newspaper ads that demonstrate the strategic role of conveying information

Newspaper ads that demonstrate the strategic role of Conveying Information

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Page 1: Newspaper ads that demonstrate the strategic role of Conveying Information



Newspaper ads that demonstrate the strategic role of Conveying Information

Page 2: Newspaper ads that demonstrate the strategic role of Conveying Information


There are many ways to create powerful connections with readers when you advertiser in newspapers; whether the story you’re telling is intended to inform, entertain, inspire, stimulate thinking, generate feelings or even change behaviour.

These six distinct, but not mutually exclusive, strategic roles that newspapers can play were originally identified by The Newspaper Marketing Agency in the UK.

These roles have subsequently been validated by Ipsos Media CT and The Newspaper Works through a combination of qualitative and quantitative testing.

Six Strategic Roles

Page 3: Newspaper ads that demonstrate the strategic role of Conveying Information

STheir definitions

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The Role Map demonstrates how consumers connect with newspaper advertising across the six strategic roles, comparing the performance of newspaper creative against a footprint of all ads tested, or in the case of the six roles, comparing the performance of creative against a footprint of all ads tested.

Retail average

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• 36 newspaper ads tested to establish All Newspaper Norm and Retail Average footprints

– Wave 1: July-August 2008, 27 randomly selected retail ads tested

– Wave 2: October-November 2008, 9 additional hand picked retail ads tested

• Sample: Australians 16+ in five cap cities

• Total 2,475 respondents and over 7,000 ad observations

• 100+ observations for each ad tested

The Newspaper Works’ effectiveness partner:

About the researchPhase 1

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• Average of 9 newspaper ads tested monthly

• Various categories accommodated

• Sample to date: Australians 16+ in Sydney (n=300 in total)

• Further samples will include other metro markets

• 100+ observations for each ad

• Conducted online by Ipsos

About the researchPhase 2

The Newspaper Works’ effectiveness partner:

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“Gives me more information about the brand”

Page 8: Newspaper ads that demonstrate the strategic role of Conveying Information

All Newspaper Norm

Information score for each ad

Significantly different to All Newspaper Norm at 90% c.l.

Newspapers have always been well regarded as a medium for providing information, whether it be breadth, depth or complexity of information.

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Information-based advertising can be communicated in quite simple, straightforward ways, as these ads demonstrate.

Colgate uses a simple checklist of features and Jetstar delivers its proof points to demonstrate it’s more than a budget airline.

All Newspaper Norm

Information score for each ad

Significantly different to All Newspaper Norm at 90% c.l.

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All Newspaper Norm

Significantly different to All Newspaper Norm at 90% c.l.

Information score for each ad

Newspapers also provide the opportunity to deliver information in an entertaining and evocative way that also tells a story.

Meat & Livestock uses an intriguing headline and clever creative to explain red meat’s beneficial effect on the brain, and RTA uses an appealing visual to reinforce its accessibility.

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The newspaper reading experience is enjoyable and involving, which predisposes consumers to more detailed information in an environment of credibility and trust.

Newspapers provide the time and space to present a brand’s case and to explain a broader range of messages, or more complex ones.

Information-based advertising increases people’s knowledge about a brand, helps them with brand research and takes them further down the consideration funnel.

Newspapers are a strong and proven medium for delivering information around a brand, whether it’s a few simple points or longer, more detailed copy.

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CommentsConveying Information advertising can be breadth, depth or complexity of information.

While many ads that convey information are copy and content heavy, not all of them need to be.

Even the relative simplicity and lightness of the RTA ad (bottom ad) can be seen to deliver information, in this case by demonstrating the product benefit visually.

Nevertheless, ads that are content heavy can also be simple, easy to understand and compelling communication.

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Page 14: Newspaper ads that demonstrate the strategic role of Conveying Information

While the examples presented in this report clearly demonstrate a dominant strategic role in each case, RoleMap isn’t a compass. Newspaper advertising tends to work across a range of roles, often feeding off each other in the process.

For example, more detail (Information) can provoke a rethink about a brand (Re)Appraisal) which in turn creates a closer emotional connection with consumers (Affinity).

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While IKEA’s ad performs strongly as a retail ad by driving a Call to Action via its price point, it’s also helping build the brand with its eco-credentials story and in doing so encourage a rethink about the IKEA brand (Re)Appraisal, which in turns builds Affinity with the brand.

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Virgin Blue’s topical ad (taking on Qantas), is seen to put an important issue on the Public Agenda, and in doing so gets consumers to rethink the Virgin Blue brand (Re)Appraisal, also driving a Call to Action in the process.

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Beaurepaires performs very strongly in the classic retail footprint, delivering important Information when belts were being tightened (during the GFC) and in turn effectively driving a Call to Action.

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Summary• Newspapers can be utilised across the full spectrum of strategic roles, some of which are traditionally associated roles for newspapers, such as Call to Action and Information roles.

• However newspaper advertisers are also increasingly recognising the role that newspapers can play in brand building roles; such as Affinity and (Re)Appraisal.

• Furthermore newspapers are being harnessed to drive important brand issues and causes (Public Agenda) and to extend and build on TV activity.

• In this report, advertisers have demonstrated both expected and fresh ways to bring their communication to life while still delivering effective outcomes for their brands.

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For more information on this or any of the other strategic roles that can be used in newspapers to connect powerfully with consumers, contact your sales executive or The Newspaper Works on:

Phone: (02) 9692 6300

Fax: (02) 9692 6399

Email: [email protected]
