newsletter: bdpa washington dc (oct 2011)

During the 'Capture the Flag' contest, students in the Cyber Defenders program compete in teams to solve problems and test their skills. Photo: LLNL Supercomputing Logo © SC11 SEE OTHER EVENT DETAILS ON PAGE 7 Training tomorrow's cyber security specialists Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Livermore, CA) "Cyber Defenders" may sound like a new super hero movie. But, in reality, Cyber Defenders denotes a unique summer student program that trains a new breed of computer security professionals. Now in its second year at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), the Cyber Defenders program led by Computation's Celeste Matarazzo, a principal investigator in the Center for Applied Scientific Computing has enrolled 21 computer science and engineering students from across the United States. Participants are selected from a pool of more than 200 candidates ranging from undergraduate students, master's degree students and Ph.D. candidates in computer science, engineering, electrical engineering, mathematics, political science or related CS-STEM fields of study. "The goal is to present a broad set of disciplines to enhance the students' awareness of cyber security," Matarrazo explains. Over the course of 10 to 12 weeks (program length varies per participant) students attend lectures, seminars, work on technical projects applying technologies, develop solutions to computer security related problems of national interest and explore new technologies that can be applied to computer security. bt October 2011 Cyber Security Awareness Month 10.11 | Volume 36 US Navy Celebrates 236 Years Page 7

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This is the Oct 2011 issue of BDPAToday -- the official newsletter of our BDPA Washington DC chapter.


Page 1: Newsletter: BDPA Washington DC (Oct 2011)

During the 'Capture the Flag' contest, students in the Cyber Defenders program compete in teams to solve problems and test their skills. Photo: LLNL

Supercomputing Logo © SC11


Training tomorrow's cyber security specialists

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Livermore, CA) ―"Cyber Defenders" may sound like a new super hero movie. But, in reality, Cyber Defenders denotes a unique summer student program that trains a new breed of computer security professionals. Now in its second year at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), the Cyber Defenders

program led by Computation's Celeste Matarazzo, a principal investigator in the Center for Applied Scientific Computing has enrolled 21 computer science and engineering students from across the United States. Participants are selected from a pool of more than 200 candidates ranging from undergraduate students, master's degree students and Ph.D. candidates in computer science, engineering, electrical engineering, mathematics, political science or related CS-STEM fields of study. "The goal is to present a broad set of disciplines to enhance the students' awareness of cyber security," Matarrazo explains. Over the course of 10 to 12 weeks (program length varies per participant) students attend lectures, seminars, work on technical projects applying technologies, develop solutions to computer security related problems of

national interest and explore new technologies that can be applied to computer security. bt

October 2011 Cyber Security Awareness Month

10.11 | Volume 36

US Navy Celebrates 236 Years – Page 7

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Government 2.0 BDPA Government Relations | Industry & Regional News United States Computer Emergency

Readiness Team (US-CERT)

Washington, D.C. — US-CERT's mission is to improve the nation's cybersecurity posture, coordinate cyber information sharing and proactively manage cyber risks to the nation while protecting the constitutional rights of Americans. US-CERT vision is to be a trusted global leader in cybersecurity - collaborative, agile, and responsive in a complex environment.

Information is available from the US-CERT web site, along with mailing lists, and RSS channels for BDPA Chapter websites or Groupsites. US-CERT also provides a way for U.S. citizens, domestic businesses, and other institutions to communicate and coordinate directly with the United States government about cyber security.

Frequently Answered Questions (FAQs)

1. Who runs US-CERT?

US-CERT is the operational arm of the National Cyber Security Division (NCSD) at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

2. Where is US-CERT located?

US-CERT is located in the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan area.

3. What is US-CERT's relationship to NCSD and DHS?

US-CERT is the operational arm of the National Cyber Security Division (NCSD) at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The NCSD was established by DHS to serve as the federal government's cornerstone for cyber security coordination and preparedness, including implementation of the National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace.

4. What is the relationship between US-CERT and other groups with "CERT" in their name?

Worldwide, there are more than 250 organizations that use the name "CERT" or a similar name and deal with cyber security response. US-CERT is independent of these groups, though we may coordinate with them on security incidents. The first of these types of organizations is the CERT® Coordination Center (CERT/CC), established at Carnegie Mellon University in 1988. When the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) created US-CERT, it called upon the CERT/CC to contribute expertise for protecting the nation's information infrastructure by coordinating defense against and response to cyber attacks. Through US-CERT, DHS and the CERT/CC work jointly on these activities.

5. Who are US-CERT's partners?

As it grows, US-CERT will include partnerships with private sector cyber security vendors, academia, federal agencies, Information Sharing and Analysis Centers (ISACs), state and local governments, and domestic and international organizations. Working together, these groups will coordinate national and international efforts to address key cyber security issues.

6. How does the Protected Critical Infrastructure Information (PCII) Program work to protect submitted information?

The PCII Program, established in response to the Critical Infrastructure Information Act of 2002 (CII Act), creates a new framework for protecting certain types of information. The PCII program enables members of the private sector to, for the first time, voluntarily submit confidential information regarding the nation's critical infrastructure to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with the assurance that the information will be protected from public disclosure. More details about how information can be protected under the CII Act can be found on the Department of Homeland Security web site. Source: bt

BDPA, formerly known as Black Data Processing Associates, was founded in 1975 to promote professional growth and technical development for those in or entering information, communications, or technology (ICT) oriented fields of interest and related industries. BDPA Chapters publish quarterly or monthly newsletters. For newsletter or web portal advertising rates, publication schedules, online calendars, and e-newsletters, contact regional or local BDPA offices by visiting or by calling 1.800.727.2372 (BDPA). bdpatoday (ISSN 1946-1429) is published by participating Local Chapters of NBDPA with their respective chapter Communications Committees, mailed to BDPA members, BDPA corporate sponsors and electronically delivered to BDPA Chapters and Chapter Interest Groups (CIGs) as a benefit of membership. First Class and Periodicals postage paid at Washington, D.C. and additional regional mailing offices. Unless otherwise noted by own copyright, art and graphics © NBDPA, © BDPA-DC, © Corbis, © Getty Images, and ©JupiterImagesTM. Cover graphics, photos and logos: U.S. Navy, LLNL, BDPA-DC and bdpatoday. bdpatoday is available for immediate publishing of ICT industry, chapter news, and community IT events. Forward corporate advertisements, articles, events, or images to: [email protected]. Readers also may use BDPA Groupsites to review upcoming events. The appearance of industry sponsors and advertisements is neither an endorsement nor a product or service guarantee from either party, third-party vendors, or suppliers.

National High School Computer Competition August 1 - 4, 2012—Baltimore, MD 800.727.BDPA (2372) |

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Si su hijo recibe almuerzos escolares gratuitos, usted podría calificar para el Servicio de Internet BásicoSM de Comcast.

El mundo se ha vuelto digital. El servicio de Internet se ha convertido en una herramienta esencial para obtener el éxito. Por eso, hemos creado el Servicio de Internet Básico. Está disponible para los hogares con niños que reciben almuerzos escolares gratuitos a través del Programa Nacional de Almuerzos Escolares Gratuitos (NSLP por sus siglas en inglés). Durante su participación en el Servicio de Internet Básico, los clientes recibirán:

¡regístrese hoy mismo!Llame sin costo: 1-855-SOLO-995 (1-855-765-6995). Para obtener más información, visite:

Obtenga un servicio de Internet rápido que disfrutará toda la familia:• Correo electrónico

• Tareas

• Compartir fotografías

• Búsquedas de empleo

• Pago de cuentas en línea

• Ver videos

• Bajar música

• ¡Y muchas cosas más!

Aplican restricciones. No está disponible en todas las áreas. Limitado al servicio de XFINITY® Internet Economy para nuevos clientes residenciales que cumplan con ciertos criterios de elegibilidad. Los precios anunciados aplican a una sola conexión. Las velocidades reales varían y no están garantizadas. Después de la participación inicial, si se determina que un cliente ya no es elegible para el programa, pero continúa recibiendo el servicio de Comcast, aplicarán las tarifas regulares. Sujeto a los términos y condiciones del programa Servicio de Internet Básico. Llame al 1-855-765-6995 para obtener las restricciones y todos los detalles, o visite ©2011 Comcast. Derechos Reservados. Servicio de Internet Básico (Internet Essentials por su nombre en inglés) es un programa para proveer servicio de Internet a las familias. No es un programa de las escuelas y no está patrocinado o requerido por tu escuela. Tu escuela no es responsable por las cuentas del Servicio de Internet Básico.


GrATUITADisponible en línea, con

materiales impresos y en la escuela


$995al mes + impuestos

sin• aumentos de precio • tarifas de activación• tarifas de alquiler de equipo


+ impuestos

Obtenga Internet en su hogar por sólo $9.95 al mes.

Page 11: Newsletter: BDPA Washington DC (Oct 2011)

Comcast Internet Essentials

As the nation’s largest Internet service provider, Comcast is spearheading an ambitious and comprehensive broadband adoption experiment. Called Internet Essentials, it addresses all three of the primary barriers to broadband adoption research has identified:

• A lack of understanding of how the Internet is relevant and useful;

• The cost of a home computer;

• The cost of Internet service.

Available to families with children who receive a free school lunch as part of their enrollment in the National School Lunch Program in more than 4,000 school districts in 39 states plus the District of Columbia, the goal of Internet Essentials is to help close the digital divide and ensure more Americans benefit from all that the Internet has to offer.



Updated July 2011

Internet Essentials participants receive:

• Low-cost Internet for $9.95 a month (plus applicable taxes);

• No price increases, no activation fees, or equipment rental fees;

• A voucher redeemable to purchase a low-cost computer ($149.99 + tax) given at initial enrollment;

• Access to free digital literacy training in print, online or in-person.

The service also includes free Norton™ Security Suite online safety software valued at $160.

Internet Essentials will become available during the 2011-2012 “Back to School” season.

A household is eligible to participate in Internet Essentials if it meets all of the following criteria:

• Is located where Comcast offers Internet service;

• Has at least one child who receives a free school lunch as part of his/her enrollment in the National School Lunch Program;

*According to the Department of Agriculture, eligibility means a household of three would have to make less than $25,000 a year in income.

• Has not subscribed to Comcast Internet service within the last 90 days;

• Does not have an overdue Comcast bill or unreturned equipment.

Comcast will accept new program participants through the end of the 2013-2014 school year.


• For general information about Internet Essentials, visit: (for English) and (for Spanish).

• For educators or community-based program leaders, visit:

• For parents looking to enroll in the program, call 1-855-846-8376 or for Spanish call 1-855-765-6995.

Find Out


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BDPA members and BDPA student members interested in IT careers in New York or Washington D.C. with SiriusXM Satellite Radio are invited to review current openings now available online. Washington, D.C. — SIRIUS XM Radio is America's satellite radio company delivering to subscribers commercial-free music channels, premier sports, news, talk, entertainment, and traffic and weather. SIRIUS XM Radio has content relationships with an array of personalities and artists, including Howard Stern, Martha Stewart, Oprah Winfrey, Rosie O'Donnell, Jamie Foxx, Barbara Walters, Opie & Anthony, Bubba the Love Sponge®, Bob Edwards, Chris "Mad Dog" Russo, Jimmy Buffett, The Grateful Dead, Willie Nelson, Bob Dylan and Tom Petty. SIRIUS XM Radio is the leader in sports programming as the Official Satellite Radio Partner of the NFL, Major League Baseball®, NASCAR®, NBA, NHL®, and PGA TOUR® and major college sports. SIRIUS XM Radio has arrangements with every major automaker. SIRIUS XM Radio products are available at and, and at retail locations nationwide, including Best Buy, RadioShack, Wal-Mart and independent retailers. SIRIUS XM Radio also offers SIRIUS Backseat TV, the first ever live in-vehicle rear seat entertainment featuring Nickelodeon, Disney Channel and Cartoon Network; XM NavTraffic® service for GPS navigation systems delivers real-time traffic information, including accidents and road construction, for more than 80 North American markets. Immediate IT opportunities for BDPA members are available online at Members also may update their resumes with NBDPA at in advance of upcoming career fair and open house announcements. A BDPA Open House and an IT Career Invitational with SiriusXM Satellite Radio featuring Washington, D.C. area IT positions was held this past summer during the annual Regional Conference. A new event for BDPA’s Chapter of the Year, will be in New York. bt

NBDPA Chapter Events BDPA Community Relations | NBDPA, BETF, and Local Chapters

AMERICA’S TOP JOB$ recently listed “The Best Jobs in America 2011” and also posted their “Jobs Outlook” for 2011. Both are listed below to assist career planning with corporate research and due diligence prior to attending this fall’s regional or local chapter fundraisers, career fairs, and professional networking events. Blue = Best outlook.

22001111 JJoobb OOuuttllooookk BBeesstt JJOOBB$$ iinn AAmmeerriiccaa 22001111 Information Technology Mathematician | avg. $94,178

Sales Actuary| avg. $87,204

Customer Service Software Engineer | avg. $87,140

Engineering Meteorologist | avg. $85,210

Technology Systems Analyst | avg. $77,153

Administrative Biologist | avg. $74,238

Business Development Statistician | avg. $73,208

Marketing Dental Hygienist |avg. $67,107

Accounting & Finance Historian | avg. $63,208

Research & Development Audiologist | avg. $63,144

Chapter Announcements and Events NBDPA, Participating BDPA Chapters, and Affiliates Saturday, October 1st 2011 National Cyber Security Awareness Month NBDPA, LISTA, and Affiliates September 15th through October 15th 2011 National Hispanic Heritage Month

BDPA Richmond (VA) Friday October 7th – October 8th 2011 BDPA Richmond Chapter 20th Anniversary Fundraiser & Gala

BDPA Chicago (IL) Saturday, October 8th 2011 BDPA Student Endowment Retreat CIO Forum and Executive IT Forum (DC) Tuesday, October 11th 2011 BDPA DC/BDPA NoVA Co-Host | AITP, AFCEA, AFFIRM, ITSMF, and SIM BDPA iiRRaaddiioo Talk-Show (Powered by BETF via the Internet) Tuesday, October 11th 2011 NBDPA’s Power networking Industry Talk Show hosted by Franne McNeal BDPA Greater Columbia Chapter Annual Golf Tournament Saturday, October 22nd 2011 Chapter fundraiser and professional networking events.

November 2011 | Supercomputing 2011 Advertising Deadline & Closing Date - Wednesday, October 20th 2011 Advertising, Events, and Local Chapter legislative news for September 2011. Visit

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National Hispanic Heritage Month 2011 Theme: “Many Backgrounds,

Many Stories…One American Spirit”

Washington, D.C. – Each year, BDPA members and fellow Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, by celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America. The observation started in 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week under President Lyndon Johnson and was expanded by President Ronald Reagan in 1988 to cover a 30-day period starting on September 15 and ending on October 15. It was enacted into law on August 17, 1988, on the approval of Public Law 100-402. The day of September 15 is significant because it is the anniversary of independence for Latin American countries Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence days on September 16 and September18, respectively. Also, Columbus Day or Día de la Raza, which is October 12, falls within this 30 day period. bt _____________________________________

SC11 Communities Program Bolsters Global Fellowships

and Broader Engagement (BE) Seattle, WA – Sponsored by ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) and IEEE Computer Society, this year’s SC conference series offers a complete technical education program and exhibition showcasing High Performance Computing (HPC), networking, storage and analysis and advances in scientific discovery, research, education and industry. Hosted annually, SC is a premier international conference and technical program featuring workshops, tutorials, a world class exhibit area, demonstrations and opportunities for hands-on learning. BDPA student members, educators, emerging and experienced practitioners interested in discovering the vast opportunities within HPC are encouraged to explore the range of programs offered in conjunction with the SC11 conference taking place November 12-18 at Seattle’s Washington State Convention and Trade Center. Extended grants and sponsorships will be provided by the Communities Program, including travel and housing, as well as discounted technical program registrations for participants within the Broader Engagement (BE), Education and Student Volunteer Programs. “The SC Communities Program champions leadership and creates lifelong collaborations that are the cornerstone to our community’s longevity and success,” says Communities Program Chair, Satoshi Matsuoka. “Our initiatives nurture the individual through programs that are aligned with the critical interactions, education, expertise and skills needed within the HPC community now and into the future.” Designed to connect a diverse pool of talent with the SC community and enrich the educational experience, the BE Program will host a Mentor/Protégé program, the Student Job Fair and offer a limited number of sponsored tutorial registrations. The International Ambassadors program will help new attendees, from all over the world, become immersed in the conference and community activities. The Student Volunteer Program will host 200 students this year who will provide hands-on support for various conference elements and take part in the technical program.

Geared primarily toward undergraduate and secondary-level educators, this year’s Education Program and curriculum will provide introductory workshops on HPC and Computational and Data Enabled Science and Engineering (CDESE) techniques and technologies including hands-on system time through the “LittleFe project,” SC’s first ever multiple node mini-cluster whose primary focus is on turnkey classroom demonstrations and exercises. Experts across a broad

spectrum of disciplines will be on-hand to support these activities and to provide their own insights around the many opportunities available throughout this diverse ecosystem. Additional information for students and volunteers are found at: bt

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IT Execs | FY12 Industry Outlook? BDPA Corporate Relations | ICT and Green Industry Sectors

PTTV Program Promotes Industry and Community Washington, DC—With the 2012 and 2013 National BDPA Technology Conferences arriving in Baltimore and Washington, D.C. respectively, industry executives are invited to participate with local chapters in presenting CS-STEM oriented documentaries and conducting technical interviews with the public through the lens of BDPA on the air with Popular Technology TV (PTTV). PTTV is produced by bdpatoday for executives to share their experiences, challenges, and emerging technical requirements for fiscal year 2012 with their community across any vertical or industry market sector. The PTTV pilot episode, featuring National BDPA Co-Founder and CompTIA IT Hall of Fame 2011 Inductee, Earl A. Pace, Jr. PTTV currently is available via the Internet or for participating local cable television stations. bt

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National BDPA Technology Conference Baltimore Hilton August 1-4, 2012 1.800.727.BDPA (2372)