nk api - examples

NK API Examples Games and application s Websites (c) Jarosław Gomułka 2012

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Page 1: Nk API - examples

NK APIExamples

Games and application


(c) Jarosław Gomułka 2012

Page 2: Nk API - examples

API types:


Page 4: Nk API - examples


Authentication is based on OAuth standard. There are many libraries supporting this

standard. Have a look here:: http://oauth.net/code/

First you need to get nk_token via /token/get request.

POST https://opensocial.nk-net.pl/v09/token/get

POST data:


[no cookies]

Request Headers:

<next slide>

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REST API - /token/get - headersRequest Headers:

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Content-Length: 28

Authorization: OAuth oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_consumer_key="customerKeyZPanelu", oauth_timestamp="1352376881", oauth_nonce="272317321310634", oauth_version="1.0", oauth_signature="jVaVvVZcLZ1mMHzU3dzAmw3vxPE%3D"



oauth_nonce="272317321310634" - must be unique, at least 15 characters

oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1" - you must enter this value

oauth_signature="jVaVvVZcLZ1mMHzU3dzAmw3vxPE%3D" - it needs to be calculated:)

oauth_signature obliczamy poprzez base64_encode(HMAC-SHA1(oauth_base_string, <secret from developer panel>&));

If everything goes correctly, we will get the answer:


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REST API - base string

Example of value POST&http%3A%2F%2Fjava1.omega.nknet%3A2080%2Fv09%2Ftoken%2Fget&login%3Dabcef%26oauth_consumer_key%3DjakisCustomerKey%26oauth_nonce%3D273217097465315%26oauth_signature_method%3DHMAC-SHA1%26oauth_timestamp%3D1352377781%26oauth_version%3D1.


First part POST - as we were sending POST request

Second part is URL without query parameters, encoded via urldecode function

Third part are all sorted and concatenated parameters .

Remember to sign the request content (when it makes sens - check: question reported to NKsupport).

All requests need to be signed with this mechanism.

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REST API - @me, @self, @all

Many endpoint specifications show strange elements like: @me, @self, @all.

@me - user currently logged in

@self, @friends, @all - indicates who can check the object on which the action is done

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Download user data

GET http://opensocial.nk-net.pl/v09/social/rest/people/person.602916f34c2ee73d/@self?nk_token=pynHhd5gLOetEOL3HtkFLwAUZ-4jHwMb6yda8Dkk-ratXkexcYcJhjWliEusR_QGTpBLvl1Rto51k8-s24l9O9wFKaqQ9mvNDMKSU90Gp2f

[no cookies]

Request Headers:

Authorization: OAuth oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_consumer_key="psiloctest1", oauth_timestamp="1352379660", oauth_nonce="275096425520387", oauth_version="1.0", oauth_signature="GeGBNljcPKIQPeLXgCtYX8zgVCY%3D"

Connection: keep-alive


{"entry":{"isOwner":true,"isViewer":true,"id":"person.602916f34c2ee73d","thumbnailUrl":"http://s.m.nk.pl/img/avatar/avatar_default_female","name":{"formatted":"du1 mnk (\u003cscript\u003ealert(1);\u003c/script\u003e)","additionalName":"mnk (\u003cscript\u003ealert(1);\u003c/script\u003e)","familyName":"mnk","givenName":"du1"},"photos":[{"value":"http://s.m.nk.pl/img/avatar/avatar_default_female","type":"thumbnail"}],"displayName":"du1 mnk (\u003cscript\u003ealert(1);\u003c/script\u003e)"}}

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Adding shout

POST https://opensocial.nk-net.pl/v09/social/rest/activities/@me/@self/app.sledzik?nk_token=pynHhd5gLOetEOL3HtkFLwAUZ-4jHwMb6yda8Dkk-ratXkexcYcJhjWliEusR_QGTpBLvl1Rto51k8-s24l9O9wFKaqQ9mvNDMKSU90Gp2f

POST data:

{"title":"Some short text 123"}

[no cookies]

Request Headers:

Content-Type: application/json

Content-Length: 31

Authorization: OAuth oauth_body_hash="%2FIyGusEZ4w8%2BuI9gOr5emjQha9E%3D", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_consumer_key="psiloctest1", oauth_timestamp="1352379705", oauth_nonce="275140932345687", oauth_version="1.0", oauth_signature="Rhv3r9eVAx66MDlcTepvQ7bPkuw%3D"

Connection: close

Response 200:


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When something is not working...

We suggest the following steps:

● Check the error code. You can find many useful information there.● Check logs - http://developers.nk.pl/applications-logs/

● Catch the request with tcpdump or extract it with netcat. Then check if data is sent according to the specification

● Describe the problem in details in NK support

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API JSIn this part we will show you how to create Opensocial applications.

Shindig is used as application container which implements OpenSocial standard

Shindig is responsible for:

● application rendering● proxy request creation● data cache● RPC/REST requests

We are supporting OpenSociala ver 0.9.

List of all functionalities we are supporting

is accessible in our documentation.

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API JSAplikacje definiujemy przez pojedynczy plik gadget.xmlAdres do tego pliku podajemy w panelu zarządzania aplikacjami i stronami.

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Preparation of development environment

1. You create application in https://developers.nk.pl/developers2. Set debug mode (data cache is disabled)3. You add tester ID on application tester list4. Enter your application: http://nk.pl/#applications_test/xyz (the exact link is in

application settings)

For the beginning we can put the following, classic example code as gadget.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><Module> <ModulePrefs/> <Content type="html" view="canvas"> <![CDATA[ Hello World ]]> </Content></Module>

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Following examples are available under this URL: https://github.com/jaaro/various/tree/master/nk

1. ROT132. Information about the user3. Informacje about friends4. Embedding flash5. Swfobject6. Hamster fall7. Adding shout on NK

We suggest to test other JS API functionalities in this application: nkda.

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Payments- JS code

function handlePaymentResponse(dataItem) {

if (dataItem.hadError()) {

alert('got an error');

} else {

var orderId = dataItem.getData().getField(opensocial.Payment.Field.ORDER_ID);

alert('payment request accepted, orderId: ' + orderId);



function makePayment() {

var params = {};

params[opensocial.Payment.Field.AMOUNT] = 5;

params[opensocial.Payment.Field.MESSAGE] = "large sword";

params[opensocial.Payment.Field.PARAMETERS] = "some_app_specific_params";

var payment = opensocial.newPayment(params);

opensocial.requestPayment(payment, handlePaymentResponse);


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PaymentsEnter the right value in "Payment Callback URL" field (Administration panel):

When transaction is completed, nk is sending under this URL the following request:

POST /some/url HTTP/1.1

Host: gamehost.com

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded






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Application must confirm the payment has been received by generating the following response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json

{"orderId":"32787067d4de27d7fb97d816723d5c75bb9fd337","responseCode":"ok","responseMessage":"all ok","signature":"7e7455aac4a1be3186185e5bd056791adf01818c"}

If the confirmation (response) is not ok, NK server will send request every minute for next 24hours or till we get the correct response.

If you want to test payments, send e-mail to [email protected] with request for specified amount of NK currency (EGB) , you NK profile ID and name of the application you are testing.

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Inviting friends to the application:

function handleInviteFriendResponse(responseItem) {

if (responseItem.hadError()) {

// handle error

} else {

alert(responseItem.getData() + ' invited friend(s)');



function invite() {

var msg = 'Join me !';

var paramsObject = new Object();

nk.requestInviteFriends(msg, paramsObject, handleInviteFriendResponse);



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Check if user is already member of the application group.

function response(data) {

if (data.hadError()) {

// handle error

} else {

var result = data.get("isInGroup").getData();

if (result) {

output("User is in application\'s group");

} else {

output("User is NOT in application\'s group");




function request() {

var req = opensocial.newDataRequest();

req.add(nk.groups.newIsUserInAppGroupRequest(), "isInGroup");




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Adding user to application group:

function callback(responseItem) {

if (responseItem.hadError()) {

// handle error

} else {




function invite() {




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Adding picture:

function uploadPhotoHandler(resp) {

if (resp.hadError()) {

// handle error



function uploadPhoto() {

nk.photos.requestUploadAppPhoto("Photo added from Dev App", null, uploadPhotoHandler);



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How many user have installed the application?

function response(data) {

if (data.get("amount").hadError()) {

// handle error

} else {




function request() {

var req = opensocial.newDataRequest();

req.add(nk.newGetAmountOfUsersRequest(), "amount");




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Adding shout:

function onActivityPosted(data) {

if (data.hadError()) {

alert("There was a problem: " + data.getErrorMessage());

} else {

output("The activity was posted successfully.");



function postActivity(title) {

var data = {};

data[opensocial.Activity.Field.TITLE] = title;

var activity = opensocial.newActivity(data);







postActivity("This is a sample activity");

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Communication between users - message

function response(data) {

if (data.hadError()) {

alert("There was a problem: " + data.getErrorMessage());

} else {

output("The message was sent.");



function request() {

var iconUrl = new opensocial.Url({"type" : "icon", "address" : "http://www.example.org/icons/notifyIcon.jpg"});

var msgParams = {

"title" : "Title of notification",

"urls" : new Array(iconUrl), // image used in notification

"type" : "notification", // only notification is currently supported


var msg = opensocial.newMessage("Body of notification", msgParams); opensocial.requestSendMessage(["person.XXX"], msg, response);



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You can find many other examples in our dokumentation together with detailed features specification.


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Some interesting features:

Please note, that even if we support some features, they may not be operated in the same way as in original OpenSocial specification, for example: Activity.

List of supported paramenters is here: http://developers.nk.pl/documentation/nk-api/opensocial-js-api/

Interesting features:

gadgets.log / gadgets.warn / gadgets.error

gadgets.json.parse / gadgets.json.stringify


gadgets.io.makeRequest / osapi.http.get