ngss ca framework: transitional kindergarten framework

7/21/2019 NGSS CA Framework: Transitional Kindergarten Framework 1/32 First 60-Day Public Review Draft November 2015 Transitional Kindergarten Chapter at a Glance Introduction to Transitional Kindergarten The California Preschool Learning Foundations Alignment between California Preschool Learning Foundations Science Domains and the CA GSS for Kindergarten !or"s Cited The first years of formal schooling are critical ones for young children. In transitional kindergarten through grade one, children must be provided the opportunity to acquire the skills, knowledge, and dispositions that establish the foundation for a lifetime of learning. Furthermore, they develop new understandings about how the world works by observing and describing phenomena and they begin to build autonomy in their own learning. The Kindergarten Readiness ct of !"#" $%enate &ill #'(#, )hapter *"+, %tatutes of !"#" changed the entry-age requirements for kindergarten in )alifornias public schools. It also required local educational agencies to develop and offer transitional kindergarten classes in addition to kindergarten classes starting in the !"#!- !"#' school year. Transitional kindergarten $TK is defined in )alifornia Education Code %ection /("""$d as, 0the first year of a two-year kindergarten program that uses a modified kindergarten curriculum that is age and developmentally appropriate.1 This section provides guidance to local educational agencies on how to develop TK curriculum that aligns with the e2pectations of the ) 34%% for Kindergarten. This section includes a discussion of the suggested learning progressions that allow bridging from the California Preschool Learning Foundations  for science $)56, !"#!a to the ) 34%% for kindergarten. 7nlike preschool or kindergarten, TK does not 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

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NGSS CA Framework of the Transitional Kindergarten. Draft.


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First 60-Day Public Review Draft November 2015

Transitional Kindergarten

Chapter at a Glance

Introduction to Transitional Kindergarten

The California Preschool Learning Foundations

Alignment between California Preschool Learning Foundations Science Domains

and the CA GSS for Kindergarten

!or"s Cited

The first years of formal schooling are critical ones for young children. In

transitional kindergarten through grade one, children must be provided the opportunity

to acquire the skills, knowledge, and dispositions that establish the foundation for a

lifetime of learning. Furthermore, they develop new understandings about how the world

works by observing and describing phenomena and they begin to build autonomy in

their own learning.

The Kindergarten Readiness ct of !"#" $%enate &ill #'(#, )hapter *"+,

%tatutes of !"#" changed the entry-age requirements for kindergarten in )alifornias

public schools. It also required local educational agencies to develop and offer

transitional kindergarten classes in addition to kindergarten classes starting in the !"#!-

!"#' school year. Transitional kindergarten $TK is defined in )alifornia Education Code

%ection /("""$d as, 0the first year of a two-year kindergarten program that uses a

modified kindergarten curriculum that is age and developmentally appropriate.1 This

section provides guidance to local educational agencies on how to develop TK

curriculum that aligns with the e2pectations of the ) 34%% for Kindergarten.

This section includes a discussion of the suggested learning progressions that

allow bridging from the California Preschool Learning Foundations for science $)56,

!"#!a to the ) 34%% for kindergarten. 7nlike preschool or kindergarten, TK does not
























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have grade-specific content standards. The guidelines in this section reflect the range of 

abilities students may possess in the period between preschool and kindergarten, but

are not specific to a grade-level standard. Teachers at this level support students to

develop the interest, curiosity, language, and habits of mind needed to pursue science,

through supporting students development of both fundamental abilities for analysis and

reasoning and for graphic and symbolic representation of their ideas.

The preschool science foundations describe the behaviors and skills children

typically e2hibit 0at around /( months of age1 and 0at around 8" months of age1 $)56,

!"#!a. Transitional kindergarten teachers commonly use these foundations to guide

curriculum development, as children are not yet 8" months when they enter TK. The TK

e2perience provides children with opportunities to e2plore, e2periment, and play in an

environment based on discovery, solution seeking, and critical thinking. Transitional

kindergarten students are not e2pected to master the kindergarten standards until the

end of kindergarten and, therefore, have an e2tra year to develop competence and

confidence in their scientific e2plorations. 9aking discoveries through authentic

e2posure to rich real-world e2periences in science and other domains such as

language, literacy, music, and mathematics, prepares children in the TK classroom for

the ) 34%% they will be mastering in kindergarten. This means providing

opportunities for hands-on activities with real ob:ects and phenomena and instructionprimarily in small- to middle-si;ed groups. <articularly important are opportunities to

support science-related language development, including vocabulary acquisition and

rich discourse prompted by teacher questioning and through teacher-student and

student-student interactions. For young children, such language development, along

with development of science-related analysis and reasoning skills, occurs through an

array of rich conte2ts and problems that are presented to children to e2plore and

investigate. 3ew vocabularies relevant to the conte2t are learned because they are

needed to communicate about the e2plorations. The teacher or another child introduces

words because they are relevant to the discourse. Repeated use of new words in

relevant conte2ts underpins all language development for children of this age. The

California Preschool Curriculum Framework  $)56, !"#!b provides guidance to

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teachers on teaching strategies, setting up environments, and planning curriculum in a

way that is also developmentally appropriate for science learning for TK students.

It is important that all students receive instructional support that is appropriately

aligned to their developmental level and that provides opportunities for growth. In the

classroom, this means that if a student is struggling with some of the preschool learning

foundations, s>he should be provided opportunities to develop her>his abilities in these

areas. This also means if a student meets some or all of the kindergarten standards,

that student should be provided with opportunities for deeper learning.

The )alifornia <reschool ?earning Foundations were designed for all children,

including dual language learners and children with disabilities. @owever, children with

disabilities or other special needs may require adaptations or modifications $)56,

!"#!a. The preschool foundations for science are organi;ed in four strandsA

#. %cientific Inquiry,!. <hysical %ciences,'. ?ife %ciences, and/. 6arth %ciences.

Bithin these foundations, the scientific inquiry strand focuses on developing the skills

and language of science, while the other three strands focus on developing scientific

content knowledge. In the conte2t of ) 34%%, the scientific inquiry strand supports the

initial development of the eight scientific and engineering practices $%6< and, thus, it

should not be separated and taught in isolation from the other three strands. %imilarly,

the scientific content knowledge strands form the basic ideas underlying the ) 34%%

disciplinary core ideas $5)Is, and children should be provided learning environments in

which they make use of their beginning scientific inquiry skills to understand the basics

of the disciplinary core ideas. It is also important to note that the )alifornia <reschool

?earning Foundations do not include strands related to the ) 34%% crosscutting

concepts. @owever, even young children can be e2plicitly made aware of crosscuttingconcepts that naturally characteri;e the observation of phenomena. For e2ample,

children could observe that sorting ob:ects by color or si;e reveals an underlying set of

 patterns in the classification of the ob:ects. Cr, children could do something to an ob:ect

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$pushing a ball on a table and then observe what happens ne2t $the ball may fall off the

table. The understanding of this cause-effect  mechanism will enable them to also

make predictions about future events.

The publication of the preschool foundations predates the adoption of the )

34%%, therefore, the tables included in this section were developed to show the

possible alignment between the preschool foundations and the ) 34%%. lthough,

the preschool foundations do not include mention of engineering design activities,

young children can begin to develop these skills as they, for e2ample, design and build

structures with wooden or plastic blocks. These activities can be e2tended by asking

students to draw a plan of what they have built or to build following a plan or design $for

e2ample, with geometric tiles to begin to develop their skill in using diagrammatic

representations that underlies the practice of developing scientific models or

engineering designs.

In table #, the connections between the California Preschool Learning

Foundations $)56, !"#!a for scientific inquiry and the ) 34%% scientific and

engineering practices $%6< are presented. The descriptors for the %6< in kindergarten

used in table # have been defined in the ) 34%% ppendi2 F for grade band K=!. The

purpose of this table is to illustrate early-stage use of the scientific practices. They also

suggest how the teacher might prompt or question children to further develop thesepractices in the conte2t of the childs spontaneous activities and observations.

3otably, the table does not clearly connect to the practice of using mathematics

e2plicitly. @owever, there are many activities, for e2ample growing plants or cooking,

that can be used to develop both early ideas about science concepts and early

mathematical understandings such as counting and measuring. The other ) 34%%

science and engineering practice mostly absent from the table is the practice of

de#eloping models. t the TK level, the underpinnings of this practice lie in the

development of representational drawing and diagrams. 9aking a drawing that

represents a block structure a child has built as described above, or a chart that

represents the growing of a plant week after week through a series of drawings of the

plant at different stages are two e2amples. 6ngineering concepts and practices at this

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early age are grounded in building structures with blocks, toy construction sets, or other

three dimensional construction materials.

In table !, some e2amples are presented of the connections between the

preschool foundations of scientific knowledge and some areas of the ) 34%%

disciplinary core ideas in physical science, life science, and earth and space science. In

addition, for each foundation category, a link to one or more of the crosscutting

concepts is suggested. Teachers deepen and e2tend a childs thinking about the

concept by using age-appropriate versions of the questions associated with each

crosscutting concept presented in the Cverview chapter.

&oth of these tables highlight the strong connection between the preschool

learning progressions and the science-related learning needed in transitional

kindergarten for students to progress toward ) 34%% for kindergarten, laying a strong

foundation for further science learning. Furthermore, teaching and learning in TK

should follow the same three-dimensional learning principles described in the Cverview

chapter and highlighted by the link between science inquiry and multiple ) 34%%

practices in table #. s with all learning at this developmental level, these foundations

require supporting childrens development in language, analysis and reasoning,

symboli;ation or representation, and the emotional and social skills needed to learn and

work with others. The science-specific aspects of students development align with andcomplement similar development needed for other sub:ect areas which are dependent

on ensuring a variety of rich conte2ts for learning provided both indoors and outdoors in

order to stimulate childrens engagement, interest, and curiosity.

To ensure that TK meets the instructional and developmental needs of young

learners, ongoing collaboration between instructional e2perts and curriculum developers

at both the school and district levels is necessary to develop a coherent articulation

across preschool to TK and to kindergarten.

The )alifornia 5epartment of 6ducation has published a document, The

 Alignment of the California Preschool Learning Foundations with Key Early Education

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Resources1 $httpA>>>sp>cd>re>documents>psalignment.pdf  that connects

the )alifornia Infant>Toddler ?earning and 5evelopment Foundations, @ead %tart )hild

5evelopment and 6arly ?earning Framework, )alifornia <reschool ?earning

Foundations, and the ) ))%%. This resource and others presented in the )

9athematics and 6?>6?5 Frameworks provide additional opportunities to create a

more interdisciplinary curriculum. The frameworks and other early childhood education

resources can be downloaded from the )alifornia 5epartment of 6ducation websiteA


1 The lignment of the )alifornia <reschool ?earning Foundations with Key 6arly 6ducation Resourcespredates the adoption of the ) 34%%. The standards listed in the alignment document are now-outdatedstandards from #DD(.















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Alignment between California Preschool Learning Foundations Science Domain and the CA GSS for


Table #A lignment of preschool foundations for the scientific inquiry strand and the scientific and engineering practicesfrom the ) 34%% ppendi2 F.

Scientific In$uir% Strand CA GSS Science and &ngineering Practices

'() *bser#ation and In#estigation

 t around /( months of age t around 8" months of age &y the end of kindergarten'(' Demonstrate curiosit%and raise simple $uestionsabout ob+ects and e#ents intheir en#ironment(

'(' Demonstrate curiosit% andincreased abilit% to raise$uestions about ob+ects ande#ents in their en#ironment(

'( As"ing ,uestions and Defining Problems

•  sk questions based on observations to find

more information about the natural and>ordesigned world$s.

62amples 62amples Teacher actions

• Bondering why the toy car

does not roll down the ramp,picks up the car anddiscovers that it is missingone wheel.

• %ees a snail and wonders,

Why is it hiding insideWhen is it coming out 

• Bhen playing in the block area

creates a sloped ramp withblocks and rolls different toycars down the ramp. )heckswhich car goes the farthestwhen rolling down the ramp.

• Bhile sorting different rocks,

picks up one of the rocks and

washes it with soap and water.Then gets the magnifyingglass to observe it moreclosely.

Respond to student questions with questioningto prompt further investigation or analysis of theproblem.

<rovide opportunities and materials for students tofollow up on their questions and interests aboutnatural or engineered phenomena.

)hoose and read aloud books and stories thatfollow up on student questions and interests.

'(- *bser#e ob+ects ande#ents in the en#ironmentand describe them(

'(- *bser#e ob+ects and e#entsin the en#ironment anddescribe them in greater detail(

.( Planning and carr%ing out in#estigations

• 9ake observations $first hand or from media

and>or measurements to collect data that canbe used to make comparisons.

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/( Anal%0ing and interpreting data

• 7se observations $first hand or from media to

describe patterns and>or relationships in thenatural and designed world$s in order toanswer scientific questions(

1( Constructing e2planations and designing

solutions• 9ake observations $firsthand or from media to

construct an evidence-based account fornatural phenomena.

3( *btaining4 e#aluating4 and communicatinginformation

• 5escribe how specific images $e.g., a diagram

showing how a machine works support ascientific or engineering idea.

• 7se information from observations to construct

an evidence-based account.

• )ommunicate information in oral form using

models and drawings that provide detail.

62amples 62amples Teacher ctions

•   child with a visual

impairment touches the barkof a tree and communicates,0It feels a little scratchywhen I touch the bark.1

• Tastes a piece of red apple

and a piece of green apple

• Bhile e2ploring a rain stick,

shakes it and listens to thesound it makes. )hildrenshare their observationsA 0Ican hear something inside,like beans or small rocks1E 0Itsounds like rain1E 0It looks like

<rovide opportunities to observe natural andengineered phenomena indoors and out.

6ncourage students to record observations throughdrawings and verbally. sk questions that encourage further observationsand introduce words and language needed for thesituation.

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and describes what theytaste like.

a long stick1E 0It is made ofwood1E 0It has a drawing on itwith many colors.1

• Cbserves the caterpillar $or

picture of a caterpillar closelyand draws a picture of acaterpillar. )ommunicates, 0Ithas stripes-yellow, white, and

black-like a pattern.1

9ake class charts recording important words orideas that students introduced in their observationswith accompanying pictures

'(. 5egin to identif% and use4with adult support4 someobser#ation andmeasurement tools(

'(. Identif% and use a greater#ariet% of obser#ation andmeasurement tools( 6a%spontaneousl% use anappropriate tool4 though ma%still need adult support(

'( As"ing ,uestions and Defining Problems

• 5efine a simple problem that can be solved

through the development of a new or improvedob:ect or tool.

• 5efine a simple problem that can be solved

through the development of a new or improvedob:ect or tool. 

62amples 62amples Teacher actions

• Bhile e2ploring, studying, or 

e2amining leaves, uses amagnifying glass, with theteachers assistance, to

observe a leaf closely.• 7sing a measuring cup,

helps the teacher measuretwo cups of flour during acooking activity.

• 7ses age-appropriate tools to

pick-up and group togethersmall things found in soil.

• Bhile preparing dough, child

uses a measuring cup to pourone cup of flour.

<ose design problems in the conte2t of buildingand sandbo2 play activity e.g.,1@ow could youmake your block building more stable1

Introduce simple tools for measurement,observation or manipulation of materials andencourage children to use them in activities suchas cooking or sorting.

'(/ Compare and contrastob+ects and e#ents and beginto describe similarities anddifferences(

'(/ Compare and contrastob+ects and e#ents anddescribe similarities anddifferences in greater detail(

.( Planning and carr%ing out in#estigations

• 9ake observations $first hand or from media

and>or measurements to collect data that canbe used to make comparisons.

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/( Anal%0ing and interpreting data

•  naly;e data from tests of two ob:ects designed

to solve the same problem to compare thestrengths and weaknesses of how eachperforms.

62amples 62amples Teacher ctions

)ompares a hummingbirdegg to a chicken egg $whileobserving pictures or actualob:ects and describes theirsimilaritiesA 0They are roundand white and look thesame.1

• 7sing different senses,

observes a watermelon,contrasts the inside andoutside, and communicates,0The outside is green andhard, and the inside is redand soft.1

Cbserves and describes whatthe sky looks like on a foggyday and how it is different on asunny day.

• )ompares creases in the palm

of his hand to a leaf andcommunicates, 0They bothhave stripes all over. %omelines are tiny, and some arelong, like this one.1

<rovide opportunities to observe naturalphenomena over an e2tended period of time.

6ncourage students to record observations throughdrawings and verbally, and discuss thoseobservations.

 sk questions that encourage further observationsand introduce words and language needed for thesituation.

9ake class charts recording important words orideas that students introduced in their observationswith accompanying pictures.

'(7 6a"e predictions andchec" them4 with adultsupport4 through concretee2periences(

'(7 Demonstrates an increasedabilit% to ma"e predictions andchec" them 8e(g(4 ma% ma"emore comple2 predictions4offer wa%s to test predictions4and discuss wh% predictionswere correct or incorrect9(

.( Planning and carr%ing out in#estigations

• <lan and conduct an investigation

collaboratively to produce data to serve as thebasis for evidence to answer a question.

• 9ake predictions based on prior e2periences.

/( Anal%0ing and interpreting data

• )ompare predictions $based on prior

e2periences to what occurred $observable

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events.62amples 62amples Teacher actions

•  fter making a prediction

about which block isheavier, uses the balancescale to test her prediction.

• ?ooks through the window

on a windy day and predicts,

09ore leaves will fall down.1

• &rings an ob:ect to the water

table and predicts whether itwill sink or float. Then puts theob:ect in water and observeswhat happens. )omments tohis friend, 0Ges, I knew itH It is

floating.1• In response to the question,

0Bhat do you think will happenif water is added to the flour1<redicts, 0The flour will feelsticky and will not look likeflour any more. The water andthe flour will mi2 together.1 nother child suggests, 0?etspour some water and see whathappens.1

 sk questions that prompt comparisons orpredictions.

Bhen students offers predictions, ask them toe2plain why that is their e2pectation.

)arry out investigations to follow up on predictions.

Foster discussion of results, both when theoutcome is as e2pected and when it is not,fostering further questions and observations orrevised predictions for a new but related situation.

'(1 6a"e inferences and formgenerali0ations based one#idence(

'(1 Demonstrate an increasedabilit% to ma"e inferences andgenerali0ations based on


1( Constructing e2planations and designingsolutions

• 9ake observations $firsthand or from media to

construct an evidence-based account fornatural phenomena.

:( &ngaging in argument from e#idence

• Identify arguments that are supported by


• )onstruct an argument with evidence to support

a claim.

62amples 62amples Teacher actions

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• 3otices that a plant is wilted

and says that it needs somewater.

• ?ooks outside the window

and observes the treesmoving. Infers that it iswindy outsideA 0?ook at thetreesE it is windyH1

• Cbserves a picture of an

unfamiliar animal. 3otices thewings and communicates, 0It isa bird. I know it because it haswings.1

• Cbserves a picture of a child

dressed in a :acket, a scarf,mittens and a hat and

communicates that it musthave been very cold outside.

6ncourage children to discuss and elaborate onobservations and conclusions.

 sk questions to elicit analysis and reasoning andto encourage students to provide evidence fromobservation to support conclusions $or claims.

6ncourage student group talk to arrive at acommon understanding or e2planation of aphenomenon.

Scientific In$uir% Strand CA GSS Science and &ngineering Practices

-() Documentation and Communication

 t around /( months of age t around 8" months of age &y the end of kindergarten

-(' ;ecord obser#ations orfindings in #arious wa%s4 withadult assistance4 includingpictures4 words 8dictated toadults94 charts4 +ournals4models4 and photos(

-(' ;ecord information moreregularl% and in greater detail in#arious wa%s4 with adultassistance4 including pictures4words 8dictated to adults94charts4 +ournals4 models4photos4 or b% tall%ing and

graphing information(

-( De#eloping and using models

• 5evelop and>or use a model to represent

amounts, relationships, relative scales $bigger,smaller, and>or patterns in the natural anddesigned world$s.

/( Anal%0ing and Interpreting Data

• Record information $observations, thoughts,and ideas

• 7se and share pictures, drawings, and>or

writings of observations.

3( *btaining4 e#aluating4 and communicatinginformation

• Cbtain information using various te2ts, te2t

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features, and other media that will be useful inanswering scientific questions and>orsupporting a scientific claim.

62amples 62amples Teacher actions

• 0Records1 in her :ournal

what the pumpkin looks likeon the inside and draws anorange oval with many dots

on the inside. The teacherwrites down the childsobservationA it is soft insideand has lots of seeds.

• In collaboration with friends,

creates a collage with rocksand leaves collected duringa walk around the yard orneighborhood and refers toit when describing the itemscollected on their walk.

• )ollects information by using

tally marks to find out howmany children have pets andhow many do not have pets.

 fter coming back from a walkin the neighborhood, createswith other children a model ofthe building they haveobserved using differentmaterials such as bo2es ofdifferent si;es, paper rolls, andplastic bottles.

6ncourage drawing activity to representobservations and ideas.

 sk students to make a diagram showing how theybuilt a block structure.

6ncourage children to build patterns or structuresfollowing a design diagram.

5evelop simple charts or bar graphs to recordstudent observations and have children discussthem.

 sk children to suggest how the teacher shouldrepresent information or observations that they aregathering.

-(- Share findings ande2planations4 which ma% becorrect or incorrect4 with orwithout adult prompting(

-(- Share findings ande2planations4 which ma% becorrect or incorrect4 morespontaneousl% and with greater detail(

/( Anal%0ing and interpreting data

• 7se observations $first hand or from media to

describe patterns and>or relationships in thenatural and designed world$s in order toanswer scientific questions and solve problems.

• )ompare predictions $based on prior

e2periences to what occurred $observableevents.

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1( Constructing e2planations and designingsolutions

• 9ake observations $firsthand or from media to

construct an evidence-based account fornatural phenomena.

:( &ngaging in argument from e#idence

5istinguish between opinions and evidence inones own e2planations.

• ?isten actively to arguments to indicate

agreement or disagreement based on evidence,and>or to retell the main points of the argument.

3( *btaining4 e#aluating4 and communicatinginformation

• )ommunicate information or design ideas

and>or solutions with others in oral and>orwritten forms using models, drawings, writing,or numbers that provide detail about scientificideas, practices, and>or design ideas.

62amples 62amples Teacher actions

• Records the growth of aplant in the garden, andcommunicates, 0The plantgrew from a seed, :ust likethe flower in the story.1

• Bhen asked, 0Bhat

happened to the water162plains, 0It is hard nowbecause we put it in the

• Bhen asked whether a puppetcan eat, e2plains, 0 puppetcannot eat because it does nothave a real mouth. Gou candraw him a mouth, but it is notreal like this.1 $points to ownmouth.

• Bhen talking with children

about why some things slid

<rompt analysis and reasoning from evidencethrough questioning strategies.

<rovide opportunities and encouragement forstudents to respond to the ideas of others withquestions or elaborations.

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free;er.1 faster and others slower whenletting go of them at the top ofthe slide, children come upwith different e2planationsA 0Itgot stuck because it is heavy,10It is slippery,1 0It is bumpy,1 0Ithas wheels.1

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Table !A )onnections between the preschool foundations science domain strands and the ) 34%%.

Ph%sical Science Strand Ph%sical Science < CA GSS

'() Properties and Characteristics of onli#ing *b+ects and6aterials

 At around !" months of age At around #$ months of age %y the end of kindergarten

'(' *bser#e4 in#estigate4 andidentif% the characteristics andph%sical properties of ob+ectsand of solid and nonsolidmaterials 8si0e4 weight4 shape4color4 te2ture4 and sound9(

'(' Demonstrate increasedabilit% to obser#e4 in#estigate4and describe in greater detailthe characteristics and ph%sicalproperties 8si0e4 weight4 shape4color4 te2ture4 and sound9 ofob+ects and of solid andnonsolid materials(

Support for K-PS3-16a"e obser#ations to determine the effect

of sunlight on &arth=s surface( )larification

%tatementA 62amples of 6arths surface could

include sand, soil, rocks, and waterJ8PS.(5 < Sunlight warms &arth=s surface(9

Support for K-2-ETS1-2 

De#elop a simple s"etch4 drawing4 orph%sical model to illustrate how the shape

of an ob+ect helps it function as needed tosol#e a gi#en problem(

CCC > Patterns; Scale, Proportion, and


62amples 62amples Teacher actions

• @olds a wood block and a

foam block. Refers to the

• 7ses a balance scale to find

out which of two balls is

%et up opportunities for students toinvestigate, record and discuss the effects

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wood block when asked whichone is heavier.

• Tries to push a toy car through

a ma;e and reali;es that thecar is too big and cannot gothrough. 4ets a smaller carand tries again.


• 5uring a cooking activity,

e2plores sugar, flour, salt,powdered gelatin, or cornstarchby using the sense $touch,smell, taste. )hildrencommunicate theirobservationsA 0ll of them are

white,1 0The flour is very soft,10The sugar looks more like salt,but it tastes sweet.1

and patterns of sun and shade in theplayground.

<rompt discussion, observation, and analysisof the relationship of shape to use for toolsand other ob:ects used in everyday activitiesin the classroom $including body parts, arttools, cooking tools etc.

-() Changes in onli#ing *b+ects and 6aterialsK<PS- 6otion and Stabilit%? Forces and


 At around !" months of age At around #$ months of age %y the end of kindergarten

-(' Demonstrate awareness thatob+ects and materials canchange4 e2plore and describechanges in ob+ects andmaterials 8rearrangement ofparts@ change in color4 shape4

te2ture4 temperature9(

-(' Demonstrate an increasedawareness that ob+ects andmaterials can change in #ariouswa%s( &2plore and describe ingreater detail changes in ob+ectsand materials 8rearrangement of

parts@ change in color4 shape4te2ture4 form4 and temperature9(

Support for K-PS3-16a"e obser#ations to determine the effect

of sunlight on &arth=s surface( )larification

%tatementA 62amples of 6arths surface could

include sand, soil, rocks, and waterJ

PS.(5 < Sunlight warms &arth=s surface(CCC > Stability and Chane; Enery and


62amples 62amples Teacher actions

• <articipates in making

guacamole and demonstrateshow teacher can make it softby pressing and mi2ing the

• Bhile making lemonade, mi2es

water with lemon :uice andmakes a prediction about how itis going to taste.

<rovide opportunities to observe and discusschanges in matter $ice melting, cake cooking,etc..

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avocado with a fork.

• Bhile playing with blue and

yellow soft clay, observes thatthe mi2ture became green andcommunicates, 0@ey, teacher, Imade green.1

• 3otices that the ice in the cupmelted into water. <uts his

fingers in the water, andgestures to the teacher tocome over and feel the water.

•  fter putting different colored

crayons on a piece ofaluminum foil and placing it inthe sun, the teacher asked,0Bhat do you think mighthappen1 )hildren predict, 0Itwill get burned,1 0It will get hot,and then they will mi2.1

• Records in her :ournal how theice in the bowl meltedA 0Itouched it with my finger, and itwas very cold and very hard.1The teacher asks, 0Bhathappened to the ice after lunchwas over1 The child describesher drawingA 0The ice was verysmall, and there was water inthe bowl.1 The teacher writesthe childs words down andrephrases the childsdescriptionA 0Ges, the ice hasmelted.1

<rompt individual and group efforts to discussand record what occurred.

-(- *bser#e and describe themotion of ob+ects 8in terms ofspeed4 direction4 the wa%sthings mo#e94 and e2plore theeffect of own actions 8e(g(4pushing4 pulling4 rolling4dropping9 on ma"ing ob+ectsmo#e(

-(- Demonstrate an increasedabilit% to obser#e and describein greater detail the motion ofob+ects 8in terms of speed4direction4 wa%s things mo#e94and to e2plore the effect of ownactions on the motion ofob+ects4 including changes in

K<PS-<'( Plan and conduct anin#estigation to compare the effects ofdifferent strengths or different directionsof pushes and pulls on the motion of anob+ect( )larification %tatementA 62amples of pushes or pulls could include a string attachedto an ob:ect being pulled, a person pushing anob:ect, a person stopping a rolling ball, and

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speed and direction( two ob:ects colliding and pushing on eachother.J

K<PS-<-( Anal%0e data to determine if adesign solution wor"s as intended tochange the speed or direction of an ob+ectwith a push or a pull( )larification%tatementA 62amples of problems requiring a

solution could include having a marble orother ob:ect move a certain distance, follow aparticular path, and knock down other ob:ects.62amples of solutions could include toolssuch as a ramp to increase the speed of theob:ect and a structure that would cause anob:ect such as a marble or ball to turn.J

CCC > Patterns; Scale, proportion, and"uantity 

62amples 62amples Teacher actions

• &lows through a straw on a

ping pong ball and discovers it

makes the ball move.•   child with a new wheelchair

demonstrates to her peers howshe uses the ramp to go upand down instead of using thestairs.

• <laces two toy cars at the top

of a ramp and releases them at

the same time. Cbserves whichone reaches the bottom first.

•   child in a new wheelchair

discovers that it is more difficultto move on carpet than on thefloor and that he cannot roll onsandA 0If I roll into the sand, Illget stuck.1

<rompt analysis of situations where a push ora pull can change motion $e.g., pushing a

swing, pulling a cart.

<rompt discussion and observations abouthow a rolling ball or a toy car stops ondifferent surfaces. ?ead children to discusswhat is the same and what is different in eachtest $e.g., whether you can give the samepush and see different outcomes and of howoutcomes change with type or slope of

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Life Science Strand Life Science < CA GSS

'() Properties and Characteristics of Li#ing Things

 t around /( months of age t around 8" months of age &y the end of kindergarten

'(' Identif% characteristics of a

#ariet% of animals and plants4including appearance 8insideand outside9 and beha#ior4 andbegin to categori0e them(

'(' Identif% characteristics of a

greater #ariet% of animals andplants4 and demonstrate anincreased abilit% to categori0ethem(

Support for K-#S1-1$

Bse obser#ations to describe patterns ofwhat plants and animals 8includinghumans9 need to sur#i#e( )larification%tatementA 62amples of patterns couldinclude that animals need to take in food butplants do notE the different kinds of foodneeded by different types of animalsE therequirement of plants to have lightE and, thatall living things need water.JCCC < Patterns

62amples 62amples Teacher actions

• ?ooks at an informational book

and identifies which animalscan fly.

• Cbserves a cactus and tells a

friend, 0They have needles. Igot poked once.1

• Bhen talking about plant roots

that we eat, one child says,0potatoes,1 another says,0taros,1 and another says,0yams.1

• Cbserves plants and identifies

the different parts $e.g., root,stem, buds, leaves.

@ave children grow, observe and recordobservations about plants and small animalsin the classroom.

<rompt discussion of plant and animal needsfor growth and health.

<rompt discussion of human food needs andhealth.

'(- 5egin to indicate "nowledge '(- Indicate greater "nowledge Support for K-#S1-1$

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of bod% parts and processes8e(g(4 eating4 sleeping4breathing4 wal"ing9 in humansand other animals(

of bod% parts and processes8e(g(4 eating4 sleeping4 breathing4wal"ing9 in humans and otheranimals(

Bse obser#ations to describe patterns ofwhat plants and animals 8includinghumans9 need to sur#i#e( )larification%tatementA 62amples of patterns couldinclude that animals need to take in food butplants do notE the different kinds of foodneeded by different types of animalsE therequirement of plants to have lightE and, that

all living things need water.JCCC > PatternsCCC > Structure and function

62amples 62amples Teacher actions

•  fter running, touches his

chest to feel his heart beating.

• 9akes the connection between

facial parts and senses $eyesfor vision, ears for hearing.For e2ample, covers her eyesand says, 03ow I cant see.1

• 62plains, 0Be can walk with our 

legs and birds fly with theirwings.1

• <articipates in discussion about

the outside and inside of thebody. Touches his arms andcommunicates, 0I can feel myskin, and inside my body I canfeel my muscles and bones.1

<rompt observation and discussion of howhumans and animals use their body parts tomeet their needs.

'(. Identif% the habitats ofpeople and familiar animals andplants in the en#ironment andbegin to reali0e that li#ingthings ha#e habitats in differenten#ironments(

'(. ;ecogni0e that li#ing thingsha#e habitats in differenten#ironments suited to theiruni$ue needs(

K<&SS-<-( Construct an argumentsupported b% e#idence for how plants andanimals 8including humans9 can changethe en#ironment to meet their needs()larification %tatementA 62amples of plantsand animals changing their environment couldinclude a squirrel digs in the ground to hide itsfood and tree roots can break concrete.J

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K<&SS.<'( Bse a model to represent the

relationship between the needs of different

plants or animals 8including humans9 and

the places the% li#e( )larification

%tatementA 62amples of relationships could

include that deer eat buds and leaves,

therefore, they usually live in forested areasE

and, grasses need sunlight so they often growin meadows. <lants, animals, and their

surroundings make up a system.J

CCC > Syste%s and syste% %odels

62amples 62amples Teacher actions

•   child holds a worm and says,

0Bhere is the dirt I want toput him back.1

• Bhile looking at a picture book

of different animals, childdemonstrates with his body

how the fish and the dolphinsswim in the ocean.

• <articipates in building a nest.

7sing twee;ers collects twigsand leaves in the yardA 0ustlike birds use their beaks.1

• %orts photos of animals

according to those living in

water, those living on land, andthose who can live in both thewater and on the land.

<rovide opportunities to vary conditions forplants being grown and support children toobserve and discuss differences in conditionsand in outcomes for the plants.

'(/ Indicate "nowledge of thedifference between animateob+ects 8animals4 people9 andinanimate ob+ects( For e2ample4e2pect animate ob+ects to

'(/ Indicate "nowledge of thedifference between animate andinanimate ob+ects4 pro#idinggreater detail4 and recogni0ethat li#ing things 8humans4

Support for K-#S1-1$Bse obser#ations to describe patterns ofwhat plants and animals 8includinghumans9 need to sur#i#e( )larification%tatementA 62amples of patterns could

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initiate mo#ement and to ha#edifferent insides than inanimateob+ects(

animals4 and plants9 undergobiological processes such asgrowth4 illness4 healing4 andd%ing(

include that animals need to take in food butplants do notE the different kinds of foodneeded by different types of animalsE therequirement of plants to have lightE and, thatall living things need water.J

CCC < Patterns

62amples 62amples Teacher actions

• )ommunicates, 09y puppy is

going to get big, but this one$showing toy wont.1

• Bhile in the yard, points to a

lady bug and tells his friend, 0Itis a real oneH ?ook, itsmoving.1

• )ommunicates, 0I had a

goldfish, but one day it got verysick and died.1

• Bhile playing in the yard, a

child hits a bush and a flowerfalls off. The childcommunicates, 0It will growagain.1

7ses stories and activities to promptdiscussion of patterns and differencesbetween living and non-living things, andbetween real and imagined abilities of ob:ectsand animals.

62pands on childrens interest in babies$animal or human, and observations of familymembers as well as of the plants and animalsin the classroom to prompt analysis of generalFeatures of life cycles.

-() Changes in Li#ing Things K<LS-

 t around /( months of age t around 8" months of age &y the end of kindergarten

-(' *bser#e and e2plore growthand changes in humans4animals4 and plants anddemonstrate an understandingthat li#ing things change o#ertime in si0e and in othercapacities as the% grow(

-(' *bser#e and e2plore growthand changes in humans4animals4 and plants anddemonstrate an increasedunderstanding that li#ing thingschange as the% grow and gothrough transformations related

Support for K-#S1-1$Bse obser#ations to describe patterns ofwhat plants and animals 8includinghumans9 need to sur#i#e( )larification%tatementA 62amples of patterns couldinclude that animals need to take in food butplants do notE the different kinds of food

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to the life c%cle 8for e2ample4from a caterpillar to butterfl%9(

needed by different types of animalsE therequirement of plants to have lightE and, thatall living things need water.J

CCC < Stability and chane; Structure andfunction

62amples 62amples Teacher actions

• Cbserves the beans she is

growing and makes aprediction about how tall theywill grow.

• Bhile singing and acting out a

song about 0growth,1 pretendsshe is a plant anddemonstrates with her bodyhow the little seed grew into aseedling and the seedling grewinto a tree.

• Cbserves tadpoles closely and

communicates, 0They are somuch bigger now. ?ater, thelegs will come out. They will befrogs.1

• ?ooks at the picture book The

Tiny &eed  and retells the storyin his home language andsome 6nglish, referring topictures and describing how theseed grew into a plant.

• Cbserves how a caterpillar

makes a chrysalis and then

emerges as a butterfly.

%upport student to develop ways to representchange over time for a single organismobserved in the classroom

<rompt discussion of patterns of change inthe life of a particular type of plant or animalor of a human. 6ncourage analysis of what issimilar and what is different about differentspecies life cycles.

-(- ;ecogni0e that animals andplants re$uire care and begin toassociate feeding and wateringwith the growth of humans4animals4 and plants(

-(- De#elop a greaterunderstanding of the basicneeds of humans4 animals4 andplants 8e(g(4 food4 water4sunshine4 shelter9(

K<LS'<'( Bse obser#ations to describepatterns of what plants and animals8including humans9 need to sur#i#e()larification %tatementA 62amples of patternscould include that animals need to take infood but plants do notE the different kinds offood needed by different types of animalsE therequirement of plants to have lightE and, that

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all living things need water.J

CCC < Patterns

&2amples &2amples Teacher actions

• Cbserves different types of

seeds and with the help of the

teacher plants them in dirt andwaters them.

• Bhile working in the garden,

notices the dry soil and tries towater the flowers.

• )ommunicates, 09y baby

sister was very little, but nowshe is big because she eatscereal.1

• In an e2periment with plants,

children describe their

observationsA 0The plants nearthe window grew, but the plantswith no light became yellow.1

• Feeds the class pet fish, with

adult assistance, and e2plains,0Be give them special food :ustfor fish but not too much.1

<rompt discussion of animal needs and ofhuman needs and wants $distinguishing aneed from a desire.

&arth Sciences Strand &arth and Space Sciences < CA GSS

'() Properties and Characteristics of &arth 6aterials and *b+ects

 At around !" months of age At around #$ months of age %y the end of kindergarten

'(' In#estigate characteristics8si0e4 weight4 shape4 color4te2ture9 of earth materials suchas sand4 roc"s4 soil4 water4 andair(

'(' Demonstrate increasedabilit% to in#estigate andcompare characteristics 8si0e4weight4 shape4 color4 te2ture9 ofearth materials such sand4roc"s4 soil4 water4 and air(

Support for K-PS3-16a"e obser#ations to determine the effect

of sunlight on &arth=s surface( )larification

%tatementA 62amples of 6arths surface could

include sand, soil, rocks, and waterJPS.(5 < Sunlight warms &arth=s surface(

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CCC < Patterns

62amples 62amples Teacher actions

• 62plains that sand and water

are needed to make a sandcastle.

<lays with rocks and discoversthat she can use a rock todraw on a sidewalk.

• In e2plorations of air, observes

a kite flying and communicates,0The wind blows really hard

and the kite goes high into theclouds.L

<rompt observation and analysis of howsunlight and shade have different effects ondifferent surfaces.

7se discussion of observations of variedmaterials to help students develop richdescriptive language and terminology todescribe matter properties.

-() Changes in the &arth K<&SS- &arth=s S%stems

 At around !" months of age At around #$ months of age %y the end of kindergarten

-(' *bser#e and describe naturalob+ects in the s"% 8sun4 moon4 stars4clouds9 and how the% appear to mo#e

and change(

-(' Demonstrate anincreased abilit% toobser#e and describe

natural ob+ects in the s"%@begin to notice how the%appear to mo#e andchange(

Support for K<&SS-<'(Bse and share obser#ations of localweather conditions to describe patterns

o#er time( )larification %tatementA62amples of qualitative observations couldinclude descriptions of the weather $such assunny, cloudy, rainy, and warmE e2amples ofquantitative observations could includenumbers of sunny, windy, and rainy days in amonth. 62amples of patterns could includethat it is usually cooler in the morning than inthe afternoon and the number of sunny days

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versus cloudy days in different months.J

CCC > Patterns; Stability and chane

62amples 62amples Teacher actions

• Records his observation of the sky

by drawing a picture. Refers to his

drawing and indicates or points to,the sun and the clouds.

• 4estures toward the sky and

communicates in the homelanguage, 0?ast night I looked at thesky and I saw the moon.1

• )ommunicates, 0Bhen I

looked at the sky with my

dad, I saw the moon andit was round and big. Isaw the stars, too.1

• )ommunicates,

0%ometimes when I lookat the sky at night, I seeonly the moon, andsometimes I see themoon and the stars.1

<rovide a rich environment with multipleopportunities for children to becomeinterested in, observe, and describephenomena in the natural world.

<rompt student discourse and communicationabout their observations

-(- otice and describe changes inweather(

-(- Demonstrate anincreased abilit% toobser#e4 describe4 anddiscuss changes inweather(

K<&SS-<'( Bse and share obser#ations oflocal weather conditions to describepatterns o#er time( )larification %tatementA62amples of qualitative observations couldinclude descriptions of the weather $such as

sunny, cloudy, rainy, and warmE e2amples ofquantitative observations could includenumbers of sunny, windy, and rainy days in amonth. 62amples of patterns could includethat it is usually cooler in the morning than inthe afternoon and the number of sunny daysversus cloudy days in different months.J 

CCC < Patterns

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62amples 62amples Teacher actions

•   child who is hearing impaired looks

through the window andcommunicates in sign language, 0It israining.1

• )ommunicates, 0It is windy. The

wind is blowing my hair.1

• Cbserves the weather

and makes a prediction,0The sky is gray. I think itis going to rain.1

• Cbserves the chart with

the daily recordings of the

weather andcommunicates, 0Thisweek, it was sunny everyday.1

<rompt observations, records, anddiscussions of weather 

-(. 5egin to notice the effects ofweather and seasonal changes ontheir own li#es and on plants andanimals(

-(. Demonstrate anincreased abilit% to noticeand describe the effects ofweather and seasonalchanges on their own li#esand on plants and animals(

Support for K-ESS3-2$ As" $uestions to

obtain information about the purpose of

weather forecasting to prepare for4 and

respond to4 se#ere weather( )larification

%tatementA 6mphasis is on local forms of

severe weather.JSupport for K-PS3-16a"e obser#ations to determine the effect

of sunlight on &arth=s surface( )larification

%tatementA 62amples of 6arths surface could

include sand, soil, rocks, and waterJ

CCC > Patterns; Stability and chane

62amples 62amples Teacher actions

• In the dramatic play area, pretends it

is a rainy day, puts on boots and a

• Cn arrival in the morning,

communicates, 0It was so

Bhen students make spontaneousobservations or ask questions about the

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coat, and carries an umbrella.

• Bhile playing outside on a sunny

day, touches the slide andcommunicates, 0The sun makes ithot, very hot.1

foggy. Be couldnt seethrough the window.1

• )ommunicates, 0In the

winter I wear a :acket andin the summer when it ishot, I wear shorts.1

weather or other natural events provideopportunities for elaborations, and follow upwith opportunities to investigate and discussthe phenomenon further through activities orstories.

-(/ De#elop awareness of the

importance of caring for andrespecting the en#ironment4 andparticipate in acti#ities related to itscare(

-(/ Demonstrate an

increased awareness andthe abilit% to discuss insimple terms how to carefor the en#ironment4 andparticipate in acti#itiesrelated to its care(

K<&SS.<.( Communicate solutions that

will reduce the impact of humans on theland4 water4 air4 andor other li#ing thingsin the local en#ironment( )larification%tatementA 62amples of human impact on theland could include cutting trees to producepaper and using resources to produce bottles.62amples of solutions could include reusingpaper and recycling cans and bottles.J

CCC > Syste%s and syste% %odels

62amples 62amples Teacher actions

• @elps the teacher to sort recyclable

items such as papers, bottles, and

cans.• Turns off the faucet after washing his


• 7ses recycling bins more

independently. 9ay

remind another child toput a paper towel in theblue recycling bo2.

• Reminds a friend to turn

off the faucet, 0so we donot waste water.1

7se the classroom, outside play area andnearby parks as places where students

observe, discuss and make decisions aboutactions to maintain a healthy and attractiveenvironment for themselves and for others.

6ngage students in discussions of theresources they use and where they comefrom.

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!or"s Cited

)56 $!"#!a )alifornia <reschool ?earning Foundations, )alifornia 5epartment of

6ducation, %acramento. vailable online at


)56 $!"#!b )alifornia <reschool )urriculum Frameworks, )alifornia 5epartment of

6ducation, %acramento. vailable online atA


)alifornia 5epartment of 6ducation<osted 3ovember !"#+

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