nokomis march 2014 edition

We build Pride on the Southside See DFL, page 5 See Golf, page 2 See Pipe, page 2 NOKOMIS EDITION SECOND MONDAY OF THE MONTH MARCH 2014 VOL. XXIV, ISSUE 8 BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE The events at the Brian Coyle Center, site of the Minneapolis 6th Ward, Precinct 3 caucus, are complex. For those who need a primer, the players are: Mohamud Noor, current Minneapolis school board member, candi- date for State House seat 60B; Rep. Phyllis Kahn, 42-year incumbent to the State House, currently running for endorse- ment for her current seat, 60B; City Council Member (CM) Abdi Warsame, currently the highest ranked Somali elected official in town, but that would change if Noor won the 60B seat (CM Warsame is a vocal supporter of Rep. Kahn); DFL senate district chairs, Greg Oliver and Ilhan Omar (Ms. Omar is also a policy aide to CM Andrew Johnson of Ward 12); Warsame’s policy aide, Abdi Salah; Brian Rice, high profile political lobbyist and friend of Rep. Kahn; the two co-convenors of the precinct caucus, Mohamed Jama, known as MJ, a Kahn support- er, and Zamzam Ali, female and a Noor supporter. I tried to get a statement from CM Warsame through the city web contact form, but his office has not responded. I have contacted both Noor and Oliver but have had no reply. Corey Day, executive director of the MN DFL, who was pres- ent at the caucus, was not able to speak with me personally, but referred me to his office staff, who were quite helpful. I have also had some input from park board member Scott Vreeland, who was present as a 12th Ward council aide attacked BY ED FELIEN Colorado-based golf consultant Jim Keegan gave a report to the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) at its Feb. 12 meet- ing that got a lot of people’s atten- tion. He said the major reason rounds were down at city courses was not because of cost–the costs are less than anywhere else and not because of location–there are 8,000 golfers within a five-mile radius of Hiawatha, as opposed to 2,000 golfers within a five-mile radius of most suburban courses. The reason fewer people are com- ing out to play on city courses is because of “the quality of the expe- rience.” The courses are in rough shape. Greens have patches of dirt on them. Fairways have exposed pipes. Overhanging trees should be trimmed because they’re mak- ing certain shots impossible. Keegan estimates it would take $34 million to do all of the deferred maintenance and get all the cours- es up to par, so to speak. How does he propose to pay for that? Keegan says the solution is pri- vatization: “That’s the clear trend. In California only L.A. has a public golf course. All the rest have been privatized.” That startled me. One of my favorite courses to play is Lincoln Park in San Francisco. It’s a municipal course. I prefer the cozy comfort of a municipal course to the rigid formality of a private course. I checked. Keegan is wrong. Lincoln Park is still owned by the City of San Francisco. Keegan also said that labor unions have no place in the opera- tion of a golf course. He points out that pensions represent 30% to 50% of labor costs. I suspect that figure, but I have not been able to verify or refute it. In any case, I would agree that pensions are a heavy burden for all levels of gov- ernment–federal, state, local and park board. The City of Minneapolis, thanks to Mayor Rybak’s initiative, was able to per- suade the state to help out with some of the pension costs. The park board should be following that example. Keegan noted that Hiawatha has a special problem: “It is con- stantly being consumed by Lake Hiawatha.” I don’t think Keegan is right when he says the course is below the level of the lake. The drainage ponds built in the last 10 years seem to be at lake level, and they are well below the level of the fairways. The problem is more that Hiawatha is built on a peat bog, and frost heaves and heavy rains will often make for an uneven playing surface. What is probably needed is something like a Bodpave Ground Paver, a hexagonal plastic mesh that would allow grass to grow through and over it but would stabilize the ground and keep it level. The product is used to level dirt driveways to prevent rutting and for highways to prevent ero- sion. A product like that is being used now to stabilize the approaches to greens. A much deeper and broader mesh would be needed to stabilize the fair- ways. So, how would we pay for all the deferred maintenance that has sent golfers away from Hiawatha? Keegan proposes raising fees. He wants to raise the age for the senior discount from 55 to 65. He wants to charge $1 more per round and $3 more for renting an What’s going to happen to Hiawatha Golf Course? A pipe driven through the heart of Minnesota BY PAULA FISCHER MN 350, the Sierra Club, Honor the Earth and others are fighting Enbridge Energy of Canada before the Public Utilities Commission on April 3. Enbridge seeks to increase its enormous oil trans- port system using its existing Alberta Clipper Pipeline through Minnesota, increasing the barrels per day of tar sands crude oil from 450,000 to 800,000 piped from Alberta, Canada, to Superior, Wis. Many Minnesotans do not even know that this pipeline exists. There are many serious issues here. Many believe that this oil does not benefit the U.S. and is largely intended for export. Climate scientists warn that full development of tar sands oil will be “game over” for the climate. Enbridge is the company responsible for the 2010 spill in Michigan that poured over a mil- lion gallons into Talmadge Creek and the Kalamazoo River. This type of oil sinks and has to dredged, further destroying the aquatic ecosystem. The spill is yet to be cleaned up. A spill near Cohasset, Minn., in July 2002, resulted in long-term injuries to wetland vegetation and wildlife habitat according to the Natural Resources Trustees, Department of the Interior. Airbourne vapors of benzene and other carcinogens are released during these spills. Enbridge has a history of 804 oil and gas leaks over the last 10 years throughout its entire sys- tem. The Alberta Clipper line crosses the headwaters of the Mississippi River five times and the breadth of the entire state filled with wetlands, wild rice beds and communities. New pumping stations must be built so Enbridge is claiming there will be new jobs.

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Page 1: Nokomis March 2014 Edition

We build Pride on the Southside

See DFL, page 5 See Golf, page 2 See Pipe, page 2






The events at the BrianCoyle Center, site of theMinneapolis 6th Ward,Precinct 3 caucus, are complex.For those who need a primer,the players are: MohamudNoor, current Minneapolisschool board member, candi-date for State House seat 60B;Rep. Phyllis Kahn, 42-yearincumbent to the State House,currently running for endorse-ment for her current seat, 60B;City Council Member (CM)Abdi Warsame, currently thehighest ranked Somali electedofficial in town, but that wouldchange if Noor won the 60Bseat (CM Warsame is a vocalsupporter of Rep. Kahn); DFLsenate district chairs, GregOliver and Ilhan Omar (Ms.Omar is also a policy aide toCM Andrew Johnson of Ward12); Warsame’s policy aide,Abdi Salah; Brian Rice, highprofile political lobbyist andfriend of Rep. Kahn; the twoco-convenors of the precinctcaucus, Mohamed Jama,known as MJ, a Kahn support-er, and Zamzam Ali, femaleand a Noor supporter.I tried to get a statement

from CM Warsame throughthe city web contact form, buthis office has not responded. Ihave contacted both Noor andOliver but have had no reply.Corey Day, executive directorof the MN DFL, who was pres-ent at the caucus, was not ableto speak with me personally,but referred me to his officestaff, who were quite helpful. Ihave also had some input frompark board member ScottVreeland, who was present as a



Colorado-based golf consultantJim Keegan gave a report to theMinneapolis Park and RecreationBoard (MPRB) at its Feb. 12 meet-ing that got a lot of people’s atten-tion. He said the major reasonrounds were down at city courseswas not because of cost–the costsare less than anywhere else and notbecause of location–there are8,000 golfers within a five-mileradius of Hiawatha, as opposed to2,000 golfers within a five-mileradius of most suburban courses.The reason fewer people are com-ing out to play on city courses isbecause of “the quality of the expe-rience.”The courses are in rough shape.

Greens have patches of dirt onthem. Fairways have exposedpipes. Overhanging trees shouldbe trimmed because they’re mak-ing certain shots impossible.Keegan estimates it would take

$34 million to do all of the deferredmaintenance and get all the cours-es up to par, so to speak.How does he propose to pay for

that?Keegan says the solution is pri-

vatization: “That’s the clear trend.In California only L.A. has a publicgolf course. All the rest have beenprivatized.” That startled me. Oneof my favorite courses to play isLincoln Park in San Francisco. It’sa municipal course. I prefer thecozy comfort of a municipal courseto the rigid formality of a privatecourse. I checked. Keegan iswrong. Lincoln Park is still ownedby the City of San Francisco.Keegan also said that labor

unions have no place in the opera-tion of a golf course. He points outthat pensions represent 30% to50% of labor costs. I suspect thatfigure, but I have not been able toverify or refute it. In any case, Iwould agree that pensions are aheavy burden for all levels of gov-ernment–federal, state, local andpark board. The City ofMinneapolis, thanks to MayorRybak’s initiative, was able to per-suade the state to help out withsome of the pension costs. Thepark board should be followingthat example.Keegan noted that Hiawatha

has a special problem: “It is con-stantly being consumed by LakeHiawatha.” I don’t think Keegan

is right when he says the course isbelow the level of the lake. Thedrainage ponds built in the last 10years seem to be at lake level, andthey are well below the level of thefairways. The problem is morethat Hiawatha is built on a peatbog, and frost heaves and heavyrains will often make for anuneven playing surface. What isprobably needed is something likea Bodpave Ground Paver, ahexagonal plastic mesh thatwould allow grass to growthrough and over it but wouldstabilize the ground and keep itlevel. The product is used to leveldirt driveways to prevent ruttingand for highways to prevent ero-sion. A product like that is beingused now to stabilize theapproaches to greens. A muchdeeper and broader mesh wouldbe needed to stabilize the fair-ways.So, how would we pay for all

the deferred maintenance that hassent golfers away from Hiawatha?Keegan proposes raising fees.

He wants to raise the age for thesenior discount from 55 to 65. Hewants to charge $1 more perround and $3 more for renting an

What’s going to happen toHiawatha Golf Course?

A pipe driventhrough theheart ofMinnesotaBY PAULA FISCHER

MN 350, the Sierra Club, Honor the Earth andothers are fighting Enbridge Energy of Canadabefore the Public Utilities Commission on April 3.Enbridge seeks to increase its enormous oil trans-port system using its existing Alberta ClipperPipeline through Minnesota, increasing the barrelsper day of tar sands crude oil from 450,000 to800,000 piped from Alberta, Canada, to Superior,Wis. Many Minnesotans do not even know that thispipeline exists.There are many serious issues here. Many believe

that this oil does not benefit the U.S. and is largelyintended for export. Climate scientists warn that fulldevelopment of tar sands oil will be “game over” forthe climate. Enbridge is the company responsible forthe 2010 spill in Michigan that poured over a mil-lion gallons into Talmadge Creek and theKalamazoo River. This type of oil sinks and has todredged, further destroying the aquatic ecosystem.The spill is yet to be cleaned up. A spill nearCohasset, Minn., in July 2002, resulted in long-terminjuries to wetland vegetation and wildlife habitataccording to the Natural Resources Trustees,Department of the Interior. Airbourne vapors ofbenzene and other carcinogens are released duringthese spills. Enbridge has a history of 804 oil and gasleaks over the last 10 years throughout its entire sys-tem.

The Alberta Clipper line crosses the headwaters ofthe Mississippi River five times and the breadth ofthe entire state filled with wetlands, wild rice bedsand communities. New pumping stations must bebuilt so Enbridge is claiming there will be new jobs.

Page 2: Nokomis March 2014 Edition

The classic jobs verses environmentargument wears very thin especiallywhen the risk is so huge. Manylandowners along the route are alsocontesting this project.

The hearing will be at the PublicUtilities Commission (121 7th PlaceE., St. Paul) Large Hearing Room at

3:00 p.m. The public comment periodis open now through April 14 at 4:30p.m. Comments must include both thePUC Docket Number PL-9/CN-13-153 and the OAH Docket Number 8-2500-30952 in the email subject line to:[email protected].

Comments should address: • Is the proposed project needed and

in the public interest?

• What are the costs and benefits ofthe proposed project and are thereother project-related issues or con-cerns?

• Why is the increase needed? Howdoes sending it to Superior for exportthrough the Great Lakes help reduceU.S. dependence on foreign oil?

Enbridge is also proposing a newpipeline from North Dakota acrossMinnesota to Superior, Wis., theSandpiper Pipeline. Currently, the MNDepartment of Commerce is seekingcomments through April 4 at 4:30 p.m.on proposed alternative routes, whathuman and environmental impactsshould be studied and what specificmethods might be used to study them.Use the PUC docket number 13-474 inthe email subject line to:

Please speak for the watersheds,land, communities and creaturesagainst this oil corporation using ourstate for its own gains.

For more info: Honor the Earth.organd

Paula Fischer ([email protected]) loves living in Longfellow andwrites on behalf of the four-toed sala-manders and all wetland wanderers.

electric cart. But will thosechanges in all the courses raise $34million? Probably not.

Golf courses have always been amoney-maker for the MPRB.The 2014 Park Board Budgetassumes continued revenues andexpenses and has a surplus of

Golf, from page 1



Southside Pride Nokomis Edition is a monthly communitynewspaper delivered on the Second Monday of the month freeto homes and businesses in South Minneapolis from 35W toMinnehaha Falls and from 42nd Street to the city limits at 62ndStreet. We publish 14,000 copies each month. 12,000 aredelivered door-to-door to homes and another 2,000 are

left in area businesses and public buildings. We are proud of the racial and cultural diversity of theSouthside, and we oppose racism and other efforts to

keep us apart as a community. If you want to share some news of your church, school

or organization, please write us at:


CALL US AT 612-822-4662email us at [email protected]

or [email protected]

PUBLISHER/EDITOR ............................................................Ed FelienACCOUNTANT ...............................................................Bridgit JordanART DIRECTOR, GRAPHIC DESIGNER........................Ashley PedersonMANAGING EDITOR .............................................................Elaine Klaassen

WEBSITE MAINTENANCE .................................................Ashley PedersonSALES DIRECTOR ...............................................................David GoldsteinAD EXECUTIVE ......................................................................Elaine KlaassenCOMPUTER CONSULTANT ......................................................Celia Wirth

MAINTENANCE ........................................................................Ron Crawford

DELIVERY ...............................................................................Lloyd’s Delivery

PRINTER .....................................................................Cannon Valley Printing


Pipe, from page 1

$129,138. Over the years, golf haspumped millions of dollars intothe General Fund to support otheractivities. For the past 10 years thealmost $2 million ($1,931,790)operating deficits of the winterprograms at Wirth have been paidfor out of the golf enterprise fund.This program must be accountedfor separately and should not becounted against the necessarymaintenance and upkeep of the

golf courses.Finally, yes, there probably is a

need for a dramatic infusion ofcapital to bring Hiawatha and theother city courses up to a playinglevel that can make them popularagain. Our basketball and footballarenas sell yearly naming rights tocorporate sponsors. Why can’tsome corporation like Allinasponsor Hiawatha? A corporatedonation of $500,000 or

$1,000,000 could give them a nicesign outside the entrance and onevery score card saying, “Allina isproud to be a partner in theimprovement of Hiawatha GolfCourse,” and they could probablyget a couple hundred season pass-es to give to patients and friends.It could become a popular form ofphysical rehabilitation.

- -








Page 3: Nokomis March 2014 Edition


“We mean to establish aCooperative Commonwealth.”What does that mean? And how do

we get there?A Cooperative Commonwealth is

simply the recognition that we all shareresponsibility for the health of ourplanet and the health of our brothersand sisters. We are the stewards of theland and water for future generations.We are not healthy as a community ifsome of us are sick or poor or hungryand homeless.Most of the concrete work in build-

ing a Cooperative Commonwealth isalready happening outside of govern-ment in neighborhood organizations,food cooperatives (co-ops), TransitionTowns dealing with peak oil, etc. Butthere is a significant role that govern-ment can play.The rich and powerful have ruled

for more than 50 years. During theEisenhower Administration, in the1950s, the tax rates on the rich were at90%. There wasn’t the criminal gapbetween rich and poor. Working peo-ple could own their own homes andsend their kids to college.Unemployment was at about 3%. Butthe rich wanted more. They told usthat if we would only give them moretax breaks the money would trickledown and we would all get rich. Wegave them tax breaks, and the onlything that trickled down was poverty.Today unemployment is at about 7%.Since 2009, 95% of all income gainshave gone to the top 1%. The gapbetween the rich and the poor is thewidest it’s been since the GreatDepression. Pope Francis said inNovember 2013, “Some people contin-ue to defend trickle-down theorieswhich assume that economic growth,encouraged by a free market, willinevitably succeed in bringing aboutgreater justice and inclusiveness in theworld. This opinion, which has neverbeen confirmed by the facts, expresses acrude and naive trust in the goodnessof those wielding economic power andin the sacralized workings of the pre-vailing economic system. Meanwhile,the excluded are still waiting.”

So, how do we get from where weare to where we want to be?The Minnesota Farmer Labor Party

merged with the Democratic Party in1944 as a part of the United Front strat-egy in World War II. Almost from thebeginning the liberals in theDemocratic Party tried to exclude andmarginalize the radicals in the Farmer-Labor Party. Humphrey engineeredthe merger so he could run for mayorof Minneapolis and then for senator.In Congress, he wrote or co-sponsoredanti-communist legislation; he formedthe Americans for Democratic Actionto exclude radicals from electoral poli-tics; and he supported the purge of rad-icals from the labor movement.Has the Democratic-Farmer-Labor

(DFL) changed much from the 1950s?At the Minneapolis DFL CityConvention in 2013, two Farmer-Labor Caucus DFL delegates spoke infavor of a resolution supporting thecity using its powers of eminentdomain to buy homes under foreclo-sure and sell them back to the dis-tressed homeowners. Two other dele-gates spoke against the motion, andone of them said the proposal soundedlike “some kind of Third Party idea”–a clear echo of the anti-communism ofthe ’50s.So, why should radicals stay inside

the DFL? The proposal won overabout 30% of the delegates–that’smore than 300 DFL delegates whomight not have thought about the con-cept, let alone voted to support it, hadthe Farmer-Labor Caucus not beenadvocating it as DFL delegates at thatconvention.The DFL is made up of social liber-

als, trade unionists, feminists and anti-war and gay rights activists. It is aforum where progressive ideas aredebated and discussed, and, some-times, DFL elected officials even act onthem. At this point, it seems like oper-ating as a caucus within the DFL is thebest vehicle we have to bring forth newideas. But it’s not an absolutely exclu-sive relationship. In the 2013 munici-pal elections FLA members supportedDFL candidates but also supported leftalternatives to DFL candidates.If we want a democratic and nonvi-

olent revolution, then it seems the onlyviable strategy is to work through theelectoral process. Direct action protestsand demonstrations are still essentialfor agitation and education, but tochange the government, we need tohave access to the levers of powerthrough candidates and elections.And, it seems at this point inMinnesota, the room with the greatestnumber of progressives and the besthope of transforming a capitalist jungleinto a cooperative commonwealth isbehind a door marked DFL.However, not everyone in the

Farmer Labor Association agrees withthis strategy. Many have given up hopein the DFL and are aligned with otherprogressive political organizations.There will always be a healthy debate

within the FLA with regard to strategicalternatives.The Manifesto of the Communist

Party by Marx and Engels contained aprogram that included, among otherthings, “a heavy progressive or graduat-ed income tax; a national bank; theimprovement of the soil generally inaccordance with a common plan; freeeducation for all children in publicschools; abolition of children’s factorylabor in its present form; etc., etc.”Quite radical for 1849.The Farmer Labor Association has a

program for legislation for 2014 in theMinnesota Legislature. We want: Astate minimum wage increase to $15an hour effective immediately and fur-ther increases based on the cost of liv-ing. Legislation calling for a single payer

health plan, similar to Vermont, whichwould be an extension of Medicare foreverybody. Legalization of marijuanaand immediate release from prison foranyone convicted of possession of asmall amount of marijuana.Immediately begin phasing outnuclear power plants at Monticello andPrairie Island, and increased state sub-sidies for renewable energy. Felonyprosecution and cancellation of con-tracts with any sports organization thatallows racist names to be used as slo-gans or mascots for professional sportsteams using publicly supported stadi-ums.If South Minneapolis DFL legisla-

tors can deliver on this minimal plat-form, then they deserve our support inthe 2014 election. If they cannot, thenthey deserve our opposition.



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April 15, 2014.

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Manifesto of the Farmer Labor Association, Part Two

Page 4: Nokomis March 2014 Edition


It has gone out of fashion late-ly, but people used to say, “Thebest things in life are free.” Nowthe assumption seems to be theopposite, that you aren’t havingfun unless you pay for it, andeven that spending more moneywill give you more happinessthan spending less. What BS!

If we need proof that moneydoesn’t solve much, we have theentire world of plants. It is allfree, essentially. The plant takessunlight, water and a little nutri-tion from the soil and that gener-ous green creature turns it intoeverything we eat, directly orindirectly. Yeah, I can hear thephysicists talking now, sayingthat we could measure the wholeprocess in joules and compare itto gasoline or my furnace or mepeddling my bike. And it costssome effort to put seeds in theground, then weed and water andharvest. But my point is that itdoesn’t cost money. You don’thave to have a job to grow food.You don’t have to pay war taxesor stadium taxes on that effort. Itis all a gift and it is all free, andour only taxes on it are thethanks we give to whatever deitywe recognize as our benefactor.If you doubt me, eat some moneyfor dinner (yum!).

So this month, I want to focuson stuff that is free or almostfree.

Let’s start with conferences.Over the past few years, I havespent the second weekend ofJanuary at the MinnesotaOrganic Conference in St. Cloud,the third weekend of January atthe Minnesota Fruit andVegetable Growers Association

(also in St. Cloud), and the sec-ond Saturday of February at theSustainable Farmers Associationin St. Joseph. All of these werefree in consideration for a littletime volunteering at the confer-ences. And the granddaddy ofthem all, the Midwest Organicand Sustainable EducationService conference in lateFebruary in La Crosse, only costme $40 for the whole weekend,including a couple of meals perday, just for volunteering andsupporting an organization Itreasure.

There is also a lot of stuff thatgardeners and home food-grow-ers can pick up nearly free.

I have talked before about theCity of Minneapolis’ remarkablespring tree program, which sellswonderful fruit trees from 6 to 8feet tall, all for the amazinglysubsidized price of $25. Thisyear, the fruit trees includeHoneycrisp apple, AutumnBrilliance serviceberry, the Evan’sBali cherry, the North Star cher-ry, and the Amur cherry. TheHoneycrisp is arguably the bestall-round Minnesota apple youcan get. The three cherry treesproduce pie cherries, not sweetfor popping them in your mouth,but great in pies, cobbler and thelike. The serviceberries arealmost my favorite; they find away onto my morning cerealnearly every day. The apple andcherry trees need full sun, butthat wonderful little serviceberrywill produce delicious fruit, evenmostly in the shade of a house oranother tree. If you live inMinneapolis and want one ofthese trees, you had better movefast. They go on sale March 17 at8 a.m. and some of them will be

sold out before the day ends. Goto for more information, orcall the talented Karen Zumach at952-767-3886.

Then there is the GardeningMatters Food Hubs programwhich you can join at differentlevels for different amounts ofseeds and seedlings. Small for$15 will get you 10 packets ofseeds and 12 seedlings (a retailvalue of $45); medium for $30gets you 20 packets of seeds and24 seedlings (an $85 value); largefor $90 gets you 40 packets ofseeds and 72 seedlings (a $225value). There are even scholar-ships available, though thebiggest benefit may be joining avibrant community ofgardeners. Seed distributionswill be in March and April, whileplants will be distributed on May17. Details to follow, available at or 612-821-2358.

Last, you might considerchecking out the Friends SchoolPlant Sale, held every Mothers’Day weekend at the StateFairgrounds. This monster plantsale has become a Rite of Springfor Twin Cities gardeners, featur-ing the largest collection ofplants in the state. The plantquality is universally great andthe prices better than fair but, asusual, the best deals go to volun-teers. As a volunteer, you are ableto get a special pass to buy plantson Thursday evening before thesale even opens. But even better,in my opinion, volunteers getfirst dibs on the leftover plantsafter the sale ends on Sundayafternoon. There are no guaran-tees that any particular plantwon’t be sold out and the plantsaren’t free to volunteers, but thediscount is so steep that it isworth taking the risk, if you are

flexible. You can sign up onlineat or by calling651-621-8930.

Free things are almost unlimit-ed. You can volunteer and seeplays for free at Mixed Blood,Heart of the Beast, the Pillsbury,the Jungle, Park Square, theChildren’s Theater and even theGuthrie. You can hear some ofthe best music in the world byvolunteering at the CedarCultural Center. You can sing inthe shower or in a church choiror on the front steps for free. Youcan see movies for $3 at theRiverview ($2 seniors). Over 62years old, you can take classes atthe University for $10 a credit,and audit for free. You can havesome of the best talk shows bymerely speaking to the personacross the breakfast table orwalking next to you on the side-walk.

The deeper point here is thatMoney Can’t Buy You Love. Lifeshould not be cheapened by sub-jecting joy to the unnatural met-ric of money. Live it fully.Volunteer your time with groupsyou like. Give things away. Youwill be amazed how much youhave.

Now for the calendar:

Monday, March 10, 7 p.m.Free but RSVP required.“Permaculture for the urban gar-dener,” Mother Earth Gardens atRiverview Wine Bar, 3745 42ndAve. S., Mpls. 612-724-8463

Wednesday, March 12, 6 to 8p.m. $18. “Vegetables and herbs,”Roosevelt High, 4029 28th Ave.S., Mpls. 612-668-4828 or

Monday, March 17, 7 p.m. Freebut RSVP required. “Beginningveggie gardening,” Mother EarthGardens at Riverview Wine Bar,3745 42nd Ave. S., Mpls. 612-724-8463 or www.SignUp-Gen iu s . com/go /10C094BA-4A828-A0FE3-winter

Saturday, March 22, 9 a.m. to4:30 p.m. $80, RSVP required.“Fruit tree grafting seminar”(includes 4 take-home grafts),Afton Apple Orchard, 14442190th St. S., Hastings. 952-240-5066 or [email protected]

Wednesday, March 19, 7 p.m.Free but RSVP required. “Shootsand microgreens,” Mother EarthGardens N.E. location, 2318Lowry Ave. N.E. at Stinson Blvd,Mpls. 612-789-0796 or

Monday, March 24, 7 p.m. Freebut RSVP required. “Tasks andtools” so you don’t get over-whelmed, Mother Earth Gardensat Riverview Wine Bar, 374542nd Ave. S., Mpls. 612-724-8463 or www.SignUpGenius.-c om / g o / 1 0C 0 9 4BA4A8 2 8 -A0FE3-winter

Tuesday, March 25, 6 to 8 p.m.$18. “Growing vertically, veggiesand flowers,” Jefferson High,1200 W. 26th St., Mpls. 612-668-2740 or

Saturday, March 29, 10 a.m. to3 p.m. $35, RSVP required. “Fruittree pruning,” Dodge NatureCenter, 1701 Charles St., West St.Paul. 651-789-3321 or r e e - p r u n i n g - t i c k e t s -10433437693

March/April: GardeningMatters Food Hubs seed distribu-tion. Details TBD at or 612-821-2358.

Wednesday, April 2, 7 p.m.Free but RSVP required. “Herbs,”Mother Earth Gardens N.E. loca-tion, 2318 Lowry Ave. N.E. atStinson Blvd, Mpls. 612-789-0796 or

Nothing to lose and everything to gain



March 20144

Reimbursed Senior Volunteer Position: Lutheran Social ServiceSenior Companion Program is seek-ing volunteers 55+ willing to visit iso-lated adults in Minneapolis andsurrounding areas to provide in homecompanionship and transportation.Tax-free stipend, mileage reimburse-ment and other benefits. ContactKate Neuhaus, 651.310.9447 [email protected].

BBuuiilldd yyoouurr ssuummmmeerr!!

Children and teens are invited to join us for creative half-day project building classes at workshops located in

Minneapolis (4301 Nicollet) and Saint Paul.

Scholarships available. Class schedule and registration at

Call 612-824-4394 with questions.

JJooiinn uuss ffoorr CCaassttllee FFeesstt oonn SSaattuurrddaayy,, AAuugguusstt 99!

Page 5: Nokomis March 2014 Edition

volunteer, and a few other DFLfriends. Finally, I got informationabout the role of MJ from a harshletter of reprimand written by BarryPeterson to him and posted onFacebook.The undisputed facts are that the

caucus was shut down byMinneapolis police at about 8 p.m.,and that there were over 300 atten-dees with woefully inadequatepreparations having been made,causing Coyle Center staff to scram-ble to accommodate them. It is afact that MJ, toward the end of theevening, jumped up on a table andstarted a crowd chanting his nick-name. Scott Vreeland, who tried tobreak up the fight that followed this,says there were “multiple tableleapers.” Also, it’s a fact that blowswere exchanged, and that the onlyperson injured was Ilhan Omar, wholeft with a bloody nose and lip, andwas later diagnosed with concussionand a sprained neck by emergencyservices. Omar did not widely publi-cize her injuries, trying to protect theParty and limit bad PR. But since shehas continued to be threatened,blamed and scapegoated since thecaucus, she has allowed the emer-gency report to be released. A jointstatement from the two candidatesassures us that the caucus will bereconvened and given anotherchance to elect delegates. How involved was Warsame in

the dirty tricks described below?Several people at City Hall think hewas very involved, indeed, but Icould find no direct proof, otherthan the actions of his aide and rela-tives.I talked to Ilhan for nearly an

hour, so I know her story. There aresome who don’t believe her story,including Rep. Kahn, but they areeither outright enemies of Ilhan orsuffering from confirmation-bias(admitting that the truth of her storyis going to make them look prettybad). There are also, increasingly,

plenty who support her: Facebook isawash in profile pictures that simplystate “I Believe Ilhan.” After a week,the DFL Feminist Caucus is largelyrallying around her. Ms. Omar is noflash-in-the-pan, picked at randomfor a leadership role in the DFL. Isaw her in action as co-chair of theMinneapolis City Convention, whereshe was calm and professional. She isdedicated to communicating thefiner points of DFL organizing to herfellow Somalis, and seems way too“modern” to be playing the kind ofnefarious games of which her mostlymale opponents are accusing her.The main conflicting message I

am getting from the two “sides”–that is, the pro-Kahn side and, notnecessarily the pro-Noor side somuch as the pro-Omar side–is thatKahn supporters seem convincedthat not only is Ms. Omar an avidNoor supporter, but that she isactively working for his campaignand incapable of acting neutrally inher role as a senate district co-chair.Ms. Omar denies all of that, and hersupporters say that even if she doessupport Noor personally, she is aDFL officer of integrity and ought tobe accepted as functionally neutralby Kahn’s campaign. I was able totalk to Rep. Kahn for about a half anhour. She is quite sincere in her beliefthat Ms. Omar is working againsther and is not neutral. When I askedher why, she said it was because shehad been told so. She also told methat when she first met Ms. Omar,she thought Ilhan was her supporterbut had later learned that she wasopposing her. I asked her why shewould think that a chair of her SDcould either oppose or support her,and she honestly did not seem tounderstand me. Looking into thisfurther, I discovered an exchangebetween Kahn and Omar onFacebook well before the caucuswhere Kahn thanked Omar formeeting with her and thanked herfor her support. Omar replied thatshe was sorry if Rep. Kahn misun-derstood, but as SD 60 chair, she

cannot support either candidate.Apparently, Rep. Kahn has not onlyforgotten this whole exchange, butis ‘remembering” it in a totally falseway.Rep. Kahn does not accept that

there was any deliberate bad conductby any of her supporters. This isdespite the fact that MJ, her chosencaucus convener, has been repri-manded for gang tactics and grossunprofessional conduct, and that theCedar-Riverside Youth Council,strongly identified with her cam-paign, put out a “press release” justhours after the caucus that was fullof verifiable untruths. And it wasnot just Somalis at the caucus whowere insisting that Omar be expelled,against all principles of the DFL.According to Omar, one of thosewho asked her co-chair, Greg Oliver,to expel her was Kahn’s very closeassociate Brian Rice. The Kahn sup-porters were successful in getting herremoved from her pre-agreed-uponrole of running the registration table(another thing that may have con-tributed enormously to the chaos).Ms. Omar knew who most of her

attackers were. They were mainly rel-atives of either Abdi Warsame, hisaide, Abdi Salah, or MJ. Mr. Salahhad also threatened Ms. Omar, inSomali, at the caucus, that his femalerelatives were going to “deal withher.” Because a lot of the threats toMs. Omar were made in Somali,non-African DFL colleagues werenot aware of the extreme violencebeing directed toward her until shewas actually assaulted. In his repri-mand to MJ, Barry Peterson says heknows that MJ knows the identitiesof the attackers but is refusing todivulge them. In an op-ed piece forthe StarTribune, Ilhan Omar said,“Last Monday, a direct threat wasmade from a community memberwho told my boss to ‘keep me away’and that he should order me toinstead ‘focus on making dinner formy kids.’ ”There were at least two other

things that Ms. Omar told me that

were all confirmed by at least oneother person, that if true are verydamning indeed for someone on theKahn side. First is that Omar saysthat around noon on caucus day, shefound out from the Coyle Centerthat someone impersonating herover the telephone had canceled thebooking for the caucus. This mayhave been another reason thataccommodations were solacking. The second has to do withone other undisputed fact–that co-convenor Mohamed Jama startedthe crowd to chanting “MJ! MJ!”.Here is another puzzle: Both sidesadmit that Noor supporters were inthe majority, yet MJ was the con-venor for the Kahn side. Why wereso many in the crowd chanting hisnickname? Omar told me that “MJ”is also the abbreviation of the nameof the Somali clan that most WestBank residents belong to. They maynot have even known that it was alsohis nickname, but naturally joined inas one would for a sports teamchant. This was all part of MJ’s last-ditch effort to wrest control of thecaucus from his co-convenor, Ms.Ali, and it led directly to the out-break of violence and the shutdown.Ms. Omar also told me that therewere attempts to use her position asaide to CM Johnson to prevent herfrom attending the caucus in anycapacity. And of course, the smearthat Cedar-Riverside Youth Council,the main enforcer for Kahn support-ers’ dirty tricks, primarily used is thatshe is an “outsider.” Which is patent-ly absurd. Even though she doesn’tlive in that exact precinct, she liveson the West Bank. As a respectedparty leader in the DFL who is fluentin both Somali and English, youwould think she would be respectedas an asset to the community. At onepoint during the heated exchangesthat preceded her beating, she saysthat CM Warsame’s aide, Abdi Salah,said to her, in Somali, “I don’t hearwhat you’re saying, because I don’ttalk with women.” Throughout this complex narra-

tive, a theme emerges: that Kahn’ssupporters turned on Omar, becauseas a woman she is an easy target.Similar things have happened beforeto other Somali women who work inthe political arena. And one can’thelp noticing that among theSomalis, as in other emerging identi-ty groups, the men are the candi-dates and “rock stars,” while thewomen are aides and co-chairs, con-veniently filling in the DFL’s genderbalance needs and diversity profilewhile not getting too close to realpower.

DFL, from page 1


Bluestem2610 Lyndale Ave. S.612-870-7855

Monday morning, and we’re hun-gry. So hungry a bagel won’t do. Andneither will dishwater coffee. Sooo–picture a scene in a Woody Allenmovie–we’re driving around SouthMinneapolis–Patisserie 46, Lynn onBryant, Lucia’s, braking only for their“Closed on Mondays” signs. Finally, Iremember: Yeah, French Meadow!And then I remember something evenbetter: its new sibling, Bluestem, joinedat the hip to its older sis. Bluestemditches the elder sister’s hippie vibe infavor of a clean demeanor that could

hold its own in L.A.: the minimalist-chic of earthtone walls accented withbirch saplings for a made-in-Minnesota look and tiles in Superiorblue dressing the curvy bar. The lunch and dinner menus are a

2.0 version of French Meadow’s(which, itself, has leapt far beyondthose early sprouts-and-tofu days).But, rest assured, breakfast is just as lus-cious, only truer to its roots. First, Iordered a cappuccino big as a swim-ming pool, then a flapjack of crunchycornmeal dotted with blueberries thatlapped over a dinner plate. Add a splashof maple syrup and you’ve achievednirvana.Stealthily, the Meadowlarks remain

true to their mission: healthy, good-for-you eats disguised as photos from

Gourmet Magazine. And, let me add,the menu is as tasty as it is inventive,including dishes for vegans (if the restof us don’t nab them first). Burgers,too.

In a flash of déjà-vu, I recalled adelicious dinner here a few weeks ago,relaxing amid those cushy booths. Thatnight, we’d started our adventure witha trio of rustic tartines (apps $9-12).Crispy toasts bolstered a creamymelange of hummus and avocado;artichokes, looking mild as that ubiqui-tous dip, but smuggling a cache of hit-me-again jalapenos; and a classic sliceof Pacific smoked salmon with dill,unctuous as all get-out, and every bit asluscious as those I’d gobbled through-out Scandinavia last summer.When asked our server’s opinion of

the Wild Acres duck confit flatbread,she nearly swooned. I took that as a“yes,” and was not mistaken. Thethinnest of crusts came laden witharugula, whose spicy bite balanced the

rich fattiness of the duck, abetted by adrizzle of cream cheese hopping withhorseradish and tendrils of (supposed-ly) pickled ramps (today, sweet-souronions, and no complaint).We should have called it quits after

those two generous starters, but no.And I’m elated we abandoned any pre-tense at seemly restraint, for we’d havemissed two terrific mains (entrees $10-21). First, a pair of fish tacos to end allfish tacos: moist and tender, lightly-blackened tilapia glistening underheaps of slaw, radish rounds andcilantro, all sparked with a lively limecrema. (We used our extra limes toawaken a side dish of sautéed beetgreens–on its own, simply dull andbland, I’m afraid.)But the star of the evening was the

chicken and waffle plate, an ediblework of art straight out of a Southernfarm kitchen. The tender, full-bodiedcorn waffle supported a huge slab ofchicken breast, juicy beneath its light

jacket of cornmeal that sped it throughthe fryer. It’s then topped with a scoopof creme fraiche, big as an ice creamcone, and a peppy drizzle of chipotlehot sauce. But what makes this dishreally click is a pink-peppercorn syrup.As my companion gushed, “Do theysell it by the gallon?”Already twice my original dress size,

I decided to pass on dessert–until weread the menu ($6-8). Who could resista salted caramel and Scotch whiskycustard? Not me. And don’t you, either.The topping is almost too solid topierce, thanks to its stay in the fridge,but beneath it, pure heaven. And thatdoesn’t count the bonus of iceboxcookies and plate painting of chocolate.(Or order many of the fantasies thatappear in the Meadow’s pastry case.) That night, I sipped a crisp rose, one

of many fine wines by the glass–aswell toast to the delightful new café.

Blue Meadow



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Community Welcome to Bid onHale Field Spring Fling OnlineAuctionSouth Minneapolis neighbors areinvited to participate in the HaleField Schools Foundation onlinesilent auction. Bidding starts onMonday, March 10, at 8 a.m. andends Thursday, March 20, at 8 p.m.Shop for gift certificates, merchan­dise, classes, etc., from yourfavorite restaurants and local mer­chants on our easy­to­use auctionwebsite www.springfling.hale­, a secure internet sitepowered by Greater Giving. Allproceeds will benefit the HaleField Foundation and the ParentTeacher Associations at Hale (K­4)and Field (5­8) school studentsfrom the Field, Regina andNorthrop neighborhoods. Formore information [email protected] orcall 612­749­6987.

Trees For SaleStarting March 17, the City ofMinneapolis is offering more than1,000 5­ to 8­foot trees for only $25each, provided they are planted inthe city. Orders will be taken start­ing 8 a.m., March 17, Pick­up dayswill be May 15, 17, 18 or 19. Treesare available for Minneapolis prop­erty owners including residents,businesses and nonprofits. Severalvarieties and sizes are available,including fruit trees. There is alimit of one tree per property witha maximum five properties perperson.

Opening on City Boards andCommissions

Applications are now being accept­ed for a number of open board andcommission positions that the CityCouncil and mayor will appointthis spring. Board and commissionmembers of the City ofMinneapolis provide valuableinsights, help shape key policydecisions and provide community­based input into administration ofservices. The city is seeking appli­cants with a diversity of back­grounds and experiences tostrengthen the work of the city.There are more than 40 open posi­tions on the following six cityboards and commissions: CivilRights Commission; BicycleAdvisory Committee; WorkforceCouncil; Public Health AdvisoryCommittee; Neighborhood andCommunity EngagementCommission; and PedestrianAdvisory Committee. Applicationswill be reviewed beginning April25, but the positions are open untilfilled. Visit the citys’ website for afull list of appointment opportuni­ties and position descriptions.Appointments to boards and com­mission are made twice a year inthe spring and fall. This stream­lined appointment process makesit easier for folks to learn aboutvolunteer opportunities, ensures amore open and understandableprocess for residents and staff, andincreased the diversity of the appli­cant pool.

Model TrainsSaturdays & Sundays throughApril, 1 to 4 p.m.Hennepin Overland RailwayHistorical Society2501 E. 38th St.Come see the HO model trains

running. $5 per person; $15 perfamily. Hennepin OverlandRailway Historical Society is a non­profit, tax exempt organization.

Winter Seed SowingSunday, March 16, 1:30 to 3 p.m.Bethany on 36th, basement3901 36th Ave. S.No digging through 3 feet of snowto plant seeds! In this hands­onworkshop, led by gardenersTheresa Rooney and Tina Jones,we’ll be getting our early springplants ready to grow in plasticmilk jugs. This is a family friendlyactivity. Seeds and soil provided.Bring plastic milk jugs, if you havesome. We’ll have extras.

The Town Hall Forum:Protecting the Wild PlacesThursday, March 20, noonWestminister Presbyterian Church1200 Marquette Ave.Michael Brune is executive directorof the Sierra Club. Under his lead­ership, the organization has grownto more that two million support­ers, and its Beyond Coal campaignhas been recognized as one of themost effective in environmentalhistory. Before joining the SierraClub, he served as executive direc­tor of the Rainforest ActionNetwork. He holds degrees in eco­nomics and finance from WestChester University inPennsylvania. His criticallyacclaimed book, “Coming Clean:Breaking America’s Addiction toOil and Coal,” details plan forbuilding a green economy. Freeand open to the public.

Gaia Democratic School’sCelebration of TransformationSunday, March 23, 5 to 10:30 p.m.

(kid friendly 5­7 p.m.; adults until10:30 p.m.)Hells Kitchen80 S. 9th St., Mpls. 55402Unchained III is a gala night toremember held by GaiaDemocratic School to support thedemocratic education of our K­12students! Many musicians, games,and silent auction. For more infor­mation visit http:www.gaiademoc­­Current_News.php.

Longfellow Brewing ClubWednesday, March 26, 7 p.m.2852 35th Ave. S.Open to beer enthusiasts of allexperience levels, this fun, infor­mal group meets to share informa­tion, ideas and samples of their lat­est beer achievements.

Anniversary of theLake/Marshall Street Bridge VigilWednesday, April 30, 5 to 6 p.m.Lake/Marshall Street BridgeAfter the vigil, there will be apotluck and program at St. Albertthe Great Church, 2836 33rd Ave.S. Organized by the Twin CitiesPeace Campaign and WAMM.Endorsed by the Anti­WarCommittee and the MN peaceAction Coalition.

All My Realtions Gallery1414 E. Franklin Ave.612­235­4970www.allmyrelationsarts.comWhere I FitTextile Artist Maggie Thompson(Fon Du Lac Ojibwe) utilizes avariety of weaving and knittingtechniques, printed fabrics andassemblage works as a way to con­

tain memory and reflect upon thedifficult subject matter of Indianidentity. Thompson used her edu­cation as an opportunity to delvedeeply into the notions of her iden­tity while focusing on issues of cul­tural appropriation and nativeauthenticity, examining the rigidideas of blood quantum andstereotyping. In doing so, she isable to rebuild her textured pastand explore the history of her peo­ple through making art.Gallery Talk With the Artist,March 14, 6 ­7 p.m.Through May 31

Instinct Art Gallery940 Nicollet Mall612­240­2317www.instinctmpls.comStill the SkyThis exhibition recalibrates the nat­ural­human­made lens throughwhich we, the many, people seethe world we live in. This is the BigSky/Little Man show, wheresweeping skies above the plains ofearth and big environments aretugged on by the many, puny peo­ple. Large paintings and photoswill cover the walls of the gallery,while miniature housing develop­ments and human figures will beplaced on the floor.Through March 15

Northern Clay Center2424 Franklin Ave.612­339­8007www.northernclaycenter.orgMythology Meets ArchetypeThe exhibition will respond to per­sonal cultural and religious mythsthat have grown out of the desireto know (or the posture to know)the unknowable. Symbols of thegod figure, the mother figure, theself and the demon have beenused to describe ancient and con­




Page 9: Nokomis March 2014 Edition

temporary narratives. March 14 through April 27

Patrick’s Cabaret3010 Minnehaha Ave. S.612­724­6273www.patrickscabaret.orgSinger/Songwriter SeriesThe show features ReneeCopeland, Venus de Mars,Mathew Fox and Bill Geezy, asolid mix of talented, emergingand established artists. $10 ticketsat the door (cash or check only).March 15, 8 p.m.

Bell Museum of Natural History10 Church St. S.E., 55455612­626­9660www.bellmuseum.orgInsects in Icy Times: Surviving theLong Minnesota WinterAt March’s Saturday with aScientist, get to know PetraKranzfelder, Jane Mazack, AndreaHefty and Kelly Nail, Ph.D. stu­dents in entomology here at the Uof M, when we take a look at realinsects that were found in thewater, on the snow and on landduring the winter. Learn abouthow their life history allows themto survive the long, coldMinnesota winters. Free withmuseum admission.March 15, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.

The Museum of Russian Art5500 Stevens Ave. S.612­821­9045http://tmora.orgThe Romanovs: Legacy of an EmpireLostIn 1613, 16­year­old MikhailRomanov was elected Tsar ofRussia, inaugurating a 300­yeardynasty. This exhibition providesan overview of the three centuriesof Romanov rule, focusing on thetragic end of the dynasty in 1917­1918 and the dispersal of theremaining family members andtheir treasures after the Bolshevikrevolution. The events that led tothe collapse of imperial rule inRussia are well known, but whathappened to their scattered prop­erty after the Bolsheviks seizedpower is a story still beingunearthed.Through March 23

Guthrie Theatre818 S. 2nd St.612­225­6238www.guthrietheater.orgTristan & YseultMark of Cornwallis at war; herules with his head not his heart.But he hasn’t counted on fallinghead over heels for his enemy’s sis­ter Yseult or the arrival of the enig­matic Tristan. This legend is theoriginal tale of forbidden desires,broken hearts and the agony ofchoosing one human being overanother. A blend of comedy, livemusic, grand passion and tendertruths in an irresistible night oflove.Through March 23

Jungle Theater2951 Lyndale Ave. S.612­822­7063www.jungletheater.comShakespeare’s WillOn the eve of WilliamShakespeare’s funeral, his widow,Anne Hathaway, recalls her lifewith and without the enigmaticpoet. It’s the enthralling story of awife and mother who madetremendous sacrifices for love and life.Through March 23

Open Eye Figure Theatre506 E. 24th St.612­874­6338www.openeyetheatre.orgThe OdysseyShipwrecks, sirens and mythicalgoddesses meet magic, death andrevenge. Acclaimed solo artistCharlie Bethel (Beowulf,Gilgamesh) re­imagines Homer’sfamous tale in a faithful yet acces­sible performance. Odysseus’ voy­age takes him across land and sea,through the underworld, and tothe top of Mt. Olympus as heseeks his homeland and the armsof his loving wife. Don’t miss thisthrilling epic adventure, suitablefor most audiences.March 21 through April 6

Pillbury House Theatre3501 Chicago Ave. S.612­825­0459www.pillsburyhousetheatre.orgGidion’s KnotOver the course of a 90­minuteparent/teacher conference, a griev­ing mother and an emotionallyoverwhelmed fifth grade teacherhave a fraught conversation aboutthe mother’s son, the teacher’s stu­dent, Gidion. As his tragic story isslowly uncovered, the womenwrestle with issues in the under­current of education today—is thesystem supporting our youth orforcing them to conform? Who isresponsible when things gowrong?Through March 23

Safe Place Homework HelpMonday – Friday, 3:30 to 6 p.m.Trinity Lutheran Congregation2001 Riverside Ave.Adults, students and children allwelcome. Tutors available for alllevels. Interested in being a volun­teer or tutor? Need more informa­tion about the program? Contact612­333­2561.

Senior Nutrition ProgramMonday through Friday theVolunteers of America host afree/reduced price lunch for areaseniors aged 60+. The suggestedcontribution is $3.50.However, they just ask people topay what they can afford. No oneis ever denied a meal because theycannot pay. Meals are at 1 p.m. atHoly Cross Lutheran Church, 1720E. Minnehaha Pkwy. For more infocall 952­945­4157 or 612­729­6668.

Senior Volunteers NeededThe Lutheran Social Service FosterGrandparent Program offers anopportunity to seniors 55+ to men­

tor and tutor elementary aged stu­dents at schools in SouthMinneapolis. Stipend, mileage andother benefits. Contact Sara Koch,651­310­9448 [email protected].

Nokomis Library5100 34th Ave. S.612­543­6800http://www.hclib.orgRegister online or call for all events** Maud Hart Lovelace BookAwardMarch 1­22Kids in grades 3­8 can vote fortheir favorite book until March 22at the library. You must read atleast three nominated titles to beeligible to vote!** Paws to Read With an AnimalSaturday, March 15, 3 to 5 p.m.For families. Volunteers will helpput young readers at ease so they

can cuddle up with a certifiedtherapy animal and practice read­ing aloud. Most libraries host dogsand you can call ahead to see ifother animals will be visiting.**Author Talk: Kevin FentonTuesday, March 22, 3 p.m.Meet local author Fenton, whosememoir, “Leaving Rollingstone,”revisits his small­town boyhood inRollingstone, Minn., in a time ofmajor social change. Books will beavailable for purchase and sign­ing..** First Pages for Adults: How DoI Get Published?Monday, March 24, 6 to 7:30 p.m.Practical information for increas­ing your chances of getting pub­lished. Get answers to importantquestions and guidance on theresearch that needs to be done tounderstand the publishingprocess.

Roosevelt Library4026 28th Ave. S.612­543­6700http://www.hclib.orgRegister online or call for all events** Remember When? A Social Clubfor Adults 55+Thursdays, March 6 – May 29, 1to 3 p.m.Gather with others from the com­munity to share stories, memoriesand good company.**Paint It Green: River WeavingSaturday, March 15, 3 to 4:30 p.m.Grades 1­6. Create a river weavinginspired by the Mississippi usingnatural and found materials.Materials provided.** Library Lab for Kids: ArtSaturday, April 5, 3 to 4:30 p.m.For families. Help us create springwith your own art creations.Materials provided.











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Spring is coming (we do believe it)and senior citizens may need helpwith raking and yard cleanup.Minneapolis seniors who needhelp may contact 612­374­3322 oremail seniors@neighborhoodin­ Anyone who would like to helpseniors remain independent intheir homes may sign up to rakeand clean somebody’s yard. Getsome friends together, pick a dateand time, and contact Jeanne, theNeighborhood InvolvementSeniors Program volunteer coordi­nator, at srvolunteer@neighbor­ or call 612­746­8549.


Become a Joyful ListenerSaturday, March 15, 8:45 a.m.(brunch); 9 a.m. (guided conversa­tions)Living Spirit United MethodistChurch4501 Bloomington Ave. S.Respectful Conversations on vari­ous topics are organized by theMinnesota Council of Churches.The emphasis is on listening. Arecent conversation participantsaid, “Just to listen without judg­ing feels good.” Take this opportu­nity to learn about respectful con­versations. The topic is “Guns inMinnesota.” Register in advance

Purim Celebration & CarnivalSunday, March 16, 10 a.m. (cele­bration); 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. (carni­val)Temple of Aaron616 S. Mississippi River Blvd., St.Paul 55116This carnival for the entire familyincludes games, face painting,inflatables, prizes, costumes andfood. Everyone is invited to bringnoisemakers (such as pots andpans, air horns, etc.) and to dressin costumes. The event is open to the public.For more information call 651­698­8874.

Savvy Social SecurityWorkshopTuesday, March 18, FaithLutheran Church (3430 E. 51stSt.); Thursday, March 20, LakeNokomis Lutheran Church (5011

31st Ave. S.); Tuesday, March 25, St. Peder’s Lutheran Church (4600E. 42nd St.); Thursday, March 27,Trinity Lutheran Church ofMinnehaha Falls (5212 41stAve. S.)This workshop covers the basics ofSocial Security and reveals strate­gies for maximizing your benefits.There is no cost. For more infor­mation contact Patrick Andersonat 763­746­3168 or patrick.ander­[email protected].

Bethitalia Café Spaghetti DinnerSunday, March 23, 5 to 7 p.m.Bethel Lutheran Church (NazarethHall)4120 17th Ave. S.The dinner features up­and­com­ing chef Tony Lovstuen, who ispreparing tossed salad, spaghettiand meatballs, garlic bread anddessert. Enjoy great food, top­notch service and a cozy atmos­phere. The freewill donations col­lected will be used for supportingyouth mission trips and/or sum­mer camps.

The Power of Forgiveness Wed, March 26, 6 p.m. (meal); 7 p.m. (film and discussion)Faith Mennonite ChurchE. 22nd St. & 28th Ave. S. Enjoy a home­cooked meal beforethe film. Donations accepted.March’s Peace and Justice film is“The Power of Forgiveness,” byMartin Doblmeier, director of“Bonhoeffer.” Featured in the filmare Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel,Buddhist master Thich Nhat Hanhand bestselling authors ThomasMoore and Marianne Williamson. Please use the 28th Ave. entrancefor the meal and the 22nd Streeteducation building entranceimmediately west of the mainchurch building if you only attendthe film.

Vigil for Immigrationand ReconciliationFriday, March 28, 6 to 8 p.m.Living Spirit United MethodistChurch4501 Bloomington Ave. S.Thirty­two faith leaders werearrested in a peaceful demonstra­tion against deportations on Feb.17 at the White House inWashington, D.C. More than 2 mil­lion immigrants have been deport­ed since the beginning of theObama Administration, and mostare not felons. Through song,

poetry and sharing of actual expe­riences, you can learn more aboutimmigration issues. The vigil is inconjunction with the SimpsonCenter for Servant Ministry andother community partners.


Vets Ministry RoundtableTuesday, March 11, noon to 1:30 p.m.Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church2315 Chicago Ave.People interested in ministry with

veterans and their families areinvited. No charge. Meetings areevery other month.The speaker is psychologist Dr.Michelle Sherman: “BuildingSpiritual Strength AmongVeterans.” Dr. Sherman workedfor the Oklahoma City VeteransAdministration for 17 years and isnow helping with research on how spirituality aids coping aftertrauma.

Zumba Exercise Class &Food/Clothing ShelfZumba: Saturdays, 11 a.m.

Food/Clothing: Wednesdays, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Saturdays, 10 2 p.m. (Brown door on the cor­ner of 48th St. and 15th Ave.)New Creation Baptist Church1414 E. 48th St.

Study at Faith Tuesdays, 7 p.m. (Bible study)Sundays, 2 to 3:30 (ChristianBasics membership class)Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church3430 E. 51st St.Bible study is led by Rev. DavidDomanski. All are welcome.



Lenten Stations of the Cross

6:00pm - Friday EveningsSoup Suppers 6:30pm

March 7 - April 11

Church of the Holy Name3637 11th Avenue South


One winter day in 2003, ormaybe 2004, no one quiteremembers, the mail carrierbrought a very cold kitten intothe office here at SouthsidePride. It was way below freezingoutside and there was no doubtthat had she stayed out shewould have frozen to death. Shehad long fur and a funny spot onher nose. Was she a Maine Cooncat, a Norwegian Forest cat, aNorthern Fir cat? It was any-body’s guess. At the beginning itwas Katie, Tumble and Aaron

who took care of her. Over timeeveryone joined in. Matt builther a special tunnel out of card-board so she wouldn’t have towait for someone to let her outthe window. Ron swept her everymorning with her special broom.David called it “brooming.” Sheloved Ed (who said he was “aller-gic” to cats) and spent most ofher hours curled up on his lap,when she wasn’t out inspectingthe roof or playing with hernumerous toys. She was a petitebundle of office morale.

Everybody loved Shivers, RIP

BaptistNEW CREATION BAPTIST CHURCH1414 E. 48th St. 612-825-6933Sunday School 9:30 amDevotion 10:45 am; Worship 11 amTues. Youth & Adult Bible Study 7 pmPastor: Rev. Dr. Daniel B. McKizzie

CatholicCHURCH OF ST.ALBERT THE GREATCorner of E. 29th & 32nd Ave. S.612-724-3643Mass M, T, TH, F at 8:15 amSaturday 5 pm & Sunday 9:30 amSunday morning childcare

CHURCH OF THEHOLY NAME3637 11th Ave. S., 612-724-5465Masses Saturday 5 pmSunday 8:30 & 11 amReconciliation Saturday 4-4:30 pmPastor: Fr. Leo SchneiderA welcoming Roman Catholic community

OUR LADY OF PEACE 5426 12th Ave. S.612-824-3455, www.olpmn.orgWeekend worship: Saturday 5 pm; Sunday 9 am & 11 amWeekday worship:Tuesday - Friday 8:15 am

Evangelical FreeFIRST EVANGELICALFREE CHURCH5150 Chicago Ave. S. * 612-827-4705 www.firstfreechurch.orgWorship Services 9:15 & 11 amFellowship Time 10:30 am Nursery to Adult Classes 9:15 & 11 amChrist-Centered, Christ-Sent.

LutheranBETHEL EVANGELICALLUTHERAN 4120 17th Ave. S.612-724-3693, www.bethel-mpls.orgSunday Worship 10:30 amEducation for all 9:15 amPastor: Brenda FroislandAccessible Off-Street ParkingA Reconciling in Christ Congregation

FAITH EVANGELICALLUTHERAN3430 E. 51st St., Sunday Worship 9 am (Holy Commun-ion 1st & 3rd Sundays); Education Hour10:30 am (Sunday School & Adult BibleClass); Bible Study Tuesdays 7 pm; Mid-week Lenten Services Wednesdays 7 pm;Christian Basics Class Sundays 2 pmPastor: Rev. David Domanski

HOPE LUTHERAN5728 Cedar Ave. S., 612-827-2655, www.hopempls.orgEducation for all ages 9 amSunday Worship 10 amWed’s in March: 6:15 SoupSupper, 7 pm Lenten WorshipPastor: Chris SteubingAll are welcome, no exceptions

MOUNT ZION LUTHERAN5645 Chicago Ave. S., 612-824-1882Love at 1st sound.Blended Worship 9 amSunday School & Bible Study 10:15

NOKOMIS HEIGHTSLUTHERAN - ELCA5300 10th Ave. S. * 612-825-6846www.nokomisheights.orgSunday Worship 8:30 & 10:30 am (Sept-May) Education 9:15 am (Sept-May)Summer Worship 9:30 am (June-Aug)

TRINITY LUTHERANCHURCH OF MINNEHAHA FALLS5212 41st Ave. S., 612-724-3691www.trinityfalls.orgSunday Worship 8:30 & 10 am Children’s Church @ 10 am ServiceWednesday Lenten Services 6:45pm, Meal 5:30 pmAA Meeting Tuesdays/Sundays 7 pmPastor: Derek Johnson

MethodistMINNEHAHA UNITEDMETHODIST3701 E. 50th St.612-721-6231, www.minnehaha.orgTraditional Sunday Worship 9 amContemporary Worship 11 amEducation for All Ages 10 am (Sept – May)

Taizé Worship 2nd Friday 7 pm

LIVING SPIRIT UMC 4501 Bloomington, 612-721-5025www.livingspiritumc.orgSunday Worship 10:30 amEducation 9:15 amFree Wednesday Suppers 5:45 pmMulti-cultural, Multi-racial community

The NokomisReligious Community

Welcomes You

Page 11: Nokomis March 2014 Edition

Minneapolis Public Schools(MPS) is planning for the futureand we invite you to share yourinput to help guide our work.

FY15 Budget PlanningPlanning for the fiscal year

2015 (FY15) budget–which runsfrom July 1, 2014, to June 30,2015–has begun. We want tomake sure that all MPS stakehold-ers have an opportunity to be apart of the process of maintaininga sustainable financial foundation

to support academic achieve-ment.

Last year’s challenging budgetdecisions now allow us to startthis year’s planning with a struc-turally balanced budget. Thisyear’s budget process willundoubtedly bring new opportu-nities to the table. We are hostingengagement sessions to informstakeholders about the budgetand allow them to share thoughts,ask questions and make sugges-tions before the budget is adoptedby the school board in June.

2014-2020 Strategic Plan

We are working to identify pri-orities and strategies to improvestudent achievement and ensurethat all MPS students are collegeand career ready. The areas weidentify will be articulated in anew 2014-2020 strategic plan,which will be presented to theschool board for approval in thesummer of 2014.

Your feedback is critical inhelping us identify what’s work-ing, what’s not working and whatwe can do differently. Please shareyour thoughts with us via email [email protected] or by attending an engage-ment session to react to a draftplan this spring.

To learn more about FY15budget planning and the 2014-2020 strategic plan, visit




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Page 12: Nokomis March 2014 Edition