niehaus news · fishing with ben 70 years ago my grandpa ben and my father, frances started niehaus...

March 2003 Volume 41, Issue 3 Niehaus News Niehaus News St. Patrick’s Day May you have: A world of wishes at your command God and his angels close at hand Friends and family their love impart, And Irish blessings in your heart Karran Stars in Las Vegas Solid Surface Show Karran, a Niehaus company, traveled to Las Vegas to partic- ipate in a national, solid surface show at the Mandalay Hotel. The entire show was made up of solid surface manu- facturers displaying their products. There are many products made from solid surface materials like tubs, showers, sinks and counter tops. We are proud to tout the Karran solid sur- face sinks, because it is a very good product and has all the features and benefits that the higher priced brands have, but costs significantly less. Those employees who went to Las Vegas to work the Karran Booth and promote the solid surface sinks were: Eric Niehaus, Paul Martin, Todd Donovan, Mark Webster and Bernie Niehaus. All reported that the show was successful and that the Karran line got a lot of exposure, which is what is needed to keep the business growing. Even though it was fun going to tinsel town and meeting so many people, all the guys said they were glad to be back home. 70 th Anniversary 2003 Niehaus Companies 1933 -2003 March 17

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Page 1: Niehaus News · Fishing With Ben 70 years ago my Grandpa Ben and my father, Frances started Niehaus Planing Mill. Ben Niehaus was an inventive sort and very skilled with mill machinery

March 2003 Volume 41, Issue 3

Niehaus NewsNiehaus NewsSt. Patrick’s Day

May you have:A world of wishes at your commandGod and his angels close at handFriends and family their love impart,And Irish blessings in your heart

Karran Stars in Las Vegas Solid Surface ShowKarran, a Niehaus company, traveled to Las Vegas to partic-ipate in a national, solid surface show at the MandalayHotel. The entire show was made up of solid surface manu-facturers displaying their products. There are many productsmade from solid surface materials like tubs, showers, sinksand counter tops. We are proud to tout the Karran solid sur-face sinks, because it is a very good product and has all thefeatures and benefits that the higher priced brands have, butcosts significantly less.

Those employees who went to Las Vegas to work the KarranBooth and promote the solid surface sinks were: EricNiehaus, Paul Martin, Todd Donovan, Mark Webster andBernie Niehaus. All reported that the show was successfuland that the Karranline got a lot ofexposure, which iswhat is needed tokeep the businessgrowing.

Even though it wasfun going to tinseltown and meeting somany people, all theguys said they wereglad to be backhome.



Niehaus Companies1933 -2003

March 17

Page 2: Niehaus News · Fishing With Ben 70 years ago my Grandpa Ben and my father, Frances started Niehaus Planing Mill. Ben Niehaus was an inventive sort and very skilled with mill machinery

Fishing With Ben

70 years ago my Grandpa Ben and myfather, Frances started Niehaus PlaningMill. Ben Niehaus was an inventive sortand very skilled with mill machinery. Heloved working with the area’s farmers. Benwould be down at the mill at 5:30 in themorning turning binder rollers for the wheat

farmers and hot bed sashes for the melon farmers, in addition toplaning their rough lumber.

As I stated, he was very inventive and sometimes this got him intobig trouble. In the 1940’s plastic wood for filling holes in wood wasjust being marketed. Clayton Miller, his long-time mill assistant,told the story about him trying to fix his false teeth with plasticwood. Well, as Clayton explained it, it was quite a mess getting theteeth and the plastic wood out of his mouth.

I remember working in the oldmill shop during my gradeschool and high school years.Ben was a genius with the millmachinery. We had a fivehead moulding machine withhundreds of knives on the wall.. He would spend a half day settingup this moulding machine with certain knives on the five heads. Ialways enjoyed watching him run the wide crown mouldings.

In 1944, after my father died, Grandpa became a real part of our fam-ily and was a real father figure to me. He lived next to the cornerhouse at 10th and Vigo Streets. So he was a block from the lumbercompany and 2 blocks from our house at 10th and Broadway. Mymother would invite him to eat Sunday dinner at our house. In thelate 1940’s, after school one day at the lumber company, Grandpaleaned over and whispered in my ear “One day you will head up thiscompany.”

Grandpa loved to fish and on many occasions, I would go with him.He had one favorite fishing hole - Rusch’s Pond - out by St. Thomas.It was owned by Louie and Betty Rusch. He would always call Bettybefore he went fishing. This last fall it seems as if history wasrepeating itself down at Kentucky Lake. I was fishing with Benagain - my grandson. This Ben is the son of David and MaggieNiehaus. I hope over the next few years I will make more time tofish with all my grandchildren and get to know them as I didGrandpa Ben.

It seems as if history wasrepeating itself - I wasfishing with Ben again -my grandson.

Splinters by Bernie NiehausChairman of the Board

Housing Starts SoarThe following article was published in the February issue ofRandom Length - a weekly report on North American ForestProducts Markets.

Construction began on new houses and apartments inJanuary at the fastest pace in 16 years, with single familysector turning in the best rate of activity in 24 years. “Lowinterest rates and healthy house-price performance remainthe most important factors behind the obvious strength thatsingle-family housing has maintained amidst generally weakconsumer confidence measures.” said Kent Conine, a Dallas,Texas builder and president of the National Association ofHome Builders.

Meanwhile, the HNAHB’s HousingMarket Index, derived from a monthlysurvey of builders, slipped two points inFebruary. Its reading of 62 was still regarded as a healthymeasure of builders confidence.

The component gauging current sales for new single-familyhomes held as a solid 69 in February, while the componentmeasuring builders’ expectations of sales in the next sixmonths registered a two point decline. Traffic of prospectivebuyers fell eight points to 43, which NAHB analysts attrib-uted largely to winter weather.

After posting a strong gain the previous month, Januaryhousing permits --and indicator of future building activity -dropped 5.6%. The drop was attributed entirely to a 23%decrease in the multi-family sector. Regionally permits rose3.39% in the West, but fell 7.2% in the South, 8.4% in theMidwest, and nearly 15% in the Northeast. Conine observedthat home builders held a significant backlog of unused per-mits in January. “These could translate to additional startsactivity in coming months,” he said.

Lingering softness in the stock market and the overall econo-my, due in part to the Iraq situation, is keeping mortgagerates below 6%. Analysts expect the economy to respondpositively if the Iraq conflict can be resolved quickly andfavorably. That could push interest moderately higher, butthat would be largely offset by strengthening economic fac-tors, including job growth.

(1000s of Units, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rates)Jan. Dec. Jan. % Chg. % Chg.

2003 2002 2002 Pre. Mo. Yr. AgoTotal Starts 1,850 1,847 1,713 +0.2% + 8.0%Singl. Family 1,510 1,479 1,344 +2.1% +12.4%Multi Family 340 368 369 -7.6% - 7.9%Northeast 135 162 162 -16.7% -16.7%Midwest 354 402 352 -11.9% + 0.6%South 839 808 814 +3.8% + 3.1%West 522 475 385 +9.9% +35.6%Total Permits 1,781 1,887 1,686 -5.6% + 5.6%

* Source: Census Bureau

US Housing Starts and Building Permits

Page 3: Niehaus News · Fishing With Ben 70 years ago my Grandpa Ben and my father, Frances started Niehaus Planing Mill. Ben Niehaus was an inventive sort and very skilled with mill machinery

Page 3 Niehaus News

BirthdaysWe would like to welcome the following newemployees to our company.

Timothy Hensley - Big Buck - Terre HauteChristina Shafer - WBM, NashvilleTimothy Wiggins - WBM, NashvilleDaniel McElroy - WBM, VincennesBrad Bowen - Big Buck, Terre HauteLorie Hansen - Karran, WBM, Vincennes

New EmployeesIn March the following employees willbe celebrating their birthday!

Jerry Burch March 1Jean Fox March 4David Lane March 6Brian Childs March 6Kim Terry March 6Jerry Stanley March 9Kathy McCreary March 11Steve McNew March 11Michael Weber March 14Dennis Bilskie March 15Alan Smith March 19Todd Donovan March 20Don Kirby March 21Shawn Roseman March 23Paul Martin March 26Betty Tuttle March 26Gary Orames March 27

Happy Birthday!



• Robinson, IL• Terre Haute, IN

• Vincennes, IN• St. Louis, MO• Nashville, TN

• Vincennes, IN

• Vincennes, IN

USA• Vincennes IN

MemberIndiana Lumber

& BuildingSupply


Niehaus NewsThis newsletter is the official publication ofevents and activities of Niehaus Home Center,Wholesale Building Materials (Vincennes, St.Louis, and Nashville), Big Buck BuildingCenters (Terre Haute & Robinson) and is pub-lished 12 times per year.

Editor/Photographer/Writer:Sherry Cummins, Advertising Manager,Niehaus Home Center

March will mark the anniversary date ofemployment with our company for thefollowing employees.

Sherry Cummins 25 YearsSteve Taylor 7 YearsJohn Harrison 6 YearsTracy Hall 4 YearsJohn Sullivan 4 YearsShannon Grantham 4 YearsBill Egbert 4 YearsKeith Thomas 2 YearsRichard Walls 1 YearTroy Michler 1 YearRobert Neal 1 YearMatthew Thorne 1 YearRalph Ross 1 YearShawn Roseman 1 Year

“ I was saying, Harriet”

Our Sympathyto

Jack McCulloughon the recent loss of his father

Niehaus RetireeMildred Weitz

passed away February 14

She had worked in our accounting depart-ment for many years. Our condolences toher family and friends.

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Volunteers answer the call for church mission work in Belise

This article is being printed in our Newsletter to honor allthose folks who so willingly gave their time and labor forsuch a good cause. This story is of special interest becausesome of those who participated are our customers, parentsof an employee, friends, and fellow parishners. The writtenrecount of the trip was submitted by Mr. & Mrs. LarryDonovan.

On January 3, 2003 a group ofthirty-two people (9 women and 23 men,professional and non-professional) themajority being from the First Church ofGod in Vincennes with people from thesurrounding area representing five otherchurches, left for a church mission workcamp trip to San Pedro Town, on the islandof Amberguis Caye Belise CentralAmerica, an impoverished area which wasvirtually destroyed by Hurricane Keith alittle over two years ago.

The purpose of the trip was twofold: 1.) to construct a church building(not an elaborate building as we think ofin the United States) but a building to beused to further the message of JesusChrist and to provide a physical shelterduring the times of hurricanes that can bedevestating to the island and 2) to helpexpand the message of Jesus Christ to theadults and children of this town.

This area is famous for its snorkel-ing and scuba diving areas among the GreatBarrier Reef. Our group went as short-term missionaries away from the vacationresorts to the “real island world”.

Ourgoal was to con-struct a blockbuilding 31’ x42’ with doorsand openings -(and somethingthat was differentthan the pastthirteen missiontrips over the lasttwenty-six years)- pour a concreteroof, 33’ x 46’that wouldbecome the floorfor a future second story addition to beused for the pastor’s home. (The majorityof the buildings in the town have theirbusiness on the first floor and living quar-ters on the second floor.)

While the physical building con-struction was taking place, including theladies participa-tion, some of theladies conducteda Bible Schoolfor the childreneveryday duringthe afternoon.There were 75 to100 children whoattended and didthe same thingsthat children dohere in the Stateswhen they attendBible School.Learn about JesusChrist throughcrafts, stories,lessons, etc.

During the building constructionwhich was six actual working days, manyadversities and miracles occurred to allowthis building to be completed enough

to be used as a church when we left.There were times during the week when“self” tried to take control and said wecould not accomplish our goal but whenGod is in control, great things can bedone.

Some of the adversities encoun-tered were: a) electricity on the islandwould shut off at different times (as littleas 4 or 5 hours and sometimes at night; b)water on the island would be shut off(again some-times as littlea s 4 to 5hours andgenerally atnight - 9 6 a.m.);c)not being ableto get thematerialsneeded (therewas noNiehausHome Centerthat had all weneeded); d)discussionwith a localcontractorabout the waywe intended to form the concrete floorand beams and were told “I’ve been acontractor for over 25 years and there isno way you are going to complete thisbuilding to be usable in the six days youare talking about”; and many others.However, when we needed water for theconcrete, it was provided; when we need-ed electricity it was provided; when weneeded a particular task before the nextstep could take place, it was provided.

Niehaus Home Center andAristokraft donated and provided itemsthat were of great help to the “construc-tion cause and the nail aprons were ofgreat use to the ladies teaching BibleSchool” and with God’s help, no badweather occurred, no one was injured orbecame sick and we accomplished thegoal we set out to do.

Local residents help inthe construction of thenew church.

It took a lot of manual laborfrom everyone to completethe project in such a shorttime.

Villager helping in theconstruction - sporting aNiehaus hat.

Rita Donovan shown with some of the localchildren from the village.

Page 5: Niehaus News · Fishing With Ben 70 years ago my Grandpa Ben and my father, Frances started Niehaus Planing Mill. Ben Niehaus was an inventive sort and very skilled with mill machinery

Page 5 Niehaus News

Wayne SullivanManager of Installed Sales4 Years with Niehaus Home Center

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Belise Work Camp 2003The following people donated their time andefforts to the church mission work camp trip toSan Pedro Town on the island of AmberguisCaye Belize Central America.

Andrew Anson - Muncie, IndianaChano Arango - Vincennes, IndianaJoAnn Beard - Vincennes, IndianaJana & Jerry Cleveland - Vincennes, IndianaLarry & Rita Donovan - Vincennes, IndianaJim & Ona Fisher - Vincennes, IndianaDan & Martha Gardner - Monroe City, IndianaGalen Graber - Montgomery, IndianaGene Hardin - Vincennes, IndianaTrent Hinkle - Vincennes, IndianaJohn Kemp - Cannelburg, IndianaSteve & Sue Klein - Vincennes, IndianaJustin Knepp - Cannelburg, IndianaLarry & Lorene Knepp - Montgomery, IndianaSam McClure - Daytona Beach, FloridaJake Richer - Loogootee, IndianaRichard Swartzentruber - IndianaAlan Wagler - IndianaEzra Wagler - IndianaVerlin & Lisa Wagler - Cannelburg, IndianaMark Walker - Vincennes, IndianaDoug Warren - Vincennes, IndianaErin Warren - Vincennes, IndianaTucker Weisbrod - Vincennes, IndianaNorm Williams - Vincennes, Indiana

Workers constructing a concrete wall for the new build-ing that will serve as a church and shelter.

Page 6: Niehaus News · Fishing With Ben 70 years ago my Grandpa Ben and my father, Frances started Niehaus Planing Mill. Ben Niehaus was an inventive sort and very skilled with mill machinery

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Niehaus Retail Stores Add New Cabinet Brand -Kemper, by MasterBrandSister Company to Aristokraft and Decora

Niehaus Companies Kitchen & BathDesigners Attend Training Sessionson Kemper

Kitchen design teams from our threeretail stores have attended Kempertraining sessions and are up to date ondesigning with and selling the Kemperline.

They have all traveled to Arthur,Illinois to tour the 300,000 square footmanufacturing facility to see first handhow the Kemper cabinets are created.

Kemper offers classic, affordable designs… that last.Choose from over 150 styles and finish combinations- including glazes, paints and accents to create akitchen that's as comfortable and beautiful as it isfunctional. A kitchen that says a lot about the wayyou live.

Consider other spaces in your home:

TV cabinet Computer CenterRoom partitions Open bookcasesBuilt in window seat Full service barBedroom storage Kid’s roomDining room hutch Breakfast buffetSnack bar

KemperCabinetsAdded to Line

Kemper Cabinet Company was purchased by MasterBrand in 1997. MasterBrandalso owns Aristokraft and Decora.

The Kemper line of cabinetry is a semi-custom line that falls between Aristokraftand Decora. Our company’s retail stores have recently added the Kemper line totheir existing Aristokraft and Decora brands of cabinetry.

This now gives us the flexibility to create that custom look of Decora, but keepingthe price close in line with our stock cabinet by Aristokraft.

This also gives us diversification in that anyone wanting to purchase a kitchen orbath, we will be able to meet the need of that customer.

This now gives us the flexibility to create that custom look of Decora,but keep the price close to in line with our stock cabinet by Aristokraft.

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BMA Show Held In Las Vegas

Solid Surface SINKSWhen you install a Karran sink, you’re free to worry aboutother things for the next 50 least!

• WON’T dent • WON’T scratch • WON’T stain• WON’T nick • WON’T burn

Oh yes. . . . . . it’sbeautiful too!

Several of our company people recently attended the BMA buy-ing show that was held in Las Vegas. This is an annual eventthat is sponsored by Builders Mart of America - one of thelargest buying groups in America.

Manufacturers from all over the US display their wares for thevisiting dealers to see. It’s the place to go to see what’s new,what’s hot, and what are the best bargains for the coming season.Dealers from all over the nation come to buy merchandise fortheir businesses.

The show was held in the beautiful Paris Hotel in Vegas. Thehotel authentically replicatesParisian landmarks, incompara-ble dining, and many amenitiesthat make it a memorable visit.Those attending the BMA showfrom our company were: DanMartens, Don Pea, DavidNiehaus and Bernie Niehaus.

At the same time, a Solid Surface show was going on at theMandalay Hotel, which our company was displaying KarranSolid Surface Sinks. Eric Niehaus, Todd Donovan, Paul Martinand Bernie Niehaus worked this display booth, promoting thefeatures and benefits of Karran sinks to potential buyers. All inall, both shows were very successful.

BMABuying Show

Las Vegas, Nevada

Story Time At Flaget 1st Grade

Bernie was invited to come and read a story to the children inthe first grade class at Flaget Elementary School on February27. Bernie was seated in a rocking chair and all the childrengathered around to hear a story about a lost white mitten. Hewas assisted with a visual demonstration related to the story, bytwo of his grandchildren, Emily and Nicholas Niehaus. Berniegave each of the children in Mrs. Pea’s class a Niehaus hat totake home with them. The children enjoyed the story almost asmuch as Bernie did reading it.

Bernie reads story to Flaget children and is assisted by Nicholas Niehaus ( standing) andEmily Niehaus (seated in the middle) with visual props related to the story.

Page 8: Niehaus News · Fishing With Ben 70 years ago my Grandpa Ben and my father, Frances started Niehaus Planing Mill. Ben Niehaus was an inventive sort and very skilled with mill machinery

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Monogram - Double 4” Clapboard style

• Monogram’s rough cedar texture has a truewood-like appearance.

• Brushed finish Monogram Double 4” sidingprovides the appearance of freshly paintedsmooth clapboards. RapidForm 180 technology withstands wind load pressures up to 180mph when installed with nails and 235 mphwhen installed wit staples.

White, Clay, Desert Tan, Savannah Wicker orSterling Gray

MainStreet• MainStreet siding offers consistent quality,good looks and is the ideal choice for homeowners looking for value and the benefits of apremium panel.• Low gloss, in woodgrain finish.• 1/2” clapboard base.• Duralock post-formed lock.• Lifetime limited warranty.

Hamilton Park• Hamilton Park offers a combination of quality

and value.• Low gloss, woodgrain appearance.• Double 4” clapboard or double 4-1/2” dutch

lap• 5 colors.

For beautiful natural-looking vinyl siding that isvirtually maintenance-free, turn to CertainTeed

1110 Ft. Harrison Rd. Terre Haute, IN 501 S. Howard Robinson, IL

Tim Boone - Manager,Big Buck Pro Building CenterTerre Haute, Indiana

Larry McCoy - Manager,Big Buck Builidng CenterRobinson, Illinois

Phil Wehrman - ManagerNiehaus Home CenterVincennes, Indiana

Page 9: Niehaus News · Fishing With Ben 70 years ago my Grandpa Ben and my father, Frances started Niehaus Planing Mill. Ben Niehaus was an inventive sort and very skilled with mill machinery

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1. If you have a lot of tension and you get aheadache, do what it says on the aspirinbottle: Take two and keep away fromchildren.

2. It’s a very strange name they picked for“Social Security.” For what they actuallysend you, you can’t afford to be “social”nor can you really feel “secure.”

3. Short skirts have a tendency to make menpolite. Have you ever seen a man get ona bus ahead of one?

4. It is hard to understand how a cemeteryraised its burial cost and blamed it on thecost of living.

5. We are born naked, wet, and hungry.Then things get worse.

6. The 50-50-90 rule: Anytime you have a50-50 chance of getting something right,there’s a 90% probability you’ll get itwrong.

7. It is said that if you line up all the cars inthe world end to end, someone would bestupid enough to try and pass them.

Say What???? God is Like8. If the shoe fits, get another one just like it.

9. The things that come to those who waitmay be the things left by those who gotthere first.

10. Give a man a fish, and he will eat for theday. Teach a man to fish, and he will sitin a boat drinking beer all day.

11. When you’re swimming in the creek andan eel bites your cheek, that’s a moray!

12. A fine is tax for doing wrong. A tax is afine for doing well.

13. The only cure for insomnia is to get moresleep.

14. Everybody lies, but it doesn’t mattersince nobody listens.

15. I wish the buck stopped here. I coulduse a few.

16. When you go into court you are puttingyourself in the hands of 12 people thatweren’t smart enough to get out of juryduty.

A fifth grade teacher in a Christian schoolasked her class to look at TV commercialsand see if they could use them in some wayto communicate ideas about God. Here aresome of the results.

BAYER ASPIRIN - He works miracles.

A FORD - He’s got a better idea.COKE - He’s the real thing.HALLMARK CARDS - He cares enoughto send His very best.TIDE -He gets stains out that others leavebehind.GENERAL ELECTRIC - He brings goodthings to life.

SEARS - He has everything.ALKA-SELTZER - Try him, you’ll likehim.SCOTCH TAPE - You can’t see him, butyou know He’s there.DELTA - He’s ready when you are.

ALLSTATE - You’re in good hands with


DIAL SOAP - Aren’t you glad you have

Him. Don’t you wish everybody did?

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and termite damage. EVERGRAIN is a composite decking product made with recycledmaterial. It has the true look of wood, and it’s low maintenance.It does not require painting or weatherproofing.

EVERGRAIN decking products - they stand the test of time

Wood Composite


Page 10: Niehaus News · Fishing With Ben 70 years ago my Grandpa Ben and my father, Frances started Niehaus Planing Mill. Ben Niehaus was an inventive sort and very skilled with mill machinery

Page 10 Niehaus News

Famous People and FamousQuotes1. When I die, I want to die like mygrandfather -- who died peacefully in hissleep. Not like all the passengers in hiscar. Author Unknown

2. “Oh, you hate your job? Why didn’tyou say so? There’s a support group forthat. It’s called EVERYBODY, and theymeet at the bar.” Drew Carey

3. “Instead of getting married again, I’mgoing to find a woman I don’t like andjust give her a house.” Rod Stewart

4. Advice for the day: If you have a lotof tension and you get a headache, dowhat it says on the aspirin bottle: “Taketwo aspirin” and “Keep away from chil-dren” Author Unknown

5. “The problem with the designated dri-ver program, it’s not a desirable job, butif you ever get sucked into doing it, havefun with it. At the end of the night, dropthem off at the wrong house.”

Jeff Foxworthy

6. “Relationships are hard. It’s like afull time job, and we should treat it likeone. If your boyfriend or girlfriendwants to leave you, they should giveyou two weeks’ notice. There should beseverance pay, and before they leave you,they should have to find you a temp.”

Bob Ettinger

7. “A study in the Washington Post saysthat women have better verbal skills thanmen. I just want to say to the authors ofthat study: “Duh.” Conan O’Brien

8. “Sometimes I think that war is God’sway of teaching us geography.”

Paul Rodriquez

9. “Bigamy is having one wife/husbandtoo many. Monogamy is the same.”

Oscar Wilde

10. “You can say any foolish thing to adog, and the dog will give you a lookthat says, “My God, you’re right! I neverwould’ve thought of that!”

Dave Berry

Funny SignsOn a Septic tank truck sign:“We’re #1 in the #2 business”

Sign over a Gynecologist’s office:“Dr. Jones, at your cervix.”

At a Proctologist’s door:“To expedite your visit, please back in.”

On a Plumbers truck:“We repair what your husband fixed.”

On a Plumber’s truck:“Don’t sleep with a drip. Call yourplumber.”

At a tire shop in Milwaukee:“Invite us to your next blowout.”

On a Plastic Surgeon’s office door:“Hello. May we pick your nose?”

At a Towing Company:“We don’t want an arm and a leg. Wanttows.”

On an Electrician’s truck:“Let us remove your shorts.”

On a Maternity Room door:“Push. Push. Push.”

At an Optometrist’s office:“If you don’t see what you are lookingfor, you’ve come to the right place.”

On a Taxidermist’s window:“We really know our stuff.”

On a Fence:“Salesmen are welcome. Dog food isexpensive.”

At a Car Dealership:“The best way to get back on your feet -miss a car payment.”

In a Veterinarian’s Office:“Be back in 5 minutes. Sit! Stay!”

In front of a Funeral Home:“Drive careful. We’ll wait.”

At a Propane Filling Station:“Tank heaven for little grills.”

In a Podiatrist’s office:“Time wounds all heels.”


1. Hello, you are talking to a machine. I amcapable of receiving messages. My owners donot need siding, windows or a hot tub, andtheir carpets are clean. They give to charity atthe office and don’t need their picture taken.If you’re still with me, leave your name andhome phone number and they will get back toyou.

2. Hi! If you are the phone company, Ialready sent the money. If you are my parents,please send money. If you are my bank, youdidn’t lend me enough money. If you are myfriends, you owe me money. If you are afemale, don’t worry, Ihave LOTS of money.

3. Hello! If you leave amessage, I’ll call yousoon. If you leave a“sexy” message, I’ll callyou sooner.

4. Hi! John’s answering machine is broken.This is his refrigerator. Please speak veryslowly, and I’ll stick your message to myselfwith one of these magnets.

5. My wife and I can’t come to the phoneright now, but if you’ll leave your nameand number, we’ll get back to you as soonas we’re finished.

6. Hello, you’ve reached Jim and Sonya.We can’t pick up the phone right now,because we are doing something we reallyenjoy. Sonya likes doing it up and down,and I like doing it left to right...real slow.So leave a message, and when we’re donebrushing our teeth, we’ll call you back.

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Employees In Profile

Juanita Lamparter - works at Wholesale Building Materials in the St. Louis division. Shehas been with our company for over six years. She is the traffic coordinator for theAristokraft cabinetry coming into St. Louis. She routes the trucks and also does receivingand invoicing.

Juanita had worked for several years for the Indian Brass Importers Company before coming to WBM. She was born in Germanyand grew up in a military family. She is a graduate of the Frankfort High School in Frankfort, Germany. She now lives in the St.Louis area and has recently built a new home which she will share with her mother.

Juanita has two grown children - Robert and Christina. Robert has two children - Alec, 5 years old and Drew, who is 3. She saysshe enjoys spending her leisure time with her children and grandchildren.

Molly Crabb - works at the Big Buck Pro Building Center at Terre Haute. She joined thecompany in October. She does daily accounting and clerical duties; she takes care of thedaily mail, makes deposits, and handles the receiving, and helps with counter sales.

Before coming to Big Buck, Molly had worked for an Optometrist, and in an Orthodontistoffice, and for a while was a stay-at-home mom. She was born and grew up in West Terre Haute. She is a graduate of Vigo HighSchool and attended Indiana State University.

Molly and Chad are the proud parents of a little 1 year old boy named Jack. They purchased a house in West Terre Haute last yearand are working at making it a home for their little family.

Molly said she likes outdoor things. She likes walking in the park and the malls with her son, fishing in the summer, and reading onoccasion when she can find quiet time.

Lorie Hansen - joined our company last month and is working in the Karran USA division atWholesale Building Materials in Vincennes. She is the office manager and customer servicerepresentative for that division. Some of her duties include invoicing, direct mailings, prepa-ration of items to be shipped out, answer customer inquiries by phone and by e-mail, andinside sales.

Before coming to work at WBM, Lorie was a manager for American Disposal Services in Washington, Indiana. She was also partowner of her family business, Hansen Trash Removal Company. She was born and grew up in Vincennes and is a graduate ofLincoln High School

She is the mother of three: Aaron, age 21, Jessica, age 18, and Andrea, age 17. She says she enjoys camping, NASCAR racing, rid-ing motorcycles and boating

Chris Bennett - works at Niehaus Home Center on the installation crew. He has been withour company since October of last year. He is part of a team that primarily installs Guardianblow-in fiberglass insulation. This process is done by blowing the wet mixture in the wallcavities between the studs, then trimmed flush for a perfect fit.

Chris was born and grew up in Carlisle, Indiana. He is a graduate of Sullivan High School.He attended Vincennes University where he studied Architectiral Design and Criminal Physiology. His work experience includes 4years as a custom home theater designer in Nashville, TN, Risley’s in Evansville and Rent-A-Center. He also has his own computerrepair business.

Chris and his wife Melissa, and 7 year old daughter, Marena reside in Vincennes. Melissa works at Good Samaritan Hospital and isa full-time student. Chris says he enjoys playing golf, doing his computer work and spending time with his family.

Page 12: Niehaus News · Fishing With Ben 70 years ago my Grandpa Ben and my father, Frances started Niehaus Planing Mill. Ben Niehaus was an inventive sort and very skilled with mill machinery

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Vincennes, IN 47591

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