newsletter hindi combined - 17 march 2021

a. सामािजक सुरा योजना : उर दे श के वापस आने वाले मजदू र वािसयो ं और अ कमजोर परवारो ं के िलए सामािजक सुरा को मजबूत करने के िमशन के साथ, परयोजना ने सामािजक सुरा योजनाओं म रा के छः (6) िजलो ं के 12,000 वासी िमको ं/ हािशए पर रहने वाले समूहो ं/ वंिचतो ं/ भािवत परवारो ंको 120 सामुदाियक संवग के ारा सहायता दान िकया गया । b. कारीगरो ंऔर सू उिमयो ंके आिथक सुधार : उष वेलफे यर फाउं डेशन के ारा, उर देश रा ामीण आजीिवका िमशन के समय से, 40 सामुदाियक कै डर मिहलाओं को चयिनत और िशित िकया गया । यह मिहलाएं अिधकांशतः यं सहायता समूहो ंऔर संघो ंसे जुड़ी मिहला नेतृ ह जो परयोजना म दूत और चिपयन के प म काम करती ह । इस परयोजना के ारा 2,700 से अिधक कारीगरो ं एवं सू उिमयो ं (िवशेष प से मिहलाएं ) और COVID-19 से भािवत परवारो ंको िडिजटल संचार साधनो ंके माम से जागक और संवेदीकृ त िकया गया । लाभािथयो ं म, 500 से अिधक कारीगरो ं और 1,000 से अिधक सू उिमयो ं को मशः 6 घंटे और 3 घंटे का े िशण िदया गया । 200 सू उिमयो ं को भावी ावसाियक योजनाओं और ऋण ाकरण (े िडट िलंके ज) हेतु, उम और तकनीकी टीम से सहायता दान की गई । c. संघष टेटाइल वीवर ोडू सर कं पनी िलिमटेड का गठन : वाराणसी िजले म 521 बुनकर उादको ं की सदता के साथ संघष टेटाइल वीवर ोडू सर कं पनी िलिमटेड (भाग IXA, कं पनी अिधिनयम, 2013 के तहत संयोजन) के नाम से ामीण कारीगरो ंकी एक िनमाता कं पनी बनाई गई है । ये कारीगर िनमाता कं पनी सद िडिजटल प से कई ई-कॉमस ेटफाम पर भी उपथत ह । EDP- Enterprise Development Program; HDFC Life- HDFC Life Insurance CSR; USFBL- Utkarsh Small Finance Bank Ltd.; CRP - Community Resource Person; HF - Health Facilitator; CHW - Community Health Workers; MEPP - Micro Enterprise Promotion Programme; SIDBI P&D - Small Industries Development Bank of India - Product and Development UNDP - United Nations Development Programme आउटरीच (पँच एवं िवार) - एक नज़र यू.एन.डी.पी. के सहयोग से पहल : COVID के बाद की ितिया UWF 1 िमिलयन से अिधक लाभािथयो ं तक पंचा अग 2010 म थापना के बाद, उष वेलफे यर फाउंडेशन (UWF) ने ब िवषयगत, सेवा-उुख बाजार के नेतृ वाले िकोण को अपनाकर, ा, िवीय जागकता, कौशल िवकास, सू उम िशण और सतत आजीिवका जैसे िविभ ेो ंम िनरंतर यास िकए ह। UWF के पहल उन सुिवचारो ंऔर समाधानो ंको िवकिसत करने पर क ित है, जो सुदू र और अनारित ेो ंम कम आय वाले परवारो ं की जरतो ं पर आधारत ह । UWF ने 31 िदसंबर, 2020 तक छः (6) राो ं म दस लाख से अिधक लाभािथयो ं तक अपनी सेवाएँ पँचाई ह । तीसरी ितमाही - एक नज़र - FY2020-21 Q3, #003 - FY2020-21 Q3, #003 - FY2020-21 Q3, #003 एक ैमािसक िववरिणका (Registered under Section 25 of Companies Act, 1956) लाभाथ पँच 6 रा (िबहार, िहमाचल देश, झारखंड, म देश, उराखंड और उर देश) िजले 53 िजलो ं भौगोिलक पर सिय कायम मार टेनर और CRP ारा सारता एवं िवीय िशण कायम (HDFC Life, USFBL) फाउंडेशन ूजलेटर िवीय जागकता सू इकाई सवंधन कायम MEPP (SIDBI P&D) कौशल व ावसाियक (EDP) िशण मोबाइल वैन पॉलीिनक (HDFC Life, USFBL) िनयिमत पॉलीिनक (HDFC Life) ा जागकता िशण HF एवं CHW के माम से (HDFC Life) िवीय जागकता 5,18,634 लाभाथ कौशल व ावसाियक (EDP) िशण 14,690 लाभाथ ा पहल 4,58,614 लाभाथ ा पहल संघष टेटाइल वीवर ोडू सर कं पनी िलिमटेड के सौपं ने का कायम : उष वेलफे यर फाउंडेशन ने 11 िदसंबर, 2020 को आयोिजत कायम म संघष टेटाइल वीवर ोडू सर कं पनी िलिमटेड को औपचारक प से उर देश रा ामीण आजीिवका िमशन को सौपं िदया । इस कायम का उद् घाटन यू.पी.एस.आर.एल.एम. के गणमा लोगो ं ारा िकया गया। कारीगर िनमाता कं पनी से संबंिधत कानूनी दावेज जैसे AoA और MoA औपचारक प से UPSRLM को सौपं िदए गए । ामीण रोजगार िशण संथान, वाराणसी (RSETI) और हथकरघा और व िवभाग के गणमा लोगो ंने भी अपनी उपथित दज कराई। काशी िवापीठ के िविभ ॉको ंसे, अराजीलाइन, हरआ और िपंडरा के कु ल 55 बुनकरो ं ने भाग िलया। कायम फाउंडेशन - समाचारो ं म संघष टेटाइल वीवर ोडू सर कं पनी िलिमटेड के सौपं ने का कायम 1. अमर उजाला - 12 िदसंबर 2020, 2. चेतना समचार सेवा- 12 िदसंबर 2020, 3. जनादेश समाचार -12 िदसंबर 2020, 4. िहंदुान – 12 िदसंबर 2020, 5. आज - 13 िदसंबर,2020 UNDP

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Newsletter Hindi Combined - 17 March 2021.cdra. : ,
(6) 12,000 / / / 120
b. : , , 40
( ) COVID-19 , 500
1,000 6 3 200 (
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c. : 521 ( IXA,
, 2013 ) -
EDP- Enterprise Development Program; HDFC Life- HDFC Life Insurance CSR; USFBL- Utkarsh Small Finance Bank Ltd.; CRP - Community Resource Person; HF - Health Facilitator; CHW - Community Health Workers; MEPP - Micro Enterprise Promotion Programme; SIDBI P&D - Small Industries Development Bank of India - Product and Development UNDP - United Nations Development Programme
( ) -
.... : COVID
2010 , (UWF) , - , , , ,
UWF 31 , 2020 (6)
- FY2020-21 Q3, #003 - FY2020-21 Q3, #003 - FY2020-21 Q3, #003 (Registered under Section 25 of Companies Act, 1956)






: 11 , 2020
, , 55


1. - 12 2020, 2. - 12 2020, 3. -12 2020, 4. – 12 2020, 5. - 13 ,2020
02 2014 COVID-19 , ,
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Seshaasai Business Forms SIDBI Sunking R.S. Hospital

, :
: – S-2/641-34, , . . , , ,
, , – 221002 : +91-542-2280485 -: [email protected]


(2) ,
UWF , - , ,


a. Social Protection Scheme: With a mission to strengthen the delivery of access to social protection for returnee migrant and other vulnerable households of Uttar Pradesh, the project facilitated information on the Social Protection Schemes and their access by 12,000 migrant workers / marginalized groups / underprivileged / affected families in six (6) districts of the State through the frontline assistance of 120 community cadres.
b. Economic Recovery of Artisans and Micro-Entrepreneurs: Utkarsh Welfare Foundation, in coordination with Uttar Pradesh State Rural Livelihoods Mission, selected and trained 40 community cadres that are mostly women leaders associated with Self-Help Groups and Federations to work as the messengers and champions of the project. More than 2,700 artisans and micro entrepreneurs especially women, and families affected by COVID-19 are benefited from this project in terms of awareness and sensitization through digital communication tools. Out of the pool of mobilized beneficiaries, more than 500 artisans and over 1,000 micro- entrepreneurs underwent 6 hours and 3 hours of field trainings respectively. 200 micro-entrepreneurs were provided support from the enterprise and technical team in terms of relevant and effective business plans and credit linkages.
c. Formation of Sangharsh Textile Weaver Producer Company Limited: A producer company of rural artisans has been formed with the membership of 521 weaver producers in Varanasi District under the name of Sangharsh Textile Weaver Producer Company Limited (incorporation under Part IXA, the Companies Act, 2013). These Artisans Producer Company members are also digitally on-boarded with e-commerce platforms.
6 States (Bihar, Himanchal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh)
Financial Awareness 5,18,634 Beneficiaries
Health Initiatives 4,58,614 Beneficiaries
Districts 53 Districts
Quarter 3 – At a Glance
Geographical Outreach
Beneficiary Outreach
Ongoing Programmes
FL Classroom Training through Master Trainer and CRP (HDFC Life, USFBL)
Mobile Van Polyclinic (HDFC Life, USFBL)
Regular Polyclinic (HDFC Life)
Financial Awareness Health Initiatives Skill & Vocational (EDP) Trainings
EDP- Enterprise Development Program; FL- Financial Literacy; HDFC Life- HDFC Life Insurance CSR; USFBL- Utkarsh Small Finance Bank Ltd.; CRP - Community Resource Person; HF - Health Facilitator; CHW - Community Health Workers; MEPP - Micro Enterprise Promotion Programme; SIDBI P&D - Small Industries Development Bank of India - Product and Development; UNDP - United Nations Development Programme
Outreach at a Glance
Foundation in News
Handover Event of Sangharsh Textile Weaver Producer Company Limited 1. Amar Ujala - December 12, 2020, 2. Chetana Samachar Seva - December 12, 2020, 3. Jansandesh News - December 12, 2020, 4. Hindustan – December 12, 2020, 5. Aaj – December 13, 2020
Initiatives in collaboration with UNDP as a Post COVID response
UWF reached over 1 million beneficiaries
Since its inception in August 2010, Utkarsh Welfare Foundation (UWF) has made consistent efforts in various sectors such as Health, Financial Awareness, Skill Development, Micro Enterprise Training and Sustainable Livelihoods with the aim of empowering the underprivileged population by adopting a multi thematic, service-oriented market led approach. UWF interventions are focused on developing ideas and solutions that are based on deep understanding of the needs of low- income households in remote and underserved areas. As on December 31, 2020, UWF has touched the beneficiary outreach of over one million across six (6) States.
Handover Event of Sangharsh Textile Weaver Producer Company Limited: An event was organised on December 11, 2020 to formally handover Sangharsh Textile Weavers Producer Company Limited by Utkarsh Welfare Foundation to Uttar Pradesh State Rural Livelihood Mission. The event was inaugurated by the dignitaries of UPSRLM. Legal documents related to the Artisans Producer Company such as AoA and MoA were formally handed over to UPSRLM. The dignitaries from Rural Self Employment Training Institute, Varanasi (RSETI) and Department of Handloom and Textile also marked their presence. A total of 55 weavers participated from different blocks of Kashi Vidyapeeth, Arajiline, Harahua and Pindra.
Utkarsh Welfare Foundation : Registered & Corporate Office - S-2/641-34, Varuna Vihar Colony, J.P. Mehta Road, Cantt.,Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India, PIN – 221002 Phone: +91-542-2280485 E-mail: [email protected]
For Queries and Suggestions, please write to:
Partners through the Journey
Seshaasai Business Forms SIDBI Sunking R.S. Hospital

My name is Alka Gautam and I have been associated with Utkarsh Welfare Foundation since May 02, 2014. I derive immense satisfaction in my job because my work is contributing in the financial wellbeing of the underprivileged women. During COVID-19, when the entire world was affected in several aspects, the impact was maximum on the rural population. Under the UNDP program, I facilitated trainings on Social Protection Schemes and Economic Resilience in my work areas. It has been my highlighting achievement so far as I saw tangible impacts on the targeted beneficiaries from these programs. Since my job provides me avenues to learn each day, I am intrinsically motivated to perform such work with an expanded range of beneficiaries as well.
Alka Gautam, Trainer (Panchkoshi, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh)
I am Gopal Maurya of Dhanipur Village of Varanasi District.
I have been working as a weaver since childhood. I have modernized the weaving practice by installing two (2) power loom machines. My livelihood was going decent, but my work got impacted due to the pandemic and the economic slowdown and the demand for our products went down in the physical market.
With the help of the UWF, I understood all the procedures for online selling of products. As a result of this , my products are now placed on digital selling platform and I have received work orders as well. Direct Digital sale of my products on the e-commerce platform has earned me better returns to my work complementing the amount of labor that goes into it. I am hopeful that in the coming days I will receive more orders from other digital platforms as well.Gopal Maurya
Document handover of Artisan Producer Company Sangharsh Textile Weaver Producer Company Limited
Alka Gautam
Change Makers
Photo Gallery
As Beneficiaries Speak
Felicitation of Board of Directors during the handover event of Sangharsh Textile Weaver Producer Company Limited
Theatre model camp comprising financial literacy & digital financial literacy concept
Health Check-up at Poly Clinic Camps
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