ni lionel michigan state news - msu...

Ni Lionel ■m y r l STATE W U .W K tir:?. L-.r.: r i f ¿ M .A N D APP- SCXENOE -—- THE STAR XBV8 1 M ( iLU M E 1S Michigan State News r THE STATE NEWS Phone is Extension 104 NEW CLASS SEUL WILL BE USED ON J-flOP PROGRAMS F R ID A Y , JA N U A R Y 29, 1926 H U HUM TO MAKE “ Listen MyChildren and You EXHHUON TRIP Shall Hear of a Midnight NUMBER 32 M Progrès Co-opersie I» la in e Carts; Spedfitaia n Ga la h a h n . Ta I ■press On Michigan Peaple Seriessaess of Forest Fires. Wn an tile forwt firs* plefe plia* and * J-H op protrr-A-n* !L up and stent r.<y ate* program commi:*?:***.. !d wardst 1 » eteftrm as WS» 11 UP and pia«*»* i by the Bro aufrfi+ r U m * H»rkD Ef-Lwaatt#*. ; *»C *1 loti* i*e beep j-ripteri« :*f »hieb a The http t**en t»« H a r o Work hn* -dur ted on the tieimmut rnt ion miin which 'lir.M,i:h the northcjixtcrn purt t.f lower Michigan »nil the upper j>ctiirmtila in ine neur furore. Through the effort * . «ton, H|ieclallst in ngr eeriiiK for Michigan. th. I« Iteinir prepared. it eolletfe tin ri or Farmer virion* hovel exhibits Both the tea-oc* oc-vm tnii- ie program ' owta '•ee m*-Tft pduce ery*t.a ftv fH**n¡fe-ra titig he s;tme aen-e-fc! ç— *%tm bv from the tarn* >■ •ttijmny i h e sume >1:^ r * * i he new il » ill be ja cold he m e n 's un«t niL*»» ••*c-tnen '» an the mea'v t.gv**rs and nrations, t-’hoôfe- .ti den et» ■:tl tpp*.irtn-^ v i i ' ii 1 bese lit tee» have n: tege inhf JffctV- n u s u a lly atturwfrXiivw h,id iit»- '•grams witt '•• mim- íí *’ _ _ , ruining che ¡sea » -Tder uf lost of I’omm -letHk ns. g(ie-«ra of i*r and ini'un*’enienr* ini.FT- Will o ■••s incfiidinc "•»•« * V’ Taft i sion w til .••Mi.* aiher ’ »:*■ Th* full -k| Ii ild( s idded Vil) tir of 111 dieplnys, pi, which will I h e forest to infilo- .-I Inina it i< nuil >f u F. Living, cul tu ml en Rin- ‘ exhibit lull cue "ill lie lit the *■ Week with cf forest tire niitilnttire unti equipment. ox still would he could lie i sent. The ii only two mile ter hiring a themselves a»: rain the nigh roads bad, am less on lakini found ourseiv iilghest tree I Ulc limit i, flier i II he will th- sudden tllghl cab. Luck w If It had beni came sailing three rope h had just reached the station limited was leaving, and with quirk strides we hoarded the We were on the way at last; hours would tind us at the Crash! Hung! the brakes lammed on. The train stood We hud hit a freight, it hours before t lie track plot red, and a new engine -a rest village being ■away, we walked Af* cab, the party found a In on i lie way. The before had made the! our driver being care- : a sharp curve, we s up in the top of the pat we had ever seen, se, however, for our Ii rough the top of the s with us. for Just us ordered, an aeroplane along, and dropped Iders for us to climb our; They ' chopa. aboard. Two caninbals were hosts. What were we to do? were alreudy licking their and thinking what tine juicy roaata "e would make. There were two of them heavily armed and three of ua unarmed. A light would mean death tor us alt, because the plane would drop if the pilot were attacked. We decided that it was time for us to say our prayers. Now. children, that’s all the story >ou get tonight because 1 have to sec a Wolverine agent and give him r tor i hat large uli-rollege and if those people that - been reading about had r on the campus leaving liver!ne orders they would gotten themselves Into such u fix 'I here’s no us** begging. 1 hat’s ail there is, there ain’t no mon* tin to bed and I'll tell you another story after I put that sub- scription in my ordì annual ; >• m i hav boon ovi their \\ not hav FIRST SERVICE AT NEW CHURCH NEXT SUNDAY RELIGIOUS COUNCIL SPONSORS STUDENT DEVOTIONAL SERVICE. HHW Ai m M T CLASS MEETINGS NEW CHURCH SCT For next S w ell ATTENDED OPENS EASTER Elerfrietl Machine la Reproduce Feature At Junior Ciati Saund li Feature in Old* Hall Show. Meetinf Bring* Laugh*. DAVIS AND HICHOLSON ON DEDICATION PROGRAM MATH. Kin T cal Show mem hers a stu- fen litre toted at BULLETINSSHOWWORK OF LOCAL RESEARCHERS College I mum Treat»* On Radi* and Steel. •mmitte»-« report that ; 11 ••eli tek in*1 We.lnestl.,» (Vi Hl.- vur- U" ‘" Ibite will be re.ifYy for ions t liisN i,„ *et itigs The I.leu! of ,l"‘ h.* first of n*.\t week. 1 S«Ih ii itisi, reinii int-d un- D I exhibit* include na- know ti unlit :tH«i Ou unveiling «ere- *’ttg« il fhe D C. and A c*. mon» when t In* tin ns litui tin' entire lit" •.•••trtf.'tI phenomenon ••ollege In ligi M'd III tile itdirltlnt!« hiv-t y the us*, of high volt- itiMtlt-linu of U h»bri.| iloii -'umltnt! t'it'il y *»f the so-called ! »» illi its ..tV-i •ring unii iMMirtiig the addi * I*•<» r o ■ i t V win In M . Mothelr I ..»«* ’ Ni« 1 ti> ally nil of th*. lar^c »•» elet tri, ul equip. In e*»nn«*et 1 lftitdrh e. tin- •Il V» oil lile W .. Iterine A - exhibit* The ion,- o-rtutiMil wit li interiNsting - pee. i • I m i ,r i in- I Liimdtig ocordiiig I, Hlnesdny by i'W Couple llllS I m •••I* Kg ii »mourn « (Ticini* i m ile Rf ; O pillisi w ith president of the « 'hi ill Ncuilnary and IM*h«>p son. of 1 letrott, have lo *p**i| k fur the UCCII- « will give the priiici|Mil - morning, and HI-hop - !•«•;»I» In Hie evening 'eh-hrntiim will In- held the *uiiipletiuti of the ng May 11! Immediate be dislicaiino program, will move into iIi«* ik-w ( I.AKK KNMM Clare Ennis. 28L of Lansing, re- cently received word from Senator W. N Ferriti that he had miccohmÍ uI- ly tilled all qualifications to «-nter Annapolis Naval academy. Kurus will ti ii ihI i his work at State coltege Mus year and will enter the academy in June lie I h the ms-nml i.aimlng man to gel ,-m appointnieni 'at u United Mtatea military or naval institution hi the last jw o montila, Harold Brook* getting one for Weat Feint in December. Mr. Fun is is a member of the Trl- moira literary society, also plays in i he college band. During the tall term tie- young man received live A'* ii the live subjects he wax taking AMERICANEEDS ACTION SAYS R P WEAVER R. P. Weaver Esprewei Need Far Actiou and Leader* in Speech Befere Merchant* Bureau. fSllli'l.l »niing Ho» first • *f u M-rb-* ! n ititii.-tt. Peoples Tln-s«- er» » '»ili lune un their a* «lodhittb.n of the new Im» held at 12 ¡•o- un» being >poh*»or«Hl U s l! u - t otttiell uf wIn« Ii the ’’ ,vt- C. L, u m l the l'olio»» inj* W ill lie « it,s and »»ili e - N«»r» i«-e Hn* « htireh •1 n*r interior liniNhtng -** «pen I«» »In* pillili«- .Inaili Uh! e linai »bal Ica tinti M»*r- after Ettsi.-r jir«’ !•* tuki» plm-e Hliortiy 1 prtfvidiMl by the lleli- tlelll i"-l tof •outille! ihg 1 Ile Mttl- «II.-mi Ho* .servire. »•huit h i ... through • t; , i riNiltiM in the iinieN were sliowti nu l»> |*r.*f. H a w y e r , Hip »»ili - thoiight that tins 11 ’ t " uni y m i u u t «vs. er vice will this meet dent mem ml) I h - unique Id in the tirsi lire I luted r. uhi bulli s Ib is ng Vl-ra, ,í by Murr K i Mö>* i-Mgineenng 1*3 in-h ’ hat .4 «tf "»her-* tafer^-ar-'f •n Mack work th* lia* o4 a«li wav* aad •"»* clearly rh* ? ni ¡ 1 mu carrier" r Impact T —*-* publie >d 11 and bear thi i appreciate t,e show is : »0 10 P L K <»i.Js iinatrupe Th cm ploy s elect r •cliatiical vibr mind You run ichihe operate 1 n to the puhl ntl Feh 4 ari I will li0u*0 ti; he large ti ii m le vili be furnish* ullege efforts col leg Meeting, d Chb H Rii -il mani ¡1 luting < SOCIOLOGY SEMINAR TO PRESENT DATA Repart ta Ba Givea ta Raral Ufa Caafereace. I cils Amer T II lu by H. tint II boitille lotisly Ht mryt iiing Kverythii that Hu- man who I baa good reasons, Ins stand, and not II in Hot In II % «ir- li tur The JINMI and Mild |u-. III lie ÌM ' Ik I Rut *-d by tin* mem dugy jo-minar w ill he •• lierai Life confer here during Farmern' was the sent 1meut lelilí * .< lt W eu vor, r of English al diego, in an addrcs •-hauls' bureau uf th ommer •du ll< •V p r e s s e d ttXMOClatrt .VIiclugu n is before I ham i Dow- ilTiiliJ» tur the uiti b building ill«* bond* uf ' "'INIIlRNTfoni* ~ It in may h* 1 senior m am s snw PROBLEMS Of CHHSIHN Laniera Slide* aad l u t u u U*ed WEAR FEATURED ,3 F 1“---““ IN RADIO DIGEST GROESBECK INVITED S U tw i A p R fin ia Wedaei- art II til« overw ears day Edition. •d in grou *-dn*M T# Fmart V « L WKAH with 1 « new 1.000-watf broadcasting stall »n. and povltion in he radio world, a regard* »he types •mor m e c h a n i .’ Ri -ir lieerii f programa that It put« on hold» n having -*-cv» i » n ; ,*»' 1 ore». ,n - ti via ble rank anions hroad‘ .i-t -rn sluiew oa '•Otti- nr s»Htiona of si ntlar institution* robtem* lOdrlüd.ttg '%* t-ara- IS M S ' tilveriied coiai Tte . idea The ft a »ion :s a pioneer in the ”niNhe«l by rte («tuia roadcasltns >f •asketTiall gam*-* :ng orporacuiu. :•»* . i ' te hnd one of the f* »V station» broad - -tiipaoiea dealing % *u*i- *«t!ng a regular radio ft«‘h o n l Th.* •q uipmeaL « not the only rea*«»n for the good TO UNION VODVIL Caamittee Preeeal* Governor With lavitatiaa ta Altead Thartdajr Evening. Feh. 4. ••tuber* ali s h generi •y being mud*- b. •-ring Iil g tia m i. itton and Shm w survey, which and •'immunity ih two or inore y being don« by the mem HMtninur ''insists in g.-i- roin t lie V at mus hcIiooIi* represent Must of the re superili», ml* ntH of Ih in thin vicinity and •int* it wi-i-ii f«»r tin- meeting tninur day in• Oll more t l'Ilio i in Ilio city •O il >e,•ir tii ali in Die Mr. Wea ver O.l III us of Atliel‘u a tuik too «t. n to o inineh, bill art i- said Mea 1 leader- 1 mi« d StaiIcs is dying niaas «•r li urnanitty tur iders itm «itied n.-«'I II i nK with a d- art li or good tint tho \v iliy Fi g ui «-s try sh«• A U i la rg*- p**r- «* « ill/.*'UN II Ilio rnte. but roa li*«* t hat •.o Il il .IH li to ut ralt/«- (in * vole of will In* t Will K, D. t I til I n- e with el Jus PROF. HOBBSATTENDS MEETINGINDETROIT to llfj* Al S A. E. Technical Mrrtmgi. vanii.' id nii-r EXTENSIONWORKERS TO SENIORS EXPERIMENT AT UNWN WITHBUICKCHASSIS« W. ul engineering M l today tu at- »• of Hi« Lngltieer* lie ¡«-ntative of f the technical > 'rcheutrau wtli z+7 for ••sfimen f«utarw at tb* •• r>utiding sat iftA * msj^ht Michigan ár*t* * o ■— Fno Ylag '*f* «W'rtseetra - f *o m uaiegi ■rg ii n ' v* ••n. Th* tar« occaMcrai w.j) ’ eraatrtly front i catxi Tîrkeha muy b* g vnz+% a: mon mum d**u ioti Mat the total»«>n is getting ! od ’ ,*■ « ommitte I* .•«»•tu ;ti g Me be udfed by thi appearance or nor suh the i 1 vit ilion cali ,»-tters*fo tf e station in h- j-'-rforman-»- Thi r.rtday ev -f he nor stations that are r** Mtr f.t. 4 waa deal g na e«| The In a» e .iniinattng al harmonic* it ion included m «■ru o f he «•tat on Will bo .pen to vis ’• ' e a In. irustra t tv«* •oard Th*- g IV- arm«-r * Week no that people •rr or * a* .il*o prtii ♦•nt» d W .Hh a e it n operation Th- ,-p-r» Ml' State t til •n pin H.- he e al*o preparing i display of ‘n e* offif IO life u ein Ier Of d« o vat uum tube* from th»- 1 " on -d pc preaent-day r t ubea ua*-d Growler* Amuse People Ai OFFERS PRIZE FOR ARTICLE ON RAMO Stain* l*U «bid Hu Ita Secured far Tati* Here. ituiuk standard mx 'bussln l 't2 G mod* I. muy be mo*ii in th« méchant- - il •ngineering laboratory «bere it his been pLaecd for the purpose of e*perinè«ntal study and lent* mad« seniora taking automotive engi- neering Thea« teata ronalat principally of acceleration and deceleration teata, (pertinent* to ahow the effect of four-wh««l brnkM. economy teata nt t.tterent spe*dn. and dynamometer enta to determine the power and effi- • lency of th« bruk«a The 1bassi* la a loan of th« iiuick Motor t o . -which place* a new modal each year at th« diapoaal of th* me •nanti ai engineering department of th* i ollege Coafereuce. M»TI4 >; Next Satunlay evening at 6 30 a dinner is m hod u led at the I n ion During the win-, r term th« iio-inoriui t Mtiding for ali e XI • ' ti sion pen to men aorkera t<f the state who art here to it the foi attend the •mnuai extension r unfer- ••nee. This affair will be in tile nn- Monday Thurioiay . Friday —7 tur«, of » f •rial K«-t together for the P m ' " * 4.» p m *«irker* ’Ilo- gijeMtN »kill includa S it ird . t 4 j tn Ii*- home demons! ration people, i: A1.1*11 II 01’. NO. otinty agentk. « lub »vork«*ra. and ex Director of tennion aperialmta. Michigan State Co-eds to Win Fame Through Eating Habits East Lansing In Eerie Hours T* UNIONBUILDINGTOBE Write ripif Us tillcft Rad» Wurh. *,f Fn.wt IjU M ia g a*»- •firm ~d aai| fr««|a*ntij m u w l tj prowling of dark iracwg»» f.g- - round fh«»r door* ua rka «ward of th« ntghi. \o «ni «d ts '* haa b«*a fatw g hy ik* ; of an intruder and a «Anden of Moth*r* hav* Lam awake ir* with f«nrfnl taart» wmtrh- ?of thn morning Ugkt «l.x± «nil .*■ ’ "•* to th* naiad. mom or l*«u rtgilar itw n i* ^(•tnrbaacan hav* lava ta*tag - for a long timo. Otta tía* m*7 m um ta omr part af th* and th«a agate ta aaaUhar ani -n th« ratlaga rampai «apaeteUy * vMitad. »rii, shadowy okyactn ; -n comiag from "Akiag nmnad paopte’t hamate ip No 1>te l>y i,>l* linda. nfcMd. moo T -n r o Pte ,Jt wMleh naaaMp n t e m h a te ^ --r- ^ lap g I^«t week a number *-f i*v»pl»- mere diaturbed by «uch prowler* In fact. *o many home* were vi»it*d ’ bat > omoderable excitement and , it)»*n*ation wax being arousad. Then on« morning about 5 o clock ’ •o men appeared at the coileg« dairy barn They warn roughly clad n high *ho*a. military trounera. and heavy »itieepakln coata. Ev«ry em- pbawi* of rearneaa to «xbauatioD waa diaj»layed. Th«y ***med acarcaly a hi« to drag their feet and th«lr «y«a were * ungeo and h«avy Ed Smiley, th« h«rdam«n. QU«a- iH«*ed them. »*nr «f the men mut- tered *ome Gre«k letter» and made BUSYFARMERS'WEEK known thftt >lhejr wnr* in >«nccb of oonatruc-tlve iuM «itlo*i with rvinrd • black cat. Mr. 8mll*r informed cnllrite radio work. Th* rontnnl iH^n* that the cata had all recentljr ¡, to be held thin tern*, diea»peered There are no iimltatioaa aa to the Th, men left bat apparenti? not lenilh of th* paper, aad aa? colle«« Today ao*M>thlB* la lackia* »todent a«*r eater the Th« Calon building will b« uaed by the Michigan Freaa n|ioclatlOR, b* Farm Bureau and th« Statu Grange during tin* coming Farmer«’ Week. Th« wiomun a lobby oppoeite be cafeteria will be used as the h«udquart«ra for th« Stat« (iriogk other organisation* will he aerved in th« bauqt«t room. Arrang«»onta hav« alao boo* mad« to a«rv« over 100 short eourao dividual coll««« radio bro«d> men at a luachaoa W«da«aday la th« Faioa. followed by th« aaaaal Parafa* Weak dlaa«r la th« ovm- mg. Thuraday «v«a|ag. about 700 memtera am piaaaiag to attaad th« Farm Bamaa tegqaaI. Tte aaaaal i. « e t mg of tho Mirhigaa Prnaa m o eiatlte wltt te ImM Friday, aad It# baM iit ta tte «maiag. Tao maaagomaat of tte cafatorla Announcement ha« b*-*-n mad« by ’h** *'n«in«-erini department of th« calie** »hat Fr*d Holm*« »III giva h prix* *.f 12b to the «tud*nt pm- s nun« th« b*sat paper <>n radio ac- tivités Th* award wil» b« mad« by F'r*«ident K I,. Buierfleid ot ronvo- r-atton «om« time during th* spring term. Berauae of th« great amount of infrfHtt In the ra«tmg a’ation. Fr*d Holm««, a grad- uate of th« eia«« of 1024. haa decid- ed to give the aum of 920 to the au- thor of th« beat paper which off«ni Michigan State girla aa a group are «n thelr way to fame An ac- ount »if thelr euting iiablta 1« io b« publiabed in a l nited State* bulla- fin Think of It! A pamphlet that «HI be read all over our great coun- try l’erbapa you are wondering Juat h*»w fhia »«irne* about and why »hi* partbular ubane of our girla* In- tereatlng Uvea la to be puhllahed Perbap«. alto, thè girla dir«<-tly ln- tcreated wilI be giad to learn tbia tuo. of the fin They . yed diete»i-.-* ' • lite dining te r N<*fm poor thing ilriuiti phowphat*» and a '■ ’f i r imprfjHslVf* things. « f*-:t they were a little <iiiiprehenaton anyway. -•d that thi« will put at r* of ti.e giria who didn't just what It waa all *-y w*r» rather dubiou« r-queat k«ep a record I . »ten betwmn mania, askanc« th# girla of the a«« who kept record* la room. However the*« lat- •nlisted sympathy. Th« tired and looked It aeema that a requeat haa bmn s*-nt out from Washington to th« horn« economics departments of a number of college« for data upon In- food consumption. Michi- gan State was on« of th« roll«g«a asked to cooperate. Accordingly, then, the dietetics dam aad«r tte di- rection of Dr. Atari« Dye aad Aflaa It nth t'o waa began a dtetary atudy last weak of tte 244 glrla eating at th« Woman'« common«. Now la cam you doa't know what a dietary ___ __ _________ | L study la, w«‘H «aligktea you. BrleMy, #11 duo credit will bu glvea to tte It lavolveo tte «alckiat of aU food glrla who bravely tura«d la arled and w*»e-begone as they «at there Why they had to stay la rhe dining room ail the while m«ala were iterved and it seemed a* If those girl* would never atop comiag la. The data is all but -tlw results area t ready to aaaoaoo« yet. Of course everybody Is looking for- ward to see Juat how muck Item) girl« do eat anyway, ft 1« • -ho brai nr«w* Ift* *t*«WH to M l M sorts ms ussS. the* th* »•l.hll* back of th* of th* rto<w1>lM and lc* poMtkl* *1 m m . M It will to Ml tut* Fro» tklo to roa**tod tkoj Hil*odln dnrln( th< Mriod It took rided upon hot will ko ■■■o**o«d tkolr ow* *d***IMO to »void tho avengo food coanagUo* par ladt- oir»*wto bo trothful. Do pm a » largo crowd*. | vtdwl tar a wMk, m w*U m ttoj pogt ttor mmt \

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Ni L i o n e l■ m y r l STATE W U .W K tir :? . L-.r.: r i

f¿M .A N D APP- SCXENOE - — -

TH E S T A R X B V 8

1 M

( iLU M E 1S

Michigan State News rTHE STATE N EW S Phone is

Extension 104



FR ID AY, JA N U A R Y 29, 1926

H U H U M TO MAKE “ Listen My Children and You EXH HUON TRIP Shall Hear of a Midnight



P rog rès

Co-op e rs ie I » l a i n e C a r ts ;

Spedfitaia n Ga la h a h n .

Ta I ■press On Michigan Peaple Seriessaess of Forest


Wn an tile

forwt firs*

p l e f e p l i a * a n d

* J-Hop protrr-A-n* !L up and stent r.<y ate* program commi:*?:***.. !d wardst 1» eteftrm

as WS» 11 UPand pia«*»* i by the Bro


r Um * H»rkD Ef-Lwaatt#*. ;

*»C*1 loti* i*e beep j-ripteri« :*f »hieb a The

http t**ent»« H a ro

Work hn* -dur ted on the tie im mut rnt ion miin which 'lir.M,i:h the northcjixtcrn purt t.f lower Michigan »nil the upper j>ctiirmtila in ine neur furore.

Through the effort * .«ton, H|ieclallst in ngr eeriiiK for Michigan. th.I« Iteinir prepared. it eolletfe tin ri or Farmer virion* hovel exhibits

Both the tea-oc* oc-vm tnii-i e program ' owta '•ee m *-Tftp d u c e ery*t.a ftv fH**n¡fe-ra titighe s;tm e aen-e-fc! ç — *%tm bvfrom the tarn* >■•ttijmny• i h e sum e >1:^ r * *i he new

il » ill be ja coldhe men's un«t niL*»» ••* c-tnen '»

an the m ea'v t.gv**rs a n dnrations, t-’hoôfe- .ti d en et»■:tl tp p *.irtn -^ v i i ' ii 1 beselit tee» have n: tege inhf JffctV-n usually atturwfrXiivw h,id iit»-

'•grams witt '••mim-íí*’ _ _ ,

ruining che ¡se a » -T d er u flost o f I’om m -letHk

ns. g(ie-«ra o f i*r a n dini'un*’enienr* in i .FT- W illo ■••s i n c f i i d i n c "•»•« * V ’ Taft

i sion w til .••Mi.* aih e r ’ »:*■

Th* full -k|Ii ild( s



of 111 dieplnys, pi,

which will I h e f o r e s t

to infilo- .-I

Inina it i< nuil

>f u F. Living, cul tu ml en Rin-‘ e x h i b i t lu l l c u e

" il l lie lit the *■ Week with

cf forest tire

niitilnttire unti equipment. ox

stillwould he could lie i sent. The ii only two mile ter hiring a themselves a»: rain the nigh roads bad, am less on lakini found ourseiv iilghest tree I


limit i, flier i II he

will th-

sudden tllghl cab. Luck w If It had beni came sailing three rope h

had just reached the station limited was leaving, and with quirk strides we hoarded the We were on the way at last;

hours would tind us at the Crash! Hung! the brakes

lammed on. The train stood We hud hit a freight, it

hours before t lie track plot red, and a new engine

-a rest village being ■ away, we walked Af* cab, the party found a In on i lie w ay. The

before had made th e ! our driver being care-

: a sharp curve, we s up in the top o f the pat we had ever seen, se, however, for our Ii rough the top o f the s with us. for Just us ordered, an aeroplane

along, and dropped Iders for us to climb

o u r ; They '


aboard. Two caninbals were hosts. What were we to do? were alreudy licking their and thinking what tine ju icy roaata " e would make. There w ere tw o of them heavily armed and three of ua unarmed. A light would mean death tor us alt, because the plane w ould drop if the pilot were attacked. W e decided that it was time for us to say our prayers.

Now. children, that’s all th e s to ry >ou get tonight because 1 have to sec a Wolverine agent and give him

r tor i hat large uli-rollege and if those people th a t - been reading abo u t had r on the campus leaving liver!ne orders they would • gotten themselves Into

such u fix 'I here’s no us** begging.1 hat’s ail there is, there ain’t no mon* tin to bed and I'll tell you another story after I put that sub­scription in

my ordì annual ;> • mi hav boon ovi their \\not hav





Elerfrietl Machine la Reproduce Feature At Junior CiatiSaund li Feature in Old*

Hall Show.Meetinf Bring* Laugh*.



K i nT

cal Show mem hers

a stu­fen litre

toted at


College I m um Treat»* On Radi* and Steel.

•m m itte»-« re p o rt th a t ; 11 •• eli tek in* 1 W e.lnestl.,» (Vi Hl.- v u r- U" ‘"Ib ite w ill be re.ifYy f o r ions t liisN i ,„ *et itigs T h e I .leu ! o f , l " ‘h.* first o f n*.\t w eek. 1 S E d w .tr« Ih ii it is i, reinii int-d u n - D■ I e x h ib it* in c lu d e n a ­ k n o w ti u n lit :t H « i O u u n v e ilin g «e re - *’ttg«il fh e D C . a nd A c*. m on» w hen tIn* tin ns litui tin ' e ntire l i t "•.•••trtf.'tI p h e n o m e n o n ••ollege In ligi M'd III tile itd ir lt ln t!« hiv-t• y th e us*, of h ig h v o l t - itiMtlt-linu of U h »b r i .| ilo ii -'u m ltn t! t'it'il• y *»f th e s o -c a lle d ! »» i l l i it s ..tV-i • r i n g unii iMMirtiig t h e a d d i

th .it * I* •< » r o ■ i t V w in I n M . M othelr I ..»«* ’ Ni« 1ti> a l l y n il o f th*. l a r ^ c »•» e l e t t r i , ul e q u ip .

In e*»nn«*et 1 lf t it d r h e . tin -

• •Il V» o i l l i l e W . . I t e r i n e A

- e x h ib it* T h e io n ,- o - r t u t i M i l wit li interiNsting - pee . i • I m i

,r i in-I Liimdtig ocordiiig I, Hlnesdny by

i'W CouplellllS Im •••I* Kg

ii »mourn « (Ticini* i

m ile► Rf ; O pillisi

w ith

• president o f the « 'hi ill Ncuilnary and IM*h«>p son. of 1 letrott, havelo *p**i| k fu r the UCCII-« will give the priiici|Mil - morning, and HI-hop - !•«•;»I» In Hie evening 'eh-hrntiim will In- held the * uiiipletiuti o f the ng May 11! Immediate be dislicaiino program,

will move into iIi«* ik-w

( I.AKK KNMMClare Ennis. 28L o f Lansing, re­

cently received word from Senator W. N Ferriti that he had miccohmÍuI- ly tilled all qualifications to «-nter Annapolis Naval academy.

Kurus will ti ii ihIi his work at State coltege Mus year and will enter the academy in June lie Ih the ms-nml i.aimlng man to gel ,-m appointnieni

'at u United Mtatea military or naval institution hi the last jw o montila, Harold Brook* getting one for Weat Feint in December.

Mr. Fun is is a member o f the Trl- moira literary society, also plays in i he college band. During the tall term tie- young man received live A'*• ii the live subjects he wax taking


R. P. Weaver Esprewei Need Far Actiou and Leader* in Speech

Befere Merchant* Bureau.

fSllli'l.l »n iin g Ho» first • *f u M-rb-*

! n it itii.-tt. Peoples

Tln -s«- er»

» ' » i l i lu n e un th e ira* «lo dh ittb .n of the new

i » Im» held at 12

¡•o- un» being >poh*»or«Hl

U s l! •u - t otttiell u f wIn« Ii the

’’ ,vt- C . L , u ml th e

l'olio»» inj* W ill lie « it,sand »»ili e

- N«»r» i«-e Hn* « htireh •1 n* r in te rio r liniNhtng

-** «p e n I«» »In* pillili«-.Inaili Uh! e linai »bal Ica tinti M»*r-

a fte r Ettsi.-rjir«’ !• * tuki» plm -e H lio rtiy

1 • prtfvidiMl by th e lle li -

tlelll i " - ltof • outille! ihg 1 Ile Mttl-

«II.-m i Ho* .servire.

»•huit h i ro ugh • t; , i

riNiltiM in the iinieN w e re sliowti nu l»> |*r.*f. H a w y e r,

H ip »»ili- t hoiight th a t tins

11 ’ t " un i y m i u u t « vice will this meet dent mem

ml) Ih- uniqueId in the tirsi

lire I luted

r . u h i b u l l i s

Ib is ng V l-ra, , íby Murr K i Mö>*

i-Mgineenng 1*3 in-h ’ hat .4 «tf

"»her-* tafer^-ar-'f •n Mack work th* lia* o4 a « l i wav* aad •"»*

c l e a r l y r h * ? ni ¡ 1 • m u c a r r i e r " r Im p a c t T — *-*


>d 11and b e a r th i i a p p re c ia te t,e show is • : » 0 10 P L K < »i.Js

i i n a t r u p e T h

c m p l o y s e l e c t r

• c l i a t i i c a l v i b r

m in d Y o u run ic h ih e o p e rate 1

n t o t h e p u h l n t l F e h 4 a r i

I will li0u*0 ti;

h e l a r g e ti ii m l e v i l i b e f u r n i s h *


col leg

Meeting, d Chb H Rii

-il m a n i¡1 luting <


Repart ta Ba Givea ta Raral Ufa Caafereace.

I c ils A mer

T II lub y H .

tint II


lotisly Ht mryt iiing

Kverythii that Hu- man who

I baa good reasons, Ins stand, and not

II in Hot


II % «ir­li tur



III l ie


• I Rut *-d by tin* mem dugy jo-minar w ill he •• lierai Life confer here during Farmern'

was the sent 1 meut lelilí *.<l t W eu vor, r o f English al diego, in an addrcs •-hauls' bureau uf th ommer •du


•V p r e s s e d

t tXMOClat r t.VI iclugu n is before

I ham i Dow-

ilTiiliJ» tur the uiti b building

ill«* bond* uf' "'INIIlRNTfoni* ~


in may h* 1

senior m a m s s n wPROBLEMS Of CHHSIHNLaniera Slide* aad lu t u u U*ed


GROESBECK INVITEDSU tw i ApRfin ia Wedaei-





e a r s

day Edition.

•d i n


T# F m art V « L WKAH with 1 « new 1.000-watfbroadcasting stall »n. and povltion in

■ he radio w o rld , a regard* »h e types• m o r m e c h a n i.’ Ri - i r lieerii f programa that It put« on hold»n h a v in g .» -*-cv»i»n ; ,*»' 1 ore». ,n - ti via ble rank anions hroad‘ .i-t-rn sluiew oa '•Otti- nr s»Htiona of si n tla r institution*robtem* lOdrlüd.ttg '%* t-ara- IS M S 'tilveriied coiai T te . i d e a T h e ft a »io n :s a p io n e e r in the

”niNhe«l by rte ( « t u i a ro a d c a s ltn s >f •asketTiall gam*-*:n g orporacuiu. :•»* . i ' t e hnd o n e of th e f* »V s t a t i o n » b road --tiipaoiea dealing % * u * i - * «t!n g a regular radio ft«‘h o n l T h . *

• q uipmeaL « n o t the only rea*«»n for t h e good

TO UNION VODVILCaamittee Preeeal* Governor With

lavitatiaa ta Altead Thartdajr Evening. Feh. 4.

••tu ber*• ali s h

generi•y being mud*- b. •-ring I il g ti a m i. it ton and Shm w survey, which and •'immunity

i h two or inore y being don« by the mem HMtninur ''insists in g.-i-

roin t lie V at mus hcIiooIi* represent Must o f the

re superili», ml* ntH of Ih in thin vicinity and

•int* it wi-i-ii f«»r tin- meeting tninur

day in• Ollmore t l ' I l i o i in Ilio city

• O i l >e,•ir tii• ali in DieMr. Wea ver O.l III

us of A tliel‘u a tuik too«t. n too inineh, bill arti- said Mea 1 leader-1 mi« d StaiIcs is dyingniaas «•r li urnanitty turiders it• m «itied n.-«'I II i n Kwith a d- art li or goodtint tho \v iliy Fi g u i «-stry sh« • A Ui la rg*- p**r-«* « ill/.* 'UN II I l i o rnte. butroa li*«* t hat • .o Il il .IH li

to ut ralt/«- ( i n * vole of

w ill In*t WillK, D.t I

til In-

e withe l J u s


to llfj* Al S A. E. Technical Mrrtmgi.

vanii.'id nii-r


WITH BUICK CHASSIS« W. ul engineeringMl today tu at-

»• o f Hi« Lngltieer* lie • ¡«-ntative of f the technical

> 'rcheutrau wtli z+7 for ••sfimen f«utarw at tb*

•• r>utiding sat iftA * msj^ht Michigan á r* t* * o

■— F no Y la g '* f* «W'rtseetra - f * o m ua ieg i ■ r g i i n ' v*

••n. Th* tar« occaM crai w.j) • ’ eraatrtly fron t i catxi Tîrkeha muy b* g vnz+% a: m on mum d**u

ioti Mat the total»«>n is getting ! od ’ ,*■ « ommitte I* .•«»•tu ;ti g Mebe udfed by thi appearance or nor suh the i 1 vit ilion

ca li ,»-tters*fo tf e station in h- j-'-rforman-»- Thi r.rtday ev-f he nor stations that are r** Mtr f . t . 4 waa dealg na e«| The Ina» e .iniinattng al harmonic* it ion included m «■ru of he«•tat on Will bo .pen to vis ’ •' e a In. i rustra t tv«* •oard Th*- g IV -

arm«-r * Week no that people • rr or * a* .il*o prtii♦•nt» d W.H h ae it n operation Th- ,-p-r» Ml' State t til •n pin H.-

hee al*o preparing i display of ‘ n e* off if IO life u ein I er Ofd« o vat uum tube* from th»- 1 " on

-d pcpreaent-day

r t u bea u a*- d

Growler* Amuse People AiOFFERS PRIZE FOR


S t a i n * l * U « b i d H u I t a Secured far Tati* Here.

ituiuk standard mx 'bussln l 't2 G mod* I. muy be mo*ii in th« méchant- - il • ngineering laboratory «bere it his been pLaecd for the purpose of e*perinè«ntal study and lent* mad«

seniora taking automotive engi­neering

Thea« teata ronalat principally of acceleration and deceleration teata,

(pertinent* to ahow the effect of four-wh««l brnkM. economy teata nt t.tterent spe*dn. and dynamometer

• enta to determine the power and effi-• lency o f th« bruk«a

The 1 bassi* la a loan of th« iiuick Motor t o . -which place* a new modal each year at th« diapoaal o f th* me• nanti ai engineering department of th* i ollege

Coafereuce.M»TI4 >;Next Sat unlay evening at 6 30 a

dinner is m hod u led at the I n ion During the win-, r term th«iio-inoriui t Mtiding for ali e XI •' ti sion pen to menaorkera t<f the state who art here to it the foiattend the •mnuai extension r unfer­••nee. This affair will be in tile nn- Monday Thurioiay . F riday —7tur«, of » f •rial K«-t together for the P m ' " * 4.» p m*«irker* ’Ilo- gijeMtN »kill includa S it ird i» . t 4 j tnIi*- home demons! ration people, i: A 1.1*11 II 0 1 ’ .NO.• otinty agentk. « lub »vork«*ra. and ex D ire c to r oftennion aperialmta.

Michigan State Co-eds to Win Fame Through Eating Habits

East Lansing In Eerie Hours T* UNION BUILDING TO BEW rite r i p i f U s t i l l c f t Rad» W u rh .*,f Fn.wt IjU M iag a*»- • firm ~d aai| f r« « |a*n tij m u w l t j

prowling of dark ir a c w g » » f.g- - round fh«»r door* ua rka «ward o f th« n tgh i. \ o « n i «d t s

■ '* haa b«*a f a t w g hy ik *; of an in truder and a «Anden o f M oth*r* hav* Lam aw ake

ir* w ith f«n rfn l ta a r t» wmtrh- ?of thn m orn ing U gkt « l .x ± «nil .*■’ " • * to th* naiad.

mom or l*«u r t g i la r i t w n i * ^(•tnrbaacan h av* la v a t a * tag

- for a long timo. Otta t í a * m*7 m u m ta omr part a f th *

and th«a agate ta aaaUhar a n i -n th« ra tlaga ram p ai «apaeteUy

* i« vMitad.»rii, shadowy okyactn

; -n comiag from " Akiag nm nad paopte’t hamate ip No 1>te l>y i , >l* l i n d a .

nfcM d. m o o T - n r o Pte,J t wMleh naaaMp n t e m h a t e

^ --r-^ lap g

I^«t week a number *-f i*v»pl»- mere diaturbed by «uch prowler* In fact. *o many home* were vi»it*d ’ bat > omoderable excitement and , it)»*n*ation wax being arousad.

Then on« m orn ing abou t 5 o clock ’ •o men appeared at the coileg« dairy barn They warn roughly clad n high *ho*a. m ilita ry trounera. and heavy »itieepakln coata. Ev«ry em- pbawi* of rea rn eaa to «xbauatioD waa diaj»layed. Th«y ***med acarcaly a hi« to d rag th e ir feet and th « lr «y«a were * ungeo and h«avy

Ed Smiley, th« h«rdam«n. QU«a- iH«*ed them. »*nr «f the men m ut­te re d *ome Gre«k le tter» and m ade


known thftt >lhejr wnr* in >«nccb of oonatruc-tlve iu M « it lo * i with rv in rd • black cat. Mr. 8mll*r informed cnllrite radio work. Th* rontnnl iH^n* that the cata had a ll recentljr ¡ , to be held thin tern*, diea»peered There are no iim ltatioaa aa to the

T h , men left bat apparen ti? not le n ilh of th* paper, aad a a ? colle«« — Today ao*M>thlB* la la ck ia * »todent a«*r eater the

Th« Calon build ing will b« uaed by the M ichigan F reaa n|ioclatlO R, b* Farm B ureau and th« S tatu

Grange during tin* coming Farm er«’Week. Th« wiomun a lobby oppoeite be c a fe te ria w ill be used a s th e h«udquart«ra fo r th« S tat« ( i r i o g k o th e r o rgan isa tion* will he aerved in th « b a u q t« t room .A rra n g « » o n ta hav« alao boo* mad« to a«rv« over 100 short eourao d ividual

coll««« radio bro«d> men a t a luachaoa W «da«aday la th« Fa io a . followed by th« aaaaa l P a ra f a * W eak d laa«r la th« ovm- mg. Thuraday «v«a|ag. about 700 m em tera am p iaaaiag to attaad th«Farm B a m a a teg qaa I. T t e a aaaa l i. « e tmg of tho M irh igaa Prnaa m o e ia t lte w ltt t e Im M F r id a y , aad It# b a M i i t ta t t e «m a iag .

T ao maaagomaa t o f t t e cafatorla

Announcement ha« b*-*-n mad« by ’ h** *'n«in«-erini department o f th« calie** »hat Fr*d Holm*« »III giva h prix* *.f 12b to the «tud*nt pm- s n un « th« b*sat paper <>n rad io ac ­tivités Th* award wil» b« m ad« by F'r*«ident K I,. Buierfleid ot ronvo- r-atton «om« tim e during th* spring term.Berauae of th« g re a t am ount o f infrfH tt In the ra« tm g a’a tion . Fr*d Holm««, a g rad ­uate of th « eia«« o f 1024. haa decid­ed to give th e aum o f 920 to th e a u ­th o r of th« beat paper which off«ni

Michigan State girla aa a group are «n thelr way to fame An ac- • ount »if thelr euting iiablta 1« io b« publiabed in a l nited State* bulla- fin Think o f It! A pamphlet that «HI be read all over our great coun­try l ’erbapa you are wondering Juat h*»w fhia »«irne* about and why »hi* partbular ubane o f our girla* In- tereatlng Uvea la to be puhllahed Perbap«. alto, thè girla dir«<-tly ln- tcreated wilI be giad to learn tbia tuo.

of the fin They . yeddiete»i-.-*' • lite dining te r N<*fm poor thing

ilriuiti phowphat*» and a '■’f i r imprfjHslVf* th ings. « f*-:t they were a little • <iiiiprehenaton anyway.

-• d that thi« will put a t r* of ti.e giria who didn't ju s t what It waa all

*-y w*r» rather dubiou« r-queat k«ep a record I . »ten betwmn mania, askanc« th# girla o f th e a«« who kept record* la room. However the*« lat- •nlisted sympathy. Th«

tired and lookedIt aeema th a t a requeat haa bm n s*-nt o u t from W ashing ton to th«

horn« econom ics d ep a rtm en ts of a num ber o f college« fo r data upon In­

food consumption. M ichi­gan S ta te was on« of th« roll«g«a asked to cooperate. Accordingly, then , th e d ie te tics d a m aad «r t t e d i­rection of Dr. Atari« Dye aad Aflaa It n th t 'o waa began a d tetary atudy last weak o f t t e 244 glrla eating a t th« Woman'« common«. Now lacam you doa 't know what a d ie ta ry ___ ___________ | Lstudy la, w «‘H «a ligk tea you. BrleMy, #11 duo cred it will bu glvea to t t e It lavo lveo t t e « a lc k ia t o f aU food g lrla who bravely tura«d la

arled and w*»e-begone as they «at there Why they had to stay la rhe dining room ail the while m«ala w ere iterved and it seem ed a* I f those girl* would never atop com iag la.

The data is all but -tlwresu lts area t ready to aaaoaoo« yet. Of course everybody Is looking for­ward to see Juat how muck Item ) girl« do e a t anyway, ft 1« •

-ho brainr«w* Ift* * t*«W H to M l M sor ts ms ussS. the* th* » • l .h l l * back of th * of th* rto<w1>lM and lc* poMtkl* *1 m m . M It w ill to M l t u t * F r o » tklo to ro a * * to d tko j H i l* o d ln d n r ln ( th< M rio d It took

rided upon hot w ill ko ■■■o* *o«d tko lr o w * * d * * * IM O to »void tho aven g o food c o a n a g U o * par ladt- o ir » * w to bo trothfu l. Do p m a »largo crowd*. | v td w l tar a w M k, m w*U m t to j pogt t t o r m m t\

Michigan State NewsPublished tw ice weekly daring the college year by the students o f the

Michigan Sta te College. Rntered as second class matter at the postofflce, Bast Lanalng, Michigan. Advertising rates fur- - «M ied upon application to the RusincHH Manager.

K IM TO K i t I. » T A F T i l . 'S f '11. ! flermian House, Clt*. (VifK Editoru i i ' i ; ll#,rn,lan House Busin««* Manager3 i . \ h i . i . , v U J D T T B E . C o «*«1 EditorUvon llorton. '2HI <i«*orgiii Light foot Erva Proerott, '27h Dorothy Rtirrell ....

.............................Sports EditorFeature«

Sw ie ty Bditor ...................................................... Literary

Assistant Ed it ors Paul I I. Engle, (!. W . K let/man. D. R. Olson. Oeorgp Woodbury

T. L. Christie. K Hifnchniigh

di-orgf II. Moore J. D. M-dill Vn| Anderson d. E Itarnseyer lt. X icmeyer I tut h ííru««ifig»*r. Steno

R K P O K T K R N J o h n R r ls ld n c . | i , h ,hN n tp H u il l ín <k M ftr ln n B in n i 't t

A , ( n i l c . K iiH tim ltl>• <'•«>•« R . M i ln i i laM I ’i 'n i i ' W in . M i i I I i tJ K i n in n C lo n i

H4N TKTV R E P O R T E R N W n n n i ln S im , ,11. | (u th H n n l , I M I i l i S lm in i in n , 1‘h y lln T r i in lm n n .

A llin * I f h il 11 r. A g n e s T r i im ln l l t

B IIR IN E N N s t a p fA i l . i T t l . l n r <1 T. W hitburn, ’27 ; I. H v m ls r , 2 * ; Vie A m l* rann. '2* ;

K f i i n n n n , 2 7 ; T e k l n M im ik * . ’2 s i . u in S n l i ln r , *20; I l ln o n , 2 1 1

• 'I rn ito tl i in - Mn* llnralwin, '2«OPFH’B— RAREMENT SEW l.initA ltY B I'IM ilS»)

I ’ r in fm l a t Ih i* I 'n m p n n F m s s — Phniw * 21, 117,

Eitllnrlnln npiwiirlnr In I bn M HIIIIIAS STATE SEWS are written h\ the editor III chief und his assistants, who are student« They can in no way I«* Interpreted a* representing the off IHn | viewpoint o f the college, t»r o f college offlelals

s n n B c R iP T iO N —#2w i t u b h i t i o o i , t b a k


FR A T ER N IT IES In an nildntss by I)r. Francis W. Shepardson »riven before the

- delegates of the American Conference of Isnnl Fraternities, a keen nnd very unusual analysis of the “ fraternity" is given.

The lofty idetdism which is rend into every fraternity consti­tution hns been trampled under by selfishness, “ class conscious­ness” , and any amount of “ high hatting” . Dr. Shepardson ex­plains these vnnities as purely temporal. The spark of true in spiral ion that passes from one to another under the grip of fraternity life is the important thing, he says.

“ No I do not want to say friendship. I want to s h .v love.. I hear someone sneer. Isive? That is sentimental. The hard- boiled fellow will say that is sentimental. That Is a kind of soft mushy feeling that you have towards someone of the other sox. You can not love a man. Just as long as college fraternity men accept a theory like that, just as long are they going to fad to reach the truly important ideal of the college fraternity.

" I tell you men ran love men. I tell you fraternity men can love fraternity men, that ties of H fraternity bond ran become as strong, yea stronger, than the ties of blood, anil I have seen it illustrated uver and over again in my own college experience. You go into a college fraternity. It is the most marvelous and wonderful thing that happens to a man in all his career because the fellow whose hand he takes in fraternity grip may be the one who will be his partner in business through life. He may l«e the one whose sister he is going to marry; he may be the one who is going to open tiefore him the gates of opportunity in life; he may be the one who is to go through peril with him by water and by land; he may he the one in whose clasped hand he is going to go out into the darkness of no mail's land to face death that lurks there. It will happen to you because it has happened in every chapter of every college fraternity that ever existed, and it is going lo happen. It is the fundamental thing in fraternity life.It is love."

A SSISTA N T KDITORSW ith this issue, Paul II. Engle is terminating his work as

managing editor of the STATK N EW S, lie has had a month's practical experience acquainting him with all the branches of the editorial department.

I ’. W. Kiel/man, another junior assistant editor, will lake the (Hist vacated by Fugle for the following month. D. R. Olson will a lso have an opportunity to edit the paper.

After the junior assistants have completed their work as man­aging editors, the hoard of publications will eliminate to two men. who names will appear on the All College ballot. It is important, therefore, to watch the work of these men during their trial period.

('01,1.F t.F F I.F tT IO N SIn past years, office nominations and filial elections have not

been as seriously considered as they should have teen. Students have regard«*! “ college politics" as something unworthy of their intense support.

What the trouble is, the students themselves only know. If thy "right" candidates have not teen put up for election it is the fault of the students who fail to Mttend class meetings. The time to voice opinions is before a decision is made and not afterwards.

It is not ton early to begin thinking of candidates for the var­ious campus activities. Forget fraternal ambition, and look for the students who are capable to carry on the position* they are chosen for.

Bares Secret of Hort Exhibit

Th» fm ittu for the au tv d m of th» annual H u rt show has been disvov•rod!

M any m u o n « h iv » been advanced or th» Au» showing made by th« l io n club In Its Fa rm er » W eek •hows Some authorul«*» credit It to th» An» leadership of th» hurt faculty. Oth •r» contend that the seem ing *uc e n » o f tho venture I» because of the moro general Internat o f tha public I» fru it Urna la o ther farm producta.

Som a hort students who were ap proached oa IIm subject modestly

s t a le d t h a t . 1 i* d u e t o t h e s u p e r i o r c r u d e o f s t u d e n t s a r o u n d t h e i r tie part meat

N e w i i c h t m a y be t h r o w n on the s u h je « I by u d isa 'O -e e fy tttu d e T u e » d u ) evening T h e d e c o r a t io n * c o m m t t t e e is k n o w n to b e w o r k i n g In- d u s t r l o u a l y o n hort show prepara­t i o n » A t !» H eastern standard t i m e a number of the members o f t h i » commltte«* w e r « «een to emerge f r o n t the hort building busily en

o in p a s a m * the spoils of s trip t o the apple storage. Everyone seemed happy

An apple a day does not a lway* keep the doctor away. However. I seem» to produce a sense of wall being that keeps up spirits.

I 'A T H U N IX S K B M B 4 D V B R T S U U K S

Public LetterJan. 27. 1926.

To the Editor o f The News:Maiden.«, men and mountain« have

one thing in com m on: One ha« to g»*t away from each a certain dis­tance before the enchantment is complete. The beauty o f the maiden, the worthiness o f the man. the mag­nitude o f the mountain, are all en­hanced by the perspective which dis­tance lends

Of institutions the same thing is true A college looks greatest to the student as he. approaches it for matriculation or as he leaves It at graduation. Especially after gradu­ation. as he goes aw tv through the year«, the student see» more dis­tinctly th»* proportion o f his Alma Mater measured among many oth**r institutions.

Fortunately there Is a faculty of mind which help« men evaluate oth er m**n and even institutions with out the need o f distance That fac ulty a most precious on«* is imag ¡nation

Ther** 1« an institution in Ea«t Lansing about which students need to let th* ir evpanslve imagination« play That institution i« »he Pen pie s i-h'irch From all over Am**r ica m«*n are looking at this institu­tion. They call it Lie highest strijc fure on the skyline of modern re­ligion Many local students s»*e the import o f th** People's church More are coming to se it It would be hard to nam** t significant graduate o f the colleg»» m the last few years who ha« n o t seen it.

I am -.vrif in i you »hi« letter !« cause I am convinced that th»» first service to be held in th»» new build­ing and »bat by .«tiid»*nt« la an epoch-marking and historical event of magnitude When the students of State ge» *oge»hcr in the new build ing at IJ o 'clock next Sunday, in a signal * iv «ojn. thjng will be taking pla>e m the history o f religious ad vance m Americ.a Few things could ■n assure me .if »h»* aler»n»*«s and • sense o f our students, o f their avitr*

_ — -e To appreciate the fu ll beauty of taate la the m oath .’* i t i* ¡nt__I the book— Its delightfulness— one Inf to feel N ancy grow unt i

R A A l y Q h p l f t must read It for himself* and sure ly ■ “ fu lly developed In womanhood • 1 f l w t J U U I i J Jt,g -not a brofc which leaves a “ bed1 R U T H BE f'K K ft

Edited by Dorothy Bu rre ll


*‘Soun»fing«.*' by HamiltonHlbbs. Written in simple, direct style, thfs novel has as a result, a direct appeal. Carefully chosen words, assembled i.n a manner made to appear casual, fascinate and draw

i»*r s attentiijnMr fiibbs' first attempt at a novel, although .‘¡e has articles of different'4* kinds

• While He is related to the »nown Phillip <i:bb« His •r portrayals seem particu- I! drawn; ills description of

..¡n*1, Nancy Hawthorne, as ¡•r *raz«-d questionmriy into

h especially fine As he imrn at h»*r mop --f hair and

hon*>st brown eyes, uo- :.> any shadow. ' simple in­i' *■!. one -m « to -ee Nancy

Nan« y'« -xpt-r * « of men are n

many of iSincerely.



B Variety A fiift Mm* jIM T H D M / K T H E t l lV K K T IM K It-

K e e p s t h e fa c e lik e v e lv e t

WIND and weather can’t hurt the skin protected by Williams Aqua Vel%>a,

the new, scientific after-shaving prepara­tion. Aqua Vclva keeps the face all day just as supple and soft as it is at the end o f your shave with W illiam s Shaving Cream. Big 5-oz. bottle 50c; at all dealers’.

FOR B E T T E R S H A V I N O - V I I L I A v

V v

\ ¡L a l ■ & - ' ' /i J

1' 7/1_ l

O ne M an’s Sum m er Vacation



■»rung, t \ crxtn*T n rtKAfors .•iw, oc :*te ot

Bi- ‘ hip might .ic p m d l . m w m im g iw d ’ ’ 'nrrn‘ to *ha».

< >r n ;rKio»rna: apphcetton, the Con- hngm crr mav add to human safety,

»' isAMtuwrm \m. In rubber miiia, hands

t-rrar ,rs v»merunei are t aught hetweeer* ,,er«. \ »rattion a secood

nak ncan an arm- -or a ide. (loouwin’i •>fw unmnation control apparatus haa

' rpviu«cu *he 'line m stopping the

k ntm; Engineers must know the in- .«*srr\ a h a which thev are deaiing— steel, ... ocr. rati.f, rai.rtiau— then hteraily

••Bi'hcumtMiiotKhorh«.” InMrmgihr '* “ ' ‘"X'1 •«* ' jKom rf', n n — Co-trol t-r.ginrrr. B n J 'heoucivts moti at hone with Vh (suoaksim ,

Westinghoose4 « i H I ^

The Social Whirl Wiled by BBVA I'KKM OTT Kappa I Mia Home

p » c o m ia g w e e k -e n d p r o m is e s to be th e m ost ...........................• ,m y th a t h a r e p r e c e d e d It t h is te rm F irst , a 8 0c ,a l

iked fo r a n d m u c h a w a ite d m il it a r y ball will k . I . u i * m o ,t ' th e •jrlstlc s u r r o u n d in g s a t t h e 119th Field A rtiM »™ ,ll" ° n g a trict-

T h i . I . th e flra i b ig p a r ty o f th e :,ium f o r th e a e t w e e k . T h e Alpha i’hl alumnae are . . en atsam e e v e n in g In t h e W o m e n ’ s club h o u s e and th e p i £ “ p \ r ‘■ertaln a t t h e s a m e t im e w ith an o p e n h o u s e ^ „ 1 * » » » • P hi

ST& .*'*’ - PythUB f0rm,,, ‘‘ nd a" “*>*“ house given*by TheA lpha P h i

a lu m n a e o r g a n iz a t io n o f th e ! i it p ie r w ill s ta g e a benefit n th e W o m e n 's c lu b h o u s e n ig h t . M u s ic w il l b e fu r* by (Jreen B u g o r c h e s t r a fo r

nr. w h ic h Is u n d e r th e d ir e c - Mr*. H u g h J o h n s o n .

P h i M U f-G tiffin h a s le f t s r h n o t - an d d r fck h a s m o v e d In to th e

So ro rlaa S o ro r la n s o c ie t y w il l g iv e a •ea at th e h o u s e S a tu r d a y af-

fr o m 2 :3 0 u n t i l 6 :3 0 . T h e . pen t o a ll w h o w ish t o at*

K a p p a D e lta Marl,. Iloatleman has returned to

the house after having been a na- t>*nt In the college hospital for the

lust few weeks.S e sa m e

h 0 J1' n , a ,lornln* has moved Into the

U n ion L ite ra l1} ’The annttul winter term formal

dinner danre will be held at the Ho­tel Kerns Feb. 5. Dietrich’s orches­tra of Grand Itaplds will furntsh the music.

About ton members o f the society will attend the military ball.

I*ythfanFormal Initiation will ho held for

CANDLES OP QUALITYBarirtjj unii (Sift Sbnii

sfr«. K . M . H a r fo r d


D eu PhelH Requots Froth To StadnU Peniitinf In Ltodmg Rtport Ob Work of tbe Athletic Coupon, |B Future

ern‘ Moit Forfeit Books.Announcement has cohie from -----------

Dean Phelan's office that all fresh- inen students should report to their advistora during the weelc o f Feb. 1 to counsel about the work o f the term. The advisors will hold office hours in the old library building as follows:

s. u. Bergqulst: Monday, 1-2;Tuesday, 9-10; Thursday, 2-3: Fri­day. 11-12

Oeorge Brown: Tuesday, 4-5:30;Wednesday. 10 - 1 1 ; Thursday. 3-4

C. M fa d e : Monday. 1-2: Wednes­day. y -2 ; Tuesday, 4 ".

Dr. Chamberlain: Monday. 8-9 ;Tuesday, 1-2; Wednesday, 8-9 ; Fri­day. 2-3.

II B. Dirks; Friday, 1 -3 .Miss Helen (Irimes*: Monday, 1 -3 ;

Wednesday. 1-3.Miss Mary Shellonberger: Tues­

day, 4-.,; Wednesday, I 3; Thursday.4-5

1» f . Kckerman; Monday. 11-12;Wednesday. 1 0-11; Thursday. 2-'3.

• . 10 Miller Tuesday. 1-2; Tues­day. 4*5:30; Friday. 1-2.

I .in to n M o n d a y . 3 :3 0 -5 ;3:30-3:30 ; Thursday. 3:30-

Dppmitc H. K. Iluildlng

Established IM 7

R l S "Com P1'

p io * ’Ho

Off"S c h o o

' y ’

rvo R K c o s t u m e c at Bldg., 137NWabash Am ..Chicafo, III.

Taxicabs for the Military Ball \A -iH fla l s e r v ic e w il l Is* provided by the M arket f a b •

• '••mpany. T h e re w il l Ik* ii <IN|*“ t<hing servlee from the •' a Ion B u ild in g at •'* : » l p. m. and «alts will !««• stationed 3■here from that hour until v.'to p. ni < all 21 I II hi 3placing o rd e rs before t i ’ .'Wi p. ni. and the I ’niiai Building 3phone, .sir,p a ft e r th a t hour. 3

and Urim. state’s sters. will vie for he Illinois Athletic al indoor track cli Alderman, holder - ‘»yard dash title.

tin* 300-yard ire •o the 70 yard t von and White 10

be entered in

two hon- 1 As- ■ issic

of Will



Tip With Vermont in Dual Meet; Placf Third In Five Cornered


I l l t l 11: i t >

\ l . l ~ . l M u l l

Plenty of ('mIm »1 119th Field Artillery Armory I Miring the Party.

in \l tht:I M I I B I T H IN I K IP

I lira nM> >

No Charge for Extra Passengers


GOLOSHES DRESS SHOESn X E D O S $27.50 to $50.00

T h e F a s h io n S h o p

i l T f i i H U I nndin |>t* *od* e

• r Ml . h i . a n n a t i o n a l

. II.,-, I ng . I Ì..U.M Ml t.n

I k ' l l A H ig l i ia 1*1*1

t i p l i a n u i i i i i f t • » • • i f *

P i K u p p » I ’ t.l

I.*- in G r a n d l.’ a

P r a r U r * I lo t i* .

f o r F a r m e r s W e i held on T u e s d a y .

!'! u r s d a y Tor ' h e rh>* president and

I M’lp l i l , '» I i (T o n i a n d *

S a g in a w i « -• • U B ! m '- h f o r d n d in Brighton.

I n k h a l l i

• e* k e m l


. D À »

Mere Below We List a Few of the Latest Hits On Columbia Records

C O M R IN A M , U K A R T H K M . T H K l I K K liRE-ATii n il I I - l i i iu i lI I,

• kn , : : d

J*-l*in * .n »


- .ml II I- lU m l

¡ . ■ f u m i l i l U n i h l c r .

11m, (V fta io P o r t , *'• t T r - I--I I-I t M l W ake Me I , ( M 1 * Drvam i >

- I 'd le v

Nadir a UUIe RM I’ m Tc.i •«DrraaUag * f a (a * U * ia Urn Ale F « i r r " '

—C a lifo r n ia IU»wit*l«*r«

J ig Walk- <’h »r lM »i.n F .1, Tmr I t * » « T r.« l* * m r«M > * r r i , m K d > F m T rot I t » » » r r . . u h « U . « r »

I A r t fè illh am »U n i Le t Me Mood la V w Wag— IN * W M * « ia g Waal«»

— «A rt <»Uibam>

Wt taw J sw ia m m jJm j; ^

Budd’s Music House“ EVERYTH ING IN M U SIC

________________________________ Uiming. MfcMgaaW O R R f W S I H I H H E V E N I N G » (I N T O . I » « F C M K »

J H I f 11111111111 I t 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 "mmiBimmiinin

Announcenient has come from the athletic department that misuse of student coupon books will not be tolerated in the future.

During the fall term several stu- »lents forfeited their athletic books for permitting «»tliers to use them. In the future, all hooks that are mis­used will be taken up and in addl- tion the names of the students vio­lating the rules will bo published in tin* Michigan State News.

This notice has been made in ac­cord with r«»cent action taken by the board in «ontr«>l o f athletics.

Slate Sends Two Track Stars To Urbana for Indoor Classic




It’s Wonderful!

- f r i


n , Sfnrm

W e h a v e been show* erincj y o u w ith in*

formatons about B a r r o n s fo r four

months— but " i t aint go in ’ to

rain no more.”


<*«mhI t lui lit*** al Hu* stintile««! Margin • t 1‘mtlt KiMiwn

TWO FOR *39■

Harry Su ffrin ’s twe-fur-nii« ■ 'A ill aid youand vour roommates in filling your clothinglU’i’ds f o r spring. Ik* sine yon «*«> tiu'sevalu«’s for t In- college man.

Harry Sustiiüli M blit It In.

ffrinMH lit«* %N a! I.IBM)

• I'iints Suits 1 KerriMits0|m it sjiitirtli«} 1 ulti 9:30.

New Spring StylesA M ) and I.I I . I I I I \N

SWIFT$8 *$9

liTIf KltS $6 - $10

H a^ ia NI U I S W A »»tn iW T B W M O L

¿TiTiTwn b rrmm m m nr? t ti


f Ì *■ (



.1. I »ni«* Mettili Joseph 1», El le nor 11 tit «-hitis M tiriti it B»ii ini t

H e n rie tta S co v r ii

m Q B





Inter-clait Stand* With Freah, Premier Campus Ice Star At New Agi and Seniori; A ft o nTop. Brunswick, Canada, This



T h e it ti ti mu I in te rc lu s a tra ck mo-t i* ached it led for t lie* gym nasium at *2 o'i’Iiu k S:it hi < 111V ii ffernoam w ith 1*»7 cut nuits iti flic e levan *•* hc«tnl«-)| i-o iinWith live record» broken Iw-u week atol two tied, it is e\|»e* ted that further improvement witt-i** mad** tin* «o-t. In kiwcrltiR time it ri»! r»-* .»r*l*. I tille r, w h o gtnht»>*| i w l i r - t - andII si t olid for the f n -h u i e u tasi weekis e«|KMt»H| to rep*

diediId i Ih til r t id liiK li tu -ll<

from |Muati n i u 'i l i t i II* t ¡H IMI I i o t i IW o ll|t|M

tin >

w»*h I - . « - in tie ; W . l ,III 1.1

-* 11»*- 1I** «1.-ft.Mlhl taki M i I

i t e i s f r - u n tie ' 'h is i » r f -1point* » • '»»*

run in tte-|.|h- ,-u-i.U *r:

d i lite luIIctiMon, l'IcM cf and / ' I i ih h ri fn vo rBea in tbe tu >» n i *•*•|hde ta u lt ii.g c 'c i i t w ili I h i ì Ui b n lf un boiir preti«»»»« io th* óf ttic otber e venta

F ir s t p lace tedi etninl ó itiir*t ‘2. and fo tirlh I g-m 'a re to ho mw nrded to itti <piare.

T lu en triea for ite* • »Pu le v an ii l ’reah IM H*i

M< A iee. nnd l 'f iin m r.w hm fhd iiiikc. M llte r and H»n* ke . M orofNky ; Menlors F a n o » * !

4U yitrd *IhmIi F re *h II* n«tllll I I . I t O I iloti . B o sw li l ’Ul. VA tilt;

m arit i. lH*b*batit). iiu n tu tH iS ..II \\ ititi in te, \\ r igh i, h-nw-n s-and 1.««« . Sophs I or.l M * «il Hltnd iart. t Ime. tieh m k c and W a l l ; Ju n io r* F b s c r I( NciiioiN / Militici imiti I a r ic i K .c f c r

4t» y a rd low b u rd le * F r s< K e n y o n . W a r n e r llo u g i an d W ln d M te , Moph« l.o rd . M In rh , P a lk . M attsun . «’ Im e . M i

:dlin« »nd Oehnirko; Junior»: Bupp id Flptcr; Senior»: . tnmertnati.itiNoppcn and Kurt*.4" vard high htifdlna Fresh:

lUiyoti Inlicr. Hchnnf, Wagner, • nirhiicr and Windlate; Soph»; ,i,l. ({..llitiM. Met ul loch Falk. Mat - ii Flirte and Mill«*r, Juniors: No itrie*. Senior»; Kurt/, and YanNop

• yard da»h Fr«»h: Henaofi,n |{o man. (iordon. Wiliiams, th flolchnnty, Juntenen, Po- W right. K * • t»v * 111. Schaar,

«• and liHliR, Sopiis: l.ord.», ii Hiiiehart, Flln«, Miller. • Falk, Mattlnon and Wall.

Wolflnger, illllon. Fieser, nd Procter; Seniors Farley, man and Kcefer jump Kreah Hitler, Hai k

n. Miller,

T h e s e i n ! d i u »T s i ll I In* i n t e r f r i t i e r n i l Y I im s e i hi ii l o i i r n t i m e n t . wert:* t o tiu \ * • l i i c i i j »hi .ved in t h e gv in T l m r s t l a y . TI»«* » » l y m p i r .s w e r e t o i i ; l \ e I f iet I l i e I IthUI I . ii s a n d t h e T r l i i i o i r a a w e n * *• h e d u b dto .... . iIn- Laml.da Fht Alpin». Tbc« III tiers of ih<- tw o m atch .- w ill meet -<in ie lillie ne\t w eek according to I

Th« fresiiineti mum defeafetl the

hid I game .Monday. 22 In The

Inunhiiiig I lie Junior engineer». I I


Riyali Draw Crowds That Tax Laming Gym.


•trman. “ Mir l*by.Sup II»

Ili.ugb m-r Matti»


io**»« 1 :?«»

/ and Halla i iorw

day. Jun K urtz


I»- *hut put F

W m M 1 1te»)» Bal nan. Met


Mil. 1 * ugh and Jim»*him,

« " y


.ltd Iand 1

N -lier. .F.-kerf

ila»h Fr.


l'Sil . SopU

••I-* »* \¡ • t • » . i

• Ik. 11 JlllllISI.ilWölfin#

i an*

i|i.t--r „-I' Pim i . - r and Hot . Bipper


It- » . . 1 1 ,-|av Fresi'* W »1 , I t . - . . ,

Willi i * r Hi.

a m Lati Sopii- 1or.l.

It Tays lo Troth' at


I»rv Goods

Head* -to-Wear

Millinery Ik 'aul) Parlor. Third Floor Tea If«M»m. Second Floor

ION 110 N. \\ »« h in ftn tl %«enue I.AN M IN H . W I I M.

h- n B i p p e r

I* \ i'Ku m / i;

K ro l l, Pbs B e lt , lid Klseli-

11 on,

I le t lM ti n . K e n y o n M c F u l

t i e l i l l l i k e . M ai I Ison, nettar ' ; .1 uniorn Flener, lìnv*• r. I l i l to t i . P ro c te r. S.’hoo s /.unni, rin iti. /. \ aliNoppfii; Hlpper

r o t i P t e n t i K r o l l , oh B a k e r am i Lan in i* I t i l i and t » r t i i c s . J u n

. . and Y\ a f e r t i i a n , S*>ii I! u dì. Titolila-« and Yun

in Fresi» f la rk K< n II I, k m v . S m i t h , l i i k . r

nd Y un A rm ati

» 1 li \I»V I U r is l . l t s

pa-t I lo Und fiile- Mu-krgoh

L i s l e I ' o n k l l n , p r e m i e r s k a t e r f«»r M ii-h i i’ .i n S t a t e , a n d t h e s t a l e o f M i c h i g a n a t l a r g e , t h r o u g h h i s . t f f i l - i a i ¡ o i l -a i I h t h e a m a t e u r s k a t i n g a s o t i ’ i s t o n i o f I l e t r o l l , i s p a r t i o f p u t t»g

« . • . • k *» \ ' « w B r u n s w i c k . C a n - .,.!■» i l l ' : o - w o r l d ' s c h a m p i o n s h i p

k «• )•..* e v e n t s . H e I s A e a r i n g t h e G r e e n a n d W h i t * c o l o r s *.t \ 1 S ( '

n e a r f u t u r e L o n k i i n . w h o h o l d - m a i i v m e t i i K w i l l s k i m o v e r H o g l a r i n g ■ u r i a * •• a t l n u n . i t i n t h e I n i - r i i . i M o n u ! e v e n t s , a n d a s h o r t t i m e ! it*-r h e w i l l p r o b a b l y r o m p ' U * - in th*> a n n u a l A i n e r i e . i n e e r l i i s s t « ’ ,? | . I k . I ' l a . l d , N e w Y o r k




I'll* n f e r * r a t e r n i t \ »»ex l i n g • b e d ,|. h i I . * - I . a i r a n g e d ¡*\ T#«*l • ‘ IdeUr

HiU lee ul i in- I* u. Il.-llcne • -nin. il. ill


Michigan Normal Court Crrw Hrrr Tomorrow Night; Amotn;

Bril in Slate.

w h*«n tl night Hi M '.¡’higa i

- . ■ Phi I e-if , « , pj Kappa IMu

Phi K a pp)' Id i II M 11 m-t Vo

nm-r N-- I g .i " unter V-

H I A T O N 5I fe m u a o n d iu g H flHank llh»rk

l a s t la n « lii |. Midi

>r flie tirsi finte in eiglit seasonB• il -peetators witnessed thè p»*r- ance <*f a Michigan Sfate Imit­ili i| u i ni et. Tuesday night, when h Kob» look hi» tnen un a jaunt ie stronghold <»f th« l'nlversity etroit. and npparently. froin allrts or thè em-ounfer, tfce Tltan»

nrtmed to royally «ntertnln tOritM-r ' \ggie” friend» witli

spiri»* «I basket-ball. for thl» *li.| and nabbed a 1»? 1«* verdtet.

)*■ game m:irk«'d ihrotigbout(finsiant rtash»*s o f individuai*

and -o* desiroiis " f wituiing w*-r** (Oli li t : f hit t die l e t - h n i ' J U e of

.r une was deuected tn tbe back-ndato consistenti)! wrecked it» chance» to cop thè laurei» hy

ytremely poor foul shoofing. In l'einptH frolli i In* free thr**xv Un« Sfaters chalked Up s,-,,r*- ̂ but

TI)OH*‘ filine ;i t ! Ite liandH of eriiks and Hr.uv. Detroit mesil­io hall frotn the tl«-Iti H**v* u fimes iiupared 'ith tour goals bv th« n alni Wtitte tnen In foul shoot- ftie TI tati» w**r«« in» better than

They gnrnered only ;» sin- .ointer via tliis route. iti otte |es»

i.. l'a t h'dics li a d tbe gii me clnch- .' « with eigiu minute» of jday

niiitig. and tlieti State «tuged a vvhich. results (.roveri, fame a

• fff.» late bui nevertheles» serv­ii lo» tIn* I*«’trolti-rs know »fiat game was nnt on »»'»> uni il thè!

whist le had« ectioed acro»» thè

gli» minili f'M of lodai ed basket.- on tho pari of Michigan State

\ * in- • (Toris of Homi ami h W'Jio raged t vvo basket» iti | s a « i i ■ •. ! 11 li. .uni l.rought tile• t o 1 I "ideali tali tanky H»ib*tHute for

i itir ’ il*- i ..t i» amo tbrough..e - Apii fwo hasketK io take

* h e feeling o f unrest lorlged In niiinls of »ho lietroit player».

ai < annui State’s hope»• min , 'e v ii-forv » »tu* **f th»*

e. f i luteiiu i l t tl IH : d f i « e of game . atre w In i» he drihhled

»Ile eli» ire Gr»«« ii itul Whlt« '.i Mke n i open crnt k al thè

MI ll.nkeft and Homi W e r e• ffeiiHix** dar» for Siate, whlle v.rk of l»r*iw along tbe line of

J. \V. Kdmonds’ Sonsn i l NhN and FINK I I \ IIIK K t.lHIIIN

la? \ \ iwliiiiglciii Avellile Soulll«mg. Mirti,

i d t a h l i d«. d 7 1 Y * - ar »

a Ivedralfled defensive aitar served lo offendine stelli a * tack, was outstanding

Losing to the V. o f I), pia, in a majority los» tdtuath again They have now won losf five. Playing one of th.* standing Michigan intere lives i ri I he' state this wee I the form of the Ypsilund quintet, they aro not destili. I a 50-50 standard for the sea far However, the Kohsnn pull a surprise, which they ,'upahllity for when they d*di University o f Chicago. St and showed up well again » against the reputed strong ii ni versify five

Lineup and summarv STATK U.

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Meet Flint Junior College In Sec­ond Game of Seaton.

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131 ILI l.»wl Itra itd N liiV %»tour

^ lu .pF asi 1 Aiming

IfitrO m » .‘ Hit*

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Your story in pictures leaves nothing untoldFutures help t«» tell your *tor.v to your pronpe«*- ti%e customer. Let iin reproduce your illuKtm* turn« h> the Line or Halftone procenu in one or more colors.



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