ngu phap tieng anh thcs

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  • 7/28/2019 Ngu Phap Tieng Anh THCS


    Bai 1: TH CUA ONG TI- Hien tai n (Simple Present):1) Cach thanh lap:- Cau khang nh S + V(s/es); S + am/is/are- Cau phu nh S + do/does + not + V; S + am/is/are + not- Cau hoi Do/Does + S + V?; Am/Is/Are + S?2) Cach dung chnh:

    Th hien tai n c dung e dien ta:

    2.1 Mot thoi quen, mot hanh ong c lap i lap lai thng xucau thng co cactrang t: always, often, usually, sometimes, seldom, rarely,every day/wee

    Ex: Mary often gets up early in the morning.2.2 Mot s that luc nao cung ung, mot chan ly.Ex: The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.2.3 Mot hanh ong trong tng lai a c a vao chng trnh,keEx: The last train leaves at 4.45.II- Hien tai tiep dien (Present Continuous):1) Cach thanh lap:

    - Cau khang nh S + am/is/are + V-ing- Cau phu nh S + am/is/are + not + V-ing- Cau hoi Am/Is/Are + S + V-ing?2) Cach dung chnh:

    Th hien tai tiep dien dung e dien ta:2.1 Mot hanh ong ang dien ra hien tai (trong luc noi); sau calenh, e ngh. Trong cau thng co cac trang t: now, right moment,at present, Ex: What are you doing at the moment?

    - Im writing a letter.Be quiet! My mother is sleeping.2.2 Mot hanh ong a c len ke hoach thc hien trong tng laEx: What are you doing tonight?- I am going to the cinema with my father.2.3 Mot hanh ong nhat thi khong keo dai lau, thng dung vthis week, this month, these days, Ex: What is your daughter doing these days?- She is studying English at the foreign language center.

    3) Nhng ong t khong c dung th HTTD:3.1 ong t ch giac quan: hear, see, smell, taste3.2 ong t ch tnh cam, cam xuc: love, hate, like, dislike, want, wis3.3 ong t ch trang thai, s lien he, s hu: look, seem, appearown, belong to, need, 3.4 ong t ch sinh hoat tr tue: agree, understand, remember, knowIII- Hien tai hoan thanh (Present Perfect):1) Cach thanh lap:- Cau khang nh S + have/has+ V3/ed- Cau phu nh S + have/has + not + V3/ed

    - Cau hoi Have/Has + S + V3/ed?

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    2) Cach dung chnh:Th HTHT dung e dien ta:2.1 Mot hanh ong xay ra trong qua kh khong xac nh ro thEx: Have you had breakfast? No, I havent.2.2 Mot hanh ong xay ra trong qua kh, con keo dai en hienEx: My friend Nam has lived in HCMC since 1998.2.3 Mot hanh ong va mi xay ra.Ex: I have just finished my homework.

    2.4 Trong cau truc:Be + the first/second time + S + have/has + V3/edBe + the ss nhat + N + S + have/has + V3/edEx: This is the first time I have been to Paris.She is the most honest person I have ever met.3) Cac trang t thng dung vi th HTHT:

    just (va mi), recently/lately (gan ay), ever (a tng), never (chagi), yet (cha), already (roi), since (t khi moc thi gian), for (khoafar/until now/up to now/up to the present (cho en bay gi)IV- Hien tai hoan thanh tiep dien (Present Perfect Continuou1) Cach thanh lap:- Cau khang nh S + have/has+ been + V-ing- Cau phu nh S + have/has + not + been + V-ing- Cau hoi Have/Has + S + been + V-ing?2) Cach dung chnh:

    Th HTHTTD c dung e dien ta:* Hanh ong bat au trong qua kh va keo dai LIEN TUC eva con tiep dien entng lai, thng dung vi How long, since va for.

    Ex: How long have you been waiting for her?- I have been waiting for her for an hour.* HTHT: hanh ong hoan tatHTHTTD: hanh ong con tiep tucV- Qua kh n (Simple Past):1) Cach thanh lap:- Cau khang nh S + V2/ed; S + was/were- Cau phu nh S + did + not + V; S + was/were + not- Cau hoi Did + S + V?; Was/Were + S?

    2) Cach dung chnh:Th QK dung e dien ta hanh ong a xay ra va hoan tatkh vi thi gian c

    xac nh ro. Cac trang t thng i kem: yesterday,week/month/year, in the past,in 1990,

    Ex: Uncle Ho passed away in 1969.VI- Qua kh tiep dien (Past Continuous):1) Cach thanh lap:- Cau khang nh S + was/were + V-ing

    - Cau phu nh S + was/were + not + V-ing

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    - Cau hoi Was/Were + S + V-ing?2) Cach dung chnh:

    Th QKTD dung e dien ta:2.1 Mot hanh ong xay ra (va keo dai) vao mot thi iem khoang thi gian trong qkEx: She was studying her lesson at 7 last night.What were you doing from 3pm to 6pm yesterday?- I was practising English at that time.

    2.2 Mot hanh ong ang xay ra (V-ing) qua kh th co mot hkhac xen vao (V2/ed).Ex: He was sleeping when I came.While my mother was cooking dinner, the phone rang.2.3 Hai hanh ong dien ra song song cung luc trong qua kh.Ex: While I was doing my homework, my younger brother was playing vidgames.VII- Qua kh hoan thanh (Past Perfect):1) Cach thanh lap:- Cau khang nh S + had + V3/ed- Cau phu nh S + had+ not + V3/ed- Cau hoi Had + S + V3/ed?2) Cach dung chnh:

    Th QKHT dung e dien ta:2.1 Mot hanh ong xay ra va hoan tat trc mot thi iem homot hanh ong khac trong qua kh (hanh ong trc dung HADV3/ed, hanh ong sau dung V2/ed).Ex: We had had dinner before eight oclock last night.Lucie had learned English before she came to England.

    2.2 Mot hanh ong a xay ra nhng cha hoan thanh, tnh ethi iem nao o trong qkEx: By the time I left that school, I had taught there for ten years.(Ti luc toi ri ngoi trng ay, toi a day c 10 nam.)3) Th nay thng c dung vi cac t, ng sau ay:* After, before, when, as, onceEx: When I got to the station, the train had already left.* No sooner than (va mi th)

    Hardly/Scarely when (va mi th)

    Ex: He had no sooner returned from abroad than he fell ill.---> No sooner had he returned from abroad than he fell ill.(Anh ay va mi tr ve t nc ngoai th am ra benh.)* It was not until that (mai cho ti mi )Not until that (mai cho ti mi )Ex: It was not until I had met her that I understood the problem.---> Not until I had met her did I understand the problem.(Mai ti khi toi gap co ta, toi mi hieu c van e.)VIII- Qua kh hoan thanh tiep dien (Past Perfect Continuous1) Cach thanh lap:

    - Cau khang nh S + had + been + V-ing

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    - Cau phu nh S + had + not + been + V-ing- Cau hoi Had + S + been + not + V-ing?2) Cach dung chnh:

    Th QKHTTD dung e nhan manh tnh LIEN TUC cua hanh ong cen khi mot hanh ong khac xay ra trong qua kh.Ex: When she arrived, I had been waiting for three hours.IX- Tng lai n (Simple Future):1) Cach thanh lap:

    - Cau khang nh S + will/shall + V- Cau phu nh S + will/shall + not + V- Cau hoi Will/Shall + S + V?2) Cach dung chnh:

    Th TL dung e dien ta:2.1 Mot hanh ong se xay ra trong tng lai.Ex: I will call you tomorrow.2.2 Mot quyet nh a ra vao luc noi.Ex: Its cold. Ill shut the window.2.3 Mot quyet tam, li ha, e ngh, yeu cau.Ex: I will lend you the money.Will you marry me?2.4 Mot tien oan, d bao trong tng lai.Ex: People will travel to Mars one day.3) Mot so trang t ch thi gian thng gap:tomorrow, tonight, next week/month/year, some day, in the future, * LU Y: Cach dung cua be going to + V:+ Dien ta y nh (khong co trong ke hoach)Ex: I have saved some money. I am going to buy a new computer.

    (Toi a e danh c mot t tien. Toi nh mua mot may vi tmi.)+ Dien ta mot d oan co can cEx: Look at those clouds. Its going to rain.(Hay nhn nhng am may o ka. Tri sap ma.)X- Tng lai tiep dien (Future Continuous):1) Cach thanh lap:- Cau khang nh S + will/shall + be + V-ing- Cau phu nh S + will/shall + not + be + V-ing

    - Cau hoi Will/Shall + S + be + V-ing?2) Cach dung chnh:Th TLTD dung e dien ta mot hanh ong se ang dien ra mthi iem hay mot khoang thi gian trong tng lai.Ex: This time next week I will be playing tennis.Well be working hard all day tomorrow.XI- Tng lai hoan thanh (Future Perfect):1) Cach thanh lap:- Cau khang nh S + will/shall + have + V3/ed- Cau phu nh S + will/shall + not + have + V3/ed

    - Cau hoi Will/Shall + S + have + V3/ed?

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    2) Cach dung chnh:Th TLHT dung e dien ta:2.1 Mot hanh ong se hoan tat trc mot thi iem trong tlai.Ex: Its now 7pm. I will have finished teaching this class by 8.30.(Bay gi la 7 gi toi. Toi se day xong lp nay luc 8g30.)2.2 Mot hanh ong se hoan tat trc mot hanh ong khac trotng lai.

    Ex: By the time you come back, I will have written this letter.(Vao luc anh tr lai, toi se viet xong la th nay.)* Th nay thng c bat au bang By + time (By then, By the timBythe end of this week/month/year).XII- Tng lai hoan thanh tiep dien (Future Perfect Continuous1) Cach thanh lap:- Cau khang nh S + will/shall + have + been + V-ing- Cau phu nh S + will/shall + not + have + been + V-ing- Cau hoi Will/Shall + S + have + been + V-ing?2) Cach dung chnh:

    Th TLHTTD dung e nhan manh tnh LIEN TUC cua hanh ongvi mot thi iem nao o hoac hanh ong khac trong tng lai.Ex: By next month, he will have been working in the office for ten years.When George gets his degree, he will have been studying at Oxford for foyears.

    Bai 2: THE THU ONG

    I- Cac bc oi cau chu ong sang cau b ong:1) Xac nh S, V, O trong cau chu ong (V co the la n hoac keNeu la V kep th V cuoi cung-V chnh- c oi thanh V3/ed.)2) Xac nh th cua ong t3) em O trong cau chu ong lam S trong cau b ong, em S trocau chu ong lam O trong cau b ong4) Lay V chnh trong cau chu ong oi thanh V3/ed roi them BE thhp trc V3/ed5) at BY trc O trong cau b ong

    Ex: (A) The cat ate the mouse.---> (P) The mouse was eaten by the cat.II- ong t trong cau chu ong va b ong:

    Tenses ExamplesSimple present Lan cleans the floor every morning.

    --> The floor is cleaned by Lan evmorning.

    Simple past Nam broke the glasses.--> The glasses were broken by Nam.

    Present continuous The pupil is not doing some exercises

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    --> Some exercises are not being donethe pupil.

    Past continuous Mother was cooking dinner ayesterday.

    --> Dinner was being cooked by mother ayesterday.

    Presentperfect The secretary has just finished treport.

    --> The report has just been finished by secretary.Past perfect The boy had found the key befor

    yesterday.--> The key had been found by the boy bef

    9 yesterday.Simple future Mr. Brown will not teach our class.

    --> Our class will not be taught by Mr. BroFuture perfect The students will have written ma

    compositions.--> Many compositions will have been written

    the students.Modal verbsa) The students must do this exercise in class.--> This exercise must be done in class by the students.b) We ought to overcome these difficulties.--> These difficulties ought to be overcome.III- Mot so iem can lu y:1) Cau hoi chu ong va b ong:

    (A) Did your father make this chair?---> (P) Was this chair made by your father?(A) Who repaired your bicycle?---> (P) Whom was your bicycle repaired by? (By whom was your bicyrepaired?)(A) What plays did Shakespeare write?---> (P) What plays were written by Shakespeare?2) Lc bo tuc t trong cau b ong:Neu chu t trong cau chu ong KHONG ch ro la ngi hay v

    cu the, ro rang (people, someone, every one, no one, any one, I, we, ythey, s/he, it) th khi oi sang cau b ong (by people /someone / evone / no one / any one /me / us / you / them / her / him / it) co the c bi.Ex: (A) People built that bridge in 1998. ---> (P) That bridge was built1998.3) ong t co hai tuc t:3.1 ong t can gii t TO: give, lend, send, show, (A) John will give me this book. (=John will give this book to me.)---> (P1) I will be given this book by John.

    ---> (P2) This book will be given to me by John.

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    3.2 ong t can gii t FOR: buy, make, get, (A) He bought her a rose. (=He bought a rose for her.)---> (P1) She was bought a rose.---> (P2) A rose was bought for her.4) Mot so dang b ong khac:4.1 Cau truc They/People say/think/believe that - (A) People say that Henry eats ten eggs a day.---> (P1) It is said that Henry eats ten eggs a day.

    ---> (P2) Henry is said to eat ten eggs a day.- (A) They thought that Mary had gone away.---> (P1) It was thought that Mary had gone away.---> (P2) Mary was thought to have gone away.4.2 Cau truc HAVE / GET + something + V3/ed- (A) I had him repair my car.---> (P) I had my car repaired (by him).- (A) I get her to make some coffee.---> (P) I get some coffee made (by her).

    Bai 3: S HOA HP GIA CHU T VA ONG TI- Nhng trng hp ong t chia dang so t:Neu chu t thuoc cac trng hp sau th ong t chia dang so t1) Danh t em c so t hoac danh t khong em c:- Mary lives in China.- Milk is my favorite drink.2) Danh t tan cung bang S mang ngha so t:news, mathematics (maths), economics, linguistics, politics, statistics, phys

    phonetics, aerobics, athletics, gymnastics, measles, mumps, rickets, diabetthe Philippines, the United States, - The news is interesting.3) ai t bat nh:every/any/no/some + body/one/thing- Someone is knocking at the door.4) Menh e bat au bang THAT/WHAT/WHERE/WHEN hoac cum tbat au bangTO V/V-ing:

    - That you get high marks does not surprise me.- To master English is not easy.- Growing flowers was her hobby when she was young.5) T ch thi gian, khoang cach, tien bac, o lng, the tch:- Eight hours of sleep a day is enough.- Five kilometers is not a long distance.

    T nh lng + N mang ngha so t:- Each of the children has a toy.- One of my friends is coming.II- Nhng trng hp ong t chia dang so nhieu:

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    Neu chu t thuoc cac trng hp sau th ong t chia dang snhieu.1) Danh t em c so nhieu:- Engineers are key figures in our life.2) Cac danh t khac nhau ket hp bang AND:- Scientists and engineers are very important.3) T nh lng + N mang ngha so nhieu:- Most of the students here work very hard.

    - Some books I read last week are written by a famous writer.4) Danh t luon dang so nhieu:people, police, cattle, poultry, military, goods, clothes, scissors, glasses,- The police have arrested the robbers.- Sun glasses are used to protect your eyes from the sunlight.* Chu y: A pair of scissors is helpful in this case.5) The + Adj ch danh t so nhieu:the rich/poor, the young/old/elderly, the homeless, the handicapped, blind/deaf/mute, the English/Chinese/Vietnamese,- The poor have many problems.III- Nhng trng hp can lu y:1) Khi cac chu t c noi vi nhau bi as well as, with, along whoac together with, ong t se hoa hp vi chu t th nhat.- The students, as well as their teacher, have not come yet.- The teacher, as well as his students, has not come yet.2) Khi cac chu t c noi vi nhau bi either or, neither nor, not only but alsoong t se hoa hp vi chu t gan nhat.- Neither she nor her friends have arrived.

    - Not only the dogs but also the cat is mine.3) A number of + N so nhieu ong t so nhieu, The number of +so nhieu -ong t so t:- A number of applicants have been interviewed. (Nhieu)- The number of days in a week is seven. (So lng)4) Chu t la danh t tap hp:family, class, crowd, group, club, association, company, team, 4.1 Xem nh MOT N V - ong t so t:- My family has three members.

    4.2 e cap en TNG CA NHAN - ong t so nhieu:- My family were watching TV at 7 yesterday.


    I- ong t tng thuat th hien tai hoac tng lai:Neu ong t tng thuat th HIEN TAI hoac TNG LAI, ta coi NGOI nh sau:1) oi ngoi th NHAT phu hp vi CHU T trong menh e chn

    2) oi ngoi th HAI phu hp vi TUC T trong menh e chnh

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    3) Ngoi th BA khong oiEx: He says to me, I and you will go with her father tomorrow.---> He tells me (that) he and I will go with her father tomorrow.* Chu y: say to ---> tellII- ong t tng thuat th qua kh:Neu ong t tng thuat th qua kh, ta oi ba yeu to ngoi, th cua ong t va trang t ch thi gian va ni chon.1) Ngoi: (nh tren)

    2) Th cua ong t: V1 ---> V2/edV2/ed ---> had + V3/edcan ---> could shall ---> shouldwill ---> would may ---> mightmust ---> had to

    3) Trang t ch thi gian va ni chon:today ---> that day now ---> then

    tonight ---> that night ago ---> beforeyesterday ---> the day before last week ---> the we

    beforenext week ---> the week after tomorrow ---> the day af

    this ---> that here ---> there these -thoseEx: She said to me, I met your brother yesterday.---> She told me that she had met my brother the day before.III- Cac dang cau tng thuat:1) Cau khang nh va phu nh: ong t tng thuat thng said/told.Ex1: He said, I have seen her today.

    ---> He said (that) he had seen her that day.Ex2: The teacher said to Peter, The prize was not given to you.---> The teacher told Peter (that) the prize had not been given to him.* Chu y: said to ---> told2) Cau hoi:ong t tng thuat thng la asked/wondered/wanted to kn(hoi/t hoi/muon biet).2.1 Y/N:Ex1: She asked me, Do you like him?---> She asked me if I liked him.

    Ex2: He said, Can you speak English, Nam?---> He asked Nam whether he could speak English.2.2 WH-:Ex1: He said, What is her name?---> He asked what her name was.Ex2: She said to him, Where do you live?---> She asked him where he lived.* Chu y trat t cua S va V:Cau hoi trc tiep ---> Cau hoi gian tiep- Y/N: V + S? if/whether + S + V

    - WH-: WH- + V + S? WH- + S + V

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    * said to ---> asked3) Cau menh lenh:ong t tng thuat thng la told/asked/ordered (bao/yeu caulenh).3.1 Khang nh:Ex: The teacher said, Go to the board, John.---> The teacher told John to go to the board.3.2 Phu nh:

    Ex: Nam said to his friend, Dont shut the door.---> Nam asked his friend not to shut the door

    Bai 5: CAU IEU KIEN VA CAU AO CI- Cau ieu kien:1) Ba loai cau ieu kien:1.1 Loai mot:Dien ta ieu kien CO THE XAY RA hien tai hoac tng lai.Ex: If it rains heavily, I will stay at home.1.2 Loai hai:Dien ta ieu kien KHONG THE XAY RA hien tai hoac tng laiEx1: I would buy a new bicycle if I had enough money.(Hien tai toi khong co u tien.)Ex2: If I were a king, you would be a queen.(Toi khong the la vua.)1.3 Loai ba:Dien ta ieu kien KHONG THE XAY RA qua kh.Ex: If John had worked harder, he wouldnt have failed his exam.

    (S that la John a khong cham ch va a thi rt.)2) Tom tat cong thc:Loai IF CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE1 V1(s/es) will/can/may + V2 V2/ed/WERE would/could/should + V3 had +V3/ed would/could/should+ have + V3/ed3) Nhng iem can lu y:4.1 If not co the c thay bang UNLESS (tr phi):Ex: We will be late if we dont hurry. ---> We will be late unless we hur

    Ex: If I have time, Ill help you. ---> Unless I have time, I wont hyou.4.2 Bo IF trong 3 loai cau ieu kien (phai co ao ng vSHOULD/WERE/HAD)Ex: If it should be necessary, I will go. ---> Should it be necessary, I will Ex: If I were rich, I would buy a new car. ---> Were I rich, I would buy a ncar.Ex: If you had asked me, I would have told you the answer.---> Had you asked me, I would have told you the answer.4.3 Mot so t/cum t co the thay cho IF vi ngha tng ng:

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    provided that/so(as) long as (mien la)/in case (trong trng hp)/on conthat (vi dk)Ex: You can borrow my book provided that you bring it back.II- Cau ao c: WISH (c)/IF ONLY(gia ma)1) Khong co that hien tai: V2/ed/WERE- I wish Peter were here now. (He isnt here now.)- If only I had more money.2) Khong co that tng lai: WOULD + V

    - She wishes Tom would be here tomorrow.- If only Tom would be here tomorrow.3) Khong co that qua kh: HAD + V3/ed- We wish she had passed her exam last year.- If only you hadnt told Peter about our plan.

    Bai 6: S AO NGMot so t/cum t sau khi at au cau can ao ng:1) Nhng trang t co ngha phu nh hoac gan phu nh: never, longer, nowhere else, rarely, seldom, little, not until- He knows little about what she has done.---> Little does he know about what she has done.- She is not only beautiful, but she is also very intelligent.---> Not only is she beautiful, but she is also very intelligent.2) Cac cum t bat au bang AT, IN, ON, UNDER:- At no time was Tom aware of what was happening.- In no circumstances would I agree such a proposal.3) Cau dieu kien lc bo IF: (xem Bai 5, I, 3.2)

    - If anyone asks me, please tell them I will be away for a few days.---> Should anyone ask me, please tell them I will be away for a few days.- If I knew him better, I would give him advice.---> Did I know him better, I would give him advice.4) SO/SUCH:- I am a student, so is she.- The day was so hot that we had to stay indoors.---> So hot was the day that we had to stay indoors.- It is such a good book that I cant put it down.

    ---> Such a good book is it that I cant put it down.5) ONLY when/after/by/then/if - Only after a year did I begin to see the results of my work.- Only by working harder will you pass your final exam.6) HARDLY/SCARCELY/BARELY WHEN; NO SOONER THAN:- Hardly had I arrived home when I had a new problem.- No sooner had she handed in her paper than she real

    Bai 7: T NH LNGVI- T ch so lng ln/nho:

    1) A lot of, lots of, many, much: (nhieu)

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    - A lot of, lots of + danh t so nhieu/danh t khong em c trocau khang nhEx: He has a lot of / lots of friends here.We need a lot of / lots of time to learn a foreign language.- Many, much: dung trong cau phu nh va nghi van.MANY + danh t so nhieuMUCH + danh t khong em cEx: There arent many people living here.

    Does the newspaper have much information?- Many, much sau VERY, SO, TOO, AS:Ex: Very many crimes go unreported.We had so many exercises to do.

    There is too much salt in the soup.He hasnt got as much patience as I thought.2) A few, a little / few, little: (mot vai, mot t / (rat) t)- A few, a little: dung vi ngha xac nhA few + danh t so nhieuA little + danh t khong em cEx: Weve got a little bacon and a few eggs.- Few, little: dung vi ngha phu nhFew + danh t so nhieuLittle + danh t khong em cEx: Few people can say that they always tell the truth.

    There is little sugar in my coffee.3) A large number of, a great deal of/a large amount of: (so lng ln)- A large numer of + danh t so nhieuEx: He has a large number of English books.

    * A number of + Ns + ong t so nhieuThe number of + Ns + ong t so t (xem v du Bai 3, III,3)- A great deal of + danh t khong em cEx: A dishwasher uses a great deal of electricity.VII- T ch so lng toan the/bo phan:1) All, most, some, any, no:- Vi danh t em c so nhieu va khong em c:Ex: All rabbits love green food. My brother likes all music.Most students love football. Most pollution can be avoided.

    Ive just bought some books. Would you like some beer?She didnt have any friends. Have you got any wood?We have no Sundays free. I have no time to talk to you.* SOME dung trong cau khang nh va cau hoi.ANY dung trong cau phu nh va cau hoi.- Vi cau truc OF + the/these/those/my/her/our + N (t/nhieu)Ex: Most of my students like English. Some of the food is delicious.- Vi cau truc OF + ai t tan ng (us/you/them/it)Ex: Some of you have made careless mistakes in your tests.* Khong dung cau truc NO OF +

    2) Every, each, both, either, neither:

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    - Every, each + N em c so t (ham y tat ca hoac moi mngi/vat trong nhom)Ex: Every/Each room has a number.I go for walk every day. (moi ngay)Each day seems to pass very slowly. (tng ngay)- Each of + the/these/those/my/her/our + N so nhieuEx: Each of the students has a personal computer.- Each of + ai t tan ng (us/you/them)

    Ex: Each of us has our own desk.- Each ng mot mnh hoac i sau ai tEx: They gave us each an English book.Each has an English book.- Both, either, neither + N (i vi hai ngi hoac hai vat)Ex: Both his parents are from Europe.

    You can read either book. (one of 2 books)Neither car is very economical to run. (2 cars)- Both, either, neither + OF + the/these/those/my/her/our + N so nhieuEx: Both of his parents are from Europe.

    You can read either of the books.Neither of the cars is/are very economical to run.- Both, either, neither + OF + ai t tan ng (us/you/them)Ex: Both of us were tired.


    VI- Menh e tnh t:Menh e tnh t hay menh e quan he c at sau danh t nphu ngha, c noi bang cac t quan he: WHO, WHOM, WHICH, THWHOSE,WHERE, WHY, WHEN

    DANH T CHU T TUC T S HUngi who/that who(m)/that whosevt/ vt which/ that which/ that whose/ of whichni chn where

    ly do whothi gian whenEx: - The woman who/that is standing over there is my sister.- I know the boy who(m)/that I spoke to.- She works for a company which/that makes cars.- The girl whose photo was in the paper lives in our street.- John found a cat whose leg/the leg of which was broken.- The hotel where we stayed wasnt very clean.- Tell me the reason why you are so sad.- Do you remember the day when we first met?

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    1) Menh e quan he han nh:Dung e bo ngha cho danh t ng trc. Neu bo i menh chnh se khong ro ngha.Ex: I saw the girl. She helped us last week.---> I saw the girl who/that helped us last week.2) Menh e quan he khong han nh:Dung e bo ngha cho danh t ng trc, la phan giai ththem. Neu bo i menh e chnh van ro ngha. Menh e na

    thng c tach khoi menh e chnh bang dau phay ,.Ta dung menh e quan he khong han nh khi:- Trc danh t quan he co: this/that/these/those/my/her/his/- T quan he la ten rieng hoac danh t rieng.Ex: My father is a doctor. He is fifty years old.---> My father, who is fifty years old, is a doctor.Mr Brown is a very nice teacher. We studied English with him.---> Mr Brown, who(m) we studied English with, is a very nice teacher.* LU Y: KHONG dung THAT trong menh e nay.Mr Brown, that we studied English with, is a very nice teacher.3) Gii t at trc menh e tnh t: (WHOM/WHICH)Ex: The man speaks English very fast. I talked to him last night.---> The man to whom I last night speaks English very fast.

    The house is for sale. I was born in it.---> The house in which I was born is for sale.* LU Y: KHONG dung THAT, WHO sau gii t.

    The house in that I was born is for sale.4) ai t quan he THAT:1.1 Nhng trng hp thng dung THAT:

    - Sau cum t quan he va ch ngi va vat:Ex: He told me the places and people that he had seen in London.- Sau ai t bat nh:Ex: Ill tell you something that is very interesting.- Sau cac tnh t so sanh nhat, ALL, EVERY, VERY, ONLY:Ex: This is the most beautiful dress that I have.All that is mine is yours.

    You are the only person that can help us.- Trong cau truc It + be + + that (chnh la )

    Ex: It is my friend that wrote this sentence. (Chnh la ban toi a viet canay.)1.2 Nhng trng hp khong dung THAT:- Trong menh e tnh t khong han nh (xem LU Y muc 2))- Sau gii t (xem LU Y muc 3))5) OF WHICH / OF WHOM:Ex: Daisy has three brothers. All of them are teachers.---> Daisy has three brothers, all of whom are teachers.He asked me a lot of questions. I couldnt answer most of them.---> He asked me a lot of questions, most of which I couldnt answer.

    6) Rut gon menh e tnh t thanh cum tnh t:

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    1.1 Dung V-ing hoac bo BE:Khi ong t chnh trong menh e tnh t the CHU ONG hoala BE.Ex: Those people who are taking photos over there come from Sweden.---> Those people taking photos over there come from Sweden.Fans who want to buy tickets started queuing early.---> Fans wanting to buy tickets started queuing early.

    The books which are on that shelf are mine.

    ---> The books on that shelf are mine.1.2 Dung V3/ed:Khi ong t chnh trong menh e tnh t the B ONG.Ex: The books which were written by To Hoai are interesting.---> The books written by To Hoai are interesting.Most students who were punished last week are lazy.---> Most students punished last week are lazy.1.3 Dung (FOR + O) TO V:Ex: This is the hotel where we can stay.---> This is the hotel (for us) to stay.VII- Menh e trang t:1) Menh e trang t ch ni chon: where (ni, cho) hoac where(bat c ni nao)Ex: He told me where he had seen the money.

    I will go wherever you go.2) Menh e trang t ch the cach: as (nh), as if/as though (nh theEx: We should do as our teacher tells us.She looks as if shes going to cry.* S viec khong co that hien tai as if/as though + S + WERE/V2/e

    Ex: He looked at me as if I were mad.* S viec khong co that qua kh as if/as though + S + had + V3/Ex: He ran as if he had seen a ghost.3) Menh e trang t ch nguyen nhan / ly do:because, since, as (bv)Ex: She sold the car because she needed some money.

    * So sanh because va because of:BECAUSE + S + V BECAUSE OF + V-ing/N/N phrase

    Ex: Im late because Im sick. Im late because of being sick.Im late because of my sickness.4) Menh e trang t ch muc ch: so that/in order that (e) + S(can/could) + VEx: She wants to stay here so that she can perfect her English.5) Menh e trang t ch thi gian:when (khi), as (khi/trong khi), wh(trong khi), after (sau khi), before(trc khi), until/till (cho ti khi), since (khi), as soon as (ngay khi),whenever (bat c khi nao), no sooner thhardly when (va mi th)Ex: When it rains, I usually go to school by bus.

    We should do a good deed whenever we can.

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    * ao ng vi no sooner than/ hardly when (xem Bai 1, III, 3)* KHONG dung th TNG LAI trong menh trang t ch thi gian.Ill tell you the news when I will come.* Th cua ong t trong M chnh va M trang t ch thi gian:Menh e chnh Menh trang t ch thi gian- Present - Present- Past - Past- Future - Present

    6) Menh e trang t ch ket qua:- so + adj/adv + that (qua en noi )Ex: The coffee is so hot that I cant drink it.- such (+ a(n)) + adj + Noun + that (qua en noi )Ex: It was such a hot day that we stopped playing.

    They are such interesting books that I want to buy them all.- so + many/much/few/little + Noun + that (qua nhieu/ten noi)Ex: There are so many people in the room that I feel tired.7) Menh e trang t ch s nhng bo: though/although/even thou(mac du) + S + VEx: Though he looks ill, he is really strong.* LU Y:- in spite of/despite (mac du) + V-ing/N/N phraseEx: In spite of having little money, they always enloy themselves.(Although they have little money, they always enloy themselves.)- in spite of/despite + the fact that (mac du) + S + VEx: Despite the fact that they have little money, theyre always happy.- no matter where = wherever (du bat c au)Ex: No matter where you go, you need to have friends.

    Bai 9: DANH ONG T VA ONG T NGUYEN MAU COTOI- DANH ONG T: (Gerund)Ex: She enjoys listening to music.V + V-ing (Gerund)Mot so t/ong t sau ay can co V-ing theo sau:* enjoy (thch, thng thc), finish (hoan thanh), postpone

    hoan),avoid (tranh), keep (van con), practise (thc hanh), miss (bl), be/get used to(quen vi), spend (tieu xai, trai qua), allow/per(cho phep), advise (khuyen), recommend (e ngh, khuyen bao), gup (t bo, au hang), suggest (e ngh), deny (t choi), consi(xem xet), quit (ri bo), dislike (khong thch), like (thch), cant h(khong the khong), * its no use/good (khong li ch g), would you mind (ban co phien)* worth (ang, ang c), busy (ban ron)II- ONG T NGUYEN MAU CO TO:Ex: I want to learn English well.

    V + TO V

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    Mot so ong t sau ay can co to V theo sau:want (muon), expect (mong ch, ky vong), refuse (t choi), hope vong), decide (quyet nh), agree (ong y), plan (d nh), would (muon), like (muon), fail (that bai, hong), learn (hoc), afford (co kha nang/ieu kien), manage (xoay s), choose (chon la), dema(oi hoi, yeu cau), prepare (chuan b), pretend (gia bo), prom(ha), seek (tm kiem), threaten (e doa), train (ao tao, huan luyewish (ao c),

    III- TO INFINITIVE OR GERUND?1) Mot so ong t co V-ing hoac TO V theo sau khong lam thay ngha:begin/start (bat au), continue (tiep tuc), hate (ghet), cant bear (khochu c), intend (d nh), love (yeu thng), prefer (thchhhesitate (dod), 2) Mot so ong t co V-ing hoac TO V theo sau lam thay oi ngha- stop + to V: dng lai e lamEx: I stop to eat lunch. (Toi dng lai e an tra.)- stop + V-ing: dng hanh ong ang lamEx: You should stop smoking. (Ban nen bo hut thuoc.)- try + to V: co gangEx: He tries to get ten marks.(Anh ta co gang at mi iem.)- try + V-ing: thEx: She tried writing with her left hand.(Co ta th viet bang tay trai.)- need + to V: can (ngha chu ong)Ex: They need to work harder.(Ho can lam viec cham ch hn.)- need + V-ing: can c (ngha b ong)Ex: This room needs cleaning.(Can phong nay can lau chui.)

    - remember/forget + to V: nh/quen lam ieu g (cha xay ra)Ex: Remember to post the letter when you get to the post office.(Nh gi la th khi ban en bu ien.)- remember/forget + V-ing: nh/quen a lam ieu g (a xay ra)Ex: I will never forget seeing you here last year.(Toi se khong bao gi quen gap ban tai ay vao nam roi.)- regret + to V: tiec phai lam ieu g (hanh ong sap xay ra)Ex: I regret to tell you that you failed the exam.(Toi lay lam tiec bao cho anh hay anh a thi hong.)

    - regret + V-ing: tiec a lam ieu g (hanh ong a xay ra)Ex: She regretted going to New York for holiday.(Co ay tiec a i ngh New York.)* LU Y: Cau truc S + V + O + TO V va S + LET/MAKE + O + VEx: I permit you to go out tonight. They let me visit my parents.

    Bai 10: T LOAII- Danh t:1) Danh t em c:

    1.1 Hnh thc so t: a/an + N

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    - a ng trc danh t so t bat au bang mot phu am.Ex: a book, a pen, - an ng trc danh t so t bat au bang mot nguyen am.Ex: an apple, an orange, an egg, an umbrella, an island, 1.2 Hnh thc so nhieu:1.2.1 Hp quy tac: Ns/esEx: books, pens, boxes1.2.2 Bat quy tac:

    So t So nhieu SoSo nhieua man men a fofeeta woman women a tooteetha child children a bacteribacteriaa person people a curriculcurriculaa mouse mice a datdataa louse lice a critercriteriaa goose geese a phenomenphenomena1.2.3 Danh t luon co hnh thc va mang ngha so nhieu:clothes, scissors, spectacles, shorts, pants, jeans, trousers, pyjambinoculars, belongings,.

    1.2.4 Danh t so t va so nhieu co hnh thc giong nhau: shedeer, aircraft, craft, fish, 1.2.5 Danh t luon mang ngha so nhieu: (xem Bai 3, II, 4)police, catpeople, 1.2.6 Danh t co hnh thc so nhieu nhng mang ngha so t:news, mathematics, the United States, (xem Bai 3, I, 2)2) Danh t khong em c:La nhng th ta khong the em c trc tiep (mot, hai, ba, ) nmilk,water, rice, sugar, butter, salt, bread, news, information, advice, lugga

    health, knowledge, equipment, iron, paper, glass, (one milk, two milk)* Chu y:- Khong co hnh thc so nhieu (s/es)- Khong dung vi a/an/one/two- Co the i vi t ch dn v nh lng + of:a bottle of milk, two litters of water, a loaf of bread, three sheets of papfour pieces of chalk, a bar of chocolate, a gallon of petrol, 3) Danh t va em c va khong em c:Mot so danh t trong trng hp nay la em c nhng trotrng hp khac lai khong em c.

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    em c Khong ec

    a glass (mot cai li) glass (thuy tinh)two papers (hai t bao) paper (giay)three coffees (ba tach ca phe) coffee (ca phetwo sugars (hai muong ng) sugar (ng)

    II- Tnh t:2) V tr cua tnh t:

    6.1 Trc danh t:Ex: She is a beautiful girl.6.2 Sau danh t:g) Ch s o lng, tuoi tac:Ex: This table is two meters long.Hes twenty years old.h) Tnh t co tiep au ng a:asleep (ang ngu), ablaze (bung chay), alight (bng sanawake(thc), alive (con song), alike (giong nhau), afloat (noi), Ex: I saw my son asleep on the floor.i) Tnh t bo ng cho tuc t:Ex: We should keep our room clean.6.3 Sau Linking verbs:be, become, feel, look, taste, sound, smell, seem, get, turn, appearEx: It becomes hot today.6.4 Sau ai t bat nh:something, someone/body, anything, anyone/body, everythieveryone/body, nothing, no one, nobodyEx: Do you have anything important to tell me?

    6.5 Sau trang t:Ex: Your story is very interesting.3) Trat t cua cac tnh t trc danh t:

    TNH T


    Kich thc Tui Hinh dang Mau sc Quc tich/Ni chn

    Cht li












    Ex: A beautiful tall thin Vietnamese girl is standing over there.4) Tnh t dung nh danh t: (xem them Bai 3, II, 5)

    THE + ADJ ---> NOUNthe poor, the rich, the blind, the deaf, the old, the handicapped, the sick, strong, the weak, the hungry, the disadvantaged, the unemployed, disabled, the living, the dead, the young, the middle-agedEx: The rich should help the poor.5) Phan t dung nh tnh t:

    Tnh t tan cung bang

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    -ing -ed -ing -edamazing amazed exciting excitedamusing amused frightening frightenedboring bored interesting interested

    confusing confused pleasing pleaseddepressing depressed relaxing relaxeddeserving deserved Satisfying satisfied

    disappointing disappointed shocking shocked

    distingguishing distinguished surprising surprised

    encouraging encouraged tiring tired1.1 Hnh thc hien tai phan t (-ING):Dien ta nhan thc cua ngi noi ve ngi/viec g o.Ex: That film is interesting. (Bo phim o hay.)(Ngi xem nhan thay bo phim hay.)He is boring. He always talks about the same things.(Han ta chan that. Han luon ban ve nhng th giong nhau.)

    (Ngi nghe nhan thay han ta chan.)1.2 Hnh thc qua kh phan t (-ED):Dien ta cam giac cua ngi noi do ngi/viec g o em lai.Ex: I am confused about the question. (Toi b boi roi ve cau hoi.)(Cau hoi lam toi boi roi.)

    TRANG T1) Phan loai trang t:4.1 Trang t ch the cach:- Cho ta biet mot hanh ong c thc hien nh the nao e tli cho cauhoi HOW?- Cach thanh lap: ADJ + LY (mot cach )angrily : gian gianxiously lo langbadly d, tebeautifully (hat/mua) haybrightly ti sangcarefully can thancleverly kheo leo, khon

    colorfully sac scontinuously lien tiepeasily de dangfluently troi chayhappily hanh phucheavily nang neloudly am , inh oinervously hoi hop* LU Y:

    peacefully: hoa bnhpolitely lch s, lephepquickly nhanh nhenquietly yen tnhrapidly nhanhchong

    safely an toansensibly hp lyseriously nghiem tucsilently im langskillfully kheo tayslowly cham chapspecially ac bietstupidly ngu ngocsuccessfully thanh cong

    warmly am ap

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    - fast (nhanh), early (sm), late (tre), hard (cham ch) va la tnh va la trang t.

    Tnh t Trang tJack is a very fast runner. Jack can run very fast.Ann is hard worker. Ann works hard. (hardly)

    The train was late. I got up late this morning.- Phan biet:

    late (tre) lately (gan ay) (= recently

    You come home late today. He hasnt been to the cinema latelyhard (cham ch) hardly (hau nh khong)Ive worked very hard. Shes hardly got any money left.- Mot so tnh t tan cung LY:friendly (than thien), lovely (de thng), lively (song ong), ugly (xax),silly (ng ngan). Nhng t nay khong phai la trang t, nendung in away/manner thay cho trang t.Ex: She spoke to me in a friendly way/manner.(Co ta noi chuyen vi toi mot cach than thien.)4.2 Trang t ch thi gian:Cho biet s viec xay ra luc nao e tra li cho cau hoi WHEN?now, today, yesterday, tomorrow, last year, then, still, no longer, alreaimmediately, just, soon, finally, recently, lately, at once, 2 months later/aftEx: Im leaving for Hanoi tomorrow.4.3 Trang t ch ni chon:Cho biet s viec xay ra au e tra li cho cau hoi WHERE?here, there, somewhere, outside, inside, upstairs, downstairs, everywhereParis, at the supermarket,

    Ex: Tom is standing there.4.4 Trang t ch s thng xuyen:Cho biet hanh ong xay ra thng xuyen nh the nao e tra lcho cau hoi HOW OFTEN?never, rarely, seldom, sometimes, usually, frequenoccasionally,often,always,once/twice a week, every day, daily, weemonthly, Ex: I often get up at 5 in the morning.4.5 Trang t ch mc o:

    Cho biet hanh ong, tnh chat cua s viec dien ra en mc naovery, too, so, quite, rather, extremely, absolutely, terribly, completely,reapretty, fairly, entirely, hardly, scarcely, somewhat, enough,Ex: I come here quite often.2) V tr cua trang t:2.1 au cau:Ex: Where are you going?2.2 Gia cau:2.2.1 Trc ong t thng:Ex: They often play football after class.

    2.2.2 Sau ong t TO BE, tr ong t hoac ong t khiem khuye

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    Ex: Our teacher is still sick.She doesnt often go with him.He can seldom find time for reading.2.3 Cuoi cau:Ex: You sang that song well.3) Trat t cua cac trang t:

    Trat t cua cac trang t trong cau thng nh sau:Ni chon Mc o The ca

    Thngxuyen Thi gianHe walked to the church very slowly twlast Sunday.* Chu y:

    Trat t tren co the thay oi tuy vao muc ch nhan manh cungi noi/viet.4) Chc nang c ban cua trang t:Bo ngha cho1) ong t They dancedbeautifully.2) Tnh t She is verylovely.3) Trang t khac He studied extremelyhard.4) Ca cau Fortunately, he was not injured in that accident* Phan in am bo ngha cho phan in nghieng.

    IV> GII T1) Phan loai gii t:1.1 Gii t ch ni chon: IN, ON, ATa) IN (trong): c dung- Ch mot ngi hoac vat trong mot ni nao a box / room / building / park / garden / bag / pocket / kitchen / cine

    /restaurant / book / lesson / newspaper / picture / pool / sea / river/ water / /world / queue / row / line Ex: My mother is cooking in the kitchen.- Vi phng tien xe hi, taxi hoac ng pho. in a car / taxi, in/on streetEx: Peter arrived at the party in a taxi.

    They live in Hung Vuong Street.- Vi danh t khong co mao t e dien ta mot ngi ang o. in bed / hospital / prison

    Ex: Tom hasnt got up yet. Hes still in bed.- Trc cac at nc, thanh pho, phng Vietnam / England / France / Hanoi / London / Paris / the east / west /sounorthEx: Ho Chi Minh City is in the south of Vietnam.- e tao thanh cum t ch ni the front/back of (a car/room/theater ), in the middle of (the room )Ex: I was in the back of the car when the accident happened.

    Theres a computer in the middle of the room.b) ON (tren): c dung

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    - Ch v tr ben tren va tiep xuc vi be mat cua mot vat g on the door / floor / wall / ceiling / river / beach / coast on/in the street, opageEx: I sat on the beach.

    They live on Wall Street.The picture youre looking for is on page 7.- Vi phng tien i lai cong cong hoac ca nhan (xe ap, honda).on abus/train/ship/plane/bycicle/motorbike/horse

    Ex: There were too many people on the bus.Mary passed me on her bycicle.- e tao thanh cum t ch ni chon.on the right / left, on horseback, on the way to (school )on the back/front of (the envelope/paper )on top of (the wardrobe )on/at the corner of a streetEx: In Britain people drive on the left.Write your name on the front of the envelope.c) AT (): c dung- e dien ta mot v tr c xac nh trong khong gian hoac snha. at the door / bus stop / traffic lights / party / meeting / desk at 69 THung Dao StreetEx: Someone is standing at the door.She lives at 69 Tran Hung Dao Street.- e tao thanh cum t ch ni home / school / college / university / work at the top/bottom of (the page )at the end of (the street )

    at the front/back of (the line )at/on the corner of the streetEx: Peters house is at the end of the street.

    The garden is at the back of the building.1.2 Gii t ch thi gian: IN, ON, ATa) IN: c dung- e ch buoi trong ngay noi chung, thang, nam, mua, thap niethe ky,thien nien the morning / afternoon / eveningin February, in 1999,in (the) sprin

    summer / autumn / winter, in the 1990s, in the 21st century, in the 3millennium- Trong mot so cum t e ch mot khoang thi gian trong tng lain a few minutes, in an hour, in a day / week / month Ex: Daisy has gone away. Shell be back in a week.(Daisy a i khoi. Co ay se tr ve trong mot tuan.)- Trong cum t in the end vi ngha cuoi cung (finally, at last), in tivi ngha kp luc.Ex: Peter got very angry. In the end, he walked out of the room.Will you be home in time for dinner?

    * Chu y: on time (ung gi)

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    b) ON: c dung- e ch th trong tuan, ngay trong thang.on Monday, on 5th March, on this/that dayEx: I was born on 27th June, 1983.- e ch buoi trong ngay cu the hoac mot ngay cu the.on Friday morning / Christmas Day / New Years Day / my birthdayEx: See you on Friday morning.c) AT: c dung

    - e ch thi gian, cac ba an trong 5 a.m., at sunrise / sunset / dawn / noon / twilight / night / midnightat breakfast / lunch / dinner / supperEx: I get up at 5 oclock every morning.- e ch mot dp le hoi, mot thi khac nao the weekend, at Christmas / Easterat present / the moment / the same time / this (that) timeEx: Mr. Brown is busy at the moment.- e tao thanh cac cum gii the end/beginning of, at the age of, at first/lastEx: He came to live in London at the age of 25.* LU Y:KHONG dung IN, ON, AT trc all, every, this month/year, next, latomorrow, yesterday, today.Ex: He has worked hard all morning. (in all morning)I hope to see you next Friday. (on next Friday)* Cac gii t ch thi gian khac:FROM TO/UNTIL/TILL (t en) (= BETWEEN AND)Ex: Every morning he plays tennis from 6 to 7.

    (Every morning he plays tennis between 6 and 7.)SINCE (t khi - moc thi gian)Ex: Ive been waiting for her since 5pm.FOR (khoang)Ex: He has lived in Paris for three months.DURING (trong suot)Ex: You have to be quiet during the performance.UNTIL/TILL (cho ti khi)Ex: Shell be here until Thursday.

    BY (vao khoang - trc hoac en mot thi iem nao o)Ex: You must be home by 9.BEFORE (trc luc) / AFTER (sau khi)Ex: Come and see me before / after lunch.2) Gii t theo sau tnh t:1.1 Adj + TOacceptable: co the chap nhanaccustomed: quenagreeable: co the ong yapplicable: co the ng dung

    appropriate: thch hp

    likely: co kha nang/co thethch hployal: trung thanhlucky: may manmarried: ket honopen: m

    pleasant: vuipleasing: lam vui longpolite: lch spreferable: thch hnrelated: lien quanrude: tho losimilar: giongstrange: xa lasubject: de b, kho tranh

    true: trung thanh

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    contrary: trai videdicated: hien dangessential: can thietfriendly (to/with): than thiengenerous: hao phongharmful: co haiimportant: quan trongkind: t te

    known: c biet en1.2 Adj + OF

    afraid: saware: y thcboastful: khoe khoangcapable: co kha nangcareful(of/with/about): can thancareless: bat cancertain: chac chanconfident: tindesirous: khao khatfond: thchforgetful: quen

    1.3 Adj + FORanxious(for/about): lo auappropriate: thch hpavailable: co the dung cdifficult: kho

    eager: hao hc, ham henough: ufamous: noi tienggood (for health/so.): totgrateful (for biet n1.4 Adj + ATamazed(at/by): ngac nhienangry (at/with s.o./to gian giannoyed(at/by): bc mnh

    astonished(at/by): ngac nhienbad(at dclever: thong minh

    1.5 Adj + WITHacquainted: quenannoyed: gianbored / fed up: chancovered: bao phu1.6 Adj + IN

    honest: lng thien

    late: trenecessary: can thietperfect: hoan haoresponsible: co trach

    nhiemsorry: lay lam thng haisufficent: ay usuitable(for/to): thch hpuseful: co li ch

    excellent: xuat sacgood (at gioihopeless: vo vongpresent: co matquick: nhanhskilful: co nangkhieu

    crowded: ongdisappointed: that vongpleased: hai longpopular: noi tiengsatisfied: thoa man

    1.7 Adj + FROMabsent: vangdifferent: khacdistinct: khac bietfree: c miensafe: an toanseparate: rieng le

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    interested: thch thuproficient (at/in): thanh thaorich: giausuccessful: thanh congweak: yeu kem1.8 Adj + ABOUTconfused: boi roicurious: to mo, hieu ky

    enthusiastic: nhiet tnhexcited: hng thuhappy: vui vesad: buonserious: ng an, nghiem tucworried: bon chon, lo lang2 ) Gii t theo sau ong t:accuse of: buoc toiapologise to for: xin loiapologize for: xin loi veapply for: nop n xin viecarrive in/at: en (ni)ask for: hoi chobelieve in: tin tng vaobelong to: thuoc veblame for: o loiborrow from: mncare about: quan tam vecare for: cham soc/thch/yeu cau

    charge with: phatcome across: tnh c gapcomplain to about: than phienconcentrate on: tap trungcongratulate on: chuc mngconsist of: bao gomcrash into: va cham vaodeal with: giai quyetdecide on: quyet nh ve

    depend on: thuoc vaodie of: chet vdivide into: chia (ra)dream of / about: m veescape from: thoat khoiexplain to: giai thchfeel like: cam thay nhhappen to: xay enhear about/from/of: nghe vehope for: hi vong ve

    insist on: khang khang

    leave for: ri eenlisten to: nghelive on: song nh vaolook after: cham soc

    look around: nhn quanhlook at: nhnlook back on: nhn vequa khlook down on: khinh relook for: tmlook forward to: mong ilook into: ieu traobject to: phan oiparticipate in: tham giavaopay for: tra tien chopoint / aim at: ch vaoprefer to: thch hnprepare for: chuan bprovide with: cung capregard as: coi nhrely on: da vaoremind of: nhac nh

    result from: do biresult in: gay rarun into: tnh c gapsearch for: tm kiemsend for: cho mi (ai)enshout at: la, hetspeak/talk to: noi vispend on: chi tieu

    chosucceed in: thanh congvesuffer from: au, chungtake after: giongthink about / of: ngh vethrow at: nem vaotranslate from into:dchtsangwait for: chwarn about: canh bao

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    invite to: milaugh/smile at: ci vao* LU Y: ong t hai ch i vi GOgo after: uoi theo, theo saugo ahead: tien hanh, thang tiengo along: tien triengo away: i khoigo back: tr ve

    go by: (thi gian) troi quago down: (gia ca) giam (# go up)go off: chay, nogo on: xay ra, dien ra, tiep tucgo out: tat, b dap tatgo over: xem xet, kiem tra kygo with: hp vi4) V + N + Gii t:catch sight of: thoang thaygive place to: danh cho chogive way to: nhng bokeep pace with: theo kplose sight of: mat hutlose touch with: mat lien lac vilose track of: quen matmake allowance for: chieu co enmake fun of: choc gheo, che nhaomake a fuss over/about: lam lon xonmake room for: nhng cho cho

    Bai 11: SO SANH TNH T VA TRANG TI- So sanh bang:1) Cau khang nh: as + adj/adv + as (bang/nh)Ex: Im as tall as Tom.(Toi cao bang Tom.)

    John works as hard as his father.(John lam viec cham ch nh cha cua anh ay.)2) Cau phu nh: not as/so + adj/adv + as (khong bang/nh)

    Ex: This watch is not as/so expensive as mine. (= my watch)(ong ho nay khong at nh cua toi.)She doesnt sing as/so well as her sister.(Co ay hat khong hay bang ch co ay.)* LU Y:- Khi so sanh danh t vi ngha giong/bang hay khong giong/khobang, ta dung cau truc:

    (not) + the same + (noun) + asEx: He is the same age as I am. (Anh ta bang tuoi toi.)Anns salary isnt the same as Janes. (Lng cua Ann khong bang l

    cua Jane.)

    make use of: s dung, tandung

    pay attention to: chu yenput a stop to: cham dtput an end to: cham dtset fire to: lam chay, ottake account of: tnh entake advantage of: lidung,tan dungtake care of: cham soc

    take note of: ghi chu, ghinhan

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    - Co the dung less + adj/adv + than (kem hn) thay cho not as/soadj/adv + asEx: This watch is less expensive than mine.

    She sings less well than her sister.- Khi noi gap bao nhieu lan, ta dung cau truc times as + adj/advas.Ex: Their house is three times as big as ours. (Nha cua ho ln gap lan nha chung ta.)

    II- So sanh hn:1) Tnh t/trang t ngan: adj/adv + ER + thanTnh t/trang t ngan la t co mot van hay hai van tan cubang ---> faster cold ---> colder thick ---> thickerlucky ---> luckier happy ---> happier dry ---> drier Ex: John is stronger than his brother.(John khoe hn anh cua cau ay.)

    This athlete runs faster than that one.2) Tnh t/trang t dai: more + adj/adv + than

    Tnh t/trang t dai la t co hai van tr len.modern, patient, difficult, fluently, beautifully, Ex: This problem is more difficult than we thought.(Van e nay kho hn chung ta ngh.)He speaks English more fluently than his friend.(Anh ta noi tieng Anh troi chay hn ban cua anh ta.)III- So sanh nhat:1) Tnh t/trang t ngan: the + adj/adv + ESTcold ---> the coldest thick ---> the thickest fast ---> fastest

    lucky ---> the luckiest happy ---> the happiest ..Ex: Yesterday was the hottest day of the year.(Hom qua la ngay nong nhat trong nam.)2) Tnh t/trang t dai: the + MOST + adj/advEx: She is the most beautiful girl in the class.(Co ay la co gai ep nhat trong lp.)* LU Y:- Ta co the dung the least e ch mc o kem nhat.Ex: This story is the least interesting of all.

    (ay la cau chuyen kem thu v nhat trong cac cau chuyen.)- Tnh t/trang t bat qui tacTnh t/trang t So sanh hn So sanh nhagood/well (tot) better the bestbad/badly (xau, d) worse the worstfar (xa) farther/further tfarthest/furthestlittle (t) less the leastmany/much (nhieu) more the mostIV- Cac dang so sanh khac:

    1) Cang ngay cang

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    - Tnh t/trang t ngan: adj/adv + ER and adj/adv + EREx: Betty is younger and younger. (Betty cang ngay cang tre.)He runs faster and faster. (Anh ta chay cang ngay canhanh.)- Tnh t/trang t dai: more and more + adj/advEx: My wife is more and more beautiful. (V cua toi cang ngay caep.)

    They work more and more carefully. (Ho lam viec cang nga

    cang can than.)2) Cang cang - The more + S + V, the more + S + VEx: The more I know him, the more I like him. (Cang biet anh ay, tcang thch anh ay.)- The + SS hn + S + V, the + SS hn + S + VEx: The older he gets, the weaker he is. (Ong ta cang gia cang ye

    The more beautiful she is, the more miserable her parents are.(Co ta cang ep th cha me co ta cang kho.)- The more + S + V, the adj + ER + S + VEx: The more he works, the richer he is. (Ong ta cang lam cang giau- The adj + ER + S + V, the more + S + VEx: The hotter it is, the more tired I feel. (Tri cang nong toi cathay met.)V- Qui tac them ER va EST oi vi tnh t/trang t ngan:1) T tan cung bang e hay phu am + yEx: large lager largesteasy easier easiest2) Gap oi phu am:

    Ex: hot hotter hottest

    Bai 12: CACH THANH LAP TMot t co the c thanh lap bang cach them vao tiep ang hoac tiep v ng.I- DANH T:1) Tien to: super-/under-/sur-/sub-/over- + N ---> NDANH T NGHIA DANH T NGHIA

    overdose s dung qualieu surface be matoverexpenditure chi tieu qua

    mcsupermarket sieu th

    overproduction san xuat vtmc


    at dimc

    subcontinent tieu luc a undercurrent dong ncngam

    subway tau ien ngam undergrowth bui ramsuperman sieu nhan underpass ng chui

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    2) Hau to:a) V + -ion/-tion/-ation/-ition/-sion ---> NNG T DANH T NGHIA NG T DANH T NGHIAadd addition S thm vao permit permission S cho phecombine combinatio

    ns kethp

    pollute pollution S nhim

    conserve conservation

    s baoton

    preserve preservation

    S bao qua

    correct correction s sacha prevention prevent S ngangadecide decision S quyet

    nhdiscuss discussion S tha

    luanproduce production san xuat provide provision s cu

    capinform informatio

    nthong tin repeat repetition s la

    laiinvite invitation li mi rotate rotation luan

    phienb) V + -ment/-ance/-ence/-age/-ery/-ing/-al ---> Nng t Danh t Nghia ng t Danh t Nghiaaccept acceptance chap

    nhanenrich enrichment s la

    giauachieve achievemen


    tuexist existence s ton

    arrange arrangement

    s sapat

    arrive arrival s en

    feel feeling camxuc

    Improve improvement

    s cthien

    attend attendance s comat

    move movement s chuyen

    build building toa nha pay payment s ttien

    depend dependence s lethuoc

    perform performance

    man trdien

    Develop developmen s phattrien

    poison poisoning Lamnhiemo

    Differ differenc s khacnhau

    recycle recycling viec tsdung

    disappoint disappointment

    that vong refuse refusal t ch

    discover discovery khampha

    rob robbery vu cp

    drain drainage s thaonc

    teach teaching day hoc

    employ employment viec lam use usage Ca


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    c) V + -er/-or/-ar/-ant/-ent/-ee/ ---> Nong t Danh t Ngha ong t Danh t Nghaaccount accountan

    tke toan employ employee ngi la

    congact actor Dienvien

    namfertilize fertilizer phan bo

    apply applicant ngixin


    inhabit inhabitant c dan

    assist assistant ngi phu ta

    instruct instructor Ngihgdan

    attend Attendant ngithamd

    interview interviewee


    beg beggar ngi anxin

    own owner ngi ch

    build builder th xay pay payee ng c ttien

    calculate calculator may tnh serve servant ngigiupvieccontest contestant ngi d

    thising singer ca s

    cook cooker bep nauan

    teach teacher giao vie

    deposit depositor ngigitien

    train trainee ng c atao

    drive driver tai xe walk walker ngibo

    edit editor bien tapvien

    work worker conhan

    d) N + -ist/-an/-ian/-ess ---> NDanh t Danh t Nghia Danh t Danh t Nghiaact actress N din vin music musician Nhac si America American ngi My physics physicist nha v

    lyhistory historian nha s


    prince princess co

    chuahost hostess ba chu

    nhascience scientist nha kh

    hocjournal journalist nha bao tiger tigeress cop calibrary librarian thu th tour tourist khach

    lchlion lioness s t cai wait waitress n h

    ban e) N + -ism/-ship ---> N

    Danh t Danh t Nghia Danh t Danh t Nghia

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    capital capitalism CN tban

    hero heroism CNanhhun

    champion championship

    chc voch

    scholar scholarship hoc ton

    friend friendship tnh ban sportsman sportsmanship


    Bai 13: CHUYEN OI CAU

    Cac dang bien oi cau thng gap1) Chu ong b ong: (xem lai Bai 2)2) Trc tiep gian tiep: (xem lai Bai 4)3) ao ng: (xem lai Bai 6)4) Menh e trang t ch ly do, s nhng bo:(xem lai Bai 83&7)though/although/even though + S + V---> despite/in spite of + V-ing/N/N phrase* LU Y: BUT ---> ALTHOUGHEx: Cars cause pollution but people still want them.---> Although cars cause pollution, people still want them.5) So sanh: (xem them Bai 11, so sanh bang/nhat/hn)Ex: Mary is not as tall as Alice.---> Mary is not so tall as Alice.---> Mary is less tall than Alice.---> Alice is taller than Mary.6) ieu kien: (xem lai Bai 5, cau K loai 2 va 3)1.1 Khong co that hien tai:Ex: Im busy. I dont go to the concert.

    ---> If I were not busy, I would go to the concert.---> Unless I were busy, I would go to the concert.1.2 Khong co that qua kh:Ex: Peter missed the train because he woke up too late.---> If Peter hadnt woken up too late, he wouldnt have missed the train.---> Unless Peter had woken up too late, he wouldnt have missed the train7) Ao c: (xem lai Bai 5, cau ao c)7.1 Khong co that hien tai:Ex: Tom is not happy because his girlfriend is not here.

    ---> Tom wishes his girlfriend were here.1.1 Khong co that qua kh:Ex: I am sorry I missed your wedding party.---> I wish I hadnt missed your wedding party.1.2 Khong co that tng lai:Ex: They will not attend my birthday party next week.---> I wish they would attend my birthday party next week.8) Thue/nh ai lam viec g: (xem them Bai 2, 4.2)S + V + O ---> S + have + O + V ---> S + have + O + V3/ed---> S + get + O + to V ---> S + get + O + V3/edEx: The machanic repairs my car every month.

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    ---> I have the machanic repair my car every month.---> I get the machanic to repair my car every month.---> I have/get my car repaired by the mechanic every month.9) e ngh, li khuyen:Lets + V S + advise/suggest + V-ingHow/What about + V-ing? S + advise + O + to VWould you mind + V-ing? S + suggest (that) + S (+ should) + VWhy dont we/you + V?

    Ex: Lets go for a ride!---> What about going for a ride?Please dont play the music so loudly.---> Would you mind not playing the music so loudly?10) Nguyen nhan ket qua:so + adj/adv + that clausesuch (a/an) + adj + N + that clausetoo + adj/adv (+ for O) + to + Vnot + adj + enough (+ for O) + to + VEx: The water was so cold that the children couldnt swim in it.---> It was such cold water that the children couldnt swim in it.---> The water was too cold for the children to swim in.---> The water is not warm enough for the children to swim in.* LU Y:- Trong cau truc so/such that, ta gi lai t it.- Trong cau truc too to va not enough to, ta bo t it.11) Muc ch/nguyen nhan:S + V + to/in order to/so as to + VS + V + so that/in order that + S + can/could + V

    S + V + because + S + VEx: They started early to go to school on time.---> They started early so that they could go to school on time.---> They started early because they wanted to go to school on time.12) Lan th (lam chuyen g):S + have/had + never + V3/edS + have/had + not + V3/ed + before---> It/This is/was the first time (that) + S + have/had + V3/edEx: I have not eaten this kind of food before.

    ---> This is the first time that I have eaten this kind of food.13) Y kien/anh gia mot s viec:It + be + adj (for O) + to V---> To V/V-ing + be + adj (for O)Ex: It is not easy for me to master English.---> To master/Mastering English is not easy for me.It is more dangerous to drive a motorbike than to drive a car.---> To drive a motorbike is more dangerous than to drive a car.---> Driving a motorbike is more dangerous than driving a car.14) Mat (thi gian) lam viec g:

    S + spend + time + V-ing hoac S + last + time

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    ---> It + takes/took + O + time + to VEx: He spent 15 minutes finishing this exercise.---> It took him 15 minutes to finish this exercise.

    The flight to Hong Kong lasts about 8 hours.---> It takes about 8 hours to fly to Hong Kong.15) Thoi quen hien tai va trong qua kh:S + often/usually + VS + find + it + adj + to V ---> S + be used to + V-ing

    Ex: They usually drink beer.---> They are used to drinking beer.I dont find it difficult to get up early.---> I am used to getting up early.S + used to + V ---> S + no longer + V = S + not any more/any longerEx: He used to smoke cigarettes.---> He no longer smokes cigarettes.---> He doesnt smoke cigarettes any more / any longer.* LU Y: be used to + V/ be used for + V-ing: cong dung mot vatEx: What is money used for?---> It is used to buy or sell goods.---> It is used for buying or selling goods.