2Μζ)]2+7τ(ω^/ω4)ζ26χρ(-2ζ2) | 1 }

The first term in ( determines the fluctuations in the longitudinal current and the second one those in the transverse current. As the corrections to the transverse dielectric permittivity, connected with the ion motion, are negligibly small, the motion of the ions practically does not affect the fluctuations of the transverse current density. However, the ion motion greatly affects the fluctuations of the longitudinal current density as it does the fluctuations charge density.

We shall give approximate expressions for the spectral representation of the transverse current density in the low- and high-frequency regions. If ω <§c kc, we have

<^Ä—^k)-^rexp(4w)· (1L2A2)

When ω » kve (ω ~ kc), we have

<./tV = ^ Γ δ ( ω 2 - < - Α ^ 2 ) , ( ω

that is, only the eigenfrequency of the transverse plasma oscillations occurs in the high-frequency region in the fluctuation spectrum.

If we integrate the spectral representation ( over the frequency we can find the Fourier component of the spatial correlation function of the current density fluctuations in a plasma, (Λ//)*· Noting that for an equilibrium plasma ocx(k, 0) = at(ft, 0) = 0 and aj(A:, oo) = at(fc, oo) = -σ)^/4π, we find from (

<72>A = - ^ ~ . (

The root mean square frequency of the transverse current fluctuations is equal to the Langmuir frequency,

^ (ω 2 ) = ωρβ.

Using ( we check easily that 3e2n0T

o2> = — - — * w » trie

that is, there is no spatial correlation between the current density fluctuations in the plasma.


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The spectral representations of the electrical and magnetic fields in an isotropic equilibrium plasma are determined by the general formulae ( and ( Using eqn. ( for the dielectric permittivity we can write the spectral representations for the field fluctua­tions in the form:

/£2V =2(2π^ί^-τ\ exp(-z2)+Mexp(-^2z2) Vc )ka y π, ω^ j [Μ1+2~φ(ζ)-φ(μζ)γ+πζ*[εχρ(-ζη+μεχρ(-μ2ζη]2

+ M L exp(-z2) J (11251) + <o2 [«2- l + (Wyw2)9>(z)]2+rc(«pe/co)4z2exp(-2z2) j ' l ^

/D2\ _ 4(2~ys/2hlR.^¥-n2T exp(-z2) ΚΒ)-^π, ω ω η ι [ „ 2 _ 1 + ( c 0 p e / f t ) ) 2 ( p ( z ) ] 2 + j r ( ( U p e / ß ) ) 4 z 2 e X p ( _ 2 2 2 ) · 1 " " ί · 3 - ί ;

The ion motion contributes only to the fluctuations of the longitudinal electrical field. In the high-frequency region, ω:» kve (ω % kc) the spectral representations of the trans­

verse electrical field and of the magnetic field fluctuations have the form

(Bf)ka> = 16π*Τω biot-oi^-kW). (

Integrating ( and ( over the frequency, we get

(E*)k = SnT[l + jä^, <52>* = 8πΓ. (

Using ( we find easily the spatial correlation functions for the electrical and magnetic fields in an equilibrium plasma:

(E2)r = %πΤ Γ δ ( ι · ) + - ^ C X p ( ~ r / r p ) 1, <2*2>, = SnT d(r). (


Let us now turn to a determination of the electron and ion density fluctuations. To do this we must introduce into the material eqns. ( random fields which act independently on the electrons and the ions and then use the Maxwell equations and the relations

ρ = e(bm-bne\ j = je+ju (

where bn{ and dnc are the deviations of the ion and electron densities from their equilibrium value n0 and/e and^ are the electron and ion components of the current, to determine the proportionality coefficients in the relation between the electron and ion current densities and the corresponding random potentials. These coefficients will be functions not only of the plasma dielectric permittivities ex and ev but also of the electron and ion plasma suscepti-

10* 131

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bilities κ\, κ\, κ\, and κ\. Using the fluctuation-dissipation relation we get the following formulae for the spectral densities of the electron and ion current density fluctuations:

(j'fjf)^ = 2Τω

(Jljj)k°> = 2Τω \

kikj κΚΙ+4πκ\) / kfa\ *?(1+4π*|-«2)] -wlm-^—+\bii~^Ym «-* r . (U262) k,k}T κ\(1+4πκΐ) / ktkΛ κ\(1 + 4πκχ-η2)) ' ^ ■> -k^lm 5 — + (*«—*-)Im —£=?—} ·

Using the continuity equations for the electrons and the ions we easily get from these equations the spectral densities of the electron and ion density fluctuations:

/a 2\ o fe2rr> T *ί(1+4τζκ{) /Ä 2\ ω ε\

?>*« 8^o^Im*i(1 + 47g*f). ( ω ει

Integrating these equations over the frequency and using eqns. ( we get

/&* - „ l+*H-yQ"*)| , . * _ „ (l+*H)[l-yfr")I

If we assume the ions to have infinite inertia (μ -+■ <*>, φ(μζ) -* 1), we get




In actual fact, the ions are characterized by a finite mass so that φ(μζ)\ζ_+0 = 0, and hence

1 + khl (bn\)k = {bnf)k = n0 2+Λ*/£ 2 ' (

If k2r\>y> 1, we can neglect the Coulomb interaction between the particles, and eqn. ( leads to the well-known result for the mean square of the fluctuations in the density of neutral particles:

(bn2)k = <pr$k = /*>, k2r2O » 1. (

In the limiting case k2r% «: 1 the mean square of the fluctuations turns out to be smaller by a factor two:

(bn%)k = (bnf) = i « 0 , k2rl « 1. (


Let us turn to a determination of fluctuations in an equilibrium plasma in a constant uniform magnetic field B0. In that case the tensor Au has the form

An -n2 cos2 # + εχι ει2 n2 sin # cos # + ει3"

- £ 1 2 ~ « 2 + β 2 2 ^23

In2 sin # cos Φ+ e±s — ε23 —«2 sin2 # + ε33 . (


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where the z-axis is taken along B0, and the x-axis in the plane through k and B0, and # is the angle between k and B0. The inverse tensor A~x is given by the equation

where Xu is the cofactor and A the determinant of the matrix ( The determinant A is equal to

A(k, ω) = An*+Bn2+C, (

where n = kc/ω while the coefficients A, B, and C can, according to formulae (, be expressed in terms of the components of the tensor etj.

The charge density fluctuations in a plasma in a magnetic field are connected with the current fluctuations ( by the relation

Using ( we find

< e V = Λ Σ * Λ < Λ Λ > * * . ( ω uj

<Λ.-δί"»['-&3]· <"-"·<> where A(k, ω) = «4 —(en cos2 #+£22+£33 sin2 #-2ει3 sin # cos #) n2

+ (en£22+4i) cos2 ^+(ε22ε33+εΐ3) sin2 ^+2(ει2ε23-£22^13) sin # cos #. (

We shall integrate the spectral representation ( over the frequency, using the Kramers-Kronig relations. Noting that A(k, 0)fA(k, 0) = 1 + 2(fcrD)~2, we find

. 2n0e2k2rl> nttnn < ^ * = "2?JW ( }

We see thus that the magnetic field does not affect the spatial correlation function of the density fluctuations in the plasma.

However, the magnetic field does considerably affect the spectral density of the fluctua­tions of various quantities in the plasma. In the region where the plasma is transparent the spectral density of the current fluctuations has the form

(JiJj)kco = \ωΤ^Α^λΜΑψ d(An*+Bn2+C). (

The argument of the δ-function is the left-hand side of the dispersion equation of the plasma in a magnetic field. In the case of weak damping there occur thus only the eigenfrequencies of the plasma oscillations in a magnetic field in the fluctuation spectrum.

The spectral density of the density fluctuations which are connected with the Langmuir oscillations is given by the formula:

1 ω2 (ω2—ω2)2

(Q2)kco = -irk2T-¥ 4 . 2 Q f 2 B

2Λ2 2-7·{δ(ω-ω+)+δ(ω-ω_)+δ(ω+ω,)+δ(ω+ω_)}, 4 a)*ea>* sin* ν+(ω*—co|)2cos2#l + + /J



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where ω+ and ω_ are the eigenfrequencies of the plasma oscillations in a magnetic field. The spectral density of the electrical field fluctuations in a plasma in a magnetic field is

given by the general formula ( Noting that

ö{A(k, co)} = j ^ - { | < | t _ | ( ^ ) | ^ _ > [«*-,*)+«(*-*)] + «,<)},

we can split off in ( the contributions connected with separate eigen oscillations in the plasma. For instance, we have for the spectral density of the fluctuations connected with the ordinary and the extra-ordinary waves the formula

<^>to = ww-\?k%\**+£«*-'*>> ( 1 1 · 2 · 7 · 9 )

where the polarization vectors are given by eqn. ( The spectral density for the Langmuir fluctuations of the electrical field is given by the equation

(EiEj)^ =4π* h-^T Ιω1~ω\' {δ(ω-ω+)+δ(ω+ω+)+δ(ω-ω_) + δ(ω+ω_)}9 K CO ι — C O

( or

(Eft)*» = 8 T T Ä ^ .^5 ( w2_w2e ) 9 (

if we take the dispersion of the Langmuir waves into account. Equations ( to ( describe the fluctuations in the high-frequency part of the plasma spectrum where the effect of the ions is unimportant.

11.3. Inversion of the fluctuation-Dissipation Relation



In the preceding section we formulated the fluctuation-dissipation relation which connects the fluctuations in the electromagnetic quantities with the dielectric permittivity tensor of the medium. Using this relation and starting from an expression for the dielectric permit­tivity tensor of the plasma we found the correlation functions for the fluctuations in the fields and the charge and current densities in the plasma. However, we can use the fluctua­tion-dissipation relation also for something else. In fact, if we first of all use the micro­scopic theory to determine directly the charge and current density fluctuations, we can find the dielectric permittivity tensor using the fluctuation-dissipation relation.* A characteristic

tShafranov (1958a), Kubo (1957), and Nakano (1954, 1957) suggested this approach. Sitenko (1966, 1967) has given a determination of the dielectric permittivity tensor, based on a conversion of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem for a non-equilibrium plasma.


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feature of this method to determine the dielectric permittivity tensor is that it is possible to take thermal effects into account without recourse to a kinetic equation.

To explain this method we shall first of all consider an isotropic medium and turn to eqns. ( and ( which connect the spectral representations of the current density and the transverse current fluctuations with the longitudinal and transverse di­electric permittivities ex and et and expand the correlation functions and the components of the dielectric permittivity which are functions of the elementary charge e in a power series in e—or rather in e2. As the electrical conductivity contains a factor e2, we get, retaining the first terms of the expansion

Imep> = ^ | - < ^ > f ö , I m e F > = i L < / X , (

where (ρ2)^ a n d (/t)/S a r e the spectral densities of the charge and current densities for a gas of non-interacting charged particles and ε\2\ the value of the quantities slt up to terms of order e*.

Up to those terms we can now find the quantities Re ex t. To do that we use the Kramers-Kronig relations (

R e ^ = 1 + W ^ ί -^^ω'Αι' , k?T J ω —ω

R e * = l ~ 2 a + _ ftr ω*Τ

lT J ω' — ω


we drop here and henceforth the index (2) of the ε1ν We can clearly combine these formula with eqns. ( to write the longitudinal and transverse permittivities in the form (Sitenko, 1967):

klT ω—ω — ιο r w J ω'—ω — ί

o2T J ω' — ω — ί


ωζ ωζΤ I ω —ω — ιο

where the term — io in the denominator of the integrand indicates that the integration over ω' is along a contour in the complex ω'-plane along the real axis, going round the point co' = o) from below.

Equations ( determine the quantities e{(k, ω) and et(/r, ω) up to terms of order e4

in the spectral densities of the charge density and transverse current fluctuations, <ρ2>Αω

and </,2)Λω, for a gas of non-interacting charged particles. We can similarly consider an anisotropic medium characterized by the dielectric per­

mittivity tensor εϋ. Turning in that case to eqn. ( and noting that up to terms of order e* we have the expansion

AU = 4 Γ 1 - Σ Atl-Hem„-bm„)AW-\


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we get

*f-er = (hjm, (H.3.1.4)

where (Λ/})*°2 is the spectral density of the current fluctuations in the medium, if the electro­magnetic interactions between the particles are neglected. Hence, proceeding as for the derivation of ( we can find ey (Sitenko, 1967):

+ 0 0

ευ(^ω) = δυ+~ f 9'jJi^'. άω'. ( ωΤ J ω —ω — ιο

— oo

+ 0 0

In deriving this formula we have used the relation J {jj^fl άω = γΤω^ δϋ. — oo


Let us now evaluate the quantity (ρ2)^ for the case of an isotropic plasma, neglecting for the sake of simplicity the ion motion. We introduce the electron density w(r, t) in the point r a t time t:

n(r,t) = £d(r-r«(t)), ( a

where rx(t) is the radius vector of the ath electron at time / and where the summation is over all electrons in unit volume. As we are interested in the correlation function (Q2)^ for the case when there are no interactions between the electrons, we may assume that

r«(0 = ra+Oat9

where va is the electron velocity. The charge density fluctuation in the plasma is connected with fl(r, t) by the relation

ρ(ι·, /) = - φ ( Γ , t) - no}, (

where n0 = (n(r, t)) is the average electron density. Substituting this expression into the definition of the correlation function of the charge density fluctuations,

and using ( and (, we get

<92>i?} = e* /Σ δ(η - r« - vJi) ö(r2 - r« - vj2)\ , ( \ a /

where the brackets ( . . . ) indicate a statistical average. We introduce the single-particle electron distribution function fo(v), normalized by

f fo(v) d3v = n0. We then have, clearly,

<ρ2)(ο) = e2 jf0^ 8(r-vt) dH. (


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To find the spectral density of the charge density fluctuations, (ρ2)^, in the case when we neglect the interactions between the charged particles, we must evaluate the Fourier com­ponent of <ρ2)^:

<ρ2>$ = 2ne* ffitv) δ[ω - (*.*)] ά*υ. (

If we, finally, substitute this expression into ( we find the longitudinal dielectric permittivity of the plasma

**.») = 1+- - f J*^5L. A, (

where r\> — T/4nnoe2. This expression is the same as expression ( for ex{k^ ω) which we obtained, using the Vlasov equation. On the other hand, we showed earlier that eqn. ( is valid up to terms of order e4. We can thus state that eqn. (, based upon a kinetic discussion involving self-consistent fields is valid with the same accuracy. Proceeding along the same lines we can also obtain eqn. ( for the transverse dielectric permittivity of an isotropic plasma.


Let us now find by the same method the dielectric permittivity tensor of a plasma in a constant, uniform magnetic field. Neglecting the particle-particle interactions, the particles move along helices:

r(0 = ro+Ä(0, (

where R(t) is a vector with components —(ν±/ωΒ) cos ωΒί, (ν±/ωΒ) sin ωΒί, υφ where Vjl and v± are the longitudinal and transverse components of the electron velocity, with respect to the magnetic field B0 which is along the z-axis.

The correlation function for the charge density fluctuations is, as before, given by the equation

(f>W = e* / £ β(η-Γ.(/ι)) δ(ι·2-ι·α(/2))\ , ( \ α /

where r = #·2—η and / = t%—tu and where the summation is over all electrons in unit volume. Introducing the single-particle distribution function/o(v), we get for the correlation function (ρ2),, the expression

<ρ2><?> = e* $f0(v) a(r-r(/)+r(0)) dh>. (

The spectral density of the correlation function of the charge density fluctuations is given by the equation

(Q2)L = <? J/o(«0 f e-*k' MO-*o>>)+/»' dt d*v. ( — oo

Using the relations

e-ia sin Ψ= y J^e-^, f ^«sinV-/fy = 2nJt(a\


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where Jt(a) is a Bessel function, we get for the spectral density of the correlation function of the charge density fluctuations the following formula:

<e*>fö = l™\ X (MV)J1 ( ^ Γ ) *(ω-/ω*-V„)</«0. (Π.3.3.5)

We can similarly find the general form of the spectral density of the correlation function of the electron current fluctuations when there is an external magnetic field present:

(jijjj$ = 27ze* +f $Μν)Πβ(1,ν)δ(ω-ΙωΒ-ΐ€1ινιι)α% (

where the tensor nu is given by eqn. ( If the electron distribution function is Maxwellian, we can integrate in (

N / 12πΤ\ 4/sin»i<»*i L 2T \ 4 sin2 \wBt ? J J

Hence we find by Fourier transforming the spectral density of the correlation function +~

(Q2M = e*n0 f e x p i — ^ - b - ^ i l - c o s w ^ + i k f i ^ j + Äa/Jdir. (

We can similarly find the spectral density of the current fluctuations in a plasma in an external magnetic field

jjj)& = A o -£- f Πη{ί) exp J - ^ - Γ2 - ^ - (1 - c o s ©aO+Äf,/2 j -f ίωλ dt, (


ΠιΑί) =

T * \ ^ „ . Γι T k2i T k±ku . sin ωΒί 1 sin ωΒ t mt ωΒ [ T kr 1 £-(1 - cosco^f) πι^ωΒ

[ T k2 1 T k2 T k k\\ 1 £-(1 —cosoßi) \ύηωΒί coscoBt-\ φ-(1 — coscoBtf - - ^ / ( l — coswBt) we ω% J me co% me ωΒ

T k±k\\ . T k±k\\ ,t Λ Τ kit ±-&tsina)Bt ±^t(l-coscoBt) 1 L me coB mc ωΒ mc ωΒ


Using ( we can hence obtain the following formula for the dielectric permittivity tensor of an equilibrium electron plasma in a magnetic field:

su(k, co) = * / r M ' ^ f nu(t) exp Γ - ^ - { 2 ^ 1 - ( l - c o s ω0+*?,ί2} + /ω/ Ä. (


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Using the expansion

exp (ß cos ωΒή = £ //(/?) exp {ikoBt\

where It(ß) is a modified Bessel function, and noting that

oo Z

f ei*t-#* dt=- {φ(ζ)-iy/n ze~*% φ(ζ) = 2ze~z* f ex% dxy ( 0 0

z = <x/2q, we can write ευ in the form (

11.4. Electromagnetic Fluctuations in a Non-isothermal Plasma


In the preceding sections we have determined the fluctuations of the electromagnetic quantities in an equilibrium plasma. To find these fluctuations we needed to know the dielectric permittivity tensor of the plasma. In the general case of a non-equilibrium plasma the knowledge of the dielectric permittivity tensor is not yet sufficient to determine the fluctuations in the plasma.

Turning now to a study of fluctuations in a non-equilibrium plasma we start with a con­sideration of fluctuations in a non-isothermal unmagnetized plasma where the electrons and ions are characterized by Maxwellian distributions with different temperatures Tt and T{ (Akhiezer, Akhiezer, and Sitenko, 1962; Sitenko, 1967; Salpeter, 1960a, 1961).

Because of the great difference in the masses of the electrons and the ions the exchange of energy between them is much slower than that between particles of the same kind, so that a non-isothermal plasma can be considered to be a quasi-equilibrium system and for a study of the fluctuations we can apply to it the fluctuation-dissipation relation. It is, how­ever, necessary to bear in mind that the electrons and the ions are connected through the self-consistent fields so that the fluctuations in the charge and current densities of the electron and ion components are not independent and, in particular, will be determined by the two temperatures Tt and T{.

We introduce into the material eqns. ( the external random fields acting in­dependently on the electrons and ions £c and £{:

Jy=-ia>YdK%(Ej+Sfr a = e,i, ( J

where the κ% are the components of the dielectric conductivity tensor of the plasma and E the self-consistent field, determined by the Maxwell equations,

YA^Ej = -^(jf+J}). ( j


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Using these equations to eliminate E from ( we get the following relations between the electron and ion current densities ja and the random potentials A* (£* = koA*):

jf = ω2 — {(1 + 4πκ\) Λΐ-4πκ\Αΰ, j \ = ω2-^ { -Απκ\Α\ +(1 + 4τν$Α§; (

jf = ω2 _ ^ L - {(1 + 4πκ[ -η*)Α°- Απκ\Α% j \ = ω2 - ^ {4πκ\ΑΙ + (1 + 4κ4 ~ "2) 4}· £t W et fl

( We draw attention to the fact that thanks to the self-consistent field the electron current turns out to depend on the ion external potential, and the ion current on the electron external current.

As the currents j e and j1 are connected and as the system is not in a state of complete equilibrium, it is impossible to use directly eqn. ( to determine the fluctuations from a knowledge of the proportionality coeflScients connecting ja and A*. However, we can use eqns. ( and ( to express the current correlators in terms of the correla­tors of the external potentials A*. The external potentials are independent so that the fluc­tuations of each of the potentials will be determined solely by the temperature of the appropriate subsystem—the electron or the ion temperature.

Solving the set ( and ( for the potentials we find 1 1 Ait ω2Α« = —jt+47iju cA4? = — Λα+Ί Ju a = e, i. (

%j 7i^ 1 ~*~ ft

Using then the fluctuation-dissipation relation in the form ( we get the following formulae for the spectral density of the external potential fluctuations:

/ *n ,«v rsT* [kikj Im κΐ Λ kikA Im κ?1 . / η J 4 „ {AiAf)* = 2 ω 3 j y ^ + ^ ^ _ ^ J, « = e,i. (

(A1AÜ)ka = 0. (

As we should have expected, the fluctuations of the electron potential are expressed solely in terms of the electron conductivity of the plasma and the fluctuations of the ion potential in terms of the ion plasma conductivity.

Using eqns. ( and ( we get then the following general formulae for the spectral densities of the current fluctuations in a non-isothermal plasma:

2ω kk (J?jf)ko> = J^J~ {T*\ 1 + 4πκ\|2 Im κ?+7·16ττ2|κ\ |2 Im *}}

+ et-rf|2 (fr'—ir) {Tel 1 + 4πκΐ~η2\2 I m ^+Til67r2l^l2 Im κ% (11.4.1. 8)

?rn kk-

<M)*> = J^ -η^ {^16π2| κ\ I2 Im «f+Tk| 1 + 4™f |2 Im *{}

2ω /' kikj 7 m /' kk\

+ £t-„212 (g'V- ή^) {ΤΛ^\ κ\ I2 Im xf+7Ί| 1 + 4π^-»21 Im x\), (


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o / / <jtß)km = (JiJj)L· = --ΠΓψ -^/{re(l+4jRij) 4πκ|* Im xf+7^4^(1+4πκί)* Im κ|}

2co / kk\ ~ι ε _„2 |2 Γ " ~ ~ £ / ) {^(1+4πκί-«2)4πκ{*^κ?+Γί4πκ?(1+4πκ?*-«2)^κί}.


These formulae enable us to find the spectral densities of any quantity in a non-isothermal plasma. For instance, the spectral densities of the electron and ion density fluctuations in a two-temperature plasma have the form:

< K V = ^ ~ ^ - { | l + 4 ^ i | 2 I m K f + 1 6 ^ p - | « f | 2 I m x j j , ( ω

(bnf)kla = 8nnok2f U6tf | * j | 2 Im «f+^-1 l+4jwef |2 Im *}}, ( ωΙ ε11 [ -* e J

(dnedm)kta = <fimin,)U = 32jt*"olf2r»hl+47tx\)x\* l m *?+^xf ( l+4 ;r*r ) Im *{).


Using ( to ( we can find the spectral density of the charge density fluctuations in a two-temperature plasma:

<f iV = 8 - ^ ^ Im ( * + g xj) . (

This density can be written in the form

kh$) exp( — ζ2)+μ exp( — μ2ζ2) (ρ2>Αω = V(2^)^2"o ωρβ {fc2*D+1 - < (z)H-/7[l -φ(μζ)]}2+ 7tz2{exp(- ζ2)+ρμexp(-μ2ζ2)}'


where z = co/\/2fcve, μ = Vimjm^ and/? = 7 /7 . We shall, finally, give approximate formulae for the spectral density of the charge density

in various limiting cases when k2r\> <sc 1. In the low-frequency region, ω «: kv{ (z <sc μ~~χ\ we have

When the frequency increases the quantity {q2)koi decreases exponentially. If z <, μ"1 <$c 1, we have

<ρ%> = ν ( 2 π ) ^ 0 - ^ T T — T 1 / ^ e x P ( - ^ 2 ) . ( cope {1+/?[1-9Ρ(/χζ)]}2+ττ/χ2ζ2βχρ(-2^2ζ2)

The width of the maximum is in the low-frequency region of the order of magnitude of z ~ μ_1. The height of the maximum depends according to ( strongly on the degree of non-isothermy of the plasma. If the plasma is strongly non-isothermal (p » 1)


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the height of the maximum ( is much lower than in the isothermal case. If μ_ 1 « : z <$c 1, we have

<<*%. = v W A o ^ - l ^ e x p ^ z 2 ) eope [*2/f>+ \-\ρμ-*ζ-*γ+πζ\\ +ρμexp(-μ2ζ2)]2

In this frequency region the spectral density (ρ2)Λω is very small for an isothermal plasma (p = 1), smaller by a factor μ than the value ( at the maximum. In a strongly non-isothermal plasma ( / ?» 1) the spectral density of the fluctuations has steep maxima at co =± cos(A;) where eos(£) = kvs is the frequency of the non-isothermal sound oscillations:

<ρ2>Αβ) = 7ze*nok*rt> {β(ω-Λϋ.)+β(ω+Ανβ)}. (

When the frequency increases further, ω ~ fcve (z ~ 1)? the spectral density of the fluctua­tions decreases exponentially, as exp(—z2). At high frequencies, co^>kve (z^> 1) the electrons play the main role in the fluctuations in the charge density and the quantity (Q2)ka> is given by formula ( In particular, (ρ2)Λω has maxima at frequencies corre­sponding to plasma oscillations.


Let us now generalize the results obtained to the case of an anisotropic non-isothermal plasma (Akhiezer, Akhiezer, and Sitenko, 1962). In particular, this generalization will be suitable for a non-isothermal plasma in an external constant and uniform field B0.

Introducing external fields into the material eqns. ( and using the Maxwell eqn. (, we can write the self-consistent electrical field in the form

Ej = - 4πιω £ Α^{τήΗΑ%+ 4 4 } · (11 AI. 1)

The dielectric permittivity tensor eu of the plasma can in the anisotropic case not be reduced to a longitudinal and a transverse component, and neither can the conductivities *φ and κ}7·. Substituting ( into ( we can express the currents in terms of the external potentials Aa:

jf = ω2 Σ Σ (Μϋ-4« Σ * ^ 1 ) 44, ( ß j,i k

hence «A4," = Σ {(><*-%**+MA^hJj). (


Noting that Λψ is a real symmetric tensor and using the fluctuation-dissipation relation ( we find

(AfAf)*. = ^ / { « j - i - f o g - i ) · } . (

Using then ( we easily get the general formulae which determine the spectral den­sities of the fluctuations in the electron and ion currents in an anisotropic non-isothermal


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γ m,n\ k / \ / /

X 7 > £ - Klm\ α, β = e, i. (

Noting that the total current/ is equal to the sum of the electron and the ion currents^ andj'i, we get the following formulae for the current correlators:

<.//Λ>*ω = ιω Σ (δι>η-4πΣκ*Λ^\* ί^η-^Σ^^Σ^^η-^Ι (H A2.6) m, n\ k J \ I I γ

<.7?Λ>£=™Σ Σ / Μ ^ - 4 * Σ κ ? * 4 ^ ^ ( γ m,n\ k J \ I I

Using the Maxwell equations we can now obtain by means of eqns. ( and ( the correlators of all quantities in which we are interested. In particular, the correlators of the fluctuations in the electron density, and in the electrical and magnetic fields have the form:

<$«!>*,. = Σ ^ (Jfjf)^ ( ij

16π2ί {E,Ej)k01 = — ^ £ Λί-*Λ? Σ TMt - *fc), (


(B,Bj)ka = - ^ - ^ - j - Σ ^ . « % ( i / . > * » - ( /c, / , w , w

where ε^ is the completely antisymmetric third rank unit tensor. We have already noted that the correlation functions have steep maxima near those values

of ω and k which satisfy the dispersion equation A(k, cor) = 0, where the index r numbers the eigenoscillations. One can easily establish the form of the correlation functions near such maxima. For instance, we have for the quantity (jjj)ka):

(JJj)*» = Σ BuV<> ω) δ{ω - ωΓ(*)}, ( r

where 1 enhiikXflXkmXto Σ Ty(x£n - κγ

ηηι) Bij(k, ω) = nm

d/i Σ , . ImA

/c, /, m, n doo

while the ?Ί] are determined by the relation Σ^ί/hk — Abik.


As an example of an application of the general formulae which we have obtained we shall consider fluctuations in a non-isothermal two-temperature plasma in an external magnetic field, B0 (Sitenko, 1967). As the electrons play the major role in the high-frequency region for the collective motions of the plasma we can neglect the effect of the ions in the high-frequency region. The correlation functions for the fluctuations in the high-frequency region will therefore be the same as for the equilibrium case with a temperature equal to the electron


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temperature. In the low-frequency region, however, the fluctuations for a non-isothermal plasma will differ greatly from those in an equilibrium plasma.

The possibility that there may occur weakly damped magneto-hydrodynamical ocillations in a plasma in an external magnetic field leads to the appearance of additional maxima, connected with these oscillations, in the low-frequency part of the fluctuation spectrum. The fluctuations connected with Alfven and magneto-sound oscillations in a magneto-active plasma are described by the general formulae ( to (, where we must use expressions ( and ( for the dielectric permittivity. Retaining the highest powers in the large parameter ωΒι/ω we can obtain simple formulae for the correlation functions when ω <<c coBi. For instance, the spectral density of the electrical field fluctuations near the Alfven frequency can be written in the form

vl (EiEj)k0) = 4π2 ef ejTe -± {δ(ω - kvA cos 0) + δ(ω + kvA cos #)}, (

where the polarization vector e is defined by the relation

1, - / cot2#, f - - V (sind cos ^ ) - H . ( urn v\ ω|ί j

£a =

The magneto-sound fluctuations of the electrical field are characterized by the spectral densities

vl (EiEj)klu = 4TT2ef eiTe-^{d(o)-kvA)^d(M + kvA)}, (

(EiEj)km = 4π2 *; ejTQk^b{M-kvscosu)+b(a)+kvscosu\ (

where the polarization vectors for the fast and slow magneto-sound waves have the compo­nents

* f = J - i — s i n - 2 0 , 1, - i - ^ — s i n t f c o s M , (

es = {sind, - / - ^ ^ sind cos d, cosd^. ( V\ CD

We note that the spectral densities for the low-frequency fluctuations are proportional to the square of the ratio of the phase velocity of the wave in question and the velocity of light in vacuo.

11.5. Electromagnetic Fluctuations in a Non-equilibrium Plasma


We determined in the preceding sections the fluctuations of electromagnetic quantities in an equilibrium or a quasi-equilibrium plasma; in that case it was sufficient to know the dielectric permittivity of the plasma. We shall now study fluctuations in a non-equilibrium


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plasma with particle distributions which differ greatly from the Maxwell distribution.1" Such a situation occurs in a coUisionless plasma in which the paucity of collisions leads to very long times needed for the establishing of an equilibrium state. We shall therefore be dealing with times which are short compared to the relaxation times of the plasma, that is, we shall be dealing with fluctuations referring to such short time intervals. We shall start by considering an unmagnetized plasma with non-equilibrium, but stable particle distribution functions. We determined in Section 11.3 the spectral density of the charge density fluctuations in a plasma, neglecting the particle interactions:

<ρ2>$ = 2M* fMv)d{co-(k-ü)}(PO9 (

where fo(v) is the electron distribution function. When deriving this formula we did not require that the plasma had to be in an equilibrium state. We may thus assume that formula ( determines the charge density correlation function also in the case of a non-equilibrium plasma described by the distribution function fo(v).

A similar formula is valid for the spectral densities of the electron and ion current fluctua­tions,

OVfYä = 270*64, jftfv)vfVjd{<o-(k-O)}d*v9 (

where/o( v) is the non-equilibrium distribution function for the electrons or the ions (a = e, i). If the plasma is in an external magnetic field B0 the spectral densities of the current

fluctuations are determined by the formula

(JUf)t = 2πβ^δαβ^^/0%ν)Π^ν)δ(ω-ΙωΒΛ-^νι1)ά% (

where the tensor 17^(1, v) is determined by eqn. ( Let us now take into account the self-consistent interaction between the particles. To do

this we turn to the material eqns. ( and introduce into them the random external currents 7 J:

7'« = -ίωδα£+./5, (

where the tensor κα is constructed using the non-equilibrium distribution functions /Q(V),

as follows (b = B0/B0): _nu(l9v)

'II ' '■ d*v

ω — ICUBOL — k\\V\\


As the random external currents cannot depend on the self-consistent interaction, the corre­lation functions for them will be the same as for the currents of non-interacting particles, that is, they will be determined by eqns. ( Using the Maxwell equations to eliminate the self-consistent field/?from (, we find

{ftJhk» = Σ Σ (Μ/«"4*Σ*&4£\ ßßybjn-Απ^κμγΛ {jlj^l (Π.5.1.6) γ m, n\ k / \ / /

t Thompson and Hubbard (1960), Rostoker (1961), and Sitenko (1967) have studied fluctuations in a non-equilibrium plasma; we shall follow the last author.

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Equation ( establishes a general connection between the correlation function for the current fluctuations, with the self-consistent interaction between the charged particles in the plasma taken into account, and the correlation functions for the current fluctuations of independent particles.

The spectral densities of the fluctuations in the total current and in the electrical field in a non-equilibrium plasma are determined by the equations

(Λ Λ>*« = Σ (δα»-4πΣκ*Λ^Υ Ι^η-^^κ^ΛγΛ (jmjn)i°L ( m,n\ k 1 \ I I


(Eft)*. = Σ — 3 - Λ^Λγ <Λ;7>&>. ( k, ι ω

We can easily find in a similar way the correlation functions for other quantities in the plasma.

We saw in Section 11.4 that the correlation functions of the external electron and ion current fluctuations can in the case of an equilibrium or quasi-equilibrium two-temperature plasma be expressed in terms of the plasma conductivity x*j(k, ω):

Utjf)t = *T.«-«g) δαβ. (

In the case of a non-equilibrium plasma the current correlation functions can be expressed in terms of the quantities (jfjf)^ which, however, can no longer be expressed in terms of the plasma conductivity; knowledge of the κ^ is therefore in the case of a non-equilibrium plasma insufficient to describe the fluctuations, in contrast to the case of an equilibrium or even a quasi-equilibrium non-isothermal plasma.

The expressions for the correlation functions of the fluctuations in a non-equilibrium plasma simplify considerably in the particular case of an isotropic particle distribution in the plasma. Indeed, introducing the longitudinal and transverse permittivities and conductiv­ities, ex and εν κ*, and κ", of the non-equilibrium plasma and noting that in the isotropic case

Λϋχ= ^ ^ ( « « - ^ ( e . - « 2 ) - 1 , (

we can write the spectral density of the electron current fluctuations in a non-equilibrium plasma in the form:

+ ~hu-^ff\[\l+4n^B'+i6^\KtfB^]7-l^, (


A* = !foa(v) δ{ω-(Α.ρ)} d% B* = f / o W [ * ^ ] ' ' 3{ω-(Α>ρ)} dsv. (



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The spectral density of the electron density fluctuations in an isotropic non-equilibrium plasma is given by the formula

2π (δηΙ\ω = -Γ-~{\1+4πκ\\*Λ*+16π2\κϊ\*Λϊ}. (

I £i I

We see that in a non-equilibrium plasma the spectral density of the electron density fluctua­tions is determined not only by the electron and ion plasma conductivity, but also by the quantities Ä*(k, ω) = Aa which, in turn, are determined by the particle distribution functions with respect to the velocity components along the wavevector k.

The fluctuations in the ion density and the ion current are determined by equations which are the analogues of eqns. ( and ( in which we need only change the index e to i. Thanks to the interaction between electrons and ions there exists a correlation between the fluctuations in the electron and ion densities. The spectral density of these fluctuations has the form

(δηΜι>Ηω = (δηιδη*)Ιω = - — - ^ { ( 1 + 4πκ\) κ\* ^e+*f(H-4«f)M*}. ( I £ι I

Using eqn. ( for the electron density fluctuations and the analogous expression for the ion density fluctuations we can obtain the spectral density for the charge density fluctuations:


< e V = y ^ ( ^ e + ^ ) · (

The spectral densities of the fluctuations in the longitudinal electrival field and in the longi­tudinal current can be expressed in terms of (g2)kta using the Poisson equation and the equation of continuity. We note that in the case of a two-temperature plasma the quantities Ac and A1 can be directly expressed in terms of the imaginary parts of the electron and ion plasma conductivities:

k2 k2

A* = —= Te Im «f, A* = —2 Ά Im κ\.

Using these expressions we can write eqn. ( in the form


ω|ει| < e V = -7^72" {^ Im «f+Γι Im 4 } . (

This formula is the same as eqn. (


The spectral densities of the fluctuations have in the transparency region of the plasma sharp δ-function-like maxima at the frequencies of the eigenoscillations of the plasma which satisfy the dispersion equation A(k, ω) = 0. One can easily establish the form of the spectral densities near such maxima (Sitenko and Kirochkin, 1966). In this case we shall speak of resonance or coherent fluctuations in contrast to the incoherent fluctuations when k and ω are not connected by a well-defined relation.

ii* 147

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As in the transparency region of the plasma Im A <<c Re Λ, we have

A^Aji^n-^j^KA). (

Noting further that we have for the eigenoscillations the relation Xi} — ete* Tr A, we can write the spectral density of the electrical field fluctuations in the form

(EiEj)^ = Wetejf(k9 ω) 1 - δ(Λ\ (


f(k9 ω) = 2π - ^ Σ (/,/,)£> erf. (


We note that f satisfies the relation

f(Jfc,ö>) = Γ ( - Λ , - ω ) . One sees easily that in the case of an equilibrium plasma the quantity f is the same as the plasma temperature. It is thus natural to call the quantity f the effective temperature which characterizes the mean square amplitude of the fluctuating oscillations of the electrical field in the plasma. In a non-equilibrium plasma the effective temperature can take on large values. If the state of the plasma approaches the boundaries of the region of kinetic stability of the plasma, Im Λ -+ 0, and the effective temperature increases without bounds. Noting that

Im A = ~ [Tr λ] £ (<£ - Sij) efeh (

we can write the effective temperature in the form

> Σ (mW Γ(*,ω) = — F ^ S r ϊ . (


In particular, the effective temperature for a non-isothermal plasma equals

f(k, ω) = -ί-ί^ . (

It is immediately clear from this formula that in the case of an equilibrium plasma f = T. We can directly express the spectral density of the fluctuations in the partial currents in the

transparency region of the plasma in terms of the electrical field correlation function,

077JV = ω2 Σ *H (EkEi)kw. ( k,l

We draw attention to the fact that the same formula would appear if we had in ( dropped the term /0. This is connected with the fact that in the transparency region the δ-function-like terms contribute to the spectral densities.


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To conclude this subsection we shall give the formulae connecting the charge density and electron density fluctuations with the electrical field fluctuations:


< e V = ^ 2 < £ i V > (

(»r$kto =-^Wf {E$)k„. (


Equations ( and ( determine the field fluctuations in a plasma with arbitrary non-equilibrium, but stable, particle distribution functions. The average directed particle velocities need not necessarily vanish so that one can also apply these equations for a study of fluctuations in a plasma through which a particle beam passes and also in a plasma with electrons moving relative to the ions, provided the beam velocity—or the electron velocity—does not exceed the critical value above which instability sets in.

Let us, as an example, consider fluctuations in a plasma consisting of cold ions and hot electrons which are moving relative to one another (Ichimaru, 1962; Ichimaru, Pines, and Rostoker, 1962; Bogdankevich, Rukhadze, and Silin, 1962). The charge density correlation function can in that case be determined using formula (, provided we make the substitution ω -* ω —(ft·«) in the quantity ^e(ft, ώ) which occurs in that equation:


2k2 I 7^—-Im «f(ft, ω - (* ·» ) )+ —Im κ}(*, ω) 1, ( |α> — (ft·«) ω I |ε ,(*,ω)|2 ω -

ει(Λ, ω) = 1 + 4nxf(k, ω - (ft ·»))+4rc«i(ft, ω). (

We see that for velocities for which (ft·«) lies close to ω, that is, when we approach the boundaries of the stability region, the fluctuations increase strongly, becoming infinite on the boundary ofthat region—of course, as long as we restrict ourselves to the linear theory. This phenomenon is analogous to the growth of fluctuations near a critical point (phase transition point; see, for instance, Landau and Lifshitz, 1969) which is well known in statistical physics.

Let us consider in some detail the critical fluctuations in the case when a compensated beam of charged particles passes through the plasma. The spectral density of the longitudinal field fluctuations are, according to ( determined by the equation

< £ V = ^ 2 < Ä (H-5.3.3)

where <ρ2)^ is the spectral density of the charge density fluctuations in the case when there are no interactions between the particles.


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We shall assume that the particle distributions in the plasma, /0, and in the beam, /0', are Maxwellian,

where u is the beam velocity, so that we can start from the following expressions for (ρ2)^ and e{(k, co):

<e^o) = V ( 2 ^ ) ^ k ^ e x p ( - ^ ) + X ^ - e x p ( - ^ ) , (

ει(Λ, ω)= l + Σ (fcrD«)~2 {1 - φ ( ζ . ) + ι ν » ^ exp(-z2)} a

+ Σ (^Da)-2 {1 -<p(y.)+iV*y> exp(-^)}, ( a

where za = co/\/2 feva, Ja = (ω—(*;·«)}/Λ/2 fci^, and the function φ is again given by equa­tion (; the summation is over all different kinds of particles in the plasma and in the beam. In the transparency region of the plasma we have Im ε{ <§: Re el9 and eqn. ( becomes

<£%. = 8π* ^ - δ{φ, ω)}, (


T(k, ω) = k2 Im ει(Λ, ω)

When the state of the system approaches the boundary of the region of kinetic stabihty, Im e{(k, ω) -*■ 0, and the effective temperature increases without bounds.

Neglecting the thermal motion of the ions and assuming that the condition {ω—(Λ·ιι)}2

<§c k2v'e2 is satisfied, we can write the effective temperature in the form

f = a ( z ) T (11 5.3.7)

where i+i(f)"v

>+iiiry and

-τ{'^(ί)Γ-·} The quantity ü plays the role of a critical beam velocity; when it is reached, the state of the plasma-beam system turns out to be unstable.

If we assume that the beam density is sufficiently low, nQ <$c n0, we can neglect the effect of the beam on the dispersion of the waves—the effect of the beam on the effective tempera-


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ture will be important also when ri0 <z w0. Equation ( becomes in that case in the high-frequency region for Langmuir oscillations

<#%«> = 47t2f(k, ω){ό(ω-ωρβ)+δ(ω + ωρβ)}, (

where the effective temperature is given by eqn. (1L5.3.7) with z2 = y(fob)~2+J~· The critical velocity then turns out to be of the order of the electron thermal velocity in the plasma at rest,

The average energy of the fluctuating Langmuir oscillations equals

(E2)k = 2n{f(k, ωρβ)+f(k, -ωρβ)}. (

For beam velocities close to ü this energy can greatly exceed the thermal value. Using ( we find easily the spectral density of the charge density fluctuations

(g2)*» = \k2T(k,ω) {δ(ω-ωρβ)+δ(ω+ωρβ)}. (

Similarly we find by using ( the spectral density of the electron density fluctuations

k2 ~ (dnl)ka> = ^T(k9 ω){ό(ω-ωρβ)+δ(ω+ωρβ)}. (

Let us now consider low-frequency oscillations in a two-temperature plasma with hot electrons and cold ions. Equation ( becomes in that case when n'0 «: «o

<£%, = 4n2k2rjyf(k9 ω){^ω-*^+Λ(ω+Λι;.)}, (

where vs is the non-isothermal sound velocity and

T(k,a>) = _ - * - _ ü = I^-(^rTvi. ( l—(k*u)/ku n0 \ T j

In contrast to the high-frequency region, in the low-frequency region the quantity ü can be both larger and smaller than the electron thermal velocity. The average energy of the fluctuating sound oscillations is equal to

(E?)k = 2nk2rj>{f(k, to,)+f(Jfc, -kvs)}. (

Using ( we find the spectral density of the charge density fluctuations

(g?)^ = ifcVfcf (*, co){d(c»-kvs)+d(cD+kvs)}. (

The spectral density of the electron density fluctuations is given by the formula

(dn2)km = πηο Τ(^ω) {d{(o-kvu) + ö((o + kva)}. (


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Equations ( to ( have been obtained by using the linear theory and are applicable only to fluctuations with wavevectors k satisfying the conditions u < ü(k). Fluctuating oscillations for which w > ü(k) lead to plasma instabilities.

Let us now consider fluctuations in a plasma consisting of cold ions and hot electrons which move relative to the ions with a velocity u. In that case the spectral densities of the fluctuations will be described by the formulae for the plasma-beam case, provided we put in those formulae the electron density in the plasma equal to zero and take the electron density in the beam to be equal to the ion density. In that case a(z) -+ TJT9 and the effective temperature will be equal to

^ = R*7^> * = !-. ("·«·») where Te is the electron temperature. In the low-frequency region the spectral density of the charge density and the electron density fluctuations are in this case given by the expressions.

<ρ2>*· = i - ^ ! t ) / L {δ(ω-^8)+δ(ω+^8)}, (

{δηϊ)ΐίω = \-{kZ)lkü {δ(ω-^)+δ(ω + ) } . (


Let us now consider field fluctuations in a non-equilibrium plasma in an external magnetic field BQ (Sitenko and Kirochkin, 1966). We shall assume that a compensated beam of charged particles passes through the plasma with a velocity u in the direction of the magnetic field B0, If the particle distributions in the plasma and in the beam are Maxwellian with temperatures T and V the components of the dielectric permittivity of the plasma-beam system will have the form

£ij(k, ω) = b„- Σ 4 - \e~ß* Σ 4 #(/(*?) Wrt-W* A cxp(-zf)]-24%bj\ a ω \ l Zl J

-Σ~f~ \£-βαΣ ^τ I l i j ( z r ) l<p(y?) - iVny texp( -y f ) ] -2z* \b \ ,(

where the primes indicate quantities referring to the beam, y* = {ω — ΙωΒα—k^u\\\j2 \k^ v'a, while the remaining notation is as in eqn. (, and β = k^T/m^^^.

The spectral density of the fluctuations in the current of the non-interacting particles is given by the formula

<ΛΑ>ίδ=V(2^)j^j{Σ " X <?-* Σ n j i z t ) exp ( - zf)+X « e-0*X Π,Μ") exp ( - y f ) \ .


Using these equations we can from ( find the spectral density of the field fluctuations in the plasma-beam system.


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Assuming the beam density to be sufficiently low we get for the spectral density of the field fluctuations in the low-frequency region the following formula:

WV. - W Jffi{ | | f . ^ r ^ ^-»nt>-<i |^M). (

As there is no damping of the waves in a cold plasma, it is necessary when evaluating the effective temperature to take into account both the thermal motion of the electrons and the presence of the beam. We can neglect the thermal motion of the ions in the plasma and in the beam.

Using ( and ( we can write the effective temperature which occurs in ( in the form

* * - > - Ι - Τ « 5 / Μ Γ · <"5A4)


7X7ZYV u = T[l+ir(-r) K \- (1L5A5)

«o \T' )

The quantity K is in the case of fluctuating Langmuir oscillations given by the formula

£/,(/?') e x p ( - j 2 ) K=eß-ß'_l i l l 5 4 6 )


and for fluctuating ordinary and extra-ordinary electromagnetic waves by the formula

I { [ e ' 2 + ( / 2 + n e l ( « 2 - e i ) - 2 ] / / ( / 3 ' ) - 2 ^ ^ 2 ( « 2 - e i ) - 1 / / ( i 3 ' ) } e x p ( - ^ ) K = e"-r -

lilQ2+(p+ß2) 4(η2-εχ)-η / / ( /3)-2 /3ρε2(^-ε1)-1 //(/3)}cxp (-2?) ' /


. 0 ε-2 7 /~m k\\ n2sin ϋcos# q = Ι+β-τ + V(2i3)T7

JT 2 ■ 2 Q z,. η2—ει |fci|| « 2 s in 2 ^ -g 3

The quantity ü plays the role of a critical velocity; when it is reached the fluctuations in the plasma grow without bounds, and the plasma becomes unstable.

In the limiting case n2^> I eqns. ( and ( become the same. We note that when n2 ^> 1 the spectral density of the fluctuations of the ordinary and the extra-ordinary waves is the same as that for fluctuating Langmuir waves.

The effective temperature for low-frequency fluctuating oscillations in a magneto-active plasma through which a beam of charged particles is passing is given by the formula

T(k, to) = , , ^ ΪΓ , ( 1 — (u\u) cos v


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where the critical velocities for the Alfvon, the fast, and the slow magneto-sound fluctuations are, respectively, equal to

ω (i n0 [ΤγΙ* sin4#+cos4<# 21 ίΛΛ _ . Q. Wa = T{1+^(-r) cos^+(cos^-[r/rTexp^)- (1L5A9)

~ ω f i . n° (T\112 exvy% l - ω [ i ^ " ° / r \ 3 / 2 2)


The spectral densities of the low-frequency fluctuations in a non-equilibrium plasma are given by eqns. (, (, and ( in which we must substitute for Te the effective temperature (

11.6. Kinetic Theory of Fluctuations


We have shown in the preceding sections that the fluctuations in the electromagnetic quantities in an equilibrium plasma—and also in any other medium in a state of statistical equilibrium—are completely determined by its dielectric permittivity tensor. The equations of motion of the plasma particles, that is, the kinetic equations for the electrons and the ions are not directly needed for a study of fluctuations—these equations are used only to deter­mine the plasma dielectric permittivity tensor, but as soon as it is found we can use the fluctuation-dissipation relation which connects the spectral density of the fluctuations with the dielectric permittivity tensor.

The situation is considerably more complex in the case of a non-equilibrium plasma for which the spectral densities of the fluctuations are, according to (, determined not solely by the plasma dielectric permittivity tensor but also directly by the distribution func­tions of its particles.

In the present section we shall reproduce the results obtained in Section 11.5 using now a kinetic theory of fluctuations, and we shall find the fluctuations not only in the macroscopic quantities, but also in the particle distribution functions.1.

We shall start by considering fluctuations of an equilibrium plasma. It is well known that if we want to find the fluctuations of various physical quantities of some system we must introduce into the equations describing that system additional external quantities—the so-called random forces. As we are interested in the fluctuations in the particle distribution functions we must introduce random forces in the right-hand side of the kinetic equations which determine the particle distribution functions F(<x)(/>, r, t\ where the index a is used to indicate the kind of particle:

-fj**>, (

A kinetic theory of fluctuations in a plasma was developed by Akhiezer, Akhiezer, and Sitenko (1962)


-^+(* · ν )+* (Κ«·Η·£) /Γ(α) \~~et~

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where [dF(ct)[dt]c is a collision integral, y(CL\p9 r, t) a random force, and E and B are the self-consistent electrical and magnetic fields.*

Following the general rules of the theory of fluctuations, we choose as the generalized thermodynamic velocities #(a) which occur in that theory the quantities

* e ) = n J H +^(α)· (

Assuming for the sake of simplicity that the collision integral is of the form

| σ Γ ' /(«>, ( [ dt J c - τα

where/(a) is the deviation of the distribution function F(a) from the Maxwell distribution F<a),/(a) = F(e)-F<a), we have

*<«> = —ί /< α >4- / α ) . (

We now introduce the generalized thermodynamic force X(a\ as the functional derivative of $ with respect to i (a ):

where $ is the time-derivative of the entropy of the system,

S = - £ f ί ί ^ ] +^{α)1 In i™ d3/» Λ·. (

Using ( we can write $ in the form

Ä = | { ^ l n itf>+ in FCO j Λ + | {(^-/·>) f > + ( ^ > ) f } <* <*. (

As the entropy must be given for fixed values of the energy and number of particles of each kind, the first term on the right-hand side vanishes, and hence

i -J{(£- '*)£ + (S- '")£}**· <"·6·1·7) The thermodynamic force therefore has the form

*(«> = £ P . (11-6-1-8)

ί The present method is a generalization of the one used by Abrikosov and Khalatnikov (1958) to find the fluctuations in the distribution function in an equilibrium Fermi-liquid.


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Comparing this equation with ( we see that

#«) = _y(«)jr(«)+j,<a)9 ( where

These quantities are called the kinetic coefficients. According to the general theory of fluctuations they determine the correlation functions of the random forces:

{y{«\p, r, t) y«\p\ r\ f)) = 2b„tf*\p) δ(ρ-ρ') S( r - r ' ) b(t-f). (

From this we easily find the spectral densities of the correlation functions of the random forces

(y^(p) y«\p'))ko> = 2oeey«>(/>) δ(ρ-ρ'). (

Knowing the correlation functions for the random forces we can use the kinetic equations and the Maxwell equations to express the particle distribution functions in terms of the random forces and to find the correlation functions of the distribution functions.

We shall give the expression for the spectral density of the fluctuations in the electron distribution function in a collisionless plasma (Akhiezer, Akhiezer, and Sitenko, 1962):

<f(p)f(p'))k* = 2π δ(ρ-ρ') δ{ω-(*.!>)} Fo(p)

+ F4p) ftOO {*(», </)- K'-*-£*Ms<p. »')}, (Π.6.1.12)


S<v,V) = ± f _g;g_f a «f-iδ{α>-ikrf)} + ,.Λ'11 ,„«Γ1 *(»-(*")} T ϊω — (k»v) — io l J a> —(&·») +/o

+ 1 fV\ ■ -{!ΐΌ1 · I m?2 I (H.6.1.13) π ω — (Κ·Ό) — ιο ω — (κ·ν ) + ιο ω|ει|ζ I

St(v, Ό') = - ί , / \ . [εΐ-ηψ1 δ{ω-(*θ} + ,.™,. . [ει-ηψ1 δ{ω-&·ν)}

π ω — (Α:·ϋ) — ζο ω — (Κ·Ό) + ΙΟ \st — η2|2 I

The first term on the right-hand side of ( is the same as the correlation function of the fluctuations of the distribution function in a gas of non-interacting particles (Kadomtsev, 1957), while the second and third terms take into account the interaction between the particles caused by the self-consistent field. The second term is here connected with the longitudinal (electrostatic) part of the self-consistent field, while the third term takes into account the transverse part of the self-consistent field. We note that Sl has sharp maxima at the frequen­cies of the longitudinal plasma oscillations, and St at the frequencies of the transverse elec­tromagnetic waves. One can neglect the contribution St under non-relativistic conditions.

Once we know the spectral distribution of the fluctuations in the particle distribution function we can easily determine the spectral densities of the various macroscopic quantities,


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such as the electron density. The fluctuations in the electron density are connected with / through the relation

bn = jfd*p. (

Using this relation and eqn. ( we can easily obtain the following expression for the spectral density of the electron density fluctuations in a collisionless plasma:

"o exp(—z2)

We can similarly study the fluctuations in the electron temperature. This quantity is connected with / by the relation

ÖT: 3«o J*

using this relation we can easily show that

(δτ v =


P(z)exp(-z2) 9 η0ωρξ> krO [&2/f>+l—9>(ζ)]2-Γ-πζ2βχρ(--2ζ2)


, (


We also give the spectral density

/Λ Λ7Λ V(27l) T° Irr I ^ ^ 2 ~ 1) ~ 1 ] eXP ( - Z2) (on oT)k(0 = — ^ — 77— krO -ωΌ

[k2rl>+ 1 -φ(ζ)]2+πζ2 exp ( - 2 z 2 ) (

f In the case of short-wavelength waves (A:2^:» 1) the spectral densities (, (, and ( are characterized by broad maxima at zero frequency. In the long-wavelength region (k2r% <$: 1) the spectral densities are characterized by ö-function-


FIG. 11.6.1. Spectral densities of the fluctuations in the density S(x) = (ön2)kJ2n0, and in the tempera­ture, T(x) = η0(δΤ%χ/2Τ%, in a collisionless plasma for the case when k2rl = 5; x = ω/^2 kvt is the

dimensionless frequency.


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like maxima at frequencies corresponding to the frequency of the longitudinal plasma oscillations. The spectral density of the temperature fluctuations also has a maximum at zero frequency, which is connected with entropy waves in the plasma. We show in Fig. 11.6.1 the spectral densities of the density and temperature fluctuations in a collisionless plasma for the case where k2r& = 5.

Integrating (, (, and ( over the frequency we find the corre­lation functions for the momentaneous density and temperature fluctuations in the plasma:

(δη2)*= yiA 2 ,τ ' <^2>* = 4 —> (δηδΤ\ = 0. (

It follows from the last of eqns. ( that the density and temperature fluctuations in a plasma are statistically independent. In concluding this subsection we emphasize that our results were obtained assuming that r -- oo, that is, they refer to a collisionless plasma.


One can easily generalize the method for studying fluctuations which was given in the preceding subsection to the case of a non-isothermal, two-temperature plasma (Akhiezer, Akhiezer and Sitenko, 1962). The fact that it is possible to introduce such a generalization is connected with the fact that due to the large difference in mass between the electrons and ions the exchange of energy between particles of the same kind takes place much faster than the exchange of energy between particles of different kinds. If, therefore, we neglect the exchange of energy between particles of different kinds, the state of the plasma with different electron and ion temperatures will correspond to a maximum of the entropy—for given values of the particle numbers and of the electron and ion energies, separately. This means that we can use the previous expression ( for the time-derivative of the entropy of a two-temperature plasma:

s=J {^ln ^e)+^rin ρήdzp dh+\ {(^-'i w + {^T~yW) W\ ^ **' (

where i^e) and F£} are the Maxwell distributions for the electrons and ions with different temperatures, and/(e) and/(1) are small deviations from these distributions. As we must find the quantity $ for given values of the electron and ion energies, the first term in the above expression for $ vanishes, as in the case of an equilibrium plasma. In other words, the time-derivative of the entropy will, as in the case of an equilibrium plasma, be a bilinear expression in the quantities

jt<*> = —L/w+y«) , (

which characterize the deviation of the state of the system from the quasi-equilibrium state with different electron and ion temperatures. Following the same road as in the case of a


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plasma in complete equilibrium we find the quantities

öS f(a) y(«) = u o

= I Π1 6 2 31

and we can write jc(ot) in the form

where V*Kp) = ^-FluKp). (

Using ( we get again the earlier expression for the correlation function of the random forces

OPKP, r, 0 yM(p\ r \ t')) = 2b^\p) δ(ρ-ρ') b{r-v') b(t-t'\ (

The expression for the spectral density of the correlation function of the random forces also remains the same:

{y*\p)y«\p'))Ta> = 2b^\p) δ(ρ-ρ'). (

As in the case of an equilibrium plasma we can use this expression to find the correlation functions of various physical quantities.

Let us give the general expression for the correlation function of the fluctuations in the particle distribution functions in a non-isothermal two-temperature plasma:

</WiJ')/("V)>*» = 2ndax,FP(p)d(p-p')d{co-(k.v)}

2 ^ 1 F.COfn


+ - ^ Z Ä FmF«KP1 {ST"(P,O0+ fcWM^x*·»') 5r>>0j (U621)

4 (*.p) ( W ) Im(7>f + 7V4) Π1628Ϊ + r j V ω-(Α.»)-ΐο ω-(Λ.ο') + ίο ω|ει|2 ' Κ ···>

ν.«γ„ „^ ^ 1 ω a{to-(W)} 1 ω 3{ω-(*.»)} 1 ι ' ; Τ« ω-(Λ.ρ)-/ο et*-n2 Γ„- ω-(Λ.ρ') + Η> ε»-η2

, _ 4 _ _ _ _ « ω Im(7>f + 7X) Π1629Ϊ "•"Γ,Γ«. ω-(Α.ρ)-/ο ω_(Λ.ρ') + /ο ω |ε , -η 2 | 2 ' Κ ·■■)

where Γα is the temperature of the ath component of the plasma, and Za its charge. We can study in the same way the fluctuations in a two-temperature plasma in a constant,

uniform magnetic field Bo. When evaluating the correlation functions in that case we can, as before, start from the kinetic equations with random forces (; it is only necessary to introduce in the left-hand sides of these equations the terms (Zae/c)([» Λ Bo] '{dFfp/dp}) which take the effect of the magnetic field into account. Due to these additional terms the


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connection between the averaged products of various physical quantities and the averaged products of the random forces is changed; the normalization of the random forces is, as before, given by eqn. (


In the preceding subsections we have determined the fluctuations of the particle distribu­tion functions in the plasma and we have shown how from a knowledge of these fluctuations we can find the fluctuations in various macroscopic quantities such as the fields in an equilibrium and in a two-temperature plasma. We shall now turn to a calculation of fluctuations in a plasma with non-equilibrium, but stable distribution functions, using the kinetic description of the plasma (Akhiezer, 1962).

In the case of a plasma with non-equilibrium particle distribution functions the fluctua­tions are not necessarily determined by the averaged characteristics of the plasma, but may depend on its previous history. There is, however, a possibility that the process of establish­ing well-defined fluctuation distributions is much faster than the evolution of the distribu­tion functions themselves. In such a case quasi-equilibrium fluctuation densities are set up in the plasma, and the correlation functions are fully determined by the averaged charac­teristics of the plasma, and especially by the non-equilibrium particle distributions, averaged over the fluctuations, and will be independent of the previous history. The slow change in the non-equilibrium particle distribution functions is accompanied by a slow change in the correlation functions of the quasi-equilibrium fluctuations, which are adjusted to these distribution functions.

To determine the distribution function F(ot) of particles of the ath kind we use the kinetic equation without the collision integral and with the initial condition

Fto(p, r, / = 0)-F$»(p) = έ'Χρ, r), (

where F£a) is the distribution function averaged over the fluctuations and g(a) the fluctuation in the distribution function at time t — 0.

If we Laplace transform the kinetic equation and the Poisson equation with respect to time we can express the particle distribution functions and the various physical quantities determined by them at time t in terms of the initial values of the fluctuations g(a) in the distribution functions. In particular, we find for the spatial Fourier component of the charge density


ρ*(0 = ΐ - f - f f V Σ Z« f ^(?ί k\ d*P «*»» ( ia—oo

where the integration over ω is along the straight line Im ω = σ, which lies above all poles of the function ef1.

Let us now construct quadratic combinations of different physical quantities—referring to times / and f which are not necessarily the same—and average these combinations over the random quantities g(a). The quantities obtained in this way are the correlation functions of the system considered; once we know these we can, in particular, determine the squares


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of the amplitudes of the oscillations of physical quantities at time t (to do this it is sufficient to put / = f in the correlators).

As an example we give the expression for the charge density correlator

{f)kt-t> = ff e-,e'-/wrer1(*, ω) e^\-k, ω') B{k, ω, ω') άω άω\ ( ia—oo


We can write the Fourier component of the averaged product of the initial values of the distribution function fluctuations which occurs in this equation in the following general form:

{gM(p)g«\p>))k = i^FPiPiKP-Pl+YrtfoPiPl, (

where the first term corresponds to a perfect gas—each particle is correlated only with itself—while the second term is caused by the interaction between the particles. It is impor­tant that the second term is a smooth function of the velocities while the first one contains δ(ρ-ρ').

According to eqns. ( and ( the function Fhas in the case of an equilib­rium plasma the form

AITP27 7 , IW = - y" ' mp) Π'ΧΡ') (tf+itf)-1, (

where rD is the screening radius. Using the kinetic equation and the Poisson equation to express the fluctuations in the distribution function at time t in terms of the initial fluctua­tions and averaging over those, using eqns. ( and (, we arrive at the same eqns. ( and ( for the averaged values of the distribution function fluctua­tions. One can say that the equilibrium fluctuations reproduce themselves. Equation ( then gives

+ oo

<ρ% = 4-ϊτ\ -^rlm ε>*-1(*> ω> <*»' ( — οο

which agrees with ( Let the averaged distribution function F£° as before be an equilibrium function but let

the initial perturbations g(a) be such that the function Y no longer is given by formula ( We substitute ( into ( and use Cauchy's theorem to integrate over ω and ω'. We then get not only the term ( which describes the equilibrium fluctuations but also other terms. These terms are, however, damped with a damping rate Im ω , where cok is a root of the equation e^k, ω) = 0. The equilibrium fluctuations of the charge density and of other macroscopic quantities will be established therefore after a time t ~ (Im ft>Ä)~\ notwithstanding the non-equilibrium nature of the initial fluctuations.

The quantity Im ω^ is small for weakly damped eigenoscillations of the plasma so that states of the plasma for which the amplitudes of the eigenoscillations differ greatly from

NP 12 161

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their equilibrium values may exist for a very long time and can be considered to be quasi-equilibrium states.

Let us consider the more general case of a plasma with non-equilibrium, albeit stable particle distribution functions. Substituting ( into ( we get

B{K ω, ω') = - Σ " ^ , ί *ί°ί/0 ί <1 ν , - + -ΤΓΤΓ^ΓτΑ d*P+ 8B(k> <»> <»')· τ ω + ω J [ω-(Α:·ι?)+ίο ω+(λ·ο)+*°]

( The first term here arises from the δ-function-like term in eqn. ( while bB indicates the contribution from the quantity Y to the function B. It is important that the first term in eqn. ( has a pole at ω+ω' = 0, while the quantity bB—like ef1—has no poles whatever in the upper ω- and ω'-halfplanes, nor for real vales of these variables. Due to this an undamped contribution to the correlator (ρ2>, given by eqn. (, is given only by the pole of the function B at ω+ω' = 0; the remaining terms in the expression for (ρ2) will decrease with increasing time.

In a non-equilibrium, but stable plasma there are thus after a time / ~ (Im ω*)"1 estab­lished charge density fluctuations which are independent of the initial perturbations and which are determined by the correlation functions

<ρ% = ~ | V - ' < e V αω, <ρ% = ^(A' + A% (

where the quantities Aa are given by the formula

A* = JFfrXp) b{co-(k.v)} d3p. (

We note that, formally, eqn. ( is the same as relation ( for the charge density correlator in a quasi-equilibrium plasma—although, of course, the quantities A* can no longer be expressed in terms of the imaginary parts of the electrical conductivities when the distribution functions F^a\p) are arbitrary.

As in the case of equilibrium distribution functions fluctuations with the frequencies of the plasma eigenoscillations will continue to depend on the initial perturbations for the longest periods, so that plasma states which are characterized by eigenoscillation amplitudes differing from those given by eqn. ( can persist for very long periods.

We emphasize the characteristic peculiarities of fluctuations in a plasma with non-Maxwellian particle distribution functions. First of all, only the fluctuations of macroscopic quantities will get to a stage which is independent of the initial perturbations; the correlators of the distribution function fluctuations contain terms which are proportional to δ{ω — (k ·ν)} which are determined by the initial distribution of the fluctuations. Secondly, the amplitudes of the random waves do not reach a stage independent of the initial perturbations if the phase velocity of these waves is larger than the velocities of all the particles in the plasma—in particular, this is true for transverse electromagnetic waves which are well known to have a phase velocity larger than the velocity of light. Indeed, for such waves the time to establish equilibrium distributions of the amplitudes is, when there are no collisions, t ~ (Im ωΛ)-1


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If the particle distribution functions in the plasma are not only non-equilibrium, but also unstable, the situation becomes considerably more complicated (Akhiezer, 1962). The func­tion ef1 has in that case a pole in the upper co-halfplane so that the contribution to the correlation functions from the quantities Y—which are determined by the previous history of the system and which in general are unknown—does not decrease, but increases with increasing time. Nevertheless, in the case of a system consisting of a plasma and a low density beam (n'0 <sc m, where n'0 is the beam density) the main terms in the correlator are independent of the random initial perturbations. We assume here that the perturbations did not increase so strongly during the period when the beam was introduced that the initial fluctuations, even though they differ from the equilibrium ones, are not of the same order of magnitude as the equilibrium fluctuations.

Indeed, substituting ( and ( into ( and using Cauchy's theorem to integrate we see easily that the main terms in the correlator (ρ2> turn out to be the terms given by the first term in ( and, hence, the first term in ( which contains ω+ω' in the denominator. These terms are proportional to a power of n'0 less than the first power while the remaining terms contain n'0 at least to the first power.

In the general case the correlation functions and the squares of the amplitudes of the oscillations for a plasma-beam system contain terms which grow exponentially with a growth rate proportional to V«o while the multiplying factor is also proportional to V"o· We have seen in Section 11.5 that if the beam velocity is large compared to the average thermal velocity of the electrons in the plasma, resonance occurs between the beam oscillations and the Langmuir oscillations in the plasma. The correlation functions then grow with a growth rate proportional to η^,ζ, while the multiplying factor is independent of the beam density.

Without wanting to go into the general expressions for the correlation functions we shall only give the formula for the charge density correlator with a resonance value of the wave-vector | (k ·ύ) | ^ copc for the case when t and f ^> (η^η^ω^1:

<«0 βίΟ>* = ^ e x p { | v 3 ( 3 ^ ^ ^

( where Tis the plasma temperature (we assume the beam to be cold) and u the beam velocity.

Putting t — t' m that expression and using the Poisson equation we find the root mean square amplitude of the resonance oscillations of the electrical field in a plasma-beam system

V{E\t)\ = I V(2nT) exp U ^3 (AV* ωρβ A (


So far we have considered fluctuations in a collisionless plasma. We shall now turn to the problem of the influence of binary particle collisions on the fluctuations in a plasma (Sitenko and Gurin, 1966). The main difficulty is then connected with the complicated nature of the exact collision integral. To obtain a qualitative picture we shall therefore use the following

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model collision integral (Bhatnagar, Gross, and Krook, 1954):

[w] =v^[n®-n 0 = (2nmeT)-Wexp(-^\v-u\*y (

Here n(r91\ »(r, /), and T(r, t) are the density, macroscopic velocity, and temperature of the plasma electrons given by the equations

n = $Fd% u = -{vFd% T = ψ Γ \v-u\2Fd*p; (

no and To are the equilibrium values of the electron density and temperature, and v is the effective binary collision frequency which we shall assume to be independent of the relative velocity of the colliding particles.

One sees easily that this collision integral conserves the number of particles, the energy, and the momentum, and guarantees that the if-theorem is satisfied.

Introducing random forces into the kinetic equation and assuming that the deviation of the distribution function,/, from the equilibrium distribution function, Fo, is small, we find easily the following expression for the spectral density of the correlation function of the random forces:

{y{p)y{p'))ko> = 2y{p,p'\ ( where

Λ,,Λ = ,{«Α«,-Λ-Ι[ ,+£(>*,+» (,_3£) (,-«£)] UAW)[ (

Using the kinetic equation we can express the fluctuations in the distribution function and the density and temperature fluctuations determined by them in terms of the random forces and then use eqn. ( to find the correlation functions of these quantities. In this way we get for the Fourier components of the fluctuations in density bnkoi and in temperature bTko} the relations

aii8«Wflo+ai2Ö7W7o = *ω> α2ιδ^ω/«ο+α22δΓΑω/Γ0 = Y& where the right-hand sides are determined by the random forces

*>(/>) Λ3-. v _ *'me f v2ykco(p) Ykv = n° J ω — ( Α · ^ )+ivd% Yk« = noT(

ime f v2ykm toToj (o—(k· v)+iv *'



while the alV coefficients are equal to

a n = i _ / Z / _ ( ^ + 2 i x y ) ( / - l ) , «12 = 1.21{l + ( l_2z2)( /- l )},

a21 = 3-2i^{l + (z*+l)(I-l)}+(p+2ixy){l-2(z*+l)(I-l)},

a22 = 3 + / ^ { z 2 - l - ( 2 z 4 + z 2 + l ) ( / - l ) } ,

z = x+iy = ω+iv \/2 kv(

+ oo exp (-C2)

ζ-ζ άζ, ρ = (krD) - 2



Page 175: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


Solving the set ( for dnko) and bTkoi, and using ( and ( we get the following general formulae for the spectral densities of the density and temperature fluctua­tions in a plasma for which the binary particle collisions are taken into account:

/ Λ 2 Χ _ 1 an I2 (Y*Y)to-2 Re a12a2*2 (Υ*Ϋ)*ω+1 a1212) (Y*Y)ko) \θη /ίιω j fö 5

I « 1 1 ^ 2 2 — 0Ci20C2l\

/ÄT2\ - T° 1 "2i I2 (7*7)*«,-2 Reauafc<r*f ) t o+1 a n 12(7*7)*«, n0 | ana22 — ai2a2i |

/ c c ^ \ _ __ ^ο^ α 2 2 α 2 1 < Ύ Τ ) & ω ~ (<X22K*l + Kl2&2l)(Y*Y)ka> + <Zl2GCll(Y*Y)k<Q

) (

"o |an.a22—ai2a2i|

The correlation functions (Y*Y)koi which occur in ( and also the aiy. coefficients can be expressed in terms of the function I(z):

< i'*r>A<0 = V 2 - ^ | z | - 2 J R e / z * / - j [ 2 | z | ! ! | / - l | 2 + | / |

+ - | l + (2z2- l)(7-l) | 2


]}· (Y*Y)km = V2j^\z

<rfv = V2^|z


- 2 |2Re/z*[H-(z2+1)(/- l)]-j[2{l + (z2+1)(7-1)}7*

- 2 J z |2{1 -2(z2+1)(/-1)}(7-1)*

+ i { l -(2z2-1)(7-1)}* {z2-1 -(2z*+z2+1)(/- 1)}]J,

-21 -Re 2/z*[2z4+z2-4-2(z*+2z2+2)(7-1)]

-2j>[2|l + (z 2 +l ) (7- l ) | 2 + | l -2(z 2 +l ) (7- l ) | 2 | z | 2

+ I | z 2 - l - (2z^z 2 + l)(7-l)|2]}.

The condition for the vanishing of the expression in the denominators of ( is the dispersion equation for longitudinal oscillations in a plasma for which binary collisions are taken into account:

(3z-2iyJ){z-iyI-(p+2ixy) z(I-1)}—§-/(/>+1 -2x 2 ) y{l - ( 2z 2 -1 ) (7 -1 ) } = 0, P = (ATD)-2· (

Equations ( enable us to study the effect of interparticle collisions on the nature of the fluctuations in a plasma for all possible values of the effective collision frequency, starting from the coUisionless case and ending up with the hydrodynamical limit. When collisions are neglected, the spectral densities of the density and temperature fluctuations in a plasma are given by formulae (, (, and (


Page 176: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


If we may assume the effective binary collision frequency to be small we can expand ( in a power series in v and find the corrections to the spectral densities ( to ( caused by the binary collisions. The expressions for the spectral densities ( can also be considerably simplified in the hydrodynamical limit for large values of the effective binary collision frequency. Expanding ( in inverse powers of v we find

(δη^ ι2 \ . = 4w0

* ω ~ vA(k9a>) {6a)2+5k2vl)k*vl

{bnbT)ka = °ω) {5(ω2-<-^)+4ω2}^,

A(k,a>) = 9ωίίωί-ω%-~^Λ +(9co2-5cole-5k?i%f


If we let in ( tend the effective collision frequency to infinity, v — <=c the formulae for the spectral densities of the fluctuations in ideal hydrodynamics:

we get

{ k?v2 [2 JfcV 1 1 \

<&J2>/to = 2πη0-^-{T „>2 U,» δ ( ω ) + ^ Ι δ ( ω ~ ω * ) + δ ( ω + ω » ] L ω* ] 3 «L+Ä**

(δΤ*), *ω 3 η0 δ(ω)+ 1 fcV

5 ω? [δ(ω -ω8) + δ(ω +ω8)] 1,

{bnbT)k<ß = - y - Γ ο - ^ · j -δ(ω)+-^ [δ(ω-ω 5 )+δ(ω+ω 8 ) ] 5


where ^ = V(5To/3me) is the sound velocity. The spectral densities of the fluctuations are according to ( characterized by

maxima at the frequencies corresponding to sound oscillations and also at zero frequency which is connected with entropy waves in the plasma. It is interesting to note that the spectral densities of the single-time density and temperature fluctuations in a plasma are the same for the case of large collision frequencies and for the collisionless case.

We have given in Fig. 11.6.2 the spectral densities of the density and temperature fluctua­tions in a plasma for intermediate values of the effective binary collision frequency and for values of the parameter p equal to 0, 1, 4, and 10. According to the curves given here taking collisions into account leads in the short-wavelength region to the appearance of a sound maximum, with a magnitude which increases with increasing collision frequency, in the particle density-fluctuation spectrum. Its width is determined by the plasma viscosity and thermal conductivity. In the long-wavelength case taking collisions into account leads to a shift to lower frequencies of the Langmuir maximum in the density fluctuation spectrum. This shift is connected with the change in the nature of the high-frequency oscillations in the plasma due to the interparticle collisions.


Page 177: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics






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Page 178: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics



We can also obtain eqns. ( in a different way, namely, by using the hydrodynami­cal theory of fluctuations (Landau and Lifshitz, 1957). To construct a hydrodynamical theory of fluctuations we must use the equations of hydrodynamics and introduce external forces into it. If we then find the change in the energy of the hydrodynamical medium caused by the external forces, we can obtain the response tensor which according to ( deter­mines the spectral densities of the fluctuating hydrodynamical quantities.

In the case of magneto-hydrodynamics we must introduce an external force / into the Navier-Stokes equation, an external current g into the heat transfer equation, and, finally, an external current y into Ohm's law. Restricting ourselves to small fluctuations we can linearize the equations of magneto-hydrodynamics and thus start from the following set of equations:

dt + ρο(ν·ι>) = 0,

ρ = ^ ρ + ρ ο α Γ ) , QQCV—-OLTQS>-£- = κν2Τ-(ν ·*),

curl E = IM c dt


curl B = y, /


1[Ε + ^[Ό A*o]j+j>,


where η and ζ are the viscosity coefficients, κ the thermal conductivity coefficient, a the conductivity, s2 = {dpjdq)T the square of the sound velocity, a = — Qö\^QidT)p the volume expansion coefficient, and cv the specific heat, while ρ and T are, respectively, the deviations from the equilibrium values of the density ρ0 and temperature Γ0. We then get the following expression for the change in the energy of the magneto-hydrodynamical medium:

**L = f k . / ) + ^ + l [ 0 Λ Ä O ] J - ^ ~ ( V -g)\tPr. (

Assuming the external forces to vary with time as e~mt and taking the Fourier transform with respect to the spatial coordinates, we can write the change in the energy of the system due to the external forces in the form

dU _ 1 dt " 2 Re Σ (**·**)>

k (


P -i-f <^2 k(k.gk0i) ω Cy ω(ω+ικΔκ)

c{k2[Bp Λ yka>]-[Bo A *](ft»jfr„)} co(k2c2—47iiaco)


We must then use the equations of motion to express the velocity Fourier components vkoi


Page 179: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


in terms of the Pk(0:


vt{k, ω) = £ <*ij(k, ω) Pj(k, ω), (

where the quantities al7 form the response tensor. Using the coordinate system such that

ei [k Λ Bo]

e* = [Bo A[k A Bo]

ez = Bo

| [ *ΛΛο]Γ "a | [ΑοΛ[*ΛΑ 0 ]Γ *B Bo*

we obtain the following expressions for the components of the response tensor:

an = Di1, oc22= \ 1 + νη l· (γ — ίωμ) cos2 Θ1 D^1, [ ω£ο J

«33 -I Ι + ίη (y-fo)/z)sin2 θ-\ -rj-z——-:—-ωρ0 ω(κ2ο2—4πισω)

W, (

α23 = (γ — ϊωμ) sin Θ cos Θ Z)2\ a32(JBo) = — «23( —B0), ai2 = a2i = ai3 = «31 = 0, k2s2 f, aVTo


xhaws* 1 + KW



ί, . k2 . Anak2^ cos2 01 Di = -ρ . | l + n — +'ω (^2_4 π / σ ω ) J .

+ 'a>(fc2c2-4rcL·) ί 1 - ^ C ° S θ+1ω Γ ^ ο + " C ° S θ)\}'

and where 0 is the angle between k and Bo. Using equation ( we can, once we know the quantities αϋ find the spectral density of the velocity fluctuations:

<fl<0/)*« = — K<*ji-<*ij) = 2 —Im ay, (

and also that of other quantities. In particular, the spectral density of the density fluctuations is given by the formula

<ρ2)Λω = 2 Toggfc2

ω3 (sin2 Θ Im a22+cos2 Θ Im a33+2 sin 0 cos 0 Im a23). (

The spectral density of the temperature fluctuations has the form (a^= Re a,·,, a-y' = Imai}·) 2Γ2

<rv = ■ { * + * * » I « i ( « - J g ^ ) } . (ΗΛΑΚ9 ω2ρ24+χ2Α;4

The spectral density of the magnetic field fluctuations is given by the formula 32n2c2aTo

{BiB})i i/ka> fc4c4+ 16π2<τ2ω2 ^-2 i k26u - kikj - B2 -£ Σ (k*&tk~Ö/3^Ä:) (ksdji-öjzki)

Χ [ ω + fc4c4+16jr2a2co2Jj· (


Page 180: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


If we let the thermal conductivity and the viscosity coefficients in eqn. ( tend to zero, and after that let the electrical conductivity tend to infinity, we get the spectral densi­ties of the velocity fluctuations in an ideal magneto-hydrodynamical medium

ov 2πΤο fi/ Λ χ Λ Λ k2v% ρο| o) | ωζ

, 2χ 2πΤ0 L k2s2 L· a W o 2 A *, Λ Λ <*>2>*ω = —1 Γ I 1 a " J + C0S θ \ δ(Δ&

ρο| ω | [ ω2 \ cF / j

(*!>*" = —T—T —Γ S m θ C 0 S θ 1 //2 2/ 2ΜΊ , ( 2 Τ Μ Γα ^ ) , 0 l·6·6'12) χ ' ρο|ω| ω4 1— (k2s2/a)2)[l + ((x2s2To/cv)] cos2 θ ν '

<W*V = - ^ . ^ - s i n 0 cos* 0 ( l + ^ ™ l δ(ζ)2), ρο|ω| ω2 \ cv )

k*v% 2a kW I. , a W 0 \ J . = l _ I U ^ c o s 2 0 - ~ (>+Ψ) If we put the arguments of the δ-functions which appear in these formulae equal to zero, we get the dispersion equations for the Alfvon and the magneto-sound waves. The spectral densities of the velocity fluctuations therefore have steep maxima corresponding to the possibility of the propagation of weakly damped magneto-hydrodynamical waves. There are similar maxima in the spectral densities of the magnetic field fluctuations.

Integrating (, (, and ( over the frequency we find the Fourier components for the spatial correlation functions for the velocity, magnetic field, and tem­perature fluctuations:

< ^ > * = —δ,7 , (

(Bf)k = 4τζΤ0, {B\)k = 4πΤ0 cos2 0, (JJg)* = 4πΤ0 sin2 0, (B2Bz)k = -4πΤ0 sin 0 cos 0, (

{T2)k= ^ - . ( QoCy

11.7. Fluctuations in a Partially Ionized Plasma in an External Electrical Field


We now turn to a study of fluctuations in a partially ionized plasma in a constant uniform electrical field (Angeleiko and Akhiezer, 1968; Akhiezer and Angeleiko, 1969b). We have shown in Chapter 7 that as a result of collisions between charged and neutral particles a stationary velocity distribution is set up in such a plasma which is characterized by a very high average energy of the random motion (effective temperature) of the electrons and a relatively small average velocity of their directed motion.

Of course, a plasma in an external electrical field is an essentially non-equilibrium system so that we cannot immediately apply to it the general theory of fluctuations. Nevertheless,


Page 181: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


we can clearly use the general formulae of Section 11.5 which describe fluctuation in a coUisionless plasma when we study high-frequency fluctuations for which ω ^> ν^ i9 where ω is the frequency of the fluctuations and va the effective collision frequency. The expressions for the correlation functions which we then obtain will, of course, depend on the form of the collision integral as the stationary electron distribution function JFj0) depends on the form of the collision integral.

We can thus use eqns. ( and ( for the correlator of the high-frequency charge density fluctuations when there is no external magnetic field; in these equations we must substitute for the equilibrium electron distribution function the function F<0) = F$-l· ([v[v]»F^% given by formula (, and for the equilibrium ion distribution function a Maxwellian distribution function with temperature Tv

If we put the denominator of the expression for the correlator which we obtain in this way equal to zero and assume that

T{ ω2 Te — ^ τ ο ^ — > rrii k* me

we get the frequency and damping rate, ( and (, of the ion-sound oscillations. Assuming that the damping rate of the ion-sound is small, γ <ac ω, we can easily write eqn, ( in the form

/ 2\ VZk5r&sTe %( 2 k2v2 \ m . i n

The electron and ion densities correlators are, according to ( and (, given by the formulae

(Ze)2 Ze2

*2<«iV = ( 1 + i W <"?>*- = -TTJäz<ntrh)k°' VZkvsTe l k?vl \

- 2*v3/K*-coez)T-T+m)· (lL1L2)

where R is given by (, Ze is the ion charge, and χ is the angle between k and the field EQ.

Let us now investigate how the nature of the ion-sound fluctuations depends on the external electrical field strength EQ. At not too strong field strengths, when i? ^> 1, the charge density and electron and ion densities fluctuation distributions are almost isotropic. As the field EQ increases in strength the fluctuation distribution becomes more anisotropic: the smaller the angle χ between the direction of propagation of the fluctuations and the direction of the external electrical field, the larger the intensity characteristic for the fluctuations.

If Eo -* Ec9 where Ec is the critical value of the electrical field, given by formula (, the level of the fluctuations increases steeply; in the case of long wavelengths, krO <*c 1, expressions ( and ( then tend to infinity when % = 0. The steep increase of the level of the fluctuations when the electrical field approaches its critical value is connected with the fact that the plasma becomes unstable when E = Ec\ this is caused by the growth of the ion-sound oscillations. Such an increase in the level of fluctuations is


Page 182: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


analogous to the appearance of critical fluctuations in a coUisionless plasma, considered in Subsection 11.5.3.

We note that we showed in Subsection 7.2.1 that, if ZmQJm{ > 3π 2~3/2, the ion-sound oscillations do not grow for any value of the external electrical field. The correlation func­tions remain finite in that case for all values of E0 and no critical fluctuations arise.

We emphasize that all expressions for the correlation functions given in the present and the next subsection are obtained in the framework of the linear theory of fluctuations and are therefore applicable in the case of damped oscillations. If the plasma oscillations grow, it is necessary to take non-linear effects into account when determining the correlation functions; these will limit the growth of the fluctuations.

In concluding this subsection we give the expression for the correlation function of the charge density fluctuations when ω2 ^> k2TJmQ. Using ( we have

<(?V = ^ ^ { k , cos x) δ j l - ^ | +Tdk, - !cosX)o j l + ί ο J , (

where ωι is the frequency of the Langmuir wave, given by eqn. ( and TL a function of the wavevector Λ, which may be called the effective temperature of the Langmuir waves. The exact form of the function TL depends in an essential way on the form of the un­perturbed distribution function of the electron component of the plasma in the high-velocity region, v^> V(TJme). If the distribution function retains the form ( in that region, we have (Angeleiko, 1968) (for the sake of definiteness we assume that krO :»(mjm0)m)

T{K cos X)ka) = JM-(krOfTe * 1.51 (krOfTe. ( 2Γ(1)

We see that the effective temperature of the Langmuir oscillations is in that case appreciably lower than the average electron energy, TL ~ (krO)2 Te. We note that the expression ( for the charge density correlation function can also be written in the form ( with TL=TC.


Let us now consider high-frequency fluctuations in a partially ionized plasma in both an external electrical field and a constant and uniform magnetic field (Akhiezer and Angeleiko, 1969 a, b). The correlation function of the charge density is, as before, given by formula ( in which we must substitute expression ( for the dielectric permittivity of the plasma.

If the magnetic field is not too strong so that only the electron component of the plasma is strongly magnetized (ωΒΪ « :ω <c | ωΒ& |, where ωΒΛ = eß^m^c is the gyro-frequency of the ath kind of particles), the correlation function ( has poles corresponding to the possibility of propagation through the plasma of ion-sound oscillations with a fre­quency

lev Ws(k) = [l+JfcV£>]1/2 ;


Page 183: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


their damping rate is given by formula ( Bearing in mind that the damping rate of these oscillations is small compared to their frequency we can in the sound region (TJnii <?c co2fk2 «: TJme) write expression ( in the form

<■*· - 2->V3 (■ ffffigj»* -cos ύ * * - » » · <"-7·2" where χ is the angle between the direction of the wave propagation, that is, the vector k sgn ω, and the direction of the average electron velocity «, while the quantities R± and μ±

are given by formulae (—the upper sign refers to the case χ < 7tf2 and the lower sign to the case χ > π/2; we assume that the angle χ does not lie too close to π/2, j cos χ | :» Max{V(ZmJmX ι>β/ω}.

The correlation functions of the electron and ion densities fluctuations, in the ion-sound wave, have the form

(Ze)2 Ze2

VZkvsTe ./ „ k*v* 25V3'-!)it±(JR±-cosx)

/ 2 k*v* \ (

Let us now consider the case of a very strong magnetic field (ω <κ cosi) when not only the electron, but also the ion component of the plasma is strongly magnetized. The correla­tor ( has in that case poles corresponding to the possibility that magneto-sound waves with frequency

lev w = =[ i+fc4p | c o s x 1 ,

and damping rate y, given by eqn. (, can propagate in the plasma. Bearing in mind that γ <$c ω we can in the sound region write expression ( for the case of strongly magnetized ions in the form

/n2\ VZIAfyVjO 1 cos χ j / fc^cos2χ \ m 7 9 ~ W>*»- 2^V3( l + fcH)2(|-sgncosZ) °[ω l + k*i> j ' K^·'^)

where the quantity ξ is given by formula ( The correlation functions of the electron and ion densities fluctuations have, in the

magneto-sound wave, the form

2/ 2\ yA1^) / 2\ / \ e W * r a ~ {\ + k?rlf {η0ι"° ~ ~ l + k?ij> \"e"i>m

δ ω 2 - , ' , Λ · ( VZkvsTe / , fc2t>2cos2% \ 25 /ν3^ | ε ο8 8 χ | ( | - 8 8 ηοο 5 χ ) ^ l + ^if, J

We emphasize that the original expression ( for the correlator is valid in the high-frequency region, ω :s> va. Equations ( and ( are thus valid for angles


Page 184: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


χ which are not too close to π/2,

1 Ί«-Χ »ΐνα+"*>.

Let us now investigate how the nature of the fluctuations changes when the external fields E0 and Bo change. At not too large values of the external electrical field the spatial correla­tion function of the charge density fluctuations,

is almost isotropic. When the external magnetic field is not too strong (ωΒΪ «c kvs(l -f k2r&)~112

<*c | COBQ I) the fluctuation density becomes more anisotropic as the external electrical field strength increases: the smaller the angle % between the direction of propagation of the fluctuations and the direction of the electron velocity, the larger the intensity characterizing the fluctuations.

As E0 -* EC(B0\ where Ec(Bo) is the critical value of the electrical field given by formula (, the level of the fluctuations increases steeply; expressions ( and ( then become infinite in the long-wavelength case (krO <$c 1) when % = 0.

In the case of a very strong magnetic field (ωΒΪ» ω8(Λ)) the function <ρ2)Λ has, according to (, the form

<ρ2>* = 2 5 V3(H^ 2 |2=T' ( 1 ί·7·2'5)

where ξ is again given by formula ( In this case this function remains isotropic while increasing when the electrical field strength increases. If the electrical field Eo ap­proaches the critical value EC(B0), expression ( tends to infinity when krO «: 1 at the same time for all directions—and not only for % = 0 as in the case of weakly magnetized ions.

As in the case of a plasma when there is no magnetic field, considered in the preceding subsection, the steep increase in the level of the fluctuations when the electrical field ap­proaches its critical value—the appearance of critical fluctuations—is connected with the fact that the plasma becomes unstable for E0 = Ec(Bo); this instability is caused by the growth of the magneto-sound (or ion-sound) oscillations. Of course, if

^ ^ 3 π 2 - 3 / * * 3 . 3 , rrii

the magneto-sound (or ion-sound) oscillations do not grow for any value of the external electrical field and no critical fluctuations occur in that case.


Page 185: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics

C H A P T E R 12

Scattering and Transformation of Waves in a Plasma

12.1. Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves in an Unmagnetized Plasma


When deriving the spectra of the eigen oscillations of the plasma we started from the linearized kinetic equations and neglected the non-linear terms (ejme)({E-l· [o Λ B]/c) •{df/dü}). The equation for the electrical field Zi,

curl curl E+^^- = 0, (

where F is the plasma dielectric permittivity operator, which we obtain in this approxima­tion, is linear, satisfies the superposition principle, and therefore corresponds to the possi­bility that different oscillations will propagate independently through the plasma.

In actual fact, the different oscillations will, however, not propagate independently of one another through the plasma, but interact with one another. This interaction is contained in the original kinetic equations and is described by the non-linear terms (e/me)({£-h [υ Λ B]fc} •{df/dv}) which were dropped when eqn. ( was derived.

The interaction between oscillations leads to various scattering and transformation processes for waves in a plasma.1" Let us, for instance, consider the propagation of a transverse electromagnetic wave in a plasma. Due to its interaction with fluctuating plasma oscillations the wave will be scattered and this may be accompanied by a change in fre­quency. The intensity of the scattered waves is determined by both the intensity of the incident wave and the level of fluctuations in the plasma.

As the fluctuation spectrum has steep maxima at the frequencies of the eigenoscillations of the plasma, there will also be steep maxima in the spectrum of the scattered waves at frequencies differing from the frequency of the incident wave by the frequencies of the plasma eigenoscillations (or by multiples of these frequencies).

The interaction of the waves propagating in the plasma with the fluctuating oscillations can also lead to a transformation of waves, for instance, to the transformation of a transverse wave into a longitudinal one, or of a longitudinal into a transverse wave. The probabilities

t Akhiezer, Prokhoda, and Sitenko (1958) predicted the occurrence of Raman scattering and wave trans­formation in a plasma.


Page 186: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


for such processes, and also for the scattering processes, are determined by the level of fluc­tuations in the plasma.

In our study of fluctuations we now turn to an investigation of the scattering and trans­formation of waves in a plasma which, to begin with, we shall assume to be unmagnetized.t We note beforehand that the non-linear interaction between different plasma oscillations is smal. Thanks to that we can approximately separate off the field of the incident wave which, by delfinition, satisfies eqn. ( We shall assume that the field of the incident wave is given and denote it by E°(r, t).

Due to the interaction of the incident wave E°(r, t) with the fluctuating field the wave is scattered; the total electrical field in the plasma when the wave is propagating can thus be written in the form

E(r91) = E%r, t)+ÖE(r9 t)+E'(r9 t), (

where bE is the fluctuating field and E' the field of the scattered wave. As the wave-wave interaction is weak, we may assume the field E' to be bilinear in the field of the incident wave and of the fluctuating field, E' oc E° bE.

Our problem lies thus in determining the field E' of the scattered wave. This field satisfies clearly the Maxwell equation

curlcurl£' + _ - - = - — - £ , (

where/' is the current density producing the field E'. The current in the plasma is connected with the distribution functions through the rela­

tion J = Te«jvf*d3v> (


where/a is the deviation of the distribution function F a)fronUhe original distribution func­tion F^. We must thus make clear what the form is of the distribution function when the incident wave propagates through the plasma. It is clear that we can write the function fa in the form

Λ = Λ Η «/.+/«', (

where/α° is the deviation of the distribution function connected with the incident wave, bf^ the fluctuation in the distribution function, and/J the deviation of the distribution function connected with the scattered wave. The fluctuation of the distribution function is given by eqn. (, while the functions/a° and/a' satisfy the equations

¥+<-v>^+w({£,+7'"A»'}-^) = 0· <12u'6>

+ w ( p + > Λ β ' ΐ } · ^ ) + ^ ( { 8 £ 4 " A 8 B | f )=»· <ΐ2·!·''7> t Akhiezer, Akhiezer, and Sitenko (1962; in what follows we follow this paper), Dougherty and Farley

(1960), and Salpeter (1960 b, c) developed the theory of the scattering of electromagnetic waves in a plasma.


Page 187: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


where B° and B' are the magnetic fields of the incident and the scattered wave and bB the fluctuation in the magnetic field.

We shall assume that the incident wave is a plane monochromatic wave:

E°(r9t) = E°e^k'^-iait.

The solution of equation ( has in that case the form

u a - - - ' £ ({"4" A*i}-{;dE55-Tr})· <12x,-8)

where we have omitted the factor ei(k-r)-i<ot

t The current connected with this part of the distribution function equals

. e\{k, ώ)— 1 0 Λ t .

Jka> = -ιω E°. (

Fourier transforming eqn. ( we get

σ-'w = -/— , ).: Λ t(kw+-[0 Λ Βί-Α.ϊξΆ m* ω —{k ·ν) y\y c J ov J

+ / W 1 [ D AÄ^J~)(y.W+({8£^+i[r Λ δΑ^ω]1~\(/αο)Α 1 (12.Ll.10j

where Δω = ω' — co and q — k'—k.

One can easily determine the current connected with the function^':


/*'«/ = - ιω j lW+/*w, (

+ ί ( δ ^ ω + - ί [9 Λ bBqAA · A \ (/a0), l </%. (

Substituting expression ( for the current 7" into eqn. ( for the field of the scattered wave we get

1 / ε d2E' 4π dl ,** * * *~ v*****+-*-& =-*-*' ( 1 1 U - 1 3 )

We see that we can consider the quantity / as the current which causes the scattered wave. We shall call this current the scattering current; it is proportional to the field of the incident wave and to a quantity characterizing the fluctuations in the plasma.

Equation ( describes all scattering and wave transformation processes in an unmagnetized plasma. We shall in what follows consider only the scattering (and

NP 13 177

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transformation) of high-frequency waves—transverse electromagnetic and longitudinal Langmuir waves. These processes are mainly produced by the electron component of the plasma. We need thus take for/ in ( merely the electron current density.

As the phase velocities of the waves considered are much larger than the electron thermal velocity, we can use the expansions

{ω-(*·Γ)}-ι = ω-ι{ΐ + - ^ + . . . 1 , {ω'-(*'.ο)}-ι = ω ' - ι ί ΐ + - ^ . + . . . 1

when we evaluate the integrals occurring in the expression for the current / . As a result we get the following expression for the Fourier components of the current/:

^ ^ - ^ { [ - ^ ^ ι ω^

+ ~(E°-bEqA„)q+ Uk'-E*)--^ (f .£°)+^(*.F>)j bEqAa)9 (

where brf and bf are the fluctuations in the electron density and the electron current density,

or? = J bfe d% bje =-ejv a/β <SPO.

We note that the fluctuation field bE which occurs in expression ( is determined by the fluctuations in both the electron and ion currents.

Neglecting small relativistic corrections we can express the fluctuation current bjG and field 6£in terms of the fluctuations in the electron and ion densities, brf and bri1:

δΑ4ω = ~2 * Ηϋω, δ £ ^ ω = i —^ q(bnqA()3 - brfqAto). (

Substituting these expressions into ( we get

'-·='£{[*+££<«*>+£>«■>] **-- [<*■**+<*·*>, + ik.Eo)q\ Η ^ + ^ [(k'-q)E°Hk'-E*yt+^{k-E°)q^bn^-bn^A.


We shall show that we can neglect in this expression the two last terms. To do this we bear in mind that the longitudinal fluctuations in the plasma occur mainly with the Larmor frequency Δω % ωρβ and with frequencies much lower than the Langmuir frequency, Δω <sc cope. Let us first consider fluctuations with frequencies Δω «c ωρβ. For them we have

{{brf~bdf)qAo) - q*rf>(bnl)qAa).

When Δω «c cope the ratio of the third term in ( to the first one is thus of the order


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of k2vllco2, that is, much less than unity—as we have assumed that ω/k » ve. We can also neglect the second term in ( when Δω « ω ^ , as it contains the factor Δω2\ω'2

(ω' > ω^). Let us now assume that the fluctuation oscillation is a Langmuir wave, that is, Δω % ωρβ.

In that case &rtqAo) <$c δη\Δα) and the second term in ( cancels the third one. We can thus use the following expression for the Fourier component of the scattering current:

/ w = i — (^0 + ^ ~ ( ^ . £ 0 ) + - ^ 4 ( * - £ 0 ) l ^ % ^ ( τηωλ ω q2 ' ω q2 J

We emphasize that this expression is valid provided the phase velocities of the incident and of the scattered waves are much larger than the electron thermal velocity.

Let us now prove that under those assumptions we can obtain eqn. ( from a sim­ple hydrodynamical picture if we introduce the hydrodynamical electron velocity D(I% /) and the electron density n(r, t). These quantities are connected with the electron current through the equation

j = -eno, ( and satisfy the equations

' + ( r . V ) o = - — (E+-[V Mt]\9 ^+divnv = 0. ( m e \ c J dt

If there is a wave E° propagating through the plasma, we can write the electron density and hydrodynamical velocity in the form

n = η0+η°+δη+ η\ ν = v°+bv+v\ ( where n° is the change in the density and v° the electron velocity caused by the field of the incident wave; ή and υ' the analogous quantities connected with the scattered wave £ ' ; and bn and bv the fluctuations in the density and the hydrodynamical velocity.

The quantities n° and v° satisfy the equations

dvQ e drfi -~- = E°9 -~-+η0 div o° = 0, ( dt me dt v '

and the quantities ri and v' the equations

dnf p p ^ - = --E'—— [bv Λ B0]-(v°. V) bv-(bv v ) e>°, dt me mec dn — + « o div υ' + rP div bv+bn div v° = 0. (

If we put in these equations E°(r, t) = E°eKk'r)'iwt and E'(r9 t) = E' J^·»-*"', w e find

v° = -i-f—E°, n° = -i-^% (ft.£°),

e v = ! -ϊ-r ( E ' + - [bvqAa, A 2?°])+Λ {(*·»°) δο.ϋ»+(*·δΓ€ 4 β) v% (


13* 179

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where q = k! —&, Δω = ω' —ω, while bvqA(a is the Fourier component of the electron veloc­ity fluctuation. The velocity fluctuations are connected with the electron density fluctuations through the continuity equation,

θδη +n0di\bv = 0. ( dt

For longitudinal fluctuations which are the only important ones we have

* Δω * ον9Δω — « q οη9Δω. noq2

Substituting this expression into (, we find

e [ „, Δωδη Ό =-ι τ \ Ε ' + ^ ^ & Λ [k hEo]] + (q-E°)q+E°(k.q)}^ ( meco

Let us now determine the current connected with the scattered wave: f =-e(noo' + n0Sv+v0dn). (

If there were no fluctuations, the current f would have the form

/ \dn = o = -eriov \dn = 0 = ι TE'. weco

Subtracting this expression from expression (, we find the scattering current

/ = / - / k = o. (

Using ( we get from this the Fourier component Ik of the scattering current:

<? ί Γ ο ι Δω k' t . iroM Δ(ύ 9 ik>co> = i^^lE°+^^(q.E^+ — ^(k-E<>)\driqAa). meco y ω q2 ω q2 '

This expression is the same as expression ( which was obtained using kinetic considerations.


Once we have an expression for the scattering current, we can use ( to find the field of the scattered waves. It is clear that independent of the polarization properties of the incident wave the scattering current will contain both a transverse and a longitudinal part. The field of the scattered waves will therefore also contain transverse and longitudinal components. Separating these components we can study the scattering of transverse waves —that is, the transition of transverse into other transverse waves—the transformation of transverse waves into longitudinal ones, the scattering of longitudinal waves, and the trans­formation of longitudinal into transverse waves.

Let us first of all consider the scattering of transverse waves in a plasma, so that we can put(A>£°) = Oand (£' ·£ ') = 0. Taking the transversepartofthecurrent/we find the Fourier


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component of the field of the scattered transverse wave:

E'k'm'= " S i r \k'2-^-e(ft),)} E18n«°» ( 1 2 1 · 2 1 > where 2?° is the component of E° at right angles to ft' and ε(ω) = 1 — (ω^/ω)2.

The average increase in the energy of the field of the scattered waves per unit time is clearly determined by the formula

/ = - \ Re J <(/(r, /)-F(r, /))> cPr. (

Substituting here expressions ( and ( for E' and /, we find the increase in the energy of the field of the scattered transverse waves:

I t - t = 7 ^ - ^ 2 2 2 Ι ΐ Ώ 1>Z / /8/ 2 W / \ r f f e * > » ( (2ττ)3 ra;c2a>2 J κ2 — (ω2[(τ)ε(ω) '

where F is the volume of a plasma. Clearly, only the poles of the integrand contribute to the integral determining lt _ t„

Integrating over the absolute magnitude of the vector ft' we find the intensity of scattering in a frequency range άω' and into an element of solid angle ^Ρω':

Vc l e2 \ 2 ft/2

dlt^,= -j^- ^ j - ^ ν Μ β , Ο Ι ^ Λ ν ^ ' Λ ί ' , (12-1.2.4)

where the frequency to' and the wavevector ft' of the scattered wave are connected through the relation k'2 = (W

,2/c2) ε(ω'). If the incident wave is unpolarized, we must average eqn. ( over the different

orientations of the vector E°. The mean square of the field, Ε**9 is then equal to

Ef = | (1 + cos2#)£°8, (

where # is the angle between the vectors k and ft', that is, the scattering angle. Dividing the scattering intensity dl by the energy flux density of the incident wave,

So = -^V[e(a))]E°\

and by the magnitude of the scattering volume V9 we find the differential scattering cross-section, or scattering coefficient, dE9

αΣ = - ^ . (

The differential scattering cross-section referred to an element of solid angle d2^' and a frequency interval άω' has the following form for an unpolarized wave (Akhiezer, Akhiezer, andSitenko, 1962):

ά Σ - ' = l· ( ^ ? ) ' £ f - ^ α + c o i # )<*iV. Α»'Λ«'. (12-1.2.7)


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This formula is valid for any change in frequency; we have merely assumed that the fre­quencies ω and ω' exceed ωρβ. If Δω «c ω, the factor (ω'/ω)2 -\/{ε(ω')/ε(ω)} becomes unity and eqn. ( becomes the well-known formula determining the cross-section for scattering by density fluctuations with small changes in frequency.

We note that although in the derivation of formula ( we only took into account the scattering of electromagnetic waves by electron density fluctuations, it turns out that the scattering cross-section dEt_+ ^also depends on the ion motion. This is connected with the fact that the spectral density of the electron density fluctuations {bn2)qA(ü depends in an essential way also on the ion motion in the plasma, due to the self-consistent interaction between the electrons and the ions. The spectral distribution of the scattered waves is thus determined by the spectral density of the electron density fluctuations.

In an isothermal plasma the spectrum of the scattered radiation consists of a Doppler-broadened main line, Δω <> qvi9 where v{ is the thermal ion velocity, and steep maxima occurring for Δω = ±ω^ (we assume that qrD «c 1). We can therefore assume the factor (ω'Ιω)*^{ε{ω')Ιε(ω)} to be equal to unity in the case of high frequencies, ω ^> cope, which is of most interest to us. In that case we can integrate the scattering cross-section over the frequencies, using eqn. ( As a result we obtain the following expression for the cross-section for the scattering of transverse waves in an isothermal plasma into a solid angle aPco':

*Γ—'=Η^)2^^(1+^)ί/2ω'' (12118) where r£> = TjAnnoe*, q = (2a>/c) sin \ft, and & the scattering angle.

Integrating ( over angles we get the total scattering cross-section: i, 3 31n(l+2)fe2^)) 3 l-fe2/f> x ., „ J . . „ , „ . Σι^ = η0α0^-Ί^+ ^ ^ + _ - ^ a r c t a n ( W 2 ) } , (

where a0 = (8jr/3)(e2/mec2)2 is the Thomson cross-section for the scattering of electro­magnetic waves by free electrons.

In the limiting cases of short and long wavelengths the scattering cross-section has the form

Σ = nocfo, krv > 1; Σ = y«ocro, &rD <^ 1. (


Let us study in some more detail the spectral distribution of the scattered radiation in an unmagnetized plasma.1" In the case of short wavelengths, when qrO > 1, the spectral density of the density fluctuations (dn2)q/k0 is a Gaussian in the frequency Δω and the spectral distribution of the scattered radiation is therefore also Gaussian in shape:

^-^k"^i(w:f'(l+cos2^p{-^-)^d'"'- (,2U1> This formula is valid, provided Δω ^ cop{.

t Akhiezer, Akhiezer, and Sitenko (1962) and Dougherty and Farley (1960) have studied the spectral distribution of the scattered radiation in the case of an equilibrium plasma, and the first authors also in the case of a two-temperature plasma.


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We see that the Doppler broadening of the line is given by the thermal electron velocity. The total scattering cross-section ( is equal to the sum of the cross-sections for scattering by the separate electrons. The Coulomb interaction between the electrons and the ions is unimportant and the scattering is incoherent in character.

In the case of long wavelengths, when krO «: 1, collective properties of the plasma come into play. This case is realized, in particular, in experiments on the scattering of radio-waves by density fluctuations in the upper layers of the ionosphere (fc""1 ~ 10 cm, rD ~ 1 cm). We shall give expressions for the spectral distribution of the scattered radiation in various ranges of frequencies, assuming that krO <$: 1.

If the change in frequency in the scattering process is small, Δω «c qvi9 where v{ is the thermal ion velocity, the scattering cross-section is given by the formula

*Σ = Wmn° U?) W^f^ (! + «*»«>*» Λ * , (

where Te and T{ axe the electron and ion temperatures. In the case of a strongly non-iso­thermal plasma the scattering cross-section for the case of small changes in the frequency is smaller than the corresponding cross-section for an isothermal plasma with temperature Te by a factor \V(milme).

ΙΐΔω «: qvi9 the scattering cross-section in an isothermal plasma has the form

άΣ = — 1 — , f o / - i i y _ L _ — J l X p ( T z 2 ) , „ 9λ (l + cos2fl)<fa/rf2to', ( Λ/(8π) \mec2) qvi [2-φ(ζ)]2+πζ2βχρ(-2ζ2) v J v ' where

z = —^ and <p(z) = 2ze~zi z

j ex*dx.

The scattering cross-section given by this formula decreases steeply when Δω ~ qvi9ihe quantity Δω ~ qv{ therefore characterizes the width of the spectral distribution of the scattered radiation in an isothermal plasma. We note that this quantity is determined by the thermal ion velocity, notwithstanding that the scattering is by the electrons.

If qv{ <§c Δω <$c qve, the scattering cross-section is very small for an isothermal plasma In a strongly non-isothermal plasma the scattering cross-section has steep maxima when the frequency shift Δω coincides with the frequency of the low-frequency plasma oscillations with wavevector q. In particular, if qrO «c 1, maxima occur when Δω = ±qvs9 where vs is the non-isothermal sound velocity. The scattering cross-section has near the maxima the form

dE = \-nQ (-^-Ϊ) (l + cos2#)d^co-qVsi+diAco+qVsidcD'ά2ω'. ( 4

Integrating ( over the angles we find the total scattering cross-section in a non-iso­thermal plasma,

Σ = ηοσο. (

This formula is valid, provided (TJT^)3 » m{/m& and krO <sc 1. We note that the total


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cross-section is twice the scattering cross-section in an isothermal plasma, which was given by eqn. (

In the case of large changes in frequency, Δω ^> qve, the scattering cross-section has sharp maxima at Δω = ± ω ρ β ; these are connected with the scattering of the electromagnetic waves by the longitudinal electron oscillations. The differential scattering cross-section is in that range of frequencies for any ratio of the electron and ion temperatures given by the formula

άΣ = * (^)2^l][\<p 1 ς2Γ2Ό(1 + 2ϋ){δ(Αω-ωρΰ)+δ(Δω + ωρ,)}αω^2ω\

4 \mec2/ ω2 \ l ε(ω) J (

The total cross-section for the scattering of electromagnetic waves by Langmuir oscilla­tions has for ω ^> ωρβ the form

Σ = 2k2rlnoa0, krO « 1. (

We see that the collective properties of the plasma affect the scattering particularly severely, when krO «c 1. In that case the spectra of the scattered electromagnetic waves differ greatly for the two cases of an isothermal and a non-isothermal plasma.

In an isothermal plasma there is in the spectrum of the scattered radiation a central maximum caused by the incoherent scattering by the electron density fluctuations, with a width determined by the ion velocity, and satellites caused by the scattering by electron oscillations. The relative weight of the satellites—relative to the main maximum—is ~ 2k2r%. In a strongly non-isothermal plasma there is no central maximum. There are two maxima, placed symmetrically with respect to Δω — 0, which are caused by scattering by sound oscillations, and satellites connected with the scattering by Langmuir oscillations. The relative weight of these satellites relative to the sound maxima is ~ Ikh2^.


Let us now consider the scattering of electromagnetic waves in a plasma in which the particles have directed velocities, for instance, because the electrons move relative to the ions or because a beam of charged particles moves through the plasma. Let us first of all dwell on the case when the directed electron (or beam) velocity is less than that critical velocity at which instability sets in. The scattering coefficient is then given by the general formula (, in which we must substitute expressions ( or ( for the spectral density of the electron density fluctuations.

We shall show in Section 12.5 that as the directed velocity approaches its critical value, which defines the boundary of the stability region, the spectral density of the electron density fluctuations grows without bounds. The light scattering coefficient will then also grow, according to ( In particular, if the electrons in a two-temperature plasma move relative to the ions with a velocity approaching the non-isothermal sound velocity vs, the differential coefficient for the scattering of light by sound oscillations has, according to


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( the form

d I = Ίη°{£ή2 | A M f . , ) | 0 + < ^ W ~ « M ) * » W . (

If I (q*u) | -► qvs the coefficient in front of the δ-function tends to infinity. Integrating eqn. ( over ω' we get the cross-section for the scattering of light by

sound oscillations into a solid angle d2u>':

J r 1 / e2 \ 2 OQ, | \ w^cosö ' -cosÖ) 2 !" 1

J 9 , , „ , Λ ^ dZ = -n0[ 1 ( l+cos 2 #) 1 - — d2w\ (

2 UeC 2 / L 2vfsin2 i# J where 0 and 0' are the angles between u and k or k (to fix the ideas we assume that 0 < π/2).

One sees easily that when u > vs there are directions of the wavevector k' for which dEjcPto' is anomalously large. If | l — (vju) | <$c 1, it is necessary for this that the vectors k, k\ and u lie almost in one plane and that the condition 0+0 ' ^ π is satisfied. In that case dEjd2a>' —<*> when the angle φ between the (k\ «)- and (Λ, «)-planes tends to ±φ0, where

φΙ= οοί2θΐ4^-ΐ\-(π-θ-θ')2\, (

when the angles 0 and.0' are not close to jr/2, while

V? = 4 ( | f " 1 ) ( θ ~ θ ' ) 2 ' (

when 0 and 0' % π/2. The anomalous growth of the scattering coefficient near the boundary of the plasma in­

stability is connected with the occurrence of critical fluctuations and may be called critical opalescence by analogy with the well-known critical opalescence phenomenon in condensed bodies near phase transition points.*

12.2. Transformation of Transverse and Longitudinal Waves in a Plasma


Let us turn to the consideration of the transformation of a transverse wave into a longi­tudinal one. Separating in ( the longitudinal part of the current / we find the Fourier component of the longitudinal component of the electrical field of the scattered wave

Δω k'2' , _ 4πβ2 k\k'.E°) 1 + -ω' q2 önqAo» ( ηα^ωω Ιί'2ε\{Κ,ω')

where ει is the longitudinal dielectric permittivity of the plasma, given by eqn. (

t Ichimaru, Pines, and Rostoker (1962), Rosenbluth and Rostoker (1962), and Ichimaru (1962) predicted the occurrence of critical opalescence in a plasma.


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Substituting the expression for the field E' into formula ( and using expression ( for the current / we find the intensity of the excitation of longitudinal waves:

j = J ^ e* Γ {k'.E'f 1 -*l (2nf πι\ω2 J oSk'2et(k\ ω')

Λ Δω k'2

1 + — T (brF)qAxod(o'(PK. (

Only those frequencies for which the denominator of the integrand vanishes, that is, for which s{(k\ ω') = 0, contribute to this expression. This means that as a result of the absorp­tion of a transverse electromagnetic wave eigenoscillations are excited.

Using ( and assuming that the incident wave is unpolarized we find the coefficient for the transformation of transverse electromagnetic waves into longitudinal plasma waves (Sitenko, 1967):

dzt->i = VSo

We emphasize that this formula is only applicable in the frequency region ω' % ω^, where the damping of the plasma waves is small.

The ratio of the transformation coefficient ( to the scattering coefficient ( is equal to

dEx + % - \ 3T ) l+cos2# [ ω' q* \ ' V^*)

In the frequency region ω' % ω^ this quantity can be much greater than unity. Let us now consider the transformation of a transverse wave into a longitudinal one in a

two-temperature plasma, consisting of cold ions and hot electrons, which move with a velocity u relative to the ions (Akhiezer and Bolotin, 1963). Substituting eqn. ( for the spectral density of the electron density fluctuations into formula (, we get

3/2 _ , 2 _ rv ^..J\ i Λω2 1 / e* \%'(ην*γ*ω* i[\ e(co')] . 2 n \Aco-(q-u)\

X δ(Αω2 - q*v\) άω' Α ο ' . (

Bearing in mind that the frequency of the Langmuir oscillations in a plasma with a directed electron motion equals ω' = cope+(£'·»), we have when k! » k:

lAAcf ,, d(Aa>2-q2v*) = * ^ [ a ( (y , g ) - - ^ -^+fa^cos4

\Δω-^·ϋ)\ n \(k-u)-(k2c2/2cope)\ |_ [ 2ωρβ j + δ{(* ' ·« )+Α: 'ν 8 -~—toscos t f l l . (

Using ( to integrate ( over the absolute magnitude of the vector k' we get the coefficient for the transformation of a transverse wave into a longitudinal one per


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unit solid angle:

α2ω 2 \mec2J ε(ω) \(k»u) — (k2c2'l2(jc)V)e)\ K


where ^ is the angle between the (k,«)- and (k\ n)-planes, and

( 1 I k2r2 I \ 3 / u 1 \ ~4

^ | ( * · κ ) - ^ | + θ ' 8 ί η θ Η ( 1 _ ^ + ^ 1 ' (12'2-L8) where we have assumed that sin2 0' <$c 1 as only in that case can the quantity dZfcPio' be anomalously large. We see that as cos Θ -» fcc2/2copew the coefficients in the expressions ( and ( grow without bounds.


Let us now consider the transformation and scattering of longitudinal waves by density fluctuations in the plasma. The field of the scattered waves is determined as before by eqns. ( and ( in which we must take the field E° to be parallel to A. Splitting off the part of the current / which is transverse as far as K is concerned we can find the intensity of the excited transverse waves. Dividing the intensity by the energy flux density in the incident waves,

* - ^ = ■ < - < - » ' "·

where vg = dco/dk is the group velocity of the longitudinal waves, we find the coefficient for the transformation of a longitudinal wave into a transverse one (Sitenko, 1967):


As the spectral density of the density fluctuations is characterized by maxima at Δω — 0 and Δω = ±ωρ69 the transverse electromagnetic waves will mainly be emitted at frequencies close to ω^ and 2ω^.

pe pc

Splitting off in ( that part of the current which is longitudinal relative to k' we can determine the coefficient for the scattering of longitudinal waves by density fluctuations (Sitenko, 1967):

^ • " ^ y xw) - yi3sd Γ Q Δω k'* cos ö-kk' Δω kk'-k2 cos ΰ 1* ,. , , _ ,

X cos &+—-, = + = <**>«*. άω' Λ ο ' , [ ω qi ω 9 J



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where ϋ is the angle between the vectors k and k''. The ratio of the coefficient of scattering of Langmuir waves to that for their transformation into transverse ones is of the order of (mec2/r)3/2 cot2 &

Let us consider in some detail the transformation and scattering of Langmuir waves in a two-temperature plasma consisting of cold ions and hot electrons moving relative to the ions (Akhiezer, Daneliya, and Tsintsadze, 1964). We shall here be interested in the case of critical fluctuations when the directed electron velocity u is close to the sound velocity vs.

Substituting expression ( into eqn. ( we get the following expression for the coefficient for the transformation of a Langmuir wave into a transverse electro­magnetic wave:


where ζΐω = |/(ωρβ+fc2c2)-cope - ( * · « ) is the change in frequency. One sees easily that as | (q.u) | ->- qvs the coefficient in front of the δ-function in the expression for dE becomes anomalously large.

Integrating ( over the absolute magnitude of the vector k' we get the intensity of the emission of transverse waves into a given element of solid angle. If u ^ vs and sin 0 <$: 1, we have

-^r-"°(^) IF^κτ' ( 1 2 2 · 2 · 4 )


J v ' I cos 0'| | \ y [ ωρβν8 cos2 0' \ vs / J /

+ ( ι - / [ ι - 2 ίΑ^( ι - ί κ > 5 β ) ]" 1 θ ^ 9 '» ) } · <ΐ2-2·2·5> where Θ (cos θ') is the step function. Here and henceforth 0 and 0' are the angles which the vectors k and k! make with the direction of u.

One sees easily that the quantity dEjcPio' is anomalously large when the condition

l ± ~ c o s 0 < < ^ ^ c o s 2 0 ' vs kcl

is satisfied. We note that this condition imposes very rigid limitations on the angle 0 and the quantity u/vs.

The coefficient for the scattering of Langmuir waves by anomalous sound fluctuations is according to ( and ( equal to

, r / e* \ 2 W \ 2 e o ' 2 /] ε(ω') ε(ω)

Λ 2 COS2 0 —. % r-r δ ( Λ ω 2 - ^ ) άω' cPhi',



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where the change in frequency equals

Δω = (q-u)-\{k'2-k2) vl

Integrating this relation over the absolute magnitude of the vector k' we can determine the angular distribution of the scattered Langmuir waves. Of most interest is the case of scatter­ing over angles 0' ^ π — θ and φ «: 1, where φ is the angle between the (Λ, «)- and (£', w)-planes, when effects connected with the electron drift show up particularly strongly. In that case we have when u ^ vs

άΣχ + ν A I e2 \2/mec2\3 '2 c ν ^ ω ) cos2 20 dZUr _ A ( e2 γ /mec2\^2 c ν<ω) cos* 20 d2t»' " °\mec2/ \3T) vs ε(ω') |/i/acos2fl| ' U ^ . ^ / J

where /i(0, 0', φ) = 1 - ^ Α - 1 ( π - θ - θ ' ) tan 0 - 1 <p2 tan2 θ\ ,

/ a (0, θ', φ) = 1 ~ / l — ί ?2 tan2 θ); (

we have assumed here that 0 5* jr/2. Besides the singularity as / 2 -+■ 0, which is caused by the critical fluctuations, expression

( also tends to infinity as /1 -* 0. This is connected with the fact that we have neglected the damping of the sound oscillations. In order to take the damping into account we must replace the δ-function in eqn. ( by the expression

δ(ζ1ω2-^2) - ^— { Ρ ω - ^ + ^ - Η [ ( A u + ^ + y 2 ] " 1 } , ( ziiqvs

where y is the damping rate of the oscillations,

r = / l £ I *>-(f") I· As a result of such a substitution we get the following expression for the scattering coefficient, which is valid as/i — 0:

άΣχ^γ Λ ( e2 \2 /mec2\3/2 c \Ζε{ω') cos2 20 cPt»'

/ & γ (nw*\*i* c Vg(ft)) cos* 20 0 \mec2 j \ 3 r ] vs ε(ω) [nm^^m^t*|/213/2 sin 0 " ^

We see that the scattering coefficient is proportional to the large factor (m^mj174 and also contains the factor | / 2 Γ3/2· Close to angles for which/i = 0 the quantity dEjd2^ therefore tends to infinity as/2 — 0 much faster than when/i ^ 0.

Let us finally consider the transformation of Langmuir waves into transverse ones in a plasma through which a beam is passing. Of particular interest is then the case when the beam velocity is close to the critical velocity for which Langmuir oscillations with a wave-vector equal to the change in wavevector in the scattering process begin to be unstable. Using ( and ( we easily obtain the following expression for the coefficient


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of the transformation of a Langmuir wave into a transverse one:

A = i (3-^)V*(a4.+ *W) *»'), ω&, = a*. [l + V l f > _ £ ^ ] , j (

where Δω = V(Wpe+fc'2c2)—ωρβ—f(fc2 /a>pe). As |(^·ιι)| - ωρ<? the coefficient in front of the δ-function in this expression grows without bounds.

When determining the transformation and scattering coefficients αΣ/(Ρω' we assumed that the plasma was uniform and we considered only the interaction between the waves and the fluctuations. In the case of a non-uniform plasma one must consider yet another possible kind of transformation and scattering of waves—the transformation and scattering by static inhomogeneities. To illustrate what is the characteristic order of magnitude of that kind of transformation coefficients we give here the expression for the coefficient for the trans­formation of Langmuir waves into transverse waves due to spatial inhomogeneities (see Zheleznyakov, 1970):

dE\^x Te ω (Ρω' mcc2 v

3 c grad ε 3/2

2 ω

where v is the collision frequency. If we compare this expression with ( we see that for many actual plasmas—such as, for instance, the solar corona—the contribution from transformations by inhomogeneities to the total transformation coefficient is small. The contribution from transformations by inhomogeneities is also small in the case of a turbu­lent plasma or a plasma which is nearly unstable, as in those cases the transformations by turbulent or critical fluctuations are very strong.

We note that the transformation by static inhomogeneities does not affect the differential coefficients άΣΙάω'άΡω' with ω' ^ ω at all, as the wave frequency does not change in the interaction with static inhomogeneities.

It is also possible to encounter cases where the transformation by static inhomogeneities is much stronger than the transformation by thermal fluctuations. Such a situation occurs, in particular, in the so-called 100% transformation (Moiseev, 1967). As an example of a 100% transformation we note the transformation of an extra-ordinary wave incident from the outside on an inhomogeneous plasma layer situated in a non-uniform magnetic field, if | grad B21 > mec21 grad n |, where n is the plasma density.

We shall not consider any further effects connected with the interaction between waves and static inhomogeneities.


To conclude this section we shall consider a peculiar effect occurring in a non-equilibrium plasma—the spontaneous emission connected with the transformation of two fluctuating longitudinal waves into a transverse one (Akhiezer, Daneliya, and Tsintsadze, 1964). In the case of equilibrium the whole of the radiation from the plasma reduces to Rayleigh emission,


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curl EW

" ' " / I ' :

1 dB™ c dt

as any additional effects connected with the interaction between the waves vanish due to detailed balancing. The intensity of such a spontaneous emission turns out to be anomal­ously large if the plasma state is nearly unstable.

Let us determine the amplitude of the secondary wave which is produced as the result of the interaction between two waves propagating through the plasma. We shall start from the complete set of equations describing the plasma: kinetic equations for all kinds of particles and the Maxwell equations. Assuming the amplitudes of the interacting waves to be small and expanding the particle distribution functions and the electrical and magnetic fields in power series in these amplitudes we get for the nth order terms (n = 1,2, . . . ) :

{ ! + ( » . V)} FP+%- ( { £ « + 1 [v A **>]} . | ) F»

= ~ i r ^ ( { £ ( " ' ) + 7 bAÄ^]} · Ά if-"'>, (

:url #»> = - ^ - + — £ eA vF™ dh>. (

The non-linear wave-wave interaction effect is clearly described by the right-hand sides of the kinetic eqns. (

Solving eqns. ( and ( and restricting ourselves to the case when both primary waves are longitudinal we get the following expression for the field of the secondary wave:

Ej2\k\ ω') = i X Ajj\k'9 ω') J Cj(co, ft: ω' -ω, ft'-ft) «^(ft, ω) (pP-\k'-k9 ω'-ω) <Pk άω,

( where <p(1)(ft, ώ) = i({ft/ft2}-2?(1)(ft, ω)) is the potential of the primary wave, and

Aü\k,a>) = ^ - ε Γ ΐ ( Λ , ω ) + ^ , 7 - ^ ) ^ - φ , ω)j~*,

C ( w i , Λι, C02, k2) = V 5; 2 r· ; f . r- j fti · -5 |

^ mi(ct>i+<o2) J ωι+ω2-({Αι+Α2}·ο) \ 9»i/

-(Λ2·*>) \ 2 So/

X- \F«»d3v. ω2-


When due to the interaction of the two longitudinal waves a transverse wave is formed, the intensity of the radiation will be characterized by a change /in the energy of the secondary wave per unit time,

V ' ~ *" ( {2nf

- (Q(k')dW,

where Fis the volume of the system. If both colliding waves are fluctuation waves, we have from ( and (

Q(k') = -τ£— -^- f I (*'-C(a>, k; ω'-ω, *'-*)) |2 (<p2)k„ <?*>*_**— d*kdm, (


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where (cp2)ka) is the spectral density of the correlation function of the potential. In deriving this formula we used the fact that if we neglect higher-order correlations we can write the fourth correlation function in the form

(<Pkiai <Ρ*2ω8 ψί9ω3ψΙ*ωΑ) = (2nf {ψ2)^ωχ {<P2)kza>Jß(ki~ks) b(k^-k^ δ(ωι-ω3) <5(ω2-ω4) 4- δ(*ι-*4) Kk2-ks) δ(ωι-ω4) <5(ω2-ω3)}, (

Let us consider a two-temperature plasma in which the electrons move relative to the ions and let us determine in that case the increase in the energy of the transverse waves as a result of the scattering of fluctuation Langmuir oscillations by low-frequency sound fluctuations in the plasma. We note that if one of the colliding waves is a Langmuir wave, ωι = ωρβ, while the second one is a low-frequency one, ω2 <§: cope, the function C occurring in ( becomes simple:

e C(col9 ku ω2, k2) ^ -=-*i. (

■L e

Bearing in mind that the term in the expression for the correlation function of the potential which describes the Langmuir oscillations has the form

< ? % = 8π2 - ^ p - δ (ώ 2 -ω^-3^1) , ( H

where ώ = ω—(q»u) is the frequency in the rest frame of the electrons, and using eqns. (, (, and (, we find


where Δω = Vi^-hk^c2)—ω and q = k'—k. One sees easily that the function Q(k') tends to infinity when u = vs9 if cos θ' -► Λ'ί2/2ωρβι/. We can estimate the coefficient in front of the resonance denominator {(fc'2c2/2cope)-(*'·«)}"x by integrating ( over k up to k ~ 1/fli where a± is a quantity of the order of a few Debye radii:

e2T sin2 0' ^a^(W/2ag-(M· ^12·2·3·11)

We note that the radiation from the plasma caused by the transformation of a fluctuating Langmuir wave into a transverse wave is, according to formulae ( and ( anomalously large only in the long wavelength region where k! ~ copett/e2.

12.3. Incoherent Reflection of Electromagnetic Waves from a Plasma


An electromagnetic wave falling upon a bounded plasma undergoes not only the normal reflection described by the Fresnel formulae, but also incoherent reflection where the fre­quency of the reflected wave is not equal to that of the incident wave and the angle of


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reflection is different from the angle of incidence (Akhiezer, 1964a). The incoherent reflection is caused by the interaction of the electromagnetic wave with the fluctuations in the plasma and can be used for an experimental determination of the spectral distribution of the fluc­tuations and to find in that way the behaviour of various plasma parameters.

If we want to study the reflection of electromagnetic waves from a plasma, which we shall assume to fill the half-space z > 0, we must find the electrical field E which satisfies the Maxwell equations and the following boundary conditions: the field E must be a super­position of the incident wave E0eKk'r)'ia,\kz > 0) and reflected waves, as z -► — oo; as z -*■ + oo the field must vanish.

We shall assume that the components of the wavevectors of the incident and of the reflected wave normal to the boundary satisfy the inequalities fc^D, kzrO <§c 1, where rO is the electron Debye radius. We can then neglect the structure of the boundary layer with a depth of the order of rO and consider the boundary to be a discontinuity plane on which the usual boundary conditions of macroscopic electrodynamics are satisfied, that is, the quantities Ev curl Ev and (dE2/dt)+47tjz, with Et the component of the vector E which is parallel to the boundary, must be continuous.

If the phase velocities of the incident and reflected waves are large compared to the thermal velocities of the particles in the plasma we can use the expression/ = em for the current, where n is the electron density and Ό their hydrodynamic velocity which is connected with the fields E and B through the equation

[14] '= -^( * -4< B H' (12J-M)

where r is the average time between collisions which we shall, whenever possible, assume to be infinite. Putting n = n0+ δη, where «0 is the average value and bn the fluctuation in the density, we can look for the field Zs determined by the Maxwell equations and eqn. (12.3 JL1) in the form of a power series in the density fluctuation:

E = E°+E'+...

Once we have determined the field is for z < 0, we can find the component of the Poynting vector which is normal to the boundary and hence find the reflected energy flux by averaging this component over the plasma fluctuations. Dividing the energy flux, averaged over the fluctuations, dS of the reflected waves, which have wavevectors in the range k' to k' + dk\ by the incident energy flux So we get the differential reflection coefficient dR:

dR = ^~. ( oo

If there were no fluctuations in the plasma, the field E' would vanish and one would only have the normal reflection of electromagnetic waves from the surface in which k' is uniquely connected with k through the relations k\ — kv k'z = — kz. Therefore, dR contains a term proportional to d(k[—£t) b(k'z+kz). Integrating that term over k' we get the usual reflection coefficient R0 given by the Fresnel formulae. In particular, for unpolarized incident radiation

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JRO has the form

Ro kz-g + kz+g

where ε is the dielectric constant of the plasma,

skz-g skz+g (

ω2 l1 ωχ) and g = V(ek2-k% Im g > 0.

However, due to fluctuations in the plasma 2Γ # 0 and ί/R contains, apart from the δ-functionlike term corresponding to the normal reflection of the radiation from the surface an additional term which one can show to have the following form in the case of unpolarized incident radiation:

dR = -J— l-^X G(0, θ', w) ψ(Δ*, Δω\ I) d*k*. Anc \ mea) J


Here φ is the Fourier-Laplace transform of the electron density correlation function of the plasma,

oo 2Z

φ(Α^Αω;1)= f ~e-zÄdhxdt f (fer'(A*'r)+MBi(*i(ri,ii) M'2, *2)>, ( 0 - 2 Z

J = r2—fi, Z = y(zi+z2), Λ' and ω' are the wavevector and frequency of the reflected wave,

dkt = k\-ku Akz = -Re(g+g'), Δω = ω'-ω, 7"1 = 2 Im (g+g')>

and the brackets ( . . . ) indicate averaging over the fluctuations. The function G which depends on the angles of incidence 0 and reflection 0', as well as

on the angle ψ between the vectors kt and k[ has the form

cos2 β' f G(0, 0', <p)=\bx I2 11 ci |2 cos2 0 cos2 <p+1 c212 sin2 <p+

C O S C7 I


(e'-sin^')1 '2 sin2 0 sin2 0'

-Re C*C3 Ifcal , , . - f ^^ sin 20 sin 0'cos9)l+^-^r{|c1|2cos2esin2(p+|c2|2cos2(?}, (ε — sm20)1/2 I cos0 l r '



ε = ε(ω ); fei =!—;—yrr, b2 = —

2fez W?? Γ ι _ ^ ω ^ 2 <?3 = — - V - ; i ci.2 = 11+2


Cl,2, Cz

Cl = 2g 2fc, 1

C2 = iT*7' c3.



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The differential reflection coefficient is determined by the electron density correlation function of the plasma. We must take the boundary into account when determining this correlation function. However, in the case of interest to us when AyD, k'/O <sc 1 when the long-wavelength fluctuations are important, we can neglect the influence of the boundary and use eqn. ( for the spectral density of the electron density fluctuations in an un­bounded plasma. The function φ which occurs in ( then takes the form

where ql — AÄt. If /_1 <sc Ak2, the reflection coefficient is given by the formula

dR = -L (—)* - (7(0, θ', ψ) (δη2)βΛο dW, (

where q = ΔΛ. The spectrum of the reflected radiation—like the spectrum of the scattered radiation; see Section 12.1—consists in this case of a Doppler-broadened main line and sharp maxima at Αω = ±ω^. In the case of a strongly non-isothermal plasma there appear in the spectrum of the reflected radiation additional sharp maxima connected with the exist­ence of non-isothermal sound in the plasma. The differential reflection coefficient is a smooth function of Αω, if the condition /_1 «c Akz is not satisfied.

We note that when eqn. ( is valid, that is, when there are sharp maxima in the spectral distribution of the reflected radiation, there is no need whatever for the incident wave to be weakly damped over a wavelength when going into the plasma. In particular, if we have a wave which is normally incident upon the plasma with a frequency ω^ω^—ξ (I <$c cupj, which has a damping rate Im g= V(2a>pef)/c, the reflection coefficient for the normally reflected wave has in a non-isothermal plasma sharp maxima at Δω — ±qvs9 where vs is the non-isothermal sound velocity, near which

dR = 3 2 π ^ ^ ( 2 ω e | ) G(0, θ', cp) {d(Aa>-qvs)+ d(Aco+qvs)} d*k\ (

If the conditions

cos2 Θ » I 1 - e I, cos2 0' » | 1 - β ' |, \Αω\ « ω,

are satisfied, we have β(θ,θ',Ψ)= l+

c™Sl§ , (

where # is the angle between the vectors k and ft', and the reflection coefficient differs merely by a normalization coefficient from the scattering coefficient in an unbounded plasma—for angles larger than ττ/2,

dR^-^dE. ( cos Θ '

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If even only one of the above conditions is not satisfied, the reflection coefficient will, according to ( and (, differ appreciably from the scattering coefficient. The difference between these quantities is caused by the following two circumstances. Firstly, the transverse wave which appears in the plasma through scattering by fluctuations excites not only transverse but also longitudinal waves. At the boundary the longitudinal waves are transformed into transverse waves and they contribute considerably to the reflection co­efficient when Δω ~ ω. Secondly, the incident wave penetrating into the plasma and the scattered wave coming out of the plasma are refracted and it is necessary to take this into account if cos2 Θ < | 1 -e |, or cos2 0' % | 1 - ε ' |, that is, if kh2

O cos2 0 <> v2Jc2 or k'2r% Xcos2 0' < vl/c2, where ve is the electron thermal velocity in the plasma. At frequencies ω < ω^ these conditions are satisfied for all angles of incidence and reflection, so that in that region of frequencies the reflection coefficient depends strongly on the angles 0 and 0', and not only on the angle # between the wavevectors of the incident and the reflected waves. In particular, for normal incidence (Θ = 0) and for normal reflection (0' = 0) we have

dR = A (~Y i | 1 + Ve | "2 ( k — Γ cos2 0' +1 b2 A (dn*)qAu) d*k\ 0 = 0 ; ]

n \meft) / c cos 0 x '

L / i # 'i i— ΐ ' ί ΐ ν ;" it-*- i fn. i —

MA, d*k\ 0' = 0. (

In the case of glancing incidence or reflection of waves it is necessary to take the boundary into account for all frequencies. In particular, if ω, ω :» ω^, 0 % π/2—ωρβ/ω and πβ—θ' » ωρβ/ω\ we have

dR = - ί—Χ - 1 + C ° f ® {δη%Δω d*k. ( π \me(u J c cos 0 x /q J

We see that in that case the reflection coefficient is four times larger than the coefficient dR calculated using eqn. ( and neglecting the plasma boundary.

We have already indicated that eqns. ( to ( determine the reflection coefficients, averaged over the polarization, for the case of unpolarized incident radiation. Without going into a detailed discussion of the polarization effects when radiation is reflected from the boundary of a plasma, we shall merely mention the "total polarization" phenomenon which occurs in this case: a wave which is reflected at a well-defined angle is polarized in the plane at right angles to the plane of reflection. In particular, if the plane of reflection is the same as the plane of incidence (φ = 0), the angle of reflection at which complete polarization of the reflected wave occurs is given by the equation (we assume that Δω <$cco)

0' = ψ(β)9 sin2 ψ = ε' - — sin2 0. (

If the incident wave is polarized in the plane of incidence, a wave which is reflected at an angle 0' = ^(0, φ), where

e—sin2 0 sin2 ψ = ε' . 2 . , (

T sm2 0 tan2 φ+ε ' will be totally polarized.


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12.4. Scattering and Transformation of Waves in a Plasma in a Magnetic Field


Let us now consider the effect of a magnetic field on the scattering of waves in a plasma (Akhiezer, Akhiezer, and Sitenko, 1962; Farley, Dougherty, and Barron, 1961; Sitenko and Kirochkin, 1963,1964,1966). We showed in Chapter 5 that a magnetic field leads to a split­ting of the plasma oscillation frequency and to the apperance of new kinds of eigenfrequen-cies in the low-frequency region (Alfven and magneto-sound waves). There occur therefore in the scattered radiation in a plasma in a magnetic field additional maxima connected with the scattering by Alfven and magneto-sound oscillations. The interaction of waves propagat­ing through the plasma with fluctuation oscillations can also lead to a transformation of the waves. The intensity of Raman scattering and of wave transformation is determined by the amplitude of the fluctuations. Under non-equilibrium conditions these intensities can grow anomalously, if the plasma is close to the region of kinetic instability.

To describe the scattering and transformation processes in a plasma in a magnetic field we shall, as before, use the kinetic eqns. ( and the Maxwell equations with the current (; we shall take for B the total magnetic field in the plasma, including the constant external field -Bo.

The field of the incident wave is described by the equation

curl curl E+ e2E c2 dt2 0, (

where ε is the dielectric permittivity tensor of the plasma in a magnetic field. Taking into account the non-linear terms in the kinetic eqn. ( we find for the field of the scattered waves the equation

i i ™ ? 32£ curl c u r l * + ? _ dt

where / is the current caused by the field of the incident wave and by the fluctuations in the plasma. If the incident wave is a plane monochromatic wave,

E°(r, t) = £V(*.r)-fo^



have for the Fourier components of the current / (q = k' — k, Δω = ω'—ω)

+ ({δ£',Α,+-ί[0 Λ 5Ä,A,]J.^\ lexp - ^ - [{{Η'-ν)-ω'}άψ

φ Γ . ψ

X \ν άφ exp - — {(Λ'·ο)-ω'} άφ (


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Bearing in mind the large difference between the electron and ion masses and the presence of a fast oscillating factor in (, we can restrict ourselves to taking only the electron terms into account in ( Equation ( describes all scattering and trans­formation processes for waves in a magneto-active plasma.

Let us determine the average increase / in the energy of the field of the scattered waves, per unit time. To do this we note that the total energy transferred to the plasma by the current / is equal to

P = I f I P d3k dm - T R e (Γ(Γ, /).£(r, t)) dh dt = ~Re (ΐ£ω.Ε,ω)~~. (

The electrical field strength of the scattered waves is, according to (, connected with the current, which is excited, through the relation

ω A(k, ω)

where £ ^AJk = Abik, A = Oet(A)iy We also remind ourselves that

Xij(k, ώ) = etej Tr Α(Λ, ω), (

where e is the polarization vector of the £, ω-oscillation. We shall substitute ( into ( and perform a statistical average. Noting

that </?(*, ω) //*, ω)> = TVihlj)^ (

where V is the volume of the plasma and T the interaction time, we can write the average radiation intensity in the form

/ Ξ ^ = ^ Γ < | ( ^ . Γ ) ΐ ν ^ ^ δ μ ( Λ , ω ) } ^ Α ^ (

Dividing the intensity of the radiation / by the energy flux density So in the propagation direction of the incident wave and by the magnitude of the scattering volume F, we find the coefficient for the scattering or the transformation of the waves:

Σ=±-ο. (

We note that we can also define the quantity Σ in a different way, taking for SO in ( the total energy flux. The results will then only differ by a normalization factor.

If as a result of a scattering or a transformation process low-frequency waves are formed, the radiation intensity is equal to

1 = is? \ ΰΤϊ <" («-r) '">*· * nr-frUiv*« [«*-*>+«*-A»+*o} ** *»'· (

where A = £ ejc'fi'jjk'2. The first term in the braces determines the increase in the energy i.j

of the high-frequency electromagnetic waves in the plasma and the second term the growth 198

Page 209: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


in energy of the scattered Langmuir waves. It follows from the energy and momentum con­servation laws,

ω' = ω+Δω, k' = k+q, (

that the high-frequency waves can be excited by both high-frequency and low-frequency incident waves. In the first case the fluctuations can be either low-frequency or high-fre­quency ones. If, however, the incident wave is a low-frequency one, it can be transformed into a high-frequency wave only when interacting with high-frequency fluctuations.

As the phase velocities in the case of high-frequency waves are much larger than the electron thermal velocity in the plasma, we can simplify the expression for the current lk, ω,, expanding the integrand in ( in a power series in (Λ'·0)/ω':

//(*', ω') = ίω' Ί4 β/i }Jk~ dn(q, Δώ) 1

"o + — Σ \kJ ^kl" ^kkl ~ 47r ~2~ ( KJkk'l+ ^ 7 Σ k'mKmk )

Xdvfaco) Y en0f

ω kiXikdEj(q, Δω) + — £ £]im*ik δΒ> ^Δω)]\Εΐ (

where bn and bv arc the fluctuations in the electron density and the electron macroscopic velocity, and bE and bB the fluctuations in the electrical and magnetic fields in the plasma. This expression follows also directly from a hydrodynamical consideration.

We can use ( to study the following processes of scattering and transformation of high-frequency waves in a magneto-active plasma: scattering of (ordinary and extra­ordinary) electromagnetic waves, transformation of electromagnetic waves into Langmuir ones, scattering of Langmuir waves, and transformation of Langmuir into electromagnetic waves (Sitenko and Kirochkin, 1966). We can also use ( to study the transforma­tion of low-frequency into high-frequency waves (Sitenko and Kirochkin, 1966).


Scattering of electromagnetic waves with a small change in frequency (Δω <§c ω) occurs in a plasma in a magnetic field, as in an unmagnetized plasma, mainly by electron density fluctuations. Neglecting scattering caused by fluctuations in the electron velocity and also by field fluctuations, we can write the differential scattering cross-section in the form (Akhie-zer, Akhiezer, and Sitenko, 1962; Sitenko and Kirochkin, 1963)

άΣΕ = U 2n\mec2) ω*. ■ 0(L{brf)qaa dco' (Ρω',


n'3| <?'*(ε-Τ) e |2/"[| e|2-{| (k.e) |2/&2}] ( e ' W ) , /1 . ε2 «2 sin # cos #\ ( ' ' « ^ i ' « 2 s i n 2 d - £ 3 ) '


' - ( ■ cos φ — i ri2-£l -sin<p, sin φ+ι £2

cos ri2 sin #' cos #' \ %

ψ* n'2sm2>&'-e's y



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e and e' are the polarization vectors of the incident and the scattered waves and n and v! their refractive indices. The factor Gl depends on the directions of propagation of the inci­dent and scattered waves relative to the magnetic field (the angles # and #'), and also on the difference φ of the azimuthal angles of the wavevectors k and k!.

Equation ( becomes the corresponding expression for the differential scattering cross-section in an isotropic plasma when Bo = 0. Indeed, if Bo = 0, we have

Zik-Sik = ψ bik, (k*e) = (£'·<) = 0, n = ^ε(ω). ar

Therefore, Oil = (eope/co)4e , where e± is the component of e which is at right angles to £', when Bo = 0, and eqn. ( becomes the same as formula (, after averaging over the possible orientations of the vector e.

The spectral density of the electron density fluctuations is in the general case of a non-isothermal magneto-active plasma given by the formula

e2(6n2)qAo) = -^-lm iTe £ lqm-An £ q<&A}+\* ( « η - ^ Σ ί ^ ϋ 1 ^ 1 m, n \ /, k J \ j,l /

+ 16π*Γί £ {q^kAkif{q^tA^)xZX. ( '. Λ k> I, m,n J

If AGO2 <SC q2c2 we can greatly simplify the correlation function ( and it becomes the same as in the case of an unmagnetized plasma:

e\bn2)qaoi = . lqx l2 {TQ 11 + 4ττ%ί|2Ιπικβ+16π2Γί \*\2\mH% (

where we must take for κ and ε the longitudinal components of the respective tensors. If the change in wavevector in the scattering process, q, is parallel to 2?0, the spectrum

of the scattered radiation will have the same characteristic frequencies as in the case of an isotropic plasma. The intensity of the scattering depends strongly on the strength of the magnetic field. If the direction of q is not the same as that of Bo, the magnetic field affects the spectrum of the scattered radiation.

In the case of a non-isothermal plasma the spectrum of the scattered radiation is for angles between q and Bo different from π/2 characterized by a sharp maximum at Δω = 0, as in the case when there is no magnetic field. This maximum is caused by the interaction of the electromagnetic wave with the incoherent electron density fluctuations in the plasma. (For small shifts in frequency we can neglect the interaction of the incident wave with the fluctuations in the electron velocity, the electrical field, and the magnetic field.) Although the scattering is by electron density fluctuations, the Doppler broadening of the main maximum is determined by the ion thermal velocity as the ions and electrons interact through the self-consistent field.

If Te = T{ and ω > ω±, where ω± are the Langmuir oscillation frequencies in a magnetic field, we can use eqn. ( to find the total scattering coefficient for electromagnetic waves in the plasma:

dZ = -no I A -τ-ΟΙ^ω 0 , % ? d2o>. ( 2 \mec2J ω£6 2+0-TD


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If q2r% » l w e can consider this formula to be a generalization of the well-known Rayleigh formula for the case of a magneto-active medium.

The maximum in the spectrum of the scattered radiation caused by the interaction with incoherent fluctuations is greatly lowered in the case of a non-isothermal plasma. In a strong­ly non-isothermal plasma (Te:» 7 ) the height of the maximum is lower by a factor V(W m e) than for the case of an isothermal plasma.

The interaction between the electromagnetic waves and the electron density fluctuations can also lead to a transformation of these waves into Langmuir waves. The differential cross-section for the transformation of an ordinary or an extra-ordinary wave into a Lang­muir wave is, according to (, for Δω <^ω equal to

1 / e2 \*ω2ω'2 n£ \k\e-\)e\2 / s 9V , , * ,

άΣ*-L . = 2^ U ? J -5gT n[\e\2-{\{k.e)\W)]{k^) <**>'*d(° *** ' (l2AZ6)

As in the case of scattering, the interaction with incoherent fluctuations plays the main role in the case of transformation of electromagnetic waves with a small change in frequency. As B0 -► 0, eqn. ( changes to expression ( In eqn. ( nL is the refractive index of the Langmuir waves.

The ratio of the transformation coefficient ( to the scattering coefficient ( is of the order of <?jv\. In the range of frequencies close to ω+{ϋ) and ω_(β) the absorption connected with the transformation of electromagnetic waves into Langmuir ones is thus much more important than the scattering of the electromagnetic waves.

We note that we could have obtained eqn. ( directly from formula ( if if in the latter we had taken for the scattered wave a Langmuir wave, ή = n^ande' = k'/k'.


Apart from the main maximum at Δω — 0 there are also maxima in the spectrum of the scattered radiation which are connected with the scattering and transformation of electro­magnetic waves by resonance (coherent) fluctuations in the plasma. We can use ( to express the scattering current ( solely in terms of the electrical field fluctuations. The current correlation function which occurs in the general formula ( for the intensity of the emitted waves has then the form


<|(*./*)IV>' = - Ä Ä 3 T l ^ l 2 < l ^ l 2 > ^ | £ ° | 2 , (


B = Σβί*κν \ Σ nejKkZkiei+n £ (Kjek-ejKk)Zkiei+-T— £ [nejKkxkiei ij [kj k,i η ω k,i

+ n(Zjek-ejHk)xklei]-4nn'—g— £ [HjkekKixlmem + Χ]ΐέι&ΊχΐηβηΆ 1, ( ω Ρ β k,l,m J

where e, κ, and n are the polarization vector, the unit vector in the propagation direction, and the refractive index of the incident wave, while i , ic, n and e\ κ', ri are the same quan­tities for the fluctuation waves and the scattered waves. We bear in mind that the frequencies and wavevectors of the incident, scattered, and fluctuation waves are interconnected through


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the relations ω' = ω+Δω, Κ = k+q, (

which express the energy and momentum conservation laws. Knowing the spectral density of the resonance fluctuations and using the properties of the incident and the excited waves we can easily separate in ( the terms corresponding to well-defined kinds of tran­sitions.

Let us first of all consider the scattering and transformation of electromagnetic waves by high-frequency Langmuir fluctuations. We shall assume that the refractive index of the fluctuating Langmuir oscillations n' ^> 1 while the refractive indices of the incident wave, n, and of the scattered wave, n\ are of the order of unity. It follows from the conservation laws ( that ω' a* ω ^> Δω. One sees easily that in that case the interaction between the incident wave and the electron density fluctuations—the first term in (—plays the main role. The cross-section for the scattering of electromagnetic waves will therefore be given by formula ( The spectral density ( has in the case q2r%> <<c 1 δ-functionlike maxima at frequencies co+($) and ω_(#), where $ is the angle between q and Bo, which is connected with the angles #, #', and φ through the relation

+ 9 ~ k2 sin2 #+k'2 sin2 W + 2kk' sin ϋ sin ff cos w t a n * = n Q — Π ÖTTÖ — · (

(&COS0—£ c o s # ) 2

The cross-section for the scattering of electromagnetic waves when the frequency shifts Δω lies close to the frequencies of the Langmuir oscillations, ω±φ\ has the form

2 * > ' 2 ^ 2 2 \Δω2-ω%\ 1 / e2 \2 ω2ω'2 \Δω' 2 \mec2J eo£e a>%

Χ{δ(Δω-ώ+)+δ(Δω^ώ+)+δ(Δω-ώ^Λ-δ{Δω^ώ^)}αω'ά2ω\ (

The cross-section for the transformation of electromagnetic waves by Langmuir fluctuations into Langmuir waves is equal to

rir ~ - ! „ / e2 \2ω2ω'2 n?\k'fre\2 \Δω2-ω%\ E + L ^ L " 2 "° \mec2) a>*t

q ^ n[\e\2-{\(k.e)\2/k2}[(k'e'k') ώ\-ώΙ_

χ{δ(Δω-ώ+)^δ(Δω^ώ+)+δ(Δω-ώ.)-^δ(Δω·{-ώ^)}άω,α2ω\ (


Qi = Σ (e'ik ~ &ik) \ &kj-\ 2~" Σ l(e*J ~ ^kj) Klißim - &lm) *m + (hl ~ &kl) Klx'miPmJ ~ Ömj)] \ . k [ ωΡβ Um J


In the case of a non-equilibrium plasma—for instance, a plasma through which a beam of charged particles is passing—we must take into account an extra factor R{1 — (ufu) cos #}- 1 , which is caused by replacing the temperature T by the effective temperature (, in the cross-sections ( and (

The relative contribution from Raman scattering by Langmuir fluctuations which is given by ( to the total scattering cross-section ( is in an equilibrium plasma of the


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order q2r%>. Under non-equilibrium conditions the cross-section for the Raman scattering of electromagnetic waves, like the cross-section for the transformation of electromagnetic waves into Langmuir ones, can increase anomalously, provided the plasma is close to the threshold for kinetic instability.

Raman scattering of electromagnetic waves can also occur in a magneto-active plasma by low-frequency magneto-sound and Alfvon fluctuations. Using the general expression ( for the intensity and eqns. (, (, and ( for the spectral densities of the low-frequency fluctuations we can easily study different actual cases of scattering and transformation.

It turns out that the scattering and transformation of electromagnetic waves by the slow magneto-sound fluctuations are the most important processes in a non-isothermal plasma. In that case the electron density fluctuations play the main role in ( The cross-sections for the scattering and transformation of electromagnetic waves by slow magneto-sound waves are determined by the equation

_ 1 / e* \ 2 ω* n*\e'*(s'-l)e\* ^ E + S + E, L - jno ^ — ^ ^ - n[\e?-{\{k.e)\^}]{e'^e')

Χ{δ(Δω-ςυΒ cos <&) + d(Aco + qvs cos ö)}dco'd2iu\ (

where we must take for n and e the refractive index and polarization vector of the ordinary extra-ordinary, and Langmuir waves. The differential scattering cross-section ( differs from the corresponding cross-section ( in an isotropic plasma by the disper­sion law for the fluctuation oscillations.

The ratio of the cross-section for the scattering of electromagnetic waves by slow magneto-sound fluctuations, integrated over the frequencies, in a strongly non-isothermal plasma to the total cross-section ( for the scattering of electromagnetic waves by incoherent fluctuations in a non-isothermal plasma is of the order of unity. In a strongly non-isothermal plasma the main line in the spectrum of the scattered radiation is thus split into two lines, connected with the scattering by slow magneto-sound fluctuations.

In the case of scattering and transformation of electromagnetic waves by fast magneto-sound fluctuations we must take into account not only the density fluctuations, but also the magnetic field fluctuations. The corresponding cross-sections for the scattering and trans­formation of electromagnetic waves are equal to

J_ / e2 \2co* v\ n'*\e'*Q*e\* E+*-E,L 2 "° W 2 / o>Je v\ n[\e\*-{\(k.e)\*/k*}](e'*?e')

X{d(Aco-qvA)+d(Aco+qvA)} άω' ά*ω'9 ( where

Ql = Σ (4-δ,*){-i sin 3 hj+^-Σ &Ä-5Ä)(*y-«v)} · (12-4.3.10)

The ratio of the scattering cross-section (, integrated over the frequency, to the cross-section ( is of the order v*JvA.

In the case of scattering and transformation of electromagnetic waves by Alfven fluctua­tions the magnetic field fluctuations play the main role as Alfven oscillations are not


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accompanied by changes in density. The cross-sections for scattering and transformation of electromagnetic waves by Alfvon fluctuations are equal to

»2 n'*\e'*£>Ae\2

i/27E+A-^E,L = — «0 I = 2 \mec2 ] ω£β c2 cos 2 # n [ n[\e\2-{\{k.e)\2[k2}](e'*i'e')

X{d(Aco-qvA cos ΰ)+δ(Δω+ςνΑ cos #)} dm' d2<*>\ ( where

QA = Σ (4-δ*)(hh-Hih)(sij-dij)· ( k,l

Equation ( is valid both for an isothermal and for a non-isothermal plasma. The ratio of the cross-section for the scattering of electromagnetic waves by Alfven

fluctuations, integrated over the frequency, to the cross-section ( is of the order of v2Jc\

The cross-sections for scattering and transformation of electromagnetic waves by low-frequency fluctuations can, as in the case of Langmuir fluctuations, grow strongly in a non-equilibrium plasma, if it is close to the region of kinetic instability.


The general formulae ( and ( enable us also to study the scattering of Langmuir waves and the transformation of Langmuir waves into high-frequency electro­magnetic waves (Sitenko and Kirochkin, 1966). Choosing a Langmuir wave for the incident wave and using for the incident energy flux density the expression

e c ΜΓ012 t 2 / ^ ° W Αωη) * ^ο

eoL . ft Λ ωΐ Λο = 1 Ρ ^ sin* tf - r » cos2 0, -ω% ω2 (

_ ιξώ^ f 3ω* . 4 2 6 ω 4 - 3 ω 2 ω | + ω | ( ψ " c2 ω2 } ( ω 2 - ω | ) (ω 2 -4ω | ) S m P+C° ( ω 2 - ω | ) 3

X sin2 ϋ cos2 # + cos4 ϋ \

we can apply ( to find easily concrete expressions for the cross-sections for various scattering and transformation processes.

In the case of scattering and transformation of Langmuir waves by incoherent fluctuations in an isothermal plasma, as in the case of scattering of low-frequency electromagnetic waves, the interaction between the incident wave and the electron density fluctuations plays the main role. The cross-sections for the scattering and transformation of Langmuir waves by incoherent fluctuations are equal to

„a,.,,.- ■ (A)'g ""' -T',»■"' <»V.<*JW. ('".«) 2π \mec2/ co4

e nl(e *ee) where n and e are determined by eqns. ( in the case of scattering, and by eqns. ( in the case of transformation, while κ = k/k. If B0 = 0, formula ( be­comes eqn. (


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The spectral density of the incoherent fluctuations is characterized by a sharp maximum in the region of small changes in frequency, with a width determined by the ion thermal velocity. Equation ( is applicable only in the region of the incoherent maximum. The ratio of the coefficient for the transformation of a Langmuir wave into a high-frequency electromagnetic wave to the coefficient for the scattering of Langmuir waves with small change in frequency is equal to v\jcz.

One can easily use eqns. ( and ( to study the scattering and transforma­tion of Langmuir waves by resonance fluctuations.

Only the electron density and magnetic field fluctuations turn out to be important for the scattering and transformation of Langmuir waves by low-frequency fluctuation oscillations. The cross-sections for different kinds of scattering and transformation of Langmuir waves are similar to the corresponding cross-sections for the scattering and transformation of electromagnetic waves. We shall give the final expressions for the cross-sections for various kinds of scattering and transformation of Langmuir waves.

The cross-sections for scattering and transformation of Langmuir waves by slow magneto-sound fluctuations in a strongly non-isothermal plasma are equal to

+ δ(Δω + qvs cos #)} άω' cPt»'. (

d^L+S-^L, E "' ^pe

The %cross-sections for the scattering and transformation of Langmuir waves by fast magneto-sound fluctuations are equal to

1 / P2 \ m* v2 fi,z\p'*fi*K\2

d E ^ ^ = 1«„ ( ^ ) ^ - ^ L - ß - L {ö(Aco-qvA)+ö(Aco+qVA)) *>> Λ , ' . (

The cross-sections for the scattering and transformation of Langmuir waves by Alfvon fluctuations are equal to

L+1~" L'E ~ 2 no \mec2j <4e c2 cos2 # nWl'e') Χ{δ(Δω -qvA cos $)+ö(Aco + qvA cos &)} άω' (Ρω'. (

The quantities QF and QA are given by the same expressions as for the case of scattering of electromagnetic waves. We note that the ratio of the cross-section for the transformation of Langmuir waves to the scattering cross-section for all kinds of low-frequency fluctuations is of the order of v\jc2.

It turns out that it is important to take into account the electron density and electrical field fluctuations in the case of the interaction of a Langmuir wave with high-frequency fluctuations. The incident Langmuir wave can interact both with Langmuir fluctuations and with high-frequency electromagnetic fluctuations.

Scattering of Langmuir waves by Langmuir fluctuations is impossible because of the con­servation laws ( The transformation of a Langmuir wave by Langmuir fluctuations into a high-frequency ordinary or extra-ordinary electromagnetic wave is determined by the


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ΛΥ ~ l i e 2 γω'* 2 2 ?i'*\e'*frx\2 \Αω2-ω%\ 2 \mec-J o>ls u n£(e'*e'e) ω\-ω2_

X {δ(Αω-ώ+)δ(Αω+ώ+)+δ(Αω-ώ^+δ(Αω+ώ_)} άω' ά2ω\ ßSf = Σ (4-&ik) (dkJ+ x&j). (


This cross-section is larger by a factor c/ve than the cross-section ( The frequencies of the waves formed as a result of such a process will lie close to the sum of the modified Langmuir frequencies ω±(β)±ω±φ).

The cross-sections for the scattering and transformation of Langmuir waves by electro­magnetic fluctuations are equal to

sr - _ l ( e2 \ 2 ö / 4 / 2 2 n'*\e'&e\*

^ w ~ U B - l n o \ J & ) ^ΓΌηξ(β^Υ){\β\^\(κ.β)\η

ίδ ( A ) - | ) + i ^ ω + ^ ΐ ώ ) ' Λ ) ' , (

where ß& =

Σ (ß!k ~ */*) I hj+ ~Γ^~ Γ Σ (ßkl-hi) Wnßmj - Ömj) + (?*/~ &kj) £ «/(ε&, - bim) Λ&Ί 1, k l ω Ρ β L/,m #> w JJ

Σ 04 - β/Λ) | δ*,· Σ (hj - hj) h^k \. k [ ω η ι J The cross-sections for the scattering and transformation of Langmuir waves are in a non-

equilibrium plasma characterized by the same anomalies in the region of critical fluctuations as the corresponding cross-sections for electromagnetic waves.


In concluding this section we shall now dwell upon the transformation, caused by Lang­muir fluctuations, of low-frequency waves into high-frequency ones in a magneto-active plasma (Sitenko and Kirochkin, 1966). The most important terms in expression ( for the current are in the case of an incident low-frequency wave those which are connected with the magnetic field and the electron density in the incident wave. Using eqn. ( for the intensity of the emission of high-frequency waveN. and dividing it by the energy flux density connected with the incident low-frequency wave, can easily find explicit expressions for the cross-sections for various kinds of wave transformation processes.

The cross-sections for transformation of a slow magneto-sound wave by Langmuir fluctuations into the excitation of an ordinary, extra-ordinary, or Langmuir wave are given by the formula

^£s+L-*E, L 1 / e* \ ω'4 crP\J\e'-\)*\* \Δω2-ω%\ 2n°\mec2) co£e t ; s |cos# | (e '*eV) ώ*.-ώ1

Χ{δ(Αω-ώ+)+δ(Αω+ώ+)+δ(Αω-ώ-)+δ(Αω+ώι)}άω'α2ω'. {


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The cross-sections for the transformation of a fast magneto-sound wave by Langmuir fluctuations into an ordinary, extra-ordinary, or Langmuir wave are equal to

ωω'4 vl ri*\e'*P^e\2 \Δω2-ωΙ\ -F + L - * E, L — -^Γ^Ο I «"I T f ,±~, , x ZÖ ΓΟ—

Ί \ ™ /»2 / ωΒω*ζ cvA (e*ee) ω% — ω_

1 / e2 V αΣ¥+1^ = -η0[—ϊ) X{δ(zIω-ώ+)^-δ(Jω+ώ+)+δ(Zlω-ώ_)+δ(zIω + ώ_)}ί/ω,ί/2ω,, (

/c, / l ω m J

Finally, the cross-sections for the transformation of an Alfven wave by Langmuir fluctuations into an ordinary, extra-ordinary, or Langmuir wave are given by the formula

- 1 / e2 \2ω'*Δω2 v2 ri*\e'*RLe\2 \Δοβ-ω%\ A + I - * E ' L ~ 2" n° \ηΰ?) ω·β ~cvZ | cos013 (*'♦&') ώ^ -ώ? .

X{δ(Jω-ώ + )+ό(zlω+ώ + )+δ(Zlω-ώ_)+δ(Zlω + ώ_)}rfω'rf2ω,, (


We note that of all these processes the transformation of a slow magneto-sound wave into a Langmuir wave has the largest cross-section. The ratio of the cross-section for that process, integrated over the frequency, to ( is of the order c*\v\.

12.5. Scattering and Transformation of Waves in a Partially Ionized Plasma in an External Electrical Field


We now turn to a study of wave scattering and transformation processes in a partially ionized plasma in an external constant, uniform electrical field (Angeleiko and Akhiezer, 1968). We shall first of all consider Raman scattering of electromagnetic waves by ion-sound oscillations in a partially ionized plasma in an external electrical field E°.

Substituting expression ( into the general formula ( for the differential cross-section for the scattering of electromagnetic waves and restricting ourselves to the case of long-wavelength incident radiation (krO <§: 1) we get

dE = 4πζη0Λ/Ζ (-^—) (l + cos2#) δ(Α ω - 2kvs sin -*- ϋ) δ(Α ω+2kvs sin \ ti)

1eC2/ [ R — COS% R + COSX J Χώ'ίω' ,Λΐ. ζ = Γ(±){32π2**3ν2Γφ}-ι ^ ΜχΙΟ"», (

where χ is the angle between the vector q — k—k' and the direction of the external electrical field,

cos Θ — cos θ' cos* = —Γ—TT— ' (

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R is the quantity given by formula (,$ the scattering angle, that is, the angle between k and k\ while Θ and 0' are the angles between k and k' and Eo. We draw attention to the fact that the angle % in this section is defined as the angle between the direction of the electron current and the wavevector of the fluctuations, in contrast to Chapter 7 or Section 11.7, where χ was the angle between the direction of the electron current and the group velocity of the wave. If Δω > 0, the new and the old definitions are the same; if Δω < 0, the sign of cos % is different for the old and the new definitions of %.

We see that two narrow lines occur in the spectrum of the scattered radiation: ion-sound satellites with frequencies ω' = ω—lkv^ sin \ϋ (Stokes satellite) and ω' = u> + 2kv% sin \ϋ (anti-Stokes satellite).

Integrating eqn. ( over the frequency ω' we find the scattering intensity per unit solid angle,

dE d2co' -««•^(^ ' (■♦«"»{/( l . f )+/♦(* I )} ,,

where / and / + are functions, characterizing the intensities of the Stokes and the anti-Stokes satellites,

/(χ, Eo/Ec) = /+(π-χ9 E0fEc) = 1 R—cos χ ' (

while Ec is the critical value of the electrical field, given by equation ( We sketch in Fig. 12.5.1 / a s function of % for different values of the external electrical field, and in Fig. 12.5.2/as function of E0 for χ = 0.

We see that the angular distribution of the scattered radiation depends strongly on the strength of the external electrical field. When Eo <$: Ec this distribution is almost isotropic—

FIG. 12.5.1. Angular distribution of the scattered radiation. We plot the quantity / ( / , E0/Ec) as function of cos χ = (cos Θ- cos 00/2 sin ψ. The curves a, b, c, and d refer to the cases E0/Ec = 0.5, 0.7, 0.8, and 0.9;

m0 = Wi = 104 me; Z = 1.


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0.5 0.7 0.9 p -ZP

FIG. 12.5.2. The scattering intensity as function of the strength of the external electrical field. We plot /{χ, EJEC) as function of the ratio E0/Ec for χ = 0; m0 = mi = 104 me; Z = 1.

if we neglect the factor


When Eo increases, the intensity of waves scattered over angles θ'±9 with

cos θ± = cos Θ+2 sin \ #, (

ncreases steeply. As E0 -+ Ec the scattering cross-section, per unit solid angle, becomes—in the framework of the linear theory—infinite for Θ' = θ'±.

The total cross-section for scattering of electromagnetic waves by ion-sound oscillations increases slowly when the external electrical field strength increases, and tends logarith­mically to infinity as Eo -* Ec. The steep increase in the intensity of the scattering of electro­magnetic waves as E0 -* Ec is connected with the instability of ion sound when Eo ^ Ec. This effect is of the same nature as the critical opalescence in a collisionless plasma which is at the boundary of the stability region, considered in Subsection 12.1.4.

We emphasize that all expressions obtained in the present and subsequent subsections for the cross-sections for the scattering of electromagnetic waves are valid in the stability region, when Eo < Ec. If the plasma oscillations grow, one needs take into account non­linear effects which impose a limit on the growth of the fluctuations, and hence on the growth of the cross-sections for the scattering and transformation of waves.


Let us now consider the Raman scattering of electromagnetic waves in a partially ionized plasma in external electrical and magnetic fields (Akhiezer and Angeleiko, 1969a; Angeleiko and Akhiezer, 1969). Assuming that the change in frequency Δω is small compared to the frequency ω we get, from the general formula (, for the differential cross-section for

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the scattering of transverse electromagnetic waves by density fluctuations, the following expression

dE = i {£*f {—j^n^dco'd^, (

where the quantity GO* which depends on the wavevectors and polarizations of the incident and the scattered waves is given by formula (; λ = ±, where the upper sign corres­ponds to a fast and the lower sign to a slow transverse wave; see formula ( We see that when there is a magnetic field present in the plasma there are, in principle, depending on the polarization of the incident and the scattered wave, four possible kinds of scattering proces­ses for transverse waves: t+ -** t+, t_ -*t_, t+ -*t_, and t_ — t+. For arbitrary ratios of the frequencies ω, ω^, and ω5β such processes involving ion-sound or magneto-sound fluctuations may turn out to be forbidden, as the frequency of a sound wave with wave-vector q = k — k' can turn out to be small compared with Δω = a>t(k)—ωχ(Κ). To fix the ideas we shall restrict ourselves to considering the case of high-frequency incident radiation, ω > ω^, ωΛ; all four t — t processes then turn out to be possible.

We note that it follows from the form of the quantities GLU' that for arbitrary scattering angles ϋ the differential cross-sections for all four t -*■ t processes will be of the same order of magnitude; however, if the scattering angle is small (ß <c 1) the cross-sections for the processes t+ ->- t_ and t_ -+-1+ are small—proportional to #4.

If the magnetic field is not too strong so that only the electron component of the plasma is strongly magnetized (coBi <$c kvs « % ) , the correlation function of the electron density fluctuations is in the sound region (Τί/ηιί^ζ(Αω^)2 <zTJme) given by eqn. ( Substituting this expression into eqn. ( we get the following expression for the differential cross-section for the scattering of transverse electromagnetic waves by ion-sound oscillations in the case of long-wavelength incident radiation

δ(Α ω - 2kvs sin \ ϋ) δ(Α ω + 2kvs sin \ &) \ ^±(ı-cosx) / ^ ( i ^ + costf) J

Χάωά2ω\ (

where χ is the angle between the vectors q = k—k' and Bo, which is connected with the scattering angle ϋ and the angles 0, 0' between the vectors A, k' and the direction of the external magnetic field through relation (, while the quantities B^ and μ* are given by eqns. (; the upper and lower signs refer, respectively, to the cases % < π/2 and χ > π/2. We see that two ion-sound satellites with frequencies ω' = w±2kvs sin y# occur in the spectrum of the scattered radiation.

Integrating expression ( over the frequency we find the scattering intensity per unit solid angle,

^ = ]6πζη0νΖ Ql™ [ ^ (~~j {[μΗΚ* -cos χ))^+ [,α W +cos χ)]-1}·


In the case of a very strong magnetic field when not only the electron, but also the ion component of the plasma is strongly magnetized (kvs <sc ωΒ) we get by substituting eqn.

dE \cope/ \mec-/ I


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( for the electron density correlator into formula (

\δ(Δω—kvs[cos 0—cos 0']) \ωρβ/ \ w e c 2 / \ | - sgncos χ

|+sgncos χ + ^ + ^ j - c o » y D | < t o t ^ (12524>

where the quantity ξ is given by formula ( In that case there occur in the spectrum of the scattered radiation two magneto-sound satellites with frequencies

ω' = co±A;i;s(cos Θ—cos 0').

Integrating expression ( over the frequency we find the intensity of the scattering per unit solid angle:

dE <?lu' / ω \ 4 / e2 \ 2 £ - = ; = l6nCmVZ -^— (—) Ι-ϊ-Λ -^-r. ( (Ρω' cos4x\^pe/ \mtc2) | 2 - 1

We note that expressions ( and (—like eqn. ( for the correlation function of the electron density fluctuations—are valid provided the angle χ lies not too close to π/2.

Let us investigate how the intensity and the angular distribution of the scattered radiation changes with the strengths of the external fields E0 and 2f0. If the fields E0 and Bo are not too strong (Eo « Ec, ωΒί <κ kv^) the angular distribution of the scattered radiation is nearly isotropic—if we forget about the polarization-dependent factor fllu'.

In the case of a not very strong magnetic field (coBi «: fc0vs) the angular distribution of the scattered radiation becomes more and more anisotropic when the electrical field strength increases, and the largest intensity corresponds to waves scattered over the angles θ'± given by formula ( As E0 -+ Ec where EC(B0) is the critical value of the electrical field given by formula (, the scattering cross-section per unit solid angle tends—in the framework of the linear theory—to infinity for θ' = θ'±. The total cross-section for the scattering of electromagnetic waves by ion-sound oscillations increases with increasing Eo and tends— logarithmically—to infinity as Eo -* Ec.

In the case of a very strong magnetic field (ωΒί» kv^) the angular distribution of the scattered radiation is strongly anisotropic for all external electrical field strengths: the quantity άΣ[(Ρω' is, according to (, in that case proportional to cos~4#. When Eo increases, the differential scattering cross-section increases, tending to infinity as E0 -* EC(B0) for all directions of propagation of the scattered waves at the same time.

The steep growth of the intensity of the scattering of electromagnetic waves as E0 -*- Ec —the critical opalescence effect—is connected with the instability of the magneto-sound (or ion-sound) oscillations when Eo ^ Ec.

We draw attention to the essential difference in the nature of the critical opalescence in the cases of strongly and weakly magnetized ions. In the latter case the critical opalescence must occur only for waves scattered at angles θ'±, while in the former case, this effect must be observed for scattering over any angle 0'. Because of this the total cross-section for the scattering of electromagnetic waves will when Eo is close to EC(B0) be much larger in the case

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of strongly magnetized ions than in the case when they are weakly magnetized. Indeed, on^ easily sees, integrating expressions ( and ( over all directions that in the case of strongly magnetized ions the total scattering cross-sections is proportional to {EC—EQ)~X as Eo-+Ec, while in the case of weakly magnetized ions it is proportional to ln{l-[E0[Ec(Bo)]}.


Apart from the Raman scattering processes for transverse electromagnetic waves (t — t) which were considered in the preceding subsections, there may occur in the plasma also other processes of scattering and transformation of electromagnetic oscillations when they interact with sound fluctuations. When there is no magnetic field, three such processes are possible: the scattering of high-frequency longitudinal waves (1 — 1), the transformation of transverse waves into longitudinal ones (t - 1), and the inverse process of the transforma­tion of longitudinal into transverse waves (1 -*-1). We shall now turn to a study of these processes (Angeleiko, 1968).

The intensity of the transformation (scattering) will as before be characterized by the trans­formation (scattering) coefficient

αΣι-»*>= VSo , (

where dl is the average increase in energy of the field of the transformed (scattered) wave per unit time and S0 the energy flux density of the incident wave; the index λ characterizes the kind of oscillation: for a Langmuir wave λ = 1, and for a transverse wave λ = t; Fis the volume of the system.

We can easily express the coefficients for the transformation and scattering of high-fre­quency waves in terms of the correlation function of the electron density fluctuations. Using eqns. (, (, and ( we get

^ - = ^ - 2 ^ W ( ^ 5 (12-5.3.2)

2ω d3k' αΣι -' = " 3 ^ r Si"2 " k * (4nf' (12·5·13)

^ . = ^ c o s ^ w | | , (

where q = k — k\ Δω = ω—ω'; k, ω and &', ω' are the wavevectors and frequencies of the in­cident and the scattered (transformed) waves and # is the angle between the vectors k and kf.

Let us first of all consider the transformation of a transverse wave into a longitudinal one (t -*■ 1) by ion-sound oscillations. Substituting expression ( for the correlation func­tion of the electron density fluctuations into eqn. ( and assuming that krD <$c 1, we find

= c J ^ e V g s i n 2 ^J b{Aco~qvs) + δ(Δω+^)λ dW^ ( 1 2 5 3 5 )

kc2 \ R—cosx R+cos% J where χ is the angle between the vectors q and £Ό.


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We remind ourselves that we have shown in Chapter 7 that if the plasma is situated in an external electrical field Langmuir oscillations may occur with frequencies ω^Λ), given by formula (, and with frequencies —ω^—k). There are thus two t ->- 1 processes possible: a process (t -+ li) in which the transformed wave has the frequency ω^Λ'), and a process (t — 12) in which the transformed wave has the frequency —ω^—k').

From ( we get for the coefficient for the transformation t ~+ li

^ * 16nmGc2 [/ mi c2k3oc l i ? + c o s 0 R—cosdj '

where 0' is the angle between the vectors k! and E09

cWcc vs _ [ 3 n l ) z m 0 r ^ fZm, * w _ ^ „ t ^ c o s 0' ±«) ' * - u - [ π Γ ( | ) m,J ~ a / ]f m ' ^ ^ · ? )

where we have assumed that in the transformation of a transverse into a longitudinal wave k'» k.

If a > 1, there appears, according to these formulae, one line with wavenumber k[ in the spectrum of the transformed waves; however, if a < 1, there appears a second line with wavenumber k'2. The angular distribution of the transformed radiation is then characterized by a strong anisotropy. As E0 -*- Ec, in the case when a > 1 the intensity of waves with wavenumber k[ for which 0' = n (and in the case when a < 1 the intensity of waves with wavenumber k'2 for which 0' = 0) tends—in the framework of the linear theory—to in­finity. Such a steep increase in the transformation coefficient—critical opalescence when the waves are transformed—is connected with the existence of critical fluctuations which occur in the plasma near the boundary of the stability region.

Integrating eqn. ( over k' we find the coefficient for the transformation t -*- l± per unit solid angle. Assuming that a > 1 to fix the ideas, we get

^Et — ii __ %e2 i fmo a>le sin2 ϋ k£ [mQ coge sin2 fl ffi m , ~ ΛΛ * \ l ü k*oc tf+cos 0' · ( (Ρω' 16nmGc

We can determine the total transformation coefficient £/(t_>ll), which characterizes the total intensity of the transformed waves, by integrating over k!. For a plasma near the boundary of the stability region (Ec—E0 <zEc) we then get

& - - - Ι Ϊ § £ / Ϊ Ϊ * , · * ' < * - , > > <12·5Λ9> where k'Q — c2fc2a(2copevs)"11 1 —a | _ 1 while 0 is the angle between the vectors k and E0.

We can similarly study the second possible process for the transformation of transverse waves into longitudinal ones—the t -> 12 process. One sees easily that one can obtain all equations describing that process from the corresponding eqns. ( to ( by changing E0 to — E0, or, by making the substitutions 0 — n—0, 0' -*■ π—θ', % -► π—χ; we shall therefore not give these equations.

Let us now consider the transformation of longitudinal into transverse waves. Assuming that in that case k! <<c k and using (, we get for the coefficient for the transformation


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li — t the expression

<GA-t = Afi Z g 2

2 2 / / , l A ^ s i n ^ t y - ^ + y ^ ^ l Λ ' , (

where, as before, 0 is the angle between the vectors k and £0 and

3.4 = c - 1 \/{2A:wcope(cos θ +α)}. (

We shall also give the expression for the coefficient for the transformation h — t per unit solid angle and for the total transformation coefficient:

Σ ΐ ι ^ = 18amec2/f>Ä: f 7^{i?-cos0 + Ä+cos 0J ' (

where 0' is the angle between the vectors k' and u\ if /^ 4 < 0, the corresponding terms in these expressions must be omitted.

We see that as Eo -► isc the coefficients for the transformation li — t tend—in the frame­work of the linear theory—to infinity for waves with 0 = 0 (if a < 1) or for waves with 0 = n (if a > 1), while in both cases fc' = ^ = ο'"1Λ/(2Α:ι/ωρβ| 1 —a |). Without giving the expressions for the coefficients for the transformation 12 -* t, we note that one can obtain them from the corresponding coefficients for the transformation U -*■ t by the substitutions 0 - j r -0 , 0' -* j r -0 ' , χ - π - χ .

Let us now turn to a study of the scattering of longitudinal waves. Substituting expression ( into eqn. ( and integrating over the absolute magnitude of the vector k\ we get

<?W (Ρω' ΊΙπηανΙτΙ \ m R2-cos2 χ' -cos2flp2 ^2 >

where χ is the angle between the vectors q and £Ό; we restrict ourselves to the case of waves with a not too long wavelength, ^/{mjm^ «cferD <c 1. We note that then the processes li 3* 12 are impossible, if they involve ion-sound fluctuations.

We see that the angular distribution of the scattered Langmuir waves depends strongly on the external electrical field strength. When Eo <^EC, this distribution is almost isotropic —apart from a factor cos2 #. When Eo increases the intensity of the waves scattered over angles &± given by formula ( increases steeply. As E0 -► Ec the scattering cross-section per unit solid angle tends—in the framework of the linear theory—to infinity for 0' = θ'±. Critical opalescence can therefore occur also in the case of scattering of longitudinal waves.

The total cross-section for the scattering of longitudinal waves by ion-sound oscillations increases slowly with increasing external electrical field strength and tends, logarithmically, to infinity as Eo -* EG.

We have considered the transformation and scattering of external Langmuir waves, that is, Langmuir waves excited by external sources. Of course, even if there are no external


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sources, there are always Langmuir waves in the plasma with amplitudes determined by the level of the plasma fluctuations: fluctuation Langmuir waves. The existence of fluctuation Langmuir waves leads to the peculiar effect of spontaneous emission by a non-equilibrium plasma caused by the transformation of these waves into transverse electromagnetic waves by ion-sound fluctuations. We shall now study this effect.

The increase per unit time of the energy of transverse waves with wavevectors in the range k\ k' + dk' is clearly connected with the transformation coefficient d£l^t through the relation

where (£2)L is the term in the expression for the correlation function of the electrical field fluctuations which describes the fluctuation Langmuir waves. We use now eqns. ( and ( and the fact that

(E*)kw = (4ττ)2£~2 <ρ2>*ω.

Noting that for the 1 -* t process we have k' <zk and integrating over ω, we get

where TL is the effective temperature of the Langmuir waves,


fcl,i 2eoptu(cos Θ qpa) '

while the quantities Jc12 are obtained from k\ 2 through the substitution 0 -»»π — 0; 0 is again the angle between the vectors k and E0.

IfEc-E0 <sc£c, eqn. ( becomes


Q = 6n 2" Wdko, 1) sin2 Θ' In (R-1), (

where θ' is the angle between the vectors k! and E0 and k0 = Γ2Λ,2(2ωρβ«)~"1| 1 —a |_1. We see that as JEO -+ Ec the intensity of the spontaneous emission increases steeply, tending to infinity—in the framework of the linear theory.

We can similarly consider the processes of transformation and scattering of longitudinal waves in a partially ionized plasma which is not only in an external electrical field, but also in an external magnetic field (Angeleiko and Akhiezer, 1969). Without giving the correspond­ing expressions we note that in that case also critical opalescence occurs: the scattering and transformation coefficients grow steeply when the external electrical field approaches its


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critical value EC(B0). It is important that in the case of a very strong magnetic field (qvs«: coBi) the critical opalescence effect is much stronger than in the case of a weak field. In fact, as E0 ->- Ec, the total cross-sections for the 1 -*■ 1 and t -*■ 1 processes tend to infinity as (Ec—Ed)~\ and not as In | l—(Eo/Ec) | as in the case when there is no magnetic field or the magnetic field is weak; however, the cross-section for the 1 -*■ t process tends to infinity for all values Θ < π/2 (for a < 1) or Θ > π/2 (for a > 1), and not solely for θ = π or Θ = 0, when there is no or a weak magnetic field; Θ is again the angle between the average directed electron velocity u and the wavevector of the incident wave.

12.6. Scattering and Transformation of Waves in a Turbulent Plasma


We have seen that the intensity of the processes for scattering and transformation of electromagnetic waves in a plasma is determined by the level of fluctuations in it. In a turbulent plasma, in which the energy of the random waves appreciably exceeds the thermal level, the intensity of the scattered (or transformed) radiation must thus turn out to be much larger than in the case of a quiescent plasma.

The detailed features of the interaction of the waves with the plasma, in particular, the spectral and angular distributions of the scattered (or transformed) radiation are determined by the nature of the spectral and angular distributions of the fluctuations in the plasma. This can enable us, in principle, to reconstruct the turbulence spectrum once we know the cross-sections for the transformation and scattering of waves in a turbulent plasma.

Turning to a study of the processes of scattering and transformation of electromagnetic waves in a turbulent plasma we shall, first of all, consider the transformation of a Langmuir wave into a transverse one as the result of interacting with turbulent sound waves. Accord­ing to eqn. ( the coefficient for the transformation is given by the expression

%■*=A*" {/(-*>ä ( € H «***-»->-**) -^77—2 ^k2rh-(k.u)+kvA 1 ; (

to fix the ideas, we have assumed in deriving the formula that the wavevector of the Langmuir wave is not too small, k2r^ ^> Tlimjnf*)'1.

The function I(q) which characterizes the level and the distribution of the random sound waves is connected with the correlation function of the electrical potential fluctuations in the sound region (qv{ « ω « qvQ, qrD <sc 1) through the relation

(φ*\ω = (2ny{I{q) δ(ω -qvs) + I(-q) δ(ω + ςνΛ)}. (


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In the case of a plasma with a directed electron motion the function I(q) depends strongly on the angle χ between the wavevector q and the electron current velocity u. In the stability region (cos % < vju) this function is determined by the well-known formula from the linear fluctuation theory (see Section 11.7)

^-wi1--^)"1· (12·61·3)

Near the boundary of the stability region, as cos % -► vsfu9 the quantity / grows steeply. Of most interest is the transformation of Langmuir waves for which the angle Θ between

the vectors k and u satisfies the condition

c o s 2 e ^ P ^ J . (

This inequality is the condition for the sound wave involved in the transformation to be turbulent.

The transverse waves which occur as a result of the transformation have, according to eqn. (, wavevectors k'+ or A;'_, where

Integrating eqn. ( over k' we get the following expression:

Σ ι-< = (τ) 2 ι |^-^ + / ( - Α ) + Α : ' - / ( Λ ) > · (Ι2·61·6> The differential transformation coefficient is connected with the function J^ _ t through the relation

f ^ ^ Z ^ s i n ^ . (

Let us investigate how the emitted power changes with the angle 0 between the vectors k and u. If condition ( is not satisfied, we get by substituting expression ( into eqn. ( the following formula:

Σι - t 2 ^ 2 e~oc> pe

9kTec2 W l + Ji-cos0) V ^ l - ^ c o s ö ) " 1 } . (

If krD < V(2wte/^mi) {1— (ulvs) c o s Ö}, we have fcj2 < 0; in that case we must omit the last term in the braces in eqn. (

When the vector k approaches the surface of the critical cone defined by eqn. (,


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the quantity £,_^t increases steeply. If the vector k lies inside the cone (, eqn. ( becomes

s — ( τ ) Ά · * ' * , ( τ * > · <Ι2·6·'·9)

where the upper (lower) sign corresponds to the case cos Θ < 0 (cos Θ > 0). In deriving this formula we neglected the contribution from the non-turbulent sound waves. Of course, if krO < V(2me/3mi){~l-f (u/vs)\ cos Θ |}, we have k'l < 0, and expression ( there­fore vanishes when cos 0 -< 0; the function J]i-*t *s ^n ^ a t c a s e determined by the second term in eqn. ( and is of the same order as in the non-turbulent region.

We see that the quantity £i-*t(*)—apart from the factor k'±—is proportional to I(^fk); we can therefore use that quantity directly to reconstruct the turbulence spectrum. Especially convenient for the reconstruction of the turbulence spectrum is a study of the transverse radiation distribution which is the result of the transformation of Langmuir oscillations with not too long wavelengths, fc2/f>» (we/mi) {1 — (vlsu)}2. In that case the function I has the same angular dependence as the function P, differing from the latter merely by a factor proportional to the wavelength,

where the upper (lower) sign refers to the case cos 0 < 0 (cos 0 > 0). Let us consider in a little more detail the transformation of longitudinal into transverse

waves in the case when the main mechanism leading to the establishing of the ion-sound turbulence is the non-linear damping of ion sound (Akhiezer, 1965e). In that case the func­tion 7(A) is determined by the formulae of Section 10.3. In order to estimate the order of magnitude of the power of the transverse radiation which is the result of the interaction of the Langmuir waves with the turbulent ion-sound oscillations we substitute expression ( into eqn. (

&-.~2ΕΗΒ&Γ· <**'■»> where/is a function which changes with k more slowly than a power.

We see that if the wavevector of the incident longitudinal waves lies within the critical cone (, the power of the transverse radiation exceeds the analogous quantity for the case of a non-turbulent plasma by a factor of the order R, where

*~-^Γ4·^5ΓΓ- (12-6U2)

The emitted power increases here as k±fk3 the wavenumber of the incident wave decreases The transformation of longitudinal into transverse waves can be of interest also as one

possible mechanism for the escape of energy from a plasma. Indeed, there are always random Langmuir waves in a plasma; their amplitude is determined by the electron temperature.


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Through interacting with the turbulent sound waves the random Langmuir waves can be transformed into transverse waves which after that may leave the plasma. The power P of such a spontaneous emission can easily be determined by putting \EQ\\ ~ Tt into eqn. ( and integrating over k,

V „ l 7e \3'2 Γ meTe

r%> pe e\mec2) [ miTiCOpeTe 1/2


This quantity is larger than the power carried away by the transverse waves when there is no turbulence by a factor R0, where

^Γ^Γ (12.6.U4) e2 l ^ίΓίωρετβ J


Let us now consider the scattering of transverse electromagnetic waves by turbulent ion-sound oscillation. The scattering coefficient dE which is the ratio of the intensity of the scattered wave to the energy flux density of the incident wave can be expressed in terms of the correlation function of the electron density fluctuations through eqn. ( In the sound region—medium-range frequencies and long wavelengths, qv{ <c ω «: qve, qrO <$c 1—this correlation function is connected with the function I(q) through the relation

<*{ηΙ\ω = T T V { % ) d(co-qvs)+I(-q) β(ω+?%)}. (

Substituting this expression into eqn. ( and bearing in mind that the relative change in frequency is small in a scattering process, Δω «: ω, we get

9 / & \ 2 l + COS2# {r,^«/A „ , . 1 Q\ αΣ = π2{^) i^-1 S^{i(f)*(4»-2^enT#)

+ I(-q)b ίΔω+lkVssin~A\</2ω'άω\ (

where m is the unperturbed electron density, ϋ the scattering angle, that is, the angle between the vectors k and k\ q = k'—k, and Δω = ω'—ω. The length of the vector q and the angle χ between this vector and the direction of the electron velocity u are determined by the expres­sions

», · 1 Λ cos0'—cos0 ,1*^*^ q = 2k sin — #, cos χ = , (

2 2sin-|-# where Θ(0') is the angle between k(kf) and u.

The quantity dE depends differently on the wavevectors of the incident and the scattered waves and is of a completely different order of magnitude depending on whether or not the following inequality is satisfied:

| ( * . K ) - ( * ' . * ) I H * - * ' | V . ,


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which is the condition that the sound wave taking part in the scattering be turbulent. In­troducing the angle φ between the (A, «)- and (k\ n)-planes, it is convenient to write this inequality in the form

4s in 2 4 -y)^ « ^ f l i ^ y j ( ^ - - l ] ( c o s g - c o s e 0 2 - ( s i n g - s i n g y ) 2 } » ( 2Ψ sin 0 sin 0'

Integrating expression ( over ω we get the scattering coefficient per unit solid angle,

dE 0 / e2 \2 I + cos2 dE o ί e \ l + cosz# iT, N -, χ, ,**^~^

1 ^ - = π2(^)"°-7ξ7Γ-^)+/(-^· (12·6·2·5) Let us investigate how the quantity αΣ/α2ω' varies with the direction of the vector k!,

If the angle φ is sufficiently large so that condition ( is not satisfied, we get by substituting expression ( into eqn. ( the well-known linear-theory formula for the scattering coefficient (compare eqn. (

dE 1 = — n0

d2i»' 2

( ^ ] \ l + c o s ^ ) U - ^ ^ i m - \ {l2.62.6)

As the vector k' approaches the surface of the critical cone, defined by eqn. (, the quantity αΣ/α2ω' grows steeply. If the vector k' lies inside the critical cone (, eqn. ( becomes

dE ,/ e* \ 2 l+cos 2 # r/l . „ - . r - ^ Λ7 = π2(j&) ^^^fTI(±q)' (12-617)

where the upper (lower) sign corresponds to the case 0' < Θ (0' >■ 0) while the quantities q and χ are given by eqns. (

Equations ( and ( can be considerably simplified for the case of a turbulent plasma which is just critical, l—(vs/u) <c 1. For a strong interaction between an electromagnetic wave and the turbulent fluctuations in such a plasma it is necessary that the angle φ be small and that the angle 0' lie close to π—0. Condition ( then be­comes

(0+0'-π)2+<ρ2 tan2 0 ^ 8 ( l - — ) , (

and the scattering coefficient per unit solid angle is given by eqn. ( in which we must substitute

cos2 # - cos2 20, q = 2k | cos 01, cos χ = (-sgn cos 0) {1 ~ i [ 0 + θ '-π)2+φ2 tan2 0]}. (

In principle, we can use eqns. ( and ( to find the function I(q), once we know the function dE\d2is>' which characterizes the angular distribution of the scattered


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radiation. In particular, if φ = 0 and 0 > 0', we have

where we must substitute for k and 0' the functions k(q) and Q'(q) determined by the relations

sin \{θ+ θ')= cos x, sin 1 1 0 - 0' | = J^ .

The frequency-dependence of the quantity άΣ/ά2ω' (for fixed 0) thus directly determines the ^-dependence of/; the angular dependence of the function /can easily be reconstructed from the angular dependence of the function dEjcPiu'.

We note that the change in frequency in the scattering process is uniquely determined by the frequency of the incident wave and the scattering angle,

I Δω | = 2ω — sin — #. c 2

Hence, by measuring the magnitude of Δω we can easily find the ion-sound velocity and from this the electron temperature.

Let us consider in somewhat more detail the scattering of transverse electromagnetic waves in the case when the main mechanism establishing stationary ion-sound turbulence is the non-linear ion-sound damping (Akhiezer, 1965e). In order to estimate the order of magnitude of the cross-section for the scattering of electromagnetic waves by turbulent ion-sound oscillations we substitute expression ( into eqn. (

dE m l e2 \2 n 1 Γ mJTc Ί 1 ' 2

α2ω ■*(έ)4[τ :] · < , 2 · 6 - 2 " )

It follows from this formula that if the wavevector k' of the scattered wave lies inside the critical cone (, the scattering cross-section exceeds the analogous quantity for the case of a non-turbulent plasma by a factor of the order R where R is given by formula ( Comparing eqns. ( and ( we see that the energy flux connected with the scattered waves is almost totally concentrated inside the critical cone.

It follows from eqn. ( that if the vector k! lies inside the critical cone, the quantity άΣ^ω' will be proportional to ω~3 where ω is the frequency of the incident wave; the total cross-section for the scattering of electromagnetic waves in a turbulent plasma is also proportional to ω~3. We note that if there is no turbulence—and also in a turbulent plasma if the vector k lies outside the critical cone—the cross-section for the scattering of transverse waves by ion-sound oscillations is independent of the frequency of the incident wave.


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Let us now consider the scattering of transverse electromagnetic waves by turbulent Langmuir oscillations. As in Chapter 10 we shall characterize the intensity of the turbulent Langmuir oscillations by a function I(q) which is connected with the correlator of the electrostatic potential through the relation

<?%, = {2nf{I{q) δ(ω-ωι(9))+Ι(-9) ί(ω+ω,(,))}, (

where ω^) is the frequency of the Langmuir wave. Using the general formula ( we can easily obtain the cross-section for the scatter­

ing of electromagnetic waves by turbulent Langmuir oscillations, bearing in mind that the correlation function of the electron density fluctuations is in the high-frequency region connected with the correlation function of the potential fluctuations through the relation

If the turbulence in the plasma is caused by an electron current, the Langmuir waves for which cos χ > 0, where χ is the angle between the vector q and the direction of the electron current, will be turbulent. Using this we get for the cross-section per unit solid angle for scattering of electromagnetic waves by turbulent Langmuir oscillations the following expression:

£-' = ^ ( 1 + « * * > ώ φ ' ( ± Α (

where the upper (lower) sign refers to the case 0 > 0' (0 < 0'); 0(0') is again the angle between the vector ft (ft') and the direction of the electron current (to fix the ideas we have assumed that ω > ω^). Equation ( together with relations ( for q and χ make it, in principle, possible to find the function I(q) once we know the function αΣ/Αω' characterizing the angular distribution of the scattered radiation.

Let us now consider the specific nature of the scattering of light by growing fluctuations in a plasma through which a beam of charged particles is passing with a velocity larger than the critical one (Akhiezer, 1963). We showed in Section 11.6 that in the correlation functions for such a system the times t, t' occur not only in the combination t—t' = At, but also separately; the correlators then contain terms growing both with increasing t = \(t+t') and with increasing \At\. It is important that the correlators oscillate fast with changing At—with a frequency of the order (q*u\ where q is the wavevector of the fluctuations and u the beam velocity—while slowly growing—with a growth rate y ~ w^Jn'/n0)1/2 in the non-resonance case and a growth rate y ~ ωρβ(«7«ο)1/3 in the resonance case, where «'is the beam density—with increasing At and t. Therefore, if all the frequencies ω, ω', and Αω are large compared with the growth rate y we can use again formula ( for the scattering cross-section, neglecting the non-oscillating Zli-dependence of the correlator—that is, putting yAt -* 0—and assuming the Fourier component of the correlator with respect to At to be a slowly varying function of t.


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We thus arrive at the conclusion that when electromagnetic waves are scattered in a beam-plasma system, the spectrum of the scattered radiation contains not only the Doppler broadened main line and the Langmuir satellites, but also an additional line, connected with the fact that in such a plasma oscillations can propagate with a frequency close to (q*u). This line has the greatest intensity when | (q»u) | % ω^\ it is then superimposed upon the Langmuir line.

In contrast to the scattering of light in a plasma without beams, the scattering of light in the plasma-beam system is strongly anisotropic. The scattering will be particularly strong when the direction of the vector k' satisfies the condition (£'·») = (^·ιι)±ωρ<5. Introducing the angle 0 (0') between the vectors k (k') and u and assuming, to fix the ideas, that ω » ωρβ, we can write this relation conveniently in the form

cos0' = c o s 0 ± ^ . ( UO)

If condition ( is satisfied, the differential scattering cross-section has the form

dE={\ + h(J))dEQ, (

where dZ° is the cross-section for the scattering of electromagnetic waves by Langmuir waves in a plasma without beams, which is given by formula (, while

\/3 / n' \1/3

h(t) = |{2 cosh(2y/)+4 cosh(yO+3}, γ = γ ωρβ / _ J . (

The term h{t) is connected with the scattering by the specific oscillations in the plasma-beam system which are absent in the case of a plasma without beams. If t = 0, h = 1; with increasing u h(t) increases. The increase in the scattering cross-section occurs until the amplitudes of the growing fluctuations reach saturation, determined by non-linear effects.

12.7. Echoes in a Plasma


We have studied in the preceding sections processes for the scattering and transformation of waves in a plasma, which are caused by non-linear wave interactions. We shall now consider one more effect, caused by the non-linear wave interactions, the so-called plasma echo.

Let us first of all remind ourselves that even when there are no collisions the oscillations of macroscopic quantities in the plasma are exponentially damped with time, while devia­tions of the distribution functions from their equilibrium values can undergo undamped oscillations. The existence of such undamped oscillations of the distribution functions is caused by the fact that if there are no binary collisions it is impossible to establish equilib­rium by the action of only the self-consistent field, since the self-consistent field does not change the entropy. The presence of undamped oscillations in the distribution functions


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also leads to the possibility for the occurrence of echo effects (Gould, O'Neil, and Malmberg, 1967; O'Neil and Gould, 1968).

It is easy to explain qualitatively the mechanism to produce an echo in a plasma. Let there be excited oscillations in the electrical field of the form exp(Zfcix) at time t = 0. These oscillations will be damped exponentially with time (Landau damping) but they will lead to the appearance of undamped oscillations in the electron distribution function in the plasma of the form

/i{1) ~ fi(v) expiHax-ikxOt). (

After a sufficiently long time the oscillations in the distribution function will not be accom­panied by oscillations in the macroscopic quantities as the integration of the deviation ( of the distribution function over the velocities will give zero because of the fast-changing nature of the factor exp(—ik±vt). Therefore, after a time t, much larger than γ~\ where γ is the Landau damping rate of the corresponding oscillation, there will be practically no electrical field connected with the initial perturbation in the plasma, although a memory of the initial perturbation will be stored in the form of the undamped oscillations of the dis­tribution function.

If we now at time x(x ^> γ'1) again excite oscillations of the electrical field in the form exp (/fcax), they will lead to the appearance of undamped oscillations of the distribution function of the form

fP ~ Mv) Gxp{ikzx-ik2v(t-t)}. (

If we neglect non-linear effects, these oscillations in the distribution function will exist independent of the earlier excited oscillations ( and when t—x ^> y _ 1 the macro­scopic manifestations of these oscillations will be absent. However, if we take the non-linear wave-wave interactions into account, there occurs the possibility of the appearance of echo effects. Indeed, the effect of non-linearities in the kinetic equation means that the second perturbation leads not only to the appearance of the oscillations ( of the distribu­tion function, but also to the appearance of oscillations at the sum-frequencies:

/(2> - fxtyfäv) exp{i(fci+fc2) x-Kkx+k2) vt+ik2vx\ (

If k\ < 0 and t = k2xj{k2-\ k\ |), the exponent in ( will be independent of v, and the integral of ( over the velocities will be non-zero. This means that at the time t = k2r/(k<i-\ k\ |) there arise again macroscopic oscillations—electrical field oscillations. These oscillations are echo oscillations.

In order that echo oscillations can occur it is clearly necessary that the period t—x is much longer than the inverse of the Landau damping rate, γ~ι:

* k\ir ^-χ»γ~\ ( k2 — \ki\

This condition is satisfied, if | k\ \\(k2 — \ ki |) is of the order of unity. We see that the plasma echo is an essentially non-linear effect. The example considered

here corresponded to taking second-order non-linearity into account. However, in principle, higher-order echo effects are also possible in a plasma.


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Apart from temporal echo effects one can also have spatial echo effects. If electrical field oscillations with a given frequency ωι are discontinuously excited at a well-defined spot in the plasma, while at a different place at a distance / from the original point, where / > vph/y with vph the phase velocity of the oscillations considered, oscillations are excited with a different frequency ω^ (> ωι), at a distance co2//(co2—a>i) from the first source echo oscillations will occur with frequency ω2—ωχ. Higher-order spatial echo effects are also possible: in fact, at distances

lpg = -—l ( ωΜ

from the first source echo oscillations with a sum-frequency

u>pq = po)2~qo)i > 0, (

where p and q are integers, will occur.


Let us now turn to a quantitative consideration of temporal echo effects in a plasma (O'Neil and Gould, 1968; Sitenko, Nguen Van Chong, and Pavlenko, 1970a,b). Limiting our considerations to longitudinal oscillations only we shall start from the non-linear kinetic equations for the electron and ion distribution functions and the equation to determine the self-consistent electrical field,

-^--+(o· V)Fa+— £ · - ^ - = 0,

d i v £ = 4π |Σ>« f Λ Λ > + ρ η , (

where ρ° is the given external charge density, and a = e, i. We shall assume that the un­perturbed state of the plasma is uniform and in equilibrium.

We choose the external charge density ρ° in the form

ρ°(ι% 0 = e iexp {/(*iT)} δ{ω0(ί-0)}+ ρ2exp {ι(*2τ)} δ{(ω0(ί-τ)}, (

that is, we shall assume that external perturbations occur in the plasma at times t — 0 and t = % (% :$> y-i) and that the spatial behaviour of the perturbations are in the form of plane waves; ω0 is an arbitrary quantity with the dimensions of a frequency.

Performing a spatial Fourier and a temporal Laplace transformation in the set ( we get

i{k.Ekp) = 4n{YelFkpd*v+qlP}, (

NP 16 225

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where we have dropped the index a and where

Qlp = ^ ~ {ριδ(*-*ι)+ e2e-^d(ft-ft2)}. ( ft>o

Assuming the external perturbation to be small, we shall solve the set ( by the method of successive approximations, that is, we shall look for the distribution functions F and the field E in the form

F = / 0 + / (D- f / (2 ) + . . . , E = EM+EM+

where the / 0 are the unperturbed functions for which we shall take Maxwell distributions, while/(1) and/(2) (respectively, E(1) and £(2)) are corrections which are linear and quadratic in the external perturbation (

In the linear approximation we find (we now put a = e)

£(D = _Ani M E f(X) = e_ (Ep. df°ldv \ (

^ *mkH{kJp)' Jkp m*\kp p+i{k.v))9 K }

where e(k, ip) is the longitudinal dielectric permittivity of the plasma. By using the inverse Laplace transform we easily find the asymptotic temporal behaviour of the quantities ( The perturbation ( leads in the plasma to damped electrical field oscilla­tions E^\t) with frequencies equal to the eigen frequencies of the plasma and there also occur oscillations of the distribution functions/^ with frequencies ω = (Λ·υ).

Taking into account the terms in the kinetic equations which are non-linear in the external perturbation we find the field amplitude in the second approximation

a' + ioo

kp iw*ft*e(*,//0 J J 2ra σ'—zoo

„ f <*»*' (*-{*-*'}) g*-* P-P> Qk'AV . {dfp/dv}) . Π2726Ϊ A J (2ττ)3 ^^[ρ+ίμ-ν^Ιρ'+Κν'νΚεμ',ίρΊεμ-ν,ίρ-ιρ') ' K ' ' }

we shall here and henceforth assume the plasma to be a one-component plasma, for the sake of simplicity. As the plasma echo is caused by the interference between the first and the second perturbation, we need retain in the product of the components of the external charge density only the cross terms, that is,

Qk-k-p-sQw ^^^Q^dik-^-k.Mk'-k^e-^+dik'-k^e-^P^}. (

From ( it follows that the wavevector of the quadratic signal is the sum of the wave-vectors of the successive perturbations,

k = *!+*2. (


Page 237: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


Performing the inverse Laplace transform and using ( and ( we find

* w^gfe2A:fA:l J J 2m [/>+*(£·ρ)]2ε(*> y?) σ—foo


J 2ni | [/7/+/(Α:2·Ρ)] ε(Αι, ip-ip')e(k2, ιρ') [/?' + /(*ι·ι>)] ε(Αι, z/?') ε(*2, ip—ip') J * σ'—/βο

( where er ><r' > 0.

We can use Cauchy's theorem to integrate in ( over p' and /?, completing the integration contour by an infinitely large semicircle, taken to the right or to the left of the straight lines Re p' = a' or Re p = a, depending on the sign of the quantities in front of pf

or p in the exponent. We must take the semicircle for the integral over/?' of the first term in the braces in ( to the right of the line Re p' = a\ and the integral vanishes. The semicircle for the integral of the second term in the braces in ( must be chosen to the left of the line Re/?' = &. If the quantity r and the interval between the time the echo appears and the second perturbation is large compared to γ~\ we need take into account in the integral over p' only the contribution from the pole at p' = — ζ(Λι·ϋ). The contributions from the poles where the dielectric permittivity vanishes can be neglected by virtue of the condition yx:» 1. Integrating similarly over/? and only taking into account the second-order pole at p — — ι(£·ο), we find

I I L·. . (*·£) e-i(kfO)T


φ L e(k, ip) e(*2, V - (*i ·»)) JP - -/(* · ·) Λΐ;ω8*| fca

U i - " 0 ^ ) ^ " , ( * # e ) , + , ( * i e | , ) T

X«(*-*i-Jfca) e(*i, (fti·»)) e(*2, (*2·»)) ε((*? (*·»))

dh). (

We can write the exponential in the integral in this equation in the form ^-W'*)('-*') where

, (k2.v) (*.*) (

At time t — %' this exponential becomes unity and the field strength E^\t) attains its largest absolute magnitude. When /, however, is not equal to τ', the expression for the field E(2) vanishes after integrating over the velocities because of the fast oscillations of the exponential factor.

The vectors Jfci, k^ and k are connected through eqn. ( It is clear that in order that an echo can occur it is necessary that the inequality τ' > τ is satisfied. Therefore, if the wavevector k% is parallel to ki9 so that, from (, %' < r, the echo can not occur. One can show by explicit calculations that an echo can occur only when the vector k% is

16* 227

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antiparallel to the vector k\ and the absolute magnitude of k2 is larger than that of k±: in that case x' > r. One can show that when there is an echo, the angle between the vectors k\ and k% may differ fromzr only by a small amount of the order V C ^ V / T ) ^ ^ ) " 1 .


We shall assume that the vector k2 is antiparallel to the vector k\ and that k2 > k±. In that case k = k2—k\ and

f - T ^ t . 02.™.»

To simplify the calculations we shall assume that k\ = -^k%, so that k = ki. Integrating in ( over the velocity components at right angles to k we find for the field E®\r, t) (ft = fti+ft2):

ξα$Ρ K } Ke ) s(ku -(*!·!>)) e(k2, (k2*v)) e(k9 (*.*)) '


The factors e~1(A1, — (Αι·ο)), ε""1^, (Α2·ϋ))5 and e"x(ifc,(ifc«o)) in eqn. ( have a simple physical meaning. They describe the effect of the dielectric properties of the plasma on the external perturbation and on the echo field. If krO <§c 1, the factor s~x(k, (A>p)) has a steep maximum for velocities v close to the phase velocity of the corresponding waves in the plasma.

We can perform the remaining integration in ( over the velocity component along k by going into the complex v-plane and completing the integration contour by a semicircle of infinitely large radius, lying either in the upper or in the lower half-plane. If t < τ', we complete the integration contour with a semicircle in the upper half-plane (the contribution from the integral along this semicircle vanishes) and we find that only the pole—which lies inside the contour—corresponding to the condition ε(Λι, — (Αι·ϋ)) = 0 contributes to the result:

64nze3QiQ2k mlcolkikzk E*Kr,t)= — * * ? ( * - * ) « » · ' »

X dv V — ±0>ρ,

exp I -T- (± top« - yι) (τ' -1) |

± S dv e(ku -kxv) e{k2, (^2/^i)(±wpe-/yi)} e{k, (fc/fci)(±a)pe-/yi)}

\v =±cope/A:1


If t > x\ we must complete the integration contour by a semi-circle in the lower v-half-plane. The poles corresponding to the conditions ε(Λ2, (k2*v)) = 0 and s(k, (£·»)) = 0 then


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contribute to the result:

64TT3 e3QiQ2k {

mlw^kik2k mr,t) = ^^^{t-r)^

X< OV \v=±wvelk2 L*2 J

± ε I ku - Λ (± ωΡβ - ^2) j -5— e(kz, k2v) ε I k, -r- (± cope - iy2) i \ * 2 / OT |υ=±α,ρβ/Λ2 \ * 2 /

- | M exp[(±fop.-y)(i-t')]

t\kh~(±cop&-iy)\ εΙ^-^(±ων6-ίγ)\^ε(^ kv) \V = ± a>pe//r


We must note the asymmetric nature of the echo signal as function of time. The growth of the echo oscillations is given by the exponent exp{—γι(τ' —i)}, while its damping is given by the terms with the exponents exp{—y2(t—%')} and exp{—y(t—τ')} , where yl9 yi, and y are the Landau damping coefficients for waves with wavevectors k\9 Λ2, and k.

Let us determine the form of the echo signal for the case when all three oscillations correspond to Langmuir frequencies and krO <sc 1. Asy ~ exp(—|^~2ro2)andfc2 = 2fc,we have y2 » y- We can thus neglect in ( the contribution from the first term. Using also expression ( for e(k, ω) we can obtain the following expression for the amplitude of the echo oscillations:

. 32τζ2£ωρβ

mtcolk2 E&\r, t) = -i 27^Λτριρ2 sin φ ^(*">-vl <-*'! cos [ωρβ(/-τ')+9>], (

where the phase φ is determined by the relation

2k y tan φ = 7—j- -+- .

We can similarly easily find the form of the echo signal in a non-isothermal plasma in the case of sound oscillations:

£<2>(i% t) = 8π2/ ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ * e xP ['(*·')-?.! *-*' I] cos [kvs(t-r% (

We note that in this case the shape of the signal is symmetric in time. Concluding this section we shall give expressions for the amplitudes of the echo

oscillations when echo sound oscillations are produced as the result of the superposition of


Page 240: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


Langmuir oscillations:

w.o-Zp-gfr*«™ sin φ&&-*) cos [ωρβ)(ί—τ')+φ], t < τ';

3 k2v2

+ T^f> - exp [-rs(/-t')] cos [kvs(t-r% 4 ysö>Pe

τ'\ (

and when echo Langmuir oscillations are formed as the result of the superposition of sound oscillations on Langmuir oscillations:

£(*)(,,,)=_ ^^i^^rkeK^l 3 mew^Jc TTz™**1

3 k2tf -xl<M> Lexp[ys('-O]cos [kvs(t-t% t<x';

4 &>pe% [sin <p -yC'-O cos [ωρβ(ί—τ')+<ρ], / > τ'.

( The echo oscillations ( and ( are symmetric in time.

We note that taking binary collisions into account leads to a damping of the oscillations of the distribution functions and hence to a weakening of the echo effects in a plasma.


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C H A P T E R 13

Scattering of Charged Particles in a Plasma

13.1. The Passage of Charged Particles Through an Unmagnetized Plasma


We mentioned already in Section 1.1 that the field of a charged test particle which is introduced into the plasma is screened due to the polarization effect. If the particle moves, there is apart from the screening of its field yet another effect: the deceleration of the particle caused by the excitation of waves in the plasma by the moving particle.1

We now turn to a study of these effects. We shall first of all determine the field produced by a charged particle moving in the plasma. To do this we must use the Maxwell equations and take into account the extra charge density ρ0 and current density j 0 connected with the moving particle. Assuming the particle velocity v to be sufficiently large—it must be much larger than the thermal velocities of the particles in the plasma—we can write ρ0 and jo in the form

ρο = Ze d(r-vt), jo = Zev 5(r-ü/), (

where Ze is the charge of the particle. Expanding the fields and currents in Fourier integrals and eliminating the magnetic

induction from the equations we obtain the following equations for the electrical field strength:

Σ{"2(^-^) + ε^Λ' ^ ) U ( Ä , ω) = ^Mk, ω), (

where j0(k, ω) is the Fourier component of the current density connected with the moving charge,

Mk, a>) = ^ Z e p δ{(ω-(*·ι>)}. (

t Bohr (1948), Fermi (1940), and Tamm and Frank (1937) developed the general theory of the passage of charged particles through a medium. Several authors (Vlasov, 1950; Akhiezer and Sitenko, 1952; Böhm and Pines, 1951; Pines and Böhm, 1952; Lindhard, 1954; Neufeld and Ritchie, 1955; Sitenko and Stepa-nov, 1958; Larkin, 1960) have studied the energy loss of particles moving through an unmagnetized plasma.


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In the case of an isotropic plasma the dielectric permittivity tensor is given by eqn. ( and the solution of eqn. ( has the form

Using the inverse Fourier transformation we get from this the following expression for the electrical field of a point charge moving with a constant velocity through the plasma (ω = (*τ)):

™ Λ Ze f ί k v-k[(k*v)fk2] 1 . , * , . , Mf „„ , , *x £(r, 0 = - ^ τ Ι-Γ2-77 ^ + r / L \ j 2 2 J g , ( f e ' y ) Λ > (

2ττ2ί J yk2e\(k, ω) co[et(k, ω) — (&2C2/Ö)2)] I The first term in ( describes the potential (longitudinal) part of the field of a

moving charge and the second term corresponds to the rotational (transverse) part of the field.

If the particle is at rest (v = 0) there is no rotational part in ( and the field is completely longitudinal. If we introduce for that case the scalar potential of the field,

£ = -grad<p, we find from (

Ze Γ e^k'r^ «r> = ^ J F 5 Ö M Ö A · (13U-6)

Substituting in ( the static value of the longitudinal plasma dielectric permit­tivity,

ε,(*,0)= 1 + (^D)-2,

and integrating, we get finally the following expression for the potential of the field of a charge at rest in the plasma:

9<r) = ^ e x p ( - r / r D ) , (

where we have assumed the charge to be at the origin. We obtained this result already earlier (eqn. (


When a charge particle moves through a plasma it loses part of its energy due to its inter­action with neighbouring particles (in what follows we shall follow the paper by Akhiezer and Sitenko, 1952). We can clearly consider the energy losses as the work done by the brak­ing force acting on the particle due to the electromagnetic field produced by the particle itself. The change in the particle energy per unit time is equal to

where E is the field produced by the particle at its own position.



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If the particle moves with a high velocity its energy loss will be relatively small and the particle velocity will practically remain constant. Under those conditions the field E is given byeqn. ( and the expression for Λ5/Λ becomes (ω = (Λ·ο))

äs_^n ω _+ f-fif) u , (13,.2.2) :ίί dt 2π2ί J [ k2si(k, ω) ' ω[ε&9 ω) - (fc2c2/co2)] J

We must here integrate over k up to some maximum value ko for which we can still employ safely the macroscopic arguments for the interaction between the particle and the plasma which we have used here.

Using the fact that the real parts of εχ and et are even functions of the frequency and the imaginary parts odd functions, we can rewrite eqn. ( in the form (ω = (Λ·ι>))

άί - *" I» J { ^ ^ + flSL.,,>*. 03...2.3, dt 2π2 I k2EX(k, ω) co[(et/r, ω) - (/c2c2/co2)]

The first term in ( corresponds to the interaction between the particle and the longitudinal field and determines the polarization energy losses of the particle. The second term in ( takes into account the interaction of the particle with the transverse field and corresponds in the general case to the energy losses connected with the emission of transverse waves (Cherenkov emission). As the phase velocities of the transverse waves in an isotropic plasma exceed the velocity of light the condition for Cherenkov emission is not satisfied and in that case the second term in ( vanishes.

We note that both the polarization energy losses (if we neglect the particle recoil) and the losses connected with Cherenkov emission, are independent of the mass of the moving particle. In particular, these losses will be non-vanishing even for a particle which is infinitely heavy.

Let us evaluate the polarization energy losses for a charged particle moving through an unmagnetized equilibrium plasma. Noting that d3k = 2πκάκ άω\ν^ where κ is the component of k at right angles to the velocity Ό we can write the expression for the polarization losses in the form (φ(ζ) = 2z exp (—z2) j2

Q exp (x2) dx\z — (o/kve<\/2) X0 +o©

= "^TImJ xdx J κ2+(ω2[ν2)+ι%[1-φ(ζ)+ΐνπζ™ν(-ζ2)] t13·1·2·4)

Expression ( diverges as κ0 — «>. This is connected with the fact that if we describe the plasma by macroscopic dielectric permittivities we take in fact only the long-range interactions into account and neglect the close collisions of the particle with the electrons in the plasma. One may neglect these collisions if the collision parameter b is much larger than v/copQ; however, if b < ν/ωρβ the main role is played by collisions between the charged particle and the separate electrons in the plasma so that the macroscopic description of the interaction between the particle and the plasma loses its meaning. Small values of b correspond to large values of κ0 so that, as we have noted already, the integra­tion over x in ( must be taken up to some maximum value κ0.

If the particle velocity is much larger than the thermal velocity v& of the electrons in the


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plasma, the important z-values in equation ( are those for which z » 1. Using the asymptotic expansion for the function φ(ζ) we can write the energy losses caused by far collisions in the form

do _ Ζ2β2ω% ? T ωάω dt ~ πν l m J nd% J [κ*+(ωηνη][ω*-ω%+2ίγωΓ V13·1·2·5)

0 - o o

where y is the damping rate ( of the plasma waves. The integral over ω along the real axis is equal to the residue of the only pole ω = ικν

which lies in the upper half-plane; we have thus


Assuming that κ0ν » ω^ we get finally the following expression for the energy losses caused by far collisions:

at mev ωρβ

To obtain the total energy losses of the particle we must add to this expression the additional energy losses of the particles in close collisions. Generally speaking, we must describe close collisions quantum-mechanically, and one can use a classical description only in the case of a very short de Broglie wavelength. More precisely, in order to be able to use a classical description it is necessary that the particle de Broglie wavelength,

k = (Mmef[M+me])v'

where M is the particle mass and me the electron mass, is much shorter than the effective impact parameter b between the moving particle and the plasma particles (electrons). In classical mechanics the quantity b is given by


The criterion for the applicability of the classical discussion,

λ <sc ft, can thus be written as


ü « = p . (

We have also assumed that the velocity of the particle is large compared to the average thermal velocity of the plasma particles,

v :» «v 234

Page 245: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


If v > Ze2/h we must use a quantum-mechanical treatment of the close collisions which we shall give later on, but now we shall consider the case when condition ( is satisfied, that is, when the classical discussion is valid.

First of all, we connect the upper limit κ0 of the integral which determines the energy losses of the particle in distant collisions with the corresponding value bo of the collision parameter. To do this we shall consider the energy loss in distant collisions as the energy flux of the electromagnetic field which passes through a cylindrical surface of radius b0 around the trajectory of the charge:

d& C Γ\[Ε Λ B]-d*S)9 dA^^[( dt Ait J V

where d2S is a surface area element of that cylindrical surface. Using the axial symmetry of the field we can rewrite this expression in the form

dd_ dt


-jboc f EZB dz. (

where we have taken the z-axis along the motion of the particle. If v > ve the spatial dis­persion is unimportant. There is in that case no Cherenkov emission and the energy losses ( are therefore solely connected with the longitudinal part of the electrical field. Using ( we can write the components of the longitudinal electrical and the magnetic field in the form

S = -iZe TtV2 f^M^HHHh



Substituting these expressions into ( and noting that if we neglect the spatial dis­persion ε(ω) = 1 — (top,,/«)2, we find after integration

do #jL = -**2&LK, ^ ή Κχ (i!28L) , (

Assuming that co^bo/v «: 1 and using the asymptotic expressions for the Macdonald func­tions for small values of the argument,

Ko(x)**ln —, tfi(x)^i, γχ x

where y ^ 1.78, we get do_ dt

forioZPe* t / 2v ■In

mev \y&oft>pe/ (


Page 246: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


Comparing this expression with expression ( we see that

2 1 1 123 κο = ± ' ^ ± ^ ± . (

γ bo bo

Let us now determine the energy losses of a particle caused by close collisions in the classical case, that is, when condition ( is satisfied. If n0 is the electron density in the plasma and b the collision parameter, the average number of collisions during a time interval dt, for which b lies between b and b+db, is equal to 2nn0vb db dt. The energy lost by the particle in collision with the electrons in the plasma is equal to

A5—»» ' , l-Zg±&-. (I3.1ÜJ, mev2 b2+l2 Mmev2

where Ze is the charge and M the mass of the particle. Multiplying this expression by Innovb db dt we find the energy losses caused by close collisions between the particle and the electrons in the plasma,

do 4nn0Z2e* f° bdb (13 12 14) Z ¥ Γ

ev J dt mev J Z>2+£2


where the integration over b is from zero to some value b0 for which the electrons can still be considered to be free. Assuming that b0 ^> I we find

do 4nnoZ2e* Λ \ MmQv2

dt mev In Ze2(M+me) ,] b0\. (

Adding expressions ( and ( we find the total energy losses of a moving particle per unit time:

do 4πη0Ζ2β* Λ \2 Mmj? ~\ /mii*x (U.l.z.lo) dt mGv [ y Ze2(M+rae)ft)pe J "

This formula is valid in the classical case, that is, when the inequality v <sc Ze2/h is satisfied; moreover, the particle velocity must be much higher than the thermal velocity of the elec­trons in the plasma, v ^> ve.

In the quantal case, when v % Ze2/h, the upper limit in eqn. ( must be connected with the maximum transfer of momentum from the moving particle to an electron in the medium. For sufficient large transfers one can assume the electrons to be free, and then the maximum momentum transfer is, according to (, equal to


too = - = ^ - . ( b0v

Substituting the value κ0 = 2Ze2/hb0v, thus obtained, into expression ( and adding the result to expression ( we find the total energy losses of the particle for the


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quantal case, v ^ Ze2ffi: d& dt

4nn0Z2e* In


(Μ-\-ηίο)Λωρ (

We note that we could have obtained this formula directly from the general formula ( by using the quantum-mechanical expression for the plasma dielectric permittivity ε{

and taking the particle recoil into account. Equations ( and ( determine the total energy losses of a charged

particle only when its mass is much larger than the electron mass. If a light particle (an electron) moves through the plasma, the interaction of the particle with the fluctuation field in the plasma, which we neglected in deriving ( and (, plays an essential role.


We have already mentioned that eqns. ( and ( did not take into account the fluctuations of the electromagnetic field in the plasma; moreover, when deriving these formulae we neglected the change in the velocity of the particle, that is, we neglected the particle recoil. We shall now consider these effects, starting with the classical case, when v <z.Ze2/h (Sitenko and Tszyan' Yu-Tai, 1963; Sitenko, 1964; Kaiman and Ron, 1961).

We shall start from the following expression for the average change in the energy of the moving particle per unit time:

- ^ - = Ze({v{t).E{r{t\ /))>, (

where £(r(f), t) is the electrical field at the spot where the particle is situated (r(t) is the radius vector determining the position of the particle at time t), v(t) the particle velocity, while the brackets ( . . . ) indicate a statistical average.

In the classical case, when we can use the concept of a trajectory, the equation of motion of the particle has the form

v(t) = ^-E(r(t),t). (

Formally integrating this equation we find

Ze v(t) = 0o+ M \ d (


Ze t V

\dt' [df'E(r


r(t) = ro+v0(t-to)+-^r \ dt' \ dt" E(r(t"), t")9

to t0

where ro and vo are the radius vector and the velocity of the particle at t0


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We shall choose a time interval At sufficiently long compared with the period of the random fluctuations of the electrical field in the plasma, but small compared to the time interval after which the motion of the particle is appreciably changed. As during this time interval At the particle trajectory differs little from a straight line, we can write for the particle velocity and the field acting upon the particle at time t = to+At approximately

p(0 = » o + ^ (dfE(r0(O,t'), M

t r

E{r(t\1) ~ £(r0(0, /) + jjj f dt' f Ä" Σ^ΗΠ, t") ~ £(r0(/), 0,

} (

*o t0

where r0(/) is the radius vector of the particle along its uniform motion along a straight line,

fo(0 = r0+Oo(t-to). ( Substituting ( into ( we get the following expression for the average

change in the energy of the moving particle per unit time, up to terms in e2:

- ^ - = Ze((vo.E(r*t), / ) ) > + ^ < j * df j * dt" p , ( r 0 ( O , '") ^ {v0.E(r0(t), ή) .

+ ^jjf{ f df{E{r«(t'\ t').E{r«{t\ t)) >. (

It is clear that the average value of the fluctuating part of the field vanishes so that the quantity (E(r, t)) is the same as the field strength produced by the particle itself in the plasma. The first term in ( is thus the polarization energy loss of the moving particle which we found in the preceding subsection and which is given by formula ( We note that the first term in (, like the second and third terms, is proportional to the square of the charge of the moving particle, as the average value of the field strength is proportional to Ze.

The second and third terms in ( determine the change in the energy of the moving particle which is connected with the fluctuations in the electrical field in the plasma and with the change in the particle velocity under the influence of that field. Let us first of all consider the second term which determines the dynamic friction of the particle caused by the presence of space-time correlations between the fluctuations in the electrical field in the plasma. The presence of such correlations leads to extra energy losses of the moving particle —apart from the polarization losses.

Changing the order of integration over t' and /" in the second term in (, integrat­ing over /' and introducing a new variable ξ = t-t'\ we get

d& dt M


f | dl £ /^( ι -ο( ί-Ι) , t-l) - J - VoiE^oit), t)\. (


Page 249: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


As the correlation functions for the fluctuations of the field are exponentially small for large At we can put the upper limit in this integral equal to infinity (At -*oo). Taking the space-time Fourier transforms of the field components Efyr, t), we get the following expression for the loss of directed motion energy of the particle (ω = (k»Oo)):

dt 72e2 Γ d

^ M J C O ^ - ^ V ^ (13.1-3.8)

where Ex is the longitudinal electrical field in the plasma. The third term in ( determines the average change in the particle energy which is

connected with the correlations between the fluctuation change in the velocity of the particle itself and the fluctuation electrical field in the plasma. The presence of such correlations leads on average to an increase in the energy of the moving particle. Fourier transforming, one can easily show that (ω = (ft»e?o))

Adding expressions ( and ( we get the change in the energy of the moving particle which are connected with the fluctuations in the field and take the particle recoil into account (Sitenko and Tszyan' Yu-Tai, 1963) (ω = (Α·υ0))

( # ) , = - Ϊ ^ 7 | ^ Γ 1 » < £ ? > « · 1 Α <,3·'·3·10> To obtain the total energy losses of the particle we must add to this expression the polariza­tion losses given by formula (

In the case of an isotropic plasma the correlation function of the longitudinal field (Ef)k(i) depends only on the absolute magnitude of the wavevector ft. Integrating for that case over the angles in ( we can write the formula for the fluctuation energy loss in the following form:



where ko is the maximum value of the wavevector which determines the region where the macroscopic discussion is applicable.

As the spectral density (Ef)koj of the field fluctuations is positive, the fluctuation change in the energy of a particle moving in an isotropic plasma is, according to (, also positive, that is, the particle energy increases in that case. When a charged particle moves through an anisotropic plasma, that is, through a plasma in a magnetic field or through a plasma through which a beam of charged particles is moving, the interaction between the particle and the fluctuation field can lead to a decrease in the particle energy.

In contrast to the polarization energy losses which are independent of the mass of the moving particle, the fluctuation energy changes are inversely proportional to the mass of the moving particle. When a heavy particle with a mass much larger than the electron mass


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moves through the plasma, the fluctuation effects are therefore unimportant. However, if a light particle (an electron) moves through the plasma, the fluctuation energy change will be of the same order of magnitude as the polarization losses.

In concluding this subsection, let us evaluate the polarization losses and the fluctuation energy change of a moving particle in the case of an equilibrium plasma. Using eqns. ( and ( for the spectral density of the field fluctuations and for the longitudi­nal dielectric permittivity and integrating in ( and ( over the absolute magnitude k of the wavevector from zero to a maximum value k0—for which the macro­scopic discussion is still valid—we get the following general formulae:

d&\ , d t /pel


mev0 z2 dz e~z2 L(z, kor&),

MVQ Ce-^L(C,k0rDl

where ζ = v0/vG^/2 and

L(z, k0rO) = In k0rD-j In {[l-(p(z)]*+nz2e-2z2}

1 [l-(p(z)]e22 in


2^/τι — — arctan —-^ 12 *V H-



We can take for k0 the reciprocal of the minimum impact parameter for distant collisions, k0 ^ Mmevl/Ze2(M+me).

At sufficiently high temperatures and low electron densities k0rO » 1. If in ( we restrict ourselves to the main term ( ~ In k0rO) we find (ζ = v0/ve\/2)

/ ^ = - 2 V 2 ^ ^ ) ^ ( Q W' /po . »We ζ

ld&\ V ( 2 « ) B O Z V _ ί 2 , „ Λ



where Φ(ζ) is the error function,

v^y Φ(ζ) = —\dz e~*\ Λ/Τι

We see that the ratio (dofdt)ü/(d£fdt)pol is in an equilibrium plasma of the order of mJM. In the limiting cases of low and high particle velocities the following approximate expres­

sions are valid: ty(2n) K O Z V eg

— 1 In ATO/D, VQ <K ve,

^ In k0rD. v0y>ve. \dt /poi mev0



Page 251: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


We show in Fig. 13.1.1 the velocity-dependence of the polarization losses, the fluctuation energy changes, and the total energy changes of an electron per unit time. We see that in the case of a particle moving in an equilibrium plasma with a velocity much larger than the average thermal electron velocity (v0:» ve) we can neglect the effect of the fluctuation field.

dff A

dt f

d t | poi

FIG. 13.1.1. Polarization energy losses (d£/dt)9oV fluctuation energy change (dS/dt)w and total change of energy per unit time of an electron as function of its velocity; dS/dt in units (4^w0ZV/weve

/v/2) In k0rO; C = v0/veV2.

The total change in the particle energy reduces then to the polarization losses in the directed energy. If, however, the directed velocity of the charged particle is comparable to the thermal electron velocity, the fluctuation interaction begins to play an important role. In particular, if the particle velocity is less than the thermal electron velocity, the energy of the particle moving through the plasma increases due to the fluctuation interaction.

We note that eqns. ( are good approximations if the argument of the logarithm, k0rO, is large. This condition is satisfied if the interaction energy of the particles in the plasma is small compared to their kinetic energy.


We determined in the preceding subsections the energy losses of a particle moving through a plasma, assuming that the condition for classical behaviour, v <$c Ze2/#, is satisfied. We shall now study the problem of the passage of a particle through a plasma without making this assumption. To do this we determine the probability for the scattering of the particle

NP 17 241

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considered caused by the interaction between the particle and the electrical field in the plasma.

We shall assume that the particle is non-relativistic. The energy of its interaction with the field in the plasma then has the form

V(r,t) = Zeq>Qr9t)9

where φ(τ91) is the scalar potential of the electrical field in the plasma, and the probability that the particle changes from a state with momentum/? to one with momentum/?' is given by the well-known quantum-mechanical formula,

dWp+, = ~\ J»W0c«p[{(v-*)/]-* [ g | > 03.1A1) where ep = p2/2Mis the energy of a particle with momentum/?, Vp,p the matrix element of the interaction energy,

Κ,ΛΟ - Ze L( r , /) exp ^ ({/?-/>'}·!·)] yr, (

and V is the normalization volume. As the potential <p is subject to fluctuations, we must average this expression over the fluctuations. Denoting the averaged probability by {dWp^p) we have

{dWp-»p) = 2* jj(tfr, t) φ', t')) exp iiaP-p'nr-r'])+^(Sp>-ep)(t'-t)\

xdSrdtdSr'dt'iMw· ( 1 3 · 1 Α 3 )

After averaging, the product of the potentials will depend only on the relative coordinate and the difference in the times. Therefore, changing from r, t, r'9 f to new integration variab­les r ' - r , \(r'+r\ f-t, \{t'+t\ we get for {dWp_^p) a quantity which is proportional to the volume Fand the observation time \(t' +1). We can thus speak of the averaged scattering probability per unit time,

dwp^p. = ^ < * v ^ ' ( 1 3 1 A 4 )

where (φ2\ω is the spectral density of the fluctuations of the potential of the electrical field and

q = j (ρ' -ρ\ ω = ^ (v ~ε^-

We can express the potential fluctuations in terms of the charge density fluctuations




( 4π\2

-f) <i?V> (

/4nZe\2 . ,, cPp'

Page 253: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


The probability for the scattering of a particle passing through the plasma is thus com­pletely determined by the spectral density of the field (or charge density) fluctuations in the plasma, or, more precisely, by the value of that spectral density for q = (jp'—p)Jfi and o> = (ερ>-ερ)Ι&·

Multiplying the scattering probability by /ζω and integrating over p' we find the change in the energy of the moving particle per unit time:

W-^J><rt-*· " 3 1 A 7 > This general formula determines the energy loss of a particle which is caused both by the polarization of the plasma and by the fluctuations in it. It refers equally well to a plasma as to any other medium. In deriving it we assumed merely that the interaction between the moving particle and the plasma is weak so that we could use the first-order approximation of perturbation theory.

If we use this formula for actual evaluations of d&jdt we need know the spectral density (ρ2)ίω. This quantity has, in general, a different form in quantum and classical regions. In what follows we shall be interested solely in the classical region, that is, the classical limit of formula ( To find it we turn to eqn. ( which determines the spectral density of fluctuations for equilibrium systems for which we have not yet taken the limit h -*- 0. This formula has as factor

»--{: R\a\, ft) > 0, - ( # M + 1), co<0,

where N | ω t is the Planck distribution function, 1

g»l»|/r_f ' * I H = ^ „ i r i » (13.1A8)

and Tthe temperature of the medium. The presence of this factor has a simple, but profound physical meaning. In fact, we saw in Section 11.2 that the spectral density of the fluctuations in the field and in other quantities have steep maxima—which in the transparency region are δ-functionlike—for ω =±ωΓ(#), where cor(q) is the frequency of the rth eigen oscilla­tions with wavevector q. Bearing in mind that fuo = ε^—ερ and hq = p'—p, one can say that a particle passing through a plasma emits and absorbs plasmons, that is, quasi-particles with energy ftcor(q) and momentum hq while the probability for emission is proportional to a>r(*)+ U and the probability for absorption ίοΝωΜ9 where ΗωΜ is the average number

of plasmons with frequency <t)r(q) at temperature Γ. The fact that the emission probability is proportional to N\a\ + h while the absorption probability is proportional to Η\ω\ is connected with the nature of the plasmon statistics which are bosons, like photons, and obey Bose-Einstein statistics.

As \im ΗωΝω = Τ, (


we have in the classical formulae for the spectral densities of the fluctuations in Section 11.2 the temperature T instead of the quantity &ωΝω\ but it is clear from our discussion that

17* 243

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we can directly find the spectral densities of the fluctuations in the quasi-classical case using the classical formulae for these spectral densities if

ha)r(q) <$c | eP'-Ep |, hq<&\p'-p\\

To do this we must replace in the classical formulae T by ΗωΝω, that is,

<GV = ^ « r a , (

where <ρ2)^ is the spectral density of the charge density fluctuations in the classical case; it satisfies the condition

< e % = <e2>V«, (

In the transparency region, that is, when ω ^ a)p(q) where ωρ is the frequency of a weakly damped eigen oscillation with wavevector q, plasmons can not be in thermal equilibrium with the plasma particles. The frequency distribution of the plasmons may thus differ from the Planck distribution and is described, in general, by an arbitrary function Νω^γ Instead of ( we then have the relation

<ρ2>- = ί^<ρ2>-' (131A12)

where T* is a function of q and ω—in general depending also on h—which satisfies the condition

lim *Ζ?ω{9\ = 1. (

From this condition it follows that

lim T*(q9 ω) = f(q, ω), (

where f is the effective plasmon temperature, determined by formula ('). Indeed, it follows from ( that the energy density of the fluctuation plasma oscillations with wavevector q is equal to

+ oo

1 < ^ = y ί Α>^,ω){%-ωρ(^))+β(ω+ωρ(^))}. ( 4π

However, the same energy density can, as h -* 0, be written in the form

— {E?)q = \ ha) Νω άω δ(ω - a)p(q)) ^ y ήωΝω άω {δ(ω - cop(q)) + 0(ω + ωρ(^))}, 0 —oo


whence we obtain, using (, the relation (


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Substituting ( into ( and using formula (, we find the probability for the scattering of a particle, passing through an equilibrium plasma, in the quasi-classical case:

dw . = * ^ N ft»*f.")l\_ggL ( 1 3 , 4 17) dwp^p ^ Λω ( ^ ω) | 2 ( 2 ^ ) 3 , (ίόΛΑΛ I)

where s{(q, ω) is the longitudinal dielectric permittivity of the plasma, given by formula (

From this expression we get for the probability for the scattering of a fast particle (v » ve9 where v is the particle velocity and ve the average electron thermal velocity in the plasma) for which the change in its energy is small compared to the energy itself (ωρ= V(ö>pe4- 3q2vD) the following expression:

dwp^p> = h 2 {\ω\(Ν1ω1+1)δ(ω^ωρ)^ωΝωδ(ω-ωρ)}-^-. (

As we mentioned earlier, it can be seen that the scattering of a fast particle involving a small relative change in energy proceeds mainly with the emission and absorption of longitudinal electron oscillations by the particle; the first term in ( correspond here to emission and the second to absorption of the oscillations.

Equation ( was obtained under the assumption that the plasma was in a state of thermodynamic equilibrium. However, we can use it in the quasi-classical case also for a plasma with a non-equilibrium distribution of the plasma waves, provided we replace the Planck function Νω by the non-equilibrium distribution function Νω of the plasma waves.

We can similarly find the probability for the scattering of a particle by low-frequency oscillations in a two-temperature plasma:

4jr2Z2e2rk dzn' dw, + ,= £{\ω\{Ν\„\+\)^^ (

where a>s = qvs{\ + q2r\Ji~l12 with vs the non-isothermal sound velocity and Νω the distri­bution function of the low-frequency oscillations.

We have already mentioned that eqn. ( is valid in the quasi-classical case when the energy and momentum transfers are small, h\ ω | <κ \ ερ,—ερ |, hq <$c | p'—p |. For large momentum transfers—of the order of the particle momentum—it is not valid. However, in that case we can at once write down a simple expression for (ρ2\ω using the fact that if hq ~ mGve9 where vc is the electron thermal velocity in the plasma, effects connected with the influence of the self-consistent field cannot play a role, that is, each particle in the plasma can only be correlated with itself when hq ~ meve. This means that we can use eqn. ( for the spectral density of the charge density fluctuations when hq ~ mcv& and take into account in them only the recoil effect, that is, replacing the δ-function δ{ω—(#·ϋ)} which occurs there by δ{ω — (qmv) — (hq2l2mc)}:

(ρ2)9ω = 2ne2 jf0(v) d{M-(q^)-{hq2l2me)}d3v. (

We now turn again to the general formula ( for the energy losses. If the velocity of the moving particle is much larger than the average electron thermal velocity of the plasma


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the main contribution to the expression for the energy losses comes from two regions for the momentum transfer hq: the region hq ~ mcve (large momentum transfers, that is, close collisions) and the region q «cr^1, where rD is the Debye screening radius (small momentum transfers, that is, distant collisions). To evaluate the energy loss in these regions we choose a value q0 in the range

no1 < qo < — γ -

and use for q < q0 the quasi-classical expression ( for (ρ2)βω, and for q > q0 expression ( which refers to a perfect gas of non-interacting plasma particles. The intermediate region q ~ qo does not contribute significantly to the expression for the energy loses, and therefore we have

dS_ dt

We can find at once an expression for the quantity (d£/dt)q^qo:

( ") =-Z^ln™J:«, (

and we therefore turn to the evaluation of (d&jdf)q^qi). Substituting ( into ( and noting that

Ä ( O » — ^ ^ - ) * > — 1,

we can write (dS/dt)q ^ io in the form

or, using ( and the relation Γ*(—q9 —ω) = T*(q, ω), in the form

+ΛΓ.ω ί /ω - («.©) + l ^ r ) 1 dto rf3f. (

We are interested in the classical limit, h -+■ 0, of this formula. To find it, we expand the ^-function in a power series in h,

ί (ω"( ί" , )~^Ηί ί ο* ( ί · , ' ) }""ΙΓ ί ' { ω~( ί ·Γ ) } ' and write (d£fdt)q < ? t a s a sum,

(τ),..-(^(ΐ)Β· 246

Page 257: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics



( T ) „, - ^{JiTO«i U w-+ w- ) ä i < 0- ( , - , , ) ) ' f c" i , i ·

Noting that Νω+Ν_ω = - 1 ,


lim = ωΝω = — ~ — -


("\ = _ ^ f _ i f _ ( A . „ ^ , (,

get for (dS/fdt)pol and (do/dt)n the expressions

/<ftg\ Z2?2 f (g-o)2

\ Λ /poi ~ π J 94Γ(ί,(«·ο))

( £ ) , , - £ / $ £ < · « « · - < * * (131·4·27)

which do not contain h. The next terms in the expansion of the δ-function in powers of h would lead to terms in (dofdt)q<qo which vanish as h -+■ 0.

The quantity (dS/dt)pol gives the energy losses of the particle caused by the polarization of the medium—the energy losses due to Cherenkov emission also enter into (d&jdi)pol— while the quantity {dojdt\ is the change in the particle energy caused by the interaction between the particle and the field fluctuations.

To verify the correctness of the first statement we assume that the plasma is in thermal equilibrium, in which case

and eqn. ( becomes

i I \ dt /Poi 2TT2 J q*E(q, (q.v))

which is identical with ( It is clear that the same formula will also be valid for a non-equilibrium plasma if we

neglect the fluctuations in the ion charge density; in that case eqn. ( remains valid, but in it we need replace T by Γ.

We note that the polarization energy losses due to the excitation of plasma waves are independent of the number of waves Νω. This is connected with the fact that the energy losses are determined by the spontaneous emission of waves by the particle, while the contri­butions to the energy losses from the induced emission and absorption—which are propor­tional to the number of waves N,n—cancel one another.

(**-) - g ^ l m f ( * · 0 ) dH, (


Page 258: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


To verify the validity of the second statement we use the relation 2

\Q )QO> = izr 2 \ ^ 1 / * ω'

substitute it into (, and we get the formula (ω = (q*v))

( dA \ 72P2 Γ fi

which is identical with ( If we neglect the fluctuations in the ion charge density, we have (ω = {q*v))

(d£\ Z2e2 Γ d ω Γ(«,ω) «{«*(*, ω)} ω

d3q. (

Comparison of this formula with eqn. ( for (d£/dt)pol shows that

(d&ldi)n ^m^T_ ( (d£/dt)pol M T '

that is, the fluctuation losses are important only in the case of hot plasmons, when

Τ » Γ .

Using formula ( and putting ει = 1— (ωρβ/ω)2. we easily find the polarization energy losses for q < q0:

Adding this expression to ( we find the total polarization energy losses for a particle per unit time:

Λ/; ZV2r/)2 2Mm v2

ao=_ ζ ^ ω ρ 6 l n ZMmev ^ ( dt v ηων&(Μ+ηϊο)

This formula, which we have already met with, has the structure of the general Bohr formula for polarization losses. We draw attention to the fact that the parameter q0 does not occur in it. This is connected with the fact that, as we noted earlier, momentum transfers of the order of hqo do not contribute significantly to the energy losses.

We see that the polarization energy losses of a fast particle strongly depend on the plasma density, but are independent of its temperature. We can therefore use formula ( whatever the particle distribution function in the plasma, provided the average plasma particle velocity is much lower than the velocity of the moving particle. The total energy losses are also independent of the number iV^ of the plasma waves, provided the average energy f of the plasma waves is not too large, f <$: TM/mQ.

If the moving particle is an electron we must in our discussion of close collisions take into account that it is identical with the electrons in the plasma. This leads to an additional


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factor ell's/2 (where e is the base of the natural logarithms) in the argument of the logarithm in formula ( The polarization losses of a fast electron passing through a plasma are thus given by the formula

d& __ e2a>2e f mGv2

dt v 1 2V2#cope + l l . (

We have already noted that eqn. ( for the scattering probability is valid in the first Born approximation which is well known to be applicable in the case of a fast particle (e2\hv <sc 1) for all q, and in the case of a slow particle only for small momentum transfers. Equation ( for the energy losses in close collisions is therefore valid only if e2jhv <<c 1.

We note that formula (—which we obtained, neglecting terms oc v2/c2--also determines the order of magnitude of the energy losses in the relativistic region, v ~ c. Taking relativistic effects into account only leads to a change in the argument of the loga­rithm, but leaves the coefficient Z2e2w^Jv unaltered.

13.2. Dynamic Friction and Diffusion Coefficients in a Plasma


In the previous section we considered the motion through the plasma of a foreign particle (which we shall call a test particle) and we determined its energy losses. These losses which are caused by the interaction between the test particle (which we assume to be non-relativ-istic) and the electrical field in the plasma can be interpreted, as we indicated in Section 13.1, as the work done by the friction forces which occur when the particle moves through the plasma. Indeed, let us turn to the approximate equation of motion ( of the test particle (r0(t) = r0+O(t-to)):

t t' 7e 72e2 Γ C d

m = η^Η^), 0 + - ^ r df dt" Σ^Πη, O ä i - ^ W O , ή, (

where / lies in the range /o, t0+At with At a length of time, which is large compared to the period of the field fluctuations but small compared to the characteristic times over which the velocity of the test particle changes significantly, and let us determine the friction force Dt per unit particle mass:

A = ^ , (

where Av{ is the change in the ith component of the velocity of the test particle during the time At and the brackets ( . . . ) indicate, as usual, averaging over the fluctuations. Using ( we get in the case of an isotropic plasma (Sitenko and Tszyan' Yu-Tai, 1963)

A = — A £ = - Ί 4 - ^ > ( v Mv dt v }


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where dSjdt is the loss in the energy of the directed motion of the test particle (ω = (Α>σ)),

dA 7*p* Γ rn 7^P2 Γ r)

The quantity D characterizing the average change in the absolute magnitude of the velocity of the test particle per unit time may be called the dynamic friction coefficient.

The first term in the formula for dS/dt determines the dynamic friction of the test particle caused by its interaction with the electrical field occurring in the plasma through the motion of the particle itself. This interaction leads to the usual polarization energy losses of the particle and we can therefore call the dynamic friction connected with the polarization energy losses polarization friction.

The second term in d&jdt determines the additional dynamic friction of the particle connected with the presence of space-time correlations between the fluctuation electrical fields in the plasma. We have seen that the presence of such correlations leads to extra losses in the energy of the directed motion of the particle. We note that the dynamic friction of the particle is connected only with the fluctuations in the longitudinal electrical field in the plasma.

If in the plasma not just one, but a set of test particles, characterized by a distribution function/(r, t\ is moving, we can from a knowledge of the dynamic friction coefficient of the test particles determine the change in their distribution function caused by the polarization and fluctuation losses:

( ! 1 + . ~ ? Α Γ ( Λ / ) ' <'«»> This change proceeds very slowly as the energy of the interaction between the test particles and the field in the plasma is small compared to their kinetic energy.

The quantity (Sf/dt)pol+fi does not, however, determine the total change in the distribu­tion function of the test particles as apart from the change in the distribution function caused by the polarization and fluctuation energy losses of the particle we must still take into account the change in the distribution function caused by the diffusion of the test particles in their velocity space. The diffusion of test particles is a slow process caused, like the fluctuation energy losses, by the field fluctuations in the plasma. It can be characterized by a diffusion tensor,

Du = ψ ^ , (

which is analogous to the diffusion tensor in coordinate space

{x) _ (/JXjAxj) ,J ~ At ·

By using the equation of motion for the test particles we can easily show that At

Du = η^- αξ(Ε^0{ί), /)£>(ro(/-i), /-S)>, (


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and as At by definition is large compared to the period of the field fluctuations we can here let At tend to infinity. Also Fourier transforming we get finally (Sitenko and Tszyan' Yu-Tai, 1963) (ω = (Λ·ο))

ö» = iJ&{^<^3*· (13-2-L8) In an isotropic plasma we can write the diffusion tensor in the form (ω = (£·»))

v,vj 1 / ViVj\ \

^ = ^J(1-3Si)<^A·


The longitudinal diflusion coefficient D^ characterizes the average change in the square of the velocity component along the direction of motion of the particle, while the transverse diffusion coefficient D± characterizes the average change in the square of the velocity com­ponent in the perpendicular direction.

A comparison of these formulae with eqn. ( for (d6jdt\ shows that, as to order of magnitude,

^-4(f)fl- (i3-2-uo> Knowing the diffusion coefficients Dv we can determine the change in the distribution

function of the test particles caused by their diffusion in velocity space:

(S\ = ΙΐΛ-W). ( W a f f 2%dvidvjK lJJ) K }

Adding this expression to expression ( for (ßf/dt)pol+fi we find the total change in the distribution function of the test particles per unit time:

f = -Z |W)4 Σ jg^ (Puf). (

This equation is the Fokker-Planck equation for test particles and describes the slow change of the distribution function in velocity space.


Let us first of all consider the dynamic friction and diflusion in an equilibrium plasma, neglecting the motion of the ions (Sitenko and Tszyan' Yu-Tai, 1963). The dynamic friction coefficient in a plasma is determined by the general formula ( Using for the longi­tudinal dielectric permittivity and the spectral density of the field fluctuations eqns. (


Page 262: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


and ( we get after integrating (

\/π Mv% dz z2e-*2 Uz, korD), (

whereC = i ^ V 2 and the function L(z, &ofb) is given by eqn. ( The polarization friction coefficient Dpol corresponds to the 1 in the bracket in (

and the fluctuation friction coefficient Da to the term mJM. For a heavy test particle (Ms> me) the polarization friction Dpol is much larger than the fluctuation friction Da. If the test particle is an electron, Dpol = Z>„.

In the case of high temperatures and small electron densities (k0rO » 1) which is of most interest to us we can restrict ourselves in ( to merely the main term, L{z, korO) S£ In korD. As a result we get from ( the well-known Chandrasekhar formula

D g e y

Mvl o^l m.\ G(C) In korD,

where the function G(£) can be expressed in terms of the error function Φ(ζ),

Φ(ζ)-ζΦ'(ζ) 0(ζ) 2ζ2



In the limiting cases of low and high velocities of the test particle we have

2 Z W L D = - 3y/n Mvl ( ι + ϊ ) Π η ( * ο Γ ο ) ' c<<1' I Z) = - iS^/l + ^Uln(^D),

( ' 2 Mvl \ Μ)ζ2 C » i . (

For slow particles the dynamic friction in the plasma increases linearly with the particle velocity, while for fast particles the friction decreases as the inverse square of the velocity.

The maximum of the dynamic friction is determined by the condition

^ mi \=o (

whence we find ζ a= 0.97. The friction will therefore be largest when the velocity of the test particle is almost the same as the average electron thermal velocity in the plasma.

We can in the same way find the longitudinal and transverse diffusion coefficients:

4 * A i . _ V^ M2v

h. ζ-2 dzz2e z2 L(z, korO),

D±= 4 - ^ — £ ~ 2 dz(C2-z2) e-"L(z9 k0rO). γ π M-v J o



Page 263: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


A comparison of eqns. ( and ( shows that the diffusion coefficients D^ and D± contain in the denominator an extra factor M as compared to the dynamic friction coefficient D. For heavy test particles ( M » me) the slowing down caused by the dynamic friction is therefore much more important than the velocity dispersion connected with diffusion.

Retaining in ( the main terms we get the Chandrasekhar formulae

X»ll = 2 2 ^ X > e <KC) In (*<Λ>), D± = 2 Z ^ e W e mO-GiO] In (*Λ>). (

If the velocity of the test particle is low (v «c #e) the difference between the parallel and perpendicular displacements—relative to the direction of the motion—disappears and

Dx = 2 % C « 1. (

In the case of high particle velocities (v > ve) we have the relation

D± = 2C2/)||, C » 1. (

If the velocity of the test particles is larger than the average thermal velocity of the electrons in the plasma, the diffusion in velocity space will therefore by mainly lateral, that is, at right angles to the initial particle velocity.


The general formulae obtained in Subsection 13.2.1 enable us also to study the friction and diffusion in a non-equilibrium plasma provided we know the spectral density of the field fluctuations. In particular, we can use formulae ( and ( to find the dynamic friction and diffusion coefficients in a two-temperature electron-ion plasma (Sitenko and Tszyan' Yu-Tai, 1963). The dielectric permittivity and the spectral density of the fluctuations in the longitudinal electrical field are given by expressions ( and ( for a two-temperature plasma. Using ( we get the following formulae for the dynamic friction coefficients Dpol and Dfl in a two-temperature plasma:

2 ZVtog» A>oi = - 7 7 ^ ^ ? ^ ~ 2 (αζζ^-ζ'+ρμβ-^2) L(z9p9 μ9 fc0rD),

2 Z2A>pe me

y/π Mv\ M D* = -^ΰτϋ^'^''1 \dzz2 \€-"+μ*ε-'**\ L(z,p^,korD),


where p = TJTit μ = ^(mjm^, and

L(z,p, μ, korD) = ln(/corD)—^-ln {[1-φ(ζ)+ρ{1-φ(μζ)}γ+π*(β-"+ρμβ-'Μγ}

1 1-φ(ζ)+ρ{1-φ(μζ)} \π a r c t a n 1-φ)+ρ{1-φ(μζ)} . f £ L _ _ . 2-γ/π z[exp(—ζ)2+/?μβχρ(—μ2ζ2)] 1 2 \/nz[exp(—ζ2)+ρμ exp(—μ2ζ2)]



Page 264: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


Restricting ourselves to the main terms for korO » 1 we get for the dynamic friction coefficients the following approximate formulae

MjT- {°(0+Ρθ(μζ)} In (k0rO)9 (

Taking the motion of the ions into account leads to an appreciable increase in the role of the fluctuation friction. In fact, if the test particle is an electron, the fluctuation friction can be considerably larger than the polarization friction.

We note that for small velocities of the test particles both the polarization friction Dpol and the fluctuation friction Z)fl are basically determined by the interaction between the particle and the ions in the plasma. We can similarly easily find the diffusion coefficients D^ and D± for a two-temperature plasma:


Z>H = ~ Ζ2^Τ* ζ~2 \dz Ζ^~22+^~μ2^ L^ P> ^ *<*>),

D± 4 Z2e2(D2jnt

y/π Μ2ν ί ζ ^ <fe(C2-z2) [e-'+fte-"*] Uz, p, μ, korO).


In the limiting case korO » l w e have

DW = ^Μ0^"1' [^(0+^0]ln(fc0rD),

D± = 2Z26MhT* Ιφ(0-Ο(ζ)+Φ(μζ)-β(μζ)]Ιη(^Ώ). (

It follows from ( that the transverse diffusion depends strongly on the ion motion. If v:» vC9 the transverse diffusion is approximately equally caused by the interaction of the test particle with the electrons and with the ions in the plasma. If v{ <sc v «: ve, the transverse diffusion is mainly determined by the interaction with the ions.

Using the expressions which we have just obtained for the friction and diffusion coefficient we can estimate the time r it takes to equalize the electron and ion temperatures Te and T{:

*^ = -I*zlL. ( at t

To do this we turn to the formula for the change in energy of the test particle per unit time

~ = ±M(2vD+Du+D±). (

If the test particle is an electron, we have

- Γ = ^{-Φ(0+2ζΦ'(ζ)-^Φ(μζ)+{ΐ + ήμζΦ'(μζ)Υ (13-2.3.8)


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The first and second terms here determine the change in the electron energy caused by the interaction with the other electrons and the third and fourth terms the change in energy caused by the interaction with the ions in the plasma.

Let us now assume that the test particles are characterized by a Maxwell distribution with temperature Te. Averaging eqn. ( over the Maxwell distribution we obtain clearly the change in the electron temperature per unit time:

/ Α \ = ί ^ · Π3 2 3 9) \ dt / 2 dt · vs.*.*.»)

One checks easily that the sum of the first two terms in ( vanishes after averaging as the electrons in the plasma are in a state of thermal equilibrium. However, the change in energy caused by the electron-ion interaction is equal to

/d^\ = „ 4 V ( 2 , ) ^ T-T \ dt / memi [(Tefmi)+(Te[mi)Yl2 y w v '

Using ( and ( we get as a result the expression for the relaxation time of a non-isothermal plasma, encountered earlier:

3 memi /Te Ti\3/2

8V(2rc) noe*\n(k0rO) — + — I . (

13.3. Passage of Charged Particles Through an Equilibrium Plasma in a Magnetic Field


Let us now turn to a discussion of the interaction of a charged test particle with a plasma in a constant and uniform magnetic field (Sitenko and Stepanov, 1958; Akhiezer, 1956; Akhiezer and Fainberg, 1962; Akhiezer, 1961; Kitsenko, 1963). The magnetic field leads, first of all, to a complication of the nature of the motion of the moving particle and, secondly, to changes in the correlation functions of the fluctuations in the plasma.

If the direction of motion of the particle before and after the scattering is close to the direction of the magnetic field, the magnetic field does not affect the motion of the particle. For this it is necessary that the following conditions are satisfied:

hq\ q±v sin a <c ωΒζ, - τ τ - <ζ ωΒζ,

where ltq± is the component of the momentum transfer at right angles to the direction of the magnetic field B0; ωΒΖ = ZeB0/Mc and a is the angle between the direction of motion of the particle and direction of the magnetic field.

The influence of the magnetic field on the motion of the test particle can also be neglected when the twisting of the particle orbit along a characteristic path is small. For this it is necessary that one of the following conditions holds:

hq\ q^vsm oc > ω#ζ, ~ ^> ωΒζ-M


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Let us first of all consider the scattering of a particle in these cases. The probability for the scattering of a particle is then given by the general formula ( in which we must take for (g2)qü) the spectral density of the charge density fluctuations in a plasma in a magnetic field.

We showed in Section 11.2 that the function (g2)q(0 has sharp maxima at the frequencies of the plasma eigen oscillations; the corresponding terms in the expression for dw can be interpreted as the probabilities for the scattering of the particle with the excitation (or absorption) of a given kind of oscillation. In particular, the probability for the scattering of a particle with the excitation or absorption of longitudinal electron oscillations has the form

dwp^. 4n2Z2e2 (ω2-ω|β) !

hq2 ω^ sin2 ΰ + (ω2—co|e)2 cos2 ϋ

άψ Χ{\ω\(Ν\ωι+\)[δ(ω + ω+)+δ(ω + ω-)] + ωΝω[δ(ω-ω+)+δ(ω-ω-)]} . . . , \L7tfiy

( where the frequencies ω ± are given by eqn. ( and # is the angle between the vector q and the direction of the magnetic field.


Multiplying ( by /fco and integrating over q we find the energy transferred to the particle by plasma oscillations with wavevectors with absolute magnitude less than a certain value q0 (Akhiezer, 1961):

Φ„.~^{-£-/(· where ωΒβ = —eB0/mGc and

/ ( a , u) 1 2nu2 dzg(z)lnz- dzg(z) In z


—In w,


lo z> g{z) = Z(l-z){z(z-z1)(z-z2)(zz-z)}-1l2, Z l 2 = | ( l + w2)+i\ /{( l + w2)2-4w2sin2a}, z3 = 1 + w2.


Let us now find the total polarization energy losses of a fast particle moving through a plasma in a magnetic field. When considering the close collisions (large momentum transfers) we can neglect the difference between the motion of the particle and a rectilinear motion and use formula ( for the energy loss per unit time. If the angle a between the particle velocity and the magnetic field satisfies one of the inequalities

s i n a » U>BZ

sin a COBZ (

we can neglect the curvature of the particle also in considering the distant collisions. As in


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the case where there is no magnetic field, the scattering of a particle occurs mainly through the emission and absorption of plasma waves so that we can use formula ( to deter­mine the energy losses.

Adding the contributions from the close and the distant collisions we get finally the follow­ing expressions for the polarization energy losses of a fast particle:

\ dt /poi






2 MmevP


γ Ze2coPe(M+me)


where the function / is given by formula ( The first terms in these expressions are the total energy losses of a fast particle in an unmagnetized plasma (compare ( and ( while the second terms describe the influence of the magnetic field; they depend on the direction of motion of the particle relative to the direction of the magnetic field and vanish when ω5β = 0.

We see that the total polarization energy losses of a fast particle in a magnetic field are proportional to the plasma density and depend relatively weakly (logarithmically) on the magnetic field strength. As in the case of an unmagnetized plasma, the losses are independent of the temperature—provided the fluctuations in the plasma are not too different from the equilibrium ones.

In the case of a strong magnetic field (| ω^ | » cope) expressions ( simplify con­siderably: the function / occurring in them then has the form (the angle a is assumed to be different from 0 or n)

'(«•^τΚ^ίΉ^ΗΗ" ω, pe \COBC\


We have already mentioned that expressions ( are valid provided the angle a satisfies one of the conditions ( This requirement is satisfied, in particular, for particles of any mass, if they move along the magnetic field. We then get from ( (to fix the ideas we assume that e2/hv <$c 1)

do\ dt)

ZVtoJe In 2Mmev2

pol ΑνΚβ+ωΑΚΜ+me) (

We can use eqns. ( for practically any angle a in the case of a heavy particle. In particular, if such a particle moves at right angles to the field direction the expression for the energy losses has the form (we assume that e2/hv <c 1)

( ^ ) p o l

ZVcop. In 4mev2

Α\/[2ωρβ|ωΑβ|] - * } ■ (

Equations ( to ( determine the energy losses of a non-relativistic particle. If a relativistic particle moves through the plasma, its energy losses are again proportional to ZPecolJv and weakly dependent on the magnetic field.

NP 18 257

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Let us look at the expression for the quantity which characterizes the effect of the magnetic field on the energy losses of the particle (Kitsenko, 1963):

If the condition (ω^/ωρβ)2 ^ 4/^/(1 —j82), with β = υ/c, is satisfied, we have

F(cofle, β) = —τ-^ (1 -P)(2-n (

If 4v

1-/P cog. ( 1 - ^ ) 2 '

we have

F( /n ZW»° Π ι - 1 + * . (1-^ 2 ) (2-^)ω | 6 1-/8» e*|e | m „ i m F(C0Be^) = £ ^ - { y 1ητ^+ 4< 4 ^ - < T (13*3-2J0)

where x=V{l~ \ΨΙ(\ -ß*)] (</co|e)}. Finally, if ( ω ^ ) 2 ^ 4j82/(l -β2)2, we have

Z ¥ < f 1 (l + s ) ( l + p - j , ) 1-/P co|e 1 F(co*e, β) = —^— | τ Ι η ( 1 _ χ ) ( 1 + ρ + ^ + - 4 ^ - J 5 - [^(2-^)-x+(l-/*">;>]} ,

( where γ=ν{(1-β*)2-ψ(ωΙ*ΙωΙ)}.

Putting 0 « c 1 in eqn. ( and using (, we can obtain eqn. ( for the energy losses of a non-relativistic particle moving along the magnetic field.

13.3.3. TAKING THE CURVATURE INTO ACCOUNT Let us now briefly consider the case when the inequalities ( are not satisfied so

that it is necessary to take into account that the motion of the particle is made more compli­cated by the magnetic field (Akhiezer, 1961; Sitenko and Radzievskü, 1966). It is well known that the motion of a particle in a magnetic field is determined by its momentum pz along the field direction, the quantum number v characterizing the motion in the plane perpendicular to 2?o, and the coordinate of the centre of the Larmor circle. The energy of a particle in a magnetic field has the form &vPz = (v+γ)^ωΒΖ-\-ρ2

ζ/2Μ. As in the case when there is no field, the probability for the scattering of the particle can

be connected with the spectral density of the charge density fluctuations. We shall not give here the derivation, but merely present the expression for the probability that the particle per unit time makes a transition from a state with quantum numbers v, pz to a state with quantum numbers v\ p2 (averaged over the initial and summed over the final values of the coordinate of the centre of the Larmor circle of the particle):

dP* Z*e* Γ d*q± A I hq\ \ . 2X „ , , - , . dwvp^vyz = wvPz^vYz—, wvp^vyz = — j η ^ Α , [^Μ^) <?%» t13·3'3'1)


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where hco are hqz are the changes in the energy and longitudinal momentum of the particle, '2 2

hm = (ν' - v) h(DBZ+ PZ2MZ'' h<lz = P*~P2> and

Apvia) = f dxJo(2^/{ax})Lv(x)L1/(x)e-x, o

with the Lv Laguerre polynomials and Λ a Bessel function. Multiplying ( by /fco, summing over v\ and integrating over p2, we find the total

energy losses of the particle per unit time:

do _ Z2e2

dt ~ 8π% Σ | ω Λ "{äs&r)<^ δ [» -V-*»«- 1 ^ ] d ( 0 d 3 « - (13·3·32)

This formula takes quantum effects consistently into account, provided we use for <φ2)βα> the quantum-mechanical expression for the spectral density of the potential fluctuations. We shall, however, restrict our discussion to the classical case.

Using ( one can easily show that up to terms linear in h we have


Proceeding as in Subsection 13.1.4 and expanding A^9 and the δ-function in powers of #, and using the symmetry properties of the classical correlation function, (φ2)^ω = (<p2)clq-w9 we get the following formula for the change in the energy of a charged particle moving along the magnetic field (Sitenko and RadzievskÜ, 1966): do Z%2 _ f ω „ , X1 , M Z¥

= Im _ . . . _ dt 2τι2 __

f— d[a>-(q-v)]da>d*9 ^ - [ω{φ2)*ω J LQi^iM^)Qj \6πζΜ J

X{~it~ [δ{ω~^·°)+ω^}-δ{ω-^·ϋ)-ω^}+^δ,[ω-(«·ϋ)]}ί / ί0 dZ4> (

where v is the particle velocity and e^q, ω) the dielectric permittivity tensor of the plasma. The first term in formula ( determines the polarization energy losses of a charged

particle moving through a magneto-active plasma, and the second term determines the change in energy connected with the fluctuations in the longitudinal electrical field in the plasma. This formula is valid for an equilibrium plasma and also for a non-equilibrium plasma, provided we neglect the ion motion.


In concluding this section we shall now consider the problem of the Cherenkov emission when a charged particle moves through a magneto-active plasma (Sitenko and Kaganov, 1955; Sitenko and Kolomenskii, 1956; Kolomenskü, 1956; Ginzburg (1940) studied the problem of energy losses of a charged particle in an anisotropic medium). We noted already

18* 259

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in Section 13.1 that the phase velocities of the transverse waves in a plasma are larger than the velocity of light when there is no magnetic field present; Cherenkov emission in an unmagnetized plasma is therefore impossible. When an external magnetic field is present the refractive index of the plasma is larger than unity in a well defined frequency region, that is, the phase velocities of the corresponding waves are less than the velocity of light and there is therefore the possibility for the emission of electromagnetic waves (Cherenkov emission) when a charged particle moves through the plasma.

Let us consider the Cherenkov emission in that case in some detail (Sitenko and Kolomen-skii, 1956). We shall assume that the particle velocity is much higher than the electron thermal velocity in the plasma. We can then neglect the thermal motion of the electrons and consider the plasma to be an optically active anisotropic medium characterized by a dielectric per­mittivity tensor:

Γ ει —is2 0 I ευ = /ε2 ει 0 , (

L o o £3J where

ει= 1 to* -co%

S2 = COBe 0>Z

ω ω 2 -ω| β ε 3 = 1 - ω£ (

oojfe = —eBo/m^c, BQ is the external field, and the z-axis is taken along the field. The Fourier component of the field strength produced by the moving particle is given by

the equation


To evaluate the energy losses of a moving charge we use again the relation

-W=Ze(v.E\ , \ r = vtl



where the field is evaluated at the position of the charge. Using eqn. ( for the field we get the following formula for the energy losses of the particle per unit time, caused by distant collisions:

d&_ dt 2π2


ώ) ViVj δ{ω—(&·ϋ)} άω dzk. (

The integration over k is here up to some maximum value k0 of its absolute magnitude which is of the order of b^1, where b0 is the minimum value of the collision parameter.

We now use the explicit form (1L2.7.1) of the tensor Au and the definition ( for the refractive index of the ordinary and the extra-ordinary waves. We then get the following formula for dSjdt if the particle moves along the magnetic field:

dt . Z V v


X o ^ c o s t f - l ) ,

+ 0 0 «0

dm I ά2ω n2 dn ω ft4 COS2 fl-M28i(l + COS2 fl)+8J-.g§

[ει sin2 0 + ε3 cos2 0] [n2 - n2+(&)] [n2 - η2_{ϋ)]



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where we have used instead of A: a new integration variable n = kc/ω. Integrating in eqn. ( over the angles can be done immediately, by using the δ-function and the integra­tion over n must then be from β~λ to n0 = koc/ω. As a result we get

do Z V F ( l - e i /PX»» + - e i ) - /g»4 (Hg-wD/P ^ = ~ l ^ R e i J βι(ιή.-Α) In !_„2+/?2 ω ^

0 oo

πν "W*J ε ι ( « 1 - 4 ) *" 1-«2_^ ο


zv Re. f ( i -^-W h W-y/ ω ^ (13.3A7)

„^ = {(ε?-εΙ+ειε3)^+ε1-ε3±[(ε!-εΙ-ε1ε3)2]3^-2ει(β?-ε1+ε1)^+2ε3(2εϊ+ε1) /S2

+ (^-£3)2]1/2}/2εΐ)52 (

are the values of the refractive index in the directions of the maximum emission which are determined by the equations

cos2 0 ± - β~2η+ψ±).

It is clear that those frequency regions in which the arguments of the logarithms take on negative values and moreover the regions in which the integrands have poles will con­tribute to the expression ( for the energy losses, as only for those regions will the real parts needed in ( be non-vanishing. We thus find

do Z V f ( Ι - ε ^ Κ - ε χ ) - ^ 2 χ Z V f (l-eiß*)(ifL-ei)-ß*4 A

at v J si(n^—nt) v J si(nt—n%)

_ » Σ » _ , . ( Ι + ( ϋ \ m „, v V deHL· , I \ ε3 . ω? ί ν '

where the integration in the first two terms is over the frequency regions determined by the inequalities

i$ > n\ > β~\ n% > rvL > £~2, (

while in the third term the summation is over all frequencies ωΓ for which ει, ε%, and ε vanish at the same time. Writing down the explicit form of n\ and M2., we get finally (Sitenko and Kolomenskü, 1956)

d& _ Z V dt ~ 2v

x ( i ± ε1(4-4-ε1εΆ)β*~(24-2ε1ε3+εΙ)β2+ε1-ε3

(1-ε1ρ)[(ε1-ε2-ε1ε3)*β*-2ε1(εΙ-εΙ+εΙ)β*+2ε3(2εΙ+ε$)+βΖ(ε1-ε3)ψη Z V 2v V Idex/diolr [ \ ε 3 / Γ ft)2 J

where the integration region is determined by the inequalities ( The first term here is the energy loss of the particle through Cherenkov emission and the second represents


Page 272: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics

-t) dco, en en


strictly polarization losses. To see this let us elucidate the nature of the energy losses and let us for this evaluate the energy flux through a cylindrical surface around the trajectory of the charge. Let us first of all determine the field occurring in an optically active anisotropic medium when a point charge moves through it. Using the inverse Fourier transform, we get from ( and the relations

2π oo

f £*reoi»40 = 2π Jofyr), f * y ^ } fa = K0(kr), Re k > 0, 0 0

the following expressions for the components of the electrical field strength in a cylindrical coordinate system:

a(r, o . _,* f - ((■-*■>«-«■>-« K^r) πν2 J ει 1 n%—n_ +

— oo

+ X-nl W _ r ) J exp ]ιω ^ - - ή j i/o,

— oo

+ 0 0

— 00

where k?± = (ω/«)2(1 -jS2«^.), while the rt*± are given by eqn. ( Similarly we get for the magnetic field strength the formulae


+ 0 0

— 00

** «- § f i {J$£4 Ι Λ Μ + ^ 4 *-**-*} — οο

Xexp |/ω I /) άω.

The optical activity of the plasma leads to the occurrence of the electrical field strength component Εφ and the magnetic field strength components Bz and Br, which are not present when a charge moves through a non-active medium.


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Using the Poynting vector we can now determine the amount of energy emitted by the charge per unit path length:

dz ~~ 4TZ J

+ 0 0

(Ε2Βφ-ΕφΒ2) 2nr dt. (

Substituting ( and ( into ( we get after a few simple transforma­tions

*5 z2*2 <,.o. , f f ( l - ^ ) ( 4 - ^ i ) - ^ i j f J. dt πν J j ει(η%—η2_)

0 ( l - £ l ^ ) ( / i 2 _ - e i ) - ^ e j


2/·Rei | ^^ . ' Λ , , Γ ) W+r)fc*+ ft(fcl/)

+ V ' ~ 0 1 ^ ^ " ~ J Y ~ K ° * ATo(A:-r) fc_ ATi(A:!.r)} o> <ft». (

If ει, ε%, and 63 have no common zeroes, we get a contribution to the real part in this expression only from the frequencies for which ki or £2 is imaginary. Noting that when k is imaginary we have

we get for the loss through Cherenkov emission the expression

d& Z V f ( l - e ^ ^ - e i ) - ^ A — — ω αω 5v r * J υ J

Λ t; J ε ι Κ - n i )

z v j- ( i - £ l ^ i - e i ) - ^ i m J ει(/*1-4)


which is the same as the first term in ( We note that the second term in ( diverges logarithmically. This is connected

with the fact that in determining the fields E2(r, t) and Εφ{τ, t) we integrated over k from 0 to oo, while macroscopic electrodynamics is inapplicable as k — oo, It is clear that we must restrict the frequencies in ( to the region ß*n2

0 > 0VL > 1. It is well known that the total polarization losses (including those from close collisions)

are independent of the parameter k0 ~ b^1 in an isotropic medium. This parameter which occurs under the logarithm sign in the expression for the losses in close collisions and also in the expression for the polarization losses corresponding to distant collisions and taking into account the interaction of the moving particle with the longitudinal field falls out of the final expression for the total losses. The losses through close collisions are in an anisotropic medium determined by the same formula as in an isotropic medium and the parameter k0 occurs in that expression under the logarithm sign. Apart from there, however, it also occurs (and also under the logarithm sign) in the expression for the losses through the emission of extra-ordinary waves—which are longitudinal as n2 — oo. The total losses, including close collisions, in an anisotropic medium, as in an isotropic medium, are then independent of the parameter fco-


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Using ( we can write the expression for the energy losses of a charged particle, due to distant collisions, in the form (Sitenko and Stepanov, 1958):

do Z ¥ Π (1_£2) ( ω2_ω2β ) + / 32ω2β ί dt 2v J | ω%+ω%-ω2

v f, _ ηωΒΛ(1 - ^ ) 2 ( ω ^ - ω | 6 ) + ^ ( 3 - ^ ) ω ^ ] ] j m , 4 1 7 , Χ\^[(1'β2)^-ω%,)+^ω%][(1-^γω%+4β^(ω^-ω%)γή\ωαω' ^ Λ · ι ι >

where η = (ω2-ω^β)/ | ω 2 - ω | β | and β = v/c. The integration in ( is over the frequency region defined by the inequalities

^r^n\ß2^\. ( or

We see that when there is an external magnetic field present the energy losses due to distant collisions are Cherenkov emission losses.

Only in a few limiting cases is it possible to integrate (13.3,4.17) over the frequencies. If the particle moves with a non-relativistic velocity we have

d& Z2e2co2 Λ k\v2

0 , 0 ωρβ /1<5 ^ . tfV, — r - = ^ ^ l n 9 9 , ß<zl, ß <^ , , · ( dt 2v ω2

β+ω|β ^ ' r | ω * | If l — /32 » eope/| ω5β | (strong magnetic field), we have

— i l n n klt 2 ß*\ · ( Λ 2v \ m (Ι-β2)ω%,

Finally, in the ultrarelativistic case we have

dt 2v ω2 ' ' \coBe\ ^pe

13.4. The Interaction of Charged Particles with a Non-equilibrium Plasma


In the preceding sections we have mainly discussed the interaction of a test particle with a plasma which is in equilibrium. We shall now turn to a study of the interaction between charged particles and a non-equilibrium plasma and we shall show that if the plasma is in a state which is nearly unstable the energy losses of the particles through the excitation of collective oscillations can be anomalously large.

The probability for the transition of the particle from a state with momentum/? to a state with momentum/?' is connected through eqn. ( with the spectral density of the charge density fluctuations. If the plasma consists of cold ions and hot electrons, a particle passing through the plasma can interact strongly with the sound oscillations. Substituting


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expression (, which determines the amplitude of the random sound waves, into formula ( we find the cross-section per electron in the plasma for the scattering of the particle involving the excitation and absorption of non-isothermal sound oscillations

* S * Γ^Γ\ hm.v IvAp-({/,'-,}.,) 1 iWP-* ^ P ^ m )

+ δ(νΑρ+ vsV{(Apf+PW})} - ^ ^ , (

where Ap = p' —/>, υ = p/M9 and ϋ the scattering angle, that is the angle between the vectors p and/?'. Equation ( is valid when the scattering angle and the energy transfer are sufficiently small, prO$ « : h, rOAp « : h (under those conditions weakly damped sound oscillations are excited).

Integrating in eqn. ( over the modulus of the vector p' we get the scattering cross-section per unit solid angle:

* = Λ (Ze2Y ( ^ \ 2 M* . (fl'-fly+y»sin»fl (Ρω' \hve) \ /kop e / wi D ( ö ' - Ö ^ t l - i w M ^ s i n ^ l + ^ s i n ^ ' ^ Λ · 1 ' ζ >

where Θ and 0' are the angles between the vectors p, p' and the vector », φ is the angle between the (p, w)- and (/>', w)-planes, while θ' ^ Θ and φ «c 1 (to fix the ideas we assume that v:» vs). One sees easily that ifu/vs ^ 1 and if the particle moves almost at right angles to n, the quantity da/d2u>' can be anomalously large.

We note that the divergence of dö\d2^' has a meaning only in the linear theory, in the framework of which the spectral density for the charge density fluctuations was determined. In fact, non-linear effects must lead to the saturation of the critical fluctuations and as a result the scattering cross-section must turn out to be finite. Similarly, non-linear effects impose limitations on the anomalous growth of the intensity of the Cherenkov emission, the energy loss of the particles, and the coefficients for the scattering and transformation of waves. However, we shall stick here to the linear theory.

Using eqns. ( and ( we can determine the energy loss by the particle per unit time through exciting sound oscillations:

dp=: I eZTQ \ 2 (qvsf ί 6 { ( g . 0 ) + ^ s + ( ^ 2 / 2 M ) } d{(q.v)-qvs+(hq*l2M)} 1 d*q \ cope / me { qvs+(q-u) qvs-(q-u) J 2nh '


The first term in this equation describes the stimulated emission and the second term the absorption of oscillations by the particle—as we are interested in plasma states close to instability when the number of sound oscillations in it is very large we can neglect the spontaneous emission.

Integrating expression ( over the angles we find the intensity of the Cherenkov emission per unit frequency range. In the simplest case when v 11 w, we have

dP άω

ZeTeco CDpeV*

( mQM(v~u)2

This formula is valid if u ^ vK—the sound oscillations are then still stable so that we can


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use eqn. ( for the spectral density of their fluctuations; we have also, to fix the ideas, in deriving ( assumed that v—va s> h/MrD.

Integrating expression ( over the frequency we find the energy losses of the particle through exciting sound oscillations:

P = \ 2 ^ J meM(v-uf ' (

where a± is a length of the order of a few Debye radii. If the particle velocity v, the sound velocity vs, and the directed electron velocity u are close to one another the quantity P is very large and may exceed the energy losses of the particle caused by binary collisions.

In the general case when the angle 0O between the direction of the particle motion and the direction of u is different from zero, the intensity of the Cherenkov emission may be anom­alously large, if v cos 0O ^ u ^ vs. In that case we have

dP = /ZeT?\2 ων& (134 16) άω \iOpev|/ meM(v cos θο — uf

We get hence for the energy losses of the particle through the excitation of sound oscilla­tions

ZeTe \ 2


P = ( ZeT* Y 5 . m.4.1.7) \ 2 ωρβα? / mtM(v cos θο—uf

(vcose0-uf^™M cUV / Γ ρ \ 4

we have P > P0, where Po = {Zem^pfv is a quantity of the order of the energy losses of the particle due to binary collisions (neglecting the Coulomb logarithm).

Let us also give the expression for the angular distribution of the Cherenkov emission:

dP ωρβΓβ / r D \ 3 Z V vs f d[cosx+(vs/v)] d[cosx~(vs/v)] d2i»' 6π

/ rO γ Z V vs I 3[cosχ+(ν*/ν)] 6[cosX-(vs/v)] 1 r n 4 1 8 v \ Ö I / hvc v \ l + (w/vs)cos9 l-(ufvs)cosd ] ' l ' '

where 0 is the angle between the vectors q and u and χ the angle between the vectors q and v. We can use eqn. ( when | cos 0 | < vju as in that case the sound oscillations con­sidered do not grow. One sees easily that as | cos 0 | -+ vju the coefficient in front of one of the δ-functions in formula ( increases without bound.

Let us now consider the problem of the scattering of charged particles in a plasma through which a compensated beam of charged particles is passing. We shall assume that the beam velocity u is much higher than the electron thermal velocity in the plasma and that the beam temperature 7" is not too low so that the damping rate of the Langmuir plasma oscillations is basically determined through their interaction with the electrons in the beam. Under those conditions the spectral density of the charge density fluctuations has, in the high-frequency region (co » qve\ the form

<^-2i2^;) i^2-<)· (I3AL9)


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It is well known that the presence o f a hot beam always leads to the growth of Langmuir oscillations with a sufficiently short wavelength for which | (# ·») | > ω^. Neglecting the non-linear effects o f the interaction between the fluctuations, we can use eqn. ( in the wavevector region in which the plasma oscillations do not yet grow. Substituting ( into formula ( we find the cross-section perplasma electron for the scatter­ing of a fast particle (v:» ve) involving the excitation and absorption of Langmuir oscilla­tions

* = 2 L .Zr^. I . .^f , :^ + _ * ? # £ , }<v. 0M-1.M» 2nhvn0 (Apf+p2^ ί fcuPe-([/»'-/»]·«) ftmpe+([p'

This formula is valid under the same restrictions on Δρ and ■& as eqn. ( Integrating expression ( over the modulus o f the vector p' we get the cross-

section for the scattering o f the particle per unit solid angle

da I Ze γ T [\. u a, pu — (m) ■äsr{|I-TOMe-*ir(ooee-ooei)

~ i

+ 1 1-—cose' + -=^- (cos0'-cos0)| X\9 (

where, to fix the ideas we have assumed that # > ήω^/ρν. One sees easily that for some well-defined values of 0', close to 0, the expression for ώχ/(Ρω' becomes anomalously large.

Using eqns. ( and ( we can determine the energy lost by the particle per unit time through the excitation of Langmuir oscillations

dp_ ZVcoger |\ d[(q-v) + cope+(hq*l2M)] *[ (>·»)-ωρ,-KVWIl -2nhq2 [ ω ρ β + ( 9 · » ) G>p e-(g·«) J


This formula takes correctly into account the interaction of the particle with the non-growing oscillations, that is, with the oscillations with wavevectors satisfying the condition | (q-u) | < ω ρ β .

Integrating expression ( over the angles we find the intensity of the Cherenkov emission per unit wavenumber range. In the simplest case when v || », we have

g . = Z W > (134113)

where, to fix the ideas, we have assumed that v—u^ hu/Mcu^r^. Integrating expression ( over q we find the energy losses of the particle through the excitation of Langmuir oscillations

P = TTTf? AT · (

If the particle velocity v and the beam velocity u lie close to one another, the quantity P will be very large and can exceed both the energy losses due to binary collisions, and the energy


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losses through the excitation of Langmuir oscillations in the absence of a beam. For that the following condition must hold:

(v — uf mtT' m If the angle between Ό and u is different from zero, apart from the stable oscillations, also

the turbulent Langmuir oscillations, that is, the oscillations which in the framework of the linear theory are unstable, will contribute to the change in the particle energy.

Let us also give the angular distribution of the Langmuir waves emitted by the particle

dP _ z w (13.4.L15) α2ω' 2nh(u cos Θ — v cos χ) '

where Θ is the angle between q and u and χ the angle between q and v. We can use this formula if v cos2 % > u cos 0 cos χ, as then the Langmuir oscillations considered do not grow. One sees easily that if | cos %—(u/v) cos Θ | <$c 1, the quantity dP/cPo*' is anomalously large.

In concluding this subsection let us consider the interaction of the particle with the short-wavelength oscillations of a two-temperature plasma. If r^1 «c q <sc r^l (rOi = (TJTcy-l2rO is the ion Debye radius) the spectral density of the charge density fluctuations has, in the range of medium-range frequencies, the form

<^-2|Ι-Τ^)|3 ( ω 2-^ (13AU6)

where eopi = (mjm^)1/2wpe is the ion plasma frequency. Substituting this expression into ( we easily find the cross-section for the scattering of the particle and can then determine its energy losses through the excitation of ion Langmuir oscillations. We can obtain all equations which then occur by replacing in eqns. ( to ( cope by eopi, rD by rDi, and T ' by Te; we shall therefore not give these expressions. We note merely that the energy losses are particularly large if the particle velocity is, both as regards magnitude and as regards direction, close to the directed electron velocity. Under those conditions the energy losses of the particle through the excitation of ion Langmuir oscillations is equal to

p= ^ c 1&u (13 4 117)

where, as before, a± is a length of the order of a few electron Debye radii.


Let us now turn to the study of the interaction of charged particles with a turbulent plasma. We shall determine the change per unit time in energy and momentum of a particle caused by the emission and apsorption of turbulent oscillations and we shall show that the detailed properties of the turbulence spectrum do not affect the way these quantities depend on the direction and magnitude of the particle velocity; the level of the turbulent fluctuations mainly


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determines (Akhiezer, 1964b, 1965a) the general coefficient in the expressions for the changes in energy and momentum.

The probability for the transition of the particle from a state with momentum p to a state with momentum p' is connected with the spectral density of the charge density fluctuations by the general relation ( If the plasma consists of cold ions and hot electrons which are moving relative to the ions we can in the long-wavelength region (qrO «c 1) and the "medium-range frequency region" (qv{<zco<K.qvJ write the spectral density of the charge density fluctuations in the form

<£%> = \q\qr»? {T(q) d(co-qvs)+T(-q) d(co+qvs% (

where T(q) is the effective temperature of the sound oscillations and rD the electron Debye radius. The function T(q) characterizing the level and distribution of the random sound oscillations is connected with the function I(q) introduced in Chapter 10 by the obvious relation

™=A*nq)· (13A22)

Bearing in mind that the effective temperature of the oscillations is a function of the two scalars q and η = (q»u% where u is the directed electron velocity, we shall denote the effective temperature by T(q9 (q*u)).

Using eqns. ( and ( we can determine the energy lost by the particle per unit time through exciting sound oscillations with wavevectors in the range q,q+dq:

dP = Z 2 2 ^ S {T(q, (q-u)) 6[(q.v)-qvs+^q2/2M)]

-T(q9 (q-u)) d(q.v)+qvs+(hq*/2M)]} tPq, (

where M, v, and Ze are the mass, velocity, and charge of the particle. The first term in this expression describes the absorption and the second the stimulated emission of the oscilla­tions by the particle—for the states of the plasma which are of interest to us, where the number of sound waves is very large, we can neglect in eqn. ( the additional term corresponding to the spontaneous emission, which is independent of the number of waves.

Integrating expression ( over the angles we find the intensity of the Cherenkov emission per unit frequency range:

dP _ Z2e2rluq* άω πΜΦ

where π

^/ x C J ί n sin Θ cos a? 1 dT(q, η) ,** Λ * ^ ZXf) = j άρ{cos e - V [ ( , M ) 2 _ ^ } - g ^ . , (


Θ is the angle between the vectors v and u and the quantity η is connected with the integra­tion variable φ through the relation

η = qu J5j. cos Θ+ V Γΐ - J^l sin Θ cos <p\. (

D{q) (


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We see that the energy losses of the particle are determined by the function dT(q, ή)/θη (η = (q*u)); to evaluate the energy losses we must therefore know how the effective tempe­rature depends on the quantity {q*u). For small values of (q>u) when the oscillations with wavevector q are damped ((g·«) < qvs), we found in subsection 11.5.3 that the effective temperature is given by the formula

T{qXq-u))= t UT \ . Λ. (

As (q'u) ->- qvs the effective temperature increases steeply. When (q*u) > qvs the quantity T(q, (q*u)) is, in general, for given q a smooth function of {q*u).

It follows from this nature of the (#· independence of the effective temperature of the oscillations that the derivative dT/d(q>ü) has a steep maximum for some value of (q*u) close to qvs: (q*u) = ηο qvs. The existence of such a maximum enables us to evaluate the function D(q) without knowing the detailed way in which T depends on (q>u) for (^-n)

Indeed, let us expand the function (βΤ/θη)"1 in a power series in η—ηο· Noting that the function (ΘΤ/δη)'1 has a minimum for η = η0 we find

[ « * * ] - - ^ { W + W [.-*]"}. „3.4,,) where

We note that the function l\q) is proportional to the small parameter which is the ratio of the quantity T\ to the function T2(q, (#·«)) for (q*u) > qvs; on the other hand, the function 7?{q) is of the order of unity.

Substituting this expansion into eqn. ( and remembering that ηο % qvs we see that the main contribution to the integral which determines D(q) comes from angles φ close to φο where

cos φο = [-J-cos öl (sin θ)"1 Γ ^ - l l . (

If cos2 ψο < 1 (and sin 990 is not too small) we get for D:

1B.jii1-a-'«!'-wwi (134.110) >l|#w [ v2 J sin 0 sin 990

We see that the quantity | D | is proportional to the large parameter | _ 1 and increases strongly when sin φ0 decreases.

For very small values of | sin φ0 |—when | sin2 φ0 | <sc l(vs/w) {1 -(vjv)2}'112 {sin 0}- 1; cos2 ψο can then be both less than and larger than unity—we find by using eqns. ( and ( that

VKq) ~ ~ 2qßvs sin 0*)1/W/2(*>2 - v*) ** ' u J A Z ' 1 1 )


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The plus sign corresponds here to the case 0 % 0+ and the minus sign to the case 0 % 0_ where 0± are the two values of the angle 0 for which sin <p0 vanishes:

c o S e ± = ^ ^ 2 - ^ ^ - ^ . ( uv

We see that for very small values of | sin φ0 | the quantity D is proportional to |~3/2. As v -*- w, sin 0+ — 0; eqn. ( ceases in that case to be valid. If sin 0+ «: £vs

(vi-ify-M, We have instead of formula (

D(q)=^^. (

In that case D is particularly large and proportional to |"2. We note that in deriving eqns. ( and ( we assumed that the particle

velocity v lies not too close to the sound velocity vs. We can verify by using eqns. ( and ( that if \-(yJvf ^(ivjuf (sin O^the function/) is given by eqn. ( provided cos 0 % vju, and decreases strongly when | cos d — {vju) | increases.

The case when cos φο > 1—and the difference cos φ0—1 not too small—corresponds to such values of the particle velocity that it cannot interact with the turbulent sound waves. It is in that case impossible to use for the determination of D(q) the expansion (; one can, however, simply evaluate D(q) directly by substituting expression ( for the effective temperature into formula (

D(q) = ^ Γ ΐ - - ^ Γ 2 ™Θ~(Φ) (13 4 2 14) W qu* I v*\ s in30|sin^o | 3 , (u.+^i*)

In that case D does not contain the large parameter | _ 1 ; none the less, if | sin ψο | <sc 1, this quantity will be very large—although much smaller than when cos2 φ0 ^ l.This is connected with the strong interaction of the particle with sound waves for which qvs—(q*u)<g:qvs and for which the effective temperature is large according to eqn. (

The case cos φο < — 1 corresponds to such a motion of the particle that it interacts strongly with turbulent sound waves with (q*u) > qvs. As we noted already, the quantity dT/δη is small in the region {q*u) > qvs; the function D(q) is therefore also small when cos ψο < — 1.

We note that eqns. ( to (—and therefore also the expressions for the changes in the energy and momentum of the particle—remain true, even if the assumption that the quantity ΘΤ/δη is small in the region η > η0 is not satisfied. Indeed, the contribution from the quantity ΘΤ/θη with η > η0 to the expression for D can only slightly change the function D for 0+ < 0 < 0_, without changing!) for 0 % 0± and, hence, not changing the nature of the function D for 0+ < 0 < 0_. In particular, the function D is positive for 0 = 0+ and negative for 0 = 0_ and must therefore vanish for some value of the angle 0 = 0O, where 0+ < 0O < 0_—here 0O will be slightly different from arccos (v*/uv).

According to ( the function D determines the spectral distribution of the energy emitted by the particle. Substituting D into formula ( and integrating over the frequency we get an expression for the change in energy P of the particle per unit time caused


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through its interaction with sound waves. If the angle 0 between the directions of v and u lies in the range 0+ < 0 < 0_, where the "critical" angles 0± are given by formula (, P has the form

Z V ^ m e ( P =

where A is a large quantity which is proportional to the ratio of the effective temperature of the turbulent sound waves to the electron temperature of the plasma,

while the function f(v) is given by the formula


Equations ( to ( determine explicitly how the change in the particle energy depends on the magnitude and the direction of its velocity. One sees easily that if 0 , < 0 < 0o, where

cos 0o uv

the particle loses energy; if 0O < 0 < 0_ the interaction with the sound oscillations leads to an increase in the particle energy. For 0 = 0O the change in the particle energy equals zero. As 0 -*■ 0± the quantity | P | increases steeply. The way the particle energy losses depend on the angle between the particle velocity and the direction of the electron current is sketched in Fig. 13.4.1.

FIG. 13.4.1. Sketch of the way the particle energy losses P depend on the angle Θ between the particle velocity and the direction of the electron current.

For angles 0 very close to 0± formula ( ceases to be valid. If

0-0+1 « I ifi-4f u [ v2\

where ί is a quantity of the order of the ratio of the electron temperature to the effective temperature of the waves in the turbulent region, we get by substituting expression (


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into formula ( and integrating over the frequencies

, = z^ i / ± > (134218)

where A± is a large quantity, proportional to £~3/2, Ai = \rOl{qrj>ft-^X-^dq, f± = ±^\u2-v2^2 (uv sin θ*)-1/2^2-^)-3'4,


where the ± -signs correspond to the cases 0 % 0± . We see that when 0 % 0± the change in the particle energy per unit time is particularly large.

For very small values of 0+ (corresponding to u % v) eqn. ( ceases to be valid. If 0+ « &s(v2-vl)-112 we have instead of formula (

P = Z2eM*'m* A*> A* = rO$(qrOf ξ~2 dq. (

We must emphasize that the large change in the particle energy per unit time—proportional to l~\ ϊ~3/2, or |~2—occurs for angles between υ and u which lie in the range 0+ < 0 < 0_ In order that such a range of angles occurs, it is necessary that the inequalities v > vs and u > vs are satisfied. The first of these inequalities is the condition for a strong interaction of the particle with the sound oscillations (Cherenkov condition), while the second inequality guarantees the existence of turbulent sound oscillations.

As u — vs we have 0+-*0_ -* arccos (vjv). Expressions ( and ( for the function P tend to zero for (ο·ιι) = v\ and u ~ vs: the particle energy losses are in that case proportional to less than the first power in l/£. Indeed, substituting expression ( into formulae ( and ( we get

Z2e2a>%m{ i2 wi- / fl)2 \ ~3/2 ( v2 \ - 3 / 2

| j - 1 1 ; Ao = \rO J(^D)3|-i/2A-3/2 dq. ( In deriving eqns. ( to ( we assumed that the particle velocity v does not

lie too close to the sound velocity vs: {1 —(vjv)2}:» %n\ in the general case described by formula (, n = 1; in the case when 0 % 0 ± , n = f. If {1 -(vjv)2}» fn, the particle energy losses for 0 = arccos (vju) axe determined by formula ( and proportional to I~2; for other angles the quantity P does not contain the large parameter \β.

If 0 > 0_ and also if 0 < 0+ and u < v, we can obtain the change in the particle energy by substituting expression ( into formula ( Integrating over the frequency up to some maximum frequency vjai where a\ is a length of the order of a few Debye radii, we get

P = ^ Μ ^ xg(v)> (

where a = \(rD/aiY and

*> - H r - { ( V - 1 ) -fa"1) fa-1)} · ( 1 3 Α 2·2 3 )

NP 19 273

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We note that this formula takes into account the stimulated emission and the absorption of sound oscillations by the particle and neglects other processes—such as close collisions, spontaneous emission of sound waves, or the emission and absorption of other kinds of plasma oscillations—leading to a change in the particle energy. Expression ( therefore determines the total particle energy losses only for angles which lie sufficiently close to 0± when the relative contribution from other processes to the energy change is small.

If 0 < 0+ and u > v the change in the particle energy per unit time will, in general, be smaller than when 0+ < 0 < 0_. If we want to establish the o-dependence of P in that case, we need know in detail how the function T{q, (q*u)) behaves for (q*u) >- qvs.

We see that the change in the particle energy is particularly large when the angle 0 be­tween v and u lies close to one of the critical angles 0±. The quantity P is then, according to formula ( which was obtained neglecting the sound dispersion, proportional to |-3/2 xjsing ( one can show that that formula must be employed when A*\A\» r, where

Az = rO j ( ^ D ) 2 ^ ! ) - 1 dq\ r = | v-u \ {uvcos 0*)-1'2 {{v/vs)2-1}"1/4, (

in which case we can neglect the smearing out of the critical angles due to the sound disper­sion. If As\Ax <§: r, we must replace eqn. ( for Pby the following expression:

r 2_ ? ,2 -11/2 Z2e2co%mQ Γ u*-vj I1'2

~ M\v-u\ L^2-^J (

where the upper (lower) sign corresponds to the case 0 — θ+ (0 — 0_). If Ό -*■ w, the presence of sound dispersion does not impose any limitation on the growth

of P near 0+. We must in that case, independent of the ratio of A$ to Ai, use formula (

Let us now consider the problem of the change in momentum of the charged particle caused by the emission and absorption of sound waves. Using formulae ( and ( we can determine the momentum transferred per unit time by the particle to sound oscillations with wavevectors in the range q, q+dq:

dQ=- Z2e2i% f- i jrfo, («.«))« 2nh

+ T{{q,-{q-u))b

(q-v)-qvs+ hq2

(q-v)+qvs+ fig* 2M


Integrating this expression over q we get

Z2e2rjyUVi nMv2 ί q* dq{ID(q)+iu du(q)+iv dv{q% (


u[v2-(u-v)]+v[u2-(u-v)] . uv2-v(u.v) _ vu2-u(u-v) n*A~0Ti

(uvsmßf {uv sin 0)2 {uv sin 0)2


Page 285: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


The function D is given by formula^( and

0 π

- — f -qvsu J

dv(9) = ~-7 ΊφΤ(β9η)9


while the quantity η is connected with the integration variable φ through relation ( To elucidate the nature of the function Z>, it is sufficient, as we showed earlier, to know

the behaviour of the function T(q, (q*u)) near (q<u) % qvs\ for the calculation of the quanti­ties du and dv, however, it is necessary to know the form of the function T also for (q · u) ^ qvs. One can, however, simply check that if | 0 — 0± | «: sin 0±, where the critical angles 0± are given by eqn. (, | iju | «c | ID | and | ivdv | «|/JD |. Using formula ( we can thus connect the change in particle momentum Q for θ ^ 0± with the change P in its energy:

Q = IP. (

This equation, together with eqns. ( to ( for P, enables us to find how β depends on the magnitude and direction of the particle velocity o.

According to formula ( the momentum components in the directions ±1 show the fastest change when the particle is moving through the plasma,

while the momentum component in the direction v—u is not changed when the particle moves through the plasma, (β·[ο—«]) = 0.

We note that the case | θ—0± | «c sin 0±, to which eqn. ( refers, is that of the greatest interest when we study the interaction of a particle with a non-equilibrium plasma, as in that case the change in the particle momentum (and in its energy) per unit time is particularly large.

Let us also give an expression for the function Q for the case when the particle velocity lies close to the beam velocity both in magnitude and in direction,


In that case Q = ΡΌ/V2, where P is given by formula ( The change in the particle momentum per unit time is in that case proportional to |~2 and thus particularly large.

It is well known that in a plasma consisting of hot electrons and cold ions one can excite not only sound oscillations with a linear dispersion law but also short-wavelength ion oscillations. The spectral density of the charge density fluctuations has, in the region of "medium-range" frequencies (qv{ <$c ω <§c qv^ and if we take into account the short-wavelength

19* 275

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oscillations, the form (q% «: TJT-^

( Λ " = Ϊ Τ ^ { Γ ( ( ? ' ( ί ' " ) ) ί ( ω " ω « ) + Γ ( ? ' -(!·«))β(ω+ω,)}, (

where ω is the frequency

qvs V(1 + «H) '

while T(q, ύ·ϋ)) is the effective temperature of the oscillations which for (#·*/) < coq is given by the formula

Γ ( ί · ( * · " ) ) = ΤΤΙ(ΑΓ' As (q*u) -*· coq the quantity T increases steeply. In the region (q-u) > coq the effective temperature changes smoothly with changing (q*u).

Using formulae ( and ( we get the following expression for the change in particle energy per unit time caused by the excitation and absorption of ion oscillations with wavevectors in the range q, q+dq:

f - £$% |w['-?]->^"K| ""■"■> where the function D is given by formula ( with the substitution vs -+ cojq while ÖM = £(l + sgnx).

Substituting expression ( for the function D into ( we see easily that for all values of the wavevector—except those values for which coq = qv—the behaviour of the quantity dPfdq is independent of the detailed behaviour of the function T for (q*u) > a>q. (In the case when coq = qv and v > u cos Θ, when we can neglect the second term in eqn. (, it is also not necessary to know the exact way depends on (q*u) for (q*u) > a)q in order to study the nature of the function dP/dq.)

Integrating expression ( over q we can determine the change per unit time in the particle energy P caused through the interaction between the particle and the plasma oscilla­tions. In the case of oscillations with a non-linear dispersion law we need, in general, to know the explicit form of the functions £(#) and l(q) to find the explicit way P depends on the particle velocity v. None the less, one can reach a number of conclusions about P which are independent of the explicit form of the functions ξ and λ.

First of all, the change in the particle energy will be large—proportional to at least the first power of 1/1—if the following condition holds:

sm2 θ ^ niiV2u2

which is the condition that there exist oscillations with wavevectors satisfying the relations (q-v) = coq, (q-u) > (oq.


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Furthermore, if the angle between the direction of motion of the particle and the direction of the electron current is small, there is only a strong interaction between the particle and the oscillations if v % u.

If the condition V*\O-U\ Λ τ vs

< (7 <$C i U

is satisfied, the particle energy losses will be particularly large and proportional to £~2:

P = ^pe'"e Mv

■Ä* fla = H>f ff^l-2^. (

Finally, we can simply find the sign of P if v :» u. The function P is positive, that is, the particle energy decreases, if Θ < jr/2, and is negative, that is, the particle energy increases, if 0 > π/2.

If v > vs and w » vs the way the change in the energy of the particle depends on the magnitude and direction of its velocity can be obtained in explicit form. If sin 0 is not too small (Θ ^> vs | u—v \[ιιν9π—θ»υΛ(μ+ν)Ιΐ£υ) we can use formulae ( and ( to obtain

P= **$£* Βοοΐθ, (

where B is a large quantity, proportional to I - 1 ,

If sin θ <κ Mm{V(&Ju), ξκ/vj, we have from formula (

2PAo* P = ±- MVl

ψ ^ Bu Bl = 1 D f <£g_ Ι-3/,λ-/^, (

where the upper (lower) sign refers to the case of angles 0 which are small (close to n). We see that the change in the energy of a particle moving in the direction of the electron current (or in the opposite direction) is proportional to J"3/2 and thus particularly large. If the particle velocity is close to the current velocity, not only in magnitude, but also in direction, the energy losses—which in that case are given by eqn. (—are proportional to

Let us now consider the case of a plasma through which passes a hot electron beam with a velocity u exceeding the thermal velocity of the electrons in the plasma. The spectral density of the charge fluctuations in such a plasma has in the high-frequency region (ω > qve) and long wavelengths (qrO «: 1) the form

<£?%> - \q2{T{q, («·«)) β(ω-ωρβ)+Γ(ί, -(?·«)) δ(ω + ωρβ)}, (

where T is the effective temperature of the electron Langmuir oscillations. If (q·«) < ωρβ the quantity T is determined by the temperature 7" of the beam electrons,

T(q' {9'U)) = l -[ j«)Ke] · 277

Page 288: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


If (q*u) > ω^ the effective temperature is determined by the level of the turbulent fluctua­tions and is much larger than 7",

Using formulae ( and ( we find the energy given by the particle per unit time to electron Langmuir oscillations with wavevectors in the range q9 q+dq\

f - ^ - M ' - ^ K ^ « " « 9)d('-")}·(13·4·2·*» where the function D is given by formula ( with the substitution vs -*· cope/#.

One sees easily that all conclusions about the interaction of a particle with ion oscillations can be generalized to the case of electron oscillations through the substitution

Te -+■ T', (oq — cope, Ti -* Γβ, rrn -+ mt.

In particular, the energy losses are particularly large—proportional to I~"2—if the condition | 1 — (v/u) | < 0 «: J is satisfied. In that case

P = * " f f i * B* A = * j V > * * . (


Let us now consider the interaction of charged particles with a turbulent plasma in a constant and uniform magnetic field. We shall assume the plasma to consist of cold ions at rest and hot electrons which move along the magnetic field with a velocity above the critical velocity for which the instability of the plasma oscillations sets in. We shall study how the change in the particle energy per unit time depends on the magnitude and direction of the particle velocity and we shall show that the details of the turbulence spectrum do not affect this dependence strongly, as in the case when there is no magnetic field (Akhiezer, 1965d).

The probability for the transition per unit time of a particle from a state with quantum numbers v and p2 to a state with quantum numbers v' and p2 is given by eqn. ( Expressing the spectral density of the potential fluctuations in terms of the spectral density of the charge density fluctuations we can rewrite eqn ( in the form

_ (4πΖβγ f <ρ%, / hq\ \ d*q±

Multiplying expression ( by /ιω, summing over v and integrating over pz we can determine the particle energy losses per unit time:

Σ !-£<*%.« [ » - ^ - » H A - § ] A* (-2MÄ7)d<0 W' (

where v2 is the component of the particle velocity along the magnetic field. We can simplify eqn. ( considerably in the case where we can neglect the "twist­

ing" of the particle trajectory by the magnetic field. Assuming that (vjc) sin θ <κ ΜνΙηψ%,

p = (AnZef


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where v is the particle velocity, 0 the angle between the direction of motion of the particle and the magnetic field, vA = Β0/4πη0ηι{ the Alfvon velocity, vs = ViTJm^ the sound velocity, Te and T{ the electron and ion temperatures, and me and m{ the electron and ion masses, and using the asymptotic relation for the function A^9 we get

Let us first of all consider the case of not very strong magnetic fields (vA <$: c). If the plasma consists of cold ions at rest and hot electrons which move along the magnetic field with a velocity if, the spectral density of the charge density fluctuations can in the sound region,

qvi «: ω « qvt, qrO <§; 1,

be written in the form (vA/c « qrO <§c 1)

<ρ% = \qXqrx>T{T{q, (q*u))d(co-qvs)+T(q, - ( f ·*))«(ω+ίι>.)}, ( where T is the eflFective temperature of the sound waves and rD the electron Debye radius. It is important that in eqn. ( only the eflFective temperature of the waves depends on the magnetic field; when vA <c c, the argument of the δ-functions is independent of the magnetic field.

Substituting expression ( into ( and bearing in mind that in the turbulence region, (q ·«) > qvs9 we have the inequality T^> Mv2

9 we find

= ZPeh&Vs πΜν2 Μ Μ - ' - ^ Γ } 5 ^ · {UMS>


η = (q*u) = qu\—-cos 0+1 / 1 1- sinöcos^}·.

Equation ( is formally the same as the expression for the change in the energy of a particle passing through a turbulent plasma when there is no magnetic field. The way the change in the particle energy depends on the magnitude and direction of its velocity is thus of the same nature in a magnetic field as when there is no such field, and we see that

1. There exist critical angles between the directions of the particle motion and of the magnetic field

0+ = arc cos , (

close to which the change in the particle energy is particularly large,

~ τ%Μ{ηνΤ*ύηθ±γΐχν*-ν»?^ v*.™.i)

where Γ* is a quantity of the order of the effective temperature of the waves in the turbulence 279

Page 290: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


region (Γ*^> Te) while ai is a quantity of the order unity (the m -signs correspond to Θ * e±).

2. In the region 0+ < 0 < 0_ the quantity P is given by the formula

/> = ±L1±J^K ν*γ "» (cos 0+ -cos 0)-1'2 (cos 0-cos 0-)-1'2, (

where a is a quantity of the order unity. This formula is exact if the effective temperature of the turbulent waves changes little when the angle # between q and B0 varies. If T changes strongly with changing # eqn. ( will strictly be satisfied only for | 0 —0± | <sc 1, while in the region | 0—0± | ^ 1 it is a good interpolation formula. We note that for 0 < 0o, where 0O is a critical angle (0O — arccos (v2/uv)) the particle energy decreases, while it increases for 0 > 0O.

3. The particle energy losses are particularly large when υ % «, and also when v % vs and («·ϋ) ~ v2. In both cases P is proportional to the square of the effective temperature,

P = " ! £ £ « . , (13-4.3.9)

where a2 is a quantity of order unity. 4. If 0 > 0_ and also if 0 < 0+ and cos 0 < v/u, the expression for the energy losses does

not contain the large parameter Γ*. If | 0—0± | <§c 1, the quantity P is, nevertheless, pro­portional to | 0 — 0+ |~3/2, and hence large.

5. As w - vs, we see from formula ( that 0± ->- 0C = arccos (vjv). When 0 % 0C the energy losses are proportional to (T*)li2


P = Zle^Y(TZi «o, ( where α0 ~ 1.

We emphasize that eqns. ( to ( are formally the same as the correspond­ing equations in subsection 13.4.2; the presence of even a strong magnetic field affects only the magnitude of the effective temperature T*, but not the way P depends on v—provided the condition vA <§c c is satisfied.

We note that we must use eqn. ( when we can neglect the smearing-out of the angles 0± due to the sound dispersion, that is, when the condition

J T(qrOf dq » rT~112 j T*\qrOf dqy

with r given by eqn. (, is satisfied. In the opposite case one must use for P formula (

Let us now consider the case of a very strong magnetic field (vA » c). In that case the spectral density of the charge density fluctuations has in the "sound" region sharp maxima corresponding to the possibility of the propagation of slow magneto-sound waves

<G%> = h\qrOf{T(q, (q.u))ö(co-qvs\cosu\) + T(q,-(q.u))ö(co + qvs\cosu\)}, (


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where & is the angle between q and Bo. It is essential that when u > vs all waves moving in the same direction as the electron current are turbulent and therefore characterized by a very high effective temperature (if u < vs all magneto-sound waves are stable).

Substituting expression ( into formula ( we get

Z2e2r%vs 7t

\qzdq άψ —- —cos Θ J J —-—cosöj 4- sin2 Θ cos2 φ I πΜν2


X\dy ( ^ M - c o s U + X l - ^ - ^ s i n Ö c o s ^ ^ ^ ' (

where sin Θ | cos φ

yo = {[(vs/v) — cos 0]2+sin2 Θ cos2 ψγ12

Assuming that the effective temperature in the turbulence region is weakly dependent on the angle between q and Bo, we can write expression ( in the form

Z ^ s ^ c o s g - ^ (1343 13)

where r* = i r D J ( i r D ) 3 r ^ .

From eqn. ( it follows that a particle which moves at an angle Θ to the magnetic field which is less than 0C = arccos (vjv) loses energy; if Θ > 0C the particle energy in­creases.

We note that expression ( tends to infinity if simultaneously v -+ vs and Θ -* 0. If we want to determine P in that case, we must take the sound dispersion into account. As a result we get


P - T*

where T^rOfTqrOdq.

Bearing in mind that for ion sound qrO <$c 1, we see that there is in this case a considerable increase in the particle energy losses.


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R E F E R E N C E St

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t As far as possible the English translations of Russian papers and the originals of other papers are given (Translator). This list is common to Volumes 1 and 2 and thus contains papers not referred to in Volume 2.


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A-wave: Alfvenwave αα = (Ατνα/ωΒ«)2 = (£/?«)2 (cf. p. 231 of Vol. 1)

B: £<e).


magnetic induction external magnetic induction internal (self-consistent) magnetic field

Cs: 5-particIe correlation function CS-wave: cyclotron-sound wave cp: specific heat at constant pressure c8: sound velocity cv: specific heat at constant volume

D(k, p): function defined by eqn. ( D: probability density

E: electrical field £"(e): external electrical field E&: internal (self-consistent) electrical field e: elementary charge (-e is the electron charge) e: polarization vector ea: charge of particle of type a

F: single-particle distribution function F(M): Maxwell distribution function FE-wave: fast extra-ordinary wave FMS-wave: fast magneto-sound wave FS: fast sound wave

/ , : ^-particle distribution function

G: pair correlation function g: plasma parameter given by eqn. (

Ίύ\ Hamiltonian

I-wave: ionization wave 3 : collision integral

Page 305: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


J'. current density external current density current density in plasma

L: Coulomb integral &: differential operator given by eqn. ( /: mean free path /»: penetration depth

M: Mach number MS-wave: magnetized sound wave m: mass of plasma particle m0: mass of neutral particle me: electron mass mi: ion mass

N{: total number of particles of kind / n: refractive index wa: density of particles of kind a n* 0: beam density


p:: Φ p*:

Q,Q'. q'-

R{: K: Ra: f0

r*'· rvi'.

S: SE-wave: SMS-wave: SS-wave: s:

T: To'· Te: Ά: rpik.

ordinary wave

principal value symbol pressure effective pressure

energy flux density dissipated energy density

Riemann invariant Reynolds number magnetic Reynolds number, Lui electron radius Debye radius; usually electron ] ion Debye radius

entropy slow extra-ordinary wave slow magneto-sound wave slow sound wave entropy density

temperature (in energy units) temperature of neutral particles electron temperature ion temperature energy-momentum tensor


Page 306: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


U: group velocity u: hydrodynamical velocity Uaßi velocity deformation tensor

V: V: v: v+: v_: ^A: «V *>&: Vil

vB: Vse' Vph*.

w: w(z):

Ze: z,: z'r-

β=^(\-ι ße = Ve/c

y: y(k):

ε: ε:

volume phase velocity mean thermal velocity velocity of fast magneto-sound waves velocity of slow magneto-sound waves Alfv&i velocity electron thermal velocity group velocity ion thermal velocity ion sound velocity electron sound velocity phase velocity

enthalpy function given by eqn. (

ion charge quantity given by eqn. ( quantity given by eqn. (


adiabatic index; ratio o f specific heats damping or growth rate

dielectric constant internal energy per unit mass

C: viscosity coefficient

η: viscosity coefficient

0: temperature Θ[χ]: step funct ion given by eqn. (')

κ: thermal conductivity κ: damping coefficient x=h/k

Aa: matrix elements defined by eqn. (') >i=^v±/iüÄa(see p. 228 of Vol. 1)

Page 307: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


v-vt-v2: viscosity coefficients ve: Coulomb collision frequency vm: magnetic viscosity

Π,φ'. momentum current density tensor n: electromagnetic energy flux density π-y00 * polarizability tensor τι^β: viscous stress tensor

£e: ratio of electron pressure to magnetic pressure (see eqn.

ρ, ρβ: charge density ρβ: external charge density gm: mass density ρΡ: charge density in plasma ρα: Larmor radius of particle of type a

σ: electrical conductivity σ: scattering cross-section σΛβ: stress tensor

τ : relaxation time

φ: electrostatic potential 9?t: Fourier transform of φ <pi3: two-particle electrostatic potential

o)Be: electron gyro-frequency oiBoi-e^Blmac): gyro-frequency of particle of type a ωρ: plasma frequency, Langmuir frequency

Page 308: Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations. Plasma Electrodynamics


Adiabatic approximation 1.299 Adiabatic traps 1.329 Adiabaticity 1.32 AlfvSn discontinuities 1.103, 1.105, 1.151, 1.156,

1.169 Alfven perturbations 1.119 Alfven simple wave 1.85 Alfven velocity 1.51 Alfven waves 1.48ff, 1.85, 1.112, 1.218ff, 1.221,

1.249; 67, 78, 106fT, 110, 143, 154 Alfven waves, excitation of 1.324, 1.331ff Amplification of waves 1.360, 1.365, 1.369, 1.373 Anisotropie velocity distributions 1.307ff, 1.352 Annihilation operators 112 Anomalous dispersion 1.236 Atmospheric whistlers 1.220 Autocorrelation function 117

Background distribution function 49, 54, 55, 59ff BBGKY hierarchy 1.8 Beam instability 1.289; 149ff Beam temperature, longitudinal 1.325 Beam-plasma system 1.288ff, 1.371ff, 149ff, 163,

189 Beam-plasma system in a magnetic field 1.309ff;

69, 152ff Beams 1.288ff Blocking of oscillations 1.360, 1.365, 1.373

Cauchy problem 1.71, 1.75, 1.116 Cavitation 1.93, 1.94, 1.161 Chapman-Jouguet detonation 1.140,1.143,1.157 Chapman-Jouguet theorem 1.164ff Characteristics 1.71ff, 1.97ff Charged particles 231ff Cherenkov absorption 1.243,1.246ff, 1.256,1.269,

1.297 Cherenkov damping 1.194, 1.243, 1.249, 1.265;


*In order to increase the usefulness of the index we have volume 1, 67 to p.67 of Volume 2.

Cherenkov emission 1.81; 233,259ff, 267,269 Cherenkov instability 70 Cherenkov resonance 1.229, 1.243, 1.311, 1.321;

69,72 Collision frequency 1.20 Collision integral 1.16, 1.32, 1.126, 1.375; 107,

112,164 Collision integral, Landau 1.16ff; 57 Collisional damping 1.244 Collisionless plasma 1.27; 109, 158 Collisions 1.348; 57ff, 163ff Combustion, fast 1.143 Combustion slow 1.143 Combustion, sub-Alfvonic 1.143 Combustion, super-Alfvenic 1.143 Combustion wave 1.140, 1.151, 1.157, 1.168 Compression shock wave 1.108, 1.144; 21ff, 38 Condensation discontinuity 1.141 Conductivity, electrical 1.25,1.27 Conductivity, high-frequency 1.172 Conductivity, thermal 1.28 Conductivity tensor 64 Conical refraction 1.56fT Conservation of energy 1.34 Conservation laws 1.99ff; 6 Conservation laws, differential 1.101 Conservation laws, integral 1.101, 1.110 Contact discontinuities 1.102ff, 1.156 Continuity equation 1.34 Correlation functions 1.5; 85ff, 116ff Correlation weakening 1.5,1.12, 1.24 Coulomb logarithm 1.18; 57,115 Creation operators 112 Cyclotron absorption 1.256 Cyclotron acceleration 75 Cyclotron damping 1.213, 1.226, 1.241, 1.243; 77 Cyclotron excitation 1.313,1.325; 71 Cyclotron frequency 1.212 Cyclotron instability 1.331 Cyclotron oscillations 1.267 Cyclotron resonance 1.311, 1.322; 73 Cyclotron waves 1.275ff Cyclotron-soundwaves 1.256

included references to Volume 1: 1.299 refers to p.299 of


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Damping coefficient 1.60,1.238 Damping of ion-sound oscillations 1.197 Damping of Langmuir oscillations 1.189 Damping of magneto-hydrodynamic waves 1.59ff Damping rate 1.189, 1.192, 1.195, 1.197, 1.202,

1.384; 58, 76 De Broglie wavelength 234 Debye radius 1.2,1.46 Decay of waves 89ff, 107 Decay instability 92ff Decayable spectrum 89ff Degenerate wave 1.94 Detonation wave 1.140, 1.143, 1.151, 1.166 Detonation wave, supercompression 1.140, 1.144,

1.156, 1.165 Dielectric constant 1.172 Dielectric permittivity 1.172, 1.206; 126, 134ff Dielectric permittivity tensor 1.3, 1.198ff, 1.21 Iff,

1.225ff; 125,138,197,232 Diffusion coefficients 49, 52, 73, 249ff Diffusion in velocity space 49 Discontinuities 1.99ff; 26ff, 37ff Discontinuities, splitting of 1.162ff Dispersion 1.193, 1.201 Dispersion equation 1.197ff; 65, 79 Dispersion relation 1.187 Distribution functions 1.4 Distribution functions, many-particle 1.4, 1.6 Distribution functions, two-particle 1.5 Doppler effect conditions, anomalous 1.229; 70 Doppler effect conditions, normal 1.229 Dynamic friction 249ff

Echoes 223ff Electromagnetic waves 1.198ff Electromagnetic waves, excitation of 1.338 Electron sound 1.264ff Electron sound, excitation of 1.319 Electron sound instability 1.319 Electron sound wave, ordinary 1.276 Electron temperature, longitudinal 1.308 Electron temperature, transverse 1.308 Electron-cyclotron absorption 1.237, 1.239ff Electron-cyclotron oscillations, extra-ordinary

1.282ff Electron-cyclotron oscillations, longitudinal

1.278ff Electron-cyclotron resonance 1.242ff Endothermic discontinuities 1.138ff, 1.145 Energy dissipation 117ff Energy flux density 1.100 Energy flux density, electromagnetic 1.100 Energy-momentum tensor 1.110 Entropy 1.22; 54, 68, 155, 158 Entropy density 1.28 Entropy perturbation 1.119 Entropy waves 1.51 ff, 1.112

Equation of state, electron 25, 36, 43 Equipartition theorem 1.152 Evolutionarity 1.115ff Excitation of waves 1.61, 1.204ff, 1.29Iff, 1.302ff,

1.311ff Exothermic discontinuities 1.13 8ff, 1.145 Extra-ordinary wave, fast 1.218ff, 1.242ff, 1.344 Extra-ordinary wave, slow 1.218ff, 1.234, 1.239ff,


Fluctuation-dissipation relation Ch. 11 Fluctuation energy losses 237ff, 247 Fluctuations Ch.ll Fluctuations, anomalous 188 Fluctuations, charge density 124ff, 138, 162 Fluctuations, collective 147ff Fluctuations, critical 149ff, 172, 189, 264 Fluctuations, current 123, 125, 130ff, 138ff Fluctuations, density 131ff Fluctuations, electromagnetic 122ff, 139ff, 206 Fluctuations, evolution of 160ff Fluctuations, field 124ff, 131 Fluctuations, hydrodynamical theory of 168ff Fluctuations, in distribution function 154ff Fluctuations, incoherent 199ff, 204 Fluctuations, ion-sound 171 Fluctuations, kinetic theory of 154ff Fluctuations, resonance 201 ff Fluctuations, temperature 157, 165ff Fokker-Planck equation 1.18; 249ff Four-component system 1.350 Freezing-in of field lines 1.30, 1.64 Friedrichs theorem 1.97 Fusion of waves 89ff, 107

Gross gap 1.281 Group polar 1.55, 1.81 Group velocity 1.54 Gyro-frequency 1.212

H-theorem 1.22ff; 108 Hamiltonian of system of plasmons 108ff Helicon 1.220 High-pressure plasma 1.262 Hugoniot equation 1.107ff, 1.115 Hugoniot line 1.119, 1.133, 1.136, 1.137, 1.164 Huygens effect 1.69, 1.149 Huygens principle 1.69 Hybrid resonances 1.214ff, 1.232 Hydrodynamical description of a plasma 1.25ff,

1.32ff, 1.21 Iff Hydrodynamical velocity 1.27


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Ideal medium 1.31; 170 Inhomogeneities 190 Instability of magneto-active plasma 1.316ff; 174 Instability of partially ionized plasma 1.384 Instability, absolute 1.354ff, 1.364, 1.370 Instability, convective 1.354ff, 1.364, 1.369, 1.370 Instability, global 1.367ff Interaction Hamiltonian 111 Internal reflection 1.235 Interpenetrating currents 1.297 Ion-cyclotron damping 1.269 Ion-cyclotron resonance 1.250ff; 81 Ion-cyclotron waves, extra-ordinary 1.284ff Ion-cyclotron waves, longitudinal 1.281 ff Ion-cyclotron waves, ordinary 1.276 Ion-sound instability 1.39; 174 Ion-sound oscillations 1.178ff, 1.196ff, 1.253ff,

1.292, 1.383, 1.385; 15ff, 24ff, 70, 90ff Ion-sound turbulence 99ff, 219 Ion-sound velocity 1.180 Ionization shock wave 1.142, 1.143, 1.151, 1.167 Ionization waves 1.388

Kinetic coefficients 156 Kinetic equations for waves 82ff, 87 Kramers-Kronig relations 122, 125, 135

Lacunae 1.70, 1.150 Landau damping 1.192ff, 1.382, 1.384; 18, 57ff,

89ff, 234 Landau damping, non-linear 89ff Langmuir frequency 1.3, 1.173, 1.178, 1.189; 2 Langmuir oscillations 1.3, 1.176ff, 1.291; 58,

90ff, 133, 141, 179, 188ff, 202, 204ff, 267 Langmuir oscillations, non-linear Iff Langmuir turbulence 90ff Longitudinal electron mass 1.339 Longitudinal oscillations 1.177, 1.181ff, 1.253ff,

1.339; 7, 187ff Longitudinal-transverse waves 11 ff Lorentz force 1.32 Low-pressure plasma 1.260, 1.267, 1.271ff; 67, 79 Lundquist number 1.30

Magnetized ions 1.386 Magnetized ions, weakly 36 Magnetized sound 1.256 Magneto-active plasma 35ff, 59ff, 106ff, 197ff,

255ff Magneto-active plasma, cold 1.217ff; 41ff, 132 Magneto-hydrodynamical state vector 1.49, 1.84 Magneto-hydrodynamical variables 1.49 Magneto-hydrodynamical waves 1.48ff; 109

Magneto-hydrodynamics, equations of 1.29ff, 1.48 Magneto-sound perturbations 1.119 Magneto-sound simple wave 1.86, 1.91ff; 37ff Magneto-sound velocity, fast 1.51 Magneto-sound velocity, slow 1.51 Magneto-sound wave, fast 1.51ff, 1.112, 1.218ff,

1.221, 1.234, 1.243ff, 1.284; 67, 78, 110, 144, 154 Magneto-sound wave, fast, excitation of 1.321ff,

1.331ff Magneto-sound wave, slow 1.51ff, 1.112, 1.218ff,

1.256; 67, 110, 144,154 Magneto-sound waves 1.48ff, 1.387; 106ff, 203 Magneto-sound waves, solitary 39 Magneto-sound waves, stationary 38ff Maxwell equations 1.10, 1.28; 65 Mean free path 1.20 Momentum flux density tensor 1.36, 1.43, 1.100 Monge cone 1.76 Multiple-current flow 18ff, 30ff, 37ff

Navier-Stokes equation 1.34, 1.40, 1.125; 168 Non-equilibrium plasma 24ff, 144ff, 264ff Non-evolutionary solutions 1.117 Non-isothermal plasma 1.253ff, 1.266; 139ff, 158ff Non-isothermal sound oscillations 265 Non-linear damping 86ff, 95ff, 99ff, 218 Normals, cone of 1.77 Normals, curve of 1.77 Normals, surface of 1.78 Nyquist formula 120

Oblique detonation wave 1.142 Oblique propagation 1.339ff Oblique shock wave 1.46ff, 1.167ff Ohm law, generalized 1.42ff Opalescence, critical 184ff, 211 ff Ordinary wave 1.218ff, 1.239ff Oscillator beam-plasma system 1.325, 1.335

Pair correlation function 1.11 ff Particle recoil 239 Partially ionized plasma 1.374ff; 170ff, 207ff Peculiar wave 1.93, 1.160 Penetration depth 1.209, 1.246 Periodic waves 19ff, 28ff Phase polars 1.53ff Phase space 1.1 Phase velocity 1.50 Piston problem 1.157ff; 27 Plasma frequency 1.173 Plasma parameter 1.8ff Plasma resonances 1.231 ff Plasmon lifetime 113ff


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Plasmon-plasmon interactions 107, 114 Plasmons 88, 106 Plateau on distribution function 53, 55, 58, 68,

71, 74, 104 Poisson bracket 1.6 Poisson equation 1.1 Polarization 1.203ff, 1.213; 12 Polarization, total 196 Polarization energy losses 232ff, 240ff, 247, 256ff,

262 Polars 1.53ff

Quasi-equilibrium plasma 14ff Quasi-linear relaxation 53ff, 67ff, 72ff Quasi-linear theory Ch.9 Quasi-linear wave transformation 69 Quasi-neutrality condition 1.128 Quasi-partides 88, 115 Quasi-shock waves 18, 22ff Quasi-transverse propagation 1.267ff, 1.271 ff

Scattering coefficient 220, 221 Scattering cross-section 180ff, 183, 197ff, 210 Scattering current 175ff Scattering of waves 175ff Screening l.lff, 1.17

Self-consistent field 1.9ff Self-similar magneto-sound wave 1.93 Self-similar waves 1.83, 1.91, 1.150ff; 18ff, 38 Sequence of waves 1.154ff Shock family, strong 1.147 Shock family, weak 1.147 Shock polar 1.147 Shock wave, compression 1.115, 1.120 Shock wave, conical 1.149 Shock wave, fast 1.120 Shock wave, longitudinal 1.104 Shock wave magneto-hydrodynamical 1.115 Shock wave, parallel 1.104, 1.132 Shock wave, peculiar 1.105, 1.132 Shock wave, perpendicular 1.104 Shock wave, slow 1.120 Shock waves 1.91, 1.102ff, 1.115ff; 18ff Simple waves 1.83ff, 1.113ff; 16ff, 25ff Skin effect 1.175, 1.208, 1.209 Solitary waves 1.129; 19ff, 28ff Soliton 1.129; 22 Sound, equilibrium 1.121 Sound, frozen-in 1.121 Sound waves, fast 1.256 Sound waves, slow 1.256 Spectral densities 116ff Spectral distribution of scattered waves 182ff, 195 Spectral representation 116 Spiral wave 1.220 Spontaneous emission 190ff Stability criteria 1.345ff; 33 Stability criteria in a magnetic field 1.351 Stability of shock waves 1.115ff Stationary waves 19ff, 27ff Stochastization 85 Striations 1.388 Structure of shock waves 1.121 ff Sturrock rules 1.361ff, 1.371 Subsonic flow 1.79 Supersonic combustion wave 1.141, 1.142 Supersonic flow 1.79, 1.146 Sweeping-out condition 1.146ff, 1.167 Switch-off shock 1.105 Switch-off wave 1.93 Switch-on shock 1.105 Switch-on wave 1.93

Tangential discontinuities 1.102ff, 1.107, 1.156 Temperature, effective 147ff, 172, 215, 244, 277 Thermal conductivity 1.59 Three-wave processes 88ff, 111 ff Transformation coefficient 186, 214 Transformation cross-section 197ff Transformation of waves 175ff Transmission of waves 1.363ff Transverse discontinuities 1.106 Transverse propagation 1.224, 1.275ff, 1.343ff

Raman scattering 197, 202ff, 207, 209ff Rarefaction shock wave 1.108, 1.144, 1.151; 26ff,

38 Ray cone 176 Ray curve 1.76 Ray surface 1.78 Rayleigh emission 190 Rayleigh-Jeans formula 108,114 Recombination 1.389 Reflection 192ff Refractive index 1.174 Relativistic beams 1.333f Relativistic magneto-hydrodynamics 1.109ff Relativistic plasma 3ff, 129 Relaxation 1.19ff, 1.380 Relaxation, radiative 1.24 Relaxation time 1.20; 64 Resonance beam particles 1.291 ff, 1 OOff Resonance particles 1.194, 1.229; 47, 50, 53, 56,

59ff, 67ff, lOOff Response tensor 119, 121 ff Reynolds number 1.30 Reynolds number, magnetic 1.30 Riemann invariants 1.95ff, 1.124 Rotational discontinuities 1.106 Run-away electrons 70


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Transverse temperature 76 Transverse waves 8ff Turbulence, weak 83ff, 87 Turbulent plasma 1.11; 216ff, 268ff, 278ff Turbulent waves 103ff, 222flf Two-beam system 1.350

/o-component hydrodynamics 1.37, 1.44, 1 i wo-component plasma 1.38, 1.350; 139ff Two-stage relaxation 1.380, 1.381 Two-stream instability 1.349ff, 1.371 Two-temperature plasma 14ff, 92ff, 99ff, 192,

Velocity deformation tensor 1.35 Viscosity 1.27, 1.59 Viscosity, magnetic 1.30, L59

Viscous stress tensor 1.28, 1.41, 1.59 Vlasov equation 1.8ff, 1.181

Wave profile 1.87ff Wavefront 1.76 Wavepackets 1.54; 66 Wavepackets, one-dimensional 54ff, 57ff, 72ff Wave-particle interactions 82ff Wave-wave interactions 224 Weak discontinuity surface 1.70 Whistlers 1.220, 1.248, 1.267, 1.323 Width of shock, 1.123ff, 1.130

Zemplen theorem 1.107ff, 1.113, 1.152