nobel peace prize 2014


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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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The Peace Prize has been awarded 95 times. Henry Dunant was awarded the 1st prize in 1901 16 prizes have been awarded to women 25 organizations have won the prize (ICRC won it 3 times) 3 Laureates were under arrest at the time of the award (Carl von

Ossietzky, Aung San Suu Kyi, Liu Xiaobo) Only 1 was a multiple Laureate (Linus Pauling- Chemistry in 1954

& Peace in 1962) Le Duc Tho (awarded jointly with Henry Kissinger) in 1973 declined

the award The award in 2014 was 8 million Swedish Kroner (approx.

$918,000USD) Among the well know nominees never to win- Mahatma Ghandi,

Winston Churchill, Maria Montessori, Joseph Stalin

Peace Laureates: Fields

19 Arms Control and disarmament

25 for Human Rights

24 for Humanitarian Work

33 for Negotiation

39 for Peace Movement

3 for Women’s Rights

26 for World Organizing


“…for their struggles against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children to an education.”

Born: 12, July 1997, Mingora, Pakistan

Youngest Nobel Prize Winner At age 11, began her fight for

girls’ right to an education with an anonymous blog for the BBC

2012- Survives an assassination attempt by the Taliban

Co-Founder of the Malala Fund which supports local education projects and global initiatives promoting girls’ secondary education in six countries.

Born: 11, Jan. 1954, Vidisha, India

Since 1980, has been at the forefront of the movement to end child slavery and exploitative child labor

As an activist, has led the rescue of over 80,000 child slaves

Founder of the Global March Against Child Labor and the International Center on Child Labor and Education

Due to the work over the last 20 years, we are nearing universal primary education and demands for secondary education are increasing

In most developing nations the quality of education available is poor

Of the 130 million out of school youths, 70% are girls

2/3 of all adult illiterates are women

Poverty is the #1 contributor

Gender Roles Outdated cultural


Uganda Village School

Earn more Delay the onset of sexual

activity Marry later Survive childbirth at higher

rates Less likely to contract HIV Have smaller & healthier

families Contribute to higher rates

of economic growth at the national level

Approximately 215 million children are working (126 million are in hazardous environments, slavery/forced labor, illicit industries and armed conflicts

2 million children are trafficked annually for labor and sexual exploitation

Likely targets are girls, ethnic minorities, low class/caste, disabled, displaced and those living in remote areas

Forced Beggars Ex. Senegal- Over 50,000 children between the ages of 4-14 beg to

meet a daily quota or face violent punishment The Tradition of Trokosi

West African girls are given to religious shrines to atone for misdeeds of families

Domestic Servitude 10.5 million children (71% girls) ages 5 and up 50,000 in the US

Mining 1 million children work in unregulated mines in Africa, Latin America,

Europe and Asia Cocoa Fields

Est. 500,000 child slaves (often orphaned or homeless) Child Soldiers

Est 300,000 children forced into military service

Poverty Accounts for approximately 83% of child labor

Compulsory and free education is limited Over 75 million children are not in school

Existing laws/codes are violated Multiple layers of production and outsourcing make

violations difficult to detect or monitor Laws and enforcement are inadequate

Lack of laws, exemptions to standing laws, agencies are underfunded and understaffed.

Workers’ rights are repressed Children are even more vulnerable than adult workers

The Malala Fund: Global March Against Child Labour: UN on Child Labor:

UN Girls Education Initiative: