newsletter of western port secondary ollege · newsletter of western port secondary ollege no 2...

The Pelican Newsleer of Western Port Secondary College No 2 April 2014 215 High Street, Hasngs, 3915 PH: 5979 1577, Fax: 5979 3734 . Absence Line: 5979 3511 Email: [email protected] Web: BELL TIMES 2014 Form Assembly 8.45 am - 8.55 am Period 1 8.58 am - 9.55 am Period 2 9.58 am - 10.55 am Recess Period 3 11.19 am - 12.16 am Period 4 12.19 am - 1.16 pm Lunch Period 5 2.03 pm - 3.00 pm Important Dates: 4 th April—Southern Peninsula Division Senior Golf 4 th April—End of Term 1 22nd April—Term 2 begins 30th April—Open Night 10th to 16th May— QLD Trip 12th to 16th May—Year 10 Work Exp 14th to 16th May— Naplan Tesng 22nd May—Senior Sport 29th May—Year 8 Sport Malaysia 2014 Ayla Gallagher (leſt) and Bridgee Kusch.

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Page 1: Newsletter of Western Port Secondary ollege · Newsletter of Western Port Secondary ollege No 2 April 2014 ... Division Senior Golf ... the area between McDonalds and

The Pelican Newsletter of Western Port Secondary College

No 2 April 2014

215 High Street, Hastings, 3915 PH: 5979 1577, Fax: 5979 3734 . Absence Line: 5979 3511 Email: [email protected] Web:


Form Assembly 8.45 am - 8.55 am Period 1 8.58 am - 9.55 am Period 2 9.58 am - 10.55 am Recess Period 3 11.19 am - 12.16 am Period 4 12.19 am - 1.16 pm Lunch Period 5 2.03 pm - 3.00 pm

Important Dates: 4th April—Southern Peninsula Division Senior Golf 4th April—End of Term 1 22nd April—Term 2 begins 30th April—Open Night

10th to 16th May— QLD Trip 12th to 16th May—Year 10 Work Exp 14th to 16th May— Naplan Testing 22nd May—Senior Sport 29th May—Year 8 Sport

Malaysia 2014 Ayla Gallagher (left) and Bridgette Kusch.

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THE NEXT MALAYSIAN TRIP The next Malaysian Trip will be from the 20th June 2015 to 2nd July 2015, see Mr Ward or Thuy Ta for details.

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The Principal

Acting Principal’s Report It is hard to believe that Term 1 is over – how time has flown! It is has been pleasing to see most students settling into the year well and getting on with their school work and being involved in the numerous extra – curricula activities on offer at our school. Two weeks ago I visited the Year 7 students attending camp at Phillip Island. From all accounts the camp was a big success and I observed many students engaging with their peer support leaders and being involved in a

variety of activities around the camp and down at the local beach. Thanks to all the staff who volunteered their time to attend the camp. This term has also seen both the school’s Swimming Sports and Athletic Days being held. These were also a great success and it terrific to see students have a go and take part in some healthy, competitive activities. These experiences really enhances a student’s overall education and development and it is a shame that some students are given permission by parents not to attend these special school events. These days are considered regular school days and all students are expected to attend as normal. Trade Training Centre I was pleased to welcome to the school recently our local MP Greg Hunt to look at the plans for the new Trade Training Centre and discuss with students some of the vocational programs that will be available through the centre. We expect to tender for the project later this year and the timeline for construction to start is early 2015. Student Leaders Collaborative Project Six Year 10 Student Leaders along with Ms Lewis and Ms Nairn recently returned from ten days in Kuala Lumpur visiting our Sister School and establishing a project that both schools will be involved in. (See article elsewhere in this newsletter.) This was partially funded by a grant from the Australian Malaysian Institute. The students have clearly had an amazing cultural experience, established significant friendships with their Malaysian counterparts and have developed an intelligent and meaningful project for both schools to work on – a great result for the investment made! Mid-Semester Reports and Parent/Teacher Interviews The reports will be available for collection at Parent Teacher evening on Thursday 3rd April from 1pm – 7pm. These are important documents and the interviews are a great way to meet your child’s teacher and discuss their progress so far this year. The reports indicate how the student is progressing and importantly they allow an opportunity for students to catch up or rectify issues before it is too late. I strongly encourage all parents to attend these interviews. Principal Selection Process At our School Council meeting in March, Mr Dennis Pratt our Senior Advisor from the region briefed the council on the selection process to appoint an on-going Principal for the College. It is planned for this process to take place in Term 2 and the appointment to begin in Term 3. Uniform A reminder that all students are required to wear school uniform at all times. Detailed information about uniform and in particular shoes deemed appropriate as school shoes can be found at: The supplier of College uniform is Beleza, who have a store at: Shop 8, 13 Eramosa Rd West, Somerville (near Safeway), 5977-5277 Website Just a reminder about the College web site – a great way to keep in touch and informed! Please visit: Term 1 Holidays School will end at 2pm on Friday 4th April, and Term 2 will commence on Tuesday 22nd April. I wish all students, families and the school community a safe and enjoyable holiday. Happy Easter! Michael Devine Acting Principal

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Assistant Principal

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Insurance and Ambulance Cover

Western Port Secondary College does not have a whole-of-school accident insurance/ambulance cover.

This is a reminder to parents/ guardians that: Parents/guardians of students, who do not have student accident insurance, are responsible for paying

the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including the cost of ambulance attendance/transport and any other transport costs.

Parents/guardians can purchase insurance policies from commercial insurers. The Department does not hold insurance for personal property brought to schools and it has no

capacity to pay for any loss or damage to such property. Western Port Secondary College does not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage to private property.

Having returned from a month’s Long Service Leave for just one week in March, I then had the pleasure of travelling to Kuala Lumpur with six of our Student Leaders to work with Donna Nairn to facilitate the development of a joint project between WPSC and our sister school, Aminuddin Baki. Donna has outlined the project in her Wellbeing article. The learning for the students and us went well beyond the project itself. The immersion in Malaysian culture and the

opportunity to partake in a diverse range of experiences was enriching for all. I was impressed with the students’ preparedness to step out of their comfort zones and try everything. At times that meant being confronted (viewing cow’s heads imported from Australia at the Chow Kit wet markets), challenged (walking for hours in relentless humidity), humbled (being welcomed and charmed by a lovely guide at the National Islamic mosque), and surprised (stumbling across a photographic exhibition about the Australian Afghani camel riders, after which the Ghan train is named, at the Islamic museum). The students were adventurous with their food choices. No requests for McDonalds or KFC were made. Meal choices included dahl and paratha bread for breakfast and chicken feet and garlic mussells for dinner! I was also impressed with the easy way they conversed with everyone they met, whether it be an Indian taxi driver, backpackers from Brisbane, a tour guide wearing a burkha or children in a Hindu temple at the Batu caves. Zoe was slightly traumatised however when a greedy monkey jumped onto her backpack in the expectation that it might contain some food!! They embraced the experience and showed maturity in their willingness to learn about and understand a new culture and develop their leadership capabilities. Hannah Lewis Assistant Principal

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Assistant Principal

Over recent weeks much work has been completed by the Conservation and Land Management group at the College. The new café site is well under way, with the proposed opening date set for early May. Students have been busily building the decking and ramp for the building under the supervision of their TAFE trainer. VCAL students have also been working on clearing the internal site after the builder and plasterer completed their stages. This new café will be a great start to the College’s plans for an Enterprise Hub in the Kitchen Garden. Café trainees have been developing their barista skills throughout Term 1 and are making preparations for the new café site as well. Safety Reminder when Travelling Home Students are reminded that they need to exit to the College in a safe manner, obeying all road rules. Over recent weeks there have been several incidents with students on bikes, skateboards and scooters having ‘near misses’ with passing cars. This is very scary for both the student and motorist. The college is asking all parents to reiterate to their children, the college’s plea to check their path is clear before crossing roads and pulling into streets, to avoid collision. If you see or hear something you are concerned about, please contact Donna Geritz at the College to discuss this on 5979 1577. Youth Commitment and Pathways White Card Training A reminder that the White Card Training is running on Wednesday 7th May. This training is compulsory for all Building and Construction VET students. Anyone else who wishes to participate in the training can do so, if payment of $90 is made to the General Office by Thursday 24th April (This is open to students, parents and community members while places are available). School Based Apprentice/Trainee Awards It is with great pleasure that the College can announce the Trainee for the Month of March is Braydon Cartwright. Braydon is the recipient of this award for his outstanding effort and hard work in café and hospitality course. He has shown exceptional leadership and initiative. This was clearly evident on the College’s Athletics Day in March. Stay At School Awards

Congratulations to Monique Freeman Wright from the Senior VCAL program. She has been awarded the Peninsula Stay at School Award for 2014. She receives a cash grant in Term 1 and a follow up cash payment at the conclusion of her course. She was nominated for this award by the VCAL Panel in late 2013 for continually striving to complete all course based assessment to a high standard along with excelling in a difficult industry placement. Mrs Donna Geritz Acting Assistant Principal

Mornington Peninsular School Environment Week at the Briars

Environment Week promotes awareness and care of the environment and complements curriculum activities aimed at Primary School Students. For many years students from our College have been invited to assist presenters who provide hands on activities for younger students; over 120 students were involved this year. Our College Environment Team presented an interactive activity with students observing WORMS under a magnifying glass and examining the contents of a worm Farm.

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Clean Up Australia Day 2014

Once again Members of the Environment Group were joined by Counsellor David Garnock and Samantha Ackland, Regional Education office - Mornington Peninsula Shire to clean up High Street. The Environment team accepts responsibility for the area between McDonalds and Hendersons Road throughout the year. Sadly the area on High Street to the west of the College is littered by ‘Adult’ rubbish.

Developing Leaders in a Global Community As part of the WPSC Student Leadership program Hannah Lewis and myself, accompanied six students to Malaysia to undertake a collaborative learning project with six students from our sister school, SMK Aminuddin Baki in Kuala Lumpur . This project was largely funded by the AMI with the purpose of developing learning opportunities across cultures that can be implemented locally. The five students, Ayla Gallagher, Toby Smith, Zoe Mitchell, Bridgette Kuspch and Kaila Paalberg, were selected from our Year 10 Student Leaders, and one year 11 student, Luke Reardon who is WPSC Environment Captain, represented our school with great enthusiasm and a willingness to embrace this unique opportunity and everything it was to offer. The confidence and competence of the leadership skills developed by the students in both schools possibly exceeded all expectations. Together they have chosen to develop a project around caring for the elderly in our community. The skill set demonstrated by the students

included verbal and written communication, a proficiency in utilizing information technology, public speaking, collaborating to complete tasks to meet deadlines, and documenting, designing and organizing an action plan for future tasks. It was an absolute privilege to be part of the learning and development of these young leaders in what was a life changing experience for them all. I look forward to continuing to work with them in 2014 and beyond as they continue to develop as leaders into the future. Donna Nairn, Student Wellbeing Counsellor/ ADF Transition Mentor

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Senior boys Volleyball On Tuesday February 18th the senior boys Volleyball team competed at Mt Eliza in the Southern Peninsula Division competition. As there were 6 teams the draw was played in 2 pools. Firstly WPSC played Somerville but the boys had a slow start and lost 2 sets to 0. Next was Dromana who were eventual winners. It was 1 set all and in the deciding set it was neck and neck but unfortunately we lost by a mere 2 points. As WPSC and Mornington both finished 2nd in their pools so they each other for team placings. The boys won convincingly 2 sets to 0 with some very good team work and consistent set plays finishing 3rd overall. Well done to the team who improved with every game. They

demonstrated outstanding sportsmanship and co-operation. The team consisted of: Ash Ainslie, Shaun Boyle, Alex Carey, Zane Cargill, Jyle Cockrill, Aidan Cutriss, Laz Cutriss, Adem Neary, Kenny San and Mitchell Dooley

What SUP! Our senior students had a blast Stand Up Paddling

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Swimming Carnival 2014

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Shave For A Cure/Funky Hair Day The SLC recently organised a Funky hair day to raise funds for the Leukemia Foundation. Thanks to the Year 12 girls who colour hairsprayed the students. Congratulations to Gabi in Year 8 who was brave enough to shave her head on the weekend of 15th March.

Purple Day The SLC ran their first out of uniform day for the year and the theme was Purple Day. Proceeds went to the Epilepsy Foundation.

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UNIFORM AND BOOK DONATIONS The College would be grateful for any donations of uniforms and/or books no longer required by

students. They will be put to good use.

Southern Peninsula Division Swimming Carnival

On Thursday March 13th the interschool swimming team competed at the combined Southern Peninsula Division swimming carnival at Pines Forest pool. Over the course of the day a number of students swam well beyond what was asked. These students deserve as much credit as our medal place getters. All students performed to their personal bests but were outclassed by a stronger well-trained opposition. Thanks to staff, parents and students for their support. Again some students did not attend which makes it so much more demanding on just a few. Overall Western Port came fifth by just one point behind Mt Eliza, a great team effort. Mt Eliza 424 Western Port 423 Jack Shkreli will represent WPSC at the Southern Metropolitan finals at MSAC on Thursday March 27th. We wish him all the best. He was also the Age Champion for Boys 15 years for the Southern Peninsula Division. A GREAT ACHIEVEMENT! Gold medal winner: Jack Shkreli in Boys 15 years 50m breaststroke, butterfly, freestyle and backstroke A remarkable effort. Silver medal winners: Boys 14 years Freestyle Relay Relay members: Matt Foy, Jack Shkreli, Lachlan Cox, Aaron Whitford Georgia Couchman Girls 16 years 50m Breaststroke Tash Green Girls 17 years 50m Breaststroke Zane Cargill Boys 18-20 years 50m Freestyle Bronze medal winners: Tyson Hess Boys 12/13 years 50m Breaststroke Tenee Schneider Girls 15 years 50m Breaststroke Matt Foy Boys 17 years 50m Breaststroke and 12-15 years 100m Freestyle Tash Green girls 16 years 50m Breaststroke Miranda Robson Girls 17 years 50m Butterfly Kayleigh Richardson girls 17 years Backstroke 50m Zane Cargill Boys 18-20 years 50m Butterfly Georgia Couchman Girls 16 years 50 m Butterfly Girls 17-20 years Medley Relay Relay members: Tash Green, Miranda Robson, Keisha Densley, Courtney Davidson Girls 16 years Freestyle Relay Relay members: Georgia Baker, Eleonore Rich, Georgia Couchman, Alanah Sbisa Boys 17-20 years Freestyle Relay Relay members: Wade De La Haye, Sam Hodic, Zane Cargill, Jack Shkreli Girls 17 years Freestyle Relay Relay members: Miranda Robson, Tash Green, Alyce Bell, Shaye Williams

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INTERNATIONAL WOMENS DAY BREAKFAST AT CROWN CASINO On Tuesday the 4th of March, 2014 the International Women’s Day breakfast was held at Crown Casino by the Rotary Club of Victoria. The three female School Captains from our school Dayna Carey, Keisha Densley and Bianca Gillon were privileged to attend. The girls were escorted by the Hastings Librarian, Linda and Heather a Hastings Rotarian member. The journey began at 5.45am in the morning; having to travel through the horrible Melbourne traffic rush they arrived at Crown by 7.30am, just missing the beginning of the speeches and the start of the hot breakfast. The morning was full of guest speakers and their panel discussing

the topic of the day; ‘is having children a woman’s affair?’ Even though the panel didn’t keep to topic the whole time; the discussion was interesting to listen to. Overall the experience of the morning was fantastic and Dayna, Keisha and Bianca would like to thank the Hastings Rotary Club for inviting the school to this event. Dayna, Keisha and Bianca

Access Monash This year twelve of our Year 11 and 12 students will be mentored by Monash University students as part of the Access Monash Men-toring program. The program provides intensive support to selected Year 11 and 12 students who aspire to university study. It aims to support their decision making and preparation for university and careers by matching them with successful Monash University students to work in one-to-one mentoring relationships. Our selected students attended an induction day at the Monash University Peninsula and Caulfield Campuses on February 12th & 13th and met their mentors for the first time at our school launch this week. Students will meet with their mentors fortnightly usually at the school and will also have opportunities to attend the university and other events together. They will explore tertiary study options and career pathways, gain great academic advice and study tips, and learn how to get the most out of their VCE experience. To find out more about the Access Monash Mentoring program visit

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YEAR 10 BEACON PANEL MOCK JOB INTERVIEWS Beacon Panel Mock Job Interviews were held on Thursday, 27th February for our Year 10 cohort. Students’ have been actively involved in the “Real Game” in their Channelling Futures classes and were required to prepare their application letter and resume for an advertised position. WPSC was privileged to have twenty businesses guests and Hastings Rotarians represented to volunteer their time to role play as potential employers on an interview panel for our students. Students were surveyed to reflect on their experiences about the whole process and this was very positive; out of a ranking of 1-5 most students score was between 3, 4 & 5. Here are some student Testimonials: What could you have done to improve your interview? “Learn to speak more loudly” “Spoke out for myself” “Put more information in my cover letter” “Been more prepared” “Maybe practiced a little bit more” Any comments about the interview process? “Very well done and realistic” “Really good, I was nervous at the start, but I got relaxed and it turned out to be great” “It was scary but a wakeup call” “I wished I had learnt this resume process better” “It was better than I thought it would be I really enjoyed it, it was fun” Gina Mathers Beacon Pathways co - ordinator

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Insurance and Ambulance Cover Western Port Secondary College does not have a whole-of-school

accident insurance/ambulance cover This is a reminder to parents/ guardians that:

parents/guardians of students, who do not have student accident insurance, are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including the cost of ambulance attendance/transport and any other transport costs.

Parents/guardians can purchase insurance policies from commercial insurers.

The Department does not hold insurance for personal property brought to schools and it has no capacity to pay for any loss or damage to such property. Western Port Secondary College does not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage to private property.

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8/13 Eramosa Rd

Somerville 3912

Phone: (03) 5977 5277

Monday - Friday: 9:00am to


Saturday: 10:00am to 1:00pm

FOR SALE College Captain’s Blazer

$75 ONO Size 18

Please call Steve 0427 161 260

CALLING ALL PARENTS & FRIENDS! WPSC are currently seeking new members to JOIN our Parents and Friends Committee. YOU can make a difference to OUR students education and future. Contact Chantelle Steffens for further information on 5979 1577

IMPORTANT INFORMATION Change of Address for Landmark School Supplies

Dear Parents, Please note that from the 11th April 2014 Landmark School Supplies will be moving to new premises located at 88-92 Waterview Close Dandenong South. The new store will open to customers from 28th April During the interim period, please order online via the website Trading hours are Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm with extended hours during January and February


Ironing Person, to do basket load per fortnight

Must charge by basket Non-smoker only

Between Somerville & Hastings please Call 0431327531 AH

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Moonlit Sanctuary Summer

School Holidays

Young Ranger Program Environmental Activities, Native Animal


Fun and Games during April 2014.

Monday 7th, Wednesday 9th, Friday 11th April

Monday 14th, Tuesday 15th, Wednesday 16th, April

Cost: $45.00 per day, or $120 for 3 days.

Bookings essential - suitable 7-14 years.

Hours: 10AM – 4PM

Wear closed-toe shoes and long pants and remember your hat.

Lunches: BYO or available for $7.50

Moonlit Sanctuary

550 Tyabb-Tooradin Rd, Pearcedale

Ph. 5978-7935
