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  • 1. ,NEXUS NEWS 6 THE MYSTERY & MAJESliY OF WATER 36 A round-up of the news you probably did By Callum Coats. The magic and mystery not see. of water, as seen through the eyes of freeNEXUS FOLLOW-UPS 11 energy pioneer, Viktor Schauberger. A regular section to further inform readers OPERATION VAMPIRE KillER 2000 41 on developments of issues covered in pre Extracted by Glenn Krawczyk from a man vious editions of NEXUS. ual for police officers, by police officers against a New World Order.CROP CIRCLE MYSTERY IN GERMANY 12 NEW SCIENOE NEWS 47 Three mysterious medallions discovered A round-up of interesting news and titbits beneath a German crop circle-with the from the underground science network. exact same patterns moulded into them. THE TWILIGHT lONE 52EARTH CHANGES REPORT 14 A collection of strange and bizarre stories A column by Gordon-Michael Scallion from around (and off) the world. looking at his prophecies and predictions. REVI EWS . Books 5-7DINOSAUR BIRDS BACK IN THE USA 16 "Vaccination - The Hidden Facts" by Ian Sinclair By David Hatcher Childress. An intriguing "The Poisoned Needle" by Eleanor McBean look at the legends and recent encounters "A Rosicrucian Notebook" by Willie Schrodter with the supposedly extinct Pterodactyl. "ElectroHealing" by Roger CoghillTRADING WITH THE ENEMY 19 "Killing Cancer by Prue Hickey-Kelly A startling look at big busine-ss and interna "The High Bridge Incident" by Howard & Connie tional bankers during World War II. Menger "The Only Planet of Choice" compiled by PhyllisTHE PHARMACEUTICAL DRUG RACKETr - Pt 2........21 Shlemmer and Palden Jenkins By john Leso. An in-depth article revealing "Churchills War by David Irving how we are being ripped off, hoaxed, "The Healing Herbs" by Michael Castleman conned, poisoned, and killed by one of the "The Homebuilt Dynamo" by Alfred T. Forbes biggest industries now on the planet. REVI,EWS - Audio & VideoTapes 62VACCINATIONS - DO THEY WORK? 27 "The Light Within" by Jan Poole By Ian Sinclair. Part 1 of a series of articles Natures Symphony" Vol. 1 which will show you we are being conned NEXUS PRODUCT OROER FORMS 69 as the safety and effectiveness of vaccina DE-CLASSIFIED ADS 71 tions. SUBSCRIPT40NS & BACK ISSUES 72JUNE -JULY 1993 NXUS-l
  • 2. Editorial Hi there, and welcome to the pages of the latest NEXUS Magazine. During the weeks prior to the publication of each issue, I am prone to bursts of inspiration as to what to w.rite for my next editorial-but alas, when the time comes to put finger to keyboard, its gone! I urge all parents and parents-to-be to read the article on vaccinations. This is a very emotive issue with many people, but you will fmd that the article printed herein contains a lot of information which should lbe consid ered by anyone who intends getting their children or themselves immu nised. This issue sees the printing of the final part of the article on the power and abuse of power by the pharmaceutical drug companies around the world. Maybe these articles will go some way towards encouraging people to take care of their own health, rather than hand it over to big business interests. As a result of these two huge articles, we decided to compensate and run a couple of smaller-length stories which we have had in the basket for some months. Speaking of in the basket-I must send a big note of tIlanks to all those people who send in unsolicited articles, clippings and writings. It is good to see so many people motivated. Please though, if you wish your master piece returned, you must provide a stamped self-addressed envelope to have any hope of seeing your many hours of work ever again.! How many people would ever gue~s what the article on pages 41 to 44 is about, if left to judge from the title? "Operation Vampire Killer 2000" is an unusual compilation. Actually, the article here ,in NEXUS is extracted from the book of the same name. For what it is worth, we have already removed heaps of rhetoric and toned down the sabre-rattling somewhat. Read it-youll see what I mean! The amazing crop circles found in Germany that we covered in a previ ous issue of NEXUS have been eclipsed by the discovery of three metal plates buried underground in the field beneath the crop circle fOfinations. The metal plates are engraved or embossed with exactly the same designs as the crop circle. See pages 12 and 13. The short article on Professor Searl of antigravity research fame, drew a lot of national and international interest. We have published some follow up information on Professor Searls whereabouts and contact details. Refer to the Science News section for more information. Well, folks, I am off to the US in a formight. Yes, NEXUS is invading America-by invitation. It seems that NEXUS is getting quite a following overseas, with very stong interest in the US. Readers may also be happy to know that each issue of NEXUS is cur rently outselling Ithe issue before--or-sales are going up steadily! Thank you all for your support. Duncan Roads WARRANTY AND INDEMNITYAdvertisers upon and by lodging material with the Publisher for publication or authorising or approving of ,the publication of any material INDEMNIFY thePublisher and its servants and agents against all liability claims or proceedings whatsoever arising from the flublication and without limiting the generalityof the foregoing to indemn ify each of them in relation to defllmation, slander of title, breach of copyright, infringement of trademarks or names of publica.tion titles, unfair competition or trade practic~, royalties or violation of rights or privacy, AND WARRANT that the material complies with all relevant lawsand regulations and that its publication wil~ not give rise to any rights against or liabilities in the Publisher, its servants or agents and in particular thatnothing therein is capable of being misleading or aeceptive or otherwise in breach of the Part V of the Trade Practices Act 1974. All expressions or opinion, are published on the basis that they are not to be regarded as expressing the opinion of the Publisher or its servants or agents. Editorial advice is notspecific and readers are advised to seek professional help for ,individual problems. C> Nexus New limes 1993 ,2NEXUS JUNE - JULY 1993
  • 3. NB: Please keep let ters to approx. 100150 words in length. Ed. ,,:~ .....: ,:, (Dear Readers, Weare getting countries! arm of law enforcement is in for but very active. We have been so many letters that we are clear Your FOURTH REICH article its cut. McAlvany is historically on several TV stations and radio ly unable to publish them all. is proof of that and, locally, incorrect when he labels this interviews and we are correWe would like to thank those whatever is published about fed avarice as socialism. At best, sponding with other UFO groups who pen such encouraging eral, state and local government America has state capitalism, all over Europe and the USA. and, at worst, it is sliding intoremarks, and apologise to those actions to limit the ordinary per As a result of our activities we right-wing anarchy. whose letters remain unpub sons freedoms, supports the have also received a couple of If we get active very quickly, lished. Readers seeking a reply fears expressed in October 1942. we might be able to stop the letters from the worlds most to correspondence should Of the three originals, only famous debunker, the one and one has survived the 50 years seizure and structuring laws from only P. Klass. His letter was a include a stamped, self coming in here. But, we might crude agent provoc~teurs prediction time; the others addressed envelope. Ed.) passed away in 1975 and 1991. be too late. Since reading this attempt to sow dissension among But, for whatever it is worth, article, I met a Melbourne busi nessman who lost two million UFO investigators. A good graphologist should have a look Re: The Fourth Reich when I returned from Europe in dollars following the recent bot Dear Duncan, 1990, I was struck with an at his megalomaniac signature; it tom of the harbour legislation: takes almost half a page! Enclosed cheque, and official uncomfortable thought. ..that prior to the legislation, and with form, for continuation of sub before 1995 we, here in legal advice, he sold one compa Despite all our activities and scription to NEXUS. Hard to Australia, would have a revolu ny to another that was making a contacts, the first time we ever realise that time goes so fast! was, and still is, not clear heard about the Mexican UFOs loss; his action was made illegal, April-May 1993 issue had, as to me if it would be a violent one because the legislation was given was in NEXUS. usual, many thought-provoking or a peaceful one. twenty years restrospectivity. We are not infiltrated by the articles, and my attention was And, to make things more We definitely need a watchdog CIA & Co., and at the last public immediately drawn to THE interesting, the Tuesday after the group monitoring all proposed meeting of the society (early FOURTH REICH. federal elections, I got up with legislation... Why not make leg April) we showed parts of the I had heard a little bit about an horrendous thought, namely islation two hundred years retro Mexican video to more than 200 some of the US regulations, as
  • 4. WHOSE SIDE ARE THEY Unfortunately though, tthese ref erendums do little more than lit ON? mus test the mood of the shire SOIDe of the most brutal and constituents. In several cases thebloody regimes in the world state governments have forcedtoday were created and paid for shires to continue fluoridation ofwith US tax dollars. water supplies. Take Liberia for e~ple. [n (Source: Telef"wh MirrQr, 3 Mayth.e fall of 1980, a few days 199J)before Ronald Reagan waselected! president, Samuel K. PASTEUR FABRICATED HISDoe, a hulking Liberiansergeant, bayoneted his coun VACCINATION RESULTStrys president to death and In 1878, when Pasteur wasseized power with other army already a national hero, heofficers. Although his regime instructed ibis family to neverbecame notorious as a brutal allow anyone access to his noteand corrupt dictatorship, poe more aid from Amerkan According to Gerald Geison, antaxpayers than any other historian at Princeton UniversityAfrican ruler - nearly a billion in New Jersey, Louis Pasteursdollars during the Reagan-Bush ,laboratory notebooks reveal thatera. FLUORIDE LOSINC he deliberately deceived his colleagues And remember K.uwait, that wonder POPULARITY AS PEOPLE and the public in some of his mostful democratic country that America BECOME MORE INFORMED famous experiments.stepped in to save by killing off over It turns out that Pasteur used some A recent weekend referendum in the250,000 Iraqis? It now ranks as one of dirty tricks and lied about experimental upper Blue Mountains on fluoridation of data to push aside rivals in his bid to getthe worst countries involved in the sexslave trade. According to human rights water supplies has resulted in a 7il % the government licence to produce cergroups, since Kuwait had been liberated vote for its removal. tain vaccines.2,000 Asian maids had managed to This is similar to results in other It seems things just never change.eSGape employers who they claim were shires such as Cons Harbour, Port (Source: New Scientist. 20 February 1993.)regularly raping, assaulting or maltreat Macquarie, Moree, Howlong,ing them. Deniliquin, Ballarat, Drouin where con POMS PRIVATISE WATER(Source: The SQotlifht.14 December, 1992, stituents have been polled as to their The British experiment to privatise Sunshine Coast Daily. 6 April. 1993.) will on the matter. water has proven to be a monumental nightmare. Apart frOm ,the price of water going up, the quality of water in London is now so bad that most people (who can afford it) are buying imported bottled ~ water for drinking. In the past five years, the price of water has risen by almost 50 per cent, and last year prices went up 12.2 per ~. II cent, more than three times the rate of * 1} EO inflatio.D. As a result, the ten private water com panies in England and Wales have issued an aJanning 900,000 ,summonses for non-payment of bills. 21,000 resi a -======-~l-------~ I . dences had their water supply cut last year, an increase of 177 per ,cent on the previous years disconnections. The water companies now want to charge almost double for the removal of $. ..... oA vlL.... pesticides, chemicals and lead from drinking water.6-NEXUS JUNE - JULY 1993
  • 5. G,L$BAl NEWS . ."serving reports from terrorised former lst place-President Bush for various novel uses of language, including calling for "lessmembers of organisations labelled as proliferation of all different kinds of weapons" as the Department of Defense reversed acults by CAN operatives. These often 25-year policy and began supporting arms trade shows around the world.chilling reports are used both to justify Finally, the 1992 George Orwell Award for Distinguished Contribution to Honesty andthe need for CANs expertise in depro Darity in Public Language went to Donald Barlett and James Steele, authors of America:gramming additional members, and to What Went Wrong. The authors received the award for cutting through "the political anddrum 4P business and increase the influ economic doublespeak used to justify the economic policy of the 1980s" to reveal "who isenceofCAN. and isnt paying the price in the 90s." What is mOJe is that CAN has access From the November 20th issue of the Champaign-Urbana News Gazette.through Louis West and others to a Extracted from peg:alt.activism, via Pegasus Networks, Brisbane, Tel: (07) 257 1111.wide variety of intelligence sources.One such source proudly boasting of itsrole in supplying documentation on the I Bosnia. I IWaco IChurch to the BATF is the notorious Theyre raping Lets just Theyre justADL (Anti Defamation League.) the women and wait sitting there Send in The ADL and CAN are tightly inte siaugh~ering the men! and see. doing nothing. the tanKS! ~grated, together with a psychiatristnamed Park Dietz with the behavioural J ~studies unit of the FBI, based out ofQunantico, Virginia. That is the unit ofthe FBI involved in Waco. All in all, the whole thing stinks!(Source: Pegasus Computer Network, vari ous newspapers, EIR Magazine)JUNE - JULY 199"3 NEXUS9
  • 8. NEXUS follow-u 5The Big Project OXYGEN THERAPIES - THE therapies itself was a huge con. Just to The Nexus Hi-Tech Super EMPIRE STRIKES BACK make ,sure they trundled out a couple ofCommunity Project is still on the draw AiDS experts who predictably rub Few people could have missed the bished oxygen therapy but provided noingboard. wave of media and medical attacks on proof. People who have registered their oxygen therapies, particularly ozoneinterest in this project with our office Most viewers of the show noted that therapy, over the last two months. A Current Affair was not able to pro- "will shortly be receiving a report on Using a campaign of lies, smear,progress to date. duce a single person who experienced innuendo and bribery the establishment oxygen therapies that would testify onNexus in the USA media jumped stJ::IDght to the defence of camera that it did not work. The shows Nexus Magazine will now also be both the giant drug companies and their claim that ozone therapy is a financialprinted in the USA to cater to the grow willing sales reps - the doctors. ripoff were left unsubstantiated foring demand of overseas readers and The basic outline of the Phillipines obvious reasons also.subscribers. Our US office will be situ clinic saga is this: Inventor Basil Wainrights credibilityated just outside Chicago in lllinois. Thousands of people have tried oxy was their main evidence that ozone The US edition of Nexus will be gen therapies and are convinced it therapy must be a cruel con.identical to the Australian/New Zealand works. There is an ever growing num Basil Wainright came up with anedition, except in advertising content. ber of people seeking this treatment. invention in the UK that the military Nexus Magazine (US office) A private group of Ibusinessmen wanted, and were legally entitled to 303 Main Street, Box 74 decided to bring the top-of-the-line seize. Wainright refused to sign over Kempton, lllinois ozone machine into Australia after see the patents, was jailed and later USA 60946-0074 ing the medical establishment show no released. He moved to America, and Tel: (815) 2536390 interest in catering to growing requests was raided while testing out his new Fax: (815) 253 6300 for orone treatment. polyatomic aphaeresis unit (ozoneRobert Adams Pulsed Electric Motor The Therapeutic Goods machine). He was later charged withGenerator Administration (TGA) allegedly practidng medicine without a There was and is a huge amount of requested 10 million dollars up front I was telephoned by a gentlemaninterest being generated in the inven before they would begin the process to claiming to be the researcher for Ations and research of Robert Adams in approve it for human use in Australia. Current Affairs programme on Qz.oneNew Zealand. The group of businessmen used therapy. He told me that the brief for Nexus has been contacted by several contacts overseas to establish a fully the show was "to hang Wainright out topeople claiming to have successfully supervised medical clinic on an island dry". I as~ed him why the failed to produplicated some of Robert Adams in the Phillipines. The Sebu Clinic. duce any people prepared to speak outwork. The treatment programme started against ozone therapy after using it - he with an initial batch of patients, many said he couldnt find any such people. Mr Adams sent us a fax just beforegoing to print, which reads as fonows: of whom needed carrying onto the The TGA has been sending letters to plane in the first place. The patients vendors of oxygen therapies related The mystery of magnetism and its experienced such positive improvement products warning them that Ithey may complex behaviour in the new that they have been lobbying for the be contravening the Act. world of advanced science is unrav continuation of their treatment in Channel 7 News also in a predictably elled at last. Australia. sensationalist manner, stormed into the New Zealand inventor after years clinic of one Sydney doCtor who has Last news to hand is that Fairfield of, exhaustive research makes Hospital in Melbourne are considering been practising ozone therapy for years. remarkable discoveries pertaining to testing the ozone machine, on animals, They also were unable to find anyone magnetism and the ether. and that the Phillipine government is from the clinic who was unsatisfied These discoveries will pave the going to continue using the Cebu Clinic with their treatment and prepared to tes way to clean, free energy world for ozone treatment. In other words a tify on camera. wide. lot of people were very impressed with There are now thousands of people Establishment teaLhings will be the treatment results! who have obtained successful results shattered, together with the notions Launching the attack on oxygen ther from using forms oxygen therapy to of Sir Isaac Newton, James Clerk apies Jlnd ozone therapy was A Current treat a wide variety of ailments. Maxwell, Muller and Shaffranke, to Affair. Their first episode on ozone With the discovery that AZT makes name but a few. therapy was basically a character assas no difference in treating AIDS, you Read all about this amazing, sination of one Basil Wainright. By would think that anyone serious about advanced technology in the August alleging that Wainright was a con, the curing AIDS would at least test out the September 93 issue of Nexus. show was also implying that oxygen claims about ozone therapy.JUNE - JULY 1993 NEXUS-"
  • 9. tern (it covered an area of 45,000 square The owner of the field, farmer Werner feet) consisted of seven symbols and 13 Harenberg, assured me he found the pic circles, with a cross in the middle circle togram in such a cleancut, accurate way, representing the ancient German sun sym that he immediately ruled out any possibil bol. The whole structure resembled a ity of a hoax. Tim Schunemann of Goslar Scandinavian rock painting of a Chariot of measured the pattern on 24 July and the Sun, a sacred symbol of the ancient reponed: northern Germans and a symbol for the The circles were nearly perfect. The heavenly chariots of the Nordic gods. longest straight line of the pattern was The site of the pictogram isarchaeologi exactly in an east-west direction. The cally significant. It lies at the foot of the edges were clearly cut; the change from standing Ito lying stalks WitS abrupt. The Thieberg, a hill where the free men met for circles !had nice and symmetric spiral Thing, an early form of parliament. In patterns. The stalks were flattened ,in a immediate proximity we located the clockwise direction and not broken. Wuldenberg, a pagan sanctuary of the Members of the research group great god Wodan, destroyed by EFODON measured radioactivity with a Charlemagne in the late 8th century when Geiger-Muller counter. The resulr the a church was erected. pointer deflected many times with a maxi- The forest between the Thieberg and the mum of .737 microsievert/h- 76% higher Wuldenberg was called the Heilige Holz than the prescribed maximum for work ut of the 26 crop circles and fonna (Holy Forest), a controversial sacred forest0 tions which appeared in Germany during the summer of 1991, themost interesting and complicated one was, of the Gennans up to the late Middle Ages. When a castle governor (Burgvogt) ordered the forest cut down in 1273, he rooms-then fell back. Normally this is impossible because radioactivity is con stant. Was this an authentic pictogram? was killed by the Grasdorf people in. whaJdiscovered by jogg~rs in roe early hours of The evidence speaks for itself. Because resulted as a small civil war. The forest22 luly at Grasdorf near Hildesheim in remained untouched until the 19th centu the formation is located immediately nextLower Saxony. ry. Archaeologists agree that it had been a to the B444, a busy street, hoaxers most The 300 foot long by 150 foot wide pat sacred ground for about 4,000 years. probably couldnt have stayed undetected. One thing is sure-when a promenader passed the field at 11 pm, nothing unusual was seen. At about 1.30 am, Christian Fiedler, from Grasdorf, saw an orange-col ored, pulsating, flashing light hovering over the area in question and ,flying to and fro. At 2 am, other witnesses heard a strange "whooping" sound with intervals similar to but louder and duller than a helicopter. The Grasdorf pictograph received great attention from the media. Hardly a news paper in Germany failed to publish an aeri al photograph of the formation and thou sands came to visit the site. Farmer Harenberg, after reading about the reaction of British farmers, started to ask for an entrance fee of about one pound, and ordered one of his farm workers, a Turk named Chema1 Kucuk, to watch the field and collect th.e money. Many visitors came with dowsing rods or pendulum, Geiger counters or metal detectors. One of them was successful. On 2 August he located metal in three of the circles, the ones surrounded by a half ring. He marked the sites and told Chemal that he was going to ask Mr Harenberg for permission to dig. He soon came back with a mattock and shovel, claiming to have permission and started to dig.NEXUS12 ~UNE - JULY 1993
  • 10. At a depth of two feet he discovered In August, a man calling himself Mr Tubingen Town Attorney Dr Johannesthree heavy, 10-l2-inch diameter metal Hase showed the three discs to the local Roemer Blum to start his own investigaplates fully covered with dirt and soil. He preSs. Together with the editor, he went to tion. In June 1992 he was able to meet Mrshowed them to Chemal, ,the farm worker, a local jeweller. He discovered that the Pfeiffer personally and arrange a metallurand said he was going to tale them to Mr plates were made out of very pure metals, gical examination of the p1&Stes.Harenberg. The man drove away and one of gold, one of silver and the ,third ofnever came back. Instead he called the bronze. The silver was of higher purity The results are attested to by the Germanfarmer on 7 August and sent him a picture than sterling. The gold was so-c-alled "alt Federal Material Inspection Authority.of one of the plates. Amazingly, it was gold, gold of the highest purity. One plate is of a copper/tin alloy withcovered by the same signs which had One of the persons present at the 10-15% tin, 1% nickel, and traces of iron,appeared in the field. . Grasdorf pictogram at the time of Herr less than 0.1 %. When I interviewed Olemal he ruled out Hases digging, a Mr Pfeiffer from the The silver plate consists of the purest silall possibilities of a hoax. The plates were Ruhr area, was able to contact the fmder in ver with traces of iron less than 0.1 %.too deep in the soil, they were too encrust September. He learned the gold plate haded with dirt to be something located there been destroyed to sell it to a local jeweller Although the result is not highly unusufor only a shon time. Indeed, the mysteri for a few hundred thousand Deutschmark. ai, it defmitely rules out any possibility ofous digger came just at the right time, The other two plates sold to Mr a hoax. The plates are much too valuableshonly after the first rain in the area for Pfeiffer for DM50,OOO (about AUD to have been used ,for a mere jok~. Theweeks. A few days before, the ground $45,000). Whether this price was for each ground was too hard for any undiscoveredwould have been too hard for digging. or both, I do not know. digging before or at the time the pictogram Before the pictogram appeared, the In the meantime, the controversial appeared. The field had been watched bywheat field was definitely untouched. German psychic and "channel of the Chemal Kucuk, the Turkish farm worker,Chemal told me he tried to clean the plates Ashtar Command", engineer Hermann Ug and it is defmite that Mr Hase appeared atand that he could recognise there was from Reutlinger, allegedly received a mes the scene the very first day after it rained.something on them. But he couldnt see sage from the space brothers, claiming themore because Ithey were too crusted. "young treasure hunter was inspirationally So, the question remains: Who deposit inslTUcted to find the plates", and that they ed the three plates beneath the formation? According to German law the platesfound on his land are the propeny of Mr were placed there "about 300 years ago on And why? It appears the assumption of anHarenberg, and when spe~ing to the find a former visit of the gods on earth as evi alien component is legitimate. 00er on the telephone, he stressed this point. dence of this extraterrestrial visitation forThe result was that the finder would not the afterworld". According to Ug they Mkh~l;, Hesemann ii5a~tlilti.lra I anthrb~ i~~ir~~iili:~~;tell his name or his phone number and were made out of a "special metal alloyavoided all further contact with the farmer. unknown to terrestrial science".The only thing sure about his identity is a At another channeling on 23 Decemberphotograph taken of him by Chemal. It 1991, Ug declared that "a metallurgical .. -iiUiTibE!(o(-internationaIUFOtonfer{i:shows a man with a moustache in a bluecollar painters outfit. examination could very easily prove their extraterrestrial origin". This inspired the .;.:~E!rl~S~~J:dj5:.~~t~~r.X .JJUNE-JULY1993 NEXUS-13
  • 11. III lit these tsunamis is to watch for earthquakes greater than 8.0 in Califomia, the -Indian Ocean, the Hawaiian islands and Japan, as precursors to tsunamis hitting this land. Then, within 8-12 hours from same, expect them to hit. Q: Can you tell our group here in Australia what changes you see for Tasmania? A: While Australia will lose some of its coastal regions due to ,ris ing ocean levels and tidal waves, land will rise due to a teshifting of the tectonic plates. Tasmania will rejoin the rrtainland-as il was in Lemurian times, some 54,000 years ago. (The Earth Owes Report, #20, May 1993) Q: Do you see wars in, or invasions of, Australia? (M. Jacob, New South Wales) Q: How can we each frnd the best place for ourselves? A: Not as we frnd. Much of the bona of this land was worked A: A simple exercise to do is to place a map in front of you. Close through during World War II. While the world will see a great reli your eyes. It would be best here if you face an easterly direction, gious war shortly (1993-97), it will not spread to Australia or New with the map in front of YOil. Then, place the index fmger of the Zealand. This does not mean, however, that social upheavals will rigin hand outward, and have the index finger touching the thumb, not occur during Tribulation in these lands. How a nation lives so they are joined together, with slight pressure, so that the middle each day d~teonines its own karma. These countries are part of an fIllget points out. Then simply move the hand out in front of the an-cient land that developed much of the plants, flowers and animals map with the eyes closed. You will not know specifically where now present in the earth. As co-creators, much of a spirituall nature you are, but move the hand. Look for a sensation in the shoulder was practised in this land and still remains as an energy in many of blades, up through the spinal column, and into the hand, the arms, the ancient sites. When shortages come, tests will abound. under the armpits. Look for sensations of body activity. When this occurs, then place the hand or the fInger down on the map, and Q: You mention in your tape (Earth Changes Australia) mat 15 explore those areas. For each, this exercise shOUld work best for tidal waves will hit Australia. Where do they originate, where will your own personal growth and development. You will not move they hit, how high will they be, and when will they take place? unless your soul so needs that lesson to move. (R. Parnell, Queensland) ([he Earth Changes Report, #8, May 1992) A: Much has already been given on this. Beginning in the spring/summer of 93, tsunamis will hit Quee.nsland due to Q: How can growers prepare for the earth changes? Californian earthquakes. This occurs several times over a period of A: By understanding the importance of shape in the placement of days and weeks. Some will reach 50 feet ormore. Later in rows, the relationship of sound and colour-how coloured light, Tribulation, 1995-97, tsunamis will hit Western Australia, and and sound, in conjunction with mineralisation, can increase crop Queensland due to earthquakes in the Indian Ocean, Japan, the yield. Also, radial forces, radionics, resonant poles, harmonic radi Hawaiian Islands, South America and United States. Some waves ators need to be studied and applied. These may be used for pest on the eastern coast will reach 15.0 feet or greater. All coastal control, and to bring in the forces of nature, or those elementals that regions of the continent will be affected. govern same. (The Earth Changes Report, #16, January 1993) Q. Will there be any radiation problems in Australia and, if so, to what extent? Q: Is there a way a room or building can be protected or made (Alice C. Tisdale) more positive through the use of crystals or devices? A: All Ilands and oceans shall be affected to some degree during A: Each room has an active and receptive energy fIeld as well as a Tribulation due to the Holy War in Africa, the Middle East and focus point of collective energy. This focus point is dependent on Eastern Europe. Nuclear bombs shall be used in these lands but not the length, width and height of the mom as well as the orientation other lands. However, fallout from this war, as well as a reactor of the room relative to magnetic and gravitational fIeld. There are meltdown in the United States, shall bring contamination to the other forces at play but these are the dominant ones. These forces world similar to Chernobyl. Those with weak immune systems can be modified or tuned through the incorporation of minerals, shall be more affected than others - though not terminal to llife in shapes of ,objects, or devices. If the desire is to balance or focus this land. energy in the centre of the room, then spheres, 2 inches or more, placed in each comer of the room at a point one-third of the dis tance from the ceiling to the floor, m-ay be installed on a small shelf Q: Can you please tell us whether a tidal wave will really hit in the comers between connecting walls. The exact focal point and Sydney and, if so, when is it supposed to happen and how far north placement must be tuned intuitively for maximum resUlt, due to wards will it affect Queensland? slightly modifying factors present in the environment of the (Gianfranca Dal/. Tosco, Queensland) dwelling. The spheres may be clear crystal of ametbY$t. A: As given, tsunamis shaH hit this region often during Tribulation (The Earth Chanzes Report, #18, March 1993) beginning in 93 aOO building in magnitude from 95 onwant. It will affect all coastal regions of Australia to a greater or lesser degree For people wishing to obtain subscriptions or back copie; of The depending on direction of wave, speed, ocean conditions and ter Earth Change; Report, write to: The Matrix Institute, rain, as well as the lunar position and angle of the wave to the RR1 Box 391, Westmoreland, NH 03467, USA. shoreline. It will hit all of Queensland and New South Wales, Tel: 6033994916; Fax: 6033994340. including, of course, Sydney. The warning sign for the fIrst of 14NEXUS JUNE - JULY 199,3
  • 12. - he sun was beating down mercilessly. It was as hot in Texas as it was in Mexico. I T I had crossed the border into Texas at Brownsville a few days before and had stayed at a trailer court that my mother and stepfather owned, though they lived in Arizona. I had promised them that I would look at the trailer court and make sure that the couple they had hired to manage it were keeping it in good condition, After resting for a few days, it was fortunate that myoid pickup truck was sitting in the parking lot After looking under .the hood, and a few trips down to the local auto parts store, I had the truck running and was now on my way across Texas, heading for Arizona. My first main stop was Big Bend National Park in the south-west portion of the state. Texas has its share of mysteries, lost treasure and ancient civilisations. A number of stone heads and pottery figures have been found in texas, including a ceramic figure found near Cisco, Texas, that was identified in 1946 by three professors from the University of Mexico as the figure of the Aztec god of agriculture, Xipe-Totec. They surmised that the head had been made between the 10th and 12th centuries. Larger, sJone heads have been discovered at Cross Plains, Texas, that wore cronical hats and were "very old". Myself, I was after pterodactyls. "Pterodactyl pens? How far are ,they?" I llked. I shielded the sun from my eyes, and looked at the man with a cowboy hat and blue cotton shirt. "Just nearby, across the creek," said the sun-weathered rancher. He had on a brown cow boy hat and a red checkered shirt. I followed him across a bridge that crossed the small creek in front of us and then noticed some rock walls along a cliff. These here are the pterodactyl pens," said the man pointing to the ancient, crumbling structures. "Why do they call them pterodactyl pens?" I asked. "Well, they have these legends around here about pterodactyls," he said. "Ive never seen one around here myself" though. Just in a museum." I stopped and looked at the walls. They were like pens, and since they were against cliffs, they could have been made into cages. Still, they were maybe just the ruins of a SBlall set tlement. Though ptCIOdactyl pens was an intriguing notion, it was less likely an explanalion than others. The subject of living pterodactyls is, however, a fascinating subject, and one that is not to be shrugged off lightly. Strange and persistent legends abound in the south-west of giant winged creatures. These stories have been told since hefore the Spanish arrived and contin ue to this day. Some radical theorists have gone so far as to say than Ithese legends and sight ings can be attributed to still-living flying dinosaurS=to pterodactyls or, more precisely, pterodons. There are literally hundreds of reports of giant birds and flying lizards showing up around the world. And it is a fact that IDe remains of pterodons bave been discovered at Big Bend National Park. The park was the site of th.e discovery of the skeleton of a giant pteranodon in 1975. It had a wingspan of 51 feetlUld is the largest such fossil of a flying reptile so far discpv~ed. Other pterodactyls were sml!J1
  • 13. r I ly elongated tail and an immense pair of wings, was found on the desen between Whetstone andIll. Huachuca mountains last Sunday by two ranch ers who were returning home from the Huachucas. The creature was evidently greatly exhausted by a long flight, and. when discovered was able to fly but a shon distance at a time. After the fUSt shock of amazement had passed, the two men, who were on horseback anet armed with Winchester rifles, regained sufficient courage to pursue the IJloll$ter, and after an excit ing chase of several miles, succeede4 in gettiPg near enough to open fire with their rifles and wound it. "The creature then turned on the men, but owing to its exhausted condition they were able to keep out of its way, and after.a few well directed shots the monster panty rolledl over and remained motionless. The men cautiously approached with their horses snoning in terror and found that the creature was dead. They then proceeded to make an examination and found that it measured about 92 feet in ~ ,. ". length and the greatest diameter was about 50 :;;~J inches. The monster had only two feet, these being situated a shon distance in front of where the wings were joined to the body. The head, as near as they could judge, was about 8 feet long, the jaws being thickly set with strong sharp teeth. . ...... Its eyes were as large as a dinner plate and pro truding about halfway from the head. They had some difficulty in measuring the wings as they were partly folded under the body, but finally got one straightened out sufficiently to get a mea surement of 78 feet, making the total length from " tip to tip about 160 feet. "The wings were composed of a thick and nearly transparent membrane and were devoid of feathers and hair, as was the entire body. The .....:-,. skin of the body Was comparatively smooth and -........ easily penetrated by a bullet. The men cut off a ,::~ ponion of the tip of one wing and took it home ~;~f/ with them. Late last night one of them arrived in this city for supplies and to make the necessary .....~ preparations to skin the creature, when the hide will be sent east for examination by the eminent scientists of the day. The fipder returned early this morning accompanied by several prominent men who will endeavour to bring the strange creature to this city before it is mutilate4." Since no mention of this creature is made in any following issues of the Epitaph, it would seem to be a hoax, possibly created to boost the circulatioll of the paper or enliven a boring weekerally pick up small whales froID the sea. Much of their art and in Tombstone. Especially considering thewo.odcarving depicts exactly such a capture by a Thunderbird. incredible size of this c:reature, it would seem. th~ there was at least some exaggeration involved. Still, one wonders if these two cow Some South American Indians believed that the bird was con boys encountered one of the last of the Thunderbirds.stantly at war with the powers living bene.ath the sea, particularly ahorned serpent, and that it tore up large trees in search of giant There is another variation of this story that says that a photo was taken of a pterodactyl in 1886 when a creature was shot by twogrubs which were its favourite food. cowboys and then nailed to the Tombstone Epitaph wall. The clapping of these giants wings created thunder, s_o they were Accof4ing to the Fonean investigator John Keel, more than 20 peoknown as "Thunderbirds". The Navajo Indians still perfonn their ple have written to him claiming to have seen this photo Qf a deadThunderbird dance, and tell the legends of the cliff monster which pterodactyl nailed to the side of a building in Tombstone. Keellived in a high craggy roost, descending to carry people off to feed claims that he has seen this photo too, but no one can rememberto its YOllJlg. C~ings of what appear to be pterodons can be found where!in Mayan ruins at Tajin, north-eastern Vera Cruz state in Mexico, In his column "Beyond the Known" in the March 1991 issue ofand on a bluff facing the Mississippi River near Alton, Illinois. Fate magazine, Keel discusses this intriguing photograph at length. One amazing story that .appeared in the Tombstone, Arizona, He also quotes from a letter from the son of a Pennsylvania manEpitaph on 26 April 1890~ related: named Roben Lyman who had written numerous articles and books "A winged monster, resembling a huge alligator with an extreme- about the weird and the unknown. Lyman wrote aboutJUNE - JULY 1993 NEXUS17
  • 14. conflicts. Its ostensible purpose was to provide the Allies with reparations to be paid by Germany for WW I. However, it soon became an instrument to funnel money from America and Britain to Hitlers war machine. In May of 1944 during BISs armua) meeting, while young Americans were dying on the Italian beach heads, the fmancial fraternity was deciding what to do with ttre $378 million in gold that the Nazi government had looted from the national banks of Austria, Holland, and Belgium. Some other examples of traitorous activity: 1) While GM was equipping the USAF in 1943, the German GM group was developing and assembling motors for the Messerschmidt 262, the fITst jet fighter in the world. (GM went unpunished after the war; in fact, they were awarded a $33 million tax exemption on profits for its destroyed factories in Germany and Austria by the US government.) tudying government documents obtained through the FOIA,S 2) SKF (Swedish Enskilda Bank) was the colossal ball-bearings Charles Higham entered a most alarming world. He discov trust. Goerings cousin, Hugo von Rosen, and William Ban, Vice ered to his utter dismay and growing contempt the secret Chairman of the War Production Board, were directors of SKF innegotiations, trades, sales, and fmancial dealings that had gone on America throughout the war. Ball-bearings wer.e essential-....tanks,before, during and after the war between COiporate leaders of the Itrucks, planes, armored cars, U-boats, railroads, lITs communicaUnited States and the ftrms of Nazi Germany. tion devices, guns, and bombsights would have been powerless His book, Trading With The enemy, is fined with stories of without them. Therefore, ball-bearings were among the mostsecret trading and funding for anti-war sentiment, among other powerful! weapons of "the fraternity"s (the name iHigham continutraitorous activities. !In his preface, the author asks some extreme ally uses to refer to the men who were overseeing the game ofly poignant questions which we should be asking ourselves in banking on war) sophisticated form of wartime neutrality. SKFrelation to the US-Soviet Union cormection. not only controlled ball-bearings but, since its inception in 1907, it What would have happened if millions of American and British controlled iron ore mines, steel and blast furnaces, foundries, facpeople, struggling with coupons and lines at the gas s.tations, had tories and plants in US, Germany, France, and Britain. The largestlearned that in 1942 Standard Oil of New Jersey managers shipped share of its production was allocated to Germany: 60 per cent.the enemys fuel through neutral Switzerland and that the enemy The all-important Curtiss-Wright Aviation Corporation waswas shipping Allied fuel? Suppose the public had discovered that unable for 15 monUts after Pearl Harbour to secure sufficient ballthe Chase Bank in Nazi-occupied Paris after Pearl Harbour was bearings from SKF, and came close to closing down. Worn balldoing millions of dollars worth of business with the enemy with bearings caUsed crashes that COSt American lives. Large numbersthe full knowledge of the head office in Manhattan? Or that Ford of planes were grounded because of the lag in supply. Batt wouldtrucks were being built for the German occupation troops in do nothing; the inventories at the plant in ~iladelphia were docFrance? Or that Col. Sosthenes lJehn, the head of the international tored to appear that only a few million bearings were ground out,American telephone conglomerate lIT, flew ftom New York to when in fact much more had been produced. And sometimesMadrid to Berne during ,the war to help improve Hitlers commu Goerings cousin, von Rosen, would manufacture incompletenications systems and the robot bombs that devastated London? bearings for Americans that were useless. Investigation. wereOr Ithat 111 built the Focke-Wulfs that dropped bombs on British being implemented, accountancy files and correspondence wereand American troops? Or that crucial ball-bearings were shipped burned, Watergates upon Watergates trying to ascertain who wereto Nazi-associated customers in Latin America with the collusion the traitors in the War Production Board. In the end, Ban and vonof the vice chairman of the US War Production Board, in partner Rosen went without punishment The secret promises with othersllip with (high Nazi official) Goerings cousin in Philadelphia, members of the fraternity were kept. The SKF plants in Swedenwhen American forces were desperately shon of them? Or that and Germany would not be broken down or removed. 00such arrangements were known about in Washington and eithersanctioned or deliberately ignored? Trading With the Enemy Some of it was business as usual and SQme transactions purposes were traitorous, i.e., favouring Hitler and Nazism. An Delacourte Press, NY, USAorganisation that combined these motives was the iBIS (Bank for a book review by Charles HighamInternational Settlements), created in 1930 of the worlds centralbanks andl inspired by Hjalmar Schacht, Nazi Minister of extracted from issue 1 of:Economics, who had ,powerful Wall Street connections. Paranoia - The Conspiracy Reader BIS was created to retain charmels of communication and collu PO Box 3570, Cranston, RI 02910 USAsion between the worlds financial leaders during internationalJUNE - JUILY 1993 NEXUS19
  • 15. he sordid! behaViour. of todays iPharmacel1tic~1 cOlJXlrat.ions T I has been further demonstrated by Dr John BrmthwlUte; now a Trade Practices Commissioner, in his devastltting, Corporate Crime in the Pharmaceutical Industry 1(1984). International bribery and corruption, fraud in the testing of drugs, criminal negligence in the unsafe manufacture of drugs- the pharmaceutical industry has a worse record of law-breaking than any other industry. Dest-Tibing many examples of corporate crime, which shows the depth and seriousness of the crime problem in the pharmaceutical industry, Dr Braithwaites revealing study is based on extensive international research, including interviews of 131 senior executives of pharmaceutical companies in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Mexico and Guatemala. The book shows how pharmaceutical m..ultipationals defy the intent of laws regulating safety of drugs by bribery, false advertis ing, fraud in the safety testing of drugs, unsafe manufacturing processes, smuggling and international law evasion strategies. At the t.ime of researching the subject, Braithwaite was a research criminologi"st at the Australian Institute of Criminology and a Fulbright IFellow affiliated to the University of California, Itvine, and the United Nations Center on Transnational Corporations. Fraud in Drug Testing "Data fabrication is so widespread," says Dr Braithwaite, "that it is called making in the Japanese pharmaceutical industry, g",phit ing or dry labelling in the United States." He further S.tates: Pharmaceutical companies face great temptati.ons to mislead health authorities about the safety 01 their products. It is a make or break industry-many companies get VIrtually all their profits from just two or three therapeutic winners. Most of the data that the Australian Drug Evaluation Committee relies upon in deciding questions of safety and effi cacy is data from other countries, particularly the !.,.IS. Inquiries into scientific fraud in the US have shown there is a substantial problem of fraud in safety testing of drugs in the US, just as has been documented in Japan. ~Emphasis aaded.p In his book Braithwaite cited forrrrer FDA Commissioner Goddard expressing his concerns over research dishonesty at a Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association Meeting in 1966: I have been shocked at the materials that come in. In addition to the prpblem of quality, there is the problem of dishones~y in the investigational new arug usage. I will admit lthere are grey areas in tile IND situation, but the conscious withholding of unfavou.rable animal clinical data is not a grey matter. The deliberate choice of clinical investigators known to be more concerned about industry friendships than in developing good data is not a grey matter. The planting in journals of articles that begin to commercialize what is stilf an Investigational new drug is not a grey matter area. These a.ctionsrun counter to the law and, the efforts governing drug industry [sid]JUNE - JULY i 993 NEXUS21
  • 16. Goddards immediate successor at the FDA, Dr Ley, spoke before desired results that would assist the intended application of thethe US Senate hearings of a spot check that showed up the case of drug. The incentive for clinical investigators to fabricate data isan assistant professor of medicine who had reputedly tested 24 enormous. As much as $1;000 per subject is paid by Amerlcandrugs for 9 different companies. "Patients who died while on clini companies, which enables some doctors to earn up to $1 mUllonca~ rr.ials were not reported! to the sponsor," an audit revealed. a year from drug research,1I and investigating clinjcians know all"Dead people were listed as subjects of testing. People reported lIS too well that if they dont produce the desired data, the loss of futuresubjects of tes.ting were not in the h9spital at the time of tests. work is inevitable.Patient consent forms bore dates indicating they were signed by the University Scientists-The More Than Willing Pawnssubjects after the subjects died.". Braithwaite cited an FDA survey of safety testing violations that Another audit IOQked at a commercial drug-testing finn that had have shown that university laboratories had the worst record for vioapparently worked on 82 drugs and 28 sponsors: lations than all other laboratories in the sur vey.11 Braithwaite writes: Patients who died, left lbe hospital or ." .......,. it~W~l@@i.J~:!M@But";"hatsan, indication? A~ appr?xl- Th~ meffectIveness of the teratogenIc ~%i~~~~,y;~t . . ~h f~N~!;WMh~}f:~l:fj mate Information, merely orientatlvE;.tests IS deJ.1lonstrated bb the f~ct th!lt the 3M;i~t~~f~.-;:~BMf~,~tt~;~i:m;;;:f.:!~t:;~W%jW;V;f4 And ,as the compas~ card ~hows,. an .on~~I~o~~~~~~~~~S~~~gia~~I~d~~:~ef~~ ~~1:IT~~~1~~~iil~~~1[:~,li~,~1l,%~~;[::1i,if1~tirf ~ft~hi~h c~h~~I~t~~/hoen;~g~~ ~r:~o~fmorning sick;pess that caused over 10,000 __ . the many ,wrong directions. And ap ani-grotesque birth deformities) proved very difficult to duplicate on ,.., mal exp~nment C?n!y very rarely FJ?lnts Itoapimals, despite being tested on a large range of species. Wri~ng in ,the nght direction, .and when It does, It IS due to