newsletter - st john's shaughnessy · our first meeting, held at 1pm in the choir room,...

NEWSLETTER Week Commencing October 9 Harvest Thanksgiving

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Page 1: NEWSLETTER - St John's Shaughnessy · Our first meeting, held at 1pm in the choir room, September 28, 2016, included opening with the ACW prayer, information about the activities

NEWSLETTER Week Commencing October 9

Harvest Thanksgiving

Page 2: NEWSLETTER - St John's Shaughnessy · Our first meeting, held at 1pm in the choir room, September 28, 2016, included opening with the ACW prayer, information about the activities

From the Rector

Happy Thanksgiving!

This is such a beautiful weekend as all across the nation people will pause

and offer thanks for all that they love and enjoy in life. Many will gather

around food-laden tables with family and friends to reconnect with one

another and the greater purposes of life. It is all about, of course, the

Harvest Thanksgiving which in rural communities is central and affirming

to the way of life. Most of us who live in cities or large communities can get

far removed from the land and agricultural production but this holiday

helps all of us come back to our connectedness to the land. And the

gathering of family and friends ties us closer to the gift of love.

When I lived in a farming town in Ontario, this holiday was really a great

celebration of all that it meant to be an agriculturally based community.

There were many celebrations at this time of year and many homecomings.

It was, and remains for me one of my favourite times of the year.

Observing the beauty of the changing colour of leaves driving down a back

country lane or seeing the hay bales in the fields or watching the harvest of

bright red tomatoes developed that link very strongly in me with the earth,

the land, the creation.

Page 3: NEWSLETTER - St John's Shaughnessy · Our first meeting, held at 1pm in the choir room, September 28, 2016, included opening with the ACW prayer, information about the activities

As we celebrate Thanksgiving this weekend, take some time to name those

things for which you are thankful but too often overlook in the hurriedness

of life. The acorns underneath an oak tree. The spider’s web glistening

with the dew. The fluttering of a leaf as it falls to the ground. The last rose

of summer. The gorgeous blue of the Autumn sky. The call of geese

overhead. The call of children out on the school playing field. A crisp

apple fresh from harvesting. The range of fruit and vegetables at the

supermarket. Friends who surprise and encourage us. The list goes on and

on but being attentive opens our hearts and minds to offer thanks a little

more often.

Thanksgiving really should be a way of life. It should be our starting place

in our relationship with God. It should be our guide as we meander

through our journey of life for thanksgiving breaks us free of greed and

opens up possibilities of compassion.

So make that list of the things for which you are thankful and then take the

next step of thanking God for all that you have and all that you are. When

you do it changes you to see that life is an incredible gift, a gift from the

One who calls you beloved.

O God, we thank you for falling leaves and changing skies. We thank you for

family, friends and companions on our way. We thank you for straight paths,

twisting turns and the crossroads of life. We thank you for time to appreciate and

wonder. We thank you for beauty that stirs us and changes us. Most of all we

thank you for the gift of love that binds and holds us each and every day. In the

name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.


Come—Share—Respond is the theme of our Stewardship Campaign this

Fall. This Sunday, October 9, is the first Sunday as we mark the start of the

campaign. Stewardship packages will be available at church, please do

pick one up (and deliver one to others that you know!). We hope that

everyone will consider how they can get involved in the life of St. John’s

Shaughnessy by giving of their resources.

There will be a Stewardship Moment each Sunday. There will be social

Page 4: NEWSLETTER - St John's Shaughnessy · Our first meeting, held at 1pm in the choir room, September 28, 2016, included opening with the ACW prayer, information about the activities

gatherings on a few different dates (to which all parishioners will be

invited). There will be a wrap up lunch on November 13.

Please do take the time to Come—Share—Respond and fill out the pledge

card (intention card) and plan to get more involved in the life of your

parish by also giving of your time and talents.


The British Columbia and Yukon Anglican Youth Movement will have its

annual Thanksgiving weekend Fall Gathering October 7-10 in Victoria at St.

George’s Church. The theme this year will be: BEING A CHRISTIAN IN

TODAY'S SOCIETY: Living in a Grey World with a variety of speakers

from the Vancouver Island, Anglican Diocese of British Columbia.

A number of youth from our Diocese will be attending (including Sarah

and Matthew Stephens) as well as youth from all across the province. They

will have a great weekend filled with fun, fellowship, learning and


Thanks for decorations for Thanksgiving!

Thanks to everyone who brought decorations for our church for this

coming Sunday. It is a great way to bring Harvest Thanksgiving from

being a holiday weekend to a holy time where we give thanks to God for all

that we have.

Through St. Faith’s Church, all of the food items that we use for decorations

will be picked up and given to people in need (part of the Sharing the

Harvest program). Again a great way to support others less fortunate than


The Lord’s Prayer

On the Mondays in November (November 7, 14, 21, 28) at 7:00pm (in the

Trendell Lounge) we will be examining the Lord’s Prayer. We will look at

the history of the prayer, a few different modern translations, the meaning

of prayer, what the words might mean to us as we put them into action and

how the words of this prayer still speak to us even two thousand years

Page 5: NEWSLETTER - St John's Shaughnessy · Our first meeting, held at 1pm in the choir room, September 28, 2016, included opening with the ACW prayer, information about the activities

later. Please plan on joining this great Christian Formation event led by the

clergy of St. John’s.

Dunbar Community Centre Programs – may be of interest?

October 6 A Sound Mind in a Sound Body: Using exercise to promote

cognition in older adults with Dr. John Best 7:00pm - 8:30pm

October 13 Cardiology for Non-Cardiologists: The Good, the Bad and the

Ugly with Dr. Graham Wong 7:00pm - 8:30pm

October 20 Responding to Life-Threatening Emergencies including Strokes

with Ron Straight, Med 1:00pm - 2:30pm

October 27 Depression in the Senior Years: How it Affects Seniors and

Different Treatment Approaches with Dr. Martha Donnelly

7:00pm - 8:30pm

November 3 Moving In and Getting Settled in Long-Term Care Facilities

with Jennifer Baumbusch, PhD, RN 1:00pm - 2:30pm

November 10 Preventing Falls and Optimizing Mobility with Dr. Janet

Kushner-Kow 7:00pm - 8:30pm

Upcoming at SJS

October 16 retired Archbishop Douglas Hambidge will be our guest


October 22 Diocesan Day on Vocations. More information on the Diocese

Page 6: NEWSLETTER - St John's Shaughnessy · Our first meeting, held at 1pm in the choir room, September 28, 2016, included opening with the ACW prayer, information about the activities

of New Westminster website.

November 5 The Order of the Diocese of New Westminster will invested

upon our own Robyn Woodward. The service of Morning Prayer will be

held at the Massey Theatre (758 8th Avenue, New Westminster) at 10:30am.

A reception will follow.

Archbishop Douglas Hambidge Preaching October 16

Retired Archbishop Douglas Hambidge will preach at both of our Sunday

Services on Oct 16. Archbishop Hambidge is a great preacher and it will be

a great delight to have him here with us.

Blessing of Pets

What fun we all had at our annual Blessing of the Animals service on

Sunday afternoon. Rebecca Blissett from the Vancouver Courier got some

terrific photos, and we even made Global news! Special thanks to

Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue for bringing their lovely kittens.


photos by Michael Dirk

Page 7: NEWSLETTER - St John's Shaughnessy · Our first meeting, held at 1pm in the choir room, September 28, 2016, included opening with the ACW prayer, information about the activities

Photograph by: Rebecca Blissett, Vancouver Courier

Sip 'N Bid Fundraiser for Arbutus Shaughnessy Kerrisdale Centre

Wine & Cheese and Silent Auction

Admission $20 includes a glass of wine

Date: Thursday October 20, 2016

Time: 7-9pm

Location: St. Mary's Church, 2490 West 37th Ave.

For more information visit or call 604 263 7333.


Our thanks to Janet Hamilton as our St John’s rider in last week’s Ride for

Refuge on Oct. 1. Although she had to back out last minute due to a back

injury, she was with her team members in spirit. The latest figures up

to October 4, showed $500 donated by St John’s members, plus an

additional $100 sent directly to PWRDF. Donations are still being received

on the Ride for Refuge Website.

Janet had a goal of $750. I will report later when the final tally is in. For the

Page 8: NEWSLETTER - St John's Shaughnessy · Our first meeting, held at 1pm in the choir room, September 28, 2016, included opening with the ACW prayer, information about the activities

greater Vancouver area, PWRDF raised $ 4,325 with a goal of $5,000. Thank

you all who supported this project of PWRDF for refuge support.

Doug Symons, PWRDF rep. for St. John’s

House Sitter Available for all or part of this Winter

One of our regular parish members is looking for an opportunity to house

sit for a time while the owners are away on holidays. If you or anyone you

know will be going away for the winter and would like someone to house

sit and look after your dog and plants please let us know. She is quiet,

reliable and honest, and you already know her well. Please call Janet at the

parish office, or speak with Fr John or Mtr Liz if you are able to assist this

parish member.

ACW Fellowship Group at SJS

Not a knitting group - a fellowship group connected to ACW - focus on

sharing knowledge, experiences and skill as well as enhancing

our spirituality. Meetings are held once a month with refreshments.

Our first meeting, held at 1pm in the choir room, September 28, 2016,

included opening with the ACW prayer, information about the activities of

various branches as well as the history of ACW in the Diocese of New


The next meeting will be held October 26, 2016 at 1pm (last Wednesday of

each month), choir room SJS. All are welcome to attend.

Alberta Rudolf

Weekly Knitting Club at SJS

Mondays (except holidays) at 10am in the Choir Room

The first meeting last week was lots of fun, and we encourage more people

to join us. Everyone is welcome, and men are particularly encouraged to

join the group. Please contact the office for more information. If you have

some old yarn or knitting needles that you don’t need and would like to

donate, please bring them in anytime.

Page 9: NEWSLETTER - St John's Shaughnessy · Our first meeting, held at 1pm in the choir room, September 28, 2016, included opening with the ACW prayer, information about the activities

Volunteers Needed: coffee hour hosts

We still need a few more coffee hour hosts this winter. Everyone works in

pairs to lighten the load and make it more fun, and new volunteers are

teamed with experienced ones for their first day. Please talk to Janet in the

office for more information.

The photo above shows Fr John reading prayers in the Memorial Garden during the September 25th afternoon service. The service was very well received by families who have loved ones’ ashes in our beautiful Memorial Garden. – photo by Robyn Woodward

Page 10: NEWSLETTER - St John's Shaughnessy · Our first meeting, held at 1pm in the choir room, September 28, 2016, included opening with the ACW prayer, information about the activities
Page 11: NEWSLETTER - St John's Shaughnessy · Our first meeting, held at 1pm in the choir room, September 28, 2016, included opening with the ACW prayer, information about the activities

St John’s Shaughnessy Anglican Church

1490 Nanton Ave. Vancouver, B.C. V6H 2E2

Telephone (604) 731-4966 (ex 11 for office)

email: [email protected] web:

Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 9:00am to 4:00pm

Rector The Venerable John Stephens

[email protected]

Curate The Reverend Liz Hamel

[email protected]

Deacon The Reverend Dr Pitman Potter

Rector’s Warden Robyn Woodward

People’s Warden Louise Hadley

Treasurer Donald Wood

Vestry Clerk Karin Fulcher

Music Director Michael Dirk

Assistant Choirmaster Ann Chen

Children’s Ministry Spencer Britten

Parish Administrator Janet Hamilton

PWRDF Rep Doug Symons

Sacristan and MC Paul Bunnell

Sunday services

8:00am Holy Communion (BCP)

10:00am Sung Eucharist

Wednesday service

9:30am Holy Communion

Baptisms, Funerals, Weddings and Confessions are by appointment

with the Rector. Please contact us if you would like to have

our weekly newsletter emailed to you.

St John’s has a large group of dedicated volunteers in all areas of church life:

readers, greeters, sanctuary guild, chalice administrants,

coffee hour hosts, gardeners, and others.

Please contact the office if you are interested in participating.

We are in need of more volunteers in all areas.