next star war by teddy lee pugh

The Next Star War Cosmic Conflict By: Teddy Lee

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What is the truth behind the so-called battle of Armageddon? Has an evil fallen angel along with a strong dissident band deceived most of the world into believing theories that are nothing more than heresy? What will the next big world confrontation be like, and exactly where will it be fought? This book reveals the answers to all these questions and more!


The Next Star War

Cosmic Conflict By: Teddy Lee

Teddy Pugh, Next Star War

AAcckknnoowwlleeddggeemmeennttss ttoo tthhee OOnnee wwhhoo ggaavvee mmee tthhee ggiifftt ooff ssccrriippttuurree aanndd hhiissttoorryy ––

YYHHWWHH:: tthhee EEtteerrnnaall OOnnee.. TToo mmyy ppaarreennttss DDaanniieell aanndd MMaalllliiee PPuugghh wwhhoo rraaiisseedd mmee uupp

ttoo ssttuuddyy aanncciieenntt ssccrriippttuurree.. TToo FFrreedd GGiibbbbss wwhhoo hhaass aallwwaayyss eennccoouurraaggeedd mmee iinn mmyy

aauutthhoorrsshhiipp,, aanndd wwhhoo iiss aallssoo mmyy bbeesstt ffrriieenndd,, aanndd ttoo mmyy wwiiffee PPaattssyy SSmmiitthh ffoorr mmaakkiinngg aa

wwaayy ffoorr mmee ttoo sshhaarree mmyy hheeaarrtt wwiitthh tthhee wwoorrlldd..

SSppeecciiaall tthhaannkkss ttoo tthhee lliibbrraarryy aanndd ssttaaffff,, aatt tthhee EEuussttiiss,, FFlloorriiddaa mmeemmoorriiaall lliibbrraarryy --

eessppeecciiaall tthhee nniiccee llaaddyy bbeehhiinndd tthhee ccoouunntteerr -- II ddoonn’’tt eevveenn kknnooww yyoouurr nnaammee??

WWrriitttteenn aanndd pprroocceesssseedd bbyy TTeeddddyy LLeeee

CCooppyyrriigghhtt CC## 22000044--0088 bbyy TT--LL--PP && BBMMII ppuubblliisshhiinngg aallll rriigghhttss rreesseerrvveedd bbyy tthhee


AA TT--LL--PP pprroodduuccttiioonn -- aa ffiinnee aarrttss wwoorrkk ~~ ****@@

Teddy Pugh, Next Star War



CChhaapptteerr OOnnee ~~ SSaattaann’’ss GGaammee

CChhaapptteerr TTwwoo ~~ PPllaanneettaarryy MMiiggrraattiioonn

CChhaapptteerr TThhrreeee ~~ SScciieennccee ooff AAnnttiiqquuiittyy

CChhaapptteerr FFoouurr ~~ SScciieennccee ooff CCrreeaattiioonn

CChhaapptteerr FFiivvee ~~ DDaayyss ooff VViissiittaattiioonn

CChhaapptteerr SSiixx ~~ AAnncciieenntt AAssttrroonnaauuttss

CChhaapptteerr SSeevveenn ~~ WWaarr IInn HHeeaavveenn

CChhaapptteerr EEiigghhtt ~~ FFiinnaall FFiinnaallee



**[[TThhee HHeebbrreeww nnaammee YYHHWWHH--YYaahhwweehh iiss uusseedd iinn tthhiiss bbooookk]]

Teddy Pugh, Next Star War


Daddy’s old holy bible - the King James Version of the English bible, @C-1962 by

world publishing. [Thanks Dad for studying with me]

The Old Testament Pseudepigraph apocalyptic literature and testaments, edited

by James H. Charles- worth C@ 1983 by double day and company.

The nine works of Eric Von` Daniken!

UFO evidence> Rendlesham forest / Bent waters ~ UFO evidence. Org

Joseph F. Blumrich - The Spaceships of Ezekiel - Bantam Books - 1974

Also see my new works - Apocalypse, Reference Point, the 7th Dimension, and

Cimah - Cesil

Teddy Pugh, Next Star War


Once, long ago, there was a star war in the heavens above the earth! An awesome

display of technical might and power - that left the earth abandoned, full of darkness, and in

ruins. Upon the arrival of humans - the fallen watchers - who were to originally keep the

earth pure & holy - seduced the thoughts of the new race - thus changing the course of the

newly renovated earth.

Then there was a global deluge, as a result of the deeds of the corrupted ones - it

would seem that the intermixture of genetic material brought great evil upon all mankind!

Then the great traveler came in the form of human flesh - to redeem the fallen seed, by the

sacrifice of His own body!

The fallen angels while still in charge of their original home, seek to sway humanity

into another confrontation with the Ancient One Of Old - a custards last stand, fought in the

heavens. Another star war is now knocking at the door of the 3rd

planet; so all the prophets

have spoken - so shall it be! As for the evidence - all civilizations speak loud their


The Next Star War

Chapter One ~ Satan‟s Game

(Study Luke chapter 17, and verses 26-37; Jeremiah chapter 26)

It seems to be a fact, that, the majority of the world is geared up for a final

confrontation in the middle-east, and experts in the field of prophecy have their eyes glued

on the infamous valley of Megiddo. They are indeed looking for all the nations to be

gathered together in this valley for the notorious battle of Armageddon. However, the bible

does not reveal to us any such battle! The bible relates to us a battle, which in Revelation 16

and verses 13-16, is termed, the battle of the great day of God Almighty, or Yahweh

Elohim! Satan has disillusioned the inhabitants of earth, into looking for a war between

nations, and it is all a part of his grand scheme to toss, out the window of truth, all the real

issues concerning the prophetic framework of the time of the end.

In every passage, dealing with the 2nd

advent of Christ, the bible relates to us, one

very visible and audible 2nd

coming, to the maximum extent of exhorting His disciples not

to be suckered in on any doctrine relating to a secret appearance, or of any kind of

proclamation of a messiah in secret chambers. Then expounds, that, as the lightning

shineth out of the east, even to the west, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be!

In the words, of both Christ and the prophets, on this particular issue, all announce to us

that those who do not go back with Christ will remain in their graves, or lie dead upon the

ground, for the great fowled supper of Yahweh! The brightness of His coming has either

transformed them, or killed them - and they remain that way until after the thousand years

of Sabbatical rest! (See Revelation chapter 19 and 2nd

Thessalonians chapter 2; 3-9)

Satan has deceived the majority of the church world into believing the theory of the

secret rapture; a 7 year tribulation period; and a breaking of the treaty with Israel in the

middle of the last week of Daniel. Nothing could be further from the truth! This

interpretation of prophecy was devised by the Catholic Jesuit priests, in and around the

middle of the 14th

century, to take the spotlight away from the historical abominations of

the mother-church; or the Great Whore; Mother Of Harlots, and Abominations Of The

Earth - found in Revelation chapter 17! Yahweh pronounced, in Daniel chapter 9, and

24-27, a 70 week period of probationary time on Judah as a chosen nation. The futuristic

interpretation of prophecy takes the last week, of the 70 weeks, and places it thousands of

years into the future, and this my friend IS HERESY! The whole prophecy deals with

Christ the Messiah, and the 70 weeks, or 490 years in prophecy, extends from 457

B.C.(Ezra chapter 8) to 33 A.D. when the gospel went to the gentiles. In the middle of the

last week, around 29-30 A.D., on Calvary Christ took His last breath, and the veil of the

temple was rent in twain from top to bottom; thus causing the sacrifice and the oblation to

cease! After 69 weeks, in 26 A.D., Christ began His earthly ministry, and fulfilled the first

3 and one half years of the 70th

week of Daniel! (If you don‟t believe me - see my book -

Apocalypse - exposing Satan‟s network; and you will then know that there is only one

coming of Christ; a final battle - fought in the heavens; just immediately following the

pouring out of the 7 last plagues on Modern-Day-Babylon! For now, though, let us put all

our efforts into examining the details surrounding the so-called battle of Armageddon, and

this will also require of us a small, but exciting, journey inside the world of the Scientific


Teddy Pugh, Next Star War

Chapter Two ~ Planetary Migration

(Study 2nd

Corinthians 4&18, and Genesis chapter 6)

How old is our universe? How old are the galaxies that make up our physical

cosmos? How old is our immediate solar system? Finally, how old is our planet? It could

be, that, our visible cosmos is much younger than what was formerly believed! Anyone

who has any knowledge at all of stellar evolution understands that science uses old

galaxies, such as Quasars, to estimate the age of the universe. However, drawing

conclusions from painstaking observation of visible matter is as tricky as predicting the

weather, human behavior, or calculating both the exact speed and location of the electron.

Physical matter packs with it the mark of uncertainty! Even with our best radar freak

storms pop up that were simply not in the daily forecast. A person you may have known the

best part of your life, for no apparent reason, suddenly goes on a murder rampage, or

collapses form a nervous breakdown; so it would seem, that, the universe itself is governed

by uncertainty; therefore predicting the outcome of any one event, and or calculations

pertaining to any one event, cannot be totally relied upon! So what‟s the answer? There

may not be a accurate answer to anything within the visible realm. We might say that all

things are uncertain and therefore unpredictable.

There is, however, some good news. According to modern scientific theory, it

would seem that invisible matter is holding everything that is seen together, taking it down

a predictable course, and shedding new light on the meaning of such words as life and

cosmos. The implications of the invisible, creating and maintaining the visible spectrum, is

indeed very intriguing, and among other things can give us a better spiritual awareness, or a

better knowledge of our earliest ancestors, and bring in the ideal of planetary migration;

thus elevating the true history behind the very early earth! This also will bring us to the

realization, that, life did not start here on this planet. The billions of stars, systems, and

worlds, have been supporting life for countless eons in earth years. When we are speaking

of our ancestors, we are not particularly speaking of earthlings; we are instead speaking of

humanlike forms that inhabited other worlds - perhaps in the far regions of the milky way

or beyond! If this holographic model of the universe is correct, and everything in the

universe is interconnected - then we share in the genes of the Gods themselves! We are, in

fact, the composition of prior intelligent life forms, and the worlds they formerly inhabited!

Another shiny side to the coin, is the fact, that, any species who becomes threatened

by sudden environmental changes, will either adapt, or migrate to, a better more suitable

habitat in order to survive - we all know this to be true. Changes in temperature, water, and

depletion in overall natural resources will cause any species to find a better place to hang

out! Can you see where I‟m going with this? When a planet becomes plagued by war,

pollution, overpopulation, and a general depletion in natural life-supporting elements - you

either find another planet, or cease to exist! This is why I believe that our ancestors became

very skilful at harnessing great power, so they could successfully mold and maintain

planets-which is why we are here today! They were space-travelers! They were migrates

from many worlds, and just as we shall see in the next chapter, shared with us a pure

science that we have for the most part abandoned!

Teddy Pugh, Next Star War

Chapter Three ~ Science of Antiquity

(Study the 1st 3 chapters of Genesis; 1

st chapter of St. John, and 1

st chapter of Hebrews)

Science is the study of matter, elements, their constituents, and the physical laws

that govern events in motion. It is also the study of the physical components & cycles of

heavenly bodies, and is broken up into separate branches such as; astronomy, physics,

cosmology, chemistry, astrophysics, subatomic physics, biology, just to name a few! In

other words, it is the study of visible matter that yields life and substance, so one could

conclude in saying - it is the study of the entire physical universe.

Now let us venture beyond this present realm to a world of a bran-new science. Let

us picture in our minds a science that we conventionally know little about. Let us think

upon it as the science of antiquity, or the new science. It is, for all practical purposes, the

science of our most distant ancestors. We did not arrive on this planet by accident! It was a

pre-calculated scientific endeavor, carefully planned and executed by our forefathers, the

GOD‟S from many worlds! This is the most logical conclusion anyone can suffice from the

preponderance of the evidence left behind by all prior intelligent civilizations! For since

the dawn of time lost cultures, cities, and empires, have left behind traditional clues

pointing to the fact of our extraterrestrial origins! Ancient Sumerians, Assyrians, Mayans,

and Babylonian cultures, all record similar events of fiery chariots in the heavens, and all

give their unique account of the curse in paradise, the great deluge, of which Noah and

Melchizedek survived, the one by instruction, and the latter by a space craft! Since it is not

the scope of this book to get bogged down in the area of archeology - let me simply

Teddy Pugh, Next Star War

refer to you the reader the 9 works of Eric Von Daniken.

In Eric‟s, according to the evidence, chapter 5, page 280, and paragraph 2, he wrote

this, “…all that remains is the hands of the extraterrestrials, whom people called gods in the

oldest traditions. A planned creation could have only come from thinking brains of

intelligent beings with a standard of knowledge far beyond our own. Undoubtedly mankind

by continuous research can also reach this stage in the very distant future. But we could be

close to the goal we seek for, if we included the unthinkable into our world picture!”

Here Von Daniken has pretty much summed up what this chapter is trying to relate

to you the reader. Without the inclusion of the unthinkable, that which we have abandoned,

we will never fully reach the level of super-intelligence that was once imparted to, and

meant for us! For we were originally created with this knowledge, but through a series of

events we lost our insight, then somewhere down the road we lost out on the pure science,

which is now to us a LOST SCIENCE! So that at best our technology today is not even a

good remake of an old star trek episode! The most obvious reason why we earthlings took

the wrong scientific path can be logically deduced from the ancient Hebrew scrolls -

namely the books of Enoch 1&2, which by the way, are some of Von Danikens favorite

writings. In 1st Enoch chapters 6&7, is recorded the fall of celestial angels. Heavenly

beings who intruded on the genetics of YHWH‟S creation, by taking unto them daughters

in the flesh, and bearing children in the earth! Then in chapter 69, he gives the names of 20

angels who misguided humanity away from the pure knowledge that was once revealed to

them. He also gives a list of their misdeeds, of how one taught humans the weapons of

warfare, and another magical art, incantations, and or spiritualism. They corrupted the

purity of the human gene pool, and lead us down the road to scientific calamity!

Enoch, the 7th

from the original project, rejected the teachings of these renegade

angels. He became the one that Yahweh entrusted to mediate for them, and to warn them of

impending doom - in the form of a great flood, (Enoch chapter 12). They were the watchers

over created humans, but defiled themselves with flesh. They revealed to us secret things

that Yahweh did not intend for us to know. These things were not in our best interest; for

they were the corrupted counterparts of everything Yahweh stood for! The path He had

chosen for us was of purity, honesty, and that of an eternal existence, (Enoch chapter 9). In

Enoch chapter 16, it is recorded that to the watchers were not revealed all the secrets of the

heavens, but only the rejected ones. These rejected secrets were the ones taught to human

women, whom they bore children to; thus multiplying those evil deeds upon the face of the

entire earth! Again Enoch rejected the evil and instead walked with Yahweh, and as we

shall see in succeeding chapters, became the 1st human to be transported into outer space -

where he himself became like one of the Eternal Ones! He now forever dwells within the

realm of the science of antiquity.

Teddy Pugh, Next Star War

Chapter Four ~ Science of Creation

(Study the books of Enoch)

The science of creation is the study of energy. The science of energy can be summed

up in Albert Einstein‟s infamous equation - E=MC-2. The equation simply put is energy is

equal to mass times the constant of light, 186,000 miles per second, squared. Another law

of the science of energy is, that, energy and mass are neither created nor destroyed, but are

transformed, or are interchangeable; and the amount of overall energy produced, in one

form or another, remains the same. It takes matter to create energy and energy to create

matter. That simply means that everything visible to us came from the energy realm that we

cannot see! This means that the universe was created from a dimension enshrouded in great


Think of this, upon detonation of a H-1 bomb, the hydrogen atom is mechanically

split, thus producing a vast array of energy levels rich in beta-alpha-and gamma radiation.

To simplify, pockets of electrons have gone wild in different domains of frequency, and

gamma rays are at the far end of the electromagnetic spectrum. The 1st category of which is

visible light. A single hydrogen atom, the simplest of all elements, has in fact produced

enough energy to completely devastate an entire city like N.Y., and created enough

radiated energy to reek major havoc to about a 1/3rd

of the U.S. for a long period of time.

This is made possible by a process known as hydrogen fusion. It is a cycle of energy mass

transfer in which every second tons of hydrogen and helium are being converted into vast

amounts of solar energy that covers every energy band in the electromagnetic

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spectrum. This is truly an amazing process!

Energy is everywhere, and it‟s origin of existence is the beginning of matter. We

humans eat to give us nourishment and energy for work, play, sound health, and to

maintain our existence. Energy is all around us. When we flip on a light, with a light

switch, electrons are stripped from their normal orbits, around their nuclei, being enhanced

to a more excited state. On their way back to ground they emit photons of light in the

visible band of the spectrum.

The basic laws of energy-matter-space-time in motion are the framework on which

the entire universe was built upon. They are the infrastructure to the blueprint of all life and

material substance. Therefore there must be an architect! WHY NOT? No human project

has ever been successful without first a blueprint, or a schematic diagram. If we begin to

build a simple dog-house, we 1st at least visualize what we want it to look like. We then

proceed to create it just to suit our own taste. Well then, it is only safe to say that the visible

cosmos had a master designer. The visible domain is to us real, and science tells us that it

takes energy to create matter. Then the billion dollar question still remains, in my head

anyway - where did the energy come from to create the universe? Answer - there must be

an unseen energy source, a huge cosmic web of mass-energy convergence; a super

intelligence from a world, that, like energy itself, is a phenomenon not easily


In order to get some kind of an understanding of this energy source - we must once

more turn our attention to the ancient scrolls of the books of Enoch. In the 2nd

book of the

apocalypse of Enoch is recorded the taking away of Enoch into the heavens by 2

Teddy Pugh, Next Star War

angels. He is taken up into different levels in the heavens: The 1st, 2

nd, 3

rd, 4

th, 5

th, 6

th, and

finally the 7th

heaven. With each level he is shown the different offices of heavenly beings,

and the workings of the firmament, sun & moon, solar systems, and then galaxies. Upon

his arrival to the 7th

heaven a dramatic series of spectacular events are recorded. In chapter

20 of 2nd

Enoch, he 1st sees an exceptionally great light, and fiery chariots. He sees armies

of the archangels, the cherubim and the seraphim, many thrones of regiment stations and he

was terrified! They showed him Yahweh from a distance (10th

heaven) - which in the

Hebrew is called Aravoth. Now the 2 angels leave him at the edge of the 7th

heaven as the

archangel Gabriel carries him like a leaf to stand before the Eternal One. He records His

appearance as being incomprehensible, strange and indescribable, and of the countless

beings with constant singing. What a magnificent scene! Then Michael at the command of

Yahweh changes his raiment, and anoints him with oil that shines as the sun, and he

becomes like one of the glorious ones. Then YHWH summons an archangel named

Vervoil, a special recording angel, and is told to equip Enoch with blank books, and a

special pen for speed writing. Then Vervoil instructs him for 30 days and nights. He never

stopped speaking, and Enoch rested not until he had completed 366 books - wow-wee!

Now after these things, YHWH asked Enoch to set on His left with Gabriel, and He

spoke with Enoch face to face! Second Enoch chapter 24 records, “Enoch, whatever you

see, and whatever things are standing still or moving around were brought to perfection by

me. And I myself will explain it to you! Before anything existed at all, from the very

beginning, whatever exist I created from the nonexistent, and from the invisible the visible.

[listen Enoch and pay attention to these words of mine.] For not even to my angels have I

explained my secrets, nor related to them their origin, nor my endlessness

(inconceivableness), as I devise the creatures, as I am making known unto you today. *For

before any visible things had come into existence, I, the one, moved around in the invisible,

yes, in the invisible things, like the sun (moves) from east to west and from west to east.

But the sun found rest in himself, yet I did not find rest because everything was not yet

created. And I thought up the idea of establishing a foundation to create a visible creation.

Chapter 25; and I commanded the lowest things; “let one of the invisible things descend

visibly! And Adoil descended, extremely large, and I looked at him, and, behold in his

belly he had a great light. And I said to him „disintegrate yourself, Adoil, and let what is

born of you become visible! And he disintegrated himself, and there came out a very great

light. * And I was in the midst of the great light, and light out of light is carried thus. And

the great age (time) came out, and it revealed all the creation which I had thought up to

create. And I saw how good it was. And I placed for myself a throne, and I sat down on it.

And then to the light I spoke: you go up higher (than the throne), and be solidified, much

higher (than the throne), and become the foundation of the highest things; and there is

nothing higher than the light except nothing itself… and I looked upward from my


These writings are in accordance with the understanding of modern scientific

models of the universe. All things are interconnected, or are one, and all things seen, were,

and are made by things not seen. This is the unseen world of energy, that dwells in the

invisible spectrum. This, among other things, tells us, that, the great architect is a being of

science and energy, and He has designed us to be the same! We are His

Teddy Pugh, Next Star War

masterpiece in the visible realm. It is also evident that we are relevant to Him, and it is

when we begin to realize this, that we can better understand our origins, destiny, and the

implications behind the future of our race.

Teddy Pugh, Next Star War

Chapter Five ~ Days of Visitation

(Refer to any reliable bible dictionary or encyclopedia on Mayan and Babylonian history

from archeological data)

When speaking of the genesis of modern thought, we must further examine the

records kept by ancient civilizations, in order to lay somewhat of a foundation based on

live testimony. Upon examination we find that the records show a harmony between

archeology and ancient history. They give us vital clues to our past, and give us several

parallel accounts of our 1st ancestors, namely, the development of those 1

st intelligent


In the ancient Hebrew account is recorded that a being or beings (let us make man),

put, or placed, humans in a garden called Eden. Eden then was in and around what we call

now the Fertile Crescent, or the Tigris-Euphrates river valley. The record tells how this

traveler gave to our early ancestors a rich environment, pure and clean, and free from

pollutants, and or contaminants. They gave us some sort of moral code to live by, and the

knowledge through maintenance of the earth - to live forever. Somehow they failed the

planter of this new world, shared knowledge became corrupted, which eventually lead to

what we know to be death.

In the scientific world this kind of explanation to the origins of modern humans is

ridiculed, and thrown into the giant heap of ancient myth. Is it indeed only myth? Or are

there basic underlying truths which must be considered? If the Hebrew account is the only

record we have to origins of humans, then we are most definitely standing on shaky

ground, when it comes to convincing the agnostics, or the devoted scientist. But praise be

Teddy Pugh, Next Star War

to Yahweh it is not the only document that points toward the same story!

During the reign of Hammurabi the great, and beyond that to the Sumerians, were

written on 7 clay tablets the 7 cantos of creation. They were discovered between 1847 &

1876, and recovered from Assyrian emperor Ashurbanipal‟s library in Nineveh. Tablet one

tells of matter, and all things existing in its uncreated state. Tablets 2&9 tell how Marduk is

selected to battle with the great evil Tiamat (chaos). Tablet 4 shows he is selected from his

ability to remake a destroyed garment. Tablet 5 describes Marduk‟s setting up of the

heavenly bodies to give light. Tablet 6 gives the creation of man from the blood of Kingu,

Tiamat‟s commander in chief. Tablet 7 shows Marduk now as the chief of Babylon for his

role in creation, and for his triumph against the forces of evil. The record kept by these

civilizations is similar to the Hebrew text. There are 7 cantos of creation, or 7 days of

creation, and the setting up of heavenly bodies. The remaking of a garment is a reference to

the refashioning of the earth after being wreaked by the 1st star war - in preparation for

humans. Man being created from the blood of a god, as compared to man being brought

forth from the dust, or elements of the earth. Indicating a advanced cloning process of

which we humans are starting to become familiar with.

A similar parallel to the Hebrew account describes for us the fall of man which is known

as the myth of Adapa. It was discovered on 4 cuneiform fragments, 3 from Ashurbanipal‟s

library in the 7th

century B.C., and one from the archives of Amenhotep the 3rd

and 4th


Amarna, Egypt from 1375 B.C. They center within the ideal of the tree of life, or we might

say a family tree. In the same respect we have the flood tablets telling us of a global deluge

that was revealed to Enoch, as a result of genetic contamination, and

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then revealed to his grandson Noah. The oldest of these is the Sumerian dating back about

2,000 B. C. The Babylonian is recorded later in the 11th

book of the epic of Gilgamesh. The

Hebrew was probably recorded between the 2 around 14-1,500 B.C.. All three records are

remarkable similar in detail, even to the sending out of birds from the ark!

Is there any truth to these old records? Also, what does all this have to do with the topic of

another star war - answer - EVERYTHING!

There is much more information contained in ancient records other than the 3 basic

points of - creation - a fall - and a flood! It seems that each of these civilizations give a

similar account of being visited by travelers from other worlds! Cosmonauts in all shapes,

sizes, and forms, seem to have firmly resided in the artwork of all our 1st ancestors. There

exist cylinder seals, cave impressions, sculptures, tablets, and scrolls, all molding for us the

shape and nature of our origin and destiny, and providing for us those very 1st encounters of

the unusual kind. The complete record is spread out over the face of the entire earth; being

separated by thousands of miles and sometimes thousands of years. The inhabitants of

earth bear witness to the same inevitable conclusion - extraterrestrials are responsible for

us being here, and they are our true ancestors! The Indians, Assyrians, Sumerians,

Babylonians, Hebrews, and many others, give similar accounts of flying vessels and of

their occupants. These visitors were sometimes described as beings of light, and that of

lightning and storm. Sometimes described as a blend of man and animal, or with wings,

and many times depicted in astronaut suits, strange gear, helmets, goggles, and other

gadgets. In light of these many witnesses there can be only one conclusion - our earliest

civilizations were visited by interplanetary travelers. The evidence is overwhelming, and

the record speaks for itself. It seems they have blessed us with many visits, and have spent

an abundance of time preoccupied with earth‟s inhabitants.

And so what does all this mean? Well the answer must be obvious - there are armies in

charge of this earth! Powers at play that we know little about and they are responsible for

the visible creation! But before we see how all this is relevant to the ultimate destiny of

mankind, let‟s travel back and examine some recorded activities of the Eternal One and His

band of astronauts.

Teddy Pugh, Next Star War

Chapter Six ~ Ancient Astronauts

(Study Hebrews 11&5, and 1st Enoch chapter 14)

Many people today, insists that at some point in their life, they experienced

abduction, encountered flying ships, and or made contact with alien beings. This is nothing

new to us, we have heard so much lately about UFOS and aliens that we simply don‟t give

it a lot of thought. However, when we discover that it has happened to the oldest of human

specimens, our curiosity is aroused, and the whole topic becomes much more appealing.

Moses wrote about the star of this book, Enoch, who walked with Yahweh for 300 years,

keeping a record of all his encounters with this being, and of shared technology. Before his

final abduction he gave it to his son Methuselah, which is Greek for man of the missile. In

the New Testament Paul wrote that something out of the ordinary did happen to Enoch.

Hebrews 11&5 reads, “by faith Enoch was translated that he would not taste death, and was

not found for Yahweh had translated (transported) him! In 1st Enoch chapter 14, he tells of

traveling to other worlds & firmaments. He gives the report of being born up into the

heavens, to a huge structure of crystal, crystal walls, floors, the path and position of stars in

the ceiling, with fiery chariots in between(smaller ships), and the doors burned with

fire(shuttle bays). Enoch had been transported to a huge command module set in orbit

about the earth, and according to the record this was a place he had been taken to many

times. There he was taught of a final judgment when Yahweh would return with all His

host, and take vengeance on the fallen ones who lead out in earth‟s rebellion. One New

Testament writer vindicates the non-canonical book by quoting from it in his own work

which was accepted into our present compilation. I‟m speaking of the book of Jude and this

The Next Star War

is how it reads, “verses 14&15 specify, “Behold the LORD cometh with 10,000‟s of His

saints to execute judgment upon all.“ He was shown the corruption of the earth and told of

the 5 beings that mislead the mind and soul of man. These were the chiefs of their angels,

and he was given their names, thus learning of the exact nature of their resistance - of the

leaders of 100, 50, and of 10. In addition Enoch was taught many parables, and he was in

constant communication with Yahweh for 300 years! He gives detailed analysis of the

orbits of the planets, and the nature and workings of the heavens. How could he have

gained such knowledge by normal human reasoning? Answer - he could not! Luckily for us

he recorded his knowledge and abductions, and gave it into the hand of his 1st born son,

about 4-6,000 years before the physical birth of Yahweh!

Enoch is not the only person in antiquity to make contact with the Gods. By the

hand of Methuselah shared knowledge was passed down to Noah. Then after the flood

passed on down to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joshua, and then on down the line to us! Then

after the death of Joseph there arose an Egyptian king who knew not Yahweh. It was at this

point that Moses, born a Hebrew, but raised up an Egyptian, learns of his ancestry, leaves

his royal estate, and flees into the land of Midian. It is there Moses becomes a shepherd

over his father-in-laws flock. It is there he converses with the God of the Hebrews

(YHWH) in order to find out his true purpose and the fate of his people. One day while

tending his flock he wonders high on top mount Horeb. Suddenly at a distance he sees a

bright light burning. As he grew closer he noticed the light had the appearance of fire

enshrouded within a bush. A voice comes forth from the fire speaking words of comfort for

the Hebrew race, and telling him he had been chosen to deliver His people

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out of Egyptian slavery. Moses returns to Egypt, and through signs and wonders, leads the

people out of bondage toward the land promised by YHWH. Along their journey from

Egypt to Canaan (around the location of Eden), the vast host came to pitch camp at the base

of Mt. Sinai. It was here Moses was summoned to the top of the mountain, and communed

for 40 days with the light that he had spoken to on top Mt. Horeb. After his encounter the

Hebrew people could not bare to look on the appearance of Moses (2nd

Corinthians 3&7),

for his countenance shown bright, and a veil was used over his face. Also, the people below

witnessed a mountain on fire, trembling and shaking with lightning and immense thunder,

Exodus 19&16. After the 40 days, Moses comes down from the mountain with the code of

ethics that was delivered to our earliest ancestors.

What was the light burning bright that as a common shepherd visited Moses on top

Mt. Horeb, and then again after the deliverance on Mt. Sinai; that followed them as a cloud

by day and a pillar of fire by night? In light of Enoch‟s encounters it could have only been

a small ship or probe sent from the command module in orbit about the earth! The captain

of the ship is conversing with Moses about lost information buried during those long years

of Egyptian slavery. Yahweh was reiterating His code of love, and the covenant He had

once made with all those old patriarchs.

Another Hebrew prophet prophesied about a 1,000 years before the birth of Christ,

and at a time when all of Israel had forsaken the law of YHWH, and began to practice the

pagan customs of the nations around them. These nations worshipped strange images

passed down from antiquity, but originated from the angels that corrupted the earth. It

The Next Star War

could be that these images were a futile attempt to reproduce the likeness of the fallen

angels and their offspring. Nonetheless, the fact remains that they do seem to permeate

ancient cults, but were not a part of ancient Hebrew religion. The 2nd

instruction of the 10

commandments was to not worship any graven image. This meant the image of anything,

and it goes on to say; whether in heaven, or on earth, or in the oceans, thou shall not bow

down to any likeness of anything! The worshipping of heavenly bodies always

accompanied pagan rituals, but in the eyes of Yahweh all of these things are an

abomination unto Him. The prophet Elijah warned all Israel about impending doom for

participating in the honoring of strange gods, and after his prophecies were finished it is

recorded that he departed into the heavens in a chariot of fire, or unknown craft, (1st Kings

chapter 2 and verse 11). I find this very interesting for the same is written of Enoch being

taken away in a similar manner.

One of the most interesting and profound encounters is recorded by the prophet

Ezekiel around 600 B.C.. In chapter 1, Ezekiel begins his vision by describing disruptions

in the atmosphere - storm, strange lightning, and a fire engulfing itself. Right there next to

the river Chebar, Ezekiel beholds, and from the cloud appeared a wheeled craft, and the

likeness of 4 occupants. He writes that the operation of the craft was like a wheel in a

wheel, fascinating!

Joseph F. Blumrich, in charge of construction and research, at NASA uses his

knowledge to prove that Ezekiel‟s ship is real. He wrote, “I have discovered that Ezekiel‟s

spaceship has very credible dimensions. Here are the dimensions of the ship described by


Specific impulse = 1 sp = 2,080sec.

Fuel for return journey - wg = 36,700kg

Diameter of the rotor - dr = 18m

Total power developed by rotor - n = 70,000hp

Diameter of the spaceship proper - d= 18m (see figure-1)

It is also worthy to note, that, Blumrich concluded that the evidence shows a

spacecraft in connection with a mother ship, and with a captain in command. Ezekiel is

abducted by this flying machine, and shown all the abominations of the children of Israel.

There are many other recorded encounters of the Hebrew kind! The prophet Daniel made

contact with these extraterrestrials a few hundred years later by the hiddekel river. In this

particular passage is clearly told of 3 personages described as beings of lightning and

brightness. They appear unto Daniel around the time of the evening oblation, 3:00 p.m.

(Daniel chapter 10). Still holding to Yahweh‟s original purpose for humans, here he is seen

as a prophet of desperation, being now 21 days without food or drink, and begging YHWH

for an answer concerning the future of the Jewish nation. Weak, sick, and at the point of

total system failure, there swiftly appears 3 beings, one of which was sent to touch and

strengthen him. He is then shown the return of his people back from Babylonian bondage,

back to rebuild Jerusalem, and is shown the future calamity of this modern age - what a

amazing account!

Where all of these men of old loosely wired and plum off their rockers? Were all of

these accounts just figments of their imagination? This is not likely to be the case! Like I

stated earlier, the Hebrew account is not all we have to go on! We have the puzzles

surrounding the great pyramids, the huge statues of Easter Island, the mysteries of

Stonehenge, the ancient Japanese sculptures of 5,000 years ago, the airport of the gods - the

huge landing strip at Nazca in Peru, and the testimony of all prior intelligent civilizations.

All of these things draws a distinct line in continuity of record, and establishes the fact,

that, they were, at different times and places, visited by travelers from other worlds! So

now we come to the question of what does all this mean for the future of humans and our

planet? To answer that we must go beyond the history of modern civilization to the period

surrounding the 1st STAR WAR. (See figure 2)

Teddy Pugh, Next Star War

Chapter Seven ~ War In Heaven

(Study Isaiah chapter 14, and Ezekiel chapter 28)

Eons ago, an intergalactic war took place in the immediate solar system around

planet earth. This 1st star war was between the gods - heavenly beings fighting for

supremacy clustered together from many worlds, and separated by thousands of millions of

light years. It would seem by the evidence, that, the issue of the battle was the moral code

of YHWH. [That doesn‟t seem to be to far off base. For we see the same issue being of

paramount importance in today‟s world. In the past 2 decades many leaders holding

political office have been imprisoned for refusing to remove this code from their office and

courthouse walls. Recently, there has been an effort by the ACLU to remove the code from

the white house lawn. Also, this law is still a part of our world judicial system!] This battle

took place in the vicinity of earth due to the fact, that, the original inhabitants of this planet

were the ones to 1st rebel and declare war on the hierarchy elsewhere in the universe. They

mustered their chariots and forces against the chariots of Yahweh in the attempt to

dethrone Him. They claimed He was an unjust God, and that His moral code was unfair.

This is evident from the prophet Isaiah‟s record of that battle. Isaiah chapter 14 and verses

12-17 reads like this, “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer son of the morning!

How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in

thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will

set also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above

the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most high. Yet thou shall be brought down to

hell, to the sides of the pit… is this the man that made the earth to

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tremble, that made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof…“

The name Lucifer means light-bearer. He was an archangel of YHWH. He was

created one of the guardians of the mercy seat, or the throne of God. We find the details in

the book of Ezekiel chapter 28, and verses 13-19, “thou hast been in Eden in the garden of

YHWH;… thou art the anointed cherub that covered; I have set the so; thou was upon the

holy mountain of Yahweh… and I will destroy you O covering cherub, from the mist of the

stones of fire! Your heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thy hast corrupted thy

wisdom by reason of thy brightness: I will cast thee to the ground, I will lay thee before

kings, that they may behold thee”. Here we can easily see that this being of light left his

original home in a conspiracy to overthrow the government of the universe. He needed help

to carry out his rebellion, so he gathered forces from our neck of the woods. The new

testament writer Jude expounded on this in verse 6 we find, “And the angels which kept not

their first estate but left their own habitation, He hath reserved in everlasting chains of

darkness unto the judgment of the great day.“ Also, in the book of Luke we find a quote

from Christ, “I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.“ Since Lucifer was already in

heaven, he must have left there with his followers to gather more troops - the ones who

were the original inhabitants of this planet - namely, the Nephilim of Genesis chapter 6, to

aid him in his revolt. After swaying 1/3 of heavenly beings (Rev. 12&4), he then ascended

above the clouds with his army, but was soon intercepted by Yahweh‟s force, so that the

actual war was fought in the heavens above the earth! I can just see it now, thousands of

Yahweh‟s chariots (Psalms chapter 68&17), mustering and closing in on the chariots of the

fallen angels, and though they were out numbered, He carefully planned his strategy, as to

The Next Star War

make it a very formidable battle. In our sector of the galaxy the fight was on! Cherubim,

Seraphim, and the hierarchy of angels, were in heated confrontation. They were using the

very chariots that would eventually, after the creation of man, transport Enoch and Elijah to

the huge structure of crystal, and continue to visit the peoples of earth! The chariots of the

fallen hosts, though bared from the mother ship they sought to overtake, and from the

entrance into certain sectors of the universe, are still in charge of our immediate sector, and

are thus still an influence to our modern technology, and current world system. They are, in

fact, in charge of it, and to get a better picture of this let‟s turn to the apocalypse of St. John

the divine. In Revelation chapter 12, and verses 7-12, we find this; “And there was war in

heaven: Michael and His angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon fought and his

angels. And prevailed not; neither was their place found anymore in heaven… woe to the

inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down unto you, having great

wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.” Here Lucifer (Satan) is seen as a

dragon all decked out and detailed within his chariots of warfare. All the forces in the

universe were clashing together in a vast amount of high tech ships and weaponry, and

putting to shame the very best episode of star trek! The record speaks loud that this was a

huge battle, and the stakes were high - the ultimate fate of the universe! (To picture the size

and scope of this battle, refer to Enoch by Rabbi Ishmael, chapter 18, on the hierarchy of

YHWH, and chapter 24 on the chariots of YHWH. Revelation 12&4: on the dragon‟s 1/3rd

part of the hierarchy).

Wow-wee, the history of our planet is that of warfare, which began in the heavens

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above the earth, and has continued on in this quadrant of the galaxy ever since. The thing

which we must consider now is will history repeat itself? Are we on the threshold of

another star war? If so, how soon will it be? Will it be fought again in the vicinity of earth?

And lastly - who will be the participants? The answers to these questions are very

breathtaking and informative to us folks down here!

Teddy Pugh, Next Star War

Chapter Eight ~ Final Finale

(Study 2nd

Peter chapter 3; and Revelation chapters 16-22)

As the smoke cleared from the Great War, the aftermath was felt throughout the

entire physical cosmos. It was the 1st revolt ever in the history of the universe! Although

the earth was the original home of the fallen ones, the fate of our planet was not yet sealed.

Many questions still remained among heavenly beings concerning the reasons for the war,

and if the universe would ever experience, once again, a state of harmony. The very

character of their leader had been assaulted, and the heavenly hierarchy was down to 75%

of it‟s former population. One question could have risen among them; is there any way of

replacing our missing numbers? Answer - yes there was! Michael and His host would

return to earth (this probably happened after a 1,000 year rest period allotted to a war torn

planet), rebuild it(Genesis chapter 1, and verses 1&2), place a new race on it, to train and

cultivate into the exact image of YHWH! If the new race proved obedient to the code, and

successful in properly caring for the new earth, then they could replace and assist in the

restoration of all things.

There was however a problem! The fallen ones were still in the quadrant, and would

prove to be, as we have already studied, a nuisance to the development of this new race.

This was a problem that Yahweh had already factored into the cosmic equation. Being a

patient entity, the long-range goal of His plan would climax in a final and thorough

vindication of His CODE, LOVE, and CHARACTER! The logic behind such a scenario

can be clearly understood by the use of a simple analogy. When we humans contract a virus

the 1st impulse is to do anything we can to immediately feel better. So, off we go to the

The Next Star War

doctor to get pumped full of antibiotics, and they warn us to finish all the medication to

prevent any kind of reoccurrence of the illness. Then at the same time any good doctor will

tell you that the long-range lasting cure is to allow the virus to run it‟s course! There is no

quick fix! This is the logic behind Yahweh‟s cure for the rebellion virus against His code of

LOVE. He knew the virus would inter His universe, and then plague His new creation, and

it did! But when it was all said and done, it would run its course, and be conquered by the

element of time!

During the waiting period, before the final battle, Yahweh‟s chariots would make

themselves known to the inhabitants of the earth. The pure element of light would be

watching over the affairs of humans. This is a constant reminder that we are truly the

pinnacle of His creative mind, and to Him a race worth saving from the final episode of the

age-long conflict. Not only did He appear to all prior civilizations, but is active now, and to

see how all this is possibly leading to another star war - let us start by looking into some of

the most recent encounters of this modern age. The author does have some experiences of

his own to report, but for the sake of time and space, let me just stick to a few that have

been well documented, by both military and government officials, and are relevant to the

topic at hand.

Although the incident at Roswell was a big smash hit, nothing can be more dramatic

than the events surrounding the bent waters - Woodbridge sightings of December 27th

1980. The incident involves 2 air bases in the Rendlesham forest area of England. Below is

a signed memorandum by duty base commander, Lt. Colonel Halt, and was delivered to the

British ministry of defense.

1.“Early in the morning of December 27th,

1980(around 0300l, or 3 a.m. local time), 2

USAF security police patrolmen saw unusual lights outside the gate at RAF Woodbridge.

Thinking an aircraft might have crashed or been forced down, they called for permission to

go outside the gate to investigate. The on duty flight chief responded and allowed 3

patrolmen to proceed on foot. The individuals reported seeing a strange glowing object in

the forest. The object was described as being metallic in appearance and triangular in

shape, approximately 2-3 meters [7-10 feet] across the base and approximately 2 meters

[6.5 feet] high. It illuminated the entire forest with a white light. The object itself had a

pulsing red light on top and a bank of blue lights underneath. The object was hovering or on

legs. As the patrolmen approached the object it maneuvered through the trees and

disappeared. At this time the animals on the farm went into a frenzy. The object was briefly

sighted approximately an hour later near the back gate- 94.”

2. “The next day, 3 depressions 1.5 feet [.5 m] deep and 7 feet [2 m] in diameter were found

where the object had been sighted on the ground. The following night (29 December 1980)

the area was checked for radiation. Beta-gamma readings of 0.1 mill roentgen were

recorded with peak readings in the 3 depressions and near the center of the triangle formed

by the depressions, 97”

3. “Later in the night, a red sun-like light was seen through the trees. It moved about and

pulsed. At one point it appeared to throw off glowing particles and then broke up into five

separate white objects then disappeared. Immediately thereafter, 3 star like objects were

noticed in the sky, 2 objects to the north and one to the south, all of which were about 10

degrees off the horizon. The objects moved rapidly in sharp angular movements and

displayed red, green, and blue lights. The objects to the north appeared to be elliptical

through a 8-12 power lens. They then turned to full circles. The objects to the north

remained in the sky for an hour or more. The object to the south was visible for 2-3 hours

and beamed down a stream of light from time to time. Numerous individuals, including the

undersigned, witnessed the activities in paragraphs 2&3.”99

One thing that stands out about the Rendlesham case is, that, both of these air bases

were storage facilities for nuclear weapons during the cold war period. On a recent SCI-FI

documentary, that aired this past July of 2,004, Colonel Halt keeps alluding to the fact of

beams of light from the objects were scanning the weapons storage area at Woodbridge.

Sgt. Jim Penniston was among the crew who went into the forest that night to investigate

the object. He admitted on the Rendlesham documentary program, that later he was

interrogated by men in black suits, who had also after the sighting, lead in the inspection of

the nuclear storage areas. One man, Larry Warren, gives a similar account of being injected

with truth serum, and interrogated by men in black. He said they called themselves DS8


What was the purpose of these men in black? And why did the government cover up the

events of Rendlesham for so many years?

Some other official sources, which have not been named, have also claimed that

from time to time nuclear weapons have been tampered with in connection with UFO

sightings. Is this what happened at Rendlesham in the winter of 1980? The other claims

mentioned above also occurred during the cold war era. Was this a campaign of

disarmament by the chariots of Yahweh? This could very well be the case! History is full of

such military related incidents. Soon after world war 2, came the Roswell encounter, and

this was only after the documented story, published in readers digest, strange stories

Teddy Pugh, Next Star War

amazing facts, and mysteries of the unexplained - of how the lights from above aided the

U.S. and it‟s allies in putting an end to the 2nd

world war! Then we have the incident at

Kecksburg, Penn. On December 5th

of 1965, that involved numerous military personal,

men in black, and a security cover up. Between Roswell and now, there has been thousands

of sightings, alleged abductions, physical contact, and communications with

extraterrestrials. Just what in the world, or out of the world, is going on?

A statement made by George W. Bush Sr., when asked what the UFO thing was all

about, was like, “you don‟t know the half of it!” Now just what out of the world did he

mean by that? The answer could be simple! The forces that fought eons ago are still

around, and are probably responsible for the defeat of Nazi Germany and the disarmament

of the threat of an all-out nuclear holocaust during the cold war. Then there is the claim that

the government is in constant contact with these beings, but are they communicating with

the wrong ones?

Since our current world system is in a fallen state and under the control of the

renegade angels - we can only summate that the next world confrontation will be another

star war! This time the holocaust will not be tampered with! This time the weapons of

destruction will not be disarmed! The chariots of warfare will muster once more, and this

time the spacecrafts and weapons of earth, will join in with the original rebellion. As in the

words of the disciple Peter, in 2nd

Peter chapter 3, and verses 9-13, we read, “ But the day of

the LORD shall come as a thief in the night; in which the heavens shall pass away with a

great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that

are therein shall be burned up,… looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of

Yahweh, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt

with fervent heat? Nevertheless, we according to His promise look for new heavens and a

new earth, wherein dwells righteousness.”

This is a detailed accurate account of the devastation incurred from an all out

star-war! At this point the history of earth has repeated itself, and once again the earth lies

desolate. The ultimate result of a planet led into rebellion, that was originally created for

nothing but good. Revelation chapter 16, and verses 13-15, speaks of a future star war,

“And I saw 3 unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the

mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of

devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth, and the whole world,

to gather them to the battle of that great day of Yahweh: behold I come as a thief.” After

this John describes the world‟s system held captive by the fallen ones, (Revelation chapters

17&18). Then in chapter 19 is seen its destruction by Michael and the heavenly hierarchy.

Now notice verse 19, “And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth, and their armies,

gathered together to make war with Him that sat on the horse (Michael - KING of kings

and LORD of lords), and against His army.”

You see there is no battle of Armageddon, but only the battle of the great day of

YHWH. The horses represent chariots of hi-tech armaments. They are mustered together,

but are deceived into turning their weapons against the very forces that created us, and

against the very one who died for us! Now we go back to the words of our savior in St.

Luke chapter 17, and verses 24-37. Here Christ tells us, that, as it was in the days of Noah

and Lot - so shall it be when He returns to end this modern age. As soon as Noah and his

family were secured in the ark, the floods came and took the lives of everyone else! As

Teddy Pugh, Next Star War

soon as Lot and his family was at a safe distance from the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah,

Yahweh‟s weapons destroyed the remaining population. Christ said that this type of

deliverance, and subsequent destruction, would prevail at His next appearance! There is no

1-2-or-3 comings of Christ - only one! In verse 37, the disciples ask of Christ what would

be the fate of all those left behind? He said unto them, “Where ever the body is thither shall

the eagles be gathered together.” Notice that is exactly what John records in the last half of

the 19th

chapter of Revelation! Then like Peter, John alludes to the ones who found a safe

haven inside the mother ship, and returning after the thousand years to assist Yahweh in the

renovation process. Only this time the sin virus has ran it‟s course, and everything is

restored back to it‟s former glory - the way it was before the rebellion. Yahweh has

redeemed the polluted seed by the very act of dying to cleanse the human gene pool; thus

proving His LOVE toward His race, and fully vindicating His character in the sight of all

life forms. Those who while held hostage, held to Yahweh‟s code, are now enjoying the

benefits of a bran-new earth; where war and revolt have ceased to exist! Thus our present

model of the universe is correct; all is one and one is all, and that is why we are so

important to the overall balance of the universe!

(Revelation chapters 21&22)

Teddy Pugh, Next Star War


The total summation to the equation is that another Star War lies in wait for the 3rd

planet called earth! The actors have left the dressing room preparing for the drawing back

of the curtain - so to fulfill their roles in the grand climax of the final battle. Just any day

now, we could hear the commotion on the airways and TV‟S, a global alert, while all

nations poise themselves with the weapons of mass destruction.

Sadly, the many have chosen the defeated side, as the mother ship penetrates the

earth‟s atmosphere, to gather the faithful ones, in an awesome display of power that puts

the trembling of Mt. Sinai to shame! The space-crafts, and nukes, of the fallen host, and

rebellious earthlings, are taken out by the strength of the enormous space-city! Again, the

earth is allotted a 1,000 year period of rest before the glorious restoration!

C@ Copyright 2004 - revised in 2008

By T-L-P productions - sound and books

Written processed and edited by Teddy Lee Pugh

All rights reserved by the author


Teddy Lee was born in the mountains of Perry County, and raised in a Pentecostal home -

he was born the youngest of a family of 10. His favorite minister of the gospel of Christ is

his, now deceased Daddy, Lewis Daniel Pugh Senior! He enjoys composing music,

especially gospel, and will long cherish all those many church services and revivals,

singing and preaching along next to his parents. He currently has 41 C.D.‟S, and a whole

crop of bible related books and articles. His main interest is to spread the 3 angel‟s message

of Revelation chapter 14, and understand the full meaning of life and the cosmos. He really

enjoys correlating ancient documents with current scientific theory, and corresponding

models of the universe - with sound prophetic truths!

The Next Star War

WWhhaatt iiss tthhee ttrruutthh bbeehhiinndd tthhee ssoo--ccaalllleedd bbaattttllee ooff AArrmmaaggeeddddoonn?? HHaass aann eevviill

ffaalllleenn aannggeell aalloonngg wwiitthh aa ssttrroonngg ddiissssiiddeenntt bbaanndd ddeecceeiivveedd mmoosstt ooff tthhee wwoorrlldd

iinnttoo bbeelliieevviinngg tthheeoorriieess tthhaatt aarree nnootthhiinngg mmoorree tthhaann hheerreessyy?? WWhhaatt wwiillll tthhee

nneexxtt bbiigg wwoorrlldd ccoonnffrroonnttaattiioonn bbee lliikkee,, aanndd eexxaaccttllyy wwhheerree wwiillll iitt bbee ffoouugghhtt??

TThhiiss bbooookk rreevveeaallss tthhee aannsswweerrss ttoo aallll tthheessee qquueessttiioonnss aanndd mmoorree!!