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GRAQ Grupo de Reacção e Análises Químicas ANNUAL REPORT 2011 ANNUAL REPORT 2011

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G R A Q – G r u p o d e R e a c ç ã o e A n á l i s e s Q u í m i c a s




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G R A Q – G r u p o d e R e a c ç ã o e A n á l i s e s Q u í m i c a s


2011 – Light version

Porto, April 16, 2012



FCT-funded 6

Non-FCT funded 4


Papers (ISI-Web of Science) 28

Book chapters 5

Proceedings papers (international) 16

Ph.D. theses 3

MSc theses 19

PRESENTATIONS (international)

Oral 17

Poster 46


Oral 8

Poster 33


Organization 1


Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 431

4200-072 Porto




Scientific Coordinator: Cristina Maria Fernandes Delerue Alvim de Matos ([email protected])

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1.1. SUB-AREAS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 7 1.1.1 . Qual i ty contro l and authentici ty o f food products 7 1.1.2 . Environmenta l ana lys is 8 1.1.3 . Health and phar maceutical analys is 8

1.2. OUTPUT INDICATORS 9 1.2.1 . Projects 9 1.2.1 .1 . FCT-funded projects (includes collaborations with other institutions) 9 1.2.1 .2 . Non-FCT funded projec ts (includes collaborations with other institutions) 10 1.2.2 . Publ ica t ions 10 1.2.2 .1 . Papers in peer -reviewed Journa ls (ISI – Web of Science) 10 1.2.2 .2 . Papers in peer -reviewed Journa ls (non-ISI – Web of Science) 17 1.2.2 .3 . Books/chapters in books 17 1.2.2 .4 . Proceedings papers (international conferences) 18 1.2.2 .5 . Ph.D. theses 19 1.2.2 .6 . MSc theses 19 1.2.3 . Presentat ions in interna t ional conferences 20 1.2.4 . Presentat ions in nat ional conferences 26



2.1. OUTPUT INDICATORS 35 2.1.1 . Projects 35 2.1.1 .1 . FCT-funded projects (includes collaborations with other institutions) 35 2.1.1 .2 . Non-FCT funded projec ts (includes collaborations with other institutions) 35 2.1.2 . Publ ica t ions 36 2.1.2 .1 . Papers in peer -reviewed Journa ls (ISI – Web of Science) 36 2.1.2 .2 . Papers in peer -reviewed Journa ls (non-ISI – Web of Science) 37 2.1.2 .3 . Books/chapters in books 37 2.1.2 .4 . Proceedings papers (international conferences) 37 2.1.2 .5 . Ph.D. theses 38 2.1.2 .6 . MSc theses 39 2.1.3 . Presentat ions in i nterna t ional conferences 40 2.1.4 . Presentat ions in nat ional conferences 44



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GRAQ | ANNUAL REPORT | 2010 [ 1 ]


The “Grupo de Reacção e Análises Químicas” (GRAQ) was formed in January 1999 by researchers from

the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP), and is located on the campus of ISEP. In 1999 the

group joined the Centro de Química da Universidade do Porto (CEQUP).

GRAQ became part of REQUIMTE in 2000 through the partnership of CEQUP with the Centro de

Química Fina e Biotecnologia (CQFB) da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de


REQUIMTE is the largest network in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering established in Portugal and

was recognized as the Laboratório Associado para a Química Verde (Green Chemistry) by the

Portuguese Ministério da Ciência e do Ensino Superior in November 2001.

The objectives of REQUIMTE are:

a) To encourage the use of clean products and technologies;

b) To assist industry in the design and implementation of non-aggressive chemical processes;

c) To train young researchers in interdisciplinary areas related with the practice of sustainable


d) To publicise the principles of Green Chemistry and to alert society for the necessity of a

sustainable practice in everyday life.

Research is presently focused in the following thematic areas of: (i) natural products, (ii) food quality and

safety, (iii) clean production technologies and processes, (iv) environmental control and remediation and

(v) catalysts, solvents and non-toxic compounds.

The sharing of multidisciplinary scientific knowledge, technology and equipment between researchers of

the two centres that form the network, has significantly contributed to the development of new projects in

Green Chemistry and to the enrichment and training of graduate students by facilitating the mobility of

human resources.

At present the network REQUIMTE can be described as a big Laboratory that has two operating sites,

one at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa and the other at the Universidade do Porto

In this concept, the GRAQ research lines mainly focus on Analytical Chemistry and Environmental

Control and Remediation.

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1. PhD Cristina Maria Fernandes Delerue Alvim de Matos Professor Coordenador (ISEP-DEQ)

2. PhD Maria do Carmo Veiga Fernandes Vaz Professor Coordenador (ISEP-DEQ)

3. PhD Florinda Figueiredo Martins Professor Adjunto (ISEP-DEQ)

4. PhD Hendrikus Petrus Antonius Nouws Professor Adjunto (ISEP-DEQ)

5. PhD Maria Conceição Carvalho Benta de Oliveira Neves Professor Adjunto (ISEP-DEI)

6. PhD Maria Manuela Barbosa Correia Professor Adjunto (ISEP-DEQ)

7. PhD Maria Teresa Pereira de Oliva Teles Moreira Professor Adjunto (ISEP-DEQ)

8. PhD Olga Manuela Matos de Freitas Professor Adjunto (ISEP-DEQ)

9. PhD Simone Barreira Morais Professor Adjunto (ISEP-DEQ)

10. PhD Sónia Adriana Ribeiro da Cunha Figueiredo Professor Adjunto (ISEP-DEQ)

11. PhD Susana Maria Ribeiro e Sousa Mendes de Freitas Professor Adjunto (ISEP-DEQ)

12. PhD Valentina Maria Fernandes Domingues Professor Adjunto (ISEP-DEQ)

13. PhD Antonio Vega Y de la Fuente Professor Adjunto (ISEP-DEG)

14. PhD Mónica Alexandra de Oliveira Dias Teixeira Professor Auxiliar conv. (CESPU)

15. PhD Maria João Dantas Ramalhosa Ferreira eq. Assistante (ISEP) (50% FFUP)

16. PhD José Tomás Veiga Soares de Albergaria Técnico Superior (ISEP-DEQ)

17. PhD Subramanian Viswanathan Auxiliary Investigator (REQUIMTE)

18. MSc Abel José Assunção Duarte eq. Assistante (ISEP-DEQ)

19. MSc Salomé Sousa Teixeira eq. Assistante (ISEP-DEQ)

20. MSc Maria Aurora Soares da Silva Técnico Superior (ISEP-DEQ)

21. MSc Bruno José Rocha Pereira Técnico Superior (ISEP-DEQ)

22. MSc Paula Celeste Baptista Paíga Técnico Superior 2ª (REQUIMTE)

23. BEng Maria Isabel Viana de Brito Limpo de Serra Técnico Superior (ISEP)


Pos-Doc fellows

1. PhD Rita Carneiro Alves FCT grant: SFRH/BPD/68883/2010

2. PhD João Paulo Grosso Pacheco FCT grant: SFRH/BPD/73943/2010

3. PhD Maria de Fátima de Sá Barroso FCT grant: SFRH/BPD/79845/2011

Ph.D. students

1. MSc Marta Maria Pereira da Silva Neves FCT grant: SFRH/BD/46351/2008

2. MSc Maria Manuela Martins de Carvalho Grant: n/a

3. MSc Virgínia Maria Monteiro Cruz Fernandes FCT grant: SFRH/BD/47200/2008

4. MSc Lúcia Helena Moreira Lírio Matias dos Santos FCT grant: SFRH/BD/48168/2008

5. MSc Sérgio Alberto Morais FCT grant: SFRH/BD/64599/2009

6. MSc José Luis Vera Grant: n/a

7. MSc António Carlos Alves Soares FCT grant: SFRH/BD/68056/2010

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Grant holders (projects)

1. MSc Marta Madalena Marques Oliveira FCT project: PTDC/AGR-AAM/102316/2008

2. MSc Idalina Aurélia Gomes Bragança FCT project: PTDC/ECM/103141/2008

3. MSc Susana Margarida Leite Machado FCT project: PTDC/ECM/103141/2008

4. MSc Luís Filipe Coelho Barbosa ADI-QREN Project: FILMEQUE nº 5551

5. MSc Francisco Wirley Paulino Ribeiro CAPES/FCT Project: 128523811010164

MSc students

1. Laurens Jans KAHO Limburg (Belgum)

2. Ruth Kupers KAHO Limburg (Belgum)

3. Renata Zapart Tech. Univ. Lodz (Poland)

4. Alexandra Patrícia Rego Plácido FF/UP

5. Álvaro Miguel Carneiro Torrinha ISEP/IPP

6. Ana Rita de Castro Vidal Pinto ISEP/IPP

7. Maria de Fátima da Rocha Meireles ISEP/IPP

8. António Alberto de Oliveira Ferreira Pinto ISEP/IPP

9. Sara Maria de Bastos Peixoto Lages ISEP/IPP

10. António Pedro Moreira Martins da Silva ISEP/IPP

11. Laura Cristina Oliveira Sousa ISEP/IPP

12. Teresa Raquel da Silva Martins ISEP/IPP

13. Diana Sofia Gouveia Mendes Rede ISEP/IPP

14. Simão Pedro Marques Sacramento ISEP/IPP

15. José Nuno Gomes Barbosa ISEP/IPP

16. Raquel Cristina Sousa Torres ISEP/IPP

17. Ana Isabel de Almeida ISEP/IPP

18. Nélia Maria Pinto de Oliveira Univ. Aveiro

19. Isabel Cristina Meneses Monteiro da Silva CESPU

20. Filipa Manuel Ferreira de Bessa ISEP/IPP

21. Nuno Roberto Brandão de Brito ISEP/IPP

22. Joanna Dziedzic Tech. Univ. Lodz (Poland)

23. Marta Marcinek Wrocław Univ. Technology (Poland)

24. Sandra Cristina da Silva Moreira FF/UP

25. Wojciech Stawinski Jagiellonian University (Poland)

26. Paulina Slonina Jagiellonian University (Poland)

27. Túlio Ítalo da Silva Oliveira Univ. Federal Ceará (Brasil)

BEng / BSc students

1. Ignace Windels KAHO Gent (Belgium)

2. Daniel Alexandre Marques Silva ISEP/IPP

Participants in pré-graduation projects

1. Sandra Ferreira de Sousa Neto Univ. Porto: IJUP 2010 (MSc student; # ISEP: 1080792)

2. Cátia Filipa Assunção de Sousa Univ. Porto: IJUP 2010 (MSc student; # ISEP: 1080932)

3. Cátia Filipa Magalhães Peixoto Univ. Porto: IJUP 2010 (BEng student; # ISEP: 1080933)

4. Ana Alexandra da Costa Univ. Porto: IJUP 2010 (MSc student; # ISEP: 1080421)

5. Ana Luísa Oliveira Monteiro Univ. Porto: IJUP 2010 (MSc student; # ISEP: 1080928)

6. Bruno Miguel Antunes dos Santos Univ. Porto: IJUP 2010 (BEng student; # ISEP: 1091381)

7. Edgar Pedro Peixoto Moreira Univ. Porto: IJUP 2010 (BEng student; # ISEP: 1091383)

8. Sónia Manuela Gonçalves Martins Univ. Porto: IJUP 2010 (BEng student; # ISEP: 1091396)


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1. Andreia Marlene Castro Rocha ISEP/IPP (MSc student; # ISEP: 1070636)

2. Ivo Emanuel Moreira Rodrigues --

3. Pedro Romeu da Silva Soares ISEP/IPP (MSc student; # ISEP: 1070672)

4. Susana Natércia Oliveira Ribeiro --

5. Sara Raquel Moreira Conde Rodrigues ISEP/IPP (BEng student; # ISEP: 1101510)

6. Vítor José da Silva Couto ISEP/IPP (BEng student; # ISEP: 1090927)

7. Ana Sofia Gomes Cerqueira ISEP/IPP (BEng student; # ISEP: 1101546)

8. Andreia Sofia Correia Reis ISEP/IPP (BEng student; # ISEP: 1100804)

9. Diana Alexandra dos Santos Pereira ISEP/IPP (BEng student; # ISEP: 1101548)

10. Juliana Teixeira Duarte ISEP/IPP (BEng student; # ISEP: 1101553)

11. Liliana Gonçalves Pereira ISEP/IPP (BEng student; # ISEP: 1100826)

12. Manuela Adriana Mendes Ferreira ISEP/IPP (BEng student; # ISEP: 1101554)

13. Sara Isabel Ribeiro de Sousa ISEP/IPP (BEng student; # ISEP: 1100845)

14. Susana Maria Garcês da Silva ISEP/IPP (BEng student; # ISEP: 1080976)

15. Susana Marina de Bessa Martins ISEP/IPP (BEng student; # ISEP: 1101233)

16. Tatiana Teixeira Gomes Fernandes ISEP/IPP (BEng student; # ISEP: 1080977)

17. Yara Gonçalves Pereira ISEP/IPP (BEng student; # ISEP: 1090909)

18. Elisabete Maria Rodrigues Silva ISEP/IPP (BEng student; # ISEP: 1990662)

19. Carolina Ramos e Silva ISEP/IPP (BEng student; # ISEP: 1100806)

20. Cristiana Isabel da Silva Fortunato ISEP/IPP (BEng student; # ISEP: 1100809)

21. Sandra Mónica Lopes Pinto ISEP/IPP (BEng student; # ISEP: 1090897)

22. Mafalda Carlos Barbosa Ribeiro ISEP/IPP (BEng student; # ISEP: 1060671)

23. Nélson Miguel Santos Lopes ISEP/IPP (BEng student; # ISEP: 1100837)

24. Osmar Filipe Oliveira Barroso Vaz ISEP/IPP (BEng student; # ISEP: 1101556)

25. Ana Mafalda Santos Castro FC/UP (BSc student)

26. Vânia Filipa Craveiro Castro ISEP/IPP (BEng student; # ISEP: 1080978)

27. Vera Alexandra Tavares Barbosa ISEP/IPP (BEng student; # ISEP: 1101559)

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Cristina Maria Fernandes Delerue Alvim de Matos

Maria do Carmo Veiga Fernandes Vaz

Hendrikus Petrus Antonius Nouws

Maria Manuela Barbosa Correia

Maria Teresa Pereira de Oliva Teles Moreira

Simone Barreira Morais

Susana Maria Ribeiro e Sousa Mendes de Freitas

Valentina Maria Fernandes Domingues

Mónica Alexandra de Oliveira Dias Teixeira

Maria João Dantas Ramalhosa Ferreira

José Tomás Veiga Soares de Albergaria

Subramanian Viswanathan

Abel José Assunção Duarte

Salomé Sousa Teixeira

Paula Celeste Baptista Paíga



Laurens Jans

Ruth Kupers

Renata Zapart

Alexandra Patrícia Rego Plácido

Laura Cristina Oliveira Sousa

Teresa Raquel da Silva Martins

Simão Pedro Marques Sacramento

Nélia Maria Pinto de Oliveira

Isabel Cristina Meneses Monteiro da Silva

Filipa Manuel Ferreira de Bessa

Nuno Roberto Brandão de Brito

Joanna Dziedzic

Marta Marcinek

Túlio Ítalo da Silva Oliveira




Rita Carneiro Alves

João Paulo Grosso Pacheco

Maria de Fátima de Sá Barroso BS


Ignace Windels



Marta Maria Pereira da Silva Neves

Virgínia Maria Monteiro da Cruz Fernandes

Lúcia Helena Moreira Lírio Matias dos Santos

José Luis Vera






Andreia Marlene Castro Rocha

Susana Natércia Oliveira Ribeiro

Sara Raquel Moreira Conde Rodrigues

Vítor José da Silva Couto

Ana Sofia Gomes Cerqueira

Andreia Sofia Correia Reis

Diana Alexandra dos Santos Pereira

Juliana Teixeira Duarte

Manuela Adriana Mendes Ferreira

Sara Isabel Ribeiro de Sousa

Susana Maria Garcês da Silva

Susana Marina de Bessa Martins

Tatiana Teixeira Gomes Fernandes

Elisabete Maria Rodrigues Silva

Carolina Ramos e Silva

Cristiana Isabel da Silva Fortunato

Nélson Miguel Santos Lopes

Osmar Filipe Oliveira Barroso Vaz

Ana Mafalda Santos Castro

Vânia Filipa Craveiro Castro

Vera Alexandra Tavares Barbosa







Marta Madalena Marques Oliveira

Susana Margarida Leite Machado

Francisco Wirley Paulino Ribeiro

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FCT-funded 4

Non-FCT funded 2


Papers (ISI-Web of Science) 25

Book chapters 4

Proceedings papers (international) 3

PhD theses 2

MSc theses 9

PRESENTATIONS (international)

Oral 4

Poster 33


Oral 6

Poster 24


Organization --

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In the subsequent sections a summary of some of the achievements in analytical chemistry in 2011 are presented,

for other publications and details the consultation of section is suggested.

1.1.1. Quality control and authenticity of food products


Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced as a consequence of normal aerobic metabolism and are able to induce DNA oxidative damage. At the cellular level, the evaluation of the protective effect of antioxidants can be achieved by examining the integrity of the DNA nucleobases using electrochemical techniques. Herein, the use of an adenine-rich oligonucleotide (dA21) adsorbed on carbon paste electrodes for the assessment of the antioxidant capacity is proposed. The method was based on the partial damage of a DNA layer adsorbed on the electrode surface by OH• radicals generated by Fenton reaction and the subsequent electrochemical oxidation of the intact adenine bases to generate an oxidation product that was able to catalyze the oxidation of NADH. The presence of antioxidant compounds scavenged hydroxyl radicals leaving more adenines unoxidized, and thus, increasing the electrocatalytic current of NADH measured by differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). Using ascorbic acid (AA) as a model antioxidant species, the detection of as low as 50nM of AA in aqueous solution was possible. The protection efficiency was evaluated for several antioxidant compounds. The biosensor was applied to the determination of the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) in beverages.

Published in: Biosensors and Bioelectronics 26 (5) (2011) 2396-2401.



The present work describes a solid-phase microextraction (SPME) gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) method to quantify 24 pesticides in fortified white wine and fortified red wine. In this study “fortified wine” refers to a wine in which fermentation is arrested before completion by alcohol distillate addition, allowing sugar and alcoholic contents to be higher (around 80-100 g/L total sugars and 19-22% alcohol strength (v/v)). The analytical method showed good linearity, presenting correlation coefficients (R

2) ≥ 0.989 for all compounds. Limits of detection (LOD) and quantitation (LOQ) in the ranges

of 0.05-72.35 and 0.16-219.23 μg/L, respectively, were obtained. LOQs are below the maximum residue levels (MRL) set by European Regulation for grapes. The proposed method was applied to 17 commercial fortified wines. The analyzed pesticides were not detected in the wines tested.

Published in: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 59 (13) (2011) 6847-6855.



Three commonly consumed and commercially valuable fish species (sardine, chub and horse mackerel) were collected from the Northeast and Eastern Central Atlantic Ocean in Portuguese waters during one year. Mercury, cadmium, lead and arsenic amounts were determined in muscles using graphite furnace and cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry. Maximum mean levels of mercury (0.1715 ± 0.0857 mg/kg, ww) and arsenic (1.139 ± 0.350 mg/kg, ww) were detected in horse mackerel. The higher mean amounts of cadmium (0.0084 ± 0.0036 mg/kg, ww) and lead (0.0379 ± 0.0303 mg/kg, ww) were determined in chub mackerel and in sardine, respectively. Intra- and inter-specific variability of metals bioaccumulation was statistically assessed and species and length revealed to be the major influencing biometric factors, in particular for mercury and arsenic. Muscles present metal concentrations below the tolerable limits considered by European Commission Regulation and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations/World Health Organization (FAO/WHO). However, estimation of non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic health risks by the target hazard quotient and target carcinogenic risk, established by the US Environmental Protection Agency, suggests that these species must be eaten in moderation due to possible hazard and carcinogenic risks derived from arsenic (in all analyzed species) and mercury ingestion (in horse and chub mackerel species).

Published in: Food and Chemical Toxicology 49 (4) (2011) 923-932.

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1.1.2. Environmental analysis


The evaluation of benzene in different environments such as indoor (with and without tobacco smoke), a city area, countryside, gas stations and near exhaust pipes from cars running on different types of fuels was performed. The samples were analyzed using gas chromatography (GC) with flame ionization detection (FID) and tandem mass spectrometric detection (MS/MS) (to confirm the identification of benzene in the air samples). Operating conditions for the GC-MS analysis were optimized as well as the sampling and sample preparation. The results obtained in this work indicate that i) the type of fuel directly influences the benzene concentration in the air. Gasoline with additives provided the highest amount of benzene followed by unleaded gasoline and diesel; ii) the benzene concentration in the gas station was always higher than the advisable limit established by law (5 μg m

−3) and during the unloading of gasoline the achieved

concentration was 8371 μg m−3

; iii) the data from the countryside (Taliscas) and the urban city (Matosinhos) were below 5 μg m

−3 except 5 days after a fire on a petroleum refinery plant located near the city; iv) it was

proven that in coffee shops where smoking is allowed the benzene concentration is higher (6 μg m−3) than in coffee shops where this is forbidden (4 μg m

−3). This method may also be helpful for environmental

analytical chemists who use GC-MS/MS for the confirmation or/and quantification of benzene.

Published in: Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 46 (2) (2011) 181-187.



As polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have a negative impact on human health due to their mutagenic and/or carcinogenic properties, the objective of this work was to study the influence of tobacco smoke on levels and phase distribution of PAHs and to evaluate the associated health risks. The air samples were collected at two homes; 18 PAHs (the 16 PAHs considered by U.S. EPA as priority pollutants, dibenzo[a,l]pyrene and benzo[j]fluoranthene) were determined in gas phase and associated with thoracic (PM10) and respirable (PM2.5) particles. At home influenced by tobacco smoke the total concentrations of 18 PAHs in air ranged from 28.3 to 106 ng m

-3 (mean of 66.7 ± 25.4 ng m

-3), ΣPAHs being 95% higher than at the

non-smoking one where the values ranged from 17.9 to 62.0 ng m-3

(mean of 34.5 ± 16.5 ng m-3

). On average 74% and 78% of ΣPAHs were present in gas phase at the smoking and non-smoking homes, respectively, demonstrating that adequate assessment of PAHs in air requires evaluation of PAHs in both gas and particulate phases. When influenced by tobacco smoke the health risks values were 3.5-3.6 times higher due to the exposure of PM10. The values of lifetime lung cancer risks were 4.1 × 10

-3 and 1.7 × 10

-3 for

the smoking and nonsmoking homes, considerably exceeding the health-based guideline level at both homes also due to the contribution of outdoor traffic emissions. The results showed that evaluation of benzo[a]pyrene alone would probably underestimate the carcinogenic potential of the studied PAH mixtures; in total ten carcinogenic PAHs represented 36% and 32% of the gaseous ΣPAHs and in particulate phase they accounted for 75% and 71% of ΣPAHs at the smoking and non-smoking homes, respectively.

Published in: Atmospheric Environment 45 (10) (2011) 1799-1808. 1.1.3. Health and pharmaceutical analysis


A nanohybrid electrochemical transducer surface was developed using carbon and gold nanomaterials. The strategy relayed on casting multiwalled carbon nanotubes or carbon nanofibers onto a screen-printed carbon electrode surface, followed by in situ generation of gold nanoparticles by electrochemical deposition of ionic gold, in a reproducible manner. These transducers, so fabricated, were characterized using both electrochemical and microscopic techniques. Biofunctionality was evaluated using the streptavidin-biotin interaction system as the biological reaction model. These platforms allow to achieve low detection limits (in the order of pmoles), are reproducible and stable at least for a month after their preparation, being a perfect candidate to be used as transducer of different sensor devices.

Published in: Electroanalysis 23 (1) (2011) 63-71.

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1.2. OUTPUT INDICATORS 1.2.1. Projects FCT-funded projects (includes collaborations with other institutions)


Reference PTDC/AGR-AAM/102316/2008 Title Cephalopods: -Benefits and risks of consumption; -Evaluation of biomarkers responses to organic


Responsible investigator Simone Barreira Morais

Principal contractor Instituto de Ciências e Tecnologias Agrárias e Agro-Alimentares-Porto (ICETA-Porto/UP)

Participating institution(s) Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental (CIIMAR/CIMAR) Universidade de Coimbra (UC)

Duration 36 months

Starting date February 5, 2010

Funding source Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)

Amount (total) € 153 790

Amount (ICETA) € 80 296


Reference PTDC/AGR-AAM/102447/2008 Title Spent coffee grounds: horticultural recovering program and implications in the vegetables

quality and safety

Responsible investigator Susana Isabel Pereira Casal Vicente (FF/UP)

Principal contractor Instituto de Ciências e Tecnologias Agrárias e Agro-Alimentares-Porto (ICETA-Porto/UP)

Participating institution(s) Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (IPBragança) LIPOR - Serviço Intermunicipalizado de Gestão de Resíduos do Grande Porto (LIPOR)

Duration 36 months

Starting date April 1, 2010

Funding source Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)

Amount (total) € 129 570

Amount (ICETA) € 64 548


Reference PTDC/SAU-ENB/114786/2009 Title Nano-electrode arrays Biosensor for Early and Decentralized Breast-Cancer Diagnosis

Responsible investigator Subramanian Viswanathan

Principal contractor Instituto de Ciências e Tecnologias Agrárias e Agro-Alimentares-Porto (ICETA-Porto/UP)

Participating institution(s) Instituto Português de Oncologia do Porto Francisco Gentil, EPE (IPO Porto)

Duration 36 months

Starting date July 1, 2011

Funding source Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)

Amount (total) € 112 547

Amount (ICETA) € 101 047


Reference FCT/CAPES (Ediçaõ 2010) – nº 128523811010164 Title Electroanalytical determination of pesticides in natural waters and foods using


Responsible investigator Maria Beatriz Prior Pinto Oliveira (FF/UP)

Principal contractor Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade do Porto (FM/UP)

Participating institution(s) Instituto de Ciências e Tecnologias Agrárias e Agro-Alimentares-Porto (ICETA-Porto/UP)

Duration 24 Months

Starting date February 1, 2011

Funding source Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) / Programa CAPES

Amount (total) € 10 000

Amount (ICETA) € 8 500

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[ 10 ] GRAQ | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 Non-FCT funded projects (includes collaborations with other institutions)


Reference Projectos Pluridisciplinares - Iniciação à Investigação na Universidade do Porto (IJUP) - Edição de 2010 (#187)

Title Suplementos alimentares ricos em selénio: estudo comparativo entre produtos, origens e aplicações

Responsible investigator Maria Beatriz Prior Pinto Oliveira (FF/UP)

Principal contractor Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade do Porto (FF/UP)

Participating institution(s) Instituto de Ciências e Tecnologias Agrárias e Agro-Alimentares-Porto (ICETA-Porto/UP)

Duration 12 months

Starting date December 1, 2010

Funding source Universidade do Porto

Amount (total) € 3 500

Amount (ICETA) € 3 500


Reference Projectos Pluridisciplinares - Iniciação à Investigação na Universidade do Porto (IJUP) - Edição de 2010 (#150)

Title Quantificação de poluentes orgânicos persistentes em amostras biológicas humanas - relação com a síndrome metabólica

Responsible investigator Rosário Monteiro (FM/UP)

Principal contractor Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto (FM/UP)

Participating institution(s) Instituto de Ciências e Tecnologias Agrárias e Agro-Alimentares-Porto (ICETA-Porto/UP)

Duration 12 months

Starting date December 1, 2010

Funding source Universidade do Porto

Amount (total) € 3 500

Amount (ICETA) € 1 750

1.2.2. Publications Papers in peer-reviewed Journals (ISI – Web of Science)


Authors M.F. Barroso, N. de-los-Santos-Álvarez, M.J. Lobo-Castañón, A.J. Miranda-Ordieres, C. Delerue-Matos, M.B.P.P. Oliveira, P. Tuñón-Blanco

Title DNA-based biosensor for the electrocatalytic determination of antioxidant capacity in beverages Journal Biosensors and Bioelectronics 26 (5) (2011) 2396-2401 Abstract Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced as a consequence of normal aerobic metabolism and are able to induce

DNA oxidative damage. At the cellular level, the evaluation of the protective effect of antioxidants can be achieved by examining the integrity of the DNA nucleobases using electrochemical techniques. Herein, the use of an adenine-rich oligonucleotide (dA21) adsorbed on carbon paste electrodes for the assessment of the antioxidant capacity is proposed. The method was based on the partial damage of a DNA layer adsorbed on the electrode surface by OH• radicals generated by Fenton reaction and the subsequent electrochemical oxidation of the intact adenine bases to generate an oxidation product that was able to catalyze the oxidation of NADH. The presence of antioxidant compounds scavenged hydroxyl radicals leaving more adenines unoxidized, and thus, increasing the electrocatalytic current of NADHmeasured by differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). Using ascorbic acid (AA) as a model antioxidant species, the detection of as low as 50nMof AA in aqueous solution was possible. The protection efficiency was evaluated for several antioxidant compounds. The biosensor was applied to the determination of the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) in beverages.

URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bios.2010.10.019 JCR impact factor (2010): 5.361


Authors M.M.P.S. Neves, M.B. González García, C. Delerue-Matos, A. Costa García Title Nanohybrid materials as transducer surfaces for electrochemical sensing applications Journal Electroanalysis 23 (1) (2011) 63-71 Abstract A nanohybrid electrochemical transducer surface was developed using carbon and gold nanomaterials. The strategy

relayed on casting multiwalled carbon nanotubes or carbon nanofibers onto a screen-printed carbon electrode surface, followed by in situ generation of gold nanoparticles by electrochemical deposition of ionic gold, in a

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reproducible manner. These transducers, so fabricated, were characterized using both electrochemical and microscopic techniques. Biofunctionality was evaluated using the streptavidin-biotin interaction system as the biological reaction model. These platforms allow to achieve low detection limits (in the order of pmoles), are reproducible and stable at least for a month after their preparation, being a perfect candidate to be used as transducer of different sensor devices.

URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/elan.201000427 JCR impact factor (2010): 2.721


Authors J.R.L. Guerreiro, V. Freitas, M.G.F. Sales Title New sensing materials of molecularly-imprinted polymers for the selective recognition of Chlortetracycline Journal Microchemical Journal 97 (2) (2011) 173-181 Abstract As a result of the stressful conditions in aquaculture facilities there is a high risk of bacterial infections among

cultured fish. Chlortetracycline (CTC) is one of the antimicrobials used to solve this problem. It is a broad spectrum antibacterial active against a wide range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Numerous analytical methods for screening, identifying, and quantifying CTC in animal products have been developed over the years. An alternative and advantageous method should rely on expeditious and efficient procedures providing highly specific and sensitive measurements in food samples. Ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) could meet these criteria. The only ISE reported in literature for this purpose used traditional electro-active materials. A selectivity enhancement could however be achieved after improving the analyte recognition by molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs). Several MIP particles were synthesized and used as electro-active materials. ISEs based in methacrylic acid monomers showed the best analytical performance according to slope (62.5 and 68.6 mV/decade) and detection limit (4.1×10


and 5.5×10−5

mol L−1

). The electrodes displayed good selectivity. The ISEs are not affected by pH changes ranging from 2.5 to 13. The sensors were successfully applied to the analysis of serum, urine and fish samples.

URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.microc.2010.08.011 JCR impact factor (2010): 2.480


Authors J.A. Sousa, V.F. Domingues, M.S. Rosas, S.O. Ribeiro, C.M. Alvim-Ferraz, C.F. Delerue-Matos Title Outdoor and indoor benzene evaluation by GC-FID and GC-MS/MS Journal Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 46 (2) (2011) 181-187 Abstract The evaluation of benzene in different environments such as indoor (with and without tobacco smoke), a city area,

countryside, gas stations and near exhaust pipes from cars running on different types of fuels was performed. The samples were analyzed using gas chromatography (GC) with flame ionization detection (FID) and tandem mass spectrometric detection (MS/MS) (to confirm the identification of benzene in the air samples). Operating conditions for the GC-MS analysis were optimized as well as the sampling and sample preparation. The results obtained in this work indicate that i) the type of fuel directly influences the benzene concentration in the air. Gasoline with additives provided the highest amount of benzene followed by unleaded gasoline and diesel; ii) the benzene concentration in the gas station was always higher than the advisable limit established by law (5 μg m

−3) and during

the unloading of gasoline the achieved concentration was 8371 μg m−3

; iii) the data from the countryside (Taliscas) and the urban city (Matosinhos) were below 5 μg m

−3 except 5 days after a fire on a petroleum refinery plant

located near the city; iv) it was proven that in coffee shops where smoking is allowed the benzene concentration is higher (6 μg m−3) than in coffee shops where this is forbidden (4 μg m

−3). This method may also be helpful for

environmental analytical chemists who use GC-MS/MS for the confirmation or/and quantification of benzene.

URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10934529.2011.532435 JCR impact factor (2010): 1.107


Authors H.M.V. Oliveira, F.T.C. Moreira, M.G.F. Sales Title Ciprofloxacin-imprinted polymeric receptors as ionophores for potentiometric transduction Journal Electrochimica Acta 56 (5) (2011) 2017-2023 Abstract A 3D-mirror synthetic receptor for ciprofloxacin host–guest interactions and potentiometric transduction is

presented. The host cavity was shaped on a polymeric surface assembled with methacrylic acid or 2-vinyl pyridine monomers by radical polymerization. Molecularly imprinted particles were dispersed in 2-nitrophenyl octyl ether and entrapped in a poly(vinyl chloride) matrix. The sensors exhibited a near-Nernstian response in steady state evaluations. Slopes and detection limits ranged from 26.8 to 50.0mVdecade

−1 and 1.0×10

−5 to 2.7×10

−5 mol L


respectively. Good selectivity was observed for trimethoprim, enrofloxacin, tetracycline, cysteine, galactose, hydroxylamine, creatinine, ammonium chloride, sucrose, glucose, sulphamerazine and sulfadiazine. The sensors were successfully applied to the determination of ciprofloxacin concentrations in fish and in pharmaceuticals. The method presented offered the advantages of simplicity, accuracy, applicability to colored and turbid samples and automation feasibility, as well as confirming the use of molecularly imprinted polymers as ionophores for organic ion recognition in potentiometric transduction.

URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.electacta.2010.11.082 JCR impact factor (2010): 3.650

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Authors T.S.C.R. Rebelo, S.A.A. Almeida, J.R.L.Guerreiro, M.C.B.S.M. Montenegro, M.G.F. Sales Title Trimethoprim-selective electrodes with molecularly-imprinted polymers acting as ionophores and potentiometric

transduction on graphite solid-contact Journal Microchemical Journal 98 (1) (2011) 21-28 Abstract This work proposes a new biomimetic sensor material for trimethoprim. It is prepared by means of radical

polymerization, having trimethylolpropane trimethacrylate as cross-linker, benzoyl peroxide as radicalar iniciator, chloroform as porogenic solvent, and methacrylic acid and 2-vinyl pyridine as monomers. Different percentages of sensor in a range between 1 and 6% were studied. Their behavior was compared to that obtained with ion-exchanger quaternary ammonium salt (additive tetrakis(p-chlorophenyl)borate or tetraphenylborate). The effect of an anionic additive in the sensing membrane was also tested. Trimethoprim sensors with 1% of imprinted particles from methacrylic acid monomers showed the best response in terms of slope (59.7 mV/decade) and detection limit (4.01×10

-7 mol/L). These electrodes displayed also a good selectivity towards nickel, manganese aluminium,

ammonium, lead, potassium, sodium, iron, chromium, sulfadiazine, alanine, cysteine, tryptophan, valine and glycine. The sensors were not affected by pH changes from 2 to 6. They were successfully applied to the analysis of water from aquaculture.

URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.microc.2010.10.006 JCR impact factor (2010): 2.480


Authors C. Vieira, S. Morais, S. Ramos, C. Delerue-Matos, M.B.P.P. Oliveira Title Mercury, cadmium, lead and arsenic levels in three pelagic fish species from the Atlantic Ocean: Intra- and inter-

specific variability and human health risks for consumption Journal Food and Chemical Toxicology 49 (4) (2011) 923-932 Abstract Three commonly consumed and commercially valuable fish species (sardine, chub and horse mackerel) were

collected from the Northeast and Eastern Central Atlantic Ocean in Portuguese waters during one year. Mercury, cadmium, lead and arsenic amounts were determined in muscles using graphite furnace and cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry. Maximum mean levels of mercury (0.1715 ± 0.0857 mg/kg, ww) and arsenic (1.139 ± 0.350 mg/kg, ww) were detected in horse mackerel. The higher mean amounts of cadmium (0.0084 ± 0.0036 mg/kg, ww) and lead (0.0379 ± 0.0303 mg/kg, ww) were determined in chub mackerel and in sardine, respectively. Intra- and inter-specific variability of metals bioaccumulation was statistically assessed and species and length revealed to be the major influencing biometric factors, in particular for mercury and arsenic. Muscles present metal concentrations below the tolerable limits considered by European Commission Regulation and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations/World Health Organization (FAO/WHO). However, estimation of non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic health risks by the target hazard quotient and target carcinogenic risk, established by the US Environmental Protection Agency, suggests that these species must be eaten in moderation due to possible hazard and carcinogenic risks derived from arsenic (in all analyzed species) and mercury ingestion (in horse and chub mackerel species).

URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fct.2010.12.016 JCR impact factor (2010): 2.602


Authors D. Castro, K. Slezakova, C. Delerue-Matos, M.C. Alvim-Ferraz, S. Morais, M.C. Pereira Title Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in gas and particulate phases of indoor environments influenced by tobacco

smoke: Levels, phase distributions, and health risks Journal Atmospheric Environment 45 (10) (2011) 1799-1808 Abstract As polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have a negative impact on human health due to their mutagenic and/or

carcinogenic properties, the objective of this work was to study the influence of tobacco smoke on levels and phase distribution of PAHs and to evaluate the associated health risks. The air samples were collected at two homes; 18 PAHs (the 16 PAHs considered by U.S. EPA as priority pollutants, dibenzo[a,l]pyrene and benzo[j]fluoranthene) were determined in gas phase and associated with thoracic (PM10) and respirable (PM2.5) particles. At home influenced by tobacco smoke the total concentrations of 18 PAHs in air ranged from 28.3 to 106 ng m

-3 (mean of 66.7 ± 25.4 ng m


3), ΣPAHs being 95% higher than at the non-smoking one where the values ranged from 17.9 to 62.0 ng m

-3 (mean of

34.5 ± 16.5 ng m-3

). On average 74% and 78% of ΣPAHs were present in gas phase at the smoking and non-smoking homes, respectively, demonstrating that adequate assessment of PAHs in air requires evaluation of PAHs in both gas and particulate phases. When influenced by tobacco smoke the health risks values were 3.5-3.6 times higher due to the exposure of PM10. The values of lifetime lung cancer risks were 4.1 × 10

-3 and 1.7 × 10

-3 for the smoking

and nonsmoking homes, considerably exceeding the health-based guideline level at both homes also due to the contribution of outdoor traffic emissions. The results showed that evaluation of benzo[a]pyrene alone would probably underestimate the carcinogenic potential of the studied PAH mixtures; in total ten carcinogenic PAHs represented 36% and 32% of the gaseous ΣPAHs and in particulate phase they accounted for 75% and 71% of ΣPAHs at the smoking and non-smoking homes, respectively.

URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.01.018 JCR impact factor (2010): 3.226

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Authors F.T.C. Moreira, V.A.P. Freitas, M.G.F. Sales Title Biomimetic norfloxacin sensors made of molecularly-imprinted materials for potentiometric transduction Journal Microchimica Acta 172 (1-2) (2011) 15-23 Abstract A biomimetic sensor for norfloxacin is presented that is based on host-guest interactions and potentiometric

transduction. The artificial host was imprinted into polymers made from methacrylic acid and/or 2-vinyl pyridine. The resulting particles were entrapped in a plasticized poly(vinylchloride) (PVC) matrix. The sensors exhibit near-Nernstian response in steady state evaluations, and detection limits range from 0.40 to 1.0 μg mL

−1, respectively,

and are independent of pH values at between 2 and 6, and 8 and 11, respectively. Good selectivity was observed over several potential interferents. In flowing media, the sensors exhibit fast response, a sensitivity of 68.2 mV per decade, a linear range from 79 μM to 2.5 mM, a detection limit of 20 μg mL

−1, and a stable baseline. The sensors

were successfully applied to field monitoring of norfloxacin in fish samples, biological samples, and pharmaceutical products.

URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00604-010-0464-4 JCR impact factor (2010): 2.578


Authors J.R.L. Guerreiro, M.G.F. Sales, F.T.C. Moreira, T.S.R. Rebelo Title Selective recognition in potentiometric transduction of amoxicillin by molecularly imprinted materials Journal European Food Research and Technology 232 (1) (2011) 39-50 Abstract The indiscriminate use of antibiotics in foodproducing animals has received increasing attention as a contributory

factor in the international emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria (Woodward in Pesticide, veterinary and other residues in food, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2004). Numerous analytical methods for quantifying antibacterial residues in edible animal products have been developed over years (Woodward in Pesticide, veterinary and other residues in food, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2004; Botsoglou and Fletouris in Handbook of food analysis, residues and other food component analysis, Marcel Dekker, Ghent, 2004). Being Amoxicillin (AMOX) one of those critical veterinary drugs, efforts have been made to develop simple and expeditious methods for its control in food samples. In literature, only one AMOX-selective electrode has been reported so far. In that work, phosphotungstate: amoxycillinium ion exchanger was used as electroactive material (Shoukry et al. in Electroanalysis 6:914–917, 1994). Designing new materials based on molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) which are complementary to the size and charge of AMOX could lead to very selective interactions, thus enhancing the selectivity of the sensing unit. AMOXselective electrodes used imprinted polymers as electroactive materials having AMOX as target molecule to design a biomimetic imprinted cavity. Poly(vinyl chloride), sensors of methacrylic acid displayed Nernstian slopes (60.7 mV/decade) and low detection limits (2.9 9 10-5 mol/L). The potentiometric responses were not affected by pH within 4–5 and showed good selectivity. The electrodes were applied successfully to the analysis of real samples.

URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00217-010-1360-1 JCR impact factor (2010): 1.585


Authors J. Martins, C. Esteves, A. Limpo-Faria, P. Barros, N. Ribeiro, T. Simões, M. Correia, C. Delerue-Matos Title Multiresidue method for the determination of organophosphorus pesticides in still wine and fortified wine using

solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry Journal Analytical Letters 44 (6) (2011) 1021-1035 Abstract A SPME-GC-MS/MS method for the determination of eight organophosphorus pesticides (azinphos-methyl,

chlorpyriphos, chlorpyriphos-methyl, diazinon, fenitrothion, fenthion, malathion, and methidathion) in still and fortified wine was developed. The extraction procedure is simple, solvent free, and without any sample pretreatment. Limits of detection (LOD) and quantitation (LOQ) values in the range 0.1-14.3 µg/L and 0.2-43.3 µg/L, respectively, were obtained. The LOQ values are below the maximum residue levels (MRLs) established by European Regulation for grapes, with the exception of methidathion. Coefficients of correlation (R

2) higher than 0.99 were

obtained for the majority of the pesticides, in all different wines analyzed.

URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00032719.2010.511735 JCR impact factor (2010): 0.920


Authors M.F. Barroso, C. Delerue-Matos, M.B.P.P. Oliveira Title Electrochemical DNA-sensor for evaluation of total antioxidant capacity of flavours and flavoured waters using

superoxide radical damage Journal Biosensors and Bioelectronics 26 (9) (2011) 3748-3754 Abstract In this paper, a biosensor based on a glassy carbon electrode (GCE) was used for the evaluation of the total

antioxidant capacity (TAC) of flavours and flavoured waters. This biosensor was constructed by immobilizing purine bases, guanine and adenine, on a GCE. Square wave voltammetry (SWV) was selected for the development of this methodology. Damage caused by the reactive oxygen species (ROS), superoxide radical (O2·

−), generated by the

xanthine/xanthine oxidase (XOD) system on the DNA-biosensor was evaluated. DNA-biosensor encountered with oxidative lesion when it was in contact with the O2·

−. There was less oxidative damage when reactive antioxidants

were added. The antioxidants used in this work were ascorbic acid, gallic acid, caffeic acid, coumaric acid and resveratrol. These antioxidants are capable of scavenging the superoxide radical and therefore protect the purine

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bases immobilized on the GCE surface. The results demonstrated that the DNA-based biosensor is suitable for the rapid assess of TAC in beverages.

URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bios.2011.02.015 JCR impact factor (2010): 5.361


Authors M.F. Barroso, J.P. Noronha, C. Delerue-Matos, M.B.P.P. Oliveira Title Flavored Waters: Influence of Ingredients on Antioxidant Capacity and Terpenoid Profile by HS-SPME/GC-MS Journal Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 59 (9) (2011) 5062-5072 Abstract The antioxidant profiles of 39 water samples (29 flavored waters based on 10 natural waters) and 6 flavors used in

their formulation (furnished by producers) were determined. Total phenol and flavonoid contents, reducing power, and DPPH radical scavenging activity were the optical techniques implemented and included in the referred profile. Flavor extracts were analyzed by HS-SPME/GC-MS to obtain the qualitative and quantitative profiles of the volatile fraction of essential oils. Results pointed out a higher reducing power (0.14-11.8 mg of gallic acid/L) and radical scavenging activity (0.29-11.5 mg Trolox/L) of flavored waters compared with the corresponding natural ones, an interesting fact concerning human health. Bioactive compounds, such as polyphenols, were present in all samples (0.5-359 mg of gallic acid/L), whereas flavonoids were not present either in flavored waters or in flavors. The major components of flavor extracts were monoterpenes, such as citral, α-limonene, carveol, and α-terpineol.

URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/jf1048244 JCR impact factor (2010): 2.816


Authors F.T.C. Moreira, M.G.F. Sales Title Biomimetic sensors of molecularly–imprinted polymers for Chlorpromazine determination Journal Materials Science and Engineering: C 31 (5) (2011) 1121-1128 Abstract A new man-tailored biomimetic sensor for Chlorpromazine host-guest interactions and potentiometric transduction

is presented. The artificial host was imprinted within methacrylic acid, 2-vinyl pyridine and 2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propanesulfonic acid based polymers. Molecularly imprinted particles were dispersed in 2-nitrophenyloctyl ether and entrapped in a poly(vinyl chloride) matrix. Slopes and detection limits ranged 51–67 mV/decade and 0.46–3.9 μg/mL, respectively, in steady state conditions. Sensors were independent from the pH of test solutions within 2.0–5.5.Good selectivity was observed towards oxytetracycline, doxytetracycline, ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin, nalidixic acid, sulfadiazine, trimethoprim, glycine, hydroxylamine, cysteine and creatinine. Analytical features in flowing media were evaluated on a double-channel manifold, with a carrier solution of 5.0×10

-2 mol/L phosphate buffer.

Near-Nernstian response was observed over the concentration range 1.0×10-4

to 1.0×10-2

mol/L. Average slopes were about 48 mV/decade. The sensors were successfully applied to field monitoring of CPZ in fish samples, offering the advantages of simplicity, accuracy, automation feasibility and applicability to complex samples.

URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.msec.2011.04.012 JCR impact factor (2010): 2.180


Authors K. Slezakova, D. Castro, A. Begonha, C. Delerue-Matos, M.C. Alvim-Ferraz, S. Morais, M.C. Pereira Title Air pollution from traffic emissions in Oporto, Portugal: Health and environmental implications Journal Microchemical Journal 99 (1) (2011) 51-59 Abstract Air pollution represents a serious risk not only to environment and human health, but also to historical heritage. In

this study, air pollution of the Oporto Metropolitan Area and its main impacts were characterized. The results showed that levels of CO, PM10 and SO2 have been continuously decreasing in the respective metropolitan area while levels of NOx and NO2 have not changed significantly. Traffic emissions were the main source of the determined polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs; 16 PAHs considered by U.S. EPA as priority pollutants, dibenzo[a,l]pyrene and benzo[j]fluoranthene) in air of the respective metropolitan area. The mean concentration of 18 PAHs in air was 69.9±39.7 ng m

−3 with 3–4 rings PAHs accounting for 75% of the total ΣPAHs. The health risk

analysis of PAHs in air showed that the estimated values of lifetime lung cancer risks considerably exceeded the health-based guideline level. Analytical results also confirm that historical monuments in urban areas act as passive repositories for air pollutants present in the surrounding atmosphere. FTIR and EDX analyses showed that gypsum was the most important constituent of black crusts of the characterized historical monument Monastery of Serra do Pilar classified as “UNESCO World Cultural Heritage”. In black crusts, 4–6 rings compounds accounted approximately for 85% of ΣPAHs. The diagnostic ratios confirmed that traffic emissions were the major source of PAHs in black crusts; PAH composition profiles were very similar for crusts and PM10 and PM2.5.

URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.microc.2011.03.010 JCR impact factor (2010): 2.480


Authors M.T. Oliva-Teles, C. Delerue-Matos, H.P.A. Nouws, M.C.M. Alvim-Ferraz Title Chromatographic techniques for the determination of free phenol in foundry resins Journal Analytical Letters 44 (8) (2011) 1536-1543 Abstract Phenol is a toxic compound present in a wide variety of foundry resins. Its quantification is important for the

characterization of the resins as well as for the evaluation of free contaminants present in foundry wastes. Two chromatographic methods, liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection (LC-UV) and gas chromatography with

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flame ionization detection (GC-FID), for the analysis of free phenol in several foundry resins, after a simple extraction procedure (30 min), were developed. Both chromatographic methods were suitable for the determination of phenol in the studied furanic and phenolic resins, showing good selectivity, accuracy (recovery 99–100%; relative deviations <5%), and precision (coefficients of variation <6%). The used ASTM reference method was only found to be useful in the analysis of phenolic resins, while the LC and GC methods were applicable for all the studied resins. The developed methods reduce the time of analysis from 3.5 hours to about 30 min and can readily be used in routine quality control laboratories.

URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00032719.2010.520383 JCR impact factor (2010): 0.920


Authors M.F. Barroso, N. de-los-Santos-Álvarez, M.J. Lobo-Castañón, A.J. Miranda-Ordieres, C. Delerue-Matos, M.B.P.P. Oliveira, P. Tuñón-Blanco

Title Electrocatalytic evaluation of DNA damage by superoxide radical for antioxidant capacity assessment Journal Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 659 (1) (2011) 43–49 Abstract The integrity of DNA purine bases was herein used to evaluate the antioxidant capacity. Unlike other DNA-based

antioxidant sensors reported so far, the damaging agent chosen was the O2•-

radical enzymatically generated by the xanthine/xanthine oxidase system. An adenine-rich oligonucleotide was adsorbed on carbon paste electrodes and subjected to radical damage in the presence/absence of several antioxidant compounds. As a result, partial damage on DNA was observed. A minor product of the radical oxidation was identified by cyclic voltammetry as a diimine adenine derivative also formed during the electrochemical oxidation of adenine/guanine bases. The protective efficiency of several antioxidant compounds was evaluated after electrochemical oxidation of the remaining unoxidized adenine bases, by measuring the electrocatalytic current of NADH mediated by the adsorbed catalyst species generated. A comparison between O2

•- and OH

• radicals as a source of DNA lesions and the scavenging

efficiency of various antioxidant compounds against both of them is discussed. Finally, the antioxidant capacity of beverages was evaluated and compared with the results obtained with an optical method.

URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jelechem.2011.04.022 JCR impact factor (2010): 2.733


Authors J. Martins, C. Esteves, T. Simões, M. Correia, C. Delerue-Matos Title Determination of 24 pesticide residues in fortified wine by solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography -

tandem mass spectrometry Journal Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 59 (13) (2011) 6847-6855 Abstract The present work describes a solid-phase microextraction (SPME) gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry

(MS/MS) method to quantify 24 pesticides in fortified white wine and fortified red wine. In this study “fortified wine” refers to a wine in which fermentation is arrested before completion by alcohol distillate addition, allowing sugar and alcoholic contents to be higher (around 80-100 g/L total sugars and 19-22% alcohol strength (v/v)). The analytical method showed good linearity, presenting correlation coefficients (R

2) ≥ 0.989 for all compounds. Limits

of detection (LOD) and quantitation (LOQ) in the ranges of 0.05-72.35 and 0.16-219.23 μg/L, respectively, were obtained. LOQs are below the maximum residue levels (MRL) set by European Regulation for grapes. The proposed method was applied to 17 commercial fortified wines. The analyzed pesticides were not detected in the wines tested.

URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/jf104801c JCR impact factor (2010): 2.816


Authors V. Fernandes, V. Domingues, N. Mateus, C. Delerue-Matos Title Organochlorine Pesticides Residues in Strawberries from Integrated Pest Management and Organic Farming Journal Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 59 (14) (2011) 7582-7591 Abstract A rapid, specific, and sensitive method based on the Quick Easy Cheap Effective Rugged and Safe (QuEChERS)

method and a cleanup using dispersive solid-phase extraction with MgSO4, PSA, and C18 sorbents has been developed for the routine analysis of 14 pesticides in strawberries. The analyses were performed by three different analytical methodologies: gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detection (ECD), mass spectrometry (MS), and tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). The recoveries for all the pesticides studied were from 46 to 128%, with relative standard deviation of <15% in the concentration range of 0.005−0.250 mg/kg. The limit of detection (LOD) for all compounds met maximum residue limits (MRL) accepted in Portugal for organochlorine pesticides (OCP). A survey study of strawberries produced in Portugal in the years 2009−2010 obtained from organic farming (OF) and integrated pest management (IPM) was developed. Lindane and β-endosulfan were detected above the MRL in OF

and IPM. Other OCP (aldrin, o,p′-DDT and their metabolites, and methoxychlor) were found below the MRL. The

OCP residues detected decreased from 2009 to 2010. The QuEChERS method was successfully applied to the analysis of strawberry samples.

URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/jf103899r JCR impact factor (2010): 2.816

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Authors C. Mansilha, A. Melo, I.M.P.L.V.O. Ferreira, O. Pinho, V. Domingues, C. Pinho, P. Gameiro Title Groundwater from Infiltration Galleries Used for Small Public Water Supply Systems: Contamination with Pesticides

and Endocrine Disruptors Journal Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 87 (3) (2011) 312-318 Abstract Infiltration galleries are among the oldest known means used for small public water fountains. Owing to its

ancestral origin they are usually associated with high quality water. Thirty-one compounds, including pesticides and estrogens from different chemical families, were analysed in waters from infiltration galleries collected in Alto Douro Demarcated Wine region (North of Portugal). A total of twelve compounds were detected in the water samples. Nine of these compounds are described as presenting evidence or potential evidence of interfering with the hormone system of humans and wildlife. Although concentrations of the target analytes were relatively low, many of them below their limit of quantification, four compounds were above quantification limit and two of them even above the legal limit of 0.1 µg/L: dimethoate (30.38 ng/L), folpet (64.35 ng/L), terbuthylazine-desethyl (22.28 to 292.36 ng/L) and terbuthylazine (22.49 to 369.33 ng/L).

URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00128-011-0337-5 JCR impact factor (2010): 1.139


Authors M.F. Barroso, C. Delerue-Matos, M.B.P.P. Oliveira Title Evaluation of the total antioxidant capacity of flavored water and electrochemical purine damage by sulfate radicals

using a purine-based sensor Journal Electrochimica Acta 56 (24) (2011) 8954-8961 Abstract In this study, a method for the electrochemical quantification of the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) in beverages

was developed. The method is based on the oxidative damage to the purine bases, adenine or guanine, that are immobilized on a glassy carbon electrode (GCE) surface. The oxidative lesions on the DNA bases were promoted by the sulfate radical generated by the persulfate/iron(II) system. The presence of antioxidants on the reactive system promoted the protection of the DNA bases immobilized on the GCE by scavenging the sulfate radical. Square-wave voltammetry (SWV) was the electrochemical technique used to perform this study. The efficiencies of five antioxidants (ascorbic acid, gallic acid, caffeic acid, coumaric acid and resveratrol) in scavenging the sulfate radical and, therefore, their ability to protect the purine bases immobilized on the GCE were investigated. These results demonstrated that the purine-based biosensor is suitable for the rapid assessment of the TAC in flavors and flavored water.

URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.electacta.2011.07.135 JCR impact factor (2010): 3.642


Authors A.H. Kamel, F.T.C. Moreira, T.S.R. Rebelo, M.G.F. Sales Title Molecularly-imprinted materials for potentiometric transduction: application to the antibiotic enrofloxacin Journal Analytical Letters 44 (12) (2011) 2107-2123 Abstract Enrofloxacin (ENR) is an antimicrobial used both in humans and in food producing species. Its control is required in

farmed species and their surroundings in order to reduce the prevalence of antibiotic resistant bacteria. Thus, a new biomimetic sensor enrofloxacin is presented. An artificial host was imprinted in specific polymers. These were dispersed in 2-nitrophenyloctyl ether and entrapped in a poly(vinyl chloride) matrix. The potentiometric sensors exhibited a near-Nernstian response. Slopes expressing mV/Δlog([ENR]/M) varied within 48–63. The detection limits ranged from 0.28 to 1.01 µg mL

-1. Sensors were independent from the pH of test solutions within 4–7. Good

selectivity was observed toward potassium, calcium, barium, magnesium, glycine, ascorbic acid, creatinine, norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin, and tetracycline. In flowing media, the biomimetic sensors presented good reproducibility (RSD of ± 0.7%), fast response, good sensitivity (47 mV/Δlog([ENR]/M), wide linear range (1.0 × 10


1.0 × 10-3

M), low detection limit (0.9 µg mL-1

), and a stable baseline for a 5 × 10-2

M acetate buffer (pH 4.7) carrier. The sensors were used to analyze fish samples. The method offered the advantages of simplicity, accuracy, and automation feasibility. The sensing membrane may contribute to the development of small devices allowing in vivo measurements of enrofloxacin or parent-drugs.

URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00032719.2010.546021 JCR impact factor (2010): 0.920


Authors V.C. Fernandes, V.F. Domingues, N. Mateus, C. Delerue-Matos Title Determination of pesticides in fruits and juices. An overview Journal Journal of Chromatographic Science 49 (9) (2011) 715-730 Abstract In order to combat a variety of pests, pesticides are widely used in fruits. Several extraction procedures (liquid

extraction, single drop microextraction, microwave-assisted extraction, pressurized liquid extraction, supercritical fluid extraction, solid-phase extraction, solid-phase microextraction, matrix solid-phase dispersion, and stir bar sorptive extraction) have been reported to determine pesticide residues in fruits and fruit juices. The significant change in recent years is the introduction of the Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, and Safe (QuEChERS) methods in these matrices analysis. A combination of techniques reported the use of new extraction methods and chromatography to provide better quantitative recoveries at low levels. The use of mass spectrometric detectors in

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combination with liquid and gas chromatography has played a vital role to solve many problems related to food safety. The main attention in this review is on the achievements that have been possible because of the progress in extraction methods and the latest advances and novelties in mass spectrometry, and how these progresses have influenced the best control of food, allowing for an increase in the food safety and quality standards.

URL http://www.j-chrom-sci.com JCR impact factor (2010): 1.078


Authors M.F. Barroso, N. de-los-Santos-Álvarez, C. Delerue-Matos, M.B.P.P. Oliveira Title Towards a reliable technology for antioxidant capacity and oxidative damage evaluation: electrochemical

(bio)sensors Journal Biosensors and Bioelectronics 30 (1) (2011) 1-12 Abstract To counteract and prevent the deleterious effect of free radicals the living organisms have developed complex

endogenous and exogenous antioxidant systems. Several analytical methodologies have been proposed in order to quantify antioxidants in food, beverages and biological fluids. This paper revises the electroanalytical approaches developed for the assessment of the total or individual antioxidant capacity. Four electrochemical sensing approaches have been identified, based on the direct electrochemical detection of antioxidant at bare or chemically modified electrodes, and using enzymatic and DNA-based biosensors.

URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bios.2011.08.036 JCR impact factor (2010): 5.361


Authors A.H. Kamel, F.T.C. Moreira, M.G.F. Sales Title Biomimetic Sensor Potentiometric System for Doxycycline Antibiotic Using a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer as an

Artificial Recognition Element Journal Sensor Letters 9 (5) (2012) 1654-1660. Abstract Molecular imprinting is a useful technique for the preparation of functional materials with molecular recognition

properties. A Biomimetic Sensor Potentiometric System was developed for assessment of doxycycline (DOX) antibiotic. The molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) was synthesized by using doxycycline as a template molecule, methacrylic acid (MAA) and/or acrylamide (AA) as a functional monomer and ethylene glycol dimethacrylat (EGDMA) as a cross-linking agent. The sensing elements were fabricated by the inclusion of DOX imprinted polymers in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) matrix. The sensors showed a high selectivity and a sensitive response to the template in aqueous system. Electrochemical evaluation of these sensors under static (batch) mode of operation reveals near-Nernstian response. MIP/MAA membrane sensor was incorporated in flow-through cells and used as detectors for flow injection analysis (FIA) of DOX. The method has the requisite accuracy, sensitivity and precision to assay DOX in tablets and biological fluids.

URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1166/sl.2011.1707 JCR impact factor (2010): 0.602 Papers in peer-reviewed Journals (non-ISI – Web of Science)

No ‘non-ISI’ papers were published in 2011. Books/chapters in books


Author(s) M. Correia, M.B.P.P. Oliveira, C. Delerue-Matos Chapter/title Chapter 3 / Nitrate and Nitrate Contents of Fresh Vegetable Samples. A Review Pages 99-124 Book Nutritional Insights and Food Safety Editor(s) J. Švarc-Gajić Publisher Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Hauppauge NY, United States of America ISBN 978-1-61122-130-5


Author(s) M.J. Ramalhosa, S. Morais, C. Delerue-Matos, M.B.P.P. Oliveira Chapter/title Chapter 7 / Occurrence of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons & Seafood Safety Pages 161-202 Book Nutritional Insights and Food Safety Editor(s) J. Švarc-Gajić Publisher Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Hauppauge NY, United States of America ISBN 978-1-61122-130-5

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Author(s) S. Morais, M. Correia, V. Domingues, C. Delerue-Matos Chapter/title Chapter 10 / Urea Pesticides Pages 241-262 Book Pesticides - Strategies for Pesticides Analysis Editor(s) M. Stoytcheva Publisher InTech, Rijeka, Croatia ISBN 978-953-307-460-3


Author(s) S. Viswanathan Chapter/title Nanomaterials in Soil and Food Analysis Pages 499-503 Book Encyclopedia of Agrophysics Editor(s) J. Gliński, J. Horabik, J. Lipiec Publisher Springer, Netherlands ISBN 978-90-481-3584-4 Proceedings papers (international conferences)


Author(s) A. Torrinha, J. Rocha, A. Guedes, S. Morais Title Optimization of The Energy Consumption of the Hot-Stretch and Dipping Units for Treatment of Twisted Yarn

and Cord Fabric for Production of Tires Conference 4rd International Congress of Energy and Environment Engineering and Management City,Country Merida, Spain Date(s) May 25-27, 2011 Page(s) 1-4


Author(s) K. Slezakova, C. Delerue-Matos, M.C. Alvim-Ferraz, S. Morais, M.C. Pereira Title Influence of Forest Fires on Levels of PM10 and PM2.5 in Northern Region of Portugal: Preliminary Study Conference Global Conference on Global Warming-2011 (Eds. A. M. Silva, A. H. Reis, D. Bortoli, J. Carneiro, M. J. Costa, M.

Bezzeghoud, R. Salgado. ISBN: 978-989-95091-3-9) City,Country Lisbon, Portugal Date(s) July 11-14, 2011 Page(s) 255-259


Author(s) K. Slezakova, C. Delerue-Matos, M.C. Alvim-Ferraz, S. Morais, M.C. Pereira Title Influence of Vehicular Transport on Air Pollution in Oporto, Portugal: Particulate-bound Polycyclic Aromatic

Hydrocarbons Conference Global Conference on Global Warming-2011 (Eds. A. M. Silva, A. H. Reis, D. Bortoli, J. Carneiro, M. J. Costa, M.

Bezzeghoud, R. Salgado. ISBN: 978-989-95091-3-9) City,Country Lisbon, Portugal Date(s) July 11-14, 2011 Page(s) 807-813

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GRAQ | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 [ 19 ] Ph.D. theses


Author Maria de Fátima de Sá Barroso Title Capacidade antioxidante de bebidas aromatizadas: águas e chás Institution Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade do Porto (FF/UP) PhD Pharmaceutical Sciences - Analytical Chemistry Specialty Date July 25, 2011 Supervisor(s) Maria Beatriz Prior Pinto Oliveira (FF/UP)


Author Maria João Dantas Ramalhosa Ferreira Title Avaliação da Segurança das Espécies de Peixe mais Consumidas em Portugal no que se Refere aos Teores de

Hidrocarbonetos Aromáticos Policíclicos Institution Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade do Porto (FF/UP) PhD Pharmaceutical Sciences - Analytical Chemistry Specialty Date December 22, 2011 Supervisor(s) Maria Beatriz Prior Pinto Oliveira (FF/UP)

Cristina Maria Fernandes Delerue Alvim de Matos Simone Barreira Morais MSc theses


Author Laurens Jans Title Determination of endocrine disruptor pesticides in river waters by GC-MS and GC-ECD using SPME Institution Katholieke Hogeschool Limburg (KAHO Limburg, BE) (Erasmus Student) MSc Industrial Sciences, Chemistry Date June 20, 2011 Supervisor(s) Valentina Maria Fernandes Domingues

Rita de Waele (KAHO Limburg)


Author Ruth Kupers Title Monitoring salt levels in bread and dough samples by Mohr method, a combined Ag-ring electrode and a self-

developed chloride selective electrode Institution Katholieke Hogeschool Limburg (KAHO Limburg, BE) (Erasmus Student) MSc Industrial Sciences, Biochemistry Date June 20, 2011 Supervisor(s) Cristina Maria Fernandes Delerue Alvim de Matos

Miriam Meyers (KAHO Limburg)


Author Renata Zapart Title Synthesis of core-shell magnetic nanoparticles for biosensor applications Institution Technical University Lodz (PL) (Erasmus Student) MSc Date July 14, 2011 Supervisor(s) Subramanian Viswanathan


Author Alexandra Patrícia Rego Plácido Title Determinação dos teores de sal no pão antes e após cozedura Institution Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade do Porto (FF/UP) MSc Quality Control, Food and Water Date July 29, 2011 Supervisor(s) Maria Beatriz Prior Pinto Oliveira (FF/UP)

Cristina Maria Fernandes Delerue Alvim de Matos Hendrikus Petrus Antonius Nouws


Author Laura Cristina Oliveira Sousa Title Implementação e validação de um método de avaliação do perfil de ácidos gordos e do teor de gordura em

alimentos por cromatografia gasosa Institution Instituto Superior de Engenharia, Instituto Politécnico do Porto MSc IPP/ISEP/DEQ Master in Chemical Engineering - Environmental Protection Technologies Date November 15, 2011 Supervisor(s) Cristina Maria Fernandes Delerue Alvim de Matos

Alice Santos (Silliker Portugal, S.A.)

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Author Teresa Raquel da Silva Martins Title Qualidade do Chocolate - Estudo de alguns parâmetros Institution Instituto Superior de Engenharia, Instituto Politécnico do Porto MSc IPP/ISEP/DEQ Master in Chemical Engineering - Energy Optimization in the Chemical Industry Date November 15, 2011 Supervisor(s) Maria Teresa Pereira de Oliva Teles Moreira

Júlia Maria de Coelho dos Santos de Magalhães (FE/UP) Sofia Alexandra Almeida Ferreira Vieira da Silva (Imperial - Produtos Alimentares, S.A.)


Author Simão Pedro Marques Sacramento Title Electrospun Polyaniline-Reduced Graphene Oxide Composite Nanofibers Based High Sensitive Ammonia Gas

Sensor Institution Instituto Superior de Engenharia, Instituto Politécnico do Porto MSc IPP/ISEP/DFI Master in Computing and Medical Instrumentation Date November 16, 2011 Supervisor(s) Cristina Maria Fernandes Delerue Alvim de Matos

Subramanian Viswanathan


Author Nélia Maria Pinto de Oliveira Title Biossensor para deteção do antigénio específico da próstata Institution Universidade de Aveiro MSc Master in Molecular and Cellular Biology Date December 15, 2011 Supervisor(s) Simone Barreira Morais

Maria de Lourdes Pereira (Univ. Aveiro)


Author Isabel Cristina Meneses Monteiro da Silva Title Determinação de metabolitos piretróides na urina Institution Cooperativa de Ensino Superior, Politécnico e Universitário (CESPU) MSc Forensic Sciences Date December 20, 2011 Supervisor(s) Valentina Maria Fernandes Domingues

Maria Begoña Criado (CESPU)

1.2.3. Presentations in international conferences Oral


Author(s) V.C. Fernandes Title Pesticides analysis of strawberries grown using integrated pest management or organic farming Conference USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) City,Country Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania, United States of America Date(s) March 23, 011 Number n/a Page(s) n/a


Author(s) C.C. Sá, D. Pestana, V. Fernandes, G. Faria, D. Teixeira, A. Faria, M. Meireles, A. Cunha, E. Moreira, B. Santos, S. Martins, R. Monteiro, V. Domingues, C. Delerue-Santos, C. Calhau

Title Human adipose tissue levels of persistent organic pollutants (pops) in an obese portuguese population undergoing bariatric surgery – metabolic improvement versus pops burden

Conference X Congresso de Nutrição e Alimentação & II Congresso Ibero-Americano de Nutrição, “Nutrição e Saúde – Um desafio global”

City,Country Lisbon, Portugal Date(s) May 12-13, 2011 Number CO31 Page(s) 8

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Author(s) K. Slezakova, C. Delerue-Matos, M.C. Alvim-Ferraz, S. Morais, M.C. Pereira Title Influence of Vehicular Transport on Air Pollution in Oporto, Portugal: Particulate-bound Polycyclic Aromatic

Hydrocarbons Conference Global Conference on Global Warming-2011 City,Country Lisbon, Portugal Date(s) July 11-14, 2011 Number 221 Page(s) 77-78


Author(s) P. Paíga, S. Silva, T. Fernandes, L.H.M.L.M. Santos, C. Amorim, A.N. Araújo, M.C.B.S.M. Montenegro, C. Delerue-Matos

Title Determination of ibuprofen in Portuguese river waters using solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography Conference XVII Encontro Galego-Portugués de Química City,Country Pontevedra, Spain Date(s) November, 9-11 Number F-16 Page(s) 44 Poster


Author(s) M.R. Carvalho, I.M.C. Almeida, A.S.G. Costa, R.C. Alves, M.F. Barroso, M.B.P.P. Oliveira Title Dietary supplements and teas: comparison of phenolics content and antiradical activity Conference Fruit & Veg Processing – 1st Euro-Mediterranean Symposium City,Country Avignon, France Date(s) April 18-21, 2011 Number P23 Page(s) 170


Author(s) A. Torrinha, J. Rocha, A. Guedes, S. Morais Title Optimization of The Energy Consumption of the Hot-Stretch and Dipping Units for Treatment of Twisted Yarn

and Cord Fabric for Production of Tires Conference 4

rd International Congress of Energy and Environment Engineering and Management

City,Country Merida, Spain Date(s) May 25-27, 2011 Number n/a Page(s) 233


Author(s) E.F.C. Simões, A.J. Duarte, J.M.M. Leitão, J.C.G.E. Silva Title Evalution of a reduced fluoresceinamine sensor for nitric oxide Conference IV Congresso Ibero-Americano de Ciências Farmacêuticas City,Country Lisbon, Portugal Date(s) June 21-23, 2011 Number P-E-03 Page(s) 194


Author(s) N.Ribeiro, S.R.Sousa, F.J.Monteiro

Title SPARC adsorption on nanophased hydroxyapatite and its influence on MC3T3-E1 osteoblast adhesion and morphology

Conference Biological Surfaces and Interfaces conference, European Science Foundation (ESF) City,Country Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain Date(s) June 26 - July 1, 2011 Number Poster 68 Page(s) n/a


Author(s) K. Slezakova, C. Delerue-Matos, M.C. Alvim-Ferraz, S. Morais, M.C. Pereira Title Influence of Forest Fires on Levels of PM10 and PM2.5 in Northern Region of Portugal: Preliminary Study Conference Global Conference on Global Warming-2011 City,Country Lisbon, Portugal Date(s) July 11-14, 2011 Number 226 Page(s) 36

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Author(s) D. Pestana, V. Fernandes, G. Faria, C. Sá, M. Meireles, R. Monteiro, V. Domingues, C. Calhau Title Persistent organic pollutant (POPs) levels in human visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue on an obese

Portuguese population—Metabolic improvement after bariatric surgery versus POPs burden Conference 47th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX) City,Country Paris, France Date(s) August 28-30, 2011 Number P1050 Page(s) Toxicology Letters 205S (2011) S75-S76


Author(s) G.R. Faria, D. Pestana, V. Fernandes, D. Teixeira, A. Faria, M. Meireles, C. Sá, A. Cunha, E. Moreira, B. Santos, S. Martins, R. Monteiro, V. Domingues, C. Delerue-Matos, C. Calhau

Title Persistent Organic Pollutants (Pops) Levels in Human Visceral and Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue in an Obese Portuguese Population - Metabolic Improvement after Bariatric Surgery Versus Pops Burden

Conference XVI World Congress of the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO) City,Country Hamburg, Germany Date(s) August 31 - September 3, 2011 Number P.292 Page(s) Obesity Surgery 21 (8) 1132


Author(s) M.F. Barroso, C. Delerue-Matos, M.B.P.P. Oliveira Title Evaluation of the antioxidant capacity of flavoured waters using a purine biosensor: oxidative damage by

hydroxyl, superoxide, and sulfate radical (a comparative study) Conference EUROanalysis 16, European Conference on Analytical Chemistry - Challenges in Modern Analytical Chemistry City,Country Belgrade, Serbia Date(s) September 11-15, 2011 Number EC04 Page(s) Electronic publication, n/a


Author(s) A.S.G. Costa, A. Nunes, M. Carvalho, I.M.C. Almeida, M.F. Barroso, R.C. Alves, M.B.P.P. Oliveira Title Fruit juices and tea/dietary supplements: antioxidant properties and label information Conference EUROanalysis 16, European Conference on Analytical Chemistry - Challenges in Modern Analytical Chemistry City,Country Belgrade, Serbia Date(s) September 11-15, 2011 Number FA07 Page(s) Electronic publication, n/a


Author(s) P. Paíga, S. Duarte, S. Morais, T. Oliva-Teles, M. Correia, C. Delerue-Matos, A. Pena, C.M. Lino Title A comparison of three extraction methods to determine ochratoxin A in bread samples Conference EUROanalysis 16, European Conference on Analytical Chemistry - Challenges in Modern Analytical Chemistry City,Country Belgrade, Serbia Date(s) September 11-15, 2011 Number FA14 Page(s) Electronic publication, n/a


Author(s) S. Rocha, V.F. Domingues, C. Mansilha, C. Pinho, P. Gameiro, C. Delerue-Matos Title Bisphenol A releasing by plastic containers with gas chromatography tandem mass spectrometry Conference EUROanalysis 16, European Conference on Analytical Chemistry - Challenges in Modern Analytical Chemistry City,Country Belgrade, Serbia Date(s) September 11-15, 2011 Number FA15 Page(s) Electronic publication, 251


Author(s) A. Plácido, R. Kupers, H.P.A. Nouws, C. Delerue-Matos, J. Magalhães, M.B.P.P. Oliveira Title A rapid and precise method for the determination of chloride in bread and dough using a home-made ion

selective electrode Conference EUROanalysis 16, European Conference on Analytical Chemistry - Challenges in Modern Analytical Chemistry City,Country Belgrade, Serbia Date(s) September 11-15, 2011 Number FA45 Page(s) Electronic publication, n/a

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Author(s) M. Oliveira, M.J. Ramalhosa, M. Correia, C. Delerue-Matos, S. Morais Title Polylevels cyclic aromatic hydrocarbon in squid Loligo gahi Conference EUROanalysis 16, European Conference on Analytical Chemistry - Challenges in Modern Analytical Chemistry City,Country Belgrade, Serbia Date(s) September 11-15, 2011 Number FA56 Page(s) Electronic publication, n/a


Author(s) M.M. Moreira, A.A. Barros, S. Morais, C. Delerue-Matos, L.F. Guido Title A novel application of micro-wave assisted extraction of antioxidant compounds from brewer’s spent grain Conference EUROanalysis 16, European Conference on Analytical Chemistry - Challenges in Modern Analytical Chemistry City,Country Belgrade, Serbia Date(s) September 11-15, 2011 Number SP15 Page(s) Electronic publication, 614


Author(s) M.J. Ramalhosa, P. Paíga, S. Morais, C. Delerue-Matos, M.B.P.P. Oliveira Title Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in fish: microwave assisted extraction vs QuEChERS

methodology Conference EUROanalysis 16, European Conference on Analytical Chemistry - Challenges in Modern Analytical Chemistry City,Country Belgrade, Serbia Date(s) September 11-15, 2011 Number SP26 Page(s) Electronic publication, n/a


Author(s) L.H.M.L.M. Santos, C. Delerue-Matos, M.C.B.S.M. Montenegro, A. Pena Title Comparative study of solid phase extraction procedures for paracetamol, paracetamol-glucuronide and p-

aminophenol in wastewaters Conference EUROanalysis 16, European Conference on Analytical Chemistry - Challenges in Modern Analytical Chemistry City,Country Belgrade, Serbia Date(s) September 11-15, 2011 Number SP30 Page(s) Electronic publication, n/a


Author(s) I. Silva, V.F. Domingues, B. Criado, C. Delerue-Matos Title Method validation by GC-MS to determine pyrethroids metabolites in urine Conference 23

th Congress of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE 2011)

City,Country Barcelona, Spain Date(s) September 13-16, 2011 Number 1946 / P-0900 Page(s) Electronic publication, n/a


Author(s) J. Vera, V.F. Domingues, C. Delerue-Matos Title Determinations of endocrine disruptors in environmental using spe and gas chromatography- tandem mass

spectrometry Conference 23

th Congress of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE 2011)

City,Country Barcelona, Spain Date(s) September 13-16, 2011 Number 1947 / P-0475 Page(s) Electronic publication, n/a


Author(s) L.C. de Sá, V.C. Fernandes, C. Calhau, V.F. Domingues, C. Delerue-Matos Title Evaluation of different quechers for determination organochlorine pesticides in carrot Conference 23

th Congress of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE 2011)

City,Country Barcelona, Spain Date(s) September 13-16, 2011 Number 1948 / P-0476 Page(s) Electronic publication, n/a

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Author(s) M. Oliveira, S. Morais, S. Ramos, C. Delerue-Matos Title Intercontinental discrimination of pure origin roasted coffees based on their metal content Conference 5

th Meeting on Chemistry and Life 2011

City,Country Brno, Czech Republic Date(s) September 14-16, 2011 Number 4-P30 Page(s) S1017


Author(s) M. Oliveira, S. Morais, C. Delerue-Matos Title Evaluation of heavy metal concentrations in arms of Octopus Vulgaris Conference 5

th Meeting on Chemistry and Life 2011

City,Country Brno, Czech Republic

Date(s) September 14-16, 2011

Number 4-P31

Page(s) S1017


Author(s) M. Oliveira, P. Venda, S. Viswanathan, S. Morais, C. Delerue-Matos Title Polyaniline microarray electrodes for cadmium analysis Conference 5

th Meeting on Chemistry and Life 2011

City,Country Brno, Czech Republic Date(s) September 14-16, 2011 Number 4-P32 Page(s) S1018


Author(s) M.M.P.S. Neves, M.B. González-García, H.P.A. Nouws, A. Santos-Silva, C. Delerue-Matos, A. Costa-García Title Electrochemical immunosensor for the detection of celiac disease autoantibodies using a nanohybrid transducer

surface Conference V Workshop sobre Nanociencia Y Nanotecnología Analíticas 2011 City,Country Toledo, Spain Date(s) September 21-23, 2011 Number PO-68 Page(s) 158


Author(s) K. Slezakova, J.C. Pires, D. Castro, M. C. Alvim-Ferraz, C. Delerue-Matos, S. Morais, M.C. Pereira Title Identification of PAH emission sources in Oporto, Portugal Conference International Conference on Occupational and Environmental Health 2011 City,Country Porto, Portugal Date(s) October 17-19, 2011 Number P19 Page(s) 88


Author(s) M. Semedo, M. Ferreira, L. Rey, M. Oliveira, C. Delerue-Matos, S. Morais, M.A. Henriques Title Integrated Use of Oxidative Stress Biomarkers, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Heavy Metals

Bioaccumulation in Octopus vulgaris Conference International Conference on Occupational and Environmental Health 2011 City,Country Porto, Portugal Date(s) October 17-19, 2011 Number P18 Page(s) 117


Author(s) C. Mansilha, V. Domingues, A. Melo, I.M.P.L.V.O. Ferreira, C. Pinho, S. Rocha, P. Gameiro Title Emerging Pollutants- A new frontier of the water quality Conference International Conference on Occupational and Environmental Health 2011 City,Country Porto, Portugal Date(s) October 17-19, 2011 Number P9

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Author(s) L. Correia-Sá, V.C. Fernandes, C. Calhau, V.F. Domingues, Cristina Delerue-Matos Title Determination of organochlorine Pesticides in carrots from Portuguese Regions Conference RAFA 2011 - 5

th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis

City,Country Prague, Czech Republic Date(s) November 1-4, 2011 Number O-42 Page(s) 367


Author(s) J. Vera, V. Fernandes, V. Domingues, N. Mateus, C. Delerue-Matos Title Optimization of Gas Chromatography ion-trap tandem mass spectrometry parameters for the determination of

low levels of pesticides. Conference RAFA 2011 - 5

th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis

City,Country Prague, Czech Republic Date(s) November 1-4, 2011 Number LM-10 Page(s) VI


Author(s) V.C. Fernandes, V. Domingues, N. Mateus, C. Delerue-Matos Title Pesticides residues in strawberries grown using integrated pest management and organic farming in 2009–2010 Conference RAFA 2011 - 5

th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis

City,Country Prague, Czech Republic Date(s) November 1-4, 2011 Number LM-11 Page(s) VII


Author(s) J. Ferreira, V.C. Fernandes, V. Domingues, N. Mateus, C. Delerue-Matos Title Determination of pesticides residues in lettuces using QuEChERS Conference RAFA 2011 - 5

th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis

City,Country Prague, Czech Republic Date(s) November 1-4, 2011 Number LM-12 Page(s) VII


Author(s) A. Silva, A.S. Reis, M.F. Barroso, A. Fiúza, C. Delerue-Matos Title Antioxidant profile evaluation of Portuguese agricultural by-products Conference XVII Encontro Galego-Portugués de Química City,Country Pontevedra, Spain Date(s) November 9-11, 2011 Number P03 Page(s) 113


Author(s) M. Oliveira, E. Silva, S. Morais, C. Delerue-Matos Title Analysis of the levels of cadmium and lead in edible tissues of Sepia officinalis by high resolution continuum

source graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry Conference XVII Encontro Galego-Portugués de Química City,Country Pontevedra, Spain Date(s) November 9-11, 2011 Number P-27 Page(s) 137


Author(s) J.C. Pinto, M.T. Oliva-Teles, S.R. Sousa, C. Delerue-Matos Title Mineral determination in teas and infusions containing algae by HR-CS-EAA Conference XVII Encontro Galego-Portugués de Química City,Country Pontevedra, Spain Date(s) November 9-11, 2011 Number P-42 Page(s) 152

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1.2.4. Presentations in nat ional conferences Oral


Author(s) D. Pestana, V. Fernandes, D. Teixeira, A. Faria, M. Meireles, C. Sá, A. Cunha, E. Moreira, B. Santos, S. Martins, R. Monteiro, V. Domingues, C. Delerue-Matos, C. Calhau

Title Evaluation of persistent organic pollutants (POPS) levels in human visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue of an obese Portuguese population

Conference XLI Reunião Anual da Sociedade Portuguesa de Farmacologia, XXIX Reunião de Farmacologia Clínica, X Reunião de Toxicologia

City,Country Coimbra, Portugal Date(s) February 2-4, 2011 Number EP11 Page(s) n/a


Author(s) C. Sá, D. Pestana, A. Cunha, E. Moreira, B. Santos, S. Martins, V.C. Fernandes, D. Teixeira, A. Faria, M. Meireles, V.F. Domingues, C. Delerue-Matos, R. Monteiro, C. Calhau

Title Evaluation of persistent organic pollutants (POPS) levels in human visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue of an obese Portuguese population

Conference IJUP’11, 4th

Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto City,Country Porto, Portugal Date(s) February 17-19, 2011 Number A1-1440 Page(s) 51


Author(s) S. Ribeiro, S. Viswanathan, H.P.A. Nouws, C. Delerue-Matos Title Electrochemical biosensor based on tyrosinase immobilized on 3D gold nanoelectrode ensembles for the

determination of L-Dopa Conference XXII Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química City,Country Braga, Portugal Date(s) July 3-6, 2011 Number QA-CO 11 Page(s) 86


Author(s) M.J. Ramalhosa, P. Paíga, S. Morais, C. Delerue-Matos, M.B.P.P. Oliveira Title Assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in highly consumed fish species in Portugal Conference XXII Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química City,Country Braga, Portugal Date(s) July 3-6, 2011 Number QAlim-CO 03 Page(s) 32


Author(s) A.S.G. Costa, M.A. Nunes, R.C. Alves, M.F. Barroso, M.B.P.P. Oliveira Title Avaliação do teor em compostos bioactivos e actividade antioxidante de sumos comerciais Conference XXII Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química City,Country Braga, Portugal Date(s) July 3-6, 2011 Number QAlim-CO 11 Page(s) 36


Author(s) M. Correia Title Avaliação de nitratos e nitritos em vegetais Conference II Jornadas de Ciência Alimentar City,Country Vila Real, Portugal Date(s) October 17, 2011 Number n/a Page(s) n/a

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Author(s) C. Delerue-Matos, S. Viswanathan, S. Morais, H. Nouws, A. Duarte, M.F. Barroso, M. Neves, M. Oliveira, M.B. González-García, A. Costa-García

Title Development of nanomaterial-based electrochemical biosensors for clinical and environmental applications Conference REQUIMTE 2011 City,Country Fátima, Portugal Date(s) January 13-14, 2011 Number n/a Page(s) 28


Author(s) C. Delerue-Matos, A. Pena, C. Lino, J. Vera, M. Oliveira, M. Correia, M. Vaz, M. Ramalhosa, M.T. Oliva-Teles, M. Teixeira, N. Mateus P. Paíga, S. Morais, S.R. Sousa, V. Domingues, V. Fernandes

Title Monitoring of Residues and Contaminants in Foodstuffs Conference REQUIMTE 2011 City,Country Fátima, Portugal Date(s) January 13-14, 2011 Number n/a Page(s) 38


Author(s) L. Correia de Sá, V.C. Fernandes, C. Delerue-Matos, C. Calhau, V.F. Domingues Title Evaluation of different QuEChERS for determination organochlorine pesticides in carrots Conference IJUP’11, 4

th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto

City,Country Porto, Portugal Date(s) February 17-19, 2011 Number 27-1380 Page(s) 286


Author(s) J.L. Vera, V.F. Domingues, C. Delerue-Matos, J.A.N.F. Gomes Title Determinations of endocrine disruptors in surface water using SPE and gas chromatography - tandem mass

spectrometry Conference IJUP’11, 4

th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto

City,Country Porto, Portugal Date(s) February 17-19, 2011 Number 71-1431 Page(s) 330


Author(s) S. Silva, T. Fernandes, P. Paíga, C. Delerue-Matos, M.C.B. Montenegro Title Determination of Ibuprofen in River Samples Applying Solid Phase Extraction Followed by Liquid

Chromatography Conference IJUP’11, 4

th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto

City,Country Porto, Portugal Date(s) February 17-19, 2011 Number 72-1612 Page(s) 331


Author(s) M. Carvalho, I. Almeida, A. Costa, R.C. Alves, M.F. Barroso, M.B.P.P. Oliveira Title Antioxidant capacity of commercial beverages, dietary supplements and teas based on plant extracts Conference IJUP’11, 4

th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto

City,Country Porto, Portugal Date(s) February 17-19, 2011 Number 18-1241 Page(s) 423


Author(s) C. Cunha, E. Moura, L. Santos, A. Araújo, C. Amorim, M. Montenegro, C. Delerue-Matos Title Chemiluminometric detection applied to analysis of paracetamol Conference IJUP’11, 4

th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto

City,Country Porto, Portugal Date(s) February 17-19, 2011 Number 37-1620 Page(s) 440

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Author(s) A. Silva, M. Machado, M.J. Ramalhosa, P. Paíga, S. Morais, M.R. Alves, C. Delerue-Matos, M.B.P.P. Oliveira Title Determination of lipid content of frozen sardine by microwave-assisted extraction and Bligh & Dyer methods Conference IJUP’11, 4

th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto

City,Country Porto, Portugal Date(s) February 17-19, 2011 Number 45-1597 Page(s) 448


Author(s) P. Venda, M. Oliveira, S. Viswanathan, S. Morais, C. Delerue-Matos Title Development of polyaniline microarray screen-printed electrodes for quantification of heavy metals Conference IJUP’11, 4

th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto

City,Country Porto, Portugal Date(s) February 17-19, 2011 Number 47-1505 Page(s) 450


Author(s) S. Ribeiro, S. Viswanathan, H.P.A. Nouws, C.Delerue-Matos Title Electrochemical biosensor for the determination of catechol Conference IJUP’11, 4

th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto

City,Country Porto, Portugal Date(s) February 17-19, 2011 Number 48-1319 Page(s) 451


Author(s) S. Machado, S. Viswanathan, C. Delerue-Matos Title Molecularly Imprinted Polymers Coated Carbon Nanotube Screen Printed Electrode For Dopamine

Determination Conference IJUP’11, 4

th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto

City,Country Porto, Portugal Date(s) February 17-19, 2011 Number 63-1407 Page(s) 466


Author(s) F. Bessa, L. Sousa, N. Brito, C. Pinto, S.R. Sousa, M.T. Oliva-Teles, C.M. Delerue-Matos Title Na, K, Mg, Ca and Mn determination in teas Conference IJUP’11, 4

th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto

City,Country Porto, Portugal Date(s) February 17-19, 2011 Number 64-1557 Page(s) 467


Author(s) A. Plácido, P. Paíga, H. Carrelhas, C. Delerue-Matos, M.B.P.P. Oliveira Title Sodium and chloride determination in Portuguese Wheat Bread (Carcaça) Conference IJUP’11, 4

th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto

City,Country Porto, Portugal Date(s) February 17-19, 2011 Number 76-1556 Page(s) 479


Author(s) A.L. Monteiro, A. Costa, C. Peixoto, I.M.C. Almeida, R.C. Alves, C. Delerue-Matos, M.T. Oliva-Teles, M.B.P.P. Oliveira

Title Analytical methods for the quantification and speciation of Selenium in dietary supplements - A review Conference IJUP’11, 4

th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto

City,Country Porto, Portugal Date(s) February 17-19, 2011 Number 90-1409 Page(s) 493

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Author(s) A.C. Rocha, S.R. Sousa, M.T. Oliva-Teles, C.M. Delerue-Matos, M.B.P.P. Oliveira Title Development of a microwave digestion method for metal analysis in fish fingers Conference IJUP’11, 4

th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto

City,Country Porto, Portugal Date(s) February 17-19, 2011 Number 91-1438 Page(s) 494


Author(s) S. Martins, B. Santos, E. Moreira, C. Sá, A. Cunha, D. Pestana, V.C. Fernandes, D. Teixeira, A. Faria, R. Monteiro, M. Meireles, C. Delerue-Matos, C. Calhau, V.F. Domingues

Title Organochlorine pesticides levels in human adipose tissue Conference IJUP’11, 4

th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto

City,Country Porto, Portugal Date(s) February 17-19, 2011 Number 118-1448 Page(s) 521


Author(s) S. Freitas, C. Coelho, A. Costa, D. Rede, J. Maia, M.I. Neves, M. Correia, C. Delerue-Matos, M.B.P.P. Oliveira Title Protein Nitrogen Fraction of Commercial Milk Samples: registered brands versus store brands Conference IJUP’11, 4

th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto

City,Country Porto, Portugal Date(s) February 17-19, 2011 Number 127-1614 Page(s) 530


Author(s) N.Ribeiro, S.R.Sousa, F.J.Monteiro Title Osteonectin adsorption on nanophased hydroxyapatite and its influence on osteoblast adhesion Conference 2

nd I3S Scientific Retreat

City,Country Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal Date(s) May 5-6, 2011 Number Poster 26 Regeneration and Biomaterials Page(s) n/a


Author(s) A. Plácido, R. Kupers, P. Paíga, H. Carrelhas, H.P.A. Nouws, C. Delerue-Matos, M.B.P.P. Oliveira Title Quantificação do teor de cloreto em amostras de pão da região Norte de Portugal Conference XXII Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química City,Country Braga, Portugal Date(s) July 3-6, 2011 Number QAlim-CP 04 Page(s) 42


Author(s) A.R. Marinho, F. Pimentel, R.C. Alves, M.T. Oliva-Teles, N. Faria, M.B.P.P. Oliveira, D. Torres Title Quantificação de teores médios de ferro e zinco de refeições ovo-lacto-vegetarianas Conference XXII Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química City,Country Braga, Portugal Date(s) July 3-6, 2011 Number QAlim-CP 05 Page(s) 43


Author(s) M. Oliveira, P. Paíga, M.J. Ramalhosa, M. Correia, S. Morais, C. Delerue-Matos Title Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon levels in fresh octopus (Octopus vulgaris) from Northeast Atlantic Ocean Conference XXII Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química City,Country Braga, Portugal Date(s) July 3-6, 2011 Number QAlim-CP 29 Page(s) 55

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Author(s) J.L. Vera, V.F. Domingues, C. Delerue-Matos Title Determinação de pesticidas desreguladores endócrinos em águas de rios da região Norte de Portugal por SPE-

GC-MS Conference 9º Encontro de Protecção Integrada City,Country Viseu, Portugal Date(s) November 17-18, 2011


Author(s) I. Silva, V.F. Domingues, B. Criado, C. Delerue-Matos Title Determination of pyrethroids metabolites in a young population from north of portugal during spring and

summer season in 2011 Conference 9º Encontro de Protecção Integrada City,Country Viseu, Portugal Date(s) November 17-18, 2011


Author(s) V.C. Fernandes, S. Viswanathan, N. Mateus, V.F. Domingues, C. Delerue-Matos Title Determination of a organochlorine pesticides in strawberries by single-drop microextraction and gas

chromatography–mass spectrometry Conference 9º Encontro de Protecção Integrada City,Country Viseu, Portugal Date(s) November 17-18, 2011

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Organization of conferences


Dissemination activities

Between the 16th

and 19th

of June 2011, GRAQ participated in the “Fórum do Mar” through the dissemination of

the activities at ISEP in an iniciative called “ISEP – Engineering the Sea” which was held at Exponor – Feira

Internacional do Porto.

Internat ional ization

In 2011 a bilateral project ("Acção Luso Espanhola") was aproved which allows the consolidation of the

collaboration with the Departamento de Química Física e Analítica of the University of Oviedo through the mobility

of researchers and students. Furthermore a FCT/CAPES project was aproved which will allow the realization of a

collaboration with Brasil.

Sevral reasearchers of the team are involved in:

Co-orientation with the University of Oviedo (Spain) of the PhD studies of Marta Maria Pereira da Silva Neves.

Collaboration with the University of Oviedo (Spain) and the University of Pernambuco (Brasil) of the PhD studies of

Maria de Fátima de Sá Barroso (FF/UP).

Collaboration with the University Federal de Ceará (Brasil) in the FCT/CAPES project (including the guidance of the

work of Francisco Wirley Paulino Ribeiro (PhD student), grant holder of the project), and of the MSc studies of

Túlio Ítalo.

Collaboration with Department of Chemistry, Thiru. Vi. Ka. Government Arts College (India) in a non-financed


Governmental funding (pre-graduation)

Launched in June 1996, the Ciência Viva programme is the contribution of the Ministry of Science and Technology

to the promotion of a scientific and technological culture among the Portuguese population. In the sub-category

“Science in the Holidays” 4 programs, with the duration of 1 week (40 hours), were organized: “Segurança à tua

mesa”, “Crime Sob Investigação no ISEP”, “À Descoberta dos antioxidants”, and “Saciar a sede com benifícios para

a saúde”.

Collaboration in Bachelor courses

In the 2nd

semester of the academic year 2010-2011 several members of the team collaborated in the “Biosensors”

course of the bachelor degree in “Computing and Medical Instrumentation Engineering” of the Department of

Physics of the “Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto”. In this course the team members contributed with 10

hours of theoretical classes and 30 hours of laboratory activities.

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Collaboration with local high schools

In cooperation with a local professional high school (Agrupamento de Escolas António Nobre), 1 student carried

out a professional training period of 140 hours:

1. Fabiana Cristina de Magalhães Agrelos Brochado

In cooperation with a local professional high school (Escola Secundária Infante D. Henrique), 2 students carried out

a professional training period of 420 hours:

1. Hasna Abahri 2. Hermínia de Fátima Huambo

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Cristina Maria Fernandes Delerue Alvim de Matos

Florinda Figueiredo Martins

Hendrikus Petrus Antonius Nouws

Maria Conceição Carvalho Benta de Oliveira Neves

Maria Teresa Pereira de Oliva Teles Moreira

Olga Manuela Matos de Freitas

Simone Barreira Morais

Sónia Adriana Ribeiro da Cunha Figueiredo

Susana Maria Ribeiro e Sousa Mendes de Freitas

Valentina Maria Fernandes Domingues

Antonio Vega Y de la Fuente

José Tomás Veiga Soares de Albergaria

Maria Aurora Soares da Silva

Bruno José Rocha Pereira

Paula Celeste Baptista Paíga

Maria Isabel Viana de Brito Limpo de Serra







Idalina Aurélia Gomes Bragança

Susana Margarida Leite Machado

Luís Filipe Coelho Barbosa



Álvaro Miguel Carneiro Torrinha

Ana Rita de Castro Vidal Pinto

Maria de Fátima da Rocha Meireles

António Alberto de Oliveira Ferreira Pinto

Sara Maria de Bastos Peixoto Lages

António Pedro Moreira Martins da Silva

Diana Sofia Gouveia Mendes Rede

José Nuno Gomes Barbosa

Raquel Cristina Sousa Torres

Ana Isabel de Almeida

Wojciech Stawinski

Paulina Slonina



Daniel Alexandre Marques Silva


.D. Maria Manuela Martins de Carvalho

Sérgio Alberto Morais

António Carlos Alves Soares





S Ivo Emanuel Moreira Rodrigues

Pedro Romeu da Silva Soares

Liliana Gonçalves Pereira

Yara Gonçalves Pereira

Sandra Mónica Lopes Pinto

Mafalda Carlos Barbosa Ribeiro

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FCT-funded 2

Non-FCT funded 2


Papers (ISI-Web of Science) 3

Book chapters 1

Proceedings papers (international) 13

Ph.D. theses 1

MSc. theses 10

PRESENTATIONS (international)

Oral 13

Poster 13


Oral 2

Poster 9


Organization 1

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2.1.1. Projects FCT-funded projects (includes collaborations with other institutions)


Reference PTDC/ECM/103141/2008 Title Rehabilitation of pharmaceuticals-contaminated soils

Responsible investigator Cristina Maria Fernandes Delerue Alvim de Matos

Principal contractor Instituto de Ciências e Tecnologias Agrárias e Agro-Alimentares-Porto (ICETA-Porto/UP)

Participating institution(s) Universidade de Coimbra (UC) Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FE/UP)

Duration 36 months

Starting date April 1, 2010

Funding source Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)

Amount (total) € 124 389

Amount (ICETA) € 98 764


Reference PTDC/AAC-AMB/102796/2008 Title Effects of atmospheric non-biological pollutants on pollen grains

Responsible investigator Joaquim Carlos Gomes Esteves da Silva (FC/UP)

Principal contractor Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Faculdade de Ciências (ADFC/FC/UP)

Participating institution(s) Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia, I.P. (LNEG) Centro de Geologia da Universidade do Porto (CG/FC/UP)

Duration 36 months

Starting date February 8, 2010

Funding source Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)

Amount (total) € 167 000 Non-FCT funded projects (includes collaborations with other institutions)


Reference SI IDT - 5551/2009 Title FILMEQUE - Development of keratin films from gallinaceous and bovine wastes

Responsible investigator António Alfredo Crispim Ribeiro (IPP/ISEP/DEQ)

Principal contractor Curtumes Aveneda, Lda

Participating institution(s) Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP/IPP) Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FE/UP)

Duration 24 months

Starting date April 1, 2009

Funding source Agência de Inovação, S.A. (ADI)

Amount (total) € 261 049,1 Amount (ICETA) € € 78 137 (divided with CIETI-ISEP)


Reference Projectos Pluridisciplinares - Iniciação à Investigação na Universidade do Porto (IJUP) - Edição de 2010 (#24)

Title Utilização de queratina de pêlo, penas e cabelo para produção de filmes com aplicação na agricultura

Responsible investigator Maria do Pilar Figueroa Gonçalves (FE/UP)

Principal contractor Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FE/UP)

Participating institution(s) Instituto de Ciências e Tecnologias Agrárias e Agro-Alimentares-Porto (ICETA-Porto/UP)

Duration 12 months

Starting date December 1, 2010

Funding source Universidade do Porto

Amount (total) € 3 500

Amount (ICETA) € 3 500

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2.1.2. Publications Papers in peer-reviewed Journals (ISI – Web of Science)


Authors A.C. Meira Castro, J.P. Carvalho, S. Ribeiro Title Prescribed burning impact on forest soil properties – A Fuzzy Boolean Nets approach Journal Environmental Research 111 (2) (2011) 199-204 Abstract The Portuguese northern forests are often and severely affected by wildfires during the Summer season. These

occurrences significantly affect and negatively impact all ecosystems, namely soil, fauna and flora. In order to reduce the occurrences of natural wildfires, some measures to control the availability of fuel mass are regularly implemented. Those preventive actions concern mainly prescribed burnings and vegetation pruning. This work reports on the impact of a prescribed burning on several forest soil properties, namely pH, soil moisture, organic matter content and iron content, by monitoring the soil self-recovery capabilities during a one year span. The experiments were carried out in soil cover over a natural site of Andaluzitic schist, in Gramelas, Caminha, Portugal, which was kept intact from prescribed burnings during a period of four years. Soil samples were collected from five plots at three different layers (0–3, 3–6 and 6–18) 1 day before prescribed fire and at regular intervals after the prescribed fire. This paper presents an approach where Fuzzy Boolean Nets (FBN) and Fuzzy reasoning are used to extract qualitative knowledge regarding the effect of prescribed fire burning on soil properties. FBN were chosen due to the scarcity on available quantitative data. The results showed that soil properties were affected by prescribed burning practice and were unable to recover their initial values after one year.

URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2010.03.004 JCR impact factor (2010): 3.500


Authors M. Varanda, G. Pinto, F. Martins Title Life Cycle Analysis of Biodiesel Production Journal Fuel Processing Technology 92 (5) (2011) 1087-1094 Abstract Biodieselhas attracted considerable attention as a renewable, biodegradable, and nontoxic fuel and can contribute

to solving the energy problems, significantly reducing the emission of gases which cause global warming. The first stage of this work was to simulate different alternative processes for producing biodiesel. The method used for the production of biodiesel is the transesterification of vegetable oilswith an alcohol in the presence of a catalyst. The raw materials used were palm oils and waste cooking oil. The second stage was a life cycle analysis for all alternatives under study, followed by an economic analysis for the alternatives that present minor impacts and which are more promising from an economic point of view. Finally, we proceeded to compare the different alternatives fromboth the point of view of life cycle and economic analysis. The feasibility of all processes was proven and the biodiesel obtained had good specifications. From the standpoint of life cycle analysis, the best alternative was the process of alkaline catalysiswith acid pretreatment for waste cooking oil. The economic analysis was done to the previous mentioned process and to the process that uses raw virgin oils, methanol, and sodium hydroxide. This process has lower investment costs but the process of alkaline catalysis with acid pre-treatment, whose main raw material is waste oil, is much more profitable and has less environmental impacts.

URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fuproc.2011.01.003 JCR impact factor (2010): 2.781


Authors I. Peres, S. Rocha, J. Gomes, S. Morais, M.C. Pereira, M. Coelho Title Preservation of catechin antioxidant properties loaded in carbohydrate nanoparticles Journal Carbohydrate Polymers 86 (1) (2011) 147-153 Abstract Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), an antioxidant with several pharmacological and biological activities, was

encapsulated in carbohydrate particles to preserve its antioxidant properties and improve its bioavailability. Gum arabic–maltodextrin particles loaded with EGCG (EGCG/P) were successfully produced by homogenization and spray-drying, with an EGCG loading efficiency of 96 ± 3%. Spray-dried particles are spherical or corrugated and polydisperse with diameters less than 20 μm. The particles in aqueous suspension revealed two main populations, with mean average diameters of 40 nm and 400 nm. Attenuated total reflection-infrared spectroscopy (ATR-IR) confirmed that EGCG was incorporated in the carbohydrate matrix by intermolecular interactions, maintaining its chemical integrity. Atomic force microscopy imaging proved the particle spherical shape and size. The present study demonstrates that the carbohydrate matrix is able to preserve EGCG antioxidant properties, as proof of concept to be used as polymeric drug carrier.

URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.carbpol.2011.04.029 JCR impact factor (2010): 3.463

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GRAQ | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 [ 37 ] Papers in peer-reviewed Journals (non-ISI – Web of Science)

No ‘non-ISI’ papers were published in 2011. Books/chapters in books


Author(s) L. Barbosa, J. Costa, C. Rocha, O.M. Freitas, A. Crispim, C. Delerue-Matos, M.P. Gonçalves Chapter/title Preparation and characterization of biodegradable films from keratinous wastes of the leather industry Pages 177-186 Book Sustainable Chemistry Editor(s) G. Reniers, C.A. Brebbia Publisher WIT Press, Southhampton, United Kingdom ISBN 978-1-84564-558-8 Proceedings papers (international conferences)


Author(s) F. Martins Title Sustainability issues in swimming pools and spas Conference Fourth International Conference Swimming Pool&Spa City,Country Porto, Portugal Date(s) March 15-18, 2011 Page(s) 55-59 ISBN 978-989-95907-2-4


Author(s) J. Costa, P.R. Pitrez, C. Rocha, O.M. Freitas, F. Crispim, C. Delerue-Matos, M.P. Gonçalves, A. Crispim Title Estudo da obtenção do hidrolisado queratínico do pêlo de bovino e sua aplicação como agente de recurtume Conference II Simpósio Internacional sobre Gerenciamento de Resíduos Agropecuários e Agroindustriais City,Country Foz do Iguaçu, Brasil Date(s) March 15-17, 2011 Page(s) Electronic publication – t160 (1-4)


Author(s) F. Martins, J.T. Albergaria, S.R. Sousa, C. Delerue-Matos, M. Smitková Title Life cycle assessment of renewable energy sources: status and challenges Conference Conference Renewable Energy Sources City,Country Brastilava, Slovakia Date(s) June 7-9, 2011 Page(s) Electronic publication (#27, 4 pages)


Author(s) F. Martins, M. Smitková Title Introduction to the LCA Conference Conference Renewable Energy Sources City,Country Brastilava, Slovakia Date(s) June 7-9, 2011 Page(s) Electronic publication (#40, 4 pages)


Author(s) F. Martins Title Sustainable Energy Conference Conference Renewable Energy Sources City,Country Brastilava, Slovakia Date(s) June 7-9, 2011 Page(s) Electronic publication (#67, 5 pages)


Author(s) F. Martins, M.M.P.Azevedo, C. Felgueiras Title Energy in portugal: status and future trends Conference Conference Energy Ecology Economy City,Country Brastilava, Slovakia Date(s) June 7-9, 2011 Page(s) Electronic publication (#124, 4 pages)

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Author(s) M. Carvalho, M.C. Vila, J. Soeiro de Carvalho, V. Domingues, C.M. Delerue-Matos, M.T. Oliva-Teles, A. Fiúza Title Benzene biodegradability tests on a residual granitic soil Conference 5

th European Bioremediation Conference

City,Country Chania - Crete, Greece Date(s) July 4-7, 2011 Page(s) Electronic publication


Author(s) M. Carvalho, M.C. Vila, J. Soeiro de Carvalho, V. Domingues, C.M. Delerue-Matos, M.T. Oliva-Teles, A. Fiúza Title Evaluation of xylene bioventing in a residual granitic soil remediation Conference 5

th European Bioremediation Conference

City,Country Chania - Crete, Greece Date(s) July 4-7, 2011 Page(s) Electronic publication


Author(s) M. Carvalho, M.C. Vila, J. Soeiro de Carvalho, V. Domingues, M.T. Oliva-Teles, C.M. Delerue-Matos, A. Fiúza Title Challenges in respirometry of contaminated soils Conference International Conference Environmental (Bio)Technologies & EU-FP7 Environment Brokerage Event City,Country Gdansk, Poland Date(s) September 5-8, 2011 Page(s) Electronic publication


Author(s) J. Sousa, O.M. Freitas, S.A. Figueiredo Title Basic dyestuffs removal from textile effluents using feathers: equilibrium, kinetic and column studies Conference 12

th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology

City,Country Rhodes, Greece Date(s) September 8-10, 2011 Page(s) B-1002 - B-1009


Author(s) R.F. Vieira, A.T. Berenguel, M.A. Silva, J.S. Vilaça, V.F. Domingues, S.A. Figueiredo Title Natural organic matter fractionation along the treatment of water for human consumption Conference 12

th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology

City,Country Rhodes, Greece Date(s) September 8-10, 2011 Page(s) B-1085 - B 1092


Author(s) J.G. Pacheco, A. Silva, J.T. Albergaria, H.P.A. Nouws, A. Fiúza, C. Delerue-Matos Title Valorisation of sub-products of food industry for environmental remediation of pharmaceuticals Conference 1

st International Conference WASTES: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities

City,Country Guimarães, Portugal Date(s) September 12-14, 2011 Page(s) Electronic publication (cd-rom), section: Soil Remediation, ref: 23


Author(s) A.A. Soares, T. Pinho, J.T. Albergaria, V.F. Domingues, C. Delerue-Matos Title Remediation of soils contaminated with xylene combining soil vapor extraction and bioremediation Conference 1

st International Conference WASTES: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities

City,Country Guimarães, Portugal Date(s) September 12-14, 2011 Page(s) Electronic publication (cd-rom), section: Soil Remediation, ref: 55 Ph.D. theses


Author Antonio Vega Y de la Fuente Title Fenomenologia, Modelação e Simulação da Acção de Barreiras Reactivas Permeáveis sobre a Água

Contaminada com Crómio (VI) Institution Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto (FE/UP) Date December 19, 2011 Supervisor(s) Cristina Maria Fernandes Delerue Alvim de Matos

António Fiúza (FE/UP)

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GRAQ | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 [ 39 ] MSc theses


Author Álvaro Miguel Carneiro Torrinha Title Auditoria Energética das Estufas à Indústria Têxtil do Ave Institution Instituto Superior de Engenharia, Instituto Politécnico do Porto MSc IPP/ISEP/DEQ Master in Chemical Engineering - Energy Optimization in the Chemical Industry Date November 3, 2011 Supervisor(s) Simone Barreira Morais

Anabela Guedes (IPP/ISEP)


Author Ana Rita de Castro Vidal Pinto Title Remediation of soils contaminated with pharmaceutical products - chemical oxidation/reduction Institution Instituto Superior de Engenharia, Instituto Politécnico do Porto MSc IPP/ISEP/DEQ Master in Chemical Engineering - Environmental Protection Technologies Date November 8, 2011 Supervisor(s) Hendrikus Petrus Antonius Nouws

José Tomas Veiga Soares de Albergaria


Author Maria de Fátima da Rocha Meireles Title Optimization of the Crestuma Wastewater Treatment Plant Institution Instituto Superior de Engenharia, Instituto Politécnico do Porto MSc IPP/ISEP/DEQ Master in Chemical Engineering - Environmental Protection Technologies Date November 10, 2011 Supervisor(s) Cristina Morais (CIETI- ISEP)

Sónia Figueiredo Raquel Silva (Águas e Parque Biológico de Gaia, EEM)


Author António Alberto de Oliveira Ferreira Pinto Title Sustentabilidade em escolas - um caso de estudo Institution Instituto Superior de Engenharia, Instituto Politécnico do Porto MSc IPP/ISEP/DEQ Master in Chemical Engineering - Energy Optimization in the Chemical Industry Date November 10, 2011 Supervisor(s) Florinda Figueiredo Martins


Author Sara Maria de Bastos Peixoto Lages Title Otimização Energética na Empresa Simoldes Plásticos, S.A. Institution Instituto Superior de Engenharia, Instituto Politécnico do Porto MSc IPP/ISEP/DEQ Master in Chemical Engineering - Energy Optimization in the Chemical Industry Date November 11, 2011 Supervisor(s) Simone Barreira Morais

Anabela Guedes (IPP/ISEP)


Author António Pedro Moreira Martins da Silva Title Process Water Control and Paper Production Optimization Institution Instituto Superior de Engenharia, Instituto Politécnico do Porto MSc IPP/ISEP/DEQ Master in Chemical Engineering - Environmental Protection Technologies Date November 11, 2011 Supervisor(s) Sónia Figueiredo

Cristina Morais (CIETI-ISEP) Pedro Loureiro (Fábrica de Papel da Ponte Redonda)


Author Diana Sofia Gouveia Mendes Rede Title Ecotoxicological assessment of soils contaminated with ibuprofen Institution Instituto Superior de Engenharia, Instituto Politécnico do Porto MSc IPP/ISEP/DEQ Master in Chemical Engineering - Environmental Protection Technologies Date November 16, 2011 Supervisor(s) Susana Maria Ribeiro e Sousa Mendes de Freitas

Maria Cristina Antão S. Carvalho (Equilibrium - Lab. de Controlo de Qualidade e de Processos, Lda)

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[ 40 ] GRAQ | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011


Author José Nuno Gomes Barbosa Title Optimização Energética da Olaria de uma Cerâmica Institution Instituto Superior de Engenharia, Instituto Politécnico do Porto MSc IPP/ISEP/DEQ Master in Chemical Engineering - Energy Optimization in the Chemical Industry Date November 16, 2011 Supervisor(s) Simone Barreira Morais

Anabela Guedes (IPP/ISEP)


Author Raquel Cristina Sousa Torres Title Maximização da produção de paraxileno Institution Instituto Superior de Engenharia, Instituto Politécnico do Porto MSc IPP/ISEP/DEQ Master in Chemical Engineering - Energy Optimization in the Chemical Industry Date November 17, 2011 Supervisor(s) Florinda Figueiredo Martins


Author Ana Isabel de Almeida Title Novos processos e produtos para o couro de base vegetal Institution Instituto Superior de Engenharia, Instituto Politécnico do Porto MSc IPP/ISEP/DEQ Master in Chemical Engineering - Energy Optimization in the Chemical Industry Date November 18, 2011 Supervisor(s) Valentina Maria Fernandes Domingues

Antonio Alfredo Crispim Ribeiro (ISEP/IPP)

2.1.3. Presentations in international conferences Oral


Author(s) F. Martins, J.T. Albergaria, S.R. Sousa, C. Delerue-Matos, M. Smitková Title Life cycle assessment of renewable energy sources: status and challenges Conference Conference Renewable Energy Sources City,Country Brastilava, Slovakia Date(s) June 7-9, 2011 Number 27


Author(s) F. Martins Title Sustainable Energy Conference Conference Renewable Energy Sources City,Country Brastilava, Slovakia Date(s) June 7-9, 2011 Number 67


Author(s) F. Martins, M.M.P.Azevedo, C. Felgueiras Title Energy in portugal: status and future trends Conference Conference Energy Ecology Economy City,Country Brastilava, Slovakia Date(s) June 7-9, 2011 Number 124


Author(s) M. Carvalho, M.C. Vila, J. Soeiro de Carvalho, V. Domingues, C.M. Delerue-Matos, M.T. Oliva-Teles, A. Fiúza Title Benzene biodegradability tests on a residual granitic soil Conference 5

th European Bioremediation Conference

City,Country Chania - Crete, Greece Date(s) July 4-7, 2011 Number ID025 Page(s) Published on e-proceedings

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Author(s) M. Carvalho, M.C. Vila, J. Soeiro de Carvalho, V. Domingues, C.M. Delerue-Matos, M.T. Oliva-Teles, A. Fiúza Title Evaluation of xylene bioventing in a residual granitic soil remediation Conference 5

th European Bioremediation Conference

City,Country Chania - Crete, Greece Date(s) July 4-7, 2011 Number ID138 Page(s) Published on e-proceedings


Author(s) L. Barbosa, J. Costa, C. Rocha, O.M. Freitas, A. Crispim, C. Delerue-Matos, M.P. Gonçalves Title Preparation and characterization of biodegradable films from keratinous wastes of the leather industry Conference Sustainable Chemistry 2011 City,Country Antwerp, Belgium Date(s) July 6-8, 2011 Number n/a Page(s) n/a


Author(s) M. Carvalho, M.C. Vila, J. Soeiro de Carvalho, V. Domingues, M.T. Oliva-Teles, C.M. Delerue-Matos, A. Fiúza Title Challenges in respirometry of contaminated soils Conference International Conference Environmental (Bio)Technologies & EU-FP7 Environment Brokerage Event City,Country Gdansk, Poland Date(s) September 5-8, 2011 Number 8 Page(s) Published on e-proceedings


Author(s) J.G. Pacheco, A. Silva, J.T. Albergaria, H.P.A. Nouws, A. Fiúza, C. Delerue-Matos Title Valorisation of sub-products of food industry for environmental remediation of pharmaceuticals Conference 1

st International Conference WASTES: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities

City,Country Guimarães, Portugal Date(s) September 12-14, 2011 Number 23 Page(s) 53-54


Author(s) A.A. Soares, T. Pinho, J.T. Albergaria, V.F. Domingues, C. Delerue-Matos Title Remediation of soils contaminated with xylene combining soil vapor extraction and bioremediation Conference 1

st International Conference WASTES: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities

City,Country Guimarães, Portugal Date(s) September 12-14, 2011 Number 55 Page(s) 57-58


Author(s) J.T. Albergaria Title Soils contaminated with BTEX – Combination of soil vapor extraction and bioremediation Conference 21

st International Congress of Mechanical Engineering

City,Country Natal, Brasil Date(s) October 24-28, 2011 Number n/a Page(s) n/a


Author(s) A.I. Almeida, A.A. Crispim-Ribeiro, V. Fernandes-Domingues Title New processes and products for leather Conference XVII Encontro Galego-Portugués de Química City,Country Pontevedra, Spain Date(s) November, 9-11 Number IND-02 Page(s) 60

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Author(s) D. Rede, S.R. Sousa, C. Antão, C. Delerue-Matos Title Phytotoxicity evaluation of waste waters on germination and growth of lettuce seeds Conference XVII Encontro Galego-Portugués de Química City,Country Pontevedra, Spain Date(s) November, 9-11 Number AMA-06 Page(s) 74


Author(s) Y. Pereira, W. Stawinski, P. Slonina, A.R. Pinto, J.P. Grosso, J.T. Albergaria, H.P.A. Nouws, C. Delerue-Matos Title Chemical oxidation/reduction of pharmaceutical products in environmental samples Conference XVII Encontro Galego-Portugués de Química City,Country Pontevedra, Spain Date(s) November 9-11, 2011 Number AMB-07 Page(s) 85 Poster


Author(s) F. Martins Title Sustainability issues in swimming pools and spas Conference Fourth International Conference Swimming Pool and Spa City,Country Porto, Portugal Date(s) March 15-18, 2011 Number n/a Page(s) 55-59


Author(s) J. Costa, P.R. Pitrez, C. Rocha, O.M. Freitas, F. Crispim, C. Delerue-Matos, M.P. Gonçalves, A. Crispim Title Estudo da obtenção do hidrolisado queratínico do pêlo de bovino e sua aplicação como agente de recurtume Conference II Simpósio Internacional sobre Gerenciamento de Resíduos Agropecuários e Agroindustriais City,Country Foz do Iguaçu, Brasil Date(s) March 15 -17, 2011 Number Valorização dos resíduos da agroindústria – Poster 1 Page(s) Electronic publication – t160 (1-4)


Author(s) F. Martins, C. Delerue, C. Neves, P. Duarte Title Local laboratory reactant exchange network Conference SETAC Europe 21st Annual Meeting - Ecosystem Protection in a Sustainable World: a Challenge for Science and

Regulation City,Country Milan, Italy Date(s) May 15-19, 2011 Number MO 393 Page(s) 148


Author(s) F. Martins, M. Smitková Title Introduction to the LCA Conference Conference Renewable Energy Sources City,Country Brastilava, Slovakia Date(s) June 7-9, 2011 Number 40


Author(s) L. Barbosa, J. Costa, C.M.R. Rocha, F. Crispim, A. Crispim, O.M. Freitas, C. Delerue-Matos, M.P. Gonçalves Title Characterisation of chemically crosslinked films from hydrolysates of bovine hair keratin and whey protein

isolate/keratin hydrolysates blends Conference 10

th International Conference on Materials Chemistry (MC10)

City,Country Manchester, United Kingdom Date(s) July 4-7,2011 Number LH_P33 Page(s) 334

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GRAQ | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 [ 43 ]


Author(s) J. Sousa, O.M. Freitas, S.A. Figueiredo Title Basic dyestuffs removal from textile effluents using feathers: equilibrium, kinetic and column studies Conference 12

th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST2011)

City,Country Rhodes, Greece Date(s) September 8-10, 2011 Number B34 Page(s) 401


Author(s) R.F. Vieira, A.T. Berenguel, M.A. Silva, J.S. Vilaça, V.F. Domingues, S.A. Figueiredo Title Natural organic matter fractionation along the treatment of water for human consumption Conference 12

th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST2011)

City,Country Rhodes, Greece Date(s) September 8-10, 2011 Number C42 Page(s) 414


Author(s) S. Teixeira, C. Delerue-Matos, L. Santos Title Sulfamethoxazole removal from aqueous solutions by raw and chemically treated walnut shells Conference 13

th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment (ICCE 2011)

City,Country Zurich, Switzerland Date(s) September 11-15, 2011 Number EMERG P58 Page(s) 206


Author(s) J. Costa, L. Barbosa, O.M. Freitas, C. Rocha, M.P. Gonçalves, C. Delerue-Matos, A. Crispim Title Study of keratin hydrolysate of chicken feathers for biofilm production Conference 13

th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment (ICCE 2011)

City,Country Zurich, Switzerland Date(s) September 11-15, 2011 Number TRANS P4 Page(s) 334


Author(s) I. Serra, T. Albergaria, R. Martins, C. Felgueiras, F. Martins, C. Neves, C. Delerue-Matos Title Towards a sustainable Lab Conference 1

st International Conference WASTES: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities

City,Country Guimarães, Portugal Date(s) September 12-14, 2011 Number 24 Page(s) 95-96


Author(s) I. Bragança, V.F. Domingues, C. Delerue-Matos Title Selection of soil microorganism for the metabolization of ibuprofen Conference XVII Encontro Galego-Portugués de Química City,Country Pontevedra, Spain Date(s) November, 9-11 Number P-12 Page(s) 122


Author(s) S. Machado, A.C. Rocha, S.L. Pinto, M.C. Ribeiro, J.P. Grosso, J.T. Albergaria, C.M. Delerue-Matos Title Production of zero valent iron nanoparticles from oak leaves Conference XVII Encontro Galego-Portugués de Química City,Country Pontevedra, Spain Date(s) November 9-11, 2011 Number P-25 Page(s) 135

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Author(s) S.A. Morais, C. Delerue-Matos, X. Gabarrell, P. Blánquez Title Ranking the Impact on Freshwater Ecosystems of Pharmaceuticals Detected in Biosolids Applied to Agricultural

Soils Conference Echotech & Tools - Environmental & Integrated assessment of Complex Systems City,Country Montpellier, Fance Date(s) November 30-– December 2, 2011 Number 5F2 Page(s) 93

2.1.4. Presentations in nat ional conferences Oral


Author(s) P. Soares, F. Duarte, O.M. Freitas, C. Delerue-Matos, S. Figueiredo, R. Boaventura Title Treatment of industrial effluents using a vegetal coagulant Conference IJUP’11, 4

th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto

City,Country Porto, Portugal Date(s) February 17-19, 2011 Number A1-1318 Page(s) 52


Author(s) F. Coelho, J. Bessa, L. Barbosa, S. Neto, C. Sousa, J. Costa, C. Rocha, O.M. Freitas, A. Crispim, C. Delerue-Matos, M.P. Gonçalves

Title Production and characterization of keratin films to be used as an alternative to synthetic plastic Conference XXII Encontro Nacional SPQ City,Country Braga, Portugal, Date(s) 3-6 Julho Number CP-10 Page(s) 138 Poster


Author(s) C. Delerue-Matos, C. Neves, F. Martins, I. Serra, J.T. Albergaria, S.A. Morais Title Environmental management Conference REQUIMTE 2011 City,Country Fátima, Portugal Date(s) January 13 - 14, 2011 Number n/a Page(s) 29


Author(s) J.T. Albergaria, A. Soares, M.T. Oliva-Teles, S. Sousa, V.F. Domingues, M. Carvalho, P. de Marco, A. Fíuza, M.C.M. Alvim-Ferraz, C. M. Delerue-Matos

Title Soil remediation technologies applied to distinct contaminations Conference REQUIMTE 2011 City,Country Fátima, Portugal Date(s) January 13 - 14, 2011 Number n/a Page(s) 42


Author(s) S.A. Figueiredo, O.M. Freitas, S. Teixeira, A. Silva, B. Pereira, F.D. Oliveira, A.C. Soares, P.R. Soares, I. Azevedo, A. Ferreira, C. Delerue-Matos, L. Santos, R. Boaventura, A. Fiúza

Title Water and wastewater treatments Conference REQUIMTE 2011 City,Country Fátima, Portugal Date(s) January 13 - 14, 2011 Number n/a Page(s) 46

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Author(s) M.T. Pinho, A.C. Soares, J.T. Albergaria, V.F. Domingues, C. Delerue-Matos Title Bioremediation of soil contaminated with ethylbenzene Conference IJUP’11, 4

th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto

City,Country Porto, Portugal Date(s) February 17-19, 2011 Number 53-1393 Page(s) 312


Author(s) D. Silva, J.T. Albergaria, M.C. Neves, C.M. Delerue-Matos Title Chemical Sustainable Laboratories - Equipment Management Conference IJUP’11, 4

th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto

City,Country Porto, Portugal Date(s) February 17-19, 2011 Number 56-1352 Page(s) 315


Author(s) C. Sousa, S. Neto, J. Costa, C. Rocha, O.M. Freitas, A. Crispim, M.P. Gonçalves, C. Delerue-Matos Title Characterization of biomaterials for film production Conference IJUP’11, 4

th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto

City,Country Porto, Portugal Date(s) February 17-19, 2011 Number 70-1399 Page(s) 329


Author(s) I. Azevedo, A. Silva, O. Freitas, S. Figueiredo, A. Ferreira, A. Fiúza Title Treatment of groundwater contaminated by arsenic using iron oxides/hydroxides Conference IJUP’11, 4

th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto

City,Country Porto, Portugal Date(s) February 17-19, 2011 Number 79-1316 Page(s) 338


Author(s) P. Duarte, F. Martins, M.C. Neves, C.M. Delerue-Matos Title Reactant Exchange Network Conference IJUP’11, 4

th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto

City,Country Porto, Portugal Date(s) February 17-19, 2011 Number 73-1309 Page(s) 476


Author(s) J. Bessa, F. Coelho, L. Barbosa, C. Rocha, O.M. Freitas, C. Delerue-Matos, M.P. Gonçalves Title Properties of Biodegradable Films from Bovine Hair Plasticized with Glycerol Conference IJUP’11, 4

th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto

City,Country Porto, Portugal Date(s) February 17-19, 2011 Number 99-1184 Page(s) 502

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Organizat ion of conferences

On the 28th of February 2011 a seminar entitled "Reabilitação de Solos” (“Rehabilitation of Soils”) was organized

at ISEP with around 200 participants. In this seminar 13 reknown specialists on the subject matter, from both

public and private institutions, presented state-of-the-art technologies and case studies used for the rehabilitation

of soils.

Several members of the team were involved in the organization of the “Fourth International Conference Swimming

Pool&SPA”, which was held in ISEP between March 15 and 18, 2011.

Internat ional ization

Co-orientation, with the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain), of the PhD studies of Sérgio Alberto Cruz

Monteiro de Morais.

Co-orientation, with the University of Aarhus (Denmark), of the PhD studies of António Carlos Alves Soares.

Governmental funding (pre-graduation)

Launched in June 1996, the “Ciência Viva” program is the contribution of the Ministry of Science and Technology to

the promotion of a scientific and technological culture among the Portuguese population. In the sub-category

“Science in the Holidays” 4 programs, with the duration of 1 week (40 hours), were organized: “Tratamento de

efluentes usando extractos vegetais”, “Resíduo trata resíduo?”, “Tratamento de solos contaminados com

medicamentos”, and “Gestão de residues: A caminho da sustentabilidade no laboratório” (organized twice).

Collaboration with local high schools

In cooperation with a local professional high school (Agrupamento de Escolas António Nobre), 2 students carried

out a professional training period of 140 hours:

1. Hayta Almeida Fonseca

2. Marina Patrícia de Oliveira FerreiraFabiana Cristina de Magalhães Agrelos Brochado

In cooperation with a local professional high school (Escola Secundaria Fontes Pereira de Melo), 2 students carried

out a professional training period of 300 hours:

1. Daniela Filipa Gomes Rodrigues 2. Carla Sofia Martins da RochaHasna Abahri

In cooperation with local professional high schools (Escola Secundária Infante D. Henrique and Externato de Santa

Clara), 7 students carried out a professional training period of 420 hours:

1. Ana Sofia Ferraz da Silva Mota 2. Sara Inês Fernandes Florindo 3. Ana Patrícia Pinto Almeida 4. Diana Patrícia Fonseca Coelho 5. David João Guedes Pinto 6. Paulo Guilherme Aguiar Soromenho Cardoso 7. Diogo Laranja

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2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011






Book Chapters

Papers ISI








2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011



/ P






The number of papers (28) published in peer-reviewed scientific journals included in the ISI Web of

Science database in 2011 was the second highest for GRAQ in the period 2001-2011 (Figure 4.1).

However, when book chapters are included, the number of publications surpasses the number achieved

in 2010.

Figure 4.1 Number of peer-reviewed scientific papers (ISI Web of Science) and book chapters

published by GRAQ members (2001-2011)

The number of papers published per Ph.D. member of the permanent staff (Figure 4.2) varies between

0.3 and 1.9.

Figure 4.2 Number of papers published in peer-reviewed scientific journals (ISI Web of

Science) per Ph.D. member of the permanent staff (2001-2011)

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2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011




/ p




A citation analysis was performed (January 17th 2012) for the period 2001-2011 (Figure 4.3). An obvious

decrease in citations per paper is observed because of (i) the low number of papers and (ii) the short time

period. The average citation per paper is 7.1 and the Hirsch index (h-index) is 13.

Figure 4.3 Citation analysis (2001-2011)