newsletter november 2012


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Newsletter November 2012


The annual FNB Business Excellence Awards were held in Johannesburg on Thursday 1st November in celebration of Italian entrepreneurial success in South Africa. The awards evening, organised by the Italian-South African Chamber of Trade and Industries in collaboration with FNB Commercial Banking who recently reconfirmed its participation as Title Sponsor of the event for three more years, is now in its 13th year. The Business Excellence Awards were started not only to promote and celebrate the contribution of the Italian entrepreneurial community to South Africa’s growing economy, but also to award the entrepreneurs most deserving of recognition for their distinct business excellence. The independent jury, composed of four external judges - Themba Mabizela of FNB, Riccardo Fanelli of SACE Johannesburg, Luigi Stravino of BLC Plant Company and Roberto Marcer of Simarca Chartered Accountants, examined and analysed each of the finalists individually before selecting as this year’s winners: Business Person of the Year Mr. Carlo Gonzaga – Taste Holdings Business Enterprise of the Year Viglietti Motors Young Upcoming Entrepreneur of the Year Mr. Matteo Amatruda The prize for the category of the Lifetime Recognition was awarded to Mr. Renato Fioravanti, while The Italian Ambassador Vincenzo Schioppa presented the Honorary Chairperson Award to Her Excellency the South African Ambassador to Italy, Ms. Thenjiwe Mtintso.


1° Novembre 2012

Mr. Carlo Gonzaga of Taste Holdings, winner of the Business Person of the Year award

Mr. Marvin Eagles of Viglietti Motors, winner of the Business Enterprise of the Year award

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Mr. Matteo Amatruda of A+I Unlimited Design, winner of the Young Upcoming Entrepreneur of the Year award

The guest speaker of the event Natalie du Toit, who, on the 4th of November, was named Sportswoman of the Year with a Disability at the 2012 South African Sports Awards

The event was held at the Wanderer's Club in Illovo and was attended by 350 guests. The Master of Ceremonies for this edition was television presenter Vuyo Mbuli, and the Guest of Honour was Natalie Du Toit, a South African paralympic gold medalist who won 4 medals at the 2012 London Paralympics. The evening was opened by Andrea Moz, President of the Italian-South African Chamber of Trade and Industries, who welcomed Italian Ambassador Vincenzo Schioppa, Consul General of Italy in Johannesburg Gabriele Di Muzio, Consul General of Italy in Cape Town Edoardo Maria Vitali and CEO of FNB Commercial Bank Michael Vacy Lyle. Also present at the event was Lucy Slaviero of Little Eden, a charity founded by Domitilla Rota and supported by the Chamber and its members. Proceeds from the raffle were donated to the charity which cares for mentally and physically disabled children and adults. The winning tickets of the charity raffle were drawn at the end of the evening and the three raffle prizes went to: Mr. Gustavo Pinto Teixeira - Vespa S150ie (ticket number 0673) valued at R60 000.00 Mrs. Marisa Toniolo – an Italtile Voucher valued at R50 000.00 (ticket number 1560) Mr. David Lamberti – a Sandown Travel Voucher valued at R20 000.00 (ticket number 0659)


1° Novembre 2012

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1° Novembre 2012

Il 1^ Novembre si e’ svolta a Johannersburg la cerimonia di premiazione dell’imprenditoria Italiana di successo in Sudafrica. La manifestazione, organizzata dalla Camera di Commercio Italo-Sudafricana in collaborazione con FNB Commercial Banking - che, qualche mese fa, ha riconfermato la partecipazione in qualità di “Title Sponsor” per altri tre anni – e’ giunta alla sua XIII edizione. Il Business Excellence Awards nasce non solo con l’obiettivo di promuovere il contributo fornito dalla comunità imprenditoriale italiana alla crescita economica del Sudafrica, ma anche al fine di premiare le figure professionali che più si sono distinte per eccellenza nell’arco dell’anno. La giuria esterna composta da quattro professionisti - Themba Mabizela di FNB, Riccardo Fanelli di SACE Johannesburg, Luigi Stravino di BLC Plant Company, Roberto Marcer di Simarca Chartered Accountants - esaminati i profili dei finalisti, ha designato i vincitori per questa edizione: Per la categoria Business Person of the Year Mr. Carlo Gonzaga – Taste Holdings Per la categoria Business Enterprise of the Year Viglietti Motors Per la categoria Young Upcoming Entrepreneur of the Year Mr. Matteo Amatruda Il premio per la categoria del Lifetime Recognition e’ stato consegnato a Mr. Renato Fioravanti. L’Ambasciatore Italiano Vincenzo Schioppa, invece, ha premiato Sua Eccellenza l’Ambasciatrice del Sudafrica in Italia, Ms. Thenjiwe Mtintso, per la categoria dell’Honorary Chairperson.

Mr. Marvin Eagles di Viglietti Motors, vincitore del premio per la categoria Business Enterprise of the Year

Carlo Gonzaga di Taste Holdings, vincitore del premio per la categoria Business Person of the Year

L’evento si e’ celebrato ancora una volta presso il Wanderer's Club di Johannesburg e ha fatto registrare la presenza di 350 invitati. La conduzione della serata e’ stata affidata questa volta al presentatore televisivo Vuyo Mbuli e ha previsto la prestigiosa partecipazione della plurimedagliata Natalie Du Toit, nuotatrice sudafricana vincitrice di ben 4 medaglie alle ultime Paralimpiadi di Londra 2012. A fare gli onori di casa il Presidente della Camera di Commercio Italo-Sudafricana, Andrea Moz, che ha accolto l’Ambasciatore Italiano Vincenzo Schioppa,il Console Generale d’Italia a Johannesburg, Gabriele Di Muzio, il Console Generale d’Italia a Cape Town, Edoardo Maria Vitali ed il CEO di FNB Commercial Bank, Michael Vacy Lyle. Era presente anche Lucy Slaviero poiche’ all’evento è stata abbinata la raccolta di fondi destinata all’associazione “Little Eden” fondata dall’italiana Domitilla Rota A fine serata sono stati estratti i biglietti vincenti della lotteria di beneficienza il cui ricavato e’ stato devoluto all’associazione che da anni si occupa di bambini affetti da disabilità mentali. Tutti i presenti hanno contribuito fino alla fine acquistando biglietti messi a disposizione dello staff della Camera di Commercio. I fortunati vincitori sono stati: Mr. Gustavo Pinto Teixeira, che ha vinto una Vespa S150ie el valore di 60000 Rand (ticket number 0673) Mrs. Marisa Toniolo,che si e’ aggiudicata un Voucher presso Italtile del valore di 50000 Rand (ticket number 1560) Mr. David Lamberti , vincitore di un Voucher presso Sandown Travel del valore di 20000 Rand(ticket number 0659)


1° Novembre 2012

La Guest Speaker della serata Natalie du Toit, che il 4 Novembre è stata nominata Sportswoman of the Year with a Disability agli South African Sports Awards 2012

Mr. Matteo Amatruda di A+I Unlimited Design, vincitore per la categoria Young Upcoming Entrepreneur of the Year

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Marchio Ospitalità Italiana – Ristoranti nel mondo – for more information [email protected]

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This year’s Marchio Ospitalita’ Italiana (Italian Hospitality Seal)

certification awards were presented by comedian Vittorio

Leonardi who delighted guests with some entertaining thoughts

regarding Italy, Italian cuisine, and life as an Italian-South


The Marchio Ospitalita’ Italiana project was initiated and

launched in Italy in 1997 by the Unioncamere and ISNART

(National Institute for Tourism Research), in collaboration with

Fipe (Italian Federation of Public Enterprises) and the Italian

Chambers of Commerce (CCIE) active throughout the world.

The primary objectives of this project are to develop and

promote Italian agro-alimentary products, to give real value

both to Italian culinary culture and to the image of Italian

restaurants abroad that respect the quality standards

associated with traditional Italian hospitality, to create an

international network within which and around which events

can be organized to promote Italian products of the highest

quality, and to create new opportunities and occasions to

promote Italian restaurants around the world (RIM) and the

Marchio Ospitalita’ Italiana itself.

Marchio Ospitalitá Italiana Certification Awards

Marchio Ospitalità Italiana – Ristoranti nel mondo – for more information [email protected]

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Nel corso della serata e’ avvenuta anche la cerimonia di

premiazione del Progetto Marchio Ospitalita’ Italiana,

Ristoranti Italiani nel Mondo.

Questo momento e’ stato affidato al comico Vittorio

Leonardi il quale ha intrattenuto il pubblico in sala con un

divertente momento di cabaret.

Tale Progetto nasce dall’iniziativa promossa da

UNIONCAMERE in collaborazione con FIPE – Federazione

Italiana Pubblici Esercizi - e supporto operativo di ISNART e

della rete delle Camere di Commercio Italiane all’Estero

(CCIE), e si prefigge l`obiettivo di sviluppare e promuovere le

tradizioni dei prodotti agroalimentari italiani e valorizzare la

cultura enogastronomica italiana, valorizzare l`immagine dei

ristoranti italiani all`estero che garantiscono il rispetto degli

standard di qualità dell`ospitalità italiana, creare una rete

internazionale che consenta la realizzazione di eventi

promozionali delle eccellenze produttive italiane e creare

nuove opportunità e azioni di promozione per i ristoranti

italiani nel mondo (RIM) e per il marchio Ospitalità Italiana.

Cerimonia di Premiazione del Marchio Ospitalitá Italiana

IL CAPPERO Address: Barrack Street, 3 Città del Capo Telephone: 021 4613168 Website: E-mail: [email protected] Closed from: 08/01 - 29/01 Closed on: Sundays Culinary influences: Sicily, Campania FUMO RESTAURANT Address: 21 Shop Corner Baines and G. Storrar, Pretoria Telephone: +27 012 346 0916 Fax: +27 012 346 0086 E-mail: [email protected] Closed from: 23/12 - 04/01 Closed on: Sundays Culinary influences: Tuscany, Campania LA LOCANDA Address: 124 York Street, George Telephone: +27 44 874 7803 Fax: +27 44 874 7803 Website : E-mail: [email protected] Closed from: 16/06 - 10/07 Closed on: Saturdays (lunch time), Sundays Culinary influences: Piemonte, Liguria FABIO’S RISTORANTE Address: 60 ST Peters Lane Hermanus Western Cape Telephone: +27 283130532 Fax: +27 866632247 Website: E-mail: [email protected] Closed on: Open everyday from 11h00 – 21h30 Culinary influences: Lombardia, Piemonte Click here to return to the INDEX page

Il Leone – MASTRANTONIO Address: 22 Cobern Street, corner of Prestwich Street, Greenpoint Cape Town Telephone: +2721 421 0071 Website: E-mail: [email protected] Closed on: Mondays Culinary influences: Tuscany, Abruzzo Illovo – MASTRANTONIO Address: shop 6C, Illovo square, 3 rivonia Road, Illovo Johannesburg Telephone: +27 011 268 6754 Fax: +27 011 268 5849 Website: E-mail: [email protected] Closed from: 24/12 - 05/01 Closed on: Sundays Culinary influences: Abruzzo, Marche La Scala – MASTRANTONIO Address: Shop U58, Montecasino, Fourways Johannesburg Telephone: +27 011 511 1958 Fax: +27 011 511 1959 Website: E-mail: [email protected] Closed from: 24/12 - 05/01 Closed on: Sundays Culinary influences: Puglia, Lazio

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IL TARTUFO Address: Jan Smuts Avenue, Hutton Court, Johannesburg Telephone: +27 11 788 8948 Website: E-mail: [email protected] BICE RESTAURANT Address: 1st Road, located at Southern Sun, Hyde Park, Sandton Telephone: +27 11 341 8080 Fax: +27 11 341 8081 Website: E-mail: [email protected] CASA TOSCANA Address: Poggio Farm Trafalgar Telephone: +27 39 313 0058 Fax: +27 39 313 0277 Website: E-mail: [email protected]

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Azienda leader nella produzione di salami, il Salumificio Gandolfi Enea & C. SNC e’ ubicato in provincia di Cremona in una zona che viene considerata strategica perche’ equidistante da Parma e Mantova, territori in cui si allevano il 54% dei suini nazionali. Il salumificio Gandolfi, oltre ad essere in possesso da oltre 30 anni del Bollo CE “IT 627 L”, ha intrapreso nel 1999 un percorso di certificazione volontaria nel 1999, ottenendo la certificazione di sistema qualita’ secondo le UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 e ISO 9002. La caratteristica predominante dell’azienda e’ rappresentata dal sistema operativo, che ha permesso di inserirla dalla camera di commercio di Cremona nell’elenco delle aziende la cui produzione alimentare tradizionale e’ quella risultante da tecniche di lavorazione in cui sono riconoscibili gli elementi tipici della cultura locale e regionale, il cui processo produttivo mantiene contenuti e caratteri di manualita’ e i processi di conservazione, stagionatura e invecchiamento avvengono con metodi naturali. All’estero i principali paesi in cui Salumificio Gandolfi esporta sono Germania, Francia, Svezia, Finlandia e Grecia, ma un azione per tastare le possibilita’ del mercato sudafricano e’ gia’ cominciata.

Per ulteriori informazioni e per entare in contatto con Salumificio Gandolfi, scrivere a Monica Gandolfi: [email protected] , o visita il sito

The company attributes much of its success to its effective operational system which has led to Gandolfi Enea & C. SNC being listed by the Cremona Chamber of Commerce as one of the companies whose traditional food processing and manufacturing methods still respect typical local and regional culture; while its production, preservation and seasoning processes are still undertaken as per age-old customs and using natural methods and ingredients. Salumificio Gandolfi’s main export markets are currently Germany, France, Sweden, Finland and Greece, but the company is also looking to enter the South African market in the near future.

For further information and to contact Salumificio Gandolfi please write to Monica Gandolfi: [email protected] , or visit the website

Salumificio Gandolfi Enea & C. SNC is an Italian company situated in Cremona, Italy. Gandolfi is a leader in the production of Salami. One of the key features of the company is its strategic location in the heart of the Mantova, Parma and Cremona provinces, where 54% of Italy’s pigs are bred. Salumificio Gandolfi has held the “IT 627 L” EC certification for over 30 years, and in 1999 voluntarily applied for and obtained UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 9002 certifications.

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North by North Communication was founded in 2012, establishing itself as a leading player in the language services industry. With an emphasis on facilitating European business in Africa, their experienced language specialists provide translations of the following in over 24 languages: • Website translations • Corporate documents – tender applications, contracts, etc. • Instruction manuals • Magazines/Newspapers/Books

Born in Italy and having lived on 3 different continents, Sean has a very intimate relationship with language and cultural diversity. His multicultural upbringing led to his fluency in 5 languages and his thorough understanding of the ways in which language affects business. Sean gained a lot of exposure to international business while working as a language specialist for multinational businesses such as Air France and Mastercard, and together with his charismatic business partners, David McKenna and Learmont Keam, he now strives to bring youthful energy and innovation to the corporate world. Their mission is to connect businesses and individuals through the power of language.

For further information, please visit or, alternatively, contact their Cape Town office on 021 424 7003.

• Traduzioni web • Documenti aziendali – gare di appalto, contratti, ecc. • Manuali d’istruzioni • Riviste/Giornali/Libri Nato in Italia, Sean ha vissuto in tre diversi continenti e ha così un rapporto molto profondo con la diversità linguistica e culturale. La sua educazione multiculturale lo ha portato a parlare fluentemente 5 lingue e a cogliere gli aspetti profondi dell’impatto che la lingua ha sul business. Mentre lavorava come specialista linguistico per grandi società multinazionali come Air France e Mastercard, Sean è entrato in contatto con il business internazionale. Insieme ai partner, David McKenna e LearmontKeam, Sean si impegna per apportare energia giovanile e innovazione al mondo delle società. La loro mission è di collegare il business con gli individui, attraverso il potere delle lingue.

North by North Communication e’ un azienda nata nel 2012 con lo scopo di fornire servizi linguistici alle aziende, e si e’ imposta fin da subito come attore di rilievo nel settore, facilitando la crescita e l’espansione di un elevato numero di società, e contribuendo positivamente alla realizzazione dei loro obiettivi aziendali all’estero. Con l’obiettivo di facilitare lo svolgimento delle attività delle società europee operanti in Africa, i loro specialisti linguistici forniscono le seguenti traduzioni in più di 24 lingue:

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Visita in Sud Africa per l'azienda Megabarre Group. Realtá multinazionale leader nel panorama dei condotti elettrici prefabbricati, l'azienda ha il suo headquarter europeo a Brescia e due divisioni in America Latina, rispettivamente in Brasile e in Cile. La visita a Johannesburg si è tenuta dal 22 al 25 Ottobre in occasione di Africa Elextricity Exhibition 2012, fiera annuale nel settore elettrico. I rappresentanti di Megabarre Group in visita sono stati i Presidenti delle divisioni italiana e brasiliana Silvano Lamberti e Jose Antonio Mendonca e dal Direttore Esecutivo Gianluigi Galimberti. La Camera di Commercio Italo-Sudafricana ha supportato l'azienda fornendo assistenza logistica e realizzando un’agenda incontri con le potenziali controparti sudafricane, incontri b2b mirati alla possibilità di future collaborazioni per entrare in contatto con il mercato sudafricano.

Between the 22nd and the 25th of October 2012 a delegation from Megabarre Group visited South Africa for the Africa Electricity Exhibition, an annual exhibition held for the electricity sector. Megabarre is a multinational reality in the busbar trunking system landscape, with their European headquarter in Brescia (Italy) and two further divisions operating from Brazil and Chile. Representing the company in Johannesburg were the Presidents of the Italian and Brazilian divisions Mr. Silvano Lamberti and Mr. Jose Antonio Mendonca, as well as Executive Director Mr. Gianluigi Galimberti. The Italian - South African Chamber of Commerce actively supported the company both with logistical arrangements and by organising a series of B2B meetings with potential South African counterparts aimed at laying the foundation for future collaborations, and at establishing contacts in the African market.

Per maggiori informazioni e per entrare in contatto con Megabarre Grup, Ing. Galimberti email: [email protected]

For further information and to contact Megabarre Group, please write to Mr. Galimberti. E-mail: [email protected]

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One of our members, an Italian company whose head office is situated in Genova and that is active worldwide in the fabrication and sale of machinery/lines and automation systems for production processes for: • robotics and integration of complex mechanical-electronic systems • assembly lines mainly for the automotive field • high speed machines to assemble plastic components • welding of plastic/thermoplastics components (ultrasonic, vibration, hot blade) The company is today a group of companies with 200 people invoicing more than € 35 M all around the world Is currently looking for a SALES REPRESENTATIVE Requirements: The goal is to promote and sell assembly lines mainly devoted to the Automotive (mainly Tier 1 / Tier 2), Electrical Appliances, Electro-mechanic, Food & Beverage, Medical, Pharmaceutical, Chemical and Cosmetics fields. The Sales Representative will therefore be expected to find potential customers, to establish commercial relationships with customers and to manage the sales/turnover in the area, with the support of the Italian design and sales team. At a later stage, the local service/first technical assistance will also have to be set up. The Sales Representative will work on a commission basis to be paid after receipt of the amounts from the customer Possible participation of the company in covering the costs/expenses for local promotion may be discussed. For the promotion of our equipment we do not ask for exclusivity, in other words we will have no problems with our representative also acting for other companies; the only condition is that such companies must not be direct competitors. The company has four Divisions specialized in four different fields: a) Flexible Automation : automatic assembly lines for the Automotive, Electrical Appliances, and Electro-mechanic industries b) High Speed Machines : automatic assembly lines for the Electro-mechanic, Food & Beverage, Medical, Pharmaceutical and Chemical industries c) Cell & Technologies: welding machines for plastic components for the Automotive, White Goods and Electro-mechanic field d) Concept Labs : special applications and prototypes

We believe the most interesting for a potential Representative could be a), b) and c). The possibility of a cooperation will be discussed on the basis of the candidate’s actual skills, experience and contacts; once we find the right partner, we will agree on a suitable period of cooperation, and, if successful, a formal cooperation agreement will be signed at a later stage. For more information and to apply for the position please contact [email protected]

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Company:Mastermar S.r.l. Membership: Corporate Location: Genova Contacts: Carlo Innocenti Tel: +39 010 2712401/416 Email: [email protected] Website:

Company: Salumificio Gandolfi Enea & C. SNC Membership: Funder Location: Cremona Contacts: Monica Gandolfi Tel: +39 (0375)969078 / 969389 Email: [email protected] Website:

Company:Telerobot S.r.l. Membership: Corporate Location: Genova Contacts: Laura Gagliardone Tel: +39 013 124 4811 Email: [email protected] Website:

A Thanks to our Patron Members!