next bank asia overview & sponsorship


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Page 1: Next Bank Asia Overview & Sponsorship
Page 2: Next Bank Asia Overview & Sponsorship

Many financial services conferences refuse to confront the change they’ll experience

Many financial services conferences refuse tocreate interesting spaces for innovation

Many financial services conferences refuse to think far enough forward or fast enough

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Many financial services conferences are just plain

And treat their guests like corporate lemmings

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will challenge all of the above

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Let’s talk you through it

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MAY 9-10, 2012

A conference & community discussing the REAL future of

banks, financial services & money.

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AgenciesVC &


Vendors Bankers



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Wednesday MAY 9th

The Innovation Imperative

The emerging consumer and marketplace

The big shift in banking

The growing dominance of digital & mobile

Thursday MAY 10th

The power of design

The innovative workplace culture

The booming technology opportunity

Tuesday MAY 8th

VIP Dinner


NBA Rooftop Drinks

End of conference Drinks





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John Rehm, Design Thinking expert and ex IDEO

Matt Dooley, Founder of Connected Thinking

Maria Sit, Regional MD, Heath Wallace

Neal Cross, Financial Services Industry Director, Asia, Microsoft.

Nicole Fall, Founder of Asian Consumer Intelligence

Oliver Weidlich, Mobile UX consultant

Ram Singh, Afiniate

Ricardo Outi, Director, Citi Ventures

Richard Kelly, Managing Director, Asia, IDEO

Scott Anthony, Managing Director, Innosight Asia – Pacific.

Scott Bales, Chief Mobile Officer, Movenbank

Simone Brunozzi, Evangelist, Amazon Web Services

Sushmita Munshi, UX Lead, Heath Wallace

Tristan Cooke, Humans In Design

Toby Johnston, Shift Partners

Tom Nelson, Humans In Design

William Woo, Finance Industry Head, Google

Aman Narain, Global Head Remote Banking, Standard Chartered

Andrea Kershaw, Singapore Office lead, IDEO

Annalie Killian, Catalyst For Magic, AMP; Amplify Festival.

Brett King, Author of Bank 2.0, Founder Movenbank.

Brian Hachez, Head of Workflow Excellence, BDO Bank

Calvin Chin, cofounder and QiFang

Chris Skinner, FS Club & The Finanser.

Christel Quek, Social Media at Havas, aka

Christophe Langlois,

David Lynch, Group Head of Operations, Standard Chartered

David McQuillen, Head of Group Customer Experience, OCBC

Derek Sivers, Founder (& Seller!) CDBaby

Erwin Chong, Corporate Real Estate, Citi

Gordon Cooper, Head of Emerging Markets, Visa

Harriet Wakelam, Immersion & Design Centre, NAB

Jin Zwicky, Vice President, Experience Design, OCBC Bank

Joe Cunningham, Global Head of Tech Strategy & Innovation, VISA

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MUSEUMTanjong Pagar,




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Branch Cafe

Home Shop

Interactive Tools

Home Shopping

Virtual Currency

Mobile Payments

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For you to read more

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What’s it all about?

Next Bank Asia is a conference discussing the REAL future of banks, financial services & money. Designers, technologists, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, marketers, bankers and innovators will come together to discuss the best ideas in Asia.

To be held in Singapore on May 9-10, 2012, this is a unique opportunity to be part of something brave and new for the banking industry!

Think of the last banking conference you went to. It probably was just like the last one & the one before that.

Too often, too many banking or financial services conferences are either too corporate, too close-minded or just plain boring.

They don’t include certain fringe players in the industry who can bring new innovative ideas to the table. They don’t include entrepreneurs with new business models for fear of the threat they pose. They don’t connect thought leaders together, or enable the serendipitous coming together of different industries.

Most importantly, these conferences often don’t talk about the reality of the change in front of the industry. The changing consumer, fast evolving technology, increasing uncertainty and volatility at the same time as increasing opportunity are all key environmental factors in any financial services firms roadmap.

Next Bank Asia aims to confront all these issues.

Next Bank Asia will create an open dialogue about all these things, using innovative new formats and agenda items.

We’re looking for designers, technologists, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, innovators, governments, policy makers, corporates and banks to come together to discuss new ideas, real futures and how we can collaborate to make banking better for our customers and our businesses.

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What’s it all about? We’re not conference organizers. We’re like you.

We work in the financial services industry like you do. We’re not an events company. So whilst we’re learning about conferences, we know about the issues you confront as well as anyone.

Our motivation here is genuine – we want constructive, challenging, and enjoyable dialogue, not boring speeches formulated by an events company.

We’re going to challenge the conventional conference format.

An agenda will contain a special VIP event accessing 2 of the brightest brains in global innovation, presentations from thought leaders, demos from entrepreneurs and small businesses, and a huge socially responsible banking section on how the industry is helping (not compromising) the unbanked and developed markets. We’re looking for any interested parties to send us a proposal for their presentation. There’ll also be a cool venue, great food, perfect coffee, cool merchandise and proper conference bags – you know, all that stuff that normally sucks at most conferences.

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WHAT’S THE AGENDA? We have an exciting agenda planned


• BarCampBank

WEDNESDAY MAY 9• The innovation imperative

• The emerging consumer & marketplace

• Demo session 1

• The big shift in banking

• Demo session 2

• The growing dominance of digital and mobile

• NBA Rooftop Party

THURSDAY MAY 10• The power of design

• The innovative workplace

• Demo session 3

• The booming technology opportunity

• Demo session 4

• NBA Closing Drinks

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WHO’LL BE THERE? Speakers already booked in from the following

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WHO’LL BE THERE? Current Speaker List as at January 20th, 2012

• Aman Narain, Global Head Remote Banking, Standard Chartered

• Andrea Kershaw, Singapore Office lead, IDEO

• Annalie Killian, Catalyst For Magic, AMP; Amplify Festival.

• Brett King, Author of Bank 2.0, Founder Movenbank.

• Brian Hachez, Head of Workflow Excellence, BDO Bank

• Bruno Lanvin, Executive Director, eLab, INSEAD

• Calvin Chin, cofounder and QiFang

• Cameron Owens, Head of Electronic Distribution, Wholesale, NAB

• Chris Skinner, FS Club & The Finanser.

• Christel Quek, Social Media at Havas, aka

• Christophe Langlois,

• David Lynch, Group Head of Operations, Standard Chartered

• David McQuillen, Head of Group Customer Experience, OCBC

• Derek Sivers, Founder (& Seller!) CDBaby

• Erwin Chong, Corporate Real Estate, Citi

• Gordon Cooper, Head of Emerging Markets, Visa

• Harriet Wakelam, Immersion & Design Centre, NAB

• Joe Cunningham, Global Head of Tech Strategy & Innovation, VISA

• Jin Zwicky, Vice President, Experience Design, OCBC Bank

• Matt Dooley, Founder of Connected Thinking

• Maria Sit, Regional MD, Heath Wallace

• Neal Cross, Financial Services Industry Director, Asia, Microsoft.

• Nicole Fall, Founder of Asian Consumer Intelligence

• Oliver Weidlich, Mobile UX consultant

• Ram Singh, Afiniate

• Ricardo Outi, Director, Citi Ventures

• Richard Kelly, Managing Director, Asia, IDEO

• Scott Anthony, Managing Director, Innosight Asia – Pacific.

• Scott Bales, Chief Mobile Officer, Movenbank

• Simone Brunozzi, Evangelist, Amazon Web Services

• Sushmita Munshi, UX Lead, Heath Wallace

• Tristan Cooke, Humans In Design

• Toby Johnston, Shift Partners

• Tom Nelson, Humans In Design

• William Woo, Finance Industry Head, Google

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WHO’LL BE THERE? Here is who will be attending from across Asia

• Senior leaders of financial services

• Marketers

• Designers and agencies

• Technologists and tech companies

• Entrepreneurs and small business

• New bank businesses and models

• Venture Capitalists and Investors

• Government ministries and policy makers

• Regulators and Watchdogs

• Researchers and ethnographers

• New media experts and commentators

• Press and media

• Students and interns

Sound like you?

Or someone you need to get in front of?

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How to become a sponsor

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The BIG WIGS Package

• Headline the event, position yourself as a leader in this new space, get access to the top attendees, come to our VIP dinner, become a Next Bank Asia program partner and member for future events, be feted as the powerful new all knowing all conquering god of bank innovation. We’ll even throw in actual big wigs.

What you get:

• Headline sponsorship and branding

• A presentation slot (no sales pitches!)

• Participation in panel sessions

• Dominant position in the demo area (no crappy white box booths!)

• 3 VIP passes to the 2 day conference

• 2 seats at the VIP dinner

• Exclusive access to some of our keynote speakers

• Your goodies or ideas in the attendee giveaway

• General fawning and adoration from us

• EXCLUSIVE – 1 slot available to sponsor our exclusive VIP Dinner Event (more soon)

3 Gold Sponsor packages at SGD$20,000 each

-We’re looking for sponsors to show their best new ideas at Next Bank Asia.

There are a range of packages available for your business to be involved, and they’re cheaper than most of the bigger conferences.

For good reason.

Next Bank Asia is not a conference controlled by sponsors, but gives sponsors front row seats to the best and the brightest minds in the business.

There are 3 sponsorship tiers:The BIG WIGS package (“Gold”)The RISING STAR package (“Silver”)The PESKY UPSTART package (“Bronze”)



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• Get your emerging business in the spotlight, get access to the movers and shakers of the Asian banking scene, get 1-1s with the best brains, become a Next Bank Asia program member for future events, generally receive praise, kudos, and attractive knowing looks from the crowd. Tacky star themed props provided (but no Singapore Idol entry fees covered)

What you get:

• Supporting sponsorship and branding

• Selective participation in panel sessions

• Strong position in the demo area (no crappy white box booths!)

• 2 VIP passes to the 2 day conference

• 1 seat at the VIP dinner

• Your goodies or ideas in the attendee giveaway

• General fawning and adoration from us

• EXCLUSIVE – 1 slot available to sponsor the huge drinks party at a rooftop bar in Tanong Pagar on the night of Day 1

5 Silver Sponsor packages at SGD$12,000 each



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• Kickstart your new business, get ideas and feedback from the industry, get their business and investment, mix with like minded folks and be inspired, be recognized as the hot new kid on the block, turning heads wherever you go. You’ll also get the obligatory down-the-nose stares from the establishment.

What you get:

• Clear Sponsorship and branding

• Clear position in the demo area (no crappy white box booths!)

• 1 VIP passes to the 2 day conference

• Ballot to access to some of our keynote speakers

• General fawning and adoration from us

• EXCLUSIVE – 1 slot available for the ‘unconference’(BarCampBank) the night before the conference

10 Bronze Sponsor packages at SGD$5,000 each



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THANKS![email protected]