n.i.j.c. cardinal review vol 21 no 5 nov 22, 1966

A C1ppella Choir To Perfor11 For Shrine Benefit North I Jur r A Cappc1la Choir •Ill alnc In a combined p rlormanc with tlH' Community Slncrra at the Shrine Nile lk:lem Tuesday. 22. at 8.00 p.m. at thf' ?-1JC 1:1 Thia •Ill be th larEt t formal choir Ytr to 11ln1 In Coeur d'Alene ,,,,. Cardlnnl Chornle, nn cnscmblt! of choir membera ""' slJlc "Mar cir." "Sil c: endoah. •• and a Jazz numb r by Bach. ProcPeds from tb" "'111 s:o dlrect!l 10 Lhe Shrl· oers• Chlldren·a Hospital In Spokane. tton Feller. a Spokane cbolr director. will sing folk itlrc· lions. Ft'llN \\llS a patl,.nt at the ShrinN's Hospl111.I tor seven Shrlnrr " llll11m L<•Oorl' or Coeur Cl'All'n•• Is the pro11111m ch al rm an. The brnl'lll per· lormanc" wlll open wllh nn Introduction ul the Shrtncrs, lollowl'd by th1·n11•rtalnmcnt. NIJC will pt<'B<'nl a -dramo. "Frankie and Johnny". "Ith musical nurraUon Mr. und Mrs. J. Ra) Cox. Tho• :-OIJC da.ncc band. Thr Sw 1ni:lni: '- 111 en1t·ru1ln. as wlll th• SpokaM B&l;lllP Ban Richmond Is AWS Girl Of The Month Sopho ott J A '" RI 'hi" •nd h• b n I I d lh< AllS altrulsllc Gttl ol the She was l'lecled because or her OUtSlandlnE ab1HI.) 10 arouse campus s;pltll 11nd to an Interest In social acl!vltlesamonc tht! students. At !hi' beclnnlnc or lhe s,.mes1er th• Assoc1111ed 11omrn Stud1•nls (AllSI d"clded uvon a which \\ould make the wom<'n .. 1udents ll"are or lhrlr potenllal& and pro' ldt thrm .. Ith a or CllPt••Ssln& them!\elvrs. fnt• Girl ot M onth a"anl pro· vlde' 11 i:oal ror \\hlch the &trls consclt ncloush \\Ori< to nchl•• e. Thtti pro cram tis con11nuP.d In the hopes that It wtll produce mature women v.ho wlll be helpful lO lellow atudenu and bencliclal 10 ttlo communlt). Jo Ann Is :ui maJor •ho plans to l 11.ch al hlsh school le•rl or "o:k on the Campus st&lf all r recchlni:: her B.A de'1ee. She slni;s 1n th A CaPl>t'lla Choir, 1s OD the debate tram. and p r• tes In Campus Cru :. Band Concert Set For Dec. 14 Th• CJ ML r orcntoc p •loll" o the :>!JC Concert Blln:I, conducted b) Jnmos Barns wlll Include compo ltlona r1U1CID' from "St. ,\nthon) DlHrtlmcnlO" b)· J. Haylln lo scl.,ctlons from "\Ir. Lucky" by ll•nl) Mancini. The conc:en contain srvcn or el£ht pi.,coa f<'alur- l ntt 11010& by o! lhl:' band. lncludtni:: "Mlnut<'man" (ConcMl b) R. H. P!!avlo. Colden Eur" b) M. :illn bllquri. "Rrl)'lhm of the II lnd&" II>' f Erickson nnd lh<' "Jamlllcan f'Olk Suite" b) II. L. ,\all rs. UI, r:O. t COEUlt D'Al(NE, R eview Editors Plan Chan geove -; Yoclliooil Dmsion ol ortd po/lc- 1 of ,,.... R•vl•• ...,,, SU Committee Is Reactivated wfto a '•••O" Barbara Mannine hU assum th posll!on of editor ot Ill Ca:d1nal R<ovtc•. H lkk1la. who hu b<.-en editor : r th pso..1t two 11emes1 r3 Sh r P• scus d rttently :eslsned !tom th at the :\o\. 8 rDt'eUnc f ti:" pos1t!on bl'cause or bra.1th studl'nt bollrd. acco:.i::i• :o : asona. Patsy Brown. sccrt"t.:\n !.!lr.s :.an:t1ns Is 11 n•tlve of the boazd con· ld:lhoan. Shl' Uv s ID llllTd"D tbl" posslb .. t\7 ol re- Lake and was irllduated !rom the •tudeot u:i!on Coeu: d'Alene Hlib School tn committee. It ..-as sus£e::.ted 1966 •bere she 5crved on,. that the commltt<"c bate tbe semeste: u a on responsibility ol tis1., 11 1ni; to The llbllt' Pinet, C.>eur d'Alene complalJllS o.bout the "sub.. Hieb Scboot•s newspnper. From tbe11e reeo:nmendat.ons :.tias Mannine !s a member th<' members ol tbe com!lllttee or lht! A Cappetta Choir and ,.ould lht'n creat<' poUctl!S she said that mua1c Is an Im· ror that bulldlnc. porusDt part or h" ur... 10 Three members wbo addlllon she hu a aP. \\Ill be on tht> commllu.•e are precl111!on for literature. H. Frank E\'MS, Gertrude Helkltlla said that h" w111 Olll><'rt, and C. Yt eston Hatch. eootlJlue to do some feature Two or three •ill wr111ng, P<:rbaps a column appointed at a future meet· 11bou1 ca.'Dpus Ute lor the Inc. :-:etl Pe1erson. C 3 rdtnal Retie•, but the time of the student ..,aJd. be may pend Clll the Cardtnal Kaleidoscope Players To Present Assembly Th SI CA " 1ly Corvnlt· t ee Is sponsor1n1 an u.;cwulJ' ntltlcd, "Other Sides or Ibo Looking Otaaa" (th world or Lewi a Carrol) by The Kale!· <1oscope Playtr:s, Dec. 7 at 11 OS a.m In the SIJC l)'l'll· no.slum. Le•I• Carrol '"•5 the pen nlllD o! Charles Lut"MI" Dodpon, v.ho wrote one of the most !&moua books In chll<lr n's Uteratur<l, Ailee's Ad\' nturus In ·,\ond•rland, Pllbllshed He also publlabed Through the Looking Ola s In 187 I. Throuah lhP Looltln1 Gius bu bN•n &c· ctalmco to h11vc quot<'d from more than any othN work excep t Shalteapenr< and th• Bible. The Kaleidoscope cut. wblch lnclud•s Lee ion. Blll 8'.'n All 'r. nnd Jon DoTe, wlll ponray the •eirlt11 or Lewis Carrol as told In aoac. drama. poct:y and !'lance In 1wo a.eta with p Ii.. The of chanl:lnc hereafter will ha'" 10 be the Cardinal Re\'le• office 11.l!tl:Pd since he hu other was dJscus•tod. Tt:iporaiy w:ltini: comitments. Helkldla plans c.ze to le! tbe edlto: bas 11tr1tten letturc tUtlc!ca us<" the steno equ1p:::en1 roa:n lo: newspape.-s and mai:az1nc11 Members Ol tbe bollnl Will lor a aumbt"r o! ye11rs. He Is price e:ib!nt'ts lO swro the c:u:r Dtly worklns on a hu:n • equ1pmen1 that no• occupl!!S roc.s an.ele nbout colle n cdl'd space. !lie and espceu 10 be wrtt!s DELEGATES NAMED Third on the list o! top.es more features. and l)(' FOR NWSA MEETING was the ll:prov - llllrs. a 5YD:llcstcd colu m 111 ol pa:kln;; facll!ties oD 11 1to1:: :iature l::i the COtltha I campus. Dave Pr:ano and com • Pc' Dohrrna:i h:i•e been '! c::t looking rcrward to a painted to discuss 5 Of so that I ay co pletelJ' !mprovtnc tbe racilltles w!UI reco\"er lroci 1111 Illness," tb faculty. AJd. "Then IM'I· Purebase or a sell-contained l1aPS I Ill&)' fl!lll mor 11- 10 podlu:n at tbe cost or Paint. cllt:ib mountalns. watch was appro\cd. This IDODCY came rrom the reserYe fund. The unit 111 OIH'tated bJ bill · trites. or Ir,) altcmattng cur· r<'nl. and ClllY easily be movl'd hom place to place. C. lies too BatC'h recl'h l!d th• board· s opproval to show lbt Ulm. "8' eke! " IO Coeur d'Alf n• Hlllh School atud.,nts A .. 111 bo made to lb<· mO\lf'. Tom Robb. DECA (DISttlba· Eduaallon Clubs of Am mr111 advisor. recel\•l.'d 10 an E115tman ;\lldllfe film lo th•• iarr.nulum to raise blr1's. llnd collttt antiques." he concluded. some or Helkklls's bobbles Include restoration or h0rde- dra1'l! vehJcle.s, clock col· lecllD' and repair, bird ""tch· (be purt1c1patcs In the Sallonal Auduboo Society ' II Christmas bird aount). prd••· 111nc. t>ecke<'Plni:. hlklni;, flshlnc. photoicraphv und roelt to mention the ones he conMdrrs bis ravo- rl1<•s. "Thr (f)(oC. !IJ and .. ,ur .. ct., or Street" (Dec. 131 arr mo\"I s on tho SAC llCht'.ldule. A r .r: ... -.. &...&• "" Q a.p.,o.a..ated olllclal at the w\nt r NV.SA (SCrtbtres: Slud nt Aasoda!lonl can" 11· lloa. Jan. = ·•. at SeatUe Pacitlc COlle;e. Student rcpresentatlve.s froo ci ::ibtr throushout the Pacific :-Ootthwe&t cec-1 at this c:onTen1lon to partlelpa.te 111 :.ndlvtdual discussion crouos. Tbey dJacuu prob- lems Whlcl1 artae con caa:pus and attemp1 10 find solutions t th probl - . CALENDA R NO\' - \AC- .LtJ On !'\O\. :!6 prne Dcc. I - P p rail• Club Dec. 3 - Crubb) oanee Dec. ; - Ski Club StY I<' Sho• Aaaouaces NiH New Youtional Coarses Ch11• nc llaucl\I. h•ad ot IM \'OC&tlonal dlvl1lon announces ntn<• n•" nlshl elms· &el' for adult atudtnta. All the will run for 10 week" SalcamanAhlp tor Chrl11tm119 H<!lp, which wlll last flvr wreka. \lost clasao& arr up In lhrc•• hour &••Uloni; "llhn r onr or two B werk. Two 111•wln11 clon«· ... 111 bo ofll'Wd by Mr!>. lll•IM Brlllldl, and Mrs. AllCP llorrl•on wlll lNICh Modern MNhod ""'Ina. Other cour "'' ar< Weldlnc lor Malntrnanc• llorkPra tauShl bv Stllnl•1 lluch• s. Machin• Shop by John Sprinkle; Rclatt•d ln&ttucllon for Carpenter Apprtnl!ce& by Claude Ytllllams. Salesman· &hip lor Christmas II• II' by Jerry TerhnlQue& of Su1>Prvlslnc Pl'OPl11 b)' Jean Frick. and Ltrui En· sra"1nc b7 Fred Shh•I•> · Lens Encr1l\1nc la primarily a Pendat, Inc.. program. Pendat •Lil also lllJlllSOr lhrL.., more clasaes ror tech· nlclans 1111" this year. Robl'tl Rock well. FBl acer.t, WI II ofter ln&truCl!Oll for area peace olUcen concemlnc lnve&tlgatlon of crlmt•s >n· volv!nc SM:>X ollendNa 29 and 30. and o.ic. 2 and 3, In Februan law o!lleNs •111 be able to att .. nd dassn deallnc •.rith th" tnvu1lp· tlon ot th» cnm .. acene. Accordln11 10 Hauaht. adult• at1Pnd the etas "" for "pt'r- 1onal up-11adln1." State Education Board Holds Meeting At NUC !dallo' Slal4' Board or Edu· cation OIM'n<d o 1wo-d"1 "' SIJC ti - the Or:st session '""r held In the Po.nhaodle. The momlnc pro;ram 111· eluded a Board or R"senlS meetlnc with Ernest HartuDc. l'nh·crally o! Idaho prt'Sldent, and the lloanclal rice.pres!· dent Ken Dick. The a!temoon was dnotcd lO Departmt'nt o! Education a!!alr>1. TQCatlonal educaUon and and wu •1th a d1acu1slon or "Operaunc Piao tor COn· 1.autnc Educ:at!OD". Attorner Jolm Ptacod. board cbalrman. presld<od all cbalrrnaa. A new ctt'ml>l'r. E. A. Bopn Jr .• was ,.'lf'Om In. Ollt•r recular ccmb•rs present were Phil Ou!lcrd. ' 1ce·prosJden1 of Boord; Ehon Hampton. Mrs. John 1\11.lle:s . £. CUn!a Eaton. El· don Smith ; C1lberl Corbone, dJrtttOr Of hlchN «lucatlon. and lM admlnl· stroll"• to In" board, Marcin .. Sopnomorc who h&\'ft nol )et rfllCN\r<I a 66 Driftwood annual lllllJ' ellll do so, Th.,r.. Is an ad.,quate suppl) ldt ID lbP llbrat}'.

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Published Semi-Monthly During The College Year By Journalism Students At The North Idaho Junior College


  • A C1ppella Choir To Perfor11 For Shrine Benefit

    North I Jur r Coll~ce A Cappc1la Choir Ill alnc In a combined p rlormanc with tlH' Community Slncrra at the Shrine Nile lk:lem Tuesday. ~ovcmber 22. at 8.00 p.m. at thf' ?-1JC 1:1 Thia Ill be th larEt t formal choir Ytr to 11ln1 In Coeur d'Alene

    ,,,,. Cardlnnl Chornle, nn cnscmblt! of choir membera ""' slJlc "Mar cir." "Sil c: e ndoah. and a Jazz numb r by Bach.

    ProcPeds from tb" b~oellt "'111 s:o dlrect!l 10 Lhe Shrl oers Chlldrena Hospital In Spokane.

    tton Feller. a Spokane cbolr director. will sing folk itlrc lions. Ft'llN \\llS a patl,.nt at the ShrinN's Hospl111.I tor seven ycnr~

    Shrlnrr " llll11m L!JC Concert Blln:I, conducted b)

    ~Ir. Jnmos Barns wlll Include compo ltlona r1U1CID' from "St. ,\nthon) DlHrtlmcnlO" b) J. Haylln lo scl.,ctlons from "\Ir. Lucky" by llnl) Mancini.

    The conc:en ~111 contain srvcn or elht pi.,coa f b) R. H. P!!avlo. "Th~ Colden Eur" b) M. :illn bllquri. "Rrl)'lhm of the II lnd&" II>' f Erickson nnd lh commllu.e are precl111!on for literature. H. Frank E\'MS, Gertrude Helkltlla said that h" w111 Olll>n volv!nc SM:>X ollendNa ~ov. 29 and 30. and o.ic. 2 and 3, In Februan law o!lleNs 111 be able to att .. nd dassn deallnc .rith th" tnvu1lp tlon ot th c nm .. acene.

    Accordln11 10 Hauaht. adult at1Pnd the etas "" for "pt'r-1onal up-11adln1."

    State Education Board Holds Meeting At NUC !dallo' Slal4' Board or Edu

    cation OIM'n

  • THE N.LJ.C. REVIEW ........ I 1 ' ' 1 tWr ~ .. c:.a... Yw

    ... ..__.....~ ..... NOITH IC>AHO JUNIOl COlU6E


    Ed,.., !WboUI ma&11 communlcftl!ons. The crllt'llD or ~pd und t lflel nr) cun und ahould br upplli'd lo lratnln' und lnlnrm11Uo11.

    Mn a 1tc:ablt1 lo rduCllllon 111 1111\ 1n1101111nt ""Y 111e1 c:an be ln\Okl!d to me sur I" rlormnn In rnlt l~nrnlns. In ~h nwnt11ry lnnKUllC' tn uuctlon. In th" mn lrrJ or lh" multiplication table and sic

    ilar prcrt'qullllt 11 lo lucut111n. 111 lhlni;s tbat ha'e lo be 01 out OI lh "DY b('(or rnluratlnp CllJI bs. "1th tM Ith lh r :itc t Ind I th PUI 1111d Nest'nt.

    Tb con tltu nt Ir n111 of tht~ c:onHr1111Uon a1e pCv1>~n11A1. I P66. bl/ Rob t M. //rlrAtn an r~. !....!!!._ Oh "I'

    lnllauon \I hen lh 111! "ho \\ und 1111and tht'~ ., ha" .;l 'l>d lor o r:u n) "t bl'll e that "'e'll T r "'In tbe W'll: le \I t 1'am. a1nc lbe boJ 5 hoi:o lk 11Ld~. I net mus1 know ha"' 10 ba.odle thl'lr own economic and POlllleal problems. I "e CCI OUI It 111 late Ion r !>.:lore It Is ovrr, one way ,, anolb r.

    JA.SE LAUF and l\E:'O 'o\A...-TERS. Sopbomo: S, Socl'llOIC! and .SuclMlt F'.ncln~erlng Fore\:er. at th ::tte lhc.)I Are-KOlnc now.

    CARY PALO. Sopbomor ~Udllana~ nl It Is un deter::ll:iable. especl11ll) l! lh" p:esrot slt.::itlon per slsts. How wl tb lll clw11:e In 1:0 me1r:it tb : could POSS! bl b a cb:ulce In pol.t\". wblch ... oultl c:~w mor ddlnlt p1~111: I I h It ... O ''~ compel d th :.. ~b,. .n DPb&te and

    Si>t'tth Touma.ment at the t:nlnultr of O:e0a at Euscne. Sl!v nl) t"'O !


    At a meetlnc of the Spanish Club on OclOl>Anothe r project which u brcu1ht up waa the Pal1nera for the Allianoo tor Fro1resli. Last year tht> Spanish Club "Pter frar.> the Eut, plav od by Cathi Htriza, add d tbelr oucb t ti!

    JEFFRIES' TV s.. us lot

    ba11tr ""' &'\, ~bes !Ope 'O!'Cla'>

    sef'eo $4ts .. .. o::; os or repo rs on c..,.., o' The oi.o-..

    102 R1 .. , A... MO ClOOO C..vi 4' AlM, "loo

    Coeur d'Alene LaanS, & Dry Cleaners

    Q.,1ck, (QJ1r11CUs S.r ... c~ SPKD o~-Dof S.uic

    l"vltcua me11lm

  • f .W.S Mlgidm-Aru Codes 6ame Hn Slllrdly lligllt

    BOWLL"G ~E" S Ho11e Ee Students Plan Candy Sale Studrnt bowltr at l..ak

    A nlcht vi !In bo k tball and gaod, clCDJI comedv 1s promla'IJC b9St lb:lll.

    CllJ lAnP and Cov& Sowl ractlCD.lly 11n~111Able and also p101des who! some comed} and ent 1101nmnt ror the pleuur~ ol basketball IL~S.

    Hawk Gipson. a tr lt.shO'. artist, lsl'.mal Baker, billed u :bt1 finest ae:-Shot art11 In thr world, t>nd LP.tin Hiiiiard, mut-m~ni. To maintain moin marln~ llP"Clmens collect< d from tho coaatal waIm Unit id Slat. tht1 at~r must ~ kepi ~ : t wern 6 and I:? dearees 0-1-llus (the newty adopted or-lfclal lerm for what WA.a formtrl) called Ccnlliirade1

    Frank EYana. belld of the bloloo d"P&rtmtnt, r.oolt vacation llme to bnn1 back near!) 300 POunds or fresh sea w11tN from Pu~et Sound. H also succP.Cd~d In br1n,-ln1 lh1ni: 11pectmena of star-Dsh. aea urchins. n ane-moM, clant bamacll', sea cucumbN and othr coa&tal mar1n1 animals. He com-mcntcd that It took conald~rablo time lO d velop an aquar1u thnt attr11clh'ely II Pl~ d lhP animal a.

    itudnl In Blolo&:Y 2 and lnerL brut( ZoololO' .. 111 oo abh to 1\bt.t:"r\( mkn.r raeor tebrDI m.arln animal thr''' Ir lhl ur'q. pl eo-equlpn 111.

    LIBRARY ADDS BOOKS Ru .1 Sod 11.n , n .... d 11

    br"rt in, I port I h OI 1"1! no" 0111111 almo t all tbo Hllum,.11 In lb Liie Sclence :11111s nnd tb1 1.1111 Natur11 111rlr.a. Tlllus or rec,erace. Tbls snack hour. 11hlcb b"pna at I :30 p.m .. Is bc>lni: ort red to thank the admtnJstratlon nose eUot! .lll' ci05t appr elated, acco:u-n to llr' H ll.

    English Classes Hear Folk Ballads 'II ..s Tm En It and

    American I ratu~ IL> s llslt'nl!d to rolk ballads to supplement tt'Jtboot study or the ballad form. Ola.~" Jamps

    ..01: "\'Wee Doodle" Aod &rbara Allen" and rccord-

    ln s or folk alnce: JOIUI Bapz re used.

    Studtnts otklag on ti' Al:lertcan Rewo1ullonary ~rlod aJao hrard ""'ll'e Sh11u Oc rcome" In conlunrtlon with lbe ld~a of protest. Diane James. John N'ea11nc. IUld Oac Buckley w111 alng

    ~ccro splrttuaJs to lll~lcllt study of tbe Ch11 \\ar penod

    ~Uss TIMle) hoped to ln-splr< tb1mes from lhe tu d'Dts tn playlni: lh~ Bolles rcconllni; ol "Eleno: Rieb) R"IPDDS Included dlscu Ions of Elenor. Stud eta alao heatd "Tbe \lord In \ 'out

    ~'Ar," an ~'aluauon of ho.- ~~ r 'Ir "tlltur



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    KRYSTAL PLUNGE Swiming - RecNalion

    Sovna Stoa B