nomte texifpau0mmxi of ti iis - chronicling...

I IS my W. E.A1s , s*ameaw moon owl"en w " P WsW db to as My of Ths0m -esia -eee wib etbeh of CFOa " ast, seode ot 61111Wi enw Bowe" 4d dw Trenmm , Andrew W. Ue., when he tstesse e fraiweI of em, Ieam Nees e da4 wass d V* , party to a st-d d the dbM lmetmaey Mellon. is a barium of cea- f$reses. with David V. Houston. the retiring-Seerefary. sad with other of- fles16 wps made eenversant with the taims ef the foreign leans, &ad went St same length aInto the various phases of segeeioas previously begus by feres governmexts relative to the funding of the outsteading Oblga- es. Presidest Marding's Inugural ut- teranee Indicating that suggestions ter oanellatios of the debts will meet %ath ISres1-e- appassetly starte4 the Now Secretary Of the Treasury UP0" a dearly defhed policy. noeetapy Moloa's oonafreees to- day were largely to'eble the anew Treakury head to got a grasp of the robles with which he must som or& It Is probable that he will esautimas i conference for several days with former Secretary Houston ad others who have been actively idestitled with the loss and other problems. * . RAE ALUMN 7PLANS. The pleas of several of the foreign goveranmeats to enter at once upon Aegotiations looking to the soonver- slon Anto long time obligations of the demand notes pow held by this Glov- erament ware before Bicretary Mel. lon today. The British French and Italian governameats have adtified the Treasury Department of their wal- ingness bea conferences in the very near At the Wreasury today it was aug. geated that conereaces ; with the foreign fsalil envoys probably would mot be coemmenced until the whole questionx of debt settlementi tSrms has been discussed by Presi- dOnt larding sad his Cabinet. f In what keepet the previous plias of the Treasury' might be changed was j4ft tos eledtisre. The probality. it was esid, was that entirely new N discussione would be inaugurated, without s'eZrence to any tentative understandings which may have been reached previously between represen- tatives of this and other govern- ments. NmTON TO ASSIgE. . Thus far the general outline of the plan for adjustment of the foreign loans has been to fund them into obli- gations with maturities running as far as thirty years. with a reasonable defferment of the interest for a period of years, pending Europe's rehabill- tatiol'. No eel announeemnt ever was made by the Treasury of-any agree- meant relative to the rqe of Interest the lo.-Vo. beand should bear. though It was' suggested that the Treddry's purpese was to make the rate equivalent to the rates borne by Ubited dtites Government bonds. Former Secretary Houston today said that he will hold himself in readiness to assist his =seces=or In all nsittere which may arise relative to the loan and other questions, which are at the forefront demanding oossideration. Houston will post- pone for several days his departure from Washington. LASBY FRED YOUTH OF BLACEAIL CHARGE 5oh% E. Lashey, United States At- torney, has entered a nolle proeequi ga the, case 'of the Governmsent against Dyad W. Knox. an automobile me- ehanic, of 4410 Kansas avenue north- west, dismisming charges of black- piall lodged by the police department as a result of Knoxs arrest on No- eseber 12 last, upee the omplaint ef Mrs. Lila C. Beall, of 3030 Cam- bridge place northwest. Affidavits submitted by witnesses in behalf of the' youth proved con- clusively to the District Attorney, it was stated, that Enex did not make a telephone call to Mrs. Beall on the beut and day charged in the indiet- seemt. and& was not near a phone all *a. Upon this evidence the indict- s penst was quashed arte 1Caos alloited as go free. The defendant was rep- yasseted by Ateys Loui. Ottea- berg ad RmeINeudeeker. FMSSGciiDIG ROOK ymmediately following an enter- estaest by the National Press Club at Keith's Theater at 6:30 'o'clock oenday eventag. the club dinning poem will be open to omn. -In oe- eprtia9ith the Uu, u of Fish- aries the following meau has been tare i preltmlnary observnnset tional Fish Day: 'qster cocktail. slam chowder, abe haddock. parsley sane', mashed .qee.greep peas, shrimp salad. ptee eustard pudding or Ice cream TOEQTVHARDplG The Ganest of a littre ofsee theroughbred Uagish-buli pups, boea yesterday moruing, will be presented to Presiet Harding by Maariep Ber- gha, 003 Twelfth street northwest. *The pupe' altpetonate K is Madame Nelba, graadddughter of a 80.000 blue tibbon winner. Hecr pedigree includes some et the Saest of the ealno world, -rdig-t en m Ameracan Krenne NOMTE OF TI Now ffrh AvmPnss 0 , atwso of b oeaic 1w as a s Adeonisssaes saten i an am" na. lodom 3111mb "se awi ing Dr Usua Iamngeralse sermen SOON Ind "aVe 414 Eag and is the ee sing win eatlws his 'aeseo~' passos et leotee, - - Efe" swvlees awprilaeto I W" wil be held tomorrow &I the VermoNtAvense Christisa O0ureb which was the ohmre u et awn other distnglmed Oh Presdsnt, James' A. Garuel. This Obureb A known as the NGaureld Memorial Chur&." The paste, the Rev. Dr Eare Willey. will preach tomorrow morning es "Pmlargemest." and at the even service en "Me Midaight Watchman. Begani Bag Suday. Macoh I. re viva see Will be hold at this ohureb ek night mautil Uter. The paster will preach and Prof . . Charlten will eandut the mule. Miss Katharine air RAr= will play at the First mau Churih. Tenth and G streets, North- west. Sunday night at I Voleek. The ov. Jason Noble Pierce will preach 'o "Saul and David; WhIeb Are Tou?" Te flaser Organ Company of neten livered the new organ to the chercb itIL week and the work ef .lastatlaties is going en without interfering with the services. ' At the servloe last Monday cele- bretaing the Piftheemth Analversary ef' the Ordinatie of the Rev. Jason Noble Piere, a special offering of Sill was taken for China Famine Ael"ef A smemorial service will be hmd for. Dr. A. oleeam= at the X Street Christian Church. Sixth and N streets southwest, tomorrow mernig at 11 o'clock. Dr. MELfar- was secretary of the Foreign Christian Missionary Society of the Disciplos Chprch for eighteen years, and president of that society for nineteen year. He was possibly the most outstanding mis- slonary mae in America, and March 6 has been set apart as "Memorial Day" In the Ahurch. and will be generally obseryd throughout the country by the Disciples of Christ. * At 7:30 p. m. the pastor, the Rev. Preston A. Cane. will conduct a songalogue entitled, "Beauty for Ashes." Prof. N. K. Ober, of ElIsabethtown College, will be the speaker at the 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon meeting in the Central Y. M. C. A. Building, 1'36 0 street northwest tomorrow. Prof. Ober was a delegate to the World's Sunday School Convention at Tokyo. Japan. and he will give in his message his observations and im- pressions of this mach discussed con- vention. "The Three-fold Path to the Heights" will be the subject of the sermon by the Rev. Ulysses 0. 3. Piero, minister of All Souls' Church, at the mording mervies In the Knick- eftbocker Theater. The musical num- bers will be given by Miss Helen Howlson. soprhno: Richard LoIe- BISHOPS TO SEAK 'ATUNITY SERVICES Meetings to Be HeOld Day at SL John's Episepal Church -Nodx Week. Two ishep, one of the Epispopal church and one the Methodist church. a Baptist minister and a layman of the Presbyterian church will address the Church Unity services at St. John's Upiscopel church next week. The services are held daily, except Satur- day, at 4:46 o'elock. The speakers and the days on which they will speak are: Monday, the Rev. J. J. Muir. pastor of Temple Baptish church and chap- lain -of the Senate. on "anticipating Calvary": Tuesday - and Wednesday, enator Hoke Rmith, a layman of the Presbyterian ahuseh, on "National Re- spenalbility for the Training of the Children of this Country": 'I hursday, the Rt. Rev. J. 0. Murray. bishop of Maryland, topic not announced; Fri- day, the RL. Rev. William F. McDowelL. bishop of the Methodist Episcopal church, on "The Master Day by Day." Tomorrow morning the Rt. Rev. Alfred Harding, bishop of Washing- ton. will condrm a gIass at St. John's, and at the afternoon servie at 4 o'clock. Canon Douglas, acting rooter, will preach briefly. BAR HIG RENES PLEDGE TO YANKS President Digresses in Addres To Assure Wounded Coum- try Is GratefuL Addressing himself directly to hun dreds of wounded soldiers frotu Wal- ter Reed. who were seated in invalid chairs at the foot of the Inaugural stand. President Harding yesterday promised thets that this country would not forget them and the serv- ioes they had rendered. Pausing dramatically in the midut of his inaugural address, and paint - 1ng his Lager at the wounded soldiers, the President said: "I went to asere you that a goest- ous contry will never forget the services you rendered, and you may hope for the pelIpy under the Govern- mont that will relieve any maimed suooessors froma taking your place. on another occasion such as this." No section of the President's ad- dress met with amore appplause than this promise to the wounded soldiers that their services would not he for- Dies Fram Heart Attack. Ungene Bieiders, forty-iM. 035 (1 street seuthweet, was found dead in his room this morning by his sister Miss Ida leidere, when she attOue to roue him. Death was due to a sed~es attach water. eua Isuet emesb tinmevger at Soeab. e -00 1f -As be bald Is the euse, 1186 AAll he . - -sa aa . A ONt eatecae Is to be 4ebat11 184 aset etthe Se er A I t ual Nal. 411i nas, temserroW at I . , e vewi be main- talked by Mr. David Neas, a vet- ore ex ~ er the 0aisey-faire destrise, theestve by PrOf. N. . ai,-f the National Ro- serdh UniVer, an expounder of the Seelalist theory. Othere present will be given espertualty for brief diseuselem of the -set At Foundry Church tomorrow seer- Ing Dr. Readlph will pi'esk at 11 e'eek on "Cho Great Parade-Find- Lad " In the evening at I a =our Cheir and Professer Amon Kasuar, violnist, will give a eal musal servie 4ad Dr. 11aM- deph will speak on "Pesidest Mard- wins'siaugural Teat-Do Justly. LOTS Merey, Walk Mumbly." . Dr. .. 0. areeder. metaphye&lIa. et New Yet eity. will deliver the address *th Chwh. of Le and s,. 1314 3C 4 e=rsrhwqet, en "Con- sering Faith,4 Mis Frameee Seher- ger. soprane% WO render- @Oles at 0 M' -he DMe.' Ab.ut a Ma." is Pestor I. Was we's subject tomor- row ight aSAe Canteniea Baptist Oberoh. The dqrang subject is, "The Greatest Peruem's Iaauguraties." welfth migt brach Young Men's Christi As otn - laspirational meeting -temorro g* 4 p. Is., aom- duted by the Ref. 0. 9. Bullock. Third aptist Churek. Uteryody Is invited. The dramatic e 4g Jf the story of Queen Ether with spiritual is- torprottios w Mrs. Viva I. Jaa- nary In to give omorrow eveeing at the Homer Building is an unusually interesting and helpful maeage. Mrs. January has given this red- Ing before several of the Eastern star chapters of Washington where it has been greatly, appreciated. Appropriate music will be a part of the program. Judge J. Robert Anderson Of the Department of Justice will address the Organized Adult Bible Class of Foundry 3. X. Sunday School, Six- teenth and P streets uorthwest, to- morrow morning at 9:45. on "The Uberality of Love." *trangors In the city are cordially welco&ed. The Rev. Andrew R. BIrd, pastor of the Church of the Pilgrim, TweMty-seo- ond street at Q street northwest. has returned from= a series of regional conventions held by the LAymea of the Southern Presbyterian Church. at Meridiah, Mie.: Waco. Texas: Nash- ville, Tena., and Staunton. Va. He will occupy his pulpit at both ser- vices tomorrow. IffTAYOF EME TO IBSERVED HERE The speech delivered by President de Valera, of the Irish Republic, at the McSwiney demonstration in Now York last October will be reproduced am the Vocalle at the tinmet Day celebration of the Association for the Recognition of the Irish Republic to- morrow ight at Gonsaga Hall Dr. Joseph Duan will preside at the meeting. Speakers will be John C. Grse, mayor of Charleston, S. C.; the Rev. Pete) J. O'Callaghan. of the Apestelle Miades House; F. Edward Mitchell and P. J. Ryan. Calvary Baptist Church, Eighth and I streets northwest, will in all probability be the place of worship of President Harding. President Harding is a trustee of Trinity Baptist Church of Marion. his home town, and since him residence here he has attended Calvary Church. President Harding will he the first member of his denonlidation who has suoceeded to this high office, it is pointed out. The member of the de- nomninatIon who has'couse nearest to the high eoffice In recent yeara was Charles Evans Hughes, the Republi- camnminee in 1116, who was a regular worshiper at Calvary Church. DR.IINSOLVDlb 1H0E AT HYATI3VIILE CR10 The Rev, Ifr. Arthur lWieaelving, recter et Old St. Paul's Protestaat *plseopal Church of Baltimore, and recogissed as a leader in the Amern- s Church, will preach the sermon at the evesen6g servIce tomorrow might at Pinkney Memorial Church, It. Mat- thew's Partsib Hyattaville, Md. Deeter Einselving has long beem a member of the General Convention of' the Episcopal Church. During the national conference he oec pled the poet of National Missioaer. He has a wide circle of frienas in Washing- ton, and has frequently addresed the noon-day Lonten meetings at the Church of the Epiphany. Doctor Ein- solving is the brother of the Bishop of Brasil, and of' the Bihsop of Texa. The Rev. Charles E. McAllister, rec- tpr of St. Matthews parish, will have charge of tomorroir night's service. HONOR -cLANS ENORY At the Ninth Street Christian Church on Sunday morning there will be special msemorial service- in mom- oryof A.Melea head oftthe Pereign ChristiaS Missionary Soeeety for ever forty yearn, and who died In Deem- ben. Mis picture will be uavened at this servtes, TEXIFPAU0MMXI" IO Rv. N. P. E f lne . L The a"y. . P. Pgel. 1amlia 1 . . mas, wilU deliver a "re " . monwbaeden the -tat at hs swiplue 08 Wb"b rpeit Xse 1W g to4 h0 ea,1f ease. E1 sub. jeet ge e5imal lumlpas. of the $ianiural 1t.0 .0 A brief adpsim will be detesrd b- Oef E1sse 81. 16erwe4 99 the Os1 o 3esseenetatlves. on L eANW' 1a- Cen.Genral Sherwood In the :r livin Maa n p'uble Iwo' todiar who was present at Lineolas inaugse- ratio. A special musleal program will be rendered by the Capital City Quartet. Ms Edith 3. Athey, erganist, SESWORLSI[ Wut Maryland Minister Says One er Other WIN Son Rule aALISURY. L., Marcb 5.-Declar- Iag that the question of whether the world is to be ruled by Jesus Chrimt Or Karl -Marx will be decided to the coming few rears, the Rev. Dr. A. Norman Ward. president of Western Maryland College. outluted briedy problems he said faced Presidjut Itarding in an address here yesutar- before representatives of seventy-Ave Methodist Protestant emrhee of the Eastern Shor. The occasion was a group Vneeting of the Maryland annual conference of thp church. held in the Peninsula Hotel here. "One administration had ended. an- other has begun. 'Let us remember that the failures of the past have not been when men were !alQesi to re- spand to the demands of war." said Dr. Ward. "The failures have been in years after the wars. Leadership in them times is just as critical as it has been in the last eight years. We cannot get back to the year before the war; the bodies of 10,00- 000 men block the wa. "We must 'work with other men to make the world a better place for the coming generatique to live in. Th "- is coming a clash of creedp and a clash of intellects. We must dee whether Jesus Christ- or Karl Mar- is the ruler of the world in the next twenty years." Alluding to the question of keeping the Sabbath. Dr. Ward declared he did not wish to see a blue Smanday inauguraled. "I don't want td se a blue Sunday" he said, "but I'd rajtkhr have a blu- Sunday than a red one. We must chopse- We must think straight to the line." CATHOUC FRATIRPUTY TO OCCUY NEW1B Plans for moving-the Catholic Fra- ternity to the new home of the order St. Peter's Hall. Third and B streeta southeast. are being made today. At a meeting of the New Home and mem= bership committees of the fraternity last night at the Aloysha Club.' ar- rangeents were made for holding all meetings theme beginning next Fri- day, when Capital Assembly No. 6 will meet. The first regular meeting of the chapter. at which election of offieers will take place, will be held Wednes- day night at 8 o'clock in the commit- tee rooms o(g the Knights of Colma- bus Hall. A mass meeting in the interest of National Catholic Pro Month will be held tomorrow afternoon in Gonsega Hall. The Right Rev. Thomas J. Boa- han, rector of Catholic University. will speak. ERGETOWN DATE Georgetown University debaters who defeated Yale Thursday evening. will again debate the questi9a of :he ope hop tonight -with Prines' ton University. The dpaewill be held in Gaston Hail at eh college. Frank J. Hogan. of the Georgetown L-aw School, will preside as chairaan, while the Judges are announced as follows: Senator of Tan- nessee; Senator King. of Utah: Judge George E. Martin, of the Court of Customns Appeal.; Frank Davi., Jr., asistant attorney general. and Myron. H. Parker. of the University Club. The Princeton debater. who will uphold the afaramative side of the question, are Charles Denby, Jr.. of the District of Columbia; Robert H. -chool, of New Jersey. and R. Miles Warner, of Indiana. Georgetown do- sat are John J. Jaobs of Mua. lana: John 5.- Derby. of the Distriet of Columnbia; Edward 5. Callahan. of Maine. and Robert W. C.' Winmatt. of the District of Colunbia, as alternate. The Salva Headquarter.: 521 13th St. N. W. Telepome. Mai. 8270 CORPS 930 Penns tvani Saturday, 8 P. M. S CORPS Nes a * 7th and P S Aiutn J Saturday, 8 P. M. 717 Eye i Addath Saturday, 8P. M. S i Whether u baum en ithe eamerb the wesI e1te " grat leve tnuinkid. He -werkem? Werk meet be 3 rwing? Jesm, the werMu srn we WOMMOM pas assa ANDW Chrstia&ie*ce war D 626 V Sms: IIM 10 es W e, 9a 30 0X6:45 o.rU . . ^n 3 24tb 1. N. W. .ee OW0 11101. .AM ADA OO - Christiam Scieuce M e ME.e lsifth imb. dadst . Va = 1 OPW =I ".iMr31 3fI Sub~et-~'A.P h. .es. -ee " e. E scuoozt-a a., m. WOMMIDAT 2UIMU!U'm opelook. olore"o 324. 14th &84 a a" zom 9 to I (c a . to a e s, a .M. holldayS 0:30 to 6:80). 11r Cougbre tS o. naw% P to 9 (exmet We&. owe. 3.mdaeu.o h1dher). 248 sad Git" SI. Roo. W2 to . wJoo le"" (O6.3 hef ; sle 11:110 to 11:1041 f The A tsdS. Pau F&. Wleer Joa:baseton, :1m to 0 in (NeoWm 3 g past". tells: "She Lf=Demed About a Idaa SI L Lag free chairs (nos uk:*them; fite soloist: tar, erg"a With D po e ing. I a. E t BLA Ot a a IinuratlOu. 6mtea. nMgjajo tst Chur. 7th ad as, ats. N. a. FRst Co~igregaioald 101h ad G SAvnu N. W. Jum N"b Pima, WM P. M.uls., 2(C Irded l wiheI.ds Roberts NO A. 3jjiRm. e tre S. E.AU. OAU .UFrdergter . tieselvmoan Armyo o evolra- weald yeeuniataim a13 Lio an (rmyaan it iday 3n ad 8. .m .. I" U iAPUE. Wnl Ave . W. aw Wseq 3e few, CesMesONs-edS a. 86 , 3 e ......oam ai- L. a no Psos of Empes enes, F1 e me"S - su 8eb s s, I Cause -ad s 4. Cs0 "ab 68"82 mw Swme ON* 16164a siseeso at EuIge Theae * ~m a1300 9LL ? bi *UOOUgf ~AiU'sf 41" 1. PRA som a. a 4GP nr A KA3G FIRMT QUMI- ad 11Ao"Nvl gam Me M-ceusg.~ 8:si ,"sesa' I. 4. 1:30; Thes.. 10:30. . Re3sarestt1e, 4 p. E.; 'fea. a. WASNIJTN 8W0L OF TEN Bms, iTin U 'O 5. N. W. Ta.. 100 p. 0.-..sul Uvagnm 826. 6:20 P. 0.-VtM i Tomn..0"p. n.-Pootom"Jew Tuesa 0:0 p. Jewitebw Wr..j I-~ a-=,hSAwerati W"- y v. AS WASHINGTON 3URIN1msTATIVU or od~n mbiabl boue, Ian In sllstaat3 A CIA lesmsail at t book oom ot th0 Washington school of tomiai S,.uelho.<1324 R 41rest N. W A." m co NOR . W. I. H. T.-Dee or. Phone Franklt SUIL CANXLE aG9TIjMLV WIRD JNSPS 'WHO BwlAwt MDJ Laymen's Md-Day LMAORma Servie Urnder Asse. to thoe LATUSB 3ERVICU ANOCIATIOU1. Dismss of Washingtn. With the Co.OPeUMu at tho WAinleGTot FaDs3ATvON Or IL V. ==es 1 Maest a e'sh NODAT. Maob T. MASOMW *AT- Coduct" ir now3. jams am st- .canary. Weakert Mr. Georp "a Us so degyus a" 220%aa TUSDAT. March a.- P erda"" n. n as. t *c.*nu....... D Smatedh, ROe. H. P. Poa. Spokr:HmFra . WIluis. U. 5. PRIDA. March 11- ces~*&t ]Rev0. Wroa Rtewe~. Speke Mr. CharW. *lu1 liar. W ahaigteaea. 333 F St. N. W. -ae~ - - 1012 0thS. N. WUU6UX O p. m.-Lctre Mr. 3. 7. Sphem P1T Mant t-A HT A e:0n.m.-Db uu.-l ma~. 1104 Klhemuo 06 N. W. M. are S. coATES, tatrer msei Messes mere Devtemmet 5eerV Tusiem. Tole- phoe feOs RUUURTATE0f. Lecture BEery Prtday at 3:16 p. m.. Deera Clesod at 0:30 p. a. Sbect for thb wuekt IMAGUNATION" Private interviews by apoeitat eeiy. 300 3eme 314g., Pb... Praak 1830. Reaiug room and oplrttual tesehIAg arni hoaan dasly, 1-8, a Viva M. Jsaey. Tuache. the utati rag et Th a t m. e I... ad e-Rest-A--Reesta.'' -AM CaA.S --M- ad 9:30 . Old-Pasidoed Revival M Tuesdays, 2:30 to 5:30 P.' Thursdays, I P. M., F Fdays, I P. A., Pm .d ps. f . W. 800 P. X- "Th Nadelin~ na= of the Iaauual 7." omael law .-.. aberweed et the alul. ofReprelta- tive will deliver a hrt talk an "Lineela's Inmguraticm.". Special Muscal Proegwa by the caPit.1 aty qu.rteL Miss Edith 3. Athey, Organist Rev. H. P. Foz,bMilnhr uinitarisa Unitarian All Soa Church POUNDuD im- LUbam G. . PIwee, D.D. Services In 18dk ad 'm & RAI Peuding Constmetio Now Church 9 4&-ftsunay School. Graded coure: also Kia an r- ilg morning serice 21:6-LOMerlan worship. Sot- - The TimsM PaS To s Heiglib umS NOWIUON. Soprano Wn. WRZManG. OCle MR. ATWATUR. Organ At 8 .'eloek In Uni Hoe iTM Columb e Cno ~ o p ;a "a=raar e ~ Ioa wil g0k on ICRUWXH 13F THU MOINTS New York Avenue Pmbteran Churc New Yak Ave. sa0 ani S WS. 9:30 a.m-. 11:00 P~IS WBh "God 6:00 Fd~whip Heor. *sas p. C. E. Vespr Srvis. TUei Qumines." Um INCOLN P3W DR. WALLACU RADCELlFrE, RUT. RUIAI.DROW1.ND. 9:30-Scaday schol. 0 91 MIII fer esun Won.egg 9:-4enter Departae. dhiwrea be- mwaand 18 nm~t. Cihtem Na N e . tes er. CanMs *:41--Nr. Cultermon' Claus for .em M and Wo en. 1O:O-,.Atte Pee le am Cfee er. ii .r.....,.U."vIe.. ea. b." Dr ee Dr iet W ,,.r..h er.'ic,.e sa.. eedp. .esm A' VACM PkVd booL fted das for,- mting 59oftt 8 *lds&. 1.1 Set**c Of -P!*JW~ of tam, fthe Skk, Myer and Bibl. Stimdy. Pentecstal moat D. Imdipb ANA 1140 A. NO- by R.mng." ftedal Nudel by 1Iomry Chi PuoL Asm Xmii ROW. Huobso F. 3b D, D., Alw Flow. a C UsLow. AL As 9 D- 2..8" It A. m.-"YU.U cKEIarn FOUNATION." I P. M6-"A O01WMAOU. Lutbw Place Memorhi9w-w church (Tboulaa OrAt..) G.MALDiff I A D.,D-9 soumvdmw whee SH alsona% 9:46 %%emet "Chrmt 0.6mm ftw Rum ~lu~ea 4ssvm. :oo 96 UL Teh Z 141-3. Wga It". 3111116" Cao4e suewlee wth awmo. 8:O"p. EL Yhbmi '"s Wata at Ut.." is us wl oEh a ww bmesew ahess aiz blooeha trm Me 14th 9L. pas a tsr I Aro Caulwkmo i st3~ A ~ ~ dmWwlsm w l 0f-V

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Post on 03-May-2018




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Page 1: NOMTE TEXIFPAU0MMXI OF TI IIS - Chronicling · V*, party to ast-d dthe dbM ... to the loan and other questions,

IISmy W. E.A1s ,

s*ameaw moon owl"enw "P WsW db to

asMy of

Ths0m -esia -eee wibetbeh of CFOa" ast,seodeot61111Wi enw Bowe" 4ddwTrenmm , Andrew W. Ue., whenhe tstesse e fraiweIof em,Ieam Nees e da4 wassdV* , party to a st-d d the dbM

lmetmaey Mellon. is a barium of cea-f$reses. with David V. Houston. theretiring-Seerefary. sad with other of-fles16 wps made eenversant with thetaims ef the foreign leans, &ad wentStsame lengthaInto the various phases

of segeeioas previously begus byferes governmexts relative to thefunding of the outsteading Oblga-

es.Presidest Marding's Inugural ut-

teranee Indicating that suggestionster oanellatios of the debts will meet%ath ISres1-e- appassetly starte4 theNow Secretary Of the Treasury UP0"a dearly defhed policy.noeetapy Moloa's oonafreees to-

day were largely to'eble theanewTreakury head to got a grasp of therobles with which he must somor& It Is probable that he willesautimas i conference for severaldays with former Secretary Houstonad others who have been activelyidestitled with the loss and otherproblems.* . RAE ALUMN 7PLANS.The pleas of several of the foreign

goveranmeats to enter at once uponAegotiations looking to the soonver-slon Anto long time obligations of thedemand notes pow held by this Glov-erament ware before Bicretary Mel.lon today. The British French andItalian governameats have adtified theTreasury Department of their wal-ingness bea conferences in thevery nearAt the Wreasury today it was aug.

geated that conereaces ; with theforeign fsalil envoys probablywould mot be coemmenced until thewhole questionx of debt settlementitSrms has been discussed by Presi-dOnt larding sad his Cabinet.f In what keepet the previous pliasof the Treasury' might be changedwas j4ft tos eledtisre. The was esid, was that entirely new

N discussione would be inaugurated,without s'eZrence to any tentativeunderstandings which may have beenreached previously between represen-tatives of this and other govern-ments.

NmTON TO ASSIgE.. Thus far the general outline of theplan for adjustment of the foreignloans has been to fund them into obli-gations with maturities running as

far as thirty years. with a reasonabledefferment of the interest for a periodof years, pending Europe's rehabill-tatiol'.No eel announeemnt ever was

made by the Treasury of-any agree-meant relative to the rqe of Interestthe lo.-Vo. beand should bear.though It was' suggested that theTreddry's purpese was to make therate equivalent to the rates borne byUbited dtites Government bonds.Former Secretary Houston today

said that he will hold himself inreadiness to assist his =seces=or Inall nsittere which may arise relativeto the loan and other questions,which are at the forefront demandingoossideration. Houston will post-pone for several days his departurefrom Washington.


5oh% E. Lashey, United States At-torney, has entered a nolle proeequiga the, case 'of the Governmsent againstDyad W. Knox. an automobile me-

ehanic, of 4410 Kansas avenue north-west, dismisming charges of black-piall lodged by the police departmentas a result of Knoxs arrest on No-eseber 12 last, upee the omplaintef Mrs. Lila C. Beall, of 3030 Cam-bridge place northwest.

Affidavits submitted by witnessesin behalf of the' youth proved con-clusively to the District Attorney, itwas stated, that Enex did not makea telephone call to Mrs. Beall on thebeut and day charged in the indiet-seemt. and& was not near a phone all*a. Upon this evidence the indict-

spenst was quashed arte 1Caos alloitedas go free. The defendant was rep-yasseted by Ateys Loui. Ottea-berg ad RmeINeudeeker.FMSSGciiDIG ROOKymmediately following an enter-

estaest by the National Press Clubat Keith's Theater at 6:30 'o'clockoenday eventag. the club dinning

poem will be open to omn. -In oe-eprtia9ith the Uu, u of Fish-

aries the following meau has beentarei preltmlnary observnnset

tional Fish Day:'qster cocktail. slam chowder,

abe haddock. parsley sane', mashed.qee.greep peas, shrimp salad.

ptee eustard pudding or Ice cream

TOEQTVHARDplGThe Ganest of a littre ofsee

theroughbred Uagish-buli pups, boeayesterday moruing, will be presentedto Presiet Harding by Maariep Ber-gha, 003 Twelfth street northwest.*The pupe' altpetonate K is MadameNelba, graadddughter of a 80.000 bluetibbon winner. Hecr pedigree includessome et the Saest of the ealno world,-rdig-ten m Ameracan Krenne

NOMTE OF TINow ffrh AvmPnss0 ,

atwso of b oeaic 1w


sAdeonisssaessaten i an am"na.lodom 3111mb "se

awi ing DrUsua Iamngeralse sermen SOONInd "aVe 414 Eag and is the eesing win eatlws his 'aeseo~'passos et leotee,

--Efe" swvlees awprilaeto IW" wil be held tomorrow &I

the VermoNtAvense Christisa O0urebwhich was the ohmre u et awnother distnglmed Oh Presdsnt,James' A. Garuel. This Obureb Aknown as the NGaureld MemorialChur&." The paste, the Rev. DrEare Willey. will preach tomorrowmorning es "Pmlargemest." and atthe even service en "Me MidaightWatchman.Begani BagSuday. Macoh I. re

viva see Will be hold at thisohureb ek night mautil Uter. Thepaster will preach and Prof . .

Charlten will eandut the mule.

Miss Katharine air RAr=will play at the First mauChurih. Tenth and G streets, North-west. Sunday night at I Voleek.The ov. Jason Noble Pierce willpreach 'o "Saul and David; WhIebAre Tou?"Te flaser Organ Company of

neten livered the new organ tothe chercb itIL week and the workef .lastatlaties is going en withoutinterfering with the services.'

At the servloe last Monday cele-bretaing the Piftheemth Analversaryef' the Ordinatie of the Rev. JasonNoble Piere, a special offering ofSill was taken for China FamineAel"efA smemorial service will be hmd

for. Dr. A. oleeam= at the X StreetChristian Church. Sixth and N streetssouthwest, tomorrow mernig at 11o'clock. Dr. MELfar- was secretaryof the Foreign Christian MissionarySociety of the Disciplos Chprch foreighteen years, and president of thatsociety for nineteen year. He waspossibly the most outstanding mis-slonary mae in America, and March 6has been set apart as "Memorial Day"In the Ahurch. and will be generallyobseryd throughout the country bythe Disciples of Christ. *

At 7:30 p. m. the pastor, the Rev.Preston A. Cane. will conduct asongalogue entitled, "Beauty forAshes."

Prof. N. K. Ober, of ElIsabethtownCollege, will be the speaker at the4 o'clock Sunday afternoon meetingin the Central Y. M. C. A. Building,1'36 0 street northwest tomorrow.Prof. Ober was a delegate to theWorld's Sunday School Convention atTokyo. Japan. and he will give inhis message his observations and im-pressions of this mach discussed con-vention.

"The Three-fold Path to theHeights" will be the subject of thesermon by the Rev. Ulysses 0. 3.Piero, minister of All Souls' Church,at the mording mervies In the Knick-eftbocker Theater. The musical num-bers will be given by Miss HelenHowlson. soprhno: Richard LoIe-


Meetings to Be HeOld Day at SLJohn's Episepal Church

-Nodx Week.Two ishep, one of the Epispopal

church and one the Methodist church.a Baptist minister and a layman ofthe Presbyterian church will addressthe Church Unity services at St. John'sUpiscopel church next week. Theservices are held daily, except Satur-day, at 4:46 o'elock. The speakers andthe days on which they will speakare:Monday, the Rev. J. J. Muir. pastor

of Temple Baptish church and chap-lain -of the Senate. on "anticipatingCalvary": Tuesday - and Wednesday,enator Hoke Rmith, a layman of the

Presbyterian ahuseh, on "National Re-spenalbility for the Training of theChildren of this Country": 'I hursday,the Rt. Rev. J. 0. Murray. bishop ofMaryland, topic not announced; Fri-day, the RL. Rev. William F. McDowelL.bishop of the Methodist Episcopalchurch, on "The Master Day by Day."Tomorrow morning the Rt. Rev.

Alfred Harding, bishop of Washing-ton. will condrm a gIass at St. John's,and at the afternoon servie at 4o'clock. Canon Douglas, acting rooter,

will preach briefly.


President Digresses in AddresTo Assure Wounded Coum-

try Is GratefuLAddressing himself directly to hun

dreds of wounded soldiers frotu Wal-ter Reed. who were seated in invalidchairs at the foot of the Inauguralstand. President Harding yesterdaypromised thets that this countrywould not forget them and the serv-ioes they had rendered.Pausing dramatically in the midut

of his inaugural address, and paint -

1ng his Lager at the wounded soldiers,the President said:"I went to asere you that a goest-

ous contry will never forget theservices you rendered, and you mayhope for the pelIpy under the Govern-mont that will relieve any maimedsuooessors froma taking your place.on another occasion such as this."No section of the President's ad-

dress met with amore appplause thanthis promise to the wounded soldiersthat their services would not he for-

Dies Fram Heart Attack.Ungene Bieiders, forty-iM. 035 (1

street seuthweet, was found dead inhis room this morning by his sisterMiss Ida leidere, when she attOueto roue him.Death was due to a sed~es attach

water. eua

Isuet emesb tinmevger atSoeab.e -00 1f -As

be baldIs the euse, 1186AAll


- -saaa. A ONt

eatecae Is to be 4ebat11184 aset etthe Se er A It ual Nal. 411i

nas, temserroW at I. ,e vewi be main-

talked by Mr. David Neas, a vet-ore ex ~ er the 0aisey-fairedestrise, theestve by PrOf.N. . ai,-f the National Ro-serdh UniVer, an expounder ofthe Seelalist theory. Othere presentwill be given espertualty for briefdiseuselem of the -set

At Foundry Church tomorrow seer-Ing Dr. Readlph will pi'esk at 11e'eek on "Cho Great Parade-Find-

Lad " In the evening at Ia =our Cheir and ProfesserAmon Kasuar, violnist, will give aeal musal servie 4ad Dr. 11aM-

deph will speak on "Pesidest Mard-wins'siaugural Teat-Do Justly. LOTSMerey, Walk Mumbly." .

Dr. .. 0. areeder. metaphye& New Yet eity. will deliver theaddress *th Chwh. of Le ands,. 1314 3C 4 e=rsrhwqet, en "Con-sering Faith,4 Mis Frameee Seher-ger. soprane% WO render- @Oles at 0M'

-he DMe.' Ab.ut a Ma." isPestor I. Was we's subject tomor-row ight aSAe Canteniea BaptistOberoh. The dqrang subject is, "TheGreatest Peruem's Iaauguraties."

welfth migt brach Young Men'sChristi As otn- laspirationalmeeting -temorro g* 4 p. Is., aom-duted by the Ref. 0. 9. Bullock.Third aptist Churek. Uteryody Isinvited.

The dramatic e 4g Jf the storyof Queen Ether with spiritual is-torprottios w Mrs. Viva I. Jaa-nary In to give omorrow eveeing atthe Homer Building is an unusuallyinteresting and helpful maeage.Mrs. January has given this red-

Ing before several of the Easternstar chapters of Washington whereit has been greatly, appreciated.Appropriate music will be a part

of the program.

Judge J. Robert Anderson Of theDepartment of Justice will addressthe Organized Adult Bible Class ofFoundry 3. X. Sunday School, Six-teenth and P streets uorthwest, to-morrow morning at 9:45. on "TheUberality of Love." *trangors In thecity are cordially welco&ed.

The Rev. Andrew R. BIrd, pastor ofthe Church of the Pilgrim, TweMty-seo-ond street at Q street northwest. hasreturned from= a series of regionalconventions held by the LAymea ofthe Southern Presbyterian Church. atMeridiah, Mie.: Waco. Texas: Nash-ville, Tena., and Staunton. Va. Hewill occupy his pulpit at both ser-vices tomorrow.


The speech delivered by Presidentde Valera, of the Irish Republic, atthe McSwiney demonstration in NowYork last October will be reproducedam the Vocalle at the tinmet Daycelebration of the Association for theRecognition of the Irish Republic to-morrow ight at Gonsaga Hall

Dr. Joseph Duan will preside at themeeting. Speakers will be John C.Grse, mayor of Charleston, S. C.; theRev. Pete) J. O'Callaghan. of theApestelle Miades House; F. EdwardMitchell and P. J. Ryan.

Calvary Baptist Church, Eighthand I streets northwest, will in allprobability be the place of worshipof President Harding.

President Harding is a trustee ofTrinity Baptist Church of Marion. hishome town, and since him residencehere he has attended Calvary Church.

President Harding will he the firstmember of his denonlidation who hassuoceeded to this high office, it ispointed out. The member of the de-nomninatIon who has'couse nearest tothe high eoffice In recent yeara wasCharles Evans Hughes, the Republi-camnminee in 1116, who was a

regular worshiper at Calvary Church.DR.IINSOLVDlb1H0EAT HYATI3VIILE CR10The Rev, Ifr. Arthur lWieaelving,

recter et Old St. Paul's Protestaat*plseopal Church of Baltimore, andrecogissed as a leader in the Amern-s Church, will preach the sermon

at the evesen6g servIce tomorrow mightat Pinkney Memorial Church, It. Mat-thew's Partsib Hyattaville, Md.Deeter Einselving has long beem a

member of the General Convention of'the Episcopal Church. During thenational conference he oec pled thepoet of National Missioaer. He hasa wide circle of frienas in Washing-ton, and has frequently addresed thenoon-day Lonten meetings at theChurch of the Epiphany. Doctor Ein-solving is the brother of the Bishopof Brasil, and of' the Bihsop of Texa.The Rev. Charles E. McAllister, rec-tpr of St. Matthews parish, will havecharge of tomorroir night's service.

HONOR -cLANS ENORYAt the Ninth Street Christian

Church on Sunday morning there willbe special msemorial service- in mom-oryofA.Melea head oftthe PereignChristiaS Missionary Soeeety for everforty yearn, and who died In Deem-ben. Mis picture will be uavened atthis servtes,


Rv. N. P. E f lne . L

The a"y. . P. Pgel. 1amlia1 .. mas, wilU deliver a "re" .

monwbaeden the -tatat hsswiplue 08 Wb"b rpeit Xse1Wg to4 h0 ea,1f ease. E1sub.jeet ge e5imal lumlpas. of the$ianiural 1t.0.0 A brief adpsim will be detesrd b-Oef E1sse 81. 16erwe4 99 the Os1

o3esseenetatlves. on LeANW' 1a-Cen.Genral Sherwood In the:r livin Maan p'uble Iwo' todiar

who was present at Lineolas inaugse-ratio.A special musleal program will be

rendered by the Capital City Quartet.Ms Edith 3. Athey, erganist,

SESWORLSI[Wut Maryland Minister SaysOne er Other WIN Son Rule

aALISURY. L., Marcb 5.-Declar-Iag that the question of whether theworld is to be ruled by Jesus ChrimtOr Karl -Marx will be decided to thecoming few rears, the Rev. Dr. A.Norman Ward. president of WesternMaryland College. outluted briedyproblems he said faced PresidjutItarding in an address here yesutar-before representatives of seventy-AveMethodist Protestant emrhee of theEastern Shor. The occasion was agroup Vneeting of the Marylandannual conference of thp church. heldin the Peninsula Hotel here."One administration had ended. an-

other has begun. 'Let us rememberthat the failures of the past have notbeen when men were !alQesi to re-spand to the demands of war." saidDr. Ward. "The failures have beenin years after the wars. Leadershipin them times is just as critical asit has been in the last eight years.We cannot get back to the yearbefore the war; the bodies of 10,00-000 men block the wa."We must 'work with other men to

make the world a better place for thecoming generatique to live in. Th"-is coming a clash of creedp and aclash of intellects. We must deewhether Jesus Christ- or Karl Mar-is the ruler of the world in the nexttwenty years."Alluding to the question of keeping

the Sabbath. Dr. Ward declared hedid not wish to see a blue Smandayinauguraled."I don't want td se a blue Sunday"he said, "but I'd rajtkhr have a blu-Sunday than a red one. We mustchopse- We must think straight tothe line."


Plans for moving-the Catholic Fra-ternity to the new home of the orderSt. Peter's Hall. Third and B streetasoutheast. are being made today. Ata meeting of the New Home and mem=bership committees of the fraternitylast night at the Aloysha Club.' ar-rangeents were made for holding allmeetings theme beginning next Fri-day, when Capital Assembly No. 6 willmeet.The first regular meeting of the

chapter. at which election of offieerswill take place, will be held Wednes-day night at 8 o'clock in the commit-tee rooms o(g the Knights of Colma-bus Hall.A mass meeting in the interest of

National Catholic Pro Month will beheld tomorrow afternoon in GonsegaHall. The Right Rev. Thomas J. Boa-han, rector of Catholic University.will speak.

ERGETOWNDATEGeorgetown University debaters

who defeated Yale Thursday evening.will again debate the questi9a of:he ope hop tonight -with Prines'ton University. The dpaewill beheld in Gaston Hail at eh college.Frank J. Hogan. of the Georgetown

L-aw School, will preside as chairaan,while the Judges are announced asfollows: Senator of Tan-nessee; Senator King. of Utah: JudgeGeorge E. Martin, of the Court ofCustomns Appeal.; Frank Davi., Jr.,asistant attorney general. and Myron.H. Parker. of the University Club.The Princeton debater. who will

uphold the afaramative side of thequestion, are Charles Denby, Jr.. ofthe District of Columbia; Robert H.-chool, of New Jersey. and R. MilesWarner, of Indiana. Georgetown do-

sat are John J. Jaobs of Mua.lana: John 5.- Derby. of the Distrietof Columnbia; Edward 5. Callahan. ofMaine. and Robert W. C.' Winmatt. ofthe District of Colunbia, as alternate.

The SalvaHeadquarter.:

521 13th St. N. W.Telepome. Mai. 8270

CORPS930 Penns tvani

Saturday, 8 P. M. S



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CIA lesmsail at t book oom otth0 Washington school of tomiai

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Laymen's Md-DayLMAORma Servie


Dismss of Washingtn.With the Co.OPeUMu at tho

WAinleGTot FaDs3ATvON Or

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Maest a e'shNODAT. Maob T. MASOMW*AT-

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Smatedh, ROe. H. P. Poa.Spokr:HmFra . WIluis. U. 5.

PRIDA. March 11-

ces~*&t ]Rev0. Wroa Rtewe~.

Speke Mr. CharW. *lu1liar. W ahaigteaea.

333 F St. N. W.

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1012 0thS. N. WUU6UX

O p. m.-Lctre Mr. 3. 7. SphemP1T Mant t-A HT A

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tatrer msei Messes mereDevtemmet 5eerV Tusiem. Tole-phoe feOs RUUURTATE0f.Lecture BEery Prtday at 3:16 p. m..

Deera Clesod at 0:30 p. a.

Sbect for thb wuekt

IMAGUNATION"Private interviews by apoeitat eeiy.

300 3eme 314g., Pb... Praak 1830.Reaiug room and oplrttual tesehIAg

arni hoaan dasly, 1-8, aViva M. Jsaey. Tuache.the utati rag et

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-AM CaA.S--M-

ad 9:30 .Old-Pasidoed Revival M

Tuesdays, 2:30 to 5:30 P.'

Thursdays, I P. M., FFdays, I P. A.,

Pm .d ps. f . W.

800 P. X-"Th Nadelin~ na=

of the Iaauual 7."omael law .-.. aberweed

et the alul. ofReprelta-tive will deliver a hrt talkan "Lineela's Inmguraticm.".Special Muscal Proegwa by

the caPit.1 aty qu.rteLMiss Edith 3. Athey, Organist

Rev. H. P. Foz,bMilnhr


UnitarianAll Soa Church


LUbam G. . PIwee, D.D.

Services In

18dk ad 'm& RAIPeuding Constmetio Now Church

9 4&-ftsunay School. Gradedcoure: also Kia an r-ilg morning serice

21:6-LOMerlan worship. Sot- -

The TimsM PaS To sHeiglib

umS NOWIUON. SopranoWn. WRZManG.OCleMR. ATWATUR. Organ

At 8 .'eloek In UniHoe iTM Columb e

Cno ~ o p ;a "a=raar

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New York AvenuePmbteran ChurcNew Yak Ave. sa0 ani S WS.

9:30 a.m-.

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6:00 Heor.

*sas p.C. E. Vespr Srvis.

TUei Qumines."Um INCOLN P3W


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